ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, ZIRAKPUR Class 10 English Worksheet -2 Dear Students, go to the following link of you tube for the story THE OLD MAN AT THE BRIDGE https://youtu.be/ODVSATro4Z8 And answer the following questions: Q1 Where was the old man sitting? Describe him. Q2 What kind of bridge is mentioned in the story?Who all were crossing the bridge? Q3 What was the narrator's business? Q4 Why does the old man sit there without moving? Q5 Why is the speaker worried about the old man sitting there? Q6 Where had the old man come from? Why? Q7What animals did he own?What had he done with them? Q8 What advice does the narrator give to the old man? Q9 Why is the old man worried? Q10 Why does'nt the old man cross the bridge and escape to a safer place? Q11 Mention any two incidents in the story that show the consequences of a war. Q 12 How does the narrator try to relieve the old man of his worries? Q13 What happened to the old man at the end of the story? Q14 What is " all the good luck that old man could ever have" ? Q15 Which war has been mentioned in the story?

ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

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Page 1: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity


Class 10 English Worksheet -2

Dear Students, go to the following link of you tube for the story THE OLD MAN AT THE



And answer the following questions:

Q1 Where was the old man sitting? Describe him.

Q2 What kind of bridge is mentioned in the story?Who all were crossing the bridge?

Q3 What was the narrator's business?

Q4 Why does the old man sit there without moving?

Q5 Why is the speaker worried about the old man sitting there?

Q6 Where had the old man come from? Why?

Q7What animals did he own?What had he done with them?

Q8 What advice does the narrator give to the old man?

Q9 Why is the old man worried?

Q10 Why does'nt the old man cross the bridge and escape to a safer place?

Q11 Mention any two incidents in the story that show the consequences of a war.

Q 12 How does the narrator try to relieve the old man of his worries?

Q13 What happened to the old man at the end of the story?

Q14 What is " all the good luck that old man could ever have" ?

Q15 Which war has been mentioned in the story?

Page 2: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity



Exercise 1.

1.of 2.to 3.at 4.for

5.against 6.in 7.off 8.over

9.to 10.with 11.of 12.into

13.amongst 14.on 15.from 16.with

17.of 18.till 19.of 20.for

Exercise 2.

1.in favour of 2.along with 3.In case of 4.according to

5.in front of 6.Instead of 7.because of 8.Inspite of

9.In order to 10.in place of

Exercise 3.

1.on 2.of 3.to 4.to

5.of 6.of 7.on 8.to

9.with 10.from 11.to 12.across

13.to 14.of 15.against 16.in

17.in 18.over 19.beside 20.in

Page 3: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Class 10 Hindi Worksheet -2

Page 4: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Class 10 Punjabi Worksheet-2

ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ 1-ਹਠ ਦਦਿੱਤ ਮੁਹਾਵਦਿਆ ਂਦ ਵਾਕ ਦਿਖ। ੧ ਉੱਚਾ ਨੀਵਾ ਬਿਣਾ।

੨ ਅਿੱਖ ਬਚਾਉਣਾ।

੩ ਅਿੱਗ ਿਾਉਣਾ।

੪ ਈਦ ਦਾ ਚੰਦ ਹਣਾ।

੫ ਸਬਕ ਦਸਖਾਉਣਾ।

੬ ਸਿਰ ਉੱਤੋਂ ਪਾਣੀ ਲੰਘਣਾ

੭ ਦਸਿ ਮਿੱਥ ਮੰਨਣਾ।

ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ 2 -ਬਹੁਤ ਸ਼ਬਦਾ ਂਦੀ ਥਾਂ ਇਿੱਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਿਖ ।

੧ ਸਭ ਦ ਮਨਾ ਂਨੰੂ ਦਿਆਿਾ ਿਗਣ ਵਾਿਾ।

੨ ਦਕਸ ਉੱਚ ਆਦਿਸ਼ ਿਈ ਆਿਣੀ ਜਾਨ ਕੁਿਬਾਨ ਕਿਨਾ।

੩ ਉਹ ਥਾ ਂਦਜਥ ਿਦਹਿਵਾਨ ਘਿ ਕਿਦ ਹਨ।

੪ ਉਹ ਿਾਠ ਜ ਅਿੰਭ ਤੋਂ ਿ ਕ ਅੰਤ ਤਿੱਕ ਿਗਾਤਾਿ ਹਵ

੫ ਦਜਸ ਨੰੂ ਿਿੱਬ ਦੀ ਹੋਂਦ ਤ ਭਿਸਾ ਹਵ।

੬ ਹੀਿ ਜਵਾਹਿਾਤ ਦੀ ਿਿਖ ਕਿਨ ਵਾਿਾ।

੭ ਦਜਹੜਾ ਕੰਮ ਤੋਂ ਜੀ ਚੁਿਾਵ।

ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ 3- ਹਠ ਦਿਖ ਵਾਕਾ ਂਨੰੂ ਦਿੰਗ ,ਵਚਨ, ਕਾਿ ਅਨੁਸਾਿ ਬਦਿ।

੧ ਕੁੜੀ ਕਦਵਤਾ ਿੜ ਿਹੀ ਹ। (ਵਚਨ ਬਦਿ)।

੨ ਮਿੱਝ, ਗਾਂ ਤ ਬਿੱਕਿੀ ਖਤ ਦਵਚ ਘਾਹ ਚਿ ਿਹੀਆ ਂਸਨ(ਵਚਨ ਬਦਿ)।

੩ ਦਚੜੀਆਘਿ ਦਵਿੱਚ ਬਾਂਦਿ, ਦਹਿਨ, ਸ਼ਿ, ਹਾਥੀ ਅਤ ਮਿ ਸਨ(ਦਿੰਗ ਬਦਿ)।

੪ ਮੇਰਾ ਭਰਾ ਆਪਣ ੇਦੋਿਤ ਨਾਲ ਮੇਲਾ ਵੇਖਣ ਸਗਆ (ਸਲੰਗ ਬਦਲੋ)

੫ ਮਾਲੀ ਬੂਸਿਆਂ ਨੰੂ ਪਾਣੀ ਦੇ ਸਰਹਾ ਿੀ (ਭਸਵਖੱਤ ਕਾਲ) ੬ ਿੜਕ ਤੇ ਬੱਿਾਂ, ਕਾਰਾਂ ,ਗੱਡੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਿਕੂਿਰ ਜਾਣਗੇ (ਭੂਤ ਕਾਲ) ੭ ਮੈਂ ਸਕਤਾਬ ਪੜਹ ਸਰਹਾ ਿੀ (ਵਰਤਮਾਨ ਕਾਲ)

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Other methods of finding Mean of Grouped Data

1) Short Cut Method or Assumed Mean Method

Under this method, larger quantities get converted into smaller ones, making the

process of multiplication and division easier. When the product fi xi involves

larger numbers, we use this method and proceed stepwise as under.

Step 1: Choose a suitable value of xi in the middle as the assumed mean and call

it A.

*If two values come in the middle, we can choose any one of them as assumed


Step 2: Calculate the deviation di = (xi –A) for each xi.

Step 3: Calculate the product fidi.

Step 4: Find ∑ fidi . and ∑ fi

Step 5: Calculate the mean using the formula: Mean= A + ∑ 𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐢


Example 1: Using short cut method, find the mean from the following data.

Variate ( xi.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


(fi )

184 212 327 376 614 372 415

Solution: Let the assumed mean be A= 21

Variate ( xi.) Frequency (fi ) di = (xi –A) fidi.

18 184 -3 -552

19 212 -2 -424

20 327 -1 -327

21=A 376 0 0

22 614 1 614

23 372 2 744

24 415 3 1245

∑ fi= 2500

∑ fidi.= 1300

Therefore, Mean= A + ∑ fidi

∑fi = 21+


2500 = 21 + 0.52 = 21.52

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2) Step- Deviation Method

When the values of xi and fi are large and the values of xi are equally spaced ,we

use the step- deviation method as described below:

Step 1: Choose a suitable value of xi in the middle as the assumed mean and call

it A.

Step 2: Calculate c = ( x2 - x1)

Step 3: Calculate ui = (𝑥i –A)


Step 4: Calculate fi ui. and hence find ∑ fi ui..

Step 5: Calculate the mean using the formula: A + ( ∑ 𝐟𝐢𝐮𝐢

∑𝐟𝐢X c)

Note: When the data is in the form of class intervals, then we find the class mark

xi for each class by using the relation xi =

lower limit + upper limit


Example 2: Using Step- Deviation Method, calculate the mean for the following




















No. of


4 9 18 28 24 10 5 2

Solution: Here class-size c= 140-135 = 5. Take assumed mean, A = 152.5

Class- interval Class-mark

( xi)


(fi) ui =

(𝑥i –A)


fi ui.

135-140 137.5 4 -3 -12

140-145 142.5 9 -2 -18

145-150 147.5 18 -1 -18

150-155 152.5 28 0 0

155-160 157.5 24 1 24

160-165 162.5 10 2 20

165-170 167.5 5 3 15

170-175 172.5 2 4 8

∑ fi = 100 ∑ fi ui..=19

Mean = A + ( ∑ fiui

∑fiX c) = 152.5+ (


100 x 5) = 152.5 + 0.95 = 153.45

Page 7: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Note: When the given class-intervals are in inclusive form, we first convert them

into exclusive form as described below.

Step 1: We find the adjustment factor by the formula :

Adjustment factor = Lower limit of one class −Upper limit of previous class


Step 2: We subtract the adjustment factor from each lower limit and add it to each

upper limit to get the true class limits i.e. classes after adjustment.

Example 3: Calculate the mean of the following frequency distribution using the

Short Cut Method.

Marks 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80

No. of


2 6 10 12 9 7 4

Give your answer to the nearest whole number.

Solution: The given class-intervals are in inclusive form. So,we convert them

into exclusive form. Adjustment factor = 21−20

2 =


2 = 0.5

Mean = A + ∑ fidi

∑fi = 45.5 +


50 = 45.5 + 1.4 = 46.9 = 47 ( to the nearest whole


Note : When the data is in the form of a Cumulative Frequency Table, then we

first construct a frequency table from it and then find the mean, as illustrated in the

example given below.

Marks Class-mark (xi ) No. of students (fi


di = (xi –A) fi di

10.5-20.5 15.5 2 -30 -60

20.5-30.5 25.5 6 -20 -120

30.5-40.5 35.5 10 -10 -100

40.5-50.5 45.5 = A 12 0 0

50.5-60.5 55.5 9 10 90

60.5-70.5 65.5 7 20 140

70.5-80.5 75.5 4 30 120

∑ fi = 50 ∑ fidi.= 70

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Example 4 : The following table gives the life- time ( in days ) of 100 electric

bulbs of a certain make.


( in days)

Less than


Less than


Less than


Less than


Less than


Less than


No. of


7 21 52 79 91 100

From this table, construct the frequency distribution table and hence f ind the

mean life-time of these bulbs.

Solution : We may prepare the table as under:

Class-interval Class-mark (xi




Frequency (fi ) ui = (𝑥i –A)


fi ui.

0-50 25 7 7 -2 -14

50-100 75 21 21- 7 = 14 -1 -14

100-150 125= A 52 52-21 = 31 0 0

150-200 175 79 79-52 = 27 1 27

200-250 225 91 91-79 = 12 2 24

250-300 275 100 100- 91= 9 3 27

∑ fi = 100 ∑ fi ui..=50

Mean = A + ( ∑ fiui

∑fiX c) = 125 + (


100 x 50) = 125 + 25 = 150

Unsolved Problems

1) Using Short Cut Method, compute the mean height from the following

frequency distribution.

Height( in


58 60 62 65 66 68

No. of


15 14 20 18 8 5

2) Find the mean of the following frequency distribution using Short Cut Method.



0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300

Frequency 4 8 16 13 6 3

Page 9: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

3) Using Step Deviation Method, calculate the mean of the following frequency




10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Frequency 5 6 8 12 5 9

4) Weights of 60 eggs were recorded as given below.

Weights (in


75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100-




No. of eggs 4 9 13 17 12 3 2

Calculate their mean weight to the nearest gram.

5) The following table gives marks scored by students in an examination:

Marks Less

than 5

































Calculate the mean marks correct to 2 decimal places.

Answer Key of Worksheet 1 Exercise 1

(i) 5.6 (ii) 9 (iii) 7

x = 6

54 kg


Exercise 2

14.5 years

f = 16

p = 8 and q = 6

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Productive Mechanism- it is a system which determines the production of various goods

and services in the economy.

Material goods- are those goods which can be seen or touched and have their definite

shape and size. For eg. Table, fan, etc.

Non - material goods - are those goods which cannot be seen or touched and do not have

a definite shape and size . For eg. Teaching, etc.

Production- is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services .


Production refers to any activity that results in the creation of goods and services

intended for exchange.

Factors of Production- production of a commodity or service requires so many things

like factor inputs and non - factor inputs . These are called factors of production. These

factors of production can be broadly classified into four categories -

1. Land

2. Labour

3. Capital

4. Entrepreneur

Characteristics of Factors of Production. They are as follows-

1. Jointly Used in Production of a Commodity- we will have to combine all factors of

Page 11: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

production together to produce anything. For eg. Labour cannot produce anything

without the use of capital .

2. Variable Factor Proportion- any particular commodity can be produced by using

different techniques, which differ from each other in terms of quantity. For eg. Cotton

cloth can be produced by handlooms , which use a large number of labour and few simple

machines or by using a large number of automated machines and only a few workers .

3. Physical Existence- all the factors of production are tangible in nature that you can see

and touch .

4. Use of Factor Services - we can use the services of the factor not the factor itself in

the production process . For eg. A labourer helps in production by using his skill and

knowledge not himself.

5. All Factors of Production are not equally Mobile - labour and entrepreneur are

mobile as they can be transferred from one place to another whereas land is immobile .

Factor Inputs Non- factor Inputs

1. These are also known as primary

inputs . These include land , labour,

capital and entrepreneur.

1. These inputs are also known as

secondary inputs . These include raw

material, semi- finished goods etc.

2. These inputs do not lose their

identity when used in the

production process.

2. These inputs lose their identity

when used in the production process.

Page 12: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Class 10 Physics Worksheet-2

Uniform Circular Motion

When a body moves with a constant speed in a circular path, its motion is known as

uniform circular motion. When a body travels equal distances along a circular path in

equal intervals of time, then the of body is uniform. However, the direction of motion of

the body changes at every point of circular path. Due to this continuous change in

direction of motion, the velocity is no longer uniform, the motion is an accelerated

motion. In uniform motion, the velocity is constant and acceleration is zero.

Centripetal Force: A force which keeps a body moving with a uniform speed along a

circular path and directed along the radius towards the centre. The magnitude of the

centripetal force on an object of mass m moving at tangential speed v along a path with

radius of curvature r is given by

F=ma= mv2/r. where a is centripetal acceleration.

Centrifugal Force: It is the apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the

centre of rotation. The centrifugal force is in the direction opposite to the direction of

centripetal force. It is not the force reaction of centripetal force and it is not real force but

it is a fictious force.

A body of mass 1.50kg is dropped from second floor of a building which is at a

height of 12 m. What is the force acting on it during its fall? (g=9.8m/s2).

Is it possible to have an accelerated motion with a constant speed? Explain.

With reference to their direction of action, how does a centripetal force differ from

a centrifugal force?

Which of the following remains constant in uniform circular motion, speed or

velocity or both?

Name the force required for uniform circular motion. State its direction.

Additional question: Explain the law of conservation of energy with a help of a day to

day life example.

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Answer Key of Physics Worksheet-1

a) Weight of the body placed at centre of earth is Zero.

b) S.I unit of moment of force is newton-metre.

c) Support

Tension force


Force (weight)

d) 1) If force is applied on rigid body then there will be no change in the shape or size

of body, it will change its state of motion or rest.

2) If force is applied on non rigid body then there will change in shape or size of


e) Contact forces: These forces acting between two bodies in contact. Example:


Non contact forces: These forces do not involve physical contact between the two

objects but act through the space between them. Example: Gravitational force.

Magnitude of non contact force between two objects is inversely proportional to the

square of distance between them.

f) 1 Newton is defined as force applied on an object of mass 1kg to accelerate it at

rate of 1 m/s2.

1 Newton = 1kgms-2

= 1x1000g x 100cm x 1s-2


1 Newton = 100000 gcms-2


1 Newton = 105 dynes.

g) Mass: 1) it is the measure of the number of atoms or amount of matter in an object.

2) It is constant foe a body and does not change with place.

Weight: 1) It is a force exerted by an object of fixed mass due to gravity.

2) It is not constant for a body, but it changes from place to place.

Page 14: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Class 10 Chemistry Worksheet-2

Ionisation potential or ionization energy

It is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell of an


In a group when we move from top to bottom the atomic size increases force of

attraction between the nucleus and outermost electron decreases therefore ionization

energy decreases down the group.

In a period as we move from left to right ionisation potential increases because atomic

size decreases nuclear charge increases at the force of attraction between the protons and

the outer electrons increases.

Electron affinity

It is the amount of energy released when an atom gains an electron in an isolated gaseous


In a group as we move from top to bottom in a group electron affinity decreases because

atomic size increases and the force of attraction between the protons and the outer

electrons decreases.

In a period as we move from left to right in a period electron affinity increases because

atomic size decreases nuclear charge increases as we move from left to right.


it is the tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself .

In a group as we move from top to bottom in a group atomic size increases nuclear

charge increases and electronegativity decreases

In a period as we move from left to right in a period atomic size decreases nuclear

charge increases force of attraction between the protons and the outer electron increases

therefore electronegativity increases from left to right

Metallic character

an element is said to be metal when it loses electrons to attend the stable configuration

and an element is said to be nonmetal when it gains electron to attain the stable


In a group as we move from top to bottom in a group atomic size increases and tendency

to lose electrons increases down the group therefore metallic character increases down

the group.

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In a period on moving from left to right in a period atomic size decreases force of

attraction between the protons and the outer electrons increases thereby gaining and

electron and atom becomes more and more non metallic towards the right side so we can

say that metallic character decreases in a period but non metallic character increases in a

period on moving from left to right

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Class 10 Biology Worksheet -2



Heart is located roughly between the two lungs

It is protected by the membrane called pericardium.

It has four chambers- two auricles and two ventricles.

Ventricles have thick walls as compared to auricles.

Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart except pulmonary vein.

Veins have thick muscular walls and valves to prevent back flow of blood.

Arteries have thin muscular walls and carry oxygenated blood away from the

heart except pulmonary artery.

Capillaries are the minute blood vessel which join artery and veins.

Functions of various parts

HEART—Helps to pump the blood

Valve—prevents the back flow of the blood.

Coronary artery—Supply blood to the heart musckes.

Page 17: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Aorta—Largest artery which supplies oxygenated blood to all parts of the


Pacemakers—Initiate the heart beat.

Vena Cava --- Largest vein which supplies deoxygenated blood back to the



1. Name the membrane which protects the heart ?

2. Give the location of the heart ?

3. Write two differences between artery and vein.

4. What is the function of coronary artery?

5. What is pace maker?

6. Why are valves present in the heart?

7. What is capilliary?











Page 18: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Class 10 Commercial Studies Worksheet-1


As we all know that, a business enterprise or commercial organisation interacts closely with

several social groups and these interactions gives rise to common interests between these social

groups. The term ‘stakeholders’ has developed from the word ‘stake’ which means an interest or

expected benefit.

Stakeholder means all those who are having interest in the functioning and performance of a

business enterprise or commercial organisation.

Stakeholders can have positive and negative impact on a commercial organisation. On the

positive side ,it is through the stakeholders that the organisation gets finance (banks),raw

materials(creditors), labour(trade unions)etc.

Stakeholders help the organisation in selling and distribution of its products and services.

On the negative side stakeholders may block or interrupt the functioning of an enterprise when

their expectation are disregarded for example Trade union strike when wages of labours are not


Creditors may stop supplying raw materials when timely payment is not done.

Meaning and characteristics of stakeholders: 1. All those who are having interest in the functioning and performance of business enterprise.

2. These are of two types: internal stakeholders and external stakeholders.

3. It includes shareholders employees banks etc.

4. They take risks of the organisation.

5. They share profits in the form of wages, dividend, salaries and interest.

6. They have financial stake in the business and also participates in the management of the the


Page 19: ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOLS –CHANDIGARH, PANCHKULA, MOHALI, … · Production-is an activity that creates economic utility in goods and services . Or Production refers to any activity

Shareholders: All those persons and groups who own shares of the company are called shareholders.

1. Shareholders are one of the stakeholders i.e. internal stakeholders. Shareholder is one of the

owner of the company.

2. They contribute towards the share capital of the company by buying the shares of the company

that is they have financial stake in the company.

3. They undertake a risk of loss on investment made in the company.

4. They are members of the company hence enjoys voting rights.

Creditors: 1. They are external stakeholders.

2. They provide loan raw materials to the company.

3. they do not share any profits of the company but receive interest for loans provided.

4. They are not a member of a company and they don't have any voting rights.

Customers: 1. They are not stakeholders as they do not have financial stake in the company.

2. They do not invest money in the company and neither entitled for dividends from the company

nor they share the profits of the company.

3. They do not undertake risk as they do not invest in the company.

4. They buy goods and services of the organisation and products are manufactured according to

the taste of the customer.

Types of


Internal stakeholders:

Internal stakeholders are entities within a business(e.g. employees ,managers, the board of

directors, investors).

External stakeholders:

External stakeholders are entities not within a business itself but who care about or are affected

by the performance(e.g. consumers, creditors, investors ,suppliers).

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Difference between internal and external stakeholders:

Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders

1. They operate from within the organisation. 1. They operate from outside the organisation.

2. They actively participate in the management

and working of the organisation.

2. They do not participate actively in the

management and working of the organization.

3. They consist of employers(owners and

managers) and employees.

3. They consist of suppliers, customers,

competitors, government and general public.

Expectations of stakeholders: Every stakeholder group expect something from a business organisation. The Expectations of

different stakeholders are stated below.

Expectations of employers(owners, shareholders and managers) 1. Reasonable return.

2. Appreciation in share value.

3. Safety of capital.

4. Information of financial position

5. Participation in decision making policy of the company.

Expectation of employees 1. Job security

2. better working environment

3. opportunity for growth in career.

4. various facilities for example medical insurance ,PF ,gratuity, pension etc.

5. Quick and fair redressal of grievances.

6. Affair admiration in the form of wages and salaries.

7. Protection of trade union rights.

Expectations of suppliers 1. Fair prices for the supplies.

2. Regular and timely payment according to credit terms.

3. Reasonable terms of delivery and payment.

4. Regular orders for supply.

5. Correct information about the company's financial position.

6. Healthy and cooperative interpersonal relationship.

Expectations of creditors 1. Safety of loans given by them to the Enterprise.

2. Regular payment of interest at specified Times.

3. Return of loans on the expiry of the specified time period.

4. Accurate and up-to-date information about the financial health of the Enterprise.

5. Security in the form of mortgage of asset or personal guarantee by owners of the enterprise.

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Expectations of government An ideal government should expect

1. To follow the laws and regulations of the country.

2. To pay all taxes honestly regularly and in time.

3. To avoid corrupting public servants.

4. To make proper use of scares resources of the nation.

5. To assist in solving National problems like poverty ,unemployment ,unbalanced regional

growth etc.

Expectations of general public Society or community expects

1. To protect the environment from all types of pollution.

2. To produce socially desirable products in accordance with National interest and priorities.

3. To help weaker section of society by giving them preference in employment and other fields.

4. To donate funds for charitable and public welfare activities.

5. To preserve social and cultural values.

6. To respect Human Rights including rights of women and children.

Answer the following questions:

1. Define the term stakeholders.

2. Difference between internal and external stakeholders.

3. State any two expectations of employees from business concern.

4. State any two expectations of general public from a business organisation.

5. Differentiate between shareholders and customers.

6. Why customer is not a stakeholder in a firm?

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Class 10 S.St. Worksheet-2 (Geography)



Soil supports plants, animals aswell as human life. Life depends on the food we eat and

soil is the source of that food for man and animals. Thus, agricultural Production depends

on the fertility of soil.


Defination: Soil essentially is the loose material which forms the thin surface layer of the

earth. Its formation is related to the parent rock material, relief, climate and vegetation.

Animals insects and man also play an important role in the formation of soil

1. Soil is formed under specific natural conditions. It is a mixture of minerals or inorganic

matter which results from denudation and disintegration of rocks .

2. Soil is a renewable natural resource though it takes a long time to regenerate it.

3. The process of soil formation is called Pedogenesis.


Soil is a mixture of inorganic material, minerals and organic materials like humus.

Inorganic Components

The soil is composed of three main substances

1. Silica- ispresent soil in the in the form of small crystalline grains, the main constituent

of sand. It is derived from the disintegration of rocks.

2 .Clay: is a mixture of silicates and many other minerals such as iron , calcium, sodium,

potassium and aluminium. Clayey soil retains moisture

3. Chalk:(calcium Carbonate)- provides the most essential element for plant growth

which is calcium.

Organic Components

These determine the fertility of the soil. They are derived from the decay of vegetable

matter. The ultimate form of organic matter is humus.

1. It is organicmatter because itis formed by the decomposition of plant remains, animal

waste and dead animals

2. It helps the soil to retainmoisture

3. It imparts fertility to the soil

4. It also helps the plant to draw nutrients from the soil essential for its growth.

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1. Sandy Soil

2. Clayey Soil

3 Loam.


Soil erosion is the removal of topsoil by different agents of weathering such as_

1. RunningWater

2. Wind

3. Overgrazing

4. Men, plants and animals.

5. Faulty methods of agriculture

Runningwater : -

There are several ways in which soil erosion takes place due to running water-

1. Splash Erosion

2. Sheet Erosion

3. Gully Erosion

4. Rill Erosion.

5. Stream Bank Erosion

1. Splash Erosion:_

Where soil is pulverized by the impact of heavy drops and hailstones .

2. Sheet Erosion: -

Due to heavy rains,a surface film of water carries away the even surface layer of the

topsoil as it moves.

3. Gully Erosion :-

When there is a heavy downpour of rain , the soil is removed by water flowing along a

definate path down the slope in a channel. The gullies become wider and deeper forming

deep ravines .

A region where there is a large number of deep gullies or ravines are called- Badlands.

For example:_ Chambal valley in Madhya Pradesh

4. Rill Erosion: -

In this type of erosion finger like rills begin to appear and over a period of time they

increase in number and become deeper and wider.

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5 . Stream Bank Erosion: -

The banks of the streams Or rivers get eroded every year. During floods the erosion

widens the river bed.

Shore erosion : -

The coastal rocks get eroded by- tidal waves which continously dash against coastal

rocks .It is very common in the eastern coast where cyclonic storms and floods are


Wind Erosion: -

Wind is most powerful agent of erosion in deserts and where there is little or no

vegetation cover. The winds blow fine particles of sand and deposit them in other areas

turning them unproductive .

For Example_ Sand from Rajasthan desert covers the fertile Gangetic plains .

Overgrazing :-

Due to overgrazing wind erosion occurs as the soil is devoid of vegetation.

Men, Plants and Animals: -

Man's activities like- Construction work, ploughing, cutting down trees causes soil

erosion. Overgrazing by animals and uprooting of plants also results in dismantling the


Faulty Methods Of Agriculture

1. Shifting agriculture as in NE India.

2. Lack of crop rotation

3. Wrong ploughing

Areas Of Soil Erosion In India

1. Outer Himalayas (The Shivaliks )

2. River Banks

3. N E region of India.

4. Arid areas of Rajasthan

5. Hills of South India


It is an effort made by man to prevent soil erosion to retain the fertility of the soil

Soil is our most precious resource.

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Several measures have been adapted by the Government to prevent soil erosion.

l. Afforestation

2. To check Overgrazing

3. Construction of dams and barrages

4. Improved techniques of agriculture

i Contour method of ploughing

ii Terraced farming

iii Crop rotation

iv Planting of cover crops

5. Shifting or Jhuming or slash and burn type.

6. Belts of trees and shrubs should be planted.

7. Planting of Shelter Belts

8. Reclamation of Waste

9. Technical and financial help given to the farmers by the government.

Imp Terms

1 Soil: - It is the loose material which forms the uppermost layer of the mantle rock. It

supports life.

2. Top Soil: - It is the upper most layer of the soil consisting of humus which is very


3. Leaching: - It is the process in which the top mineral nutrients are washed away

thereby making the top soil infertile.

4. Soil Erosion: - The removal of the topsoil by different agents like wind and water is

known as soil erosion.

5. Soil Conservation :- It is an effort made to prevent soil erosion or reduce the rate of

soil erosion.

6. Humus : - It is the dark organic material in soils produced by the decomposition of

vegetables or animal matter and is essential to the fertility of the soil.


India has a large variety of soil groups distinctly different from each other by way of

their- origin, colour , texture , fertility and chemical composition.

Geologically, Indian soils can broadly be divided into two main groups -

1. Soils of Peninsular India-

are those which have been formed by the decomposition of rocks in situ i.e directly from

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the underlying parent rocks. They are also known as Sedentary Soils.

2. Soils of extra peninsular India or Northern Plains : -

are formed by transported or residual alluvium brought down by the rivers from the

Himalayas or by wind. These sods are also known as transported soil.


The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) set up an all India Soil Survey

Committee in1953 which divided Indian soils into following major groups: -

1. Alluvial Soils

2. Black Soils

3. Red Soils

4. Laterite and Lateritic Soils.

Alluvial Soil- They are divided into two types :-


1 These are newer alluvium.

2. These contain fine sand and clay.

3. They are pale brown in colour.

4. They are found at the lower levels near the rivers.

5. These are frequently inundated and replenished by floods during rainy season.

6. Khadar occupies the flood plains of the rivers and is enriched by fresh silt deposits

every year.


1 These consist of older alluvium

2. These contain Kankar pebbles and gravels.

3. They are darker in colour and vary from light grey to ash grey.

4. They are found30m above the flood level of rivers.

5. They represent the riverine alluvium brought down by sutlej, Yamuna, Ghagra and

other rivers of indogangetic plains.

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