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Welcome to the Parish Church of St MarkServing the people of Broomhill & Broomhall

L i v i n g T h i n k i n g L o v i n g F a i t h

The Parish EucharistSunday 11 March at 10am

A Song of Liberation

for Mothering Sunday

Please take this booklet with you.Service sheets are also on our website: www.stmarkssheffield.co.uk

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WelcomeA warm welcome to everyone gathered here this

morning, especially if this is your first visit to St Mark’s.

Our celebration is richer for your part in it. Thank you for being here.

Mothering Sunday was originally a time to remember “Mother-Church”, the place where faith is nurtured and disciples sent out with good news for all people. It has also become a time to celebrate all those who have nurtured us and taught us what it means to love and be loved. As well as remembering treasured mothers and grandmothers, we thank God for all who have shared their self-giving love with us.

Inevitably, Mothering Sunday is a celebration for some and a reminder of difficult experiences for others. For this reason, we need to be particularly supportive of one another, recognising that one person’s source of joy is another’s cause of pain. After the Service there will be space in the chapel if you would like to light a candle to remember those who have died, those who have nurtured us and those we have nurtured.

Before the service begins, you are invited to share in a time of quiet reflection.

To use the Induction Loop, please select the T setting on your hearing aid.Please silence or switch off mobile phones and pagers before the service begins. Thank you.ALLERGY ADVICE: we use gluten and dairy free bread at Communion and our wine contains alcohol. An alternative cup with alcohol-free wine is available, please ask for this at the rail.


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Welcome and Introduction

The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah, ‘When you act as midwives to the Hebrew women, and see them on the birthstool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, she shall live.’ But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.

Exodus 1.15-17

Opening Hymn We stand to sing, please remain seated if you prefer

WE SING A LOVE that sets all people freethat blows like wind, that burns like scorching flame,enfolds the earth, springs up like water clear:come, living love, live in our hearts today. We sing a love that seeks another's good,that longs to serve and not to count the cost,a love that, yielding, finds itself made new:come, caring love, live in our hearts today. We sing a love, unflinching, unafraidto be itself, despite another's wrath,a love that stands alone and undismayed:come, strengthening love, live in our hearts today. We sing a love that, wandering, will not restuntil it finds its way, its home, its source,through joy and sadness pressing on refreshed:come, pilgrim love, live in our hearts today.

We sing the Holy Spirit, full of love,who seeks out scars of ancient bitterness,brings to our wounds the healing grace of Christ:come, radiant love, live in our hearts today.

June Boyce-Tillman (b. 1943)Tune: Woodlands


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Prayers of ApproachMay God be with youand also with you.EVER-BECKONING GOD,you call us to leave behind falsehoodand seek our integrity in you:may our hearts be open to your loveand our minds to your truth,that we may learn to worship what is worthyand to serve what is good,in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers of Penitence & Renewal We sit or kneel for our prayers

Jesus said:above all strive for God’s reignof justice and peace. Matthew 6.33

We do not always live up to our calling.In the strength of God’s forgiveness,let us acknowledge our own wrongdoings,and the failings within our communities,resolving to follow Christ’s example of costly, giving love.Silence for preparation.

The ‘Kyries’, an ancient penitential chant, are sung:


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GOD OF COMPASSION,when our hearts are hardenedto the call of Christ,or to the cries of the needy;when our words and actionscause division or disrupt the pursuit of peace;by your grace free us from wrongdoingand liberate us to serve one another,in Jesus’ name. Amen.May the God of loveforgive us and free us from our sins,heal and strengthen us by the Spirit,and raise us to new life in Christ. Amen.

CollectLet us prayGod made knownin the strength and vulnerability of birth,the joy and pain of motherhood,in nights of sleepless love,and inner ocean’s flow,in demands without numberand questions without answer:give us gratitude for the women who carried us,for the carers who nurture usand for the chance to pass on life to others;through Jesus Christ, Mary’s Child. Amen. Steven Shakespeare

AttendingA Reading from the Book of Exodus, chapter 2 (part one)

This is a story from long ago, seventeen hundred years before Jesus was born. God’s people, the Israelites, were living in Egypt. They were slaves.All day long they worked in the hot sun making bricks to build new palaces for the king.


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But God had a plan for his people.God was going to set them free.And this is how it all began...

In a house near the river Nile in Egypt lived a little Israelite girl called Miriam. Miriam’s father was a slave, like all the Israelites. It was very hard work, and he was tired and sad.But Miriam was happy and excited! Her mother was going to have a baby.“Will it be a boy or a girl?” she asked her father. “I want a baby brother!”“It must not be a boy,” he said. “The Egyptians have orders to kill every Israelite baby boy.”

At last the baby was born. And it was a boy.“We can’t let the Egyptians kill our baby,” cried Miriam’s mother.So they decided to hide the baby. Miriam looked after him, and made sure he didn’t cry. But all the time, the baby was getting bigger. Soon everyone nearby knew he was there.“Miriam” her mother said, “I have a plan to keep our baby alive. And you can help me.”

Miriam and her mother took the baby’s basket and made a lid for it.They painted it with tar to keep any water out.Early next morning they went down to the river, where the Princess of Egypt swam every day.They hid the basket boat among the reeds. Safe inside, fast asleep, was Miriam’s baby brother. Then Miriam hid and waited.

At last the princess came to the river for her morning swim.“Oh look!” cried the princess. “A little boat! And there’s something in it!” She opened the lid, and the baby began to cry.“What a lovely baby,” the princess said. “He must be an Israelite. I shall make him my own son.”



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Hymn (part one) We remain seated to singSing, my soul, when hope is sleeping,sing when faith gives way to fears;sing to melt the ice of sadness,making way for joy through tears.Sing, my soul, when sickness lingers,sing to dull the sharpest pain;sing to set the spirit leaping:healing needs a glad refrain.

A Reading from the Book of Exodus, chapter 2 (part two)The plan had worked! Miriam was so excited that she ran up to the prin-cess. “Your highness,” said Miriam, “let me find a nurse to look after the baby for you.”“Thank you,” said the princess.So Miriam ran off to fetch the baby’s own mother!The princess was very pleased. “Take care of the baby for me,” she said, “and I will pay you well. When he is old enough he must come to the palace to be my son. I shall call him Moses.”So Miriam and her mother took Moses back home and looked after him.How happy they all were.“God has been very good to us,” said Miriam’s father. “He must have a great plan for you, Moses.”And Miriam’s father was right. For God had chosen Moses to free his people from the Egyptians.But that’s another story...

Hymn (part two) We remain seated to singSing, my soul, of him who shaped me,let me wander far away,ran with open arms to greet me,brought me home again to stay.Sing, my soul, when light seems darkest,sing when night refuses rest, John L Bell (born 1949) andsing though death should mock the future: Graham Maule (born 1958)what's to come by God is blessed. Tune: Servant Song


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Prayers of the PeopleLet us pray We sit or kneel for prayerThe following bidding and response is used.Come, radiant Love,Live in our hearts todayWe sing the Holy SpiritFull of love

Gospel – Luke 1.46-55 We are invited to stand

The good news is proclaimed from the heart of the worshipping community.

Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to LukeGlory to you, O Lord.And Mary said,‘My soul magnifies the Lord,    and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant.   Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me,   and holy is his name. His mercy is for those who fear him   from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm;   he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,   and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things,   and sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel,   in remembrance of his mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors,   to Abraham and to his descendants for ever.’This is the Gospel of the Lord.Praise to you, O Christ.


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RespondingAffirmation We continue to stand

Let us give voice to our convictions and substance to our hopes.

We live by faith;in the love of God,embodied in Jesus the Christ.

We live in hope;which does not disappoint,but brings love to life.We live in the power of the Spirit;transforming our livesand the whole of creation.Amen. So be it. John Schofield

Greeting of Peace We remain standing to sing the peace

Peace be with you.Peace be with you and with all our friends, Amen.And with all our friends, Amen.

We meet in Christ’s name and share in his peace.The peace of the Lord be always with you.And also with you.

We share a sign of Christ’s peace with those around us, also remembering any from whom we are estranged.


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Offertory Hymn

A collection is taken for the mission and ministry of St Mark’s. If you are a taxpayer, please place your gift in one of the yellow envelopes provided, writing your name and address on the front. If you leave the envelope blank, we are unable to reclaim tax under the ‘Gift Aid’ scheme. Thank you.

Break not the circle of enabling lovewhere people grow, forgiven and forgiving;break not that circle - make it wider still, till it includes, embraces all the living.

Come, wonder at the love that comes to life,where words of freedom are with humour spoken and people keep no score of wrong and guilt,but will that human bonds remain unbroken.

Sing high! Give thanks for all who came and come to teach the world the craft of hopeful cravingfor peace and wholeness that will fill the earth, for faith that stirs us to creative living.

Join then the movement of the love that frees, till people of whatever race or nationwill truly be themselves, stand on their feet,see eye to eye with laughter and elation.

Fred Kaan (1929-2009)Tune: Robert


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Tokens of our response to God, bread and wine, and the collection, are offered.

God of humility, we seek you,bearing the offering of our lives,needful of your grace.

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

Let us pray We sit or kneel

May God be with you.And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.We lift them to God.

Let us give thanks to our gracious God.It is right to give thanks and praise.

God our parent, your face is turned towards your world.In love you gave us Jesus your Sonto rescue us from sin and death.Your Word goes out to call us hometo the city where angels sing your praise.

We join with them in heaven's song:

Holy, holy, holy Lord,God of truth and love,heaven and earth are full of your glory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.

Father and Mother of us all, we give you thanks for every gift of grace.To the darkness Jesus came as your light.With signs of faith and words of hopehe touched untouchables with love and washed the guilty clean.This is his story.This is our song: Hosanna in the highest.


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The crowds came out to see your Son,yet at the end they turned on him.On the night he was betrayedhe came to table with his friendsto celebrate the freedom of your people.This is his story.This is our song: Hosanna in the highest.Jesus blessed you for the food;he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and said:This is my body, given for you all.Jesus then gave thanks for the wine;he took the cup, gave it and said:This is my blood, shed for you allfor the forgiveness of sins.Do this in remembrance of me.This is our story.This is our song: Hosanna in the highest.Therefore, with this bread and this cupwe remember how he died to set us free.Defying death he rose againand is alive with you to plead for us and all the world.This is our story.This is our song: Hosanna in the highest.Send your Spirit on us nowthat by these gifts we may feed on Christwith opened eyes and hearts on fire.

May we and all who share this foodoffer ourselves to live for youand be welcomed at your feast in heavenwhere all creation worships you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit:Blessing and honour and glory and powerbe yours for ever and ever. Amen.

Common Worship Eucharistic Prayer D – adapted


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Lord’s Prayer & CommunionTrusting in the compassion of God,we pray as Jesus taught us,OUR FATHER in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come, your will be done,on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sinsas we forgive those who sin against us.Lead us not into temptationbut deliver us from evil.For the kingdom, the powerand the glory are yoursnow and for ever. Amen.

The bread is broken

We break this breadto share in the body of Christ.Though we are many, we are one body,because we all share in one bread.

Words of invitation follow

All Christ once was and continues to beis offered to us around this table,in bread and wine, in the company of others;so come, let us celebrate the feast.


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‘Agnus Dei’ (Lamb of God), another ancient penitential response, is sung while the Eucharistic Ministers receive Communion.

Everyone is invited to share in the communion through receiving the bread and wine or, if preferred, a prayer of blessing. Please approach the altar rail with those around you. Gluten and dairy-free bread rolls are used; the wine in the chalices contains alcohol and the alternative chalice has alcohol-free wine.

During Communion, we may sing together:

In the Lord I’ll be ever thankfulIn the Lord, I will rejoice!Look to God, do not be afraidLift up your voices, the Lord is near.Lift up your voices, the Lord is near.


Afterwards the choir will sing, For the Beauty of the Earth, by John Rutter

At the conclusion, silence is shared


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VenturingPrayers of Commitment We remain seated

Let us pray.GOD OF OUR PILGRIMAGE,you have fed our minds,inspired our faith and revived our spirits.May we go from here to serve youin a bruised and disordered world;and may the offering of our livesbe a channel for your grace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


AppreciatingWe invite you to stand

An opportunity to remember, honour and give thanks for our mothers,and for all who share God’s love with us,embody Christ’s presence around usand nurture the sacred within us.

Plants are blessed and distributed around the whole congregation during the final hymn

Gracious God,we remember and give thanks forthose who carried us in the womband cradled us in their love,who bore our pains and shared our joys;thank you for all who witness to your call that we should love one another as you have loved us.May these plants become a token of our appreciation,as we share them with those we value,bearing witness to your eternal truththat it is through giving that we receiveand in loving that we find our home in you. Amen.


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Blessing We remain standingMay God bless us,that in us may be foundlove and humility,obedience and thanksgiving,hope, gentleness and peace;and may the blessing of God,Creator, Christ and Spirit of Liferest upon us and all whom we love,both living and departed, now and always. Amen.

Final HymnNow thank we all our God,with hearts and hands and voices,who wondrous things has done,in whom this world rejoices;who from our mothers' armshas blessed us on our waywith countless gifts of love,and still is ours today.O may this bounteous Godthrough all our life be near us,with ever joyful heartsand blessèd peace to cheer us;and keep us in his grace,and guide us when perplexed,and free us from all illsin this world and the next. All praise and thanks to Godthe Father now be given,the Son, and him who reignswith them in highest heaven,the one eternal God,whom earth and heaven adore, Martin Rinkart (1586-1649)for thus it was, is now, trans. Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878)and shall be evermore. Tune: Nun Danket


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Commission (please face the back of church)

From what we know, to what we have yet to discoverGod is calling us on.

From all that binds us, to the truth which frees usGod is calling us on.

From the blessings of today, to the possibilities of tomorrowGod is calling us on.

Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord.In the name of Christ. Amen.

Organ Voluntary

Sharing in the hospitality of Christ continues after this service with refreshments,

please do stay, if you can

and also on Wednesdays at Lunch Club, on Fridays at Broomhall Breakfast,

on Saturdays at Soup Run,and wherever and whenever

food and friendship are offered in Christ’s name.


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Lent is a tree without blossom, without leaf,Barer than blackthorn in its winter sleep,All unadorned. Unlike Christmas which

decreesThe setting-up, the dressing-up of trees,Lent is a taking down, a stripping bare,

A starkness after all has been withdrawnOf surplus and superfluous,

Leaving no hiding place, only an emptinessBetween black branches, a most precious

spaceBefore the leaf, before the time of flowers;

Lest we should see only the leaf, the flower,Lest we should miss the stars.

Jean M Watt

Many of the hymns which we have inherited refer to God as male.If you would find it more meaningful to refer to God using feminine

or non binary language, please change the words as you sing.

Printed on Recycled Paper.The following sources have been used in compiling this service: ‘Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England,’ and ‘Common Worship: Times and Seasons,’ copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2000 & 2006 texts;”A Pocketful of Bible Stories” Lion Publishing; ‘Eggs and

Ashes’ Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill, Wild Goose Publications and locally sourced texts. The musical setting for the liturgy is ‘The Addington Service,’ by Richard Shephard. Scripture

quotations, unless otherwise attributed, are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995, Hymns and songs are reproduced under Church Copyright Licence 294846 and Calamus 2945. The image on the front cover is by the nuns of

Turvey Abbey.


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Holy Week at St Mark’s

As we approach Holy Week and Easter we accompany Jesus of Nazareth on his journey towards the cross and beyond all that threatened to diminish him. As we listen to the stories of our faith and share at his table we remember his ministry, passion and death.

This is the place of prayer,here where the inward-pointing nails

converge.The ever-narrowing gate

intersectionwhen the world of time and space

yields up its measured form.Here in the needle’s eye

dark upon dark.The aching, echoing void

of the hollow heartsuspended

at the point of change.Unknowing

(and that is the agony)bearing the unknown

to the mysteryat the place of prayer.

We pray that you will find the pilgrimage from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday a deepening and enlivening experience. Together may we share a truly Holy Week.

Sue, Sarah, Shan and AnneService details overleaf…


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Holy Week and Easter Services 2018

Palm Sunday – 25 March8.00 am BCP Communion

10.00 am Parish Eucharist with Palm Procession (from the car park) and re-telling of the passion narrative

6.00 pm Via Dolorosa - Choral Service with music and readings8.00 pm Night Service

Monday – 26 March6.30 pm Julian Prayer - silent prayer in the Chapel7.00 pm Chrism Eucharist at Sheffield Cathedral - Open to anyone

A Service for the renewal of Ministerial Commitment with blessing of Sacred Oils

Tuesday – 27 March8.00 pm Holy Week Night Service

Wednesday – 28 March7.00 pm Lent Groups’ final session – “Broken” Episode 6 (Upper Room)

Open to anyoneMaundy Thursday – 29 March

8.00 pm Eucharist in the Upper Roomfollowed by the stripping of the sanctuary and a vigil

Good Friday – 30 March9.30 am Activities and simple Service for all ages

12.00 noon Three hours’ meditation at the foot of the cross until concluding with a silent Communion using reserved

sacrament- 3.00 pm led by Rev’ds Sue Hammersley, Shan Rush and Sarah Colver

stay for as much or as little of the time as you would likeHoly Saturday – 31 March

8.00 pm Meditation at the tomb (Chapel)Easter Sunday – 1 April

6.00 am Dawn Service on St Mark’s Green followed by Breakfast in the lounge

8.00 am Holy Communion in the Chapel (BCP)10.00 am Festive Eucharist; preacher, Anne Padget8.00 pm Night Service - Communion

Please join us as we seek to embody hope, amidst the challenges of life