ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 115 EAST FORT LEE ROAD BOGOTA, N] 07603 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 3, 2019 ‘Zasci-valiaus3 come clown quickig, tor today I must stag at our House. a—Lukc l9:5 Very Rev. Larry Evans ll, V.F. Administrator Rev. Fernando Diaz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Kevin Regan The Eucharist Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30 Spanish Misa en espanol todos Ios domingos a las 1:30 pm Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays: 8am Adoration Chapel: Mon—Sat 9:00am-7:00pm Consult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation Sacrament information on page two—lnformacion de Sacramento en la pagina dos Rectory Office St. Joseph Academy Faith Formation/REC 201-342-6300 201-487-8641 201-343-4316 Fax: 201-883-9392 Fax: 201—487-7405 Fax: 201—883-9392 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Parish website: http://www.stjosephbogota.org

ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

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Page 1: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016



NOVEMBER 3, 2019

‘Zasci-valiaus3 come clown quickig, tor today I must stag at flour House. a—Lukc l9:5

Very Rev. Larry Evans ll, V.F. AdministratorRev. Fernando Diaz, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Kevin ReganThe Eucharist

Saturday Eve: 5:00pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 1:30 SpanishMisa en espanol todos Ios domingos a las 1:30 pm

Weekdays: 8am Civic Holidays: 8am Adoration Chapel: Mon—Sat 9:00am-7:00pmConsult bulletin for special Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation

Sacrament information on page two—lnformacion de Sacramento en la pagina dos

Rectory Office St. Joseph Academy Faith Formation/REC201-342-6300 201-487-8641 201-343-4316

Fax: 201-883-9392 Fax: 201—487-7405 Fax: 201—[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Parish website: http://www.stjosephbogota.org

Page 2: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

Page 2 November 3, 2019

Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement

We have been called together as disciples ofthe lord as St. JosephParish. We are united with brothers and sisters far and near in the

message and mission ofJesus Christ.As a parish family we will witness to God’s love and presencethrough our celebration ofthe sacraments, the proclamation of

God’s Word , the formation ofall into discipleship and our serviceto others.

We are a people who are deeply Eucharistic which strengthens usfor the mission that has been entrusted to us. We will use all ofthe God—given gifts to show that we are eager to welcome the

stranger, feed the hungry, shelter the homelessand comfort the bereaved.

Declaracia'n de la Misio'n de la Iglesia de San Jose'

Hemos sido llamaa’osjantos coma disczpalos a’el Senor comaParroqaia de San Jose. Estamos anidos can hermanosy hermanas

may cercanos en el mensajey [a misian de Jesacristo.Comofamiliaparroqaial, somos testigos del amory lapresencia de

Dios a trave's de naestra celebracian de los sacramentos, [aproclamacion de [a Palabra de Dias, [aformacio'n de todos en el

discipalaa’oy naestro servicio a [as demas.Samos anpuebloprofitna’amente Eacaristico que nosfortalecepara [a misian que nos ha sido encomena’aa’a. Todos ania’os

daremos [as dones dadospar Diaspara demostrar qae estamosansiosos de dar [a bienvenia’a al extrario, alimentar a [as

hambrientos, refagiar a [as desamparaa’osy consolar a [as qae saflen.

New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses:Welcome to our Parish Community! Please register at the Rectory and feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the Parishand its activities. Bienvenido a naestra camanidadparroqaial! Favor de registrarse en [a Rectoriay no dude en ponerse en contacto

can caalqaierpersona en naestro personal can respecto a [a parroqaia y [as actividades


AdministratorVery Rev. Larry Evans 11. [email protected]

Parochial VicarIRev. Fernando Diaz. . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

DeaconKevin [email protected]

Principal, Saint Joseph AcademyMs. Stella [email protected]

Administrative Assistant, Saint Joseph AcademyMrs. Sandra Angeli. . . . . . . . [email protected]

Pastoral Director, Faith FormationMrs. Jennifer [email protected]

@stjosephbogota.orgProtecting God’s ChildrenMrs. Diane Maglione......... [email protected]

Director of MusicMr. Michael Chladil. . . . . . [email protected]

Business Administrator of FinanceMrs. Wanda Uceta. . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

Administrative Assistant, [email protected]. Elaine Sullivan, [email protected]

Rectory Office — 201-342-6300 Fax: 201—883-9392St. Joseph Academy—201-487-8641 Fax: 201-487-7405

Faith Formation/REC—201-343-43l6 Fax: 201-883-9392

Sacrament of ReconciliationEl Sacramento de la Reconciliacio'n

Every Saturday evening, from 4:00pm to 4:45pm.Todos [as sabaa’os par la noche, de 4:00pm a 4:45pm.

Sacrament of BaptismEl Sacramento de Baatismo

Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements at leastone month prior for baptisms which are held on the 2nd &

4th weekends of the month during mass.Segundo domingo de cada mes darante [a Misa de [as I :30

de [a tarde. Porfavor, [lame a Rosa Sanchez(201-836-0861) para hacer [as preparativos al menos

an mes antes del baatismo

Sacrament of MatrimonyEl Sacramento de Matrimonio

Arrangements should be made with a member of the clergyat least 1 year in advance.

Llame a [a rectoria para ponerlaen contacto can ansacera’ote para hacer [as preparatzvos al menos an ano

par adelantaa’o

Sacrament of the Anointing of the SickUncion de los Enfermos

If you or a family member is in the hospital and wish to bevisited by a priest, please call the parish office. If you callafter hours, please leave a message for Father Fernando(X224) and they will get back to you as soon as possible.Porfavor, [lame a [a rectoria para solicitar [a visita del

sacerdote. Si se llama en la noche, deje an mensaje para elpadre Fernando (x224)

Rectory Office Hours:Mon-Thurs .....9:00am-7:30pmFriday..........9:00am-7:00pmSaturday....... 9:00am—4:00pm

Closed SundaysOFFICE nouns

Page 3: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

November 3, 2019


Sunday3 10:00 am Rec: RCIA English Dismissal #4

M0nd3y4 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only5:00 pm Gym: Volleyball home game7:00 pm CH: Mass for All Souls7:00 pm Rec: RCIA-Spanish Class #48:00 pm CH: Misa por Todos los FielesDifuntos (en espafiol)

Tuesday 5 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only

WedneSday 6 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only6:30 pm Cat: Girls Scouts -Troop 966836:30 pm Gym: School Basketball7:00 pm CH: Adult Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm Rec: Baptism Prep meeting

ThUI‘Sday 7 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only5:00 pm Gym: Volleyball practice

Friday 8 2:30 pm Gym: School Use Only

Saturday9 10:00 am Rec: Spanish Baptism Classes1:30 pm Gym: Maggie Camilo Concert3:00 pm Fr. Fernando mass— Eloi Rogelio

Tapia4:00 pm Oh: Reconciliation5:00 pm CH: Baptisms at Mass (0)

Sunday 10 9:00 am Cat: Holy Name Society Meeting10:00 am Rec: RCIA English Dismissal #5

Discussion of Baptism1:30 pm Oh: Spanish Baptism at 1:30 pm3:00 pm Cat: Spanish Matrimony Meeting

Page 3

Q'alg Dams gaeietgSaint Joseph’s HNS meets every 2nd Sunday ofthe month at 8:00 Mass and invites all church

members to attend meetings immediatelyfollowing Mass in the school cafeteria.

Refreshments will be served.COME AND JOIN US.












November 2

Patrick & Virginia Req Pat & MaryanneGould

November 3

Ferruccio Req Milena & JoeBelardinelliIsabel Rita DeLeo Req Family Bequest

Andrew Mulkem Req Cosmo Laforgia

November 4

Charles Cook Req Carol Bobat

November 5

Tom Genovese Req Annie Genovese

Wednesday November 6











Ben & Kevin Req Kathryn DevinsDevins & FamilyNovember 7

Elizabeth & Peter Req Kevin & MonicaMcDermott LynchNovember 8

Maria Theresa H. Req Mary GregorioBayaniNovember 9

Charles Cook Req Jim DeLamater

Edward “Ebba” Req Cathy, Dave &Morrissey MaryNovember 10Living & ReqDeceasedMembers ofHNSRichard Kunath Req Cecilia Kunath

Barbara Parker Req DeborahNorlander

(/77)LISTEN fi/contains

the same letters asSILENT

Page 4: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

Page Four November 3 2019

From the Ofiiee ofFaith Formation (FF) 201-343-4316

Faith Formation Calendar

Tuesday, Nov. 12 Middle School & High School 7 - 9pm (SJA Gym)SessionOur Middle School Faith Formation How can you help?students will be creating greeting cards We are asking our parish community tofor Cancer Patients as part of the Send a donate9 card stock, 801' apbook paper,smlle TOday program stamps, ribbon, stickers or any other items

that would bring joy and smile to a CancerPatient .

Sunday, Nov. 17 Sunday Sessions SUN A 8:15 - 9:45am - 10am MassSUN B 10:15 - 11:45am - 12pm MassSUN C 11:45 - 1:15pm - 1:30pm Mass

Tuesday, Nov. 19 Tuesday Session 6:30 - 8pm (SJA GYM)

Sunday, Nov. 24 First Communion Family Session 8:15 - 9:4Sam (SJA Cafeteria)

Sunday, Nov. 24 Liturgy of the Word for Children 10am Mass

: Ti 1' I NC E YOU pwfi‘v NQT i\ NOW _ The Church dedicates the month of November to .,0 ABOUT PURGATORY the souls in purgatory.

We just celebrated All Saints Day (Nov. 1) andAll Souls Day (Nov. 2)! Try to learn about a saint

that you don’t already know!


i3 - St. Martin De Porres 17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary54 - St. Charles Borromeo 18 - St. Rose PhilippineWE NEED TO THE SOULS IN !5 _ St. Bertilla Duchesne

PRAY FOR THE PURGATORY CAN . Theophane Venard 19 ' St- Nerses!6-StSOULS PRAY FOR US , . _IN PURGATORY 57 - St. Wilhbrord 20 St. Edmund

Though they can't ! 8 _ St. Godfrey 21 - Presentation of MaryThis process of pray for 19 _ St. Theodore Tiro 22 — St. Cec111a

purification can be themselves. as .10 _ St Leo the Great 23 - St. Columbanlong and painful. so members of the . 24 — St. Andre D nU-Lac &we need to pray for body of Christ. can ill - St. Martin of Tours Companiovns u D

Ithem - always. pray for us. i 12 - St. Josaphat . 25 _ St. Catherine of Alexan—.l3 — St. Frances Zav1er driaI . .

_ i Cabrml 26 — St. John BerchmansV. eternal rest grant unto them, 0 Lord. -14 — St. Lawrence 27 _ St. James Intercisus

R. And let the perpetual light Shine upon them. iO'Toole _ . _And may the souls of all the faithful departed. through the !15 _ St. Albert the Great 3 1833 Cat§?ine Labouile

mercv of God. rest in peace. Amen. I ' €336 IanCIS 1 mt ony: £16 — St. Margaret of of_—---S-<=oflalc------------- Luca

Faith Formation RegistrationFaith Formation registration is closed. After Oct. 1, families may be asked to homeschool

More detailed information can befouna’ on the parish website.Registration Hours are by appointment. 201-343-431 6 or faithformati0n(a>stiosephbogota.or}:


MATRiCULA PARA LAS CLASES DE FORMACION RELIGIOSA/CATEQUESIS iLa registration para las Clases de eatequesis ya esta cerraa'a. Despaés del 1 de octabre, es posible qtte [asfamilias i

puea’an hacer an estua’io en el hogar si es necesario. 3Le registracio’n es por cita. Porfavor, pongase en contacto con nuestra oficina. i

Para cita en espanol [lame at Liz Garcia—20I-343-4316 0 [email protected]}.r i.—.-a—-—-—-—-—.—.—-—-—--n—n—n—g—n—u—n—o—nn—n—n—u—n—n—n—-_-—n—-—-—._n—n—n—n—n—n—u—n—u—u—n—n—od

Page 5: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

November 3, 2019

A GREAT AND GLORIOUS GODOur readings today ponder two powerful truths: Godis infinitely greater than we are; and God providesevery kind of help so we can discover and share inGod’s glory. The reading from Wisdom reminds usthat we are tiny compared to “the LORD of the wholeuniverse.” Nevertheless, God preserves and nurturesus out of perfect love. If we feel tiny, weak, andsinful compared to God, we are blessed! God’sgreatness sustains and strengthens us. Saint Paulencourages the Thessalonian Christians with thesame message. He reminds them that God alonemakes the Church holy. He prays that everythingthey undertake will be for the glory of God. Luke’sGospel shows us what this looks like in real life:Zacchaeus, feeling small and excluded, looks forJesus. Jesus finds him and gives him the strength heneeds to repent of his sins and glorify God.

TODAY’S READINGSFirst Reading — Lord, you love all things that eXist(Wisdom 11:22 — 12:2).Psalm — I will praise you name for ever, my kingand my God (Psalm 145).Second Reading — May the name of Christ beglorfied in you and you in him (2 Thessalonians1:11 — 2:2).Gospel — Today salvation has come to the taXcollector Zacchaeus’ house (Luke 19:1-10).

READINGS FOR THE WEEKRom 11:29-36; Ps 69:30-31, 33-34, 36;Lk14:12-14

Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9;

Lk14:25-33Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14;Lk15:1-10Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;1 Cor 3:9c-11,16-17;Jn 2:13-222 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Ps 17:1, 5-6, 8,15;2 Thes 2:16 — 3:5; Lk 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]





SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCESSunday: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time;

National Vocation Awareness Week;Daylight Saving Time ends

Monday: St. Charles BorromeoTuesday: Election DaySaturday: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Page 5

UN DIOS GRANDE Y GLORIOSONuestras lecturas de hoy reflexionan en dos verdadespoderosas: Dios es infinitamente mas grande de loque somos y Dios provee toda clase de ayuda paraque podamos descubrir y compartir su gloria. La lec-tura del libro de la Sabiduria nos recuerda que somospequefios comparados con “el Sefior de todo eluniverso”. Sin embargo, Dios nos protege y cuidapor su amor perfecto. Si somos pequefios, débiles ypecadores comparados con Dios, [Estamosbendecidos! La grandeza de Dios nos sostiene y for-taleza. San Pablo anima a los cristianos tesalonicen—ses con el mismo mensaj e. E1 les recuerda que soloDios hace a la Iglesia santa. El ora para que todo loque emprendan sea para la gloria de Dios. El Evan-gelio de Lucas nos muestra cémo es en la Vida real.Zaqueo, sintiéndose pequefio y excluido, busca aJesus. Jesus lo encuentra y le da la fuerza que necesi-ta para arrepentirse de sus pecados y glorificar aDios.

LECTURAS DE HOYPrimera lectura — Sefior, tu amas todo cuantoeXiste (Sabiduria 11:22 — 12:2).Salmo — Bendeciré al Sefior eternamente(Salmo 145 [144]).Segunda lectura — Sea glorificado el nombre deCristo en ustedes y ustedes en 61 (2 Tesalonicenses1:11 — 2:2).Evangelio — Zaqueo, considerado socialmente co-mo pecador, se convierte al Sefior (Lucas 19: 1-10).

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANARom 11:29-36; Sal 69 (68):30-31, 33-34, 36;Lc 14:12-14Rom 12:5-16b; Sal 131 (l30):1bcde-3;Lc 14:15-24

Miércoles: Rom 13:8-10; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 4-5, 9;Lc 14:25-33Rom 14:7-12; Sal 27 (26):1bcde, 4, 13-14;Lc 15:1-10Rom 15:14-21; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 16:1-8Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9;1 Cor 3:9c-l 1, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22

Domingo: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; Sal l7 (l6):l, 5-6, 8,15;2 Tes 2:16 — 3:5; Lc 20:27-38 [27, 34-38]





WDomingo: Trigésimo Primer Domingo

del Tiempo Ordinario;Retrase el reloj una horaSan Carlos BorromeoDia de las EleccionesDedicacién de la Basilica de san Juande Letran


Page 6: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

Page 6

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITIONEvery week, some treasures from our tradition

are shared here. Where does all this history comefrom? The history of God’s people of prayer is al-ways coming to light, mostly because scholars havededicated their lives to research. They translate andponder prayers and songs; explore the places used forworship; look at the vessels, books, and vestments;and read works from legal documents to letters anddiaries. In the 1930s, Hitler’s rush to arm Germanyclosed seminaries as priests and seminarians alikewere drafted into service.

One professor, Father Josef Jungman, forcedfrom his classroom, spent the war years in an Austri-an library. His careful work disclosed much of whatwe know of the history of the Mass. His great work,The Mass oft/rte Roman Rite, describes the evolutionof Eucharistic celebration and inspired generations ofscholars to explore a tradition surprisingly rich andvaried. It was said of him that he had a command ofthe past that cast new light on the present, and openedup a clear direction to the future. His contributions tothe Second Vatican Council helped shape the waythat we worship today. At the end of his life, in 1975,his studies completed, he told a friend that he waswaiting patiently for the Lord’s knock at the door totake him to the heavenly banquet.

November 3, 2019

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FENo todas las patronas latinoamericanas tienen

origines entre milagros y visiones. Algunas nacen dela devocion mariana del Pueblo de Dios. Tal es elcaso con la Virgen de los Treinta y Tres. En 1962, elPapa Juan XXIII la nombro Patrona de Uruguay y asiconfirmo oficialmente lo que el Pueblo de Dios yahabia hecho desde el 1825.

Esta pequefia imagen de 36 centimetros lleva so-bre su cabeza una corona desproporcionadamentegrande, regalo de un general militar y simbolo de ladevocion del pueblo. También lleva su curioso nom-bre en honor a su papel en la Independencia de Uru-guay antiguamente llamada la Provincia Oriental.Los treinta y tres orientales que comandaron la gue-rra de liberacion encomendaron sus esfuerzos delanteesta imagen de origen jesuita.

El siglo pasado el pueblo uruguayo comenzo hapatrocinar peregrinajes en honor de su patrona.Eventualmente en 1945 el obispo tuvo la gran ideade llevar la imagen en peregrinacion al pueblo. Des-de entonces se ha ido desarrollando esta bella cos-tumbre que lleva Maria al Pueblo cada segundo do-mingo de noviembre entre homenajes de caballadas,desf11es y cantos.


Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? As a taxcollector, Zacchaeus cheated and got rich off of his own people. Why does Jesus want to be sonice to him?

This is what is making the crowd grumble about Jesus favoring Zacchaeus. Why is Jesusbefriending such a sinner?

The difference here is that Zacchaeus speaks up and announces compensation for those he hascheated and vows to give away half of his goods to the poor. He understood the requirement ofdiscipleship.

This story gives us a hint as to why good things might happen to bad people: it is God’s patience,with Zacchaeus and with us as well, as God awaits our response to become His disciples.


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l ' ‘ i. l. i ...2 -’ ALLSOULSMASL *November 4, 2019

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Page 7: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016

November 3, 2019 Page 7

hermanos y hermanascuyos funeralesfueron en

Saint Joseph Church,recordamos y honramos a

ellos y su familia en elaniversario de su muerte.

In memoriam of ourbeloved brothers and

sisters whose funerals tooklace here at Saint Josephhurch, we remember andhonor them and their

families on the anniversaryof their passing.

November 2001November 7, 2001November 7, 2001November 8, 2003November 6, 2004November 9, 2004November 10, 2005November 6, 2005November 6, 2006November 7, 2008November 8, 2008November 10, 2008November 7, 2009November 9, 2009November 7, 2010November 8, 2010November 5, 2011November 7, 2011November 2013November 7, 2013November 5, 2014November 5, 2015November 3, 2016November 2016November 6, 2016November 5, 2018November 5, 2018November 6, 2018

Helen DonovanAnna C. LupoVictoria StrangMarie E. BolgerBertha MajewskiJohn Kerkowski, IIISamuel J. RattacasaHelen TarrantLorraine SkowronskiThomas J. ClesseyRobert A. BorisRobert James WilkinsBernice WiemerMary H. O’DowdLoretta UllrichWilliam O’HenehanSean P. SharpLaszlo TassAnthony Sc1arroneAnna M. PalmieriCornelia A. CarnegieHelen C. DunneIrene C. MoloveAmelia RodriguezAnthony AbruzziJohn WalshGerard DevineMichael Labriola

May the Lord repose in HisHeavenly Kingdom:

Altar Winefor 1st half of

November 2019In memory of

Frank FitzgeraldRequested by

Fitzgerald Family

Recuerden en susoraciones a naestrosfamiliares y amigosque estan elyermos

0 en hospita s 0 silosde ancianos,

en especialpar:

In your charityplease remember in

prayer all ourfamilies and friendswho are sick or in

hospitals or nursinghomes, especially for:

Raleigh SenatoreHoward Vanweiss

Fran VicenteNicola Vierno

Piersyn WheelerDiane Zimmerman

John Paul Zimmerman" Nick Zampetti

Helen Feliciano

Dorothy AndersonRichard ConroyDorothy Conroy '1

Dalia Elias PRAY ERichard Gildeleon in“ 8—

Brian Groff WPat GallagherJoAnne HeimJohn Hughes ,

Louise Kreutzer 9Allen Lim

Andrew LautoLili Mani

McKenna Rita MurrayMargo Sprague

Ifyou, or someone in your family, would benefit from the prayers of theparishioners at Saint Joseph during times ofsickness, please call the

rectory at 201-342—6300 and speak to a staff member. Names will stayon the announced and/or the printed bulletin list for two months. Ifyoustill need prayers, please call the rectory for another month ofprayers.Necesitas ana oracz'o'n por su‘familia 0 amigos? Visita [a aficina de la

rectorz'a 0 [lame al (En Ingle's) 201-342—6300. L05 Hombres semantendrdn en tamo la ammcz'aday [a lista de armncz'ospara dos (2)

meses. Si astea’ todavz'a necesita oraciones, porfavor [lame a la rectorz'a0 dejar Lma nota en [a mesa. Esta es la reg/a tambie'n si asted [Ian-2a

para solicitar [a visifa ale an saeerdote.

Pray for the Men and Women in Service to Our CountryPlease remember all those serving in the armed forces, especially:

Chris Allen J .T. RinkeJoseph Andrade John RodeTimoth Brown .Yury Rodriguez

Edel astillo M1chael Sloginskl, JrYelson Cortez Jake SmithRafael Cruz Matt Smith

Kevin Cunanan Max Smith _Andrew Gilbert Reynaldo A. Targuino

Alan Hale Jeff VanakAimee Korniniak Gavin WhiteLarry Komm1ak

Ian RmkeBrian MitchellEdward Qulnn

Weeklv CollectionsSunday Total: $5157.00

Food Pantry: $220.00Assessment: $1970.00

WEEKLY , Thank You so much for youra I contributions!

.4. '- ‘llg .fiéfifgfi God bless you contmuously..-


Page 8: ST.JOSEPHCHURCHTuesday,Nov.12 MiddleSchool&HighSchool 7-9pm(SJAGym) Session ... them-always. prayforus. i12-St.Josaphat. 25_St.CatherineofAlexan— ... November5,2015 November3,2016



Saturday November 30th, 2019 — 829 Windsor Rd.Teaneck, NJ

An evening with singing sensation SHERMA ANDREWSsinging the songs of Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, ArethaFranklin, Tina Turner, Domia Summer, Natalie Cole, Etta

James, Billie Holiday, Anita Baker and more. .

Food served at 6:00 and show time at 7:30.

Tickets $45. 00 per person

Inc. Hot/Cold Buffet, Beer, Wine, Soda; Cash Bar available.TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR

For tickets please call:

Joe Kelly — 201—739-2355

Deacon Regan - 201-747—1172

Nick Barese - 201-805-7619

Not sure yet .......Google Ms. Andrews and beamazed!!!”

HOLY NAME SOCIETYLighting of the Luminarias

Sold after all MassesAll Souls Day

The Holy Name Society is taking orders after all Masses forthe All Souls Day Luminaries. The Luminaries, which will bememorialized with the names of your loved ones, will be lit at

5pm on Monday, November 4th before our specialcommemorative Masses and will remain lit until

9am onTuesday,

November 5th.

E995! RarJ_tI:y

FOOD PANTRYThe Food Pantry is busy gearing up for the

Holidays.Yes, they are just around the corner!

We are in need of the following to complete theHoliday baskets:CANNED FRUIT



We would like to thank all those who have donatedfood, money or gift cards. We could not help others

without your help.

St. Joseph Acacia my Class of 2020

Cake and Pie Fundraiser

This year the 3" Grade Class will be selling gourmet pies and takes tram CarouselCakes. The selectiun is 35 tulle»?

Apple Pie H1" Cheesecake

Marble Cinematic

ChDDfllm Chip Ellie

Apple Crumb Ft:

Bluaburv Crumb Pie

Enchant Custard Pie

Pecan Pin firm Spice Cali:

Pum‘fln Pit Mousse Sum-Hue

Tullhnuse Pie Black and Min Mam

Pumpkin flies: Pi:-

H‘I’ Nadine! Calm

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