Parish News St. Thomas’ Church Website: www.crosscrake.church/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/crosscrakechurch/ May 2020 65p

St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

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Page 1: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

Parish News

St. Thomas’ Church

Website: www.crosscrake.church/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/crosscrakechurch/

May 2020 65p

Page 2: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

WHO’S WHO 2020 Priest in Charge : Mat Ineson

email [email protected] tel. 07398 252715 13 Castle Road, Kendal, LA9 7AU

Churchwardens: Mrs Marlene Little - Helm Croft,

Barrows Green LA8 0AA Tel. 60128 Mr Mike Critchlow Croft Cottage, Stainton LA8 OLE Tel. 60100

email: [email protected] Mrs Mary Irving: Warden Emeritus

PCC Secretary: John Fisher, 4 Abbey Drive, Natland. LA9 7QN Tel. 60078 email [email protected]

Church Treasurer: Mr Alan Frostick, Beckside, Stainton LA8 0LQ Tel. 61019

Organist: Mr Mike Critchlow

Church Historian/Archivist : Mrs Julia Beeden Tel. 61226 Church Magazine Contacts

Editor: Pete Fox Tel. 07748384467 email: [email protected] Distribution: Mrs Liz Ward Tel. 61220

Advertising: Mrs Gill Frostick Tel. 61019


We remember with thanks the lives of the following:

3rd May 2008 Angela Hodgson, 4th May 2013 Pauline Oscroft, 5th May 2000 Elizabeth Holman, 7th May 1999 Ann Jones, 8th May 1983 Mary

Thistlethwaite, 11th May 1995 Madge Willacy, 13th May 2013 Katharine Pottinger, 13th May 2000 Alice Taylor, 13th May 1991 John Axten, 14th May 2005 Dee Ford, 14th May 2012 Cath Lancaster, 17th May 2006 Eva Hewertson, 18th May 2001 William Brooks, 20th May 2003 Joan Rees,

23rd May 1993 Peter Inman

If you would like a relation/friend to be recorded in the remembrance book please fill in a slip near the book and hand it to Mike or Marlene

(Donation to church funds)


Page 3: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

Thoughts from the Vicar

As I write this piece we’ve just learned that lockdown will continue for another 3 weeks. The good news is that this sacrifice of freedom ap-pears to be ‘working’, although, sadly, many many people are grieving the loss of loved ones across the nation including our own area. These are unprecedented times for us in the modern western world. The hu-man race has faced disease pandemics before but never when there has been so much information available to us. And I suspect the speed of the worldwide spread is unique in our history.

Over the past decades society has become used to the illusion of being in control of our whole lives includ-ing most diseases. That is no longer true, not only for those who are sad-ly struggling with Covid-19, but also for those who have had treat-ment postponed or are concerned because of longer term conditions. Many are also facing challenges with their mental health. All of us

have been made more aware of our own mortality and that of our loved ones. As we see spring growing into summer both the gift and fragility of life and very evident. That fragility will be seen starkly in the poorer areas of our cities and our world.

I’m afraid that this current challenge will be gone anytime soon alt-hough it may well begin to look and feel different. Until a vaccine is discovered, produced and distributed this virus is here to stay. Our local and national economies will take time to recover. Life will be different for all of us moving forward. But there are many reasons for hope.

We have seen an increase in thankfulness for those working in our amazing NHS and care homes, as well as those who serve our families and communities through education, the police and fire services, and by the production, processing, distribution and sale of food. Many people have been going the extra mile for fellow human beings sometimes at considerable risk to their own safety. We are seeing the best of humani-ty in this challenging time.

Continued next page ...


Page 4: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21


3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter

10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14

5th Sunday of Easter

17 May Acts 17 22-31

John 14 15-21

6th Sunday of Easter

24th Mayl Acts 1 6-14

John 17 1-11

Sunday after Ascension day

31st May Acts 2 1-21

John 20 19-23

Pentecost 4


One of my prayers is that we will not lose these silver linings when things ‘move on’. I was tempted to say ‘return to normal’, but I’m not sure that that is what what will happen or indeed what we need. Whilst we do need some normality to return to daily life I sense that we have entered a more whole-some, community minded, locally lived and caring culture. I hope that the concern for neighbours through phone calls, and over the fence conversations, will develop into growing face to face all age relationships in all of our com-munities. I hope that some of the improvement in the environment through reduced pollution will continue. I hope that our increased awareness of the gift and fragility life will both, keep us thankful for one another and help us live life to the full, continuing to serve one another especially in times of need.

At the beginning of the bible we are told that God created male and female in his image. In this challenging time I think we are seeing that ‘God image’ more clearly in one another. As a Christian I believe that God is most clearly imaged in Jesus who came to serve not to be served, love others demonstrat-ing that everyone is valued in God’s sight, and opened a doorway through his suffering to eternal life. We often think of that life as being available only af-ter we die, but Jesus shows us, enables us and invites us to begin it now through belief in him and continue on into it through death. If you want to know more, read one of the gospels in a bible (you can access online at http://bible.oremus.org if you don’t have one at home), or speak to a Christian friend or contact me [email protected]

I very much look forward to seeing many of you face to face again. May God bless you each. Mat

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The Church has gone online! I don’t just mean Crosscrake Church, I mean the church as a whole. From the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope to the smallest church community many many church communities are now working online, learning how to use cameras, camera phones and tablets to record video, learning how to edit and upload, learning how to livestream on FaceBook and other platforms. Weekly worship, daily prayer and even school assemblies are available. We are even meeting for coffee at Crosscrake on Sunday morning at 11am via Zoom. If you want to join in please do ask Mat and he can send you an invite ([email protected]) One of the many things we have learnt in the past weeks is that very little beats meeting together face to face. We pray that that will be possible again soon - but in the meantime …. do explore what is available online and share it with friends. There is a lot of information on the Church of England website and a number of prayer, worship and video resources on our own website. https://www.crosscrake.church Worship Services Due to the Coronavirus outbreak the church building remains closed but worship continues online. You can access our Sunday worship and sheets for daily prayer on our website https://www.crosscrake.church on the ser-vices page. Any change to this situation during May will be communicated via the webpage and on https://www.achurchnearyou.com and on The Crosscrake Church Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/crosscrakechurch/ Victory in Europe Day - 8th May 75th Anniversary Many people across the country, including the church, has made plans for VE Day celebrations. It looks as if these will have to be done virtually or at distance from one another. Do keep an eye on websites, facebook and emails for information about how we can mark this special 75th Anniver-sary this year. Our service on Sunday 10th May will mark this milestone. Email Communication During this time of ‘lockdown’ Mat (Vicar) is sending a weekly email to anyone who would like to receive it with some church and community news and a reflection. If you would like to be added to the email list please do send him an email at [email protected]

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Parental excuses These are actual ‘excuse notes’ from parents excusing their children from missing school (includes original spelling): ~ My son is under a doctor’s care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him. ~ Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot. ~ Dear School: Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33. ~ Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yes-terday he fell out of a tree and mis-placed his hip. ~ John has been ab-sent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.

Care, Support and Conversation It has been very encouraging and heartwarming to see how the local com-munity has been caring for one another during this Covid19 outbreak. Peo-ple are collecting and delivering food and medicines for one another, phone each other and generally supporting one another - as well as chatting over the garden fence or wall during daily exercise! Community is being grown even in these challenging times. If you would value a conversation, some support or someone to pray with please do contact the vicar or wardens and we will ensure that someone gets in touch. Contact details can be found at the front of this magazine. Mental Health Resources During this time of isolation many people will be suffering from increased poor mental health. If you are one of those or you know someone who is please do access the resources available online. The best place to start is probably the NHS’s Every Mind Matters website. Just type ‘Every Mind Matters’ into your web browser or search engine (e.g. google). It is well known that prayer can also help and The Church of England website has some excellent prayer resources available. One of the best things to do is to talk with someone on a regular basis. If you’d like a chat please do contact the Vicar Mat in the first instance and we can find someone who’d be glad to speak with you.

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Praying for our communities An article from Rev Anne Underwood, Pioneer Minister from Kendal Parish Church. I am excited to hear of your plans for a community centre at Crosscrake, as my background is in working with communities outside the church and joining in with what God is doing there. In my experience, prayer is a vital part of seeing people come to faith, so I’d like to share some news with you which I hope will help us all. Firstly, the Anglican prayer initiative, Thy Kingdom Come (May 21st-31st) can happen whether we are in lockdown or not. Each of us will be asked to pray for 5 people who need to en-counter God’s love through Jesus. I’m sure Mat will share more with you nearer the time. (www.thykingdomcome.global) Secondly, once we’re able to, we hope to run a prayer course for those in and around Kendal. It’s very accessible and re-laxed, especially for anyone who may find prayer difficult. (www.prayercourse.org) Lastly, I’m happy to say we are setting up a designated prayer space at Fellside Chapel in Kendal. These spaces are flexible for all traditions and ages and many find them a great support in helping them pray. Once we’re free to move around again, we will be having an Open day for everyone to visit and see how these spaces can work. I look forward to meeting you when things get easier.


In addition to Rev. Mat , Mike and Marlene these people are happy to

help with shopping, collection of medication, transport, or simply for

a friendly chat. Useful contacts as per Mat’s article:

Rev. Terry Wilcock [email protected]. Tel. 01539534004 Ca-ronne Field Tel. 07740796700 Liz Ward Tel. 07971217090

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Thankful for Daily Blessings’ Sunshine is such a blessing to us all these days of Covid-19. So it was today, on my walk to collect provi-sions from Graham’s egg farm. En route was Liz cycling towards home, with panniers filled. She stopped for a chat and update; then a lady from our village was walking up from the farm shop so we caught up with what the family are up to; with our 4 Children each there was plenty to cover. A bit further on at the egg shop Carol from the choir had arrived to buy provisions so we had a chat together. Deciding to walk up to church, the sunshine pro-pelling me forwards, there was an amazing sight in all directions begin-ning with the car park entrance and this splendid display of blossom. Dawn Read

Time of distress Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and dis-tress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your com-fort knowing that nothing can sepa-rate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Give us strengthLord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neigh-bour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick, and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, for your name’s sake. Amen.

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MAGAZINE ARRANGEMENTS The magazine is published monthly except in August and January. Deadline for copy is 12 noon 20th of each month before publication. Please ring your news or drop in to Peter at Little Beck, Stainton, Kendal LA8 0DU 07748384467 or email [email protected] To save a journey up Millbridge Lane - please put any items for the church magazine in the box on the bookcase by the organ near the vestry. If you would like to advertise in our magazine please contact Gill Frostick Tel. 015395 61019 Thank you


I bought tickets for an event which has now been cancelled because of coronavirus. Can I get my mon-ey back?

If an event is cancelled, your refund rights will de-pend on how you bought the ticket.

If you bought your ticket from an official seller and the event is cancelled due to a government ban, you should get a refund. This is the case even if the or-ganiser reschedules, or holds an event behind closed doors. The official seller is the best person to ask about how to get a refund.

If you bought your ticket from a ticket-reselling website, refunds will depend on the site's terms and conditions.

If you bought from a private seller and the event is cancelled or rescheduled then it is unlikely you will be able to recover your money. We recommend you contact the seller.

Unfortunately we’ve found that in these situations scammers prey on those who are affected.

If people or companies offer their services to recover money on your behalf for a cancelled event make sure that you're looking out for the signs of a potential scam.

In happier times, if ticket holders simply change their mind about going to see an event which is still going ahead, they have no legal right to a refund.

Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Ad-vice on any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employ-ment or any other problems.

South Lakes Citizens Advice is still delivering a service - Telephone and Digital Advice How to access: Call 015394 46464 - this is being staffed from 9:30 - 12 noon (this line will open more in due course)

Adviceline: 03444 111 444 email advice via our submission page on our website www.southlakescab.org.uk

Help to Claim (Universal Support): 0800 144 8 444

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Crosscrake on line

We all know that Crosscrake is a lively church. You can help us show this to others by sending in pictures and reports of our activities for possible inclu-sion on line in the ‘Blog’ and ‘Hub’ sections of our website or our Facebook site.

The address of our website is: https://www.crosscrake.church/ You can email to Mike Critchlow at [email protected] or Rob at [email protected] or see them at church.

Our Facebook site is: https://www.facebook.com/crosscrakechurch/ You can send stories and photos for inclusion to Mary Shaw using the ‘Messenger’ section of the site or by email to [email protected] or see her at church. We have an events Group Facebook page called Crosscrake Commu-nity Hub that people can join on facebook to be notified of events

Kendal Food Bank.

At this very difficult time, with food disappearing

from the supermarket shelves, we would like to

continue to support the Kendal food bank, as they

distribute food to the vulnerable. Instead of bring-

ing food stuff to Church Jane and Graham

Wadsworth at Raines Hall Farm, have agreed to have a drop off point

Do you know a Philip? Is there someone in church whom you respect for their spirituality and common sense combined? Someone you feel easy about approaching to ask questions? That person’s patron saint should be Philip. Philip came from Bethsaida and was a disciple of Jesus from early on. He knew how to lead others to Jesus; he brought Nathanael (or Bar-tholomew) to Him in a calm, kindly way. He knew how to do some finan-cial forecasting: at the feeding of the 5,000 it was he who pointed out that without divine help, even 200 pennyworth of bread wasn’t going to feed that crowd. He was the one whom the Greeks approached when they wanted to ask Jesus to show them the Father, but didn’t quite have the nerve to approach Jesus directly. People had confidence in Philip’s spiritu-ality, common sense and kindliness. Such a person is a gift to any church! In art, the Apostle Philip has been represented either with a cross, or with loaves of bread.

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B4RN Update As the saying goes — there’s good news and not so good news — the not so good news is that the re-strictions applying to prevent the spread of Covid 19 mean that much of our planned activities have had to be paused — the good news is that without contravening the regula-tions , especially on social distanc-ing , we have been able to continue planning for the post virus future

What activities have been paused?—your local volunteers are supported by the employed B4RN staff—they are all working from home and to comply with social distancing they can no longer work in teams, and are not able to enter properties to do the final installation of house kits. This has meant that we were not able to complete the final phases at Crook-lands and Millbrook. Additionally any B4RN contractors have had to sus-pend their operations

So far as the volunteers are concerned the main effect is that we have had to pause the “ dig days “ — ( on the last dig we had 15 volunteers ) so we would be in breach of the regulations on 2 counts- - more than 2 people and social distancing— a shame because everyone enjoyed the work and engaging with new people — and the cakes, biscuits and bacon butties were brilliant

The good news is that through the miracles of modern technology ( Zoom ) your Steering Group of volunteers have managed to continue with the weekly meetings ,which means we can plan for the resumption of work — The pregu-lations do allow everyone to work themselves on their own property so some residents have been laying ducting from the boundary of their own property to the point where the ducting will go into the building

For information about this just mail your question to [email protected]. ...and one of us will get back to you ASAP

In the meantime — stay safe

John LYONS - Co- ordinator B4RNPR - your broadband team”

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Page 17: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21



Page 18: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

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Page 19: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21


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Page 20: St. Thomas’ Church€¦ · READERS 3rd May Acts 2 42– end 4th Sunday of Easter 10th May Acts 7 55-end John !4 1-14 5th Sunday of Easter 17 May Acts 17 22-31 John 14 15-21

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Pastoral Care Team; I know many of you do already know but I thought I would remind

you of our Pastoral Care Team, these are a group of 5-6 people who make visits to you at

home, simply if you want a private chat and they are good listeners and also good compa-

ny. If you feel you would like to take up this option please contact Gill Frostick on 61019

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