St Saviour’s, Abbots Langley & Our Lady Mother of the Saviour, Chipperfield Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians Parish Priest: Father Richard Mway, SDS Assistant Priest: Father Christopher Luoga, SDS Parish Secretary: Katie Allam The Priests House: The Presbytery, 96 The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS St Saviour’s Church: 96 The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS Our Lady Mother of the Saviour: Dunny Lane, Chipperfield, Kings Langley WD4 9DB Tel: 01923266177 Email: [email protected] https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/abbotslangley/ Parish School: Divine Saviour Primary, Broomfield Rise, Abbots Langley Executive Head Teacher: Mr Stephen Wheatley Head of School: Mrs Helen Wilson Tel: 01923 265607 www.divinesaviour.herts.sch.uk Salvatorian Trustees Registered Charity No 231410/ Archdiocese of Westminster is a Registered Charity: 233699 A Warm Welcome to you! If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to the Priest & to other parishioners. Census Forms are available at the back of the Church! MASS INTENTIONS November Saturday 9 th The dedication of the Lateran Basilica 17.00: Eleen Green + and Chantal Vincent + (Anniversary) Confessions: Saturday 16.15 16.45 Also available during monthly Adoration & upon request. Adoration & Benediction: First Friday after Mass until noon First Sundays; 16.00-17.00 Baptisms & Marriages: Contact Parish office to make appointment (preferably by e- mail) Signing of School Applications, Legal Documents etc: This will be carried out every Wednesday 5pm-7pm. No appointment is required Sunday 10 th 32 nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.30: Benge & Stott Families (thanksgiving) 11.30: Ann Marsala + Monday 11 th St Martin of Tours, Bishop 10.00: Brian Williams + (Birthday Memorial) Tuesday 12 th St Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 10.00: Liam McGrath + Wednesday 13 th Feria 10.00: John Robinson (Thanksgiving) Thursday 14 th Feria 10.00: Bernard Barnett (80 th Birthday) Friday 15 th Feria 10.00: Cash & Murphy ++ (Deceased Family members) Saturday 16 th St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop 17.30: Green Family (Intentions) Sunday 17 th 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.30: People of the Parish 11.30: Peter (Special Ints) 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) Ps4 10th Nov 2019 Resurrection of Body: The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns to earth, he will physically raise all those who have died, giving them back the bodies they lost at death. These will be the same bodies people had in earthly life—but our resurrection bodies will not die and, for the righteous, they will be transformed into a glorified state, freed from suffering and pain, and enabled to do many of the amazing things Jesus could do with his glorified body (see 1 Cor. 15:35–44, 1 John 3:2). The resurrection of the body is an essential Christian doctrine, as the apostle Paul declares: “[I]f the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished” (1 Cor. 15:13–18). Catechism of the Catholic Church: “We believe in the true resurrection of this flesh that we now possess’ (Council of Lyons II). We sow a corruptible body in the tomb, but he raises up an incorruptible body, a ‘spiritual body’ (cf. 1 Cor 15:42–44)” (CCC 1017). Parish Office hours: Tuesday & Friday: 9am-2pm

St Saviour’s, Abbots Langley & Our Lady Mother of the Saviour ......11.30: Ann Marsala + Monday 11th 10.00: Brian Williams + (Birthday Memorial) St Martin of Tours, Bishop Tuesday

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  • St Saviour’s, Abbots Langley & Our Lady Mother of the Saviour, Chipperfield

    Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians

    Parish Priest: Father Richard Mway, SDS Assistant Priest: Father Christopher Luoga, SDS

    Parish Secretary: Katie Allam The Priests House: The Presbytery, 96 The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS

    St Saviour’s Church: 96 The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS Our Lady Mother of the Saviour: Dunny Lane, Chipperfield, Kings Langley WD4 9DB

    Tel: 01923266177 Email: [email protected]

    https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/abbotslangley/ Parish School: Divine Saviour Primary, Broomfield Rise, Abbots Langley

    Executive Head Teacher: Mr Stephen Wheatley Head of School: Mrs Helen Wilson

    Tel: 01923 265607 www.divinesaviour.herts.sch.uk Salvatorian Trustees Registered Charity No 231410/ Archdiocese of Westminster is a Registered Charity: 233699

    A Warm Welcome to you! If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to the Priest & to other

    parishioners. Census Forms are available at the back of the Church!

    MASS INTENTIONS – November

    Saturday 9th The dedication of the Lateran Basilica

    17.00: Eleen Green + and Chantal Vincent +

    (Anniversary) Confessions: Saturday 16.15 – 16.45

    Also available during monthly

    Adoration & upon request.

    Adoration & Benediction:

    First Friday after Mass until


    First Sundays; 16.00-17.00

    Baptisms & Marriages:

    Contact Parish office to make

    appointment (preferably by e-


    Signing of School Applications,

    Legal Documents etc:

    This will be carried out every

    Wednesday 5pm-7pm. No

    appointment is required

    Sunday 10th 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    08.30: Benge & Stott Families (thanksgiving) 11.30: Ann Marsala +

    Monday 11th St Martin of Tours, Bishop

    10.00: Brian Williams + (Birthday Memorial)

    Tuesday 12th St Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr

    10.00: Liam McGrath +

    Wednesday 13th Feria

    10.00: John Robinson (Thanksgiving)

    Thursday 14th Feria

    10.00: Bernard Barnett (80th Birthday)

    Friday 15th Feria

    10.00: Cash & Murphy ++ (Deceased Family


    Saturday 16th St Edmund of Abingdon, Bishop

    17.30: Green Family (Intentions)

    Sunday 17th 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

    08.30: People of the Parish

    11.30: Peter (Special Ints)

    32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) Ps4 10th Nov 2019 Resurrection of Body: The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns to earth, he will physically raise all those who have died, giving them back the bodies they lost at death. These will be the same bodies people had in earthly life—but our resurrection bodies will not die and, for the righteous, they will be transformed into a glorified state, freed from suffering and pain, and enabled to do many of the amazing things Jesus could do with his glorified body (see 1 Cor. 15:35–44, 1 John 3:2). The resurrection of the body is an essential Christian doctrine, as the apostle Paul declares: “[I]f the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished” (1 Cor. 15:13–18). Catechism of the Catholic Church: “We believe in the true resurrection of this flesh that we now possess’ (Council of Lyons II). We sow

    a corruptible body in the tomb, but he raises up an incorruptible body, a ‘spiritual body’ (cf. 1 Cor 15:42–44)” (CCC 1017).

    Parish Office hours: Tuesday & Friday: 9am-2pm


  • Last week’s offertory £927.53, received with many thanks!


    Baptism Preparation Class: Sunday 10th November, St Saviours

    at 9.30am.

    Soup & Sandwich Morning: Sunday 10th November - this will

    be instead of the usual tea & coffee following the 11.30am


    Fish & Chip Supper and Quiz Night on Saturday 16th November at St Saviour's Parish Centre, 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Tickets are £12 per supper and will be on sale after each weekend Mass or alternatively, please contact Marie-Louise Nolan on 07769696629 to book places. All proceeds to go to the Parish Centre Renovation.

    Parish Council Meeting & Parish AGM: Please note this

    meeting has been rescheduled from 7th Nov to Tuesday 19th

    November - Parish Centre, St Saviours at 7pm. All are welcome

    Christmas Dinner: Wednesday 11th December, 12.30pm. The

    social committee are organising this event to take place in The

    Parish Centre. The cost is £12.99 for two courses – if you would

    like to attend please contact Jeanne on 01923 263598, we very

    much look forward to seeing you at the event!

    First Holy Communion 2020: There will be two First Holy Communion ceremonies which will take place on Sat 2nd May & Sat 9th May 2020. Application for this is now closed!

    Confirmation 2020: The first session for candidates will be on Thurs 14th Nov 7-8.30pm.

    Please Pray for those who are sick, especially: Helen Downing, Hilary Usher, Jean Bradford, Tracey Jefferson, Breda Dale, Trevor Redpath, Mary-Kate Muir, Jane Broom, Stephen Hughes, Amy & Family, Paul Murray, Teresa Kelliher, Laura Reid, Paul Goggins, Eileen Healy, Ann Long, Kathleen Masterson,

    George Crawford, Gediminas Moliejus, Alice, John Connolly, Debbie Fisher, Mary Bianchi, Maria Di Lima, Janet Anderson, Peter & Christine Aldridge, Mary


    Rotas for Eucharistic Ministers & Readers: please see the list

    at the back of the Church. Emailed on request also!

    Rotas Counters Church






    A-M Fantom

    P Woodman

    G Simpson

    L Johnson

    M Hammond



    K Evans

    K Ingram

    J Sendall

    D Richardson

    M Cayaye

    Rotas Flowers Children’s


    Sunday Coffee



    L Goundry Teresa L Trybus



    G Keaveny Aoife J Johnson

    Sanctuary lamps may be lit for the personal intentions of Parishioners. Please

    enquire at the sacristy after Mass. The Sanctuary Lamps will burn for:

    1. Sheehan Family Ints 2. Dotty Crawley (Ints)

    Poppy Appeal: This year’s Poppy Appeal runs from Sat 26th Oct

    to Sat 9th Nov & Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th Nov.

    Please support the Royal British Legion by giving generously

    when you donate towards a poppy. We must remember all

    those who gave their lives & served in the forces.

    This weekend there

    will be a second

    collection for sick &

    retired Priests – please

    help your retired

    clergy. Thanking you

    in advance for your


    NOVEMBER HOLY SOULS: Envelopes are available at the back of church for anyone you would like

    to include on the list. Masses will be offered for all listed, as far as

    possible during the month of November. Please hand your envelope in at the Sacristy or

    Presbytery to ensure safe keeping.


    available from next weekend. The

    cost is £5. It would be a fitting

    memorial if we were able to keep

    the glow of the candles continuous

    for the whole of the month.

    We have had some fantastic

    news as we had applied to the

    ‘National Lottery Awards for

    All’ for a grant towards

    creating an accessible toilet in

    the Parish Hall. Our application

    was successful & we have been

    awarded at £10k grant!

    Our parish marathon which is

    aiming to raise £45,000 for the

    renovation of the Parish Centre

    now totals £22,772.67!

    Any donation is to be made payable

    to St Saviour’s & should clearly

    indicate that it is destined for the

    building project - if you have a gift

    aid number please remember to

    note it.

    This should give us great

    encouragement that we are

    getting ever closer to reaching

    our goal!

    Today, Sunday 10th

    November is

    Remembrance Sunday –

    there will be a prayer

    service at the Cenetah at


    We offer our deepest

    sympathy & prayers to the

    family & friends of

    Richard Thomas Rueth

    who passed away on the

    30th October.

    His funeral will take place

    on Tuesday 26th November

    here at St Saviours,



    The Parish Hall is now

    available for bookings – to

    make enquires please

    contact the Parish office

    via email:

    [email protected]


    Help support our local hospital: Could you spare an hour to help support a Catholic patient by popping in for a friendly chat on a Saturday or Sunday at Watford Hospital? If you’re interested to find out more information without making a commitment - please contact: Deacon Anthony by leaving a message on 07876 526935 or emailing: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]