1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish Priest: Fr. Leo Burke Pastoral Assistant: Mr. Elmer Guerra Office/ Presbytery: Ph: 07-3207 9177 Fax: 073207 9689 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stritasparish.org Parish Office Secretary: Mary-Anne Cullen Parish Office Hours: Mon—Thurs 9.00am- 3 pm Friday—9.30 am -12.00 pm School Principal: Mr. Steve Dunne Ph: 3207 6628 Fax: 3207 6734 Twenty Twenty Twenty Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B Year B Year B Year B This week’s Bible Readings: Joshua 24:1-2. 15-18; Ephesians 5:21-32; John 6:60-69 Alleluia is Hebrew for “Praise God” and you will have noticed, this acclamation of joy is not used during Lent because it has paschal (Easter) connotations. This custom goes back to fifth century Rome. On Holy Saturday, we again stand and sing out with great joy, in preparation for the Gospel of the Resurrection. The Roman Missal teaches us to read the Gospel with great reverence, and distinction is given from other readings. Before he reads the Gospel, the priest says, “The Lord be with you” and we all stand to respond and acknowledge that Christ is truly present. The Middle Ages brought various honorific signs: e.g. the making of small signs of the cross on the forehead, mouth and heart was seen as expressing readiness to open one’s mind to the Word, to confess it, and to safeguard it in the heart. The Reading of the Gospel is the high point of our liturgy of the word, the good news of salvation. And so it will be this week. Alleluia! Did You Know... About the “ALLELUIA-GOSPEL ACCLAMATION AND THE GOSPEL” ? Please Pray for : Please Pray for : Please Pray for : Please Pray for : Ruby Dyer, Barbara Shinnick (sister in law of Mary Shinnick-Spoor) Peg Jamieson, Una Webb, Jan Cunial , Roisin Wohlsen, Warwick Musto, Jodi Clark, Iris McConaghy, John Scullion, Ray McCormack, James Rieley, Irene Corbett, Dylan Grant, Fred Knight, Cecilia Miller, Patricia Comerford, Jenny McPherson, Elizabeth Neil , Jack Harris, Les Turner. Recently Deceased Recently Deceased Recently Deceased Recently Deceased : Alice Coffin Anniversaries Anniversaries Anniversaries Anniversaries : Elizabeth Williamson Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: $ 2,907.95(Envelopes, Loose, Direct Debits, Credit Cards and Donations) The Catholic Australia Website is now on-line at www.catholicaustralia.com.au About the HOMILY ?

St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish

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Page 1: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish


27th August, 2006

St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165

Parish Priest: Fr. Leo Burke Pastoral Assistant: Mr. Elmer Guerra Office/ Presbytery: Ph: 07-3207 9177 Fax: 073207 9689 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stritasparish.org

Parish Office Secretary: Mary-Anne Cullen Parish Office Hours: Mon—Thurs 9.00am- 3 pm Friday—9.30 am -12.00 pm School Principal: Mr. Steve Dunne Ph: 3207 6628 Fax: 3207 6734

TwentyTwentyTwentyTwenty----First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time First Sunday in Ordinary Time ---- Year B Year B Year B Year B

This week’s Bible Readings: Joshua 24:1-2. 15-18; Ephesians 5:21-32; John 6:60-69

Alleluia is Hebrew for “Praise God” and you will have noticed, this acclamation of joy is not used during Lent

because it has paschal (Easter) connotations. This custom goes back to

fifth century Rome. On Holy Saturday, we again stand and sing out with

great joy, in preparation for the Gospel of the Resurrection.

The Roman Missal teaches us to read the Gospel with great reverence,

and distinction is given from other readings. Before he reads the Gospel,

the priest says, “The Lord be with you” and we all stand to respond and

acknowledge that Christ is truly present.

The Middle Ages brought various honorific signs: e.g. the making of small signs of the cross on the

forehead, mouth and heart was seen as expressing readiness to open one’s mind to the Word, to confess it,

and to safeguard it in the heart.

The Reading of the Gospel is the high point of our liturgy of the word, the good news of salvation.

And so it will be this week.


Did You Know...



Please Pray for :Please Pray for :Please Pray for :Please Pray for : Ruby Dyer, Barbara Shinnick (sister in law of Mary Shinnick-Spoor) Peg Jamieson, Una Webb, Jan Cunial , Roisin Wohlsen, Warwick

Musto, Jodi Clark, Iris McConaghy, John Scullion, Ray McCormack, James Rieley, Irene Corbett, Dylan Grant, Fred

Knight, Cecilia Miller, Patricia Comerford, Jenny McPherson, Elizabeth Neil , Jack Harris, Les Turner.

Recently DeceasedRecently DeceasedRecently DeceasedRecently Deceased : Alice Coffin AnniversariesAnniversariesAnniversariesAnniversaries : Elizabeth Williamson

Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: Second Collection last week: $ 2,907.95(Envelopes, Loose, Direct Debits, Credit Cards and Donations)

The Catholic Australia Website is now on-line at www.catholicaustralia.com.au

About the HOMILY ?

Page 2: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish



Bible Scripture Reflection: Bible Reflections will continue on Monday at 3.30pm in the parish office and on Thursday mornings following 9am Mass in the Church. Holy Hour: Please note that Holy Hour will be held every Wednesday at 10.30am in the Chapel.

Baptisms: A warm welcome into our Community to Noah J Rigney who is being baptised this weekend. Well done parents!

Cleaning Roster If anyone would like to be included in this roster please give Mary-Anne a ring at the Parish office. Teams clean either Friday or Saturday -usually takes about an hour if there are 3/4 people. We would love to have a few more join this roster.

Children’s Liturgy: We are once again in need of volunteers to assist us with Children’s Liturgy and would appreciate help. This is a very important part of our community and a very worthwhile and rewarding ministry. You can ei-ther be a leader or a helper and you will be given lots of support in helping with either of these roles. Please contact Debbie Tune on 3207 0802 if you can assist in any way.

CWL Group: Our group is currently selling tickets in our annual raffle. First prize is a Doll’s House which has been beautifully made and donated by the Taylor family; second prize is a crocheted quilt donated by Noela Lloyd. We are most grateful for their generosity. Thank you! Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 and will be sold before and after masses on the weekend of 2nd/3rd September. Your support would be very much appreciated.

The Emmaus Youth Group is up and running and very successfully! If you are aged between 9 years and 14 years old this is for you! Where: At St. Rita’s When: 1st & 3rd Friday of every month during school terms Time: 6pm ‘til 8pm Come and see what we’re all about!! Friday’s: 1st September 15th September 20th October

Discount Vouchers: Dream World:

Kids and Adult tickets at discount prices are on offer until the 22nd September. Vouchers are available from the Parish office.

Piety Stall News Flash; As well as the current arrangements of being available for sales before and after all Masses (see Fr Leo), the Piety Stall will be open on the 1st Sunday of each month at the 6pm Vigil Mass (Moya Tay-lor) and 9am Sunday Mass (Helen Clarke).

Art Gallery: Every two years St Rita’s students have the opportunity to demonstrate their art work for the wider community at an Art Gallery Evening. This will be held on Wednesday 20th September . There will be drinks and nibbles provided, live music and a community art piece will be created on the night. The evening will follow an “Outback” theme in keeping with the Year of Deserts and Desertification. Make sure you have this date in your diary!!

Page 3: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish



Liturgy: On Tuesday 29 August, at 7.30pm, a follow-up video – The Word of the Lord (29 minutes) – will be presented. Readers and Ministers of Communion are asked to attend but all parishioners are welcome. Following this video there will be time to discuss and ask questions about all aspects of the ministry.

Alpha Course: Our St. Rita’s Alpha Course is now in progress. Please keep participants in your prayers.

Fiddler on the Roof

Angela McMullin is performing in the current Savoyards production of "Fiddler on the Roof" at the

Iona Performing Arts Complex, Wynnum North on Saturday, 7th Oct at 1.30pm.

For those interested in coming, a bus will transport you to Iona. Tickets are $25 each including

transport back to the church or $23 if you drive yourself. We have a group booking of 30

tickets which must be paid for by Friday 25th August to Angela McMullin, Helen Clarke, Anne

Dodd or at the Parish Office.

20th Anniversary Celebrations: St Rita’s will be celebrating 20 years as a Parish in 2007. If you would like to be involved in this com-mittee please contact Ray Saverin (3207 7951) Lois Baldwin (3206 8629) or Eileen Stagg (3207 8180). The main celebrations will be on the weekend of 18th—20th May 2007. Please note this in your diaries!!!

Focus on Welcome and Inclusion: All parishioners are welcome to attend a gathering to plan the next stage in the Welcome and Inclusion Project for Redland Bayside Deanery. This meeting follows a series of workshops highlighting a range of Welcome and Inclusion issues. It is now time to begin the Looking Around phase, which celebrates the many positive things already happening in parishes and identifies areas requiring further action. This is an opportunity for all Catholics, not only those who have attended the previous work-shops. It is for anyone with an interest in reaching out to those who no longer come to our churches, as well as those who want to deepen the relationships that exist within the community gathered each Sunday. When Monday 28 August 7:30pm - 9:30pm Where: St Anthony’s Parish Centre, St Anthony’s Drive, Alexandra Hills. (Follow signs from carpark around behind the church.) RSVP to 3336 9174 or 3336 9362 by Wed 23 August.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal:

Please participate by giving generously so we can work together to better assist those in need. St Vincent de Paul assists in excess of 250,000 people in Queensland alone each year by way of food, household goods, vouchers and also provides friendship, compassion, support and understanding. To make a donation please use the envelopes provided on the back table of the Church, which can then be placed on either collection plate. Thanking you in anticipation.

Page 4: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish


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PARISH NEWS Reflection on Sunday Readings—Next week– Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: First reading: Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8. Here Moses tells his people that God’s law is not a burden but a gift - to lead us into right living. And it was read to them

in the assembly, - as we are doing today. Let us listen keenly to God’s word today. Responsorial psalm: 14: 2-5. The person who always does the right thing has a clear conscience, - before those around them, and more importantly be-

fore God. That will bring its own reward. Second reading: James 1:17-18. 21-22.27. Here we begin 5 readings from James over the next 5 weeks. This section has 3 main areas of comment. Can you pick out

the three and compare them with your life now?

Gospel reading: Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23. The Pharisees watch Jesus carefully to try to trap him. How do I respond when people challenge me? Do I really listen

carefully and respond accordingly? Or do I get angry, and not gain anything at all?

A VOCATION VIEW: Jesus teach us about life everlasting. "Your words Lord are spirit and life ..." It is this that gives us hope when we despair, a way of living when we stray from God's way. "The words I have spoken are spirit and they are life." It is God's words that we need to hear to lift our spirit and give life. Pray for vocations.

Archdiocesan Adult Faith Education Team A gathering will be held at Marymac Centre, Ipswich Road, Anerley on Saturday 28th October, 2006 from 9.30am—3.00pm. For all involved in adult faith education in parishes and deaneries throughout the Archdiocese.

Sacred Heart School Booval, Ipswich are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the School – Dinner Dance will be held on Friday 20 October at the Ipswich International Hotel. We would like to invite all past students and teachers together with family and friends to celebrate this occasion. For further infor-

mation contact Sacred Heart School Office 3282 1976 or email Sue West [email protected] or Russell

Turner [email protected] Tables of ten available or book individually.

Page 5: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish


Around the Archdiocese Terra Spiritus is a new Australian Catholic web magazine that provides a rare space for engagement with the Spirit in our lives, inspiring its readers to a renewed and refreshed experience of Christian spirituality. Terra Spiritus offers a range of original articles on spirituality, reflections on prayer and relationships, meditations of Scripture, and even a virtual online chapel. Come, visit us today at www.terraspiritus.com.au.

The Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care would like to extend our sincere concern and support for the Lebanese Community during these difficult times. We join with them in prayer for the safety of their families and friends in Lebanon and for a speedy resolution to the conflict there. We pray for peace in Lebanon and in the lives of their families and friends. For any of those who are interested, Fr Dany Akiki, Parish Priest of St Maroun's Maronite Parish in Brisbane has warmly welcomed anyone who would like to join him and the Lebanese community at their Mass (English) on any Sunday at 6pm at St Maroun's Lebanese Maronite Church, 29 Bunya St., Greenslopes. He thanks the people of Brisbane for their prayers and support. An evening with Fr Richard Rohr “The contemplative life” will be held on Wednesday 1st November 2006 at Clairvaux MacKillop College, 7.30pm-9.30pm. For more information and registration—see notice board.

A Leadership and Healing Weekend with Fr John Rea Fr John Rea is a Marist Priest from NZ involved in Catholic Charismatic Renewal for many years. He has a pow-erful healing ministry and is greatly respected for his commitment to his work for the Lord. This weekend is being held on 2nd/3rd September, 2006 at Ephesus House, Northgate. For enquiries please phone 3715 6053 or see flyer on noticeboard.

Invitation 2006 Aquinas Memorial Lecture—Ethics sans frontiers: the vocation of global citizenship By Professor Noel Preston on Friday 8th September from 6.00pm to 6.30pm. Refreshments to be served after the lecture. At Main Auditorium IB12 ACU national Brisbane Campus (McAuley at Banyo) 1100 Nudgee Rd, Banyo. RSVP Wednesday 6 September to Melinda Scott 3623 7422 Moving from Loss to Wholeness Retreat - Sep 2


Loss can be a time of great insight and graced presence-sometimes both at the same time. This retreat will be a simple reflection on the experience of grief and loss, with time to reflect over one’s own journey of grief and ex-plore ways of healing. Place: Presentation Spirituality Centre (26 Kooralgin Street, Manly) Time: Sat / Sun 9am-3:30pm Cost: $80.00 includes morning tea and lunch Facilitator: Catherine White mfic Closing Date: August 25th RSVP: 3396-3290 Overnight stay available

THE CATHOLIC LEADER: Your Church, Your Life, Your Paper - still only $1 In this week’s edition:

• Catholic social service revolt against Federal Government.

• Battle returns over human cloning.

• Pope reveals his inner thoughts in meeting with the press.

• Clyde Cosentino: Befriending the stranger in his work with asylum seekers.

• Canberra’s new Archbishop installed.

• Pope John Paul 1 closer to being beatified.

“Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship Program” Canberra: February 1 – May 20, 2007 Applications close August 25, 2006.

For further information phone (02) 6201 9867 or website: www.cacw.catholic.org.au

Page 6: St. Rita’s Catholic Parishredlandbayside.brisbanecatholic.org.au/parishes/st_ritas...1 27th August, 2006 St. Rita’s Catholic Parish 37-39 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165 Parish


Weekly Diary

Monday 28th August-St Augustine

7.00am Mass

2.00pm Rosary

3.30pm Bible Study (Chapel)

7.00pm Choir Practice

7.30pm Liturgy Meeting (Church)

Tuesday 29thAugust-Beheading of John the Baptist

7.00am Mass

9.30am – 11.30am Play Group

7.30pm Video “Word of the Lord” (Church)

Wednesday 30th August

10.30am Holy Hour (Chapel)

6.30pm Prayer meeting (Chapel)

Thursday 31st August

9.00am Mass—Yrs 7A & 2S

9.30am—Bible Reflection (Church)

7.00pm - Alpha Course (Church)

Friday 1st September

9.00am Mass Yrs 7M& 2N –Friendship Grp.

6pm-8pm Emmaus Youth Group.

Saturday 2nd September

9.00am –Mass

11.00am No Coochie Mass

5.00-5.30pm Reconciliation

6.00pm Vigil Mass—Fr Ted Houlihan

Children’s Liturgy

Sunday 3rd Sept.-22nd Sunday Ord. Time


7.00 am Mass

9.00am Mass—Children’s Liturgy.

6.00pm Mass

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2nd/3rd Sept. 2006

Saturday 6.00 pm Vigil Readers: Tricia McNamee

Anne Maree Reed

Eucharist: Eileen Stagg

Pat Flood

Therese Doherty

Projector: Peter Ring

Sunday 7.00 am Readers: Kay Grieve

Bernie Sturdy

Eleanor Aitken

Eucharist: Marlene Corbin

Stephen Croyden

Projector: Agnes McCloskey

Sunday 9.00 am Readers Paul Bartlett

Gabrielle Huntley

Eucharist: Jenny Fielding

Carmel Taylor

Julie Steel

Projector: Margo Bodley

Sunday 6.00 pm Readers: Amanda Bush Averil Moran Eucharist: John Mullins Glenys Dowling Projector: Mary-Anne Cullen

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