St Peter & St Paul, Mansfield St Mark, Mansfield The Parishes of St. Peter & St. Paul and St. Mark in the Deanery of Mansfield P P A A R R I I S S H H P P R R O O F F I I L L E E S S 2 2 0 0 1 1 6 6 / / 1 1 7 7

St Peter & St Paul, Mansfieldsouthwell.anglican.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Parish-profiles... · The St Peter [s entre, adjacent to the church provides substantial accommodation

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Page 1: St Peter & St Paul, Mansfieldsouthwell.anglican.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Parish-profiles... · The St Peter [s entre, adjacent to the church provides substantial accommodation

St Peter & St Paul,


St Mark,


The Parishes of

St. Peter & St. Paul and St. Mark

in the Deanery of Mansfield


Page 2: St Peter & St Paul, Mansfieldsouthwell.anglican.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Parish-profiles... · The St Peter [s entre, adjacent to the church provides substantial accommodation



The location of the churches . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

Job Descriptions:

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4

Associate Priest

– Parochial ministry and

Community outreach

for Growing Disciples (1.0) . . . . . . . Page 5

Parish profiles introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

Profile Mansfield St Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

Profile Mansfield St Peter & St Paul . . . . Page 9

The town of Mansfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

The Deanery of Mansfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12

Our people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13

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Page 4: St Peter & St Paul, Mansfieldsouthwell.anglican.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Parish-profiles... · The St Peter [s entre, adjacent to the church provides substantial accommodation


Mansfield Deanery:

Associate Priest for

Mansfield St. Mark and

Mansfield St. Peter & St. Paul

This innovative, full time, post combines parochial ministry alongside a wider role in Mansfield Deanery in the promotion of mission initiatives for ‘Growing Disciples - Wider, Younger and Deeper’.

The Associate Priest will work with the Vicar, Revd David Fudger, to support parochial responsibilities across two churches and specifically with St Mark’s which is of the inclusive Anglo-catholic tradition.

Further details of the post are given on the following pages . . .

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Role Title: Associate priest - parochial ministry and community outreach for Growing Disciples (1.0)

Responsible to: Vicar of St Peter & St Paul and St Mark

Purpose of the Role: To collaborate with the Vicar of St Peter & St Paul (who is licensed additionally as Vicar of St Mark) in providing ministry to the two congregations, taking the lead at St Mark’s and developing further outreach into the community for growing disciples.

Principal Tasks To work collaboratively with the Vicar of the two parishes to:

o Offer teaching, spiritual and pastoral support to the congregations

o Share responsibility with the Vicar and other ordained and lay leaders in organising and leading a worship programme, including occasional offices

o Ensure effective and efficient administration of St Mark’s

o Support laity further in taking an active part in worship, ministry, in the work of Maun Valley Citizens and the ongoing Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) initiative

o Support and encourage Mansfield Deanery churches as they seek to implement the Diocesan vision and strategy of Growing Disciples

o Work with clergy and lay colleagues to develop outreach initiatives to new housing developments and to local schools and colleges

Person Specification The priest we seek as our minister at St Peter & St Paul and St Mark will be:

o Someone with an understanding of the challenges of disadvantaged communities

o A creative person, able to think strategically and support church members in turning good ideas into action and tangible outcomes

o Someone with a commitment to an inclusive Church and wider community involvement, eager to embrace new ways of witness and working

o A person able to relate to young people and their families - this is a key area of outreach for the coming years

o A good team player who is confident in working with ordained and lay colleagues to reach out in mission to local communities, including schools, local businesses, charities and local government

o Someone with good communication skills, including use of IT, in both church and secular contexts

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The Mansfield Parishes of

St. Mark and

St. Peter & St. Paul

Welcome to details of

Mansfield St. Mark


Mansfield St. Peter & St. Paul

On the following pages you will find brief profiles of the two parishes.

LEFT: Millennium window in St Peter’s BELOW: Christmas at St Mark’s

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The Parish of St Mark, Mansfield The parish of St Mark, with approximately 8,000 residents, lies on the south side of Mansfield, close to the town centre. Housing is mixed with many owner occupied dwellings as well as an area of significant social deprivation.

Within the parish are two primary schools for which St Mark’s provides some teaching sessions and seasonal worship. The main campus of ’Vision’ (West Notts. FE College) – an enterprising and innovative institution - is also situated within the parish. It is currently developing university level provision.

The Mansfield Community Hospital lies within the parish. Close to the Church are commercial business premises, leisure and gym facilities and superstores as well as the ‘Framework’ residential centre for the homeless, YMCA hostel and the Samaritans’ and Cruse offices.

St Mark’s Parish Church building The Church, built in 1897, is opposite a recreational park. The striking design embraces an open nave, imaginatively decorated and with a fine acoustic. The organ has been rebuilt to a high specification and the church is used as a concert venue. It is a designated Grade 2* listed building.

The building is well maintained and work is in hand to renew the heating system. Plans have been discussed to develop simple catering facilities and a toilet in the narthex.

The Henley Community Hall (Church Hall) The adjacent Henley Community Hall is a Grade 2 listed building, completed in 1909. It has been well looked after though there is still maintenance and work to be completed. Facilities include a stage, two meeting rooms, kitchen and a parish office. The Hall is used extensively by many outside organisations who provide a small income. Work is in hand to replace windows.

St Mark’s Vicarage The Vicarage, a substantial family house adjacent to the Church, is a 1930’s detached residence in good decorative order with private and enclosed lawned garden. There is a large garage and ample parking space. On the first floor are five bedrooms, one bathroom, additional shower and separate WC. On the ground floor are two reception rooms, modern kitchen and utility room. There is a large study with adjacent cloakroom/WC close to the main entrance.

The open garden area flanking the car park has been imaginatively and enthusiastically developed as a community garden by a dedicated group of parishioners and has been awarded accolades by the RHS.

Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 1BP

[email protected] 01623 628067


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Weekly Services Sunday 9.30am Sung Eucharist. Children and the Youth Group contribute significantly to

this service once per month Monday 7.00pm Evening Prayer (lay led) Thursday 9.30am Said Mass

Links with other churches o There are several other Christian churches within the parish boundary.

o A member of the congregation serves on Diocesan Bishop’s Council and on General Synod.

Living Worship at St Mark’s o We are of the ‘inclusive Anglo-catholic’ tradition supporting the ordained ministry of women.

o Celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of our worship, including all the major festivals. Children are included fully in our services and we have learned to value their enthusiasm.

o Music features highly with a four part robed choir that has grown in the past months. We have a paid Director of Music/organist. A music group plays during the youth-led service at the end of each month. There are occasional joint choral services with St Peter’s church.

o There is a team of servers of the sanctuary, a sacristan and a number of lay people licensed to administer the chalice.

o There are study groups and quiet days from time to time, not all clergy led.

o A number of retired and non parish-based clergy worship with us and preside at the Eucharist from time to time.

Growing Disciples at St Mark’s o ‘Young Lions’- junior church - meets during the Sunday Eucharist for study, worship and fun.

o A Youth Club meets fortnightly on Sunday afternoons as well as organising visits and residential trips.

o The Boys’ Brigade, a designated church group, is led by experienced and dedicated worshipping leaders. It has a commitment to camping and outdoor experiences. Guides and Brownies also meet in the church hall.

o An under-fives Toddler Group run by church members meets weekly in term time.

o St Mark’s is a member of the Diocesan Partnership for Missional Church (PMC) initiative. In Year 1 we have learned much about ourselves and our community and have identified a focus for action in Year 2.

o Publicity centres on our church website, regular email update and weekly pew sheet.

Seeking Justice at St Mark’s o St Mark’s is a committed and signed up member of the ‘inclusive Church’ movement - ‘All are

welcome here’.

o Fairtrade stall operates after Eucharist once a month.

o St Mark’s takes a lead in the Deanery Christian Aid work – fund raising, presentations. It seeks to be active and innovative eg ‘The Big Brekkie’ in 2016.

o The church has active links with ‘Framework’, the Notts. homelessness charity with a residential unit close by.

o Church members give their time and skills to a variety of community organisations.

o The Church is a founder member of Maun Valley Citizens – a local branch of Citizens UK. Church members are actively involved in a variety of action groups.

o A Notts. Wildlife Trust junior group meets in the church hall monthly.

St Mark’s website: www.stmarksmansfield.org.uk

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St Peter’s Church Profile The Church of St Peter and St Paul stands in the centre of the market town of Mansfield. There are 11,000 people living in the parish.

St Peter’s Parish contains four primary schools and has a significant link with St Peter’s School. The present incumbent sits on the Governing Body. The other three schools (Berry Hill, King Edward’s and Newgate Lane) have regular assemblies and visits from the Children’s and Families’ Worker.

The Saxon church is recorded in the Domesday Book and there are Norman influences in the construction. There is a peal of 8 bells of which the oldest dates back to 1603.

The Church is in a good state of repair and is a notable attraction to everyone visiting the town. Thus we try to keep the Church open during the week for visitors.

We are of a central tradition which embraces an Evangelical as well as a Catholic ethos. We support the ordination of women.

Our weekly Services

Sunday 08.00 Holy Communion (said) average attendance 20

09.30 Holy Communion (sung) 80-100

18.30 Evensong 15-20

Wednesday* 17.15 Pizza & Praise 40

Thursday 10.00 Holy Communion (said) 14

Friday 13.10 Holy Communion (said) 4

* Term time only

We attract young families by offering mid-week worship. This has included in recent years the “Pizza and Praise” weekly event in term time. This attracts up to 50 parents and children per week.

Other Services There are a range of other services reflecting the calendar of the Christian Year and a substantial number of occasional offices.

Church Life We have a ministry team which includes retired clergy and three Readers. The team meets quarterly with churchwardens and Children’s and Families’ Worker.

We have a Director of Music/organist and robed choir that joins from time to time to sing Evensong and occasional festival celebrations with St Mark’s choir.

There is a newly formed monthly WWW (welcome, worship and word) liturgy attracting about 20 people.

We have strong links with Mansfield Churches Together and regular ecumenical services across the town. Members of the congregation are a part of the Street Pastors Team and are in town on Friday and Saturday nights.

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We have linked with Churches Together to resource and run a charity shop on the Bellamy Estate close to St Peter’s Primary School.

St Peter’s supports the work of ‘The Hall’, a homelessness project for 16- 24yr olds, by representation on the management and regular financial giving.

The St Peter’s Centre, adjacent to the church provides substantial accommodation for a wide range of community and church groups throughout the week. This is a major town and community resource.

Website of St Peter & St Paul: www.stpeters-mansfield.org.uk

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The Town of Mansfield

Mansfield, with a population of just over 100,000, is situated in the heart of Nottinghamshire. The town lies some 14 miles north of the City of Nottingham, close to rich farming land, Sherwood Forest with its Robin Hood legend and the Dukeries area with local country parks. Mansfield is one hour from the fine Peak District National Park. The M1 motorway and A1 are within easy reach.

There is a splendid commercial theatre which hosts both amateur and professional productions. Mansfield is the home of the world famous Cantamus Girls’ Choir who regularly bring pride to the town with their international award-winning achievements, and a male voice choir with a fine reputation. The town has a professional football club known locally as ‘The Stags’ which is within the parish of St Mark’s.

Amongst the several secondary schools in the area are two sponsored by the Church of England and one by the Roman Catholic Church.

Like many post industrial towns, Mansfield has suffered its fair share of disappointments, particularly with the closure of coal mines and textile factories. However, great strides have been made in attracting other lighter and cleaner commercial enterprises. There are a number of industrial parks and retail outlets within the town. A diverse selection of shops lies in the traffic free area around the Market Place. A relief road has been constructed with provision for business and residential expansion without increasing town centre traffic congestion. Substantial housing developments are planned for the town, particularly along its southern fringes and within the parishes of St Peter & St Paul and St Mark.

Mansfield enjoys a regular train service to Nottingham and Worksop and an extensive network of buses and National Express coaches centred on a new bus station.

Mansfield Market Place

Mansfield 2020 business development group: www.mansfield2020.com

Mansfield town centre: www.mansfieldtowncentre.co.uk

Local newspaper: www.chad.co.uk

Local radio station: www.mansfield103.co.uk

Mansfield District Council: www.mansfield.gov.uk

Nottinghamshire County Council: www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk

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The Deanery of Mansfield

The Mansfield Deanery of 15 benefices includes Mansfield and a number of smaller towns and villages in the surrounding area.

The vision for the on-going work of the Deanery rests on the principle that Jesus has commissioned us to ‘make disciples’, and this can only happen in and through communities of faith. This might be found in Fresh Expressions or through the work of chaplains in schools and hospitals. It must also be found in the worship and community work of all local churches.

We are looking for people who are willing to love our communities and join the work of making disciples there. Traditionally a mining area, Mansfield has faced severe economic challenges over the last three decades but has adapted and is now more economically diverse. The recession in recent years and government cut backs mean that this remains a demanding place for ministry. We need high quality mission leaders who are prepared to step out in faith and live the words of our Lord that we only find life when we are willing to lose it.

The Area Dean writes: Mansfield Deanery covers a population of around 124,000 including urban, suburban and rural areas. It currently has 17 churches, 9 full time equivalent clergy (2 of which are vacant), 2 curates, I lay church leader, 11 active retired clergy and over 21 active readers. The Deanery Synod meets 3 times a year and is currently working together with the Diocesan initiative to “Grow disciples Wider, Younger, Deeper” and there have been extra meetings recently to explore strategies in which we can support each other to this aim.

There are several types of Deanery Chapter meetings which meet once a month including; informal clergy lunches, training or business meetings, times to worship and pray together, to share good practice and discuss wider mission and ministry issues, and wider ministry chapters with retired clergy, and others. We would expect the Associate Priest for St Mark and St Peter & St Paul’s Mansfield to make these a priority and share in the mutual support and learning they offer.

We would look forward to the new post holder joining the Deanery and working alongside as we continue to work with the “Transforming Mission of God” in and around our churches and communities.

The Rev’d Angela Fletcher – Area Dean

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ABOVE LEFT: After Church ABOVE RIGHT: Story time BELOW: After Church money raising!

ABOVE LEFT: Youth Club BELOW: Attacking the churchwarden! ABOVE RIGHT: After Church fun

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ABOVE LEFT: Fireworks! BELOW LEFT: Palm Sunday ABOVE RIGHT: Out and about BELOW RIGHT: Easter egg hunt

ABOVE LEFT: St Mark’s Maundy Thursday Vigil ABOVE RIGHT: St Peter’s refreshments

PB/DP/OF pp17-08 23-11-2016

St Mark’s St Peter’s & St Paul’s