THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOB fcS; SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 18f3.---S XTEEN PAGES. 12 The last weeks of a not very brilliant social so;i.suii are drawing to a close, and sad and somber Lent will soon claim all things for her own. Why do designate Lent as feminine? Well, because there are a good many reasons why when one comes to think of it. Who but a woman remembers the serious side ot life even when pleasure reiiins, and who but she is constantly preDarkig for the rainy day that, mayhap, may never come? Mill the discipline is worth some- thing beyond compare. Society will then conline herself to simple leas or such-hke mild dissipations, in which the world will be politely ignored as far as possible.while church militant will be the gainer by reason of the attendance at her func- tions that the customs of the time de- mand, and let us all hope that each in- dividual hie may be the gainer by some hours of contemplation of the beauty and uitrnityof the one whose trial and passion these days should recall. For the past week we have beeu pretty busy in many charming ways. Few women in this busy town but have some, a good many, in fact, projects outside of their own immediate families to call out the broader sympathies that are the most striking charac- teristics of the ace. Such a matter was the concert in the parlors of the Metropolitan hotel Friday night. The proprietors of the hotel put the parlors at the disposal of Mrs. Clark and her associates for the concert, in the kindest way, and the artists who so charmingly entertained tiie appreciative audience save their services most roy- ally, so the little children at the day nursery will be the gainers to a consid- erable degree by al! this kindness. As for the weather the last week the most capricious could choose to suit them- selves but it was ail real Minnesota weather, and good tor the country, so we bhould be content. Pleasantly Surprised. A surprise party was tendered Miss Julia Cowley at her home on East Con- gress street Saturday evening. The parly was chaperoned by Mrs. Ella [Strickland. Mush-, dancing ruid cards took up the evening's time. Some delightful music was presented by Mrs. Strickland, Miss Byan ana Messrs. Scott, Baker and Clarence Wagner. Those present were: Misses Benin, Fowler, Scott, Baisley, Stone. Byan, Schafi', McCullough, Leon- ard, Weyn, Murray, Manifold; Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant; Messrs. Wasrner. Carpenter, Wallace. C. Kegle, Fleck, Scott, Roland, Rodetz, Baker, Manifold, Warden, Audley, Bodfoid, Rogers, Wilson, I'rinsen, Donahue. A CHARMING BUD. Miss Betsey Constans' Debut Tues- day Evening. Miss Betsey Constans, daughter of Mrs. William Constans, of Summit ave- nue, made her debut into society last Tuesday evening at a charming fete given by Mrs. Constans at her pretty home. Miss Constans is a vivacious young lady, and is very popular among [ all society devotees. The interior deco- rations of the house were very artistic, consisting of a profusion of choice roses, palms and other hot house and tropical ! productions. The dining room was dec- | J orated with pink ribbons, smilax and I roses. Behind an ingenious tlpral screen [ was hidden the Kleist Mandolin and jGuitar orchestra. Mrs. Constans was I assisted by Mesdames Ritfenhouse. Of- i licer, Hoxie and Vittuiu, and the] Misses i Lindeke, Officer, Constans/Tyndolph. of Minneapolis; Ihomas. of Fargo:, Alice j Officer, of Flower. The debutante was i attired in a gown of green and lilac silk j and chiffon. Among those present [were: Mesdames Bryant, (). P. Lnn- pher, Dalrymple, Livingstone, Balliet. Sharp. Bement, Booth, Carpenter, Allen, Flower, Peet, Bickel, Severance, Aueroach, De Park, Gary, Uuhani, Spencer, Michel, Ames, Oppeuheim, Muir, Goodrich. Wilder. Ritchie, Gil- bert, Wright, Greene, Cornish, Haw- kins; Misses Uphain, Berry, Greve, Carpenter, Hartman, Ames, McManus and others. A PRETTY GERMAN At Litt's Hall, Led by Luther New- port Friday Night. The german given last evening at LiU's hall, by the St.Paul German club, was the last to be Riven by that social organization. The cotillion was led by Luther Newport. The chaperones were Mrs. P. M.Newport, Mrs. Furness and Mrs. Selmes. The event was one of the most successful of the many given by the club. Among those pres- est were Mesdames McLaren, Towns- end, Taylor, Diiscoli, McCutcheon, Clark, Stone, Schurmeier Maxheld; Misses Newport, Schurmeier, Gotzian, Taylor, Moore, Giltillan, More. Sturge, Thorn, (Gordon, Kice. Lnmborn, Stiaulding, Stevenson, Miss Cook, of New York; Misses Magofrin and Miller, of Oululh; Miss Brenkerhoir'. of New Jersey; Messrs. Gordon, Hal burt. M>>- Caren, Wright, Townsend, Road, liutchHison, Bigelow, Wolfe, .Stone, Merriam, Armstrong, Hewett, Prince, Weatlierby, Marton, Driscoll, SLurges, Maxfield, Dunn, Hayward, Duval, Clay, Boyle, Taylor, McCutcheon. Taken Unawares. A pleasant surprise parly took place BIG REDUCTIONS. GLOVES, HOSIERY, CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, KNIT GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC. STOCKINGS FOB MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. . 18c a Pair. Ladies', Men's and Children's Wool or Cotton Hose, regular price 25c to 30c. X 50c Hosiery 33c pair ! SI. OO Hosiery 65c pair Underwear at G-reatly Reduced Prices. ON 2STEJ"W Gowns 45c each up Drawers 20c a pair up Corset Covers 15c each up Many Fine Garments at Less Than Cost. HEW EMBROIDERIES AND LACES AT REDUCED PRICES. CORSETS AND WAISTS! HEADQUARTERS FOR THESE. BEST MAKES! LOWEST PRICES! 1 $1.00 and $2.25 buys our Celebrated G-. D. Corset, as good as any $1.50 and $3 Corset inthe city. P. D.,""C. P.." "R. & G-.,'' Thompson's and many other makes. . Ferris' G-. D. and Jackson Waists. Biggest Bargains in the City in Swis?, Linen and Silk Goods. KI D Q LOVES ! %£? L:n3S at Special Bar - Kid,Silk and Yarn Mittens. Yarns and Worsted Goods. NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, PURSES, HANDBAGS, YARNS AND APRONS. P£pr*^ssfc» Third and Cedar Sis. and Wabashi -6 5|^iFi gf®Br St., 2d Door From Postoffice. I at the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Ritchet, on Sims street, Wednesday evening. The occasion was a greeting of welcome on their return from a visit to Montreal. Canada. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shane, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dahl. Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kmley, Mr. and" Mrs. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Staples, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kitchef, Mrs. A. Trarey; Misses Tracey. O'Boyle, Scanlan, Gibbons, Lordau, McDonald, Clune, Sweeney, Diamond, llyland, Keating. Neelon, Staples, Donahoe. Woodroffe; Messrs. .J. Sweeney, W. Sweeney, Gib- bons, O'Connell, J. Scanlan, McConnoll, Lordau, Lane. Arthur, Kane, Flaherty, Weleli. D. Scanlan, Stewart, Carter. A FIXE AFFAIR. Westmoreland Hall in a Blaze of Glory. The social hop of the Troubadors last Thursday evening, Feb. 9, at West- moreland hall, was one of the most en- joyable of the season. The hall was most beautifully decorated with ever- greens and bunting, and the monster Japanese umbrella in the center, with two large owls resting underneath, and the crescent of pink roses with two white owls resting In samewere admired by every one present, and the palms and aspadistras on the stage and the pink shades over the incandescent lamps gave it a brilliant appearance. About seventy-five couples danced to the pleasant strains of the Metropolitan orchestra. The Mandolin. Banjo and Guitar club in connection with the Troubadors played a few extra numbers at intervals, which were received with much ap- plause. Tne host of pretty girls of the Trou- badors were present with few excep- tions, and the evening will no doubt be remembered by all who attended. Among those present were the Misses May and Gertrude Murphy, iiairgie and Lillie Donahue, Nettie Babcock, Clara Kauffmann, Emma Hansdorf, Alice Bevans, May Latta, Clara and Alvina Meier, Maiy Jansen, Hattie Lemke, Bertha and May Schepperle, Jesse Schiler, Ida Hammer, Susie Dodge, Emily Nenjahr, Louise and Carrie Lemire, Nellie Lawton, the Misses Walker, Eva House, Maggie and Jennie Carter, Kate Devitt, Kenny, Carrie Lc Iloy, Dora Conway, Eftie Vorman, Ag- gie Leonard, Winston, Cora Neumann, .May and Susie Finch, belle Gorman, Lottie Jessrang, Carrie Leslie, Grace Stone, May and brine Minuet, Delwiu Ethel Armstrong, Clara Kice, Jennie Moore, Gertie and Eva McClure, Nettie Spaldirig and Gertrude Berry, of Still- water: Agnes Walters, May Durant and Kate Osborne, of Minneapolis; Kate Donovan, of Merriam Park; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Clark, of Merriam Park; Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Lemire and Messrs. John Marti, Charles Turner, Fred Dawes, Stephen Beck, Will Lawton, Bedford, Frank Ilansdorf. Leo Bruen- ner. Malady, Peter Winter, Mike Aniien, Ed and Joseph Dono- hue, Winston, Pete Shaefiiau- sen, Will Bertossi, Joseph Uuriey, G. L. Johnson, Joseph Kreps, Fred Lemke. Alfred Lemke, Ben" Gerber. George Sheehan, Walker, liobert Mc- Cleary, Arthur Kinsrsley, Herman Hearsche, Burt Dye, C. J. Wagner, J. Prendergast. Al Kggert, J. J. Kramer, Joe Giesen, Will Ilemsch, Fred Schroe- der, Ado'ph Giesen, Will Lemke, Mar- tin Wiesen. J. W. Schlenker, Russell Trowbridge, A. Carter, Pete Carter, Doroughty, Oscar Acker, Kelly, M. Mc- Mahon, Nic Walsh, William O'Gorman, Jacob F. Jagger, Will Butte, Charles Jagzer, F. Gardner, R. A. llauaer, F. Salisbury, E. Preston and many others. AX AUGUST ASSEMBLAGE. Company D Celebrates Its Thir- - teenth Anniversary. The thirteenth anniversary of Com- pany D, First Regiment Minnesota Na- tional guard, was celebrated in graud style last Thursday evening. The armory has never been the scene of a larger or more distinguished assem- blage, some 800 friends of the company being present. The armory had been elaborately decorated with the national colors. Tents had been pitched in the corner of the hall, they being silent re- minders of "days and nights in eaniD." as well as lending a military air to the occasion. The event of the evening was the presentation of a gold-mounted sword to Capt. Ed S. Bean by the mem- bers of the company. Dr. T. C. Clark, assistant surgeon ot the First reeiment, presented the sword in a neat speech, in which he briefly reviewed the brilliant record of Company D. Capt. Bean, though taken completely by surprise, lonnd words with which to thank the members of the company for their token of esteem. The guests of the evening were in- vited to partake of light refreshments shortly before midnight. Committee of Arrangements— Sergeant H. W. TenvoorUe, Corporal T. J. O"j.cary, Corp- oral W iiliani KUrmantraut, Corporal F. A. Kyno. Private K. £. Schroeiier. Reception Committee— Sergeant Gates A. John sou Jr., Private Howard Kusaell, Private John li. Sclimitz, Private K. H. MuHeu. Pri- vate V. V.Mullen. Private George K. ftoche. Floor Committee— Sergeant A. J. Kahiert, Sergeant George R. Jiloduett. Corporal (ieorge C. Bookstaver, Corporal John B. Gun- tlier, Private £. A. Uleudu-.eier. Private E. E. Schooley, Private A. A. Ernst, Private N. F. Sbabert. Among those present were Capt. and Mrs. Ed S. Bean, Cant, and Mrs. H. C. Braden. Dr. T. C. Clark and wife, of Stillwater; Capt. W. H. Hart and wife, Lieut. Merrill and wife. Col. C. F. Pusch and wife, Lieut, and Sirs. Ames, Mr. and >Irs. A. B. Devitt, Mr. and Mrs. Flanders, Lieut, and Mrs. Metz; Misses Kernan, Jen- nings, Perry. Stiles. Rogers, Schonarth. Qmn- lan, Cook. Oakjs, Tiliie Young, Kate and Allie Dv Borci, Conners, Lillian and Clara Humphrey, Seng. Schroeder, Lizzie Taylor, Pusch, Ba'rbeau, Watkins, Me Garry, Sullivan and Dorsey, of Stillwater; McKin'ey, of Mil- wauKee; Lambrecht. Hilda Rossberg. Simp- son, Flinn, Nagel, Hillman, Bell, Overtou, Bessie Huge. Stelia Murphy, Hartigon, Davis, Jones, Kemp. Franklin, Cummings, Winters, Ringwald. Fctseh, Bradshaw.Darm, Knapp, Dunn, Close. Oray, Campbell, Evans, Collins. McCue, Clara Murphy, Owens. Bar- ron, Bickford, Redding, Hughes, Wilson, Christie, C. B. Davison. Texnme, Gunther, Watklus, Hardy. Gene Ramaley. Allen and Charles Fisher.KuDy.Rogers, Smith, Kemmie, Barnard, Porter, Sprisgs, Eben Cakes. Mauu- hart, Gilfillan, Robinson, Finehout, Barron Schult/, Fetscb, bnvar.Barnacle, Trowbridgc Bowker, Nagel, Chase. O'Leary, Rocne,Book-« stayer, Ryiu, Hoti'mau, Mullen, Zimmerman, Wiser, Maj. LI bey, Allen, Wilson, Egan, Bri iert, Ames, Price, Dunbar, Murphy, Da- mon, Morgan, Hnuser.Siebert, Smith, Stevens and Trinkley, of Minneapolis; Diusmore, of Stillwater. Daughters of Royalty. The Kind's Daughters of the Uni- versalist Church gave a hop at Malcom's dancing academy Tuesday evenine for the benefit of the Newsboys' club. The affair was a very pleasant one. The bright and dainty dresses of the ladies added brightness to the scene. Those present were: Mesdatnes Arey, Wunder- licti, Knlph, Joy, Van Meter. Annar, Friend, Shepiey; Misses Kowley, Goss, Rossbertr. Schrade. Loverinar, House, Eubauk, Binghaui, Gooch, Vau O'Bleu- ills. Jessie Arey, Lovett, Stack, Saun- ders, Mathers,* Ward. Carpenter, De Vant, Lambrecht, McEvoy; Messrs. Davidson, Sauudtrs, Green. Wunder- lich, Wilson, MeAdairs, Willis. Chad- wick, Trowbridte, Graburn, Kretz, Joy, jolnison, LesUrfi, Antioiu . The Three K.'s. The K.K. X.'s gave one of their de- lightful dancing parties at Westmore- land hall. Monday evening, and it was attended by about fifty couples. An ex- cellent supper was served at 12 o'clock, and Seibeit's orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Moran', Misses L. Hirsch, J. Sclnnidt, JN. Casa, L. Kerwin, M. (ass, I*. Lemlce, Grace Johnson, Emma Kruegor. N. Williams, Alvina Meier, Ida de Nanlt, Aggie Ardt, Tyra Booth, Lulu Wolfs- berg, Belle Oakes. Clara Hau- ser. Minnie Vitt, Lulu Metzger. Millie llauser, Teene Ferguson, Gussie Rosenkranz, Josic Fernholz. Emma Bender, Bertie Itislau, Katie Bender, Tillie Lenders, Katie Jessrang, T. Jess- rang, Mrs. Schmidt, Mm. Jumback; Messrs. George A. Lee, Otto Drcher, Joseph Araray, E. Oakes, M. St. Jean, John Bender, 11. V.. Seibert, G. J. Hand- ley, A. M. Hauser, John Heitmann, Frank Klostermann, 11. A. Hauser, James Marsolf, H. J. Krapp. Frank Seibert, A. L. Hauser, M. \V. Waldorf, Louis Jarsliishf'k, M. C. Schweizer, Frank Mast, E. Harris, T. McMillan, J. Mahon, J. J. Tobin, Charles Wagner, J. Hirsch, Minneapolis, aud others. The K. K. K. Will Have One 3lore. The last dance of the K.K. K. series was given at Westmoreland liall Mon- day evening Jast and was a fitting wind up to a successful season. These parties have been so enjoyable tiiat those at- tendins have requested tiie club to give one more after Lent is over, anti the request will probably be complied with. Following were present at the last en- tertainment: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cross. Mr. aud Mrs. Christ Miller.Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Bhignnm, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Moran; Misses O. Hirseh, J. Schmidt, N. Cass. L. Kerwin. M. Cass, 11. Lemke, Grace Johnson, Emma Krueger, N. Williams, N. Steveus. L. Williams, Alvina Meyer, Ida De Vault, Assie Schweizer, Eita Do Vault. Aggie Arth. Tyra Booth. Lulu Wolfsberg. Belle Oakes, Clara Hauser. Min- nie Vitt.Lulu Metzger, MillieHauser, Tee tie Ferguson, Gustie Kosenkranz. Josie Fern- holz. Emma Bender. Birdie Ristao, Kalie Bender, Tillie Lenders, Kale Jessraug, T. Jessrang, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Zuinbach. •• Messrs. George A. Lee, Otio Drehcr, Jo- seph Argay, E. Ofikes, M. St. Jeau, Johu Bonder, A. K. Seibert, G. J. Hauler. A. M. Hauser, John Heitinann. Frank Klostermnnn, R.A. Hauser, James Marzoli. H. J. Krapp, Frank Seibert, A. L. Ilan.-er, M. W. Waldorf, Louis Jarshishek, M. C. Schweizer, Frank Mast. E. Harris, McMillan, J. Matian, S. J. Tobiu, Minneapolis: Charles Wa?ner,Miune- apolis; J.Hirscn, Mijuieapolis: A. J.Schwei- zer, E. Van Name, A. Lenike, D. McKinnon, James Lewis, John Gibbons, William Haas, William Lemke, Curtis Sloucman, S. li, MjDr- gan, Heury Ertz. A Delightful Dance. The dancing party given last Thurs- day evening at Litt's hall by the Quar- ter Hundred Merry Makers, a club of twenty-live young men of town banded together for the purpose of having a good time whenever a good time is ob- tainable, proved to be ono of the pret- tiest affairs of the kind given this season iv Litt's hall. Mrs. Elliott Baker acted as chaperone. Among the sruests who denced to the delightful music furnished by the St. Anthony Hill orchestra were the Misses Van Voorhees, Warner, Dorsey, Call, More- hous, Northrup, Lamprey, Walther; liait, Kelly. Zahn. Roach, Talman, Foulke, Phillips,, Sprague, Johnson, Marsh, Richards, Cunningham aud Devereux, and Messrs. Hemminghouse, Donnan, Bates, Appleton, Detnmin, Benz, Kavanaugn, O'Brien, Greene, Eastman, McCloucl. Gruig, Van Vleck, Hall, Phillips, TopUff, Morris, Dorsey, Campbell, Whitouinl), Shllltz, White, Call, McMahon. Corning, Wood, Bradeu and Richardson. An Unusual Event. J. F. Tosteviii.one of our old pioneers of 'ss, went to his home last Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7, in a calm and unsus- pecting frame of mind, and found him- self at once in the midst of a laughing, chattering crowd. When he had somewhat gathered his scattered senses he realized that his children, including his son, J. F. Tos- tevin,and vvifo. from West Superior, and grandchildren were there to cele- brate ins seventieth uirtheay. Several handsome presents were given him; but when called upon for a speech his usual fluency had left him ; he was speechless. After a splendid supper the evening was spent most delight- fully iv reminiscences of earlier days. Grandma Pitts, a dear oid lady of sev- enty-nine years, sang "Auld Lang Syne" in a "way never to be forgotten by those who heard it. At an early hour the good-byes were said, all feeling that they had spent one of the pleasantest evenings of their iives. An Auspicious Opening. The Price-McGill company celebrated the completion of its new building on Cedar street by a large dancing party- Wednesday evening. The rooms were prettily trimmed with cut flowers and plants in pots. Kiiest's orchestra, hid- den behind a screen of palms, filled the air with melody. The grand march was led by Mrs. John Merriam and W. W. Price, followed by Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McGilL Miss Dassal and K. H. Merriam, followed by about eighty couple. Ex- cellent refreshments were served at 12 o'clock. The reception committee com- prised Misses Bessie Parquette, Belle Fletcher, Maggie McClure; Messrs. John S. Hainbly, N. C. Mitchell, Will ]S T . Abbott. On the floor committee were Messrs. Fred Trudeau, William Hay, J. B. Sweeny, J. V. Slocum, Frank Jeliuek, Maurice Sparschulz. The Retail Clerks. A pleasant complimentary entertain- ment was given by the retail clerks on Friday evening at Turner ball. The programme was varied and attractive, one interesting feature being an address by Dr. 8. G. Smith, who congratulated the audience on its representative char- acter, discussing briefly the object that instigated the formation of such organ- izations. Dr. Smith seemed to tlrink everybody should be induced to finish their shopping before 5 o'clock, at least. The programme was long, but excellent. PEOPLE ONE KNOWS. Mrs. Robert Flowie and Miss Mildred Howie returned yesterday to their home in Cbippe- wa Falls, Wis., after a two weeks' visit with ncr sister, Mrs. W. B. Stoner, of 270 Maria avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. Harrison, Mr. Dodge, M. C. Tuttle, Mr. Dawson and family. Charles Joy and Mr. Johnson, all left for Florida last week to pass the reniainer of the winter. Adjt. Ilutchinson, of the Ninth United States cavalry, stationed at Fort Robinson, is" in the city." He was a caller upon Lieut. Sturgis at army headquarters. Mrs. Alfred Jackson, who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. E. Cavauagh, for the past six weeks, left for Spokane over the Great Northern last evening. Ex-Gov. llubbard, of Red Wing, general manager of the Duluth. Ked Wing & South- ern, went to Chicago Thursday, via the Mil- waukee. Miss Corinne Hindsell, of Grand RaDids, Mich., who nas been the guest of Mrs. W. Keisal, of St. Albans Street, has returned home. The Mandolin and Guitar club, Messrs. Weide, Towle and Heffernau. leave for a briet trip to St. Louis Tuesday night. Miss Hutu Baker, who has been visiting friends and relatives in the South for tnepast six weeks, has returned to her home. Editor and Proprietor George Teague. of the Grand Forks Plaindealer, has beeu a guest of St Paul friends this week. Miss Thomas, daughter of Judge Thomas, of Fargo, is iv the city, the guest of Miss Betsy Coustans, 01 Summit uveuue. Mrs. Louia H. Naumann and her sister, Miss Anita Lienau. are spending the winter with relatives in New York city. Miss Ella Bork has returned to her home at Fairbault, after spending the past four weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weide. Mr. aud Mrs. James Turluog, o{ Winnipeg, haye removed to the city, and will make their home at the iMerehants'. J. J. Nickey, an extensive mine owner, of Butte City, Mont., is a guest at the Melcopol- itan for a few days. Mrs. I). B. Finch, of Summit avenue, at- tended the Hawks-Nelson wedding at Still- wuter Wednesday. Mrs. Oscar Thomas Roberta and daughter, Gladys, of Laurel avenue, left Tuesday even- ing for Duluth. The foilowiuc St. Paul men r.re in New Yoi-k: W. C. Beer, It. li. Dunn, C.F.llorton, W". C. Simons. Miss Mamie Andres returned Monday last from a six weeks' visit with tier parents at McGregor, 10. Miss Birdena Fnrwell, who left Wednesday morning for California, will arrive at Oak- laud Monday. Mrs C. E. Burc.h. of 417 Ashland avenue, loaves Monday for a visit with friends at Denver, Col. Mrs. Theodore Ostrander. of Knoxville, Term., was the guest of Mrs. W. B. Hawley this week. Janiea Hervy Simpson lert Thursday for Boston, where he willresume nis studies at College. Mrs. Agnes Stabenc Hall is in the city for a few days, ths guest of Mrs.Searle?, of College avenue. Mrs. J. Morganstern left for the East last evening, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. H. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Rousopoulcs and Miss Venus Rousopoulos have gono to New Or- leans. Miss Mattio Castleman. of Louisville, is visiting Mrs. Whitney Wall, ot St. Albans street. M D G rover, of Summit avenue, returned the first of the week from a trip through the West. Fred L. Sexias left the first ol the week for Duluth, where he will reside mthe future. Bishop Thomas, of Kansas, formerly the rector of St. Paul's church, is in the city. Harry Morris, of Portland avenue, will spend Sunday with friends at Stillwater. Mrs J. B. Huboell. of Dayton avenue, is visiting Mrs. P. B. Sparrow at MauKato. Miss Carrie Beebe, sister of Mrs. Paul Got- zian, is visiting Mrs. Keeler at Mankato. \lviu J. Kreck. who has been absent from the city for f-oine weeks, has returned. Miss" Nellie Black, of Minneapolis, visited friends on the West side Tuesday. p. W. Laud, of Rochester, visited on the West side during the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mesinniss have taken apartments at the Seville. Mis? Mattie Castleton, of Louisville, i 3 vis- iting Mrs. Whitney Wall. Miss Gheen has left town and her friends are inconsolable. Miss Lydia Schorr" has returned from a pleasant visit with friends at Chicago. F. M. Lyizen has returned from his trip to New York and cither Eastern points. * Frank Winter, of Perham. was the guest of East side friends early in the week. Miss Lea Schaff, who returned from Mil w'aukee during the week, is quite ill. Miss Maeoflin. of Duluth, is the guest of Mrs. Magouiu, ol Dayton avenue. X P Jame?, of Boston, is visiting in St. Paul as the guest of W. W. Price. £x-L"nited States Senator S pooner, of Wis- cousiu, was in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs Alex Catheart. of Ashland avenue, have gone to Cleveland. Miss Hewitt, of Hod Wing, is the guest of Mrs. Squires, 10 Summit court. M.iss Tiniberiake has returned from a trip of several weeks in the South. F. M. Lytzen has returned from New York and other Eastern points. Miss Charlott Kirby, of Olmstead street. has returned from Dululh. Miss Miller, of Dululh, is the guest of Miss Day. 224 Dayton avenue. E. F. Jones, of Field, Mahler &Co., went to New York Thursday. lion. -John Boyd. of Duluth, was a guest at the capitol this "week. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Shepherd have gone to Thomasville, Ga. Capt. W. P. DunninKton, of Redwood Falls, is in the city. U. C. Kendall, of Duluth, was a visitor in tlits city this week. M*s."c. Van Auken is spending the winter in New Orleans. H..S. Grinnold, of Chatfield, wag in the city this week. Capt. and Mrs. J. Mcß. Stembla are In Washington. Miss Jeannie McLaren has returned from a trip abroad. T. B. Scott is stopping in New York city this week. 11. C. Reeves, ofDubuque, was in the city Monday. J.B. Mosher is at the Sturtevant, New York. E. H. Stratton, of Odebalt, 10., ia in the city. Ambrose Tighe is out of the city. V.P. Wright is in New York. EVENTS TO BE. A grand social ball will be jnven by the West hide Lodge .No. lOfl. I. Q. o. l-\, ri George liarti's. ball, corner Somh W abasha and Fairfield avenue. Monday evening. Feb. 13. >ius>ic by TwinCity ilauaoliu and Guitar club. Miss LillianLynch. Nellie and Kitty Moron I and Miss Mareella Smith will entertain the j Sunlight Social club Tuesday evening next. Gossip has it that Luther Newport and ' Miss Newport will sive a german at the I Country club Tuesday evening. \u25a0 PAST EVKNTS. Wednesday evening as j oily a crowd as is often found assembled in C. S. P S. hall, the occasion being a surprise tendered F. Cor- coran nml 1-. Naylor by their lady friends. The evening was spent in dancing. Among those pre-nat were Mr. ami Mrs. O'Reilley, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Heinly; Misses Crist, Swandoler. Delaney, McGraJo. Johnston. Kelliher, McKoron", K. and M. Jenton, Cook, Carter, Linden, Fitsdbons, Pinger, Walsh. Anuond, McEUio/t, Shefer. Western, Keoh. N. and M. Murnaue. Darew, Boland, McCraw. Eagan, Jan sen, Rowan, Honing, Lightbold, Taaw, GHliiger. Gidden, shea; Messrs. Nayloi, Corcoran, McGoyern, Garner, Lynch, Kelli- her. Walters, Sptrrr, Wheims, Western, r'itz- gibona, Townsend. Silk, A hern. Carter, Sehultz, Kin ley. (i. and C. Kopriva. Wa couia, Bolaud, A. P. and J. Keoh, P. Ryan, M. and S. Shlfer, Delanev, Simon". Ringer, Jarsniaheit, OUeu, W. and H. Holden, Jan- sen, Crosby, Damnsh. Gallagher. Sherfen- berg, Lai ley. Naylor, Humble, Nolan, Lubby, Mulltr, Shea. A very pleasant party was given by Rice Camp No. 0 of the Woodmen of the World Thursday evening at Twin City hall. A sump! nous .-upper was served at 11:30 given by the wives of the Woodmen. Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Cbrfsiian- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Hedenrcich. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Misgen. Mr. and >irs. John llov- mnij, Mr. and Mrs. Sar A. Horan. Mr. and Mrs H. A. i.eppla, Mr. aud Mrs. T. 8. Con- lin. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lnetbge, Mr. and Mrs. J A. M. Bacquea, Mr. nnd Mrs. Schmeltzer, Mr. anJ Mrs. Mar- catt. tor and Mrs. Ed Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Shannon, the Misses Smith, Price, Sauenson, BeiJenreich, Nichols,Nlies, Iluetir.or, (irunbloth, Fox. English, Sebwiet- y.or. Welch. Bolan. Rossberß, Maroney, Smith, McCr.e. Drexlar. Guiniey, Honnau, and Messrs. L>i>. Oravalle. and Fltzsimons, De- vine. Mouiam, Lnmbore.'J'lioiDpso:). Fiornell. Bursead. Saoter, Cettens, Hosan, Fox. Schwietzer, Meisen, Russei, Hogas, Eshey, Oolbere, K. F. and C. G. Wcffla, Weuthge, McDouousli, Ashmid and Locker. Mr?. S. K. Keller gave a very pretty party to her little dauehter Julia at her home on Tenth street The smiling faces of the little people expressed how greatly they enjoyed the games, uoth old and new, with which Miss Birdie Keller entertained them. After the games they inarched to ihe dining room to luuch to the pretty march that Miss May Keller played for them on the mandolin. The guests were Misses Susan Richardson. Lolta Hud Maud Smalie, Ehel Johnson. Kssie Cotter, Alice Abell, Annie Blakely. Maud Bernstone, Addie Kuie, Maud Cleveland, Lulu Keller, Lilliau Keller; Masters Roy Hull. Eddie Trainbford, Arciiie Cotter. Eddie Johuson. Loo Konanz, Herbert Martin, Leo Smi:b, Essery, Louis Keller. They were all very prettily dressed and went home with sini'ling faces, showing what a good time they had. The valentine party to De given by the Nushkas Monday evening is an event which has been awaited with great impatience by trie members of the club and their friends. The party will have many novel features. ;md willbe an event in swell society. Ladies will appear in fancy dress and masks, and gentlemen with evening dress without masks. A prize will be awarded to the writer of the brightest and wittiest valentine on the Nushta club. The ladies receiving will be Mesdaraes F. B. Clarke. T. L. Sehur- meier, L. P. Ordwav. Archibald McLaren, G. U. Squires. James Elmer, W. 11. Hyndman. The diuiuprroom of the Albion has been se- cured for the ball, and a covered entrance from the club will be constructed. Ed warn Eueger was pleasantly surprised last Friday evening at his home, 'iVo West Third street, by a number of his friends, who s-peut the evening in dancing. Those preseut were Misses Kcougb, Murnane. Lemke. Ko- imn. F. Zertler, C. Zertlcr, Sullivan. Elbel, Te«maun of Carver: Hammond, A. Janseu, L Jansen. M. Moser, M. Zertler, Boehnisch, M Bohland, Lucy Bohland. Amauda Bohl- and. Davern, A. Luby, H. Zertler, G. Junsen. "Vloouoy, Richards, Aurora Bohland and Lilly Bohlaud; Messrs. Deliel, Murnane. Straus?, J. Keough. P. Keougb, O. Mooney, W. Mooney, Richards, Roehnisch, Knoblach, Friedman. Muller. O. Keough. Leinkc. P. Mooney, D. Luby, M. Luby, builiyan. Boh l- aud. Maloy, Wagner, Milon. ONeil. Fiiz^ib- bons, Moncree. Jau6en, Silk. Smitheu and Smith. Mr and Mrs. A.Bohland were very pleas- antly surprised last Thursday evening at thPirhome. Those present were Mesdames Ornie York. Selb, P. Bohland. Machvec, Koprivs, Haag, Christ. Snider; Misses L. Avt), L. (irme, M. A yd. Hull. Karcher, A. Bohlaud, A. Luby, H. Luby, A:A. Horuung. Kelliher. Ea^eni M. Iloriiuug. B. York. C. <'lirist 1). York, K. Jansen. M. York, L. York: Messrs. Ormt'. Uaag, P. Bohland, Sni- der Koprivn. Marhovcc, Wihou, Masters, York Selb, Keough. M. Luby, Haller. W. Hr.a". M. Mooney, R. Mueller, J. Kooiish. F. Oriiio.' .1. Orme. T. Vriedaniann, Knoblog, Sliant'r, .lansed, K. Bohland. J. liflilniid.P. Keousn, P. Mooney, J. Luby, D. Luby. i ne Silver Spoon Cinch ciub met at W. C. Hitter's, 530Collins street, Thursday evening. The first prizes were won by Frea ('. Korth mid Miss Emma Jones, the foot prize by Dr. Murray. Parties present were Mr.and Mrs. Merillnis. Mr. and Mrs. N\ G. Hhodcs, Mr. and Mrs. E. McFarlau, Mr, and Mrs. Ander- son. Mr. and Mrs. J, (ioff. Mi\ and Mrs. Sfaumacker, Mr. and Mrs. Serls, Miss (;. Khodcs.Miss Katberine Morton. Miss Bloom- quist, Or. Pool, E. S. Kaye, C. bhiiiler, L. Klienfelier, .1. L. Strauch. They adjourned to meet iit h red Kortb's Friday eveuiug, the 17th i!ist. Miss Cole was agreeably surprised Friday evening at her home, 229 Spruce street. The evening was spL-nt by games and dancing. Those present were Mrs. C. B. Johnston, Misses V. Wood, G. Dread. L. McDonald. B. McDonald, L. Row. K. Sample, C. Wood, M. Samp. J. Tack, E. Johnston. S. Sami-le, L. ' SVood. M. Cole. H. Wood: Messrs. M. Cooper, P. Harkins, F. Clink, A. Fahr. L. Frinch, R. White, C. Whaiey, L. Miller, E. Yocrg, W. Keller, A. Johnson, O. Larsou, A. Zimmerman. W.C'ole. 11. Cos. R. Johnsiou, F. C'allen, K. Cole, C. Johnston. The Progressive Whist club lil-Hits initia- tive meeting with Misses Thuet and Adums lit (WO St. Peter street. The prizes were won by Mrs. Weber. Mr.Fallilie and Mr. J!u- Grath. The club was again pleasantly enter- tained last Friday evening by the Misses But- ler at their, home on Fuller street, the prize winners being Misses Maggie and Lizzie But- ler, Mr. Weber and Mr.Fallihe. The Young Ladies" Guild of Chris: Church has issued invitations for an "at home" Monday, Feb. 13, from 8 to 10, at the guild hall. A general invitation is extended and a pleasant evening is promised. Next Tuesday eveniug, Feb. 14. Minnesota Commander? of the Loral Legion will cele- brate the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday with appropriate ceremonies at the Ryan. Voervvarts lodge, I.O. O. F., will gave grand masquerade bail at Paul Martin's hill last evening. The St. Anthony llill orches- tra willfurnished the musics Monday afternoon at the Aberdeen Mrs. W. Hamilton' Hyndrnrm will give a euchre l>«rty at 3 o'clock tor Mrs. Robert Rantonl, who la a bride of the season. The Calumet dancing club will give a so- cial hop at Central hall Wednesday evening, the IStb. The Si. Anthony Hill orchestra will furnish the music. Th? Lntrenous will give a Valentine social Feb. 14, in the parlors of Trinity M. K. church. A joilytime is anticipated. The Minnesota Boat club willgive an ama- teur entertainment at the Metropolitan, March 11, for the Leneiit oi the club. Merriam Par* Lodge No. 152, 1. O. O. P. will confer tlio Brat degree on two caudi- datcs next Wednesday evening. All's. Lane Kimball Stone, of Summit aye nue. is io give a tea Tuesdiiy aftenioou from 4 to 6in honor ofMrs. Heath. The Ladies' society of the Presbyterian Church will meet with Mrs. D. A. Curtis, on Kondo street, Friday, Feb IT. Mrs. John S. Prince Iras issued invitations for a card party to bo given Tuesday evening at her home on Kighth street. The Acme Social club will give their first annual masquerade ball nt Paul Martin's haJl Saturday evening, Fob. 18. The YouriV Ladies" Guild of Christ Church will be "at homo" Monday, Feb. 13, from S to 10 at the guild hall. r i win City Lodge No. 63, K. ofP., will con- fer the rank of page on two candidates next Monday evening. ! Mrs. \V. H. Hyndmnn willentertain a num- ber of ladies at euchre at the Aberdeen Mon- day afternoon. An entertainment will be given Feb. 22 at the St. Michael's school by the pupifbof that institution. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trumbull will give a. progressive euchre party this evening. Rev. E. H. McKay will preach Sunday morning at Trinity M. E. church. Ramsay Crooks, formerly of St. Paul, but now residing in Omaha, was recently mar- ried in the latter city to Miss Jennie M. Mur- nell. daughter of tiie late Dr. Hurnell. of Portland. -Me. Hosts of St. Paul fneuds ex- tend heartiest congratulations. Jr DELICIOUS *^ NATURALFRUITFLAVORS. j Vanilla i Of perfect purity- Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy in their use. \u25a0 Rose etc l Flavor as delicately : and deliciously as the fresh fruit ml 1 nLlid. lox— -\u25a0; TIP \u25a0urn II Luja Luuni FEBRUARY J77/// a complete new stock, including the richest and lat- est Novelties for Spring and Summer, in ample assort- ment. Large and representative O A MEL QRAPERY . AND— UPHOLSTERY Departments will be opened, under the management of men well known in these cities for their high ability and thorough knowledge of these special lines. A little later a rieiv H/jILUNERY Department will also be opened on a scale of magni- tude and elegance hitherto unprecedented in these cities. his, however, will be de- layed a fezv weeks in order to secure the largest possible display of novelties from the . French market. SjxHMjnd_Bojjert Streets, St. Paul, Minn. LADIES! DONALDSON'S Stock of Yarns, Fancy Goods must all be closed out. They will offer Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: GERMAN KNITTING YARN, |Oi« largest skeins^ail colors iu-2u SPANISH YARN, lareest skeins, lA o only iWb IMPORTED GERMANTOWN, whites, reds, browns, etc., full |An skeins < 4V ALLIANCE YARN, "| ONLY GEKMANIA YARN, | 1n CASHMERE YARN. } 1()C SHETLAND WOOL,- FAIRY FLOSS, . J SKEIN. The above is worth from 20c to 250 skein. "OUR BEST" Knitting and Crochet Silk, fast colors, per bail, OSf* only *«w STAMP.ED DOYLIES, for Ro- man Embroidery, wortti from 5c to 10c... ' **' &c, &c,&c,&c, &c. PVONALDSON'S DONALDSONS 139 E. Seventh St., Between Robert and Jackson. . CLEARANCE SALE Prices Cut in Two ! HANAN~SHOE CO Leading Shoe House of iha Northwest Ladies' Fine Kid, also Cloth Top old this Button Blucher and Polish Boots, price. sale. all styles, sizes . and . widths, $4.50 52, 89 AAAtoE :... OT«Ju $liVd Another lot like above, AA to E. . §3a50 S2i 16 Another lot, Big Bargains, AA QQ flfl Q{ OQ, toE. SJ.UU 51.03, About 100 pairs Ladies' White and Oil HH CO Ifh Red Satin Oxford Ties, Bto E. . c TiUU Olt lU> ONE LOT MEN'S FINE CALF (CORK fjrt QQ QQ SOLE)SHOES OObUU OuiwJ Men's A Calf Solid Leather Shoes §3ioo Sli99 - All the above are fresh, new and perfect g-oods, of the latest styles and best quality. Sole agents for the Celebrated Hanan's Men's Fine Shoes, the best in the world. 92, 94,96 E. 7th St., St. Paul, P '/7*

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-02-12 [p 12] · 2017. 12. 14. · THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBfcS; SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 18f3.---SXTEEN PAGES. 12 The last weeks

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    The last weeks of a not very brilliantsocial so;i.suii are drawing to a close, andsad and somber Lent willsoon claim allthings for her own. Why do designateLent as feminine? Well, because thereare a good many reasons why when onecomes to think of it. Who but a womanremembers the serious side ot life evenwhen pleasure reiiins, and who but sheis constantly preDarkig for the rainyday that, mayhap, may never come?Mill the discipline is worth some-thing beyond compare. Societywill then conline herself tosimple leas or such-hke milddissipations, in which the world willbepolitely ignored as far as possible.whilechurch militant will be the gainer byreason of the attendance at her func-tions that the customs of the time de-mand, and let us all hope that each in-dividual hie may be the gainer by somehours of contemplation of thebeauty and uitrnityof the one whose trialand passion these days should recall.For the past week we have beeu prettybusy in many charming ways. Fewwomen in this busy town but havesome, a good many, in fact, projectsoutside of their own immediate familiesto call out the broader sympathies thatare the most striking charac-teristics of the ace. Such amatter was the concert in theparlorsof the Metropolitan hotel Fridaynight. The proprietors of the hotel putthe parlors at the disposal of Mrs. Clarkand her associates for the concert, inthe kindest way, and the artists who socharmingly entertained tiie appreciativeaudience save their services most roy-ally, so the little children at the daynursery will be the gainers to a consid-erable degree by al! this kindness. Asfor the weather the last week the mostcapricious could choose to suit them-selves but it was ail real Minnesotaweather, and good tor the country, sowe bhould be content.

    Pleasantly Surprised.A surprise party was tendered Miss

    Julia Cowley at her home on East Con-gress street Saturday evening. Theparly was chaperoned by Mrs. Ella[Strickland.

    Mush-, dancing ruid cards took up theevening's time. Some delightful musicwas presented by Mrs. Strickland, Miss

    Byan ana Messrs. Scott, Baker andClarence Wagner. Those present were:Misses Benin, Fowler, Scott, Baisley,Stone. Byan, Schafi', McCullough, Leon-ard, Weyn, Murray, Manifold; Mr.and Mrs. Sturtevant; Messrs. Wasrner.Carpenter, Wallace. C. Kegle, Fleck,Scott, Roland, Rodetz, Baker, Manifold,Warden, Audley, Bodfoid, Rogers,Wilson, I'rinsen, Donahue.


    Miss Betsey Constans' Debut Tues-day Evening.

    Miss Betsey Constans, daughter ofMrs. William Constans, of Summit ave-nue, made her debut into society lastTuesday evening at a charming fetegiven by Mrs. Constans at her prettyhome. Miss Constans is a vivaciousyoung lady, and is very popular among

    [all society devotees. The interior deco-rations of the house were very artistic,consisting of a profusion of choice roses,palms and other hot house and tropical!productions. The dining room was dec- |J orated with pink ribbons, smilax andIroses. Behind an ingenious tlpral screen[was hidden the Kleist Mandolin andjGuitar orchestra. Mrs. Constans wasIassisted by Mesdames Ritfenhouse. Of-ilicer, Hoxie and Vittuiu,and the] MissesiLindeke, Officer, Constans/Tyndolph. ofMinneapolis; Ihomas. of Fargo:, AlicejOfficer, of Flower. The debutante wasiattired in a gown of green and lilac silkjand chiffon. Among those present[were: Mesdames Bryant, (). P. Lnn-pher, Dalrymple, Livingstone, Balliet.Sharp. Bement, Booth, Carpenter,Allen, Flower, Peet, Bickel, Severance,Aueroach, De Park, Gary, Uuhani,Spencer, Michel, Ames, Oppeuheim,Muir, Goodrich. Wilder. Ritchie, Gil-bert, Wright, Greene, Cornish, Haw-kins; Misses Uphain, Berry, Greve,Carpenter, Hartman, Ames, McManusand others.


    AtLitt's Hall, Led by Luther New-port Friday Night.

    The german given last evening atLiU'shall, by the St.Paul German club,was the last to be Riven by that socialorganization. The cotillion was led byLuther Newport. The chaperoneswere Mrs. P. M.Newport, Mrs. Furnessand Mrs. Selmes. The event was oneof the most successful of the manygiven by the club. Among those pres-est were Mesdames McLaren, Towns-end, Taylor, Diiscoli, McCutcheon,Clark, Stone, Schurmeier Maxheld;Misses Newport, Schurmeier, Gotzian,Taylor, Moore, Giltillan, More. Sturge,Thorn, (Gordon, Kice. Lnmborn,Stiaulding, Stevenson, Miss Cook, ofNew York; Misses Magofrin and Miller,of Oululh; Miss Brenkerhoir'. of NewJersey; Messrs. Gordon, Halburt. M>>-Caren, Wright, Townsend, Road,liutchHison, Bigelow, Wolfe, .Stone,Merriam, Armstrong, Hewett, Prince,Weatlierby, Marton, Driscoll, SLurges,Maxfield, Dunn, Hayward, Duval, Clay,Boyle, Taylor, McCutcheon.

    Taken Unawares.

    Apleasant surprise parly took place




    Ladies', Men's and Children's Wool or Cotton Hose, regularprice 25c to 30c. X

    50c Hosiery 33c pair !SI.OO Hosiery 65c pair

    Underwear at G-reatly Reduced Prices.

    —ON 2STEJ"W

    Gowns 45c each upDrawers 20c a pair upCorset Covers 15c each up

    Many Fine Garments at Less Than Cost.



    BEST MAKES! LOWEST PRICES!1 $1.00 and $2.25 buys our Celebrated G-. D. Corset, asgood as any $1.50 and $3 Corset inthe city. P. D.,""C.P.."

    "R.&G-.,'' Thompson's and many other makes. .Ferris' G-.D. and Jackson Waists.

    Biggest Bargains in the City inSwis?, Linen and Silk Goods.

    KID QLOVES ! %£? L:n3S at Special Bar-

    Kid,Silk and Yarn Mittens.Yarns and Worsted Goods.


    P£pr*^ssfc» Third and Cedar Sis. and Wabashi -65|^iFigf®Br St., 2d Door From Postoffice.

    Iat the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. FrankIRitchet, on Sims street, Wednesdayevening. The occasion was a greetingof welcome on their return from a visitto Montreal. Canada. The guests wereMr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns, Mr.andMrs. J. Shane, Mr.and Mrs. J. Murphy,Mr. and Mrs. J. Dahl. Mr. and Mrs.William Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. D.Kmley, Mr. and" Mrs. McLean,Mr. and Mrs. Staples, Mr. nndMrs. J. Kitchef, Mrs. A. Trarey;Misses Tracey. O'Boyle, Scanlan,Gibbons, Lordau, McDonald, Clune,Sweeney, Diamond, llyland, Keating.Neelon, Staples, Donahoe. Woodroffe;Messrs. .J. Sweeney, W. Sweeney, Gib-bons, O'Connell, J. Scanlan, McConnoll,Lordau, Lane. Arthur, Kane, Flaherty,Weleli. D. Scanlan, Stewart, Carter.


    Westmoreland Hall in a Blaze ofGlory.

    The social hop of the Troubadorslast Thursday evening, Feb. 9, at West-moreland hall, was one of the most en-joyable of the season. The hall wasmost beautifully decorated with ever-greens and bunting, and the monsterJapanese umbrella in the center, withtwo large owls resting underneath, andthe crescent of pink roses with twowhite owls resting In samewere admiredby every one present, and the palmsand aspadistras on the stage and thepink shades over the incandescent lampsgave it a brilliant appearance.

    About seventy-five couples danced tothe pleasant strains of the Metropolitanorchestra.

    The Mandolin. Banjo and Guitar clubin connection with the Troubadorsplayed a few extra numbers at intervals,which were received with much ap-plause.

    Tne host of pretty girls of the Trou-badors were present with few excep-tions, and the evening willno doubt beremembered by all who attended.

    Among those present were the MissesMay and Gertrude Murphy, iiairgie andLillieDonahue, Nettie Babcock, ClaraKauffmann, Emma Hansdorf, AliceBevans, May Latta, Clara and AlvinaMeier, Maiy Jansen, Hattie Lemke,Bertha and May Schepperle, JesseSchiler, Ida Hammer, Susie Dodge,Emily Nenjahr, Louise and CarrieLemire, Nellie Lawton, the MissesWalker, Eva House, Maggie and JennieCarter, Kate Devitt, Kenny, Carrie LcIloy, Dora Conway, Eftie Vorman, Ag-gie Leonard, Winston, Cora Neumann,.May and Susie Finch, belle Gorman,Lottie Jessrang, Carrie Leslie, GraceStone, May and brine Minuet, DelwiuEthel Armstrong, Clara Kice, JennieMoore, Gertie and Eva McClure, NettieSpaldirig and Gertrude Berry, of Still-water: Agnes Walters, May Durant andKate Osborne, of Minneapolis; KateDonovan, of Merriam Park; Mr. andMrs. J. J. Clark, of Merriam Park; Mr.and Mrs. N. F. Lemire and Messrs.John Marti, Charles Turner, FredDawes, Stephen Beck, Will Lawton,Bedford, Frank Ilansdorf. Leo Bruen-ner. Malady, Peter Winter, MikeAniien, Ed and Joseph Dono-hue, Winston, Pete Shaefiiau-sen, Will Bertossi, Joseph Uuriey,G. L. Johnson, Joseph Kreps, FredLemke. Alfred Lemke, Ben" Gerber.George Sheehan, Walker, liobert Mc-Cleary, Arthur Kinsrsley, HermanHearsche, Burt Dye, C. J. Wagner, J.Prendergast. Al Kggert, J. J. Kramer,Joe Giesen, Will Ilemsch, Fred Schroe-der, Ado'ph Giesen, Will Lemke, Mar-tin Wiesen. J. W. Schlenker, RussellTrowbridge, A. Carter, Pete Carter,Doroughty, Oscar Acker, Kelly, M. Mc-Mahon, Nic Walsh, William O'Gorman,Jacob F. Jagger, Will Butte, CharlesJagzer, F. Gardner, R. A. llauaer, F.Salisbury, E. Preston and many others.


    Company D Celebrates Its Thir--

    teenth Anniversary.The thirteenth anniversary of Com-

    pany D,First Regiment Minnesota Na-tional guard, was celebrated in graudstyle last Thursday evening. Thearmory has never been the scene of alarger or more distinguished assem-blage, some 800 friends of the companybeing present. The armory had beenelaborately decorated with the nationalcolors. Tents had been pitched in thecorner of the hall, they being silent re-minders of "days and nights in eaniD."as well as lending a military air to theoccasion. The event of the eveningwas the presentation of a gold-mountedsword to Capt. Ed S. Bean by the mem-bers of the company. Dr. T. C. Clark,assistant surgeon ot the First reeiment,presented the sword ina neat speech, inwhich he briefly reviewed the brilliantrecord of Company D. Capt. Bean,though taken completely by surprise,lonnd words with which to thank themembers of the company for their tokenof esteem.

    The guests of the evening were in-vited to partake of light refreshmentsshortly before midnight.

    Committee of Arrangements— Sergeant H.W. TenvoorUe, Corporal T.J. O"j.cary, Corp-oral W iiliani KUrmantraut, Corporal F. A.Kyno.Private K. £. Schroeiier.

    Reception Committee— Sergeant Gates A.John sou Jr., Private Howard Kusaell, PrivateJohn li.Sclimitz, Private K. H. MuHeu. Pri-vate V. V.Mullen. Private George K. ftoche.

    Floor Committee— Sergeant A. J. Kahiert,Sergeant George R. Jiloduett. Corporal(ieorge C. Bookstaver, Corporal John B. Gun-tlier, Private £. A. Uleudu-.eier. Private E. E.Schooley, Private A. A. Ernst, Private N.F.Sbabert.

    Among those present were Capt. and Mrs.Ed S. Bean, Cant, and Mrs. H.C. Braden. Dr.T.C. Clark and wife, of Stillwater; Capt. W.H. Hart and wife, Lieut. Merrill and wife.Col. C. F. Pusch and wife, Lieut,and Sirs. Ames, Mr. and >Irs. A. B.Devitt, Mr. and Mrs. Flanders, Lieut,and Mrs. Metz; Misses Kernan, Jen-nings, Perry. Stiles. Rogers, Schonarth. Qmn-lan, Cook. Oakjs, TiliieYoung, Kate andAllie DvBorci, Conners, Lillianand ClaraHumphrey, Seng. Schroeder, LizzieTaylor,Pusch, Ba'rbeau, Watkins, MeGarry, Sullivanand Dorsey, of Stillwater; McKin'ey, of Mil-wauKee; Lambrecht. Hilda Rossberg. Simp-son, Flinn, Nagel, Hillman, Bell, Overtou,Bessie Huge. Stelia Murphy, Hartigon,Davis, Jones, Kemp. Franklin, Cummings,Winters, Ringwald. Fctseh, Bradshaw.Darm,Knapp, Dunn, Close. Oray, Campbell, Evans,Collins. McCue, Clara Murphy, Owens. Bar-ron, Bickford, Redding, Hughes, Wilson,Christie, C. B.Davison. Texnme, Gunther,Watklus, Hardy. Gene Ramaley. Allen andCharles Fisher.KuDy.Rogers, Smith,Kemmie,Barnard, Porter, Sprisgs, Eben Cakes. Mauu-hart, Gilfillan,Robinson, Finehout, BarronSchult/, Fetscb, bnvar.Barnacle, TrowbridgcBowker, Nagel, Chase. O'Leary, Rocne,Book-«stayer, Ryiu, Hoti'mau, Mullen, Zimmerman,Wiser, Maj. LIbey, Allen, Wilson, Egan,Briiert, Ames, Price, Dunbar, Murphy,Da-mon, Morgan, Hnuser.Siebert, Smith, Stevensand Trinkley,of Minneapolis; Diusmore, ofStillwater.

    Daughters ofRoyalty.

    The Kind's Daughters of the Uni-versalist Church gave a hop at Malcom'sdancing academy Tuesday evenine forthe benefit of the Newsboys' club. Theaffair was a very pleasant one. Thebright and dainty dresses of the ladiesadded brightness to the scene. Thosepresent were: Mesdatnes Arey,Wunder-licti, Knlph, Joy, Van Meter. Annar,Friend, Shepiey; Misses Kowley, Goss,Rossbertr. Schrade. Loverinar, House,Eubauk, Binghaui, Gooch, Vau O'Bleu-

    ills. Jessie Arey, Lovett, Stack, Saun-ders, Mathers,* Ward. Carpenter, DeVant, Lambrecht, McEvoy; Messrs.Davidson, Sauudtrs, Green. Wunder-lich, Wilson, MeAdairs, Willis. Chad-wick, Trowbridte, Graburn, Kretz, Joy,jolnison, LesUrfi, Antioiu .

    The Three K.'s.The K.K.X.'s gave one of their de-

    lightful dancing parties at Westmore-land hall. Monday evening, and it wasattended by about fiftycouples. An ex-cellent supper was served at 12 o'clock,and Seibeit's orchestra furnished themusic for the occasion. Among thosepresent were Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Devitt,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gross, Mr.andMrs. Christ Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Moran',Misses L.Hirsch, J. Sclnnidt, JN. Casa,L.Kerwin, M.(ass, I*.Lemlce, GraceJohnson, Emma Kruegor. N. Williams,Alvina Meier, Ida de Nanlt, AggieArdt, Tyra Booth, Lulu Wolfs-berg, Belle Oakes. Clara Hau-ser. Minnie Vitt, Lulu Metzger.Milliellauser, Teene Ferguson, GussieRosenkranz, Josic Fernholz. EmmaBender, Bertie Itislau, Katie Bender,Tillie Lenders, Katie Jessrang, T. Jess-rang, Mrs. Schmidt, Mm. Jumback;Messrs. George A. Lee, Otto Drcher,Joseph Araray, E. Oakes, M. St. Jean,John Bender, 11. V.. Seibert, G. J. Hand-ley, A. M. Hauser, John Heitmann,Frank Klostermann, 11. A. Hauser,James Marsolf, H. J. Krapp. FrankSeibert, A.L.Hauser, M. \V. Waldorf,Louis Jarsliishf'k, M. C. Schweizer,Frank Mast, E. Harris, T. McMillan,J. Mahon, J. J. Tobin, CharlesWagner, J. Hirsch, Minneapolis, audothers.

    The K. K. K. Will Have One 3lore.The last dance of the K.K. K.series

    was given at Westmoreland liall Mon-day evening Jast and was a fitting windup to a successful season. These partieshave been so enjoyable tiiat those at-tendins have requested tiie club to giveone more after Lent is over, anti therequest willprobably be complied with.Following were present at the last en-tertainment:

    Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Mr. and Mrs.Charles Cross. Mr. aud Mrs. Christ Miller.Mr.and Mrs. \V. A.Bhignnm, Mr.and Mrs. E. I.Moran; Misses O. Hirseh, J. Schmidt, N.Cass. L.Kerwin. M. Cass, 11. Lemke, GraceJohnson, Emma Krueger, N. Williams,N. Steveus. L. Williams, Alvina Meyer,Ida De Vault, Assie Schweizer, EitaDo Vault. Aggie Arth. Tyra Booth. LuluWolfsberg. Belle Oakes, Clara Hauser. Min-nie Vitt.Lulu Metzger, MillieHauser, Tee tieFerguson, Gustie Kosenkranz. Josie Fern-holz. Emma Bender. Birdie Ristao, KalieBender, Tillie Lenders, Kale Jessraug, T.Jessrang, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Zuinbach. ••

    Messrs. George A. Lee, Otio Drehcr, Jo-seph Argay, E. Ofikes, M. St. Jeau, JohuBonder, A. K. Seibert, G. J. Hauler. A. M.Hauser, John Heitinann. Frank Klostermnnn,R.A. Hauser, James Marzoli. H. J. Krapp,Frank Seibert, A.L.Ilan.-er, M.W. Waldorf,Louis Jarshishek, M. C. Schweizer, FrankMast. E.Harris, McMillan, J. Matian, S. J.Tobiu,Minneapolis: Charles Wa?ner,Miune-apolis; J.Hirscn, Mijuieapolis:A.J.Schwei-zer, E. Van Name, A. Lenike, D. McKinnon,James Lewis, John Gibbons, William Haas,William Lemke, Curtis Sloucman, S. li,MjDr-gan, Heury Ertz.

    A DelightfulDance.

    The dancing party given last Thurs-day evening at Litt's hall by the Quar-ter Hundred Merry Makers, a club oftwenty-live young men of town bandedtogether for the purpose of having agood time whenever a good time is ob-tainable, proved to be ono of the pret-tiest affairs of the kind given thisseason iv Litt's hall. Mrs. ElliottBaker acted as chaperone. Among thesruests who denced to the delightfulmusic furnished by the St. AnthonyHill orchestra were the Misses VanVoorhees, Warner, Dorsey, Call, More-hous, Northrup, Lamprey, Walther;liait, Kelly. Zahn. Roach, Talman,Foulke, Phillips,, Sprague, Johnson,Marsh, Richards, Cunningham audDevereux, and Messrs. Hemminghouse,Donnan, Bates, Appleton, Detnmin,Benz, Kavanaugn, O'Brien, Greene,Eastman, McCloucl. Gruig, Van Vleck,Hall, Phillips, TopUff, Morris, Dorsey,Campbell, Whitouinl), Shllltz, White,Call, McMahon. Corning, Wood, Bradeuand Richardson.

    An Unusual Event.J. F. Tosteviii.one of our old pioneers

    of 'ss, went to his home last Tuesdayafternoon, Feb. 7, in a calm and unsus-pecting frame of mind, and found him-self at once in the midst of a laughing,chattering crowd.

    When he had somewhat gathered hisscattered senses he realized that hischildren, including his son, J. F. Tos-tevin,and vvifo. from West Superior,and grandchildren were there to cele-brate ins seventieth uirtheay. Severalhandsome presents were given him;but when called upon for a speech hisusual fluency had left him;he wasspeechless. After a splendid supperthe evening was spent most delight-fully iv reminiscences of earlier days.Grandma Pitts, a dear oid lady of sev-enty-nine years, sang "Auld LangSyne" in a "way never to be forgotten bythose who heard it. At an early hourthe good-byes were said, all feeling thatthey had spent one of the pleasantestevenings of their iives.

    An Auspicious Opening.

    The Price-McGill company celebratedthe completion of its new building onCedar street by a large dancing party-Wednesday evening. The rooms wereprettily trimmed with cut flowers andplants in pots. Kiiest's orchestra, hid-den behind a screen of palms, filled theair withmelody. The grand march wasled by Mrs. John Merriam and W. W.Price, followed by Mr.and Mrs. C. H.McGilL Miss Dassal and K.H. Merriam,followed by about eighty couple. Ex-cellent refreshments were served at 12o'clock. The reception committee com-prised Misses Bessie Parquette, BelleFletcher, Maggie McClure; Messrs.John S. Hainbly, N. C. Mitchell, Will]ST.Abbott.

    On the floor committee were Messrs.Fred Trudeau, William Hay, J. B.Sweeny, J. V. Slocum, Frank Jeliuek,Maurice Sparschulz.

    The Retail Clerks.A pleasant complimentary entertain-

    ment was given by the retail clerks onFriday evening at Turner ball. Theprogramme was varied and attractive,one interesting feature being an addressby Dr. 8. G. Smith, who congratulatedthe audience on its representative char-acter, discussing briefly the object thatinstigated the formation of such organ-izations. Dr. Smith seemed to tlrinkeverybody should be induced to finishtheir shopping before 5 o'clock, at least.The programme was long,but excellent.


    Mrs. Robert Flowie and Miss Mildred Howiereturned yesterday to their home in Cbippe-wa Falls, Wis., after a two weeks' visit withncr sister, Mrs. W. B. Stoner, of 270 Mariaavenue.

    Mr.and Mrs. P. Harrison, Mr. Dodge, M.C.Tuttle, Mr. Dawson and family. Charles Joyand Mr. Johnson, all left for Florida lastweek to pass the reniainer of the winter.

    Adjt.Ilutchinson, of the Ninth UnitedStates cavalry, stationed at Fort Robinson, is"in the city." He was a caller upon Lieut.Sturgis at army headquarters.

    Mrs. Alfred Jackson, who has been visitingher mother. Mrs. E. Cavauagh, for the pastsix weeks, left for Spokane over the GreatNorthern last evening.

    Ex-Gov. llubbard, of Red Wing, generalmanager of the Duluth. Ked Wing & South-ern, went to Chicago Thursday, via the Mil-waukee.

    Miss Corinne Hindsell, of Grand RaDids,Mich., who nas been the guest of Mrs. W.Keisal, of St. Albans Street, has returnedhome.

    The Mandolin and Guitar club, Messrs.Weide, Towle and Heffernau. leave for abriet trip to St. Louis Tuesday night.

    Miss Hutu Baker, who has been visitingfriends and relatives in the South for tnepastsix weeks, has returned to her home.

    Editor and Proprietor George Teague. ofthe Grand Forks Plaindealer, has beeu aguest of St Paul friends this week.

    Miss Thomas, daughter of Judge Thomas,of Fargo, is iv the city, the guest of MissBetsy Coustans, 01 Summit uveuue.

    Mrs. Louia H. Naumann and her sister,Miss Anita Lienau. are spending the winterwithrelatives in New York city.

    Miss EllaBork has returned to her home atFairbault, after spending the past four weekswith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weide.

    Mr. aud Mrs. James Turluog, o{ Winnipeg,

    haye removed to the city, and will maketheir home at the iMerehants'.

    J. J. Nickey, an extensive mine owner, ofButte City, Mont., is a guest at the Melcopol-itan for a few days.

    Mrs. I). B. Finch, of Summit avenue, at-tended the Hawks-Nelson wedding at Still-wuter Wednesday.

    Mrs. Oscar Thomas Roberta and daughter,Gladys, of Laurel avenue, left Tuesday even-ingfor Duluth.

    The foilowiuc St. Paul men r.re in NewYoi-k: W. C. Beer, It.li.Dunn, C.F.llorton,W". C. Simons.

    Miss Mamie Andres returned Monday lastfrom a six weeks' visit with tier parents atMcGregor, 10.

    Miss Birdena Fnrwell, who left Wednesdaymorning for California, will arrive at Oak-laud Monday.

    Mrs C. E. Burc.h. of 417 Ashland avenue,loaves Monday for a visit with friends atDenver, Col.

    Mrs. Theodore Ostrander. of Knoxville,Term., was the guest of Mrs. W. B. Hawleythis week.

    Janiea Hervy Simpson lert Thursday forBoston, where he willresume nis studies atCollege.

    Mrs. Agnes Stabenc Hall is in the cityfor afew days, ths guest of Mrs.Searle?, of Collegeavenue.

    Mrs. J. Morganstern left for the East lastevening, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. H.Moss.

    Mr. and Mrs. D.P. Rousopoulcs and MissVenus Rousopoulos have gono to New Or-leans.

    Miss Mattio Castleman. of Louisville, isvisiting Mrs. Whitney Wall, ot St. Albansstreet.

    M D G rover, of Summit avenue, returnedthe first of the week from a trip through theWest.

    Fred L.Sexias left the first ol the week forDuluth, where he willreside mthe future.

    Bishop Thomas, of Kansas, formerly therector of St. Paul's church, is in the city.

    Harry Morris, of Portland avenue, willspend Sunday with friends at Stillwater.

    Mrs J. B. Huboell. of Dayton avenue, isvisitingMrs. P. B. Sparrow at MauKato.

    Miss Carrie Beebe, sister of Mrs. Paul Got-zian, is visitingMrs. Keeler at Mankato.

    \lviuJ. Kreck. who has been absent fromthe city for f-oine weeks, has returned.Miss" Nellie Black, of Minneapolis, visitedfriends on the West side Tuesday.p. W. Laud, of Rochester, visited on the

    West side during the week.Mr.and Mrs. H.T. Mesinniss have taken

    apartments at the Seville.Mis? Mattie Castleton, of Louisville,i3vis-

    iting Mrs. Whitney Wall.Miss Gheen has left town and her friends

    are inconsolable.Miss Lydia Schorr" has returned from a

    pleasant visit with friends at Chicago.F.M. Lyizen has returned from his trip to

    New York and cither Eastern points.*Frank Winter, of Perham. was the guest of

    East side friends early in the week.Miss Lea Schaff, who returned from Milw'aukee during the week, is quiteill.

    Miss Maeoflin. of Duluth, is the guest ofMrs. Magouiu, ol Dayton avenue.

    X P Jame?, of Boston, is visiting in St.Paul as the guest of W. W. Price.

    £x-L"nited States Senator S pooner, of Wis-cousiu, was in the citylast week.

    Mr. and Mrs Alex Catheart. of Ashlandavenue, have gone to Cleveland.

    Miss Hewitt, of Hod Wing, is the guest ofMrs. Squires, 10 Summit court.

    M.iss Tiniberiake has returned froma tripof several weeks in the South.

    F. M. Lytzen has returned from New Yorkand other Eastern points.

    Miss Charlott Kirby, of Olmstead street.has returned from Dululh.

    Miss Miller,of Dululh, is the guest of MissDay. 224 Dayton avenue.

    E. F. Jones, of Field, Mahler &Co., wenttoNew York Thursday.

    lion. -John Boyd. of Duluth, was a guest atthe capitol this "week.

    Mr.and Mrs. Frank Shepherd have goneto Thomasville, Ga.

    Capt. W. P. DunninKton, of RedwoodFalls, is in the city.

    U. C. Kendall, of Duluth, was a visitor intlits city this week.

    M*s."c. Van Auken is spending the winterin New Orleans.

    H..S. Grinnold, of Chatfield, wag in thecity this week.

    Capt. and Mrs. J. Mcß. Stembla are InWashington.

    Miss Jeannie McLaren has returned from atripabroad.

    T. B. Scott is stopping in New York citythis week.

    11. C. Reeves, ofDubuque, was in the cityMonday.

    J.B. Mosher is at the Sturtevant, NewYork.

    E. H.Stratton, of Odebalt, 10., ia in thecity.

    Ambrose Tighe is out of the city.V.P. Wright isinNew York.


    Agrand social ball will be jnven by theWest hide Lodge .No. lOfl. I. Q. o. l-\, riGeorge liarti's. ball, corner Somh W abasha

    and Fairfield avenue. Monday evening. Feb.13. >ius>ic byTwinCity ilauaoliu and Guitarclub.

    Miss LillianLynch. Nellie and KittyMoron Iand Miss Mareella Smith will entertain the jSunlight Social club Tuesday evening next.

    Gossip has it that Luther Newport and'

    Miss Newport will sive a german at the ICountry club Tuesday evening. \u25a0


    Wednesday evening as joilya crowd as isoften foundassembled in C. S. P S. hall, theoccasion being a surprise tendered F. Cor-coran nml 1-. Naylor by their lady friends.The evening was spent in dancing. Amongthose pre-nat were Mr. ami Mrs. O'Reilley,Mr.and Mrs. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Heinly;Misses Crist, Swandoler. Delaney, McGraJo.Johnston. Kelliher, McKoron", K. andM. Jenton, Cook, Carter, Linden,Fitsdbons, Pinger, Walsh. Anuond,McEUio/t, Shefer. Western, Keoh. N.and M.Murnaue. Darew, Boland, McCraw. Eagan,Jan sen, Rowan, Honing, Lightbold, Taaw,GHliiger. Gidden, shea; Messrs. Nayloi,Corcoran, McGoyern, Garner, Lynch, Kelli-her. Walters, Sptrrr, Wheims, Western, r'itz-gibona, Townsend. Silk, Ahern. Carter,Sehultz, Kinley. (i. and C. Kopriva. Wacouia, Bolaud, A. P. and J. Keoh, P. Ryan,M.and S. Shlfer, Delanev, Simon". Ringer,Jarsniaheit, OUeu, W.and H. Holden, Jan-sen, Crosby, Damnsh. Gallagher. Sherfen-berg, Lailey. Naylor, Humble, Nolan, Lubby,Mulltr,Shea.

    A very pleasant party was given by RiceCamp No. 0 of the Woodmen of the WorldThursday evening at Twin City hall. Asump! nous .-upper was served at 11:30 givenby the wives of the Woodmen. Among thosepresent were Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Cbrfsiian-son. Mr.and Mrs. John Hedenrcich. Mr. andMrs. M. F.Misgen. Mr.and >irs. John llov-mnij, Mr.and Mrs. Sar A. Horan. Mr. andMrs H. A. i.eppla, Mr. aud Mrs. T. 8. Con-lin. Mr.and Mrs. E. S. Lnetbge, Mr. andMrs. J A. M. Bacquea, Mr. nndMrs. Schmeltzer, Mr. anJ Mrs. Mar-catt. tor and Mrs. Ed Olson,Mr.and Mrs. Kd Shannon, the Misses Smith,Price, Sauenson, BeiJenreich, Nichols,Nlies,Iluetir.or, (irunbloth, Fox. English, Sebwiet-y.or. Welch. Bolan. Rossberß, Maroney, Smith,McCr.e. Drexlar. Guiniey, Honnau, andMessrs. L>i>. Oravalle. and Fltzsimons, De-vine. Mouiam, Lnmbore.'J'lioiDpso:). Fiornell.Bursead. Saoter, Cettens, Hosan, Fox.Schwietzer, Meisen, Russei, Hogas, Eshey,Oolbere, K. F. and C. G. Wcffla, Weuthge,McDouousli, Ashmid and Locker.

    Mr?. S. K. Keller gave a very pretty partyto her little dauehter Julia at her home onTenth street The smiling faces of the littlepeople expressed how greatly they enjoyedthe games, uoth old and new, with whichMiss Birdie Keller entertained them. Afterthe games they inarched to ihe diningroomto luuch to the pretty march that Miss MayKeller played for them on the mandolin.The guests were Misses Susan Richardson.Lolta Hud Maud Smalie, Ehel Johnson. KssieCotter, Alice Abell, Annie Blakely. MaudBernstone, Addie Kuie, Maud Cleveland,Lulu Keller, Lilliau Keller; Masters RoyHull.Eddie Trainbford, Arciiie Cotter. EddieJohuson. Loo Konanz, Herbert Martin, LeoSmi:b, Essery, Louis Keller. They were allvery prettily dressed and went home withsini'ling faces, showing what a good time theyhad.

    The valentine party to De given by theNushkas Monday evening is an event whichhas been awaited with great impatience bytrie members of the club and their friends.The party will have many novel features.;md willbe an event in swell society. Ladieswillappear in fancy dress and masks, andgentlemen with evening dress withoutmasks. A prize will be awarded to thewriter of the brightest and wittiest valentineon the Nushta club. The ladies receivingwillbe Mesdaraes F. B. Clarke. T. L. Sehur-meier, L.P. Ordwav. Archibald McLaren, G.U. Squires. James Elmer, W. 11. Hyndman.The diuiuprroom of the Albion has been se-cured for the ball, and a covered entrancefrom the club willbe constructed.

    Ed warn Eueger was pleasantly surprisedlast Friday evening at his home, 'iVo WestThird street, by a number of his friends, whos-peut the evening in dancing. Those preseutwere Misses Kcougb, Murnane. Lemke. Ko-imn. F. Zertler, C. Zertlcr, Sullivan. Elbel,Te«maun ofCarver: Hammond, A. Janseu,L Jansen. M. Moser, M. Zertler, Boehnisch,M Bohland, Lucy Bohland. Amauda Bohl-and. Davern, A. Luby, H. Zertler, G. Junsen."Vloouoy, Richards, Aurora Bohland andLilly Bohlaud; Messrs. Deliel, Murnane.Straus?, J. Keough. P. Keougb, O. Mooney,W. Mooney, Richards, Roehnisch, Knoblach,Friedman. Muller. O. Keough. Leinkc. P.Mooney, D.Luby,M. Luby, builiyan. Bohl-aud. Maloy, Wagner, Milon. ONeil. Fiiz^ib-bons, Moncree. Jau6en, Silk. Smitheu andSmith.

    Mr and Mrs. A.Bohland were very pleas-antly surprised last Thursday evening atthPirhome. Those present were MesdamesOrnie York. Selb, P. Bohland. Machvec,Koprivs, Haag, Christ. Snider; Misses L.Avt), L. (irme, M. Ayd. Hull. Karcher, A.Bohlaud, A. Luby, H.Luby, A:A. Horuung.Kelliher. Ea^eni M. Iloriiuug. B. York. C.



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