7 THE SAINT PAUL '.-.GLOBE: FRIDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 27, 1888. ST. PAUL WANTS. Wants on this page will be inserted tiudei elajaiified headings according to the following TABLEOT BATES. C *-3 HI irj w er. m 7" g * Ji g :r m 3 b 4 \ v I o r rr » Somber \l \ \ _ \ 5 « c _ of p 5a fi.it*> 'S ;B _ "Words. § § 1 1 E | 2 I Words. § § I § B | 2 g 1 ; :!* I r " : _ L*» orlesss.ls $.275. 39 $.51 $.63;5.75'J.8'7 \5 or less «*. 1 5 $. 27 $. 39;§ . 5 1 % . 03 $. 75if . 87 16 words .16 .88 .40' .52 .64 .76 .«8 17 words .17 .3* .43 .56 .69 .82 .95 IS words .18 .32 .46 .60 .74 .881.01 I* words .191 .34 .49 .64 .79 .94.1.0*1 BO wards .201 .35 .501 .65 .80 .951.10 PI words .21 .37 .53 .69 .851.01 22 words .22 .39 .56 .73: .90 1.07 1. 21 23 words .23 .41 .59 .77 .95!1.1311.3l 84 words .24 .42 .86 .781 .901.1411.32 25 words) .25 -44 .63 .82.1.01 1.20-1.39 wards' .26 .46 .66 1.26,1.46 27 words! .27 .48 .69 .90 1.11 1.821 23 words .28 .49) .70 .91)1.12 1.3311.54 29 words .29 -.51 .73 .95 .17 .39 1.61 BO words .30 .53 .76 1.2211.45 31 words 31 .55 .791.031.271.511.78 32 words .32 .56! .801.04)1. 23 1.521.70 33 words .33 .5& .83 1 0_11.3311.581 S4 words .34 .60 .86 1.121.3811.63 1.90 «5 words .35 .621 .891.161.431.701.97 36 words .36 .63, .901 17 144.1 .71 1 OS 87 words .371 .65 .93 1 21 1.49-1. 7*^2.05 B8 words .38 .67 .96 1 .54,1.83 2 89 words .39 .69 .99 1 29 1 591.89 40 words M .70 1 00*1 .60 1.90 2.26 <1 words .41 .721.03:1 3411.65 [1. 9612.27 42 words .42 .74 1 .06 1 .38:1 .70 2.02 2.30 A3 words 43; .76)1.09 1.42 1.75*2.08 .41 44 words .44 .771.101. 431. 76 2.09 2.42 *5 words .45 .791. 131.471. 81 2.15,2.49 46 words .4(1, . Sill. 16J1. 5111. 86:2.21,2.56 47 words .47: .831.191.55 1.912.27,2.63 48 words .4P .841.20 1 .56 1.92 J.2R2 64 words .49 .861. 231. 601.97,2.34,2.71 10 words .50; .88,1.26, 1.64 . Compound words count two words, and even- abbreviation counts the same as a full (word. In Every Case ihe Money Must Accom- pany the Order. giTUATioyg oi*n:*gtEi>» .11 ale. AGENT.**— Wanted, local and general agents for our gold and silver door plates; any name can be put in and plate can t<e delivered Aye minutes after order taken: i ]\u25a0> to $20 a day made easily; write for sam- ples, circulars, etc. (free.) New York Door Plate Company. Albany. N. Y. 261-66 BAKER— class, by Hoffman & Clark. Hastings. ! linn. 259-69 BAKER— anted, firsfcclass bread hater. 275 Dates ay. 5 BANK Cl.EßK— Wanted, intelligent boy or young man, with references, to work for his board and learn banking; good pen- man ; to right man something might be paid. I'.ank of Minot Dak. 6 BARBER wanted at 403 East Seventh st red H. Schade 265-66 BLACKSMITH— Wanted, a blacksmith for horseshoeing and general work. Cor-. ner Concord ar.d Isabel. 4 BRICKLAYERS— bricklayers wanted for Hale block. Jackson st. near Seventh. 263-64 BOY— Wanted, an honest Swede boy to work in store. Stone, the jeweler, 244 East Seventh st. '-77 \u25a0"> IjELL HOY wanted at Sherman house. SOY— Wanted, oflice boy. Apply Taylor- .-O Craig corporation. 201 West Fifth st. 4 3 OY—Wanted, boy about eighteen years J) old to wot* in office; must write a good hand ann have references. Call at 79 West Third st at once. 6 BOY— Wanted at the Delicatessen, IS6 East Seventh st. 4 CAR TENTER— Wanted, a good carpenter J to build conveyor for steam wood split- ter nt C. G. KolfTs wood yard, Comoav., Bear Western ay. 5 pAUI'KMKIis- Two carpenters wanted V-" at once. 256 University ay. 6 CARPENTERS— Wanted, carpenters on hard wood work at Duluth. Apply at 62 Globe Building. -" CARPENTERS— Six carpenters wanted at Hamline to-day. 5 Canvassers— Wanted, ten (IO) can- j vassere; experience not necessary: mast be men of good address; application must be in person: salary and commission. Domestic Sewing Machine Company, 71 Kast Seventh st 260-66 CARVERS— two first-class can* ers at once. Corlies. Chapman A Drake. 261-66 ash hoys wanted at Dnrocher a; "Yes- sel's, Seventh and Cedar sts. 6 CLARINETIST— Wanted a good clarinetist; ' inetist; also doable bass player, for orchestra: St. Paul or Minneapolis. Address Musician, Globe, Minneapolis. 265-67 CLERK— Good salesman, one who under- stands bookkeeping; German preferred; must come well recommended. Inquire 340 East Seventh st. ' 4 CIOATMAKKRS— Two coaunakers and J one pantsmaker at once: must be steady end first-class workmen. J. N. Hartbauer, .Sioux Kails, Dak. 5 COMMISSION MAN—Wanted, a hustler, one that is honest steady and well-ac- quainted with the city trade, to sell butter and eggs on commission; big money in it to the right party. Address AA. Globe. 263-66 RIVER -Wanted, ft competent single man to take care of horses and cow and he generally useful; must be a good driver; state what former place has been, national- ity,etc. Address C 111. Globe. 265-6 FARM. HAND—Wanted, a man who un- derstands the care of stock to work on farm: must be agood milker. 161 Nina ay. 265-66 EATHERS good lathers wanted. Call at 780 York st between 6 and 7 p. m. 263-65 MAN— Wanted, young man acquainted with city. Apply at Sa. m. ISI East Sixth st. St Paul Stained Glass Co. 6 MEN AND teams wanted at Power House, St. Anthony Hill. 4 HEN— fifty men at Grand opera house stage entrance. Fourth st, at 11 o'clock ibis morning. 4 OI'MCE WORK—Wanted, man with S2OO cash security to take charge of branch olfice; salary ~i',(i per month and part of profits. Address Bos 355, tail Claire, Wis. 262-266 PiIOTOtiRATIIIC PR INTER—Wanted, photographic printer immediately. Schlatunan i'ros., 271 East Seventh st, St Paul. 4 Positions, of trust for those furnishing bond gooa references. Deo Hive Enterprise. Seventh and Robert 265 SALESMAN— First-class clothing sales- man wanted at the United States Cloth- thins House, corner Seventh and Jackson sts. _ 26:1-265 SALESMEN— several young men for glass department: experience pre- ferred. Apply to Byan Drug Co. 265-67 SAWYER Man wanted to saw wood. 10 Applyimmediately to J. W. Shafer, 527 St. Peter st. 6 OIIOEMAKEK— A first-class man at the IO New England. 135 East Seventh st. 6 S"~ TONE CUTTERS— first class sand- stone cutters at once, timer & Smith; Upper levee. 26-1-66 TAILOR— Wanted, agood tailor to go to Spencer, 10. Apply to Good A Schur- xneier. 372 Jackson. 4 rFVAIf AIR—First-class, steady work and A good pay. 1. X. L. Dye Works, 107 Martin st " 3 I-^EAMSTER— at 396 Lafond st, A one used to the city; no other need ap- ply. \u25a0 6 a^lNSEIts— Highest wages paid first-class tinners at Pond's, 317 Nicollet ay., Mm neapolis. 262-67 rpiXNERS wanted at Prendergast Dros., A. 62 Ka.-t Third si. 5 PHOLSTEEERS AND LOUNGE Makers- W"anted,upholstercrs and lounge makers. St Paul Mattress Co.. 241 S. Kobert St 6 WAITERS— Wanted, two good waiters at W Grotes Tivoli. 2 WAITER— Wanted, one active waiter >\ (white) at the Delicatessen, 186 East Seventh st. 5 F.I \ Day men, 51.75; station men, 13 cents *J\J per yard : board, $:..50 ; lor Winni- peg, free fare; ship to-night White A Co., 295 Jackson St 265 I (Xfi MEN; forHurley, Wis., and Besse- lUU mer, Mich: 51. 75 per day: station work, 16 to I8e; work all winter; 500 day and station men for trie South, below Merri- 11, is. v. oik all winter. Colton, 245 East \u25a0'\u25a0bird st. 265 00 .*THSIC'AI„ MUSIC LESSONS on various instrument A. Nt 20 Tilton st 263-69 "p.'.tNO- TlTN'INti Si; first-class work X. guaranteed. Address Samuel Crutcbett : c I Ellen st 240-269 OI ANO TUNING— prompt first-class A. work K':ivc orders at Wnitney's music : ,\u25a0'\u25a0 !-.;\u25a0.*; Third st 346* 3i is«:f.i.i.am:ou>>. a»sc?Kt,i-t3ii*:oLT_. "" >OUK KEEPING— Uooks '.pened. closea, *>ooiiKEEt'iN«'— books t-pened. i-iosea, - J posted, expert work. e'.e. F. Sprague, l-om 252. Drake block, St C:u!. 122* "s/Liii-Nii't in;— Elegant household turni- X tore, hut liitlo used, at private sate. Call at li'_ IghfaH A 237* SITUATIONS OFFERED. I em ale. \u25a0___¥, APPRENTICE GIRLS for dressmaking, 47 3 Broadway. M re. Mosher. 4 COOK— Wanted, a first-class cook, with C ""took—Wanted, a first-class cook, with \u25a0> references. Mrs. A. G. Foster, 490 Sum- mitav. 262-68 COOK— Experienced cook. 342 West Third st. 264455 COOK— First-class cook wanted immedi- COOK— First-class cook wanted iniineui- ately. Inquire at 420 Selby ay. - \u25a0\u25a0 5 COOK— Good experienced lady cook. Bee Hive Enteprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 ! . COOK— A first-class hotel and restaurant COOK— A first-class hotel and restaurant cook wishes a situation: no objection to leaving the city. Address W 118, Globe. ' i 265-66 ' _____ DININIG ROOM GIRLS wanted at City INTnig ROOM GIRLS wanted at City hotel, 357-359 Robert st 6 WASHER wanted at Clarendon _ hotel. , -y 264-65 DISHWASHER wanted. Winter's res- isTTw'ASHKR wanted. Winter's res- taurant, 45!' Wabasha st. 6 DRESSMAKER Wanted, first-class draper and cutter at 42 West Ninth st.4 UR SEWERS— Experienced fur sewers. '•UR SEWERS— Experienced fur sewers. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 GERMAN GIRLS— Good German girls KRMAN GIRLS— Good Uermnn girls for good places. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 GIRL for small family: no washing. Mrs. C"** IKLfor small family: no washing. Mrs. T P. C. Lutz, 124 West George st 6 GOVERNESS for two young girls in En- GoYKRNKss for two voting girls in En- glish, French, German, music, etc. Ad- dress, with references, C 124, Globe. 263 67 OUSEWORK— A respectable girl for H~V>USEWORK— A respectable girl for general household work, In a family of three; washing and ironing: high wages to superior girl; only experienced help need apply. 836 Dawson st, Dayton's bluff. 264-66 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework at 217 East Eighth st. 6 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, agood girl tor HOI SE WOKK—Wanted, agood girl for general housework; must be competent; German or Sweed preferred. Apply 234 East Thirteenth st. 5 Housework— A girlfor general house- HUi sIiWOKK- A girl for general house- work; one who can wash and iron, at 478 Cedar st. . 4 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl; HOI SEWORK— Wanted, competent girl: good wages. No. 425 East Eighth at. 4 HOUSEWORK— a girl for gen- eral housework ; one who is a good cook. Call at 168 Pleasant ay., near Third st 4 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, agood girl for HOI'SEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for general housework. Apply 529 West- minster »t. 4 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a eirl for light OisEWOKK— Wanted, a trirl for light housework for a family of iwo persons; must be a good cook. Call at 520 Summit ay. 4 HOUSEWORK— An experienced girl lor HOUSEWORK— experienced girl tor general housework, that can cook and make good bread, wash and iron. 372 Ex- change st ; none other need apply. 6 HOUSE WORK—Wanted, experienced girl HOI'SE WOKR—Wauted, experienced girl for general housework: two in family. 21 Floral st near Mackubin st. and Summit ay. C HOUSEWORK Wanted, a competent H~ OI'SEWOKK Wauled, a competent girl for general housework. Applyto Mr«. Morrison, 496 Jackson st. 265-67 HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted forgencral OUsE WOKK— Girl wanted for general housework. 320 St. Anthony aye., cor- ner"of Farrington. 6 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; good wages. Applyat once, 227 Iglehart st _C OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework, nt 165 Nelson aye. 6 U OUSEVt ORK—Wanted, Scandinavian Hot girl. 354 Minnesota st. Scandinavian girl. 354 Minnesota st 4 HOUSEWORK— General servant wanted, H OUSEWOKK General servant wanted, one used to children. 371 Charles st 4 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general Hois kwoit X Wa 11 ted V 777 for general housework at 227 Spruce st. 6 HOUSEWORK— -Wanted, a good German H OISEWOKK—Wanted, a good German girl for general housework. call at 176 West Ninth st, third floor. 264 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a competent OisEWOKK Wanted, a competent girlwho can cook, wash and iron: ref; i erences required. 163 Iglehart st. 6 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl to help lady HI 1 1 •sEWOKK- Wanted, gillto help lady j of house; to work for wages or go to j school, at 590 St Anthony iiv. 6 i OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen- Ho t * s K WO R K—Wanted, a uirl for gen- < eral housewoik. Apply0*" Wilkin st. 6 OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl forgencral work; none but first-class need apply. 395 V. alnutst. __ HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework: good wages. Applyat once at 227 Iglehart st 5 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, domestic girl for general housework. Apply at once at 185 East Fifteenth St.. near Jackson. 4 HOUSEWORK— A good girl forgeneral OUSEWOKK—A rood giri forgeneral housework; Scandinavian preferred. 067 Wabasha. 5 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen-' HOUKKWOKK— Wanted, a girl for gen- eral housework at 562 Robert st 5 OUSEWORK— A German girl wanted at Hoi M'.HOBK- A GermuiTgirl wanted nt 367 Walnut st„ corner Oak. 264-65 HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house- "oi'sEWORK— Girl for general house- work. 345 East Ninth st. 4 HOUSEWORK A good German girl. OUSEWORK— A good German girl. Apply392 East Sixth st. 5 HOI'SEWORK— Wauted, a good strong H~~ OISEWOKK— Wanted, a good strong girl for general housework at 646 Can- ada st 4 T^ITCHENGIRL wanted at 497 Broad- ITCHEN GIKL wanted at 497 Broad- J.V way ; one that can cook. 5 T7"tTCHEN GIRL. Windsor hotel. T r ITCH EN GIRL. Windsor hotel. T'TrCHEN GlßLS— Wanted, two kitchen KITCHEN GlßLS— Wanted, two kitchen girls at 352 Robert st. \u2666 5 I7"ITCHEN GlKL— Wanted, a neat ITCIIKN GIKL Wanted, a neat IV kitchen girl at 51 West Fourth st. 5 LAUNDRESS— Wanted, girl for laundry. lAUNHRESS— Wanted, giri for laundry. J Applyat once at 291 Sit- ley st. MILLINERY SALESLADY Experi- enced saleslady for millinery store; good pay to experienced party. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh ar.d Robert sts. 265 TyrUKSE wanted at once; ono who would "VTUR,*i- at once; one who would l\ assist in housework. 507 Marion st 4 IV o ßs e—Wet nurse. Apply iv person to V I'RsL—Wet nurse. Apply in j.ersou to IM _'.:\u25a0_> Ellen st 4 "TV"URSE GlßL—Wanted, a half-grown "\T URSE GIRL Wanted, a half grown 1 1 girl to take care of child and help around liouse. Call at 227 Ramsey st. 6 pASTRY COOK— girl for pastry JL room at Clifton hotel. o POLISHER— Wanted, a lady polisher at O LISHKK— Wanted, a lady polisher at 16 West Tenth st; please call immedi- ately. . 4 SECOND GIRLwanted at once: must un- derstand waiting on table. Call at 137 West Fourth st. 6 QKCOND GIRL wanted, at 385 Wasn- GIKL wauied, at 355 Wasn- O ington st. 4 SERVANT— Wanted.general servant; good SERVANT— Wanted.general serrant; good wages. 601 Selby ay. 4 Sill KTMAKKKS— Wanted, experiemei shirtmakers at 27 East Seventh si., j Room 3. steady work. 6 AIST FINISHERS—First-class waist- WAIST FINISHERS— Fii-st-class waist- i finishers wanted. Room 15, Fore- | paugh block. . 3 I W" AIST FINISHER—Wanted, a good AIST FINISHER—Wanted, a good : waist finisher at 29 West Third st j nn stairs. 4 W~ ANTED— Three good cooks, two good WANTED— Three good cooks, two good \u25a0 laundry girls, ten girls for general housework. 2*7 East Seventh st, room 2. 264 | ANTED— lmmediately four first-class WANTKD— Immediately four fir.-; cooks; no washing; and two good i sewing girls. Comer Nelson. Miss Ridding. ;j WANTED— Three good cooks, ten girls WANTED Three good cooks, ten girls for general housework. 27 East Sev- enth st. Room 2. 4 WANTED— One first-class waist trimmer, WANTED— One first-class waist trimmer. one waist finisher and good skirt ! hands; only those who are thoroughly com- I i>eliint need apply. Miss E. A. Hatstat Room 503, Grand Opera Mock. 265 67 GOOD COOK, $30 per month: girls for GOOD COOK, $30 per month : girls for general housework; girls for sewing; girls for dining room work: dishwashers: laundry girls for Dakota: 25 girls for Still- water; man and wife to take full charge of restaurant; call at once. 27 East Seventh, Room 2. 265 ii/*". EXPERIENCED factory girls to .i _ EXPERIENCED factory girls "to AiO work on pants. lice Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 868 DYE WORKS. U. JAMIESON _ CO.'S Steam Dye Works— Gents' clothing a specialty. Lace curtains cleaned or dyed in all shades to look like new, at 14 West Sixth st. St Paul. Minn. 134* NORTHWESTERN STEAM Dye Works I^l and Scouring house, 416 Rooert st, Ryan block. Gentlemen's garments cleaned, dyed and repaired. Ladies' dresses, shawls, laces gloves cleaned and dyed. Goods called for and delivered. 264* lIRI^OIAKim |*\RESSMAKING Miss Maggie Kelly XJ wishes to inform her patrons that she has removed from 520 St Peter st to 72 West Tenth st - - 265-67 DRESSMAKING— Basques, cut and fit, D&KBHMAKING— Basques cut and fit buttonholes marked, lor $2; perfect fit guaranteed. 441 Sibley st. between Seventh ana Eighth. * ; , 260-66 DRESSMAKER— A competent dress- D" VtESSMAKER— A competent dress- maker wants sewing in families: can come well recommended. Address 477 Su- periorst. - 5 BOARD ]_______£ '\u25a0'\u25a0' OARD—A lady engaged during the day BOARD— A lady engaged during the day wishes room and board in refined private family; references exchanged. D 72. Globe. 365-60 SITUATIONS WASTED. - ivt»l«% AN ATTORNEY*,well acquainted in the Northwest desires a position as credit man or otherwise with a good firm. Ad. dress S 77. Globe. 260-66 BOOKKEEPER— Youngman (25) desires situation cashier or assistant desires situation as cashier or assistant double entry bookkeeper; three rears' experience; A 1 references. Address & 111, Globe. 4 BOOKKEEPER- man desires po- sition us bookkeeper iv a wholesale or retail house; can give best of references. Ad- dress _ IS-2. Globe 264-66 OOKKKKFEK Also civil engineer, experienced and accurate with figures wishes position ; best of references given. Address B 141, Globe. ' 4 OOKKKKPKR—Wanted, position by a BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, position by a practical bookkeeper in city. Address V 110, Globe. 264-65 BOY wants a position after 6 in the even- ing to work In hotel if possible. Ad- dress B 140. Globe. 4 BUTCH Awell experienced butcher wants a situation. Address C 123, Globe. - 265-67 CLXXX— Wanted, situation in flour and CLERK— Wanted, situation in flour and feed store by an all-round office man familiar with flour and wheat wiih general knowledge of other grains. Address S 105, Globe. 0 CLERK— Experienced hardware and stove > man open for engagement Oct 1. P No. 121. Globe. 4 CLERK— Employment as clerk or book- keeper; (-'Hick nt fi cures; willing to work for $1 per day. P 118, Globe. 6 CLERK— Youug man of eighteen wishes a situation in general store: has -had some experience. Address 355 Hire st. 5 CLERKS— At the Bee Hive Enterprise for clerks, bookkeepers, traveling sales- men, etc. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 Ci OACIIM AN—Situation by a German ' with cityreferences. Address WG, 142 Dale st. 6 COACHMAN— A colored young man de- siring an occupation in a private family to drive and take charge of horses. Loca- tions. 122 Valley St., city. 5 COACHMAN— A temperate young man of COACHMAN— A tempernte young man of experience wants a situation; best of references. Address P 05. Globe. 5 OACHMEN—At the Bee Hive Enter- prise. Seventh and Robert, for expert- enced coachmen. 265 AIRY*HAND—Wanted, young man tor dairy. Apply Marquette saloon, corner Carroll and Louis sts., a. m. 5 ELI VERY DRIVER—At the Bee Hive Enterprise. Seventh and Robert, for a No. 1 delivery driver. 265 DRUGGIST— wanted by a young man with two and a halt years' experi- ence in the drug business. F 100. Globe. 6 EMPLOYMENT— A young Englishman EMPLOYMENT— A young Englishman just arrived in this country wishes re- spectable employment; good retereuces can be had from last employers. Address A 126 Globe. 6 EMPLOYMENT— Wanted employment; . -i young man well educated; in store or officii; have letters from church and bank. of Middletown, Ohio. Address B. 234 West Seventh St., St. PauL 6 EMPLOYMENT wanted by a middle-aged man where he can make himself useful. Address Ed Wilson. Globe. 4 EMPLOYMENT— wanted by a young man in country store or any other mercantile business; has had considerable experience, good education and is of fixed habits. Address, X 101, Globe. 265-67 EMPLOYMENT— Married man wants a position of some kind; will work in country or city; can furnish best of refer- ences. Address 0 108, Globe. 4 EMPLOYMENT desired by a gentleman s willing to work, with n" fair hand in writing; well versed in Scandinavian, Eng- lish and German. Address P 119, Globe. 4 E~" MPLOYMENT— wants a position after 6 in the evening, to work in hotel if possible. Address B 140, Globe. 5 EMPLOYMENT— Boy wants position where lie can work for his board and go to school. 475 Carroll st 204-65 .11 PLOY'S! ENT— Place in private family desired by youngman. Address 06 Cen- tral ay. 264 ' MACHINIST— wanted, job in some fac- tory by young man who understands machinery well. Address R 195, Globe. 265 CO _. OFFICE WORK— Employment by young man; well educated; office work pre- ferred ; five years' experience in wholesale house; A l cityreference. L 71. Globe. 4 OFFICE WOKK—Wanted, a situation by i". young man iv an office or factory; fair penman. Address Vll4, Globe. 5 REPORTER— Situation as reporter on daily paper, six months' experience, or as local editor and foreman of country paper, by young man of twenty-three: six years in tiie newspaper business. Address >' 190, Globe. 264-66 rpEACHER— A well-educated youngman, A speaking English, French and German, wishes a position as teacher. Address B 146. Globe. 263-65 'IiEAMSTEE— Wanted, Job as teamster by J. young man; can furnish good reter- enccs. 11 112. Globe. 265-266 WAITER— Posi tiou wanted by a clean and sober young Swede; talks German and English, but is a stranger in this city. Address X 106, Globe. 4 WRITING wanted to do evenings; notes taken in shorthand if desired. Address I) 188, Globe. * 4 7 ATC M A At the Bee Hive Enter- VV prise, Seventh and Robert, for watch- man, furnishing bonds. 265 l"«'iii:il*-. 4~<-m:il<-. CLERK— Young lady would like a situa- tion in confectionery store or battery; has experience in bakery, Please address J. S. Moir. -11 Wabasha st 264-67 CLERK— Clerk of twelve years' experience desires position in general store: can speak French and German. Address D M. Globe. 3 LEEK—Young lady schoolteacher, good, ' rapid penman, having good office expe- rience, wants oflice work of any kind. Ad- dressß 106, Globe. 6 C<OOK AND WAITER, class, wish " situation in first-class private family. Address Employment 47 Tenth st. I DDK AND SECOND-GIRL—Two sis- ters wants places toother in a private ! house as cook and second-girl; give refer- ences 52 West Tenth st, Room 15, 4 i CIOOK— A first class cook wants a situation ' In a private house: give references. 52 ' West Tenth st. Room 15. 5 j Wanted, a situation as first-class ] J cook; Scotch; understands her business | and all its branches. 351 East Fifth st 6 CtOOK Wanted, a girl wants a place as i ' cook, \yhere there is no washing, or gen- ; era! housework. 1 lease address Globe office. j for two days only. J 109, (.lobe. 5 | KESS.MAKEliVßepairing and plain | sewing by a practical dressmaker: terms ' : reasonable. Address B 144, Globe office. 6 I Di. I>^ M A KlNG— Wanted, dreTsniaklng RESSM AKlNG—Wanted, dressniaking by the day. Call at 38 Wabasha si. 6 FOUR competent German girls want pri- FOUR competent German girls want pri- vate places: two for dining and kitchen i work. German Intelligence, 52 West Tenth. 264 05 HOI'SEWORK wonted by lady in private j H family; small wages. Miss in private family; small wages. Miss Peterson, ! 364 Collins st 265-266 OUSEWORK— Two faithful German Hoes ewokk— Two (aithfnl German girl?, experienced In general house- work, strangers in the city, want situations at once: good references. 3S6Banfilst 5 OUSEKEEPER— An Eastern lady, stranger iv the city, would like a posi- tion as housekeeper in widower's family. Ad- dress S 46. Globe, Minneapolis. " 4 OUSEKEEPER— German lady, first-class housekeeper, wants position. Address V 108. Globe. 5 HOUSEKEEPER— A middle-aged lady seeks a position as housekeeper. Ad- dress L US. Globe. 4 ASTRY COOK— A good pastry cook ASTRY COOK— A good pastry cook would like to get a situation. Address F 191. Globe. 6 SALESLADY— Young lady would like po- sition as saleslady, cashier, or in office. Address or call R F, 93 East Ninth st. 6 SALESLADY— Wanted, a position as sales O lady; best of reference given from last employer. Address May V, Globe. 6 OEWlNG— Wanted, familysewing; perfect t5 lit by the French system; S3 per week. 336 East Seventh st, Room 1. 3 SECOND GIKL—A girl of experience O wants situation as second girl or nurse in private family. Call or address 249 Nor- ris si. 3 SECOND WOKK—Wanted, by a girl a sit* O nation to do second work in private family. Address Nellie, Globe. 3 TENOGRAPHER— A position in any TENOGRAPHER— A position in any kind of business Is wanted by a lady stenographer and typewriter. Address S 110, Globe. . . . . 4 SITUATION wanted by two sisters as SITUATION second by two sisters as cook and second giri, competent, in first-class private families, and fourteen good girls for housework. Ladies' Employment corner Nelson. Miss Ridding. 5 AlTßESS— Situation as waitress or sec- AlTKESS—Situation as waitress or sec- ond girl in a private family. Address MlO9, Globe. . 3 WASHER— A girl would like a situation as washer in a steam laundry ; is well experienced. Call or write at 24 East Sixth st 3 WASHERWOMAN— Awoman wants to WASHERWOMAN— A woman wants to do washing at her home; willing to deliver. Address 531 Brewster &t, 3 200,000 WANTS Were printed In the Gloss's Advertising Columns in 1887. This is the best evidence that the Globs is the People's Paper. WHERE WANTS CAN BE LEFT i FOR INSERTION IN - ' ? * ' FOR INSERTION IN "THE GLOBE" LTONS*_ TICKNOR. Druggists, 707 East LTONS _ TICKNOR, Druggists, 707 Eft*t Third street corner Bates. , •-- CONGER BROS., Druggists, 349 University t avenue, corner Virginia. ; MOUNTS A SAWYER, Grocers, corner Ash- land avenue and Dale street . " A. P. WILKES, Druggist 759 and 761 West .. Seventh street :• -I ; BERKMAN & CO., 422 Dakota avenue. i E. FOX, 482 Rice street -A :! O. P. WILLIAMS, 648 Reaney street FRANK L. OSBURG, 178 Western avenue, j ' J. H. HAVES. 441 West Seventh street ) ! F. VAN DUYNB, Druggist, 828 East Set* enth street HIPPLBR A COLL YER, Druggists, 199 East i Seventh street , : JOHN FURLONG GROCERY COMPANY. 470 Jackson street. WILKES* PHARMACY, Seven Corners. M.D. MERRILL, Books and Stationery, 442 Broadway. HELLER'S PHARMACY, corner Tenth and St Peter streets. BUSINESS CHA3C*E». .ll<-"i«-nin-j & Wheeler, 145 East Fifth Street WE ARE selling more business chances than all other firms combined; prop- erty must be cheap before we list it JUST THINK— A contectionery and cigar store, well stocked; doing nice trade; location good ; three living rooms attached; $175 ; it will not last ONE FOURTEEN, one twelve and one thirteen-room furnished boarding houses: furniture elegant; beautiful buildings; all full of roomers; good profits; fine locations; see these before you Invest a dollar: rents low; all at about* one-third value. (VI EAT MARKETat a sacrifice. SPECIAL BARGAIN in a fourteen- room furnished rooming and boarding house; every room taken ; a profitable house: ten minutes' walk from center of city; we want you to see this before ycu buy. DO YOU WANT a small, paying hotel? If so, see what we have. WE CAN PLACE you in a profitable business for from $150 up. FURNISHED FLATS— One on East Sev, enth st, twenty-three rooms; all light- fine furniture: handsome profits; at an awful sac flee if taken at once. M'KENNEY A WHEELER, 145 East 1»1 Fifth st, between Robert and Jackson. 265 S. V. Root A Co., Business Chances and. itVn'-i! Agency, 186 East Seventh, Near Jackson. JV* OW IS the time to secure bargains. jVOW IS the time to secure bargains. QlT^i WILLPUT YOU in one of the tSilr7 P. WILL PI _ YOU in one of the vl I *J best restaurants in the city: loca- tion immense ; $60 worth of new silver, never i been used; 5 livingrooms above; rent only $50 paid to Oct. 20 ; see this to-day if you want it. I BURNISHED HOUSES— I 2 room house with barn on E. Seventh st ; right down ; town ; rent only $40, worth $60; 22 board- ers; $200 will put you in this. SEE THESE HOARDING HOUSES— O Fine brick terraces; elegantly furnished ; finest location in the city; rent from $40 to $60; can he had for half their -alue. BUSINESS MEN WITH CAPITALsee this: Listed to-day a farm of 160 acres: one-half mile this side of Kosemont; new house cost $2,000; this valuable land will be sold at half price iftaken this week. CALL AND SEE OUR LIST—You will be astonished at our bargains; we in- vestigate what we list and represent it just BS ii is; flats, butcher shops, groceries, sa- loons, farms, houses, and, in fact, anything you want S. V. Root& Co., 186 East Sev- enth st, llerbst block. 265 J. S. Oooch & Co.. ; 51 East Fourth st. MILK DEPOT— Delivering 150 gallons I»jL daily; everything first-class; paying handsome profit: this is gilt-edged. \u25a0 \u25a0 : CUSTOMERS, ATTENTION— Cigar and J stationery store $125, and a daisy lor $350; boarding houses, best locations, at 50 era on the dollar. - BRICK HOTEl.—Fortv-two rooms, doing lanre business: come in and see us, we are always on deck. J. S. Gooch & Co. ' 264-65 ' ."Miscellaneous Business Chances BARGAIN if taken at once; a first AIIAKC.AIN if taken at once; a first- class bakery and confectionery doing a good business; also furniture for a six-room fiat; will sell together or separately: rent reasonable; location first-class. J. K. L., Globe. 263-69 A MAN with about $850 cash to lake an interest in a established business; either active or silent; as an investment will bring big returns. Address P 124, Globe. 265-67 BLACKSMITH SHOP, tools and stock for sale; lots of work, good prices; satisfactory reasons for selling. James Strathone, Appleton, Minn. 265-70 BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE— With lease, with or without tools, cheap; reason, poor health; six corners.. East Sev- enth. Mendota and Minnehaha sts, Davtou's bluff. St. Paul.- 259-05 I^OK sale— famished completely . in new town of great expectations; cx"- cellent opportunity for man and* wife of right stamp; laud or improved farm accept- able. Address B. E. Bushnell,- Wayzata, Minn. 262 65 FOR SALE Stock hardware and fixtures; $3,500 is about what it will invoice. For further information address B 23, Globe. 265-72 FOR SALE— Stock of geueral merchandise FOR sale— st-ekof general merchandise and store building in town In North Da- ; kola: the only store in town: sales averaged : $25,000 for last six years: will reach $30,000 ] this year, paying net profit ot over $3,500; ' three elevators in town; good farming coun- try; never had failure of crop : stock can be , reduced to suit purchasers: about $5,000 re- J quired. Address N 118. Globe. 261-67 FOR SALE—First-class meat market; cen- tral location : will sell at a bargain ; best ' of reason given for selling. Address S 109, \u25a0 Globe. 264-66 GROCERY FOR SALE with a good es- tablished cash trade; location, stock, ! store and fixtures first-class. Address N 1 12. I Globe. 265-67 GROCERY STORE—For sale, a well es- tablished grocery store on East Seventh st. ; must sell on account of sickness. Ad- dress B 135, Globe. 263 PARTNER— lady or gentleman with $3,500 to take interest in- a clean. legitimate business that will net $40,000 in ten months. Address A. 11.. Globe. 285-68 P' ARTNER WANTED—Lady or gentte- man with $3,500 to take interest in a clean, legitimate business that will net $40,- --000 in ten mouths. Address AB, Globe. , 265-67 7T PARTNER WANTED—A young florist wishes for a nice floral designer; busi- ness a gentleman or lady can engage in with $300; knowledge of the business not re- uuiied. Address J 110, Globe. 264 66 WANTED TO BUY— A milk route in good condition, without team, etc. Address D 189. Globe. 263-65 LOST A!Vl> sFOCSP. DOG LOST—A small Yorkshire terrief, answers to the name of Trouble: had answers to the name of Trouble: had on chain with bells. The finder will please return to J. W. Marsh, Pioneer Press, and name reward. 260 DOG LOST— SIO REWARD— Ran away OO LOST— SIO REWARD— Ran away from commissary department N. P. R. . R., a yellow curled-hair shepherd dog, white breast, ball off one hind foot, brown eyes; answers to the name of Curley. The above reward will be paid if returned to dining car department Northern Pacific railroad, Mississippi st L. R. Metz. 263-69 LOST— English setter; color, lemon and LOST— English setter; color, lemon and white; leather collar with last year's license; answers to the name of Sport; liberal reward offered for his return to 386 Robert st. . . 265-67 PUP LOST—Pointer pup, long ears and tail, large white and orange spots; will pay for trouble if returned to 158 West Ninth st. Hayward. 264-65 PONY LOST—A gray pony. Sept 1. Finder willreturn to Jacob Nelson, 245 East Third st 263-65 WAft TCPTO BUY. WAUTED TO Bin. RICK"WANTED— About 200,000 build- RICK WANTED— About 200,000 build- ing brick, to be delivered this fall; pre- fer to exchange a first-class St Paul home or business property for same. C. B. Lawton, 89 Dakota ay., city. - 264-70 RAGS, SCRAP IRON AND METALS— Dealers and shippers. Call on or write to J. Firestone, wholesale .dealer in paper makers' supplies ; reference, any responsible- firm in the city. 262 Jackson st, St. Paul, Minn.. Telephene 753. Call 3. 310* STOVE— Wanted to buy, a second-hand STOVE— Wanted to buy, 188, Globe, y f Qook glove. Address D 188, Globe. FOR REST. ' ____!______\u25a0 "" A LARGE LIST of good houses for rent, all locations and prices. James &Bate- ham Iteming agency, German-American Bank. \u25a0 260-65 AURORA AY., 453— Six-room cottage, $20. Robert P. Lewis, Sherman block. COTTAGES— rent new eight-room cottages on corner Thomas and Marion streets; large cellar; city water in also. Price, No. 605, $25; No. 607, $22; No. 609, $21: ?o. 611. $20; No. 613, $1& Apply at 613 *!Harion street 209-268 /COTTAGE— rent, cottage of four V** rooms on Otsego st. ; rent $9. Apply to H. Dougan, 229 East Thirteenth st. 232* COTTAGE— cottage of six rooms ; very pleat- ant location. Inquire 174*. Charles ft. . 264-65 FOR RENT— floor in private house, 345 Sherman st ; six rooms, good cellar; water paid. Cal lat 341 Sherman St. 263* HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale; seven rooms, water and bath: rent cheap to parties buying furniture. 200 El- len gt. - 262-673 LI OUSE—For rent a very convenient sev- Al en-room house, 222 Fourteenth st Ap- ply to H. Dougan, 229 East Thirteenth st 262* . __^ OUSE— For rent, 456 Marshall ay.. five- OUSE— For rent 456 Marshall ay.. five- room house ; good cellar, well, cistern, barn, large yard. Inquire of M. Itin, 90 Da- kota ay. \u25a0 265 67 HOUSE— Seven rooms, on Cedar St., No. 793; bath, water closet soft water and city water ; good cellar; good reference re- quired: $:*5 per mouth. . 264-70 HOI SE—For rent, house, ten rooms; fur- nished or unfurnished; all modern im- provements; in tine order: good neighbor- ood; 82 Leech st. corner Mcßoal. 264-67 HOUSE— Eleven-room house, with all the modern conveniences: fine grounds; good barn, etc. ; Robert st, opposite W. R. Merriam's residence. N. R. Frost Room 10. Frost block. 262-266 HOUSE— Sibley, seven-room house, $25. Dr. Upham, 165 East Seventh st - 265 67 HOUSE— For rent new eleven room house, 77 Iglehart st; modern improvements; steam heater; will be ready Oct 1. Inquire on the premises. 264-67 HOUSE— To rent, an elegantly furnished HOUSE— To rent elegantly the winter. house ou Summit ay. for the winter. Address M 107. Globe. 263 65 HOUSE— Forrent a six-room house and barn at $18 per month. J. A. Saoin. Davidson block. \u25a0 263-67 HOUSE for rent, 642 North St.. near Maria aye. ; 693 Ravine st, near Maria ay. : an elegant house, corner Arcade and Dawson sts. Apply to James J. Jellett, 14 Chamber Commerce. 265 HOUSE— For rent Nos. 289 and 291 Prairie st, double house with all mod- crn conveniences; nine rooms each. Address P.O. Box 437. *252 HOUSE For rent elegant nine-room house opposite Blair flats nine-room house opposite Blair flats on Western ay. Apply373 Robert st 265-68 HOUSE— One house and several tenements for rent, from $20, $15, $10, $8, $6; 254 Commercial st m 143* HOUSE— For rent, No. 579 De Sotost; all modern improvements; one block from street cars. Inquire at premises. 265 HOUSE— For rent to reliable parties; with small family; furnished house, No. 87 Wilkin st, overlooking the river, C. E. D. Olmsted. 551 Drake block. 265-66 HOUSE— For rent new house on Sixth st. between Hoffman and Maria ays., with modern improvement; rent low. Inquire of T. E. Blase, Room 2. Davidson 810ck.263-67 HOUSE— house to rent, in- qnire 422 East Seventh. 262-68 HOUSES FOR RENT— Furnished or un- furnished, with all modern conveniences; cheap to right party. Inquire 433 Hollyay. gj 263 69 HOUSE— Fine ten-room house, corner Canada and Spruce sts.: all sunny m.mil-, with modern improvements: twelve minutes' wale from union depot; reference r.tiuired. Inquire at 253 Spruce st* 264-65 O*OUSE—For rent, dwelling, 648 Wabasha I?! st; possession given Oct. 1. Inquire Chns. Friend, 313 Jackson st. 265-66 HOUSE— For rent Summit ay. and St. Peter st, elegant fourteen-room house, including conservatory; all modern improve- ments. Inquire 45 Summit ay. - 264-67 HOUSE— For rent, eight-room house, No. 147 Nina rent, ail modern improve- 147 Nina ay. : ail modern improve- ments. Inquire at rear. 263-67 HOUSES— For rent very desirable ten- room dwellinghouse; all modern im- provements. Also, seven-room house. In- quire of St Paul Trust Co., 155 East Fourth st. \u25a0 \u25a0> __* 265-71 HOUSE— House, eight rooms, with all HOUSE— House, eight rooms, with all modern improvements. Call at corner Martin and St Peter sts.. Meat Market. 265-66 - ; HOUSES— For rent, small houses, $18 apiece: new; all conveniences; on hill, near Kittson's. Apply 139 West Fifth st 264-67 NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, witn modern couueniences; $30 until the Ist of May, cr will sell on easy terms. 785 Iglehart st : 263-67 TO RENT—Oct. 1, 1888, new house; two tenements; six rooms: No. 666 Ravine St., Dayton's bluff. Apply to T. Connolly, on the premises. 263-66 Room*. URORA AY., 169—Two or three very desirable rooms for rent to parties with- out children for lighthousekeeping. 260-69 ROADWAY. 531— A nicely furnished parlor and other rooms; modern con- veniences^ 264-70 ROAOWAY, 489— Nicely furnished room in private family. 263-65 ROADWAY, 537— Kooms for rent.either furnished or unfurnished, with V'halen water and use of wash-house. Inquire at same place. 262-67 ROADWAY, Nicely furnished front alcove room : bath, etc. . -264 65 EDAR ST.. 6001s— furnished J front room for rent with use of bath. oTTtbItNE ST., 255. one half block from short line crossing of West Sev- enth st— Parties seeking a home will find some nice furnished rooms and Eastern peo- pie; near depot and one-half block from street cars. 265 OLLEGE AY., 24 WEST Desirable rooms for rent; bath and all convienccs;' half block from street cars. 265-70 ItillTHST., 229—Pleasant unfurnished room to parties without children: pri- vate family; desirable location. 261-65 IGHTH ST., 425, EAST—A large, hand- somely tarnished room; modern con- veniences; private family. 260-66 7«>HTil ST., 229—Pleasant furnished room for one or two gentlemen ; con- venient and desirable location. 264-65 LLEN ST., 164—Five rooms for rent; city water. 265 FLAT— Eight-room, corner fiat first floor ; steam heat and all modern conveniences, in "Premier," corner St Peter st. and Col- lege ay. Inquire of St. Paul Apartment House com pauy, Room 10, Frost block. 26266 FLAT of four nice rooms, suitable for housekeeping. 648 Jackson st. 264-65 OIiKTHST., 125. WEST— One pleasant furnished room second door from Rice Park. 5 FIFTH ST., 139, WEST— Near Rice Park —For rent, small furnished room to gen- tleman; $1.50 per week. 264-65 11-111 ST., 125, WEST— A small fur- nished -sleeping room to gentleman only: near Rice Park. 264-65 FOURTH ST., 167 WEST— Comfortable furnishea rooms: steam heat: bath room: cable line ; boarding. [ 263-69 I FRANKLIN ST.. 405, OPPOSITE CEO- ple's Theater— Two unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; finely finished modern improvements. 265 67 GOODRICH AY.. 241, |Xear Foro es Rooms for rent ; basement of four rooms. 265-67 HOPKINS ST.. 510— nicely furnished front room for rent 265 IGLEHART ST., Rooms, nicely fur- ? nished, close to street cars, with use of bath : with or without board. 265-66 IGLEHART ST., 119—Pleasant furnished \u25a0 rooms; board if desired; all modern im- provements. - > 265-71 JACKSON ST., 443— Pleasant turnished rooms, $8 per month and upwards. -7 264-67 \u25a0 OUIS ST., 255, NEAR SUMMIT PARK Front unfurnished room, ground floor; also furnished bedroom. 265 MISSISSIPPI ST.. 626—Four rooms, hrst ]\TISSISSIPPI ST.. 626—Four rooms, hrst IVI floor. Apply to H. Dougan, 229 East Thirteenth st. . 262* OAK ST., 395, NORTH, corner Sixtn— Large furnished front room; bay win- dow, private family. \u25a0* . 260-66 ROBERT ST., 343— Neatly furnished V rooms; all modern conveniences; next to American National bank. Call at room 2. . 263-69 ROOM— alcove front room; use of IV bath and all modern conveniences; suitable for young lady with references. Call at 11 a. m. 179 Pleasant ay. - 260-65 ROOM— For rent a single gentlemen wisn- ing a pleasant sunny room for the win- ter, newlyfurnished, gas and bath, address P 117. Globe. \u25a0 265 ROOMS— of very desirable rooms for one or two gentlemen, with bath ; three minutes' walk from postoffice; refer- ences. .: Address 0 105, Globe, . ... 264-67 FOB KEffT. Booms— Continue-. ROOM— rent furnished room. Apply to H. C. Hemenway, 363 Robert st. - 262-68 KOOM— For rent unfurnished front room, ROOM— For rent unfurnished front room, . with alcove. Inquire at 214 Fuller st. 264-65 - ROOMS— For rent three unturnlshed ROOMS— For rent three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Address 344 Ramsey st 265-266 ROOMS— Three unfurnished rooms for OOMS— Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply 57 West Third street. » 265 SEVENTH ST., 27, EAST, BETWEEN Wabasha and Cedar Comfortably furnished rooms at popular prices. G. W. El well A Co. 262-67 ST. PETER ST., 562— T0 rent, front al- ST. PETER ST., 562— T0 rent front al- cove room ; steam heat, gas and bath fourth bell to left in vestibule. 264-65 ST. PETEB ST., 315—Between Third and ST. PETER ST., 315— Between Third and Fourth sts—Elegant furnished rooms for rent cheap ; references required. 264-65 SUMMIT AY., 47—Rooms, single or en SUMMIT AY., 47— Rooms, single or en suite, with all conveniences; also, board. \u25a0 265-267 CMMIT A Y, 75 AND 77— number of •O nicely furnished rooms suitable for two gentlemen. '\u25a0\u25a0_ 264-70 THIRD ST., 342, WEST— Pleasant fur- THIRD ST., 342, "WEST—Pleasant fur- nished front rooms, gas', heat use of bath, 6 o'clock dinners. 264-65 rpENTH ST.. 200, EAST, BETWEEN rpENTH ST.. 200, EAST, BETWEEN J- Jackson and Sibley—Handsomely fur- nished rooms ; gas. heat bath; ten minutes from depot; private family. 263-269 TENTH ST.. 103, WEST—For rent three ENTH ST., 103, WEST—For rent three unfurnished rooms; $10 per month; va- cated on Oct 1 ; no children. 264-66 TILTON ST.. 47, One Door from St. Peter ILTON ST.. 47, One Door from St. Peter —Two front rooms, nicely furnished; one with alcove; furnace heat aud bath. 264-65 TWELFTH ST., 65—Two furnished rooms in private family ; breakfast and supper. 265-67 WABASHA ST., 677— here! Two rooms, two closets and alcove in new house ; just the place for four youug meu; call and see them before they are picked up. 264-66 WABASHA ST., 421— Elegantly fur- nished rooms to rent en suite or sin- gle; also, unfurnished, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply above number. 259-65 ILKINS ST., 22—Nicely furnished ILKINS ST., 22—Nicely furnished rooms; heat and bath; references. 265-67 \u25a0 Store*. OTO RE—Will rent for nominal sum; at OTO RE— Will rent for nominal sum; at O start one of the best stores in city for grocery, boot and shoe or hardware business. J. It. _ S. McMurran. Room 72, Globe build- 265-69 STORK— For rent, brick store 23x80, with counters and shelves; fitst-class location for dry goods; only three dry goods houses in city; population 4,500. Address P. O. Box 744, Albert Lea. Minn. « 259-05 STORE— For rent, store 495 Ohio st. ; suit- able for drug busiuess; no other on hill; low rent to good tenant C. J. Schott, prem- ises, or 95 East Third st. 259-65 STORE and four rooms for rent ; inquire up STORE and four rooms for rent; Inquire up stairs; use of city water. 388 Como ay. \u25a0 257-65 STORE— Brick store on Broadway, near STORE— Brick store on Broadway, near Grove, also five-room flat above. Apply 507 Wabasha. 264-67 CJ/j (\ PER MONTH— Good store and 4 CjJ A(\ PER MONTH— Good store and 4 «*?'*_' living rooms on Fifth st., near the Clifton house. Apply to A. H. Rogers, No. 309 Jackson st. 263* Offices. DESK ROOM— For rent, desk room in Frost block, 28 and 30 East Fourth st. Inquire of N. R. Frost. Room 10. 203-72 DESK ROOM— S3 per mouth at 132 East I.SR ROOM—S3 per month at 132 East Fourth st. \u25a0 263-67 OFFICE The best office on ground floor OFFICE— The best office on ground floor of Globe building. Apply to Room 8, Globe building. 263 67 OFFICE— A large corner room; suitable OFFICE— A large corner room: siiituble for office. 44 East Seventh sty corner Cedar. : 265 68 OFFICE— Physician can rent use of heated and furnished office, books and instru- ments. 199 East Seventh St., Room 5. OFFICES— To rent the front half of store with a large window; 132 East Fourth St 26367 JfIHAKCIAL. A— MONEY is loaned by us on improved real estate security in St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Duluth at 6, 6',i, 7, 7t_ per cent on shortest notice for any amount R. M. Newport A Sou. investment bankers, 152, 153 aud 154 Drake block, St. Paul. 73* FARM LOANS—In any amount with FARM LOANS—In any amount, with option of partial payments. City loans made; no delay. William F. Carroll, 359, Drake block. 260-66 MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAJS Company Loan from $1.0 upward on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., with- out removal; also on warehouse receipts, diamonds and gold watches. J. S. Mackey, manager. Room 14, First National bank build- ing. St. Paul, anil Room 7, Mackey-Leeg block, Minneapolis. 250* ONEY LOANED on all kinds ot per- M ONKV LOANED on all kinds ot per- -1»A soual property, household furniture, horses, etc. also on "diamonds and jewelry; commercial paper discounted. Security Loan Co., 325 Jackson st, J. E. Flauigan, manager. 162* ONEY TO LOAN—In small or large ONEY TO LOAN— In small or large sums; no delay. J. C. Stout A Co., 324 Jacksonst 113* ONEY TO LOAN—By Hunt A Sever- ONEY TO LOAN—By Huut A Sever- ance, 34 East Third st, room 1 ; in large and small amounts on furniture, horses, carriages, libraries, warehouse receipts, etc. ; the same to remain in the owner's posses- sion; also on watches, jewelry, diamonds, etc; business strictly confidential; a private room for ladies. 292* ONEY TO LOAN on Improved and un- ONEY TO LOAN on improved and im- improved city property, at usual rates; no delay. Paget it Smith, Room 49, German- American bank 73* ONEY TO LOAN oil diamonds, MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches, and all goods of value. Pri- vate office for consultation. George It, Holmes 141 and 143 East Seventh st. 82* (_f\(\ (tf\(\ »0 LOAN on improved •P«JU-,UUU real estate. 199 East Sev- enth st,. Room 5. 204 00 HORSES ASP CARRIAGES. COUPE— To be sold at a bargain, one coupe, new. Apply to B. F. Francis, Sherman house, or wite to P. O. Box 1146. Duluth. Minn. 262 66 l"J"OR SALE—Fine family horse; must be -T sold; will sell cheap. Call East Sev- - sold; will sell cheap. Call 27 East Sev- enth st, Room 2. 265 I^OR SALE— A well-bred four year-old I"**OR SALE A well-bred four year-old colt; been driven to a bmrgy in the city all summer, but the owner finds aim too gay for an elderly man in cold weather: will sell or exchange for a quiet small horse used to city. Inquire of William McClure, 253 Louis st ' 263-65 FOR SALE—Cheap, three-spring delivery FOR SALE— Cheap, three-spring delivery wagon. Inquire at 415 Cedar st 264-67 FOR SALE—Delivery wagon, suitable lor FOR SALE—Delivery wagon, suitable tor one or two horses; can be used with or without top; will be sold cheap. Call ou Creelman, Avery & Co., 407 Sibley st. 260-666 '_, TEAM FOR SALE—A good mule team, EAM FOR SALE— A good mule team. wagon and harness; will sell on a small cash payment and give easy terms on bal- ance, R. F.Marvin, 45 East Fourth st. WANT to buy one or two horses. 76 WANT to buy one or two horses. 76 _ East Fifth st. 265-67 CTSTBL7CTIOJI. ANNA C. DREW ECLECTIC COL ANNA C. DREW ECLECTIC COL lege— Shorthand, typewriting and teleg- raphy; practical, thoiough and personal' in- struction. Address Elva J. Wilcox, Hale block, corner Third and Jackson. 250* BT NEEDLEWORK—lnstructions in RT NEEDLEWORK—lnstructions in tinsel, arrasene, chenille and ribbon embroidery: also Kensington and lustre painting: terms moderate. Mrs. Graef, 274 West Third st. 265 6!) ART SCHOOL, beginning the Ist of Octo- RT SCHOOL, beginning the Ist of Octo- ber; Instruction in Woodcarving, Modeling, Architectural and Sculpture de- sign. Address Artistic, Globe. 285-76 INSTRUCTION—French, German, EiT INSTRUCTION— French, German, EiT X gllsh: pupils are taught to sneak from the first lesson. W. S. Betts, Grand Opera block. 264-74 - PAUL KLEIST. Teacher or Violin and PAUL KLEIST, Teacher or \iolin and Mandolin. Forepaugh Block, Rooms 10-1 1, Seven corners. » 262-68 RIVATE LESSONS given, piano and RIVATE LESSONS given, piano and voice; two years with Xarver Schar- wenka in Berlin; Marches! method for voice; terms .. moderate. Address C. H. C, 669 Broadway. _ 265 69 OT. AGATHA'S ACADEMYOF MUSIC, IJ 26 East Exchange St—Lessons given on Piano, Organ, Guitar, Violin and Mandolin; hours arranged to suit pupils. For terms call or address The Superioress. ' 168* ST. PAUL BUSINESS-COLLEGE, W. K. Mulliken, Principal and Proprietor. Courses of study: Commercial, Shorthand, German and English. Now is the best time to enter for a complete course or for any special branch. The shorthand department is in charge of a special teacher. German is taught by a native. Individual Instruction and experienced teachers are special feat- ures of the college. Corner Seventh and Jackson. ; 175* SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, TYPE- writingand telegraphy: Instruction per- sonally and by mail. Malcolm E. Nichols, 507 Grand Opera block. .134* WAKTEP TO REST. ______________ TO REST. HOUSE— Wanted, house suitable for two small families or part of house ; small family. P. 111, Globe.- 265 AUCTIOJI SALES. A. H. Micolay, Auctioneer. 2 CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS ON Mount Ida and Minnehaha Bts., Near Lafayette Ay. (with splendid large shade trees on the lots), at Auction.— A. H. Ni?olay will sell at auction Saturday afternoon. Sept 22d, 1888, at 5 o'clock p. m., sharp, on the premises, on Mount Ida st, only one block rom Lafayette ay. and De Soto St., two beautiful and very desirable residence lots, known as lots 4 and 15, block 8, in Warren &Winslow's addition to St Paul; these lots are beautifully shaded, fronting on Mount Ida and Minnehaha sts., running through -from street to street 50 feet frontage each, suitable forImmediate improvement; dwell- ing houses in this part of the city are in con- stant demand and are sure to rent, and pay a very large income, from 10 to 25 per cent on the cost of construction : another great advantage to business men is, this property is close to the business section of the lower part of the city, and can be reached in a few minutes; Lafayette ay, horse cars go within one block; investors looking for a profitable and sure investment should attend; terms liberal, only third cash required; balance can remain on mortgage tor three years. For further particulars apply to Nicolay & Co., Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents for 40 years. tSß^Our real estate auction sale No. 12,752. 205 VALUABLE EAST SEVENTH ST. Business Lot at Auction— 11. Nicolay will sell at auction Saturday afternoon. Sept. 29, 1888, at 3 o'clock sharp, oil the prem- ises, on East Seventh st. between Maria and Bates ays., Dayton's bluff, that very valuable business lot, south-facing, known as Lot 3, Gammell's subdivision of block 5, Lyman Dayton's addition to St. Paul, 40 feet front and rear, by 152 7-100 feet deep; this is one of the very best locations for stores or any other business purposes to be found on East Seventh st, and ready for immediate im provements ; stores with flats above contain- ing all modern conveniences are in great de- mand by reliable and responsible business men that understand and can appreciate the great future of this rushing business thor- oughfare, and are anxious to secure stores on this part of East Seventh st, knowing that the completion of the new Seventh street cable line, guaranteed to be in running operation by August, 1889, will greatly stimulate and increase the valuation of this desirable business property; sale absolute and terms only one-tliird cash, balance three or five years on mortgage. For further par- ticulars apply to Nicolay & Co., Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents for forty years. A. H. "Nicolay, Auctioneer. Our Real Estate Auction Sale No. 12,753. 205 J<*1»1», Johnson A Co., Auction- eers. OTOVE AND HOUSEHOLD EURNI- O ture at Auction— will sell at public auction, on the mart north of city market, on Saturday, Sept. 22. at 9:30 .a. m., a large lot of heating stoves, chamber suites, bedsteads, bureaus, commodes, tables, chairs, stands, carpets, crockery ware, kitchen furniture, etc., and parties looking for this class of goods should not fail to attend. Jebb, John- son A Co., auctioneers. 422 Wabasha st. 205 KY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Etc., at Public Auction— We are holding daily sales by auction at our salesroom, No. 422 Wabasha st., of a large stock ot dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, notions, etc., consisting ofall kinds of dress goods, table linens, napkins, flannels, table spreads, counterpanes, blankets, comforters, ladies' and misses' hose, ladies' underwear, gents' furnishing goods, notions, etc., etc. These goods are iirst-class in every respect and will be sold regardless of results. Jebb, Johnson & Co., auctioneers. ' - 205-00 E. Holloway, Auctioneer. ICTION SALE- Lot 13, block 0, Ar- Hngton Hills addition, and beautiful residence thereon, will be sold at public auc- tion, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, Sept. 22, at 4p. m. The house is new, having been built last year, is two stories, with high basement, contains nine rooms, and is a very handsome-appearing dwelling; fronts on Cook st, near Edgerton st; terms easy. H. 11. Schulte A Co., agents .E. Hollowav. auc- tioneer; 200-00 •PERSONALS. A CLAIRVOYANT, FORTUNE TELL- er and hand reader, Just arrived. The young Mme. Carrie L. Lamont has traveled through the principal parts of Europe will remain afewdays only; tells past, present and future in person or by letter; will bring back the parted husband or lover, no matter ifthey be 10.000 miles away; will tell you whether your lover or sweetheart be false or true; will guarantee to settle family quarrels or money refunded; has charms for good luck; breaks evil influences; gives lucky numbers in lot- tery; can give best of references. I was pre- sented with elegant gold medal. Can read the initials of a caller's name by their hand. Parties desire answer to letters must enclose $1 . Fine hair tonic and preparation for ladies' complexion. Ladies in trouble call at once. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 9 J*, m. Mme. C. L. Lamont, 514 Nicollet avenue, between Fifth and Sixth sts., up stairs, parlor room 4, Min- neapolis, Minn. 205-200 A LAST CHANCE to consult Madame Teitsworth, St Paul's oldest and best clairvoyant fortune teller, as she leaves in a few days for the Pacific coast. 171 East Seventh st. 202-267 ARRIVED— Prof. J. P. Ewens, Chicago's best clairvoyant test medium; German and English spoken. 171 East Seventh st, Room 5. 262-207 ELLA, MAMA— Treat me like a friend: write to me. High. 262-68 RS. A. "BAGSELL, Magnetic Healer, 386 Broadway. 202-08 PERSONAL Any one being able to give the present whereabouts of Thomas C. Causby, late quartermaster sergeant of the Seventh cavalry, would do Mr. Causby a great favor by addressing C, care the Globe Publishing Co., St Paul, Minn. 205-67 OOMS— Wanted, in St. Paul, by a lady, two or three rooms centrally located, for a respectable business; on parlor floor. Address, with price, K. P., Globe, Minneapo- lis. 203-05 WILL LADY call again at 502 Jackson st. for suite of rooms for herself, hus- band and sister. 265 SALE. AHSTRACT ROOKS— Do you want a set of Abstract Books for your county? Send the number of books in use to get the aston- ishing low price for. to J. B. 0., 18 East Fourth st., St Paul. No satisfaction, no pay. 264-66 ENGINE— For sale, Otto gas engine, four- horse power, in first-class running order. Inquire at Martin Dreis Co., 98 Bast Third st. ' 262-68 FOR SALE— A select new stock of ladies' and gents' underwear, furnishing goods, notions, confectionery and cigars. 306 Pico St. 265 HOUSEHOLD GOODS— For sale, fine OCSEHOLD GOODS— For sale, line Magee range, plain furniture anb?car- pets: parties leaving city. Call at 360 East Ninth st 264-67 FOR SALE— Lease and furniture of ten- room brick house (new) for sale: every modern convenience; cheap rent, and a bar- gain. 5-12 Minnesota st. 250-63 (JAFES- For sale, four fire-proof safes at O less than you can buy a second-hand safe for these goods are No. 1 in every re- spect, with extra inside iron door; office and household safes. Call betweeu 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. at No. 132 East Fourth st. 262-63 STOVE For sale, second-hand heating stove, base burner. Inquire of janitor, 562 St Peter st. 20-1-65 STOVE— For sale, one base burner, almost new, one bedroom set two feather beds and a number pillows, cheap ; must be sold before the 21st Call at 240 Sherman st 7 202-05 STOVES— For sale, cheap, oue Garland coal stove, ono Garland wood stove, in excellent condition, at 380 Walnut st - __ 20308 - - . BOAHP OFFERED. BOARD— Best weekly board in the city, 53.25 per week; twenty-one meal tickets. 53.50. 459 Wabasha st 205-07 BOARD— Room for two gentlemen or married couple, with board; all modern conveniences; near cable cars. I*Bs Pleasant ay. ' 21 15-66 BOARD-Young Girls' Home. 620 St. Peler st, for respectable young girls only; board and lodging $2.50 per week; reading room free. : 265-353 BOARD— Jackson st— Two nicely furnished front rooms, with board : ref- erences required. 265-67 BOARD— A large room with alcove with all conveniences, with good table board, suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife. 437 Oakland ay. 205 BOARD and furnished room for winter for two gentleman at 20 Tilton, near Waba- sha. 26:1-69 BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, second floor, with board; lurnace heat 62 East Eleventh st. 205-66 BOARD— Wanted, one or two youug ladies to take room and partial board. Inquire at Woman's Exchange. 204-05 BOARD— 61 Iglehart st, furnished rooms with board near street cars, ten min- utes' walk from postoffice. 20-1-06 OTRTKENTH ST.. 241, EAST—For rent a nicely furnished room in private family, with or without board. 264-66 OVERNESS— A lady would like two or three children to care for. 333 *Wnl- nut St' 6 JGLEHART ST.,- 117, near Rice— Three JGLEHART ST., 117, near Kice— Three * rooms for rent either furnished or un fur- nished, with board ; furnace heat. 262-68 WABASHA ST., 459—Furnishea rooms _ with board, for gentlemen. '. 265-67 Dn.mo and houses greet the eyes nOOmS of the folks who advertise. \u0084 . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. FOR SALE— below market one of the best lots in Marshall's addition. near State st W. F. Carroll, 359Drake block. 260-66 ES idENCE— A large residence and very RESIDENCE— A large time. and very fine home cheap and on time. Inqnire at house. 846 Lincoln avenue. 260-66 1 ( if ) FKET' corner South Robert and Bel- A\j\J videre ay., cheap. Address P. O. Box 2349. 260-66 TO EXCWA^CtE. TO EXCHANGE. . EXCHANGE— to exchange, a nearly new Crown jewel coal stove: for wood, coal or farm produce. Call at 305 Jackson street. 265-66" O EXCHANGE—CIear lot to trade even for horse and buggy; must be good. Address, H 114, Globe. 265 TO EXCHANGE— A fine gold watch tor household furniture or carpets. Address L C, Globe. __ 263-65 TO EXCHANGE- $5,500 equity in fine business block to exchange forgood res- idence property. Postoffice Box 2,349. 200-66 . - o EXCHANGE- Wanted to trade, two O EXCHANGE- Wan ted to trade, two lots in Spring Park for well bred colt. Address F 187, Globe. 260 66 \u25a0*pRADE— To trade, land adjoining North ''pRADE—To trade, laud adjoining North .-A St. Paul, will trade for livery stock. Ca- banne A Swartz, 18 East Fourth st 265-71 WANTED, to trade a good mortgage for WANTED, to trade good "road horse. a nice, sound, good-sized 'road horse.' Address D 190, Globe. 263-05 WAST TO REST. ~~ ROOMS— three or four unfur- nished rooms with modern con- veniences for light housekeeping; vicinity of Tenth and Broadway. Address G 114, Globe. 264-66 OOMS— Wanted, on or before Oct. 1, EOOMS— Wanted, on or before Oct. 1, four to six rooms forlighthousekkeep- Ing. Address Till. Globe. 264-65 WE. TIIE UNDERSIGNED, OFFICERS of the St. Paul Mutual Indemnity association, do hereby certify that at a regular meeting of said asso- ciation, held at Mr. Prince's office, in St. Paul, Aug. 24. 1888, by a majority vote of thosa present, the articles of incorporation of said association were amended as follows: By striking out all that part of Article 11. after the words "five dollars ($5)," and sub- stituting therefor the words, "and the pay- ment of such periodic assessments as the board of trustees shall designate." Article V. was amended by adding after words "by the members" the words "of said board of trustees." Also this article was amended by striking out the words "'the association" and substituting therefor the words "saia board." The articles as amended read as follows: Article ll.—Tho terms of admission to membership shall be the payment of an initiation fee of not more than five dollars (?;)), and the payment of such periodic as- sessments as the board of trustees shall dcs- ignate. Article V.— lts business shall be conducted by a board of seven (7) trustees, one of whom shall be elected every year by a major- ity of the votes cast by the members of said board of trustees at a "regular meeting of said board, and shail hold office for a period of seven years, except the first board of trus- tees, whose names and tenure of office are as follows: , BAlbert Scheffer, who shall hold office for one (1) year; George R. Finch, for two (2) years; Jeremiah C. Prendergast, for three (3) years; William 11. Fisher, for four (4) years; Richard W. Johnson, for five (5) years; John S. Prince for six (6) years; James C. Markoe for seven (7) years. R. W. JOHNSON, Secretary. GEORGE R. FINCH, President. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I County op Ramset, IBS* On this 29th day of August, A. D. 1888, be- fore me personally appeared George R. Finch and Richard W. Johnson, to me well known to be the president and secretary of the St Paul Mutual Indemnity association, a cor- poration existing under and by virtue of the laws of Minnesota, and each of said parties, for himself and as president and secretary respectively of said corporation, being first duly sworn upon oath, said that the foregoing certificate is true of his own knowledge. GEORGE R. FINCH, President R. W. JOHNSON, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of September. A. D. 18S8. ".Notarial Seal.] Ralston J. Maukoe, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. . STATE OF MINNESOTA, I . STATE OF MINNESOTA, I Department of State, i I hereby certify that the within Instrument was tiled for record in this office on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1888, at 4 o'clock p. m., and was duly recorded in Book 0 of Incorporations, on page 593. U. MATTSON, Secretary of State. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) Countt op i'amskv. Vss. Office of the Register of Deeds. ) This is to certify that the within instrument was filed for record in this office, at St. Paul, on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1888, at 10:50 o'clock a. m., and that the same was dulyrecorded in Book E of Incorporations, pages 316-319. M. J. lIELL, Register of Deeds. TATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF STATE MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey— ss. This is to certify that the articles of incor- poration of the St. Peter Street Improvement Company have this day been amended by vote of the stockholders of said corporation. by changing Article IV. thereof so as to read as follows: Article IV.— highest amount of indebt- edness or liability to which said corporation shall at any time be subject shall be $200,- - - Dated St Paul, Minn., September 17, 1888. J. ROYALL MM URBAN, President. W. T. McMUBRAN, Secretary of the St Peter Street Improve- ment Company. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of September, 1888. [Notarial Seal.] Samuel McMurran. Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn. TATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey— District Court. COUNTY OF Ramsey— District Court In tbe matter of the receivership of Adolph D. Jesmer, insolvent At Special Term, the 15th day of September, 1888. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as receiver of Adolph D. Jes- mer, of the city of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, who has been adjudged insolvent on the petition of creditors, John Mather and "Ellis W. Cadv, partners as Mather, Cady A Co., and other creditors, under the provisions of Chapter 148 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1881, arid the amendments thereto.* All creditors claiming to obtain the ben- efits of said act are required to file their claims with the undersigned within twenty (20) days after the publication of this notice. FRED MASON, Receiver of Adolph D. Jesmer, Insolvent. To all creditors of said Adolph D. Jesmer S. P. Crosby, Attorney of Receiver, Room 2, National German-American Bank. TYfOTIC'E TO CREDITORS— STATE OF TVJ"OTICE TO CREDITORS— STATE OF 1* Minnesota, County of Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court Sr>ecial Term, September 6, 1888. Hi the matter of the estate of Katharina Meyer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Judge of Probate of the county of Ramsey will, upon the second Monday of the month of March. A. D.1889. at 10 o'clock a.m. ,hear, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased: and that six months from and after the date hereof have been al- lowed and limited for creditors to present their claims against said estate, at the expi- ration of which time all claims not presented or not proven to its satisfaction shall be forever barred, unless for good cause shown further time be allowed. By the Court [l.s.] E. S. GORMAN, Judge of Probate. John Meter. Administrator. "EVERYBODY- WANTS SOMETHING. WATT All mankind, rich WATT i'® or noor. Tonne or «\u25a0" okr^o'rfctnalo, Bl Yl SELL! old, male or female, "UYI .__ v/hlte or black, are _____ . _.- "white or black, are _„. .- -JaL W*^T in want of some- ™J™ SELL I thing. That Is, they BUY! either want to Sell ! WAIST something which \tjxxT to they have, or to Buy to SELL! something which BlT**! they haven't. they haven't. WAST It is a busy world WAST WAIST It is a busy world WAIST SELL! 2******"* gjg it doesn't pay to - WANT waste much time ,_.____ W**J-? hunting for what J{« SELL! you want. Neither Is BUY! SELL! you want. Neither Is BUYX it necessary, when, by reading the by reading the GLOBE'S "WANT" COLUMNS You can get what WAST you want without WAST WAIST you want, without WAIST to .any bother. T(«-t sell: v you don,t sco BLYX what you want, ail- wast XS^IUS WANT ; to 7 Gi.ork's "WANT" TO v . SELL! columns, Bl'Vi

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1888-09-21 [p 7] · GERMANKRMAN GIRLS— Good GermanUermnn girls forgood places. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 GIRLC"**IKLfor

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1888-09-21 [p 7] · GERMANKRMAN GIRLS— Good GermanUermnn girls forgood places. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert sts. 265 GIRLC"**IKLfor


ST. PAUL WANTS.Wants on this page will be inserted tiudei

elajaiified headings according to the followingTABLEOT BATES.

C *-3 HI irj w er. m7" g * Ji g :r m 3b 4 \ v I o r rr »Somber \l \ \ _ \ 5 « c _

of p 5a fi.it*> 'S ;B _"Words. § § 1 1 E | 2 IWords. § § I § B | 2 g

1 ; :!*I r " : _L*» orlesss.ls $.275. 39 $.51 $.63;5.75'J.8'7\5 or less «*. 1 5 $.27 $. 39;§ .5 1% . 03 $. 75if . 8716 words .16 .88 .40' .52 .64 .76 .«817 words .17 .3* .43 .56 .69 .82 .95IS words .18 .32 .46 .60 .74 .881.01I*words .191 .34 .49 .64 .79 .94.1.0*1BO wards .201 .35 .501 .65 .80 .951.10PI words .21 .37 .53 .69 .851.0122 words .22 .39 .56 .73: .90 1.07 1.2123 words .23 .41 .59 .77 .95!1.1311.3l84 words .24 .42 .86 .781 .901.1411.3225 words) .25 -44 .63 .82.1.01 1.20-1.39

wards' .26 .46 .66 1.26,1.4627 words! .27 .48 .69 .90 1.11 1.82123 words .28 .49) .70 .91)1.12 1.3311.5429 words .29 -.51 .73 .95 .17 .39 1.61BO words .30 .53 .76 1.2211.4531 words 31 .55 .791.031.271.511.7832 words .32 .56! .801.04)1. 23 1.521.7033 words .33 .5& .83 1 0_11.3311.581S4 words .34 .60 .86 1.121.3811.63 1.90«5 words .35 .621 .891.161.431.701.9736 words .36 .63, .901 17 144.1 .71 1 OS87 words .371 .65 .93 1 21 1.49-1. 7*^2.05B8 words .38 .67 .96 1 .54,1.83 289 words .39 .69 .99 1 29 1 591.8940 words M .70 1 00*1 .60 1.90 2.26<1 words .41 .721.03:1 3411.65 [1.9612.2742 words .42 .74 1.06 1.38:1 .70 2.02 2.30A3 words 43; .76)1.09 1.42 1.75*2.08 .4144 words .44 .771.101. 431. 76 2.09 2.42*5 words .45 .791. 131.471. 81 2.15,2.4946 words .4(1, .Sill. 16J1. 5111. 86:2.21,2.5647 words .47: .831.191.55 1.912.27,2.6348 words .4P .841.20 1 .56 1.92 J.2R2 64

words .49 .861. 231. 601.97,2.34,2.7110 words .50; .88,1.26, 1.64

. Compound words count two words, andeven- abbreviation counts the same as a full(word.

In Every Case ihe Money Must Accom-pany the Order.

giTUATioyg oi*n:*gtEi>»

.11 ale.

AGENT.**—Wanted, local and generalagents for our gold and silver door

plates; any name can be put in and plate cant<e delivered Aye minutes after order taken:i ]\u25a0> to $20 a day made easily; write for sam-ples, circulars, etc. (free.) New York DoorPlate Company. Albany. N. Y. 261-66

BAKER— class, by Hoffman & Clark.Hastings. ! linn. 259-69

BAKER— anted, firsfcclass bread hater.275 Dates ay. 5

BANK Cl.EßK—Wanted, intelligent boyor young man, with references, to work

for his board and learn banking; good pen-man ; to right man something might be paid.I'.ank of Minot Dak. 6

BARBER wanted at 403 East Seventh stred H. Schade 265-66

BLACKSMITH—Wanted, a blacksmithfor horseshoeing and general work. Cor-.

ner Concord ar.d Isabel. 4

BRICKLAYERS— bricklayerswanted for Hale block. Jackson st. near

Seventh. 263-64

BOY—Wanted, an honest Swede boy towork in store. Stone, the jeweler, 244

East Seventh st. '-77 \u25a0">

IjELL HOY wanted at Sherman house.

SOY—Wanted, oflice boy. ApplyTaylor-.-O Craig corporation. 201 West Fifth st. 43 OY—Wanted, boy about eighteen yearsJ) old to wot* in office; must write a goodhand ann have references. Call at 79 WestThirdst at once. 6

BOY—Wanted at the Delicatessen, IS6 EastSeventh st. 4

CAR TENTER—Wanted, a good carpenterJ to build conveyor for steam wood split-

ter nt C. G. KolfTs wood yard, Comoav.,Bear Western ay. 5pAUI'KMKIis-Two carpenters wantedV-" at once. 256 University ay. 6

CARPENTERS— Wanted, carpenters onhard wood work at Duluth. Apply at

62 Globe Building. -"

CARPENTERS— Six carpenters wanted atHamline to-day. 5

Canvassers— Wanted, ten (IO) can-j vassere; experience not necessary:

mast be men of good address; applicationmust be in person: salary and commission.Domestic Sewing Machine Company, 71 KastSeventh st 260-66

CARVERS— two first-class can*ers at once. Corlies. Chapman A Drake.

261-66ash hoys wanted at Dnrocher a; "Yes-

sel's, Seventh and Cedar sts. 6

CLARINETIST—Wanted a good clarinetist;

' inetist; also doable bass player, fororchestra: St. Paul or Minneapolis. AddressMusician, Globe, Minneapolis. 265-67

CLERK—Good salesman, one who under-stands bookkeeping; German preferred;

must come well recommended. Inquire 340East Seventh st. ' 4

CIOATMAKKRS—Two coaunakers andJ one pantsmaker at once: must be steady

end first-class workmen. J. N. Hartbauer,.Sioux Kails, Dak. 5

COMMISSION MAN—Wanted, a hustler,one that is honest steady and well-ac-

quainted with the city trade, to sell butterand eggs on commission; big money in it tothe right party. Address AA. Globe. 263-66

RIVER -Wanted, ft competent singleman to take care of horses and cow and

he generally useful; must be a good driver;state what former place has been, national-ity,etc. Address C 111. Globe. 265-6

FARM. HAND—Wanted, a man who un-derstands the care of stock to work on

farm: must be agood milker. 161 Nina ay.265-66

EATHERS — good lathers wanted.Call at 780 York st between 6 and 7

p. m. 263-65

MAN—Wanted, young man acquaintedwith city. Apply at Sa. m. ISI East

Sixth st. St Paul Stained Glass Co. 6

MEN AND teams wanted at PowerHouse, St. Anthony Hill. 4

HEN— fifty men at Grand operahouse stage entrance. Fourth st, at 11

o'clock ibis morning. 4

OI'MCE WORK—Wanted, man with S2OOcash security to take charge of branch

olfice; salary ~i',(i per month and part ofprofits. Address Bos 355, tail Claire, Wis.


PiIOTOtiRATIIICPR INTER—Wanted,photographic printer immediately.

Schlatunan i'ros., 271 East Seventh st, StPaul. 4

Positions, of trust for those furnishingbond gooa references. Deo Hive

Enterprise. Seventh and Robert 265

SALESMAN—First-class clothing sales-man wanted at the United States Cloth-

thins House, corner Seventh and Jackson sts._ 26:1-265

SALESMEN— several young menfor glass department: experience pre-

ferred. Apply to Byan Drug Co. 265-67

SAWYER — Man wanted to saw wood.10 Applyimmediately to J. W. Shafer, 527St. Peter st. 6OIIOEMAKEK—A first-class man at theIO New England. 135 East Seventh st. 6

S"~ TONE CUTTERS— first class sand-stone cutters at once, timer & Smith;

Upper levee. 26-1-66

TAILOR—Wanted, agood tailor to go toSpencer, 10. Apply to Good A Schur-

xneier. 372 Jackson. 4rFVAIfAIR—First-class, steady work andA good pay. 1. X. L. Dye Works, 107 Martinst " 3

I-^EAMSTER— at 396 Lafond st,A one used to the city; no other need ap-ply. \u25a0 6

a^lNSEIts— Highest wages paid first-classtinners at Pond's, 317 Nicollet ay., Mm

neapolis. 262-67rpiXNERS wanted at Prendergast Dros.,A. 62 Ka.-t Third si. 5

PHOLSTEEERS AND LOUNGEMakers- W"anted,upholstercrs and lounge

makers. St Paul Mattress Co.. 241 S. KobertSt 6

WAITERS—Wanted, two good waiters atW Grotes Tivoli. 2

WAITER— Wanted, one active waiter>\ (white) at the Delicatessen, 186 East

Seventh st. 5

F.I \ Day men, 51.75; station men, 13 cents*J\J per yard : board, $:..50 ; lor Winni-peg, free fare; ship to-night White A Co.,295 Jackson St 265

I(XfiMEN; forHurley, Wis., and Besse-lUU mer, Mich: 51.75 per day: stationwork, 16 to I8e; work all winter; 500 dayand station men for trie South, below Merri-11, is. v. oik all winter. Colton, 245 East

\u25a0'\u25a0bird st. 265 00


MUSIC LESSONS on various instrumentA. Nt20 Tilton st 263-69"p.'.tNO- TlTN'INti Si; first-class workX. guaranteed. Address Samuel Crutcbett: c I Ellen st 240-269OIANO TUNING— prompt first-class

• A. work K':ivc orders at Wnitney's music: ,\u25a0'\u25a0 !-.;\u25a0.*; Third st 346*

3i is«:f.i.i.am:ou>>.a»sc?Kt,i-t3ii*:oLT_.

"">OUKKEEPING— Uooks '.pened. closea,*>ooiiKEEt'iN«'—books t-pened. i-iosea,- J posted, expert work. e'.e. F. Sprague,l-om 252. Drake block, St C:u!. 122*

"s/Liii-Nii'tin;—Elegant household turni-X tore, hut liitlo used, at private sate.Call at li'_ IghfaH A 237*


Iem ale. \u25a0___¥,APPRENTICE GIRLS for dressmaking,

47 3 Broadway. Mre. Mosher. 4

COOK— Wanted, a first-class cook, withC""took—Wanted, a first-class cook, with\u25a0> references. Mrs. A. G. Foster, 490 Sum-

mitav. 262-68

COOK—Experienced cook. 342 WestThird st. 264455

COOK—First-class cook wanted immedi-COOK—First-class cook wanted iniineui-ately. Inquire at 420 Selby ay. - \u25a0\u25a0 5

COOK— Good experienced lady cook. BeeHive Enteprise, Seventh and Robert sts.

265 ! .COOK— A first-class hotel and restaurantCOOK— A first-class hotel and restaurant

cook wishes a situation: no objection toleaving the city. Address W 118, Globe. '

i 265-66 ' _____DININIGROOM GIRLS wanted at CityINTnig ROOM GIRLS wanted at City

hotel, 357-359 Robert st 6

WASHER wanted at Clarendon_ hotel. , -y 264-65

DISHWASHER wanted. Winter's res-isTTw'ASHKR wanted. Winter's res-taurant, 45!' Wabasha st. 6

DRESSMAKER — Wanted, first-classdraper and cutter at 42 West Ninth st.4

UR SEWERS— Experienced fur sewers.'•UR SEWERS— Experienced fur sewers.Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh and Robert

sts. 265

GERMAN GIRLS— Good German girlsKRMAN GIRLS— Good Uermnn girlsfor good places. Bee Hive Enterprise,

Seventh and Robert sts. 265

GIRL for small family: no washing. Mrs.C"** IKLfor small family: no washing. Mrs.T P. C. Lutz, 124 West George st 6

GOVERNESS for two young girls in En-GoYKRNKss for two voting girls in En-glish,French, German, music, etc. Ad-

dress, with references, C 124, Globe. 263 67OUSEWORK— A respectable girl forH~V>USEWORK— A respectable girl for

general household work, In a family ofthree; washing and ironing: high wages tosuperior girl; only experienced help needapply. 836 Dawson st, Dayton's bluff.


HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework at 217 East Eighth st. 6

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, agood girl torHOI SE WOKK—Wanted, agood girl forgeneral housework; must be competent;

German or Sweed preferred. Apply 234East Thirteenth st. 5

Housework— A girlfor general house-HUisIiWOKK-A girl for general house-work; one who can wash and iron, at

478 Cedar st. . 4

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl;HOISEWORK— Wanted, competent girl:good wages. No. 425 East Eighth at. 4

HOUSEWORK— a girlfor gen-eral housework ; one who is a good

cook. Call at 168 Pleasant ay., near Thirdst 4

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, agood girl forHOI'SEWORK— Wanted, a good girl forgeneral housework. Apply 529 West-

minster »t. 4

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a eirl for lightOisEWOKK— Wanted, a trirl for lighthousework fora familyof iwo persons;

must be a good cook. Call at 520 Summitay. 4

HOUSEWORK— An experienced girl lorHOUSEWORK— experienced girl torgeneral housework, that can cook and

make good bread, wash and iron. 372 Ex-change st ; none other need apply. 6

HOUSE WORK—Wanted, experienced girlHOI'SE WOKR—Wauted, experienced girlfor general housework: two in family.

21 Floral st near Mackubin st. and Summitay. C

HOUSEWORK — Wanted, a competentH~ OI'SEWOKK — Wauled, a competentgirl for general housework. Applyto

Mr«. Morrison, 496 Jackson st. 265-67

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted forgencralOUsE WOKK— Girl wanted for generalhousework. 320 St. Anthony aye., cor-

ner"of Farrington. 6

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework; good wages. Applyat once,

227 Iglehart st _COUSEWORK— GirI wanted for generalHOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general

housework, nt 165 Nelson aye. 6

U OUSEVt ORK—Wanted, ScandinavianHot girl. 354 Minnesota st.Scandinavian

girl. 354 Minnesota st 4

HOUSEWORK— General servant wanted,HOUSEWOKK—General servant wanted,one used to children. 371 Charles st 4

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalHois kwoit X—Wa 11 ted V777 for generalhousework at 227 Spruce st. 6

HOUSEWORK— -Wanted, a good GermanHOISEWOKK— Wanted, a good Germangirl for general housework. call at 176

West Ninth st, third floor. 264

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a competentOisEWOKK — Wanted, a competentgirlwho can cook, wash and iron: ref; i

erences required. 163 Iglehart st. 6

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl to help ladyHI1 1 •sEWOKK- Wanted, gillto help lady jof house; to work for wages or go to j

school, at 590 St Anthony iiv. 6 i

OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen-Ho t*s K WO R K—Wanted, a uirl for gen- <eral housewoik. Apply0*" Wilkin st. 6

OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl forgencralwork; none but first-class need apply.

395 V. alnutst. __HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general

housework: good wages. Applyat onceat 227 Iglehart st 5

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, domestic girlfor general housework. Apply at once

at 185 East Fifteenth St.. near Jackson. 4

HOUSEWORK— A good girl forgeneralOUSEWOKK—A rood giri forgeneralhousework; Scandinavian preferred.

067 Wabasha. 5

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen-'HOUKKWOKK—Wanted, a girl for gen-eral housework at 562 Robert st 5

OUSEWORK— A German girlwanted atHoi M'.HOBK-A GermuiTgirl wanted nt367 Walnut st„ corner Oak. 264-65

HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house-"oi'sEWORK— Girl for general house-work. 345 East Ninth st. 4

HOUSEWORK — A good German girl.OUSEWORK— A good German girl.Apply392 East Sixth st. 5

HOI'SEWORK— Wauted, a good strongH~~ OISEWOKK— Wanted, a good stronggirlfor general housework at 646 Can-

ada st 4

T^ITCHENGIRL wanted at 497 Broad-ITCHEN GIKL wanted at 497 Broad-J.V way ; one that can cook. 5T7"tTCHEN GIRL. Windsor hotel.Tr ITCH EN GIRL. Windsor hotel.

T'TrCHEN GlßLS— Wanted, two kitchenKITCHEN GlßLS— Wanted, two kitchengirls at 352 Robert st. \u2666 5

I7"ITCHEN GlKL— Wanted, a neatITCIIKN GIKL— Wanted, a neatIV kitchen girl at 51 West Fourth st. 5

LAUNDRESS— Wanted, girl for laundry.lAUNHRESS— Wanted, giri for laundry.J Applyat once at 291 Sit- ley st.

MILLINERY SALESLADY — Experi-enced saleslady for millinery store;

good pay to experienced party. Bee HiveEnterprise, Seventh ar.d Robert sts. 265TyrUKSE wanted at once; ono who would"VTUR,*i- at once; one who wouldl\ assist in housework. 507 Marion st 4

IVoßs e— Wet nurse. Applyiv person toV I'RsL—Wet nurse. Applyin j.ersou toIM _'.:\u25a0_> Ellen st 4

"TV"URSE GlßL—Wanted, a half-grown"\TURSE GIRL Wanted, a half grown1 1 girl to take care of child and helparound liouse. Call at 227 Ramsey st. 6pASTRY COOK— girl for pastryJL room at Clifton hotel. o

POLISHER— Wanted, a lady polisher atO LISHKK—Wanted, a lady polisher at16 West Tenth st; please call immedi-

ately. . 4

SECOND GIRLwanted at once: must un-derstand waiting on table. Call at 137

West Fourth st. 6

QKCOND GIRL wanted, at 385 Wasn-GIKL wauied, at 355 Wasn-O ington st. 4

SERVANT—Wanted.general servant; goodSERVANT—Wanted.general serrant; goodwages. 601 Selby ay. 4

SillKTMAKKKS—Wanted, experiemeishirtmakers at 27 East Seventh si., j

Room 3. steady work. 6

AIST FINISHERS—First-class waist-WAIST FINISHERS— Fii-st-class waist- ifinishers wanted. Room 15, Fore- |

paugh block. . 3 I

W" AIST FINISHER— Wanted, a goodAIST FINISHER— Wanted, a good :waist finisher at 29 West Third st j

nn stairs. 4

W~ ANTED—Three good cooks, two goodWANTED—Three good cooks, two good \u25a0

laundry girls, ten girls for generalhousework. 2*7 East Seventh st, room 2. 264 |

ANTED—lmmediately four first-classWANTKD—Immediately four fir.-;cooks; no washing; and two good i

sewing girls. Comer Nelson. Miss Ridding. ;j

WANTED—Three good cooks, ten girlsWANTED—Three good cooks, ten girlsfor general housework. 27 East Sev-

enth st. Room 2. 4

WANTED—One first-class waist trimmer,WANTED—One first-class waist trimmer.one waist finisher and good skirt

! hands; only those who are thoroughly com-I i>eliint need apply. Miss E. A. HatstatRoom 503, Grand Opera Mock. 265 67

GOOD COOK, $30 per month: girls forGOOD COOK, $30 per month : girls forgeneral housework; girls for sewing;

girls for dining room work: dishwashers:laundry girls for Dakota: 25 girls for Still-water; man and wife to take full charge ofrestaurant; call at once. 27 East Seventh,Room 2. 265

ii/*".EXPERIENCED factory girls to.i

_EXPERIENCED factory girls "to

AiO work on pants. lice Hive Enterprise,Seventh and Robert sts. 868


_CO.'S Steam Dye

• Works— Gents' clothing a specialty.Lace curtains cleaned or dyed in all shadesto look like new, at 14 West Sixth st. StPaul. Minn. 134*

NORTHWESTERN STEAM Dye WorksI^l and Scouring house, 416 Rooert st,Ryan block. Gentlemen's garments cleaned,dyed and repaired. Ladies' dresses, shawls,laces gloves cleaned and dyed. Goods calledfor and delivered. 264*

lIRI^OIAKim|*\RESSMAKING — Miss Maggie KellyXJ wishes to inform her patrons that shehas removed from 520 St Peter st to 72West Tenth st - - 265-67

DRESSMAKING—Basques, cut and fit,D&KBHMAKING—Basques cut and fitbuttonholes marked, lor $2; perfect fit

guaranteed. 441 Sibley st. between Seventhana Eighth. * ; , 260-66

DRESSMAKER— A competent dress-D" VtESSMAKER— A competent dress-maker wants sewing in families: can

come well recommended. Address 477 Su-periorst. - 5

BOARD ]_______£ '\u25a0'\u25a0'

OARD—A lady engaged during the dayBOARD—A lady engaged during the daywishes room and board in refined

private family; references exchanged. D 72.Globe. 365-60


ANATTORNEY*,well acquainted in theNorthwest desires a position as credit

man or otherwise with a good firm. Ad.dress S 77. Globe. 260-66

BOOKKEEPER— Youngman (25) desiressituation cashier or assistant

desiressituation as cashier or assistant double

entry bookkeeper; three rears' experience;A 1 references. Address & 111, Globe. 4

BOOKKEEPER- man desires po-sition us bookkeeper iv a wholesale or

retail house; can give best ofreferences. Ad-dress _ IS-2. Globe 264-66

OOKKKKFEK — Also civil engineer,experienced and accurate with figures

wishes position ; best of references given.Address B 141, Globe. ' 4

OOKKKKPKR— Wanted, position by aBOOKKEEPER— Wanted, position by apractical bookkeeper in city. Address

V 110, Globe. 264-65

BOYwants a position after 6 in the even-ing to work In hotel ifpossible. Ad-

dress B 140. Globe. • 4

BUTCH Awell experienced butcherwants a situation. Address C 123,

Globe. - 265-67

CLXXX—Wanted, situation in flour andCLERK—Wanted, situation in flour andfeed store by an all-round office man

familiar with flour and wheat wiih generalknowledge of other grains. Address S 105,Globe. 0

CLERK—Experienced hardware and stove> man open for engagement Oct 1. P

No. 121. Globe. 4

CLERK—Employment as clerk or book-keeper; (-'Hick nt ficures; willing to

work for $1 per day. P 118, Globe. 6

CLERK—Youug man ofeighteen wishes asituation in general store: has -had

some experience. Address 355 Hire st. 5

CLERKS— At the Bee Hive Enterprise forclerks, bookkeepers, traveling sales-

men, etc. Bee Hive Enterprise, Seventh andRobert sts. 265

CiOACIIMAN—Situation by a German

' with cityreferences. Address WG, 142Dale st. 6

COACHMAN—A colored young man de-siring an occupation in a private family

to drive and take charge of horses. Loca-tions. 122 Valley St., city. 5

COACHMAN—A temperate young man ofCOACHMAN—A tempernte young man ofexperience wants a situation; best of

references. Address P 05. Globe. 5OACHMEN—At the Bee Hive Enter-

prise. Seventh and Robert, for expert-enced coachmen. 265

AIRY*HAND—Wanted, young man tordairy. Apply Marquette saloon, corner

Carroll and Louis sts., a. m. 5ELIVERY DRIVER—At the Bee Hive

Enterprise. Seventh and Robert, for aNo. 1 delivery driver. • 265

DRUGGIST— wanted by a youngman with two and a halt years' experi-

ence in the drug business. F 100. Globe. 6

EMPLOYMENT—A young EnglishmanEMPLOYMENT—A young Englishmanjust arrived in this country wishes re-

spectable employment; good retereuces canbe had from last employers. Address A126 Globe. 6

EMPLOYMENT—Wanted employment; .-i young man well educated; in store or

officii; have letters from church and bank.ofMiddletown, Ohio. Address B. 234 WestSeventh St., St. PauL 6

EMPLOYMENT wanted by a middle-agedman where he can make himself useful.

Address Ed Wilson. Globe. 4

EMPLOYMENT— wanted by ayoung man in country store or any other

mercantile business; has had considerableexperience, good education and is of fixedhabits. Address, X 101, Globe. 265-67

EMPLOYMENT—Married man wants aposition of some kind; will work in

country or city; can furnish best of refer-ences. Address 0 108, Globe. 4

EMPLOYMENT desired by a gentlemans willingto work, with n" fair hand in

writing; well versed in Scandinavian, Eng-lish and German. Address P 119, Globe. 4

E~" MPLOYMENT— wants a positionafter 6 in the evening, to work in hotel

if possible. Address B 140, Globe. 5

EMPLOYMENT—Boy wants positionwhere lie can work for his board and go

to school. 475 Carroll st 204-65.11 PLOY'S! ENT— Place in private family

desired by youngman. Address 06 Cen-tral ay. 264 'MACHINIST—wanted, job in some fac-

tory by young man who understandsmachinery well. Address R 195, Globe.

265 CO _.OFFICE WORK— Employment by young

man; well educated; office work pre-ferred ; five years' experience in wholesalehouse; A l cityreference. L71. Globe. 4

OFFICE WOKK—Wanted, a situation byi".young man iv an office or factory; fair

penman. Address Vll4, Globe. 5

REPORTER— Situation as reporter ondaily paper, six months' experience, or

as local editor and foreman of country paper,by young man of twenty-three: six years intiie newspaper business. Address >' 190,Globe. 264-66rpEACHER— A well-educated youngman,A speaking English, French and German,

wishes a position as teacher. Address B 146.Globe. 263-65

'IiEAMSTEE—Wanted, Job as teamster byJ. young man; can furnish good reter-

enccs. 11 112. Globe. 265-266

WAITER—Posi tiou wanted by a cleanand sober young Swede; talks German

and English, but is a stranger in this city.Address X 106, Globe. 4

WRITING wanted to do evenings; notestaken in shorthand if desired. Address

I) 188, Globe. * 47 ATC MA At the Bee Hive Enter-

VV prise, Seventh and Robert, for watch-man, furnishing bonds. 265


CLERK—Young lady would like a situa-tion in confectionery store or battery;

has experience in bakery, Please addressJ. S. Moir. -11 Wabasha st 264-67

CLERK— Clerk of twelve years' experiencedesires position in general store: can

speak French and German. Address D M.Globe. 3

LEEK—Young lady schoolteacher, good,' rapid penman, having good office expe-

rience, wants oflice work of any kind. Ad-dressß 106, Globe. 6

C<OOK AND WAITER, class, wish

" situation in first-class private family.Address Employment 47 Tenth st. I

DDK AND SECOND-GIRL—Two sis-ters wants places toother in a private !

house as cook and second-girl; give refer-ences 52 West Tenth st, Room 15, 4 i

CIOOK—A first class cook wants a situation

' Ina private house: give references. 52 'West Tenth st. Room 15. 5 j

—Wanted, a situation as first-class ]J cook; Scotch; understands her business |

and all its branches. 351 East Fifth st 6

CtOOK —Wanted, a girl wants a place as i

' cook, \yhere there is no washing, or gen- ;era! housework. 1 lease address Globe office. jfor two days only. J 109, (.lobe. 5 |

KESS.MAKEliVßepairing and plain |sewing by a practical dressmaker: terms ': reasonable. Address B 144, Globe office. 6 I

Di. I>^ M A KlNG— Wanted, dreTsniaklngRESSM AKlNG—Wanted, dressniakingby the day. Call at 38 Wabasha si. 6

FOUR competent German girls want pri-FOUR competent German girls want pri-vate places: two fordiningand kitchen

i work. German Intelligence, 52 West Tenth.264 05

HOI'SEWORK wonted by lady in private jH family; small wages. Missin private

family; small wages. Miss Peterson,! 364 Collins st 265-266

OUSEWORK— Two faithful GermanHoes ewokk— Two (aithfnl Germangirl?, experienced In general house-

work, strangers in the city, want situations atonce: good references. 3S6Banfilst 5

OUSEKEEPER— An Eastern lady,stranger iv the city, would like a posi-

tion as housekeeper in widower's family.Ad-dress S 46. Globe, Minneapolis. " 4

OUSEKEEPER— German lady,first-class housekeeper, wants position.

Address V 108. Globe. 5

HOUSEKEEPER— A middle-aged ladyseeks a position as housekeeper. Ad-

dress L US. Globe. 4ASTRY COOK— A good pastry cookASTRY COOK—A good pastry cook

would like to get a situation. AddressF 191. Globe. 6

SALESLADY—Young lady would like po-sition as saleslady, cashier, or in office.

Address or call R F, 93 East Ninth st. 6

SALESLADY—Wanted, a position as salesO lady; best of reference given from lastemployer. Address May V, Globe. 6OEWlNG— Wanted, familysewing; perfectt5 lit by the French system; S3 per week.336 East Seventh st, Room 1. 3SECOND GIKL—A girl of experienceO wants situation as second girl or nursein private family. Call oraddress 249 Nor-ris si. • 3SECOND WOKK—Wanted, by a girla sit*O nation to do second work in privatefamily. Address Nellie, Globe. 3

TENOGRAPHER— A position in anyTENOGRAPHER— A position in anykind of business Is wanted by a lady

stenographer and typewriter. Address S 110,Globe. . . . . 4

SITUATION wanted by two sisters asSITUATION secondby two sisters as

cook and second giri, competent, infirst-class private families, and fourteen goodgirls for housework. Ladies' Employmentcorner Nelson. Miss Ridding. 5

AlTßESS— Situation as waitress or sec-AlTKESS—Situation as waitress or sec-ond girl in a private family. Address

MlO9, Globe. . 3

WASHER—A girl would like a situationas washer in a steam laundry; is well

experienced. Call or write at 24 East Sixthst 3

WASHERWOMAN—Awoman wants toWASHERWOMAN—A woman wants todo washing at her home; willingto

deliver. Address 531 Brewster &t, 3

200,000 WANTSWere printed In the Gloss's AdvertisingColumns in 1887. This is the best evidencethat the Globs is the People's Paper.


"THE GLOBE"LTONS*_ TICKNOR. Druggists, 707 EastLTONS _ TICKNOR, Druggists, 707 Eft*t

Third street corner Bates. , •--CONGER BROS., Druggists, 349 University t

avenue, corner Virginia. ;

MOUNTS A SAWYER, Grocers, corner Ash-land avenue and Dale street . "

A. P. WILKES, Druggist 759 and 761 West.. Seventh street :• -I ;BERKMAN & CO., 422 Dakota avenue. iE. FOX, 482 Rice street -A :!O. P. WILLIAMS,648 Reaney streetFRANK L. OSBURG, 178 Western avenue, j 'J. H. HAVES. 441 West Seventh street ) !F. VAN DUYNB, Druggist, 828 East Set*

enth streetHIPPLBR A COLLYER, Druggists, 199 East i


470 Jackson street.WILKES* PHARMACY, Seven Corners.M.D. MERRILL,Books and Stationery, 442

• Broadway.HELLER'S PHARMACY, corner Tenth and

St Peter streets.

BUSINESS CHA3C*E»..ll<-"i«-nin-j& Wheeler,

145 East Fifth Street

WE ARE selling more business chancesthan all other firms combined; prop-

erty must be cheap before we list it

JUST THINK—Acontectionery and cigarstore, well stocked; doing nice trade;

location good ; three livingrooms attached;$175 ; itwill not last

ONE FOURTEEN, one twelve and onethirteen-room furnished boarding houses:

furniture elegant; beautiful buildings; allfull of roomers; good profits; fine locations;see these before you Invest a dollar: rentslow; all at about* one-third value.

(VIEAT MARKETat a sacrifice.

SPECIAL BARGAIN in a fourteen-room furnished rooming and boarding

house; every room taken ; a profitable house:ten minutes' walk from center of city; we

want you to see this before ycu buy.

DO YOU WANTa small, paying hotel? Ifso, see what we have.

WE CAN PLACE you in a profitablebusiness for from $150 up.

FURNISHED FLATS—One on East Sev,enth st, twenty-three rooms; all light-

fine furniture: handsome profits; at an awfulsac flee if taken at once.

M'KENNEY A WHEELER, 145 East1»1 Fifth st, between Robert and Jackson.


S. V. Root A Co., BusinessChances and. itVn'-i! Agency,

186 East Seventh, Near Jackson.JV*OW IS the time to secure bargains.jVOWIS the time to secure bargains.

QlT^i WILLPUT YOU in one of thetSilr7 P. WILLPI _ YOU in one of thevl I *J best restaurants in the city: loca-tion immense ; $60 worth of new silver, never ibeen used; 5 livingrooms above; rent only$50 paid to Oct. 20 ; see this to-day if youwant it.

IBURNISHED HOUSES—I2room housewith barn on E. Seventh st ; right down ;

town ; rent only $40, worth $60; 22 board-ers; $200 will put you in this.

SEE THESE HOARDING HOUSES—O Fine brick terraces; elegantly furnished ;finest location in the city;rent from $40 to$60; can he had for half their -alue.

BUSINESS MEN WITH CAPITALseethis: Listed to-day a farm of 160 acres:

one-half mile this side of Kosemont; newhouse cost $2,000; this valuable land will besold at half price iftaken this week.

CALLAND SEE OUR LIST—You willbe astonished at our bargains; we in-

vestigate what we list and represent it justBS ii is; flats, butcher shops, groceries, sa-loons, farms, houses, and, in fact, anythingyou want S. V. Root& Co., 186 East Sev-enth st, llerbst block. 265

J. S. Oooch &Co.. ;51 East Fourth st.

MILK DEPOT— Delivering 150 gallonsI»jL daily; everything first-class; payinghandsome profit: this is gilt-edged. \u25a0 \u25a0 :CUSTOMERS, ATTENTION—Cigar and

J stationery store $125, and a daisy lor$350; boarding houses, best locations, at 50era on the dollar. -BRICK HOTEl.—Fortv-two rooms, doing

lanre business: come in and see us, weare always on deck. J. S. Gooch & Co.

' 264-65 '

."Miscellaneous Business Chances

BARGAINif taken at once; a firstAIIAKC.AINif taken at once; a first-class bakery and confectionery doing a

good business; also furniture for a six-roomfiat; will sell together or separately: rentreasonable; location first-class. J. K. L.,Globe. 263-69

A MAN with about $850 cash to lake aninterest in a established business;

either active or silent; as an investmentwill bring big returns. Address P 124, Globe.


BLACKSMITH SHOP, tools and stockfor sale; lots of work, good prices;

satisfactory reasons for selling. JamesStrathone, Appleton, Minn. 265-70

BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE—With lease, with or without tools, cheap;

reason, poor health; six corners.. East Sev-enth. Mendota and Minnehaha sts, Davtou'sbluff. St. Paul.- 259-05

I^OKsale— famished completely .in new town of great expectations; cx"-

cellent opportunity for man and* wife ofright stamp; laud or improved farm accept-able. Address B. E. Bushnell,- Wayzata,Minn. 262 65

FOR SALE Stock hardware and fixtures;$3,500 is about what it willinvoice. For

further information address B 23, Globe.265-72

FOR SALE—Stock ofgeueral merchandiseFOR sale— st-ekof general merchandiseand store building in town In North Da-

; kola: the onlystore in town: sales averaged: $25,000 for last six years: will reach $30,000] this year, paying net profit ot over $3,500;

' three elevators in town; good farming coun-try; never had failure of crop : stock can be

, reduced to suit purchasers: about $5,000 re-J quired. Address N 118. Globe. 261-67

FOR SALE—First-class meat market; cen-tral location : will sell at a bargain ; best

' ofreason given for selling. Address S 109,\u25a0 Globe. 264-66

GROCERY FOR SALE with a good es-tablished cash trade; location, stock,

! store and fixtures first-class. Address N 1 12.I Globe. 265-67

GROCERY STORE—For sale, a well es-tablished grocery store on East Seventh

st. ; must sell on account of sickness. Ad-dress B 135, Globe. 263

PARTNER— lady or gentlemanwith $3,500 to take interest in- a clean.

legitimate business that will net $40,000 inten months. Address A. 11.. Globe. 285-68

P' ARTNER WANTED—Lady or gentte-man with $3,500 to take interest in a

clean, legitimate business that will net $40,---000 in ten mouths. Address AB, Globe. ,

265-67 7T

PARTNER WANTED—A young floristwishes for a nice floral designer; busi-

ness a gentleman or lady can engage in with$300; knowledge of the business not re-uuiied. Address J 110, Globe. 264 66

WANTED TO BUY—A milk route ingood condition, without team, etc.

Address D 189. Globe. 263-65


DOG LOST— A small Yorkshire terrief,answers to the name of Trouble: hadanswers to the name of Trouble: had

on chain with bells. The finder will pleasereturn to J. W. Marsh, Pioneer Press, andname reward. 260

DOG LOST— SIO REWARD— Ran awayOO LOST— SIO REWARD— Ran awayfrom commissary department N. P. R. .

R., a yellow curled-hair shepherd dog, whitebreast, ball off one hind foot, brown eyes;answers to the name ofCurley. The abovereward will be paid if returned to diningcar department Northern Pacific railroad,Mississippi st L. R. Metz. 263-69

LOST—English setter; color, lemon andLOST— English setter; color, lemon andwhite; leather collar with last year's

license; answers to the name of Sport;liberal reward offered for his return to 386Robert st. . . 265-67

PUP LOST—Pointer pup, long ears andtail, large white and orange spots; will

pay for trouble ifreturned to 158 West Ninthst. Hayward. 264-65

PONY LOST— Agray pony. Sept 1. Finderwillreturn to Jacob Nelson, 245 East

Thirdst 263-65

WAftTCPTO BUY.WAUTED TO Bin.RICK"WANTED— About 200,000 build-RICKWANTED— About 200,000 build-

ing brick, to be delivered this fall; pre-fer to exchange a first-class St Paul home orbusiness property for same. C. B. Lawton,89 Dakota ay., city. - 264-70

RAGS, SCRAP IRONAND METALS—Dealers and shippers. Call on or write

to J. Firestone, wholesale .dealer in papermakers' supplies ;reference, any responsible-firm in the city. 262 Jackson st, St. Paul,Minn.. Telephene 753. Call 3. 310*

STOVE—Wanted to buy, a second-handSTOVE—Wanted to buy,188, Globe, yfQook glove. Address D 188, Globe.


____!______\u25a0 ""

A LARGE LIST ofgood houses forrent,all locations and prices. James &Bate-

ham Iteming agency, German-AmericanBank. \u25a0 260-65

AURORA AY., 453— Six-room cottage,$20. Robert P. Lewis, Sherman block.

COTTAGES— rent new eight-roomcottages on corner Thomas and Marion

streets; large cellar; citywater in also. Price,No. 605, $25; No. 607, $22; No. 609, $21:?o. 611. $20; No. 613, $1& Apply at 613*!Harion street 209-268/COTTAGE— rent, cottage of fourV** rooms on Otsego st. ; rent $9. Apply toH. Dougan, 229 East Thirteenth st. 232*

COTTAGE— cottage ofsix rooms ; verypleat- ant location. Inquire 174*. Charles

ft. . 264-65

FOR RENT— floor in private house,345 Sherman st ; sixrooms, good cellar;

water paid. Cal lat 341 Sherman St. 263*

HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale;seven rooms, water and bath: rent

cheap to parties buying furniture. 200 El-len gt. - 262-673

LIOUSE—For rent a very convenient sev-Al en-room house, 222 Fourteenth st Ap-ply to H.Dougan, 229 East Thirteenth st

262* .__^

OUSE— For rent, 456 Marshall ay.. five-OUSE— For rent 456 Marshall ay.. five-room house ; good cellar, well, cistern,

barn, large yard. Inquire of M. Itin, 90 Da-kota ay. \u25a0 265 67

HOUSE—Seven rooms, on Cedar St., No.793; bath, water closet soft water and

city water ; good cellar; good reference re-quired: $:*5 per mouth. . 264-70

HOI SE—For rent, house, ten rooms; fur-nished or unfurnished; all modern im-

provements; in tine order: good neighbor-ood; 82 Leech st. corner Mcßoal. 264-67

HOUSE— Eleven-room house, with all themodern conveniences: fine grounds;

good barn, etc. ; Robert st, opposite W. R.Merriam's residence. N. R. Frost Room 10.Frost block. 262-266

HOUSE— Sibley, seven-room house,$25. Dr. Upham, 165 East Seventh st- 265 67

HOUSE— For rent new eleven room house,77 Iglehart st; modern improvements;

steam heater; will be ready Oct 1. Inquireon the premises. 264-67

HOUSE— To rent, an elegantly furnishedHOUSE— To rent elegantlythe winter.house ou Summit ay. for the winter.

Address M 107. Globe. 263 65

HOUSE— Forrent a six-room house andbarn at $18 per month. J. A. Saoin.

Davidson block. \u25a0 263-67

HOUSE forrent, 642 North St.. near Mariaaye. ; 693 Ravine st, near Maria ay. : an

elegant house, corner Arcade and Dawsonsts. Apply to James J. Jellett, 14 ChamberCommerce. 265

HOUSE— For rent Nos. 289 and 291Prairie st, double house with all mod-

crn conveniences; nine rooms each. AddressP.O. Box 437. *252

HOUSE — For rent elegant nine-roomhouse opposite Blair flats

nine-roomhouse opposite Blair flats on Western

ay. Apply373 Robert st 265-68

HOUSE— One house and several tenementsfor rent, from $20, $15, $10, $8, $6; 254

Commercial st m 143*

HOUSE— For rent, No. 579 De Sotost;all modern improvements; one block

from street cars. Inquire at premises. 265

HOUSE— For rent toreliable parties; withsmall family; furnished house, No. 87

Wilkin st, overlooking the river, C. E. D.Olmsted. 551 Drake block. 265-66

HOUSE— For rent new house on Sixth st.between Hoffman and Maria ays., with

modern improvement; rent low. Inquire ofT. E. Blase, Room 2. Davidson 810ck.263-67

HOUSE— house to rent, in-qnire 422 East Seventh. 262-68

HOUSES FOR RENT— Furnished or un-furnished, with all modern conveniences;

cheap to right party. Inquire 433 Hollyay.gj 263 69

HOUSE— Fine ten-room house, cornerCanada and Spruce sts.: all sunny

m.mil-,with modern improvements: twelveminutes' wale from union depot; referencer.tiuired. Inquire at 253 Spruce st* 264-65

O*OUSE—For rent, dwelling,648 WabashaI?! st; possession given Oct. 1. InquireChns. Friend, 313 Jackson st. 265-66

HOUSE—For rent Summit ay. and St.Peter st, elegant fourteen-room house,

including conservatory; all modern improve-ments. Inquire 45 Summit ay. - 264-67

HOUSE— For rent, eight-room house, No.147 Nina

rent,ail modern improve-147 Nina ay. : ail modern improve-

ments. Inquire at rear. 263-67

HOUSES— For rent very desirable ten-room dwellinghouse; all modern im-

provements. Also, seven-room house. In-quire of St Paul Trust Co., 155 East Fourthst. \u25a0 \u25a0> __* 265-71

HOUSE— House, eight rooms, with allHOUSE—House, eight rooms, with allmodern improvements. Call at corner

Martin and St Peter sts.. Meat Market.265-66 - ;

HOUSES— For rent, small houses, $18apiece: new; all conveniences; on hill,

near Kittson's. Apply 139 West Fifth st264-67

NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, witnmodern couueniences; $30 until the

Ist of May, cr willsell on easy terms. 785Iglehart st : 263-67

TO RENT—Oct. 1, 1888, new house; twotenements; six rooms: No. 666 Ravine

St., Dayton's bluff. Apply to T. Connolly, onthe premises. 263-66

Room*.URORA AY., 169—Two or three very

desirable rooms for rent to parties with-out children for lighthousekeeping. 260-69

ROADWAY. 531— A nicely furnishedparlor and other rooms; modern con-

veniences^ 264-70ROAOWAY, 489— Nicely furnished

room in private family. 263-65ROADWAY,537— Kooms for rent.either

furnished or unfurnished, with V'halenwater and use of wash-house. Inquire atsame place. 262-67

ROADWAY, Nicely furnishedfront alcove room : bath, etc. . -264 65

EDAR ST.. 6001s— furnishedJ front room forrent with use of bath.

oTTtbItNE ST., 255. one half blockfrom short line crossing of West Sev-

enth st—Parties seeking a home will findsome nice furnished rooms and Eastern peo-pie; near depot and one-half block fromstreet cars. 265

OLLEGE AY., 24 WEST —Desirablerooms for rent; bath and all convienccs;'

half block from street cars. 265-70ItillTHST., 229— Pleasant unfurnished

room to parties without children: pri-vate family; desirable location. 261-65

IGHTH ST., 425, EAST—A large, hand-somely tarnished room; modern con-

veniences; private family. 260-667«>HTil ST., 229— Pleasant • furnished

room for one or two gentlemen ; con-venient and desirable location. 264-65

LLEN ST., 164—Five rooms for rent;city water. 265

FLAT—Eight-room, corner fiat first floor ;steam heat and all modern conveniences,

in "Premier," corner St Peter st. and Col-lege ay. Inquire of St. Paul ApartmentHouse com pauy, Room 10, Frost block.


FLAT of four nice rooms, suitable forhousekeeping. 648 Jackson st. 264-65

OIiKTHST., 125. WEST— One pleasantfurnished room second door from Rice

Park. 5

FIFTH ST., 139, WEST— Near Rice Park—For rent, small furnished room to gen-

tleman; $1.50 per week. 264-6511-111 ST., 125, WEST— A small fur-

nished -sleeping room to gentlemanonly:near Rice Park. 264-65

FOURTH ST., 167 WEST— Comfortablefurnishea rooms: steam heat: bath

room: cable line ; boarding. [ 263-69

IFRANKLIN ST.. 405, OPPOSITE CEO-ple's Theater— Two unfurnished rooms

for housekeeping; finely finished modernimprovements. 265 67

GOODRICH AY.. 241, |Xear Foro es—Rooms forrent ; basement of fourrooms. 265-67

HOPKINS ST.. 510— nicely furnishedfront room forrent 265

IGLEHART ST., Rooms, nicely fur-? nished, close to street cars, with use of

bath : with or without board. 265-66

IGLEHART ST., 119—Pleasant furnished\u25a0 rooms; board if desired; all modern im-

provements. - >265-71

JACKSON ST., 443—Pleasant turnishedrooms, $8 per month and upwards.

-7 264-67 \u25a0

OUIS ST., 255, NEAR SUMMITPARKFront unfurnished room, ground

floor; also furnished bedroom. 265

MISSISSIPPI ST.. 626—Four rooms, hrst]\TISSISSIPPI ST.. 626—Four rooms, hrstIVI floor. Applyto H. Dougan, 229 EastThirteenth st. . 262*

OAK ST., 395, NORTH, corner Sixtn—Large furnished front room; bay win-

dow, private family. \u25a0* . 260-66

ROBERT ST., 343— Neatly furnishedV rooms; all modern conveniences; next

to American National bank. Callat room 2. . 263-69

ROOM— alcove front room; use ofIV bath and all modern conveniences;suitable for young lady with references. Callat 11 a. m. 179 Pleasant ay. - 260-65

ROOM— For rent a single gentlemen wisn-inga pleasant sunny room for the win-

ter, newlyfurnished, gas and bath, address P117. Globe. \u25a0 265

ROOMS— of very desirable roomsfor one or two gentlemen, with bath ;

three minutes' walk from postoffice; refer-ences. .: Address 0 105, Globe, . ... 264-67

FOB KEffT.Booms— Continue-.

ROOM— rent furnished room. Applyto H. C. Hemenway, 363 Robert st.- 262-68

KOOM—For rent unfurnished front room,ROOM—For rent unfurnished front room,. with alcove. Inquire at 214 Fuller st.264-65 -

ROOMS— For rent three unturnlshedROOMS— For rent three unfurnishedrooms for housekeeping. Address 344

Ramsey st 265-266

ROOMS— Three unfurnished rooms forOOMS— Three unfurnished rooms forhousekeeping. Apply 57 West Third

street. » 265

SEVENTH ST., 27, EAST, BETWEENWabasha and Cedar Comfortably

furnished rooms at popular prices. G. W.El well A Co. 262-67

ST. PETER ST., 562— T0 rent, front al-ST. PETER ST., 562— T0 rent front al-cove room ; steam heat, gas and bath

fourth bell to left in vestibule. 264-65

ST. PETEB ST., 315— Between Third andST. PETER ST., 315— Between Third andFourth sts—Elegant furnished rooms for

rent cheap ; references required. 264-65

SUMMIT AY., 47—Rooms, single or enSUMMIT AY., 47— Rooms, single or ensuite, with all conveniences; also, board.

\u25a0 265-267CMMITAY, 75 AND 77— number of

•O nicely furnished rooms suitable for twogentlemen. '\u25a0\u25a0_ 264-70

THIRD ST., 342, WEST—Pleasant fur-THIRD ST., 342, "WEST—Pleasant fur-nished front rooms, gas', heat use of

bath, 6 o'clock dinners. 264-65

rpENTH ST.. 200, EAST, BETWEENrpENTH ST.. 200, EAST, BETWEENJ- Jackson and Sibley—Handsomely fur-

nished rooms ; gas. heat bath; ten minutesfrom depot; private family. 263-269

TENTH ST.. 103, WEST—For rent threeENTH ST., 103, WEST—For rent threeunfurnished rooms; $10 per month; va-

cated on Oct 1 ; no children. 264-66

TILTON ST.. 47, One Door from St. PeterILTONST.. 47, One Door from St. Peter—Two front rooms, nicely furnished;

one with alcove; furnace heat aud bath.264-65

TWELFTH ST., 65—Two furnishedrooms in private family; breakfast and

supper. 265-67

WABASHA ST., 677— here! Tworooms, two closets and alcove in new

house ; just the place for four youug meu;call and see them before they are picked up.


WABASHA ST., 421— Elegantly fur-nished rooms to rent en suite or sin-gle; also, unfurnished, suitable for light

housekeeping. Applyabove number. 259-65ILKINS ST., 22—Nicely furnishedILKINS ST., 22—Nicely furnished

rooms; heat and bath; references.265-67 \u25a0

Store*.OTO RE—Will rent for nominal sum; atOTO RE— Will rent for nominal sum; atO start one of the best stores in city forgrocery, boot and shoe or hardware business.J. It. _

S. McMurran. Room 72, Globe build-265-69

STORK—For rent, brick store 23x80, withcounters and shelves; fitst-class location

for dry goods; only three dry goods housesin city; population 4,500. Address P. O. Box744, Albert Lea. Minn. « 259-05

STORE— For rent, store 495 Ohio st. ; suit-able fordrug busiuess; no other on hill;

low rent to good tenant C. J. Schott, prem-ises, or 95 East Third st. 259-65

STORE and four rooms forrent ; inquire upSTORE and four rooms for rent; Inquire upstairs; use of city water. 388 Como ay.

\u25a0 257-65

STORE— Brick store on Broadway, nearSTORE— Brick store on Broadway, nearGrove, also five-room flat above. Apply

507 Wabasha. 264-67

CJ/j (\ PER MONTH—Good store and 4CjJ A(\ PER MONTH—Good store and 4«*?'*_' livingrooms on Fifth st., near theClifton house. Apply to A. H. Rogers, No.309 Jackson st. 263*


DESK ROOM—For rent, desk room inFrost block, 28 and 30 East Fourth st.

Inquire of N. R. Frost. Room 10. 203-72

DESK ROOM—S3 per mouth at 132 EastI.SR ROOM—S3 per month at 132 EastFourth st. \u25a0 263-67

OFFICE —The best office on ground floorOFFICE—The best office on ground floorof Globe building. Apply to Room 8,

Globe building. 263 67

OFFICE—A large corner room; suitableOFFICE— A large corner room: siiitublefor office. 44 East Seventh sty corner

Cedar. : 265 68

OFFICE— Physician can rent use ofheatedand furnished office, books and instru-

ments. 199 East Seventh St., Room 5.

OFFICES— To rent the front half of storewith a large window; 132 East Fourth

St 26367


A—MONEY is loaned by us on improved• real estate security in St. Paul, Minne-

apolis and Duluth at 6, 6',i, 7, 7t_ per centon shortest notice for any amount R. M.Newport A Sou. investment bankers, 152,153 aud 154 Drake block, St. Paul. 73*

FARM LOANS—In any amount withFARM LOANS—In any amount, withoption of partial payments. City loans

made; no delay. William F. Carroll, 359,Drake block. 260-66

MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAJSCompany Loan from $1.0 upward on

furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., with-out removal; also on warehouse receipts,diamonds and gold watches. J. S. Mackey,manager. Room 14, First National bank build-ing. St. Paul, anil Room 7, Mackey-Leegblock, Minneapolis. 250*

ONEY LOANED on all kinds ot per-M ONKVLOANED on all kinds ot per--1»A soual property, household furniture,horses, etc. also on "diamonds and jewelry;commercial paper discounted. SecurityLoan Co., 325 Jackson st, J. E. Flauigan,manager. 162*

ONEY TO LOAN—In small or largeONEY TO LOAN—In small or largesums; no delay. J. C. Stout A Co., 324

Jacksonst 113*ONEY TO LOAN—By Hunt A Sever-ONEY TO LOAN—By Huut A Sever-

ance, 34 East Third st, room 1 ; inlarge and small amounts on furniture, horses,carriages, libraries, warehouse receipts, etc. ;the same to remain in the owner's posses-sion; also on watches, jewelry, diamonds,etc; business strictly confidential; a privateroom for ladies. 292*

ONEY TO LOANon Improved and un-ONEY TO LOAN on improved and im-improved city property, at usual rates;

no delay. Paget itSmith, Room 49, German-American bank 73*

ONEY TO LOAN oil diamonds,MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds,watches, and all goods ofvalue. Pri-

vate office for consultation. George It,Holmes 141 and 143 East Seventh st. 82*(_f\(\ (tf\(\ »0 LOAN on improved•P«JU-,UUU real estate. 199 East Sev-enth st,. Room 5. 204 00


COUPE— To be sold at a bargain, onecoupe, new. Apply to B. F. Francis,

Sherman house, or wite to P. O. Box 1146.Duluth. Minn. 262 66

l"J"OR SALE—Fine family horse; must be-T sold; will sell cheap. Call East Sev-- sold; will sell cheap. Call 27 East Sev-enth st, Room 2. 265

I^OR SALE—A well-bred four year-oldI"**OR SALE —A well-bred four year-oldcolt; been driven to a bmrgy in the city

all summer, but the owner finds aim too gayfor an elderly man in cold weather: will sellor exchange fora quiet small horse used tocity. Inquire of William McClure, 253 Louisst ' 263-65

FOR SALE—Cheap, three-spring deliveryFOR SALE— Cheap, three-spring deliverywagon. Inquire at 415 Cedar st 264-67

FOR SALE—Delivery wagon, suitable lorFOR SALE—Delivery wagon, suitable torone or two horses; can be used with or

without top; will be sold cheap. Call ouCreelman, Avery & Co., 407 Sibley st.

260-666 '_,

TEAM FOR SALE—A good mule team,EAM FOR SALE—A good mule team.wagon and harness; will sell on a small

cash payment and give easy terms on bal-ance, R. F.Marvin, 45 East Fourth st.

WANT to buy one or two horses. 76WANT to buy one or two horses. 76_ East Fifth st. 265-67


ANNA C. DREW ECLECTIC COLANNA C. DREW ECLECTIC COLlege— Shorthand, typewriting and teleg-

raphy; practical, thoiough and personal' in-struction. Address Elva J. Wilcox, Haleblock, corner Third and Jackson. 250*

BT NEEDLEWORK—lnstructions inRT NEEDLEWORK— lnstructions intinsel, arrasene, chenille and ribbon

embroidery: also Kensington and lustrepainting: terms moderate. Mrs. Graef, 274West Third st. 265 6!)

ARTSCHOOL, beginning the Ist of Octo-RT SCHOOL, beginning the Ist of Octo-ber; Instruction in Woodcarving,

Modeling, Architectural and Sculpture de-sign. Address Artistic, Globe. 285-76INSTRUCTION—French, German, EiTINSTRUCTION—French, German, EiTX gllsh: pupils are taught to sneak from thefirst lesson. W. S. Betts, Grand Opera block.

264-74 -PAUL KLEIST. Teacher or Violin andPAUL KLEIST, Teacher or \iolin and

Mandolin. Forepaugh Block, Rooms10-11, Seven corners. » 262-68

RIVATE LESSONS given, piano andRIVATE LESSONS given, piano andvoice; two years with Xarver Schar-

wenka in Berlin; Marches! method for voice;terms .. moderate. Address C. H. C, 669Broadway. _ 265 69OT. AGATHA'SACADEMYOF MUSIC,IJ 26 East Exchange St—Lessons given onPiano, Organ, Guitar, Violinand Mandolin;hours arranged to suit pupils. For termscall or address The Superioress. ' 168*

ST. PAUL BUSINESS-COLLEGE, W.K. Mulliken, Principal and Proprietor.

Courses of study: Commercial, Shorthand,German and English. Now is the best timeto enter for a complete course or for anyspecial branch. The shorthand departmentis in charge ofa special teacher. German istaught by a native. Individual Instructionand experienced teachers are special feat-ures of the college. Corner Seventh andJackson. ; 175*

SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, TYPE-writingand telegraphy: Instruction per-

sonally and by mail. Malcolm E. Nichols,507 Grand Opera block. .134*

WAKTEP TO REST.______________ TO REST.

HOUSE— Wanted, house suitable for twosmall families or part of house ; small

family. P. 111, Globe.- 265


A. H. Micolay, Auctioneer.

2 CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS ONMount Ida and Minnehaha Bts., Near

Lafayette Ay. (with splendid large shadetrees on the lots), at Auction.— A. H. Ni?olaywillsell at auction Saturday afternoon. Sept22d, 1888, at 5 o'clock p. m., sharp, on thepremises, on Mount Ida st, onlyone blockrom Lafayette ay. and De Soto St., two

beautiful and very desirable residence lots,known as lots 4 and 15, block 8, in Warren&Winslow's addition to St Paul; these lotsare beautifully shaded, fronting on MountIda and Minnehaha sts., running through-from street to street 50 feet frontage each,suitable forImmediate improvement; dwell-inghouses in this part of the city are in con-stant demand and are sure to rent, and pay avery large income, from 10 to 25 per centon the cost of construction : another greatadvantage to business men is, this propertyis close to the business section of the lowerpart of the city, and can be reached in a fewminutes; Lafayette ay, horse cars go withinone block; investors looking for a profitableand sure investment should attend; termsliberal, only third cash required; balancecan remain on mortgage tor three years.For further particulars apply to Nicolay &Co., Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents for40 years. tSß^Our real estate auction saleNo. 12,752. 205

VALUABLE EAST SEVENTH ST.Business Lot at Auction— 11. Nicolay

willsell at auction Saturday afternoon. Sept.29, 1888, at 3 o'clock sharp, oil the prem-ises, on East Seventh st. between Maria andBates ays., Dayton's bluff, that very valuablebusiness lot, south-facing, known as Lot 3,Gammell's subdivision of block 5, LymanDayton's addition to St. Paul, 40 feet frontand rear, by 152 7-100 feet deep; this is oneof the very best locations for stores or anyother business purposes to be found on EastSeventh st, and ready for immediate improvements ; stores with flats above contain-ing all modern conveniences are in great de-mand by reliable and responsible businessmen that understand and can appreciate thegreat future of this rushing business thor-oughfare, and are anxious to secure storeson this part of East Seventh st, knowingthat the completion of the new Seventhstreet cable line, guaranteed to be in runningoperation by August, 1889, will greatlystimulate and increase the valuation of thisdesirable business property; sale absoluteand terms only one-tliird cash, balance threeor fiveyears on mortgage. For further par-ticulars apply to Nicolay & Co., Auctioneersand Real Estate Agents for forty years. A.H. "Nicolay, Auctioneer. Our Real EstateAuction Sale No. 12,753. 205

J<*1»1», Johnson A Co., Auction-eers.

OTOVE AND HOUSEHOLD EURNI-O ture at Auction— will sell at publicauction, on the mart north ofcity market, onSaturday, Sept. 22. at 9:30 .a. m., a large lotofheating stoves, chamber suites, bedsteads,bureaus, commodes, tables, chairs, stands,carpets, crockery ware, kitchen furniture,etc., and parties looking for this class ofgoods should not fail to attend. Jebb, John-son A Co., auctioneers. 422 Wabasha st. 205

KY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS,Etc., at Public Auction— We are holding

daily sales by auction at our salesroom, No.422 Wabasha st., of a large stock ot drygoods, clothing, furnishing goods, notions,etc., consisting ofall kinds of dress goods,table linens, napkins, flannels, table spreads,counterpanes, blankets, comforters, ladies'and misses' hose, ladies' underwear, gents'furnishing goods, notions, etc., etc. Thesegoods are iirst-class in every respect and willbe sold regardless of results. Jebb, Johnson& Co., auctioneers. ' - 205-00

E. Holloway, Auctioneer.ICTION SALE-Lot 13, block 0, Ar-

Hngton Hills addition, and beautifulresidence thereon, will be sold at public auc-tion, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, Sept.22, at 4p. m. The house is new, havingbeen built last year, is two stories, withhighbasement, contains nine rooms, and is avery handsome-appearing dwelling; frontson Cook st, near Edgerton st; terms easy. H.11. Schulte A Co., agents .E. Hollowav. auc-tioneer; 200-00


A CLAIRVOYANT,FORTUNE TELL-er and hand reader, Just arrived. The

young Mme. Carrie L. Lamont has traveledthrough the principal parts ofEurope willremain afewdays only; tells past, present andfuture in person or by letter; will bring backthe parted husband or lover, nomatter iftheybe 10.000 miles away; will tell you whetheryour lover or sweetheart be false or true; willguarantee to settle familyquarrels or moneyrefunded; has charms for good luck; breaksevil influences; gives luckynumbers in lot-tery; can give best of references. Iwas pre-sented with elegant gold medal. Can readthe initials of a caller's name by their hand.Parties desire answer to letters must enclose$1. Fine hair tonic and preparation for ladies'complexion. Ladies in trouble call at once.Office hours, 10 a. m. to 9 J*, m. Mme. C. L.Lamont, 514 Nicollet avenue, between Fifthand Sixth sts., up stairs, parlor room 4, Min-neapolis, Minn. 205-200

A LAST CHANCE to consult MadameTeitsworth, St Paul's oldest and best

clairvoyant fortune teller, as she leaves in afew days for the Pacific coast. 171 EastSeventh st. 202-267

ARRIVED—Prof. J. P. Ewens, Chicago'sbest clairvoyant test medium; German

and English spoken. 171 East Seventh st,Room 5. • 262-207

ELLA, MAMA—Treat me like a friend:write to me. High. 262-68RS. A. "BAGSELL, Magnetic Healer,

386 Broadway. 202-08

PERSONAL —Any one being able to givethe present whereabouts of Thomas C.

Causby, late quartermaster sergeant of theSeventh cavalry, would do Mr. Causby agreat favor by addressing C, care the GlobePublishing Co., St Paul, Minn. 205-67

OOMS— Wanted, in St. Paul, by a lady,two or three rooms centrally located,

for a respectable business; on parlor floor.Address, with price, K. P., Globe, Minneapo-lis. 203-05

WILL LADYcall again at 502 Jacksonst. for suite ofrooms for herself, hus-

band and sister. 265


AHSTRACT ROOKS— Do you want a setofAbstract Books foryour county? Send

the number of books in use to get the aston-ishing low price for. to J. B. 0., 18 EastFourth st., St Paul. No satisfaction, no pay.


ENGINE—For sale, Otto gas engine, four-horse power, in first-class running

order. Inquire at Martin Dreis Co., 98 BastThird st. ' 262-68

FOR SALE— A select new stock of ladies'and gents' underwear, furnishing goods,

notions, confectionery and cigars. 306 PicoSt. • 265

HOUSEHOLD GOODS— For sale, fineOCSEHOLD GOODS— For sale, lineMagee range, plain furniture anb?car-

pets: parties leaving city. Call at 360 EastNinth st 264-67

FOR SALE—Lease and furniture of ten-room brick house (new) for sale: every

modern convenience; cheap rent, and a bar-gain. 5-12 Minnesota st. 250-63(JAFES- For sale, four fire-proof safes atO less than you can buy a second-handsafe for these goods are No. 1 in every re-spect, with extra inside iron door; office andhousehold safes. Call betweeu 11 a. m. and4 p. m. at No. 132 East Fourth st. 262-63

STOVE —For sale, second-hand heatingstove, base burner. Inquire of janitor,

562 St Peter st. 20-1-65

STOVE— For sale, one base burner, almostnew, one bedroom set two feather beds

and a number pillows, cheap ; must be soldbefore the 21st Call at 240 Sherman st

7 202-05

STOVES— For sale, cheap, oue Garlandcoal stove, ono Garland wood stove, in

excellent condition, at 380 Walnut st -__ 20308 - - .BOAHP OFFERED.

BOARD—Best weekly board in the city,53.25 per week; twenty-one meal tickets.

53.50. 459 Wabasha st 205-07

BOARD— Room for two gentlemen ormarried couple, with board; all modern

conveniences; near cable cars. I*Bs Pleasantay. ' 21 15-66

BOARD-Young Girls' Home. 620 St.Peler st, for respectable young girls

only; board and lodging $2.50 per week;reading room free. : 265-353

BOARD— Jackson st— Two nicelyfurnished front rooms, with board : ref-

erences required. 265-67

BOARD—A large room with alcove withall conveniences, with good table board,

suitable for two gentlemen or gentleman andwife. 437 Oakland ay. 205

BOARD and furnished room for winter fortwo gentleman at 20 Tilton, near Waba-

sha. 26:1-69

BOARD— Nicely furnished rooms, secondfloor, with board; lurnace heat 62

East Eleventh st. 205-66

BOARD— Wanted, one or two youug ladiesto take room and partial board. Inquire

at Woman's Exchange. 204-05

BOARD—61 Iglehart st, furnished roomswith board near street cars, ten min-

utes' walk from postoffice. 20-1-06OTRTKENTH ST.. 241, EAST—Forrent a nicely furnished room in private

family, with or without board. 264-66OVERNESS— A lady would like two or

three children to care for. 333 *Wnl-nut St' 6

JGLEHART ST.,- 117, near Rice— ThreeJGLEHART ST., 117, near Kice— Three* rooms forrent either furnished or un fur-

nished, with board ; furnace heat. 262-68

WABASHA ST., 459— Furnishea rooms_ with board, for gentlemen. '. 265-67

Dn.mo and houses greet the eyesnOOmS of the folks who advertise. \u0084 .


FOR SALE— below market one ofthe best lots in Marshall's addition.

near State st W. F. Carroll, 359Drake block.260-66

ES idENCE— A large residence and veryRESIDENCE— A largetime.

and veryfine home cheap and on time. Inqnire

at house. 846 Lincoln avenue. 260-66

1 ( if ) FKET' corner South Robert and Bel-A\j\J videre ay., cheap. Address P. O.Box 2349. 260-66


nearly new Crown jewel coal stove: forwood, coal or farm produce. Call at 305Jackson street. 265-66"

O EXCHANGE—CIear lot to trade evenfor horse and buggy; must be good.

Address, H 114, Globe. 265

TO EXCHANGE—A fine gold watch torhousehold furniture or carpets. Address

L C, Globe. __ 263-65

TO EXCHANGE- $5,500 equity in finebusiness block to exchange forgood res-

idence property. Postoffice Box 2,349.„ 200-66 . -o EXCHANGE-Wanted to trade, twoO EXCHANGE-Wan ted to trade, twolots in Spring Park for well bred colt.

Address F 187, Globe. 260 66\u25a0*pRADE— To trade, land adjoining North''pRADE—To trade, laud adjoining North.-A St. Paul, will trade for livery stock. Ca-banne A Swartz, 18 East Fourth st 265-71

WANTED, to trade a good mortgage forWANTED, to trade good"road horse.a nice, sound, good-sized 'road horse.'

Address D 190, Globe. 263-05


ROOMS— three or four unfur-nished rooms with modern con-

veniences for light housekeeping; vicinity ofTenth and Broadway. Address G 114,Globe. 264-66

OOMS— Wanted, on or before Oct. 1,EOOMS— Wanted, on or before Oct. 1,four to sixrooms forlighthousekkeep-

Ing. Address Till.Globe. 264-65

WE. TIIE UNDERSIGNED, OFFICERSof the St. Paul Mutual Indemnity

association, do hereby certify that ata regular meeting of said asso-ciation, held at Mr. Prince's office, in St.Paul, Aug. 24. 1888, by a majority vote ofthosa present, the articles of incorporation ofsaid association were amended as follows:By striking out all that part of Article 11.after the words "five dollars ($5)," and sub-stituting therefor the words, "and the pay-ment of such periodic assessments as theboard of trustees shall designate." ArticleV. was amended by adding after words "bythe members" the words "of said board oftrustees." Also this article was amended bystriking out the words "'the association" andsubstituting therefor the words "saiaboard." The articles as amended read asfollows:

Article ll.—Tho terms of admission tomembership shall be the payment of aninitiation fee ofnot more than five dollars(?;)), and the payment of such periodic as-sessments as the board of trustees shall dcs-ignate.

Article V.—lts business shall be conductedby a board of seven (7) trustees, one ofwhom shall be elected every year by a major-ityof the votes cast by the members of saidboard of trustees at a "regular meeting of saidboard, and shail hold office for a period ofseven years, except the first board of trus-tees, whose names and tenure ofoffice are asfollows: ,BAlbert Scheffer, who shall hold office forone (1) year; George R. Finch, for two (2)years; Jeremiah C. Prendergast, for three (3)years; William 11. Fisher, for four (4) years;Richard W. Johnson, for five (5) years; JohnS. Prince for six (6) years; James C. Markoefor seven (7) years.

R. W. JOHNSON, Secretary.GEORGE R. FINCH, President.

STATE OF MINNESOTA, I „County op Ramset, IBS*

On this 29th day of August, A. D. 1888, be-fore me personally appeared George R. Finchand Richard W. Johnson, to me well knownto be the president and secretary of the StPaul Mutual Indemnity association, a cor-poration existing under and by virtue of thelaws of Minnesota, and each of said parties,for himself and as president and secretaryrespectively of said corporation, being firstduly sworn upon oath, said that the foregoingcertificate is true of his own knowledge.

GEORGE R. FINCH, PresidentR. W. JOHNSON, Secretary.Subscribed and sworn to before me this

20th day of September. A. D. 18S8.".Notarial Seal.] Ralston J. Maukoe,

Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota.. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I

Department of State, iI hereby certify that the within Instrument

was tiled for record in this office on the30th day of August, A. D. 1888, at 4o'clock p. m., and was duly recorded inBook0 of Incorporations, on page 593.

• U. MATTSON, Secretary of State.STATE OF MINNESOTA, )

Countt op i'amskv. Vss.Office of the Register of Deeds. )

This is to certify that the within instrumentwas filed forrecord in this office, at St. Paul,on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1888, at10:50 o'clock a. m., and that the same wasdulyrecorded in Book E of Incorporations,pages 316-319. M. J. lIELL,


Ramsey— ss.This is to certify that the articles of incor-

poration of the St. Peter Street ImprovementCompany have this day been amended byvote of the stockholders of said corporation.by changing Article IV. thereof so as to readas follows:

Article IV.— highest amount of indebt-edness or liabilityto which said corporationshall at any time be subject shall be $200,---Dated St Paul, Minn., September 17, 1888.


Secretary of the St Peter Street Improve-ment Company.Subscribed and sworn to before me this

17th day ofSeptember, 1888.[Notarial Seal.] Samuel McMurran.Notary Public, Ramsey County. Minn.TATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF

Ramsey— District Court.COUNTY OF

Ramsey— District CourtIn tbe matter of the receivership of Adolph

D. Jesmer, insolventAt Special Term, the 15th day ofSeptember,

1888.The undersigned hereby gives notice ofhis

appointment as receiver of Adolph D. Jes-mer, of the city of St. Paul, in the County ofRamsey and State of Minnesota, who hasbeen adjudged insolvent on the petition ofcreditors, John Mather and "Ellis W. Cadv,partners as Mather, Cady A Co., andother creditors, under the provisions ofChapter 148 of the General Laws of theState of Minnesota for the year 1881, aridthe amendments thereto.*

All creditors claiming to obtain the ben-efits of said act are required to file theirclaims with the undersigned within twenty(20) days after the publicationof this notice.

FRED MASON,Receiver of Adolph D. Jesmer, Insolvent.

To all creditors of said Adolph D. JesmerS. P. Crosby, Attorney of Receiver, Room 2,

National German-American Bank.

TYfOTIC'E TO CREDITORS— STATE OFTVJ"OTICE TO CREDITORS— STATE OF1* Minnesota, County of Ramsey— ss. InProbate Court Sr>ecial Term, September 6,1888.Hi the matter of the estate of Katharina

Meyer, deceased.Notice is hereby given that the Judge of

Probate of the county of Ramsey will, uponthe second Monday of the month of March. A.D.1889. at 10 o'clock a.m. ,hear, examine andadjust all claims and demands of all personsagainst said deceased: and that six monthsfrom and after the date hereof have been al-lowed and limited for creditors to presenttheir claims against said estate, at the expi-ration ofwhich time all claims not presentedor not proven to its satisfaction shall beforever barred, unless for good cause shownfurther time be allowed.

By the Court[l.s.] E. S. GORMAN, Judge ofProbate.

John Meter. Administrator.


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.__ v/hlte or black, are_____. _.- "white or black, are _„. .- -JaL

W*^T in want of some- ™J™SELL I thing. That Is, they BUY!

either want to Sell! WAIST something which \tjxxT

to they have, or to Buy toSELL! something which BlT**!

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SELL! 2******"*gjgit doesn't pay to -

WANT waste much time ,_.____

W**J-? hunting for what J{«SELL! you want. Neither Is BUY!SELL! you want. Neither Is BUYX

it necessary, when,by reading theby reading the

GLOBE'S "WANT" COLUMNSYou can get what

WAST you want without WASTWAIST you want, without WAISTto .any bother. T(«-t

sell: v you don,t sco BLYXwhat you want, ail-

wast XS^IUS WANT; to 7 Gi.ork's "WANT" TO v. SELL! columns, Bl'Vi