St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503 Parish Website: stnicholaserie.org Diocesan Website: www.acrod.org Rev. Fr. Nicholas Mihaly Rectory: (814) 453-4902 Cell: (203) 241-1027 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, November 19, 2017-Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost Schedule of Services and Events: Sunday, November 19—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy Monday, November 20—6:00 PM; Vespers for the Synaxis of the Angels Tuesday, November 21—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Angels Tuesday, November 21—6:00 PM; Adult Education Class Sunday, November 26—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy Confessions are available approximately One Hour before Vespers or by appointment

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church · 11/19/2017  · St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503

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Page 1: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church · 11/19/2017  · St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503

St. Nicholas Orthodox ChurchAmerican Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese

Ecumenical Patriarchate1123 East Avenue

Erie, PA 16503Parish Website: stnicholaserie.org Diocesan Website: www.acrod.org

Rev. Fr. Nicholas Mihaly Rectory: (814) 453-4902 Cell: (203) 241-1027 E-mail: [email protected]

Sunday, November 19, 2017-Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost Schedule of Services and Events: Sunday, November 19—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy Monday, November 20—6:00 PM; Vespers for the Synaxis of the Angels Tuesday, November 21—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Angels Tuesday, November 21—6:00 PM; Adult Education Class Sunday, November 26—9:30 AM; Divine Liturgy

Confessions are available approximately One Hour before Vespers or by appointment

Page 2: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church · 11/19/2017  · St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503

UPCOMING EVENTSNovember 21 - Feast of Archangel Michael and all the AngelsNovember 26 - Election of Parish Council OfficersNovember 27 - Bishop Gregory’s Fifth Anniversary of Episcopal

ConsecrationNovember 28 - Beginning of Advent FastNovember 28 - Emmaus Soup KitchenDecember 4 - Feast of the Entrance of the Virgin MaryDecember 10 - Parish Annual MeetingDecember 17 - St. Nicholas BrunchDecember 19 - Feast of St. Nicholas; Patronal Feast of Parish

Please join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM for an adult education class. The class is open to anyone who wants to learn more about our Orthodox Faith. To begin, we will be reading through The Orthodox Way by Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. It is an excellent book

which reviews the basic tenets of our Faith. Please bring yourselves and any friends who might be interested in learning more!

There are some icons in the church hall, please help yourself!

There are some household items from the rectory in the church hall. The parish is asking for a donation if you would like them for your own home.

Page 3: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church · 11/19/2017  · St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503

Lots-O-Luck Calendars are now available for a donation of $25.00. This important National ACRY fundraiser supports “Diocesan Funds.” Winning numbers and cash amounts will be determined by the 3 digit Pennsylvania Lottery drawn daily at 7:00 PM and the amount listed on the calendar for that day. Please see Phyllis if you would like to purchase a calendar.

Elections for the Parish Executive Board will take place on November

26 following the Divine Liturgy. At this time, the proposed changes to

the cemetery by-laws will be available for your perusal.

This is the first official announcement of the Parish Year-End Meeting to be held on December 10 following the Divine Liturgy.

On Sunday, December 16, we will celebrate our parish’s patronal feast day with a tureen/potluck brunch. Please use the sign-up sheet in the office to indicate what dish you will be bringing. The parish will provide a meat dish. Also, if you have any children under 16, please RSVP to Fr. Nick, so that St. Nicholas can be sure to have enough gifts for the children in attendance!

Birthdays & Anniversaries

If you would like Many Years to be sung for you or a loved one, please let Fr. Nick know prior to the beginning of Divine Liturgy


21 Patricia Molly

23 George Hazuda

23 Kathryn Zetts Sesco

25 James & Nancy (Butts) DeHaven-28th Anniversary

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Parish Prayer List“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its

effects.” James 5:16For the Health of…Fr. John Baranik, Fr. John Gido, Fr. Nicholas Palun, Fr. David Smoley, Pani Donna Smoley, Pani Connie Miloro, Pani Eleanor Pribish, Ann Burdick, Emma Burkell, John Candia, Tom Candia, James DeHaven, Mary DeHaven, Ann DiMarco, Peter Dimitriadis, Helen Douglas, Irene Fendya, Miko Jovanovich, John E. Kelley, Laura Klepek, John Kloss, Richard Koerner, Jean Kramer, Don Kuzmin, Olivia Kuzmin, Barbara Scheibeck, Irene Schwab, Elizabeth Skalko, Isabella Smith, Cheryl Walker, Katlyn Wyant, George Yurcan …through the prayers of St. Nectarios the Wonderworker & St. Panteleimon the Great-Martyr and Healer

For the Repose of…Fr. Charles Sunderland, Pani Ann Kozar, Maria Keim, Paul Meaden …May their memories be eternal!

If you have someone you would like to be added to the prayer list, please see Fr. Nick

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WEEKLY OFFERINGS – Sunday, November 12, 2017

DONOR $2.00 WEEKLY CANDLES FOR HEALTH GIVEN FOR Tamara Kloss Husband John Kloss Phyllis Tarasovich Herself and Family Theodore & Patricia Molly Themselves and Family Theodore & Patricia Molly Ann DiMarco Paul & Mary Ellen Demyanovich His Brother Bill Demyanovich John Lipchik Jr. Richard Koerner John Lipchik Jr. & Kathleen Boyce Uncle Peter & Aunt Marge Sima DONOR $2.00 WEEKLY CANDLES FOR THE DECEASED GIVEN FOR John & Tamara Kloss Her Parents Very Rev. Proto. Ronald & Pani Dolores Hazuda Douglas & Jean LaBoda and Family His Father Michael LaBoda Douglas & Jean LaBoda and Family His Mother Virginia LaBoda George Yurcan Parents Wasyl & Aniela Yurcan and Deceased in Family Richard & Susanne Demchak Beloved Parents Joseph & Susan Demchak Dr. George & Kitty Kuzmishin Beloved Family Members Janet Belliveau Parents Douglas & Anne Liebel John Lipchik Jr. & Kathleen Boyce Parents John Sr. & Helena Lipchik and Uncle Paul Sima David Lipchik Parents Steve & Ann Lipchik Phyllis Tarasovich Deceased in the Tarasovich and Kelley Families Reader David & Debra Tarasovich Grandson Carter Robert Egloff CATEGORY AMOUNT CATEGORY AMOUNT Candles 22.00 Social Hour 8.00 Loose Change 33.00 Regular Envelopes 212.00 Total Income 275.00 ATTENDANCE Adult Education Class (Tue., Nov. 7): 3 Vespers (Sat., Nov. 11): 1 Divine Liturgy (Sun., Nov. 12): 31 OCTOBER 2017 CHURCH YEAR 2017 FINAL TOTALS (11/01/16 TO 10/31/17) Income 4,615.30 Income 88,057.65 Expenses 18,573.50 Expenses 103,842.61 (Loss)/Gain (13,958.20) (Loss)/Gain (15,784.96) NOTE: The unusually high expenses in October were due to much needed items and repairs at the Rectory, as well as the cost to move the Mihaly Family from North Royalton to Erie. Those expenses totaled $9,031.68.

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Page 7: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church · 11/19/2017  · St. Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese Ecumenical Patriarchate 1123 East Avenue Erie, PA 16503

To PonderOn the Holy Angels by St. John of Kronstadt

“Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire” (Ps. 104:4). These are the words of the King and Prophet David. With these words, he said that God created the wisest minds, the fleshless spirits, servants loyal to Him, who burn with eternal love for God, fulfill God’s will and abide in the unapproachable light of the Throne of Glory. The Lord created the angels as wise, powerful, eternally holy, purity and within Divine truth. Ponder this, dear brothers and sisters, delve into this with your minds. The Lord divided all the angels into nine orders, or ranks: the thrones, the dominions, principalities, powers, authorities and others; they all obey each other—the lower orders obey the higher orders. In the likeness of the heavenly hierarchy, the Lord established three ranks in the Church Militant: the bishops, priests and deacons, who also obey each other. God created an innumerable multitude of angels. When you came to liturgy this morning, maybe someone among you looked into the sky and saw how many stars fill the heavens. There are so many stars that it seems that the sky is filled with poppy seeds. No mortal can count them all. As one cannot count the stars in the heavens, so can one not count the number of holy angels. One star shines brighter, another less so, but each of them is greater than our world, larger than the Earth, this is known and has been proven. The countless multitude of angels abide in the heavens, in the presence of God, fulfill God’s will and eternally glorify God. Some of them are appointed by God to humans, these are our guardian angels who protect people throughout their lives, from baptism until death, keep evil away from them and direct them to all truth and goodness. If a person lives righteously, lives well, he will feel this himself. Think, dear brothers and sisters, how close angels are to us!

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Today we celebrate the Synaxis of Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers. You probably know or have heard of the miracle performed by Archangel Michael. A few impious people had decided to kill Saint Archippus and the destroy the church he built; they channeled a great river towards the church, but Archangel Michael appeared to Archippus, consoled him, split a cliff asunder, and directed the river towards the rocky chasm, so that the water did not flood the church, and the church and Archippus were saved. Angels are not prone to sin, they cannot even think sinful thoughts—their notions and desires are pure. They are imparted with all perfection, they are always wise, always strong, always good. They firmly established themselves in love for God, in holiness and truth and do not fall into sin, only some of them, a third overall, saddened the Lord with their disobedience and could no longer be citizens of the heavens; they were cast down by God. And you, my friends, should emulate the angels loyal to God, and after being citizens of the earthly fatherland, you will become co-citizens with them of the heavenly fatherland. Emulate the angles, especially since you are created in the image of God; this gift is common to angels and men. Honor the angels, my friends, imitate their holiness, their love and devotion to God, and you will be worthy of the blessed live in heaven together with them. Amen.

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Our Patronal Celebration The Feast of St. Nicholas

Schedule: Saturday, December 16; 5:00 PM-Festal Vespers of St.

Nicholas with the Enthronement of the Icon of St. Nicholas

Sunday, December 17; 9:30 AM-Divine Liturgy Tureen/Potluck Brunch and a Visit from Saint Nicholas Himself

Monday, December 18; 6:00 PM- Akathist to St. Nicholas

Tuesday, December 19; 9:30 AM-Festal Divine Liturgy for the Feast Day of St. Nicholas

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