St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11

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  • 8/4/2019 St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11



    Rectory: 440-934-4212 Fax: 440-934-0507

    E-mail: [email protected] Website:


    Rev. Arthur B. Egan, Pastor Emeritus

    Sisters of Notre Dame: Convent: 934-5173 School: 934-6246


    Saturday Evening: ............. 4:00 pmSunday:8:00, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon

    Monday & Thursday: ........ 7:30 pm

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: . 8:30am

    Saturday Morning: ............ 8:30 amHoly Days:

    ... Vigil 7:30 pm; 8:30 am, 7:30 pmHolidays: ........................... 9:00 am


    Saturday: ................... 2:303:30 pmMonday: ................... 7:007:25 pm



    Monday: ............................ 7:30 pm


    Thursday: .................. 1:007:00 pm


  • 8/4/2019 St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11



    PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Patricia Crnjak,John Matthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary

    Anne Berthold, Kristy OBrien, Debra Deremiak, Gwendo-

    lyn Gurney, Joan Vojtush, Elizabeth Conners, Chuck Docs,

    Anita Grant, Jim Hricovec, J. Koerner, Matthew Noar, OwenWinters, Genevieve Smith, Robert Gates, Virginia Sump,

    Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw, Arthur Rossi,

    Elizabeth Kissel, Diane Urig, Josephine Jankowski, Martha

    Adkins, Natalie Butchko, Wendy Hallier, Carol Gates,

    Robert Werner, Sr., Bob DeChant, John Khoma, Vicky

    Motes, Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, George Gates,

    Brenda Hazelwood, Bill Grabert, Alexa Jennings, Barry

    Schecter, Tim Vargo, Barbara Milota, Ryan Case, Rosemary

    Wysocki, Irene Chrulski, Judy Richardson, Jennie Simon,

    Urban Klingshirn, Benita Tabler, Alice DeChant, GayleZadorozny, Maureen Slezak, John Belcon,Anne Hricovec,

    George Drda, Elizabeth Diederich, Gloria Simon, Edward

    Noar, Annette Vance, Dom DiLuciano.

    There will be a 2nd collection next week

    for El Salvador - Latin America.

    LAST WEEKS OFFERTORY COLLECTION:Last Week $9,305.80. (280 envelopes)Thank you for your continued generosity. Fr. TomCleaton.

    SPONSPOR OF THE WEEK: . Please support our

    sponsors, EMS (Emergency Management Specialists).

    250 CLUB: Congratulations to the St. Mary Februarywinners, Evelyn Casper and Bill & Marge Kavula!!!They have won $250!!! Proceeds benefit technology atSt. Mary School. Call Sharon with questions (934-5015).

    CPO GIFT CARDS: Are available for purchase.

    Please call the Convent 440-934-5173 to order.

    The Walk to Jerusalem is an imaginarywalking program developed by St.John Health System. This

    imaginary trip to Jerusalem is ac-complished by our St. Mary ParishSeniors logging their own walking

    miles each week. The goal is toreach Jerusalem by Easter. It is ap-

    proximately 6,550 miles to Jerusa-lem from Avonwe might chooseto fly over the Atlantic Ocean there-

    fore deducting 3,607 miles! Thebenefits of walking are numerous.

    Regular walking can lengthen lifespan, lower stresslevels, relieve arthritis and back pain, strengthen mus-cles, bones and joints, and improve sleep. ( Miles will be tallied weeklyand posted in the bulletin. (20 minutes of aerobic ac-

    tivity equivalent to 1 mile). So we will be putting ourtennis shoes on and walking the perimeter of St.Marys gymCome and join us!

    Please join us and walk as little or as much as

    you want. Come for 10, 20, 30, or more min-

    utes and start getting active in 2011! Our sec-

    ond week we accumulated 39 total miles from

    our St. Mary parishioners. The grand total is 49


    Contact Person: Amy Maxey ([email protected] or440-934-2964)

    2011 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ANNUAL AP-PEAL: Many of our parishioners will receive amailing from Bishop Lennon regarding the 2011Catholic Charities annual appeal. This yearstheme is from the prophet Isaiah: I will neverforget you. Who will remember those facinghard times, the effects of poverty, or barriers toliving a dignified life, if not the Catholic Church?Please read the letter carefully and prayerfully

    consider an increase in your support of this veryimportant appeal. Prayers of the Faithful: Thateach of us will remember the elderly, those whoare hungry and homeless, disabled children andadults and individuals struggling to keep theirfamilies together and make a generous pledge tothe 2011 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal. We

    pray to the Lord...

    ***Meetings/Events***Mass for the Living and Deceased Membersof the HNS - meetingfollowing. Today, Febru-ary 13, after 8:00 amMass.Love is the Word -Today, February 13,6:00 pm. TGI YouthMass, St. Mary Church.

    Happy St. ValentinesDay!! - Monday, February 14.Altar & Rosary Society Meeting - Tuesday,February 15, New parish hall meeting room.First Reconciliation - Grade 2 PSR, Tuesday,February 15, 6:30 pm, Church.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/4/2019 St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11




    7:30 pm Emma Adkins, Madeline Cagnina, Sarah GuggenbillerTuesday,

    8:30 am Cara Provenzale, Nicolle LesiwWednesday,

    8:30 am Madeline Cagnina, Lucy GreaneyThursday,

    7:30 pm Robby & Carly HoloweckyFriday,

    8:30 am Megan Hricovec, Adrianna DaviesSaturday,

    8:30 am Jack Yeager, Matt & Cameron Carandang4:00 pm Adrianna Davies, Emma Abfall, Andie Liauw

    Sunday,8:00 am Robby & Carly Holowecky, Lucy Greaney

    10:00 am Elizabeth Traxler, Megan Hricovec, Sarah Perusek12:00 pm Paul Demer, Emily Marshall, Emma Adkins

    EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF FEBRUARY 19/20:Avon Oaks Nursing Home: Joseph & Marian ErtlerSaturday,

    4:00 pm Andy Monda, Julie Novasel, Frank Szendrey, Lori Yeager, Mary KisselSunday,

    8:00 am Theresa Szippl10:00 am Sherry Rouse, Therese Olsavsky, Annie Gomos, David Sandy, Mary Brownfield12:00 pm Lillian Martini


    4:00 pm Paul YeagerSunday,

    8:00 am Meredith Traxler10:00 am Marissa Danese12:00 pm Colin McCauley

    ***If you are interested in becoming a Lector or Eucharistic Minister please call Nancy Danese at 934-4277.


    Monday, February 14, Sts. Cyril & Methodius7:30 pm Sam DiFrancesco (Schneider Family)

    Tuesday, February 15 , Weekday8:30 am Thomas Ketchesin (Family)

    Wednesday, February 16, Weekday8:30 am Anna Kowalski (Family)

    Thursday, February 17, Weekday

    7:30 pm Patrick Sweeney (Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cook)Friday, February 18, Weekday

    8:30 am Clayton Schneider (Jean Schneider)Saturday, February 19, Weekday

    8:30 am Ginny Schneider4:00 pm Bonnie Mayton Horvath (G. Perusek)

    Sunday, February 20, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 am George & Eileen Vasu (Mary Hoholski)

    10:00 am Marian Smitek (Walter & Nancy Garvin)12:00 pm People of the Parish

  • 8/4/2019 St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11


    DAY SCHOOL: At St. Mary School we areGrowing Minds..Growing Faith. Please to view our day schoolcurriculum and activities for grades K-8. Youmay also contact the School Office at 440-934-6246 to schedule a personal tour.ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY MEETING - TUES-DAY, FEBRUARY 15: There will be an Altar & Ro-

    sary Society meeting held on Tuesday, February 15from 7:00-7:45 pm in the new meeting room locatedin the Parish Life Center. For easier access to thefacility, please park on the Convent side of theschool. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss thefuture; review options; and discuss going forwardwith plans for the 2011 Card Parties along with po-tential new activities. The meeting is open to all cur-rent members and any other women of the parishwho wish to find out more about the Altar & RosarySociety. Please come to this brief meeting andshare your ideas. If you have any questions please

    feel free to contact Nancy McGhee 934-4078, JeanGilles 934-5722 or Theresa Szippl 934-5933.ST. MARY PARISH IS LOOKING FOR VOLUN-TEERS: To help with various groups and activities.Sign up sheets are located in the pews. Please feelfree to fill one out and place in the collection basket.Note that we are currently looking for new parishcouncil members. Thank you in advance for ourhelp.SAVE THE DATE FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS!!!!Today, February 13th @ 6pm - Youth Mass with Fa-ther Lawrence @ St. Mary's.

    After mass, guest speakers will present information on Tent

    City/St. Joseph homeless shelter and the Love Center, a foodpantry in Lorain. Also, we will have refreshments in the schoolhall. If you are able to donate a plate of cookies or if your childwould like to participate in the mass by reading, singing, orserving please let up knowFebruary 20th @ 6pm - T.G.I.F. Movie night -in the St.Mary Meeting RoomFeaturing "Facing the Giants" an action packed, family-friendlydrama about a high school football coach who draws up a newgame plan for his team and himself. With God All Things ArePossible. (please see attached flyer)-Popcorn and beverages will be provided-Please bring a theater snack to share

    -Admission is 1-parent/family-Kids will be discussing service to others and how they can helpThank you for your continued support of the Together Growingin Faith Ministry (T.G.I.F)-Karen Kurtzweil, Lori Yeager, Sharon Provenzale, Lisa Marshall.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the St. Mary 8th gradegirls basketball team who finished their regular sea-son with 8 wins and 0 losses: Madison Baker,

    Adrianna Davies, Myranda Barak, Josie Carandang,Becky Horvath, Jackie Ziegman, Megan Hricovec,Lizzy Traxler, Coach Mike Davies, Coach Kari Hri-covec and Coach Tom Hricovec.You go girls!!!

    also...Save the DateSt. Mary Fish FryMarch 11, March 25, April 8.St. Mary Night at the Races .May 14.More Details to Follow!!6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    There's the old joke about the fourth grader whohad just memorized the Ten Commandments. He wasvery proud of his accomplishment since he had studiedhard and had managed to recite them all without a single

    mistake. When his mom came to pick up him and hisyounger brother from religion class the two were standingtogether on the curb. The younger brother was shakingand sobbing. When mom enquired what had happened,the younger brother pointed to the older and said that hehad been punched by him. The mom turned to the fourthgrade boy and asked, "Didn't you just learn the command-ments? You got them all correct, but now look what youdid to your brother. What does the fifth commandmentsay?" To which the fourth grader replied, "The fifth com-mandment is, 'You shall not kill.' And I didn't kill him. I justsocked him really good!"

    Of course it is precisely this kind of literalism that

    Jesus expects his followers to leave behind. In the Ser-mon on the Mount, he is teaching his disciples, those whowant to live by his words. Again and again in his dis-course, Jesus asks his followers to move to a higher ethicby saying, "You have heard it said? But I say to you?"Each time, Jesus proposes moving beyond the strict limitof the law to a fuller understanding of the concept. Andthat's where it can get difficult.

    The fourth grader's behavior was clearly unac-ceptable, even according to the common understandingof what is required by the fifth commandment. But what isasked of the followers of Jesus is so much more. (Justwait till we get to next week's Gospel!) As Christians, we

    are asked by Jesus to live beyond the law. We are askedto see the law not as a minimal requirement for what weshouldn't do, but as an invitation to extend the boundariesof what we should.

    DIRECT PAYMENT OF CHURCH CONTRIBU-TIONS: Many people have asked about automaticdirect payment for their offertory. St. Mary of theImmaculate Conception Catholic Church now hasthat ability: Forms can be found in the back of thechurch to have your contributions deducted fromyour checking account or savings account. Pleasereturn the forms and a voided check in an envelopein the collection basket or to the rectory office. (This

    plan does not include second collections). If youhave any questions, call Finance Commission mem-ber Tom Jones at 934-5394.CONGRATULATIONS!!!: To Carl Ondrus and hisbarbershop quartet. They participated in the Inter-national Barbershop Competition in Las Vegas,January 28th. Their group, Over Easy, won a goldmedal winning 1st place over competitors from theUnited States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand andEurope. WOW!!!.

  • 8/4/2019 St. Mary Avon Bulletin 02-13-11



    CELEBRATE SPRING TRAINING, at our funfilled evening on Saturday, February 26 in theparish Hall, Rt. 57 & Homewood Dr., Lorain.Doors open at 6:30 pm: post time is 7:30 pm.Tickets are available at the parish office (277-7266) for $13. Admission includes10 videoraces, all-evening buffet, beer and beverages

    and door prizes. Well also have instant bingo,side boards and raffles throughout the evening.Join us!

    THE BENEDICTINE MONKS OF ST. AN-DREW ABBEY IN CLEVELAND: Invitemen between the ages of 18-45 who are inter-ested in learning more about monastic life toparticipate in the Living with Benedict weekendwhich will take place from February 25-27, 2011.Contact Fr. Gerard at 216-721-5300, ext. 210 or

    [email protected].

    THE ANNUAL TEA PARTY: hosted by the IsabellaGuild, Fr. Ragan Council Knights of Columbus, willbe held Monday, April 11, 2011 at 7:00 pm. CarolStarre-Kmiecik will portray Jackie Kennedy for anevening of Style and Grace Remembered. The Teawill be held at the K of C Hall, 1783 Moore Rd., Avon(near BJs). Tickets are $15 (advance order only)and include a light supper, desserts, as well as raf-

    fles and door prizes. All proceeds are used forscholarships and charitable donations. For informa-tion or tickets, call Pat (440-933-8986) or Sandy(440-933-9957).ST. LADISLAS SINGLES GROUP (NEW MEMBER

    NIGHT): Saturday February 26, 2011, 7:00 pm atthe Winking Lizard, located at 32045 Detroit Rd.,

    Avon. All singles are welcome! Meetsome new friends, enjoy good food.Looking forward to seeing you there.RSVP by February 25 to Gerri (440-886-1765)

    JOURNEY WITH LOSS: is a four session workshopbeing sponsored by St. Joseph Parish in Amherst.The purpose I to provide information and support tothose who have experienced the death of a lovedone. Sessions will be on Saturdays, March 5, 12,19and 26 at 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the School Library175 St. Joseph Drive, Amherst. To register to attendor for further information, please call MariaMaldonado at the office 988-2848 x205. There is nocharge and everyone is welcomeA Valentine's Day Blessing

    Love, the Bible says, is patient.

    May you never lose your temper with the one youlove, but be patient as God was with his people.Love, the Bible says, is never boastful.

    May you cherish your love as a masterpiece of God,

    and not as a trophy to be displayed. Love, the Biblesays, is never selfish. May you always be generous to

    your love, with time, with affection, with encourage-

    ment and assistance. For as Christ loved the Church,so we should love our beloved. As Mary was de-

    voted to her Son, so we should be devoted to those

    we love. And as God loved and sacrificed for the

    world so may we always be to those we love.Amen.

    Attention: Business Owners, Profession-als and Self-employedSteve Scotch, from Liturgical Publica-tions, Inc. (LPi), our bulletin provider,will be coming to our parish to seekadvertising support for our weekly bul-letin. We would like to thank our pre-sent advertisers for renewing their adand thereby continuing their support of

    our parish. For those interested inplacing a new ad, this is your oppor-tunity. To obtain information about ad-vertising for the new publication year,

    please contact the parish office or callSteve @ 1-800-477-4574 ext.6246. Please keep in mind that theadvertising sponsors make our bulletin

    possible..As an added bonus, LPi hasrecently formed an advertisers buyinggroup of 100,000+ businesses calledLPi Family. When discussing advertis-

    ing in the bulletin, be sure to ask howthis program can benefit your organiza-
