Outdoor Worship in the Grove As menoned in our mailer, on May 31 we will begin celebrang worship outdoors in the grove,with opons to drive-in and sit-under- the-trees, allowing us to gather together in a manner that is both as welcoming as we can arrange and as safe as we can ensure. We appreciate your paence and cooperaon, and express our *great* thanks to all that are helping plan and serve for and during this new form of worship, including our worship servants, setup/teardown team, parking team, etc. Indoor Worship – Not Yet, Preparing, and Opons Not Taken Worship & Music and Congregaon Council have been meeng, exploring opons and making inial decisions (subject to change) regarding indoor worship. We know that there will be major changes to how we use our space, seang, people-traffic flow, music, distancing and sanitaon, worship servant roles, sacraments and more. While our soluon will end up depending on the number of people wishing to aend and the number we can legally and safely host, we ancipate begin- ning with worship in the fellowship hall due to the larger space, beer traffic flow, ability to open windows and other factors. In order to accommodate more aendees, council chose to then tran- sion to a 2-room soluon, with worship in the sanctuary and over- flow in the fellowship hall (each of which could accommodate 50 people). This would be supported by an improved and permanent audio/video feed from the sanctuary into the fellowship hall. Installaon of new electrical circuits, video cables, camera and related equipment is underway. W&M and Council did discuss the idea of mulple services on a Sunday, and declined that opon due to but not limited to the fol- lowing complicaons: Sanizing between services; me required to have all aendees depart one service, sanize, then allow in aendees for the next service; need for addional worship servants or commitment to help for more than one service for altar guild, A/V operator, musicians, ushers, etc.; difficulty with either assigning members to specific services or liming seang and turning folks away from a service, etc. VOL 54 EDITION 10 Pastors Message St. Lukes Pandemic Stories – Then and Now Back in April, aſter the COVID-19 virus changed from concern to internaonal crisis that resulted in the major shut- down of most everything except for the interesng lists of essenalbusinesses, there was quite a bit of conversa- on and comparisons being made to the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic almost 100 years ago exactly. That prompted me to wonder – what might have happened here, at St. Lukes, 100 years ago? Did they suspend worship? How did they help serve the community? How many people were affected, and how badly? What was life like, at that me, for this family of faith? I did a quick review of our church records of council minutes – and found there is a gap. One book ends at 1889, then next starts at 1929. I shared my curiosity with Bev Terry, who helped author our 150 th Anniversary Book last year and went through many records. She wasnt aware of any accounts from that me, either. She did find and share a couple accounts about Rowan County in general. Well, shucky darn. Such a big event, and nothing leſt about it we can find that talks about St. Lukes. Lets not do that again, shall we? Can we leave a bit of a record for the generaons that follow about this interesng and challenging me at St . Lukes and our community? Would you consider wring up a short note and sharing it with us, perhaps a paragraph or a page, about Faith and Life in the 2020 Pandemic.How did life change for you and your family? Job, school, home. How have you wor- shiped on your own, or online? Study group changes from in-person to Zooming – and having new folks parcipate, ministries weve tried to connue or adapt, such as making masks instead of blankets. Our decisions to suspend in- person worship, and upcoming plans to begin Worship in the Grove as a transion back to congregaonal gathering. Your thoughts, concerns, hopes. How have you seen God at work, felt called to mission, and tried to be faithful? How has faith grown, or been challenged? Would you share *your* story, as part of *our* story, for the folks that come aſter us? You may submit your notes to the church office to be added to our history files. Pastor Scott JUNE 2020 Homecoming – Postponed TBD Given the current and anticipated restrictions on mass gatherings, especially for a meal, Council has chosen to postpone our June Homecoming special service and hopefully celebrate this in some other manner later this summer or early fall. We shall recognize our Golden Age members at that time, at which point we hope they can also feel more comfortable attending with us in person.

St. Luke s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now · St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now ack in April, after the OVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that

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Page 1: St. Luke s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now · St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now ack in April, after the OVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that

Outdoor Worship in the Grove

As mentioned in our mailer, on May 31 we will begin celebrating worship outdoors “in the grove,” with options to drive-in and sit-under-the-trees, allowing us to gather together in a manner that is both as welcoming as we can arrange and as safe as we can ensure. We appreciate your patience and cooperation, and express our *great* thanks to all that are helping plan and serve for and during this new form of worship, including our worship servants, setup/teardown team, parking team, etc.

Indoor Worship – Not Yet, Preparing, and Options Not Taken Worship & Music and Congregation Council have been meeting, exploring options and making initial decisions (subject to change) regarding indoor worship.

We know that there will be major changes to how we use our space, seating, people-traffic flow, music, distancing and sanitation, worship servant roles, sacraments and more. While our solution will end up depending on the number of people wishing to attend and the number we can legally and safely host, we anticipate begin-ning with worship in the fellowship hall due to the larger space, better traffic flow, ability to open windows and other factors. In order to accommodate more attendees, council chose to then tran-sition to a 2-room solution, with worship in the sanctuary and over-flow in the fellowship hall (each of which could accommodate 50 people). This would be supported by an improved and permanent audio/video feed from the sanctuary into the fellowship hall. Installation of new electrical circuits, video cables, camera and related equipment is underway. W&M and Council did discuss the idea of multiple services on a Sunday, and declined that option due to but not limited to the fol-lowing complications: Sanitizing between services; time required to have all attendees depart one service, sanitize, then allow in attendees for the next service; need for additional worship servants or commitment to help for more than one service for altar guild, A/V operator, musicians, ushers, etc.; difficulty with either assigning members to specific services or limiting seating and turning folks away from a service, etc.

VOL 54


Pastor’s Message

St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now

Back in April, after the COVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that resulted in the major shut-down of most everything except for the interesting lists of “essential” businesses, there was quite a bit of conversa-tion and comparisons being made to the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic almost 100 years ago exactly.

That prompted me to wonder – what might have happened here, at St. Luke’s, 100 years ago? Did they suspend worship? How did they help serve the community? How many people were affected, and how badly? What was life like, at that time, for this family of faith?

I did a quick review of our church records of council minutes – and found there is a gap. One book ends at 1889, then next starts at 1929. I shared my curiosity with Bev Terry, who helped author our 150th Anniversary Book last year and went through many records. She wasn’t aware of any accounts from that time, either. She did find and share a couple accounts about Rowan County in general.

Well, shucky darn. Such a big event, and nothing left about it we can find that talks about St. Luke’s.

Let’s not do that again, shall we? Can we leave a bit of a record for the generations that follow about this interesting and challenging time at St . Luke’s and our community? Would you consider writing up a short note and sharing it with us, perhaps a paragraph or a page, about “Faith and Life in the 2020 Pandemic.” How did life change for you and your family? Job, school, home. How have you wor-shiped on your own, or online? Study group changes from in-person to Zooming – and having new folks participate, ministries we’ve tried to continue or adapt, such as making masks instead of blankets. Our decisions to suspend in-person worship, and upcoming plans to begin Worship in the Grove as a transition back to congregational gathering. Your thoughts, concerns, hopes. How have you seen God at work, felt called to mission, and tried to be faithful? How has faith grown, or been challenged?

Would you share *your* story, as part of *our* story, for the folks that come after us? You may submit your notes to the church office to be added to our history files.

Pastor Scott



Homecoming – Postponed TBD

Given the current and anticipated restrictions

on mass gatherings, especially for a meal,

Council has chosen to postpone our June

Homecoming special service and hopefully

celebrate this in some other manner later this

summer or early fall.

We shall recognize our Golden Age members

at that time, at which point we hope they can

also feel more comfortable attending with us

in person.

Page 2: St. Luke s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now · St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now ack in April, after the OVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that

Friends and Relatives on our Prayer List

We thought it might be helpful if all of us know the relationship to our congregation of the people on our

prayer list. We ask that as names need to be added or removed, you contact the church office.

Joy Barnette friend of Betty Massey Martha A.Barringer friend of Sandy Arrowood Wilma Davis aunt of Gail Kerr & Linda Pruett Glenn Hester friend of Jason Connelly Don Killian cousin of David Arrowood David Lentz relative of Eleanor Ijames

Tim Peede bro-in-law of Debbie Clary Diane Rivers friend of Alice Weaver Doris Strickland mother of Debbie Clary Michael Walker cousin of David Arrowood Kim Watkins friend of Alice Weaver April Weaver wife of Jonathan Weaver Cindy Webb sister of Kathy Webb

Members and Friends Serving in the Military

Eric Corriher husband of Dana Corriher Vince Price nephew of David Arrowood Jon Faust son of Margaret Faust David Terry son of Beverly Terry

SYMPATHY— Our Christian love and compassion is expressed to the family of Ray Smith who passed away on May 29. Ray was the husband of Peggy and father of Gerry. We also express our sympathy to Glenn Hoffner and his family at the death of his son, Gary Hoffner, on May 11; and to Preston Houston and his family at the death of his wife, Leslie, on April 29.


Current Benevolence

April 5 $ 6,881.88 $ 24.23 April 12 4,109.61 124.23 April 19 2,697.48 24.23 April 26 3,273.96 48.46 Our Mission Continues… And we thank you for your continued prayer and financial support during this time of congregational, family and community uncertain-ty. We thank all who are sending in offerings by mail or dropping them off, and all who are continuing or changing to electronic giving.

TREASURER’S REPORT Current Benevolence Restricted Total

Beginning Balance 4/1/20 $4,414.03 $ 360.90 $132,263.01 $137,037.94

Receipts April 2020 $16,845.45 $196.92 $3,034.00 $20,076.37

Charges/Fees April 2020 ($7.75) $0.00 $0.00 ($7.75)

Transfers April 2020 ($1,347.18) $1,942 .18 ($ 595.00) $0.00

Disbursements April 2020 ($13,409.82) ($2,500.00) ($ 772.95) ($16,682.77)

Ending Balance 4/30/20 $6,494.73 $0.00 $133,929.06 $140,423.79

Danny Marsh father of Angie Connelly Jennifer McDaniel Mt. Ulla Postal Pam Miller niece of Nancy Harris Cindy Morgan dau. of Reid & Margaret Jeanette Morris sister of Gerald Graham Jerry Overcash cousin of Bonnie Russell Laurie Parrish sister of Mark Parrish

Caring for our Community

Please continue to hold in prayer and give support via phone and notes to the families of our members and relatives that have passed away during this time of pandemic separation (Warren Myers, Ray Bost, Ernestine Hoffner, Dorothy McCloud, David Corriher, Leslie Houston, and Gary Hoffner)

Grieving is always so hard, and more so at this moment of social upheaval.

Do you need help? Know someone that does? Food, emergency funds, shopping, someone to listen?

Call Pastor Scott, we’ll see how we can help. —————————————————————


(We had 3 -1st time donors). THANKS to all who donated.!

“Regathering for Worship” Survey Results Thank you all for sharing your levels of comfort with gathering together, your concerns and hopes, and your use of and interest in some of our technology alternatives. Here’s a quick summary (as of Tues .,May 26), representing 28 responding households:

When do you feel comfortable attending in person: 2 – As soon as possible (outdoor) or Summer (indoor) 11 – As soon as possible 3 — Probably not until fall

10 – Sometime this summer 2 — When vaccine is available

11 —responded they do and/or wish to watch worship online, live or recorded, quite a few mentioned they would if they had decent internet access

Member in Care Homes

Paul Graham—Elmcroft in Salisbury

Page 3: St. Luke s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now · St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now ack in April, after the OVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that



VIDEO – LIVE events Online Our selection of online services and events are changing as we prepare to begin worshipping together once again. Here are some of what we are doing. Connection details on our website (www.stlukesmtulla.org)

NC Synod Bishop Smith's Sunday "Synod Worship" Sundays 10 am. New Zoom ID each week. Thurs. Morning Study Group Led by Pastor Scott Thursdays 10 am-11 Zoom ID=894 039 884 Choir rehearsals Wednesdays 7-7:30 pm. Choir only. New members/interested? Contact Laurie 704-245-2802. Discipler's Group 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7 pm. Contact Pastor Scott to join. *** We MAY begin live-streaming our Sunday morn-ing services online. This requires solving some in-ternet access issues, arranging equipment, obtaining music licenses, and having a dedicated few folks to run the gear.

VIDEO – RECORDINGS Online Pastor Scott has recorded additional “Meditation Moment” video messages during the last month. Steve Massey and Joe Hampton have recorded Adult Sunday School lessons. These are available through our website and youtube channel. FYI – No interest in DVDs Last month we announced that we created a couple sets of DVDs of Meditation Moments and Sunday School lessons. Given that no one has expressed any interest viewing the DVDs, we have decided not to produce any more.

Council and Leadership Section

Ingathering Projects Updates One portion of the electrical upgrade for the sanctuary has been approved and is being scheduled. This effort will pro-vide power over the chancel for a future projector as well running dedicated power back in the balcony for the in-creasing amount of AV gear that we have installed in that space.

Council Meeting Notes May 17 Meeting information and actions

Full minutes are available through the office. And a re-minder – all Council meetings are open for all to attend, except for rare legal, personnel or similar matters. Treasurer’s report approved. Strong offerings in April, with

Easter and additional Sunday. Property notes: Fire Dept Knox Box has arrived, awaiting FD

visit to location installation spot. Ingathering Projects: No updates. Sidewalk/trash pad

awaiting installation. Myers family declined having a love offering on their behalf. Discussed having a drive-through/take out only Fish Fry.

Tentatively yes, in June, separate meeting scheduled. Discussed bell tower/carillon repairs needed, decision to try

and find company that can repair interior platform so that speakers can be checked and repaired. Dedicated donation funds available.

Discussed Outdoor Worship options, and selected com-bined drive-in/seating under trees in the grove starting May 31. Dedicated donations have been given and committed to pay for new sound system that can be used outside for now and then installed in Fellowship Hall for permanent sound system upgrade.

Discussed future Indoor Worship options, and selected start in fellowship hall, then to 2-room solution with audio-video feed from sanctuary to fellowship hall. Council approved pastor to move forward with obtain-ing and installing needed equipment and electrical up-grades, to spend $4,000 or less total.

Next meeting is June 14 at 8 am.

DISCIPLESHIP Prayer & Spiritual Direction Group is pausing for now. (We hope to resume our 1st Wednesday at 2 pm meeting soon.)

Thursday Morning Study Group Our 10 am Thursday study group is continuing the book of Revelation, led by Pastor Scott. Join us Thursdays at 10 am via Zoom. Drop in as you can. This one will run for a while.

Congratulations to our Graduates

Congratulations and best wishes to our high school graduates: Grace Hodge, David Parrish, Trey Putnam Grace graduated from West Rowan High School. Further studies are pending college acceptance. David graduated from Langtree Academy in Mooresville and is going to Campbell University in the fall. He will major in Ki-nesiology / Pre-Physical Therapy with hopes of getting his Doc-torate of Physical Therapy. Trey graduated from Langtree Academy in Mooresville and will be attending Mars Hill University in the fall. He will be playing baseball. He plans to major in chemistry with the goal of attending pharmacy school after undergrad.

Congratulations also to our college graduate, Michael Stanley Michael graduated from Appalachian State University in May with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sustainable Development (with minors in Sustainable Agriculture and Leadership).

Vacation Bible School – Cancelled

VBS was originally scheduled for Wednesday evenings in July. Given that is only a month away, and we are not yet out of N.C. Phase 2 restrictions, and are not likely to know what new guidelines may be in place, we have chosen to cancel VBS this year since that leaves no time to publish plans and make changes to operations.

Shana will focus on gathering the kids together on Sunday evenings as soon as we can safely begin to do so.

Meals on Wheels Rowan

Our Monday volunteers are delivering five meals each Monday to our homebound seniors. To support folks who are at high risk for food insecu-rity and infection, we are also delivering dinner and weekend meals, depending on individual needs. Many of our volunteers are making comfort calls to par-ticipants during what would be the “normal delivery” time each Tuesday through Friday. We hope that we will get back to delivering daily hot meals sometime this summer. Thank you for your continuing prayers and support!

Page 4: St. Luke s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now · St. Luke’s Pandemic Stories – Then and Now ack in April, after the OVID-19 virus changed from concern to international crisis that

JUNE 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8-10:30 am Walking in

Gym 7:00 pm

Discipleship Explorers

2 3 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym 7:00 pm

Chancel Choir ZOOM


10:00 am Pastor’s Study Group ZOOM


8-10:30 am Walking in Gym


Trinity Sunday 7

9:30 am – Worship in the Grove 10:00 am—Synod Worship/ Bishop Tim Smith (ZOOM)


8-10:30 am Walking in



8-10:30 am 10 Walking in Gym

7:00 pm

Chancel Choir ZOOM

11 10:00 am

Pastor’s Study Group ZOOM

12 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym


2nd Sunday after Pentecost 14 8:00 am—Cong. Council 9:30 am – Worship in the Grove 10:00 am—Synod Worship/ Bishop Tim Smith (ZOOM)

15 8-10:30 am Walking in

Gym 7:00 pm

Discipleship Explorers


17 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym 7:00 pm

Chancel Choir ZOOM

18 10:00 am

Pastor’s Study-Group ZOOM

19 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym


3rd Sunday after Pentecost 21 9:30 am – Worship in the Grove 10:00 am—Synod Worship/ Bishop Tim Smith (ZOOM)

Happy Father’s Day!

22 8-10:30 am Walking in



24 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym 7:00 pm

Chancel Choir ZOOM

25 10:00 am

Pastor’s Study Group ZOOM

26 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym


4th Sunday after Pentecost 28 9:30 am – Worship in the Grove 10:00 am—Synod Worship/ Bishop Tim Smith (ZOOM)

29 8-10:30 am

Walking in Gym



Bryan Edwards 1 Dana Corriher 3 Hayden Corriher 5 Chad Clawson 6 Jennifer Perrell 7 Angie Connelly 7 Larry Sheets 11 Lisa McBride 11 Evan Massey 16 Malachi Presley 19 James Cameron 19

Chuck Putnam 20 Lori Corriher 22 Shelly Braddy 23 Wynne Burns 25 Sharon Connelly 25 Tammy Garczynski 26 Meredith Stanley 27 Colton Hood 27 Peggy Curlee 28 Mary Lou Howe 29



Ryan Garczynski 3 Landon Getzlaff 3 Peggy Smith 6 Carolyn Poteat 11 Neely Mowery 15 Becky Edwards 15 Anna McBride 18

Joe Hodge 24 Rachel Presley 24 Thomas Perrell 25 Wyatt Burns 26 Mary Ann Hansen 28 Andrew McBride 29