ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru Rectory: 1306 23 MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6 th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 www.auburnstjose ph.org Rev. Greg Pawlos ki Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell ) 402-274-9777 sljoseph@windstr eam.nel Kris Sarver Re I. Ed. Coordinator office: 274-4502 [email protected] May 2, 2010 Fifth Sunday of Easter NEW JERUSALEM "The One seated on the throne spoke: "I make all creation new." What is new? The novelty is that now God 's own people live in God's own city, New Jerusalem. Here God lives intimately with his bride: us. Finally the Christmas promise arrives. Here and now is the time of Emmanuel, god-with- us. Until the fulfillment, we continue the Messiah work as do Barnabas and Paul. We thrive on Eucharistic nourishment that gives a foretaste of glory divine: the Holy Eucharist of the New Jerusalem. Taste and see how good it is. Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C. Illustrat iOn 0 2000 K. Sullivan. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom. STO © 2000. OCP. All rights reserved.

ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

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Page 1: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777


Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 www.auburnstjoseph.org

Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell ) 402-274-9777 [email protected] Kris Sarver ReI. Ed. Coordinator office: 274-4502 [email protected]

May 2, 2010 Fifth Sunday of Easter


"The One seated on the throne spoke: "I make all creation new." What is new? The novelty is that now God's own people live in God's own city, New Jerusalem. Here God lives intimately with his bride: us. Finally the Christmas promise arrives. Here and now is the time of Emmanuel, god-with­us. Until the fulfillment, we continue the Messiah work as do Barnabas and Paul. We thrive on Eucharistic nourishment that gives a foretaste of glory divine: the Holy Eucharist of the New Jerusalem. Taste and see how good it is.

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C. Illustrat iOn 0 2000 K. Sullivan. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom. STO © 2000. OCP. All rights reserved.

Page 2: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

May 2, 2010

WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR May 3 - 9, 2010 Mon. 6:00 p.m. Tabernacle Tues 7:00 a.m. +Oon Gercich by J&D Crotty Wed. 1 :30 p.m. (Good Sam.) Holz Family

Thurs. Fri. Sat.


7:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Mother's Day Intention +Frank Engels by Marge Mary's Prolife Intentions +Joe Wenzh by K & M Volkmer Pro Populo Misa Gladys Coffey by Mike & Codey

Daily Gospel Readings: Mon: 51. Philip & S1. James IN 14:6- 14; Tues: I N 14:27-31 a; Wed: IN 15: 1-8; Thurs: IN 15:9-11 ; Fri: I N 15: 12-17; Sat: I N 15: 18-21 ; Sun: I N 14:23-29

Stewardship Report: April 25, 2010

Adult Tithe Loose Plate School Van Stipend Rent

SI Joseph's $1882.00


100.00 250.00


8t. Clara's $736.00

67.37 70.00



Lector Kevin Ketter Norma Barnard Kathleen Young Acolyte Russ Wenzl Harold Barnard Jerry Bulmer Servers Ben Dixon Samuel Neiman

Zach Kreifels Daniel Egger Ethan Dedic Gifts & the Egger family Ushers the Swanson family Ihe Billings family EMHC Fr. Greg Fr. Greg

Prayer Intentions: the fa ther of Diane Baumhover' s daughter-in- law;

Seminarian: Kenneth James Wehrs, St. Charles Borromeo, Theology 4

Fifth Sunday of Easter

CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00-5: 15 p,m.

Sunday - before Mass Every Weekday:

Before daily Mass For confessions and spiritual direction by appointment, call the rectory: 274-3733.

BAPT ISM Please conlact the pastor early

in pregnancy for Baptismal instructions.


Call 274-3733 to request the Anointing, prayers for the sick or Holy Commun ion at home.

MA RRIAG E Please contact pastor 6 months

before planned marriage.

NEW OR MO VING? Please let us know.

Registration forms are in church or call 274-3733

24 Hour Adoration May 7-8

Page 3: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

.------ Ch~rity--;-~d-St~w~·~d;h·ip·A·p·p~~··20.-0--·------1

Today is our annual diocesan Charil y and Stewardship (DDP) which is being taken up throughout the Diocese of Lincoln. The Charity and Stewardship, (DDP) Appea l gives us the opportunity to aCllogelher as a diocesan family and support programs and services no single indi vidual or pari sh can offer. This year, your gift is more important than you realize. Every gift. regardless of the size, is vital 10 the success of the Charity and Stewardship, (DDP) Appeal. Our goa llhis year is to have 100% participation. In order to achieve thi s, each of you is asked 10 give in accordance with yOUf means. PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND COME DOWNSTAIRS TO FILL OUT YOUR CSAIDDP CARD. Workers wi ll be there to assist you. Thank you ! L. ___ ............................ _ ...... _ ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... _ ............ .

DCCW Spring Meeting! Ladies, please keep Sunday, May 23rd open from 1 :30 to 3:00 for the spring meeting of the Fall s City Deanery Counc il of Catholic Women. This wi ll be a particu larly important one, because we wi ll install new officers and talk about dropping from six cOlllmissions to three commissions. The meeti ng will be at Rulo, Immacu late Concepti on, with registrution starti ng at 1:00 so we have a little time to eat cookies, drink coffee, and share a few minutes together enjoying each other's com pany.

SKY CAMPS (S ummer 'Katholic' Youth Camp) It 's a three

day (3 days, 2 ni ghts) camp of students enteri ng grades 6-9. Please register your campers at:

www.dioccseoflincoln.org/green/f101sky.htm or call the Fami ly Life Office: 402-488-2040

Register earl y!

Totus Tuus Dates! Please sel aside June 6th·11th for Catholic Summer Bible Camp!

Apostleship of PraverlMav 2010

Human Trafficking. That the shameful and monstrous trafficking in human beings, which sadly involves millions of women and children, may stop. Priests, Religious, and Committed Lay People. That priests. religious women and men. and lay people involved in apostolic work may understand how to bring missionary enthusiasm to the commun ities they serve.

" Y car of the I)riest" Monthly Prayer Intentions for

the Diocese of Lincoln, May 2010 Al l newly ordained Priests and Deacons

Wilh Auburn High School graduation on May 16, the Knights of Columbus monthly breakfast wi ll be on May 9.

Pre·Theology Class Graduation 2010 @ S1. Gregory the Great Seminary

800 Fletcher Rd., Seward NE May 8, 2010

1:30 PM Chapel of Ihe Immaculate Conception

CCO NEWS FLASH Last day of CCO is May 12"

Mass @ 6:00 PM followed by the crowning of Mary and a

family picnic Last names beginning with

A·H bring salads I·P desserts Q·Z Chips

HELP is stil1 needed with some work on the gutters of the Halligun Center. Call Jim Flaheny (274·5006) if you can help.

Page 4: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

Deacon Patrick's

@ St. Joseph Church Mass @ 5:30 pm dinner to follow

Reservations for the dinner are requested as soon as possible.

Word of life A single human soul is of more worth than the whole universe of bodies and material goods. There is noth ing above the human soul except God. In the light of the eternal value and absolute dign ity of the sou l, society exists for each person and is subordinate thereto.

Jacques Maritain, the Rig/liS oj Mall (/lid Nalllml UIW ( 1943)

Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House May 7-8 Fr. Christopher Goodwin, Mother's Retreat

402.786.2705 www.goodcounselretreat.com

Thank you so much 10 Ihe many volunteers who helped at our lalesl Catholic Social Services food pantry. It was a big success. We served 96 families comprised of 256 individuals; our biggesl crowd to date! We could not do this without you. Hope to see everyone in August.

Angela Seidl Family Support Services Coordinator Catholic Sociul Services

Janice Scott w ill be installed as one of ou r EXTRAORDINARY MI NISTERS OFTHE EUCHAR IST (EM E) for the Sick or Homebound. Please call the rectory if you or someone else would like Ho ly Communi on brought to you.

May Events and Meetings 2- Prom Mass, Spill @ St. Joseph's

- Confinnation Class. 9: 15- 10: 15 am 3- St. Joseph' s Tabcmacle - Mass & meeting - 6pm 7- First Friday Adoration 9- Mother'S Day

- K of C Parish Breakfast 12- Mass. May Crowning, Picnic. 5:30pm 13- ASCESION THURSDA Y-Holy OilY 15- KnightS of Columbus Meeting 16 - Graduation 23- PENTECOST

-Fall City OCCW in Rulo 28-29- Diaconate & Priesthood Ordinations 29- Fr. Patrick Barvick's First Mass

@ SI. Joseph' s, Auburn 30-31- Memorial Day

Choose Life: Pam Tebow, mOl her of the celebrated coll ege footba ll star, Tim Tebow, shared the story of her decision agai nst abortion at the Save A Life Ministries annual banquet. She told how she first reported the story in an interview at the 2007 Heisman Trophy award for Tim, "God was so gracious." she said. " I didn' t have to give up my life , and he didn ' t take the life of my son." UfeNews. 3/3110

Benefit Breakfast to help members of St. Mary Church and St. Anthony Church 10 go to World Youth Day wi ll be Sunday, May 23rd. Serving from 9 am to 12 noon at S1. Mary Church. Serving biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, cinnamon roll s, juice, and coffee. Free will offeri ng, Rafne. too! Don' t make you rse lf cook and clean up ... come joi n us and let others do it for you! Thank you for your help!

HELl) is still needed wit h some work on the gullers of the Halligan Cenler. Call Jim Flaherty (274-5006) if you can help.

Page 5: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

Fifth Sunday of Easter Prayer for Holding Fast

to Love God of all creation, source of aU life, you loved us into being and sent your Son to give his life, that we might have life in him. You gave us the commandment to love one a nother as Christ loved us.

Help us to hold fast to you r command when our will to love is overcome by fear, greed, or the desire for power, when we forget that your love

is living water in the well of our souls.

Walk with us then, as we make our way in this world.

For we desire with all our hearts to serve you

and to be a sign of your presence to all. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


May 2, 2010 Love One Anolher

Of all the commandments Jesus gU\ 'C to his disciples (and to

us), il is the command to love one another thai beSt expresses the mind and the spirit of a Christian. Whm docs that mean?

And how do we do it well? In another Gospel reading (Matlhew 5:46-48), Jesus suggests that loving those who

love us is the bare minimum for being human. Christians. knowing that they o ..... e li fc itself to God's love, arc chal­

lenged to lo\'e even those who arc unlovable or unlo\'ely. They are to sh'e gencrously of their love even to those who do harm to them. Anchored in God's Ioye, Christians can

gi\'C without expectation of return and throw themselves into the cause of justice wi thout fear or personal cost.

People often ask why Christianity is diffcrent from any other religion. Surely. they point out. others do good th ings. c\'en great things without being Christian, That is true, but

it is the comrnund to enter into u re lationship of love with e\'eryonc they lllcetthat sets Christians apart. [t is the COlll­

lllund to see all people as brother.; and sisters first and then to serve them out of thut lovc that rcquires the grace that on ly Christ's loving sacrifice can bring. Toduy. ask God for

the grace to be the face of C hrist to all you meet and to see the face of Christ in all ),OU meet .

Page 6: ST. JOSEPH'S-Auburn, ST. CLARA'S-Peru · Rectory: 1306 23MO St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305·0406 604 6th 5t. Peru, NE 68421 Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

This Week at Home

Monday, May 3 Feast of Saint Philip and Saint James Philip and James (the son of AJphacus, also known as James the lesser) were both apostles whose stories illustmte great devotion and fa ith in Jesus. In the Gospel according to John. Philip was among the first disciples chosen by Christ to invi te others to "come and see:' James was the supposed author of the leiter of James in the New Testament. and according to Pau l ( I Cor inth ians IS:7). Jesus nppcnred to him after the Resurrection.

Tuesday, May 4 The Gospel according to john during Easter During Year A we hear mainly from the Gospel according to Mntthew ut Sunday Mass. in Year B from Mark. and in C from Luke. But the Gospel according to John is read at par· ticular times during each year. especially during the Easter season. when we celebrate the deepest mystery of the fai th: the Resurrection. Wri tten between 90 and 100 AD. it tells the story of Jesus in more theological and symbolic language than the uccounts of the other evnngelists. We have to be careful to thi nk about the symbolic meanings behind the words.

Wednesday, May 5 john's Presentation of jesus In the Gospel according to John. Jesus is the light com ing into the world (I :9). the Word of God made nesh (I: 14). and the glory of God is revealed in him. Jesus is sent into the world to redeem us: even more. he comes to re\'cal the glory of God. To see him is to see the Father. and to believe in him i .~ to believe in the r-ather. In t h i~ account. Je~u~ i ~ never out o f COnl rol. E\'crything happens in God's time. Jesus hunds over his life: it is not taken from him. The only real author· ity belongs to God.

Thursday, May 6 Teachings and Signs There arc vcry few miracle stor ies in the Gospel accord­ing to John. Instead. we hear five long d iscourses. (The last one occurs this week and next: 13:31-33a. 34-35. and 14:23- 29.) T hese discourses are filled wi th Jesus' leaching about his unity with the Father and the Father's desire that all be one with him foreve r. They are pu nctuated with "signs" like the multipl ication of loaves, the healing of a bli nd man. and the rais ing of Lazarus. The fi nal sign. of course. will be the Resurrection. accompan ied by the acknowledgment that this was reported by an eyewitness whose testimony is tfue (2 1 :24).

Friday, May 7 God Is Love The last d iscourse of Jesus lasts for four full chaptcrs and follows the washi ng of the feet. It is Jesus' attempt to pre­pare his disciples for what is to come. In the beginning of thc discourse (14: I). Jesus reveals that the Father's house has many mansions. At the end (17:26) he says to his Father. " 1 made your name known to them. and [ will make it known. so that the love with wh ich you ha\'c lovcd me may be in them, and I in them."

Saturday, May 8 jesus, the Father, and Us All of Jesus' discourses are intended to teach us about the remarkable re lationship between Jesus and the Father and about the relationship that God wants with us. Take some time 10 read John 14- 17 on your own. Read it OUI loud. and listcn to thc voice of Jcsus: "Peace be with you. . I a m the vine. you arc the br.lIlches. love one another." In your prayer. thank God for the g ift of love expressed in his Son. Jesus Christ.

C 2010 Li,urgy Train ing Publ ica, ions. 1-800-933-1800. Wrinen by Mary Katbar ine Deeley. Jllu>l r:aed by Clin' Hanscn. Scri~u", qUOl:d ioo, a", from Th~ N~M' R~ds~ S/~nJ(",J 1'~TSjon Bibl~: C(ll/rolk £dj'it:m. C 1993 and 1989 by , t.. Di ,'i, ion of Ch,;"ian Educa1ion (If ,t.. Na,ional Coouc;t <>f , t.. Churches (If ChriS! in tbe U.S.A. Used by ~rm ission. All righlS ", .. "..,d. Perm ission '0 ""bli, h ,,,,n'ed by ,be Very R",,,,,,nd John F. Canary. Vic. r Ge neral. A",bdiocese of Ch icago. on July 16. 2009.