quires perseverance, humility, and a gracious, forgiving spirit. This is also why marriage scares us, these are challeng- ing things. Many people get into their marriage and when it becomes less than ideal they think, “I married the wrong person, this is too hard.” Biblically speaking we could say that we all marry the wrong person because eve- ry person is an imper- fect sinner. So, you don’t need a new mar- riage, you need a new perspective on mar- riage. Too often we can make our marriag- es spouse-centered. This means that we take all our cues from what the other person is doing. If your spouse is grouchy today then you become grouchy. If they are in a generous mood then so are you. A better model for marriage is to strive for a God-centered relationship. Tak- ing our cues from the spirit of God then we have reason to be generous even if our spouse might be grouchy today. The key shift is to not spend your time I would like to help you have a great marriage. As I write this in late March we are just finishing a class called Sacred Marriage. We have been watching a video course by Gary Thomas, author of the book Sacred Marriage. Here I want to share with you some of Gary’s ideas. I think he is really unto something im- portant. Perhaps his most important theme is to invite us to con- sider marriage as God’s own creation. God made it, not just to give us happiness and fulfillment. God had a purpose in mind. Marriage is not just a romantic pur- suit, it is a spiritual journey taken togeth- er. The purpose of mar- riage is not just to make us hap- py, it is to make us holy. This is the very reason why many peo- ple find marriage to be harder and more challenging then they had imagined. Living in the close intimacy of marriage ex- poses our sinfulness and no one likes that. But this is God’s plan. Marriage forces us to grow in godly character. It re- St. John’s Lutheran Church April 2013 Church Bell From Pastor Disney (Continued on page 3) “Marriage is not just a romantic pursuit, it is a spiritual journey taken together”

St. John’s Lutheran Church Church Bell · with a Tangram bird block, and the other quilt had a cross down the middle. Both quilts were definitely a “labor of joy.” 6 Serving

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quires perseverance, humility,

and a gracious, forgiving spirit.

This is also why marriage

scares us, these are challeng-

ing things.

Many people get into their

marriage and when it becomes

less than ideal they think, “I

married the wrong person, this

is too hard.” Biblically speaking

we could say that we all marry

the wrong person because eve-

ry person is an imper-

fect sinner. So, you

don’t need a new mar-

riage, you need a new

perspective on mar-

riage. Too often we

can make our marriag-

es spouse-centered.

This means that we

take all our cues from

what the other person

is doing. If your spouse

is grouchy today then

you become grouchy. If

they are in a generous mood

then so are you. A better model

for marriage is to strive for a

God-centered relationship. Tak-

ing our cues from the spirit of

God then we have reason to be

generous even if our spouse

might be grouchy today. The key

shift is to not spend your time

I would like to help you have a

great marriage. As I write this in

late March we are just finishing

a class called Sacred Marriage.

We have been watching a video

course by Gary Thomas, author

of the book Sacred Marriage.

Here I want to share with you

some of Gary’s ideas. I think he

is really unto something im-

portant. Perhaps his

most important theme

is to invite us to con-

sider marriage as

God’s own creation.

God made it, not just

to give us happiness

and fulfillment. God

had a purpose in

mind. Marriage is not

just a romantic pur-

suit, it is a spiritual

journey taken togeth-

er. The purpose of mar-

riage is not just to make us hap-

py, it is to make us holy. This is

the very reason why many peo-

ple find marriage to be harder

and more challenging then they

had imagined. Living in the

close intimacy of marriage ex-

poses our sinfulness and no

one likes that. But this is God’s

plan. Marriage forces us to grow

in godly character. It re-

St. John’s Lutheran Church

April 2013 Church Bell From Pastor Disney

(Continued on page 3)


is not just a


pursuit, it

is a spiritual





St. John’s Lutheran Church

302 NE 2nd Street

PO Box 238

Buffalo, MN 55313

Phone: 763-682-1883

Youth Line: 763-684-0460

Fax: 763-682-1936

Noah’s Ark Pre-School: 763-682-1368

[email protected]

Newsletter Deadline: Deadline for the May newsletter is Monday, April 22

Join the Newsletter Mailing Crew on Tuesday, April 30 at 9:00 am.

Bulletin Deadline: Every Tuesday at midnight

Staff: Rev. James Disney, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Philip Meyer, Associate Pastor

[email protected]


Kelly Thole, DCE, Youth Director

[email protected]

Teresa Berg, Office Administrator

[email protected]

Carla Myhre-Vogt, Office Assistant

[email protected]

Dan & Jackie Korbel, Custodians

[email protected]

Nicky Haskins, Noah’s Ark Preschool

[email protected]

Kyle & Elizabeth Bjork, Treasurers

Kathryn Elsen, Financial Secretary

Cheryl Olsen, Board Secretary

Gary Schillinger, Music Director

Worship Times: Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 am

Sunday’s Service Radio Broadcast on

KRWC 1360AM at 8:00 am

Office Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30

Chairman of the Congregation August Mussell

Board of Elders [email protected]

Nyles Gentz, Head Elder

Gregg Beckman

Gary Bonk

Greg Buttenhoff

Dave Haggerty

Jack Harlan

Jory Louisiana

Richard Marquette

Bruce Rosine

Ryan Rutten

Board Chairs Altar Guild: Dorothy Bowman

Education: Open

Evangelism: Roger Strege

Fellowship: Marti & Lee Ryan

Kid’s Club: Ken and Amy Hill

Library: Shala Holm

Memorial Endowment/Investment:

Janice Marschel

Project Compassion: Sandi Baert

Sanctuary Decorating: Shala Holm

Stewardship: Open

Trustees: Brad Hoseck

Women in Mission: Chris Husom

Worship: Pastor Disney

Youth & Family Ministry: Open


hoping and waiting for your

spouse to be different. Instead

spend your time working on re-

fining yourself.

This means marriage is sup-

posed to feel challenging. If you

feel that in your marriage it

does not mean that something

is wrong, it means the opposite,

something is right. Too often

when a couple feels that the

relationship is hard they then

back away from each other

looking for neutral safe ground.

But if both people can embrace

the challenge marriage can be-

come something incredibly

meaningful: two sinners work-

ing together toward godly virtue.

Today many young couples

feel enormous pressure to be

perfect, but that is not realistic.

Marriage is best built on God’s

incredible love for what is im-

perfect. Jesus was willing to be

totally sacrificial for us in all our

imperfection. That is real love.

That is what we strive for in

marriage. Gary Thomas offers

us a powerful image. Think of

God as your father-in-law. God

is very possessive of his son or

daughter. God the father-in-law

might say to you, “I know he/

she is not perfect, but please

he/she needs someone to love


Another interesting thing that

Gary notes is that marriages

today are lasting longer than

they ever have before. People

are living longer. This makes it

more important then ever to

see the big picture. Challenges

once overcome together create

a sacred history that is cause

for later celebration. Studies

now show that marriages that

last past the 35th anniversary

typically report a greater level of

satisfaction than was felt as

newlyweds. Our culture seems

to celebrate the quick blaze of

romantic love. But it turns out

that marriage is really about

growing old together. Marriage

takes perseverance, which is

also one of the primary charac-

teristics of faith in God. Gary

Thomas is telling us that these

two things are interlinked be-

cause God made marriage for

us as a way in which we would

be drawn toward the divine

mystery of God himself.

I hope that this helps you a bit

in your marriage. Beginning

April 7th, I will be leading a class

called “Staying in Love” with

Andy Stanley (see page 14 for

more information). I hope you

will join me upstairs in the con-

ference room above the Family

Life Center at 9:15.

God bless your marriage.

Pastor Disney

(Continued from page 1)

Quarterly Voters’ Meeting For April will be April 21 at

9:15 am. Quarterly Reports are due April 8.


From the desk of Pastor Meyer

Part III of Series:

Why Do We Do It?

“The Church” On March 9th, my close

friend Mike was found dead in

his apartment in Pocatello,

Idaho. He was 62, not a

believer, but my wife and

children and I considered him a

part of our family. He had

driven the truck with our

belongings from Idaho to

Buffalo, and I have been deeply

saddened by this since I heard

the news.

When a loved one is gone, it

is normal for mortals to think of

things immortal, and as I

considered what to share with

you this month in this series I

have been writing, it seemed

fitting to step back and

consider “why does the Church

even exist?” Now, it is

important to distinguish

between the Church with a

capital “C,” and our church,

called St. John’s. When we

speak the words of the creed,

“and I believe in one holy,

Christian and apostolic church,”

we are speaking about

something much greater than

our local congregation. God

has chosen to work through His

Church on earth, as He directs

us in Matthew 28, to “Go, and

make disciples of all nations.”

That is a tremendous calling,

and it is humbling to think that

God would

choose to

work through

that which He



that is what

the Bible teaches us, and that

Church-at-Large is made up of

thousands of congregations.

St. John’s is one of those.

One of the things that

astounds me are a couple of

numbers that were shared with

me before I came to be with

you; and, I have heard them at

meetings since my arrival: St

John’s has over 1800 people

on its membership roster, and

yet, the worship attendance

averages just shy of 400 each

week. Too be fair, there are

many who are unable to be with

us for various reasons and,

there are many who come

sporadically. Both of those

truths affect our worship

average. Nevertheless, it would

be fair to say that there is high

level of inactivity.

The earliest description of

the Church is found in Acts,

chapter two, where we are told:

“And they devoted themselves

to the apostles' teaching and

the fellowship, to the breaking

of bread and the prayers. And

awe came upon every soul, and

many wonders and signs were

(Continued on page 5)


being done through the

apostles. And all who believed

were together and had all

things in common. And they

were selling their possessions

and belongings and distributing

the proceeds to all, as any had

need. And day by day,

attending the temple together

and breaking bread in their

homes, they received their food

with glad and generous hearts,

praising God and having favor

with all the people. And the

Lord added to their number day

by day those who were being


It appears from this reading

that the last verse is directly

related to the first one – that

the level of devotion to those

things crucial was blessed by

God. Those things crucial were:

a)the Word, b)the Fellowship of

their Congregation, c)Dining

Together, and d)Prayer. What

do we ‘devote’ to as a family?

What do you ‘devote’ to as an

individual member of this

family? Are we ‘devoted’ to the

same things? These are

questions that rise up in my


I would like to consider

encouraging you this month, as

I reflect on the loss of my friend

who, as I said, was not a

believer, that there is nothing

more important than the

relationship that God desires

with each and every one that

He has created. That

relationship needs to be

nourished, nurtured, and fed. It

is through His Word and

Sacraments that He feeds,

grows, and strengthens his


Are we devoted to that?

(Continued from page 4)

St. John’s Quilt Group Makes Quilt of Memories

Michelle Mackenthun re-

cently inquired if the sewing

circle would make a quilt from

her late mother’s clothing. Her

mother was fond of humming-

birds and a devout Christian.

There was enough “squares” to

make two queen-sized quilts.

One was a hummingbird theme,

with a Tangram bird block, and

the other quilt had a cross

down the middle.

Both quilts were definitely a

“labor of joy.”


Serving in April


8:00 Jim Schleif

Bill Elletson

Brian Jans

Mark Ordorff

Andrew Mussell

10:30 Mike Bertsch

Willis Miller

Confirmation Kids




Tim Berteau

Ron Girard

Suzie Meier

Colin Meier

Bill Morris

Melissa Morris

Coffee Servers






Please sign up to take

a turn. Thanks!

Dave Haggerty


[email protected] Aaron Beckman


[email protected] Gregg Beckman


[email protected]

Gary Bonk 763-682-3449 Greg Buttenhoff


[email protected]

Nyles Gentz 612-240-3980

[email protected]

Jack Harlan 763-242-8708

[email protected]

Jory Louisiana 763-286-6537

[email protected]

Richard Marquette


[email protected]

Ryan Rutten 651-283-2552

[email protected]


MEMBERS: (Revision) Thrivent Choice Dollars assign-

ment procedures have

changed. Charitable rewards are

earned quarterly. To best insure

St. John’s Lutheran receives your

earned dollars, you should con-

tact Thrivent

QUARTERLY, April 20, July 20,

October 20 & January 20th each

year. You can do so using Direct

Choice Dollars online @


or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-

4836) and state "Thrivent

Choice." Once you contact them

to assign your dollars, they will

send you a quarterly e-mail re-

minder. We will also remind you

each quarter from St. John’s. In

2012, St. John’s received

$17,574.00 in Thrivent Choice

Dollars and distributed funds to

many Church, mission, and

community-related projects.

Your Elders are here for you. Please feel free to contact any of

them at any time with concerns you may have:


Date: Saturday, April 20th Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: St. John’s Lutheran Church — Life Center Tickets: $10 Advance/$15 At Door

Tickets available at St. John’s Church Office and Setterberg Jewelers (Downtown Buffalo)

Highlights of England and Scotland Tour Join Rev. Clifford Winter and wife Lois on a Christian tour of England and

Scotland Oct. 31–Nov. 10, 2013. Enjoy Christian fellowship & devotions

in addition to visiting London, Stonehenge and more. The $3072 price

includes roundtrip air from Chicago, first-class hotels, professional guide,

15 meals, deluxe coach, taxes, and fuel surcharge. For a brochure, call

316-942-5811 or email [email protected]. Rev. Winter is a retired

LCMS pastor and missionary, and resides in Wichita, KS.


Women In Mission

St. John’s will host the Litchfield

Zone Rally on Thursday, April

25th. Registration starts at 6:00

and the program will begin at

6:30. We’re excited to have Pro-

fessor Dale Trapp from Concordia

University St. Paul as our guest

speaker. He will share “The Star

of Bethlehem: what it was and

what it is,” presentation with us.

Everyone is invited. The presenta-

tion will be in the Family Life Cen-

ter with dessert to follow in the

Fellowship Hall. Cost for LWML

members is $5.00, and guests

get in free.

We have a number of Gifts from

the Heart requests which will be

taken to the National Convention

in Pittsburg in June. Here is the

list: Quilts/Blankets – New, adult

and baby sizes (pack in heavy

duty plastic bag) Diapers – Size:

preemies, 3, and 4, and Wipes.

Kits – All donations are to be new

and regular size. Please pack kit

items in a clear plastic zip lock

bag (2 gallon size works well).

Keep donation items in original


BABY KIT: Receiving blankets,

Sleepers – preemie/newborn,

Onesies – preemie/newborns

Outfits – preemie/newborn, One

Christian tract or Bible verse

(inside the bag).

MEN’S KIT: Men’s boxers (L –

XXXL), Men’s T-shirts (L – XXXL),

Men’s socks One Christian tract

or Bible verse (inside the bag).

BATH KIT: Bath towel and wash-

cloth, Full size toothpaste, Tooth-

brush, Women’s or men’s deo-

dorant, Bath/Bar soap, One

Christian tract or Bible verse

(inside the bag).

DEVOTIONAL KIT: Bible, Journal,

Devotional booklet and pen.

You can bring your gifts to the

rally or leave them in the purple

box in the Narthex through

April 25th.

The 35th Biennial LWML Conven-

tion will be held June 27-30,

2013 in Pittsburgh, PA. The

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."

2 Corinthians 5:20


E-News If you would like to receive this newsletter by email

rather than snail mail, send us an email at

[email protected]. You’ll get the news faster, plus

save the church money in postage and printing. We’ll send the

newsletter to you as a PDF.

theme is "Quenched! by the Wa-

ter" and is based on the Scrip-

ture Verse: [Jesus said:] “… but

whoever drinks of the water that

I will give him will never be thirsty

again. The water that I will give

him will become in him a spring

of water welling up to eternal

life” (John 4:14). Check out

www.lwml.org, or call Chris at

763-682-3997 for more infor-

mation or to let us know if you

are interested in going.

The MN South District LWML

Women’s Retreat, “Everything

Under Heaven” will be held July

25-27 at Gustavus Aldophus in

St. Peter. Look at

www.mnslwml.org for more de-

tails. Registration deadline is July


Parents, please check out all the

fun offerings at Camp Omega.

Our group pays half the camper-

ship fees for our youth who at-

tend. Their website: is


We are looking for a team to

head the 45th Annual Country

Fair for Missions November 9th.

We have experienced people,

and detailed records to help you

every step of the way. Prayerfully

consider being part of this im-

portant project. The funds we

raise benefits many missions

and other worthy projects.

Please fill a Mite Box for mis-

sions. Pick up and read The Lu-

theran Woman’s Quarterly and

Women on a Mission. Attend our

meetings and Bible studies. Join

us for activities, such as quilting

in the sewing room every Tues-

day afternoon. We welcome your

ideas and input. Thank you!

Upcoming Events:

April 4th: Board Meeting at 6:00,

Bible Study at 6:45, in the

upper level boardroom of the

Family Life Center.

April 25th: Spring Rally, “Star of

Bethlehem” in the Family Life

Center at 6:30. Registration

starts at 6:00. Cost for mem-

bers: $5.00. No charge for


May: No Board Meeting.

June 27-30: 35th Biennial LWML

Convention in Pittsburg, PA.

July 25-27: MN South District

LWML Women’s Retreat,

“Everything Under Heaven”

at Gustavus Aldophus in St.

Peter. Registration deadline

is July 11th.


Youth & Family Ministry

You are Invited

St. John’s

First Faith Steps

Class Who: Parents and children

Birth– 3 years old.

When: Sunday April 7th,

14th, 21st & 28th

Time: 9:15 -10:00 am

( Sunday school hour)

Where: St. John’s Nursery

What: First Faith Steps is

A parent & child Sunday school

class designed for children from

birth – age 3. Expecting parents

and grandparents are welcome


Class begins as a large group

and then parents separate for a

special talk time, while kids are

being entertained by special

adult and teenage helpers.




When: April 21st

Special Guest

Speaker: Marilyn Sharpe

As part of the First Faith Steps

class we are excited to be

visited by Marilyn Sharpe. As

a Certified Family Life Educator,

Marilyn has been a parent

educator for 34 years,

committed to helping parents

become the best and most

effective they can be.

She teaches parents to

celebrate their strengths, give

and receive support, and glean

wisdom from other parents.

Marilyn helps faith parents and

congregations work together to

pass on faith and values to the

children we all cherish.

To learn more about Marilyn and

her ministry join us on

April 21st or check out



Youth & Family Ministry

Church Wish List Items Total Still Needed

Library Gathering Tables & Chairs $2,000 $440

NEW Cribs for Nursery $600 $400

Ongoing Wish List Areas

Lutheran Service Book Building Fund

Computer Upgrades Music/Choirs

KRWC Radio Ministry Youth Programs

Sunday School Program Kid's Club

Lutheran Women's Mission League

All 8th

graders are

required to attend so

that everyone is prepared

for Confirmation Sunday.

We will be creating a class

project to be used on

Confirmation Sunday,

working on our verses

and statements of faith

for the big day.

Questions? Contact Kelly

@ 763-684-0460.



April 19 — 20

@ 4 pm


STAYING IN LOVE Begins: April 7th

These four sessions will give

you important ideas and practi-

cal tips for making your love re-

lationship work.

Grounded in God’s Word,

Stanley gives us a simple plan

that you can easily apply to your


Pastor Disney will facilitate this

group, come and join us in the

conference room on the second

floor of the Family Life Center.

St. John's is participating in

Compassion Sunday, April 20-

21. This national event helps us

grow in our understanding of

God's very special love for the

poor. It's an opportunity for

each of us to intervene in the

life of at least one child in pov-

erty. For more information, con-

tact Bruce and Sheree Rosine

at 320-963-6625, visit compas-

sionsunday.com, or

[email protected]

“Any fool can fall in love, but it takes a plan to stay in love.”

— Andy Stanley

Lutheran Women in Mission: Pat

Norine setting in for Chris Husom

reported that we will host the Spring

Rally on April 25th. The speaker will

be Dave Trapp and it will be open to

the whole family. More on this pro-

gram will be forthcoming.

Library: The board is happy to say,

thanks to the generosity of many

people, we have purchased 3 tables

and 12 chairs to be placed in the

gathering area outside of the Library.

We feel that the Book/Bible Study

3:16 has been extremely well re-

ceived and will look to the future to

do something similar again.

Noah’s Ark: Pastor Meyer has met

with Pastor Jarvis from Hosanna to

discuss this program. There was

discussion on reformulating the

needs and Pastor Meyer will contin-

ue to work with Hosanna and Nicky

Haskins in this direction.

Project Compassion /Health Cabi-


Meeting March 12th.

Missions: No changes or news at

this time.

Decorating: The board had requests

out for Easter flowers and is getting

the ready for the new season.

Other Business: Pastor Meyer in-

quired about attending a Pastors

Conference in May. There are funds

in place for things such as this. 72

Partners will have new information

forthcoming in April.

Closing Prayer: Pastor Meyer

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned by Au-

gust Mussell on a motion from Roger

Strege seconded by Kyle Bjork.

Respectfully submitted by Cheryl


(Board Meeting Minutes con’t from pg 19)


Reserve your 2013 Dates for

KRWC Broadcast Sponsorship!

Our 8:00 worship services are broadcast on

radio station KRWC AM1360 for the benefit of

those unable to attend church. Each broadcast

costs us $150.00. There are three ways you

keep this important ministry going:

Contribute $150.00 to sponsor an entire broadcast for an

available date of your choosing with a personal dedication

announced on air.

Contribute $75.00 for a 1/2 sponsorship of a Sunday that

we pick. Your name will be mentioned.

Contribute any amount of money toward the Broadcast

Ministry Fund and we will use it as needed.

To be sure you get the date you want, call the office at 763-682-1883.

Acknowledging Recent Memorials and Gifts



Honor of Item Anonymous Lutheran Service Book

Paul Henning Computer

Ken & Sue Schleif Library Furniture

Jim & Shala Holm Library Furniture Ken & Sue Schleif

St. John's Wish List - Library Furniture

Dwayne & Delores Puffer LeRoy Kreitlow St. John's Building Fund Stan & Clarine Meyer LeRoy Kreitlow St. John's Building Fund

Thank You — To All My St. John’s Family With love and gratitude to each of you for all your concerns, prayers,

phone calls and cards. I thank you all. A special thank you to Pastor Meyer and

Pastor Disney for their support and prayers. You are All a great help in getting

me through this difficult time and keeping me strong.

I am still under doctor’s care and will have radiation and chemotherapy

for at least the next four weeks for my lung cancer. I also want to express my

continued thanks to all the people who have volunteered to get me to my

treatments five days a week.

God Bless You all. Thank You — You are so appreciated!

Diana Engler


Birthdays Dustin Bomstad 4/1

Matthew Schleif 4/1

Lyle Smith 4/1

Kevin Westphal 4/1

Roger Bonk 4/2

Finnegan DeWitte 4/2

Elnor Doherty 4/2

Ashley Fieldseth 4/2

Helen Klemz 4/2

Tyler Malo 4/2

Travis Stock 4/2

Laura Stoppelman 4/2

Pam Johnson 4/3

Bruce Rosine 4/3

Anna Svobodny 4/3

Alise Zachman 4/3

Dennis Zitzloff 4/3

Jonathan Holland 4/4

Todd Peter 4/4

Beverly Stoppelman 4/4

Josh Erdman 4/5

Jeremy Gatz 4/5

Nicole Potter 4/5

Katye Schillinger 4/5

Kaleb Wald 4/5

Christy Warne 4/5

Noah Bolduan 4/6

Lexi Callicott 4/6

Don Lardy 4/6

Ron Lohse 4/6

Dawson VanLith 4/6

Dylan Dokkebakken 4/7

Ryan Hall 4/7

Adam Klatt 4/7

Clinton Lambert 4/7

David Randel 4/7

Erin Rudenick 4/7

Shirley Granger 4/8

Wayne Ruckle 4/8

Alan Wessels 4/8

Brandon Anderson 4/9

Joshua Fussy 4/9

Kaelan Lanie 4/9

Anita McManus 4/9

Annabelle Anderson 4/10

Kaitylnn Blake 4/10

Max Callicott 4/10

Tabitha Clermont 4/10

Boe Gregorich 4/10

Sydney Louisiana 4/10

Janet Uhde 4/10

Ardys Buskey 4/11

Stephanie Lindsley 4/11

Anna Reedy 4/11

Liliana Topel 4/11

Kristen Weller 4/11

Megan Zumach 4/11

Taden Erdmann 4/12

Joshua Froberg 4/12

Richard Lusti 4/12

Brittney Lyzhoft 4/12

Danielle Moeller 4/12

Joseph Napper 4/12

Darby Rutten 4/12

Mayella Yonak 4/12

David Haggerty 4/13

John Klatt 4/13

Madalyn Oberg 4/13

Aaron Reese 4/13

Olivia Weller 4/13

Scott Kaufman 4/14

Robert Kuhlmann 4/14

Sara Napper 4/14

Kathy O’Neil 4/15

Chris Varner 4/15

Carol Vergin 4/15

Gabriel Bursch 4/17

Kris Harlan 4/17

Jeff Stoll 4/17

April Zea 4/17

Tristan Zitzloff 4/17

Amber Jeske 4/18

Tammie Korbel 4/18

Roxanne Miller 4/18

Gina Robeck 4/18

Aaron Beckman 4/19



Michelle Elletson 4/19

Anna Kubu 4/20

Kaeley Degn 4/21

Jeremy Dixon 4/21

Aaron Forsythe 4/21

Denise Hicks 4/21

Grant Krohn 4/21

Lorrie Lepinski 4/21

Connie Rodosovich 4/21

Brady Weis 4/21

Rebecca Commerford 4/22

Liam Erkens 4/22

Richard Haas 4/22

Michael Lambrecht 4/22

Donna Marschel 4/22

Micah Stoppelman 4/22

Winston Workman 4/22

Raymond Brecht 4/23

Steven Gaughan 4/23

Karie Giebenhain 4/23

April Happe 4/23

Noah Karels 4/23

Todd Kennedy 4/23

Troy Meidinger 4/23

Kelly Peterson 4/23

Isabelle Stoppelman 4/23

Tasha Jurgens 4/24

Ronald Bruhn 4/25

Dawson Gearey 4/25

Lexi Hanson 4/25

Ernest Marquette 4/25

Tristen Rauschendorfer 4/25

Jonnie Forcier 4/26

Shane Loberg 4/26

DeJay McKenzie 4/26

Amanda Ross 4/26

Sarah Ross 4/26

Tom Stoppelman 4/26

Donald Bursch 4/27

Kathy Jewett 4/27

Avery Robeck 4/27

Lorelei Whitney 4/27

Amanda Annen 4/28

Terry Haas 4/28

Scott Jensen 4/28

Alec Louisiana 4/28

Nissa Munger 4/28

Christian Padgett 4/28

Dean Roskowiak 4/28

Kimarie Tacke 4/28

Teagan Johnson 4/29

Carter Miller 4/29

Tim Rajewsky 4/29

Meagan Arntson 4/30

Earl Dierks 4/30

Melissa Luoma 4/30

Matthew Wald 4/30

Todd & Jennifer Kennedy 4/2

Ryan & Hally Hughes 4/6

Richard & Linda Ordorff 4/7

Berenice & Art Jurgens 4/8

Ron & Darlene Lohse 4/8

Jory & Susan Louisiana 4/8

Rev. Phil & Vanessa Meyer 4/8

Emmy & Ron Meidinger 4/9

Gene & Lori Schimmele 4/9

Donna & David Marschel 4/10

Greg & Jody Duske 4/11

Elnor & Francis Doherty 4/12

John & Annette Berg 4/13

Sarah & Joe Hamann 4/15

Jill & Curt VanLith 4/16

Luke & Leandra Korbel 4/17

Lori & Paul McLellan 4/20

Steve & Crystal Stelton 4/20

Chris & Melissa Varner 4/20

Denise & Donald Nelson 4/21

Russell & LeighAnn Stoppelman 4/23

Tracey & Heather Anderson 4/24

Michael & Jill Marty 4/24

Paul & Debbie Henning 4/25

Brian & Terri Kenmir 4/25

Troy & Kristin Hoefling 4/26

Gina & Jason Robeck 4/26

Dave & Loni Breckenridge 4/27

Jim & Char Jorgenson 4/27


Board Meeting Minutes—

Call to Order: August Mussell

Opening Prayer: Pastor Disney

Agenda: Agenda reviewed and ac-

cepted on a motion from Janice Mar-

schel seconded by Roger Strege

Secretary’s Report: A motion to ac-

cept was made by Kyle Bjork second-

ed by Janice Marschel


Pastor’s Reports: Pastor Disney dis-

cussed his written report. Some pro-

jects will start after Easter such as a

Time, Talent and Treasure Board,

possibly a Single Parent support

group and Step-Family Support

group and a Divorce Support Group

are all being thought of. Upon the

end of his Marriage class he will have

another marriage themed class

called “Staying in Love”. He also

talked about and included the para-

ble on his report, Luke 16: 19-31 The

Rich Man and Lazarus.

Pastor Meyer went over his written

report containing his visits, meetings,

preaching and teaching activities etc.

He also reported he has been asked

to be on the director board at Camp

Omega and will possibly serve as

staff chaplain for a week this sum-

mer. He is very excited with the 3:16

bible class which is going very well.

Youth & Family Ministry/Education:

Kelly Thole reported that the Brett

Meyers event went well. She is doing

a class for the high school seniors

and their parents called Transitions.

The 30 Hour Famine was well at-

tended with upwards of 125 people

coming from all through out the com-

munity. Confirmation is coming up.

Family Bowling is March 17th. First

Faith Steps which covers from birth

to preschool will be in April. On East-

er Sunday breakfast will be served.

Kelly discussed with the board about

possibly changing this breakfast to

Palm Sunday next year.

Baby Bundles were completed by

the Sunday school and they are now

working on Birthday Bags.

Treasurers Report: Kyle Bjork ex-

plained the time of year seems to

warrant lower contributions explain-

ing the decrease at this time. There

is still about $50,000 of general

funds just sitting in the savings ac-

count to gain better interest. In gen-

eral it was a pretty quiet month. Kyle

spoke on the possibility of using un-

designated funds to purchase a sore-

ly needed computer. Discussion on

the Sunday school funds and balanc-

ing the budget followed. Pastor Dis-

ney said he is working on getting a

group for the Stewardship area.

General Fund Contributions and Ex-

penses for February

Contributions $30,105

Expenses 35,916

Net Increase

(Decrease) (5,811)

A motion to accept report was

made by Cheryl Olsen seconded by

Dave Haggerty. Motion carried.

New Business: Pastor Meyer gave an

explanation of the need for an updat-

ed computer. Roger Strege made a

motion to purchase a computer up to

$600 out of the undesignated funds.

The motion was seconded by Janice

Marschel. Motion carried. Pastor Mey-

er will be responsible for the pur-

chase. It was also decided to move

the money left from the table and

chair fund and folding machine fund


to the undesignated area as these

items have been purchased.

It was brought to the board’s atten-

tion that during the time Kelly Thole

will be out on maternity leave some

type of assistance or help will be

needed due to the fact she will be

missing the youth trip, VBS, begin-

ning of Confirmation class for this

year and the beginning of the Sun-

day school year an approximate time

of 26 weeks. Discussion followed

with several solutions and ideas.

Janice Marschel mentioned that it

might be possible to use Thrivant

funds therefore the church’s budget

would not be affected if there were

costs involved. A solution will be pre-

sented at the Quarterly meeting.

Old Business: General discussion

about tuitions for Christian schools.

Elders: Dave Haggerty commented

on the excellent attendance of the

meetings by the Elders. The board is

working on being a better connection

to and for the church. They will serve

at the Lenten dinner on March 20th.

Their goal is to make St. John’s even

better then it is. The board also dis-

cussed some solutions for Kelly’s

workload when she is on maternity


Trustees: Brad Hoseck gave an

overview of his report. Charter Com-

munications is working on the new

computer installation. There still

seems to be some problem with the

alarm system as it has gone off again

but they are few and far between. A

new snow remover had to be con-

tracted as Josh Bonk is working out

of state. AED’s have problems and

are being replaced. Some frozen

lines have caused issues and will

have to wait for the spring thaw but

have been taken care off to the best

of the board’s abilities. There was a

leak in the Library heating but Dan

Korbel has taken care of that. Thank

you again Dan.

Thank you to Fred Bonk and Gary

Bonk who graciously moved the piles

of snow. Actually a HUGE THANK

YOU to all the unseen people who

work continually at getting our

church back on track time after time.

Worship: Pastor Disney said there

have been good comments on the

Wed. night services for Lent. The

board continues to explore new ways

to make each service have its own


Evangelism: Roger Strege was hap-

py to report that after many starts

and stops the web site if finally com-

ing into place. Ideas are in place and

individuals are working on it. Teresa

Berg is working closely with the

Chamber of Commerce to keep our

contact flowing with them. The Fami-

ly Fun Fest will officially be held with

Rally Day. With funds from Thrivant

the board is looking at St John’s

sponsoring Music in the Park night

this summer.

Stewardship: Being worked on but

no updates at this time.

Fellowship: Marti Ryan reported the

Potluck went well with approximately

160 people in attendance. Having

sandwiches brought in was well ac-

cepted and the board has talked

about using these at other gather-

ings. April 20th the Ball Brothers will

hold another concert here. The board

is also looking at more games and

things of interest such as a bounce

house at the picnic in July.

(Continued on page 14)






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