8 Parish Retreat to Craig Lodge, Dalmally Im hoping to organise a retreat away to the Craig Lodge House of Prayer at Dalmally from Wednesday 28th June to Friday 30th June (returning Friday morning). At the moment I still have to confirm the actual cost for the retreat. Roughly speaking, full board is £35.00 per person per day, to which we will have to add the cost of transport there and back, and maybe some extras for speakers etc. If anyone is interested in coming along, please let me know. I will give you more information as time goes on, but it would be good to have a rough indication of who might be interested, without anyone having to give a definite commitment at the moment. Craig Lodge is situated in a very beautiful and picturesque area and is a very peaceful place. There is a chapel in the house where there is regular Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and where Mass can be celebrated, and there are lots of beautiful places to go for a walk. I have been there several times myself. God bless, Fr. Martin Faith-based Workshops, Helping us to grow in our love and our understanding of God Dr. Albert Lukaszewski has very kindly agreed to hold some of his workshops on different aspects of the Catholic Faith in the church hall at St. James’, Kinross, you will find a timetable of the next talks below. Given that materials will be provided, we suggest a donation of £10 per person, per workshop, in order to cover costs incurred. This should not be a barrier to anyone attending, and if you are unable to contribute, but would like to come along, please have a quiet word with Fr. Martin. It is more important that as many people as possible have the opportunity to benefit from the extensive study and research into these aspects of our Faith that Albert has to offer to us. It is highly recommended that you bring your Bible with you to the talks and that you also provide yourself with a substantial packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. The first talks are: Saturday 20th May: 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.: The Rosary Part 1 (theological basis of the Rosary and its history) Saturday 10th June: 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.: The Rosary Part 2 (exegesis of Scriptures surrounding the mysteries of the Rosary, and the integration of their logic into one's own approach to them) Other workshops that Dr. Albert could also give include: 1. Prayer, 2. Study, 3. Common Life (three evangelical counsels), 4. The Apostolate AND 1. The Creed, 2. The Catechism, 3. Methods of Scripture Study. I know that Albert would also be keen to find out if there is any other aspect of our Faith that parishioners would be keen to have workshops on, so please dont hesitate to let me know. Fr. Martin Im also thinking, for next year or later this year perhaps, of arranging a parish pilgrimage away, perhaps to Knock in Ireland, or even further afield? If anyone has any ideas I d be happy to hear from them. Knock is not far, has easy access for all, and hopefully wouldn t be prohibitively expensive. Do let me know what you think - Fr. Martin 1 St. James’, Kinross & St. Matthews, Auchtermuchty In the Catholic Diocese of Dunkeld Scottish Charity Number: SC001810 Parish Priest: Fr. Martin Pletts Postal Address for both churches: 5 High Street, Kinross, KY13 8AW St. Matthews Address: 4 Back Dykes, Auchtermuchty, KY14 7AB E-Mail: [email protected] Landline: 01577 863329 Mobile: 07540534480 Parish Website: https://catholickinross.com Diocese of Dunkeld Website: www.dunkelddiocese.co.uk Last Weeks Collections: St. JamesSaturday Vigil/Sunday Collection: £ 652.52 St. Matthews Sunday Collection: £ 151.45 Retreat Mass, Kinnoull: £ 189.42 Many thanks, as always, for your generosity. If you are a tax payer please consider signing-up for Gift Aid. For every £1.00 donated in the Gift Aid scheme the church can claim back an extra 25p. Last Weeks Mass Attendance: St. James’ 7.00 p.m. Vigil Mass: 37 St. James9.30a.m. Mass: 84 St. Matthews 11.30a.m. Mass: 47 Sunday 30th April 2017 3rd Sunday of Easter - Year A Divine Office Week III, with season A warm welcome to St. James’ & St. Matthews! If you are visiting we are glad to welcome you. Please introduce yourself to the parishioners & to our priest. Project Change SmartiesTubes, amount raised so far for parish funds: £777.17 Dont forget to return your tube or pick up an empty one!

St. James’, St. Matthew s, Auchtermuchty - · PDF fileThis should not be a barrier to anyone ... A warm welcome to St. James’ & St. Matthew’s! ... The Prayer Meetings will resume

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Parish Retreat to Craig Lodge, Dalmally

I’m hoping to organise a retreat away to the Craig Lodge House of Prayer at Dalmally from Wednesday 28th June to Friday 30th June (returning Friday morning). At the moment I still have to confirm the actual cost for the retreat. Roughly speaking, full board is £35.00 per person per day, to which we

will have to add the cost of transport there and back, and maybe some extras for speakers etc. If anyone is interested in coming along, please let me know. I will give you more information as time goes on, but it would be good to have a rough indication of who might be interested, without anyone having to give a definite commitment at the moment. Craig Lodge is situated in a very beautiful and picturesque area and is a very peaceful place. There is a chapel in the house where there is regular Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and where Mass can be celebrated, and there are lots of beautiful places to go for a walk. I have been there several times myself. God bless, Fr. Martin

Faith-based Workshops,

Helping us to grow in our love and our understanding of God

Dr. Albert Lukaszewski has very kindly agreed to hold some of his workshops on different aspects of the Catholic Faith in the church hall at St. James’, Kinross, you will find a timetable of the next talks below. Given that materials will be provided, we suggest a donation of £10 per person, per

workshop, in order to cover costs incurred. This should not be a barrier to anyone attending, and if you are unable to contribute, but would like to come along, please have a quiet word with Fr.

Martin. It is more important that as many people as possible have the opportunity to benefit from the extensive study and research into these aspects of our Faith that Albert has to offer to us. It is highly recommended that you bring your Bible with you to the talks and that you also provide

yourself with a substantial packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided.

The first talks are:

Saturday 20th May: 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.: The Rosary Part 1 (theological basis of the Rosary and

its history)

Saturday 10th June: 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.: The Rosary Part 2 (exegesis of Scriptures surrounding the mysteries of the Rosary, and the integration of their logic into one's own approach to them)

Other workshops that Dr. Albert could also give include:

1. Prayer, 2. Study, 3. Common Life (three evangelical counsels), 4. The Apostolate


1. The Creed, 2. The Catechism, 3. Methods of Scripture Study.

I know that Albert would also be keen to find out if there is any other aspect of our Faith that parishioners would be keen to have workshops on, so please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Fr. Martin

I’m also thinking, for next year or later this year perhaps, of arranging a parish pilgrimage away, perhaps to Knock in Ireland, or even further afield? If anyone has any ideas I ’d be happy to hear from them. Knock is not far, has easy access for all, and hopefully wouldn’t be prohibitively expensive. Do let me know what you think - Fr. Martin


St. James’, Kinross & St. Matthew’s, Auchtermuchty

In the Catholic Diocese of Dunkeld

Scottish Charity Number: SC001810

Parish Priest: Fr. Martin Pletts

Postal Address for both churches: 5 High Street, Kinross, KY13 8AW

St. Matthew’s Address: 4 Back Dykes, Auchtermuchty, KY14 7AB

E-Mail: [email protected]

Landline: 01577 863329

Mobile: 07540534480

Parish Website: https://catholickinross.com

Diocese of Dunkeld Website: www.dunkelddiocese.co.uk

Last Week’s Collections:

St. James’ Saturday Vigil/Sunday Collection: £ 652.52

St. Matthew’s Sunday Collection: £ 151.45

Retreat Mass, Kinnoull: £ 189.42

Many thanks, as always, for your generosity. If you are a tax payer please consider signing-up for Gift Aid. For every £1.00 donated in the Gift Aid scheme the church can claim back an extra 25p.

Last Week’s Mass Attendance:

St. James’ 7.00 p.m. Vigil Mass: 37

St. James’ 9.30a.m. Mass: 84

St. Matthew’s 11.30a.m. Mass: 47

Sunday 30th April 2017

3rd Sunday of Easter - Year A

Divine Office Week III, with season

A warm welcome to St. James’ & St. Matthew’s! If you are visiting we are glad to welcome you. Please introduce yourself to the parishioners & to our priest.

Project Change Smarties’ Tubes, amount raised so far

for parish funds:

£777.17 Don’t forget to return your

tube or pick up an empty one!


Times of Holy Mass & Confessions etc. St. James’ Kinross (KY13 8AW)

Mon. 1st May Op. Mem. of St. Joseph the Worker Holy Mass at 7.00p.m.

Confessions after Mass

Prayer Group 8.00 - 10.00p.m.

Tues. 2nd May Mem. of St. Athanasius Confessions 9.30-9.50a.m.

Holy Mass at 10.00a.m.

Wed. 3rd May Feast of Ss. Philip & James (the Lesser) Confessions 9.30-9.50a.m.

Holy Mass at 10.00a.m.

Rosary & Litany after Mass

Tea/coffee in church hall

Thurs. 4th May Thursday in the 3rd week of Easter Confessions 9.30-9.50a.m.

Holy Mass at 10.00a.m.

Rosary & Litany after Mass

Fri. 5th May Friday in the 3rd week of Easter Confessions 9.30-9.50a.m.

Holy Mass at 10.00a.m.

Rosary & Litany after Mass

Divine Mercy at 3.00p.m.

Confessions after Divine Mercy

Sat. 6th May Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00-10.30a.m.

Confessions 10.00-10.30a.m.

Confessions 6.30-6.50p.m.

Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A Vigil Mass at 7.00p.m.

Sun. 7th May Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A Holy Mass at 9.30a.m

St. Matthew’s, Auchtermuchty (KY14 7AB)

Sun. 7th May Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A Holy Mass at 11.30a.m.

Confessions after Holy Mass

Kilgraston School, Bridge of Earn (PH2 9BQ)

Sun. 7th May No Mass at Kilgraston - ‘Exeat’ weekend

Please remember in your prayers:

The sick and housebound, especially: Neil, Mary Gallagher, Jane Barnett, Patricia McKee, Sonny McAvoy, Ian Hazlett, Margaret Burns, Clive Pittendreigh, Ann Lauraites, Stephen, Thomas Adamson, Bill Kerr, Agnes Kenny and Tiziana Hetherington. May God grant them His healing and strength. We also remember in our prayers our beloved dead, especially those who have died recently: John Richard Dickinson, Jennifer Stoddard, Cath Armstrong, Josephine Sweeney and all those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Pat Garrett, Edward Boyle, Jean O’Neill, Alison Humphrey and Tony Ward. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Sanctuary Lamp: St. James’: Parishioners’ Intentions, St. Matthew’s: Parishioners’ Intentions.

Remember, you can ‘sponsor’ a Sanctuary Lamp for a remembrance/intention for a suggested donation of £5.00. The lamp will burn for about 7 or 8 days by Our Lord in the Tabernacle. (Remember this is not a Mass intention).


May, the Month of Our Blessed Lady

The month of May is the "month which the piety of the faithful has especially dedicated to Our Blessed Lady," and it is the occasion for a "moving tribute of faith and love which Catholics in every part of the world pay to the Queen of Heaven. During this month Christians, both in church and in the privacy of the home, offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration. In this month, too, the benefits of God's mercy come down to us from her throne in greater abundance" (Pope Paul VI: Encyclical on the Month of May, no. 1).

This Christian custom of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin arose at the end of the 13th century. In this way, the Church was able to Christianize the secular feasts which were wont to take place at that time. In the 16th century, books appeared and fostered this devotion.

The practice became especially popular among the members of the Jesuit Order — by 1700 it took hold among their students at the Roman College and a bit later it was publicly practiced in the Gesu Church in Rome. From there it spread to the whole Church.

The practice was granted a partial indulgence by Pius VII in 1815 and a plenary indulgence by Pius IX in 1859. With the complete revision of indulgences in 1966 and the decreased emphasis on specific indulgences, it no longer carries an indulgence; however it certainly falls within the category of the First General Grant of Indulgences. (A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in the performance of their duties and in bearing the trials of life, raise their mind with humble confidence to God, adding — even if only mentally — some pious invocation. Excerpted from Enchiridion of Indulgences.


John Paul II Prayer Movement Meetings

The Prayer Meetings will resume at 7.00p.m. on Friday 12th May in St. James’, Kinross. Following the previous format there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Intercessions,

Benediction and some catechetical in-put on the Scriptures or other aspects of our Faith. Those who joined us for these meetings during Lent got an awful lot out of them, new insights into the Scriptures in particular. I would strongly encourage you to come along and to take this

opportunity to develop your Faith and your relationship with almighty God. The first part of the evening lasts about an hour, the second part about half an hour, and you can come for either part of for both. I look forward to seeing you there. God bless, Fr. Martin

For further information please contact Chris on 07887 606807

The Fairtrade Stall will be in St. James’ hall Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May after Mass.

St. James’ N.O.W. - Night of Worship

The next N.O.W. will take place on

Thursday 18th May at 7.00p.m.

All are very welcome - more details to follow!

The bullet with which Pope St. John Paul II was shot (on 13th May 1981, anniversary of the 1st apparition of Our Lady of Fatima) was placed, at his request, in the crown of Our Lady at the Fatima Shrine in Portugal. Throughout his life John Paul II had a great devotion to Our Lady and attributed the saving of his life to “ a maternal hand”, i.e. the Virgin Mary’s motherly intercession, on that fateful day. In “Crossing the Threshold of Hope” he wrote of his devotion to the Mother of God: At first it had seemed to me that I should distance myself a bit from the Marian devotion of my childhood, in order to focus more on Christ. Thanks to St. Louis de Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Christocentric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption. - True devotion to Mary always leads us to the Heart of Jesus her Son. Ad Iesum per Mariam! To Jesus through Mary!


A reading from the Acts of the Apostles 2, 14.22-28

It was impossible for him to be held in the power of death.

Psalm 15, 1-2.5.7-11.R/.v.11

Response: Show us, Lord, the path of life.

A reading from the first letter of St. Peter 1,17-21

The ransom was paid in the precious blood of a lamb without spot or stain, namely Christ.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Lord Jesus, explain the scriptures to us.

Make our hearts burn within us as you talk to us.


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 24:13-35

They recognised him at the breaking of the bread.

This Sunday’s Readings from the Sacred Scriptures:

If you still have a S.C.I.A.F. ‘wee box’ still to hand in, could you kindly return it as soon as possible. This will enable us to forward the collected funds to S.C.I.A.F.

without too much delay. Thank you for your help. God bless you!

Ladies’ Group Meeting

Rhona Bradbury lives in Kinross and has started up a little business called Ritzy Glass. She makes unusual fused glass homeware including clocks, coasters, framed glass pictures, bowls, lanterns, dishes, tealight holders, and hanging decorations such as hearts, birds, fish, and boats. Rhona will be attending the ladies evening on Thursday 4th May at 7.30p.m. with a wide selection of her work which will be available to buy on the night (although there is no obligation to do so) and Rhona can also take orders for bespoke items for gifts to fit particular colour schemes. Ladies, please join us for what promises to be an enjoyable evening. All are most welcome!

***Men’s Group Meeting - Change of Date***

Due to lack of organisation on my part (apologies for that) I suggest we move the next Men’s Group Meeting to Tuesday 9th May at 7.30p.m., in St. James’ church hall, when we hope to have a social gathering. This will enable us to be a bit better organised. I hope you will join us for a relaxed evening, when we will have an opportunity to meet with fellow parishioners and share some good food and even a little libation. Please mark the new date in your diary and do make the effort to come along and help build-up the community here in St. James’ and St. Matthew’s.

St. Serf Singers’ Concert

The St. Serf Singers’ Concert will take place at St. James’ on Friday 5th May, beginning at 7.30p.m. Tickets are now on sale priced £7.00 each, inclusive of nibbles. Please bring your own bottle. Proceeds will go towards church

funds. Please join us for what promises to be another great evening when we can come together as a parish and enjoy some wonderful entertainment - do encourage others to come along too! I look forward to seeing you there, Fr. Martin.


Pastoral Visit by his Lordship, Bishop Stephen

On the weekend of the 27th/28th May, Bishop Robson will be coming to all Masses at St. James’ and St. Matthew’s. I’m sure you will show him your customary warm welcome. On Sunday I imagine he will not be able to spend much time after Mass in St. James’ as he will need to travel straight to Auchtermuchty for Mass there at 11.30p.m. Perhaps in Auchtermuchty we might be able to arrange for a cup of tea and a biscuit after that Mass in order that parishioners can have an opportunity to spend some time speaking with the Bishop. I don’t know if anyone in St. James’ would like to organise something similar for after the Vigil Mass on Saturday 27th? Please let me know if you would like to help out with this. I’m hoping that at the morning Mass in St. James’ Bishop Stephen will crown the statue of Our Lady as a sign of our special devotion to our Blessed Mother in the month of May, and that he will bless a specially commissioned painting of St. Matthew that will be installed in the church at Auchtermuchty.

Please note that next weekend, 6th & 7th May, we will welcome to St. Matthew’s and St. James’ Fr. Bernard Fox MHM (the same order as Fr.

Mike Freyne) who will be coming to supply and do a Mission Appeal in both churches for the Mill Hill Missionaries. Please show him a warm and generous welcome. There will be a second collection at all Masses.



About two and a half years ago Bishop Stephen wrote to the Regional Superior of the Missionaries of Charity in London, and also to The MC Motherhouse asking whether the Superior General would consider sending some of their sisters to our diocese, given especially that in Dundee we have areas of multiple deprivation. Besides this the Sisters are highly visible and would bring a new intensity of visibility, along with the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the streets of Dundee and other areas of the diocese where the sisters might exercise an apostolate.

The other day Bishop Stephen had a visit from the Regional Superior and two of her counsellors who confirmed that although they would not be coming to us with a New Community they had discerned that one of their Birmingham communities would transfer to our diocese. Naturally, the Bishop is absolutely delighted. Accordingly four Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity will be joining us on 12th May, 2017 and will take up residence in St Anne’s Cottage on the Lawside campus adjacent to St. Ninian’s Pastoral Institute. The Community will consist of Sr. Irene, who is American, Sr. Maria Stephen who is Indian, Sr. Simeon who is Irish and who is to be finally professed shortly and Sr. Maria Beatrice who is Polish. They have all been in the UK for a number of years. They would like to be involved especially with young mums and infants, nursery age children, catechetics and with whatever charity projects for the poor and marginalised they can manage. The Bishop has said, “I would really like you all to give them a great welcome.”

They will be at Mass for the first time in the Cathedral in Dundee on Saturday, 13th May, 2017 with the blessing of the Convent thereafter. The Bishop would like them to be able to come round City parishes to introduce themselves perhaps on Sundays in the near future (maybe we could even help them to come and visit us?).

They, as a community, depend totally of the working of divine providence to live and fulfill their apostolate. Therefore the Bishop has diverted some money from a Trust to the sisters so that they might set up their basic house with their desired level of comfort and have the wherewithal to

purchase bus passes for the city buses since this is the only form of travel the are allowed to use.

Perhaps some of us might like to go to Dundee that Saturday for the Mass?




A message and invitation from Bishop Stephen: Many of you will realise by now that 2017 is the Centenary of the Apparitions of Our Lady to the children Seers of Fatima, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia. There has been much discussion recently about the Secrets revealed to Our Lady. Many pilgrims will go to Fatima in Portugal this year but many will not be able to go. I am certain also that the

Mass of Canonization of the two youngest Seers (Jacinta and Francisco) celebrated by the Holy Father on May 13th will be televised on EWTN this year. However for those who will be unable to be present at the shrine, or those who do not have access to EWTN, we hope to have a Solemn Celebration of Holy Mass in our Cathedral at 10.00am on the 13th of May. The celebration will include a short talk on the history of the apparitions and a Consecration of our Diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the centenary of the Fatima apparitions. In addition, this will be the first time we celebrate the revised Rite of the Consecration of a Virgin during Mass. This celebration will also be the introduction and welcome of our new community of Mother Teresa’s sisters, the Missionaries

of Charity. (St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee, 150 Nethergate, DD1 4EA)

Forthcoming Parish Meetings

for both churches

Fabric & Maintenance Meeting at 8.30p.m. on Monday 1st May in the church house at St. James’.

Parish Finance Committee Meeting at 5.30p.m. on Monday 8th May in the church house at St. James’.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting - A.G.M. at 7.00p.m. on Thursday 18th May in St. James’ church hall.

I would especially encourage parishioners to join us for the A.G.M. of the Parish Pastoral Council on Thursday 18th. God bless, Fr. Martin

Re-painting of St. James’ Church etc.

Having been encouraged by a number of parishioners, I’m currently looking into the possibility of getting St. James’ Church re-painted, as

well as looking at exterior paint jobs that need to be done on the church, house, and hall. We already have a couple of quotes and are looking for more at the moment so that we get the best possible deal. When we have more concrete details I will pass them on to you. Please get your thinking-caps on and consider some creative ways in which we can look to raise funds for what will be a reasonably costly venture. The work definitely needs to be done, the church, especially in recent times, has begun to look very grubby indeed. At least it’s a sign that it’s being well used!