1 ST. GEORGE’S GIRLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL, NAIROBI. FORM 4 APRIL HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2018 1. COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. The career market is full of opportunities. Gone are the days when they had "either ........or" career choices. The times when women, for example, chose between only nursing, teaching and secretarial work are long gone. The explosion in communication technology, and the liberalization and globalization of the world economy, has ensured that there is no longer a dearth in career choices. Today, colleges and universities offer a wide range of training opportunities to high school graduates. This has made choosing a career an involving process. It has also given rise to the need for career counselling. When choosing a career, whether you have the help of a career counsellor or not, there are several factors that you should consider. These include your abilities or talents, your interests, your priorities, and the available opportunities in the job market. The skills required in a particular career and the ability to gain them through education must be considered when choosing careers. Becoming a doctor, for instance, requires extensive education and training and many years of educational commitment. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the academic background required for this career is good grades in chemistry and biology at secondary level. If your ability in these subjects is just average, you would be overstretching your luck to enrol for a Bachelor of Medicine degree course. In the past, students have chosen to pursue training in engineering even when their ability to handle physics and mathematics was low. This, in many cases, has made them drop out of the class mid- course. The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle mathematics and physics well. There are times people have been driven to choose a particular career because of the salary and prestige associated with jobs in that field. At times, the desire to take courses comes from within the individual, but most times, individuals feel pressured by peers or family to take certain course. Joining a career in which you have no interest is a recipe for a dull life since you will spend most of your working hours doing something you do not like. Your career does not necessarily have to be your passion, but it should not bore you to death either. You can work out your interest by identifying these Subjects you enjoy most at school, or the topics that are of interest to you and for which you take the initiative to read on your own. It is true that many young people are attracted more by the social mobility that the job might provide than by their interest in the career. However, research has found that money does not play as big a role in job satisfaction as many people think. Of course we all have to make a living, but if you do not like your job, it does not matter how much you get paid to do it. What does matter is how well a career choice matches what you value. If you value variety, collaboration and creativity, for example, you would not find job satisfaction in a career where you are working alone and doing the same thing every day. The availability of jobs in a particular field should also be a factor in choosing a career. This should be considered alongside the skills and education sought in a given field. Most times, highly competitive fields require more education but may not pay well. When there are many applicants for a particular position, unique personality traits become an added benefit. However, in fields where there are fewer applicants than the positions available, the pay may be more and the job may require less education. Nevertheless, one should not be discouraged by the scarcity of employment positions because Institutions of higher learning now emphasize that they are not simply training people to get out and look for jobs. They are training people to get out and create jobs. Therefore, the availability of job opportunities is not necessarily limited to the presence of employers. It also encompasses opportunities for self- employment, which everyone is free to explore. a) What had created necessity for career counselling? (1 mark) b) Why do you think the writer cites the choice of becoming a doctor in the passage? (2 marks)

ST. GEORGE’S GIRLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL, … · opportunities to high school graduates. This has made choosing a career an involving process. It has also given rise to the need for

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1. COMPREHENSION (20 MARKS) Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. The career market is full of opportunities. Gone are the days when they had "either ........or" career choices. The times when women, for example, chose between only nursing, teaching and secretarial work are long gone. The explosion in communication technology, and the liberalization and globalization of the world economy, has ensured that there is no longer a dearth in career choices. Today, colleges and universities offer a wide range of training opportunities to high school graduates. This has made choosing a career an involving process. It has also given rise to the need for career counselling. When choosing a career, whether you have the help of a career counsellor or not, there are several factors that you should consider. These include your abilities or talents, your interests, your priorities, and the available opportunities in the job market. The skills required in a particular career and the ability to gain them through education must be considered when choosing careers. Becoming a doctor, for instance, requires extensive education and training and many years of educational commitment. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the academic background required for this career is good grades in chemistry and biology at secondary level. If your ability in these subjects is just average, you would be overstretching your luck to enrol for a Bachelor of Medicine degree course. In the past, students have chosen to pursue training in engineering even when their ability to handle physics and mathematics was low. This, in many cases, has made them drop out of the class mid-course. The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle mathematics and physics well. There are times people have been driven to choose a particular career because of the salary and prestige associated with jobs in that field. At times, the desire to take courses comes from within the individual, but most times, individuals feel pressured by peers or family to take certain course. Joining a career in which you have no interest is a recipe for a dull life since you will spend most of your working hours doing something you do not like.

Your career does not necessarily have to be your passion, but it should not bore you to death either. You can work out your interest by identifying these Subjects you enjoy most at school, or the topics that are of interest to you and for which you take the initiative to read on your own. It is true that many young people are attracted more by the social mobility that the job might provide than by their interest in the career. However, research has found that money does not play as big a role in job satisfaction as many people think. Of course we all have to make a living, but if you do not like your job, it does not matter how much you get paid to do it. What does matter is how well a career choice matches what you value. If you value variety, collaboration and creativity, for example, you would not find job satisfaction in a career where you are working alone and doing the same thing every day. The availability of jobs in a particular field should also be a factor in choosing a career. This should be considered alongside the skills and education sought in a given field. Most times, highly competitive fields require more education but may not pay well. When there are many applicants for a particular position, unique personality traits become an added benefit. However, in fields where there are fewer applicants than the positions available, the pay may be more and the job may require less education. Nevertheless, one should not be discouraged by the scarcity of employment positions because Institutions of higher learning now emphasize that they are not simply training people to get out and look for jobs. They are training people to get out and create jobs. Therefore, the availability of job opportunities is not necessarily limited to the presence of employers. It also encompasses opportunities for self-employment, which everyone is free to explore.

a) What had created necessity for career counselling? (1 mark)

b) Why do you think the writer cites the choice

of becoming a doctor in the passage? (2 marks)


c) What should be the most important factor in choosing a career? Give a reason for your answer. (2 marks)

d) In not more than 30 words, summarise the poor reasons people have used to make career choices. (3 marks)

e) “The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle Mathematics and Physics.”

(Begin : Had they ..........................) (2 marks)

f) What evidence is given in the passage to support the statement ‘money does not play as big a role in job satisfaction as many people think' ? (2 marks)

g) Your career does not necessarily have to be your passion. (Rewrite, adding a question tag) (1 mark)

h) Why should the availability of jobs in a particular field influence career choice? (2 marks)

i) Discuss the figure of speech in the expression

'... a recipe for a dull life...' (2 marks)

j) Explain the meaning of the following words as

used in the passage :(3 marks)

a. Educational commitment...

b. Encompasses opportunities...

c. Scarcity... 2. Read the following excerpt and then answer the questions that follow. The River and the Source : Margaret Ogola Now, that lengthy speech had two main purposes: to impress the father and his sons, for a girl's father was all powerful and capable of turning away the prospective suitors at their first meeting and secondly to indicate to the great chief that Owuor Kembo,

though not such a great chief, was wifeless and therefore whoever he married would hold the envious position of mikai, the first wife, whose house would hold the centre stage directly facing the gate and to whom all other wives and also her husband would defer. Rumour had it that Odero Gogni had set his heart not only on his daughter marrying a chief but also that she be the mikai of such a chief. Okumu went back into his father's simba and repeated the message. Odero came out and bid the visitors enter. Kong'o was brought and as the council of Jodongo trooped in one by one the pot of tangy brew was passed from hand to hand, to be sipped through a long reed-like straw, after first offering libation to Were. Pleasant questions were asked about the state of the harvest and the cattle and no one had ever seen the great chief being so nice to any suitor including some wealthy ones who had offered to pay double the bride price. "And how, may I ask is the savanna country of Sakwa? Were the rains adequate and the harvest plentiful? I have heard that a strange malady has killed many cattle in that place." Owuor Kembo's uncle was a seasoned broker who not only knew Chik but knew the loopholes and traps that might be set for an unwary suitor. He answered wisely. “The rains were adequate and the food in the granary will feed us well after the next harvest. The rumour you heard was true but Were, praise be his name, protected most of our cattle, and besides the dead chief had only two sons and many daughters who will continue to bring in more wealth.” At this Chief Odero could not help being somewhat envious as he had only eight daughters to his twenty-one sons. He had never quite mastered the art of siring daughters. He decided there and then that he would not make things easy for these arrogant upstarts. After all, of late he had to go easy on his wife-marrying spree because he felt a little alarmed at the number of his sons. His father Gogni Mboji, had had vast wealth and only six sons. So rich was he in fact that he had paid dowry for two wives in as many seasons for his elder son Odero, chief-to-be, before his twenty second season. As the brew continued to flow, Odero called the council of Jodongo outside for consultation. “My fathers,” he began. “This is my eldest daughter and as you know I have dispatched twelve suitors, but I like this group of people as the young man is obviously of good stock and his uncle a good spokesman. However, I would like to trim their arrogance a bit. You Aloo K'Olima have been my spokesman all along and you will remain so. Set the bride price at thirty head.” “Thirty head!” exclaimed Aloo in disbelief. “Yes, thirty head!” declared the uncompromising chief. “But that is two and half times the usual bride price.” Even for Akoko, it was too much. “Let them show us that my daughter is not


going to starve in that wasteland they call a home.” They trooped back into the hut and the negotiations began in earnest. a)Briefly explain the content of the lengthy speech that is made before this excerpt. (2 marks) b)Comment on the desired outcomes of the ‘lengthy speech'. (2 marks) c)Highlight the key thematic concern presented in this excerpt. (3 marks) d)Identify and illustrate the character of i) Odero Gogni: (4 marks) ii)Owuor Kembo's Uncle: e) “Let them show us that my daughter is not going to starve in that wasteland they call a home.” Rewrite in reported speech. (1 mark) f) How is Adoyo Obanda described after this extract. (2 marks) g) Explain two stylistic devices used in this excerpt. (4 marks) h) Briefly discuss how Owuor Kembo's party reacts to what Aloo K'Olima tells them when the negotiations begin. (3 marks) i) Discuss how the events in this excerpt influence the events in the novel. (2 marks) j) Give the meanings of the following phrases as used in the extract. i) a strange malady ii) Good stock 3. POETRY (20 MARKS) Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow. In the city All moving the Lord knows where, Dressed in suits and tatters, Bowties, tights, ochred sheets and earrings, All thinking of things to come, Africa is in a state of opportunity,

All look for easy chances. Of self-upliftment or undeserved promotion That often mirage further and further Making frustrate Minds that should be content It is a time of opportunity- When one line makes a poet And a little acquaintance or chance Rockets one to the highest office But the peasant, the pillar of the nation, Has only to cope with prices that shift Like the waves that rock the ship carrying yellow maize to the city. The employed call out strikes That only deplete the little funds That may relieve the peasant- The elder brother keeps the younger in hunger At home, if there’s any, The child plays with an empty bottle, Cries for more milk When the cost is daily on the rise While the incomes remain static And the higher brackets are daily filled By youths that will not retire Within this century. The child laughs gaily, Displaying its only four teeth That show it grows to eat, Unaware of all that shapes her decade Adapted from a poem by Joseph G. Mutiga a) Who is the persona in the poem ? (2 marks) b) Briefly describe what the poem is about. (3 marks) c) Explain the significance of the first line in the poem. (2 marks)

d) Identify the aspect of style used in stanza six and show its effectiv (3 marks)

e) Describe the kind of society presented in this poem. (2 marks) f) What is the tone of the poem ? Support your answer. (3 marks) g) Identify and discuss the use of


sarcasm in the second-last stanza. (3 marks) h) Explain the meaning of the following lines in the poem. (2 marks) i) Africa is in a state of opportunity ii) The pillar of the nation 4. GRAMMAR (15 MARKS)

a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. Do not change the meaning. (3 marks)

i) Why did the thieves break into the apartment ? (Rewrite in the passive)

ii) You have been very

argumentative this week. (Rewrite using ‘how’)

iii) They had just entered the building. The shooting started. (Join as one sentence beginning : Hardly ...)

b) Replace the word in bold with a phrasal verb formed from the verb given in brackets. (3 marks)

i)The principal felt disappointed by his performance. (let) ii)Peter tried to disguise himself as a beggar but his soft, clean hands betrayed him. (give) iii)Its not good to abandon one’s family. (walk) c) Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the word in brackets. (3 marks)

i) Mary’s face .................................................. twitched whenever she was overwhelmed. (continue)

ii) Nobody expected the organization to

make ..................................................... (lose).

iii) Aren’t hyenas known for their

................................... ? (coward) d) Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun from the choices given.(3 marks)

i) Jean and ..................................................... are going for the debating contest. (I, me)

ii) The match between his cousin and

........................................................... ended in a draw. (he, him)

iii) When I first met


. I thought she was a judge. (her/she) e) Give a word that means the same as the underlined idiomatic expressions. (3 marks)

i) Oh dear! You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

ii) Don’t trust him. He heard it on the

grape vine.

iii) There are some who will try to rock the boat during the meeting.


1. Ukirejelea kijitabu cha mazoezi ya sarufi

kioo cha mitihani K.C.S.E 2018 naye

mwalimu Mufti Mutahi-(OLIMPIA

001).Fanya zoezi la kielelezo cha 1-15

2. Andika maudhui, wahusika na mbinu za

lugha za hadithi zilizosalia katika diwani ya

Tumbo lisiloshiba na Hadithi nyingine.




Answer all the questions in this section

1. Use logarithm table to evaluate.

4 mks

√0.52 × 0.312



2. 200 cm3 of acid is mixed with 300 cm3 of

alcohol. If the densities of acid and alcohol

are 1.08g/cm3 and 0.8 g/cm3 respectively,

calculate the density of the mixture.



3. The coordinates of P and Q are P(5, 1) and

Q(11, 4) point M divides line PQ in the ratio

2 : 1. Find the magnitude of vector OM.

(3 marks


4. The table below shows income tax rates in a

certain year.

Monthly income in Ksh Tax rate in each Ksh

1 – 9680 10%

9681 – 18800 15%

18801 – 27920 20%

27921 – 37040 25%

Over 37040 30%

In that year, a monthly personal tax relief of Ksh.

1056 was allowed. Calculate the monthly income

tax paid by an employee who earned a monthly

salary of Ksh 32500.

(4 mks)

5. Make 𝑤 the subject of the formulae.


2𝑥 = √2𝑤 + 8

3𝑤 − 5

6. A line passes through points (2, 5) and has a

gradient of 2.

(a) Determine its equation in the

form 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐.


(b) Find the angle it makes with x-



7. A quantity P is partly constant and partly

varies as the cube of Q. When Q=1, P=23

and when Q =2, P= 44. Find the value of P

when Q = 5. 3mks

8. The vertices of a triangle are A(1, 2) , B(3,

5) and C(4, 1). The co-ordinates of C’ the

image of C under a translation vector T are

(6, -2).

(a) Determine the translation vector



(b) Find the co-ordinates of A’ and

B’ under the translation vector T.


9. (a) Expand (1 − 𝑥)4 using the binomial

expansion. 1mk

Use the first three terms of the expansion in

(a) above to find the value of (0.98)4

Correct to nearest hundredth.


10. Find the centre and radius of a circle with


² + y² - 6 + 8y – 11 = 0


11. Two grades of coffee one costing sh.42 per

kilogram and the other costing sh.47 per

kilogram are to be mixed in order to produce

a blend worth sh.46 per kilogram in what

proportion should they be mixed.


12. Pipe A can fill an empty water tank in 3

hours while pipe B can fill the same tank in

5 hours. While the tank can be emptied by

pipe C in 15 hours. Pipe A and B are

opened at the same time when the tank is

empty. If one hour later pipe C is also

opened. Find the total time taken to fill the


4 mks.

13. Simplify the expression:


9𝑡2 − 25𝑎2

6𝑡2 + 19𝑎𝑡 + 15𝑎2

14. A business bought 300 kg of tomatoes at

Ksh. 30 per kg. He lost 20% due to waste. If

he has to make a profit 20%, at how much

per kilogram should he sell the tomatoes.





15. Evaluate without using a Mathematical table

or a calculator.

496422166 LogLogLogLog


16. Given that the ratio x: y = 2: 3, find the

ratio (5x − 2y) ∶ (x + y) (3 mk)

SECTION II (50mks)

Answer only five questions in this section

in the spaces provide

17. Draw the graph of 𝑦 = 𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 8

for values of x in the range −4 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 3



𝑥 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

𝑥3 -






𝑦 -


(a) By drawing suitable straight line on the

same axis, solve the equations.

i) 𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 8 = 0


ii) 𝑥3 + 2𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 7 =0 2mks

iii) 3 + 3𝑥 − 2𝑥2 − 𝑥3 = 0


18. A transformation represented by the matrix


12 maps the points A(0, 0), B(2, 0),

C(2, 3) and D(0, 3) of the quad ABCD

onto A¹B¹C¹D¹ respectively.

a) Draw the quadrilateral ABCD and its image

A¹B¹C¹D¹. (3mks)

b) Hence or otherwise determine the area of



c) Another transformation


10 maps

A¹B¹C¹D¹ onto A¹¹B¹¹C¹¹D¹¹.

Draw the image A¹¹B¹¹C¹¹D¹¹.


d) Determine the single matrix which maps

A¹¹B¹¹C¹¹D¹¹ back to ABCD. (3mks)

19. In the figure below (not drawn to scale) AB

= 8cm, AC = 6cm, AD = 7cm, CD = 2.82cm


angle CAB = 50°.

Calculate (to 2d.p.)

(a) the length BC.

(3 marks)

(b) the size of angle ABC.

(3 marks)

(c) size of angle CAD.

(3 marks)

(d) Calculate the area of triangle ACD.

(2 marks)

20. Three variables P, Q and R are such that P

varies directly as Q and inversely as the

square of R.

a) When P = 18, Q = 24 and R = 4.

Find P when Q = 30 and R = 10.


(b) Express P in terms of Q and R.


(c) If Q is increased by 20% and R is decreased

by 10% find:

(i) A simplified expression for the change

in P in terms of Q and R.


(ii) The percentage change in P. (3mks)















21. A surveyor recorded the following

information in his field book after taking

measurement in metres of a plot.

To E

720 to F

240 to G







320 to D

600 to C

400 to B

From A

(a) Sketch the layout of the plot.

4 mks.

(b) Calculate the area of the plot in



22. A line L passes through points (-2, 3) and (-

1,6) and is perpendicular to a line P at (-1,6).

a) Find the equation of L.

(2 mks)

b) Find the equation of P in the form ax

+ by = c, where a, b and c are

constant. (2 mks)

c) Given that another line Q is parallel

to L and passes through point (1,2)

find the x and y intercepts of Q.

(3 mks)

d) Find the point of intersection of lines

P and Q.

(3 mks)

23. The diagram below represents a conical

vessel which stands vertically. The which

stands vertically,. The vessels contains water

to a depth of 30cm. The radius of the surface

in the vessel is 21cm. (Take =22/7).

a) Calculate the volume of the water in

the vessels in cm3 3mks

b) When a metal sphere is completely

submerged in the water, the level of

the water in the vessels rises by 6cm.


(i) The radius of the new water

surface in the vessel;


(ii) The volume of the metal

sphere in cm3


(iii) The radius of the sphere.


24. The table below shows the distribution of

mathematics marks of form 4 candindates in

Mavoko Secondary school.































F 4 7 12 9 15 23 21 5 4

Use the above date to calculate:

a) Mean using assumed mean of 65


b) Median


c) Standard deviation



24.. A bag contains 5 red, 4 white and 3 blue

beads . Two beads are selected at random one

after another.

a) Draw a tree diagram and show the probability

space. (2mks)

b) From the tree diagram, find the probability


i. The last bead selected is red (3mks)

ii. The beads selected were of the same

colour (2mks)

iii. At least one of the selected beads is blue.



1. Study the flowchart below and answer the

questions that follow

a) Name the suitable drying agent for


b) Write the equation for the reaction showing

ions of Y.(1mk

c) Name product X(1mk

d) What type reaction occurs on the black


2. The structure of a detergent is

a) Write the molecular formula of the


b) What type of detergent is represented by the


c) When this type of detergent is used to wash

linen in hard water, spots (marks) are left on the

linen. Write the formula of the substance

responsible for the spots.(1mk)

3. The structure below represent a sweet

smelling compound

Give the names of the two organic compounds that

can be used to prepare this compound in the

laboratory. (2mks)

4. The table below shows the relative molecular

masses and the boiling points of pentane and







Pentane 72 36

Propan-1-ol 60 97

Explain why the boiling point of propan-1-ol is

higher than that of pentane (2mks)

6. Give the systematic names for the following

compounds: (3mks)




5.a) State the Charles law.(1mk)

b) The volume of a sample of nitrogen gas at room

temperature of 291 K and 1.0 × 105 Pascal was 3.5

×10-2 m3. Calculate the temperature at which the

volume of the gas would be 2.8 × 10-2 m3 at 1.0 ×

105 Pascal. (2mks)

6. A hydroxium ion has the following structure.

Label on the structure: a) covalent bond (1mk)

b) Dative bond (1mk)

7. In the laboratory preparation of small quantities

of nitric (V) acid the following set-up was used.


(a)(i) Give the name of substance R. (1mk)

b)(ii) what are the purposes of using tap water in the

set up above.(1mk)

(iii) Explain the following observations:

I it is not advisable to use a stopper made of rubber

in the set-up. (1mk)

II The reaction between copper metal with 50%

nitric (V) acid in an open test-tube produces brown


(iv) State two other uses of nitric (v) acid other than

the production of nitrogenous fertilizers. (2mks)


1. State why the following processes are

essential in living organisms.

a] reproduction b] excretion c] respiration d]


2. a] How do plant cell walls differ from cell


b] What is the main function of the very

thick walled cells in the stem of a plant?

3. The diagram below shows a type of epithelial


a) What is the name of hair like processes?

b) What is the function of the hair like


c) Name the mammalian organs where this type

of epithelium is a found

3) Explain why red blood cells burst when

placed in distilled water while plant cells remain


b) Freshwater protozoa like amoeba do not burst

when placed in distilled water

4. The table below shows the concentration of

sodium ions in pond water and in cell sap of an

aquatic plant.

Ion Conc. in pond


Conc. In cell


sodium 120 70

iodine 0.2 400

a) Suggest the processes through which each of

the ions is taken up by the plant and give your


b) Which ion would cease being taken up if the

plant is heated with a metabolic poison that

inhibits ATP synthesis? Give a reason for your


c) In land plants waterlogging slows down the

uptake of certain minerals. Suggest a reason for


d) Name four processes in living things that

depend on active transport

5. The table below shows the result of an

experiment in which small pieces of potato were

placed in solutions of different salt

concentrations .After four hours they were

removed from the solution wiped to dry and


NOTE: A positive sign indicate an increase in

weight and a negative sign indicates a decrease

in weight

a) Draw a graph to show a percentage change in

weight against the percentage salt concentration

b) From the graph determine the salt

concentration that is isotonic to the cell sap.

c) The cells shown below were obtained from

the pieces of potato that were immersed in 5%

salt solution and 20% salt solution


a) In which of the two cells was obtained from

the potato the pieces of potato that was

immersed in 5% salt solution? Give a reason for

your answer

b) What occupies the space marked x in cell A

6. Name the carbohydrates that is

a) Found in abundance in mammalian blood

b) Stored in mammalian liver

c) Transported in plants

d) Stored in plant seeds

7a) what are enzyme inhibitors?

b) Differentiate between a competitive and non-

competitive inhibitor.

8. What is the importance of photosynthesis in


9. In what ways is the leaf adapted to its


10. A) what is the function of carbon (IV) oxide

in photosynthesis?

b) Briefly describe what happens during the

light and dark stages of photosynthesis.

c) In an actively photosynthesis leaf these is net

movement of oxygen from the inside to the

outside. Give an explanation for this.

d) What is the role of water in photosynthesis?

11. What would happen if all tress in a forest

were cut down?

12. Give a word equation for the process that

utilizes carbon (IV) oxide in a forest.

13. Explain the role of the following in the

digestion of food in a mammal:

a) Salivary glands

b) Pancreas

c) Liver

14. Describe the absorption and assimilation of

digested food in mammals.




Write notes on cooperation in Africa on the

following sub topics and ATTEMPT all the

questions below

i.Pan –africanism

ii.Development of pan-Africanism

iii.Pan-Africanism conferences

iv.The role Kwame Nkrumah

v.Perfomance of Pan-African movement

vi.challenges encountered by the Pan –African


vii.Organization of African Union upto

specializes commitees of African Union

SECTION A (25 marks):

Answer ALL The questions

1. Identify two sources of information which

historians rely on to write African pre-history(2


2. State the main characteristics of the Stone Age

era. (1 mark)

3. State the immediate cause of the second world

war (1 mark).

4. Give two contributions of religion in the Maji

Maji uprising (2 marks).

5. Name two countries that formed part of the

central powers during the Second World War(2


6. Mention one effect of triangular trade on African

population. (1 mark).

7. Identify two types of print media

(2 marks).

8. Give one way in which air transport has

promoted agriculture. (1


9. State the main cause of the cold war.

(1 mark).

10. State one social factor that lead to the rise of early

urban centers in Africa. (1mark).

11. State two factors that influenced the Neolithic

revolution (2


12. Mention the military wing of ECOWAS.

(1 marks)

13. Which two methods were used by nationalists in

South Africa in their struggle for independence?

(2 marks).

14. Identify two sub-groups of the Shona.

(2 marks).

15. Who was the leader of British South Africa

company (1 mark)

16. Identify one former colony of Germany in west

Africa (1 mark)

17. Identify the main reason which made USA to

join the Second World War. (1




18. (a) State THREE features of aegyptopithecus

(5 marks).

(b) Explain six reason why the early man

shifted the hunting and gathering to sedentary

agriculture (12marks)

19. (a). state five uses of steel during the

industrial revolution in Europe (5


(b). Explain FIVE effects ofd scientific

inventions on agriculture (10


20. (a). State five communities that took part in

majimaji rebellion (5


(b) Explain five result of chimurenga war

(10 marks)


21. (a) Identify three ways in person can

became a member of the house of lords in

britain (3 marks)

(b). Discuss SIX six factors that limit the

parliamentary surpremacy in Britain


22. (a). Identify three principles of Arusha

declaration of 1967 (3


(b). Explain SIX political challenges facing

Tanzania since Independepence. (12 marks).




1. a. i) What is the difference between wildlife

and tourism/

ii) Define the terms;

- Wildlife conservation

- Wildlife management

b. i) Explain factors influencing wildlife in

East Africa.

ii) Differentiate between game reserves,

National parks and Sanctuaries. (10 mks)

c. i) Draw a map of East Africa showing the

distribution of major national parks, game

reserves and sanctuaries.

ii) Explain the significance of Wildlife.

d. i) State the problems facing wildlife in East

Africa. (14 mks)

ii) State the measures taken to manage and

conserve wildlife. Give at least 7 (seven)


(14 mks)

iii) Identify problems associated with wildlife.

(7 mks)


African moral and cultural values

1. Explain ways of acquiring partners for marriage

in Traditional African Communities.

2. Explain the role of priests in traditional African


3) State the traditional African practices that lowers

the dignity of women today

4) What do you think has led to the increased social

evils in the society today?

5. Explain the role of kinship ties in Traditional

African Societies.

6. Identify five factors that contribute to harmony

and mutual responsibilities in the African


(7) List down the traditional African practices

which show that life is sacred

(8) State the challenges facing rite of initiation


9) What precautions were undertaken by Africans to

ensure that marriage was permanent?

10) State six reasons why polygamy is still

practiced today



Answer ALL questions in THIS PAPER.


1. a) Define data processing. (1mark)

b) Explain two characteristics of good

information. (2marks)

2. a) What are peripheral devices? (1mark)

b) Give two examples of peripheral

devices. (1mark)

3. a) What is meant by the term user-friendly as

used in software development. (1mark)


b) Distinguish between the term single-task and

multi-user as used in operating

systems. (2marks)

4. State the function of the following keys on the

computer key board. (2marks)

a) Insert

b) Delete

5. Name three responsibilities that are carried out

by a network administration. (3marks)

6. List three uses of DVDs. (3marks)

7. a) Subtract 1102 from 110102 (1mark)

b) Find the sum of binary number 101.1012 and

110.1002. (1mark)

c) Convert binary number 11010110.10012

into octal number. (1 mark)

8. State the function of each of the following.

a) Network Interface Card (1mark)

b) Modem (1mark)

c) Repeaters (1mark)

9. List four types of publications that can be

designed using DTP software. (2marks)

10. Explain the following

terms. (2marks)

a) Computer fraud

b) Alteration

11. Suggest how computer may in future be made

more friendly for persons that are:


a) Blind

b) Without hands

12. Distinguish between data verification and data

validation. (2marks)

13. Define the following terms as used in mail

merging. (4 marks)

i) Main document ii)

Data source

14. a) Difference between real-time system and

online systems. (2marks)

b) Explain how information and

communication technology has contributed to

teaching and learning in schools.


15. State two reasons why it is necessary to have

well connected and proper cables in a computer


(2 marks)


16. a) ì) outline chronologically the 6 stages of

program development life cycle. (3


b) State and explain two main errors made during

program development. (2 marks)

c) Study the Pseudo code below and answer the

questions that follows.


Print ‘‘enter the value of A and B,’’

Read A,B Y= A+B

While Y<20 Do


Print Y



Y= B+A




d) i) Assuming the user keys in 2 and 4 when

prompted to enter the values for A and B

respectively, determine the values of A,B, and

Y show your working. (4 marks)

ii) Draw a flowchart that would be used in

places of the pseudocode. (6 marks)

17. a) Define the following. (`4 marks)

i) Record

ii) File

iii) Database

iv) Character

b) i) List any tree ways of dealing with a virus on

a computer. (3 marks)


ii) Explain the functions performed by:

d) i) Distinguish between microwave and radio

transmissions. (2 marks)

ii) Give an example of internet protocol. (1 mark)

19. a) Explain the following terms.

i) Pixel (2 marks) ii) Resolution (2 marks)

iii) Display size (2 marks)

b) State the meaning of each of the following

specifications. (2 marks)

c) A printer failed to print after the command

(2 marks)

b) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

c) Convert 5228 to its base 10 equivalent. (2


d) Using long division method convert 6710 into

binary. (2 marks)

e) State four number systems used in

computing. (2 marks)

18. a) List three advantages and three disadvantages

of fibre optic cable. (6 marks)



b) Describe the following signals and state where

each is applied in network communication.


i) Analogue

ii) Digital

c) Name two types of coaxial cables. (2 marks) for


failure. (4 marks) d) Outline three computer

buses. (3 marks)

20. a) Define Artificial intelligence. (1 marks)

b) Explain the application of artificial intelligence in

the following areas. (6 marks)

i) Natural language processing

ii) Robotics

iii) Expert systems

c) Give any three symptoms of the following

computer work related disorder and two of their

methods of prevention.

i) Computer vision syndrome (4


ii) Repetitive strain

injury (4 marks)

Business Studies.

1. Explain ways in which the government of

Kenya may reduce the level of

unemployment in the country.

2. Explain the circumstances that would

influence a producer to use wholesale in

distributing his/her products.

3. With the help of a diagram, explain the flow

of national income in a two sector economy,

clearly indicating leakages and injections.

4. On 1st September 2014, Terezi Traders had

sh. 55,000, cash in hand and sh. 250,000 at

the bank. During the month, the following

transactions took place:

Sept. 2 - Cash sales banked sh. 35, 260.

2 – Bought ribbons in cash sh.


3 – Paid Waweru, a creditor sh.

94,000 by cheque in full

a) The control unit. print was issued. Explain four

possible causes


settlement of his account after deducting 6% cash


12 – Received a cheque for sh.

58,000 from Kimani after

allowing him a cash discount of

sh. 1,200.

15 – Paid salaries sh. 34,000 in


25 –Withdraw sh. 50,000 from bank

for office use.

28 – Anyango a debtor paid her

account of sh. 75,000 by cheque

less 10% cash discount.

30 – Deposited all the cash to the

bank except sh. 13,700.

Prepare a 3 column cash book and balance it


5. Discuss the different roles played by

intermediaries in the distribution chain.

6. Explain the different circumstances under

which personal selling is appropriate


7. The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Kirinyaga stores as at 30th

June 2009.

Trial Balance

As at 30th June 2009.

Details dr. cr.

Motor vehicle 350,000

Premises 500,000

Office equipment 34,000

Stock(1st July 2008) 30,000

Creditors | Debtors 45,000 30,000

Returns 15,000 18,000

Sales | Purchases 150,000 18,000

Cash at Bank 5,000

Cash in hand 15,000

Carriage Inwards 12,000

Carriage Outwards 20,000

Insurance 4,000

Commission 36,000

Rent 36,000

Capital 787,000

1,190,000 1,190,000

N.B: stock on 30th June 2009 was valued at sh. 10, 000


Prepare a trading profit and loss account.


i. Margin

ii. Rate of stock turn over.

iii. Rate of return on capital

8. Discuss factors that may lead to an increase in National Income of a country.

9. Explain factors that may influence how much money people may hold for transactionary


10. Discuss the methods used by the central bank to influence the supply of money in the





1. Research and collect data on 2D and

3D projects.

2. Print, cut and stick your data on A3

sketchpad. Make sketches and notes

on the data collected.

3. Start developing your own

composition from your data and your

own ideas.


1. Summarize all your notes.

2. Using a pencil or pen and ink

produce a pictorial composition on

an A3 paper based on the theme:

“Offering a helping hand.”

3. Produce a pictorial composition in

colour depicting a fruit seller in an

attempt to avoid a looming storm.

Use A3 space.


1. Summarise all your notes.

2. Using your own choice of materials

and appropriate tools create a set of

ornaments (necklace, earrings, a

bangle or a bracelet) for a teenage



1. Using elements and principles of Art

and Design on an A3 paper create a

an interesting composition using the

forms below.

A stool



Sufuria half full of boiling


A packet of unga

A cooking stick.

2. On an A3 space draw an assortment

of fruits on tray and shade


3. Update all your notes and summarise






RECHERCHE-Fais cette

recherche sur internet.

Faites la recherche sur les sujets suivantes et

préparez les notes.

1. L’abus de drogue au Kenya

- Quelles sont les drogues abusées ?

- Pourquoi les jeunes abusent-ils les

drogues ?

- Comment peut-on éviter le problème

de l’abus de drogue chez les jeunes ?

2. Le SIDA – C’est quoi le SIDA ?

- Comment attraper cette maladie ?

- Quelles sont les effets de SIDA ?

- Comment éviter ?


3. L’environnement- De quoi consiste

l’environnement ?

- Comment l’homme détruit-il

l’environnement ?

- Que peut-on faire pour conserver

l’environnement ?

4. La pollution - Les types de pollution

- Les causes de pollution

- Comment éviter les problèmes de

pollution ?

5. La nouvelle technologie

- De quoi s’agit al nouvelle

technologie ?

- Quels sont les effets

(négatifs/positifs) de la nouvelle

technologie dans la vie quotidienne

6. Quelle est l’importance d’étudier le

français au Kenya ?

7. Les accidents de la route. - Les

causes et les conséquences.


1. Vous êtes au chômage. Vous

avez vu une annonce où on

cherche un guide touristique

parlant français dans le journal

« Standard ».

Ecrivez une lettre de motivation.

2. Votre ami(e) sénégalaise(e) visite

votre pays pour la première fois.

Préparez l’itinéraire pour son




Faites l’examen donné