Annual Report to Vestry Reports and Financials of the year 2017 Held on February 4, 2018 St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON

St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

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Page 1: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

Annual Report to Vestry

Reports and Financials of the year 2017

Held on February 4, 2018

St. George’s Anglican Church

Georgetown, ON

Page 2: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising


1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration

2. Business Arising and Adoption of the Minutes of the Vestry held February 5, 2017 2.1. Adoption of the Minutes of the Vestry held February 5, 2017 2.2. Business Arising from the Vestry held February 5, 2017 2.3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Special Vestry held September 24, 2017 2.4. Adoption of the Minutes of the Special Vestry held January 21, 2018

3. Report of the Executive 3.1. Report of the Rector 3.2. Report of the Assistant Priest 3.3. Report of the Wardens

4. Reports from Parish Organizations and Acceptances 5. Elections and Appointments

5.1. Appointment of Rector’s Warden 5.2. Election of People’s Warden 5.3. Appointment of Deputy Rector’s Warden 5.4. Election of Deputy People’s Warden 5.5. Election of Delegates to Youth Synod for 2018 5.6. Election and Appointment of Members of Parish Council

6. Adoption of 2017 Audited Financial Report 7. Appointment of Auditor of the 2018 Financials 8. Adoption of 2018 Diocesan Mission and Ministry 9. Presentation and Adoption of 2018 Budget 10.Motions and New Business

10.1. Annual motion to authorize Corporation to enter into agreements with non-parish groups regarding the use of Church property

10.2. Outdoor Nativity/Creche Scene idea and discussion. 10.3. Motion for Adjournment

11.Closing Prayer


Page 3: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

The Opening of Vestry

Opening Prayer

Almighty and Ever-living God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take council in this vestry for the renewal and mission of Your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first Your Honour and Glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Appointment of Vestry Clerk

Signing of Declaration

The Declaration will be circulated around the meeting. Please read the declaration before signing it. Your signature is required to be a voting member of this vestry.

Minutes of Annual Vestry Meeting – February 5, 2017, 11:00 am

1. Opening Prayer – Reverend Canon Rob Park offered the opening prayer and welcome. 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk – Erin Bryan was appointed. 1.2. Signing of Declaration. The Declaration was circulated, read and signed. 1.3. Business Arising and Adoption of the Minutes of the Vestry held February 7, 2016

1.3.1. Minutes accepted by Ian Oldaker and seconded by Pat Durant. Minutes accepted. 1.3.2. Emergency Communications plan – a letter has been written to the town to indicate that St.

George’s will help out with space and help. A call chain will be created by Judy Rassanen that could be implemented if there is a need to check on members of the parish.

2. Report of the Executive 2.1. Report of the Rector – Added in the star gazing event that occurred here at St. George’s by the Town of

Halton Hills done during Earth Hour. It was a very successful event and both parties were very happy with the event. 2.1.1. No questions or comments.

2.2. Report of the Assistant Priest – Rev. Nancy added that she works with fabulous teams and is very appreciative for all their help and dependability. 2.2.1. No questions or comments.

2.3. Report of the Wardens – Charles Clifford asked if there was a possibility of getting another organist. The answer was that unfortunately it not possible in our current budget. 2.3.1. Paul Skuriat moved that the report be accepted and Charles Clifford seconded. Carried.

3. Reports from Parish Organizations and Acceptances. 3.1. M/S that all the reports be accepted: Ian Oldaker moved and Karen Gibson seconded. Carried 3.2. Rev. Rob was very appreciative of all the groups and activities that go on at St. Georges.

4. Elections and Appointments 4.1. Appointment of Rector’s Warden. The term of a Rector’s Warden is one year. Ian Oldaker, having

completed his term as Rector’s Warden has agreed to be reappointed as the Rector’s Warden for 2017. Thank you Ian.


Page 4: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

4.2. Election of People’s Warden. The term of People’s Warden is one year. Paul Skuriat having completed his term as People’s Warden has agreed to allow his name to stand for the election of the People’s Warden for 2017. Nominations from the floor were invited. 4.2.1. No new nominations, so no election necessary. Charles Clifford moved and Janet Armstrong

seconded. Carried. 4.3. Appointment of Deputy Rector’s Warden. The term of a Deputy Rector’s Warden is one year. Mark Kohler

having completed his term as Deputy Rector’s Warden has agreed to be reappointed as the Deputy Rector’s Warden for 2017.

4.4. Election of Deputy People’s Warden The term of Deputy People’s Warden is one year. Jan Lehman having completed her term as Deputy People’s Warden has agreed to allow her name to stand for the election of the Deputy People’s Warden for 2017. Nominations from the floor will be invited. 4.4.1. No new nominations, so no election necessary. Moved by Jan Costain and seconded by Karen

Gibson. Carried. 4.5. Delegates to Synod 2016-2017 Delegates to Synod 2016-2017 Two-year term. Elections in even-

numbered years. Pat Durant, Wendy Lovely continue for their 2nd year. 4.6. Alternate Delegates to Synod 2016-2017 Elections in even-numbered years. Helen Shannon, Janet.

McFarlane continue for their 2nd year. 4.7. Election of Youth Delegate to Synod for 2017 – Nominations closed.

4.7.1. Moved by Karen Gibson and seconded by Wendy Lovely. Closed. 4.8. Election of Delegates to Youth Synod for 2017 – Nomination of Gregory Barrett.

4.8.1. Nominations closed by Mark Kohler and seconded by Dan Gartenburg. Carried. Congratulations to Gregory.

4.9. Election and Appointment of Members of Parish Council Members of St. George’s Parish Council hold their office for one year. Parish Council is a small group of people chosen to represent the congregation, as an advisory board to the Wardens and Rector. Standing members of Parish Council are the Treasurer and all Synod and Youth Synod Delegates (including our alternates). Ex-Officio at Parish Council are representatives from Parish Committees. Parish Council is made up of an equal number of appointed and elected members of the congregation. 4.9.1. Norma Canavan, Karen Gibson, Rick Gorski, Audrey Houston, D’Arcy Keene, Jean Lorriman, Kyla

Mustard, Jim Walker have allowed their names to stand. Nominations are invited from the floor. Janet Armstrong was also nominated.

4.9.2. Ian Oldaker moved and Dave Durant seconded. Carried. 2017 Parish Council meeting dates are: Monday, February 27, Monday, May 15, Monday, September 18 and Monday, November 20.

5. Adoption of 2016 Audited Financial Report. 5.1. First looked at the actual values for 2016. Highlighted under the revenue section a few large planned living

donations were given to St. George’s in 2016. We were also the recipient of a life insurance policy. 5.2. On the Expense side our salary costs the cleaning staff was in there for a few months. The gas bill went

down due to the high efficiency boiler being installed. Hydro rates increased last year. A few one time expenses occurred last year.

5.3. There were no questions. 5.4. Moved by Ian Oldaker and seconded by Mark Kohler, that the 2016 Actuals be accepted. Carried.

6. Appointment of Auditor of the 2017 Financials Heather Marsden Glen has agreed to be appointed as the auditor of the 2017 Financials. 6.1. Moved by Paul Skuriat and seconded by Mark Kohler. Carried.

7. Adoption of 2017 Diocesan Mission and Ministry - $48 794.03 is the amount for 2017.


Page 5: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

7.1. Moved by Dan Gartenburg and seconded by Charles Clifford. Carried. 8. Presentation and Adoption of 2017 Budget –

8.1. We are budgeting for a slight deficit. Budget and Deficit are similar to last year. 8.2. Linda Noble asked about any large property jobs that will be necessary for next year. Mark Kohler

answered. The property committee had some jobs that need to be completed and some of them were held over until 2017, such as the stain glass window, the floor in the hall is starting to dip, the stairs outside the over old office are dangerous, the parking lot needs lots of repair, the shed will need to be replaced, the drainage off the roof of the church (eaves trough are not sufficient), and the front door needs to be put back on. The window repair will be between $2000-4000, the floor is around $2000 and the floor tiles need to be updated. The Altar Guild and Thursday group is contributing money to fix the stain glass window (much of cost should be covered). A budget value was chosen to hopefully get some items repaired but did not put St. George’s in financial strain.

8.3. A question was asked about the status of the conversation to share the Parking Lot with the High School. Rob reported that the principal at Georgetown high school changed and it is not a priority for this new principal. So, it is no longer an ongoing discussion item.

8.4. Budget moved by Paul Skuriat and seconded by Ian Oldaker. Carried. 9. Motions and New Business

9.1. Annual motion to authorize Corporation to enter into agreements with non-parish groups regarding the use of Church property Ian questioned why no agreements could be longer than 3 years. Any agreements that are longer than 3 years must be taken to the Diocese. 9.1.1. Dan Gartenburg asked about insurance necessary for renters, Rev. Rob indicated that it was

included in the tenant agreements that they must sign. 9.1.2. Moved by Ian Oldaker and seconded by Mark Kohler. Carried.

9.2. Motion for Adjournment Moved by Dave Durant and seconded by Pat Durant. 10.Closing Prayer – given by Rev. Nancy Rowe.

The Adoption of February 5, 2017 Vestry minutes

A motion will be required to accept the minutes of the February 5, 2017 Vestry Meeting.

Business Arising from February 5, 2017 Vestry minutes

An opportunity will given to address any business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.

Minutes of Special Vestry Meeting – September 24, 2017, 10:40 am

1. Opening 1.1. Prayer. Reverend Canon Rob Park offered the opening prayer and welcome. 1.2. Appointment of Vestry Clerk - Rev. Nancy Rowe 1.3. Signing of Declaration. The Declaration was explained and circulated around the meeting for signing.

2. Building Project: Parking Lot resurfacing and paving 2.1. Rev. Rob spoke about the need for resurfacing the parking lot. He highlighted the need for safety for people

walking to and from vehicles. The project would pave where there is gravel, and pave where there is the strip of grass between the current gravel and paved areas. The paved areas would be resurfaced and new lines would be painted everywhere. Also he noted that the current exit would be re-graded so that it was not so steep at the end.


Page 6: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

2.2. Motion: Repaving and Resurfacing of Parking area Whereas, the condition of the current parking lot is in need of resurfacing; Whereas, the parish has received 3 quotes for this project; Whereas, all companies quoted did stipulate that the cost of asphalt is based on current oil prices, and that the quoted prices would need to be adjusted if past the 30 days for which their quote is valid. Be it resolved that St. George’s, Georgetown Vestry approve the project for the resurfacing of the parking lot at a cost not to exceed $80,000, of which $35,000 has already been designated in our capital funds. And Be it further resolved that pending approval from Synod Council the Corporation of St. George’s, Georgetown have authority to sign a contract for the proposed work to resurface the parking lot with Pacific Paving, the preferred contractor based on our collected quotes.

2.2.1. Moved by Mark Kohler and seconded by Jan Lehman 2.3. Linda Noble asked where Pacific Paving’s quote stood dollarwise of the three. Rob answered that it was

the lowest and noted the three quotes. 2.4. Linda Noble had a second question about the quantity of stone that is sometimes skimped on underneath

the paving. Rob noted that Brian Burton who has experience in this field will take the day off work to supervise.

2.5. Wendy Lovely asked about Handicapped Parking numbers. It will be based on the number of parking spaces that are created. We will not have less than we have now.

2.6. Pat Durant asked about a warranty. Rob said there will be a short warranty. 2.7. Dave Durant asked if the price of oil goes down will the quote go down. Rob felt probably. 2.8. A vote was called and the motion was passed.

3. Motion for Adjournment moved by Bonnie Burton and passed unanimously. 4. Closing Prayer led by Rev’d Canon Rob Park

The Adoption of September 24, 2017 Vestry minutes

A motion will be required to accept the minutes of the September 24,, 2017 Vestry Meeting.

Minutes of Special Vestry Meeting – January 21, 2018, 10:40 am

1. Opening 1.1. Opening Prayer. Reverend Canon Rob Park offered the opening prayer and welcome. 1.2. Signing of Declaration. The Declaration was explained and circulated around the meeting for signing.

2. Election of Delegates to Synod 2.1. Election of Delegates to Synod for 2018-2019.

2.1.1. Pat Durant and Wendy Lovely names were presented as being nominated and having allowed their names to stand for election as Delegates to Synod. Nominations were invited from the floor.

2.1.2. A motion was made by Jan Costain and seconded by Janet Armstrong to close the nominations. The motion was passed.

2.1.3. Pat Durant and Wendy Lovely were acclaimed as delegates. 2.2. Election of Alternate Delegates to Synod for 2018-2019

2.2.1. D’Arcy Keene and Karen Gibson names were presented as being nominated and having allowed their names to stand for election as Alternate Delegates to Synod. Nominations were invited from the floor.


Page 7: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

2.2.2. A motion was made by Ian Oldaker and seconded by Kathleen Bellinger to close the nominations. The motion was passed.

2.2.3. D’Arcy Keene and Karen Gibson were acclaimed as our alternate delegates. 2.3. Election of Youth Delegate to Synod 2018

2.3.1. Nominations were invited from the floor. 2.3.2. There were no nominations. 2.3.3. A motion was made by David Durant and seconded by Jan Lehman to close the nominations. The

motion was passed. 3. A Motion for Adjournment was moved by Paul Skuriat. It was passed unanimously. 4. Canon Rob Park offered the Closing Prayer

The Adoption of January 21, 2018 Vestry minutes

A motion will be required to accept the minutes of the January 21, 2018 Vestry Meeting.


Page 8: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

The Reports

Report of the Rector In preparing a report like this and reflecting on the ministry that we do together here at St. George’s, I am always humbled by the many ways God provides. For the sake of gospel, so many good people give of their time and talent and make a difference in the lives of others. It continues to be a privilege to serve as your parish priest and be part of this caring Christian community.

In reflecting on the good work we do together, I reflect on the work Rick Gorski has been doing in preparing for an annual report to the town for St. George’s, in our role as a town of Halton Hills Sustainability Champion. An important part of Rick’s work is to do an inventory of our many ministries and groups and calculate our total number of volunteer hours and in what areas. I often talk about “Time and Talent” when we talk about stewardship as well as the financial support people contribute. The good volunteers of St. George’s contribute almost 9,000 hours of volunteer “time and talent”. It is standard for non-profits to use $25/hour to calculate the value of volunteer time to their programs. For St. George’s, that would total over $216,000 worth of “time and talent” contributed to our ministry.

In the last year, we accomplished numerous improvements to our property, including 5 stained glass windows, levelling the hall floor, installing an automated external defibrillator (AED), and, of course, enlarging and paving the parking lot. The huge improvement in parking was only possible because of a combined effort by our property committee, our wardens (especially Mark Kohler as property chair), the volunteer expertise of Brian Burton, and the financial support of the parish. I am so appreciative of the leadership of the Property Committee and for the great response of the parish to support St. George’s in completing all these important improvements in 2017.

We will continue to explore new ways of providing ministry and supporting the changing needs for ministry in our community. We continue to be open to the changing needs and expectations of our community and to be flexible in how we use our resources to their best effect.

One area of ministry we have been facing a challenge in has been our music ministry. This year has been our second year without a music director. The main reason for not filling this position continues to be finances, as demonstrated by our financial statements and our proposed budget for 2018. We have been able to provide some paid support for the 9:30 choir to prepare anthems for special services in 2017 and plan to do so again 2018. I remain very grateful for the support and effort of our volunteers at the 9:30 and 11:15 services who help lead our worship music every Sunday.

The Rev’d Nancy Rowe has been the driving force in our ministry to young families. Her upcoming retirement in July will bring changes, new challenges, and new opportunities. Before I address where we might be heading with this part of our ministry, I would like to write a few words about Nancy and her ministry.

Nancy Rowe first served as a theological student in 2007, and then in 2008 as a part-time assistant priest. In short order, and after a few tweaks, she gave shape to complete a program for connecting, supporting, and ministering to the needs of families with young children, from Baptism to early teens. Nancy has proclaimed the gospel to children and their parents. God put Nancy in the right place, at the right time, for St. George’s and our community to make a significant contribution to our community. It has been a pleasure and privilege to minister beside her for over ten years.

We are working with Nancy to ensure that Messy Church, which marked its tenth anniversary here at St. George’s this year, will continue. Nancy, in her retirement, will be keeping a leadership role, helping to oversee its continued and important place in our parish ministry. This July’s summer Kid’s Camp will mark her last days before her official retirement. Over the next six months, new volunteers will need to be recruited to continue the pieces of ministry to families, like Kid’s Camp and coordinating our 11:15 church school. I will be renewing my role in our baptismal ministry come the summer, but it certainly will be impossible to fill Nancy’s shoes in all the ministry that she does in our community currently.


Page 9: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

Our projected givings and revenue is not enough to allow us to hire someone, as music director or to find a half-time assistant Priest in 2018. I am hopeful that we will be able reassess our needs and consider filling those positions appropriately in 2019, as we build our financial commitment.

I wish to thank the wardens, Ian Oldaker, Paul Skuriat, Mark Kohler, and Jan Lehman, and treasurer, Brenda Sisnett for their support and leadership. Also, I need to thank Sue Graham for her hard work and support as our parish administrative assistant


The Rev’d Canon Robert W.A. Park

Report of the Assistant Priest

As most of you are aware, I will be retiring in July, so this will be my last vestry report as the Assistant Priest. I want to thank everyone for the wonderful support and encouragement that I have received in my ministry at St. George’s. St. George’s is a very special place.

2017 marked the 10th anniversary of Messy Church at St. George’s and therefore in Canada. Messy Church takes many dedicated hands to be successful. Very early on people have been coming to our Messy Church to see what it is about and to get direction on how to begin one in their church. There are many Messy Churches out there that have grown from the seed planted at St. George’s. The Messy Church team are dedicated and enthusiastic and have made Messy Church the success that it is.

2017 also marked the 10th anniversary of the First Steps Program, St. George’s post Baptism program. Through the contact of First Steps we have been able to nurture and encourage young families on their faith journey in those early turbulent years of establishing themselves as parents with young children.

St. George’s has marked itself as a place that values children and youth, through its support of Open Door and our own children and family programs like Messy Church, First Steps and Next Steps, Kid’s Camp and our PD Camps.

I have been proud to be part of the ministry team at such an open and caring community.

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Rowe

Report of the Wardens

From a spiritual perspective our church is very rich. The Rev. Canon Rob and Rev. Nancy are an outstanding team who deliver their pastoral roles both in the church services and on an individual basis. Their words of encouragement and often physical support are so appreciated. Also, their leadership and guidance has been invaluable to us.

Many individuals in the parish lead groups within our church, some for special occasions and others on a continuing basis. The many vestry reports testify to this. These individuals have enriched the spiritual life of our church and we greatly appreciate their commitment to the vibrancy of St. Georges.

During the year the wardens were asked whether the church might be made available for Town staff to shelter people in an emergency. We agreed this was a good idea and advised the Town that we would be willing to allow them to use our building in case of public emergency.

Rick Gorski needs to be thanked for spearheading an initiative to obtain a new Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for the church. He did all the legwork to obtain funding from the Town, and the defibrillator is now installed and a number of church members have been given training in its use by Town staff.

It was with some surprise that we were informed that the “Open Door” youth centre in the church would close its doors at the end of the school term in June. However our very concerned Rev. Canon Rob searched for a possibility to continue Open Door in some form. He met with Warren Harris, the Recreation Director, from the Town who informed him that the town was agreeing to rent the Open Door space to continue the youth drop-in centre after Links2Care formally ended its program at the end of June. Subsequently he agreed the Town


Page 10: St. George’s Anglican Church...St. George’s Anglican Church Georgetown, ON AGENDA 1. Opening Prayer 1.1. Appointment of Vestry Clerk 1.2. Signing of Declaration 2. Business Arising

would fund Open Door until year’s end on a monthly basis,(it has been extended to all of 2018) and a rental contract was drawn up and signed. The rent charged was set at an amount that covers paying for all the church cleaning including the Open Door space. The contract for this being issued by St. George’s. Once again the wardens heartily thank all involved for their time and efforts to keep the place clean and shipshape until the contractor took over in early summer.

The condition of our parking lot continued to be a sore point and it became obvious that we seriously needed to address this issue. A Special Vestry was held on September 24 when Rev. Rob highlighted the need for safety for people walking to and from vehicles. It was proposed to pave over the gravel, and pave the strip of grass between the gravel and existing paved areas. These areas would be resurfaced and new lines painted everywhere. Also the current exit would be re-graded to be less steep at the end. The Vestry motion was passed by a show of hands. With good fall weather, the repaving was completed on October 23. Please note that new sidewalks will need to be poured in the spring.

It should be a point of pride that we were able to raise the necessary funds for the parking lot paving relatively quickly, and the Wardens heartily thank all contributors.

The large maple tree at the front of the church (the one previously wired together) was removed prior to the parking lot work. We will need to consider the planting of new trees to replace the ones that have been taken down in recent years.

The attendance at the Nine Lessons and Carols service was disappointing, perhaps caused by being scheduled in mid-week. The numbers at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services also were slightly down from previous years.

With our financial and parishioner numbers challenging us, we have continued to investigate how to effectively continue ministry into the future. Budgeting is a difficult process, first because we have to guess at our probable revenues, and second because costs of goods and services continue to rise. We are again having to propose a deficit budget for 2018. We continue to struggle to balance our expenses to match our givings, or should we say this the other way round!? The wardens continue to encourage everyone to do their part in keeping our place of worship adequately funded.

The wardens would like to acknowledge again the many parishioners for their dedication to running successful fundraisers during the past year, but space does not permit all to be named! We sincerely appreciate your hard work. We encourage all to continue in these great and fulfilling ministries. The warmth and caring amongst the members of our church is a further testament that the Christian spirit is alive and well at St Georges.

It is an honour and privilege to serve our congregation as your wardens. We continue to enjoy a vibrant and caring congregation, with many services and activities throughout the year.

Respectfully submitted:

Ian Oldaker, Rector’s Warden Paul Skuriat, People’s Warden Mark Kohler, Deputy Rector’s Warden Jan Lehman, Deputy People’s Warden

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Reports from Parish Organizations

Altar Guild

We had one change in our membership this year - Elaine Peterson resigned at the end of December after many years of service. Thank you, Elaine, for all you have done in your dedicated work on team.

Again I would like to thank the Altar Guild members for their dedicated service over the past year:

Kathleen Bellinger, Joan Brading, Shelly Dubreuil, Mary Lou Duguay, Pat Durant, Karen Gibson, Mary Hitchcock, Joan Hyde, Judy Labelle, Jean Lorriman, Janet McFarlane, Ellen Norton, Elaine Peterson, Judy Rasanen, Linda Reaume, Helen Shannon, Jenny Tuffin and Jeanette Waters.

Our flower folk continue to arrange flowers for each Sunday to beautify the Church and provide flowers that can be taken to parishioners - Pat Durant, Audrey Houston, Jean Lorriman, Cathy Rankin and Yvonne Oldaker. Again a vote of thanks to Jonquil Hockley who continues to keep our financial records in order and also organizes the “flower folk” as well as watering plants when needed.

"Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing." Psalm 100:2

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Armstrong, President

Financial Report of St. George’s Altar Guild for the Period

Jan. 1st 2017 to December 31st 2017

Cash on hand – January 1st 2016 (per ledger) $2,726.38 Revenue Received Donations $3,469.17 Wedding Fee $ 100.00 Total - Donations $ 3,569.17 Expenditures Flowers $ 1,652.87 Vacuum Cleaner $ 450.87 Cheque Books $ 60.26 Eucharist Window Donation $ 1,000.00 Oasis $ 94.92 Christmas Family Donation $ 250.00 Total - Expenditures $ 3,508.76 Cash on hand – December 31st 2017 (per ledger) $2,786.79 Outstanding Cheques #620 $98.30 #621 $20.00 #623 $133.20

Cash on hand -December 27, 2017 (per Bank Statement) $3,038.29

Prepared by Jonquil Hockley, Altar Guild Treasurer

Audited by Heather Marsden-Glen

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Pastoral Care Ministry

This year has been a quiet year for visiting. People have moved or passed away.

Visiting still continues at the Bennett centre twice a month with Rev. Canon Rob Park and his loyal helpers. Jean Lorriman, Barb Phipps and Audrey Houston. Sadly, Gord Hunt who played the piano for many years passed away at the age of 90.

Rev. Nancy Rowe and her loyal helpers visit Mountainview Place once a month.

We do appreciate the help of the staff at both of these institutions.

Rev. Canon Rob Park and Wendy Lovely meet once a month to keep up to date on Pastoral issues. They also take Holy Communion at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas to those who are not able to attend church.

We are sorry to say goodbye to two of our visitors, Bertha Blair and Hildred McGucken. Both are retiring from officially visiting but I suspect that they will continue to visit others in an unofficial capacity! Thank you both for your commitment and friendship over the years.

Hopefully soon we will have others to help us visit.

For those of us who remain visiting, thank you to Dilys Heaps, Janet McFarlane ,Helen Shannon and Jenny Tuffin.

Thank you to all our Parishioners who call us to inform us of changes or problems concerning our congregation.

Thank you to Rev.Canon Rob Park and Rev. Nancy Rowe for their continued support of us in our ministry.

Respectfully Submitted,

Wendy Lovely

Messy Church

This year marked the 10th anniversary of Messy Church at St. George’s. Messy Church is very organic. It constantly changes as the make up of the families who attend changes. Sometimes there are mostly older children and pre-teens. Sometimes it is mostly babies and young children. Sometimes it is a mixture. This year is one of those mixture years, with pre-teens and toddlers and everything in between.

To keep Messy Church vibrant, I like to try out new ideas. We had trialed an ‘adult craft’ which was well received in 2016 and this year we made it a part of every Messy Church. Table leaders or other parents work with the youngsters while the Mom, Dad or Grandma try out a craft that is a bit more complicated and ‘keepable’.

Similar to a Sunday service, predicting the number of participants at any given Messy Church is difficult, which makes planning food and craft numbers challenging. God is good and when we have under planned, it still works out. We have anywhere from 20 to 40+ at a Messy Church, which is the average for a Messy Church (according to the stats from Messy Church Britain).

There are 12 people on the Messy Church team and they are the reason that Messy Church has flourished. It is a pleasure working with such an enthusiastic and dedicated team.

In October, Messy Church Canada, of which I am a part of the executive, held a national conference in Toronto. There are over 300 registered Messy Churches in Canada and goodness knows how many unregistered. It was a great success. Who would have thought such great things were in the future that April 2007 evening of our first Messy Church at St. George’s!

Respectfully submitted by

Nancy Rowe

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Church School

Church School happens at the 11:15 service. Our Church School can have as few as 4 or as many as 12 children on a Sunday. Church School starts at the back of the church with the craft related to the reading of the day as well as activity sheets. The children can stay with Mom and Dad or join their friends at the Church School table. During the sermon they leave with the Church School leader to the hall for their own liturgy and story and a game. They return for Communion.

The kids have a great time acting in the nativity pageant in December. It is great to work with the kids as the story of the birth of Christ unfolds in its own unique way.

At present we have 2 Church School leaders and we are short 2 leaders. I fill in the gaps. The Church School leaders do a fantastic job with the children. The program and craft (leftover from Messy Church usually) is provided for the leaders and we are using the curriculum from the National Church.

Respectfully submitted by,

Nancy Rowe

First Steps & Next Steps Program

Every child baptized at St. George’s is automatically part of the First Steps program. As a community we make a vow during the Baptism to provide support for the child and family. First Steps and Next Steps is one way that we do that. Once a month the family receives a newsletter about what is happening at St. George’s as well as a reflection piece on the theme for Messy Church for the month. There is a ‘Splash’ page (put out by the Augsburg Fortress) that is age specific with parenting tips and ideas on how to nurture the faith of a child. Every family receives a call from me once a month, just to say hi and touch base. This continues until the child turns 3 and then they receive an electronic version of the newsletter/reflection piece. After age 3 the child is part of the Next Step program.

The number of families currently part of First Steps is 17. There has been a steady decline in the number of baptisms at St. George’s and this is reflected in the gradually decreasing numbers on the First Steps program

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev’d Nancy Rowe

Kid’s Camp (VBS)

Our numbers were down this year with 19 children as opposed to our usual 32. Several children had aged out and some families had travel plans that week. It made for a more laid back week. Instead of 4 groups we had 3 which was fortuitous as there were fewer adult leaders available. There were 24 volunteers who made Kid’s Camp the success that it was.

The theme was Hero Central and we travelled from a ‘Star Trek’ type video to our Hero Central set. Each day at the craft centre we made a piece of our super hero costume with shields, capes and a super hero side kick that the kids took home on Friday.

Volunteers from our congregation came in and helped the kids to understand what an every day hero is. They encouraged the kids to become ‘super heroes’ in their day to day lives with thank you letters to someone who has been a hero for them, and a superhero quest for them to do at home.

Our tradition at Kid’s Camp is to have a water gun fight on the last day. It was a super fun time and everyone was pretty much soaked to the skin (except me who supervises the safe area where no water is allowed!).

There are great volunteers, adult and teen, who make Kid’s Camp so much fun, such a great place to learn about God and the success that it is.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev’d Nancy Rowe

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Volunteer Management and Screening Programme

Our church has again been blessed with so many people who have volunteered countless hours to ensure the smooth running of our church. They go about their tasks so quietly and humbly that it would be easy to miss the great amount of love and kindness that is poured into our church and to our church members. The volunteers are so diverse in the talents they share at our church but have the common thread of caring deeply for the church and the congregation, of being willing to work hard and of being willing to express their love to others through their talents. I am in awe of their God given gifts.

The Sustainability Report backs up the volume of volunteer hours contributed by our church members. The list is great from the Altar Guild, the Lay Readers, the Flower arrangers, the Sidespeople, the Chalice Bearers, the Crucifers, and the Choir members. This reflects only some of the volunteers who contribute to the church service itself. There are volunteers who also count the money for the offering , write up the Prayers for the People and the list could go on and on.

This year we were fortunate enough to hire some cleaners for the church and thus not require the volunteers to do this task. The cleaning volunteers were much appreciated but I am sure they were more than willing to give up this task and direct their time in another direction for the church.

With the completion of the repaving of the parking lot, a big hurrah must be given to those who donated to its cost but also to those ,many from the Property Committee, who worked so hard at preparing the lot and surrounding area in readiness for the paving.

Whether it is the Bazaar, Messy Church, Niagara Synod Delegates, Parish Council, the Stitching Group or the many other events that occur, there is a lot of love poured into the people of this parish and the Georgetown community. We are a caring and vibrant group of Christians serving the Lord!

Respectfully Submitted,

Jan Lehman, Volunteer Coordinator


It is with extreme pleasure that I report that the sides people, who act as greeter to all visitors and members of our congregation, is slowly growing. We now have 12 regular members and one who is available as a substitute if the need arises. Our group has incredibly warm, welcoming, enthusiastic, individuals who greet and guide, as the need presents itself, all who attend our weekly 9:30 services. That welcome with a smile, kind word, firm handshake, or hug exemplifies the warmth that the whole congregation has for parishioners and those who bless us with their presence as they visit. These individuals are another example of the amazing individuals who make up St George’s Anglican Church.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jim Walker, Coordinator


November 4th 2017 was another fantastic Bazaar Day at St George’s. The Bazaar team which includes all the bazaar workers, those who create and those who donate, the set up and clean up people, the parking lot attendants, the people who share the information with others about the bazaar or call to request donations for the bazaar, all contributed to the great success of this year’s bazaar. I am honoured and humbled to work with such a great group of people.

It is truly amazing what God can do when Christians are working together as a team. We raised over $13,000. What a blessing to the church and the community! Present within the team , there is immense creativity, massive hard work and resourceful individual initiative. Men, women and teens were so supportive of each other that if a challenge arose, we found a way to solve it. It is a joy to work with such positive, caring and energetic people. God has blessed us with many gifts and talents.

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This year again we welcomed new individuals to the Bazaar team. We are an ever expanding and welcoming family. Thanks to all for your efforts and inclusiveness.

We had some great items donated to the Silent auction which was a new format for us in the front foyer. It was beautifully displayed and was very successful. The Frozen Food table was also able to increase its offerings because beside individual donations, a group of people cooked up items in the church kitchen previous to the Bazaar. These were two initiatives that were a result of our after the bazaar reflection meeting in late November last year. Our bazaar family is resourceful and willing to try new or adapt existing options to improve upon the bazaar. Thank you for your openness.

This year I want to give special thanks to Rob and Nancy our ministers for their ever supportive and encouraging words to us all as we prepare, go about the Bazaar and afterwards. It is truly appreciated. You are the glue that keeps us going.

Next years’ Bazaar is on November 4th 2018. I look forward to working with the team again.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Lehman

St. George’s Stitching Group

We continue to meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the afternoon and on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday in the evening. Please join us at any time to catch up on your cross stitch, crocheting, knitting, quilting, or whatever your craft is. We are very enthusiastic about our talents and would be pleased to help anyone who wishes to learn a new one. New ideas for the Bazaar are exchanged and many projects are started in advance. Hope to see you there!

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Lovely

Property Committee

You have no doubt noticed the absence of potholes in the parking lot in recent months. The parking lot and driveways were repaved after many years of deterioration from the weather. The project involved far more than just laying new asphalt though. The entire parking lot was re-graded to improve drainage, the centre island was removed, the shed was relocated, new gravel was laid down in several areas, and the slope of the West driveway was smoothed out as it approaches the road. To improve traffic flow through the new parking lot, the entrance and exit driveways were switched. Arrows painted on the asphalt help to identify the new direction of traffic flow through the parking lot. Existing signage has also been changed to reflect the new flow direction. Many thanks to Brian Burton for his expertise and assistance in coordinating the construction work.

The parking lot was not the only significant project completed in 2017. Some of the other work completed this year included:

• Repairs to various stained glass windows and their frames, including the large triangular window above the altar.

• Levelling of the hall floor; small holes were drilled in the floor so material could be injected to raise the concrete slab back to level.

• Removal of some of the dead or dying trees in the front of the property.

Many other small and larger size projects remain on the horizon for the Property Committee for 2018 and beyond, some of which may require more specific fundraising. These include:

• Replacement of interior and exterior lighting. We are currently looking at replacing the lighting in the Hall, Kitchen, Lounge, and Office with LED fixtures which are more efficient and have less maintenance requirements than fluorescent. We are also looking at replacing the remaining outdoor floodlights with LED fixtures for many of the same reasons. The wall mounted fixtures around the Hall exterior and the 2 floodlights on the West side of the church are already LED.

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• Repair of underground drainage piping around the building foundation. There are a couple areas in particular where water tends to accumulate and eventually leak into the basement.

• Repair of the exterior stairs and landing leading to the door of Rob’s old office.

• Construction of a new outdoor storage shed. The current shed has been temporarily relocated to facilitate the parking lot paving, but it is still in poor condition and needs to be replaced. (Note: replacement cost for the shed has already been secured).

• Replacement and reconfiguring of the eavestroughs to better capture rain water from the roof.

• Repair or replacement of the Hall roof.

The Property Committee remains grateful for everyone who helps with the ongoing property maintenance throughout the year, including both at scheduled work days and at the many other times in between. We look forward to seeing you again in 2018.

Respectfully submitted by the Property Committee:

Mark Kohler, Kevin Sharpe, Dan Gartenburg

St. George’s Catering Group

Records indicate that we catered only two funerals in 2017 and we had the pleasure of catering Gerry Tuffin’s 90th Birthday party in February.

Thanks again to all who have helped make sandwiches, donated ingredients, baked or have been on hand to serve and/or tidy up during our limited activity in 2017.

We had thought at one point that we would be using some of the catering funds to help pay for the new parking lot but this turned out not to be necessary as the parish members were so generous with their donations.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Armstrong

Fresh Food Box

Records indicate that we catered only two funerals in 2017 and we had the pleasure of catering Gerry Tuffin’s 90th Birthday party in February.

Thanks again to all who have helped make sandwiches, donated ingredients, baked or have been on hand to serve and/or tidy up during our limited activity in 2017.

We had thought at one point that we would be using some of the catering funds to help pay for the new parking lot but this turned out not to be necessary as the parish members were so generous with their donations.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Armstrong & Joan Hyde,

Site Co-ordinators, Halton Fresh Food Box

Community Unity

Community Unity consists of volunteers from many of the Halton Hills churches working together to make a difference in our community. St. George's has primarily been involved in the yard clean-up program but I am hoping that over time, we can increase our involvement to include other programs.

Yard clean-ups - For one morning each spring and fall our churches come together to help families in need due to age, health or circumstance with their change of season yard clean-up. Referrals come from Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills and Links2Care in addition to homes referred by town and churches. In

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past years 5 to 6 of those homes were from St. George's. Unfortunately due to bad weather last year, both the spring and fall events were cancelled. Consequently, in 2018 we will plan for two potential dates.

Food from the Heart - Once a month, a hot, high-protein meal is prepared in the churches and served at the Georgetown Bread Basket for clients to take home. It is hoped that with more volunteers, the program will be expanded from 9 times a year to 11.

Jubilee - Jubilee is a connections to help program. It is run by volunteers advocating for and helping to connect people in distress with those people and organizations which can help.

On other fronts, the Community Unity website has been launched - www.communityunityhaltonhills.com - in addition to social media sites. A church flier highlighting Community Unity and all the churches in our community was created and will be available for the public. We have applied for, but are waiting to receive our charitable status.

I am always so thankful for the many St. George's people who generously volunteer for the St. George's clean-up team. They are always full of enthusiasm and good cheer no matter what the weather brings. It is an honour and a life-enriching experience to be the representative from St. George's.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Gibson

St George's Sustainability Partnership Program

St. George’s renewed its commitment as a Sustainability Champion partner in our community in December 2017. Thank you to all our volunteers who contribute their time, energy and resources to our various ministries, programs and community events and partners. Thank you also to the program coordinators supporting the annual survey with your input.

This program raises the awareness in our Church of the opportunities for volunteering, coordinating our actions with other community agencies, and acknowledges our leadership in the community.

The St. George's community at large continues to be a very significant contributor to a sustainable environment through its volunteers and facilities which support all four goals of the Town, particularly in the Social Wellbeing and Cultural Vibrancy areas. The Town acknowledges that the Church and hall provide a place of worship and provides well supported planned functions and activities. The maintenance of the Church and hall is recognized as well. By offering space at the Church and hall to the community we are expanding our sustainability in the community and demonstrating that in partnership we can accomplish much more together than alone.

Here are the some of the highlights from our survey documentation:

St. George's identifies with 41 programs where Church members volunteer an estimated 9,900 hours each year, and Church facilities are used for 2,400 hours annually (this excludes worship services).

This is the breakdown:

23 St. George’s programs contribute a total of 8,900 volunteer hours annually to the community.

5 partner programs where St. George’s volunteers are involved for 280 hours annually.

4 community programs where St. George's provides volunteers for 690 hours each year and donates facilities for 860 hours per year.

7 community groups are provided with the use of St. George's safe, clean, comfortable & accessible facilities at a nominal cost for 1,550 hours per year.

St. George’s was also a successful applicant for funding from the Town of Halton Hills Community Sustainability Investment Fund towards the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The St. George's Men's Group and the Thursday Worship Coffee Hour also donated funds for this project. In-kind volunteer contributions also were an important component, which included: acquisition and implementation of the program; documentation of local procedures and coordination of training.

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The information and data gathered for the sustainability program is maintained and updated annually and used as a Church administrative tool. It provides useful information for planning, budgeting, coordination of resources, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Thank you all for every contribution you have made to our community at large and at St. George’s which demonstrates we are building a community of caring and compassion in our town.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Gorski, Jan Lehman

St George's Anglican Men's Club

The Anglican Men's Club at St. George's has been meeting for eight years now with about a dozen members. The members raise funds for the Church through monthly theme dinners and contribute to numerous Church programs by volunteering time and resources. The Men’s Club program shares responsibility in the St. George’s sustainability partnership with the Town of Halton Hills by contributing to social wellbeing goals in our community.

During the 2017 year, the Men’s Group raised $590 which was contributed towards the acquisition of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at St. George’s.

The monthly dinner gatherings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (there are no dinners in July, August and December). The dinners held during 2017 included:

January 25 – 'Wild Game' theme with appetizers including Venison sausage and a main course of Moose together with vegetables and dessert. February 22 - Hungarian theme with appetizer, Goulash, vegetables and dessert March 22 - Moroccan theme with appetizer, vegetables and dessert. April 26 - Russian theme with appetizers, main course, vegetables and dessert. May 24 – Japanese theme with appetizer, soup and dessert. June 28 – Barbeque with appetizers, sausages and burgers and dessert September 27 - Apples for most courses; an appetizer, main course of Pork with apples, vegetables and dessert October 27th – Postponed due to Parking Lot construction November 22 - a variety of foods from Romania; appetizers, salad, vegetables and dessert.

The gatherings provide opportunities for fun, fellowship and camaraderie in a relaxed social atmosphere. There is plenty of informal conversation on any number of topics. The discussions are light, enlightening and entertaining. It is a great opportunity to share with and to better know our fellow parishioners and community guests.

We enjoy a three course dinner prepared by club members who volunteer their cooking skills. Our delicious and plentiful meals are typically based on a theme for the month. We are always open to suggestions and to trying different dishes and cuisines. As well, we are available to assist in other Church programs and events.

The evenings begin at 7:00 pm in the Church Hall with dinner served shortly thereafter, followed by conversation over and after dinner, and then a quick clean up, concluding no later than 9:00 pm. Membership is open to all men of the parish and their male guests. All are invited to join us on a regular or on an occasional basis and no commitment is required.

Respectfully submitted,

David Durant, Len Lovely, Dave Dubreuil

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Synod Report

On November 18th & 19th. Rob, Helen Shannon and myself attended the 143rd Synod held at the Hamilton Cathedral. Complete coverage of the Synod can be found on the website, but I will highlight a few subjects which really made an impact:

A representative of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission spoke. Her role was as an Animator, meaning one who opens up ears, minds and hearts. Historical documents pertaining to home, ancestry, Indigenous land rights, languages, unmarked children's graves in residential schools are made available to lead and encourage groups to contact teams of Reconciliation.

Education regarding women's programs, missing children, suicide prevention, training of life skills, parenting, Bible translations, antiracist strategies and developing relationships and kinships are the priority between reserves. This creates many opportunities for the Church to engage on subjects pertaining to historical and ongoing efforts of Reconciliation.

Through community gatherings, conferences, education and the media hope arises amidst despair that there will be recovery. The Residential abuses continued for seven generations and it will take seven generations to be able to move onward and to heal.

We viewed several short videos of current property highlights. All of them stressed the importance of looking outwards to the community.

We were all stunned at the excellent presentation on human trafficking-sexual domestic and agricultural. We were surprised to learn that Canada is third out of sixty countries involved in cyber sex & trafficking. This is not a distant and far away problem, but a national human rights violation right here.

The report from the Property Committee Task Force, created because of demographic changes, diminished congregations and deterioration of Churches themselves stated that there is no one solution. Each case is judged on it's own merit. It was stressed that the property should never be a burden and we should never feel that it owns us.

Congratulations to the Niagara Diocese one of the three in Canada performing same sex marriages.

We discussed the needs and expectations of the new Bishop to follow Michael Bird. The chosen one should have three abilities to be a microphone, to proclaim good news; binoculars to be able to see everything, and a bridge to be able to link provincially, nationally and internationally. The chosen one will be the successor to the Apostles in this diocese. Electoral Synod is March 3rd. We left feeling extremely energized and uplifted.

It is an honour to represent St. George's at Synod, and I thank you for the opportunity.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Durant

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Envelope Secretary Report for 2017

Note: Range $0 - $200 for 2017 shows all "identified donors" where a receipt has been provided. The figures include one time donations, including 14 to the Memorial Fund. The number of contributors to the Memorial Fund was down significantly which accounts largely for the change in number of contributors from last year.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet Armstrong

Amount Range ($ per year) %

Number of Contributor


Change from

last year% Amount

ReceivedChange from

last year

$0 - $200 28% 50 (54) 1% $ 3,235.00 $ (3,406.00)

$201 - $400 11% 19 3 2% $ 5,470.00 $ 399.00

$401 - $600 8% 14 (4) 3% $ 7,210.00 $ (2,141.25)

$601 - $800 8% 14 6 4% $ 10,075.00 $ 4,676.00

$801 - $1,000 6% 10 (2) 4% $ 9,640.00 $ (1,463.00)

$1,001 - $1,500 13% 24 0 11% $ 29,340.42 $ (1,359.08)

$1,501 - $2,000 6% 11 4 7% $ 19,290.00 $ 7,060.00

$2,001 - $3,000 8% 14 0 13% $ 33,790.00 $ (715.39)

$3000 + 13% 23 0 56% $ 149,144.34 $ (23,157.16)

Total 100% 179 (47) 100% $ 267,194.76 $ (20,106.88)

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23 donors$149,144

14 donors$33,790

11 donors$19,290

24 donors$29,340

10 donors$9,640

14 donors$10,075

14 donors$7,210

19 donors$5,470

50 donors$3,235

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Memorial Fund Report

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet Armstrong

Income Statement Decrease Increase Balance

Opening Balance - January 1, 2017 $ 31,964.74

Donations $ 2,030.00

Interest $ 0.00

Expense -(note 1) $ 0.00

Closing Balance - December 31, 2017 $ 33,994.74

Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2017 Decrease Increase Balance


Memorial Funds $ 25,885.63

Nursery Funds $ 1,288.17

Organ Funds $ 6,820.94

Total Assets $ 33,994.74

Liabilities $ 0.00


Retained Earnings - Previous Year $ 31,964.74

Current Earnings $ 2,030.00

Total Liabilities & Equity $ 33,994.74

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Other Parish Metrics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Number of Church Families 268 264 226 225 217 214 216

Number of Members on Parish Rolls 770 765 717 709 701 703 678

Number of Baptized Eligible to Vote at Vestry 280 270 240 235 228 225 222

Number of Identifiable Givers 201 213 203 209 217 226 179

Baptisms 14 9 12 11 6 12 4

Confirmation 4 0 6 0 4 2 0

Marriages 2 3 6 4 1 1 3

Funerals 12 19 20 14 13 12 6

Average Attendance 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

8:00 a.m. Sunday 9 11 9 9 10 10 9

9:30 a.m. Sunday 51 47 46 45 45 45 43

11:15 a.m. Sunday 48 50 43 42 36 38 34

Total Average Sunday Attendance 110 111 98 99 92 94 87

Messy Church Monthly 36 37 37 31 33 30 27

Thursday 10:00 a.m. Weekly 25 23 21 20 20 21 20

Volunteer Hours

Areas of Ministry Hours Value in $

Sunday Worship 3292 $82,300.00

Service to Neighbours 2493 $62,325.00

Leadership Support 1476 $36,900.00

Family Ministry 767 $19,175.00

Pastoral Care Ministry 614 $15,350.00

Totals 8642 $216,050.00

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Sunday WorshipService to NeighboursLeadership SupportFamily MinistryPastoral Care Ministry

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Appointments and Elections

Appointment of Rector’s Warden

The term of a Rector’s Warden is one year. Ian Oldaker, having completed his term as Rector’s Warden has agreed to be reappointed as the Rector’s Warden for 2018.

Election of People’s Warden

The term of People’s Warden is one year. Paul Skuriat having completed his term as People’s Warden has agreed to allow his name to stand for the election of the People’s Warden for 2018. Nominations from the floor will be invited. An election will be held.

Appointment of Deputy Rector’s Warden

The term of a Deputy Rector’s Warden is one year. Mark Kohler having completed his term as Deputy Rector’s Warden has agreed to be reappointed as the Deputy Rector’s Warden for 2018.

Election of Deputy People’s Warden

The term of Deputy People’s Warden is one year. Jan Lehman having completed her term as Deputy People’s Warden has agreed to allow her name to stand for the election of the Deputy People’s Warden for 2018. Nominations from the floor will be invited. An election will be held.

Election of Delegates to Youth Synod

Delegates to Youth Synod, held in May, are to be elected by vestry to a one-year term. Each parish may have as many as three delegates between the ages of 13 and 21 years of age. Gregory Barrett has allowed his name to stand for election. Nominations will be invited from the floor. As we are able to send up to three representatives, an election will only be necessary if more than three people are nominated.

Election and Appointment of Members of Parish Council

Members of St. George’s Parish Council hold their office for one year. Parish Council is a small group of people chosen to represent the congregation, as an advisory board to the Wardens and Rector. Standing members of Parish Council are the Treasurer and all Synod and Youth Synod Delegates (including our alternates). Ex-Officio at Parish Council are representatives from Parish Committees.

2018 Parish Council meeting dates are: Monday, February 26, Monday, May 14, Monday, September 17 and Monday, November 19.

Parish Council is made up of an equal number of appointed and elected members of the congregation. Kyla Mustard, Norma Canavan, Jim Walker, Rick Gorski, Janet Armstrong, Jean Lorriman, Audrey Houston, Roseanne Filter, Debra Hayes, Doug Penrice, Linda Noble have allowed their names to stand. Nominations are invited from the floor.

Appointment of Auditor for 2018

It is our responsibility as a parish to appoint a person to audit our parish balance sheet to ensure it is in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. We are grateful for the work of Heather Marsden Glen

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for her work and help in this role in 2017. An Auditor for 2018 is to be appointed by vestry. Heather Marsden Glen has agreed to let her name stand.

Parish Financials

Adoption of 2017 Audited Financial Report

I have audited the balance sheet of St. Georges Anglican Church, Georgetown, Ontario as at Dec 31, 2017 and the statement of receipts and disbursements for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Corporation. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these statements based on my audit.

| conducted my audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

In my opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the parish as at December 31, 2017 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted principles.

Heather Marsden Glen

Adoption of the 2017 Financial Statements

A motion of adoption with a seconder is required to adopt the 2017 Financial Statements.

Adoption of the 2018 Diocesan Mission & Ministry

The amount of a parish’s Diocesan Mission & Ministry (formerly called the Diocesan Assessment) is the congregation’s share of the Church’s work outside the parish including missionary, educational and social services work. The total amount required is apportioned to the congregation on the basis of the average total income (less permissible deductions) of the congregation for the previous three years in accordance with the Canon on the Diocesan Budget. Our amount for 2018 is $ 50,232.37

A motion of adoption with a seconder is required to adopt this assessment.

Presentation and Adoption of 2018 Budget

A motion of adoption with a seconder is required to adopt the 2018 Budget.

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Revenue Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Budget 2017Envelopes Regular 103,346.36 88,610.20 105,057.45 90,378.55 94,000.00Envelopes - Pre-Authorized Deposits 98,836.04 93,268.04 86,770.04 102,590.04 105,000.00

Envelopes Easter 2,835.00 2,875.00 5,070.00 3,035.00 4,000.00

Envelopes Thanksgiving 2,135.00 1,580.00 2,090.00 2,060.00 2,000.00

Envelopes Christmas 11,325.00 8,210.00 6,525.00 7,815.00 8,000.00Envelopes Initial Offering 254.00 278.75 282.00 210.00 250.00

Total Envelopes 218731.40 194821.99 205794.49 206,088.59 213,250.00

Open Collection 3,661.70 2,752.10 3,163.80 3,619.35 4,000.00

Church School 0.00 0.00 0.00 163.00 0.00

Donations - Nursery 300.00 150.00 500.00 100.00 300.00

Capital Projects 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Donations - Planned Giving 0.00 0.00 56354.20 10,000.00 0.00

Residential Schools 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Donations - Sundry (Weddings,etc.) 1300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Donations 1600.00 150.00 56854.20 10,263.00 300.00

Rentals - Open Door 12660.00 12660.00 12660.00 8,450.00 4,200.00

Rentals - Hall 16985.68 18,417.63 18,118.11 17,265.00 16,000.00

Total Rentals 29645.68 31077.63 30778.11 25,715.00 20,200.00

Special Events - Bazaar 10759.20 15,691.32 14,365.55 14,715.90 10,000.00

Special Events - Messy Church 847.50 1,021.25 980.45 863.05 1,500.00

Special Events - VBS 1085.00 1,162.60 950.00 750.00 1,600.00

Special Events - Miscellaneous 356.89 354.19 910.50 7.78 400.00

Special Gifts/11:15 Coffee 0.00 -65.00 619.67 1,610.48 1700.00

Special Events - "In Honour of" 8770.00 490.00 10,585.00 11,440.00 11000.00Special Events - Fundraiser 5189.30 1,472.70 0.00 0.00 0.00

Special Events - Shop and Support 1625.32 1,180.24 1,953.83 1,585.43 2,000.00

Special Events - Adult Education 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total - Special Events 28643.21 21307.30 30365.00 30,972.64 28,200.00

Other Income - Book Rack 314.50 193.60 0.00 0.00 200.00

Other Income - Catering 9240.39 6,745.52 5,047.50 2,397.50 0.00

Other Income - H.S.T. Refund 5848.63 3,357.89 11,459.84 4,077.78 12,000.00

Other Income - P.S.T. Refund 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00

Other Income - Georgian 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Other Income 15403.52 10297.01 16507.34 6,505.28 12,200.00

Interest - Paul Trust Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Interest - Endowment Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Interest Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Miscellaneous Income 696.87 5229.43 4916.16 1,713.51 0.00

Total Other Revenue 298,382.38 265,635.46 348,379.10 284,877.37 278,150.00

Capital Income

Capital Donations 330.00 121,059.81 4,506.00 44,741.00 0.00

Total Capital Revenue 330.00 121,059.81 4,506.00 44,741.00 0.00

Total Revenue 298,712.38 386,695.27 352,885.10 329,618.37 278,150.00

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Expenses Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Budget 2018Rector Salary 58,106.04 59,210.04 60,275.76 61,541.52 62,833.94

Housing Allowance 25,997.04 26,490.96 26,967.84 27,372.36 27,782.94

Assistant Priest - Salary 22,949.04 23,385.00 23,656.32 24,153.12 13,357.61

Assistant Priest -Housing Allowance 10,208.88 10,403.04 10,590.24 10,749.12 5,909.70

Clergy Supply 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00

Organist Salary 16,485.96 13,159.25 0.00 0.00 0.00

Organist Supply 0.00 0.00 4,073.25 2,500.00 3,000.00

Cleaning Staff Salary/Cleaning Service 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,281.74 4,746.00

Secretary Salary 16,352.04 16,662.96 16,962.96 17,319.24 17,682.85

Church School Coordinator Salary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Salary 150,099.00 149,311.25 142,526.37 145,917.10 138,313.04

C.P.P. 4,642.62 4,644.16 4,225.86 4,282.49 5,289.00

E.I. 3,016.25 2,977.14 2,684.91 2,362.39 2,195.00

Medical/ Dental Benefits 5,295.48 5,295.48 5,575.56 5,915.76 5,296.00

LTD & AD&D 3,096.61 2,554.58 2,515.49 2,377.43 2,822.00

Clergy Pension 15,256.20 15,780.28 15,980.73 16,316.30 11,226.00

Pension Fee 1,666.67 1,717.95 1,745.76 1,782.46 1,718.00

Term Insurance 649.92 595.58 530.40 420.00 650.00

Estate Benefit 160.08 160.08 160.08 160.08 160.00

Continuing Education 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00

WSIB 1,181.87 1,163.03 1,064.60 1,071.75 1,208.00

Total Benefits 35,865.70 35,788.28 35,383.39 35,588.66 31,464.00

Gas - Church 8,485.06 8,572.74 4,223.01 5,640.82 5,000.00

Hydro/Water - Church 8,652.65 9,609.29 10,560.11 9,644.21 11,000.00

Telephone 1,253.64 1,043.38 1,139.49 1,139.14 1,200.00

Total Utilities 18,391.35 19,225.41 15,922.61 16,424.17 17,200.00

Property - Sundry Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Maintenance - Church 3,711.24 3,121.39 2,847.38 3,950.07 8,000.00

Maintenance Church - Fire Safety 2,877.78 1,267.30 3,434.64 1,769.58 1,500.00

Contract - Caretaker 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Snow Plowing & Salting 5,047.71 5,098.56 5,003.64 5,085.00 6,000.00

Maintenance - Grounds 1,355.99 5,186.69 1,704.83 2,904.08 3,000.00

Cleaning Supplies 855.59 572.89 902.85 562.46 400.00

Elevating Device - Service Contract 325.00 645.35 500.00 662.50 600.00

Elevating Device - License 100.00 0.00 178.00 0.00 100.00

Equipment Service - Organ/Piano 0.00 0.00 375.00 0.00 500.00

Property Insurance 10,925.58 10,133.86 10,133.86 10,096.34 11,000.00

Capital Improvements 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Property 25,198.89 26,026.04 25,080.20 25,030.03 31,100.00

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Expenses Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Actual 2016 Actual 2017 Budget 2017Children's Christian Ed. Program 621.76 949.43 673.83 0.00 800.00

Vacation Bible School 974.46 1,056.66 1,499.20 877.84 1,400.00

Adult Christian Education Programs 193.60 0.00 368.84 313.63 500.00

Youth Christian Education Programs 0.00 0.00 0.00 126.28 0.00

Messy Church 1,060.06 1,196.43 1,151.23 1,067.40 1,000.00

Nursery Help 686.00 656.00 492.00 780.00 700.00

Stewardship Program 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00

Book Rack 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Altar Guild 489.30 467.16 880.10 703.93 500.00

Choir & Music Supplies 422.87 2,027.25 3,157.73 -2,122.55 500.00

Visiting Musicians 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Worship 4,448.05 6,352.93 8,222.93 1,746.53 5,900.00

Bazaar Expenses 113.15 1,535.91 1,594.65 1,422.60 200.00

Events 214.61 40.00 306.55 474.77 200.00

Total - Social 327.76 1,575.91 1,901.20 1,897.37 400.00

Office Supplies 524.77 1,017.84 536.12 189.41 500.00

Postage 313.53 1,000.28 791.04 326.52 500.00

Office Equipment - Photo Copier 303.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00

Computer Hardware 152.12 214.69 0.00 0.00 1,000.00

Software Purchase 278.59 50.85 50.85 8.97 100.00

Internet Connection 991.12 1,024.27 1,376.79 433.92 1,100.00

Advertising 0.00 0.00 18.63 1,123.87 400.00

Synod Fees 315.00 760.00 340.00 140.73 800.00

Sundry Expenses 6.00 0.00 846.85 1,004.95 0.00

Total Administration 2,885.08 4,067.93 3,960.28 3,228.37 4,600.00

Bank Service Charges 544.55 975.68 493.66 773.70 750.00

Operating Acct. Interest Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Bank Expense 544.55 975.68 493.66 773.70 750.00

Diocesan Assessment 54,242.08 49,486.48 49,021.64 48,459.56 50,232.37

Childrens Fund 156.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Anglican Foundation 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Rectors Discretionary Fund -2,787.12 -2,315.01 941.00 -1,195.00 500.00

Pastoral Care 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00

Open Door 8,640.00 8,640.00 8,640.00 4,320.00 0.00

STEAM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Outreach 60,410.96 55,911.47 58,702.64 51,684.56 51,032.37

P.W.R.D.F. -1,760.00 -1,490.00 -2,965.00 -5,010.00 0.00

P.W.R.D.F. - Contra Account 1,760.00 1,730.00 2,915.00 4,925.00 0.00

Total - Mission Exp. 0.00 240.00 -50.00 -85.00 0.00

Total Operating Expenses 298,171.34 299,474.90 292,143.28 282,197.81 280,759.42

Capital Expenses

Capital Improvements 4,350.50 99,988.28 9,921.52 94,024.19 0.00

Designated Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 0.00

Total Capital Improvements 4,350.50 99,988.28 9,921.52 94,674.19 0.00

TOTAL EXPENSE 302,521.84 399,463.18 302,064.80 376,872.00 280,759.42

NET INCOME -3,809.46 -12,767.91 50,820.30 -47,253.63 -2,609.42

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St. George's Anglican Church - Balance Sheet As at 12/31/2015


Current Assets

General Account - Operating Funds 10,601.56

Rector's Discretionary Funds 0.00

Paul Trust Fund Reserve 10,000.00

Church Improvement Fund - Capital 0.00

Church Improvement Fund - Catering 24,049.05

Church Improvement Fund - A/V 2,425.95

Church Improvement Fund - Park Lot 0.00

Church Improvement Fund - Property 484.05

Church Improvement Fund - Organ 225.00

Cash Funds 47,785.61

Total Cash 47,785.61

Accounts Receivable

A/R Memorial - Nursery 1,288.17

A/R Memorial - Organ 6,820.94

Total Accounts Receivable 8,109.11

Total Accounts Receivable 8,109.11


Paul Trust Fund 62,127.80

Total Current Assets 62,127.80

TOTAL ASSET 118,022.52


Current Liabilities

Accrued Liabilities 1,566.18

Total Current liabilities 1,566.18



Retained Earnings

Retained Earnings - Previous Year 163,709.97

Current Earnings -47,253.63

Total Retained Earnings 116,456.34

TOTAL EQUITY 116,456.34


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Motions and New Business

Annual Motion to authorize Corporation to enter into agreements with non-parish groups regarding the use of Church property

The Anglican Church of Canada Act (1979) is the Provincial statute that defines the powers of incumbents, wardens, synods, and bishops in property matters. The Act states that church properties may not be leased or encumbered without the consent of the vestry, the synod, and the bishop.

In order to comply with the Anglican Church of Canada Act and new canon 4.7, vestries need to pass this motion authorizing the incumbent and wardens to enter into agreements with non-parish groups regarding the use of church property.


That the Vestry of St. George’s Church authorized the Incumbent and Churchwardens to consider and, if they deem it advisable, to approve leases, licenses, or space agreements of less than three years inclusive of all renewals.

That this authorization shall only extend to agreements that include the following provisions:

the agreement may be terminated by St. George’s Church upon thirty days notice

the lessee or licensee agrees to abide by the Diocese of Niagara’s sexual abuse policy

the lessee or licensee will provide proof of liability insurance.

the lessee of licensee agrees to hold harmless St. George’s Church, the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara, the Bishop of Niagara, and the Anglican Church of Canada

And that, if there is any conflict between this resolution and any authorization or approval resulting from it and the Canons of the diocese of Niagara, it is understood that the Canons shall prevail.

This motion is moved by Ian Oldaker and seconded by Paul Skuriat.

Outdoor Nativity/Creche Scene Idea and Discussion

Rick Gorski and Canon Rob Park, are investigating an idea to create an ongoing annual Christmas community celebration that draws from the congregation and our community at large to understand, appreciate and enjoy the telling, and visual representation of the Christmas Story.

The basic idea is cross between the secular “Light Up The Hills” held by the town at the beginning of December and the “On The Way To Bethlehem” nativity pageant the churches in Milton run. Our current concept is that an afternoon community ceremony would be held to put in place an outdoor Nativity/Creche scene on the front lawn of St. George’s to mark preparations for celebrating birth of Jesus.

New Business

The floor will be open for any new business.

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The Closing of Vestry

Motion to Close

A motion to close the 2018 Vestry meeting of St. George’s will be made and a vote called.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, whose loving hand has given us all that we possess: Grant us grace that we may honour you with our substance, and, remembering the account which we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your bounty, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

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