St. Francis of Assisi Church June 4, 2017

St. Francis of Assisi Church - Liturgical Publications · St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA ... fuse your marriage with increased trust and inmacy ... The Miranda’s at this

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St. Francis of Assisi Church June 4, 2017

Page 2: St. Francis of Assisi Church - Liturgical Publications · St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA ... fuse your marriage with increased trust and inmacy ... The Miranda’s at this

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA

Liturgical Celebrations

Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m. Sundays: 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m. Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. Civic Holidays: 9 a.m. only


Baptism: Arrangements must be made in advance. Please call the Parish Office to arrange a date and supply pertinent information. Individual Baptismal preparation is required.

Sponsors: must receive from their respective Cath-olic pastors a “sponsor certificate,” which is the signed word of one priest to another that the pro-posed godparent is a Confirmed, fully-practicing Catholic who is qualified to be a godparent by liv-ing in harmony with our faith.

Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:15PM to 3:40PM or call the rectory for an appointment.

First Eucharist & Confirmation: Preparation – two years prior to receiving each Sacrament is mandatory as a registered student in the Faith For-mation Program.

Matrimony: Couples are asked to consult with our priest at least six months in advance of the in-tended date to allow time for marriage preparation, including the Diocesan Program.

Ministry to the Sick: Please notify us if someone you know is homebound and would like to be add-ed to our Communion call list, or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.

Low gluten hosts available: Please let us know before Mass if you have a need to receive this type of host.

Parish Staff

Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Ciryak Maintenance: Tony Roderigues Faith Formation/Office: Christine Patota (Grades 1-9) Finance/Office: Fran Kelley Music Director: Ada Simpson Cantors: Allison Messier, Christine Patota, and Mike Moniz Youth Ministry: Justin & Amanda La Croix Parish Council President: Wayne Gray

Parish Address: Church: 530 Gardner’s Neck Road Office/Rectory 270 Ocean Grove Avenue Swansea, MA 02777 Office hours: 9:30 a.m. — 4 p.m. or by appointment Contact: Parish Office: 508-673-2808 Parish fax: 508-672-6241 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stfrancisswansea.com Religious Education: 508-673-2808 or 508-674-0024 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: 508-673-2808 Youth Ministry: 508-673-2808 50 Week Club: Bill & Kathy Sullivan 508-493-9064/508-674-8511

Join our Parish Family Please introduce yourself to our clergy after Mass. Call the Parish Office to register.

Bulletin notices may be submitted to the Parish Office in writing by Friday — a week prior to the Sunday bulletin when it will be posted.

Church is handicapped accessible.

Parish Mission Statement: In the spirit of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we dedicate ourselves as living stones to building our parish family with Christ as our foundation. Enlivened by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves by sharing God’s transforming love with our families, our community and our world.

Page 3: St. Francis of Assisi Church - Liturgical Publications · St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA ... fuse your marriage with increased trust and inmacy ... The Miranda’s at this

Sat. 6/3 4:00 p.m. Debi Patterson (8th Anniversary) by Mom and Dad Sun. 6/4 8:00 a.m. Carol Strollo Robinson By M/M Jo-Ann & George Pimental 9:30 a.m. Sadie Remy by Courville family 11:00 a.m. Francis Crook (birthday remember- ance) by Bill & Kathy Sullivan Beatrice Bird by family Mon. 6/5 9:00 a.m. Deceased members of the Patota family Tues. 6/6 9:00 a.m. Elizabeth “Betty” Treloar Wed. 6/7 9:00 a.m. Thurs. 6/8 9:00 a.m. Stephen Piotrowski by family Sat. 6/10 4:00 p.m. Manuel “Mal” Furtado and Glenn Furtado by family Sun. 6/11 8:00 a.m. Manuel & Irene Grillo by son and family 9:30 a.m. Manuel & Irene Arruda by daughter and son-in-law 11:00 a.m. John Butler (5th Anniversary) by his wife Barbara

June Candles Will Burn in Memory :

Sanctuary Lamp: Geraldine Hodkinson by Wanda Altar Candles: Norman & Yve e Ashley by family Tabernacle Candle: Bryan Kelley by parents Cruci x Candles: Mary Costa by granddaughter Mary Anne

Pentecost Sunday

Offertory Collections

Ascension Thursday, May 25th For the Poor & Needy $1,945.00

Weekend of May 27th and 28th

Budget donations: $3,121.00

Repairs & Restoration Fund $2,045.00

Next weekend, June 11th and 12th ,the second collection will be for the diocesan assessment.

Thank you for your faithful support.

There will be a Eucharis c Minister Training for all those 

who have been invited to be part of this ministry by Fr. 

Michael.  The training will take place on Wednesday, June 

7th at 7:00 p.m. in the church.  All current Eucharis c 

ministers are welcome to a end. 

The 2017 Catholic Charities Appeal Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick...all of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are perfect ways to express our love for God. Yet, it is not always possible for each of us to be present when someone is in dire need. However, we can contribute to the Catholic Charities Appeal so that someone can be present to carry out the charitable works in our name. Please be generous to the Appeal and to those I need. A “pledge” of support will have a great impact on those less fortunate. Thank you for your generosity.

We Need Altar Servers!

Please call the rectory or email Mrs. Patota if your son or 

daughter is interested in training to be an altar server.  A 

training date will be set for some  me during the summer.  

Page 4: St. Francis of Assisi Church - Liturgical Publications · St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA ... fuse your marriage with increased trust and inmacy ... The Miranda’s at this

Pentecost Sunday

Ca†hedral Camp

₁₆₇ Middleboro Road

East Freetown, MA ₀₂₇₁₇

Come to our Open House Sunday, June 11, 2017 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Register to win a free week of camp.

Ca†hedral Camp is a private day camp owned and

operated by the Diocese of Fall River and is located on

Long Pond in East Freetown. The camp offers seven one-

week sessions beginning on July 5 to August 18, 2017.

Ages 4 to14. (4 & 5 year olds have their own modified

program) Boating, swimming, archery, arts & crafts,

dance, music, outdoor adventures and many other age

appropriate activities. Registered Nurse on duty. Bus trans-

portation and, if needed, before-and-after-camp care are

included in the camp fee of $250.00 per week. (Session 1

is 3 days only, and the fee is $150.)

For further information please visit our web site at 

www.cathedralcamp.net or email  

pam or [email protected] or call the camp office 

at 508‐763‐8874. 

New Bulle n Publisher

You may have no ced that this bulle n has a vibrant new look.  

That is because we are now publishing our bulle n with a new 

company,  Liturgical Publica ons.  Our cover, and page five, will 

be in full color. This will greatly improve the readability and aes‐

the cs of our weekly bulle n.   

We want to thank all of our current adver sers who have decid‐

ed to renew their ads this year.  We also want to acknowledge 

and thank the new adver sers that have come on board.  If you 

would like to get your business, service or favorite charity added 

to the business directory page, there is s ll  me.   

Remember, their support makes it possible for our bulle ns to 

be printed weekly at li le or no cost to our parish.  The bulle ns 

are our primary means of communica on and very vital to all 

our parishioners.   

Please consider reciproca ng the generosity of our adver sers 

by suppor ng them when we are in need of products and ser‐


And don’t forget to check out our website where you can always 

see the en re bulle n in full color.   

Worldwide Marriage Encounter


“And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" Let the Holy Spirit in‐fuse your marriage with increased trust and in macy by a ending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next WWME Weekends are Jun 10‐11, 2017 and Sep 16‐17, 2017 in Medway, MA. For more informa on, call Ste‐phen & Michelle O'Leary at 800‐710‐9963 or visit us at h ps://wwmema.org/. 


St. Francis of Assisi Parish Picnic will take place on

Sunday, August 13th from noon ll 5:00 p.m.





Invite your friends and family ! 


New York City Bus Trip - Saturday, November 18

Don’t delay!

Call the rectory and sign up for the annual bus trip

to the Big Apple.

Cost is $35 per person.

Would your child like to

a end summer camp?

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is here to help with tui-tion to summer camp and so much more. Please call the rectory today if you need assistance with groceries, utili-ties, or summer camp tuition. Your information will be kept confidential. They are here to help!

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June 4, 2017


















The Miranda’s at this years 50 Week Club Banquet. 

50 Week Club Membership Drive

What are you waiting for? We’ve recruited many new members to our 50 Week Club, but we won’t be satisfied until we get everyone involved! It’s not too late!

You can’t win if you don’t join!

Fill out the form below, return it to the rectory by mail or in the collection basket at Mass.

Irene Lake, Susan Moss, Jeannine Moss and Colleen & 

Ronald Fontaine ge ng ready to enjoy  the baked stuffed 

shrimp and prime rib! 





Congratulations to:

Anne Seery 50 Week Club Winner for June 4, 2017

Family Life Committee Meeting

Family Life Committee Meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month, but this month our meeting will be on the second Monday, which is June 12th at 7:00 PM.

New members are always welcome. Come help this dedicated group and join the fun.

WHEN: JULY 11—13  FROM 1:00 P.M. UNTIL 4:00 P.M. 






Please help our planning efforts by making sure your child is registered for next year. Forms can be found on our website or at the entrances to church.  




Come and treat your favorite guy to a delicious meal and sup‐

port our youth group at the same me! Dona ons only.

Serving begins a er the 8:00 a.m. Mass and con nues un l

a er the 9:30 a.m. Mass.

Father’s Day

Pancake Breakfast