ST. DOMINIC’S SCHOOL€¦ · PROSPECTUS We are Partnered with SDS. ... legacy, drive and hard work, the school commemorates her distinguished career, accomplishments, life and contribution

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Page 2: ST. DOMINIC’S SCHOOL€¦ · PROSPECTUS We are Partnered with SDS. ... legacy, drive and hard work, the school commemorates her distinguished career, accomplishments, life and contribution


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to St. Dominic's School. I hope that you will find the information in this handbook a useful reference and guide. We hope to answer a number of questions about the School and its procedures in this booklet. However, each year all updates on school procedures, activities, timings and so forth are disclosed in the school diary which is an important tool of communication about your child between you as a parent and the school. Each year we will ask you to update the information in the school diary and copies of this information will be retained in the records we hold of your child. The school diary will also disclose all the rules and regulations of the school in more detail.

Every few years we review the partners with whom we work with and each year, I take a personal interest in ensuring that the very latest pedagogical approach in education is being adopted by the Principal and her team. Each year we review the quality of the delivery of our programmes, you are assured of quality from the start and rigour by the teaching faculty to ensure that we look at all aspects of your child's educational and developmental needs. In this regard, I am delighted to have the services of Drishti, who bring a professional perspective to cater to the psychological needs of each child in the school. In the sports field, I am delighted to have the Sports Gurukul, as our professional partner that ensures a high standard of sports and fitness development for each child. All our sports coaches are fully qualified and have taken our students up to national level competitions. I have pleasure in bringing to you XSEED in the lower classes of the school which supports each child's individuality and helps them to become independent learners. In the senior classes, your children will experience future ready classrooms with smart classes. These audiovisual equipped rooms bring the latest computing and teaching aids readily accessible to the teacher and their class.

St. Dominic's is a growing school and each year whilst the students and teachers add to the achievements of the school, the Principal and I are busy designing the needs of the students for the future. At this very moment, we have education curriculum and staff development projects on the go, as well as an exciting infrastructure plan, which will further modernise parts of the school facilities. To provide the best standards of education, sports, music and extra-curricular activities to the children of Attibele and the surrounding towns and villages, which will prepare them to achieve higher grade exam passes and be ready for higher education and successfully obtain good jobs and careers. We aim to excite the minds of our students and to give all parents the confidence in our desire for excellence in education.

Mr. David Street, BEng, ACA

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To prepare the children of Attibele and surrounding areas with a global mindset by providing internationally recognised standards in educational facilities and resources so that they may be participative members of their community and exemplary world citizens.

OUR VISION : Making our students ready for a world of opportunities.


The school was established in 1999 as a private, co-ed, English medium school. The school is situated approximately 30 kilometres from Bangalore city centre in a tranquil, safe and green oasis. The school has expansive grounds as the campus is located on several acres of prime residential estate at Attibele just off the Hosur Road. It is ideally situated for parents living and working in and around Attibele, Electronic City, Sipcot and Hosur. The school buses ensure that the school is well positioned to cater to the needs of the local communities that are situated within a 15 kilometre radius of the school.

Our large, airy classrooms are a comfortable learning environment with plenty of ambient light and lovely views over the green expansive campus. The late Mrs J.E. Street envisioned a grand plan for the school when construction began and the current management have built on this legacy and style.

The school's core strength has always been its mode of teaching in English in a style introduced by the late Mrs. Street. This has been strengthened in recent years by the adoption of modern and up to date pedagogical advancements. The other strength the school possess are its grounds which have been set to give the children space and freedom of movement. The large grounds provide for a 200 metre athletics track as well as separate grounds for basketball, throw ball and separate areas for play for our smallest members.


St. Dominic's School was founded by the late Mrs. J.E. Street. Most of the buildings, facilities and grounds were built under her guidance and she provided much of the vision for the School and its environment. The late Mrs. J.E. Street was Principal of St. Dominic's School from inception up until February 2010. She served the society for more than 40 years through her creative contributions in the field of education founding two boarding schools, one day school, a PU college, a degree college and a music school in her life time. Due to her legacy, drive and hard work, the school commemorates her distinguished career, accomplishments, life and contribution to society by holding a Founder's Day on 23 February each year. A photograph of the Founder can be seen in the Principal's office. Since inception, St. Dominic's has achieved a 100% pass percentage, that is 9 years in a row! In the most recent examinations, out of 31 students, all students achieved a first class, 21 achieved distinction and 4 scored an average of over 90%.


Children need to be involved in listening to their parents reading to them, reading to their parents and reading on their own. Young children need to read for around 10 to 20 minutes every night. Arrange this to take place at the same time each day. As children get older, they should read for between 20 and 30 minutes each night and as their confidence improves some may wish to read for longer.

Parents need to set rules, set routines for their children, reduce the amount of TV, mobile and Facebook time that the parent and child have in the house. Each parent also needs to monitor and ensure consistency of approach. It goes without saying that nutrition and sleep are vitally important for every child.

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Parents must be visibly present in their children's lives whether at home or at school. There are a number of functions every parent must also attend at school. Parents play a critical role in ensuring that their children are organised. There are various teaching, remembering and learning techniques that will be shared with your child. However, repetition is key and parents should ensure there is plenty of repetition with their academic work. If possible, parents learning together with their child will also greatly help the learning process and will remove distractions.

Both parents need to be saying the same things to their child. The school will not tolerate disrespect of their staff either by parent or child. Kindly convey your concerns in an appropriate manner. This will teach your child how to respect others and how to get on in life and become a success.

The school organises orientations for all parents, with practical tips and guidance on child management. Please attend them, they are most informative and highly valuable to the future performance and success of your child.


The best counsellors for children are their parents, but at points in every child's life there will come a time when an external helping hand is required. If a parent has any emotional or psychological concerns for their child, a discreet service provided by a trained psychologist and councillor is available at the school. The counsellor is also actively involved in rectifying issues and identifying matters that may be of concern and bringing these to the attention of the school Principal so that they can be discussed with concerned parents if the need requires.


Every parent is concerned for their child and the management takes steps to ensure that safety and security for students and staff are regularly considered and reviewed. Where there are any lapses, the parent should first bring this to the attention of the school principal. However, where this has not been dealt with to their satisfaction, a parent should use the suggestion box which is read only by the school management. In addition, there are PTA's held at regular intervals where developments and matters are discussed.


St. Dominic's school year begins in June and ends in early April. There are two week holidays during Dasara and Christmas. All functions, holidays, term dates and examinations are communicated in the school diary.


The school offers ICSE, CBSE and ISC curriculam. The school constantly strives towards the development of curriculum framework to make the transaction of prescribed syllabuses learner-centred and relevant to the needs of the learners. The ICSE, CBSE and ISC boards

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bring with them standards recognised not only by the teaching staff but also by parents of the school children. Teaching is delivered in English with teachers from Karnataka and several other states of India.

Art, Drama, Music and ICT

Music is a flourishing area in the school. It is taught through singing, percussion, movement, musical games and dances. There is an active choir who enter competitions. Drama is integrated within the curriculum and children take part in public productions each year. Art is taught and opportunities for gifted children to publish their art to the school and community are given each year. Every child is given the opportunity to interact and learn information and communication technology ('ICT'). All teachers are qualified and all teachers use ICT in teaching aids in the classroom.


Children will be taught only in English for the first few years to ensure they can follow text and conversation and have a thorough command of the language. From Class 1 onwards, Kannada or Hindi are introduced as a second language. From class 4 to 7 either Kannada or Hindi is taught as a third language. Every child must sit a second language according to the syllabus and examinations.

Physical Education/Games and Outdoor Activity

Physica l Educat ion inc ludes Athletics, Dance, Games and Outdoor activities. All children have the opportunity to further their sporting skill under specialist and supervised instruction. All children are given a set number of physical education classes each week. They are also taught a variety of games to nurture their interest. Younger children are set games which develop their fine and gross motor skills. For children with a natural and gifted aptitude, clubs and competitions are run and organised for them.


Children wear a prescribed uniform and details of this is available from the school office. Children are encouraged to look after their uniform and to look smart and neat at all times.


At the beginning of the academic year, your child will be issued with subject specific text books for their sole use.


The school holds regular open days when visitors can register to attend and visit our school. Visitors are requested to first register at the school office located in the administrative block.

The required documents for Admission include:

i. Birth certificate (only for Nursery and KG)

ii. Transfer Certificate and Marks cards from the last school attended

iii. Caste certificate


Written reports are provided at the end of each term, mid-term and end of year examinations. There are also reports provided twice a year identifying the sporting and physical development of each child up to grade 2.

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St. Dominic's School has a system of positive reinforcement by awarding students 'House Points'. The student body is divided into four houses each with student leaders who form the Student Counsel. Each house is led by a member of staff, the Head of House. Upon entry to the school, students

are assigned to one of four 'houses'.


Children are encouraged to participate in competitive examinations outside of the school curriculum including the Olympiads and talent search examinations. These examinations are conducted class wise from grade 1 to 12. The competitive examinations include Mathematics, English, Science and Talent Search. These examinations rank our students nationally. From grade 6 to 12 the

children are prepared for competitive examinations using the I-ICON methodology.


Literary Activities

Systematic training is given to the students in declamation, public speaking, debating and dramatics. In addition, the school is a partner in the 'newspaper in education programme'. Children of grade 4 to 10 receive the student edition of newspapers daily.

Dramatic and Cultural Activities

Regular training is given to the students in dramatics, dance and music. Most of these activities culminate on the Annual Day, but the school also partakes in celebrating other musical and artistic events.

Excursions and Field Trips

The students are taken on educational tours to places of historic, scientific and cultural interest.

Awareness Programs

Each year the students participate in a variety of awareness programs on issues such as health, safety, environmental and skills development.


The students of the school participate in a variety of sporting activities including cricket, basketball, throwball, athletics and badminton, both at a state and national level.


Every child participates in a presentation of their knowledge and learning during the year for the awareness of their parents.


In grade 8 our students are offered the opportunity to become cadets under the NCC program and enjoy the benefits of the NCC program including reserved seats in colleges, scholarships and discounts.


Parents are required to inform the school if their child is unable to attend for any reason. Absences must be reported to the School each day a child is absent by 9.00am or the absence will be marked as an unauthorised absence on the student's file. Children must bring in a letter explaining their absence on returning to School. Absences are also recorded

House name (Colour)

Matthew (Green)Mark (Blue)Luke (Yellow)John (Red)

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on a child's school report.


For the benefit of everyone - the sick child, the other children and the teachers - the School has a strict policy regarding illness. No child should be brought to School for 48 hours after he or she has experienced a fever or a stomach illness. All infectious diseases should be reported to the School so that the others may be advised. All absences should be reported to the school daily. A medic visits the school to check the general health of children twice a year. Should a child fall ill and are required to be taken home, parents are notified by telephone. If a child is injured at school, a qualified first aider will clean the wound and apply a cold compress if appropriate. A doctor may be called if the incident requires.


If a child is late coming to school, he or she must report to the school office. This is a necessary requirement in case of fire, accident or emergency. Parent's should also be aware that lateness is recorded on your child's report.


St. Dominic's encourages regular communication between teachers and parents. Teachers convey messages to parents in the diary and the diary must be signed by the parent. Where possible, SMS is also used to convey messages between the school and home. When writing to the Principal, parents are asked to head their letters with their child's name and class.

Please update contact details regularly with the School Office. Please ensure that the School has the mobile number of both parents and guardians who may be contacted in the event of an emergency.


The school has a proactive approach to improving behaviour. At the start of the academic year, each class teacher helps their class to work out class aims and rules, based on our school code of conduct. These aims provide the guidelines for the children in the class in terms of how they are expected to behave and work. Class teachers help the children to target particular aims and to work on making the classroom a positive learning environment. Class teachers deal with minor incidents of unacceptable behaviour on an individual basis. Repeated, or more serious offences are dealt with by Senior Staff. After three written warnings the children may attend 'Think Time' at lunch time or for Senior Children, detention after school. This is an opportunity for them to reflect upon, write about and discuss what they did, why and what they will do next time. Parents are kept informed at every stage. The school feels that it is important to work in a partnership with parents on these matters. Our reward system for positive behaviour is completely separate from sanctions.

Further details and guidance are provided in the school diary.


Homework offers a valuable ongoing opportunity for parents, pupils and teachers to work together in partnership to support a child's learning. With younger children the key purpose is to develop a partnership and routine of learning with the aid of the parents.

Some of th is work incorporates 'partnership work' involving short activities which parents can do together with their

Recommended time allocation for homework for different age groups:

Class Time Allocation

LKG and UKG 10 minutes Class 1 and 2 20 minutesClass 3 and 4 30 minutesClass 5 and 6 60 minutesClass 7 and 8 Up to 1hr & 30 mins

with breaks every 45 mins.Class 9 and 10 Up to 3 hours with breaks

every 45 minutes

School Diary

The school diary is an important communication tool between the school and home. In addition, the personal details of your child, rules and regulations and fee particulars are contained in it. Kindly review and comply with the school rules mentioned in it.

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child in the home environment. These activities provide valuable opportunities for children to talk about what they are learning to an interested adult and to practise key skills in a supportive environment.

The main purpose of homework for older children is to gradually develop the skills associated with independent learning. Parents must encourage their children to get into the habit of and developing periods of study time on their own.

Ways to support your child's homework program at home:

Establish with your child a reasonably peaceful place to do homework activity. Remove distractions during study time (eg. switch off the TV and mobile phone)

Ensure your child does their homework by using the school diary to communicate with your child's class teacher regarding issues with homework. Learn together (parent and child).

Make it clear to your child that you value what they are doing and support the school in explaining to children how to work and learn. Always try to encourage and praise their efforts.


Better preparation for competitive

examinations that give higher exam

pass rates

English taught as mother tongue

Excellent teacher children ratio in

every classroom

Exposure to a wide variety of sports

and playground facilities, music,

dance and cultural activities

Fun and activity based learning with

field trips and excursions

Daily counselling and tution for

children who require extra support

Confident and disciplined children

who are better prepared for college

Stree-free environment focused on

health, safety and wellbeing

The only NCC school in South


The school will work from Monday to Friday as well as exceptional Saturdays for the purpose of Substitutions.

School Office TimingsMonday to Friday : 8.30 am to 4.30 pmSaturday : 9.00 am to 3.30 pm

School TimingsNursery to Grade 3 : 9.45 am to 2.50 pmGrade 4 to 12 : 8.45 am to 3.30 pm

ST. DOMINIC’S SCHOOLAttibele, Bangalore - 562 107, Tel : 080 - 27821841, Mob. : 7022049550

E-mail : [email protected] Web : www.stdominicsschool.com

We look forward to welcoming you to our school and to a long and happy association.

Parents may visit Principal from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm