June 8, 2015 City Commission Special Meeting “Utility Fund”

St. Augustine City Commission Utility Fund Presenation

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http://floridawaterdaily.com. On 6/8/2015, the St. Augustine City Commission reviewed the City's Capital Improvement Plan.

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  • June 8, 2015 City Commission Special Meeting

    Utility Fund

  • Agenda

  • 2015 Baseline Assessment

    City of St. Augustine Report Card Grade

    Assisted by: Applied Technology & Management, Inc.

  • Grade C

    Replacement Value $36,000,000 Refurbishment Cost $15,350,000

    WTP Capacity: 6.5 mgd Lime: 4.5 mgd RO: 2 mgd Supply: 7 Deep Wells + 1 Surficial Well Storage: 3.5 Million Gallons

    Water Treatment Plant

  • Grade C Replacement Value $26,500,000 Rehabilitation Cost $11,600,000

    Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Capacity: 4.95 mgd Secondary Treatment Surface Water Discharge Permit 2019

  • Grade


    Gravity Mains 79 Mi

    Force Mains 61 Mi

    Manholes 2100 Ea

    Lift Stations 75 Ea

    Replacement Value $176,900,000 Rehabilitation Cost $32,354,000

    Sewer Collection

  • Grade C

    13,000 Accounts 200 Miles of Pipelines 30% Cast Iron Pipe

    Replacement Value $182,600,000 Replace Cast/Galvanized $59,855,000

    Water Distribution

  • Water Meters 13,000 Accounts

    >2,000 Meters Over 20 Yrs




    Meter Age

    20 years

  • Public Works Asset Condition Status (2015)

    Service Asset Replacement


    Overall Asset Condition Grade

    Estimated Asset Rehabilitation


    Water Distribution

    $182,600,000 C $59,855,000

    Water Treatment $36,000,000 C+ $15,350,000

    Sewer Collection $176,900,000 C $32,354,000

    Wastewater Treatment

    $26,500,000 C $11,600,000

    Overall $389,600,000 $139,806,000

  • Accomplishments

  • $-







    Water Sewer WTP WWTP

    Utility Capital Investments



    2012 Bond

    2011 Bond

    $18.8 Million Completed or Underway

  • Summary Major Projects

  • Charlotte Street Reconstruction

    Charlotte between King & Bridge 870 L.F. Replace watermain, sewer refurbishment Surface stormwater Base restoration and historic bricks

    FY 2016 General Fund $ 629,290 Stormwater Fund $ 25,000 Utility Fund $ 425,000 Total $1,079,290

    King Street

    Bridge Street

  • San Marco Watermain Replacement

    San Marco between Cinncinnati & Piccolata 6,000 LF 10-inch Cast Iron Replace with 12-inch PVC

    FY 2016 Design $ 290,000 FY 2017 Construction $2,900,000 Total Project: $3,190,000

  • Water Conservation Pilot Area

    Phase 1 FY2015/2016 $292,050 Total Project

    Rate Study Conservation Rate Structure (FY14)

    Meter Change-Out Pilot Area Heritage Park

    SJRWMD Grant ($89,760)

    City Cost $202,290

  • Questions/Discussion? .........Next.......

    The Financial Plan