AnneMater Parish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Oct-Nov 2015 • VOL. XV No. 5 (for private circulation) “To build a Community that is United, Caring and Witnessing” PARISH VISION STATEMENT ST. ANNE’S CHURCH PALI HILL We care. We share. ADVENT Beginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent (from, “ad-venire” in Latin or “to come to”) is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas. e Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas. Advent devotions including the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season. Traditionally, Advent wreaths are constructed of a circle of evergreen branches into which four candles are inserted, representing the four weeks of Advent. “Little baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem; … Little Baby Jesus, born to die, To suffer on the cross for you and I” … Blaine H. Allen The story of Jesus’ birth at Christmas is NOT just that … a story. It is a teaching which seeks to make us understand that Jesus, true God and true man was sent by the Father to complete a mission. The mission that required Jesus to die for His people that they might be saved. Luke’s gospel tells us that the Messiah was born to Mary who brought forth her baby in a stable ‘because there was no room for them in the inn.’ Jesus’ birth was in keeping with his first beatitude – a blessing for the one who depended entirely on God’s providence. ‘Blessed are those who are poor in spirit.” The baby was wrapped in ‘swaddling cloths’ – strips of cloth used to wrap a body for its burial. The significance being that Jesus was even more surely One who came to die for his people. And laid in a manger – the trough or eating bowl for cattle. Jesus was to feed his people with his own body and blood. He offered himself to nourish those who fed at his table from his word and in communion. True God and true man, Jesus’ birth was heralded by the choir of angels, ‘a multitude of the heavenly host,’ which accompanied the announcement of his birth singing the praises of God: ‘Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased’. Significantly, the first to be told, the first to arrive, the first to welcome the Messiah, were humble shepherds. Poor, lowly persons who tended sheep greeted the Good Shepherd. The next to acknowledge the new Master were what the Bible calls the ‘Wise men from the East.’ Persons who were not even Jews. They realised that celestial bodies were acknowledging the coming of royalty to the earth. They follow a ‘star’ until they arrive at the manger, the residence of the new king. ‘Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and are come to worship him.’ Though they were not Jews they were willing to acknowledge that this new king was divine. The gifts they offered him were significant of the honour they were to give him: ‘they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh’. The gifts were full of meaning: gold – offered to royalty, a king; frankincense (incense) – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine king was going to give himself up in death for his people. Christmas is about honouring the presence of God-with-us, Emmanuel. It is about acknowledging his love for us shown by his teachings about the love of the Father, by his showing us the way to eternal life, by his sacrifice of himself for us. Little baby Jesus, born to die. ~ Fr. Clement The Fathers of the Parish wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas!

ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

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Page 1: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMaterParish Bulletin of St. Anne Church, Bandra • Oct-Nov 2015 • VOL. XV No. 5

(for private circulation)

“To build a Communitythat is United,

Caring and Witnessing”










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ADVENTBeginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent (from, “ad-venire” in Latin or “to come to”) is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas.

The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts

and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas.

Advent devotions including the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season. Traditionally, Advent wreaths are constructed of a circle of evergreen branches into which four candles are inserted, representing the four weeks of Advent.

“Little baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem; …Little Baby Jesus, born to die,

To suffer on the cross for you and I” …Blaine H. Allen

The story of Jesus’ birth at Christmas is NOT just that … a story. It is a teaching which seeks to make us understand that Jesus, true God and true man was sent by the Father to complete a mission. The mission that required Jesus to die for His people that they might be saved.

Luke’s gospel tells us that the Messiah was born to Mary who brought forth her baby in a stable ‘because there was no room for them in the inn.’ Jesus’ birth was in keeping with his first beatitude – a blessing for the one who depended entirely on God’s providence. ‘Blessed are those who are poor in spirit.”

The baby was wrapped in ‘swaddling cloths’ – strips of cloth used to wrap a body for its burial. The significance being that Jesus was even more surely One who came to die for his people. And laid in a manger – the trough or eating bowl for cattle. Jesus was to feed his people with his own body and blood. He offered himself to nourish those who fed at his table from his word and in communion.

True God and true man, Jesus’ birth was heralded by the choir of angels, ‘a multitude of the heavenly host,’ which accompanied the announcement of his birth singing the praises of God: ‘Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased’. Significantly, the first to be told, the first to arrive, the first to welcome the Messiah, were humble shepherds. Poor, lowly persons who tended sheep greeted the Good Shepherd.

The next to acknowledge the new Master were what the Bible calls the ‘Wise men from the East.’ Persons who were not even Jews. They realised that celestial bodies were acknowledging the coming of royalty to the earth. They follow a ‘star’ until they arrive at the manger, the residence of the new king. ‘Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and are come to worship him.’

Though they were not Jews they were willing to acknowledge that this new king was divine. The gifts they offered him were significant of the honour they were to give him: ‘they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh’. The gifts were full of meaning: gold – offered to royalty, a king; frankincense (incense) – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine king was going to give himself up in death for his people.

Christmas is about honouring the presence of God-with-us, Emmanuel. It is about acknowledging his love for us shown by his teachings about the love of the Father, by his showing us the way to eternal life, by his sacrifice of himself for us. Little baby Jesus, born to die.

~ Fr. Clement

The Fathers of the Parish wish

you a Happy and Holy


Page 2: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 2015

First Holy Communicants

visit to Sneha Sadan

On 2nd October 2015, the First Holy Communicants of our Parish visited Sneha Sadan at Andheri (East), a

home that takes care of orphan girls. The visit was part of their formation where they learn to love and respect all and above all be thankful for the gifts they are blessed with. It was overwhelming to see our children interact with the children at Sneha Sadan. They sang, danced, played games and had snacks together. They presented them cards that they had prepared a week before in class. There was an atmosphere of excitement and joy that prevailed and time flew by so quickly that the children did not want to leave. The gifts that were offered during the Nativity Novenas were given to the home. ‘Love shared brings joy around’ and that is what the experience was. Please pray for our Communicants as they continue to prepare themselves to receive Jesus on the 10th of January 2016. -- Sunita D’Souza (FHC Catechist)



Br. Melwyn, our compere for the day warmly welcomed the parents and children to ‘The psalm recitation and gospel singing programmme‘ held on 28th September at 10 a.m.The programme started with an opening prayer by one of the youngest members of the GNC.... Samara Colaco a 3 year old, followed by a duet ballet performed by Carissa Fernandes and Sasha D’Silva on ‘How Great Thou Art”. All children of the GNC participated in this programme, individually and in groups reciting Psalms and singing Gospel hymns. The program also included Instrumental performance on the violin -‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ by Yorrick Pinto and ‘All things bright and beautiful’ by Shania Gonsalves.~ Marylou D’Souza (Co-ordinator of GNC)


The Mission Sunday cafeteria in support of the missions was organized by the students and teachers of GNC on 18th October after the morning Masses. This sale included various homemade delicacies like sorpotel, Goa sausage pav, Ragda, chittaps, various types of cake, sandwiches, etc. and chilled ice tea to beat the heat. An addition to this year, was the sale of pets (chickens, ducklings, rabbits provided by PETA & bird feeders. The raffle prize (chocolate cake) was won by Wilfred Fernandes. A big thank you to all the parents and the parishioners for your support in helping make the Mission Sunday sale a success! ~MarylouD’Souza(Co-ordinatorofGNC)

Celebrating St. Vincent de Paul’s Feast

On Sunday, 15th November, the families of our S.V.P. were in for a treat. In celebration of St. Vincent de Paul’s feast, they were invited to a get-together. Almost every one came and enjoyed a morning of fun, games with prizes and surprises, accompanied by tasty snacks, together with a pack of delicious biryani with a special dessert. Our fathers and S.V.P. members were on hand to cheer and add to the excitement. The families had a good time and despite their many setbacks, they were all smiles as they said their ‘byes and thank-you’s. Another occasion to remember! -- Shirley de Souza

Page 3: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 20153


Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought of how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; and we have to make this journey. It is a journey which begins with spiritual conversion. Therefore, I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee which has at its centre the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (cf. Lk 6:36). And this especially applies to confessors! So much mercy! This Holy Year will commence on the next Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, 8th December 2015 and will conclude on Sunday, 20th November 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and living face of the Father’s mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, in order that it may come to life as a new step on the Church’s journey in her mission to bring the Gospel of mercy to each person. I am confident that the whole Church, which is in such need of mercy for we are sinners, will be able to find in this Jubilee the joy of rediscovering and rendering fruitful God’s mercy, with which we are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time. Do not forget that God forgives all, and God forgives always. Let us never tire of asking forgiveness. Let us henceforth entrust this Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey: our penitential journey, our year-long journey with an open heart, to receive the indulgence of God, to receive the mercy of God.

EXPLANATION OF THE LOGO FOR THE YEAR OF MERCYThe logo and the motto together provide a fitting summary of what the Jubilee Year is all about. The motto Merciful Like the Father (taken from the Gospel of Luke, 6:36) serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure (cfr. Lk 6:37-38). The logo – the work of Jesuit Father Marko I. Rupnik – presents a small summa theologiae of the theme of mercy. In fact, it represents an image quite important to the early Church: that of the Son having taken upon his shoulders the lost soul demonstrating that it is the love of Christ that brings to completion the mystery of his incarnation culminating in redemption. The logo has been designed in such a way so as to express the profound way in which the Good Shepherd touches the flesh of humanity and does so with a love with the power to change one’s life. One particular feature worthy of note is that while the Good Shepherd, in his great mercy, takes humanity upon himself, his eyes are merged with those of man. Christ sees with the eyes of Adam, and Adam with the eyes of

Christ. Every person discovers in Christ, the new Adam, one’s own humanity and the future that lies ahead, contemplating, in his gaze, the love of the Father.The scene is captured within the so called mandorla (the shape of an almond), a figure quite important in early and medieval iconography, for it calls to mind the two natures of Christ, divine and human. The three concentric ovals, with colors progressively lighter as we move outward, suggest the movement of Christ who carries humanity out of the night of sin and death. Conversely, the depth of the darker color suggests the impenetrability of the love of the Father who forgives all. (Source: www.im.va)

Year Of Mercy

From 9th to 14th November, 30 kids of our parish took active part in the VBJ programme. This year the theme was ‘Walking Happily With Jesus’ and was centered around the Beattitudes. Each day began with action songs and time for prayer. The classes were interactive with a lot of activities like colouring and craft. Snacks and cold drink was given to the children during the break. Thanks to all the sponsors and donors! On the last day, the children were presented with certificates for their active participation. All in all it was fun filled journey for the kids and the teachers who enjoyed every minute of the programme. Thanks to those who volunteered to teach and help out – Sr. Satya and Sr. Sumita from the Prithi Kunj Convent, Maxie, Mabel, Clarissa, Judith, Olive and Charmaine.

The Vacation Bible Joy Programme 2015

Page 4: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 20154

The name Gabriel means “God is my Warrior/Defender,” or “God has shown Himself mighty.” Gabriel’s name is mentioned first in the prophesies of Daniel in the Old Testament when he was assigned to help Daniel to understand the meaning of his visions.He was the angel who appeared

to Zachariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist and we all know Saint Gabriel as the Messenger to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Mystery of the Incarnation. He announced to Mary that she would bear a Son who would be conceived of the Holy Spirit, Son of the Most High, and Saviour of the world. He is usually depicted with lilies that represent the new purity of the soul through the sacraments of Baptism and Confession. His banner is a declaration of Our Lady’s universal motherhood.St. Gabriel is the Patron Saint of Communications Workers.

Prayer to St.Gabriel:Heavenly Father, through the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel, may we honor the Incarnation of Your Divine Son. Through his faithful intercessions may we strive always to imitate the holy virtues of the Mother of our Savior and respond to our Father:“Be it done unto me according to Thy Word”. Archangel Gabriel, please praise our Father for the gift of His Son, praying, one day by His grace, through His Mother, we may all be one fold, one Church, one Shepherd. Amen


Raphael whose name means ‘God Heals’ is a merciful leader and has the power to expel demons. He is the Patron of the Sacrament of Penance and is usually depicted holding a jar of oil or a fish which represents the soul and the oil of healing of its ailments through the sacrament of confession.

The fish reminds us of how in answer to their prayers, God sent the angel Raphael to earth to help Tobias and his father Tobit. With Raphael’s help, Tobias married Sarah, overcame the demon and restored his father’s sight.

Prayer to St. Raphael:St. Raphael the Archangel You are Raphael the Healer, You are Raphael the Guide, You are Raphael the Companion, Ever at human sorrow’s side. St. Raphael, Angel of health, of true conjugal love, of joy and Divine light, pray for us! Amen. ~ Felicity Rodrigues

the archangels

saint gabriel

Articles, anecdotes, poems, etc. for publication in the next issue of AnneMater for the months of December - January 2016 (feast days and special occasions during these months to be kept in mind) may be sent by e-mail to [email protected] latest by the 30th of December 2015. The Editorial Team

reserves the right to choose what is published and to edit the matter that is chosen for publication.

Children’s Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister. Our Community celebrated “children’s day” on 16th November 2015, at the D’Silva Cottage. With much enthusiasm, the little ones introduced themselves and sang the action song “God’s Love”. Children are God’s gift to parents and the future of our Faith as well as the future Leaders of the Nation. We asked them if they were aware of what was being celebrated and surprisingly they knew but when we asked them whose birthday was soon approaching, they were blank till one of them finally said “Jesus”! They were given card papers, crayons, pencils and erasers to make Christmas cards. Very excitedly they drew colourful cards with Christmas themes. Group games were played and all participated and enjoyed themselves. Those that won, took prizes home. All the children were treated with snacks which added to the delight. The programme ended with everyone singing “Thank you, thank you Jesus”. The excitement and enjoyment of the children made everyone happy. - Ida Ferreira

saint raPhael


Page 5: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 20155

1st November – Nigel Fonseca and Sonia D’Silva 7th November – Joshua Fernandes and Kavita Gajakosh

Parish Records - September 2015 to November 2015





Jessica D’Mello and Kristen Fernandes - 2nd Place - 12-16 duet

Aaron DSilva and Natasha Menezes - 3rd Place - 16 & above dance duo

16th September – Stephen Petit, aged 65 years of Malla17th October – Joaquim Pereira, aged 74 years of Pali Pathar19th October – Philip Fernandes, aged 53 years of Pali Pathar29th October – Odette Drego, aged 75 years of Malla2nd November – Robert Lazarus, aged 72 of Rajan4th November – Wenceslaus Fernandes, aged 75 of Rajan6th November – Esperance Marie Dias, aged 88 years of Scheme13th November – Ligoury D’Souza of Scheme14th November – Christina Blandina D’Souza, aged 70 years of Scheme

THE REGINA COELIFrom Holy Saturday to Pentecost we recite one of the Church’s most beautiful anthems “The Regina Coeli or Queen of Heaven Rejoice”, which is said in place of the Angelus. It is believed that Pope St. Gregory the Great was one day leading a procession to ask for relief from a severe pestilence that was afflicting the people of Rome. Being carried in the procession was an icon of the Blessed Virgin, when suddenly the air was filled with a

heavenly perfume, dispelling the pestilence .Looking up St. Gregory saw angels singing “ O Queen of Heaven rejoice, Alleluia! For He whom you deserved to bear, Alleluia! Has arisen as He said, Alleluia”, to which the holy Pope added “ O Pray to God for us, Alleluia!”At the same time the Pope saw the Angel of Death put his sword back into its case, atop the hill of Hadrian, today known as the Castle of St. Angelo. Since then, the story has been associated with the origin of the Regina Coeli. In the Regina Coeli we rejoice with Our Blessed Mother that her Son, after a gruelling passion and death, has risen again. While the Angelus celebrates the Incarnation of Jesus, the Regina Coeli celebrates His Resurrection and felicitates our Blessed Mother, on her Son’s victory, over sin and death.

THE ANGELUSThe Angelus is a prayer which commemorates the Incarnation of our Lord. It evolved from a 12th century practice of reciting the 3 Hail Marys every evening after a bell was rung, a practice started by Pope Gregory IX to remind the people to pray for the Crusades. It was only in the 16th century that the present form of the Angelus came into being & it now began to be recited 3 times a day, at 6.00 a.m.,12.00 noon & at 6.00 p.m. accompanied by the ringing of the church bells, reminding people to stop everything and pray together. The Angelus pays tribute to Mary’s role in the Incarnation, since it was because of her humble “Yes” to God’s will for her, that ‘the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us’. When we say the Angelus we are emulating Mary’s faith in God’s goodness and we are blessed in that we can ask both Jesus & Mary for their assistance, on our journey to eternal life.


GOD is the source of all power, and

prayer is essential to experiencing His power in our lives.

Page 6: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 20156

The Bigger PictureAs you move closer to a painting, you may notice a few

imperfect brush strokes or extra daubs of paint. But as you go further from the painting, you see the entire picture and you feel it looks pretty good. Are we obsessed with every tiny setback or do we view our lives in totality?

Tom was upset when a rash youngster driving on the wrong side of the road rammed into his parked BMV. He was in the car but escaped without a scratch. Instead of thanking God for saving his life, Tom was more concerned with the big repair bill.

We are ingrates who forget God’s bountiful gifts to us. We have a roof over our heads but want a bigger house. Our closets are bursting with clothes but we feel we have nothing decent to wear We have been endowed with different talents but want more. Greta sings like a nightingale but she is unhappy because she did not win the talent competition. We need to shift our focus from winning all the time and instead enjoy what we are doing.

Again we suffer from myopic vision when understanding and dealing with our children. We sometimes want them to follow our profession. Our children are individuals in their own right. Paul McCartney’s daughter, Stella, has made her name in fashion designing and not in music.

Some people focus only on the negative occurrences and tragedies in their lives. Anita is one such person. She lost her parents when she was very young. She is one of those perpetual grumblers and is constantly finding faults with her husband and son. Anita has clearly lost the bigger picture.

When the going is tough, it is important that we take one day at a time. I like to think, “This too shall pass.” I mentally repeat these words of a popular hymn, “One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking of you. Just give me the strength …. One day at a time.”

We are often envious of others. We think of what material possessions and positive qualities they have which we don’t and land up feeling miserable. We suffer from a ‘Comparison Complex’. We fail to see the picture in its totality for the person we envy may have more possessions than us but he/she may be deeply unhappy.

Sometimes blessings are showered on us in disguise. Adrian was worried when the company where he worked closed down and he lost his job. But then he thought that this was an excellent opportunity to start up a company on his own and he is today a successful businessman.

How do we perceive others ? Do we only see a person’s behavior without trying to understand why he behaves in a certain way? The husband comes home late, weary and upset with office politics. So he snaps at his wife and kids. Does she try to see the bigger picture or does she retort sharply?

The ebullient Stevie Wonder once said, “I thank God for the gift of life.” He focused on the bigger picture – his musical talent, rather than on his blindness. Happiness or unhappiness – the choice is ours depending on whether we chose to see the smaller picture or the bigger one. ~ Monica Fernandes


Ingredients:500 gms Sugar (granulated)250 gms Dessicated coconut250 gms Sojee (fine)2 Tbsp Butter6 EggsFew drops of Almond or Rose Essence1 tsp Baking Powder

Method:Make a thin syrup of sugar with 1 cup of water. Add the butter and the sojee and stir well for a few minutes.Remove from fire. Add the dessicated coconut and put back on fire for about 5-7minuts. Then cool completely.Beat eggs well in another bowl with essence. Add to the sojee mixture when cold. Add the baking powder and beat well with the mixer. Pour into greased thalis and bake for 20-25 minutes till done. – Ann Aguiar


bible FactDaviD useD a sworD to kill goliath, not a stone. (1 samuel


Page 7: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine

AnneMater Oct - Nov 20157




Hide-an-seek was my favorite game growing up. The strategy of securing the perfect hiding place, the frantic scurry to hide, the thrill of the count, holding my breath as I heard the seeker getting closer … it was almost too much pressure for my little heart to take.

Too often, however, I treat my relationship with God like a game of hide-and-seek. I run and try to hide from Him (as if He cannot see me!). At times I even hold my breath and don’t talk to Him. I figure that if He can’t find me, He can’t ask me to change.There’s just one problem with that thought process: We can’t hide from God.To God everything is exposed: all of our faults, imperfections, personal secrets but also all of our talents, traits, successes and achievements … that’s the good news. The even better news is that God is always seeking you and me.‘For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost’ (Luke 19:10).

That is one of reasons why the Church gives us the season of Advent. Over the four weeks preceding Christmas, we prepare not just for Jesus’ coming as a baby in a manger but also for His Second Coming. The Church, with great wisdom, nudges us with a ‘wake-up call’ to ensure that we are honest with our God and in right relationship with Him before He comes again.

God is seeking you. Are you hiding from Him? If not, good. If so, stop. You have no reason to hide yourself from Him.He loves us even more than we love ourselves, so let Him. He’s coming back at some point. The fact is only scary if we’re not where we need to be in our relationship to God. A relationship with Jesus is all fun without any of the games.

Advent is a beautiful gift, so seek God and make the season one of depth and of honesty. Expose your soul before God and allow Him to love you for who you truly are: a sinner in need of His mercy, a work in progress.

As hide-and-seek reminds us, ‘Ready or not, here He comes.’‘Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?’Psalm 139:7 ~ Neelam Ennarguti

In Matthew 5:28, Jesus says that, ‘Anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.’When Jesus said this, it was completely radical, because he revealed that lust (something that happens inside your heart) is a sin just as much as an external action. What we think with our minds and desire in our hearts is a big deal.

When you lust after someone, either in physical actions or in thoughts, it wounds your ability to love and be loved. Lust is deliberately inflaming a sexual desire or temptation that naturally comes to you.

Pope John Paul II always said that loving is the opposite of using. Love requires sacrifice, responsibility and a total commitment to the other person. Jesus showed us the model referenced in Ephesians 5:25 ‘Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church.’

A quick look at any crucifix will remind us how Christ loved the Church: by laying down his life! So when you reduce someone to an object for pleasure, it excludes God’s plan for love. Bishop Fulton Sheen once said that lust turns love into poison. Lust turns something that is designed to be given away (love) and turns it into something that’s only about ‘me’ and what ‘I’ can get from the other person.

Just as looking at someone lustfully damages love and tears someone down, looking at someone lovingly affirms their dignity and can build them up. We have to untrain our eyes and hearts from lust and back to love. Purity in the heart is what we should strive for. God can clean the gunk built up in us through lust of the eyes and give us a heavenly vision.

Don’t confuse every lustful thought as a mortal sin. There’s a difference between thoughts that are brought on by ourselves and entertained and ones that pop up and are dismissed. Pray for help in the moment for Jesus to cleanse your mind of the image or thought! -- Neelam Ennarguti

LUST wounds

“Dear God, please take care ofmydaddyandmymommyandmysister and my brother and mydoggy and my cat and me. Oh,pleasetakecareofyourselfGod.Ifanythinghappenstoyouwe’regonnabeinabigmess”

Ready or not – Here HE comes!

Page 8: ST. ANNE’S CHURCH We care. We share. AnneMater · – offered to God and myrrh – an ointment used to anoint bodies before they were buried. The last being a sign that this divine


Confessions : Every Saturday at 6.30 p.m. or on requestBaptisms : 1st Sundays at 9:15 a.m. Mass & 3rd Saturdays at 5.30 p.m.Good News Club : After the 8.00 a.m. Mass(Sunday School) Church Office : 9.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon & 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.Tel: 26481923 • E-Mail: [email protected] • Web: stannechurchbandra.org

MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays : 6.00 a.m., 6.45 a.m. 7.00 p.m.

Sundays : 6.30 a.m., 8.00 a.m. 9.15 a.m., 6.00 p.m.

PUBLISHED BY: Fr. Clement de Lima EDITORIAL TEAM: Fr. Leon, Felicity, Marion, Neelam, & Raynah

E-MAIL: [email protected]

CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHTSunday, December 20th at 7 p.m.

CONFESSIONS:Tuesday, December 22nd - For children from 5 p.m. onwardsWednesday, December 23rd - For adults from 5 p.m. onwards

CHRISTMAS EVEThursday, December 24th - 9:30 p.m. - Carol singing followed by the Christmas Vigil Mass at 10 p.m.

CHRISTMAS DAYFriday, December 25th - Christmas Masses at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. No evening Mass.

Sunday, December 27th - Christmas party for the Good News Club children at 10 a.m.

Monday, December 28th – Special Mass for the home bound and senior citizens at 5 p.m. followed by a get-together in the meet and greet area.

NEW YEARS EVEThursday, December 31st - 11 p.m. - Thanksgiving Holy Hour followed by Midnight Mass in the Church.

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GODFriday, January 1st - Masses at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONSSunday, January 10th - 9:30 a.m. – Solemn Mass

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