Republic of Liberia Honors Poet Tolson Prof. Beaunorus Tolson, the, American poet, yesterday was presented with the Order of the Star of Africa by Liberian Am- ¦ bassador Clarence Simpson, dur- j M YEARS’ FUR STORAGE FOR "I THE PRICE OF 1 Just pay regular storage rate this season—when you get your furs. Our receipt will entitle you to same storage service for your garment—at same valuation —for the 1955 storage season at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. Your furs will receive the care of skilled furriers—- modern CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE—fuII pro- tection against theft, Ore, heat, dust, moths. Up to SIOO $5 up to S2OO valuation Value (Min.) $1 for each additional SIOO Call ISAtional 8-5760 For Bonded Messenger LT/tank Co. 12th and F Sts. VIRGINIA SQ., ARLINGTON ALSO EXPERT FUR REPAIR AND RESTYLING Z MAY 9th - MOTHER'S DAY ICE CREAM HAT I \ r Here is »n ice cream treat the whole family will V 1 # enjoy. Made in the GIFFORD manner with only I the finest ingredients obtainable. $2.00 STRAWBERRY CARNATION ROLL or VANILLA CARNATION ROLL MOTHER'S DAY sl 2sea * * ICE CREAM CAKE Strawberry and Vanilla ice cream, with whipped cream | GIFFORD'S DELICIOUS CANDIES Yot©Sweetest Way on Mother’s Day! | j GIFFORD'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES j OTHER SPECIALS/ *•> MOTHERS DAY MOLDS* $4 00 a dot h /S r MOTHER’S n,v hecorettes w _ JE . HEART ICE CREAM ROLL .95* Ol 6IITTrTwF PINK & WHITE MINTS 80* a lb OPEN 10 AM TO 11 PM EVERY DAY ICE CREAM*CANDIES INCL SUNDAY LARGE PARKING LOTS L 3 SILVER SPRING THE SD A ARLINGTON Accused Attacker Held for Police by Woman's Trick A 32-year-old man, who said he is just out of prison, today is being held without bond on a charge of rape. Edward Hines. 32, colored, who gave his address as Coatesville. Pa., was arrested after his victim duped him into sitting in a cab while she called police, detectives said. Hines was released from a Richmond (Va.> prison on Wednesday, after serving 16 months of a two-year grand lar- j ceny sentence, according to his own story. A 33-year-old colored woman said he accosted her in the 1000 block of Ninth street N.W. on Wednesday night, dragged her into an alley and choked her into submission. After the rape, she said, she pleaded for her life, then, sug- gested he accompany her to her j home. He was agreeable. They went by cab to her broth- er's house, she said, where she pretended to have no money. She asked the cab driver to hold her purse while she went into get some. Her assailant stayed In the cab. She called police, who found him there. Oklahoma U. Club The Oklahoma University Club of Washington will elect officers at a buffet dance at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Hotel 2400. Does the Work of 8 Cleaning Agents! New Miracle Fluid Cleans Walls, Woodwork, Floors, , Rugs, Upholstery, Windows Even Delicate Fabrics —Deodorizes As It Cleans—Removes Stains, Eliminates Scrubbing—Kind To Your Hands—Cuts Housework 50% All over the country Mc- Clelland’s Formula “B” is revolutionizing housework the way detergents revolu- tionized washday. Formula “B” is long overdue. For yeai - s you’ve been forced to go out and buy 8 to 10 dif- ferent types of cleaners—a liquid for mirrors and win- dows. a suds for upholstery, a cellulose for rugs, an abra- sive for floors and tile, a powder for woodwork and walls, a chrome cleaner, a spot remover for home dry cleaning—and so forth Now—Throw Them All Out. One Bottle of Formula “B” Will Do All This Work. Ac- cording to the women now using it. Formula “B” cuts scrubbing time and effoi’t in half! Its new miracle in- gredients cut through grease, stains, soot and gunk. Just sponge it on, and except in case of windows and mirrors, you don’t even have to wipe it off. Formula “B” leaves no sticky residue or grit. You needn’t mix or dilute it, either—Formula “B” goes di- rect from bottle to sponge or cloth. Prevent Staining With For- mula “B.” Spilled food and drinks wipe right off with Formula “B”—no need to scrub and rinse and rub dry when Junior spills his grape- juice on your best carpet. Even removes grass stains. Contains Miracle Softening Agent. There is nothing harsh in Formula “B.” It is as gentle to your hands as a hand lotion. Spongfe it on dirty woodwork and see it come Sparkling clean—run your hand over it; it feels smooth, like new No grit, no stickiness. And feel your hands. Yes, Formula “B” contains a new ingx-edient which leaves everything fresh and clean and actually softens your hands as you use it. Ideal As a Dry Cleaner. Try it on your pi-ettiest frock, < after testing for color-fast- ness)—watch Formula “B” remove spots, stains, perspir- ation rings—deodorizing as it cleans. See how the colors glow, and no telltale ring re- mains. You needn't rub and scrub and damage the fabric. Saves You Money Two Ways. Once you put a bottle of Formula “B” on your shelf you need buy no other clean- ing compound or fluid; you cut down on dry cleaning bills, you clean your own carpets and upholstery. A bottle of Formula “B” goes a long way. Safe For All Fabrics and Surfaces, Non-Inflammable. Use it anywhere without fear of harming precious fabrics. If you spill some, don’t worry. Plunge your hands into it without fear of their becoming red and l'ough. Foitnula “B” is the gentlest, kindest cleaning agent you’ve ever used. Available at Safeway, Giant, Food Fair, Sheridan Food Barn, Community Market, Shirlington Food Stores, Ma- gruders and other food stores around town, also at Wood- ward & Lotbrop, Kann’s, Hecht’s and Lansburgh's and leading hardware stores. You can now cross the other cleaning agents off your shopping list and simply get a bottle of Formula “B" in- stead. You’ll never again go back to the antiquated, harsh inefficient products that have cluttered your kitchen shelves for years. Hei-e's real freedom from heavy house- work at last. Your Money Refunded If Not Satisfied. If you don’t agree that Formula “B” is the most effective cleaning agent you’ve ever used in your home, send the unused por- tion back and your money will be refunded in its en- tirety. Only 98c a quart. McClellantTM Formula “B“ is tho soma product usod by many pro- fessional cleaners, hotels and in- stitutions to cut lobar costs. ing ceremonies at the Liberian Embassy, 5201 Sixteenth street N.W. Prof. Tolson was honored for his book “Libretto for the Re- public of Liberia.” He teaches creative literature at Langston (Okla.) University, and directs | the Dustbowl Theater. Points for Parents- ,yEdv,h ' Tl "’mosW ° ,toce The parent-child relation is more friendly when parents are fellow-workers than when they are overseers. * - n.. Mother—l’m coming in to in- spect your room after you finish cleaning it. You can’t go to the show until it is done and j done right. This Mother—l’ll work with you so you can get through quicker. Would you like me to straighten j your closet or run the vacuum 1 over your rug? Turks Are Cautious Over Red Menace By th« Associated Press ANKARA, Turkey. Prime Minister Adnan Menderes says that Turkey is immune to Rus- sian influence, but recognizes the need of taking precautions. “The Turks, after living next i | door to the Russian menace for I centuries, have developed a nat- i ural sense of self protection,” he | says. I “To live next to danger makes some people panicky. It makes others act cautiously. We Turks are in the latter group.” FOR AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD EL MEXICO RESTAURANT > Washington’s Most Distinguished Dining Room / Complete Dinners £/ > ICOMPLETEBAR 2603 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. One Block from Shoreham and Wardman Park Hotels Reservations: Call HO. 2-4550 12 Noon- 12:30 a m. PORTRAIT COLLARED COTTON 29.95 Frosty white collar spills over a cross-hatched check cotton sheath. The collar meets in the center with a taffeta bow. Smart os a whip in black or brown. Sizes 10 to 18. Other cottons from 10.95 *Kjzik brothers, litc. QPasWnqton^ 1108 Connecticut Avenue Open Daily, 9:30 to 6:00 ( - jj^ 6 iP7 ¦ compliment catching V Vt panty and girdle Coax your figure into cool \ \ summer curves with these \ \ compliment catching panties and \ \ girdles! So light, yet controlling \ \ in sheer nylon lastex, \ white frosted with blue posies. V \ Small, medium, large. j Ponty, $7.50 Girdle, $6.50 Second Floor L Mail fr Phone Orders Filled. NA. 8-8225 -J Lake Trout Vanish From Lake Michigan By tha Associated gross MILWAUKEE. Lake trout, once the basis of a thriving com- mercial fishing industry in the Great Lakes, have vanished from Lake Michigan. Donald Euers, chief of a study project for the Wisconsin Conservation Depart- ment says. Disappearance of the fish, in less than a decade, is blamed on ravages of the sea lamprey, an eel-like parasite that preyed on the fish. THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. FRIDAY. MAT 1. 19 M ° Shenandoah Academy Erecting New Buildings By ttw Associated Prass NEW MARKET, Va., May 7. W. T. Weaver, headmaster of the Shenandoah Valley Academy, the Seventh-Day Adventist high school here, announced today the start of construction of a $35,000 two-story-and-basement industrial building. He also dis- closed plans to start construction next week of a SIOO,OOO gym- nasium and assembly hall. The industrial building, oper- ated in association with the present dairy, will help students from Virginia, the District of Columbia. New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Eastern Pennsyl- vania earn money to pay for their education. Students work on the 350-acre farm with its herd of 100 Guernsey cows. EXPECTANT MOTHERS! fyufta/mt 3 Aebtul * sswar"*" /4pAi l ft YOUR BABY’S yiwtd Os &jjmt 3&mc£f Here is invaluable information that w ill relieve any doubts you may have. You’ll know » hat to expert during pregnancy .. . and what you should know about your child's first year You’ll also get over 3,(X10 names to choose from in selecting vour babv's name. THESE THREE BOOKLETS ARE YOLKS . . . ABSOLUTELY FREE’' ELITES INDIVIDUALIZED DIAPER SERVILE assures that \nu get the >ame diapers back week afler week, Vour baby s diapers are returned beautifullv clean, and properly sterilized, thanks to Elite's years of experience and scientific knowledge. Three t\p<*s' of diapers are available—BlßD'S EYE, CLRITY and the famous ELITE TAILOR (requires no folding). Vou II find that ELITE service is economical service! M p Mail Thit Coupon Today! -----------j wj I ELITE DIAPER SERVICE il-21 14th Street, NAY.. L> C. I J Ml j Gentlemen: I Name ~, . MM 4 JMJMMa accept your offer. Please Print W { Please send me Address w -r.-. J fAf J free (without ob- Phone Number .. J SANI-SOFT DIAPER SERVICE J booklct , Babv’s Expected Birth Date „,- 54 j , 2ljl 14th it., N.W. DUpont 7-6363 1.. J roß M MumVau GIVING msM ¦ LENTHERIC gg BATH POWDER BOUQUET r l T plu» tax 1 plus tax B-23

sswar* l Washington’s ft ICOMPLETEBAR Os 3&mc£f

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Republic of LiberiaHonors Poet Tolson

Prof. Beaunorus Tolson, the,American poet, yesterday waspresented with the Order of theStar of Africa by Liberian Am- ¦bassador Clarence Simpson, dur- j


STORAGE FOR "ITHE PRICE OF 1Just pay regular storage rate this season—when youget your furs. Our receipt will entitle you to samestorage service for your garment—at same valuation—for the 1955 storage season at NO ADDITIONALCHARGE.

Your furs will receive the care of skilled furriers—-modern CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE—fuII pro-tection against theft, Ore, heat, dust, moths.

Up to SIOO $5 up to S2OO valuationValue (Min.) $1 for each additional SIOO

Call ISAtional 8-5760For Bonded Messenger

LT/tank Co.12th and F Sts.




- MOTHER'S DAY ICE CREAM HATI \ r Here is »n ice cream treat the whole family will

V 1 # enjoy. Made in the GIFFORD manner with onlyI the finest ingredients obtainable. $2.00



* ICE CREAM CAKEStrawberry and Vanilla icecream, with whipped cream

| GIFFORD'S DELICIOUS CANDIESYot©Sweetest Way on Mother’s Day! |



MOTHERS DAY MOLDS* $4 00 a dot h /S rMOTHER’S n,v hecorettes

w _JE .




Accused AttackerHeld for Police byWoman's Trick

A 32-year-old man, who saidhe is just out of prison, today isbeing held without bond on acharge of rape.

Edward Hines. 32, colored, whogave his address as Coatesville.Pa., was arrested after his victimduped him into sitting in a cabwhile she called police, detectivessaid.

Hines was released from aRichmond (Va.> prison onWednesday, after serving 16months of a two-year grand lar- jceny sentence, according to hisown story.

A 33-year-old colored womansaid he accosted her in the 1000block of Ninth street N.W. onWednesday night, dragged herinto an alley and choked herinto submission.

After the rape, she said, shepleaded for her life, then, sug-gested he accompany her to her jhome. He was agreeable.

They went by cab to her broth-er's house, she said, where shepretended to have no money.She asked the cab driver to holdher purse while she went intoget some. Her assailant stayed Inthe cab. She called police, whofound him there.

Oklahoma U. ClubThe Oklahoma University Club

of Washington will elect officersat a buffet dance at 7:30 p.m.tomorrow in the Hotel 2400.

Does the Work of 8 Cleaning Agents!

New Miracle Fluid CleansWalls, Woodwork, Floors,


Rugs, Upholstery, WindowsEven Delicate Fabrics —Deodorizes As It Cleans—Removes Stains,Eliminates Scrubbing—Kind To Your Hands—Cuts Housework 50%All over the country Mc-Clelland’s Formula “B” isrevolutionizing houseworkthe way detergents revolu-tionized washday. Formula“B” is long overdue. Foryeai -s you’ve been forced togo out and buy 8 to 10 dif-ferent types of cleaners—aliquid for mirrors and win-dows. a suds for upholstery,a cellulose for rugs, an abra-sive for floors and tile, apowder for woodwork andwalls, a chrome cleaner, aspot remover for home drycleaning—and so forthNow—Throw Them All Out.One Bottle of Formula “B”Will Do All This Work. Ac-cording to the women nowusing it. Formula “B” cutsscrubbing time and effoi’t inhalf! Its new miracle in-gredients cut through grease,stains, soot and gunk. Justsponge it on, and except incase of windows and mirrors,you don’t even have to wipe

it off. Formula “B”leaves nosticky residue or grit. Youneedn’t mix or dilute it,either—Formula “B”goes di-rect from bottle to sponge orcloth.Prevent Staining With For-mula “B.” Spilled food anddrinks wipe right off withFormula “B”—no need toscrub and rinse and rub drywhen Junior spills his grape-juice on your best carpet.Even removes grass stains.

Contains Miracle SofteningAgent. There is nothingharsh in Formula “B.” It isas gentle to your hands as ahand lotion. Spongfe it ondirty woodwork and see itcome Sparkling clean—runyour hand over it; it feelssmooth, like new No grit, nostickiness. And feel yourhands. Yes, Formula “B”contains a new ingx-edientwhich leaves everythingfresh and clean and actuallysoftens your hands as youuse it.

Ideal As a Dry Cleaner. Tryit on your pi-ettiest frock,

< after testing for color-fast-ness)—watch Formula “B”remove spots, stains, perspir-ation rings—deodorizing asit cleans. See how the colorsglow, and no telltale ring re-mains. You needn't rub andscrub and damage the fabric.

Saves You Money Two Ways.Once you put a bottle ofFormula “B” on your shelfyou need buy no other clean-ing compound or fluid; youcut down on dry cleaningbills, you clean your owncarpets and upholstery. Abottle of Formula “B” goes along way.Safe For All Fabrics andSurfaces, Non-Inflammable.Use it anywhere withoutfear of harming precious

fabrics. If you spill some,don’t worry. Plunge yourhands into it without fearof their becoming red andl'ough. Foitnula “B” is thegentlest, kindest cleaningagent you’ve ever used.

Available at Safeway, Giant,Food Fair, Sheridan FoodBarn, Community Market,Shirlington Food Stores, Ma-gruders and other food storesaround town, also at Wood-ward & Lotbrop, Kann’s,Hecht’s and Lansburgh's andleading hardware stores. Youcan now cross the othercleaning agents off yourshopping list and simply geta bottle of Formula “B" in-stead. You’ll never again goback to the antiquated, harshinefficient products thathave cluttered your kitchenshelves for years. Hei-e's realfreedom from heavy house-work at last.Your Money Refunded If NotSatisfied. If you don’t agreethat Formula “B” is the mosteffective cleaning agentyou’ve ever used in yourhome, send the unused por-tion back and your moneywill be refunded in its en-tirety. Only 98c a quart.

McClellantTM Formula “B“ is tho

soma product usod by many pro-

fessional cleaners, hotels and in-

stitutions to cut lobar costs.

ing ceremonies at the LiberianEmbassy, 5201 Sixteenth streetN.W.

Prof. Tolson was honored forhis book “Libretto for the Re-public of Liberia.” He teachescreative literature at Langston(Okla.) University, and directs

| the Dustbowl Theater.

Points for Parents- ,yEdv,h 'Tl"’mosW °,toce

The parent-child relation is more friendly when parentsare fellow-workers than when they are overseers.




Mother—l’m coming in to in-spect your room after you finishcleaning it. You can’t go tothe show until it is done and jdone right.


Mother—l’ll work with you soyou can get through quicker.Would you like me to straighten

j your closet or run the vacuum1 over your rug?

Turks Are Cautious Over Red MenaceBy th« Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey. Prime

Minister Adnan Menderes saysthat Turkey is immune to Rus-sian influence, but recognizes theneed of taking precautions.

“The Turks, after living next


| door to the Russian menace forI centuries, have developed a nat-

i ural sense of self protection,” he| says.

I “To live next to danger makessome people panicky. It makesothers act cautiously. We Turksare in the latter group.”


EL MEXICO RESTAURANT >Washington’s Most €

Distinguished Dining Room /

Complete Dinners £/ >

ICOMPLETEBAR2603 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W.One Block from Shoreham and Wardman Park HotelsReservations: Call HO. 2-4550 12 Noon- 12:30 a m.


Frosty white collar spills over a cross-hatched checkcotton sheath. The collar meets in the center with ataffeta bow. Smart os a whip in black or brown. Sizes10 to 18. Other cottons from 10.95

*Kjzikbrothers, litc.QPasWnqton^

1108 Connecticut Avenue • Open Daily, 9:30 to 6:00


- jj^6



compliment catching V Vtpanty and girdle

Coax your figure into cool \ \

summer curves with these \ \

compliment catching panties and \ \

girdles! So light, yet controlling \ \

in sheer nylon lastex, \white frosted with blue posies. V \

Small, medium, large. jPonty, $7.50 Girdle, $6.50Second Floor

L Mail fr Phone Orders Filled. NA. 8-8225 -J

Lake Trout VanishFrom Lake Michigan

By tha Associated gross

MILWAUKEE. Lake trout,once the basis of a thriving com-mercial fishing industry in theGreat Lakes, have vanished fromLake Michigan. Donald Euers,chief of a study project for theWisconsin Conservation Depart-ment says.

Disappearance of the fish, inless than a decade, is blamed onravages of the sea lamprey, aneel-like parasite that preyed onthe fish.

THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C.FRIDAY. MAT 1. 19 M °

Shenandoah AcademyErecting New Buildings

By ttw Associated Prass

NEW MARKET, Va., May 7.W. T. Weaver, headmaster of theShenandoah Valley Academy,

the Seventh-Day Adventist high

school here, announced today

the start of construction of a$35,000 two-story-and-basement

industrial building. He also dis-

closed plans to start constructionnext week of a SIOO,OOO gym-nasium and assembly hall.

The industrial building, oper-ated in association with thepresent dairy, will help studentsfrom Virginia, the District of

Columbia. New Jersey, Maryland,Delaware and Eastern Pennsyl-

vania earn money to pay fortheir education. Students workon the 350-acre farm with itsherd of 100 Guernsey cows.


fyufta/mt 3 Aebtul* sswar"*"

/4pAi l


yiwtdOs &jjmt 3&mc£fHere is invaluable information that w illrelieve any doubts you may have. You’ll know » hat to expertduring pregnancy .. . and what you should know about your child's first year You’ll also get over3,(X10 names to choose from in selecting vour babv's name. THESE THREE BOOKLETSARE YOLKS .


ELITES INDIVIDUALIZED DIAPER SERVILE assures that \nu get the >ame diapersback week afler week, Vour baby s diapers are returned beautifullv clean, and properlysterilized, thanks to Elite's years of experience and scientific knowledge. Three t\p<*s' ofdiapers are available—BlßD'S EYE, CLRITY and the famous ELITE TAILOR (requires nofolding). Vou II find that ELITE service is economical service!

M p — Mail Thit Coupon Today! -----------jwj I ELITE DIAPER SERVICE il-21 14th Street, NAY.. L> C. I

J Ml j Gentlemen: I Name ~, .MM4 JMJMMa accept your offer. Please Print

W { Please send me Address w -r.-. JfAf J free (without ob- Phone Number .. J

SANI-SOFT DIAPER SERVICE J booklct , Babv’s Expected Birth Date „,-54 j, 2ljl • 14th it., N.W. DUpont 7-6363 1.. _« J

roß MMumVauGIVING msM



1 plus tax
