$SSOLHG 3URMHFW &RQWUROV - s3.amazonaws.com · Understand!and!apply!tools!for!monitoring,!controlling,! ... Form the Project Baseline) ... ProjectControls!consists!of!Planning/Scheduling,!Cost

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Project ControlsTraining Manual


Your Ultimate Guide to Successin Project Control and Management



Table  of  Contents    


Module  1-­‐  Introduction  to  Project  Controls    

Course  Objectives  ..................................................................................................................................................  1  

Course  Outline  .......................................................................................................................................................  6  

What  is  Project  Controls  ......................................................................................................................................  11  

Basis  of  Project  Controls  ......................................................................................................................................  15  

Project  Controls  Framework  ................................................................................................................................  22  

Project  Controls  Flowchart  ..................................................................................................................................  25  

Review  of  Module  1  .............................................................................................................................................  27  




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This  course  is  designed  to  :    

  Provide  you  a  deeper  level  of  understanding  and  prac7cal  tools  to  enhance  your  competency  in  controlling  your  projects.    Show  you  how  to  develop,  monitor,  and  control  a  project  schedule  and  cost.    Equip  you  with  the  basic  and  advanced  methods  for  keeping  your  projects  in  control.    Enable  you  to  hone  the  skills  necessary  to  effec7vely  manage  and  control  your  projects.  

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By  the  end  of  this  course,  you  will  be  able  to:    

  Understand  the  importance  of  project  controls  to  the  successful  control  and  delivery  of  a  project.    Learn  the  fundamental  concepts  and  standard  Project  Controls  methodologies  available  for  controlling  and  implemen7ng  a  project.    Plan,  develop,  and  control  projects  by  considering  the  Project  Controls  elements  that  contribute  to  project  success—scope,  cost,  and  schedule.    Develop  a  work  breakdown  structure  (WBS)  as  a  basis  for  effec7ve    cost  es7ma7on  and  scheduling  of  a  project  .  

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By  the  end  of  this  course,  you  will  be  able  to:    

  Build  and  interpret  Scheduling  Network  Diagrams.      Understand  different  types  of  scheduling  rela7onships,  lags  and  leads.    Calculate  schedule  floats  and  determine  the  schedule  cri7cal  path.      Understand  Schedule  Risk  Analysis.      Understand  the  differences  between  Tradi7onal  Management  and  Earned  Value  Management.    Establish  an  integrated  cost/schedule  performance  measurement  baseline.    

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By  the  end  of  this  course,  you  will  be  able  to:    

  Understand  and  apply  tools  for  monitoring,  controlling,  and  forecas7ng  the  project    status  through  Earned  Value  Management  .    Interpret    and  analyze  a  project  performance  report.    Understand  the  concept  behind  performance  measurement  formulas.    Apply  Earned  Value  Management  techniques  to  forecast  final  project  results.    Take  proac7ve  /correc7ve  ac7ons  to  keep  the  project    in  control.  

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Applied  Project  Controls  Course  Modules:    

  Module  1-­‐  Introduc7on  to  Project  Controls    Module  2-­‐  Scope  Planning    Module  3-­‐  Time  Planning  (  Planning/  Scheduling)    Module  4-­‐  Cost  Planning  (  Es7ma7ng/  Budge7ng)    Module  5-­‐  Execu7on  of  Project  Controls    Module  6-­‐  Checking  the  Performance    Module  7-­‐  Cost  and  Schedule  Analysis  and  Taking  Ac7on  


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Do  you  know  the  status  of  your  project(s)?    



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70% of projects are: •  Over budget •  Behind schedule

52% of all projects finish at 189% of their initial budget

And some, after huge investments of time and money, are simply not getting completed. Source: The Standish Group

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“Have you done what you’ve asked to do?”

You need a tool that gives you an accurate and consistent project status information!

Project Controls

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  Project  controls  is  that  element  of  a  project  that  keeps  it  on-­‐track,  on-­‐7me  and  within  budget.    


  Project  controls  provides  accurate,  7mely  informa7on  to  project  management  that  will  enable  informed  decisions  and  ac7ons  to  correct  any  possible  adverse  situa7ons  or  trends  and  to  advise  the  client  of  the  true  status  of  the  project.  


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 Despite  the  con7nuous  evolu7on  in  the  project  management  field,  it  appears  evident  that  the  tradi7onal  approach  s7ll  shows  a  lack  of  u7liza7on  of  Project  Controls.    It  has  been  proved  that  Project  performance  can  be  improved  if  dedicated  Project  Controls  systems  are  in  place.    There  have  been  a  number  of  ar7cles  published  to  support  the  importance  of  project  controls  in  the  achievement  of  project  objec7ves.    

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  An  IBC  2000  Project  Control  Best  Prac7ce  Study  carried  out  by  IPA  iden7fied  that  good  Project  Control  prac7ces  reduce  execu7on  schedule  slip  by  15%.      A  sample  study  carried  out  by  the  IBC  Cost  Engineering  Commi^ee  (CEC)  in  1999,  showed  that  good  Project  Control  prac7ces  improved  cost  by  more  than  10%.      Success  factors  are  based  on  good  Project  Control  prac7ces,  which  result  in  good  cost  and  schedule  outcomes.        

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  Project  controls  is  not  limited  only  to  controlling  and  monitoring  during  the  project  execu7on  phase.  An  effec7ve  Project  Controls  process  begins  early  in  the  project  with  planning  and  ends  late  in  the  project  with  post-­‐implementa7on  review,  having  a  thorough  involvement  of  each  step  in  the  process.  


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  An  effec7ve  Project  Controls  process  can  be  applied  primarily  on  following  aspects/subjects:  


Project  Controls  

Planning/  Scheduling  

Cost  Control  

Cost  Es7ma7ng  

Cost  &  Schedule  

Risk  Analysis  

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Planning/  Scheduling:    Development  of  a  realis7c  schedule.    Timely  and  accurate  monitoring,  predic7on,  control  and  repor7ng  of:    Work  that  was  scheduled  to  be  done  and  the  work  that  is  actually  done  in  a  repor7ng  period  and  to  date.  

  Work  required  to  be  done  for  project  comple7on.  

  Early  iden7fica7on  and  management  of  ‘slippages’  to  bring  the  schedule  back  on  track.  


Project  Controls  

Planning/  Scheduling  

Cost  Control  

Cost  Es7ma7ng  

Cost  &  Schedule  

Risk  Analysis  

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Cost  Control:    Cost  Control  is  the  applica7on  of  procedures  to  monitor  expenditures  and  performance  against  progress  of  projects  or  manufacturing  opera7ons;  to  measure  variance  from  authorized  budgets  and  allow  effec7ve  ac7on  to  be  taken  to  achieve  minimum  costs.    AACE  Prac=ce  Standard  

  Cost  is  dependent    on  the  project  schedule.    Budget  and  schedule  need  to  be  managed  together.  


Project  Controls  

Planning/  Scheduling  

Cost  Control  

Cost  Es7ma7ng  

Cost  &  Schedule  

Risk  Analysis  

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Cost  Es7ma7ng:    A  cornerstone  of  cost  control  and  total  cost  management.    The  process  used  to  predict  the  quan77es,  cost  and  /  or  price  of  the  resources  required  for  execu7ng  the  scope  of  a  project.      As  a  predic7on,  cost  es7mates  must  address  risks  and  uncertain7es.    Cost  es7mates  are  determined  using  experience  and  calcula7ng  the  future  cost  of  resources,  methods,  and  management  within  a  scheduled  7me  frame.  

Project  Controls  

Planning/  Scheduling  

Cost  Control  

 Cost  Es7ma7ng  

Cost  &  Schedule  

Risk  Analysis  


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Cost  &  Schedule  Risk  Analysis:    Assesses  the  impact  of  risk  on  project’s  schedule  and  cost.    Schedule  Risk  Analysis’  outputs:  

  Comple7on  dates  forecasts    Probability  of  mee7ng  these  dates    Iden7fica7on  of  most  cri7cal  ac7vi7es  

  Cost  Risk  Analysis  outputs:    Iden7fica7on  of  the  most  cri7cal  risk  to  project’s  cost  

  Determina7on  of  the  required  con7ngency  needed  in  the  cost  es7mate  to  achieve  any  desired  level  of  confidence.  


Project  Controls  

Planning/  Scheduling  

Cost  Control  

Cost  Es7ma7ng  

Cost  &  Schedule  

Risk  Analysis  


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Tell me how I can employ Project Controls in my projects!

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Project Controls

Execution of Project Control (Recording/ Measuring Cost and Schedule Status)

Planning & Development of Scope, Time, and Cost (Fundamental steps to Form the Project Baseline)

Checking the Performance (Measuring & Monitoring Cost and Schedule Performance against Baseline) Cost & Schedule

Analysis & Taking Action (Analyzing Performance Results and Forecasting Project behaviour)

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Applied  Project  Controls  Course  Modules:    

  Module  1-­‐  Introduc7on  to  Project  Controls    Module  2-­‐  Scope  Planning    Module  3-­‐  Time  Planning  (  Planning/  Scheduling)    Module  4-­‐  Cost  Planning  (  Es7ma7ng/  Budge7ng)    Module  5-­‐  Execu7on  of  Project  Controls    Module  6-­‐  Checking  the  Performance    Module  7-­‐  Cost  and  Schedule  Analysis  and  Taking  Ac7on  


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Record  /  Measure                              Cost  Status  

Record        Schedule  Status  

Project Controls Scope                  

Planning  Time  

Planning  Cost  




Check  &  Measure            Variances  

Measure  Performance  Indices  


Future  Analysis   Trend  Analysis  

Baseline  Analysis  

Change  Control  


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WBS Schedule Budget

Scope                  Planning  

Time  Planning  

Cost  Planning  


Performance Measurement



EV Methods


Physical% Complete EV

Financial Accounting


Cost Control System


Schedule Updates Schedule


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Cost Control System


Checking  &  Measuring  Variances  

Measuring  Performance  



Project Status Result ( Ahead or Behind)

Future  Analysis  

Trend  Analysis  

Baseline  Analysis  

Integrated Change Control

•  Requested Changes •  Recommended corrective/ preventive actions •  Recommended defect repair •  Forecasts

•  Approved corrective/ preventive actions •  Approved/ Rejected change requests •  Approved defect repair •  PMB (updates)

Analyzing & Acting

Schedule Software


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Introduction to Project Controls

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 This  module  was  an  introductory  module  that  provided  you  with    an  overview  of  what  you  will  expect  in  the  upcoming  modules.  In  addi7on,  in  this  module  you’ve  learned:    

  Project  control    provides  7mely  and  accurate  informa7on  that    keeps  the  project  on-­‐track,  on-­‐7me  and  within  budget.      An  effec7ve  Project  Controls  process  begins  early  in  the  project  with  planning  and  ends  late  in  the  project  with  post-­‐implementa7on  reviews.  

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  Project  Controls  consists  of  Planning/Scheduling,  Cost  Control,  Cost  Es7ma7ng,  and  Risk  Analysis  fields.  

   As  explored  previously  in  the  framework,  the  upcoming  modules  address  in  depth  the  components  that  comprise  Planning/scheduling  and  Cost  Control  to  help  you  incorporate  Project  Controls  into  your  projects.  

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Are  you  Ready  to  Move  on  to  Module  2,    

Scope  Planning?        

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Applied Project Controls TrainingMaintain Control, Boost Performance, and

Achieve Successin Your Projects

Your Unique Guide to …

The A pplied Project Controls training s eries equ ips you w ith fu ndam ental and practical tools to enhance you r com petency and perform ance in controlling and m anag ing you r projects . This cou rs e provides you a s tep-by-s tep proces s from planning to execu tion and control of project’s s chedu le and cos t in a s im ple yet effective m anner. Clos ely alig ned w ith the Project M anag em ent Ins titu te’s s tandards and g u idelines ,A pplied Project Controls training offers bas ic and advanced m ethods for k eeping you r projects in control. It provides you a clear u nders tanding of the Project Controls ’ concepts , tools , and techniqu es that can be applied to any project w ithin any indu s try.

TheThe A pplied Project Controls video training is com pos ed of 7 m odu les that are delivered as 12 online videos or DVDs :

- M odu le 1- Introdu ction to Project Controls - M odu le 2- Scope Planning - M odu le 3- Tim e Planning (Parts 1-3) - M odu le 4- Cos t Planning - M odu le 5- Execu tion of Project Controls (Parts 1-2) - M odu le 6- Check ing the Perform ance - M odu le 7- Cos t and Schedu le A nalys is (Parts 1-3)

J u s t w atch the videos , learn from the exam ples , do the exercis es , and follow the s ys tem . You can becom e the next expert in you r field. You can do this . The project m anag em ent w orld needs you .

Shohreh G horbani, PM P, is a s eas oned Project Control Profes s ional w ith years of hands -on experience on a w ide rang e of project m anag em ent technical areas in variou s indu s tries . She has a dem ons trated track record of s u cces s in execu ting earned valu e m anag em ent, cos t control, planning /s chedu ling , ris k m anag em ent, and qu ality m anag em ent. She has m anag ed larg e nu m ber of s u cces s fu l oil and g as and m anu factu ring projects of varying s ize and com plexity in Canada and overs eas .

Prior to es tablis hing Project Control A cadem y, s he developed s eries of training videos for Project Control departm ent of an international com pany. Her training videos w ere w ell received and s hared g lobally w ithin the com pany. Finding her pas s ion in Project Controls , s he continu ed to s hare her k now ledg e throu g h teaching at edu cational ins titu tes and corporations . She fou nded Project Control A cadem y to fu rther s hare her k now ledg e and s erve m ore people.

Shohreh is a profes s ional m em ber of Project M anag em ent Ins titu te (PM I) and A m erican A s s ociation of Cos t Eng ineers (A A CE). She holds M as ter of Science in Indu s trial Eng ineering . M eet her at w wM eet her at w w w .ProjectControlA cadem y.com

Meet Shohreh Ghorbani, Founder of Project Control Academy