Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications SSL for EMC “We Educate So You Can Communicate” Jeff Hajek Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker Hallie Van Dyke

SSL for EMC Campaign

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This is a media relations campaign I created for SSL for EMC.

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Page 1: SSL for EMC Campaign

Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications


“We Educate So You Can Communicate”

Jeff Hajek

Kati Jones

Amanda Schumaker

Hallie Van Dyke

Page 2: SSL for EMC Campaign

Table of Contents

Executive Summary..…………………………………………………………………………2 Strengths……………………………………………………………………………...4 Weaknesses…………………………………………………………………………...6 Research………………………………………………………………………….…………...7 Primary Research……………………………………………………………..……...8 Secondary Research…………………………………………………………………37 Theory……………………………………………………………………………………….50 Social Penetration Theory………………………………………………………….51 Planning……………………………………………………………………...……………..52 Implementation……………………………………………………………………………..57 Mission Statement…………………………………………..………………………58 Fact Sheet………………………………………………………….………………...59 Pitch Letter……………………………………………………………..……………61 Web site…………………………………………………………………..………….63 Twitter………………………………….…………………………………….……...70 Facebook…………………………………………………………………….……....71 Flickr…………………………………………………………...………………...….72

Youtube………………………………………………………………………………73 Press Release……………………………………………………….……………...…77 VNR……………………………………………………………………………...…..79 Invitation…………………………………………………………………………….82 Itinerary…………………………………………………………….………………..83 Mailing List………………………………………………………………………….94 Brochure……………………………………………………………………………..99 Business Card………………………………..…………………………………….101 Logo………………………………………………………………………………...103

Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………….104 Surveys………………………………………………...……………………….…..105 Contingency Plan…………………………………………………………………………..109 Press Release………………………………………………………………………..110 VNR…………………………………………………………………………………112 Relevant Publications…………………………………………………………...…113 Appendix A……………………………………………………………………………..….115 Appendix B………………………………………………………………………………...116 Appendix C……………………………………………………………………………...…117 Appendix D………………………………………………………………………………...118 Appendix E…………………………………………………………………………………120

Page 3: SSL for EMC Campaign


The campaign for Strategies Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications (SSL for EMC) was named “We Educate So You Can Communicate” because SSL for EMC is a media relations firm with 25 years combined educational experience teaching agricultural and law enforcement professionals to effectively communicate with their publics.

Summary of the “We Educate So You Can Communicate” Campaign

SSL for EMC’s campaign’s main goals are to create awareness about this up-and-coming media relations firm and to gain potential clients through social media, fact sheets, pitch letters, press releases, video news releases (VNRs) and through special events, such as the Holiday Sneak Peek.

We have also researched competitors in order to compare our ideas. We have researched their Web site, their clients and social media, and we hope the campaign reflects that we have the most understanding of the field.

We have based all of our research on the social penetration theory (SPT). The SPT states in short form that the more exposure clients have with SSL for EMC the more comfortable clients will feel learning from the organization. The more SSL for EMC learns about these clients, the better the relationship will be between both. The result of this will be an effective and friendly relationship.

We plan on distributing surveys after our special events to evaluate clients’ perceptions of the company’s success at the events. Also, surveys will be distributed after the SSL for EMC training sessions to evaluate the clients understanding of the information they are taught.

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Key Messages:

• SSL for EMC is a highly trained group of public relations professionals, who are expertly trained to teach communication skills and public relations tactics.

• SSL for EMC will personalize training lectures to fit each company’s specific needs in a timely and efficient manner.

• SSL for EMC will strive to become the leader in public relations training, staying up-to-date with technology and social media.

List of Primary Publics:

• Agriculture companies • State agriculture agencies • Campus police departments

List of Secondary Publics:

• Dieticians • Nutritionists • Environment management companies • Farmer’s market • Health planning and development agencies • Conversation committees • Preservation authorities • Universities and colleges • City police department • Communities surrounding college and university campuses • Communities surrounding agriculture farms • University and college administration • College and university Dean of Students office

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List of Primary Publics:

• Agriculture companies • State agriculture agencies • Campus police departments

List of Secondary Publics:

• Dieticians • Nutritionists • Environment management companies • Farmer’s market • Health planning and development agencies • Conversation committees • Preservation authorities • Universities and colleges • City police department • Communities surrounding college and university campuses • Communities surrounding agriculture farms • University and college administration • College and university Dean of Students office

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Social Media Implementation Marketing

Unifying and Organizing the

Company Analyzing the Competition

Gaining New Clients

Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:

To have the Website up and running by Jan. 25

To obtain a Gmail account and sign up for Google analytics to track Website traffic.

To increase hits by 5% monthly for the first year.

To sign up with twitter, a blog, flicker, facebook and link them together.

To collect 1000 friends and connections through facebook/twitter/blog/flicker by May 1.

To update twitter 3-5 times a day for the first year.

To have a general company brochure on file by January 2010

To have formal business cards produced by March 2010

To have a list of relevant publications and rough pricing for advertisements and freelance articles about the company

To have an accurate and up-to-date fact sheet about the company and its history on file by December 2009

To edit/approve mission statement by December 2009

To have a list of competitors and their Websites on file as well as a list of their clients by December 2009 to serve as a comparison

To penetrate the campus law-enforcement industry starting in December 2009 with the Christmas special and continue follow up and gain 2 universities as clients by December 2010

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We believe the strengths of the campaign are that we are a growing business in a market that is not overly explored. While we do have competitors that teach media relations, most do not educate agricultural professionals or campus law enforcement officials.

Strengths of the Campaign

Since this company is new we can use trial-and-error to figure out what media relations tools are needed. For example, we created a Web site for the company and we are using Google Analytics to measure effectiveness.

There is not a previous reputation for this media relations firm, so it is the responsibility of the SSL for EMC employees to create and maintain a positive reputation.

Another strength of the campaign is getting the company involved in social media. Due to the recent effectiveness and popularity, we feel using social media outlets will create the potential to gain clients and further the awareness of SSL for EMC. Since there are not a lot of agricultural media relations firms, we can be an innovator in social media involving the agricultural profession.

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Limitations when attempting to achieve the objectives and goals of this campaign

include the inability to effectively use social media, time, the budget, employment size

and the youth of the company. By realizing these weaknesses and possible pitfalls, SSL

for EMC can perform a successful campaign.

Campaign Weaknesses

Most of the possible pitfalls are because the company is young and thinly staffed.

SSL for EMC consists of only the two co-founders, Alison Reese and Brad Yates, who

also have full time jobs working as associated professors at two SEC colleges. The time

and budget are affected because there simply is not enough time in the day to have two

full-time jobs and accomplish everything that needs to be done. Also, the budget is

limited which calls for creativity in order to gain publicity instead of advertising.

The reason why there is an inability to effectively use social media is because this

campaign relies heavily on constantly updating different social media. This is the key to

the campaign’s overall successfulness and requires a lot of time and creativity. Time

being the main setback with this pitfall.

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The research tools and methods that we used to evaluate the campaign for SSL for EMC were surveys. We made two surveys; one to be used after the Holiday Sneak Peek to judge how the participants felt about the seminar and the other to be used after SSL for EMC’s training sessions.

Evaluation: Research/Surveys

The Holiday Sneak Peek survey included questions about which day the participants attended the seminar, how they heard about the seminar, what lecture or lectures they attended and would they be willing to sign up for a personalized meeting with co-founder Dr. Brad Yates.

The training session survey will be the most beneficial survey for SSL for EMC. This survey will be used after the completion of every SSL for EMC training session. Its questions include how did the company employees feel about the training session overall, do they feel more knowledgeable about media and media outlets, and how they feel about social media and its usefulness to their company.

The goal will be to pass these surveys out to all Holiday Sneak Peek attendees to get their feedback and perception of SSL for EMC and the mini training sessions. We will also give these surveys out to company members at the training sessions. Then, from the information collected we will analyze the data and report the findings and go from there to adjust or correct any training information.

The problems with collecting and measuring the data will vary with each situation. At the Holiday Sneak Peek, all participants may not fill out the survey, and then we are left with a misrepresentation of how everyone felt. Since they will all be coming from different agricultural companies and different campus law enforcement agencies, it will be important that we have feedback that represents each group. If SSL for EMC does not gain new clients it may be a long time before figuring out how to cater the training to each unique company. When collecting survey information if only one or two people from each company comes to the training sessions, then the survey size will be a lot smaller than if the entire company participated in the media training.

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Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker Hallie Van Dyke Jeff Hajek

Client Analysis


Why does this organization exist?

SSL for EMC exists in order to effectively educate the respective client about how to best communicate with various media outlets.


What are the organization's goals?

The organization’s goals are to take the vast and overwhelming world of media relations and simplify it for the client so that the client may be efficient and effective in endeavors with its publics. SSL for EMC wants its clients to have a trust and satisfaction in the expertise from the academic and business world it provides.


What is its history?

The history is limited because of the recent start of the company. Dr. Brad Yates and Dr. Alison Reese started SSL for EMC. Dr. Yates is currently an associate professor of mass communication at University of West Georgia, and Dr. Reese is an associate professor of public relations at Louisiana State University.


What has the organization defined as the issue? Has it been defined as a problem or opportunity?

The issue defined is the need to dive into social media and create awareness for the company and services as a credible and affordable media relations agency. As of right now, there is only one client, so the services need to be marketed to potential businesses through numerous social networks. It is an opportunity to build the business with more potential clients.


What previous public relations efforts have been made?

Currently, there are no public relations efforts that have been made. 6.

What are its current public relations efforts?

The Auburn University public relations campaigns class is developing its current public relations efforts.

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What does the client believe to be his/her public relations needs?

SSL for EMC recognizes the need for social media and search engine optimization. Social media's current success and the success to come as it progresses through time, therefore, it is imperative to promote the name of SSL for EMC as a credible and affordable firm. We believe SSL for EMC needs to create awareness about the organization and its services through social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. Also, we believe SSL for EMC needs to create events to show the skills it can provide to potential clients.


What role does public relations play in this organization?

Little, because it teaches public relations to the clients, but SSL for EMC does not have a sufficient staff to act as a public relations department.


What is the organization's culture?

The organization is in the early stages of development; the organization is made of two co-founders. The organization’s culture is informal and casual because most communication is made through e-mails and phone calls.

10. What resources are available to this organization


The resources are extensive and include resources at the co-founders’ respective universities. These resources include, but are not limited to the Internet, e-mail, libraries and journals.


How large a budget does this organization have for PR? This issue?

The budget for this organization is to be determined by the co-founders at a later date.


Questions about the Situation


Is this the first time the organization is dealing with a situation like this?


The organization’s only client is in the dairy industry, but it would like to reach out to other agriculture industries. The cause of the situation is a lack of clients and a desire to use social media ad other forms of public relations to gain more clients.

What is the cause of this situation?


There is no history because this company is a new organization.

What is the history of this situation?

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This situation does not directly involve any other groups. Once the social media gets started, it will indirectly involve other groups such as products that the farmers produce, and their brands. Barber’s milk produced by dairy farmers would be an example of an indirect group.

Does the situation involve the organization’s relationship with any other groups?


The situation is important to the mission because SSL for EMC wants to gain clients

How important is the situation to the organization’s mission?

and help them with public relations. The organization can’t teach clients until it gains more clients.


The organization, foremost, current clients, future clients and indirect clients such as brands.

Who is affected by the situation?


What potential can this organization have on the organization’s ability to continue its mission?

This situation offers a large amount of potential for the organization to grow by gaining clientele. 8.

Have organizational leaders determined the situation to be a problem or opportunity.

The organization co-founders determined this situation to be an opportunity for the company. 9.


Does the organization have any existing research about the situation?



What type of research is it?


More company information or creating more company information for this organization since it is new. Also, we will see what other representatives of the agriculture industry are doing for social media and websites to help build our social media SSL for EMC.

What information still needs to be obtain via research?

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Questions about the Internal Environment

The communication resources that are available include E-mail, text messaging, phone calls and face-to-face meetings. Since we are dealing with our client from a distance, text messaging and E-mail are the preferred method of communication, however, phone calls are appropriate when question that needs immediate response arises. The preferred methods of communication between our group and our client, Brad Yates, were discussed to ensure everyone is on the same page. This was important to discuss early so we may effectively communicate with each other.

What communication resources are available?


The organization is supportive of public relations because it is a media relations firm. If the company were not supportive of it, then the company would not exist.

How supportive is the organization of PR?


Our service is using public relations to give SSL for EMC ideas to gain clients, which is the situation.

How does your service/product related to the situation?


The quality of our product has, so far, been determined by return rate. Last year SSL

How is quality of your service/product determined?

for EMC signed a client, and that client has decided to stay with the organization another year. We believe that this was an appropriate way to determined quality since the company is young. However, since the organization plans on expanding, we feel that we should create a new way to have the clients rate the quality that would serve as an evaluation of abilities and where improvement is needed. 5.

Has the quality of your service/product improved, remained unchanged or deteriorated in the last three years?

This company has not been around long enough to answer this question.


Benefits of SSL for EMC include professional and educational experience in the field

What benefits/advantages does your service/produce offer?

of public relations. By having experience as a professional and a teacher, this allows us to effective teach companies how to handle the media. Its service gives companies the ability to understand how to deal with problems that may become public and valuable information about media relations.

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Disadvantages of this service include that SSL for EMC is not an employee of the

Are there any problems or disadvantages associated with your product/service?

companies it serves and thus has to work extra hard to understand all of the ends and outs of the clients. This serves as a disadvantage when the organization’s views differ from the client’s views. If a client stays with SSL for EMC for a long period of time, this disadvantage disappears. However, this disadvantage could still be a positive if a company is looking to transform itself.


Experience in both the professional and educational fields of public relations set SSL

What sets your organization’s product/service apart from the competition?

for EMC apart. The company is effective in teaching the material to its clients because SSL for EMC are used to teaching it to students. Also, the organization knows how to act and how to transform the information into the business world through its respective experience. This is the perfect blend of experience to stand apart from the competition.


This question is not applicable for SSL for EMC.

Has the service/product changed in the last three years?


Since the service is in the early stages of development, it will change considerably in

How is the service/product likely to change in the next three years?

the next three years. We believe that the idea of teaching effective public relations skills will not change but the execution will. The service will also expand as SSL for EMC expands its service to include other professional fields besides just agriculture.


The service will always need to be tweaked depending on the situation and the client,

Are their changes needed to improve the product?

however, the major improvements are needed in obtaining new clients and evaluating the current service more efficiently and quantitatively.

Questions about the External Environment


There is not much of a competitive market, which will give SSL for EMC an advantage. There are very few media relations organizations that provides the same services SSL for EMC does.

How competitive is the external environment of your organization?

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Other media relations organizations that compete with SSL for EMC are Shiny Door, Police Media Relations, Straus Communications, Michele Payn-Knoper and PIO Social Media Training. (See more about the competitors on the Competitors page)

What other organizations compete with you?


Performance levels cannot be found on competitive organizations’ websites, but performance must be occurring or the websites would not be in operation.

What are their performance levels?


There was not any information on the competitive organizations’ websites about their reputations. SSL for EMC has a reputation of working with agricultural professionals, unlike all competitors we found. It will be important to establish a positive reputation because SSL for EMC will be the first of its kind.

What are their reputations?


Competitors use workshops as their resources along with websites. SSL for EMC will utilize these tools and more, which will give the organization the competitive edge.

What are their resources?


The only thing competitors offer that SSL for EMC does not offer thus far is that some competitors offer nationwide services via the Internet. Shiny Door, one of the competitors, offers services in Ohio and New York, but will assist clients anywhere in the U.S. through e-mail.

What does the competition offer that you can or do not?

We believe this kind of goal could be in SSL for EMC’s future. It is not that it cannot happen, but that the company is new so it has not had a chance to yet. Also, the competition does offer services to many publics compared to SSL for EMC as of now. Shiny Door teaches adult education seminars. This could be something SSL for EMC could have some success with in the future. 7.

SSL for EMC is new, so it is hard to define. All media relations firms have moved to social media in the past three years, so that would be the assumption of how the competition has changed.

How has the competition changed in the last three years?

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We believe the competition will change through finding different social media outlets to reach potential clients. SSL for EMC will have to constantly update its approach on how to reach potential clients. Google Wave is a new technological tool SSL for EMC can use in the future. Google Wave combines e-mail, instant messaging, photo messaging and a social network in one application.

How will it change in the next three years?


There no groups that intends to hinder SSL for EMC because its mission is unique.

What groups exist with a mission to resist or hinder what your organization does?


There has been no competition to hinder what SSL for EMC is trying to accomplish because SSL for EMC has publics unlike any other competitive media relations firms.

How effective have these organizations been in the past?


There are none available, so there are no reputations.

What are their reputations?


There are no groups who wish to hinder the success of SSL for EMC, so there are no

What are their resources?



There are no tactics used because no groups work against SSL for EMC’s mission.

What tactics do they use?

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Social penetration theory is a theory used to base the public relations decisions for SSL for EMC. The theory states in short form, that the more exposure clients have with SSL for EMC the more the clients will feel comfortable learning from the organization. Also, the more SSL for EMC learns about these clients, the better the relationship will be between both.


From here, both sides will evaluate the relationship and try to decide what benefits they are both are receiving. If the experiences either side had are positive, the client or organization will continue to keep the relationship going and vice versa. This is a cost and rewards type of theory, so both sides base decisions off of the cost of the service based on the rewards.

Clients’ costs will be the money he or she puts into receiving effective communication tools at a SSL for EMC workshop. The rewards are the tools the clients learn to better themselves and the organization after the workshop.

The four stages of penetration summarized by Michael Roloff in 1981 are orientation, exploratory affective exchange, affective exchange and stable exchange and SSL for EMC will follow these stages to accomplish the organization’s objectives and goals. The orientation stage is the disclosure of superficial information and SSL for EMC will achieve this stage by using brochures and Website along with other social media. The exploratory affective exchange stage is the movement toward inner layers of topics which is why SSL for EMC will hold sneak peeks at various times. The affective exchange stage is the movement to the central layers of personality and this would coincide with SSL for EMC meeting with companies interested in its services and it can be specific to their needs. Lastly, the stable exchange stage is achieved through the commitment of both companies exchanging services for compensation for an extended period of time.

*See Appendix A

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Hallie Van Dyke Jeff Hajek Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker



Public Analysis

SSL for EMC’s publics include dairy farmers from the Southeast such as SUDIA,

and competition from other agricultural publications and specialists who teach

others how to effectively communicate through workshops. Similar competitors in

the media-training field include Dairy Business, Straus Communications,

Dezenhall, Powell Tate/Weber Shandwick, Burson Marteller, Edelman,

Fleishman Hillard, Porter Novelli, Do Your Own PR and Media Training

Worldwide. Lastly, dairy consumers are also a public. SSL for EMC works with

national organizations including the American Dairy Association. Another public

would be potential clients for SSL for EMC including The National Cattleman’s

Beef Association, The United States Poultry and Egg Association and the

Southern Peanut Farmers Federation. Poultry farmers and peanut farmers can be

easily reached because both the poultry association and the peanut federation have

offices in Georgia and Alabama.

Who are they?


Since SSL for EMC is a new organization, there is a limited reputation of the

company. There is a positive reputation between SUDIA and SSL for EMC;

evident by the rehiring of SSL for EMC for another term of service.

What image/reputation does this public have of this organization?

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Hallie Van Dyke Jeff Hajek Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker



The publics have not formed attitudes about SSL for EMC because the

organization has just started. There is not enough information for the publics to

form attitudes except SUDIA, which SUDIA has a positive attitude toward the


What attitudes does this public have about the organization? The issue?


Since the only attitude the public has displayed is positive, there is no issue.

What behaviors has this public displayed toward the organization? The issue?



What communication strategies have worked and not worked with this public?


The publics are not aware about the organizations besides the Southeastern Dairy

Farmers Association. The publics might not be aware that this is a need, which is

one of our goals we plan to develop and present to SSL for EMC through press

releases and social networking. We think it is important for people to learn about

SSL for EMC so the clients can learn that communicating effectively with their

publics is a need to their success.

How aware is the public about the organization? The issue?


SUDIA is the primary public involved with the organization. Since it is the only

client, they are able to receive personal and timely attention. The issue is

becoming seen by new potential clients and gaining a stronger reputation.

How involved is the public with the organization? The issue?

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Hallie Van Dyke Jeff Hajek Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker



The only public that knows about the organization is SUDIA. SSL for EMC is not

publicly known outside of this public because it is a new organization. It is our

job to help this business be more known, so SSL for EMC can gain clientele.

What does the public know about the organization? The issue?


SSL for EMC contacted SUDIA to obtain it as a client, but no other publics know

about the organization.

How has the public come to know about the organization? The issue?



Have previous public relations efforts been effective? Why/Why not?


Most publics, besides SUDIA, do not know it exists, its history or its services.

What does the public not know about the organization? The issue?



What does the public not believe about the organization? The issue?



How does this public want to be informed? (tactics)

Some additional things to consider:

14. Does this public prefer messages that deal with facts or ideas We believe that the public prefers messages that deal with facts over ideas. We believe this because when dealing with agriculture, messages are more readily accepted when they are clear, concise and to the point.


15. We believe that facts and logic goes hand-in-hand, therefore the preferred messages should be based in logic.

Does this public prefer messages that are based on logic or emotion?

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Hallie Van Dyke Jeff Hajek Kati Jones Amanda Schumaker


16. What benefit(s) does this organization give to this public in terms of services or goods

The benefits include teaching them the proper communication and media skills to work with outside media organization. In time of crisis, this service will serve the greatest purpose, by preparing dairy companies and other clients how to speak with one voice.


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1. Social media networks…………………………………………….$0.00

Campaign Budget

(Facebook and Twitter)

2. Paper for business brochures………………………………………$8.98 (500 sheets of Hammermill multipurpose paper for printing at a personal computer)

3. Paper for invitations for Holiday Sneak Peek……………………..$20.21

4. Ink cartridge………………………………………………….........$34.23 (Used for invitations, brochures and all printed press)

5. Postage…………………………………………………………….$44.00 (A book of 100 stamps)

6. The rental of the upper deck at The View at King Plow Center…..$1,605.00 (Special pricing was received due to having only 30 attendees)

7. Required cleaning fee after the event……………………………...$400.00

8. Food and paper goods for the Holiday Sneak Peek………………..$205.41

9. SSL for EMC Business Cards……………………………………...$21.39

10. Domain and Hosting for Web site (per year)……………………….$25.00


All prices include Georgia taxes. Prices based all office supplies being bought from Wal-Mart, business cards from Office Max online and all food from Publix.

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Budget for SSL for EMC

Holiday Sneak-Peek Venue

Invitations/Brochures/Ink Cartridge/Postage/Business Cards

Food for Holiday Sneak-Peek

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SSL for EMC Mission Statement It is the mission of SSL for EMC to provide our clients with the foremost preparation in media relations using over 25 years of combined experience to equip clients with careful and exact instruction so that they may communicate in the most efficient way possible with their respective media.

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Dec. 19, 2009

SSL for EMC’s Fact Sheet

Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications (SSL for EMC) is an organization founded by Brad Yates and Alison Reese.


SSL for EMC is an organization designed to train professionals in agricultural and law enforcements fields on how to effectively communicate with media outlets.


SSL for EMC’s headquarters is located is at 1601 Maple St., Carrollton, Ga., 30118. Our conferences are held at The View at the King Plow Arts Center


Professionals in agricultural and law enforcement fields need to know how to represent themselves in different media outlets and situations. The more abilities these individuals learn through conferences and workshops, the more he or she will give to the organization or themselves.


Conventional and new forms of technology will be taught at communication conferences and workshops, which will teach skills on how to broadcast positive messages about the organization. Workshop instructors are specialists in media communications with a combined 25 years of teaching experience.


“The communication workshops will allow all individuals in your company to speak with one voice, and it will help to teach the importance of media relations in your business,” said Dr. Brad Yates, co-founder of SSL for EMC.


Yates is an associate professor of mass communications at the University of West Georgia,. Reese is the director of public relations and an associate professor at Louisiana State University. Reese and Yates have over 10 years of professional experience in media relations and communications.

Background of SSL for EMC

Information Contact Brad Yates, co-founder of SSL for EMC (678) 839-4938

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Pitch LetterSSL for EMC

1601 Maple Street Mr. Huck Carroll Carrollton, GA 30118-4400 Communications Director Alabama Poultry and Egg Association P.O. Box 240 Montgomery, AL 36101 Dec. 19, 2009 Dear Mr. Carroll, Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications (SSL for EMC) is an innovative media

relations agency that teaches agricultural and law enforcement professionals how to effectively communicate

with media outlets. SSL for EMC utilizes workshops to teach campus police officers, farmers and other

agricultural professionals how to use conventional and new media to broadcast positive information about their


After completing workshops with SSL for EMC, employees are educated on promoting the organization as a

unified voice. The communication skills from SSL for EMC’s workshops can be used by any job, but the

agricultural and law enforcement sectors are rarely efficiently trained on these skills within the company. SSL

for EMC was created by two co-founders who specialize in media relations and communications, so participants

can learn from instructors who have a combined 25 years of teaching experience and 10 years of past and

current professional experience.

Workshops can be taught at the organization or at a conference center nearby. SSL for EMC provides

employees with a chance to better themselves and the organization.

I will stay in contact with you, and I hope SSL for EMC can assist the organization’s communication needs.


Brad Yates Co-founder of SSL for EMC

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We believe that by creating a pitch letter, clients could know more about what SSL for EMC can offer clients. This pitch letter will reiterate some of the points that are on the fact sheet. These items will be sent to potential clients together. The pitch letter goes into more depth about the organization’s members and what the company can offer potential clients. We hope that this pitch letter will bring in new clients and allow those clients to feel more comfortable about contacting Dr. Brad Yates or Dr. Alison Reese about SSL for EMC’s services.

Explanation of the Pitch Letter

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Explanation of Web Site

In keeping with our theme, obtaining new clients, SSL for EMC's Web site has been created to

promote its services in an interactive and engaging way. Today, most sites appear to be dull and

uninterested in their clients or potential clients. With this Web site, we hope to create a sense of

openness and a platform for communication with all. Until there is enough content to publish a blog,

the Web site will act as the hub for all communication, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When the home page opens the viewer will see a slideshow and a series of five tabs, along with

the four social media tabs below. The slideshow consists of pictures of the staff, work with clients, and

upcoming events. Moving from the slideshow, the navigation tabs are simple and easy to look through.

The social media links below are bold and visible on the main page, so that whenever the viewer visits,

they instantly recognize the theme of openness.

The first tab is the “who we are” tab. On this page, the design is simple, yet the text is direct

and to the point. The text consists of SSL for EMC's mission statement. The second tab is “our work.”

This page highlights who SSL for EMC’s clients are, and a general summary of what work it taught and

implemented for the client. As of now, SSL for EMC has only had one client, so there is only one

company represented on the page. This is the Southeastern United Dairy Industry Association

(SUDIA). Upon receiving more clients this page will eventually turn into a “our work homepage”

where it will showcase their multiple clients. Each client’s logo will be on this homepage and act as a

link to a page about SSL for EMC's work with that particular client.

The third tab is the “our services” tab. This page on the site explains all of the different types of

ways that SSL for EMC teaches and instructs its clients. Its style is simplistic and has different sized

fonts to make the page more appealing and easy for the eye to read. The fourth tab is the “contact” tab.

This page is for all inquiries about services, comments about SSL's Web site or work and other

questions. The contact template is easy to fill out and use and is an efficient way to channel e-mails to

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the company Gmail account.

The last tab is the “events” tab. This page will showcase all of the workshops and other related

events that SSL for EMC will host. For this page, the most current and upcoming event will be posted

with all of the necessary information such as the time, date, location and the reason for the occasion.

All future events will be in a smaller font, so viewers can see what will be coming up.

Explanation of Google Analytics and SSL for EMC's Web Site

With the help of Google Analytics online software, SSL for EMC will be able to monitor traffic

in specific detail. According to Google, “Google Analytics gives you rich insights into your Web site

traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and

analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write

better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites.” We

feel that this service will help SSL for EMC tailor to its existing publics and also cater to potential


Explanation of Social Media Implementation

In order to continue propelling the theme of promotion, we figured what better way than to use

the ever important sphere of social media. With its growing and powerful presence, these social media

outlets will help us connect with potential clients and reach markets or publics that we would never

know of. It will also continue to establish a sense of openness with current clients. The five accounts

that have been set up are Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and a blog. Facebook will be used to

establish networks, build fans and upload work example for the business page. Twitter will essentially

be one of the more powerful tools for SSL. With the account we will be able to network and gather a

large following by tweeting valuable information relating to media relations. Aside from this, we will

also tweet out links for the blog, which will in turn bring viewers to the blog to establish SSL's media

relations credibility and then from there it will lead them to the Web site, where they will see all SSL

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has to offer. What was described earlier is essentially the use of search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO is essentially making the name of your company gain as many hits possible on any given search

engine, because of the multiple social media accounts. The Flickr account will be strictly to share

photos of work for clients, events and anything else pertaining to SSL for EMC that should be shared

photographically. YouTube will essentially be to post or recommend any educational or insightful

videos to share. Viewers can also subscribe to our video feed if they have a YouTube account.

Lastly, the blog will be the crucial anchor to the Web site and all of the following social media

outlets. This blog will have a unique and creative blogging point, which will create leverage against

competitors. Ultimately, it will set up Dr. Brad Yates or Dr. Alison Reese, and more importantly, SSL

as a true expert in the field of media relations.

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1601 Maple Street/Carrollton, Ga. 30118 NEWS RELEASE December 7, 2009 Contact Information: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Brad Yates, Co-Founder of SSL for EMC Office: (678) 839-4938 Fax: (678) 839-4926 Email: [email protected]


Specializing in Communication Training THEIR HOLIDAY SNEAK PEEK.

ATLANTA—Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications (SSL for EMC)

is announcing its Holiday Sneak Peek that will take place Dec. 17 and 18. During this time, SSL for

EMC will be hosting a preview for the community and surrounding cities to get to know more about the

company and what it can offer other companies.

Lectures will be held to serve as the sneak peek into what SSL for EMC can offer companies. Dr.

Brad Yates, co-founder of SSL for EMC, will be presenting the lecture series about effective

communication with the media along with what the communication training sessions teach companies.

Brochures will also be available.

The event will be from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. Dec. 17 and Dec. 18. It will be held at The View at the

King Plow Arts Center, located at 955 W. Marietta St. N.W., Atlanta. The agricultural related business

will attend the lectures on Dec. 17 and Dec. 18 will be for campus police—a group SSL for EMC is

trying to reach out to. Those who are interested can sign up in advance by going to www.sslforemc.com,

emailing [email protected] or visiting 1601 Maple St., Carrollton, Ga. There will

also be a sign-up sheet on the day of the event that will be available as well.


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Page 2 of 2

SSL for EMC is a company that teaches media training for a wide range of companies. Their

most recent client is Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc (SUDIA). SSL for EMC taught

SUDIA effective communication processes with the media, the importance of media relations to the

dairy industry and how to conduct TV, radio and print interviews.

For more information visit www.sslforemc.com or contact Brad Yates at

[email protected].

SSL for EMC was started by Yates and Dr. Alison Reese. It is the mission of SSL for EMC to

provide our clients with the foremost preparation in media relations using over 25 years of combined

experience to equip each client with careful and exact instruction so that they may communicate in the

most efficient way possible with their respective media.


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In our campaign we did two separate press releases. The first release is on SSL for EMC’s Holiday Sneak Peek. The Holiday Sneak Peek is an event to encourage companies to learn more about SSL for EMC’s services. Its aim is to help gain more clients for SSL for EMC. The second release is one for SUDIA. The purpose of this release is to show that not only does SSL for EMC help companies effectively communicate with the media, but SSL for EMC can also stay on as a media guide for the company. This is accomplished by serving as a small media relations role and helping market about upcoming events for a company.

Evaluation: Press Releases and VNRs

The Holiday Sneak Peek press release is being sent to www.agwire.com and www.farmjourrnal.com to help market to the agricultural communities. For the campus police targeted public, we are sending out the press release to the Chamber of Commerce in those cities where the colleges reside. Cox Radio, Inc. is who we are sending out the VNRs to about the event. They have a market in Athens, Ga., Atlanta and Birmingham, Ala. Due to campaign limitations, we chose to send VNRs to only these three locations because they reach the majority of our primary publics.

The press release that was done for SUDIA will be sent out to various markets. The NFL has already created a commercial for the Fuel Up to Play 60 which encourages people to visit its Web site to learn more. The location of the press release, Lafourche Parish, La., does not have a radio or news station in town. The closest radio and news stations are in New Orleans, which is where we will send the press release and VNRs to. We will send the press release to WWL Channel 4 (www.wwltv.com), Fox Channel 8 (www.fox8live.com) and ABC Channel 26 WGNO (http://abc26.trb.com). We will send the VNR out to KYRK 104.1 FM (www.therockofneworleans.com), WLMG 101.9 FM (www.magic1019.com) and to WPRF Reserve 94.9 FM (www.praisefm949.com). Some other markets that we will send press releases to various school systems in Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia. The purpose of doing this is to help get schools involved, especially targeting middle and elementary schools in those school systems.

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Holiday Sneak Peek :30 SSL for EMC 9 Lines Kill Date: 12/18/09 Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications will be holding its first

Holiday Sneak Peek on Dec. 17 and 18 at The View at King Plow Arts Center in Atlanta.

The open house will allow professionals in the fields of agriculture and law enforcement to

discover what SSL for EMC offers in its expertise of media relations.

With over 25 years of combined experience in the education field, SSL for EMC has an outlook

that approaches each client with a spirit of teaching and equipping each company with a complete

understanding for interacting with the various assets of media.

Please visit our website at www.sslforemc.com to find out more information or call 678-839-



Page 35: SSL for EMC Campaign


Holiday Sneak Peek :60 SSL for EMC 15 Lines Kill Date: 12/18/09 Strategies, Solutions and Logistics for Effective Media Communications will be holding its first

Holiday Sneak Peek on Dec. 17 and18 at The View at the King Plow Arts Center in Atlanta.

The open house will allow professionals in the fields of agriculture and law enforcement to

discover what SSL for EMC offers in its expertise of media relations.

With over 25 years of combined experience in the education field, SSL for EMC has an outlook

that approaches each client with a spirit of teaching and equipping each company with a complete

understanding for interacting with the various assets of media.

Brad Yates, co-owner of SSL for EMC, will be in attendance to present a series of mini lectures

about effective communication, along with communication training sessions that SSL for EMC uses to

teach its current clients.

Beverages and light foods will be served for guests.

For driving directions, The View at King Plow Arts Center is located on 955 W. Marietta St.

Atlanta, Ga. 30318.

For more information, please visit our website at www.sslforemc.com to find out more

information or call 678-839-4938.


Page 36: SSL for EMC Campaign

Happy Holidays!

You are cordially invited to attend SSL for EMC’s first ever Holiday Sneak Peek at The View at the King Plow Arts Center December 17th and 18th from 1-4p.m. for a first hand look at

what we do best, effective communication.

The event will host a variety of workshops and presentations to display SSL for EMC’s

commitment in the field of media relations.The 17th will focus on agricultural business and

the 18th will focus on law enforcement.

Food and Beverages will be served.

The View at the King Plow Arts Center955 West Marietta Street, entrance no. 7

Atlanta, GA 30318

RSVP:Brad Yates (678) 839 4938

[email protected]

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1. “The Nibbler” Cheese and Meat Tray …………...…………….. ..$75.58

Food List for Holiday Sneak Peek

(Includes turkey, ham, salami, American and Swiss cheeses)

2. “The Entertainer” Sandwich Platter……………………………….$41.72 (Includes chicken and egg salad on white or wheat bread)

3. Fresh Fruit Tray…………………………………………………$53.49 (Includes grapes, oranges, pineapples, melons, and strawberries)

4. Soft Drinks………………………………………………………$10.43 (Seven bottles of Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite)

5. Solo cups…………………………………………………………$8.37 (50 plastic cups)

6. Plates, forks and napkins………………………………………..$15.82 (White paper plates, plastic forks and napkins) Total…………………………………………………………….$205.41 This food budget includes finger foods for 30-40 people, and beverages for 70 people. All prices include Fulton County taxes. All items are based on prices from Publix on 2900 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30305-4915.

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Invitation Lists for Dec. 17 Sneak Peek

State of Alabama Organizations:

1445 Federal Drive Alabama Dept of Agriculture and Industries

Montgomery, AL 36107

401 Adams Avenue Alabama Development Office

Montgomery, AL 36130

400 S. Union Street #445 Alabama State Board of Examiners for Dieticians and Nutritionists

Montgomery, AL 36104

250 N. Water Street Alabama State Port Authority

Mobile, AL 36633 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1588

401 Adams Avenue Alabama Dept of Economic and Community Affairs

Montgomery, AL Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5690, Montgomery, AL 36103

P.O. Box 301463 Alabama Dept of Environmental Management

Montgomery, AL 36130

RSA Plaza, Suite 330 Farmers Market Authority

770 Washington Avenue Montgomery, Alabama 36130 Email: [email protected]

420 Hackberry Lane Geological Survey of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL 35486

RSA Union Building State Health Planning and Development Agency

100 N. Union Street-Suite 870 Montgomery, AL 36104 Mailing address: P.O. Box 303025, Montgomery, AL 36130

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100 N. Union Street State of Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee

Suite 334 Montgomery, AL 36104 Email: phylli [email protected] Alabama Cattlemens Association 201 S. Bainbridge Str eet

Montgomery, AL 36104

State of Georgia Organizations:

19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30334

State of Georgia Dept of Agriculture

Email: Commissioner Tommy Irvin [email protected]

1890 Highway 138 Georgia Development Authority

Monroe, GA 30655

75 Fifth Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Georgia State Dept of Economic Development

Atlanta, GA 30308

233 Peachtree Street, NE Harris Tower, Suite 900 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Georgia Environmental Facilities Authorities

5645 Riggins Mill Road Dry Branch, Georgia 31020

Georgia Forestry Commission

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 819 Macon, Georgia 31202

PO Box 456 Acworth, Georgia 30101

Lake Allatoona Preservation Authority

P.O. Box 1367 Perry, Georgia 31069

Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter

Email: [email protected]

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4310 Lexington Road State Soil and Water Conservation Commission

P. O. Box 8024 Athens, GA 30603s

P.O. Box 689 Stone Mountain Memorial Association

Stone Mountain, GA 30086

100 Cattlemens Drive Georgia’s Cattlemen Association

Macon, GA 31220

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On Dec. 17 and 18, 2009, SSL for EMC will hold a Holiday Sneak Peek. This event will allow the organization to welcome potential clients who are interested in learning the proper communication skills for his or her professional field. The Holiday Sneak Peek will cater to two of SSL for EMC’s key publics, agricultural professionals and law enforcement officials.

Explanation for the Holiday Sneak Peek

On Dec. 17, 2009, agricultural professionals are invited to attend lectures on nonverbal communication, agricultural networking and using social media in agriculture. The lectures will help farmers and other agricultural professionals learn how to effectively communicate with key publics. After completing the lectures, agricultural professionals will have a better understanding of how to reach people and maintain positive relationships between people that will allow the individual and the business to be more successful in future endeavors through communication. The lectures will teach the benefits of social media in the agricultural profession.

On Dec. 18, 2009, law enforcement officials are invited to attend lectures on nonverbal communication in law enforcement, networking and using social media in law enforcement. The lectures will teach law enforcement officials how to effectively communicate with key publics. After completing the lectures, law enforcement officials will know how to reach and maintain positive relationships with city officials and residents in official’s ordinance. The lectures will teach social media applications including Facebook and Twitter.

The hope is that this event is very successful and will eventually bring more awareness and clients to SSL for EMC. If the reasoning in theory is right, the social penetration theory will prove that the more contact SSL for EMC has with the clients, the more comfortable they will be with the organization and vice versa.

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Sudia The Southeast United Dairy Industry Association or “Sudia” has been a loyal client and has taken SSL for EMC professional training to heart by working with the NFL to help students eat healthy, exercise and drink more milk.

For more information on SSL for EMC and

what it can do for your business, visit

www.sslforemc.comor follow us on Facebook and Twitter or contact

Brad Yates at StrategiesSolutions

[email protected]

1601 Maple Street, Carrollton, Ga 30118




Page 43: SSL for EMC Campaign

We offer a variety of training personalized to YOUR company’s goals

Training Highlights Basic Communication Process


Campaign Evaluation

Social Media

Personalized Goals and Objectives

Interview Workshop

Public Relation’s Purpose and Value

Our Mission,

Brad Yates, co-founder of SSL for EMC, graduated from Lynchburg College,

received a M.S. from Syracuse University, a M.Ed. from Lynchburg College and

finally a Ph.D. from Florida University. He is currently an associate professor at the

University of West Georgia and he uses his knowledge in teaching public relations to students to teach professionals how to use

public relations specific to their needs.

To provide their clients with the foremost preparation in media relations using over 20 years of combined experience to equip each client with careful and exact instruction so that they may communicate in the most efficient way possible with their respective media.

In today’s society, the need for well-constructed public relations is growing. Businesses that used to be able to just worry about getting the job done are now having to manage social media outlets evaluating their work, social groups that are looking for any mistakes that they can capitalize on for profit and reaching clients in eye catching and inventive ways. With the help of SSL for EMC, your company can stay a step ahead of new media trends and on top of managing your company’s public voice.

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Business Card

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For the following questions, please circle the best possible answer.

SSL for EMC Survey on Holiday Sneak Peek

1. What day did you attend the seminar? a. December 17, 2009 b. December 18, 2009

2. How did you hear about the seminar? a. Through an invitation in the mail. b. Through the Web site. c. Through a friend/colleague. d. Other _____________________

3. Did you participate in the whole of the event? a. Yes (if yes, skip to question 5) b. No

4. Which specific lecture were you able to attend? a. The first one. b. The second one. c. I missed the whole thing but I would like more information about the

company. 5. Did you feel your time was well-spent by participating in the seminar?

a. Yes, I feel like I can apply the seminar to my company. b. Yes, though I would’ve liked the seminar to be more specified to my

company’s needs c. I can maybe see where I may need training like this in the future, but just not

right now. d. No, the seminar did not apply to my company’s needs at all.

6. Would you be willing to attend another seminar like this one? a. Yes, these types of seminars fit my needs. b. If the seminar was more specific to my company’s needs. c. No, I feel that it would be a waste of time and money

7. Would you be willing to sign-up for a personalized meeting with SSL for EMC? a. Yes, please call me to set up an appointment. (_____)_____-__________ b. No, I would like to attend more sneak peeks before setting up a meeting. c. No, I am not interested in the service.

8. Additional Comments:


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The research tools and methods that we used to evaluate the campaign for SSL for EMC were surveys. We made two surveys; one to be used after the Holiday Sneak Peek to judge how the participants felt about the seminar and the other to be used after SSL for EMC’s training sessions.

Evaluation: Research/Surveys

The Holiday Sneak Peek survey included questions about which day the participants attended the seminar, how they heard about the seminar, what lecture or lectures they attended and would they be willing to sign up for a personalized meeting with co-founder Dr. Brad Yates.

The training session survey will be the most beneficial survey for SSL for EMC. This survey will be used after the completion of every SSL for EMC training session. Its questions include how did the company employees feel about the training session overall, do they feel more knowledgeable about media and media outlets, and how they feel about social media and its usefulness to their company.

The goal will be to pass these surveys out to all Holiday Sneak Peek attendees to get their feedback and perception of SSL for EMC and the mini training sessions. We will also give these surveys out to company members at the training sessions. Then, from the information collected we will analyze the data and report the findings and go from there to adjust or correct any training information.

The problems with collecting and measuring the data will vary with each situation. At the Holiday Sneak Peek, all participants may not fill out the survey, and then we are left with a misrepresentation of how everyone felt. Since they will all be coming from different agricultural companies and different campus law enforcement agencies, it will be important that we have feedback that represents each group. If SSL for EMC does not gain new clients it may be a long time before figuring out how to cater the training to each unique company. When collecting survey information if only one or two people from each company comes to the training sessions, then the survey size will be a lot smaller than if the entire company participated in the media training.

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Contingency Plan

We believe that we have given SSL for EMC a thorough jump-start into social media and the upkeep of these social media accounts is crucial to the momentum of the company. Another way to stay on track would include evaluating the Holiday Sneak Peek and assessing if it is worth planning similar events in the future. Depending on the success on the Holiday Sneak Peek, SSL for EMC should evaluate how many sneak peeks per year are necessary. We believe that the more successful the event is, the more events should be planned for one year. This would allow awareness and interest to grow rapidly before ending the sneak peek and relying more on word-of-mouth, publicity and loyal clients.