COLONIAL EUROPEAN HISTORY SS6H6 Analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions

SS6H6 Analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions

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Page 1: SS6H6 Analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions


SS6H6 Analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions

Page 2: SS6H6 Analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions

ELEMENTS Identify the causes of European

exploration and colonization; include religion, natural resources, a market for goods, and the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator

Trace the empires of Portugal, Spain, England, and France in Asia, Africa, and the Americas

Explain the impact of European empire building in Africa and Asia on the outbreak of WWI

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ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS How did European exploration

impact European development?

What factors, including the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator, influenced European nations to begin overseas exploration?

Why did European nations build colonial empires in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia?

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Around 1400, European countries had a desire to expand their empires

Countries began to leave Europe to seek trade routes to Asia for their goods

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Spice Trade Wanted to get a

shorter route to trade for Asian spices that were in high demand

The Renaissance This movement in

Europe brought curiosity; people wanted to know what was in the world

Land Europeans thought

the more land and natural resources, they had, the more powerful their empires would be

God, Gold, Glory (3 G’s) Some explorers

wanted to spread Christianity to those across the world

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Portugal’s Henry the Navigator did many things to help exploration for his country Supported shipbuilders,

mapmakers and inventors Started a school for

navigators Hired mapmakers to make

new detailed maps Had shipbuilders build

smaller, faster ships

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EMPIRES ARE BUILT IN EUROPE Many European countries built

empires around the world to try to become more powerful and recognizable

Empires were built in places like Asia, Africa and North and South America

The main countries who led exploration were Portugal, Spain, England and France

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EXPLORATION IN PORTUGAL Portugal led the way in exploration because of experienced sailors. Portugal explored the western coast of Africa, trading gold and slaves. They also established settlements in South America, mainly Brazil, and traded for gold and sugar. Portugal was the first country to establish a Europe-Asia water trade route and were the first to sail a crew around the world. Some of their famous explorers were Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco de Gama and Henry the Navigator

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EXPLORATION IN SPAIN Spain’s king and queen supported exploration. Spanish conquistadors sailed to places like the Caribbean, South America, the Philippines and Mexico. Spanish explorers wanted gold, to establish trade routes, and also to spread Christianity to the native people. They established settlements and became the most powerful country in Europe. Some Spanish explorers were very ruthless and aggressive in getting their way. Some famous Spanish explorers were Christopher Columbus, Francisco Pizarro, and Hernando Cortes

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EXPLORATION IN ENGLAND England was another powerful country like Spain. Their explorers settled in the Caribbean, North America and Southeast Asia. They established colonies for mercantilism, which is creating goods in one place, and sending them back to your home country for selling. Some English also explored for religious freedom, like the Pilgrims. Some famous English explorers were John Cabot and Henry Hudson

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EXPLORATION IN FRANCE France wanted to spread their religion to various places, so they established settlements in North America, India, the Caribbean and West Africa. They also hoped to find a water route to trade in Asia. Some of the famous French explorers were Samuel de Champlain and Jacques Cartier

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IMPERIALISM IN EUROPE Imperialism is establishing

colonies in a location to start an empire

European countries wanted to build empires in Africa, Asia and the Pacific

Europe would divide Africa at the Berlin Conference This was nicknamed the

“Scramble for Africa”

Europeans felt they needed natural resources from these different regions

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WORLD WAR I BEGINS IN EUROPE In 1914, World War I broke out in Europe after the death of Archduke Ferdinand

The war pitted the Central Powers vs the Allied Powers Central – Germany, Austria-Hungary,

Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire Allied – France, England, United States,

Russia, Serbia, Belgium The war would last from 1914-1918, with

both sides agreeing to a cease-fire

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CAUSES OF WORLD WAR I Alliances in Europe

Countries would join forces to help if the other was attacked

Nationalism Having pride for your own country

Militarism Building up armies and navies to defend

your country Imperialism

Empire building led to rivalries as countries fought to claim land for their empires

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