SS-'St ITFarmer (SI O D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1917. VOL. LIII No. 84 NAMES OF THOSE REGISTERED IN PARISH FOR SERVICE The names below are supposed to be an entire list of those registered for war serv•ce. The spelling of names conforms to copy provided us, and while apparently correct in some cases, are taken from the registra- tion cards. The name "Mike V. Frasok" ap- pears under the letter T, and the name "David Gause" appears un- der the letter H. -A- Frank Andrews, Joseph Anthony, Quinn Walter Alford, Curtis Allen, Dofeal Anthony, Edmond A. An- thony, Robt. G. Anderson, Ida An- thony, Cornelius Allison, John Peter Aoueille, Bernard Aoueille, Edward R. Abadie, Samuel S. Atkins, Ro- land M. A'bney, Leslie B. Anedrson, Jessie Androews, Joseph O. Alt, Hya- cinth L. Abadie, Fred Anderson, J. Nelson Alexius, Morris Anthony, F. L. Alexander, Hubert IM. Anderson, Emanuel Adams, Joe Andrews, Will Allen, 'Rufus Alexander, Robt. Sey- mour Abel, Samuel Anthony, Chas. Alfred, Thos. W. Alsobrook, M. D. Adams, Hypolite Atlow, H. Alfred, Chas. Ankton, lsaah Arnold, Luther Alexander, Wilson Amos, Forest B. Armstrong, Jas. Allen, Clyde W. Ap- plewhite, Robt. R. Abney, Camille C. Angelletti, Will Anthony, Peter Ard, John Archie, Jacques Aebli, Hugh R. Arnold, Dewey Archer, Wm. E. Avery, Sam Amato, Walter L. A:b- ney, Robinson Alexander, Vigil Ad- ams, Burke Ankton, James Allen, Liddle Archie, Ido Applewhite, Ben Anthony, Frank Andrews, 'Hughey Andrews, John Angelo. B- Geo. A. Baker, Henry Brazeil, J. A. Brown, Joe Brown, John Ran- dolph Bush, Theodore Bo~hne, Alonzo Baylock, L. Bowens, John Bilbo, Jes- sie Booth, Louis J. Bowers, Adolph Bergeron, Ell Bilbo, IEmile Bush, Hy. Bennett, Ollie Berry, Lawrence E. Bowers, Jessie Benham, Oreallius Bowman, Alberta Burns, Robt. Bell, John Brown, Wm. ,Braum, 'Mathew Beauchamp, Lucien Ernest Beward, Sam Buzzetta, Harry Allen Ben- nett, Albert Bertrant, Rex Joseph Bohne, Simion D. Baham, Leslie B. Badon, Wylie Badon, James V. Ba.- ham, Manuel Burcy, Preston A. Booth, Hanley A. Blackwell, Rou- dolph Braxton, Edward P. Bilac, 'Frank Vincent Barkerm, Warren Bruhal, Martin B. Neal, Ruble F. Burns, Jones Belton, Wille Beard, Carlogers Bronds, Harry Neal Bre- nard, Wim. N. Buckley, Andrew A. Bernard, Elijah Simon Brooks, Gor- ian Butler, 'Hugh F. Bynum, Moses Britton, Guy W. Barthea, Rufus Bornett, Will Brown, John O'Neal Bush, Frank F. Ezra Brown, Jos. J. Baham, Louis Booker, Ernest P. Ba- don, DeWitt R. Bush, Jewel W. Bitt- man, Son J. 'Btton, Gondon J. Reeks, Suion L. Butler, Jos. R. Billiot, Ros- co Brookton, Porter Brunett, Geo. Butler, Piuk Baggrett, Dolphus Brookton, Dan Benterey, Garfield Bouner, Tom Brown, Fleet Bryant, Theodore Barze, Marion P. Bennett, Gordon B. Dexter, Sun E. Barron, Alaxender J. Band, Wash Buford, Wm. 'M. Bossier, Alexander 'Baham. Egnos Baham, John L. Brown, Claud Brown, iPluminary Brock, Chas. Berlier, Norman P. Baham, John Blackwell, John Babon, Clarence T. Baham, Dennis Burns, James Brew- er, Prentis W. Bosman, Ernest F. 'Buckley, Purin Bessey, Luther M Buckley, Antowine Butler, Harrison Brister, Jerry Bettis, Ernest Barnes, Will Bloley, Arthur Boman, Chan. N. Bowman, Rook •Baloncier, Carl B. Bougere, (Geo. E. Bennett, August R. Bennett, John L. Badon, Albert .Brown, Murphy Barnes, James I. Burns, Walter Brown. 'Dolphus Brown, Leon Bush, Wm. Bennett. James Boney, Alonzo 'Blackwell, Ara O. ,'Bennett, Blaine Brooks, Charles Breland, Gerald Baham, Carl E Bennett, Hy. W. Bennett, Pedroe Bennett, Murray Blade, Lymn H. Best, Frenk Bennett, H. D. Black- well, Rlbt. Blanchard, Colun Barron Enock A. Blackwell, Frank H. 'Bow- ers, George Benton, Samuel Ball, Jim Brookton, Sam Brookton, Win. A. Boler, Andy Brown, Chas. Bell, Walter Brown, James A. Booth, ,Monroe Bennett, George Boyd, Rul- (us A. 'Branton, Fulgence Berne, Bobert H. Burns, Theodore A. 'Bush. Robert E. Bunis, Ernest Brown, Chas. Baham, John Bard, Philp Burns, Lawrence Brown, Eugene Booker, IMickel Brown, Archie Booty Leon Beaucoudray, Silva 'D. Bennett, Chas. Beyer, Hardy *Bruhl, DeWltt U. Bush, Rufus S. Barleer, Paul A. Blanchard, James Bruhl, Myrtis Blaokwell, Henry L. Bateman, W'm. M. Burns, Felix J. Bachemin, Jr., Thos. Byrd, Andrew 'Brown, Aaron Brown, Jules Berne, Wmin. B. Bryant Jos. Barzar, Pelate Baham, Jos. MI. Aug. V. Baham, Wade Burns. Tim- B•rnthon, Clifford P. Bailey, Jno. L. Baredoa, WVm. A. Black'well, Joseph Baham, Rene Bruhl, Jr., John :E. Brown, Louis Biskham, Ventris V. BueLkner, Ernest Brousseau, John Brown, Robt R. Bahaln, Louis Book- ,er, Jos. C. Baloncier, John C. Booth, Bryan D. Burns, Frank F. Brown, John M. Bynum, Winm. A. Bush, Paul Berthianme, Velos Batis!e, Junar Batiste, Shelby Brown, Wmin. J. Bruamfleld, Horace tM. Barker, Thos. B. Bru'hning, Daniel J. Bru, Alvin F. Beauyeaux. Henry Brown, Winm. 'W. Bradley, Fred Burnthom, Wm. P. Beauyeaux, HJenry Brown, WVm. Bruhl, Jos. C. Bosquet, Armand B. LeBourgeois, Henry C. Bourgeois. Edward Burnthon, William Ba!dw'n, Albert L. Burns, Jos. R. Bahtm. Viltor T. Baham, James K. Black- well, James H. Brumfleld, Ohas. Ba- ham, Randolph Bradley, Robert 'E. Bla_4well, Louis Bryant, Clyde F. B-rns, Edgar Brown, Walter Brodg- er, 1Mike 'Brown, Franz A. Brugger. lfysge Billiot, Jos. Balancier, Frank Bates, J. E. Bailey, Fleet H. Black- well, Thos. Baham. Albert Burns, W.M H. iBowman, McLaudy Badon, i8dney B~attist, Burrel E. Bush, Jos. :sber, James Boykin. -.- Hebert Cade, O'Neal Cade, James Cradkerman, Cleveland Clark, Lu- cien Crance, Will J. Collier, Willie Courtney, Peter A. Crawford, BenJ. C. Carroll, Arthur R. Collier, Shel- tbn Frederick Carr, Allen Crawford, Edw. Benj. Casenave, John Wm. Cruthirds, Alfred Edw. Carr, Alvin D. Carpenter, Clarence E. Collins, Acy Crawford, Calls Cousin, Fate Cook, Tom Cobb, Wi. T. Crawtford, Julia Crawford, Andrew Cunnings, Ernest Carrere, Sidney Cunnings, A. Craddock, Eugene Craddock, Carl- oin Craddock, F. N. Canplette, H. C. Cannon, Jos. N. Chovers, 'Archie Chaplin, Geo. J. Comile, Ed-w. Carr, Jessie Carter, Julius Crawford, De- los Cammack, Georgia Cortez, Thos. Champagne, Ralph H. Cooper, E. Corcaran, C. J. Carr, Wm. W. Clem- ents, Ellis A. Crayford, Isaac Coop- er, James Cooper, Peter Chabreck, Will Cooper, Louis F. Carrier, Pau- leet Chavers, John Carlisle. Theo. Cyprian, James Carey, C. Cajnolatti Frank Cooper, Henry Casey, Henry Cartez, Zeno F. Corkern, Moses F. Chatellier, Warren N. Cooper, Jos. Caserta, Emile E. Caserta; Ralph D. Chatellier, Fred Cosey, Win. Clayton James A. Camp, Geo. A. Cardonne, Will 'Collins, Siles Cook, Arthur Chatellier, Jr., Chas Carpenter, Vic- tor J. Chatellier, Pete Cutrer, Wal. ter Crocher, Chas. A. Camnaille, R. C. Callaham, Henry 'M. Cooper, Toney Caserta, Oliver Crockett, John B. Chrestia, Ernest Cooper, Richard Cade, Adam Clayborn, Joseph F. Crawford, Frank Cleveland, Wm. H. Carr, 'Morris Casplich, Calvin J. Crawford. Adolph D. Capdau, War- ren Crawford, Henry Clay Cous'n. Henry Sidney Cohen, St. Joseph Crockett, Nubert Cousin, 'Robert Childs, C. Coleman, Aaron Childs, Isaac Coleman, John Calaham, Will Coleman, Peter Clark, Gus Caldwe!!, Nathan L. Cochran, Geo. Clark, Ma- con Clarke, Walter Collins, John H. Currie, Hampton Cousey, James Chambers, Willie Copeland, David A. Core, Ira Madison Camp, Luther Cox Prank 'B. Carroll, Harry M. Craw- ford, Lee Craig, Edward H. Cooper, Vaughn Cowart, Robert D. Craw- ford, Geo. S. Cooper, Dan Caves, Alonzo Cowart, Louis Cook, Leonaul Cousin, Morris Craddock, Eddie Co'i- sin, Horace W. Craddock, Eldridge Crawford, Carlee Carwford, Oliver Conley, Jos. Caznave, Harris Coch- ran, Warney Cousin, Samuel Cow- art, Lawrence Cousin, Cornelius M. Crow. Louis A. Cousin, Louis Cou- sin, Thomas Chester, Oscar Cooper, Horace W. Carey, Will W. Craddoic, Jessie Clabome, Leonard Cousin, W. Cooley, Jas. C. Cousin, Graydon, W. Cook. Edward S. Clements, Lafayet N. Cox, Ernest N. Cox, Ernest Curro, Ernest Camille, Jas. L. Collins, E. J. Ca.maille, Jessie Crawford, Geo. A. Carpenter, Joe Chappels, Edward Camaille, 'orest A. Craddock, Jul- ius Crow, Clifford 'M. Corvan, Clar- ence Crawford, Louis Eltza Craw- ford, Eugene Cooper, Alonzo Clark. Frank M. Comfort, Pleas M. Caffer, Clarence Crandell. Leo Crockett, F. 'IcCree, Walter Clark, 'Sylvest Cran- dile, Starling B. Crawford, Geo. S. Cire, Leonard Z. Crawford, Willie E. Crawford, W. A. Cocram, Richard J. Clay, Jack Cook, Willie Coley. Mar- shall Cook, Ado Cado, Webb Coats, Bryant Cannon, Frederick G. Com- bel, John W. Cooper, Herbert M. Carpenter, Wm. Clayton, Louis Cy- qon, Julius J. Capla, Edward Clem- ents. -D-- Edward M. DesRochei. Howard Davis, Harmon Dtvis, Mitchel Du- are John Doucet, Edgar L. Duburg, Dixie Doby, Stance W. iavii, Daniel Daily, Charles Ducre, Carl L. Davis, Geo. J. Dubinson, Bennei l•-avia, Ed. Davenport, Nelson Ducre, Waiter Ducet, Claude Dennis, Marce' Dou- cet, Edward Davilea, Jis. Doucet, James A. Dillard, Aaatallc Ducre, Callice Ducre, Cancir Ducre, Jr., Sal- vidor Ducre, Alfonse I)ucre, Haze- ward Dillard, Willie Durr, Thoa. P. Dutsch, Willie Dean, zlracst Dirr, Robert Andrew Davis, Jo'hn Henry Dutsch, Walter Deem, Richard H. Dutsch, Bob Daws, Curtis Day s, C. W. Dutsch, Willie Davis, PI,)cy Dan- lels, Monroe Daniel, Thoma3 jeffer- son Davis, Marsh Davis, Louis D. Du- truch. John Dutruch, Trheo. A. D)en- dinger, Columbus Daniel, ELdRav\is, Needow Dexter, Nicio:as H. Dasci, John Duck, Jas. W. Dicher, M,•rrirs D. Duloney, Leonce lauade Dverbor.e, Eugene S. Dubuisson, Jlohn l. Dun- ham, Edw. Doucette, Amnad:a Icucet, John Dawkins, Fredl Daily, Vess Davis, Sam Dorson, .;aan Dyson, Toney Dudley, Willie IDavis, •loses Davenport, Grey HetHert Dufore, Richard Dunlap, Jr., Richard Dixon, Edward David, Thomas Louis Doby, Louis David, Edward ,JI. lDa.h, Ray Davenport, Felix W. Daw.ion, Charlie Dawson, Richard Dcr.,on, Preston Dorman, Albert S. Da, li, Alonzo Dennlngs, Jaems Dunham, DIWitt T. Davis, Colville D. Dixon, Gee. Davis, Norman Duburg, Alvain Du- barry, James Delle, Mo.4e Doutzer, Frank L. Dubuisson, Allen J.T. Dee- her, Frank Davis, Henry DL3ks, Gor- dan B. Dexter, Cecil Datie 1 , Loutis P. Davis, John C. Ducksarih, Newton Doolittle, Gee. M. Dnkl;h, Hlera:d Doxstater, Jennis Da;craport, Al- phonse Ducre, Gee. Dorsey, Edward WV. Dutsch, Charles L. Dupart, Frank Davis, Nelson Ducree, Roy Daven- 'port, Salvador Delpi. BirI Edwards, Chas. Edwari'd. L. L. Ea~ley, Lee English, Bennie Eng- lish, Jeff Easley, Damon Edlwards. Rader Ezell, Wm. I. Ezell, imlle F. Errunn, Emery Edwards, PI~aIIl I)D. Esquinance, Mathews Eades, Pirck Elzie, Solomon Evans, Jake irmnaer- son, James Eden, Frank R. zeil, Will Edwards; James Evans. P:ilip T. Easterling, Thee. J. Eddins. Ried- dick Ezell, Henry Edwards, Thos. Etzell, John Earl, 'Haste Ezel', 'i'ho. J. Ezell, Corbett A. Ezell. Walter I). 'Edwards, Win. Everet.te, Chts. I. E3llermnan, Frenk Edwards, Jamae I. Ezell, James E. Ezell, Pinkey 1. Edwards, Emery Edwaerds. -F- John C. Francis, John C. Francis, Arthur J. Finney, Thos. E. Finney, Harry Farrier, IM. L. Fleming, Fred Frazier, Arthur Frazier, Andrew Frazier, Jacob S. Parrest, Andrew Fisher, Jessie Franklin, Enward M. Pitrzgerald, Jdhn J. Finn, Joseph D. Fitamorris, Richard Fuhrman, Edw. J. Freewclk, Jr., .ManutlPFoster, P. Foster, Camile FPlot, Art Plot, .rwrenC Plot, Albert Pl, Bruce Foitner, Afthnr Fleming, Albert F a ore2st ff, YAW.r i. :Pa- AUBERT FILES CONTEST SUIT COVINGTON ELECTION Thursday, July 12, Robert L. Au- bert filed suit contesting the recent election for mayor of Covington. The attorneys are Judge Reid, of Amite City, and A. Sidney Burns, of Cbv- lngton. The petition recites that the elec- tion was ipromulgated by the mayor and town council of Covington June 22, 1917, setting forth that 337 votes were cast, and that .167 were for Paul J. Lacroix and 164 for Robt. L. Aubert for mayor of the town of Covington. That the emoulments of said office were $650.00 per year, $1300.00 for the term of two years. The petition states, * * * * "andyour petitioner shows that not- withstanding the returns of said election and the result as promul- gated by the 'Mayor and Town Coun- cil for the office of Mayor and Town Council, that your petitioner is just- ly and legally elected and entitled to the office of mayor, for the ol- lowing reasons, to-wit:" The names of the voters casting the votes con- tested are then given, with the rea- sons why said votes were illegal. These reasons are given below in a condensed form: Edward J. Memory, voted for La- croix. Had not attained the age of 21 years June 19, 1917, having been born February 2, '1897. Was not a resident of Covington twelve months preceding election. Amadee Guyol, voted for Lacroix. Not legally qualified voter, having removed from State in June, 1916, with intention of establlshing a real- dence, domicile and home beyond the limits of the State of Iaslatama, and had not returned to state until Oe- tober, 1916. Louis Lamar, more than two months before election moved from Covington and established a resl- dence beyond Its limits. , lHad not re- sumed residence on or before June 19, 1917. Wade Burns was not a resident of Covington at any time within twelve months preceding said election. Alfred Rhody was not a legally qualfied voter. Was born in Eng- land and never became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and is not now a naturalized citizen. Carl A. R. Fisher was born in switzerland, and petitioner believes and charges that he never has been made a naturaliszed citizen, nor has produced to register of voters evl- dence of naturalization and of be- ing a citizen. James J. Ezell was without rigbt to vote at said election and was not a qualified voter on June 19, 1.917, for the reason that he was at that time actually confined in the parish jail at Covington gn indictment of the grand jury for the crime of murder. Morris Loyd was not a legally iualified voter. Had removed froer Covington and established a resl- dence in Lewlaburg several months before the election. Joseph Federico, was born in the Kingdom of Italy, and never has be- come a naturalized citizen. E. G. DelCorral, in February or March, 1917, abandoned rented res- idence in Covington and moved with his family and furniture to New Or- leans, where he was residing June 19, 1917. W. Schumacker ceased to reside in Covington four months before June 19, 1917, with the intention of permanently establishing his resl- dence outside of Covington, and had not returned or re-established reise dence in Covington by June 19, 1917. Edward Abadle, previous to elec- tion, to-wit: on the 28&th day of June, 1915, had been convicted of the crime of larceny, punishable un- der the laws of the state by impris- onment in the Ipenitentiary, and had not on June 19, 1917, nor since then, been ~pardoned with espress restoration of franchise. As to the spoilt ballots, the 1o1- lowing is the gist of the deelamb tion: A ballot voted, deposited and counted, which was stamped in the emblem at the head of the column in which .laaeomix's name appears for mayor was also stamped oppoite the name of E. W. Jones in the column of names at the head of which was the name of Robt. L. Aubert for mayor, as shown in plaintiffs ex- hibit C. That under instructions printed on said ballot it was forbid- den to stamp or cross emblem unless voting a straight ticket, etc, Two ballots were staed, cast and counted for Lacrdil ror mayor and seven aldermen, instead o.. six, and that said two votes should ha taken from\the votes of Lacrolx for tayor. That all of above named parties voted and were counted for P. J. Lacroix for mayor and that none of them were entitled to vote. That said illegal votes and three spolt ballots should be deducted from the number of votes received by Ia- croix, which will reduce the n\am- ber to 152 votes. Petitioner further shows that Adolph Kohiman was and is a legaly ,ualifiled voter, duly registered in the first precinct of the Third Ward, had act~Ily res.ded in Covington more tha 12 months preseding June 19, 1917, and, had paid his poll tax. He had deposited his poll tax receipts with P. J. Icoix to pre- vent their loss or destruction. That on June 19 he demanded his poll tax receipts, and espeeially the one for the parish of Orleans for the year 1915, in order to vote for Au- bert, but that Lacroix refused to give up said receipts, stating he hadt or dmislalid them, thus *reveat. Koh•Iman from the exercise of his right to vote. If lo sad voted ihete woud at. *en m 1R5 ,oteele 5Is4 MRS. CASLER SHOOTS NIFGRO SELF DEFENSE AT LACOMBE A nears named John Badon was shot and 'kiled at Lacombe, last Thursday afternoon, July 5, by M•rs. Paul Casler. Mrs. Casler was wash- 4ag clothes on the bacl gallery of her home 'when Baden appeared. He began cursing her as he walked toward her. As Mrs. Css!er backed away he continued to carse, follow- i•n her up. She gradbed a shot gun .nd emptied both barrels into bips. The first shot struck him in the arm and the second tore through the right side of the threat. ladon fell to his knees, but ostlnned to curm her and try to reach her. As he fall over, Mrs. Casler got another gun and shot him sailn. the charge going into his side. This was the shot that ended his life.. The coroner's jury returned a var. diet of justifiable honlicide. Badon 'has been in ttoubie before. It is said, when he and his brother were chased .by a posse of eitisens, at which time his brother was kill- ed. John Badon maJing his es- cae. It is said that John lB~don was met in the 'oods on the same day be was killed by Mrs. Casler, by Barn Toustalot. He aske I Toasta- -lot who lived at the Casler house and where Mr. Casler wa. lie also asked about the oxen he said he was hunting. but went Ins the opposite direction from that in which he uwn told the oxen might be- found, to- ward the Casler home. PROCEEDINGS MANDEVILLE COUNCIL Mandevile, La., July 5, 1917. The Board of Aldermen met In regular session on the ebove date with the following members present: W. Q. Davis. Mayor; Jas. Band, A. H*artman, A. Depre. Absent were: Dr. Maylie and J. L. Smith. It was moved by Mr. Band and seconded by Mr. Depre, that the min- utes of the meetings of June 8 and 23 be adpoted as read. Carried. It was moved by Mr. Band and seconded by Mr. Hartman, that the Finance Committee's report be ac- cepted sad warrants paid for all bills approved, be drawn. Carried. Treasurer's report for June: June 1, talnace ....... 3451.716 June 25, sale of-old Iron 4.00 June 30, corporation tax 174.9t June 30, fines ....... 15.00 June 30, lceases ..... 75.00 June 30, miscellaneous 13.50 June 30, Interest .... 26.64 June 30th, transterred from save gse acount 736.66 $4496;51 Disbureements: June 4, to May aslries 87.50, June 9, sea wall labor. 225.00 June 16 Ma street lIght 137.98 June 30th. streets and bridges ........... 16.40 June 30, lFire Co., oH and gas ........ 4.16 June 30, malsgoellm•es 16.00 $483.03 Baas............. 4401348 Special or Sea Wall: June 1, balaeo .. .... 1022.18 June 30, taxes recd. .. 87.47 •1109 .6 June 23, treastermd to cheok acount ..... 7A146 June 30. balance .... 572.99 J . M. IITCHISBON, Tmseurer. There being no further busineess the conolul adjouned. W. O DAVIS, Mayor. J. M. HUTIIUOtN, Seoretary. MANDEVILLE NEWS LETTER The contract for builtdns the •new Mahdevll• pule pbic shoo-l was let aInst Tuesdea by the bulding. omnmttee . onsistlng of Su•pt. E. E. Lyon, Mr. H. H. •Levy and Mr. F. 3. VIz, rep- resentin the Parish 8ghool B•o•ard. The meeting was-held ln the dirct- ors' room of the Mendevilie Bank and was ettended by Mr. Nolan, of Nolan & Torre, arehitets, who wil; supervise the coastruatle of the bu!lhing, and a number of eltisens, at 10 a. m., as per previous public notice. The four sealed bids were opened and revealed the follow~in: Bar- boy and Mooro, e. Plaoumnr e nad New Orlens, $311,525; Smth Bros., ot Mandeville, $13,784; C. V. Qave., of ,Madiseaville, $13,000; W. H. & R. B. Crews, of New Orleans, $13,- 790. Barboy & Moore beting the .owest bidden, wron awarded theo ontsiet, the work ea the m-•-l-. to commence on or bOelre dku st 1, snd reshed to emapletion. with a view of oepylag some by November nEt, until wMle ti the preent school benldins will be used. 5I.e sIte iselected or the neow schaol is coner of ld.tte aus lli~ngston streets, and covers an urea SStu~18 feet. The noew se ool budiug prop- et wtl ecover a ps o e 100 bet i Just u we bad -given up hope ci the uml rsummer iw nx, It eudden)t doveleped that there wew a big de- aud for heoese, whereore the loeel popuklation uwas tnereas last we'ek by 2 famisies. to gay nothggl t the Sreglaurs. evnteoftr ea lr•e mnd HONOR GUARD ANDRED CROSS WORKERS ARE ORGANIZED THE HONOR GUARD. On Monday, July 9, Miss Gladys Wayne and Mrs. Miazza, of the New Orleans Honor Guard, addressed a large number of the young girls and their parents and friends in the in- terest of a Girls' Honor Guard, with the result that a unit numbering fifty recruited. Mrs. J. C. Burns acted as chair- man, and introduced the speakers. Miss Wayne explained the duties and responsibilities facing every man, woman and child today, and as our boys represent the military and navy department, our small boys the seouts, our more mature women the Red Cross and men the home guard, the Honor Guard would take in the girls. Mrs. Miezza, Miss Kate East- man, Mr. E. G. Davis and Mr. War- ner, ali spoke words of encourage- ment, and Dr. Gautreaux gave an interesting talk, and kindly volun- teered to hold clasm lectures on first aid work, which,. after examination, will entitle each member to a gov- ernment certifcate. Miss Olga Panchard played "The Star Spangled Banner," after which the meeting determined at once to elect officers and get into action. The oeffice of general manager for the parish being appointed, the re- cruiting officers from New Orleans named tiss Anna Morrell to 1111 that post. The other officers were elect- ed from the floor, as follows: Miss Morrell, president; Miss Norma Weaver, vicelpresident; Mrs. A. L. Bear, secretary, and .Miss Retta Mos- es, treasurer. Mr. H. A. Mackie, who has seen service in the Spanish4American war, ofered his services to drill the guard. The girls will drill, ride, shoot, swim, they will learn first aid work, knit and sew for the soldiers, equip hospital tents for camps, In fact, do anything their country will require of them. RED CROSS. . Mrs. Hopper, of New Orleans, came over Wednesday evening to give inal examlnation to the ladies who have been studying the surgical work at the Library. This class of 25 ladies organiz si and began work under the q'Atruc- tion of ,Miss Purcell, of New Orleans, and for two weeks, three hours each day, made surgical bandages used in hospitals. It is to be regretted that only sev- en of the twenty-five took final ex- anminaUton, these were Mrs. E. 'Polte- vent and Miss Ella Paine, of Mande- ville,, and Mesdames Warner and daughter li[zabeth, N. H. FitzSim- one, C. H. Sheffield and J. C. Burns, of Covington. Each of these ladies will send a sample box of their ,work to Washington for inspection. Mrs. Hopper will pass on the written e*- aminatlon, and those ieoring the re- quired percentage will receive a gov- ernment certificate, 'which 'will en- title them to teach the surgical 'work through the parish. All of the other ladies who work- ed under 'Miss Purcell will assist in the instruction of our home classes. Mrs. J. H. Warner entertained Mrs. Hopper during her stay in Cov- bngton. Dr. F. G. Marrero. Dr. F. G. Marrero died in New Orleans, Friday, July 13, 1917, aged 62 years. Dr. Marrero was a native of Matehes, Miss., but had been a resident of Covington 23 years. He was formerly Mayor of Oovington. He 'was a member of Covington Lodge F. & A. M., No. 188, and Bogue Falaya Grove, No. 21, U. A. O,. D. The funeral will takeplace in Co- ington atnrday morning at 10:30 trom his late residence on New IHampehire street. .Interment will be made in the Covington Cemetery. 'PARISH FAIR WORK WILL BE PUSHED At a meeting of the Fair Associa- tion, Thuarlay, it was decided the Assooiation would get out the cata- las, instead of selling the privilege. Work will be commenced immediate- -ly and advertising will be solicited. The grounds at the Fair were rent- ed for three months, at $20.00 per month, to Mr. LeBIlanc, who will use the enclosure for horses which will be brought here for sale. Work will be entered into in earn- est for the fair tlie fall. There is encouragement for the belief that we will have one of the best fairs yet held. -0-- 'The Parish Medical Society Meeting. The St. Tammany Parish Medical Society held its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday at t1h Fen- wick Sanitarium, in Covinton. with the following members present: Drs. J, P. Polk, president: C. W. Davidson, secretary-treasurer; H. 8. Otutreasu, W. E. Vaunandt, It. B. ine, A. . C. lFamer, Jas. Welch, F. P. Yahng and A. O Mayli1 Dr. F. P. Young read a mu3t in- Leresting and instructive paper of some length, on Ale•holbc Inebriety, ad held the rapt attention of the membershipas he unfolded the many Intricate .phases of ths old but much ip•abderspooa d lea- to PROCEEDINGS OF POLICE JURY MEETING OF JULY 11TH Covington, La., July 11, 1917. The police jury met on the above late with the follow!ng members .resent: Geo. Koepp. Jr., W. A. iuou, E. J. Domergue, J. M. Smith, . R. 42wart, F. Crawford, W. H. Dais, 'itobt. Abney, J. B. Itowzs. The minutes of the last meeting se:e read, and it was moved by Geo. ioepp, Jr., seconded by W. A. Rood, .hat they be adopted as read. Carried. Moved 'by Geo. Koopp, seconded -y W. H. Davis, that Mis3 Ruby :ceder be given a s.hola*shl' to the talte Normal School.. Carried. It was moved ani seconded'that he meeting adjourn :In:il 1:20 p..m. Carried. Afternoon Session. The following petitionl was read: Bonfouca, La., July 10, 1917. ro the Honorable President and Members of the Poll e Jury: We, the undersigned citizens and iroperty owners of the 9th ward, St. rammany parish, petiti.sn your hon- irable body to construct a public oad from Bonfouca station, near 3ayou Liberty, to postathce at Ron- ouca, La., on Bayou Paquet. Signed by Max Cousin and nine- een others. 'It was moved, seconded and earri- d that the above petition be grant- :d. The following resolution was then ead: Whereas, the financial, agricultur- I and industrial development and ,rowth of our common country are argely dependent upon the methods f intercommunication; and, Whereas, roads of all methods are he most univetsally used, and hence he most serviceable to all ealsses; Bad, Whereas, the Jackson Highway has een completed from the Mississippi ne to Slidell; and, Whereas, the city of New Orleans a now expending $325,000.00 in the construction of a road to the 'Rigo- ets to connect with the said Jack- on Highway; and, Whereas, there is a low marshy tap of six miles intervening between ilidell and the Rigolets; and,. Whereas, the hiatus is wholly vithin the parish of St. Tammany; md, Whereas, the parish is now sub- dcted to a very heavy tax upon its esources by being compelled to con- truct a net work of good roads vithin. itis boundaries; and, Whereas, the flaking of the two oints hereinabove referred to means he completion of the. Jackson High- ray to our great Soethern metropo- is, the city of New Orleans; and, .Whereas, the completion of this reat highway may be of great ser- rice to the Nation in the prosecution i m'ilitary and naval operations; mnd, Whereas, the construction, and maintenance of a system of national sighways will necessarily .encourage md give a great impetus to the auild1ng of good roads 'by states, cunties, townships, cities and vil- ages, as the assembling and dis- ributing medium of such highways; herefore, Be it resolved 'by the Police Jury n legal session convened, That we urge upon the Louisiana delegation a the Congress of the United States he necessity of completing the Jadk- ion Highway from Sltdell to the Eigolets. Be it further resolved, That the secretary of the police jury be in- structed to immediately transmit opies of these preambles and reso- lutions to the menmbers of the United 8tates Senate and House of iRepre- sentatives from ,the State of Louisi na. It was moved by Geo. Koepp, see- .nded by J. IM. Smith, that the above resolution be adopted. Carried. The following report was read: Jovington, 'La., July 11, 1917. ro the Honorable IPresident and Members of Ithe Police Jury: Gentlemen:-I beg to submit this my report for the month of 'June, 917: Receipts: Bal. on hand May 31, 1917, gen- eral fund, $6,4216.41; road fund, 848.01; speeal road fund, $8,- 416.17. Received from T. E, Brews; ter, general fund, 4921.54; road fund, $420.99; special road fund, 264.25; received from Covington Bank & Trust Co., (discount), road fund, $3;809.78; received 'from St. Tam•a•npy Bank & Trust Co., inter- st on balances from Jan. 1, 1917, to June 30, 1917, general tfund, $122.39; refund from donation made to pauper, $19.00. Totals, general fund, $7,489.34; road fund, $,078.78 special road fund, $8,680.42. Less disbursements, general fund, P2,327.91; road fund, 4587.43; spl. road fund, $7,350.00. ,Balaen June 30, 1917, general fund, $5,161.43; road fund, '$4,491.35; special road, und, '$1,330.42. Respectfully submitted, GEO. F. BIER~HORST, Parish Treasurer. The above report was read, and it was moved and seconded 'that the reasurer's report be accepted as read. Carried. The following report was read: Statement of T. E. Brewster for the month of June, 1917: 'Parish Tax- Criminal fund ....... 164.51 Road fund .......... . 246.76 School fund ......... . 246.76 General fund ....... . 164.51 $822.54 Corporation Tax- lCriminal tfund 9....... 7.52 'Rad fund ........... 146.6 SChool fund ...... . ..... ,146.$6 SLIDELL CHURCH DEDICATED; LO CAL NEWS AND. PERSONALS The new Catholic church, "Our a Lady of Lourdes," which was dedi- cated last Sunday, July 8th, by Rt. Rev. Abbot Paul. Very Rev. Franois Prim delivered a fine dedicatory ser- mon -and assisting in the service were Rev. J. J. Boudream, thancel- Jor of the Diocese, Fathers Bliel, Odilo, Thomas and Naybor, and tni- form ran'k of Holy Name Society, of New Orleans, The service Was large- ly attended and very impressive, the choir being particularly good. Fr. Benedict has trained the young peo- ple, who tor~n the choir, splendidly, and it is a pleasure to hear their fresh, young voices blending so har- moniously in the entire High Mass rendered. The present Catholic congrega- tion, which nearly fills the beautiful new church, has been built up since about the year 1885, w•hen IMass was first celebrated in Slidell by Father Avalle, at the home of Mrs. L. Iaw- ler, mother of Mrs. Kate Abel, Mrs. M. McDaniel and. Mrs. Mary Du- bourg. Later the store of Mrs. Jawo, Frederick was used, a dry goods box serving is an altar. The corner- stone of the first church was laid In September, 1890, and the church dedicated on November 24, 1891, by Archbishop Jansens. This church was destroyed .by cyclone, and the foundation and lumber used to con- struct the church which was med until the completion of the present one, and which is to ba used here- after as a Catholle school. 8ervices were held only once a month, some- times on Monday and sometimes on Sunday. Father Lavagnery, of Covingtoa , conducted the services from 189} to 1894. Father Koegerl from 1894 to 1896. Father Joachim from 18968 to 1902. Father Pacide Dabyns in- augurated two services a month sad was in charge during 19024)3. From 1903-05 Rev. Abbot Paul and Father Anselrn attended in semi-monthlbl services. In 1905 weekly services were held, beingll conducted by Prs. ' Gallus and Adalbert, until '908, at which time 'lather Benuard Keating was permanently asslped to Blidell. Father Bernard, as every one loves to call him, was also in clharge of - work at Picayune and Audubon, sa ' served faithfully at4 well until Miy 6, 1916, When Father Benedict 8t ter, the present able and m pastor assumed the duties a•d brought to fruitful results the plan•.. , for a new and larger ehuorl, wllleis ; had 'been ilaugurated prior to r..I; advent. Father Bernard started the. . amvement by on anislag the ( = llcI Church Implovsmenlt L•a - an the first deposit of mone th4 contemplated new achurcb w made May 16, 1013, and at h termination of his pastorate the ,qua had gone to fifteen or sixteen ldhp ,• . ~- dred dolars. A large nalmber 04 the congregatlon. nmde indivMIdM donations in addition to the tand. f•8 the new church. Asmoag the doepi• are Mrs. C. L. Baker, the high aZi;. Mrs. Hy. Schnelddr, s11 Ma4al tlc . and one beautiful vestment; Mrs L. G. Peyrefitte, crucifiax for high Jblr Sanctuary, Ladies, carpet for s5iolb ary; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. PQ1?AItt. marble holy water font; Pail 'QC i nlibe, marble holy water font; S,: W. S. Dwyer, BenedLetine Oma4!p.' *i-' bra; Children of Mary, im3pi font; Mrs. C. M. Tilley, missle; r;•. Sam Levy, hand made attar •'-I'~ Mrs. J. M. Currie, hand made w.ler cloth; Mr. Hy. Schneider, b•ri tks1t foundation; Mr. and Mrs. Sebet, l Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dubtrisson, 4 '. and Mrs. C.' P. Mahoney•Mr. a,. 'Mrs. J: W. landal, Mr. SmithL , Mia McDaniel, Mrs. J. A.-Mtre, ei.h gas station of the eros.; El, N. HassIga, a Frank Philibert, four; Miss all l Powers, two. The Str. (Maple, a Psllliseger ll freight ship intender for servili the Atalntic Seaboardr wirtll b.i1ai3 ed at Sl4de11l Ship Building Vo'e. t next week. No delliantte d e a given at this time. This w.*M: first of this type Of boat to i from local yards. This will ha portunity for beuiniap the comstem tipn of U. S. ships and we *a bd surprised to her~ of a +l e Ibeing started -so'. We understua . d M:er R... - again under the leIther, esn beilnnlg to bellerre tht it bi to be a hibt 'wit•h him; heare are pleased to note that bIe i on hand when eMdie, sad t fairs go right aoteg. Mrs. J. 0. Abel S ep A'bel were elled't. o Nw Wednesday hit, by Op ness of Mr. Rohthel The Priscil•a Chb met at th dence of Mrs B.8. B. Lte day. Knitttag is sti most of the ldi perts. Delleiosi served, sad all ~ time. They w l ln at the home of 0 . Little Miss Fi Thursday for a iit' Hattleshbrg. Miss Bu3heasaa 4 is visiting the M1 Misses Ethel mand Misses Jols hobaperoned by left during the e g for Hot Springs, Miss LowAe is the new tel todk Miss S latter left last to Mr. Sl At the of eae of two ymr who a ugOe

SS-'St ITFarmer (SI - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015387/1917-07-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · SS-'St ITFarmer (SI O D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, ... Damon Edlwards

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SS-'St ITFarmer (SI O

D. H. MAsoN, Editor COVINGTON, LA., SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1917. VOL. LIII No. 84


SERVICEThe names below are supposed to

be an entire list of those registeredfor war serv•ce. The spelling ofnames conforms to copy provided us,and while apparently correct in somecases, are taken from the registra-tion cards.

The name "Mike V. Frasok" ap-pears under the letter T, and thename "David Gause" appears un-der the letter H.

-A-Frank Andrews, Joseph Anthony,

Quinn Walter Alford, Curtis Allen,Dofeal Anthony, Edmond A. An-thony, Robt. G. Anderson, Ida An-thony, Cornelius Allison, John PeterAoueille, Bernard Aoueille, EdwardR. Abadie, Samuel S. Atkins, Ro-land M. A'bney, Leslie B. Anedrson,Jessie Androews, Joseph O. Alt, Hya-cinth L. Abadie, Fred Anderson, J.Nelson Alexius, Morris Anthony, F.L. Alexander, Hubert IM. Anderson,Emanuel Adams, Joe Andrews, WillAllen, 'Rufus Alexander, Robt. Sey-mour Abel, Samuel Anthony, Chas.Alfred, Thos. W. Alsobrook, M. D.Adams, Hypolite Atlow, H. Alfred,Chas. Ankton, lsaah Arnold, LutherAlexander, Wilson Amos, Forest B.Armstrong, Jas. Allen, Clyde W. Ap-plewhite, Robt. R. Abney, Camille C.Angelletti, Will Anthony, Peter Ard,John Archie, Jacques Aebli, HughR. Arnold, Dewey Archer, Wm. E.Avery, Sam Amato, Walter L. A:b-ney, Robinson Alexander, Vigil Ad-ams, Burke Ankton, James Allen,Liddle Archie, Ido Applewhite, BenAnthony, Frank Andrews, 'HugheyAndrews, John Angelo.

B-Geo. A. Baker, Henry Brazeil, J.

A. Brown, Joe Brown, John Ran-dolph Bush, Theodore Bo~hne, AlonzoBaylock, L. Bowens, John Bilbo, Jes-sie Booth, Louis J. Bowers, AdolphBergeron, Ell Bilbo, IEmile Bush, Hy.Bennett, Ollie Berry, Lawrence E.Bowers, Jessie Benham, OrealliusBowman, Alberta Burns, Robt. Bell,John Brown, Wm. ,Braum, 'MathewBeauchamp, Lucien Ernest Beward,Sam Buzzetta, Harry Allen Ben-nett, Albert Bertrant, Rex JosephBohne, Simion D. Baham, Leslie B.Badon, Wylie Badon, James V. Ba.-ham, Manuel Burcy, Preston A.Booth, Hanley A. Blackwell, Rou-dolph Braxton, Edward P. Bilac,'Frank Vincent Barkerm, WarrenBruhal, Martin B. Neal, Ruble F.Burns, Jones Belton, Wille Beard,Carlogers Bronds, Harry Neal Bre-nard, Wim. N. Buckley, Andrew A.Bernard, Elijah Simon Brooks, Gor-ian Butler, 'Hugh F. Bynum, MosesBritton, Guy W. Barthea, RufusBornett, Will Brown, John O'NealBush, Frank F. Ezra Brown, Jos. J.Baham, Louis Booker, Ernest P. Ba-don, DeWitt R. Bush, Jewel W. Bitt-man, Son J. 'Btton, Gondon J. Reeks,Suion L. Butler, Jos. R. Billiot, Ros-co Brookton, Porter Brunett, Geo.Butler, Piuk Baggrett, DolphusBrookton, Dan Benterey, GarfieldBouner, Tom Brown, Fleet Bryant,Theodore Barze, Marion P. Bennett,Gordon B. Dexter, Sun E. Barron,Alaxender J. Band, Wash Buford,Wm. 'M. Bossier, Alexander 'Baham.Egnos Baham, John L. Brown, ClaudBrown, iPluminary Brock, Chas.Berlier, Norman P. Baham, JohnBlackwell, John Babon, Clarence T.Baham, Dennis Burns, James Brew-er, Prentis W. Bosman, Ernest F.'Buckley, Purin Bessey, Luther MBuckley, Antowine Butler, HarrisonBrister, Jerry Bettis, Ernest Barnes,Will Bloley, Arthur Boman, Chan. N.Bowman, Rook •Baloncier, Carl B.Bougere, (Geo. E. Bennett, August R.Bennett, John L. Badon, Albert.Brown, Murphy Barnes, James I.Burns, Walter Brown. 'DolphusBrown, Leon Bush, Wm. Bennett.James Boney, Alonzo 'Blackwell, AraO. ,'Bennett, Blaine Brooks, CharlesBreland, Gerald Baham, Carl EBennett, Hy. W. Bennett, PedroeBennett, Murray Blade, Lymn H.Best, Frenk Bennett, H. D. Black-well, Rlbt. Blanchard, Colun BarronEnock A. Blackwell, Frank H. 'Bow-ers, George Benton, Samuel Ball,Jim Brookton, Sam Brookton, Win.A. Boler, Andy Brown, Chas. Bell,Walter Brown, James A. Booth,,Monroe Bennett, George Boyd, Rul-(us A. 'Branton, Fulgence Berne,Bobert H. Burns, Theodore A. 'Bush.Robert E. Bunis, Ernest Brown,Chas. Baham, John Bard, PhilpBurns, Lawrence Brown, EugeneBooker, IMickel Brown, Archie BootyLeon Beaucoudray, Silva 'D. Bennett,Chas. Beyer, Hardy *Bruhl, DeWlttU. Bush, Rufus S. Barleer, Paul A.Blanchard, James Bruhl, MyrtisBlaokwell, Henry L. Bateman, W'm.M. Burns, Felix J. Bachemin, Jr.,Thos. Byrd, Andrew 'Brown, AaronBrown, Jules Berne, Wmin. B. BryantJos. Barzar, Pelate Baham, Jos. MI.Aug. V. Baham, Wade Burns. Tim-B•rnthon, Clifford P. Bailey, Jno. L.Baredoa, WVm. A. Black'well, JosephBaham, Rene Bruhl, Jr., John :E.Brown, Louis Biskham, Ventris V.BueLkner, Ernest Brousseau, John

Brown, Robt R. Bahaln, Louis Book-,er, Jos. C. Baloncier, John C. Booth,Bryan D. Burns, Frank F. Brown,John M. Bynum, Winm. A. Bush, PaulBerthianme, Velos Batis!e, JunarBatiste, Shelby Brown, Wmin. J.Bruamfleld, Horace tM. Barker, Thos.B. Bru'hning, Daniel J. Bru, AlvinF. Beauyeaux. Henry Brown, Winm.'W. Bradley, Fred Burnthom, Wm.P. Beauyeaux, HJenry Brown, WVm.Bruhl, Jos. C. Bosquet, Armand B.LeBourgeois, Henry C. Bourgeois.Edward Burnthon, William Ba!dw'n,Albert L. Burns, Jos. R. Bahtm.Viltor T. Baham, James K. Black-well, James H. Brumfleld, Ohas. Ba-ham, Randolph Bradley, Robert 'E.Bla_4well, Louis Bryant, Clyde F.B-rns, Edgar Brown, Walter Brodg-er, 1Mike 'Brown, Franz A. Brugger.

lfysge Billiot, Jos. Balancier, FrankBates, J. E. Bailey, Fleet H. Black-well, Thos. Baham. Albert Burns,W.M H. iBowman, McLaudy Badon,i8dney B~attist, Burrel E. Bush, Jos.:sber, James Boykin.


Hebert Cade, O'Neal Cade, JamesCradkerman, Cleveland Clark, Lu-cien Crance, Will J. Collier, WillieCourtney, Peter A. Crawford, BenJ.C. Carroll, Arthur R. Collier, Shel-tbn Frederick Carr, Allen Crawford,Edw. Benj. Casenave, John Wm.Cruthirds, Alfred Edw. Carr, AlvinD. Carpenter, Clarence E. Collins,Acy Crawford, Calls Cousin, FateCook, Tom Cobb, Wi. T. Crawtford,Julia Crawford, Andrew Cunnings,Ernest Carrere, Sidney Cunnings, A.Craddock, Eugene Craddock, Carl-oin Craddock, F. N. Canplette, H. C.Cannon, Jos. N. Chovers, 'ArchieChaplin, Geo. J. Comile, Ed-w. Carr,Jessie Carter, Julius Crawford, De-los Cammack, Georgia Cortez, Thos.Champagne, Ralph H. Cooper, E.Corcaran, C. J. Carr, Wm. W. Clem-ents, Ellis A. Crayford, Isaac Coop-er, James Cooper, Peter Chabreck,Will Cooper, Louis F. Carrier, Pau-leet Chavers, John Carlisle. Theo.Cyprian, James Carey, C. CajnolattiFrank Cooper, Henry Casey, HenryCartez, Zeno F. Corkern, Moses F.Chatellier, Warren N. Cooper, Jos.Caserta, Emile E. Caserta; Ralph D.Chatellier, Fred Cosey, Win. ClaytonJames A. Camp, Geo. A. Cardonne,Will 'Collins, Siles Cook, ArthurChatellier, Jr., Chas Carpenter, Vic-tor J. Chatellier, Pete Cutrer, Wal.ter Crocher, Chas. A. Camnaille, R. C.Callaham, Henry 'M. Cooper, ToneyCaserta, Oliver Crockett, John B.Chrestia, Ernest Cooper, RichardCade, Adam Clayborn, Joseph F.Crawford, Frank Cleveland, Wm. H.Carr, 'Morris Casplich, Calvin J.Crawford. Adolph D. Capdau, War-ren Crawford, Henry Clay Cous'n.Henry Sidney Cohen, St. JosephCrockett, Nubert Cousin, 'RobertChilds, C. Coleman, Aaron Childs,Isaac Coleman, John Calaham, Will

Coleman, Peter Clark, Gus Caldwe!!,Nathan L. Cochran, Geo. Clark, Ma-con Clarke, Walter Collins, John H.Currie, Hampton Cousey, JamesChambers, Willie Copeland, David A.Core, Ira Madison Camp, Luther CoxPrank 'B. Carroll, Harry M. Craw-ford, Lee Craig, Edward H. Cooper,

Vaughn Cowart, Robert D. Craw-ford, Geo. S. Cooper, Dan Caves,Alonzo Cowart, Louis Cook, LeonaulCousin, Morris Craddock, Eddie Co'i-sin, Horace W. Craddock, EldridgeCrawford, Carlee Carwford, OliverConley, Jos. Caznave, Harris Coch-ran, Warney Cousin, Samuel Cow-art, Lawrence Cousin, Cornelius M.Crow. Louis A. Cousin, Louis Cou-sin, Thomas Chester, Oscar Cooper,Horace W. Carey, Will W. Craddoic,Jessie Clabome, Leonard Cousin, W.Cooley, Jas. C. Cousin, Graydon, W.Cook. Edward S. Clements, LafayetN. Cox, Ernest N. Cox, Ernest Curro,Ernest Camille, Jas. L. Collins, E.J. Ca.maille, Jessie Crawford, Geo. A.Carpenter, Joe Chappels, EdwardCamaille, 'orest A. Craddock, Jul-ius Crow, Clifford 'M. Corvan, Clar-ence Crawford, Louis Eltza Craw-ford, Eugene Cooper, Alonzo Clark.Frank M. Comfort, Pleas M. Caffer,Clarence Crandell. Leo Crockett, F.

'IcCree, Walter Clark, 'Sylvest Cran-dile, Starling B. Crawford, Geo. S.Cire, Leonard Z. Crawford, Willie E.Crawford, W. A. Cocram, Richard J.Clay, Jack Cook, Willie Coley. Mar-shall Cook, Ado Cado, Webb Coats,Bryant Cannon, Frederick G. Com-bel, John W. Cooper, Herbert M.Carpenter, Wm. Clayton, Louis Cy-qon, Julius J. Capla, Edward Clem-ents.

-D--Edward M. DesRochei. Howard

Davis, Harmon Dtvis, Mitchel Du-are John Doucet, Edgar L. Duburg,

Dixie Doby, Stance W. iavii, DanielDaily, Charles Ducre, Carl L. Davis,Geo. J. Dubinson, Bennei l•-avia, Ed.Davenport, Nelson Ducre, WaiterDucet, Claude Dennis, Marce' Dou-cet, Edward Davilea, Jis. Doucet,James A. Dillard, Aaatallc Ducre,Callice Ducre, Cancir Ducre, Jr., Sal-vidor Ducre, Alfonse I)ucre, Haze-ward Dillard, Willie Durr, Thoa. P.Dutsch, Willie Dean, zlracst Dirr,Robert Andrew Davis, Jo'hn HenryDutsch, Walter Deem, Richard H.Dutsch, Bob Daws, Curtis Day s, C.W. Dutsch, Willie Davis, PI,)cy Dan-

lels, Monroe Daniel, Thoma3 jeffer-son Davis, Marsh Davis, Louis D. Du-truch. John Dutruch, Trheo. A. D)en-dinger, Columbus Daniel, ELd Rav\is,Needow Dexter, Nicio:as H. Dasci,John Duck, Jas. W. Dicher, M,•rrirsD. Duloney, Leonce lauade Dverbor.e,Eugene S. Dubuisson, Jlohn l. Dun-ham, Edw. Doucette, Amnad:a Icucet,John Dawkins, Fredl Daily, VessDavis, Sam Dorson, .;aan Dyson,Toney Dudley, Willie IDavis, •losesDavenport, Grey HetHert Dufore,Richard Dunlap, Jr., Richard Dixon,Edward David, Thomas Louis Doby,Louis David, Edward ,JI. lDa.h, RayDavenport, Felix W. Daw.ion, CharlieDawson, Richard Dcr.,on, PrestonDorman, Albert S. Da, li, AlonzoDennlngs, Jaems Dunham, DIWittT. Davis, Colville D. Dixon, Gee.Davis, Norman Duburg, Alvain Du-barry, James Delle, Mo.4e Doutzer,Frank L. Dubuisson, Allen J.T. Dee-her, Frank Davis, Henry DL3ks, Gor-dan B. Dexter, Cecil Datie

1 , Loutis P.Davis, John C. Ducksarih, Newton

Doolittle, Gee. M. Dnkl;h, Hlera:dDoxstater, Jennis Da;craport, Al-

phonse Ducre, Gee. Dorsey, EdwardWV. Dutsch, Charles L. Dupart, FrankDavis, Nelson Ducree, Roy Daven-

'port, Salvador Delpi.

BirI Edwards, Chas. Edwari'd. L.L. Ea~ley, Lee English, Bennie Eng-lish, Jeff Easley, Damon Edlwards.Rader Ezell, Wm. I. Ezell, imlle F.Errunn, Emery Edwards, PI~aIIl I)D.

Esquinance, Mathews Eades, PirckElzie, Solomon Evans, Jake irmnaer-son, James Eden, Frank R. zeil,Will Edwards; James Evans. P:ilipT. Easterling, Thee. J. Eddins. Ried-dick Ezell, Henry Edwards, Thos.Etzell, John Earl, 'Haste Ezel', 'i'ho.J. Ezell, Corbett A. Ezell. Walter I).

'Edwards, Win. Everet.te, Chts. I.E3llermnan, Frenk Edwards, Jamae I.

Ezell, James E. Ezell, Pinkey 1.

Edwards, Emery Edwaerds.-F-

John C. Francis, John C. Francis,Arthur J. Finney, Thos. E. Finney,

Harry Farrier, IM. L. Fleming, FredFrazier, Arthur Frazier, AndrewFrazier, Jacob S. Parrest, Andrew

Fisher, Jessie Franklin, Enward M.Pitrzgerald, Jdhn J. Finn, Joseph D.

Fitamorris, Richard Fuhrman, Edw.J. Freewclk, Jr., .ManutlPFoster, P.

Foster, Camile FPlot, Art Plot,.rwrenC Plot, Albert Pl, Bruce

Foitner, Afthnr Fleming, Albert Fa ore2st ff, YAW.r i. :Pa-



Thursday, July 12, Robert L. Au-bert filed suit contesting the recentelection for mayor of Covington. Theattorneys are Judge Reid, of AmiteCity, and A. Sidney Burns, of Cbv-


The petition recites that the elec-tion was ipromulgated by the mayor

and town council of Covington June

22, 1917, setting forth that 337 voteswere cast, and that .167 were forPaul J. Lacroix and 164 for Robt.L. Aubert for mayor of the town ofCovington. That the emoulments ofsaid office were $650.00 per year,

$1300.00 for the term of two years.The petition states, * * * *

"and your petitioner shows that not-withstanding the returns of said

election and the result as promul-

gated by the 'Mayor and Town Coun-cil for the office of Mayor and TownCouncil, that your petitioner is just-ly and legally elected and entitledto the office of mayor, for the ol-lowing reasons, to-wit:" The namesof the voters casting the votes con-tested are then given, with the rea-sons why said votes were illegal.These reasons are given below in acondensed form:

Edward J. Memory, voted for La-croix. Had not attained the age of21 years June 19, 1917, having beenborn February 2, '1897. Was not aresident of Covington twelve monthspreceding election.

Amadee Guyol, voted for Lacroix.Not legally qualified voter, havingremoved from State in June, 1916,with intention of establlshing a real-dence, domicile and home beyond thelimits of the State of Iaslatama, andhad not returned to state until Oe-tober, 1916.

Louis Lamar, more than twomonths before election moved fromCovington and established a resl-dence beyond Its limits. , lHad not re-sumed residence on or before June19, 1917.

Wade Burns was not a resident ofCovington at any time within twelvemonths preceding said election.

Alfred Rhody was not a legallyqualfied voter. Was born in Eng-land and never became a naturalizedcitizen of the United States, and isnot now a naturalized citizen.

Carl A. R. Fisher was born inswitzerland, and petitioner believesand charges that he never has beenmade a naturaliszed citizen, nor hasproduced to register of voters evl-dence of naturalization and of be-ing a citizen.James J. Ezell was without rigbtto vote at said election and was nota qualified voter on June 19, 1.917,

for the reason that he was at thattime actually confined in the parishjail at Covington gn indictment ofthe grand jury for the crime ofmurder.

Morris Loyd was not a legallyiualified voter. Had removed froerCovington and established a resl-dence in Lewlaburg several monthsbefore the election.

Joseph Federico, was born in theKingdom of Italy, and never has be-come a naturalized citizen.

E. G. DelCorral, in February orMarch, 1917, abandoned rented res-idence in Covington and moved withhis family and furniture to New Or-leans, where he was residing June19, 1917.

W. Schumacker ceased to residein Covington four months beforeJune 19, 1917, with the intention ofpermanently establishing his resl-dence outside of Covington, and hadnot returned or re-established reisedence in Covington by June 19, 1917.

Edward Abadle, previous to elec-tion, to-wit: on the 28&th day ofJune, 1915, had been convicted ofthe crime of larceny, punishable un-der the laws of the state by impris-onment in the Ipenitentiary, and hadnot on June 19, 1917, nor sincethen, been ~pardoned with espressrestoration of franchise.

As to the spoilt ballots, the 1o1-lowing is the gist of the deelambtion:

A ballot voted, deposited andcounted, which was stamped in theemblem at the head of the column

in which .laaeomix's name appears formayor was also stamped oppoite thename of E. W. Jones in the columnof names at the head of which wasthe name of Robt. L. Aubert formayor, as shown in plaintiffs ex-

hibit C. That under instructions

printed on said ballot it was forbid-den to stamp or cross emblem unless

voting a straight ticket, etc,Two ballots were staed, castand counted for Lacrdil ror mayorand seven aldermen, instead o.. six,and that said two votes should hataken from\the votes of Lacrolx for


That all of above named partiesvoted and were counted for P. J.

Lacroix for mayor and that none ofthem were entitled to vote. Thatsaid illegal votes and three spoltballots should be deducted from the

number of votes received by Ia-croix, which will reduce the n\am-ber to 152 votes.Petitioner further shows that

Adolph Kohiman was and is a legaly,ualifiled voter, duly registered inthe first precinct of the Third Ward,

had act~Ily res.ded in Covingtonmore tha 12 months presedingJune 19, 1917, and, had paid his polltax. He had deposited his poll taxreceipts with P. J. Icoix to pre-vent their loss or destruction. Thaton June 19 he demanded his polltax receipts, and espeeially the onefor the parish of Orleans for theyear 1915, in order to vote for Au-bert, but that Lacroix refused to give

up said receipts, stating he hadtor dmislalid them, thus *reveat.Koh•Iman from the exercise of hisright to vote. If lo sad voted ihete

woud at. *en m 1R5 ,oteele 5Is4


A nears named John Badon wasshot and 'kiled at Lacombe, lastThursday afternoon, July 5, by M•rs.Paul Casler. Mrs. Casler was wash-4ag clothes on the bacl gallery ofher home 'when Baden appeared.He began cursing her as he walkedtoward her. As Mrs. Css!er backedaway he continued to carse, follow-i•n her up. She gradbed a shot gun.nd emptied both barrels into bips.The first shot struck him in the armand the second tore through theright side of the threat. ladon fellto his knees, but ostlnned to curmher and try to reach her. As hefall over, Mrs. Casler got anothergun and shot him sailn. the chargegoing into his side. This was theshot that ended his life..

The coroner's jury returned a var.diet of justifiable honlicide.

Badon 'has been in ttoubie before.It is said, when he and his brotherwere chased .by a posse of eitisens,at which time his brother was kill-ed. John Badon maJing his es-cae.

It is said that John lB~don wasmet in the 'oods on the same daybe was killed by Mrs. Casler, byBarn Toustalot. He aske I Toasta--lot who lived at the Casler houseand where Mr. Casler wa. lie alsoasked about the oxen he said he washunting. but went Ins the oppositedirection from that in which he uwntold the oxen might be- found, to-ward the Casler home.


COUNCILMandevile, La., July 5, 1917.

The Board of Aldermen met Inregular session on the ebove datewith the following members present:W. Q. Davis. Mayor; Jas. Band, A.H*artman, A. Depre. Absent were:Dr. Maylie and J. L. Smith.

It was moved by Mr. Band andseconded by Mr. Depre, that the min-utes of the meetings of June 8 and23 be adpoted as read. Carried.

It was moved by Mr. Band andseconded by Mr. Hartman, that theFinance Committee's report be ac-cepted sad warrants paid for allbills approved, be drawn. Carried.

Treasurer's report for June:June 1, talnace ....... 3451.716June 25, sale of-old Iron 4.00June 30, corporation tax 174.9tJune 30, fines ....... 15.00June 30, lceases ..... 75.00June 30, miscellaneous 13.50June 30, Interest .... 26.64June 30th, transterred

from save gse acount 736.66


June 4, to May aslries 87.50,June 9, sea wall labor. 225.00June 16 Ma street lIght 137.98June 30th. streets and

bridges ........... 16.40June 30, lFire Co., oH

and gas ........ 4.16June 30, malsgoellm•es 16.00


Baas............. 4401348Special or Sea Wall:

June 1, balaeo .. .... 1022.18June 30, taxes recd. .. 87.47

•1109 .6June 23, treastermd to

cheok acount ..... 7A146

June 30. balance .... 572.99J .M. IITCHISBON,

Tmseurer.There being no further busineess

the conolul adjouned.W. O DAVIS,

Mayor.J. M. HUTIIUOtN,


MANDEVILLENEWS LETTERThe contract for builtdns the •new

Mahdevll• pule pbic shoo-l was let aInstTuesdea by the bulding. omnmttee .

onsistlng of Su•pt. E. E. Lyon, Mr.H. H. •Levy and Mr. F. 3. VIz, rep-resentin the Parish 8ghool B•o•ard.The meeting was-held ln the dirct-ors' room of the Mendevilie Bankand was ettended by Mr. Nolan, of

Nolan & Torre, arehitets, who wil;supervise the coastruatle of thebu!lhing, and a number of eltisens,

at 10 a. m., as per previous publicnotice.

The four sealed bids were openedand revealed the follow~in: Bar-boy and Mooro, e. Plaoumnr e nadNew Orlens, $311,525; Smth Bros.,

ot Mandeville, $13,784; C. V. Qave.,of ,Madiseaville, $13,000; W. H. &

R. B. Crews, of New Orleans, $13,-790. Barboy & Moore beting the.owest bidden, wron awarded theoontsiet, the work ea the m-•-l-.

to commence on or bOelre dku st 1,snd reshed to emapletion. with a

view of oepylag some by NovembernEt, until wMle ti the preent

school benldins will be used. 5I.esIte iselected or the neow schaol isconer of ld.tte aus lli~ngston

streets, and covers an urea SStu~18feet. The noew se ool budiug prop-

et wtl ecover a ps o e 100 bet

i Just u we bad -given up hope ci

the uml rsummer iw nx, It eudden)tdoveleped that there wew a big de-aud for heoese, whereore the loeelpopuklation uwas tnereas last we'ek

by 2 famisies. to gay nothggl t theSreglaurs. evnteoftr ea lr•e mnd



On Monday, July 9, Miss GladysWayne and Mrs. Miazza, of the NewOrleans Honor Guard, addressed alarge number of the young girls andtheir parents and friends in the in-terest of a Girls' Honor Guard, withthe result that a unit numberingfifty recruited.

Mrs. J. C. Burns acted as chair-man, and introduced the speakers.Miss Wayne explained the dutiesand responsibilities facing everyman, woman and child today, and asour boys represent the military andnavy department, our small boys theseouts, our more mature women theRed Cross and men the home guard,the Honor Guard would take in thegirls. Mrs. Miezza, Miss Kate East-man, Mr. E. G. Davis and Mr. War-ner, ali spoke words of encourage-ment, and Dr. Gautreaux gave aninteresting talk, and kindly volun-teered to hold clasm lectures on firstaid work, which,. after examination,will entitle each member to a gov-ernment certifcate.

Miss Olga Panchard played "TheStar Spangled Banner," after whichthe meeting determined at once toelect officers and get into action.

The oeffice of general manager forthe parish being appointed, the re-cruiting officers from New Orleansnamed tiss Anna Morrell to 1111 thatpost. The other officers were elect-ed from the floor, as follows: MissMorrell, president; Miss NormaWeaver, vicelpresident; Mrs. A. L.Bear, secretary, and .Miss Retta Mos-es, treasurer.

Mr. H. A. Mackie, who has seenservice in the Spanish4American war,ofered his services to drill the guard.

The girls will drill, ride, shoot,swim, they will learn first aid work,knit and sew for the soldiers, equiphospital tents for camps, In fact, doanything their country will requireof them.


Mrs. Hopper, of New Orleans, cameover Wednesday evening to give inalexamlnation to the ladies who havebeen studying the surgical work atthe Library.

This class of 25 ladies organiz siand began work under the q'Atruc-tion of ,Miss Purcell, of New Orleans,and for two weeks, three hours eachday, made surgical bandages used inhospitals.

It is to be regretted that only sev-en of the twenty-five took final ex-anminaUton, these were Mrs. E. 'Polte-

vent and Miss Ella Paine, of Mande-ville,, and Mesdames Warner anddaughter li[zabeth, N. H. FitzSim-one, C. H. Sheffield and J. C. Burns,of Covington. Each of these ladieswill send a sample box of their ,workto Washington for inspection. Mrs.Hopper will pass on the written e*-aminatlon, and those ieoring the re-

quired percentage will receive a gov-ernment certificate, 'which 'will en-title them to teach the surgical 'workthrough the parish.

All of the other ladies who work-ed under 'Miss Purcell will assist inthe instruction of our home classes.

Mrs. J. H. Warner entertainedMrs. Hopper during her stay in Cov-


Dr. F. G. Marrero.Dr. F. G. Marrero died in New

Orleans, Friday, July 13, 1917, aged62 years. Dr. Marrero was a nativeof Matehes, Miss., but had been aresident of Covington 23 years. Hewas formerly Mayor of Oovington.He 'was a member of CovingtonLodge F. & A. M., No. 188, andBogue Falaya Grove, No. 21, U. A.O,. D.

The funeral will takeplace in Co-ington atnrday morning at 10:30trom his late residence on NewIHampehire street. .Interment willbe made in the Covington Cemetery.


BE PUSHEDAt a meeting of the Fair Associa-

tion, Thuarlay, it was decided theAssooiation would get out the cata-las, instead of selling the privilege.Work will be commenced immediate--ly and advertising will be solicited.

The grounds at the Fair were rent-ed for three months, at $20.00 permonth, to Mr. LeBIlanc, who will usethe enclosure for horses which willbe brought here for sale.

Work will be entered into in earn-est for the fair tlie fall. There isencouragement for the belief that wewill have one of the best fairs yetheld.


'The Parish MedicalSociety Meeting.The St. Tammany Parish Medical

Society held its regular monthlymeeting last Wednesday at t1h Fen-wick Sanitarium, in Covinton. withthe following members present:

Drs. J, P. Polk, president: C. W.Davidson, secretary-treasurer; H. 8.Otutreasu, W. E. Vaunandt, It. B.

ine, A. . C. lFamer, Jas. Welch, F.P. Yahng and A. O Mayli1

Dr. F. P. Young read a mu3t in-Leresting and instructive paper ofsome length, on Ale•holbc Inebriety,ad held the rapt attention of the

membershipas he unfolded the manyIntricate .phases of ths old but much

ip•abderspooa d lea- to


Covington, La., July 11, 1917.The police jury met on the above

late with the follow!ng members.resent: Geo. Koepp. Jr., W. A.

iuou, E. J. Domergue, J. M. Smith,. R. 42wart, F. Crawford, W. H.Dais, 'itobt. Abney, J. B. Itowzs.

The minutes of the last meetingse:e read, and it was moved by Geo.ioepp, Jr., seconded by W. A. Rood,

.hat they be adopted as read.Carried.Moved 'by Geo. Koopp, seconded

-y W. H. Davis, that Mis3 Ruby:ceder be given a s.hola*shl' to thetalte Normal School..Carried.It was moved ani seconded'that

he meeting adjourn :In:il 1:20 p..m.Carried.

Afternoon Session.The following petitionl was read:

Bonfouca, La., July 10, 1917.ro the Honorable President and

Members of the Poll e Jury:We, the undersigned citizens and

iroperty owners of the 9th ward, St.rammany parish, petiti.sn your hon-irable body to construct a publicoad from Bonfouca station, near3ayou Liberty, to postathce at Ron-ouca, La., on Bayou Paquet.

Signed by Max Cousin and nine-een others.

'It was moved, seconded and earri-d that the above petition be grant-:d.

The following resolution was thenead:

Whereas, the financial, agricultur-I and industrial development and,rowth of our common country areargely dependent upon the methodsf intercommunication; and,

Whereas, roads of all methods arehe most univetsally used, and hencehe most serviceable to all ealsses;Bad,Whereas, the Jackson Highway has

een completed from the Mississippine to Slidell; and,

Whereas, the city of New Orleansa now expending $325,000.00 in the

construction of a road to the 'Rigo-ets to connect with the said Jack-on Highway; and,

Whereas, there is a low marshytap of six miles intervening betweenilidell and the Rigolets; and,.

Whereas, the hiatus is whollyvithin the parish of St. Tammany;md,

Whereas, the parish is now sub-dcted to a very heavy tax upon itsesources by being compelled to con-truct a net work of good roadsvithin. itis boundaries; and,

Whereas, the flaking of the twooints hereinabove referred to meanshe completion of the. Jackson High-ray to our great Soethern metropo-is, the city of New Orleans; and,.Whereas, the completion of thisreat highway may be of great ser-rice to the Nation in the prosecutioni m'ilitary and naval operations;mnd,

Whereas, the construction, andmaintenance of a system of nationalsighways will necessarily .encouragemd give a great impetus to theauild1ng of good roads 'by states,cunties, townships, cities and vil-ages, as the assembling and dis-ributing medium of such highways;herefore,Be it resolved 'by the Police Jury

n legal session convened, That weurge upon the Louisiana delegationa the Congress of the United Stateshe necessity of completing the Jadk-ion Highway from Sltdell to theEigolets.

Be it further resolved, That thesecretary of the police jury be in-structed to immediately transmitopies of these preambles and reso-

lutions to the menmbers of the United8tates Senate and House of iRepre-sentatives from ,the State of Louisina.

It was moved by Geo. Koepp, see-.nded by J. IM. Smith, that the aboveresolution be adopted.

Carried.The following report was read:

Jovington, 'La., July 11, 1917.ro the Honorable IPresident and

Members of Ithe Police Jury:Gentlemen:-I beg to submit this

my report for the month of 'June,917:Receipts:Bal. on hand May 31, 1917, gen-

eral fund, $6,4216.41; road fund,848.01; speeal road fund, $8,-

416.17. Received from T. E, Brews;ter, general fund, 4921.54; roadfund, $420.99; special road fund,264.25; received from Covington

Bank & Trust Co., (discount), roadfund, $3;809.78; received 'from St.Tam•a•npy Bank & Trust Co., inter-st on balances from Jan. 1, 1917,to June 30, 1917, general tfund,$122.39; refund from donation made

to pauper, $19.00. Totals, generalfund, $7,489.34; road fund, $,078.78special road fund, $8,680.42.

Less disbursements, general fund,P2,327.91; road fund, 4587.43; spl.

road fund, $7,350.00. ,Balaen June30, 1917, general fund, $5,161.43;road fund, '$4,491.35; special road,und, '$1,330.42.

Respectfully submitted,GEO. F. BIER~HORST,

Parish Treasurer.The above report was read, and it

was moved and seconded 'that thereasurer's report be accepted asread. Carried.

The following report was read:Statement of T. E. Brewster for

the month of June, 1917:'Parish Tax-

Criminal fund ....... 164.51Road fund .......... . 246.76School fund ......... . 246.76General fund ....... . 164.51

$822.54Corporation Tax-lCriminal tfund 9....... 7.52

'Rad fund ........... 146.6SChool fund ...... . ..... ,146.$6


PERSONALSThe new Catholic church, "Our a

Lady of Lourdes," which was dedi-cated last Sunday, July 8th, by Rt.Rev. Abbot Paul. Very Rev. FranoisPrim delivered a fine dedicatory ser-mon -and assisting in the servicewere Rev. J. J. Boudream, thancel-Jor of the Diocese, Fathers Bliel,Odilo, Thomas and Naybor, and tni-form ran'k of Holy Name Society, ofNew Orleans, The service Was large-ly attended and very impressive, thechoir being particularly good. Fr.Benedict has trained the young peo-ple, who tor~n the choir, splendidly,and it is a pleasure to hear theirfresh, young voices blending so har-moniously in the entire High Massrendered.

The present Catholic congrega-tion, which nearly fills the beautifulnew church, has been built up sinceabout the year 1885, w•hen IMass wasfirst celebrated in Slidell by FatherAvalle, at the home of Mrs. L. Iaw-ler, mother of Mrs. Kate Abel, Mrs.M. McDaniel and. Mrs. Mary Du-bourg. Later the store of Mrs. Jawo,Frederick was used, a dry goods boxserving is an altar. The corner-stone of the first church was laid InSeptember, 1890, and the churchdedicated on November 24, 1891, byArchbishop Jansens. This churchwas destroyed .by cyclone, and thefoundation and lumber used to con-struct the church which was meduntil the completion of the presentone, and which is to ba used here-after as a Catholle school. 8erviceswere held only once a month, some-times on Monday and sometimes onSunday.

Father Lavagnery, of Covingtoa ,conducted the services from 189} to1894. Father Koegerl from 1894 to1896. Father Joachim from 18968 to1902. Father Pacide Dabyns in-augurated two services a month sadwas in charge during 19024)3. From1903-05 Rev. Abbot Paul and FatherAnselrn attended in semi-monthlblservices. In 1905 weekly serviceswere held, beingll conducted by Prs. 'Gallus and Adalbert, until '908, atwhich time 'lather Benuard Keatingwas permanently asslped to Blidell.Father Bernard, as every one loves tocall him, was also in clharge of -work at Picayune and Audubon, sa 'served faithfully at4 well until Miy6, 1916, When Father Benedict 8tter, the present able and mpastor assumed the duties a•dbrought to fruitful results the plan•..


for a new and larger ehuorl, wllleis ;had 'been ilaugurated prior to • r..I;advent. Father Bernard started the..

amvement by on anislag the ( =llcI Church Implovsmenlt L•a -an the first deposit of moneth4 contemplated new achurcb wmade May 16, 1013, and at htermination of his pastorate the ,quahad gone to fifteen or sixteen ldhp ,• . ~-dred dolars. A large nalmber 04the congregatlon. nmde indivMIdMdonations in addition to the tand. f•8the new church. Asmoag the doepi•are Mrs. C. L. Baker, the high aZi;.Mrs. Hy. Schnelddr, s11 Ma4al tlc .and one beautiful vestment; Mrs L.G. Peyrefitte, crucifiax for high JblrSanctuary, Ladies, carpet for s5iolbary; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. PQ1?AI tt.marble holy water font; Pail 'QC inlibe, marble holy water font; S,:W. S. Dwyer, BenedLetine Oma4!p.' *i-'bra; Children of Mary, im3pifont; Mrs. C. M. Tilley, missle; r;•.Sam Levy, hand made attar •'-I'~Mrs. J. M. Currie, hand made w.lercloth; Mr. Hy. Schneider, b•ri tks1tfoundation; Mr. and Mrs. Sebet, lMr. and Mrs. J. J. Dubtrisson, 4 '.and Mrs. C.' P. Mahoney•Mr. a,.'Mrs. J: W. landal, Mr. SmithL , MiaMcDaniel, Mrs. J. A.-Mtre, ei.h gasstation of the eros.; El, N. HassIga, aFrank Philibert, four; Miss all lPowers, two.

The Str. (Maple, a Psllliseger llfreight ship intender for servilithe Atalntic Seaboardr wirtll b.i1ai3ed at Sl4de11l Ship Building Vo'e. tnext week. No delliantte • d e agiven at this time. This w.*M:first of this type Of boat to ifrom local yards. This will haportunity for beuiniap the comstemtipn of U. S. ships and we *abd surprised to her~ of a +l eIbeing started -so'.

We understua.

d M:er R... -again under the leIther, esnbeilnnlg to bellerre tht it bito be a hibt 'wit•h him; heareare pleased to note that bIe ion hand when eMdie, sad tfairs go right aoteg.

Mrs. J. 0. Abel S epA'bel were elled't. o NwWednesday hit, by Opness of Mr. Rohthel

The Priscil•a Chb met at thdence of Mrs B.8. B. Lteday. Knitttag is stimost of the ldiperts. Delleiosiserved, sad all ~time. They w l lnat the home of 0 .

Little Miss FiThursday for a iit'Hattleshbrg.

Miss Bu3heasaa 4is visiting the M1

Misses Ethelmand Misses Jols

hobaperoned byleft during the e gfor Hot Springs,

Miss LowAeis the new teltodk Miss Slatter left lastto Mr. Sl

At theofeae of twoymr whoa ugOe