SS - HOME Building - O PDF

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  • 8/13/2019 SS - HOME Building - O PDF


    Opening our HomeReaching out to others by inviting them into ou

    Use hospitality one to another without grudging. ~ I Peter 4:9

    Hospitality. Its a word that makes some Christians cringe, others feelinadequate, and it strikes an outright sense of fear and panic in others!

    Lets face itmost of us arent naturally hospitable. We know we ought togrow in this area, but opening up our homes and lives is often the last thingwe want to do after a long, hard day at work, whether in the home or out inthe workforce. There is dinner to make, errands to run, and a to-do list amile long. We know that God asks us to be hospitable, so we say that welldo it later, when life is not so busy.

    There was a day and age when hospitality was a regular part of life.But, in this generation weve mastered the art of outsourcing hospitality.

    Thats what hotels and restaurants are for, right? In Biblical times,hospitality was motivated by the nature of God. As people traveled fromplace to place, they expected to nd a home within the people of God.While I was traveling last month, I stayed in four different homes and twodiffere nt hotels. Without question, my home stays were more enjoyablethan my hotel stays. Even though the hotel staff is trained to make you feelat home, you can never replace the feeling of home. ~ Craig Ford

    Hospitality is something that is often scary to Christians. While on

    vacation I had the opportunity to go over a familys house. I kind of invitedmyself over. We had been out to eat with them several times and I wastired of eating out. They have come to visit us and each time we have hadthem over our house. Compared to them, their house is so much nicer thanmine. She has nicer furniture, can afford nicer food, and dishes, etc. Iasked if instead of making my kids go out yet again if we could just getsome lunch meat and go over their house. They agreed, but I could tell it
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    scared her. I asked her if she had people over very often and she said no. Ifelt sad at that, because she was a really nice lady and had a really nicehouse. It got me to thinkin g about hospitality. I have been over ladieshouses that had everything beautiful and gorgeous. They lived in a

    mansion, yet you felt as if you had stepped inside home. I have been in acluttered house with lots of antiques and non matching stuff. I have beenentertained by ladies who used gold silverware and put on a 7 course mealfor us. I have also been over ladies house where it was a little messy and Ishared a cup of coffee with her. I have been in little tiny apartments to eatdinner off paper plates and sit on the oor as I do it. Each of these havebeen very different experiences, but all have been enjoyable. I think part ofhospitality is guring out who you are and doing it the way you feelcomfortable. If you or your guests are not having fun as you have them

    over you are doing something wrong. Think of it as hosting rather thanentertaining.In the book Stil l Living By Faith, author Annie May Lewis writes,

    Entertaining says, I want to impress you with my beautiful home, myclever decorating, and my gourmet cooking, Hospitality says, This is notmine. It is a gift from God, and Ill use it as He desires. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. ~ I Peter 2:17a

    And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: forcharity shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another

    without grudging. ~ I Peter 4:8, 9 These verses in I Peter are a command for us to use hospitality toeach other. We dont need a call when we have a command. The lady inTN who I went to visit when I asked if she had many people over, I did itwith the intent to encourage her to have more over. I told her how good shewas at it and that she ought to do it more often. She and her husbandthought that hospitality was a spiritual gift. We know from scriptures thereare only 6 spiritual gifts and hospitality is not one of them. Some arenaturally better than it than others but all christians are commanded to be

    hospitable.But life never really slows down, does it? So relax, take a few deepbreaths, and let me share a few tips. Hopefully it will help you to throw offthe unhealthy expectations we all pick up over the years. We certainly tendto overcomplicate hospitality. Its not meant to be intimidating or exhausting,but a simple reaching out to others with love.
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    1. Keep it plain . Hosting is about the experience, not the presentation.Prepare a meal that allows you time to visit, not one that takes you awayfrom your company. Use plastic utensils and paper products.

    2. Be authentic . It is truly liberating to present your true self to people.Often times we become so used to wearing masks that we can nevertruly be ourselves. Remove the masks and let people see the true you warts and all. As people see you make mistakes they will see somethingtruly beautiful, God wants to and is using awed people and because ofthat God wants to use them as well!

    3. Observe others. If you dont know where to start, think back to thepositive experiences youve had in other peoples homes. What did you

    like? How did you feel when you left their home that night? What madeyou comfortable? The goal is not to emulate these people (after all, we just talked about authenticity!), but to get ideas on what makes peoplefeel welcomed and valued. If there is a person in your life who totallygets Biblical hospitality, ask to meet with them for some more in-depthadvice.

    4. Hospitality doesnt require money. You dont need a fancy KitchenAid stand-mixer. You dont need Pampered Chef tools. You dont need

    matching dishes and furniture. You dont need fancy ingredients. Im notknocking having nice thingsI like nice thingsbut I dont need them tohave a good time with guests. Dont wait until you have it all together toinvite people into your home. Instead, kindly offer what you have onhand to eat or drink, and dont apologize for it. Dont get caught up in theHGTV or magazine-touted version of hospitality.

    5. Request a dish . When you have company, it is completely appropriateto ask them to bring something. When I have a bonre I request a dish.

    When someone offers to bring something I never turn them down.

    6. Smile, joke, and tell stories . One of the things I love about visitingpeople in their homes is sharing stories. Make the atmosphere casualand relaxed. I have found that laughter can make a person open up.

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    7. Prepare the kids . When you have kids, hosting can be difcult. Still, ifyour kids know the expectations and boundaries, things will be easier foreveryone. In our house, the kids typically share in the table conversationand then go play when we retire to the living room.

    8. Expect the unexpected. Sometimes a friend is having a hard day andneeds a listening ear, a new neighbor stops by to introduce herself, or afamily member needs to drop something off at your apartment. Theseunplanned, unexpected visits happen, and youve got to just roll with it. Itgets easier with time, I promise. If youre the type of person who prefersa phone call warning before a drop by, ignores the doorbell, or turns offthe lights to keep people away, remember that your time, your schedule,your home and everything in it really belongs to the Lord, not you.

    People are pretty important to God, too. Pray that He will empower youto serve others well by letting go of your preferences, soften your hearttoward unexpected company, and prepare you to receive others well,with a good attitude.

    9. Maintain a clean and tidy home. No one really enjoys cleaning, but itsgot to be done. Im only home for a few hours each night before going tobed, so Ive learned to use my time at home more wisely. By keeping myhouse basically clean and organized, I am more welcoming and relaxed

    with my guests. Theres nothing magical about this one. Its just adiscipline like any other discipline.

    10. Singles arent excluded from offering hospitality. For a long time, Isubconsciously believed that hospitality was for married women or atleast older women. I needed to prepare for that day, perhaps, but I didntneed to do anything right now, right? Wrong. The time to implementhospitality is now. Its a command in Scripture, not a suggestion. Beingskilled in hospitality will benet you in the long run, whether or not you

    get married. You wont wake up the morning after your wedding, andpoof! have hospitality all gured out. Its a matter of practice makesperfect (or, at least good enough), like every other learned skill in life.Start now.

    11. Start small. Start by inviting your closest friends over for coffee, box-mix brownies, and good conversation. Host a double-date movie night

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    with your husband and your favorite couple friends. Invite some churchfriends over for a book club, and let the kids play in the backyard whileyou discuss the latest selection. Whatever you enjoy doing, start with thepeople you know, love, and trust. If your brownies burn, no biggie! After

    youve had a few small, successful get-togethers, your condence inhospitality will build.

    12. Be intentional and notice needs. Once youve practiced on yourfriends, be intentional to invite people into your home who dont t intoyour usual, comfortable circle of friends. Perhaps its the new family atchurch, a co-worker who has just been through a divorce, or a collegestudent living a long way from home. Pray that God will open your eyestoward people who could use some company and an invitation into your

    home, and then follow through when He prompts you. Use everyopportunity to point them to Jesus!

    13. The purpose of hospitality is ministry. Hospitality is about cultivatinga warm and inviting environment that displays the gospel. Your homecan be a place of ministry to everyone who enters, becoming a saferefuge in an often harsh, weary world. In the midst of preparing a softspot for guests, dont neglect to nurture that environment for those livingunder your roof (who are, after all, the most important people in your

    life). Whether its a roommate or your husband and children, they needto know that you are available to them, and that home is a good place tobea place of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In fact, if you are married withchildren, your home is your primary place of ministry, whether or not youwork outside of the home.

    14. The most important thing you can offer guests is yourattention. Jim Elliot, a Christian missionary and martyr, said Wherever

    you are, be all there. I think of this quote often, and try to implement itevery day by giving the person in front of me my undivided attention.This relates to hospitality in that everyone wants to be noticed,respected, and valued. Practically-speaking, dont let distractions get inthe way of being in the moment with someone, no matter who it is,where you are, or what you are doing.

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    15. Pray. Ask God to allow you to be a conduit of blessing. Ask Him to helpyou touch the people who enter your home. When your hospitalityministry is clear, then practicing hospitality will be simplied. With awilling heart and a little change in your thinking, you can move from

    entertaining that causes stress to hospitality which is all aboutministering to others and enjoying their company!

    Ive been to homes where I was entertained. The ambiance was nice.The surroundings were exquisite. But, the atmosphere was stale and cold.Ive also been to homes where I was hosted. The walls were stained withcrayon marks. The chair I sat on wobbled. But, the atmosphere was warmand welcoming. Which do you think was better? In the introduction to Morewith Less, the author says, Serving guests becomes an ego trip, rather

    than a relaxed meeting of friends around that most common everydayexperience of sharing food. I would rather host than entertain.

  • 8/13/2019 SS - HOME Building - O PDF


    Opening our HomeReaching out to others by inviting them into ou

    Use hospitality one to another without grudging. ~ I Peter 4:9

    There was a day and age when hospitality was a regular partof life. But, in this generation weve mastered the art of outsourcing

    hospitality. Thats what hotels and restaurants are for, right? In Biblicaltimes, hospitality was motivated by the nature of God. As people traveledfrom place to place, they expected to nd a home within the people ofGod. ~ Craig Ford

    Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. ~ I Peter 2:17a And above allthings have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover themultitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. ~ I Peter4:8, 9

    1. Keep it _____________ .

    2. Be ___________________ .

    3. Observe ____________________.

    4. Hospitality doesnt require _____________.

    5. _______________ a dish .

    6. Smile, ________, and tell stories .

    7. Prepare the ___________ .

  • 8/13/2019 SS - HOME Building - O PDF


    8. __________ the unexpected.

    9. Maintain a __________ and tidy home.

    10. Singles arent ____________ from offering hospitality.

    11. Start ________________.

    12. Be intentional and ___________ needs.

    13. The purpose of hospitality is ______________.

    14. The most important thing you can offer guests is your


    15. ______________.

    In the introduction to More with Less, the author says, Servingguests becomes an ego trip, rather than a relaxed meeting of friendsaround that most common everyday experience of sharing food. I wouldrather host than entertain.