SPSS INSTRUCTION – CHAPTER 9 Chapter 9 does no more than introduce the repeated-measures ANOVA, the MANOVA, and the ANCOVA, and discriminant analysis. But, you can likely envision how complicated it can be to obtain calculated values for these tests. Calculations for any of these tests may cause anxiety for those uncomfortable with math. So, the possibility of needing to combine these operations for tests such as a repeated-measures ANCOVA or a multiple discriminant analysis may seem utterly overwhelming! Luckily, SPSS provides an option for those who wish to avoid the time-consuming and labor-intensive calculations. Each of the following sections provides instructions for using SPSS to perform its respective test as well as for interpreting the test’s output. Repeated-Measures ANOVA with SPSS Your first order of business when conducting a repeated-measures ANOVA in SPSS is to organize your data correctly on the Data View screen. Unlike the setup for a between- subjects ANOVA, you cannot use dummy variables to distinguish between groups for a repeated measures ANOVA. Dummy variables do not indicate the associations between subjects. To specify these associations for a repeated-measures ANOVA, you must assign a row to each group. The procedure to enter data for the paired-subjects t-test can serve as a guide. The arrangement of data for a repeated-measures ANOVA differs only in that it uses more than two rows because it compares more than two categories. Example 9.15 - SPSS Data View Screen for Repeated Measures ANOVA A partial display of the imaginary data used to create the tables in Example 9.10 shows three separate rows, each pertaining to one of the conditions in which subjects complete crossword puzzles. TABLE 9.9 SPSS REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA DATA ARRANGEMENT Placing data points from the samples side by side in the SPSS data view screen indicates the links between scores. The user inserts column headings, which describe the conditions for each sample, in the variable view screen.

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Chapter 9 does no more than introduce the repeated-measures ANOVA, the MANOVA, and

the ANCOVA, and discriminant analysis. But, you can likely envision how complicated it can

be to obtain calculated values for these tests. Calculations for any of these tests may cause

anxiety for those uncomfortable with math. So, the possibility of needing to combine these

operations for tests such as a repeated-measures ANCOVA or a multiple discriminant

analysis may seem utterly overwhelming! Luckily, SPSS provides an option for those who

wish to avoid the time-consuming and labor-intensive calculations. Each of the following

sections provides instructions for using SPSS to perform its respective test as well as for

interpreting the test’s output.

Repeated-Measures ANOVA with SPSS Your first order of business when conducting a repeated-measures ANOVA in SPSS is to

organize your data correctly on the Data View screen. Unlike the setup for a between-

subjects ANOVA, you cannot use dummy variables to distinguish between groups for a

repeated measures ANOVA. Dummy variables do not indicate the associations between

subjects. To specify these associations for a repeated-measures ANOVA, you must assign a

row to each group. The procedure to enter data for the paired-subjects t-test can serve as a

guide. The arrangement of data for a repeated-measures ANOVA differs only in that it uses

more than two rows because it compares more than two categories.

Example 9.15 - SPSS Data View Screen for Repeated Measures ANOVA

A partial display of the imaginary data used to create the tables in Example 9.10 shows three

separate rows, each pertaining to one of the conditions in which subjects complete crossword



Placing data points from the samples side by side in the SPSS data view screen indicates the links between scores.

The user inserts column headings, which describe the conditions for each sample, in the variable view screen.

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For this study, the same people complete a puzzle from a newspaper, a puzzle from a magazine,

and a puzzle from a crossword puzzle book. Each row contains the times that it took a particular

subject to complete the puzzles in the three conditions. ▄

Reading across each row, SPSS knows that the values pertain to the same subjects or to

subjects who have some connection with each other. The program looks for this association

when you instruct it to perform a repeated measures ANOVA. SPSS regards this association

as an additional factor in the analysis. Even a oneway repeated-measures ANOVA requires

attention to this additional factor. As a result, you must use SPSS’s “General Linear Model”

function to perform the test. This function, also used for the multi-way ANOVA described

in Chapter 7, suits situations involving a comparison of at least three groups that have

relationships among themselves or with other variables. Its wide applicability makes it

appropriate for some of the other tests described in Chapter 9 as well.

SPSS, however, requires more input for the repeated-measures ANOVA than Chapter 7’s

multi-way ANOVA. The necessary steps for a one-way repeated measures ANOVA are as


1. Choose the “General Linear Model” option in SPSS Analyze pull-down menu.

2. Choose “Repeated Measures” from the prompts given. A window entitled Repeated

Measures Define Factor(s) should appear.


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The user inputs preliminary information about the repeated measures test in this box. For a one-way

repeated-measures ANOVA, attention should focus upon the top half of the window. The “Within-Subject

Factor Name” refers to a term that describes the condition that distinguishs between groups. The “Number of

Levels” refers to the number of groups involved in the comparison.

3. You have two main tasks in the Repeated Measures Define Factor(s) window.

a. SPSS asks you to create a name that describes the overall comparison factor. This

name, commonly terms such as “condition,” or “time,” distinguishes between the

sets of data that you wish to compare. You should type this term into the box

marked “Within-Subject Factor Name” at the top of the window.

b. The number that you type into the “Number of Levels” box tells SPSS how many data

sets you wish to compare. Your analysis can include all of your data sets or only

some of them. In the next window, you can specify which data sets to include in the


4. Click Define. A window entitled Repeated Measures appears.


The Within-Subjects Variables box contains spaces for the number of variables specified as the “Number of

Levels” when defining factors. This particular window would suit a comparison of four means, hence the four

spaces in the “Within-Subjects Variables” box.

5. A box on the left side of the window contains the names of all variables for which you

have entered data. For each variable that you would like to include in the analysis, click

on its name and, then, on the arrow pointing to the Within-Subjects Variables box.

Doing so should move the variable name.

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6. To include descriptive statistics for the groups in the output, click on the window’s

“Options” button.

a. Move the name of the analysis’ within subjects factor to the box labeled “Display

Means for” box.

b. Mark “Descriptive Statistics” in “Display” box.

c. Click Continue to return to the Repeated Measures box.

7. Click OK.

These steps create many output tables. Not all of these tables provide new information or

values that help you to determine whether category means differ significantly. The one of

primary interest to you should be the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Table, which

contains significance values for the repeated-measures ANOVA, itself. In the upper portion

of this table, labeled with the independent variable’s name, four F and four p values appear.

These values are usually the same or almost the same. However, for a standard repeated-

measures ANOVA the row labeled “Sphericity Assumed” provides the F and p values that

you need.

If you requested that SPSS provide you with descriptive statistics (Step #6 in the process)

output also includes a table entitled Descriptive Statistics. Values in this table become

especially useful when you reject the null hypothesis. In this situation, you must refer to the

descriptive statitics to determine what category or categories’ means differ from the

other(s) and the direction of the difference. This information can also help you determine

how to begin post-hoc tests.

Example 9.16 – Selected SPSS Output for One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

A oneway analysis performed using an expansion of the mock data set shown in Table 9.9

produces the following descriptive statistics and within-subject effects values.

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Newspaper 39.6000 12.12015 50

Magazine 39.6800 11.49878 50

Book 42.7600 12.12782 50

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects


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Type III Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Publication Sphericity Assumed 324.640 2 162.320 2.488 .088

Greenhouse-Geisser 324.640 1.958 165.840 2.488 .090

Huynh-Feldt 324.640 2.000 162.320 2.488 .088

Lower-bound 324.640 1.000 324.640 2.488 .121

Error(publication) Sphericity Assumed 6394.027 98 65.245

Greenhouse-Geisser 6394.027 95.920 66.660

Huynh-Feldt 6394.027 98.000 65.245

Lower-bound 6394.027 49.000 130.490


According to the means listed in the Descriptive Statistics Table (Table 9.10), subjects spent almost the same

amount of time completing crossword puzzles from newspapers and from magazines. Puzzles from

crossword puzzle books, however, took more time than did those from either or the other two publications.

The Sphericity Assumed Row in the section of Table 9.11, entitled Tests of Within-Subjects Effects, contains

the F and p values that indicate whether these means differ significantly.

The researcher must strongly contemplate the decision about accepting or rejecting the

null hypothesis for this analysis. The p value of .088 exceeds that standard α of .05,

suggesting that no significant differences exist between the means listed in Table 9.10.

Raising the α level to .10, however, would allow the researcher to reject the null hypothesis

of equality between means. He or she should weigh the importance of finding significant

differences against the increased chance of making a Type I error when deciding whether

to change the α value. ▄

If the repeated-measures ANOVA indicates significant differences between category means,

you must conduct post-hoc tests. These tests search for sources of the significant omnibus

results by comparing two groups or two combinations of groups using t-tests. The strategy

for determining which groups or combinations of groups to compare follows that explained

for the ANOVAs in Chapter 7. However, rather than using independent-samples t tests for

the post-hoc tests, as explained in Chapter 7, you must use paired-samples t tests for a

repeated-measures ANOVA’s post hoc tests. By using the paired-samples t-tests, you

continue to acknowledge the one-to-one relationships between subjects in the

independent-variable categories that made the repeated-measures ANOVA necessary in the

first place.


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If you instruct SPSS to perform a MANOVA, it automatically arranges your dependent

variables into a canonical variate. The program, then, compares the mean canonical variate

values for each independent variable group. You can include as many independent

variables as you wish in the analysis by entering their names as fixed factors. For a oneway

MANOVA, though, you should identify only one fixed factor, as explained in the following


1. Choose the “General Linear Model” option in SPSS Analyze pull-down menu.

2. Choose “Multivariate” from the prompts given. A window entitled Multivariate should



The user performs a MANOVA in SPSS by moving the names of relevant variables from the box on the left side

of the window to the Dependent Variables and Fixed Factor(s) boxes in the center of the window. Because the

MANOVA involves multiple dependent variables, the Dependent Variables box should contain at least two

variable names. The number of variable names moved to the Fixed Factor(s) box depends upon the number of

independent variables involved in the analysis.

3. Identify the variables involved in the analysis. a. Move the names of dependent variables from the box on the left side of the window

to the box labeled “Dependent Variables.” b. Move the name of the independent variable from the box on the left side of the

window to the box labeled “Fixed Factor(s).” 4. To include descriptive statistics for the groups in the output, click on the window’s

“Options” button.

a. Move the name of the independent variable to the box labeled “Display Means for”


b. Mark “Descriptive Statistics” in the “Display” box.

c. Click Continue to return to the Multivariate window.

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5. Click OK.

As with almost all SPSS output, the first table shown simply identifies the categories and

the number of subjects in each one. Of more interest that this information, however, is

likely the “Descriptive Statistics” output table, which appears only if you included Step #4

in the process of requesting the MANOVA. This table contains group means and standard

deviations for each individual dependent variable.

To assess the significance of differences between the mean values, you must evaluate

values in the Multivariate Tests table and, in some cases, the Tests of Between-Subjects

Effects table. The first of these tables contains F and p values for the MANOVA analysis

comparing groups’ canonical variate means. The “Tests of Between Subject Effects” table

provides data for ANOVAs performed using each individual dependent variable.

Example 9.17 – Selected SPSS Output for Oneway MANOVA

Tables 9.12, 9.13, and 9.14 show sample MANOVA output based upon imaginary data for

the scenario described in Example 9.4. SPSS output for the MANOVA contains other tables

as well. However, these three tables provide the information needed to address the

omnibus hypothesis and the role of the dependent variables in determining whether

canonical variate means differ significantly.

Descriptive Statistics

Genre Mean Std. Deviation N

Setting Written 6.6600 1.79348 100

Film 5.2000 2.09858 100

Musical 6.4000 2.13674 100

Total 6.0867 2.10728 300

Characters Written 5.9300 2.12372 100

Film 5.4200 2.15172 100

Musical 5.9100 2.33591 100

Total 5.7533 2.21106 300

Plot Written 6.3700 1.93665 100

Film 5.3100 2.21426 100

Musical 6.1700 2.06977 100

Total 5.9500 2.12033 300

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Multivariate Testsc

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Intercept Pillai's Trace .954 2039.605a 3.000 295.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .046 2039.605a 3.000 295.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace 20.742 2039.605a 3.000 295.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root 20.742 2039.605a 3.000 295.000 .000

Genre Pillai's Trace .124 6.536 6.000 592.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .876 6.743a 6.000 590.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace .142 6.949 6.000 588.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root .142 13.972b 3.000 296.000 .000

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects




Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model Setting 121.307a 2 60.653 14.932 .000

Characters 16.687b 2 8.343 1.715 .182

Plot 63.440c 2 31.720 7.355 .001

Intercept Setting 11114.253 1 11114.253 2736.094 .000

Characters 9930.253 1 9930.253 2040.943 .000

Plot 10620.750 1 10620.750 2462.787 .000

Genre Setting 121.307 2 60.653 14.932 .000

Characters 16.687 2 8.343 1.715 .182

Plot 63.440 2 31.720 7.355 .001

Error Setting 1206.440 297 4.062

Characters 1445.060 297 4.866

Plot 1280.810 297 4.312

Total Setting 12442.000 300

Characters 11392.000 300

Plot 11965.000 300

Corrected Total Setting 1327.747 299

Characters 1461.747 299

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Plot 1344.250 299


Category means and standard deviations for the canonical variate appear in Table 9.12, entitled Descriptive

Statistics. Values in the Multivariate Tests table (Table 9.13) indicate whether these means differ

significantly. In this table, the row labeled “Wilks’ Lambda” contains the values pertaining to the MANOVA

procedure described in Chapter 9. To further understand the p value included in this table, the researcher

might find values in Table 9.14, Test of Between-Subjects Effects, useful. This table provides p values for

oneway ANOVAs comparing category means for each of the dependent variables that compose the canonical


Values in lower portion of the Multivariate Tests table, labeled “genre,” indicate whether

canonical variate means differ significantly for those who experienced the story by reading

it, watching it as a film, and watching it as a Broadway musical. In this table, SPSS presents

the results from four possible techniques of obtaining F for the MANOVA. For an analysis

using Section 9.3.2’s method involving Λ, values in the Wilks’ Lambda row of the table

should be examined. The F of 6.743 and the p of .000) indicate a significant difference

between the mean canonical variate values for each genre.

The presence of a significant difference in canonical variate means, however, does not

imply significant differences in the means for each dependent variable. The results of

ANOVAs that compare the mean setting, characters, and plot scores for each category

appear in Table 9.14. According to the values in the “genre” row of this table and based

upon the standard α of .05, subjects in the three independent-variable categories do not

have significantly different recall of characters (F=1.715, p=.182). They do, however, have

significantly different recall of the story’s setting (F=14.932, p=.000) and plot (F=7.355,

p=.001). The differences in these dependent variable scores, provide a mathematical

explanation for the differences in canonical variate scores.

Although not an issue for this analysis, values from the Table 9.14 can also provide a

“behind the scenes” look when you have insignificant results. One cannot assume that

accepting the MANOVA’s null hypothesis implies that the independent variable groups have

equal scores on each dependent variable. Scores for one or more dependent variables may

differ significantly among groups. But, a majority of dependent variables with similar

scores may mute these differences in the canonical variate. The ANOVA results presented

in the Tests of Between Subjects Effects table identify any individual dependent variables

with significantly different group means. ▄

Had results from Example 9.17’s analysis led to an accepted null hypothesis, you could end

your analysis by stating that no significant differences between mean canonical variate

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values exist. However, with a rejected null hypothesis, you must continue the analysis with

post-hoc comparisons to find at least one reason for the significant difference

The same technique for performing post-hoc analyses for the ANOVA applies to the

MANOVA. However, rather than comparing category means for individual dependent

variables, the MANOVA’s post-hoc analyses compare category means for canonical variates.

So, you should begin by identifying a category or categories with combinations of

dependent-variable scores that you believe differ from the others. The total values in the

Descriptive Statistics table can help you to determine which category or categories you

should contrast from the others.

Performing the post-hoc comparisons of canonical variates requires more MANOVAs.

These MANOVAs, however, compare only two independent variable categories. SPSS’s

“Select Cases” function allows you to specify the categories that you wish to include in the

analysis. When necessary, you can also combine categories by recoding them. (See Chapter

2 for instructions about selecting cases and recoding categories.) As with any post-hoc

exercise, you must continue making comparisons until you find at least one disparity that

produces a p<α. The distinction between the categories that produces these results helps to

explain the significant omnibus results.

You can obtain very specific information about the source of significant omnibus MANOVA

results by determining whether you can associate these differences with particular

dependent variables. To do so, you need to compare the means for a particular dependent

variable across categories or combinations of categories that your original post-hoc tests

identified as different. This investigation uses values in the Tests of Between-Subjects

Effects table. The rows labeled with independent variable names contain results from

ANOVAs that compare dependent variable means. (Note that, in Example 9.17, these values

and those that appear in the Corrected Model row are the same. The two rows contain

identical values only for a oneway test.) The values that appear to the right of each

dependent variable name indicate whether category means for that dependent variable,

alone, differ significantly.

If a dependent variable’s scores don’t differ significantly among groups (p>α) then that

dependent variable doesn’t contribute to the difference in canonical variate values. But, you

may wish to give some attention to dependent variables with scores that do differ

significantly (p<α). Post-hoc comparisons of these dependent variable’s means amount to

nothing more than the t-tests used for post-hoc analyses of ANOVA results, described in

Chapter 7. When results of these tests indicate significant differences between means, you

know that that scores for this component of the canonical variate helps to account for its

significantly different canonical variate means.

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ANCOVA and MANCOVA with SPSS If you know how to use SPSS’s Univariate window to perform a multi-way ANOVA, then

you simply need to add a step to the process for an ANCOVA. Similarly, performing a

MANCOVA requires just one more step than performing a MANOVA using SPSS’s

Multivariate window. In both cases, this step involves the identification of covariates. Both

the Univariate and the Multivariate windows contain a box labeled “Covariate(s).”

The entire process for performing an ANCOVA in SPSS, then, requires six steps.

1. Choose “Compare Means” from the Analyze pull-down menu.

2. Choose “General Linear Model” from the options provided. A new menu should appear

to the right of the pull-down menu. Select “Univariate” from the new menu . A

Univariate window should appear on the screen.

FIGURE 9.9 – SPSS UNIVARIATE WINDOW The user performs an ANCOVA by selecting the appropriate variable names from those listed in the box on

the left side of the window. The names of the independent variables should be moved to the fixed factor(s)

box. The name of the Dependent Variable and covariate(s) should also be moved to the appropriate areas in

the center of the window.

3. Highlight the name of the dependent variable from the list appearing in the upper left

corner of the window. Click on the arrow to the left of the “Dependent Variable” box. The

name of the variable should move to this box.

4. Highlight the name of one independent variable from the list appearing in the upper left

corner of the window. Click on the arrow to the left of the “Fixed Factor(s)” box. The

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name of the variable should move to this box. Continue this process with each

independent variable name until they all appear as fixed factors.

5. Highlight the name of one covariate from the list appearing in the upper left corner of

the window. Click on the arrow to the left of the “Covariate(s)” box. The name of the

variable should move to this box. Continue this process with each independent variable

name until they all appear as covariates.

6. If you would like your output to include descriptive statistics, select the “Options”

button, located on the right side of the window. A new window, entitled Univariate:

Options should appear. Select “Descriptive Statistics” from the “Display” portion of this

window. Then, click Continue to return to the One-Way ANOVA window. Failing to

complete this step will still produce valid ANCOVA results.

7. Click OK.

Assuming you performed Step #6, above, the SPSS output for an ANCOVA begins with

descriptive statistics for each independent-variable category. The results of the significance

test appear in the table entitled “Tests of Between-Subjects Effects.” The Corrected Model

values in this table provide the ANCOVA’s adjusted sum of squares and the resulting F and

significance (p) values.

Example 9.18 – Selected SPSS Output for Oneway ANCOVA.

SPSS output for an analysis of sample data from the situation presented in Example 9.6,

which addresses the effectiveness of relaxation techniques, appears as follows.

Descriptive Statistics

Dependent Variable:change

technique Mean Std. Deviation N

yoga 6.0435 2.99597 46

meditation 5.1364 2.50468 66

biofeedback 4.8947 2.45819 38

Total 5.3533 2.67761 150

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:change


Type III Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

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Corrected Model 34.834a 3 11.611 1.640 .183

Intercept 449.240 1 449.240 63.467 .000

health 1.825 1 1.825 .258 .612

technique 31.524 2 15.762 2.227 .112

Error 1033.440 146 7.078

Total 5367.000 150

Corrected Total 1068.273 149

a. R Squared = .033 (Adjusted R Squared = .013)


Descriptive statistics for each category of the independent variable appear in Table 9.15, labeled “Descriptive

Statistics.” The “Tests of Between-Subjects Effects” table (Table 9.16) lists both the independent variable, in

this case, technique, and the covariate, in this case health, as predictors of the dependent variable. The values

used to determine whether changes in heart rate differ significantly with respect to the independent variable

and considering the possible effects of the covariate appear in the top row of this table.

According to results of this analysis, those exposed each of the three relaxation techniques

did not experience significantly different changes in heart rate. The p value of .183 lies

above the standard α of .05 as well as above an elevated α of .10, indicating that one would

accept the null hypothesis of equality at these levels of significance. The analysis

considered differences in the overall health of patients in the three independent-variable

conditions when calculating these results, hence the designation of a Type III Sum of

Squares value in the “Tests of Between-Subjects Effects” table. ▄

The process used to request and analyze SPSS results of an ANCOVA translate easily into a

MANCOVA. Performing a MANCOVA in SPSS requires the same steps, only you would need

to use SPSS’s Multivariate, rather than Univariate window. In the Multivariate window, you

can identify as many dependent variables as needed for the analysis. SPSS assembles the

values for the dependent variables into canonical variate scores. By inputting names of

covariates into the “Covariate(s)” box, you tell SPSS to consider the roles of these covariates

upon the relationship between the independent variables and the canonical variate.

The MANCOVA output that results contains a “Multivariate Tests” table. This table

resembles the “Multivariate Tests” table produced for a MANCOVA, however, it also

includes the names of covariates. Assuming you wish to consider results based upon the

Wilks’ Lambda procedure for obtaining F, you should focus upon values in this row of the

table. A p-value that exceeds α indicates significant differences between mean canonical

variate values for the covariate-biased independent-variable categories.

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Discriminant Analysis with SPSS Rather than working with pre-existing classifications of subjects, as the other tests in

Chapter 9 do, a discriminant analysis attempts to create classifications. To conduct a

discriminant analysis in SPSS, therefore, you cannot use the “General Linear Model”

function. The following process allows you to use continuous values to predict subjects’

group placements.

1. Choose the “Classify” option in SPSS Analyze pull-down menu.

2. Identify your desired type of classification as “Discriminant.” Choose “Discriminant”

from the prompts given. A window entitled a window entitled Discriminant Analysis

should appear.

FIGURE 9.9 –SPSS DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS WINDOW The user identifies the variables involved in a one-way discriminant analysis by selecting their names from

those listed on the left side of the Discriminant Analysis window. SPSS performs the test using variables with

names placed into the “Independents” and variables with names placed into the “Grouping Variables” box.

3. In this window, you can define the variables involved in the analysis as follows

a. Move the name of the categorical dependent variable from the box on the left to the

“Grouping Variable” box. You must also click on the “Define Range” button below

this box and type the values for the lowest and highest dummy-variable values used

to identify groups.

b. Identify the continuous measure(s) used to predict subjects’ categories by moving

the names of the predictor(s) to the “Independents” box.

4. Click OK.

The Discriminant Analysis’ “Independents Variable” box allows you to identify more than

one predictor of subjects’ categories. Inputting more than one independent variable leads

to a multiple discriminant analysis. The analysis presented in Chapter 9’s examples, though,

use a single independent variable.

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Example 9.19 - SPSS Output for Discriminant Analysis

Tables 9.18 through 9.21 show the some of the output from applying these steps to

imaginary data for the acreage and fencing style example first presented in Example 9.9. As

with the output for most tests of significance, SPSS first presents descriptive statistics and

then follows with values that indicate predictability. Among these values is a measure of

significance based upon the conversion of Wilks’ Lambda into F, as described in Section 9.5.

Group Statistics


Valid N (listwise)

Unweighted Weighted

chain link acreage 17 17.000

wrought iron acreage 37 37.000

wood acreage 55 55.000

vinyl acreage 41 41.000

Total acreage 150 150.000



n Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative %



1 .094a 100.0 100.0 .294

a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.

Wilks' Lambda

Test of


n(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square Df Sig.

1 .914 13.198 3 .004

Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients



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Acreage 1


The number of subjects in each grouping variable category appear as Group Statistics in Table 9.18 The

remainder of the tables provide information regarding the predictability of these groups from continuous

predictor variable values. The Eigenvalues table (Table 9.19) contains a correlation coefficient (See Chapter

8) representing the linear relationship between the predictor variable and the grouping variable. With the

significance value in the Wilks’ Lambda table (Table 9.20) and the coefficient in the Standardized Canonical

Discriminant Function Coefficients table (Table 9.21), the user can determine the strength of the relationship

between variables.

Of course, given the fact that this analysis involves only one independent variable, the

output is relatively simplistic compared to the output for a multiple discriminant analysis.

The canonical correlation shown in Table 9.19 amounts to the pairwise correlation

between the two variables. For a multiple discriminant analysis, it would describe the

linear relationship between the canonical variate (a combination of independent variables)

and the grouping variable. Also, the coefficient of 1, shown in Table 9.21, implies a

discriminating function of G=x. This equation suggests that all of the responsibility for

predicting fencing style lies with acreage. Still, you can easily see, based upon the

significance value in Table 9.20, that acreage sufficiently predicts the type of fencing used

to enclose property. The p value of .004 indicates a significant relationship between

acreage and fencing type at both α=.05 and α=.01. ▄

For evaluations that involve more predictors than that in Example 9.20 does, you can use

output values in a variety of ways. In particular, researchers often use values in the

Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficient table for more than just

identifying the discriminating function. These values can signify the importance of each

predictor variable in the relationship with the grouping variable. Because predictor

variables with very small coefficients have weak linear relationships with the grouping

variable, they likely add little to the predictability of the model. You may wish to perform

another discriminant analysis, omitting the predictor variables with low coefficients, to

determine whether you really need them to help classify subjects. If results of this analysis

also indicate significance, then you know that their presence makes little difference in the

ability to classify subjects. So, you do not have to regard them as contributors to the overall

canonical predictor. This process allows you to limit your grouping variables to only those

that truly help to predict subjects’ categories.