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  • 8/14/2019 SP's Ideal Society


    world, the country ofmlecchas and yavanas.The people there have very low consciousness.

    Vaishnava philosophy, Mahaprabhus philosophy,

    is the highest, most sublime philosophy. Caitanya-caritmta is post-graduate study. It is difficultfor Western people to understand. Therefore,

    Prabhupada stressed, You first chant hare ka.Let your consciousness be purified. Hear the

    transcendental sound vibration.

    Buddhadeva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu,

    but he blasphemed the Vedas. He is the origin of

    the Vedas, why will he speak like that? Because

    at the time it was needed. The people were

    indiscriminately killing animals for sacrifice. If you

    would ask them, Why are you killing? tthey wouldsay, The Vedas say we should. But they could

    not understand the purport of the Vedas. They

    were in the mode of ignorance. How could they

    understand? Unless one comes to the level ofsattva-gua, mode of goodness, one cannot understandwhat the Vedas say. At that time it was needed for

    Buddhadeva to teach people to stop following

    the Vedas. He told them to give up indiscriminate

    Prabhupada Laid the Foundation

    Devotee: You were explaining how rma

    in the mah-mantra refers to Krishna. But Srila

    Prabhupada sometimes explained that rmain

    the mah-mantrarefers to Balaram.

    Gour Govinda Swami: Yes, Prabhupada saidthat. Balaram is dvitya-deha, the second body of

    Krishna. They have the same two-handed form.

    vara-mtra-bheda Only there is a difference in

    their complexion. Krishna is black and Balaram is

    white. Everything else is the same. And Balaram is

    always with Krishna. So Prabhupada said it in simple

    way. It is not easy for everyone to understand why

    Krishna is referred to as Rama. When Prabhupada

    was asked by a particular devotee, he knew that

    the devotee could not understand. Therefore

    Prabhupada didnt say so at the time. But JivaGoswami has said it; Bhaktivinode Thakur has said

    it. All of our cryashave described why Krishna

    is known as Rama.

    Time Place and Circumstance

    An crya like Srila Prabhupada teaches

    according to time, place and circumstances.

    People can understand only according to their

    consciousness. Neophytes cannot comprehend

    higher things, subtle philosophy. Just speak to

    them according to their capacity and let themmake advancement. When the time comes, then

    all the subtle points will come out. cryateaches

    like that. You should not think that there is some

    hard and fast rule as to what they must explain

    in the beginning. You should try to understand

    Srila Prabhupadas purpose. Following the orders

    of his revered spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta

    Saraswati, our Prabhupada went to the Western



    Excerpted from chapters 12 and 13 ofSri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharajas

    book, My Revered Spiritual Master

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    2 Prabhupada's Missionkilling of animals. In that way they could elevate

    themselves to the mode of goodness. Then they

    would be able to understand. At that time it was

    needed. But Buddhas followers cannot understand

    the real reason why he did so.

    Work of an Acharya

    Similarly, you cannot understand whyPrabhupada said what he did. Tat-klika, at thattime it was needed. But not for all time. He was

    laying the foundation. Before building a mansion

    you should lay the foundation, and the foundation

    should be very strong. Then you will be able to

    build a big mansion, skyscraper. If the foundation is

    not strong the skyscraper will collapse. Prabhupada

    laid the foundation. Then he left it for you: Now

    you build a mansion. That time has now come.

    Dont stay in the foundation only. Now a mansion

    should be built. This is gradual development.Buddhadeva came and did this thing. He

    criticized the Vedas and the people became atheists.

    Then when the Vedas were about to be lost, Lord

    Narayan ordered Shivaji, who is mah-bla, verypowerful: Shiva, you go and establish the Vedas.

    Then Shivaji came in the form of Shankaracharya.

    It is all mentioned in Caitanya-caritmta.Shankara was not at fault. His master ordered him,

    so he preached this myvdaphilosophy. It wasneeded at the time. When you establish something,

    you first start from the lower and then go to thehigher part. You cannot all of a sudden establish

    the higher part. Shankara established the lower

    part of the Vedas, karma-ka, jna-kasection, which is gaua, secondary. Shankaralaid the foundation. Therefore Mahaprabhu has

    accepted Shankara as cryabecause he did thework of an crya. Mahaprabhu said, Shankarahas helped us. He has laid the foundation. Now I

    have to build the mansion. This was the need at

    that particular time.

    Fools Criticize

    That is what an crya does, and in thesame way Srila Prabhupada did the work of an

    crya. Fools and rascals criticize him. I say theycannot understand Srila Prabhupada. They cant

    understand what he has done. He has done what

    was needed at that particular time. He has laid the

    foundation. Now the time has come, we have to

    build the mansion. These fools cannot understand

    Krishna. They are committing a great offense

    at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada leaving

    ISKCON, joining another camp and criticizing

    ISKCONs teachings, Srila Prabhupadas teachings.

    Nonsense! I get so much pain in my heart from this.

    Such rascals will definitely go to hell. So I have

    taken up this task: now the time has come well

    teach all this higher philosophy. Prabhupada left itin a seed form. Now that seed should be fructified,

    and a big tree will come out. That is our duty.

    Prabhupada was teaching Westerners, mlecchas

    and yavanas, eating beef, and drinking liquor. They

    were hippies mad fellows taking strong drugs,

    LSD, and marijuana. What they can understand

    of this philosophy? He did what was needed for

    them at that particular time. He did a great job and

    brought us to the path. Otherwise so many persons

    would not have come here. But now the time has

    come to understand this philosophy.


    You mention that many devotees are losing

    faith in ISKCON and are leaving our society to

    find shelter elsewhere. That is not good. They

    should not leave ISKCON; that will never please

    Srila Prabhupada. Develop patience and tolerance

    and pray to Srila Prabhupada from the core of your

    heart. How is it that he will not help you? (Letter,

    18 December 1993)

    There are three things that are very important to

    me. One is that I want to preach to the preachers. It

    causes me so much pain to see the devotees falling

    down and going away. The second thing is that I

    want to show how everything is in Prabhupadas

    books. Those persons who are saying that Srila

    Prabhupada only gave ABC, it causes me so much

    pain in my heart. I want to make them silent. And

    the third thing is that I want to show how everything

    is in ISKCON and that devotees do not have to go

    elsewhere for higher teachings. (Conversation with

    devotees in New York City, July 1994:)

    My opinion is that Srila Prabhupada will not be

    happy with these senior devotees going outside of

    ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada has said that everything

    is in his books. If you try to understand this, then

    by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada it will all be made

    clear to you. It is a fact that if an elevated vaiava is

    there, then one should go and take his association.

    There is no harm in that. But in this case, there is

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    Prabhupada's Mission 3


    Drawings by Anuradha Dasi

    a danger that the discipline in our organization

    will be affected adversely. If the leaders are going

    outside of ISKCON, how will we be able to maintain

    discipline? Srila Prabhupada has formed this society,

    and this threat to his society will only cause him

    pain. With this consideration, they should not go.

    That will only lead to indiscipline in our society.

    Two sides are there, philosophical andorganizational. On the organizational side, this

    practice is not good. Therefore we have this GBC

    body, which makes so many rules to maintain the

    discipline of the members of our society. But how

    will we be able to keep discipline now? No one

    will listen: If the leaders are going, why should

    we listen? We will also go. This will create only

    trouble. (Letter, 3 November 1994)

    Devotee: You said we should always seek the

    association of advanced devotees. When SrilaPrabhupada left the planet, some of his disciples

    took shelter of one of his godbrothers.

    Gour Govinda Swami: Thereby they committed

    a mistake. For the clarification of some philosophical

    doubt or to accept ik, one may go to anothervaiava, but why leave?

    Devotee: Some people took shelter of this

    maharaja, and naturally, because he was giving

    some instruction, they became attached to him

    and accepted him as ik-guru. Because of this, in

    some cases, it seems that our society rejected themrather than they rejected our society.

    Gour Govinda Swami: Let me be excused

    at the feet of a vaiava. This Maharaja is a great

    vaiava. I pay my obeisance to him. He is my guru.

    He is the godbrother of my guru. But he should

    have taught these ISKCON devotees, Dont leave

    ISKCON. Take ikfrom me if you have some

    doubts. I am prepared to clarify them. But dont

    leave ISKCON. Why didnt he teach this thing?

    Devotee: So its all right for Srila Prabhupadas

    disciples to accept another ik-guru, but theyshould not leave ISKCON?

    Gour Govinda Maharaja: Why should they

    leave ISKCON?

    Devotee: I spoke to one devotee who had

    taken shelter of a maharaja outside of ISKCON

    and he said that his life was made very difficult

    within ISKCON and he could no longer preach.

    He was so restricted. Therefore, in order to

    preach, he left ISKCON.

    Gour Govinda Swami: What difficulty is

    there in preaching the message of Gauranga

    Mahaprabhu? Mahaprabhu says, I will help you.

    Youll never be affected bymy. If you haveno faith in Mahaprabhu, then you will be put into

    difficulties. Dont be afraid of problems. Krishna is

    there. His representative, the guru, is there. They are

    always with you. They are always prepared to help you. These dangers, these problems, difficulties

    will help you to become fixed. They are welcome.

    Therefore Kuntidevi says, vipada santu t avattatra tatra jagad-guro I wish that all thosecalamities would happen again and again. WWhy

    did she say like that?

    Devotee: Because by those troubles she was

    always able to remember Krishna.

    Gour Govinda Swami: Yes. Difficulties,

    dangers, and problems help one to be more

    attached to Krishna. Unless there are difficulties,one will not turn his face towards Krishna. Thereby

    he is in a fools paradise, thinking, I am OK. But

    he is in danger. He cannot understand it. So all

    of these difficulties, problems, and dangers, they

    are kp, mercy in disguise. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

    Saraswati Prabhupada Maharaja said, Accept all the

    sufferings in this material world as the mercy of the

    Supreme Lord. (Evening darshan, Bhubaneswar,

    20 November 1989)

    Devotee: You have to give us your blessings,


    Gour Govinda Swami: I have this blessing,

    Get the blessings of myguru-mahrja, SrimadA. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadji Maharaja.

    Be a member of ISKCON, the society he founded

    worldwide. Serve him. Remain in the society. Serve

    guru and Gauranga. This is my blessing. Nothing

    else. This is everything. Thank you. (Darshan, South

    London, 29 September 1991)