Virginia Naturally! Newsletter of the Virginia Museum of Natural History Spring 2011 Celebrate Earth Week April 15 – 23 Living off the Land opening June 4 with family festival The Living off the Land exhibit, to be open at VMNH from June 4, 2011 to January 14, 2012, will highlight the many ways humans depend on nature for a wealth of resources, focusing on economic, recreational, and aesthetic benefits. The exhibit will include information about Virginia wildlife, modern and ancient hunting and fishing methods, and the evolution of the rifle. The museum will celebrate the opening day of the exhibit with the Living off the Land family festival on Saturday, June 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A wide variety of exhibitors and participating organizations will present interactive programs, informative displays, and fun activities for visitors of all ages. Wilderness-Adventure will be at the festival offering several programs throughout the day, including “Fire by IN THIS ISSUE From the Director Exhibit spotlight Curators’ Corner Upcoming Events Friction” and “Wilderness Medics,” along with samples of backcountry foods. Kudzu Kabin Designs, with artist Nancy Basket of Walhalla, SC, will be on hand to showcase kudzu art cards and kudzu baskets. Kudzu Kabin Designs also offers teacher workshops, and more. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will also be at the festival presenting a variety of learning opportunities. Rhythms Round the World of Lynchburg will be at the festival showcasing handmade instruments made from natural materials. For information about becoming a sponsor of the Living off the Land exhibit or opening day festival, please call 276-634-4164 or e-mail [email protected]. 2 4 6 8 Don’t miss the Animal Secrets, and Documenting Diversity exhibits now open See the Exhibit Spotlight on page 4. Sponsored by

Spring 2011 VMNH Newsletter, "Virginia, Naturally"

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"Virginia, Naturally," the newsletter of the Virginia Museum of Natural History, is published quarterly. The publication features news, program listings, exhibit information, and news about scientific research and collections.

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Page 1: Spring 2011 VMNH Newsletter, "Virginia, Naturally"








of the


Museum of



Spring 2011

CelebrateEarth Week

April 15 – 23

Living off the Land opening June 4 with family festival TheLiving off the Landexhibit,tobeopenatVMNHfromJune4,2011toJanuary14,2012,willhighlightthemanywayshumansdependonnatureforawealthofresources,focusingoneconomic,recreational,andaestheticbenefits.TheexhibitwillincludeinformationaboutVirginiawildlife,modernandancienthuntingandfishingmethods,andtheevolutionoftherifle. ThemuseumwillcelebratetheopeningdayoftheexhibitwiththeLivingofftheLandfamilyfestivalonSaturday,June4from10a.m.to4p.m.Awidevarietyofexhibitorsandparticipatingorganizationswillpresentinteractiveprograms,informativedisplays,andfunactivitiesforvisitorsofallages. Wilderness-Adventurewillbeatthefestivalofferingseveralprogramsthroughouttheday,including“Fireby


From the Director

Exhibit spotlight

Curators’ Corner

Upcoming Events

Friction”and“WildernessMedics,”alongwithsamplesofbackcountryfoods. KudzuKabinDesigns,withartistNancyBasketofWalhalla,SC,willbeonhandtoshowcasekudzuartcardsandkudzubaskets.KudzuKabinDesignsalsooffersteacherworkshops,andmore. TheVirginiaDepartmentofGameandInlandFisherieswillalsobeatthefestivalpresentingavarietyoflearningopportunities.RhythmsRoundtheWorldofLynchburgwillbeatthefestivalshowcasinghandmadeinstrumentsmadefromnaturalmaterials.ForinformationaboutbecomingasponsoroftheLiving off the Landexhibitoropeningdayfestival,[email protected].


Don’t miss the Animal Secrets, and Documenting Diversity exhibits now openSee the Exhibit Spotlight on page 4.

Sponsored by

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VMNH • Virginia, Naturally2

Director’s Message Naturalhistorymuseumsbringtogetheranarrayofdisciplines

spanningthesciencesandeducation.Theyarefueledbybenefitsthatonlycollectionsrepresentingournaturalresourcesandheritagecanprovide.Morethanthat,naturalhistorymuseumsoftengalvanizeotherinstitutionsallowingustoworktowardssimilargoalsandcelebrateadiverseplanet. Dr.DougOwsleyoftheSmithsonianwillbeourkeynotespeakeratthe24thAnnualJeffersonAwardsand


ofGameandInlandFisheries,theNationalWildTurkeyFedera-tion,andotherorganizationsforLiving off the Land,openingJune4.We

arealsohappytoannouncethattheVMNHBoardofTrusteeshasgrantedDr.NoelBoaz,themuseum’sfounderandfirstexecutivedirector,seniorfellowstatus.Theserelationshipsarefacilitatedthroughourdiversestaff,andthedrawofthemuseum’snaturalhistorycollectionofover10millionspecimens. Weareveryproudoftheworkdonehereatthemuseum,includingtheworkwedoinschoolsandatfieldsitesthroughouttheCommonwealth.Partneringwithnumerousorganizationstoprovidequalityprogramsandexhibitshasmadeourprogressmoremeaningful,andhashelpedadvanceoursciencedisciplineswithuniquediscoveries.Themuseumstaffalsopartnerswithyou,asavisitor,member,anddonor.Withoutyou,ourcelebrationofplanetEarthanditsnaturaltreasureswouldneverberealized!I’mlookingforwardtoyournextvisit.

Sincerely,Joe B. Keiper, Ph.D., Executive Director

Jefferson Awards to be held April 8 Aworld-renownedforensicanthropologistfromtheSmithsonianInstitutionwillserveaskeynotespeakerattheVirginiaMuseumofNaturalHistoryFoundation’s24thannualThomasJeffersonAwardsdinnerandceremonytobeheldonApril8from6to7:30p.m.atthemuseum.Dr.DouglasOwsley,divisionheadforPhysicalAnthropologyattheSmithsonian’sNationalMuseumofNaturalHistory,willserveaskeynotespeaker. TheVirginiaMuseumofNaturalHistory’sThomasJeffersonAwardshonorVirginiabusinesses,groupsandindividualsfortheircontributionstoandsupportfornaturalscienceandnaturalscienceeducation.Ticketstothedinnerandceremonyare$25perperson. JeffersonAwardsattendeescanenjoynet-workingattheeventfrom5:30to6p.m.,withtheawardsceremonyanddinnertotakeplacefrom6to7:30p.m.VisitorswillthenhavetheopportunitytovisitwithKeynoteSpeakerDr.DougOwsleyandmuseumscientistsfrom7:30to8p.m.TheVMNHcuratorswillhaveinformationstationssetupforattendeeswithselectedscientificspecimensfromtheVMNHcollectionshighlighted. TheVMNHFoundationThomasJeffersonAwardsaresponsoredbyMissyNeffGould,Dr.RichardHoffman,Drs.TomandDeniseUnterbrink,theRadfordUniversityForensicScienceInstitute,PatrickHenryCommunityCollege,FerrumCollege,NewcollegeInstitute,theRadfordUniversityCollegeofScienceandTechnology,andSammyRedd&AssociatesRealEstateManagement.

Board of Trustees appointmentsNoel T. Boaz, Ph.D., M.D.,oftheIntegrativeCentersforScienceandMedicine,wasnamedaseniorfellowofthemuseum.DorothyBelle Poli, Ph.D.,ofRoanokeCollege,wasnamedaresearchassociateofthemuseum.Eliza Winston, B.A.,wasnamedanaffiliatedresearcherofthemuseum.

Governor McDonnell appoints trustees GovernorBobMcDonnellrecentlyannouncedfiveappointmentstotheVMNHBoardofTrustees.Intotal,theboardconsistsof23appointees. Dr. Mark A. CrabtreeofMartinsvillewasappointedforatermexpiringJune30,2015.CrabtreeisadentistinMartinsville. Lee LesterofMartinsvillewasappointedforatermendingJune30,2015.Lesterservesasacommunityactivist. Monica T. Monday ofMartinsvillewasappointedforatermthatwillendJune30,2014.MondayservesasanattorneywithGentry,Locke,Rackes&Moore,LLP. Janet Scheid ofVintonwasappointedforatermthatwillexpireJune,30,2015.ScheidservesasGreenwayPlannerforRoanokeCounty. Stephen D. WalkerofCharlotteCourthousewasappointedforatermendingJune30,2015.WalkerisaprofessorofhistoryatSouthsideVirginiaCommunityCollege. Asthegoverningbodyofthemuseum,theBoardisresponsiblefortheformationandmaintenanceofthegeneralpolicies,standardsandoperationalcontinuityofthemuseum.OthermembersoftheboardareChairmanC.NovelMartin,III,ofRoanoke;Vice-ChairmanSammyRedd,ofMartinsville;TreasurerJamesW.Severt,II,ofWashington,D.C.;SecretaryMelissaNeffGould,ofRichmond;PamelaA.ArmstrongofMartinsville;Dr.LeAnnS.BingerofPetersburg;ChristinaS.DraperofRichmond;NancyR.FitzgeraldofHuddleston;PaulFleisherofRichmond;Dr.OliverS.Flint,Jr.ofAlexandria;ThomasC.HonerofRoanoke;ConoverHuntofHampton;Dr.MervynR.KingofMartinsville;ArleneMilnerofKeysville;Dr.J.JamesMurray,Jr.ofCharlottesville;KimbleReynolds,Jr.ofMartinsville;Dr.PhilipM.SprinkleofMartinsville;LisaLyleWuofArlington.

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Themuseum’sDogDaysofWinterfamilyfestivalwasheldonJanuary22inconjunctionwiththeopeningofthespecialexhibitAnimal Secrets,nowopenthroughMay7. Festivalattendeeslearnedaboutthemanyuniqueandimportantresponsibilitiescaninesserveinpeople’sday-to-daylives.Visitorsexperiencedagraywolffromthemuseum’scollectionsondisplay,withinformationabouttheevolutionofdogs. ParticipatingorganizationsincludedSaintFrancisServiceDogs,theMartinsvilleCityPoliceDepartment’sK-9unit,andtheMartinsville-HenryCountySPCA.Additionally,Dr.JoeMayoftheKing’sMountainAnimalClinicinMartinsvillewasonhandtoeducatevisitorsonthemicro-chippingprocessthatcanbeusedtotrackdogsandkeepthemsafe.

ThemuseumhostedalecturebyOceanographerDr.JamesCowentitled“LifeDeepBeneaththeOcean:TheMostRemoteBiosphereonEarth”onFriday,February25atVMNH.ThemuseumwasawardedtheDistinguishedLectureSeriesprogramandaccompanyingeducationalprogramsfromtheConsortiumforOceanLeadership.Around50visitorsattended.TheDistinguishedLecturewasofferedforfreewithsupportfromtheConsortiumforOceanLeadership. TheConsortiumforOceanLeadershipisaWashington,DC-basednonprofitorganizationthatrepresents95oftheleadingpublicandprivateoceanresearcheducationinstitutions,aquariaandindustrywiththemissiontoadvanceresearch,educationandsoundoceanpolicy.Theorganizationalsomanagesoceanresearchandeducationprogramsinareasofscientificoceandrilling,oceanobserving,oceanexploration,andoceanpartnerships.

Deep Earth Academy programs held February 25–26



andfuture.Studentsmadeobservationsofcores,viewedmicrofossils,andlearnedmoreaboutthemicrobialworldhiddendeepintheoceanfloor.AguestappearancebyDr.Cowengavestudentsanopportunitytoaskwhatitisliketobeascientistandtosailontheship. ThemuseumalsoofferedinteractiveteacherworkshopsconductedbyDeepEarthAcademyonSaturday,February26.TeacherslearnedhowtheycanbringtheexcitementandadventureoftheresearchdoneontheJOIDESResolutiontostudentsthroughhands-onactivitiesbasedonauthenticoceandrillingdata,theJOIDESResolutionWebsitethatfollowseachexpeditionthroughvideos,blogsandothersocialmediatools,andfreeposters,pencils,andloanitemsthatbringtherealsciencetolife.Atthisworkshop,teachersalsolearnedhowtheycangetonboardtheshipasanEducatoratSea,alongwithhavingclassestalkdirectlywithscientistsatseathroughvideoconferencing.

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Exhibit Spotlight Museum public education programs are held in the museum’s Suzanne M. Lacy Education Center and in area parks. Programs are $5 per participant (unless otherwise noted). Pre-registration is required one week prior to each program by contacting the museum at 276-634-4185 or [email protected]. Programs are subject to cancellation if minimum numbers are not met.

Education Programs

VMNH offers children ages 3 to 5 the opportunity to experience natural history first-hand with the Doodle Bugs! program. The hour-long programs include imaginative stories, fun activities, games and crafts that spark creativity and curiosity. Programs are held at 10 a.m. and repeated at 3 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Bubble Science April 27Get ready to get messy making your own bubbles and bubble blowers out of different materials.

Under the Sea May 25 Dive in and discover sea creatures that call the ocean home.

Animal SecretsNow Open through May 7, 2011Special Exhibit Hall

What do raccoons eat? How does an eagle care for its young? Where does a chipmunk sleep? In Animal Secrets, children and parents will find the answers to questions like these as they explore the hidden habitats and secret lives of forest animals. Through imaginative role-play and multi-sensory, hands-on activities, families will discover nature from an animal’s point of view as they explore immersive, naturalistic environments, including a stream, a woodland, a meadow, a cave, and a naturalists’ tent. Animal Secrets is designed for children ages 3 to 8 and their families.

Documenting DiversityNow OpenHarvest Foundation of the Piedmont Great Hall

Biodiversity is the variation of life forms on Earth and within ecosystems. Documenting Biodiversity explores how scientists document and study issues related to Earth’s diversity and shows why such research is important and how it is applied in various disciplines. This exhibit also focuses on the importance of diversity on a global and local scale.

Living off the LandOpening June 4, 2011 to January 14, 2012Special Exhibit Hall

This exhibit, to be developed by VMNH staff, will highlight the many ways in which humans depend on nature for a wealth of resources, as well as economic, recre-ational, and aesthetic benefits. The exhibit will include information about Virginia wildlife, modern and ancient hunting and fishing methods, and the evolution of the rifle. The exhibit will also include examples of Native American and prehistoric tools and pottery.

Presented by

Presented by:

Summer Adventure Camps

Imagine That! June 20 – 24, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., ages 10 – 14Come and explore the world of Rube Goldberg and simple machines. Campers will use Legos® to discover the importance of simple machines and trade their Legos® for recycled materials to build their own Goldberg-like contraption.

Check our Web site for a complete list of 2011 Summer Adventure Camps!

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VMNH Special Saturdays programs make learning fun. Each program explores a different natural history topic through games, crafts, and fun-filled activities. Programs are held from 10 a.m. to noon unless otherwise noted. Fee is $5 and pre-registration is required one week in advance. Off-site program fees must be pre-paid or paid in cash on the day of the event.

Behind the Scenes at the Museum April 2, ages 10 – 12Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at the museum? Bring your curiosity and make interesting discoveries as we explore what lies beyond the exhibits. Explore places visitors never see.

A Night Under the Stars April 2, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., all agesSmith River Sports ComplexFind out what’s up in the nighttime sky. Participants will learn how to navigate around the sky and locate some of the more common objects. Pre-registration is required.

Who Lives Here? April 9, ages 6 – 8Earth has a huge variety of organisms that live in a wide range of habitats. Join us as we explore these habitats and the animals that call them home through games and activities. We will also explore the Documenting Diversity exhibit.

Energy Engineers April 16, ages 12 – 14Explore different sources of energy, what energy does for us, and create a windmill with Legos®.

Mother Earth Mysteries April 16, 1 – 3 p.m., ages 8 – 11 Frank Wilson Park, stone shelterSpend the afternoon exploring Frank Wilson Park as an environmental research scientist, and see if you can solve environmental mysteries! You will dig for clues and test your theories in this fun outdoor adventure.

Spring Art Creations April 23, ages 5 – 8Celebrate spring and create your very own spring-inspired work of art!

Museum Careers April 30, ages 12 – 14Have you thought about who works at a museum? Ever considered working at one? Join us and discover the various careers within a museum and have fun doing it! Graphic design, scientific research, collecting, security, education, and more!

Microscopic I Spy!May 7, ages 8 – 11Explore instruments to view things both large and small with dissecting scopes and microscopes. Also, see how VMNH uses its scanning electron microscope!

Nature Hunt on the Dick and WillieMay 7, all ages Dick and Willie Passage Trail, Liberty Street Trailhead. Take a walk on Martinsville’s newest trail, but don’t walk too fast! There’s plenty of nature to be explored along the path. Test your skills to see if you can find everything on the list!

Flower PowerMay 14, all ages Gravely Nature PreserveApril showers bring May flowers. Join VMNH at Gravely Nature Preserve and learn about nature’s beautiful flowers. After our flower exploration we will create an environmentally friendly flower pot!

A Night Under the StarsMay 14, 8:15 – 9:15 p.m., all agesLocation to be announced.Find out what’s up in the nighttime sky. Participants will learn how to navigate around the sky and locate some of the more common objects. Pre-registration required.

Surviving the Great OutdoorsMay 21, ages 8 – 11 Frank Wilson Park, stone shelterWhat would you do if you became lost in the woods? Learn GPS skills and a few simple survival skills using natural resources in the great outdoors.

June Bug JumpersJune 11, ages 3 – 5 Frank Wilson Park, stone shelterDo the warm weather, blooming flowers, and animal life of spring make you want to get outside and run around? Join us in the park as we explore the plants and animals of spring with games and create some wildlife-inspired songs.

Full of Hot AirJune 11, ages 8 – 11Who says wings are necessary for flight? What about something as simple as air? Hot air, that is! Participants discover the mystery behind hot air balloons.

Homeschool Wednesdays With this new program, homeschool students come together on the second Wednesday of the month for a program in which the education staff provides hands-on learning activities. Students are divided into two groups, one for ages 6 to 10 years and another for ages 11 to 18 years. Upcoming programs include: Properties of the Earth (April 13); Earth Cycles (May 11); and Wonders of Water (June 8). Homeschool parents may attend the program with their child or spend time in the Teacher Resource Center. For more information, call 276-634-4185 or e-mail [email protected].

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Are your young children dressed for bed but won’t go to sleep? Bring your children, ages 3 – 5 years, to the museum to enjoy some edutainment. Come in your pajamas and enjoy the excitement of an overnight quest without spending the night. Fee: $20 for a parent and a child and $10 each additional child.

Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Dinos Bite! April 15, 6 – 9 p.m.Join us on this fabulous adventure as we enjoy fun crafts, games, and stories that deal with Dinosaurs. Registration deadline is April 8.

Spring into SpringMay 13, 6 – 9 p.m.Enjoy Spring at the museum by making fun crafts, playing games, and going on a nighttime adventure. Registration deadline is May 6.

Mother-Daughter Pajama PartyMay 6 – 7, 6 p.m. – 9 a.m.Mothers, are you looking to spend quality time with your daughter outside the home? Join us at the museum for our first Mother–Daughter sleepover! Enjoy exciting activities together. Join us for this special sleepover! Fee: $50 per mother/daughter pair; $20 for each additional daughter Registration is required by April 29. Sleepover includes a pizza dinner, evening snack, and a continental breakfast. Adult chaperones are required. Contact the museum for more information and sleepover forms.

VMNH • Virginia, Naturally6

Curators’ CornerCurator Conducts Polar Environmental Research

TinyAntarcticmarinecreaturescollected100yearsagobyAntarcticexplorerCaptainRobertFalconScottgivenewcluesaboutpolarenvironmentalchange.Bycomparingmorerecentlycollectedcoloniesofabryozoan—sea-bedfilter-feedinganimalsthatlooklikebranchingtwigs—withspecimensfromScott’sexpeditions,Dr.JudithWinston,VMNHcuratorofmarinebiology,togetherwithaninternationalteamofscientists,hasfoundthefirstconclusiveevidenceofincreasedcarbonuptakeandstoragebyAntarcticmarinelife. Reportinginthejournal“CurrentBiology,”Winstonandtheteamexplainedhowtheyexaminedannualgrowthbandsinskeletonsofbryozoanspecimens(Cellarinella nutti)collectedfromAntarctica’sRossSeaduringtheCensusofAntarcticMarineLife,a

The museum staff sends out a monthly e-newsletter called Big Al’sAlmanac. Each edition contains VMNH Education news and event listings for the upcoming month. Subscribers include parents, teachers, local organization members, and volunteers. To become a subscriber, e-mail [email protected], and put “I want to receive Big Al’s Almanac!” in the subject line.

Earth Week EventsA wide variety of activities are planned for this year’s Earth Week, April 15 – 23. Bring your Earth Week Passports to the programs you attend and enter the Grand Prize drawing during the Earth Week Festival on April 23 at the Smith River Sports Complex from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit www.mhccni.org.

Virginia Institute for Natural Youth Leadership (VINYL) Sunday, June 26 – July 1The Virginia Museum of Natural History and Joseph Cornell’s Sharing Nature Worldwide are teaming up to offer a first-of-its-kind professional development opportunity. Designed for teachers, environmental educators, and community leaders, VINYL will combine Sharing Nature activities, youth leadership development strategies, and feature field trips to nearby parks. For more information, please call 276-634-4185 or e-mail [email protected].

projectwhereaglobalnetworkofresearchersinmorethan80nationsengagedina10-yearscientificinitiativetoassessandexplainthediversity,distribution,andabundanceoflifeintheoceans. ThescientistsdiscoveredthatpolarcarbonsinksmaybeontheriseafteranalyzingsamplesofamarinecreaturecollectedduringScott’sfamous1901expeditiontotheSouthPoleinadditiontothosecollectedbylaterexpeditions.Thebryozoansgrewconsistentlyuntil1990,whentheirgrowthdoubled.Thefindingsprovidenewinsightintohowcarbondioxide(CO2)isbeingstoredontheseabedandcouldhelpgeologistsandenvironmentalistsinprojectingclimatechange. Thestudyhelpsbringtolightthechallengesofunderstandinghowlarge-scaleprocesseslikeclimatechangeandtheozoneholeareaffectingourplanet. ExpertsfromtheVirginiaMuseumofNaturalHistory,TheBritishAntarcticSurvey,theInstituteofOceanologyatthePolishAcademyofSciences,theNaturalHistoryMuseumintheUnitedKingdom,andtheSmithsonian’sNationalMuseumofNaturalHistorycontributedtothisstudy.

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Newsletter ProductionEditorRyan L. Barber

Art DirectorMelody Cartwright

Managing EditorJessica Davenport

Copy Editor Zachary S. Ryder

Executive StaffExecutive Director Joe B. Keiper, Ph.D.

Director of Administration and ServicesGloria W. Niblett

Director of Research and CollectionsJames S. Beard, Ph.D.

Director of Education and Public ProgramsDennis A. Casey, Ph.D.

Director of Marketing and External AffairsRyan L. Barber

Interim Director of DevelopmentRyan L. Barber

The Virginia Museum of Natural History at 21 Starling Avenue, Martinsville, VA is the state museum of natural history for Virginia, seeking to preserve, study and interpret the wealth of Virginia’s natural heritage. The museum promotes research, education, exhibits, publications and programs in natural history.

VMNH ADMISSION$9/Adults, $7/College Students and Senior Citizens, and $5/Children and Youth 3 to 18. Children under 3 and VMNH members are always free with membership card. Group rates are available.

VMNH HOURSMonday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The museum is closed on Sundays as well as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Please call ahead for current hours of operation.

The museum is within easy driving distance of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Roanoke, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, NC. For more information about membership, museum exhibits, group tours, or special events, please visit our Web site at www.vmnh.net or call 276-634-4141.

The Virginia Museum of Natural History is accredited by the American Association of Museums and is a member of the Association of Science-Technology Centers,

Southeastern Museums Conference, Natural Science Collections Alliance, Virginia Association of Museums,

and Museum Store Association.

VMNH is an agency of the Secretary of Natural Resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The VMNH Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization.

VMNH • Virginia, Naturally 7Spring Gift Ideas at the

Museum Store!

Bringing Archaeology to Students


Studying mammals on the Virginia barrier islands

CuratorofMammalsDr.NancyMoncriefrecentlypublisheda7-pagetechnicalarticleintheDecember2010issueof“TheSouthwesternNaturalist.“ThearticlereportsresultsofhercollaborativeresearchwithcolleaguesatUtahStateUniversityontheecologyofmammalsthatinhabittheVirginiabarrierislands. Also,alongwithVMNHResearchAssociateDr.RaymondDueser,MoncriefrecentlypresentedresultsofherresearchattheannualmeetingofTheWildlifeSociety’sVirginiaChapter.Thismeetingwasattendedbyabout100universityfacultymembers,students,andwildlifeprofessionalsfromthroughouttheCommonwealth.

Governor’s School students Megan McKinney and Tyler Weeks, Bassett High School.

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21 Starling AvenueMartinsville, VA 24112



Corporate Members and Sponsors

Volunteers of the MonthJanuary: Tim Dooley

February: Emily GarnesMarch: Julia Gravely

Upcoming VMNH Events

VMNH • Virginia, Naturally8

green initiative


April 8 – The VMNH Foundation Thomas Jefferson Awards, 6 to 7:30 p.m.

April 15 –23 – Earth Week activities will be held at VMNH. Visit www.vmnh.net for details.

May 7 – The special exhibit Animal Secrets closes.

June 2 – Opening reception for the Living off the Land exhibit.

June 4 – The special exhibit Living off the Land opens, with the Living off the Land family festival, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Buy tickets for a Costa Rican Adventure! Visit www.vmnh.net.
