JUNE 2015 NEWSLETTER A message from OUR NEW PASTOR Anticipation Right now I keep thinking of the Carly Simon song Anticipation. That is an apt description of the feelings I have as I endure these almost four months of transition between wrapping up my ministry at Old Bethel and preparing for a great start at Noblesville First UMC. The situation is even more interest- ing with Rev. Wolfe going on disability. Aaron Hobbs and Dick Judson have been great though keeping me in the loop on any significant decisions and events during this interim time. I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting with the NFUMC staff. I think they are going to be a great group to work with. I believe very much in a collaborative approach to ministry and this team has a lot to offer. I’ve been hearing from many sources that NFUMC needs to be intentional about getting younger; a concern shared by most churches in the country. This is not an easy task as society offers so many options but I’ve seen that progress can be made when we are willing to adapt with this rapidly chang- ing culture. I’ve been strategizing with Aaron in a couple of ways that will get us started in that direction. We will be tweaking the 11:00 worship ex- perience to be more interactive and visual while Aaron and I share the mes- sage to bridge the generations. We will also be forming a worship design team that will carefully plan each week’s worship to meet the needs of all ages. I think you will find that I am more of a teacher than preacher and I believe strongly in visual learning. I am working with Jeff Elliott and the Trustees to improve our video presentation ability, which will require an equipment upgrade to high definition graphics. I hope we can have that in place before my first Sunday there (July 5 th ) so if you are interested in making a contribu- tion towards this $40,000 project please email me at [email protected] . But what I am anticipating most is coming to know a people who seem to be very gifted and ready to impact their community and the world. I’ve men- tioned to some that Noblesville First seems like a sleeping giant. You al- ready have so many wonderful things in place, so many vital ministries. Yet you know God has more for you. I am looking forward to discovering those gifts firsthand and developing the relationships that make ministry so fun for me. The Staff Parish Relations Committee is coordinating several meet and greets for us to get to know each other in more intimate settings. Nancy and I are blocking out every Monday and Wednesday evening in July and August so we can meet with you in homes or at the church in groups of 15-20. This will give me the chance to discover your dreams for this church and for you to know Nancy and I as real people and not just as that guy who wears a robe on Sunday morning. Be looking for those signups. And please pray for me during this time of anticipation and transition. Your servant in Christ, Rev Jerry Rairdon in this ISSUE Meet and Greet 2 Photo Directory Update 2 Need Prayer 3 Prayer Tips 3 Rummage Sale 3 Alzheimer’s Awareness 3 Preschool News 4 Vacation Bible School 4 Summer Bible Study 5 Organ & Drum Camp 5 Student Ministry 5 UMW Corner 6 Student Ministry 7 Calendar 8 Single & Parenting 9 Elderberries 9 Summer Concerts 9 Alzheimer’s Support 9 Sunshine Friends 9 Thank You Notes 10, 11 SPREADING THE WORD Rev. Jerry and Nancy Rairdon

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A message from



Right now I keep thinking of the Carly Simon song Anticipation. That is an

apt description of the feelings I have as I endure these almost four months of

transition between wrapping up my ministry at Old Bethel and preparing for

a great start at Noblesville First UMC. The situation is even more interest-

ing with Rev. Wolfe going on disability. Aaron Hobbs and Dick Judson have

been great though keeping me in the loop on any significant decisions and

events during this interim time. I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting

with the NFUMC staff. I think they are going to be a great group to work

with. I believe very much in a collaborative approach to ministry and this

team has a lot to offer.

I’ve been hearing from many sources that NFUMC needs to be intentional

about getting younger; a concern shared by most churches in the country.

This is not an easy task as society offers so many options but I’ve seen that

progress can be made when we are willing to adapt with this rapidly chang-

ing culture. I’ve been strategizing with Aaron in a couple of ways that will

get us started in that direction. We will be tweaking the 11:00 worship ex-

perience to be more interactive and visual while Aaron and I share the mes-

sage to bridge the generations. We will also be forming a worship design

team that will carefully plan each week’s worship to meet the needs of all


I think you will find that I am more of a teacher than preacher and I believe

strongly in visual learning. I am working with Jeff Elliott and the Trustees

to improve our video presentation ability, which will require an equipment

upgrade to high definition graphics. I hope we can have that in place before

my first Sunday there (July 5th) so if you are interested in making a contribu-

tion towards this $40,000 project please email me at [email protected].

But what I am anticipating most is coming to know a people who seem to be

very gifted and ready to impact their community and the world. I’ve men-

tioned to some that Noblesville First seems like a sleeping giant. You al-

ready have so many wonderful things in place, so many vital ministries. Yet

you know God has more for you. I am looking forward to discovering those

gifts firsthand and developing the relationships that make ministry so fun for


The Staff Parish Relations Committee is coordinating several meet and greets

for us to get to know each other in more intimate settings. Nancy and I are

blocking out every Monday and Wednesday evening in July and August so we

can meet with you in homes or at the church in groups of 15-20. This will

give me the chance to discover your dreams for this church and for you to

know Nancy and I as real people and not just as that guy who wears a robe

on Sunday morning. Be looking for those signups. And please pray for me

during this time of anticipation and transition.

Your servant in Christ,

Rev Jerry Rairdon

in this ISSUE Meet and Greet 2

Photo Directory Update 2

Need Prayer 3

Prayer Tips 3

Rummage Sale 3

Alzheimer’s Awareness 3

Preschool News 4

Vacation Bible School 4

Summer Bible Study 5

Organ & Drum Camp 5

Student Ministry 5

UMW Corner 6

Student Ministry 7

Calendar 8

Single & Parenting 9

Elderberries 9

Summer Concerts 9

Alzheimer’s Support 9

Sunshine Friends 9

Thank You Notes 10, 11


Rev. Jerry and Nancy Rairdon

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The good news—all July Meet & Greet gatherings with Pastor Jerry & Nancy have been sched-

uled. The other good news—there are only four more Meet and Greet nights in August left for

someone to claim. Wednesday, August 5, 12, 19, and 26 are still open. If you can host on any of

these nights, please contact Chris Barrick, in the church office or Carol Brost at 896-3246. It

would be a wonderful way to welcome Pastor Jerry and Nancy to our church family.

Meet Our New Lead Pastor: The Staff Parish Relations Committee of Noblesville First UMC is proud to announce the

appointment of Rev. Jerry Rairdon as our next Lead Pastor.

Jerry currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Old Bethel UMC on the eastside of Indian-

apolis. Prior to his 2009 appointment to Old Bethel, Jerry served for 16-years in

New Albany.

He was raised in Plainfield, Indiana and attended both Indiana University and the Uni-

versity of Indianapolis and holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Methodist Theological School in Ohio.

Jerry is the father of four children and four stepchildren from his wife Nancy, which means the Rairdon household

never gets boring. He has had a variety of experiences during his ministry including coaching elementary basket-

ball for 11 seasons, serving as chaplain of the New Albany High School Football team and serving as a negotiator

for the Floyd County Swat Team. Jerry is a college basketball fan, plays tennis twice a week and holds a deep pas-

sion for making the Bible understandable by people new to the faith.

Jerry and Nancy will begin their ministry at First Church on July 1st.

NFUMC Photo Directory Update:

Photo Sessions are Sunday June 7th from 11 am to 4:50 pm and Monday June 8th from 3:00 pm to 8:40 pm.

NFUMC has a new senior pastor, we have more than 30 new members or families that have joined the church since the last directory and we have numerous other NFUMC members and families that are not represented by a photo in current NFUMC pictorial directory. It’s time for a directory update.

If you are a member of NFUMC or attend regularly and are not currently in the NFUMC pictorial directory, but would like to be, please let us know by stopping by the information booth following this service and signing the directory sign-up sheet to let us know that you are interested or by calling the church office @ 773 2500. We will then contact you directly with more information concerning the photo shoot and how to schedule online for that event. Each family or member photographed will receive a free 8x10 photograph. If you elect to purchase a photo package, you will receive a 20% discount. Also, for each family or member photographed, Lifetouch will make a $5 donation to the NFUMC youth group.

Smartphone users may also scan this QR code to sign-up:

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Prayer Tips

Prayer can be as simple as singing along with a

song on the radio or simply saying, “I love You,

Lord, and I am yours.” It takes little effort once

you’ve formed a habit, and doing that is the key.

Here are a few guidelines from Proverbs—known

for its “grandfatherly advice:”

Proverbs 15:8

God can’t stand pious poses, but he delights in genu-

ine prayers.

Proverbs 15:28

Prayerful answers come from God-loyal people; the

wicked are sewers of abuse.

Proverbs 15:29

God keeps his distance from the wicked; he closely

attends to the prayers of God-loyal people.

Proverbs 28:9

God has no use for the prayers of the people who

won’t listen to him.

Be earnest (honest), and genuine (yourself). Be a

listener, one who attends to the sermon on Sunday,

and a spouse, child or parent, too, anytime. Sincer-

ity wins in prayer. God reads hearts; He won’t be

fooled by pretense.

Read a devotion everyday. They are available eve-

rywhere: books, Internet, email, Twitter—you pick.

Scads of them can be found, as short as a sentence

or as long as a page, but you have to look.

Lastly, make an easy plan: every time the time on

the clock has a “1” in it, say a prayer. Every time

you miss a stoplight, say a prayer. Every time you

hear, “Mommie!” OR the dog barks, sunrises/sets;

every time you turn on/off the car, climb off a bike,

lay your head on the pillow at night, say something

to God. Just talk to Him in your head. Short

“breath” prayers take only an instant, but can eas-

ily become daily habits. All you have to be is sin-

cere . . . no other requirements. Once you get the

habit, you’re all set.

Need to talk? Need someone to listen? Having spiritual is-

sues? Would you like to pray with someone? Pastor Dick

Judson is the Pastoral Care Minister and is available to help

you. You may email him at [email protected] or call him at

the church office, 773-2500, ext. 207. Emergency calls, after-

hour calls or week-end calls may be placed at his cell phone,




Decorating, cleaning closets, or downsizing, we would love

to have your old! We have storage available at SOS . The

Rummage Sale will be the week of July 19.

If you have been sorting winter clothes, cleaning closets or

just de-cluttering,and you’d like to store your items for our

rummage sale in July, please call Marianne Jacobi 773-

3112 or Janet Roberts 773-0436. We can store them for you

at our SOS storage unit!

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Preschool & PDO (Parents Day Out)

Preschool/PDO: Registration for the 2015-2016 school year continues; however, many of our classes are

full. Registration forms can be found on the counter by the nurseries, or call Carol Getch at 773-4911.

Spring House Cleaning? ? The Preschool/PDO is in need of cozy coups, princess anything,

match box cars, size 2T clothing, gently used books, scrap book paper, super heroes and dino-

saurs! Please bring these items to the preschool office!


*VBS starts at 9:00 on Monday, June 8. Please enter either door #2 or #7 from the parking lot.

*Grades 1-5 gather at the “Surf Shack” each day at 9:00 in Celebration Hall. The three year olds, four year

olds and kindergarten will report directly to their classrooms. Report to the registration table if you are un-

sure of where to go.

*Parents are welcomed to watch the closing each day from the balcony of Celebration Hall at 11:45. At ap-

proximately 12:00 each day the three's, four’s and kindergarten children will leave the closing and return to

their classrooms where they can be picked up at 12:15. Please DO NOT go into the preschool hallways or take

your child until the teachers have taken a final head count. First thru fifth grade children will be dismissed

from the rooms inside of Celebration Hall at 12:15. We are trying to make this process as smooth and safe as


*Each day we will have a color of the day. This is the color of shirt we would like everyone to wear.

Monday RED

Tuesday WHITE


Thursday GREEN

Friday BLUE

*Snacks will be provided everyday. If your child has a food allergy, please note it on a white wrist band at the

allergy booth in the Great Hall each day.

*Our mission project this year is Fishers First United Methodist Food Pantry. We will be collecting nonperish-

able food items. Due to the spirited competition between the boys and girls in past years we will, once again, be

collecting cash for our sponsored children in Paraguay.

*Our VBS Program will be at 11:00 on Sunday, June 14 in Celebration Hall. The children should wear a

bright colored shirt and khaki shorts or pants.

*It takes a lot of volunteers to make this week possible. If you have not already volunteered, please con-

sider doing so!

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Cindy Romano and Marilyn Hensley are planning 2 joint organ and drum camps at NFUMC during the summer months!

Each camp offers 45 minutes at the drums (10:00-10:45 a.m.), followed by 45 minutes at the organ (10:45-11:30 a.m.).The

camps will be ideal for 3rd grade through adults of all ages! For the organ portion, previous piano study helpful, but not

required, with the option for anyone to observe and/or participate according to your own preferences! Camp 1 dates are

June 30-July 2, and Camp 2 dates are during the Rummage Sale (shop while a family member participates in the

camps!), July 21-23. Nominal fee/NFUMC donation TBD. Please watch the Sunday bulletins for more info soon, and feel

free to text, call, or email Cindy Romano for more information at 317-727-7052/[email protected].

Balance: Stability produced by even distribution of weight or forces

Our lives are delicately balanced. A small shift in one area of life can set us off bal-

ance. A major change can send us spinning out of control. Stephen Ministers can help

when life gets out of balance. They listen and care and most importantly, bring the

stability of Jesus’ love and grace into people’s lives. If your life or that of someone you

know has shifted out of balance, consider Stephen Ministry. Call Keith Beesley at

(317) 431-0847 or Sally Kenley at (317) 439-3112

A new summer Bible study will be offered this year, beginning

Monday, June 22 and running through Monday, August 31. The

study will begin at 9:30 and run twelve consecutive Mondays,

with the exception of Monday, June 15. The study will feature

John MacArthur’s best selling book, Twelve Ordinary

Men. The cost for the study will be $17.00; the fee includes the

book and the companion workbook. The study will be facilitated

by Pastor Dick Judson and is scheduled to be held in the parlor.

Sign-up sheets are at the information kiosks; the deadline for

signing up will be Sunday, May 31.

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UMW CORNER GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH UWM, Part 3 --- Often the Church outreach blends with the UMW to deliver

care and support. We are involved with flower delivery and visitation, bud vases for new babies, gift cards for our

college students, making comfort pillows, prayer shawls and layettes. We continue to support international pro-

jects such as Dress a Girl Around the World, the Heifer Project and Hope 4 Women International. We tackle big

issues such as human trafficking, poverty in this country and the need for clean water in Africa. If you would like

to learn how to join a Circle, please contact our Membership Chairman, Dorothy Wolfe at 770-0018.

ESTHER CIRCLE - After a busy spring, Esther Circle will reorganize for a fall kick-off.

GRACE CIRCLE - After walking in Forest Park to the newly dedicated Angel Park, Grace Circle will not meet

again during the summer and will re-group in September.

LYDIA CIRCLE - Will not be meeting in the summer.

PRISCILLA CIRCLE - We're planning a visit to the Lucille Raines Home for Talk, Tour and Lunch on June 17.

Please gather at the church at 9:15 AM. Lunch will be $8, and please make reservations with Jean Morris by June

12. We will not meet in July.

REBEKAH CIRCLE - On June 14 we'll enjoy a picnic at Teter with husbands or guests. In July we'll work at the

Rummage Sale, getting together there on Monday July 20.

SUSANNAH CIRCLE - In June we'll meet as usual at Riverview Commons and will enjoy a "book talk" by Carol


SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE, Part 3 --- The ladies of FUMC crochet or knit prayer shawls throughout the

year. These shawls are blessed during a morning worship service and stored in the church office. They are given

out to anyone in time of need, caregivers, new mothers, folks moving to new areas, young folks going off to college.

They serve as a reminder that God's love is always with the recipient and that FUMC is praying for them. We

have given out 123 shawls since starting this ministry. If you would like to help, yarn is available in the UMW

closet and patterns are located in the church library. If you would like to learn to knit or crochet, leave your name

and phone number in the office and someone will contact you.

RUMMAGE SALE is coming up the week of July 19. Please contact Marianne Jacobi, 773-3112, or Janet Roberts,

773-0436 if you need to make arrangements for storage of your donations.

LOVE GIFTS --- Each year the UMW present love gifts to honor people in our church. These are monetary gifts

to mission through Metro Ministries in appreciation for their works of the heart. This year we are honoring our

wonderful Sunday School teachers from the 3 and 4 year old class through the High School Senior class. They are

Michele Hobbs, Kim Clausen, Ali Martz, Terri Tarzwell, Chris Antreasian, Jean Marie Curtis, Jodi Martz, Karen

Staton, Bryan Mills, Chuck Hensley, Kevin Emmert, Joe Curtis, Rob Donoho, Marilyn Hensley and Amber Good.

They were all presented certificates for their service. Thank you, Sunday School teachers, for all you do!

UMW's ON FACEBOOK! We are very grateful to Sherry Evers and Pastor Aaron Hobbs for getting our Facebook

page up. If you are on Facebook, please search NOBLESVILLE FIRST UMW and see all the information proviced

there. We hope that you will enjoy all of our news and that you will LIKE and SHARE our page with all your


THANKS FOR MOTHER CHILD BANQUET --- Our thanks to Brooke Crum and all of the Esther Circle for a

fun and fantastic magical evening at our Mother Child Banquet! Everything was great and went so well.

Ugly Quilts will not meet during the Summer, but will start back Friday, Sept. 11th at 12:30 in Stephenson Hall.

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VBS is June 8-12! We need all the helpers we can get to make this wonderful weekend possible for the children of NFUMC. The Vine Student Ministries is a huge help in making VBS happen. Please contact Carol Getch if you can

help ([email protected]).



Our Middle School Mission Trip to Indianapolis is July 19-24. We will be staying at Butler University and serving in various places around our very own Indianapolis! Permission forms and a deposit are due June 7th. This is a great time to serve, grow closer as a youth group,

and become closer to Christ.

@thevinesm nfumcthevine

We’ll be doing a Destination Unknown Overnight on June 24-25. We’re renting out two places just for our group! We’ll go to _____ and have a ton of fun doing _____! Permission form and deposit are due by June 7th to reserve your spot. This one will be




A few of our High School youth will be on the Boundary Waters

June 13-20! Please keep our team in your thoughts and prayers as we venture into God’s

wonderful creation!






Mark your calendars for our Au-gust 1st Kings Island Trip! All incoming 6th graders are formally invited to join us for the first time! We’ll be renting a charter bus and will spend an entire day riding roller coasters and doing all the fun stuff

Kings Island has to offer.

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Monday, June 1st

9:30 am Little Angel Gowns/Bi-Rooms

6:00 pm BBB Comm/Overlook,Conf C

7:00 pm Scout Troop 101/CH, Wesley

7:00 pm Toastmasters 1st 3rd/Steph H

Tuesday, June 2nd

6:30 pm Disciple 4/Parlor

7:00 pm Principles for Bus/St Min S

Wednesday, June 3rd

9:00 am FlexAbility/Celebration Hall

12:00 pm UMW Board Mtg/Parlor

Thursday, June 4th

10:00 am Elderberries Study/Parlor

6:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support/Parlor

7:00 pm Fin. Peace Uni./Bi-Rooms

7:00 pm District Scouts/Loft

Sunday, June 7th

Communion Sunday

10:35 am New Member Take In/Wesley

11:00 am Directory Pictures/Parlor

1:00 pm Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Monday, June 8th


3:00 pm Directory Pictures/Parlor

6:00 pm BBB Comm/Overlook/Loft

6:30 pm St Ministry Ad Council/Vine

7:00 pm Board of Trustees/Conf. Rm B

7:00 pm Connection Study/Conf. Rm C

7:00 pm Scout Troop 101/CH,Wesley

Tuesday, June 9th

6:30 pm St Ministry/Various Rooms

7:00 pm Worship Comm/Conf. Rm B Wednesday, June 10th

6:30 pm Priscilla Circle/Raines Home

Thursday, June 11th

10:00 am Elderberries Study/Parlor

6:00 pm MS Support Group/Parlor

6:30 pm Del Mi Roundtable/Loft,SH

7:00 pm Fin. Peace Uni./Conf. Rm C

Saturday, June 13th

Youth Boundary Waters Trip Week


Event Day Time Place

Coffee and Life Class Sun. 9:30 am Loft

Homebuilders Class Sun. 9:30 am Parlor

Bible Study Mon. 9:30 am Parlor

Staff Meeting Wed. 9:00 am Conf. Rm A

Women’s Bible Study Wed. 9:30 am Sally Kenley’s

Emmaus-PM Wed. 7:00 pm Panera Bread

Dinner’s On Us Thurs. 5:00 pm Wesley Hall

Emmaus Men Thurs. 6:30 pm Perkins

Worship Team Rehearsal Thurs. 7:30 pm Sanctuary

Emmaus Women Sat. 8:30 am Noble Coffee


Sr. Hi Praise Band Sun. 3:30 pm The Vine

Sr. Hi Youth Sun. 5:00 pm The Vine

Middle School Youth Wed. 6:30 pm The Vine


Monday, June 15th

3:00 pm Blood Drive/Wesley Hall

6:00 pm BBB Comm/Overlook,Conf C

6:00 pm Little Angel Gowns/Bi-Rooms

7:00 pm Toastmasters 1st 3rd/Steph H

Tuesday, June 16th

6:00 pm Crime Watch/Stephenson Hall

Wednesday, June 17th

9:30 am Rebekah Circle/Parlor

6:30 pm Lydia Circle/Parlor

7:00 pm Troop 101 Comm/Loft

Thursday, June 18th

7:00 pm Eagle Scout Board/various rm

7:00 pm Fin. Peace Uni./Bi-Rooms

Friday, June 19th

6:00 pm Date Night Co-op/Nursery,Atr

6:30 pm Divorce Care Meeting/Parlor

Sunday, June 21st

Fathers Day

Monday, June 22nd

6:00 pm BBB Comm/Overlook,Conf C

Tuesday, June 23rd

9:30 am Susannah Circle/Riverwalk

6:00 pm St Ministry/Various Rooms

Wednesday, June 24th

6:30 pm Lions Club/Wesley, Sanct.

7:30 pm Youth Destination Unknown

Thursday, June 25th

7:00 pm Del Mi Comm./Overlook

Monday, June 29th

6:00 pm BBB Comm/Overlook,Conf C


Upcoming Newsletter


July Issue: June 19

August Issue: July 17

September Issue: August 14

Please submit all entries to

Rick Getch at

[email protected]

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Single & Parenting Have you been a single parent? Have you learned valuable lessons and experi-

enced some real success as a single parent? Or have you been raised in a single

parent home? Would you like to help others succeed as a single parent? Then

please call or email to learn more about the different volunteer opportunities with

our Single & Parenting ministry beginning late this summer. Contact Carol

Miller, [email protected] or 317-773-2500, ext. 202.

Our Elderberries group (our Senior Group Ministry) has concluded its sea-son now that the month of May has arrived. We had great attendance and interest again this year. The Elderberries Thursday Bible Study will con-tinue after a short break in June. Our next season will begin in the month of September this year and we are looking forward to more great lunch-eons and programs to start next fall. Thanks for your continued interest and support of this great group!

Who's ready for Summer?

The Noblesville Free Summer Concerts are almost here!

Thursday evenings: Come out to Dillon Park (May 28 - June 25) and

Forest Park (July 9—July 30) and join us for some warm sun, live music

and lots of summer fun.

Feel free to bring your chairs, snacks and whatever else you’d like and join us for

some fellowship and great local music. Look for us under the blue pop up tent!

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I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude

for all of your support and prayers over the last few

months. It has been a difficult time for me and my fam-

ily. In March I was informed that I have Stage 4 liver

disease which was caused by diabetes. The Lord contin-

ues to give me strength and has helped me to continue to

have a positive attitude. I would greatly appreciate your

continued prayer as I await placement on the transplant

list and especially for my six year old son who is having

a difficult time with his Mommy being so sick.

God Bless, Angi Harrison

Dear Carol,

We enjoyed your volunteering at Riverwalk Commons

and will be sad to see you leave. You have helped to

guide many residents and helped them to seek meaning

in their lives.

Sincerely, Roberta Frye

I want to thank Pastor Dick, Carol Miller, and all the

many friends and neighbors who sat with my family

during my surgery and visited me after surgery. The

cards of encouragement and best wishes have meant

so much to me. Those who brought food and flowers

were so thoughtful. And finally, to friends who have

provided my transportation for the last several

months......thank you! God is good! This "adventure"

would have been impossible with out all of you!

Love, Nancy Oldham


I would like to thank the church members and Pastor Dick

for offering the DivorceCare program. It has helped me

develop coping skills, look for support, etc.

I have been looking for a church home and look forward to

attending worship here. ~ Amy Bultmeyer


Sunshine Friends will not meet in June,

July or August. I would like to take this

opportunity to show my gratitude to the

church for its support of our program. I

would like to thank Pastor Aaron Hobbs and Pastor Dick

Judson and all of the church staff for making sure that we

have everything that we need. I would like to thank Rick

Getch for working on our newsletters, Jeff Elliott and

Bruce Price for providing us with lights and sound when-

ever we have a big program and especially the Mission

Committee for giving us the money for our programs and

crafts and anything else that we need. The most impor-

tant part of any program is the people who donate their

time to keep everything running smoothly and this group

is the BEST: Doug Hales, Pam Moore, Larry Wagner, An-

nette West, Mary Cooper, Kindra Baker, Jean and Dale

Morris, Charlotte Dix, Sandy Spatta, Carol Land, Nancy

Mills, Jodi Martz, Victor and Thelma Harber, Betsey

Gunn, Jenny Upton, Pam Vernon, Kate Baker and Mary

Baker. (And a special hug to anyone I forgot)

Sunshine Friends Chairman,

Anita Beck

Thank you very much for the gift to NFUMC in memory

of Shirley. I’m sure she knows about it!

Sincerely, Joe Sullivan


is June 28. Our church has partnered with the Alzheimers' Association to increase awareness of Alzheimer's and those af-

fected. We're asking everyone to wear pur-ple on June 28 to show support for families


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Dear Church Family,

Thank you for the prayers, visits, cards and prayer quilt

I received recently while I was at Riverview Hospital

after my stroke. I am sure they are helping my recovery

and look forward to rejoining the choir when I am able.

God Bless you all, Greg Cammack

Dear Friends at Noblesville First Church,

I wanted to thank you so much for the cards, prayers and

good wishes while I had hip surgery. I especially wanted to

thank Pastor Dick and Carol Miller for their visits before

and after surgery. It was a bright spot in my day for sure.

The prayer quilt that they brought is made with my favor-

ite colors! For those of you who brought meals to us, Gary

is most appreciative. We are so blessed to be members of a

wonderful congregation.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Leslie McIntosh

Dear First Church,

Thank each and every one of you for the prayers, flowers,

cards and visits. The all uplifted me in my time of need.

I especially thank you for your prayers! I know in my

heart that God answered those prayers so that I could

heal and come home! God Bless You All!

Love, Chris Turk and family

Dear NFUMC family,

I wish to thank you for the lovely tulips Donna Irwin deliv-

ered to my house for Easter. I also enjoyed meeting with


God bless you all, Barbara J. Jennings

During a time like his we realize how much our friends

mean to us. Your kind expression of sympathy will always

be remembered. Thank you so much for your lovely bou-

quet—she appreciated your visits, communion, bulletins,


The family of Roseland Griffin

Thank you so much for the red tulips. They are still

beautiful! Thanks so much for thinking of me, and

thanks to everyone for the cards and the calls.

Martha Jones


Dear Carol Miller,

Jim and I want to thank you and the staff for your support

during Jim’s stay in the hospital. He enjoys the quilt and

appreciates the prayers that come with it. He is now home

and will receive home care for a while. Thank you again for

making us feel a part of the congregation.

God Bless, Nancy Anderson

Dear 1st United Methodist,

Thank you so much for thinking of me. I appreciate it!

Thank you so much, Kalie Jenkins

Dear Carol Miller,

Thank you for the beautiful Easter tulips; they were such a

bright remembrance for me of the true meaning of Easter.

You and your ministry for your church are such an inspira-

tion to me. I look forward to your weekly Bible Study at

Riverwalk as your message is always great—you truly are

the hands and feet of Christ. Again, thank you for your


God’s Blessings, June Fisher

To my friends at Noblesville First UMC,

Thanks to all for the beautiful white tulip plant. Hallelu-

jah! Christ is risen! ~ Ernie Stephenson

Dear Friends at NFUMC,

My sincere thanks to all of you for your cards, prayers and

calls following my recent back surgery. It is truly a bless-

ing to be a member of such a supporting, caring church


Love and Blessings, Elaine Wagner

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Return Service Requested

2051 Monument Street Noblesville, IN 46060

Office: 773-2500 Fax: 773-4849 Preschool: 773-4911


Pastor: Aaron Hobbs [email protected]

Pastor: Dick Judson [email protected]

Dir. of Children’s Ministry: Carol Getch [email protected]

Minister of Youth: Jenell Hadley [email protected]

Care Ministry Coordinator: Carol Miller [email protected]

Minister of Music: Mary Resler [email protected]

Join Us for :

Vacation Bible


Monday June 8 to

Friday June 12

9:00 to 12:15

Ages 3 through Kin-



Grades 1 through 5

See page 4 for details