G on Paired Passages S P o T L I G H T

SPOTLIGHT on Paired Passages - Curriculum … lets me into the pasture every morning with the others, and that is my favorite time. I can race then, or stand on my hind legs and neigh,

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Paired Passages


To the StudentIn this book, you will read passages and

answer questions about the passages. Each lesson

has two passages, which are paired. This means

that the passages have something in common;

they tell about the same topic. You will answer

questions about the individual passages, and then

you will answer questions about both passages


You will answer four different kinds of

questions. The first kind of question asks you to

choose an answer, the second kind asks you to fill

in a graphic organizer, the third kind asks you to

write a short answer, and the fourth kind asks you

to write a long answer.

Answering these kinds of questions about

individual and paired passages will help you

understand what you read. You will become a

better reader, and you will enjoy what you read

even more.

Learn About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Lesson 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Lesson 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Lesson 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Lesson 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Answer Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Table of Contents

AcknowledgmentsProduct Development

Product Developer and Editor: Dale Lyle

Book Writer: Helen Byers

Reader: Mary McNary

Design and Production

Project and Cover Designer: Susan Hawk

Photo and Illustration Credits

©Shutterstock.com, pgs. 2 and 3, Ian Klein, pg. 16, Winthrop

Brookhouse, pg. 17, John Orsbun, pg. 28, Donald Gargano,

pg. 29, Milos Luzanin; pg. 13, ©2007 Jupiterimages Corporation;

pgs. 37, 48, 49, 52, 53, Roberta C. Morales


� A Horse’s Tale �1 She calls me Manuel—as if I need a name! The other horses know me

by my size, my smell, my beautiful black coat, and my wild ways. People have names for everything, which we translate, but we have a language of our own that they will never understand.

2 When the man with the dark hat brought me here, I was only a young colt. I could not have predicted the awful outcome of that day: I knew only that the light was bright, the sun felt warm on my back, and the alfalfa tasted sweet. My mother and I and the others were grazing in the field, and we raised our heads from the cool green ground when the truck appeared, pulling a trailer and making dust and noise. The man with the dark hat stepped out, opened the gate to the field, and walked toward me like a human with a sinister intention. My mother sensed it too and stepped between us, but he got around her and slipped the leather strap over my ears and nose. His hands smelled of earth and sweat, and I didn’t like the feel of that strap, so I tried to toss it off, but the man knew I would try, and he prevented me. Then the strap was fastened, and he tugged on it, and although I could have pulled away and galloped across the field, I didn’t think of it in time: it seemed I had to follow him, and so I did. He led me from the field, up a ramp into the trailer, and into a stall where there was hay. The hay distracted me, and the man shut the trailer door behind me with a sudden, heavy, metal sound. Then everything began to move, and through a little window I smelled dust and saw the land and sky go by. There was a motion up and down and side-to-side that jostled and made me sway, and I heard windy sounds of trucks and cars passing faster than I could run. They frightened me, and I tried to think only of the sweet smell of the hay, but I could not. That was the last day I saw my mother.

3 I’m two years older now, and the woman who calls me Manuel comes every day. Her voice is low and gentle, and she mucks out my stall and brushes me and brings me hay. Her hands are strong and smell of mint, and she lets me into the pasture every morning with the others, and that is my favorite time. I can race then, or stand on my hind legs and neigh, or nip at the flanks of the others in fun and mischief. In the pasture the others can admire me, as they should: I am biggest, most powerful, and most wild. My coat is sleek, my mane and tail are long, and I am very proud.

My Notes

In this lesson, you will read paired passages. You will answer questions about each passage and questions about both passages together.

Read this fantasy story about a horse. Then answer the questions about the story.

Lesson 1


My Notes4 I have seen how people put the shiny metal bit between the teeth, and the heavy saddle on the back, and the tight wide strap around the belly of the others. If they dare to do such things to me, I will rear and buck and kick. The woman who calls me Manuel has friends who call me dangerous. They worry about my size and temper, and they warn the woman to beware, and she should listen.

5 “You may not be able to break that horse, Anastasia,” one of her friends whispered to her this morning in the barn—as if I couldn’t hear!

6 “Look at his eyes, Anastasia,” her other friend said, from a safe distance. “There’s a determined expression there, as though he refuses to be tamed. If I were you, I wouldn’t put him to the test!”

7 I whinnied with delight when I heard that, and began to stamp in my stall and gnaw the wooden railing. The woman who calls me Manuel rapped me on the nose for that, and told me to stop it in a stern voice, but I whinnied and stamped again, to prove that I am boss.

8 “Well, we shall see,” the woman who calls me Manuel told her friends. “If I can’t break him, I may have to send him back to Montana, where he probably belongs.”

9 I whinnied louder at that, and kicked the back of my stall in glee, with a deafening noise that made them all cling to each other in dread. No one will brand me, no one will break me, and no one will nail iron shoes to the bottom of my hooves! No one will put a cold hard bit in my mouth, no one will saddle me, and no one will ride my back and make me run! Let the people call me Manuel, or any name they choose, but I will have my way: they will despair of taming me, they will set me free, and I will be as wild as wind!


Use “A Horse’s Tale” (pages 12–13) to answer questions 1–6.

1. Which of these is an opinion that the narrator (the horse that people call Manuel) seems to have?

A Everything should have a name.

B Horses do not need names.

C People are smarter than horses are.

D A woman calls him Manuel.

2. Why is the horse “very proud”?

A because he is handsome, big, powerful, and wild

B because people are afraid of him

C because no one can capture him

D because he has a kind owner who calls him Manuel

3. Which things does the horse notice about both the man who puts him in the trailer and the woman who calls him Manuel?

A the colors of their clothes

B the smells of their hands

C the sounds of their voices

D the way they walk

4. Read this sentence from “A Horse’s Tale.”

No one will brand me, no one will break me, and no one will nail iron shoes to the bottoms of my hooves!

What does the word break mean?

A “own”

B “feed”

C “tame”

D “name”

4Questions 1–4Number Correct

15Question 5Rubric Score

Question 6Rubric Score

5. The narrator often describes things in terms of how they taste, feel, sound, look, or smell. Complete the word web to show the sensory details in paragraph 2.

6. What do you think will probably happen to the horse? Use details from the story to support your answer.









Sensory Details



sweet alfalfa




1 Linnie and her family lived on Monhegan (mahn HEEG un) Island, off the coast of Maine. They had two guinea pigs, two white mice, a rabbit, a cat, a dog, and thirteen tropical fish—along with two ferrets, in a cage in the basement, that they were pet-sitting. To others it seemed that the family owned more than enough pets, but to Linnie it seemed otherwise: she felt deprived. She had wanted a horse as long as she could remember (a very long time), and she still did not have one.

2 Linnie knew almost everything there was to know about horses. She had read everything about them that she could find—which was a lot, because she was a fast reader. In fact, there was no type of printed matter about horses that Linnie had not read. She looked up entries about different breeds in encyclopedias. She read stories and novels in which horses were characters, and she memorized poems in which they were described. She read articles about them in magazines and over the Internet. She studied horse anatomy and medicine in handbooks and veterinary journals. She even read memoirs and biographies of horse owners. Her bedroom walls were covered with pictures of Appaloosas and Arabians, Bretons and Clydesdales, pintos and palominos. The refrigerator door was covered with her own pencil drawings of ponies. Every January, she hung a new Horse of the Month wall calendar over her desk. If a university ever offered an honorary degree to an expert on horses, then Linnie, of all people, deserved it.

Read this realistic fiction story about a girl who wanted a horse. Then answer the questions about the story.

The Girl Who

Wanted a Horse

My Notes


3 Given her knowledge of horses, it was only logical, in Linnie’s opinion, that she should have one. This opinion she voiced often, especially at dinnertime, when she could state things bluntly and get an equally blunt answer. The conversation was invariably the same, and it went like this:

4 “Mom, I still want a horse. When can I get one?”5 “Linnie, you can’t have a horse.”6 “But Mom, if I did get one, could I keep it in the back yard?”7 “You can’t get one, because a horse isn’t like other pets: it’s a huge

animal that needs lots of land to run on, which we don’t have, and a barn to stay in during the winter, which we don’t have; and it costs a lot of money, which we also don’t have!”

8 “But Mom,—”9 “Linnie, the answer is no.”10 But no conversation can remain the same forever, and so, one night at

dinner, Linnie’s opening question took a different turn.11 “Mom, how much would it cost to transport a horse from Wisconsin to

Monhegan?”12 Linnie’s mother choked on her broccoli and reached for her glass of

water. “Why are you wondering that?” She was looking at Linnie with a suspicious expression.

13 “Well, there’s a miniature palomino there named Goldie that I’d like to get. She isn’t any bigger than a dog, so I could probably keep her in my room. They don’t need much space to run, and she’s so small we could even fit her in the car! I wrote to her owners on the Internet and told them I was interested.”

14 “You did what?”15 While researching miniature horses on the Internet, Linnie explained,

she had done a search on “horses for sale” and found a horse breeder’s website. She had sent the breeder an e-mail note, asking for more information. She hadn’t bothered to mention her age.

16 Moments later, Linnie’s mother was sitting in front of the computer, reading her daughter’s correspondence. Then she typed out a short message to the horse breeder in Wisconsin. “Thank you for the information about miniature horses,” it began. “It may be helpful to my daughter nine or ten years from now, when she’s old enough to buy one of her own. Sincerely, Linnie’s mom.”

My Notes


Use “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse” (pages 16–17) to answer questions 7–12.

7. Why did Linnie feel deprived?

A because she didn’t have enough tropical fish

B because she lived on an island

C because she didn’t have a horse

D because her family didn’t have a computer

8. From paragraph 2, you can figure out that Bretons and Clydesdales are

A breeds of dogs.

B brands of cars.

C styles of shoes.

D breeds of horses.

9. Which of these best summarizes the reason Linnie can’t have a horse?

A A horse is not like other pets.

B A horse needs room to run.

C A horse needs a barn.

D A horse is expensive to keep.

10. Which of these does the author use to develop the story?

A exaggeration

B flashback

C dialogue

D personification

4Questions 7–10Number Correct


11. Linnie has done a lot of research on horses. Complete the chart to tell where and how she has learned so much about them.

12. Do you agree with Linnie that it was logical that she should own a horse? Why or why not? Use details from the passage to support your answer.









Question 11Rubric Score

Question 12Rubric Score

Linnie read about horses in encyclopedias.

Linnie knew almost everything about horses.


Now answer questions about both stories. Use “A Horse’s Tale” (pages 12–13) and “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse” (pages 16–17) to answer questions 13–19.

13. What is one way that Linnie and the narrator of “A Horse’s Tale” are alike?

A Both have a strong temper.

B Both are determined to get what they want.

C Both are playful.

D Both live in Montana.

14. What is one way that Anastasia and Linnie are different?

A Both love horses.

B Linnie loves horses, while Anastasia does not.

C Anastasia owns a horse, while Linnie does not.

D Anastasia knows about horses, while Linnie does not.

15. Which of these do both stories have in common?

A extended metaphors

B flashbacks

C exaggerated humor

D dialogue

16. “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse” is realistic fiction because it tells a story about something that could really happen. “A Horse’s Tale” is fantasy because it

A has a narrator.

B is a story told by an animal.

C tells about something that really happened in the past.

D is set in a future time.

4Questions 13–16Number Correct


17. Write a short paragraph telling what each passage is mostly about.

18. Who is the main character in “A Horse’s Tale”? Who is the main character in “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse”? Which character in each passage would a reader probably feel closest to? Why? Use details from both passages to support your answer.









“A Horse’s Tale” “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse”

Question 17Rubric Score

Question 18Rubric Score


You may plan your writing for question 19 here if you wish, but do not write your final answer on this page. Write your final answer on page 23.

19. What might happen if Linnie in “The Girl Who Wanted a Horse” met the horse in “A Horse’s Tale”? What might happen if Linnie owned the horse called Manuel? Would Linnie’s ideas about owning a horse remain the same? Why or why not? Use details from both passages to support your answer.

In your answer be sure to include • Linnie’s knowledge about horses • the horse’s knowledge about people • Linnie’s ideas about owning a horse • the horse’s attitude about being kept • what would probably happen if Linnie owned the horse, and why

23Question 19Rubric Score




















Check your writing for correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.