
Spotlight 2009

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Spotlight captures the Summer Uni buzz of 2009, in the words of the young people taking part in the massive range of courses, and from the people whose creativity, energy and passion make it happen.

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  • Ground Floor, 2426 Fournier Street, London E1 6QECompany number: 2017713 Charity number: 1048822

    Summer Un

    i London is

    a project of

    Tower Ham

    lets Summe

    r University





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  • 02 Spotlight on Barking and Dagenham 08Barnet 10

    Bexley 12

    Brent 14

    Bromley 16

    Camden 18

    Croydon 20

    Ealing 22

    Enfield 24Greenwich 26

    Hackney 28Hammersmith and Fulham 30

    Haringey 32

    Harrow 34

    Havering 36

    Hillingdon 38

    Hounslow 40

    Islington 42Kensington and Chelsea 44Kingston upon Thames 46

    Lambeth 48

    Lewisham 50

    Merton 52

    Newham 54Redbridge 56

    Richmond upon Thames 58Southwark 60

    Sutton 62Tower Hamlets 64

    Waltham Forest 66Wandsworth 68Westminster 70

    Oldham 72

  • Spotlight captures the Summer Uni buzz of 2009, in the words of the young people taking part in the massive range of courses, and from the people whose creativity, energy and passion make it happen. There has never been a better time to celebrate the broad, imaginative and exciting opportunities that are available across our vast capital and beyond, and to see how young people thrive on them.

    Our original aim was to ensure that a Summer Uni operates in 32 London boroughs, something we have successfully achieved. With a Summer Uni pilot running in Oldham this year, we are now planning to expand on a national scale, which is very exciting. Join us in celebrating this fantastic achievement, and help us put Summer Uni fi rmly on the map all over the country for many years to come!

    Spotlight 2009 was made possible thanks to: the SUL team, the Youth Assessors who carried out and transcribed this years interviews (fi nd out more on page 79) and all the young people and Co-ordinators who told us about their Summer Uni experiences.


    With a Summer Uni running in every corner of London for the second year in a row as well as a pilot in Oldham, we are delighted that young people can continue to access fantastic opportunities wherever they live!


    Summer Uni Events...74 Sports Spectacular 200975 Best of Art 2009

    Youth Involvement76 Youth Advisory Groups and Peer Volunteering78 DareLondon79 Youth Assessors 2009

    The Future80 Whats next for Summer Uni?82 Final word from Sarah Davies, Executive Director

    04 What is a Summer Uni?06 Stats and Survey Results 2009

    Spotlight 2009

  • 04

    The Summer Uni model was piloted and developed by Tower Hamlets Summer University (THSU), an independent charity establishedin 1996. Since then, its work with young people has been recognised as a prime example of how to empower young people by creating innovative and educational opportunities from which they can make informed, positive decisions about their lives.

    What Summer Uni does is bring together, develop and build upon existing provision, offering it to young people in an accessible and credible manner. Summer Uni addresses the real needs of young people and the local area by providing relevant, quality activities at times of the year when they are needed most.

    To young peopleSummer Uni is a great source of diverse opportunities and courses that enable them to progress in life. At Summer Uni, young people can develop new and existing skills, increase personal and social

    confi dence and have access to progression routes. Summer Uni treats young people as equals and involves them in all decisions and delivery. Summer Uni listens to young people, reacts to what they say and they attend because they want to.

    To those who run Summer UnisSummer Uni enables them to reach out to all local young people in an effective, structured, innovative and cost-effi cient way. By engaging skilled partners from voluntary, public and private organisations, and strategically drawing on available resources, they are able to meet local needs and priorities by widening the reach of existing provision and pooling resources to create a focused programme of delivery.

    To the wider communitySummer Uni offers fantastic positive activities for young people in their area, including sustained opportunities that parents or schools may not otherwise be able to offer. Summer Uni has reduced youth crime, alleviates territory disputes and antisocial behaviour levels and empowers young people to raise their aspirations.

  • 05

    have an ambitious vision that includes:

    being free and open to all young people offering a diverse range of high-quality courses and activitiesbeing driven by the needs and wants of young people involvement of young people in the running and delivery of the programmefun! After all, Summer Uni operates outside of school hours and is voluntary so it needs to appeal to young peoplesustainability, so that young people recognise, respect and value the brand, returning year on year

    innovative, exible and dynamic opportunities, changing frequently to capture the most modern youth trends, interests and needsdelivery in partnership with a wide range of organisations and individuals who contribute their knowledge, creativity and resources

    being able to raise the aspirations of young people by teaching them new skills, opening paths to further education or helping them on the road to further progression and employmentstructured and where relevant, accredited activities so that young people have a record of what they have learned and can use their certifi cates of achievement as evidence

  • Applications for courses from...

    Students, of which

    Of students were female and...

    Of students were male

    Of these applications were for students applying for a course outside of their home borough


    Course places

    Courses offered by Harrow, the highest number of all the Summer Unis

    Number of Peer Motivator schemes


    We have been using Summer U

    ni courses for a while, the servi

    ce is great

    and has got better every time.

    Both my children have been on

    courses and

    always want to do more each h

    oliday. It is great to be able to a

    ccess a wide

    range of activities and to leave

    my son with the confi dence of

    knowing they

    can cope well with his additiona

    l needs.

    Parent from Barnet

    Website stats...People visited www.summerunilondon.org or www.summerunimanchester.org between JuneAugust 2009

    People visited www.summerunilondon.org or www.summerunimanchester.org on launch day

    People viewed our How To Sign Up and Enrol Online videos on YouTube between JuneAugust 2009

    Number of Facebook fans and Twitter followers to date












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    Summer Uni should defi nitely keep doing this as the opportunity is amazing. You meet talented individuals, work extremely hard, and HAVE FUN. Thank you!Student from Tower Hamlets

    I think the idea of Summer Uni is great as it gives an opportunity for those who may otherwise not have the chance to try out these activities, due to fi nancial problems or lack of support from parents. Thumbs up for Summer Uni!Student from Harrow

    It was amazing how much I learned in the space of fi ve days. Without Summer Uni, my summer would have been incredibly boring. Also, to top it all off, all the courses were free which, from the standard of them, was brilliant.Student from Bexley

  • Further funding to increase course numb

    ers with a view to expanding to other

    holiday times. We also plan to recruit Pe

    er Motivators for next year.


  • 09

    It has helped me learn how to play tennis and when we go on holiday my mum has said we could bring our tennis rackets. If we didnt know about Summer Uni wed probably just be sitting at home.Tilly, aged 9Tennis

    Summer Uni offers opportunities to young people which give them an insight into the workplace and improves career prospects.

    Tennis, Film Project, Animation and Musical Theatre were particularly popular this year. I think Summer Uni works here because our borough has a high level of deprivation with a large teenage population who would otherwise be at home or hanging around the streets. Both the young people and their parents see this as an ideal opportunity to participate in fun activities and keep occupied during the summer.

    Running courses in partnership with the police, childrens centres and neighbourhood management schemes allows us to target local areas. The further benefi t of Summer Uni is that it is free and accessible to all. The young people dont have to worry about whether they can afford the courses, all they need is their packed lunch. It is about breaking down barriers to the activities that they normally wouldnt be able to do.

    With the same young people returning year after year and phenomenal feedback, the Summer Uni word is spreading like wildfi re.

    Bernie DavenportCo-ordinator

    photo: Animal Care at Barking and Dagenham Summer Uni

  • Plans to develop the Peer scheme and a

    ccreditation are in place. Training for

    partner agencies has also been adapted

    for the future.


  • 11

    Barnet Summer Uni offers new and exciting opportunities with positive activities running all year round. Young people recognise the brand and know what is coming up.

    The brochure of high-quality activities fi lls parents with confi dence which is defi nitely something inherent in the brand. Courses especially popular this year were Dance, Psychology and Image Consulting.

    The Summer Uni brand and access to the website allows Summer Uni to work well in Barnet. Even before the publicity was out, 900 young people had already enrolled. Those who have previously relied on services to refer them are now empowered, with parents also confi dent to go online. Young people complete evaluations and are getting involved with the wider service outside the holiday period.

    Summer Uni is a gateway to other services in Barnet. One of the benefi ts of the Summer Uni programme is that it is open to all and attracts lots of different young people, who may not necessarily have heard of the Youth Service before.

    Mark VargesonCo-ordinator

    photo: Barnet Rock School at Barnet Summer Uni

    Summer Uni has helped me a lot and given me lots of experience. I am a lot better at music now I know how everything works.Joe, aged 14Music Production

  • We always want to be bigger and better

    and next year we hope to really

    embed Summer Uni within the holiday o



  • 13

    Summer Uni offers fun courses and runs right across the summer.

    Charlton Athletic Football Club ran two popular courses and Lifeguarding Accreditation and Scuba Diving were also very popular. Several of our information technology courses were offered specifi cally to young people with disabilities. Summer Uni works in this borough because it has brought all the youth provision together and made it more public. It has provided a recognised brand which has created higher expectations of youth provision in Bexley.

    Bexley Summer Uni is a standing agenda item for the Childrens Parliament and local Youth Council, and they are both very much involved in the planning. Partnerships with secondary schools, voluntary youth organisations and local leisure centres have helped us provide free courses in fantastic venues.

    One of the main benefi ts of Summer Uniis that it is free and using a web-based enrolment system this year encouraged courses to fi ll up even more. The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is watching the young people engage in the sessions.

    Jo SmithCo-ordinator

    photo: Darkroom Photography at Bexley Summer Uni

    Weve learned that you can use your body language to express yourself, and improvising. After doing this course, I feel more confi dent with others. Lauren, aged 10Drama

  • We will continue to engage more young p

    eople. Expansion and further

    funding is the next step for Brent Summ

    er Uni. We would like to expand

    to provide half-term courses so we will b

    e looking at securing funding

    to make that possible.


  • BR E N T


    OU N C




    Brent Summer Uni offers young people the opportunity to do something that they have never done before, teaching them new skills.

    Information Technology was extremely popular this year because it was accredited and young people got a nationally recognised certifi cate. Our Peer Motivators support delivery and SUPA (Summer University Progress in Action) help with the strategic and planning side of Summer Uni. They also deliver assemblies in schools and are involved with evaluations.

    With the Summer Uni grant, we were able to reach more young people with disabilities and increase the amount of accredited courses. We also work closely with the Youth Offending Team to reach at risk young people. Our private partnerships bring essence and substance to our Summer Uni.

    Open access eliminates exclusion, meaning young people can feel comfortable to do any course they are interested in. It breaks down barriers and means young people can travel anywhere across the borough to learn new things and meet new people.

    Chemeena CollinsCo-ordinator

    photo: Caribbean Cooking at Brent Summer Uni

    You learn a lot in a short amount of time and it gives you a better taste for different careers. It also teaches you personal skills that you can take with you for life. It has inspired me to do an NVQin a beauty subject.

    Natania, aged 21Hairdressing

  • We are looking at how we can take the b

    est bits of this years programme and

    develop it to fi t the funding parameters of

    next year. We anticipate running a

    scheme in partnership with local provide

    rs that enables us to develop locally

    run projects that meet the needs of youn

    g people.


  • 17

    Bromley Summer Uni offers young people an excellent way to spend their summer.

    Of the wide variety of courses to choose from, Stable Management and Animation were the most popular. Summer Uni works so well in Bromley because it is free and because the courses are of such high quality.

    With young people playing a vital role in the planning of Bromley Summer Uni, seeing and hearing feedback from those who have really enjoyed their courses makes it all worthwhile. When the fi lm-making group included a special thank you to me on their DVD, it made it really special.

    Summer Uni London has been invaluable and the variety of courses to choose from across the capital is fantastic. Having a Summer Uni programme that is open to all means that we can say yes to anyone that calls up asking if they can enrol on a course they are always delighted!

    Anita WilliamsonCo-ordinator

    photo: Golf at Bromley Summer Uni

    I have found it really interesting. I thought I knew nothing about this kind of stuff but have learned loads of different techniques and what goes on. Its been hard, but a hard that I have enjoyed.Daniel, aged 15Street Art

  • Building on our fantastic partnerships and

    further embedding of

    Camden Summer Uni within the council

    would be of great benefi t.


  • 19

    Camden Summer Uni offers courses from Creative Arts to Motor Skills.

    We have amazing partners in the borough, including the Roundhouse, the British Museum, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and Westminster Kingsway College. One of our most popular courses, Motor Skills, is facilitated with the police where young people learn about crime prevention. They also get their fi rst driving lesson, go quad biking and learn about motorcycle mechanics.

    Our Peer Group is involved in selecting courses with some of our Senior Peers progressing to youth work. Having access to fantastic venues and keen professionals is how our partnerships work. We are based in the community centre so we can be out there talking to parents and carers.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is meeting inspiring young people. I have a really young team that I work with and they help keep me engaged, so it is a dynamic place to work. The benefi t of open access is that it addresses the inconsistency throughout London. It is great that young people make friends outside their postcode.

    Kim TrehaneCo-ordinator

    photo: Commercial Dance at Camden Summer Uni

    Summer Uni creates the environment for any type of young person to gain something as a stepping stone for the future.Elizabeth, aged 16Illustrations

  • We want to run even more courses with

    more young people volunteering.

    The Youth Advisory Team is a movemen

    t in itself, the young people are so

    passionate, and we would love for that t

    o grow.


  • 21

    Croydon has the largest population of young people in London, so Summer Uni is de nitely needed here.

    Croydon Summer Uni offers a variety of different courses, with Graffi ti Art being the most popular. We also offer reading help and homework help clubs. Croydons Next Top Role Model course, which was similar to the American show, inspired a mixture of guys and girls to compete for the role.

    Our Youth Advisory Team design all the advertising, young volunteers assist the tutors and also help with the evaluation. Volunteers from last year assisted with administrative tasks.

    This year we have been able to offer courses to young people with special educational needs, whereas last year we couldnt afford it. The fact that Summer Uni is accessible to everyone means there are no barriers, so everyone is welcome. As the courses are free, its really easy to sell to people! The most rewarding aspect for me is interacting with the young people and seeing them develop and become really confi dent.

    Nicole BeckfordCo-ordinator

    photo: Music and Me at Croydon Summer Uni

    Ive learned that running your own business is harder than it may seem, theres a lot to take into account.Alana, aged 13Were in Business

  • Next year we hope to expand our youth

    involvement through the Youth Advisory

    Panel. We also want to expand on the va

    riety of courses and increase the

    number of accredited courses.


  • 23

    Ealing Summer Uni offers a massive range of courses and activities for a variety of young people, giving them a great opportunity to do something positive over the summer.

    Go-Karting and Off-Road Driving were so popular this year, we had to add extra dates to avoid disappointment. Summer Uni works so well in Ealing because there is a great need for these kinds of opportunities. The courses fi ll up really quickly and the variety of courses re ect the diversity of young people within the borough.

    This year we established our Youth Advisory Panel, which played a key role in deciding and promoting the courses. We also have a task group with Extended Schools, the Play Service and Thames Valley University, which is there to offer support and advice, such as ideas for new tutors and course providers.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is looking at thehigh number of young people whoattended. The main benefi ts of having a Summer Uni with open access in Ealing is that it breaks down social barriers among young people across the borough.

    Kimberley NewittCo-ordinator

    photo: Introduction to Guitar at Ealing Summer Uni

    Summer Uni has helped me interact with other people and I have enjoyed seeing people doing tricks. If I wasnt at Summer Uni I would be at home being bored.Grace, aged 12Circus Skills

  • Next year we want to work on solidifying

    our offer and evaluating lessons

    learned from previous years. We would a

    lso like to improve the quality of

    the booking service and accredit our Pee

    r Motivator scheme.


  • 25

    Summer Uni offers young people the opportunity to have fun, be safe and try new activities. Regardless of postcode, race, economics, gender or age, everyone can come together to learn and share their interests. On top of this, friendships are formed that continue to grow long after summer has ended.

    Through our partnerships, we were able to offer a vast array of activities run by industry professionals, which was invaluable for the young people who learned about potential careers within various sectors. I frequently hear that young people have chosen alternative course options or career paths as a result of attending.

    We launched our Peer Motivator scheme this year and had 25 young people volunteering at various sites over the summer. In addition, the Youth Panel has played a key role in decision-making for this year, including allocating funding. We are really proud to say that young people have been included in every aspect of Enfi eld Summer Uni.

    Georgina EnglishbyCo-ordinator

    photo: Animation at Enfield Summer Uni

    This course has taught me what art is about, and its given me something to do over the summer. Art isnt something that you draw, or is always on paper necessarily. You can interact with art. Its not just about painting or doing sculptures. Its about how you feel about something and expressing it the way you want to.Georgia, aged 13Life Through a Lens

  • We want to increase the number of accre

    dited courses that will help young

    people secure further education or emplo

    yment in the future. We are also

    looking to expand into more areas of the

    community and work with more

    community groups.


  • 27

    Summer Uni offers free and innovative courses and activities, which help young people gain con dence, skills and quali cations in a fun environment. It also gives them the opportunity to make friends with others that they would normally not have contact with, and has allowed Greenwich to increase its ability to reach young people that were otherwise not accessing the service.

    Young people were involved in helping to decide which courses would be of interest: Hair and Beauty, Horse Riding, Summer Snow, Young Ambassadors and all business courses were the most popular this year. They also helped to organise the Showcase celebration, worked on developing the brochure and invitations, and acted as volunteers and Peer Mentor Managers on courses to support tutors, young people and youth workers.

    It is great to see the young people come away from the summer with a sense of achievement, increased confi dence and for most courses, accreditation.

    Debra AdsheadCo-ordinator

    photo: Film Blast at Greenwich Summer Uni

    Ive learned how to use a webcam and an animation programme. I have also done the Backstage course this summer and this has made me think about what I might like to do in the future. I would like to be a Sound Technician. I go to school in Westminster so coming here has helped me make friends with people who live near me.Lily, aged 13Animation Nation

  • Were going to run an October Programm

    e. We are also planning to

    start an online radio station and were w

    orking towards doing more

    media activity in-house.


  • 29

    Hackney Young Peoples University* offers a range of free courses for young people between the ages of 11 and 25.

    It is popular in Hackney because the young people know theyre going to have fun and that there will be a range of classes to go to. You fi nd some young people are from other London boroughs and they all come here to this safe environment and have a good time.

    Young people are involved in various ways. We have volunteers, aged 14 up to 22. Then we have young people who were volunteers in the past but now run courses. And fi nally we have a Young Users Forum, which is responsible for choosing the courses, where we run them, and how we spend our budgets.

    Its worth it when you see the young people lined up at the door at the beginning of the summer. The young people really want it and their parents want it as well.

    Maxine BoyceCo-ordinator

    photo: First Aid at Hackney Young Peoples University

    This course is really fun because we can learn how to speak out and say our opinions. Weve learned how to improvise on the spot and to tell personal stories to engage the audience. Hopefully Im going to run for school council next year, and its made me more confi dent.Roisin, aged 12Public Speaking

    * Hackney Young Peoples University is part of the Summer Uni network

  • We want to build on our taster programm

    e of activities and continue to

    embed young peoples involvement in th

    e design, delivery and evaluation

    of Summer Uni.


  • 31

    Summer Uni offers young people the chance to try new things through our taster courses and gain accreditation through our week-long programmes. It also promotes social mobility of young people from one area to another.

    1,088 young people took part in a survey in April and we used their responses to plan the activities that would be provided over the summer. The most popular courses have been One Week Movie with the Lyric Hammersmith plus Learn to Cook and Health and Beauty in partnership with Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College.

    The sessions provided in partnership with three football clubs were also very popular. The use of facilities at the stadiums has been a massive draw for our programme and has led to some fantastic projects, such as Footballer for a Week, Wildlife Week, Summer Olympics and Games Creator.

    Summer Uni allows young peopleto make decisions for themselves on what activities they want to take part in, where and when. It provides a wide and innovative local offer for local young people.

    Terry ClarkCo-ordinator

    photo: Multi-sports at Hammersmith and Fulham Summer Uni

    Its quite fun and interesting to see how you could do a play outside and move to different places instead of just staying in one place. I like that we get to meet other people and I want to be an actress, so all of this really helps.

    Clarice, aged 12Play in a Week

  • We are looking to have more industry-lev

    el professionals delivering the

    courses and we want to continue to deve

    lop the accreditation for our

    How to Be a Youth Worker scheme.


  • 33

    Haringey Summer Uni offers over 150 courses across the borough, with a cross section of arts and sports activities. Modelling, Youth Gym, Nail Art, Drama and Football were the most popular courses this year.

    Partnerships were organised throughPositive Activities for Young People (PAYP) steering groups that involved the police and local authority departments. From the private sector, Tottenham Hotspur Football Club partnered on the delivery of some of the football courses. Summer Uni has got more young people from outside Haringey to do our courses, maybe 1015% of our young people are from other boroughs.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is seeing the young people doing things theyve never done before and seeing how great they are. The fact that Summer Uni is not targeted means that it doesnt label young people.

    Seema ChandwaniCo-ordinator

    photo: Street Dance at Haringey Summer Uni

    This course helped my music skills and made me learn more. There are a lot of things I need to learn to become a professional musician. This course has helped me get to that level, and Ive met singers and guitar players who I can hang out and collaborate with. The course has encouraged me to go on to study a BTEC National in Music Production.Yoseph, aged 17Making a Music Album

  • What we really want to do is to develop

    the centres that Harrow Summer Uni

    takes place in. We want to get young peo

    ple in the centres involved in making

    them great places to spend the summer.


  • 35

    The course is good, and you can use it in your life as a skill. Ive also been getting skills to socialise with any type of person. Weve been learning how to MC and produce beats. Its boosted my confi dence and Im going to do some music stuff with my friends. Suhail, aged 14Learn to MC and Make Beats

    Harrow Summer Uni offers almost 200 courses, free to all students to keep them motivated over the summer.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni has been helping young people fi nd ideas for what to do with their lives, theyve been trying all sorts of things theyd never thought of and are genuinely interested in. Its been great seeing the way that the youth workers we work with have become so enthused in the project. Were getting demand for practical and novel courses that they dont get in the usual youth programme and were looking to incorporate the most popular aspects of Summer Uni into therest of the Youth Service.

    The fact that Summer Uni is open to all means that young people can see that the world is made of many different sorts of people. Allowing young people from outside the borough to participate has also helped our young people to understand that theres a world outside their own neighbourhood.

    Emily PetrolekasCo-ordinator

    photo: Badminton at Harrow Summer Uni

  • We are aiming to secure funding so that

    we can continue running a

    high-quality programme, working in partn

    ership to provide excellent

    opportunities for young people.


  • 37

    Havering Summer Uni offers a huge variety of activities for young people aged 8 to 19, giving them the chance to try something new, develop a skill, meet new people and have fun!

    Summer Uni London funding has enabled us to provide career-based courses like Journalism, Health and Social Care Professions, and Careers in Technical Theatre. There were also a variety of other activities like Orienteering, Jewellery-making and Printmaking. A fantastic group of young volunteers received accredited training to provide support to the programme.

    The activities for younger children ranged from Rock-It-Ball to Street Popping to Sign Language workshops. Partnerships with local sports clubs allowed participants to develop their cricket, rowing, football and karate skills further after the summer.

    It is fantastic to see the positive reactions from the young people who take part in the activities, thats what its all about!

    Cate AhlnerCo-ordinator

    photo: Circus Skills at Havering Summer Uni

    I like learning a new language. This is something Ive always wanted to do, especially because I watch a lot of Japanese cartoons and I like learning how to draw. The course is helpful and fun, and it gave me something to do in the holidays.

    Megan, aged 15Japanese Culture and Manga Art

  • 38

    Our intention is to offer high-quality prog

    rammes throughout the year that

    engage young people in constructive leis

    ure time activities.

  • 39

    Hillingdon Fiesta* offers young people the opportunity to experience new activities, learn new skills and make new friends.

    Courses on offer this summer included Motor Mechanics, Disability Sports Week and Rock School. The 134 courses were open to all young people throughout London over the six week summer holiday, offeringover 4000 places!

    This year the Youth Service worked in partnership with Uxbridge College, the Councils Sports Development Team and the London Development Agency (LDA). From the private sector, the Rotary Club supported the Masterchef course and General Mills sponsored the new mobile youth bus.

    The Fiesta Advisory Group has also been essential in the evaluation of the 2008 programme and the planning for 2009. In addition, a group of young people interviewed and fi lmed the summer programme for a promotional DVD.

    Hannah SargeantCo-ordinator

    photo: Introduction to Make-up at Hillingdon Summer Uni

    This course has been really good. The best bits have beenall the games and tournaments as part of the course. I have learned lots of different skills.Sam, aged 11Brazilian Soccer Skills

    * Hillingdon Fiesta is part of the Summer Uni network

  • 40

    The Peer Mentors have done an evaluat

    ion of the 2009 programme and

    their recommendations will inform next ye

    ars Summer Uni. We just want

    to keep growing.

  • 41

    photo: Introduction to Photoshop at Hounslow Summer Uni

    Hounslow Summer Uni offers a huge variety of courses to young people aged 825, including Kayaking, Arts and Crafts, Film, Buzz Newspaper Projects and taster courses at Thames Valley University.

    Our most popular courses this year were Dance and Animation, we were completely full within two weeks of registration!

    Young people are involved as Peer Mentors, helping with designing the Summer Uni brochure, supporting students on the courses and also carrying out an evaluation of the programme.

    Hounslow Summer Uni works with 21 partner organisations. What is great is that it has brought together organisations previously working in isolation, so now we offer one big programme which is advertised to all young people regardless of where they live or go to school.

    There are many aspects of Summer Uni that I fi nd rewarding, especially seeing the energy and enthusiasm of all the young people taking part.

    Jo EmmersonCo-ordinator

    I heard about Summer Uni at my youth club and it has got me out of my house and doing something active. It is fun and Ive learned street dance, body percussions and capoeira. Id like to keep up the skills Ive learned in the future. Cameron, aged 13Street Dance

  • 42

    We are looking into how we can develop

    our programme, increase the

    involvement of young people and secure

    funding for the next few years.

  • 43

    photo: Hip Hop Dance at Islington Summer Uni

    Summer Uni offers young people the opportunity to try something new, to make new friends and to enjoy their summer!

    One of the reasons Summer Uni is successful in Islington is because nearly half of young people leave the borough to attend secondary school, so participating in Summer Uni allows young people to meet their neighbours in a way that they might not at school.

    Young people are involved in Summer Uni in many ways: Peer Motivators support the tutors and young people, we take comments and suggestions from young people that feed into the development of the programme and they also visit a cross section of our courses to evaluate them.

    A lot of preparation and work is done leading up to Islington Summer Uni. The most rewarding part of the job is to see classes of young people really enjoying themselves.

    Kate SmithCo-ordinator

    The course has been fun and exciting. I have learned how useful fi ngerprinting can be. It helped me understand science in a different way to what we learn at school and we saw how people do this as a job. I would defi nitely come to Summer Uni again next year because Ive really enjoyed it.Callum, aged 13Forensic Science

  • 44

    We want to get bigger and better, to bec

    ome more youth-led with regards

    to course selection and to apply for more

    funding to offer more accredited

    courses. We want to achieve the advanc

    ed level of Quality in Study Support

    (QiSS) and to get the Peer Tutoring sche

    me recognised at emerged level QiSS.

  • 45

    photo: SmART at Summer Uni 4U

    Summer Uni 4U* offers fun free activities, the most popular including the Qualifi ed Cooks Project, Cheer Dance, Computer Building and Working with Animals.

    Summer Uni 4U* reaches out to all children and young people and works well in Kensington and Chelsea because it does not target one specifi c group.

    Summer Uni 4U* has strong links within the community and every year we build upon this. A few new partnerships include the Royal Veterinary College, Akademi Arts and My Bank and they benefi t us by attracting new young people who have not accessed the programme before.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is seeing all the young people enjoying themselves and achieving. The benefi t of having a Summer Uni programme that is open to all is that we dont discriminate or target any particular groups.

    Rohina BasirCo-ordinator

    This is something Im studying and this course has given me even more of an understanding of what I want to do.Fenella, aged 19Footpath to Film-making

    * Summer Uni 4U is part of the Summer Uni network

  • 46

    We want to get young people involved m

    ore effectively in planning and Peer

    Mentoring. We had a couple of Peer Me

    ntors this year and were looking to

    recruit more for 2010, with the appropria

    te staff in place to support this.

  • 47

    photo: Beauty at Kingston Summer Uni

    Summer Uni offers a chance for young people to try something new, mix with others and access volunteering opportunities.

    It enables us to engage with young people that we wouldnt necessarily engage with, young people that dont attend our youth clubs. This allows targeted provision to work more effectively as we interact withnew young people.

    The most popular courses this summer were the IT courses, Web Skills and Flash Animation. Fashion, Drama, Music, Film and Get Active were also in high demand. Fulham Football Club is a great example of a fantastic partnership, they provide courses and also sit on our steering group. We work with them on an ongoing basis and they run football courses year-round through Kickz, which is a great progression for Summer Uni students.

    It is very gratifying to see the excitement of the young people when they see whats on offer, forfree. They really want to go for it.

    Elaine CoulonCo-ordinator

    I have really enjoyed doing this course because I have learned a lot, especially how to manage and control my spending as I spend a lot. Im going to actually deal with this in my real life. At fi rst it felt hard to come here without knowing anyone. After, when you get on with new people from different countries and a lovely tutor, you feel like a student and fi t in.

    Khadija, aged 19Money Matters

  • 48

    The next step for us is to expand and ru

    n more courses. We also want to

    engage more males in the programme a

    nd make Summer Uni more accessible

    for young people with disabilities.

  • 49

    photo: Build a Computer at Lambeth Summer Uni

    Summer Uni offers young people a chance to achieve something over the summer and explore what they may want to do in the future. It works in Lambeth because its what is needed in the borough. It opens up opportunities and makes everyone aware of them, and gives young people the chance to socialise and meet new people from different areas.

    The most popular courses were Music Production, Singing, Fashion and Textiles, Photography and Street Dance. Our Peer Motivators helped with the design of the brochure and the courses, they helped to enrol participants and conducted evaluations at the end. To reach out to young people who often stay on their estates and arent aware of what is available to them, we had a youth bus with music and games to give them an idea of what was on offer.

    Seeing the young people achieving and hearing feedback about the change in them makes it all worthwhile.

    Florence AndrewsCo-ordinator

    I already had some sewing skills but Summer Uni helped me to develop them. The environment is really cool because were all young people between 11 and 19 years old so weve all come together and we all like fashion. Erika, aged 15Fashion Project

  • 50

    We are working on linking to Extended S

    ervices during the school holidays, and

    embedding into schools. Our new Integr

    ated Youth Service will enable us to be

    part of a bigger programme, form new p

    artnerships and access more funding.

  • 51

    photo: Multi-sports at Lewisham Summer Uni

    Summer Uni offers fun and exciting activities for the community through collaborations. A lot of parents still ring me up and cant believe that it is free.

    This year, Lewisham Summer Uni has grown through funding and partnerships with Gifted and Talented, Lewisham schools, The Stephen Lawrence Trust, Lewisham Music Service and Lewisham Thunder Basketball Club.

    They have helped us reach a wider group of young people and bring a real benefi t with advertising, funding and providing experts for courses. Partners benefi t because more young people are introduced to their services and buildings.

    Young people are involved through the Peers Scheme, and they also work on the shortlisting of courses. They look at the cost, fun factor, learning elements and how other young people would enjoy it. I think this is why many of our courses are so popular.

    Stephen HuieCo-ordinator

    On the fi rst day I was out of my comfort zone, so I had to learn to talk to other young people and get on with them. Just basic communication skills. I can assuredly say that I have more confi dence speaking to new people than I did before.Funmi, aged 17Thunder Leadership Slam Basketball

  • 52

    We want to attract more partners, both fr

    om within the Council and the private

    sector. This will help us put together a g

    reat offer and bring in funding.

  • 53

    photo: Cookery at Merton Summer Uni

    Summer Uni offers a diverse range of taster courses for young people to participate in, as well as accreditation to recognise their achievements.

    Weve brought the youth clubs, the voluntary sector, the Youth Service and Extended Services together to provide one big programme, thats really worked this year. Horse Riding and Watersports at Wimbledon Lake were really oversubscribed courses. After being a taster course last year, Golf was also really popular.

    Young people are involved in many aspects of Summer Uni, from evaluation and attendance to supporting co-ordinators, tutors and students. The number of young people attending from neighbouring boroughs has also increased.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is seeing young people getting the opportunity to try something new and in many cases receive accreditation. Its also great to see young people from different boroughs and different backgrounds coming together.

    Joan SimmsCo-ordinator

    Ive found this course very rewarding because Ive learned some new skills over the holidays. They taught us really well and were really patient, which helped when we were kayaking.Ashton, aged 14Canoeing and Kayaking

  • 54

    We want to build on the previous 13 yea

    rs and provide fun learning activities

    during the summer for young people in N


  • 55

    photo: Art and Innovation at Newham Summer School

    Newham Summer School* offers young people additional learning opportunities during the summer holidays. With speci c provision in basic skills, literacy and numeracy, we offer a wide range of subjects which complement the National Curriculum. Summer School* works so well in our borough because Newham Council provides funding and commitment.

    Young people are involved as students on courses, volunteerson our Open College Network(OCN) accredited volunteers programme and as participantsin our youth consultation groups.

    One of our aims is to form partnerships across Newham with other services and voluntary organisations to provide high-quality summer provision. This year we worked with 55 partner organisations. Our partners provide venues, content and help with the recruitment of young people. The most rewarding aspect of Summer School* is seeing young people try a new activity, which gives them confi dence to develop further.

    Stuart CameronCo-ordinator

    Summer School* has helped me with my future education and has given me something to do instead of staying at home. Leon, aged 12Fun Factory

    * Newham Summer School is part of the Summer Uni network

  • 56

    Were running a similar programme durin

    g October half-term and until

    Christmas, specifi cally targeting young p

    eople not in education. There will

    be new and popular courses from the su

    mmer, which could give people who

    were on the waiting list a chance to part


  • 57

    photo: Basic Excel at Redbridge Summer Uni

    Summer Uni has helped me in a lot of ways. Ive met loads of new people. I chose to come here by myself and not to bring a friend, so I could see for myself how I get on with people I dont know. It worked out really well, because Ive got on with everyone. You learn new things on each course that you go on and there is so much variety, you can pick the one that suits you.

    Jasmit, aged 14Make-up

    Summer Uni offers exciting opportunities for young people living anywhere in London, that helps them develop their interests and meet new people, and its great because its free.

    We have an accredited Peer Mentoring scheme. Young people are directly involved with the delivery and the planning of the programme. They also help with designing yers for the end of summer event.

    We work very closely with our local college, as well as Connexions and other Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) partners. These partnerships introduce people who wouldnt necessarily apply on their own and may need extra support.

    Summer Uni gives opportunities that perhaps parents arent able to offer because of fi nancial barriers. It offers young people the chance to do something that they havent done before. I get a real buzz out of the fact that the courses are going well and Ive made good connections with the partners.

    Hayley FactorCo-ordinator

  • 58

    We would very much like Summer Uni to

    grow next year because its been

    very popular across the borough, having

    two locations each side of the

    river has helped. Were also looking at ru

    nning more courses based on

    feedback from young people.

  • 59

    photo: Swimming at Richmond Summer Uni

    Summer Uni got us out of our block, out of trouble and has given us lots of fresh air and big muscles. We were bored at home. Were going to do it next year!

    Georgina and Jordaine, aged 12Boxing

    The most rewarding thing about Summer Uni is seeing young people engaging in positive, structured activities, that are free.

    Trampoline, Volleyball, Rowing, and Boxing were popular this year. A lot of the coaches we work with are professional world and Olympic champions. We have volunteers from Richmond College and St. Pauls School, who act as supplementary coaches and Peer Mentors. Every young person can come along, which breaks down barriers and destroys perceptions about certain sports which may be seen as elitist.

    I think Summer Uni is successful in Richmond because of the dedicated staff team. There is an element of continuity because most of the staff work on other projects within the borough, so the young people might know them already.

    Our main partner is an independent school, which is awesome as it breaks down barriers. A lot of the young people who live here might see the students who go there as privileged, but now its open for them to use.

    Wayne SimonCo-ordinator

  • 60

    We are planning to set up a young peopl

    es steering group and are looking into

    securing extra funding.

  • 61

    photo: Soap and Bubbles at Southwark Summer Uni

    This course has given me the chance to meet new people. Summer Uni has given me a lot more confi dence, working in groups and singing with other people. I am doing music for GCSE so its going to help. Esme, aged 14Music Production

    Summer Uni is an excellent scheme, allowing young people from all over London to socialise together and hopefully break down barriers.

    Popular courses this summer were Animation, Musical Theatre and Chocolate Enterprise, which was accredited. We work with Tower Hamlets Summer Uni, Lewisham Summer Uni and also internal council departments such as libraries and museums. We run a strong Peer Motivator programme and this year, we also had two course providers who are young people themselves!

    Summer Uni offers young people the opportunity to experience new activities. Its also the chance to gain accreditation as well as life skills. Its my fi rst year and just two weeks in, we received lots of positive responses from both young people and parents, thats the most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni.

    There is a need for Summer Uni. Its a well established programme that has proved itself in the past and is looking forward to an exciting future.

    Linda GrayCo-ordinator

  • 62

    We want to build on relationships with p

    artners and providers and encourage

    more funding from Sutton borough depa

    rtments and also private partners. We

    would like to expand our range of course

    s and are planning a Peer Motivator

    scheme for next year.

  • 63

    photo: Tales of the Unexpected (Creative Writing) at Sutton Summer Uni

    The courses make you a better person and you dont have to pay anything which is good. And you get to meet new people as well. Im already gearing towards primary school teaching. This will help me in the long run with getting into university and it kind of cements my interest in it.

    Holly, aged 16Childcare and Child Development

    Sutton Summer Uni is accessible to everyone in the borough, it is totally inclusive and offers ve weeks of free fun and learning.

    This summer, we offered more courses in a wider range of subjects than last year, including Vocal Training and Aquasports. Some courses were accredited one young person passed their National Pool Lifeguarding certifi cate and got a job interview at a leisure centre the following week.

    We consult with young people throughout the year to fi nd out what they want to get out of Summer Uni.

    Schools and colleges are instrumental in providing access to young people, venue space and actually delivering courses. A large proportion of funding came from the Extended Schools department and links were made to the Environment and Leisure department to offer a wider range of courses. Library partnerships helped by linking to the Summer Uni website on their computers.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is seeing young peopleat the end of their courses really happy, relaxed and proud of what they have achieved.

    Ingrid BardCo-ordinator

  • 64

    We are looking at further expanding our

    business courses in addition to

    our year-round projects.

  • 65

    photo: Thai Fruit Carving at Tower Hamlets Summer Uni

    I wanted to do this course as its not an opportunity you would get all the time, you can have a go at something new and it appeals to all levels. I heard about Summer Uni on the radio and it was simple to sign up. Summer Uni has helped me learn another skill.

    Saba, aged 25Jewellery: from Workshop to Market Stall

    Tower Hamlets Summer Uni gets young people inspired. They walk through our doors eager to learn and they walk out with so much more!

    We offered 126 courses this year and enrolments were fi ve times higher than places available.

    A really important element of delivering a quality programme is creating lasting partnerships having industry experts involved in courses is the way forward. For example, HSBCs Introduction to Strategic Marketing, Investment Banking with Barclays Capital and Careers in Maritime with Baltic Exchange all give the participants an invaluable insight into the range of job opportunities available across sectors.

    The Peer Motivators aged 1625 who assist us are invaluable, without them, I dont think wed be able to operate. We also work with our Youth Ambassadors year-round, who help us decide which courses to offer.

    Summer Uni provides exclusive opportunities and undoubtedly has a lasting positive effect on young peoples lives.

    Abdul AzimCo-ordinator

  • 66

    Wed like to extend our Summer Uni cou

    rses to more venues. Weve got fi ve

    centres in Youth Support Services that co

    uld host some of the courses. Being

    spread across the borough would make

    it accessible to more young people.

  • 67

    photo: Open Door at Waltham Forest Summer Uni

    It helped me ask questions more. Im not the most confi dent person. It allowed me to not be scared of speaking to the tutor several times. It builds confi dence actually.Chris, aged 14Computer Animation

    Summer Uni makes young people think out of the box. It might give them ideas for what they want to do in life as they can think about choosing school subjects based on their Summer Uni courses, or its just a chance for them to try something new.

    Summer Uni offers opportunities for different young people from across the borough to meet. What tends to happen is that young people from different postcodes are not mixing as much. At Waltham Forest Summer Uni, they are all from different schools and areas, and at lunchtimes they are able to mingle and just be young people in a safe environment. Thats really nice to see.

    Young people are heavily involved in the marketing and evaluation of our Summer Uni. This year, the Magazineand Journalism course evaluated the programme, getting feedback from young people and tutors.

    In terms of equal opportunities, Summer Uni should be open to all.No matter what your background or what school you go to, this is something that is open to everyone.

    Dyon Munroe-RobinsonCo-ordinator

  • 68

    Wed like to draw on the expertise of oth

    er Wandsworth borough departments.

    Over the coming year, we will be attractin

    g more fi nancial support, so that next

    summer we can offer a lot more courses


  • 69

    photo: Sports Journalism at Wandsworth Summer Uni

    Ive learned that I cant always like something just because my friend made it, I have to like it because I think it is really good. The tutor made us change seats every day so that wed get used to working with different people, like in a real music video.

    Jasmine, aged 8Make a Pop Video

    Summer Uni has a fresh, young, energetic image that appeals to all young people, offering them the opportunity to get out and do something different that they really enjoy.

    The most popular courses are always the technology courses, we could have fi lled the Digital Photography course three times over and theMake A Pop Video course was run twice this summer.

    Summer Uni showed us that it was all about young people. Our strong partnership with Wandsworth Youth Service was really useful for recruitment. Young people also assisted in planning some of our courses and we have set up a graphic design focus group to look at how we market our Summer Uni.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is seeing the courses take place and speaking to the enthusiastic students and parents. The benefi ts of having a Summer Uni open to all are that all young people have the opportunity to build up their experience for jobs and even UCAS forms. They can do courses that are accredited or might link to their career path, which is fantastic.

    Claire LongstaffCo-ordinator

  • 70

    Wed like to develop our Volunteer schem

    e and wed also like to expand the

    number of courses, especially in more vo

    cational subjects.

  • 71

    photo: Steel Drumming at Westminster Summer Uni

    Its good fun, but its also teaching you life skills for the future because everyone needs to know how to do DIY. You meet new people from different areas and cultures. Its a good way to spend the summer, getting out and about.Daniel, aged 18Introduction to Plumbing

    Summer Uni works as it offers young people different things to do in a fun and interactive environment that arent otherwise available, such as more vocational courses like Introduction to Plumbing and Youth Work.

    The most popular courses this year were Public Speaking, Basics to Hygiene, Archery and Driving Theory. We also ran a Volunteer scheme and trained seven young people to support the tutors, mentor the students and assist with administration tasks.

    The most rewarding aspect of Summer Uni is when I go along to a course and everyones enjoying themselves. We had a full house at the Public Speaking course and at the beginning the young people were all really quiet because they didnt know each other but when I went back at the end, you couldnt stop them talking. They gained confi dence in just one day and that is what I fi nd really inspiring.

    In Westminster young people tend to stay in their own enclosures andpostcodes. Summer Uni brings everyone together and they fi nd a way to get on. Its also a great way for them to see other parts of London and meet new people.

    Clare KellyCo-ordinator

  • 72

    Hopefully next year the New Deal for Co

    mmunities (NDC) Community Group

    Network will be a charity and so will be e

    ligible for greater funding. With the

    increased planning time and experiences

    from this year, we will be able to

    create a stronger and wider programme


  • 73

    I liked this course because its easy to do and I can understand it. It feels like the people that are teaching you can talk to you. I wanted to do this course because my mate was doing it and I thought it would be good for us both, to go and meet new people.

    Christie, aged 13Hairdressing

    Summer Uni has been just great because we have been able to work in partnership with so many people to put on a really great quality and varied programme that is aspirational.

    We trained 24 Peer Motivators, who have been supporting the courses and tutors, as well as helping solve problems. I have really noticed that some of their confi dence levels have improved.

    The most popular course has been Snowboarding. Its out of the normal range of activities that parents can usually afford to do, plus the young people get an accreditation at the end.

    Having an open Summer Uni means we have had lots of different young people together. Some of the courses have had young people who dont speak English as their fi rst language, who felt comfortable to participate again and again.

    Summer Uni helps people break down the barriers of ignorance. We havent had any issues between young people, they have just enjoyed working together.

    Anne FlemingCo-ordinator

    Hathershaw and Fitton Hill

    (Oldham, Greater Manchester)

    photo: Martial Arts at Oldham Summer Uni

  • 74

    Summer Uni Londons Sports Spectacular, held on Saturday 15 August, was an actionpacked sports day with a difference.

    Hosted by Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) and funded by the London Masonic Charitable Trust and Awards for All, young Londoners from across the Summer Uni network converged at Mile End Stadium to compete in a range of sporting activities: from basketball, sprinting and high jump, to the equally athletic welly wanging and classic egg and spoon race!

    The sporting activity didnt end there, as the event also gave young people the opportunity to receive professional coaching from experts in street dance, hurdling, basketball, cricket and football, as well as fi tness testing for those who dared.

    All seven teams battled for a place on the podium and the winners left with gold medals for their efforts, awarded by Daniel Davis, the UK 110m Hurdles Junior Champion, who is currently in training to trial for the 2012 Olympic Games.

  • 75

    This year, 52 young artists from Summer Unis across the capital had the amazing opportunity to have their work displayed at the prestigious City Hall, as part of the Summer Uni London Best of Art 2009.

    Funded by The Jack Petchey Foundation and The London Challenge, and supported by the Greater London Authority (GLA), Best of Art displayed the most exciting artwork created by young people aged 825 during their Summer Uni courses. Featuring an eclectic range of work, from jewellery design to street art and painting to photography, their artwork was on display at City Hall between 1930 October.

    As well as featuring young artists, the exhibition was put together by young curators. Young people aged 1723 from Tower Hamlets Summer Unis Curate Art course, in association with the Institute for International Visual Arts (Iniva), selected all the artwork for the exhibition.Best of Art photo

    to go here

  • 76

    Young people are at the heart of every

    Summer Uni. Relevant and

    accessible opportunities can only be a

    chieved by working with them.

    Year on year, Summer Unis look to dev

    elop the way they work with young

    people, from planning through to cou

    rse delivery.

    Youth Advisory Groups and P

    eer Volunteering

    Summer Unis benefi t from invol

    ving and consulting Youth Advis


    in course selection, marketing f

    eedback and new ideas. Many

    Summer Unis have their own ad

    visory groups. Peer Volunteer

    schemes enable young people t

    o play a key role in the smooth

    running and delivery of Summe

    r Uni programmes (also referred


    as Peer Mentors, Peer Tutors an

    d Peer Motivators). High-quality

    training, which is often accredit

    ed, equips these Peer Voluntee


    with skills such as leadership, fi

    rst aid and con ict resolution, s


    that they are able to organise an

    d facilitate Summer Unis. They

    are positive role models and ma

    ke students feel comfortable an


    welcome, in addition to supporti

    ng tutors and Summer Uni team


    They are the face of Summer


  • 77

    It was an enjoyable way of getting

    an Open College Network (OCN)

    accreditation and getting invaluable

    experience of working with children,

    as I want to become a primary

    school teacher.

    Khalna, aged 18 Volunteer Mentor, Newham

    We have been co-ord


    a Peer Tutoring sche

    me since

    2007. To date, we ha

    ve trained

    approximately 120 ch

    ildren and

    young people aged 1


    They help support ot

    her children

    and young people to

    get the

    best from learning an

    d activities

    and gain an Award S


    Development and Acc


    Network (ASDAN) Pee

    r Tutoring

    Award whilst doing s


    Rohina Basir


    Kensington and Che

    lsea Its a great way t

    o get out, meet

    new people, and develo

    p new and

    existing skills. We worke

    d on con ict

    resolution, team work, p

    ublic speaking,

    listening and confi dential

    ity. This

    experience has really ben

    efi tted my CV.

    Kishorn, aged 20

    Peer Motivator, Tower H


  • 78

    DareLondon is the Youth Advisory Board for the Summer Uni London network. DareLondoners are young people aged 1625 from across London. They work to ensure that Summer Uni London is both responsive and relevant to young peoples needs and concerns, as well as promoting and demonstrating best practice for the effective involvement of young people in its service delivery. The board has a huge breadth of experience and also works alongside London Youth and the Greater London Authority (GLA), which gives DareLondoners a unique perspective into the practices of three major pan-London organisations working with and for young people.

    London Youth and the Greater London Authority (GLA), which gives DareLondoners a unique perspective into the practices of three major pan-London organisations working with and for young people.

    photo credit: Gareth Price

  • 79

    ...brought to you by Summer Uni Londons fantastic

    Following four days of interview training

    from professional

    journalist Leslie Esparza, the Spotlight Yo

    uth Assessors

    were equipped with knowledge and skills

    to ask the right

    questions. The eight Youth Assessors vis

    ited 32 Summer

    Unis across London to gather the invalu

    able information

    encapsulated in Spotlight 09. These insp

    iring young

    people interviewed coordinators and pa

    rticipants with

    confi dence and injected a unique quality

    that can

    only come from involving young people a

    t the heart of

    the project.

    photo (LR): Chantelle Kelly, Elisha Taylor, Farah Sadiq

    , Errol Anderson, Saydul Alom,

    Aadam Sadiq and Kishorn Charles (Zara Veerapen-Pa

    dayachy not in photo)

  • 80

    These are very exciting as well as challenging times. Our next step is to focus on developing and expanding in a sustainable and dynamic way. To achieve this, a number of developments have been undertaken:

    The development and introduction of a new name and brand, in order to both protect and strengthen the network. Summer Uni will soon be operating under the new name of Futureversity.

    The introduction of a licence to ensure the values associated with the Summer Uni model are fully understood by the network to ensure consistency in the offer and experience of young people.

    The implementation of a quality assurance framework to build the case for continued support, as well as collate the evidence needed to demonstrate the impact of Summer Uni.

    Summer Uni London and the Summer Unis that make up the network have a good reputation and credibility with young people, and despite growing provision, the demand for places continues to exceed the availability. Nationally, the reputation for excellence has been growing and the Summer Uni model is being increasingly recognised as an effective means of delivering both national and local policy agendas. This year, we welcomed the rst Summer Uni in the network outside London Hathershaw and Fitton Hill in Oldham, who successfully ran their rst programme.

    We want to build on the outstanding achievements to date, protect the reputation and credibility of the Summer Uni model and promote the fundamental belief that all young people should have the opportunities a Summer Uni can afford them wherever they live in the country. Growing interest from partners outside London has provided an opportunity to extend the network beyond the capital.

    The development and introduction of a new name and brand, in order to both protect and strengthen the network. Summer Uni will soon be operating under the new name of Futureversity.

    The introduction of a licence to ensure the values associated with the Summer Uni model are fully understood by the network to ensure consistency in the offer and experience of young people.

    The implementation of a quality assurance framework to build the case for continued support, as well as collate the evidence needed to demonstrate the impact of Summer Uni.

  • 81

    These developments will help draw in long-term support and ensure continued interest and recognition. We are committed to ensuring the network grows from strength to strength so that each individual Summer Uni has the best practice, knowledge, support and tools to maximise their potential and offer young people the opportunities they desire and deserve.

  • 82

    photo (LR): Liz Jewell (Summer Uni Development Director), Gareth Gates, Sarah Davies (Summer Uni Executive Director) and Summer Uni student Elizabeth Oniyide

  • 83

    Congratulations to all the Summer Uni co-ordinators for their incredible programmes this year and a big thank you to my staff team and to all the Summer Uni funders, partners, tutors, volunteers and young people who make it all happen. Visiting Summer Uni in action and reading the fabulous and telling quotes from young people in Spotlight makes all the hard work worthwhile.

    Winning the National Lottery Big 7 award for Best Education project in September was a real boost for Summer Unis across London and in Oldham. This prestigious award will help us in our ambitious plans to expand nationally and reach thousands more young people across the country. With your support behind us, well succeed.

    In the words of one of our Patrons and Alumni, Dizzee Rascal:

    Sarah DaviesExecutive Director

    Every young person should have a Summe

    r Uni!

  • Ground Floor, 2426 Fournier Street, London E1 6QECompany number: 2017713 Charity number: 1048822

    Summer Un

    i London is

    a project of

    Tower Ham

    lets Summe

    r University





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