“Sports Festival of persons with disabilities” Rawalakot June 8-10, 2012 Organized by: National Rural Support Programme B-52 Housing Scheme Rawalakot Contact office: +92-05824-920083 Funded by: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

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This is a disability sports report from Kashmir

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Page 1: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

“Sports Festival of persons with disabilities”


June 8-10, 2012

Organized by: National Rural Support Programme

B-52 Housing Scheme Rawalakot Contact office: +92-05824-920083

Funded by: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

Page 2: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

Wheel chair users’ participants of sports festival

Page 3: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

View of football match between Pine Hill Yellow and Pine Hill Green

Page 4: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

The event was tagged as sports festival of persons with disabilities”

Rawalakot 2012. The sports festival for persons with disabilities started

on June 8-10, 2012. Persons with disabilities across district Poonch, Bagh,

Muzafarabad, Mirpure and a team of persons with visual impairment

from Islamabad attended the event. Games which played in this event

were cricket, volleyball, football, cricket of people with blindness, wheel

chair race, and crutches race. The aims of this sport festival were

• To provide PWDs opportunities for exciting sports competitions,

individual achievement, team spirit, leadership and new friendships.

• Raise awareness among many sectors in the district – players, families,

government officials, teachers, medical professionals, politicians, and

many others – about competencies of PWDs which they have.

• provide forums for people with disabilities who are excited about

sports to share knowledge, ideas and motivation.

• Communicate in a wide-ranging way the abilities and gifts of people

with disabilities.

The teams that participated in the sports festival include

1. Pine Hill Green 2. Deaf Eleven Rawalakot 3. Deaf Eleven Hajira 4. Mirpure Blind 5. Islamabad Blind 6. Pine Hill Yellow 7. Thorar 8. Berloss Club Pachiot 9. Our voices AJK 10. Ford Bagh (Wheel Chair team) 11. Rawalakot Junior

Preparatory Camp

On June 07, 2012 a one day preparatory camp was organized. Although one day was insufficient but

different teams were formed and trained, the coaches prepared players mentally and physically. The

uniforms and shoes were distributed to each participant with disability. Mr.Ikhtiar Ullah certified coach

The aims of this sport festival


• To provide PWDs

opportunities for exciting

sports competitions, individual

achievement, team spirit,

leadership and new


• Raise awareness among

many sectors in the district –

players, families, government

officials, teachers, medical

professionals, politicians, and

many others – about

competencies of PWDs which

they have.

• provide forums for people

with disabilities who are

excited about sports to share

knowledge, ideas and


• Communicate in a wide-

ranging way the abilities and

gifts of people with disabilities.

Page 5: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

of Pakistan football federation was there for coaching. A separate

team was given the charge of distribution of uniforms and shoes

among the participants. All the teams were provided

accommodation and food during four days. Teams stayed in

different guest houses i.e. Shaheen International Rest House,

Dream Land guest House, Hamalia Rest House, Al Ijaz Hotel, Pearl

International Rest House, and Gulf palace hotel. Transport

arrangements were made to transport participants from guest

houses to ground at 9.00 am every morning. All the teams were

provided with lunch at ground, while dinner and breakfast were

complementary with accommodation. The teams were well looked

after and has no problem regards to accommodation. The duty of

one staff members was assigned at each guest house for care of


NRSP Rawalakot formed different teams of professional and

volunteers to see all the arrangements. Mr.Nazakat Hussain

management executive from PPAF media unit attended this event

to cover the first day of this sports festival. A team of cameramen

from N-IRM were also present to cover the whole event.

Opening ceremony

On 8th June programme started at 10.00 am with an inaugural

ceremony. More than two hundred and fifty persons with

disabilities participated in this grand event. The opening ceremony

was inaugurated by Col. Rtd. Zameer Hussain advisor to PM AJK.

Other distinguished guest s who attended this ceremony were Mr.

Sardar Khurshid Hussain Commissioner Poonch division, Sohail

Azam Deputy Commissioner Poonch, Rashid Naeem Senior

Superintendent Police Poonch, Raja Tahir Mumtaz Assistant

Commissioner Rawalakot, Sardar Khaliq Khan Chairman Pearl

development authority, and Khan Zaffar Khan Chairman municipal

corporation Rawalakot. Opening ceremony started with full

dressed march of PWDs followed by torch run. Torch run was

performed by students of rising sun education and welfare society

Lahore who were Olympians of Special Olympics. SSP Poonch

supported this event by providing police band, which multiply the

glory of the festival. Chief Guest gave a commitment to start a

rehabilitation centre for persons with disabilities at state level.

Opening ceremony started

with full dressed march of

PWDs followed by torch

run. Torch run was

performed by students of

rising sun education and

welfare society Lahore who

were Olympians of Special

Olympics. SSP Poonch

supported this event by

providing police band,

which multiply the glory of

the festival. Chief Guest

gave a commitment to start

a rehabilitation centre for

persons with disabilities at

state level.

Page 6: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

Introduction of chief guest Col. Rtd. Zammeer with players

First day of festival

On first day eight matches were played. Followed by inaugural ceremony first match was played

between Pine Hill Yellow versus Pine Hill green. This tournament was one of the largest events of such

magnitude in AJK history. Guest of honors who visited first day were Sardar Sagheer Advocate chairmen

Jummu Kashmir liberation front, Sardar Liaquet Hayat president National Awami Party, and Abid

Siddique Chief Editor daily Dharti AJK.

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A view of blind cricket played between Islamabad and Mirpure

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Our voices team

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Volley ball match played between Pachiot and our voices AJK

Detail of first day June 8,2012

S# Team Name Name of team Result


1 Pine Hill Green Pine Hill Yellow Pine Hill Yellow win by 4 goals

2 Deaf Eleven Rawalakot Deaf eleven Hajira Deaf eleven Rawalakot win by 1 goal


1 Mirpure Blind Islamabad blind Mirpure defeated Islamabad by 4 wickets

2 Our voices AJK Deaf Eleven Hajira Our voices win by 8 wickets

3 Thorar Deaf Eleven Rawalakot Thorar wins by 15 runs

4 Abaspure Pachiot Pachiot win by 9 wickets

Volley ball

1 Berlass club Pachiot Our voices AJK Berloss club win 15-4 & 15-5

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Wheel Chair race

1 Abrar 1st

2 Khalid Bashir 2nd

3 Nadeem Abasi 3rd

Second day

Total of twelve matches were played including semi finals in second day of this sports festival. Second

day was also visited by different guest of honors sardar Javid Sharif advocate president district

bar,Sardar Ajaz Afzal ameer-e-jamait Islami, and president press club Rawalakot.

A Player in bowling action

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A player in bating action

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Group photo with Commissioner Poonch division

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Wheel chair race

Detail of 2nd day June 9,2012

S# Team Name Name of team Result


1 Pachiot Deaf eleven Hajira Deaf Eleven Hajira win by 5 wickets

2 Deaf Eleven Rawalakot Abaspure Deaf eleven Rawalakot win by10 wickets

3 Pine Hill Rawalakot junior Pine Hill win by 3 runs

4 Deaf Eleven Rawalakot Pachiot Pachiot win by 7 wickets

5 Islamabad blind Mirpure blind Mirpure win by 8 wickets

Wheel Chair race

1 Abrar 1st

2 Khalid Bashir 2nd

3 Nadeem Abasi 3rd

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Crutches Race

1 Muhammad Danish 1st

2 Araz 2nd

3 Muhammad khalil kiani 3rd

Semi Finals

1 Our voices AJK Thorar Club Thorar win by 26 runs

2 Deaf eleven Pachiot Pachiot win by 9 wickets


1 wheel chair green wheel chair red green win by 6 points

Volley ball

1 Thorar Our voices AJK Thorar win by 2-0 sets

Foot Ball

1 Pachiot Deaf eleven Hajira Pachiot win through penalty kicks

A batsman in action

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Third and Final day

Third day finals of eight games was played. Last day was Sunday; most of the families visited the sports


Detail of 3rd day June 8,2012

S# Teame Name Name of team Result


4 Thorar Pachiot Thorar win by 6 runs

Cricket blind

5 Islamabad blind Mirpure blind Mirpure win on best of three basis

Wheel Chair race

1 Abrar 1st

2 Khalid Bashir 2nd

3 Nadeem Abasi 3rd

Crutches Race

1 Muhammad Danish 1st

2 Araz 2nd

3 Ashfaq 3rd

Simple Race

1 Kashif 1st

Waqas Ali Rising Sun Lahore 2nd

2 Aneeq Shahid 3rd


1 wheel chair green wheel chair red green win by 6 points

Volley ball

1 Berloss club Pachiot Thorar Berloss club win by 15-5 & 15-8

Foot Ball under fifteen

1 Pine Hill green Pine Hill Yellow Pine Hill Green win by 2-0 goals

Foot Ball senior

Deaf Eleven Rawalakot Pachiot Deaf eleven Rawalakot win by1-0 goals

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A group photo of Pine Hill teams with PPAF officials

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Group photo of Governor Rotary International with wheel chair users

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Introduction of teams with Senior minister Choudary Yaseen

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Participants in prize distribution ceremony

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Chairman PAC Sardar Abid Hussain Abid presenting shield to PPAF official Miss. Fahmina

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Prize distribution by Chief Guest


An estimated 10% people countrywide have disabilities. People with disabilities are among the most

neglected and vulnerable groups in AJK. They have limited access to education and healthcare, and less

opportunity for employment. Individuals with disabilities are often marginalized or ignored, and are

more likely to be victims of violence and abuse than the general population.

In the face of these challenges, Sports festival for PWDs, 2012 has created a platform through sports to

educate and communicate the dignity and value of people with disabilities, and to give them

opportunities to showcase their abilities and talents. While living together far from their families PWDs

would experience increase in self esteem and social skills.

Sports festival provided hundred of persons with disabilities, the opportunity to experience the power of

sports. Sports are understood and celebrated by all people, regardless of race, nationality, gender,

economic level or religion. Sports festival offered eight different games to persons with disabilities

ranging from 7 to over 30 years old. Sports bring out pride, courage and joy in PWDs—while inviting

families and entire communities to join in the celebration.

Page 22: Sports Festival of persons with disabilities Rawlakot

One of wheel chair user participant

from Bagh quoted that “I believe

that the Sports festival at

Rawalakot have left an indelible

mark, not just on those of us

involved, but also on the AJK as a


Sports festival became vehicle for

bringing people together, and it

created opportunities for families,

community members, local leaders,

businesses, law enforcements,

celebrities, dignitaries and others

to change perceptions and

attitudes matter. That’s why it

would become a leading voice in

elevating awareness of the needs

and abilities of people with


Those who witness the

accomplishments of participants

(PWDs) cannot help but think

differently about long-held

stereotypes and prejudices.

Through Sports games, people are

reminded that we are all more alike

than different. “A rewarding life is

full of challenge, so do not pity

them, give them a chance!”

Sports festival provided a positive

venue for families to become part

of a caring community, and to

become involved in the movement

of rehabilitation of persons with


Beyond the playing field, Sports

festival provided a platform where

Detail of messages displayed by organizations, banks schools, and


1. Say "child with a disability" instead of "disabled" or

"handicapped child “or Special child

2. Recognize my disabilities emphasize possibilities

3. Disability poses no limits to success

4. Persons with disabilities are people like you they have

feelings and dreamsI

5. Choose not to place "DIS", in my ability.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

Disability is a matter of perception.

6. "Let's let kids be kids. Let's not handicap them simply because they have a disability."

7. "A community that excludes even one of its members ... is no community at all."

8. Notice me not my disability

9. I am with disability and still human

10. "NO PITY"“Give me Rights”

11. "The gifts which derive from justice are greater than those which spring from charity."

12. "What Matter Is Deafness of the Ear When the Mind Hears?" 13. "Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat to Justice Everywhere."

14. 15. "The gifts which derive from justice are greater than those

which spring from charity."

16. "What Matter Is Deafness of the Ear When the Mind Hears?" 17. "Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat to Justice Everywhere." 18. "Inclusion is a birthright, not a privilege." 19. "Nothing about Us without Us."

20. "Your Attitude Just Might Be My Biggest Barrier."

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persons with disabilities experienced social inclusion.

Another aspect of sports event seemed socialization of PWDs, this sort of get together provides a life

changing impact on their social skills, independence and social outlets. Some family members reported

extraordinary change in behavior of their children with disabilities.

Participants of sports festival in closing ceremony