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Splash Screen. Chapter Introduction Section 1 Development of American Political Parties Section 2 Organization of American Political Parties Section 3 Role of Political Parties Today Review to Learn Chapter Assessment. Contents. Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding slides. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Introduction

Section 1 Development of American Political Parties

Section 2 Organization of American Political Parties

Section 3 Role of Political Parties Today

Review to Learn

Chapter Assessment

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Chapter OverviewIn Chapter 9 you learn about political parties and politics. Section 1 describes the development of political parties. Section 2 explains the organization of American political parties. Section 3 discusses the role of political parties today.

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Chapter ObjectivesAfter studying this chapter, you will be able to:

• Explain how political parties came to exist.

• Describe the structure of today’s political parties.

• Discuss how political parties influence life today.

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Chapter 9

Political Parties and Politics

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Guide to Reading

Shortly after our nation’s birth, political leaders formed parties in an attempt to gain control of decision making in the government.

• political party

Main Idea

Key Terms

• two-party system • third party

• platform • plank

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Guide to Reading (cont.)

Organizing Information As you read, complete a web diagram similar to the one on page 218 of your textbook by writing in political parties that have developed in the United States. Also include the time period in which each party originated.

• How have political parties formed throughout U.S. history?

Reading Strategy

Read to Learn

• What are the differences between the two major parties?

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Gilbert Stuart’s painting of George Washington

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The Two-Party System• A political party is an association of

voters with broad common interests who want to influence or control decision making in government by electing the party’s candidates to public office.

• Parties pick candidates who agree with their beliefs and try to persuade voters to support those candidates.

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(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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The Two-Party System (cont.)

• Anyone may join a political party.

• You simply declare yourself a member. • The United States has had two

major parties, or a two-party system, during most of the country’s history.

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(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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The Two-Party System (cont.)

• Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagreed strongly about how the government should operate.

• Hamilton wanted a strong national government and strong president.

• Jefferson wanted less power for the national government and more for state governments.

• Two rival political groups formed around these two leaders.

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(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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The Two-Party System (cont.)

• Jefferson’s group was called the Democratic-Republican Party.

• Jefferson’s party grew stronger.• Hamilton’s group, the Federalist Party,

faded away• In 1828, the Democratic-Republican

Party split, and the new leader Andrew Jackson aligned with the Democratic Party.

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(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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The Two-Party System (cont.)

• The Whigs (or National Republicans) rose in 1830, and the Whigs and Democrats remained the two major parties until the 1850s.

(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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The Two-Party System (cont.)

• In 1854 breakaway Democrats and Whigs who opposed slavery formed the Republican Party.

• The Whigs lost support. • Abraham Lincoln became the first

Republican president in 1860. • Since then, Republicans and Democrats

have been our two major parties.

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(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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Discuss the views of Hamilton and Jefferson about the power of the national government.

Hamilton believed that individual rights were at risk if the government was too weak, so he favored a strong national government. Jefferson argued for less power for the national government and more for state governments, which were closer to the citizens.

The Two-Party System (cont.)

(pages 218–219)(pages 218–219)

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Third Parties• Third parties sometimes challenge the

two major parties.

• A third party has never won a presidential election and rarely wins other major elections.

• Third parties can influence the outcome of elections and may influence policy.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• Farmers and laborers formed the Populists in the 1890s.

• They called for the direct election of senators and an eight-hour working day.

• They did not win, but the two major parties adopted many of their ideas.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• In 1912, former Republican president Theodore Roosevelt ran for president for the Progressives, or Bull Moose Party.

• He won enough votes away from the Republican candidate, William Howard Taft, that Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the election.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• Some third parties arise to promote a social, economic, or moral issue.

• The Prohibitionist Party pushed for laws against the sale of alcohol.

• Single-issue parties fade when the issue loses importance or a major party adopts it.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• Ideological parties focus on changing society in major ways.

• The Socialist Labor Party and Communist Party favor government ownership of factories, resources, and farmland.

• The Libertarian Party wants more individual freedom.

• The Green Party opposes the power of corporations.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• Some third parties form around well-known individuals who cannot get support from a major party.

• Such parties fade after their candidate’s defeat.

• Republican and Democratic candidates are automatically placed on the ballot in many states.

• Third-party candidates must obtain a large number of signatures to get on the ballot.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Third Parties (cont.)

• Usually only one candidate can win a district.

• Most voters favor a major party.• Third parties have trouble raising enough

money to compete with the major parties.

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(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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How can third parties influence government and social policy?

Third parties, such as the Populists and Prohibitionist Party, use election campaigns to try to influence citizens to accept their views on social issues or the operation of government. If they are persuasive, a major party may adopt their views, and public opinion may influence Congress to pass the laws they favor.

Third Parties (cont.)

(pages 219–221)(pages 219–221)

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Other Party Systems• Political parties exist in most countries,

but two-party systems are rare.

• Most democracies have multiparty systems.

• One party rarely wins enough support to control the government, so several parties must work together.

• Competing interests can create a politically unstable situation.

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(pages 221–222)(pages 221–222)

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Other Party Systems (cont.)

• In a one-party system, the government and party are nearly the same thing.

• In the People’s Republic of China, only the Communist Party is allowed to exist.

• A one-party system is not a democracy. • There are no rival candidates in the


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(pages 221–222)(pages 221–222)

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Other Party Systems (cont.)

• One-party systems also exist in some non-Communist nations.

• Muslim leaders control Iran’s Islamic Republican Party.

• Other parties are outlawed or inactive.

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(pages 221–222)(pages 221–222)

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Why is the People’s Republic of China not considered a democracy?

Only one party–the Communist Party–is allowed to exist there. Only Communist candidates may run for office. Elections are an empty exercise since there are no rival candidates.

Other Party Systems (cont.)

(pages 221–222)(pages 221–222)

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Today’s Major Parties• Competing political parties give voters a

choice among candidates and ideas.

• The major parties differ mainly in their belief about how much the government should be involved in the lives of Americans.

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(page 222)(page 222)

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Today’s Major Parties (cont.)

• Democrats tend to believe that the federal government should be more directly involved in regulating the economy and providing for the poor.

• Republicans tend to believe that if they help the economy grow, poor people will have a better chance of finding jobs and providing for themselves.

• They believe in less regulation.

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(page 222)(page 222)

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Today’s Major Parties (cont.)

• Both parties try to appeal to as many voters as possible.

• As a result, they tend to adopt mainstream, moderate positions and avoid extremes.

• The parties are also similar because the American people generally agree about many issues.

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(page 222)(page 222)

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Today’s Major Parties (cont.)

• A platform is a series of statements expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on issues.

• Each individual part is called a plank. • The platform communicates to voters

what the party plans to do if it wins.

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(page 222)(page 222)

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Why are competing political parties a necessary part of democratic government?

They are a key link between citizens and their elected officials. They give voters a choice among candidates and ideas. They help make elections meaningful.

Today’s Major Parties (cont.)

(page 222)(page 222)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. each individual part of a political party’s platform

__ 2. a series of statements expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues

__ 3. a party that challenges the two major parties

__ 4. a system of government in which two parties compete for power

__ 5. an association of voters with broad common interests who want to influence or control decision making in government by electing the party’s candidates to public office

A. political party

B. two-party system

C. third party

D. platform

E. plank

Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.






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Checking for Understanding (cont.)

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Contrast Describe the basic differences between the views of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton regarding how government should operate.

Jefferson wanted to limit the power of the national government, increase protection of individual rights and liberties, and wanted more power for state governments. Hamilton wanted a stronger national government and a more powerful president.

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Checking for Understanding (cont.)

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Explain In what way have third parties been influential in U.S. politics?

Third parties have affected the outcome of elections and influenced government and social policies.

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Critical Thinking

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Making Inferences Which view of how government should operate–Jefferson’s or Hamilton’s–is most evident in the United States today? Explain.

Both are evident today. Hamilton’s is evident because the national government is stronger than state governments. Jefferson’s is evident because individual rights are protected.

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Analyzing Visuals

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Infer Examine the campaign party artifact on page 219 of your textbook. What party does it represent? Which type of third party described in the text do you think this party was? Explain your answer.

The artifact represents the Progressive Party. Theodore Roosevelt was an independent candidate.

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CloseWhat would happen if the United States went to a one-party system?

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Guide to Reading

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have highly organized political organizations at the local, state, and national levels.

• national committee

Main Idea

Key Terms

• national party chairperson

• delegate

• caucus

• precinct • ward • county chairperson • political machine

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Summarizing Information As you read, use a chart like the one on page 223 of your textbook to help you take notes about the three levels of political party organizations.

• How are local, state, and national political party committees organized?

Reading Strategy

Read to Learn

• How do political machines sometimes emerge?

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Guide to Reading (cont.)

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At the Republican National Convention

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National Party Organization• The goal that unites a party’s national,

state, and local organizations is to help the party win as many offices as possible.

• Each party has a national committee made up of representatives from every state.

• It raises funds for presidential elections and organizes the party’s national convention.

• A national party chairperson runs the committee.

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(pages 223–224)(pages 223–224)

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National Party Organization (cont.)

• At the national convention, party delegates from all states write the platform and nominate candidates for president and vice president.

• Each party chooses delegates in primary elections and caucuses, or meetings, of state and local party organizations.

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(pages 223–224)(pages 223–224)

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National Party Organization (cont.)

• Historically, national conventions were suspenseful.

• Today, primary elections generally decide the nominations before the conventions take place.

• Both parties also have House and Senate campaign committees made up of members of Congress.

• They work to elect party members as senators and representatives.

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(pages 223–224)(pages 223–224)

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State and Local Organization• Each party has 50 state organizations

that work to elect their party’s candidates for national office.

• Local party organizations consist of city, town, and county committees.

• They include the party’s elected officials.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• Each city or county is divided into election districts or precincts.

• A precinct is a geographic area that contains a specific number of voters.

• It may be an entire small town or part of a large city.

• All voters in a precinct use the same voting place.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• A precinct captain organizes other party volunteers and encourages people to vote.

• Several adjoining precincts make up a ward.

• A volunteer represents the ward at the party’s county committee.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• Counties are the largest political units in a state.

• A county chairperson runs the county committee and has great power if the county is large.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• Local party people build support at the “grassroots” level.

• Local leaders must know how their neighbors feel about issues important to them.

• At election time they must “deliver the vote” for party candidates at every level.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• In the past, some local party organizations became so powerful that they were called political machines.

• In the 1800s and early 1900s, the Tammany Hall organization ruled New York City.

• Its leader, “Boss” Tweed, grew rich from bribes and kickbacks.

• At a time when no social service agencies existed, political machines provided needy citizens with jobs, food, and other services in return for votes.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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State and Local Organization (cont.)

• Membership in a political party is not required, but it offers a way for citizens to be involved in politics.

• The only duty is to vote. • Members can choose to contribute

money, do volunteer work, or help with election campaigns.

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(pages 224–226)(pages 224–226)

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CloseWhich level of political party organization is most important? Give a reason for your answer.

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Guide to Reading

Although selecting candidates and running campaigns are the most important roles of political parties, they also serve other significant functions.

• nomination

Main Idea

Key Terms

• direct primary • closed primary

• open primary

• plurality • runoff primary • petition

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Summarizing Information As you read, write the roles performed by political parties in a chart similar to the one on page 227 of your textbook.

• How do political parties nominate and campaign for candidates?

Reading Strategy

Read to Learn

• What other roles are performed by political parties?

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Guide to Reading (cont.)

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Terry McAuliffe

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Nominating Candidates• Political parties are active year-round.

• They keep people informed and interested in issues and candidates.

• They try to see that the party’s elected officials do a good job.

• They politically criticize actions of the opposing party.

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(pages 227–229)(pages 227–229)

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Nominating Candidates (cont.)

• Parties select candidates through the nomination process.

• In direct primaries, voters in each state choose candidates to represent the party in a general election.

• Often the winner of the most primaries wins the party’s nomination.

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(pages 227–229)(pages 227–229)

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Nominating Candidates (cont.)

• Most states hold closed primaries in which only declared party members may vote for the party’s nominees.

• A few states hold an open primary in which voters need not declare a party preference to vote for the party’s nominees.

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(pages 227–229)(pages 227–229)

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Nominating Candidates (cont.)

• For offices open to only one winner, the nomination usually goes to the candidate who receives a plurality–the most votes among all those running.

• In a few states, the winner must have a majority–a number greater than half of the total. If no candidate receives a majority, the party holds a runoff primary between the two top vote getters.

• An unaffiliated candidate may get on the ballot if enough voters sign a petition–a paper declaring support for the candidate.

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(pages 227–229)(pages 227–229)

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Other Party Roles• Parties raise money for the campaign and

help get the candidates’ views across to the public.

• They make sure supporters are registered to vote and actually vote.

• Through campaign pamphlets, speeches, and advertising, parties inform citizens about issues and the way government works.

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(pages 229–230)(pages 229–230)

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Other Party Roles (cont.)

• After an election, party leaders recommend party supporters for government jobs to be filled by appointment rather than through the civil service process.

• Party ties aid cooperation among levels and branches of government.

• Shared views and relationships within a party make it easier for members to work together.

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(pages 229–230)(pages 229–230)

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Other Party Roles (cont.)

• Parties play a “watchdog” role.

• The party out of power watches the actions of those in power for mistakes and misuse of power.

• Competition between parties forces the party in power to pay attention to the will of the people.

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(pages 229–230)(pages 229–230)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. an election in which voters choose candidates to represent each party in a general election

__ 2. a process by which political parties select and offer candidates for public office

__ 3. the most votes among all those running for a political office

__ 4. an election in which voters need not declare their party preference to vote for the party’s nominees

__ 5. an election in which only the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for that party’s nominees

A. nomination

B. direct primary

C. closed primary

D. open primary

E. plurality

Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left.






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Checking for Understanding (cont.)

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Identify When does a runoff primary occur? Where does the winner go from there?

In states where the winner must have a majority and no candidate receives a majority, a runoff primary occurs. The winner runs in the general election.

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Checking for Understanding (cont.)

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Describe How does a candidate who is not affiliated with either major party get on the ballot?

He or she must get enough signatures on a petition declaring support for him or her.

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Critical Thinking

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Drawing Conclusions In your opinion, which is a better system, the open primary or the closed primary? Explain.

Possible answers: Closed primaries help keep members of one party from affecting the other party’s primary. In an open primary, the secret ballot is preserved.

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Analyzing Visuals

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Identify Examine the chart on page 228 of your textbook. What party did George Wallace represent in 1968? How much of the popular vote did he receive?

George Wallace represented the American Independent Party and received almost 10 million votes.

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ClosePlace in order of importance the six roles of political parties that help people of the United States to practice self-government.

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Section 1: Development of American Political Parties

• Shortly after our nation began, two political parties formed.

• The basic difference between the two parties today is their belief in how much the government should be involved in Americans’ lives.

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Section 2: Organization of American Political Parties• Each party has a national committee and

congressional campaign committees. Each party also has 50 state committees and many local party organizations.

• Some local party organizations became so powerful in the past that their candidates won almost every election. These were known as political machines.

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Section 3: Role of Political Parties Today

• Political parties nominate candidates through a nomination process of direct primaries.

• Political parties campaign for their candidates by raising money, informing voters, and getting people to vote.

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Define Match the terms on the right with the clues on the left.

Reviewing Key Terms

__ 1. the party system of the United States

__ 2. they nominate the presidential candidate at the national convention

__ 3. New York’s Tammany Hall

__ 4. helps prevents crossover voting

__ 5. a party that is not a major party

__ 6. the party system of China

A. closed primary

B. delegates

C. one-party system

D. open primary

E. plank

F. platform

G. political machine

H. precinct

I. third party

J. two-party system




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Define Match the terms on the right with the clues on the left.

Reviewing Key Terms (cont.)

__ 7. advocates claim that it preserves the secret ballot

__ 8. read this to find out what a party stands for

__ 9. the smallest geographic unit of a party

__ 10. part of a party’s platform




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A. closed primary

B. delegates

C. one-party system

D. open primary

E. plank

F. platform

G. political machine

H. precinct

I. third party

J. two-party system


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Reviewing Main Ideas

What were the first two political parties in the United States, and who were their leaders?

The Democratic-Republicans were led by Thomas Jefferson. The Federalists were led by Alexander Hamilton.

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Reviewing Main Ideas (cont.)

Name three third parties that organized around independent candidates for president.

George Wallace was supported by the American Independent Party, H. Ross Perot by the Reform Party, and Ralph Nader by the Green Party.

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Reviewing Main Ideas (cont.)

What two mechanisms are used by parties to select delegates to the national convention?

Primaries and caucuses are used to select delegates.

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Reviewing Main Ideas (cont.)

Prior to nominating the party’s candidate for president and vice president, what is the main job of delegates at a national convention?

They write the party platform.

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Reviewing Main Ideas (cont.)

In what way do political parties help manage the government?

Presidents appoint several high-ranking officials to serve in the cabinet and other high posts. These people are usually members of the president’s party.

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Critical Thinking

Analyzing Information Why do you think there has never been a successful third-party candidate for president?

Possible answers: The two-party system is so well entrenched in the United States it is difficult for a third-party candidate to win. This is partly due to the difficulty of third-party candidates to raise funds. Third-party candidates often represent single issue parties.

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Analyzing Visuals

What percentage of the popular vote did the third-party candidate receive? Other candidates? How might the results have differed with only two candidates?

Nader, the third-party candidate, received 3 percent of the vote, and other candidates received 1 percent. If there had been only two candidates, one possible answer is that Gore might have won because Nader’s voters might have voted for him.

Study the circle graph on page 233 of your textbook and answer the following questions.

Page 86: Splash Screen

Directions: Choose the answer that best completes the following statement.

All of the following are key roles that political parties play in the U.S. political process EXCEPT

A bring charges of misconduct against the presidency ifnecessary.

B nominate candidates for office.

C monitor the activities of government officials.

D educate the American public about campaign issuesand candidates.

Test-Taking Tip Remember, when a question contains the term except, you must find the answer choice that is not true.

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In what ways does a political party act as a watchdog over government activities?

The party that is out of power watches the actions of the party in power and informs the public about irregularities, thus making the majority party accountable to the people.

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Organization of Political Parties

Leading Third-Party Presidential Candidates

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The First Amendment assures Americans the freedom to express their views on political matters. Political cartoonists use art to express political opinions. Their work appears in newspapers, magazines, and books, and on the Internet. Political cartoons are drawings that express an opinion. They usually focus on public figures, political events, or economic or social conditions. Reading a political cartoon can give you a summary of an event or circumstance and the artist’s opinion in a quick and entertaining manner.

Interpreting a Political Cartoon

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Why Learn This Skill?

Page 93: Splash Screen

Learning the Skill

To interpret a political cartoon, follow the steps below: • Read the title, caption, or conversation balloons. Most

cartoons will carry at least one of these elements. They help you identify the subject of the cartoon.

• Identify the characters. They may be caricatures, or unrealistic drawings that exaggerate the characters’ physical features.

• Identify the symbols. Some caricatures may stand for something else. Commonly recognized symbols may not be labeled. Unusual symbolism will be labeled.

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Interpreting a Political Cartoon

Page 94: Splash Screen

Learning the Skill (cont.)

• Examine the actions in the cartoon to determine what is happening and why they are important.

• Identify the cartoonist’s purpose. State the point the cartoonist makes about the actual situation. Decide if the cartoonist wants to persuade, criticize, or provoke thought.

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Interpreting a Political Cartoon

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Practicing the Skill

Using the political cartoon on the right, answer the questions on the following slides.

Interpreting a Political Cartoon

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1. Who are the main characters in the cartoon? What do they represent?

The main characters are a father and son. They represent a rich family.

The father has his arms crossed and looks uptight and serious while standing in the pool. The large house behind him is obviously his.

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2. In what ways is the main character a caricature?

Interpreting a Political Cartoon

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3. Describe the action in the drawing.

The father is giving the son a lecture while they are in the pool.

The cartoonist is saying that the Republican Party is the party for rich people.

4. What is the cartoonist’s comment on the situation represented?

Interpreting a Political Cartoon

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What do you think of the concept of a “nonvoters’ party”? What course of action is the cartoonist supporting?

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Possible answer: The cartoonist is using irony to remind citizens that they have the potential to wield political power–but that the only way to exercise this power is through voting.

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