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Spinal phlebography

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SPINAL PHL~3~~~APHY by J. T&RON and I. MORET, 1978. Lumbar and cervical techniques.

This book discusses the haemodynamics of the vertebral veins and the technique by which they can be reliably visualized.

A detailed discussion of the radjolo~~c~I anatomy of these veins is followed by many examples of changes in the venous pattern which can develop under pathological conditions.

In a classification of the latter, cervical anrI lumbar ~hlebography are separately discussed, The technique consists of selective catheterization of the veins from the femoral vein.

The authors have deveIo~~d the technique of spinal phle~~ra~hy to a high levet of perfection, and it is nat surprising that their range of ~nd~~atio~s for this ~hIebogra~hy is wide. In comparing the indications for spinal ph~ebogra~hy and those for myelograRhy, the authors oflen decide in favour of the former - possibly because Amipque has so Far been rarely used, if at all, in myelography. Riscussing brachialgia, for example, the authors state that myefography is indicated oniy when phlebography is insufficiently eonctusive.

Apart from this critical note it can be stated that the authors have succeeded in presenting a comprehensive survey of the possibilities of cervical and lumbar spinal phlebography,

The publisher has maintained his wellknown high level with this book, which is recommended reading for neurologists, neurosurgeons and radiologists.

F. L. M. Peeters