Speeches to Entertain

Speeches IV- Galileo S.Y.: 2010-2011

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Francis Austin S. Diaz

100..99..98..97..96..95..94..93..92..91..90.. and so on and so forth

This was how we did our countdowns for Christmas and New Year.

Now, timers should then be reset; we are beginning the countdown again,

but, this time, it’s not for Christmas nor for New Year but for the most

awaited, most prestigious, and most emotional day of our high school life,


With only a few months left before that day, here we are, giving our

last sentiments and perhaps our parting words to each other in the form of

this speech. Here it is that lies the partial story of IV-Galileo Batch 2010-

2011. It is in here that lies the feelings and emotions of each one of us

towards each other. Here we will hear words we could not even have had

imagined another saying.

Last January 10, 2011, during our Physics class, Mr. Sena asked us to

bring 7 yellow stars, 5 red stars, 3 blue stars and a special star. The seven

yellow stars are meant to be given to seven people whom you owe an

apology. The five red stars for those people whom you should thank. The

three blue stars for those people whom you should utter the words “I love

you” to. And the last star, the most special star is for the person who is/was

very special to you in each and every way imaginable.

Sorry. Thank you. I love you.

Three sentences. Six words. A handful of reasons to say. A ton of

meaning to express.

SORRY. The sentence with the least number of words. Sorry as defined

by Webster (1913) as grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some

evil; feeling of regret; -- now generally used to express light grief or affliction,

but formerly used to express deeper feeling. If we follow the definition, it is

something formerly used to express DEEPER feeling. It is intended for those

people to whom you have done something inevitably wrong. Perhaps it is

something about love, studies or friendship.

This word I say to all of you. Sorry. I really am. I regret all decisions I

made in the past that just made my present harder to cope up with. Sorry.

Words may just be words. But this, I seriously mean. Sorry for all the wrong

deeds I have done. Sorry.

THANK YOU. The sentence with two words. It is defined by Webster

(1913) as an expression of gratitude; an acknowledgment expressive of a

sense of favor or kindness receieved. It is intended for those people to whom

have done something good for you.

This sentence I speak to all of you. Thank you. I am really really

thankful for the favor of letting me be a part of this class, of letting me be a

part of you. To all these thirty-four uniformed students in front of me, thank

you. I am deeply honoured to have all of you as my classmates in high

school, by far, the best years in my life.

I LOVE YOU. The sentence with the most number of words among the

three sentences. Love is defined by Webster (1913) as a feeling of strong

attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; a

strong liking or desire. It is intended for those people whom you look up on

to and say “You’re the best. I can’t afford to lose you.”. It is intended for

those people which in plain Filipino terms tinitingala mo. It is for those people

which you spend the whole time doing nothing and say “Ang saya naman.”.

Love is a very complicated word. Others may use the term very often,

because of the shallowness in meaning of the word to them. Others may use

the term very seldom, because of the deep respect for the word. Whatever

they say, I define love in my own terms.

THE SPECIAL STAR. This star should be given to all of you. You all have

made this chapter of my life all the more meaningful, all the more exciting,

all the more great. You all are very special people to me. Each and everyone

one of you.

Perhaps, this is to be viewed as parting. Perhaps, this is to be

understood as goodbyes. But these three sentences, these three is in line

with the best parting words one person can utter to another. Sorry. Thank

you. I love you. These three as I believe are the three most powerful

sentences in the english language today.

Sorry. Thank you. I love you.

Three sentences. Six words. A handful of reasons to say. A ton of

meaning to express.



Menard A. Esto

Do you know that the first always matter? Like first place, first born,

first kiss and first time. Think of it very deeply. There’s no second chance

without first chance. There would be no 2 if there’s no 1. You can’t count 1-

10without one. And there’s no such thing as doing something in second time

if you had not done it yet for the first time.

Let me tell you a short story.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.

It was said in the bible that God made the entire earth including the living

things in just seven days. In the seventh day, God rested. But before that

day, God created the first man. It was Adam. God created man so that there

would be someone that can take care of the creations of God. Then, God

have seen Adam lonely in the Garden of Eden. So God created Eve from the

flesh of Adam so that Adam will have a companion of taking care of the

earth. And there was the first woman. “Be fruitful and multiply”, God said.

And God also said that in the Garden of Eden, you can eat all the fruits

except the fruit of the Tree of Wisdom in the center of the Garden. But Eve

disobeyed God by following the temptation of the devil. And so, Adam did it

too. And then there was the first sin.

Let me tell you another story.

I was a little bit of afraid when it was my first time. I can’t show my real

identity to the crowd because of intense feeling and because of thinking that

I may be ashamed of doing wrong. Walking through the area, I saw the door.

And I’ve been thinking for a while because it really was my first time. One

step closer makes me more nervous. As I enter the door, I walk towards the

chair and there I felt less nervous. I heard many people around me talking

and chattering about everything they like. What’s your name? How do you

do? Is it also your first time? Those are the questions running towards my


I know this feeling is very different to the usual thing that I felt every

day. Believe me or not. This is really my first time! My first time and my first

day of my high school life.

And that’s how I defined first in my life.Speech



John T. Iligan

Many people say that you won’t amount to anything, you won’t make

it, and you won’t succeed, unless you’re on your own. But those people

forget the heroes standing behind them, the brave fighters and

peacemakers, who make life what it is. These people are our friends, who

add the vibrancy and color to this world that is otherwise a monotone black

and white. These people, no matter what is wrong and what they are doing,

support you every step of the way and hold you up when you’re falling.

Never forget these people watching you, guarding you through life’s

hardships. They will be your light, your happiness to guide you through this

never ending darkness. If soon forgotten, the marks, and sometimes even

the scars, these people cast on your heart will still exist, though their

reasoning may be lost. Everyone you meet every single person impacts you

in some way, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time.

Then, there are those special people to touch your heart, who leave marks so

big or so deep on your soul, that you could never forget their mark no matter

how much you try. These people will hold the greatest impact on your life

and whose presence will stick with through all times. There marks aid to

characterize who you are and how your life will go.

These heroes will be able to tell you what’s wrong, even though you

may not know it yourself. The look in your eyes, they see through your lies,

even if they blind you. You can tell them you’re fine- straight face lie, and

they’ll see straight through it. You can’t fool them, can’t trick them, because

they know you are the same, well. Don’t even try it! It’s not worth the effort.

They are your sunshine, your hope, your light. You can’t let them

extinguish or you’ll extinguish yourself. You need them to hold you together,

to hold your seams together while you’re breaking apart.  They’ll hold you

when you break down and cry. They’ll share your pain, no matter rough it

may be or how much you hurt. These fighters just want to bring your pain to

a halt and make sure no matter what, you’ll be okay.

They will listen to your problems, and give advice when you can’t find

it in your own heart, even when the truth may not be what you want to hear.

They’ll do anything, no matter how silly and crude, just to make you smile

and sometimes laugh.

They know you aren’t perfect. They’ll accept you for who you are, even

if they disagree with who you are or what you do.

You can call them any time of the day, even if it is rain or shine, just to

have someone to talk to, and to cry to. They will take you out and treat you,

just to make sure you’re fed and well.

These heroes become your everything and consume what you thought

life was.

Please, remember these everyday heroes who have done so much for your

life. They are here for you, and they would even die for you, so how could

you even begin to toss them away? Something so simple that becomes to

complete something even greater, something that almost seems not human.

These kind creatures, uncaring about themselves and more forgiving than

even the earth itself, are what made life special and worth living. The earth

needs the sun to light up its surface, just as we need the friends and family

who are watching our backs. Please, I beg of you, don’t let this earthly

wonder slip you by. Embrace the ones you love, and who love you. Don’t let

that soft flame extinguish. Hold it and protect it from the coming storm. Who

knows when you’ll need these heroes later, or when they’ll need you, but no

matter what, don’t let the true miracles that have come into your life slip


As SpongeBob SquarePants says, that “If you want to fly, all you need

is friendship!”. Think of it! There’s a hidden meaning behind of it that we’ll

make us smile and encourage ourselves to love our friends or maybe I should

tell, heroes of our lives!



John Paul D. Lordan

“I just want you to have it better than I did.”

“I want you to have nice things.”

Maybe you’ve heard these quotes from your moms, right? Well, if you’ll ask

me, I already did. It’s very funny to think about what your mother tells you. It

may be a compliment, a reprimand or just something unusual to your

hearing, but surely it tells about something. It has its true meaning.

Don’t talk when your mouth is full.

I’ve heard this very oftentimes. How about you? I’m sure you do. Imagine

talking excitingly about a topic to your friends and then once this quote is

said, you’re hanged up and immediately try to finish chewing the food inside

your mouth for you to continue. This may be a sort of embarrassment but,

you then realize it’s for your own good. A manner to be practiced and a good

etiquette to be observed.

Because I said so, that’s why. You’ll do as I say.

Perhaps you’ll hear these words once mom encountered desperate moments

because she reached the end of her rope. At this moment, I can picture out

frightened faces and limited moves. We all know that mom’s not playing

games anymore. She uttered these words for us, her children, to be

reminded of proper behavior.

Go ask your dad.

First thing that comes into my mind is to ask “Why? What for?” This often

occurs when I tend to ask something from my mother. It seems that she

can’t decide about it. Well, she told me to tell her about it but then she

refuses to make a decision and tells me to talk to my dad regarding the

matter. At that moment, a slim chance is what I expect for the grant of what

I asked. Hopes will be replaced by little disappointments but as what I’ve

said, a reason is behind.

This reason tells about what mothers are for. This tells why mothers keep

telling hose things to us. “Ok, I give up” An expression we want to justify. We

treat those things as a deafening sound to our ears that we don’t want to

keep on playing. But, I’ll ask you one thing, have you heard of:

I love you my son. I love you my daughter. Mom’s always here for you.

This is surely the best thing that you want your mom to say to you always,

isn’t it?



Christel Rajko C. Manansala

I have a dream of a community, designed with my classmates around

me. I have dreamed of people and nature in mind and heart.

On my dream, I have so many visions, visions that may come true in

real life. My first vision was about Francis, I saw him in a NBA basketball

team, and he was the center of the team because of his height that was

7’7”. Menard, who joined in Yakuza, a Japanese Mafia, he was the leader of

the group. John, who had a comedy show flight on television, and he became

a blockbuster king. John Paul, whom I saw on the street selling quail eggs,

had his own store on the front of Mateo’s gym. Lloyd, the master of

computer games, became a break-dancer. Mateo, who owned the Mateo’s

gym, became a model in different fashion shows. Denmark, who owned a

mental hospital beside John Paul’s store, became a professional psychologist.

Yves, became an agriculturist, major in Forestry has left the city and migrate

to the mountain ranges of Sierra Madre. Riva, became the heartthrob in the

Philippines, he also became a professional dentist. Sarno, had his stallion and

took care of many horses, and Edel, took a military training in PMA and now

a 4 star General soldier. The boy on my visions seems to be successful but

what about the girls?

The first girl I have seen on my vision was Alyssa; she was now a nun

in a parish near Allam’s Music shop. Marilee who owned the Allam’s music

shop sold many musical instruments. Dara, became a choreographer and a

fashion designer at the same time. Marianne had her commercial introducing

a new product of Glutathione. Victoria had her own billboard post in EDSA.

Jade Baul had her diet, and was married with Richard. Arianne became a

successful business woman, Jenelyn, was together with Alyssa in a parish

and sometimes she teaches Values Education in a public school. Sandra, I

didn’t have any visions of her. Helen, had her own variety store in front of

their original store. Bernaly, became a fashion designer. Noemi, became had

worked in Japan as entertainer. Abigail owned a pet shop, Jamaica who

migrated in Jamaica and had her family in that country. Jeremy was together

with Marianne introducing a new Glutathione product. Frauline was still

studying as a fine arts student in UP Diliman. Monique had her own funeral

services, Pauline, had her family together with Elpidio, she was very happy in

her new life. Myca, she was now a patient of Denmark, and Virtudazo, she

owned a piggery.

The community was happy, and of course the community will not be

happy without me, Kelly, I was very successful, I had my family together with

Jevie, and I became a billionaire. A speech was really good with a happy




Denmark C.Moralita

A pleasant afternoon to everyone especially to our beautiful English IV

teacher Mrs. Porto. It’s great that I am here in front of you speaking and

telling this speech to all of you. I wish all of you are fine and well today.

LOVE….LOVE…LOVE…Love is a special word for everyone. The word

“love” can have a variety of related but distinct meaning of different

contexts. It’s very funny and also good to hear those words from different

languages like the phrase “Wo ai ni” which means I love you that carries with

it a very specific sense of responsibility, commitment and loyalty. It is not

only a word but this is a strong feeling and affection to someone and also for

everyone. You can actually feel it for everybody. It’s quite interesting to think

that even people from different parts of the globe may fall in love with each

other no matter how long and how far they are. That’s what we call the

power of love. I believe in the saying that love conquers all. No matter how

you always say that you didn’t love a person but the real thing and what you

know to yourself is that you love that person, you will get struck with cupid

because your heart tells it so.

First off all that I loved is our Almighty God. God has always been there

for me and I thanks God for giving me my parents that will guide me on my

way to my future life and success. For my life I had love so many people. Of

course my parents were also the one that I loved in to my life. They are there

since I was born and until now the love that I felt never last. No parents

would want his/her child to live a life with troubles and problems that is why I

loved my parents so much. My friends made me love them by sharing our

thoughts and likes for the things we always do. They made my life good and

some of my memorable moments are with my friends who were there for me

in happiness and in loneliness.

There came a time on my life that I fell in love with someone. It was

back then when I was on my second year of high school. We got closer to be

friends because since first year, she was my friend. My classmates had just

linked us but I did not expect that from that closeness of friendship, I would

fell in love with her. At first she gave me a letter and I thought that it was

only a friendly letter, I mean like a greeting card only, but I was shocked

after reading that. It was written in the letter that she likes me and I don’t

know what to say or what to react. It took a few days for me to think of what

will I tell her but one day, one of my classmates told me that she was waiting

for my answer. The next morning, I called her and asked if she can talked to

me about what she has given me a few days ago. And because I did not

know the whole truth about what I really feel about her, I said “I’m sorry, but

I don’t have any feelings for you. Maybe we can have but right now, I don’t

know.” I saw her reaction on what I said. I feel like she was upset after I said

that. I can’t understand but I felt that I hurt her so I talked to some of my

classmates about that matter. They told me if it was the real thing that I felt.

I said I don’t know but whenever I saw her laughing with the other guys, I

wish I was the one she was laughing with and whenever she helps John on

doing something, I wish I was the one she was helping for. Maybe I am

jealous or whatever and so I tell her that I also like her the day after. She

became now my inspiration in life, the one that made me happy and loved

me of who I am. I love the her.

Now that I am now graduating, I always take the opportunity to be with

my classmates that had been a part of my life since we were on our first day

on high school. I loved them because they made almost all the memories in

my life. So I am thankful that I met them and they became a friend of mine

that I can rely on whenever I need help. They were there in happiness and in

loneliness, even if we had so many problems to face on, we can pass it

because of the love we had for each other. Ever since in my school life I had

never felt the happiness I had with my classmate now in high school. I’ll

remember those memories, those hopes and dreams and the history we

made together. There will be love always between us that keep us tight to

fight for the challenges and the adventures especially now that we will be

apart. In every thing that I do I always think of the friendship we had that is

why I passed all the hard times in my life. I love them because I know that

they will be there always for me and I’ll treasure them for all of my life

because friends are there for you always than that of the people who will be

there only in times of happiness. It all starts with friendship and in the end it

will always stay as friendship forever in my heart. I wish they will remember

me also on the good things that I did for them and on the memories we had


Before I ended this speech, I would like to thank you all for all that I

had come up and the experience that I had and done in my whole high

school life. I will forever cherish the days we had together and so you are. My

dear teacher and friends, I would like to end this afternoon remembering this

wonderful day. You have given me the courage which gives me liveliness

throughout my life and I’ll bring it wherever destiny leads me. Truly, I am

enchanted to meet all of you. Once again thank you very much and good day

to everyone.


(IV-Galileo’s Way)


Yves B. Pumarada

I would like to share to you the tips on how IV-Galileo overcomes the

attack of boredom.

One, go outside the room, roam around the school and when you hear

the word “MYCA!”, you must stop whatever your position may be, even if the

whole Dasmariñas National High School is looking at you. If you hear the

word “GALAW”, you can now continue what you are doing and act as if

nothing happened. It is best when you are wearing a costume after a

performance like jingle making.

Two, when you really have nothing to do, form a group. Then give each

member a codename like Agent Clinkz (Yves), Agent Pugna (Menard), Agent

Leoric (Francis), Agent Undying (Lloyd), Agent Azwraith (Riva), Agent Meepo

(Mateo), Agent Jah’rakal (Kelly), Agent Akasha (Mons), Agent Mortred (Rica),

Agent Lina (Alyssa), Agent Aleria (Riann), Agent Lanaya (Edel), Agent

Broodmother (Jade), Agent Rylai (Pauline), Agent Krobelus (Berns), Agent

Raigor (Sarno), Agent Mirana (Maika), Agent Silkwood (Dara), Agent Aiushtha

(Myca). Then, welcome each members of group through text.

Three, if your subject teacher is late or absent, you must take the

opportunity to visit other rooms and request for some coins also called as

“PAKALOG”. Then, after you collected enough money, go straight to the

canteen and buy your snack. Remember to say ‘thank you’ to those who

helped you.

Four, celebrate the birthday of Ma’am Porto, you must have cake and

ice. After eating, grab as many ices as you can and throw it to your

classmates or put it inside their uniform. If there is no ice left, get some cake

icing, then place it to each other’s face even Ma’am Porto’s. Joke. But I think

she will love that because it let her feels that she is younger. Make sure you

have an extra t-shirt before doing this.

Five, grab the guitar, play a song, then let the others do the singing. I

know you’ll also enjoy that moment because you know you’re not the only

one doing that thing, IV- Galileo will sing together with you.

All the things mentioned above are just tips on how IV-Galileo survived

boring moments inside the classroom. Even though each has a different

character, these tips also helped us to bond with each other and united us as

one team for our one goal: Supremacy.

These are the secrets on how we enjoyed our high school life though

we’ve had a lot of things to do. Also through this tips, boredom will never hit

us again because, from now on, we’re all alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic.


Thank you and Long live Galileo Supremacy!



Edelmiro O. Solis

Good day everyone. Before I start this speech I would like to give my

fullest gratitude to our voluptuous goddess of beauty Madam Belinda Porto

for the great time that she exerted teaching us and providing our needs in

making speech.

How could such a sad word as ‘goodbye” start with the word ‘good’?

Life isn’t easy right? We are all survivors.

According to Mrs. Luzviminda Bago, back then 2009, “Sa dami dami ng

sperm na lumabas, isa lang ang magmimeet sa egg cell at makabubuo ng

supling, kayo yun. Champion kayo”.

It’s a simple statement but means a lot for me.

It was quite hot afternoon; I was feeling dizzy and start yawning. It

feels like my body needs rest because I am busy managing my files for the

past week when my Blackberry phone rang.

It was a phone call from my dear classmate Francis Austin Diaz telling

me that he, and Monique Tizon were going to Boracay to attend their

seminar as part of their jobs as accountant. They are working with the same

bank. Francis told me that he bought ticket at Jenelyn De Lara’s Ticketing

office at Ninoy Aquino International Airport where Bernaly Jaudian works as

flight attendant. He also told me that he saw our friend Lloyd Renzol

Manimtim as their pilot. Then we bid goodbyes and good lucks to each other.

The next day, when I woke up, I started my morning routine by tuning

in to the daily morning news while eating my breakfast. It was the premiere

telecast of the new morning show and I was surprised that it was hosted by

my high school best friend Sandra Hilado together with her hubby Mj Philip

Naguit. They are having an interview with the Asian Sensation Jade Baul as

she takes the Polish National Opera in Warsaw considering that theater as

the largest in the world. Jade Baul was rumored to have her marriage with

her long time boyfriend Richard dela Peña. Then I switched the channel to

watch out for Ms. Marianne Baladjay who will represent our country to the

prestigious Ms. Universe but I was late and she was crowned as the new title

holder. She was rumored to follow Venus Raj’s career as GMA Kapuso station

revealed that they have an offer to Marianne to play the role of Machete.

I opened my email account and received a message from Helen

Imperial. She was inviting us to witness the opening of her anime cosplay

studio besides Pamela Detal’s high class restobar at Bacolod. I also read

daily updates regarding fashion and showbiz in the internet. I saw Noemi

Lape as the leading international supermodel and Jade Arianne Cerrada as

the new owner of the publishing company of leading chap magazines. Then I

dressed up and decided to go to my work.

I rode on the jeepney. I pass my fare to the person beside me and it

was Menard Esto. I don’t know why he’s crying until he told me that he is

unmarried and still waiting for my friend Riann. He also told me that he is

now a great repairman.

Then I left the jeepney and decided to go to a nearby department store

to buy something to eat before going to work. While I’m walking along

pathways, I saw billboards of Blessy Lubag for the fashion boutique

Gabuliiemuch. Her business boomed so fast for the past years.

Then I entered the mall and find a fast food chain to buy something to

eat. As I passed along the bookstore, my eyes were captivated by a

magazine. I saw Pauline Tañedo and Yves Pumarada on the cover. They’re

the hottest loveteam today. I grab one copy and bought it. Then, I scan on

the pages and I’m happy to see Alyssa Agra as the editor in chief. She has

also articles about cooking in just 10 minutes. There are also beauty tips

from Myca Valencia – Magpayo and fashion tips from FHM’s hottest cover girl

Dara Aquino. I have fun reading. Suddenly, a bunch of people hurried in. I

wonder why and I was surprised to see Frauline Tadle’s book signing. She

just launched a new book entitled “Justice Leagues’ Lucas Clyne: A Story that

will never ever end”. Aside from her bestselling book “Julian Jiore Ruanto:An

Endless Love”.

While walking in the mall, my focus was lost hearing one familiar song.

I hurriedly went to second floor and saw a newly created music bar. It’s

Singing Prowess. I went inside and saw my dramatica co-officer and a good

friend of mine – Rica Angelo Gito managing the cd stalls of the best selling

album by John Paul Lordan entitled Lordan sings Viray with his carrier single

Baklaismo. It was his 18th album and Rica told me that John Paul made it to

the Grammy Awards in Hollywood for the Best Solo Performer. Rica gave me

one copy and told me that our classmate Marilee has its debut album too. It’s

entitled Lucky I’m Inlove with my Vesfriend ranked number 3 at the

bestselling album of the year.

I was about to leave the store but one poster caught my attention. It

was a comedy bar named Bebedol celebrating its 5th year anniversary,

obviously it was founded by my good friend slash thesis mate Jamaica

Mercado. Rica told me that the buildings there were created by Engineer

Denmark Moralita and Engineer Jerome Riva.

I went down the second floor and went through the outside world of

the mall. I rode on a bus. I was about to sleep but my eyes can’t believe that

Abigail Malabanan is on the television plugging for her first movie entitled

Bananay and Jeanne Maika Virtudazo plugging her social site named


When I was on my work as a European Languages Professor at De La

Salle University Dasmariñas. I saw all of my co-professors watching Face to

Face in the faculty. It’s funny to see Ma. Victoria Balatucan and Nazareno

Mateo having their quarrel in the show. Jerome Sarno is the resident

psychologist there and Jeremy Moralidad is the newest spiritual adviser of

the show.

I didn’t waste my time in the show because I have lots to do. I get my

laptop and check my e-mails. My eyes were get too big seeing an article. Sgt.

Kelly Manansala saves Aclan, Antique and Capiz’ Mayors. I check my e-mail

now. John Iligan send me a message. Asking me if I am alright. I just replied I

am fine and doing well. By the way John Iligan is a head nurse in Canada

right now. Then my phone rang again.

The loud buzzing of the phonewoke me up and I found myself lying on

the floor with my class picture on my hand and stuffs scattered around me.

Then I realized that it was all just delusion. I answered the phone and it was

Marian Solis telling me to prepare for my graduation, they’re all coming to

fetch me and proceed to the ceremony.

And that was my dreams hours before. I never knew that in a knick of

time, I will saw the prospect of our lives. The time will come that that dreams

will turned into reality. Our alma mater will give us clear view towards our

future, a future that is either with one of you or alone with new.

"You and I will meet again, when we're least expecting it, One day in

some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend,

for you and I will meet again"

Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.

They simply mean I'll miss you

Until we meet again!

See you soon my beloved friends.

Edel now signing off.



Alyssa Lyn F. Agra

“It’s not only the BRAIN, but also the HEART that keeps us BRIGHT”

Being a part of the Special Science Class is the thing that I am most

grateful for. I’m very lucky to be a part of it. Without it, I wouldn’t have

known my beloved family – IV – Galileo.

IV – Galileo is very special. I think it’s not only for me but also for

everyone. There are things that made IV – Galileo really special and easy to


First, all of them are really UNIQUE. All of them are special in their own

way. Even though they have their own groups, they still act as a FAMILY. And

families don’t leave someone behind. And also, families work all together.

That’s why; they always remember the saying “all for one, one for all.”

Second, all of them are very TALENTED. All of them have their own

talents – in dancing, singing, acting, drawing, speaking in public, joining

contests, in everything! That’s why I’m really proud to be with them.

Actually, in contests, when IV – Galileo is qualified, it’s really great to know

that the other sections are scared of us or “kami ay kinakatakutan”. They are

scared because almost all the contests that Galileo had joined, they always

won the first place. And it’s because they are talented.

Next thing is they are very OPTIMISTIC and CONFIDENT. They almost

won in everything because they know how to be confident but not boastful

and full of themselves. They know how to be optimistic and be very positive

in all they do. Also, they are very BRIGHT and CHEERFUL. These are the

assets that make us really, really special.

Another thing is they are very PHOTOHOLIC. Picture here, picture

there, pose here, and pose there! In all places, in all events, in all gatherings,

in everything! This is one way that they can prove how cheerful they are.

Camera is their secret weapon.

Another way to prove that they are very cheerful is BEING CORNY.

They love jokes but the thing is they only know the corny ones. This makes

them very happy in all times. Joking is already a part of their everyday

routine. It’s like it’s their source of energy. And without it, their day cannot

be complete.

Last thing that make them special is them being GALLANT and

GENEROUS. Even though they don’t have money and they want to celebrate

something, they will still do everything just to perform a certain activity or

celebration. Just like when it’s the birthday of their teacher or classmate,

they will hold a party or simple celebration. This makes them very special to


It’s really fun to reminisce all of the things you’ve done all together.

But in other hand, it’s really sad. I want to remember all of the things that

I’ve done with them. Of course I don’t want to forget because it’s the only

way that I can remember all of my classmates.

Graduation is already near. And I still don’t have my parting words for

my dearest classmates. Actually, it’s really hard to say “goodbye” to

someone you don’t want to leave behind. And honestly, I still don’t want to

leave my classmates.

Leaving my classmates will be the hardest part of all. After all the

things that you’ve done with them, after building your trust with everyone,

after conquering all of the problems, after all the laughter, the tears, the

pains, the heartfelt “sorry”, everything! After all those things, you will still

have to leave them.

But leaving them doesn’t mean that you need to say “goodbye”. For

me, I will never say the word “goodbye” because it means that you will leave

them permanently and forever. It’s better to say “see you soon” because I

know that someday, we will still be all together and we – IV- Galileo will be

reunited once again.

Francis, Menard, John, John Paul, Kelly, Lloyd, Mateo, Denmark, Yves,

Riva, Sarno, Edel, Marilee, Dara, Marianne, Victoria, Jade, Arianne, Jeneleyn,

Rica, Riann, Sandra, Helen, Bernaly, Noemi, Blessy, Abby, Jamaica, Jeremy,

Frauline, Pauline, Monique, Myca and Maika, THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!



Marilee M. Allam

People always choose the things that are not hard to do. They prefer or

point out works that will not make them be stressed or pressured. My heart

have been catched by this entertaining story from a book.

On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow. "Today

I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day

long. You will work all day under the sun!"

"I will give you a life span of 50 years."

The cow objected. "What? This kind of tough life you want me to live

for 50 years? Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years - I'll give back to you."

So God agreed.

On the second day, God created the dog. God said to the dog, "What you are

supposed to do is to sit all day by the door of your house. Any people that

come by, or in, you will have to bark at them!"

"I'll give you a life span of 20 years!"

The dog objected. "What? All day long I have to sit by the door? No

way! Let me live for only ten years. I give you back my other 10 years of

life!" So God agreed.

On the third day, God created the monkey. He said to the monkey, "A

monkey has to entertain people. You've got to make them laugh and do

monkey tricks."

"And I'll give you a 20 year life span."

The monkey objected. "What? Make them laugh? Do monkey faces and

tricks? Ten years will do, and the other 10 years - I'll give back to you." So

God agreed.

On the fourth day, God created man and said to him, "Your job is to sleep,

eat, and play. You will enjoy very much in your life. All you need to do is to

enjoy and do nothing."

"For this kind of life, I'll give you a 20 year life span."

The man objected. "What? Such a good life! Eat, play, sleep, do

nothing? Enjoy the best and you expect me to live only for 20 years? No way,

man!....... Why don't we make a deal?"

"Since Cow gave you back 30 years, Dog gave you back 10 years, and

Monkey gave you back 10 years, I will take them from you! That makes my

life span 70 years, right?" So God agreed.

And that is why.....

In our first 20 years, we eat, sleep, play, enjoy the best and do nothing


For the next 30 years, we work all day long, suffer and get to support the


For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey

faces and doing monkey tricks.

And for the last 10 years, we stay at home, sit in front of the door and bark

at people.

God has planned us a life full of goodness and happiness but we are

the ones who are breaking it and instead we choose what we think was right.

You see? What WE THINK was right? It’s just what WE think, but it is not what

HE planned.

So let us all remember that he made this life for us to do as what we

are told to do. We are not made to do what we want to do.



Dara Mariel M. Aquino

To our beloved English teacher that is holding the title of being the “Goddess

of Beauty”, Mrs. Belinda Port and to the people who are behind of every

tears and laughters I’ve had all through my high school life, friends that

made me feel like my second family, IV-Galileo batch 2011, good afternoon.

As I start my speech of entertainment, I would like you to know that this is

not just for the sake of passing, this came from all the memories we’ve had

together, from the tears that yeah, falling from my eyes right now and from

the bottom of my heart. Hope you like this.

Before taking my first step in Dasmariñas National High School, I was so

afraid of having more than ten classmates ( Yeah! That was so ridiculous of

me. ) but seriously, it’s true! For I thought that they’d gonna be hard for me

to approach or whatsoever. But then, June 4, 2007 became the start of

counting wonderful years to spend with these great people in front of me.

I’ve never thought that these past four years with you guys, will be as

perfect as this. Thinking of the laugh trips, blues, secrets, gossips, ramblings

and everything we had under the sun and even under the moon brought me

to an idea of how my life would be if I haven’t spent it with them.

Forty different kids were bound together to complete the section. From

Aguirre to Solis, sixteen boys were meant to be there, while 27 girls from

Agra to Virtudazo made up the forty students of SSC I-Joule. I can still

remember those years of innocence, “putek” (just an expression) was

already a “bad word” for us. I just can’t imagine how those four years bound

our friendship this tight. And now, after two months, these four years in high

school which I call “HAPPiNESS” will eventually become a part of the so-

called “memories”. I just don’t know how am I going to face the world after

the day of our graduation. No more 7am-5pm class schedules, lingguhang

awtputs, tara mcdo!, plastic ka, backstabber yan and everything that’s oh-so

high school things.

I can’t think of a way of how am I going to face a day without the PCD

(Jenjen, Bekbek, Len, Mi and Pam). The way they get mad, the way they

laugh and the tightness of friendship they had with each other. The

Advocates who were the “heartthrobs” of our batch, they’re amusing

performances, the way they bond with the girls and how they’ve shown us,

girls, that not all men are the same. The MARJ ft. BMF, the group of “brainy”

people, the way how serious they are in every school thingies and the way

how they’ve shown me that not all these smart people are nerd, they’re

actually cool.

Oh! And how can I forget about the naughtiest, annoying, fun to be with and

carefree youngsters? Their laughters that were caused by a corny joke from

John, the way how they talk to each other that was like there’s no another

day for them or like they’re in the opposite poles of the earth, those were

just so great things to reminisce and might also make me crave for more

years to spend with this group, the Taggers (Jaja, Den, Abi, John, JP, Jamai,

Pau, Poky and Yanyan). And let me not forget about the group that I’ve been

wanting to be part of before, the Solid (Del, Ri, Sarno, Silda, Doodle and Bes),

the group that had the greatest “KABOOGSH” on me. They’ve just given me

such unforgettable memories to bring ‘til the last second of my life, yeah, it

might be too much to hear but I think they really do. These group became

the biggest part of my high school life.

Diaz, Francis Austin Sicio, became one of the most important persons in my

life in high school. He once made me felt like I was the greatest girl he had

ever met. And so was I, I felt like he was the best man I’d ever had. And I just

don’t know how our fantasy of love just faded away that fast. And yes, he’s

the batch’s Valedictorian. Esto, Menard, became a great CAT officer; he

showed us that he wasn’t just “hoy, Menard” but instead, he can be treated

like “Asking permission to ask SIR!”. Iligan, John, had proved us that height

can never stop him from showing the real him. He even made someone great

fall for him effortlessly. Lordan, John Paul, made a mark on our minds that

“nobody can get taller than he is.” Just kidding! He has showed us that

patience would give you good relationship in friends. Manansala, Christel

Rajko proved us that “all men are the same” thing, wrong. He has loved a

girl with all his heart and waited long enough to show his sincerity. He’s one

of a kind. Manimtim, Lloyd Renzol, gave us a thought of how does this little

man lives his life, he was a very silent guy that makes everyone in the class

laugh whenever he makes his unique Penguin dance step. Mateo, Nazareno,

found his one true love after being such a playboy before. He has now

became a stick to one guy and an understanding boyfriend. Moralita,

Denmark, started as a shy-type guy because of being an only child in his

family. But then, he has evolved as years have passed us by that also made

his heart beat for his Ms. Right. Pumarada, Yves, the man that changed me

and helped me became mature in the way I look forward to life. This man

was just so awesome that made every girl, despite of being so arrogant,

scream for his name and fall for him easily without any effort. Riva, Jerome

was once a “si Riva lang pala” and now he’s a “oh talaga? Si Riva!? =D”. A

man that has evolved a lot, became a better man as years went-by. Sarno,

Jerome was the class’s clown. He’s the probably the reason of most of our

guffaws in the room. Solis, Edelmiro Octa changed a lot from first year to

fourth year. This youngster has proved everyone that nothing can stop

anyone from achieving his goals in life. This great person has now achieved a

lot that’s more than enough of what he has wished for. We might had fights

before but after few hours, or days or weeks, my love for this friend of mine

will never change.

Agra, Alyssa Lyn and Allam, Marilee became close friends this fourth year,

maybe because of their talent (singing0 that bound them together in an

organization. These two became my crying shoulders whenever I’m down. I

can never forget how Lysa would hug me and how Nay shares her love life

with Tay to me and I can see in her eyes those “butterfies”. Baladjay,

Marianne was always beside me, (yea!) because of the alphabetical seating

arrangement. I could still remember once, I was so sleepy and I asked her to

pinch me then suddenly, it became a bruise. Balatucan, Ma. Victoria was one

of the tres marias, she’s small, cute and bubbly but get rid of her whenever

she’s mad for you can’t resist her madness. And that’s what Teo loves about

her. Baul and Cerrada, Jade were just so opposite in everything, despite of

having the same name. Baul got a dark complexion which is absolutely

opposite to Cerrada’s complexion and so as their likes and dislikes. De Lara,

Jenelyn was the one who has helped me try to be a better me in the last 3

months of my high school life, I am so thaksful for having her. She helps me

to overcome my laziness in everything. Despite of knowing our past, she still

loved me as pure as if nothing has torn us apart before. Detal, Pamela

Kristelle will always and forever be my one and only baby potchi that had

never left me alone in times of darkness. Gito, Rica Angela, my

Bheiibiitootsxz, yeah, that’s in a jejemon way, she has been one of my crying

shoulders since then. I might have disappointed her once but then she still

believed in me and continued supporting me in everything I do. Thanks Rica!

Guerrero, Riann was the girl who has been very jolly and is a great singer.

She has her very own version and style of singing “Happy Birthday” that no

one could ever copy. Hilado, Sandra Lorainne, is my Best Friend. Since first

year, she became my best friend for a reason that’s so unclear. It was just

like a “tenen!” and oooh. We’re BFF already. I will never regret anything that

we’ve been through. You’re one of the best things that happened in my life

and so as Jeanne Maika Virtudazo. Both of you were just the gal pals I would

never ask anything more but years with you. For you were the friends I can

never afford to lose. Imperial, Helen, Jaudian, Bernaly, Lape, Noemi and

Lubag, Blesilda was one of the people whom I shared my tears with. These

people became my advisers on how to survive in any problem. They were

with me as I faced each and every trials in life that I had. Malabanan, Abigail,

Mercado, Jamaica Marie, Moralidad, Jeremy and Tañedo, Pauline were also

one of the people who have never left me alone. They never made me felt

alone, they might be not that close to me but in times of need, I can surely

count on them. Tadle, Frauline, Tizon, Monique and Valencia, Myca were the

people who never became two-faced people on me, as far as I know. They’ve

been the ones I’ve been thanking all day for listening to all my dramas. Poky

became the best listener and friend when it comes to problem sharing. She

always supports me and gives pieces of advice to me for me to try in every

trial that I undergo. Last but definitely not the list is, Virtudazo, Jeanne Maika.

The girl whom I never thought would mark as great as this to me. We’ve

never been this tight before, just this senior year. This girl became my secret

holder, I tell her everything that I cannot hold anymore (you know, things or

problems that are too heavy to keep on myself). I woke up one day and I felt

like this girl would be a great loss if we’d be apart, this girl is just so

important to me and I can always count on this girl, I swear!

These people were just so awesome to become my friends, when I look at

them from a far, I cannot see how I fit in this group of wonderful people. As

my tears roll down my face, I can feel the warmth of love that these people

had given me. I can never forget all those great smiles, love and care that

you have shared with me. And now, as we walk on our way to the stage

where diplomas shall be given, let me first thank each and every one of you

who’ve walked with me to this journey of life. And now, the parting ways has

come, let me ask you this one favor, will you let me stay in your hearts just

until the world ends? Or if not, just take the memories we had together until

the last second of your life? For I can assure you that you will be in my heart

forever as well as the memories we had. I may not remember your whole

names in the next 20 years, but the love I’ve felt for you guys will stay here

in my heart and in my life. Reminiscing the moments we had shared, I begin

to realize what’s going to be next when these wonderful things are all gone.

In the next five, six, seven or ten years, would it still be the same?

Hope you enjoyed listening to my speech. That was all and I thank you.



Marianne Joy S. Baldjay

It was a bright sunny day, the sky was a soft shade of blue and

there was a slight breeze in the air. There were so many people all

around me, some are young and some are older. They were everywhere.

When I’m getting nearer to the gate I felt nervous and all of a sudden I

was stricken with fear. After entering the school, I felt that I’m alone and

all I wanted was to be home again. My eyes scanned around the room

and I thought that this is my new world, a world where I’m no longer

being treated as a child.

My first impression of the school itself was it looks like a forest

because of the big trees planted around it and it was so scary, unlike my

pervious school where everything was mixed up and organized but I

never expected that this is a place where I can meet my true friends.

Friends who told me how to show my real self and they were the one

that cheers me up sometimes in loud and visible ways, sometimes in

unspoken ways in the background. Nothings can come close to the love

that we build in four years of friendship. We always support each other,

whether it involves very visible support or simple background


I believe that the most exciting and happiest moments on a

student’s life happen in high school. I have learned many lessons and

experience in this part of my life. I remembered that there was a time

that our parents was called by one of our teacher because we skipped

and we didn’t attend her class, and I’m so worried because it happened

for the first time in my life but then my classmates didn’t mind it and

throw some jokes with each other saying “ hoy! Sabi ni ma’am bring

your parents daw….with plastic cover!” and everyone will laugh hard,

we just take things easy. We cannot avoid problems related to school

like having no assignments and passing late projects, brain-crashing and

mind-sizzling examinations, low and even failing grades and my

classmates says ”bawi ka na lang next year!”. Sometimes we have a lot

of assignments and requirements to be passed and we don’t know what

to do first, but then after we finished it we says” yun lang yun,

nakakabitin naman!” And everyone screamed “MORE!!!” with a rock

sign! And if we don’t have a lot of assignments after school we decided

to go in a certain house and took some pictures and enjoy our day with

memorable laughtrips. When there’s a school competition, we give our

full support and effort to bring home the trophy and we never fail to do

this because we believe in our power.

Because of so much happiness that I feel everytime I’m with

my classmates, I didn’t notice that the last day of my high school life is

fast approaching and I can only imagine how I'll be feeling when I step

out of Dasmariñas National High School for the very last time. I didn't

think that the time to graduate would come soon enough but now that

time is finally near I cannot believe that it has come this fast. I

remember my first days of high school I was just a newcomer in the

school and I feel alone because I don’t know everyone but now in just

two more months I’m about to leave this school but I can say I've had

plenty of good times and bad times in high school. The only thing I can

say is that I learned. Its not just I learned from the book but also from

my experiences that I’ve encountered in the past years. Throughout

these four years, I just realized that I’m so lucky enough that my mother

sent me to this kind of school because I found true friends that I can

lean on everytime and I’ll promise that I’ll keep our memories for

lifetime. All I can say high school was the best time of my life together

with IV-Galileo!



Jade Arianne N. Cerrada

We are gatehered here today to read out the last will and testament of

your classmate, Jade Arianne N. Cerrada. Failure to comply with her dying

wishes would mean a haunting from your conscience forever.

First, it is her wish to wear a Maid-Sama costume. She also dislikes

silence, so she requests that loud songs like Alesana’s, Paramore’s , JPop and

My Chemical Romance’s music be played.

It has always been her wish to see her best friends, Alyssa, Monique,

Rica, Marilee and Bernaly in super girly outfits. So, during her funeral, she

requests them to wear a really cute dress. It should be short and daring. She

also says “Don’t even dare wear a jacket”

To her anime pals, Helen and Frauline, she asks that they wear an

anime costume during her funeral. Preferably from her favorite animes,

Haruhi Suzumiya, Special A or Maid-Sama .

She also asks for the boys, Francis, Menard, JP, John, Kelly, Lloyd,

Mateo, Denmark, Yves, Riva and Sarno to wear an animal costume during

her funeral. She prefers cute animal costumes such as, dolphins, tiger,

penguin, bear, dog, cat, turtle and her favorite, panda.

To Edel, she requests that you wear something cute which will make

you look like a doll.

To the rest of the girls, Dara, Marianne,Vhic, Jade, Jenjen, Riann,

Sandra, Noemi, Bless, Abby, Jamong, Pauline, Myca and Maika; She asks

that you wear something blue and daring too. Like a tube dress ,mini skirt or

whatever daring outfit. Also, please wear boots.

During her funeral, crying is strictly prohibited. She expects that her

family will cry so she need you, her classmates to be strong for them.

Finally, she wants to say this message to you:

Classmates, I don’t have a dying wish or anything. Everyone dies. It’s

just a matter of who goes first. I want you to know how happy I am to be part

of your lives. I wouldn’t want to spend my high school life in any other way. I

just went ahead to prepare our party area here. Don’t cry for me but instead

be happy for me because I’m finally home with our heavenly Father. Please

don’t forget me. I love you all.


I am serious about this. I’ll be watching you.

See you soon..



Rica Angela S. Gito

Sometimes there are questions entering in our minds, questions which

are weird and ridiculous to think. Those are common things which we are not

aware but keep on doing it, well, we are aware but we don’t just put much

focus on it. Come on, let’s site some of those.

Why do we keep on blocking our ears whenever cockroaches are near

us? Yeah, we are afraid that it might fly unto us but, can it really suits on or

ears? Can it really enter?

The Golden Rule, Do unto others what you want them to do unto you,

but whenever pets, might be cat or a dog bites us, why don’t we bite them,


Whenever we put make-ups unto our faces, our mom is telling us “oh,

baby, you’re too young for that.” But when we play toys or wear oldy things,

they are telling us, “Oh, darling, you’re too old enough for that.” What really

are we?

We call it, coffee break but does it mean that only coffees are allowed

to drink in that break?

Why do the radio stations are still on when we are listening to am

when it is already evening? It is a.m., right?

Why does the time is so fast whenever we are not looking at the clock

but when we are actually waiting for the time, it is a-s, s-l-o-w a-s t-h-e t-u-r-


Why do we call boards, blackboards but honestly it is color green?

Why do we keep on sending messages in a form of a group message

but the truth is the message is only for one person?

Do gays have the capability to be pregnant? If not, why are they so


Are you amazed? Did some of those whys marked in your head? Did it

made you smile? Or just say, “oo nga nuh?”. Those are only few thing we do

and speak but not aware of its true meaning. Let’s see again next time for

some other whys.



Sandra Lorraine G. Hilado

To our beautiful English teacher, Mrs. Belinda C. Porto, and to my

dearest classmates, a pleasant afternoon. I would like to share my thoughts

and feelings about having the coolest friends in the whole world. Yes, I am

referring to all of you my dear classmates. None other than you. And here I


Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you

are, the things you never want to lose. That’s exactly how I feel about


GALILEO - an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and

philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. But for me,

it is a group of 35 people who are special in their own way. They love to sing,

dance and act for fun. They always believe in their capabilities and skills.

They can still smile despite the difficult school works given to them. They

love to take pictures anytime, anywhere. They love to share corny jokes

which bring laughter to everyone. They love to party and have fun. But most

of all, they love each other. And I can say that I am too lucky for I belong in

this group of people. No wonder why I feel blue whenever I think of us going

on our own separate ways 3 months from now.

When I wake up in the morning, I follow the same old routine: brush

my teeth, eat my breakfast, take a bath, wear my complete uniform, fix my

school things then off to school. Nothing’s new about that. But everything

changes whenever I enter SSC Room 3. I know that there are more fun and

adventures waiting for me. I always look forward that something new is

going to happen, a brand new experience. That’s why I am happy whenever I

am with my dear classmates.

When I enter the classroom, first thing I would hear, loud greetings

from my closest friends. One of them is Sarno who greets me with his

cheerful disposition. Another is Maika who shares to me the newest gossips

and some funny stories. Then here comes Edel with his funny expressions

and stories I always enjoy listening to. Another is Riann who always asks

everyone to join the game, if not, there she is, singing a song with all her

might. Then there’s Blessy, most of the time, quiet but when she has

something to say, surely, you’ll never forget it.

They are my closest friends. They may sound simple as I describe them

but words are not enough to tell how much they mean to me. We’ve been

through ups and downs but at the end of the day, realization comes that

they are still the best.

Jade, Denmark, Abi, Myca, Pauline, Marianne, Jamaica and John or

simply known as Taggers, they are the wildest and the craziest people I ever

knew. You got a problem? Approach them and with the help of their corny

jokes and funny stories, you’ll surely forget what’s bothering you. You’ll

experience non-stop laughing with them. But when it comes to serious

conversations, they are also the best in giving the perfect advices for you.

Monique, Alyssa, Rica, and Arianne or simply known as MARJ, together

with BMF or Bernaly, Marilee and Frauline, they are the ones who have the

impressions of being studious and serious. But still, they know how to have

fun together with their other classmates.

Victoria, Noemi, Jenelyn and Helen or simply known as PCD. Of all the

groups in the class, I can say that this one has the strongest bond. Don’t

mess with one of them, because for sure, the other members will never let

one of their friends to be hurt by anyone. They are good friends so you can

run to them whenever you have problems and they will surely do their best

to help you out.

Last but not the least, Yves, Kelly, Menard, Mateo, Francis, Riva and

Lloyd or simply known as The Advocates. I am very proud of them because

unlike the other sections, they are the group of boys who can get along just

fine with their other classmates. Their trips are the best!

Most of the time, I have fun being with John Paul, the boy with the

great mind, or having a heart to heart conversation with Dara. There’s also

Jeremy who always gives me the advice of being strong and loving God

above all. To all my classmates, you are simply the best!

Words like thank you, I love you are not enough to express my

gratitude for all the moments we shared together, for all the most

memorable experiences which will never be forgotten, for all the realizations

and knowledge you shared with me, for the care, love, concern, for

EVERYTHING! Time goes by so very fast. It’s been four years but still, I feel

like everything is not yet enough. Our life after high school is not yet the

end. Actually, it is just the beginning for a more adventurous world for us. I

really thank God for letting our paths cross. I promise that our friendship will

never ever end. Thank you.



Bernaly L. Jaudian

Knock knock.

Cute kaming lahat.

♪You are the only exception. ♫

There was once a group of people whom I can call “exceptional”. They are

the people who are “exceptional in their own simple ways: in dancing,

singing, acting or even multitasking. If you reallly know them, you might say

that they are the home of undeniable and superb talents.

They will cheer you if your feel nervous, comfort you when you’re really

down. Brightens up you day if it is ruined. Share compassion with you if you

are not able to accomplish something important, because they are also in

your shoes, but not always. They can be your shoulder to cry on, a person to

lean on, and friend to treat you at YECS, canteen, 7-11, Ministop, Wapakman,

turu-turo or at Mcdonalds. Sometimes, you must ready huge amount of coins

because they might ask you some of it. Don’t worry; it’s a part of life. They

may help you solve your problem whether it is about math problems or

assignments, as long it is not abut money. Their economic status is at the

verge of breaking down but don’t worry, you will caught them still smiling or

otherwise, laughing. They might become too annoying because some of

them are really “corny’, In the end you will realize that you will miss their

“hirits” some other time.

This group of people really means a lot to me. They will leave me momeries

of laughter, cry and inspiration. Though they differ in many ways, they are

united by the love and understanding for each other. it is not only their mind

but also their heart that keeps them smart. Do you know what is the best

word that defines exceptional about them, their FRIENDSHIP and




Abigail T. Malabanan


            I stand here before you my dearest classmates, with a smile in my

heart, to express how i really feel of being with happy and wonderful

classmates none other than you.

            Many have known our section to be a joyous and amazing section

that’s why we are that popular. But behind those happiness hides the sad

feeling every time we talk about that strange thing. Do you know what’s the

saddest thing of being from IV-Galileo? And do you think there’s any?  Yes.

It’s the fact that when you’re from IV-Galileo, all things are for the last time.

All those contests that we joined and won, our bonding moments and the

millions of  laughter that we shared for every corny joke that we are hearing.

All of that are really near to end. Happiness really ends. Of course we will

graduate. Unless you’re not finished with you’re thesis.

            But seriously speaking, there’s a lot of thing that you can be happy

with here in IV-Galileo so we should now stop this drama and cheer for our

being together. First thing is that “we can do anything that we wanna do”.

When we wish to be excused the whole day even a contest only take a

couple of hours, we can do that. When we want to play and make “maika

maika” in the field, we can also do that. And when we’re determined to win a

certain contest, we always did it. That’s the true meaning of IV-Galileo...


            We are also always behind each other when trouble comes and

someone needs a help or someone to lean on. Our section is so strong

because we are the greatest supporters of each other. We are one for all, all

for one. Remember when we had an encounter with IV-Lithium because they

said something about our robotics? Everyone gains anger when they

underestimate our ability and every one also fight for our section. And that’s

the true fighting spirit that only IV-Galileo can possess.

            Lastly, we are what we are, following the rule “Just be your self”. IV-

Galileo just express what they feel. We always express our feelings that’s

why they understand us. I again recall when we are defeated in the

‘Sabayang Pagbigkas’ and the ‘Binibining Kalikasan’. We really feel bad there

because we thought  will win and were deserving for that title. But that’s just

how life goes. There’s a winner and a looser.

            And now, now that we’re near to end, i just want you all to know how

lucky i am to be part of your life. I’m so lucky because  I belong to a section

where all are free to be happy and to be loved. I belong to a section with free

from  competitions and fights. For me, this is the best section that i had and i

will surely treasure forever.             I want to thank you for being a home for

me where i can go. I want to thank you for all the love, support, laughters,

joy, smile and pleasure that you bring to me. For a team that bonds for four

years and shared many moments together, it is really hard to say goodbye

especially now that we’re really bonded together and nothing could ever

come between us.

            Although we will said goodbye, always remember that goodbyes are

not the end. It is only the start of a new beginning. I hope that even after

departing, we can still be as close as before and no one will forget someone.

I really really love you all and thank you for teaching me the happiest things

that i could ever experience in my entire life.


The rain may be falling hard outside,

But your smile makes it all alright.

I'm so glad that you're my friend.

I know our friendship will never end."


“We can do anything that we wanna do, Co’z we are the

IV-Galileo... Galileo... Galileo”



Frauline C. Tadle

Welcome to Kingdom Galilei where the differential equations of the

propagation of heat express the most general conditions, and reduce the

physical; questions to problems of pure analysis and this is the proper object

of theory. To be sure, it has been pointed out that the introduction of a

space-time continuum may be considered as contrary to nature in view of

the molecular structure of everything which happens on a small scale. It is

maintained that perhaps the success of the Heisenberg method points to a

purely algebraical method of description of nature, that is to the elimination

of continuous functions from physics. Therefore, there is no light. The sun

sucks dark. In fact it sucks dark so hard that the friction of the dark moving

to the Sun causes the Sun to be very hot.  As the Earth rotates the dark

caught on the night side can be pulled off, this causing the absence of dark

known as Day as stated by Joseph Fourier, Albert Einstein and the Eric

Conspiracy has nothing to do with it.

It exists many years from now, when the time is no longer called A.D.

but Cosmic Era- the true space age. It is when Kingdom Galilei, Cosmic Era

2010-2011 is located in a country called DNHS within the continent of

Dasmariñas of the Earth in the Solar System of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is

govern by the so-called COE or Council of Eleven headed by Aphrodite Porto,

the chief councillor and also the councillor for boundless beauty and charm.

She is assisted by his trusted vice Councillor Petilos de Zeus, councillor for

first and foremost. Other members of the Council are Harmonia Fulmaran,

Councillor for Scientific Activities and Studies, Arlene Persephone, Councillor

for Good Relationship, Joy Hestia, Councillor for Guidance and family, Nyxus

Castillo, Councillor for Literature and Language, Romello Poseidon, Councillor

for Leisure Activities, Artemis la Nova, Councillor for family Planning,

Amphitrite Mallari, Councillor for Discipline, Luzviminda Aura, Councillor for

thesis and Dissertations and Athena Mojica, Councillor for Agriculture. This

eleven major people led Kingdom Galilei to its Golden Age.

Kingdom Galilei is formidable with its unbeatable idealism and

strategic location on the mountaintop. It is the home of an unhappy young

girl who is always badly beaten by her mean stepmother Jamaica and her

two-step sisters Helen and Blesilda. They are so cruel to her that they can do

nothing but to send her to house chores. She has cinders on her clothes that

is why they called her Myca.

Luckily, her Fairy Godmother Bernaly who served as her bridge to meet

a certain young and good-looking bachelor, Lloyd von Trapp, always guides

Myca. Through the help of her magical glass shoes, they met and fell in love

with one another.

            But, what’s this! The glass shoes got lost in the forest and

accidentally knocked down in front the house of the seven dwarfs. John

heard a certain knock, Jenelyn went over the door, Francis peek if someone

is outside, Jeremy opened the door, Riva growled to whom that is disturbing

the peacefulness of their home, Abigail saw the magic glass shoes and

Pauline  shouted “Sandra! Sandra! Get down here at once! We have

something to give you!”

            The beautiful maiden whose skin is as white an s snow, lips that is

red as blood and hair as black as ebony named Sandra came down from

upstairs and adds glitters to the shimmering shoes.

            As Sandra can get hold of the shoes, a monkey with a colourful hat

and vest entered the little house named Abbu entered the little house and

secretly snatched a golden lamp from the dwarfs and gave it to his master

Kelly who is riding on his magical carpet with his beloved Princess Marianne.

            They fly as they are talking to one another:

            “I can show you the world Shinning Shimmering, splendid. Tell me,

Princess, when did last let your heart desire. A whole new world… whoa!!!

            The lamp fell and both of them did not notice it instead; a maiden

named Monique saw it and follow where it is falling. At last! It set its foot on

the backyard of an old mansion where an old beast, of which the

townspeople named him Sarno was hit by the lighting. Monique helped him

and wolah! Sarno the Beast turned into Sarno the Prince. Dumbstruck,

Monique has been the subject of Cupid’s love arrow to set her eyes and heart

for the prince when the 13th witch, Jade Baul came and rubs the lamp to

release the genie and wish to prickle a certain beauty Victoria so that she

will fell asleep.

            The whole kingdom alarmed and is asking for help from a young

Prince of Faraway Land, Prince Nazareno. He fights the mighty dragon to

awaken the beauty with a passionate kiss. To avenge for his princess, Prince

Nazareno snatch the lamp of the genie from the 13th witch and he wished

for his freedom. The genie, overjoyed, started his journey around the world.

            Along their journey back to Faraway Land, they passed by an

unfettered man that is about to climb the longest hair you cannot imagine as

he shouted:

            “Riann! Riann! Let down your hair!” Its Prince Menard went to save

Riann from her jealous capturer Arianne! But Arianne heard his scream and

she also screams:

“Who’s disturbing my prisoner at this time? Huh?!”

She looked for her magic wand to cast “Avada Kedavra” when the

lighting from Poseidon’s trident that comes from the sea blinds them. They

didn’t know that at the same time, a very disturbing commotion is also

happening in the sea. Jeanne Maika, jealous sister of Poseidon robbed the

beautiful voice of Poseidon’s daughter, Rica and her knight in shining

armour, Denmark is currently fighting her evil Aunt.

            However, through the help of the singing voice of Princess Alyssa and

the Pauper, Marilee, with their own prince charming, Yves and John Paul with

their song, Written in my Heart, they are able to save the couple as well as

the sea.

Meanwhile, the glass shoes came upon the hands of the dancing princess,

Dara and her Queen Fairy Friend, Noemi and through it, she is able to find

her Prince, Prince Edel who is skilful as her in dancing and they live happily

ever after. 



Monique Anne B. Tizon

To the goddess of everlasting beauty- Mrs. Belinda Porto, to my

dearest “tropa ng kapraningan”-MARJ, and to my “barkada ng kalokohan”-

classmates, a pleasant afternoon to each of you.

It’s been almost four years that we’ve been together. I can still

remember the first day that we’ve been together. That was a very

memorable day for me because it was the start of a very exciting and head-

spinning journey with the most outgoing people that I’ve met. Yes, that’s

you. You are the people who made my world spin round because of your

natural and unbeatable talents. The numerous awards that we’ve achieved

are the witnesses of these talents. Can you still remember the preparations

that we’ve done for every competition that we’ve joined? All of the hard

works, practices, and overnights that we’ve been through are the keys of

what we are now. Champions. That’s us. Even though sometimes we’re being

“Victorians”, still we don’t stop to reach the top. We’ve already proven

ourselves in this school, and we’ve done that together.

And speaking of talents, we also have those “special” talents which

add flavor to our adventurous journey. LT. Those jokes that we’ve thrown to

each other are “essential” in our everyday lives. Most of them are corny but

it’s working out for us. Sometimes, I am thinking if we’re that easy-headed

that we are laughing too much on those “trite pleasantries”. But then, I came

to realized that we’re just good friends. We’re not going to leave any of us

hanging with his “punchline”. I guess that’s the reason why we’re always

laughing. We stay happy with the company of each other because of our

special talents, and this talent was even more head-spinning when mixed

with the coolest adviser that we’ve met. I’m sure you knew him already, so

there’s no need to mention his name. I just want to express my

unexplainable happiness for having him.

If there were good times of course we also have those times when we

feel low. Except from the headache that those endless assignments and

projects give us, we also suffer from problems such as friendship

misunderstanding, family quarrel, dropping grades, and the most confusing

of all- heartaches. We feel heartaches because in this chapter of our lives,

we learned something about loving. Girls learned to flip their hair in a

specific way to attract boys. Boys learned to buy chocolates and flowers for

girls. We all learned to do something good for those we love. And when we

lose them, we get hurt. We feel pain, but the most beautiful thing when

you’re in pain is that there’s always someone to lean on. There’s always

someone to cry on. There’s always someone to hear your problems. There’s

always someone to make you smile and feel good even though you’re

broken because you’re classmates are always there for you.

Now, it’s almost goodbye. Surely, I will miss the moments that we’ve

been through: Maika-Maika, tumbang preso, Chinese garter, BINGO,

batuhang bola, jingle competitions, cheating arrangements, lugawan,

kantahan, habulan ng harina plus icing, Mcdo, SM, picture-taking, shooting,

and last but not the least, cramming during lunch break. Those are the

moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life because those are the

moments that make us Galileo. Thank you for sharing you’re wisdom with

me, guys. You’re the best thing that happened in my high school life.



Myca Q. Valencia

While I was waiting myself to be aslept last night, my eyes traveled

inside my room. And accidentally, it saw the calendar hanging on our wall,

switching its pages because of the wind coming from the electric fan. “oh,

it’s already January”, I innocently said. But then, it came to my mind, “How

many days are left? Days left before Graduation?”.

Going back to my first day here in Dasmariñas National Highschool, I

was innocently roaming around, just to be familiar of those things I would

encounter for the next years of my highschool life. Then, I met them, started

to know better these people, which were that time, young as I was. The first

year of my highschool life was just like an adjusting period that I should

make through, whatever happens.

You know what? During those days, I said to myself, “I don’t like here. I

wish I could go back to the past.” I was thinking that I would find a lot of

difficulties dealing here. But, as a contrary approach, I just comforted myself

thinking, “All things are changing. Nothing stays the same, all things have

endings and goodbyes. And maybe, I was just the first one to say goodbye.”

I went on my life, continued living with it, everyday going to school.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and even weekends. At

first, I thought, everything was just okay. But I didn’t realize that I am used

to it, not knowingly what to do, if in just one day, everything will stop.

From those four years of my life, I can say that I really enjoyed my

highschool life. I really enjoyed every little thing of it. Yes its true, so many

assignments, activities, reports, projects, tests, suring basas, analysis,

paperworks, term papers, thesis, all of them> but inspite of having those

requirements, I never get tired going to school. To wake up early, ride a

tricycle, a jeep, to climb the stairs and walk the corridor, seat at my chair

and wait for my classmates to arrive.

Even the classes were going on, our mouths were just like unstoppable

tambutchos. Sometimes, we were doodling on our notebooks, and passing

chat messages with an intermediate pad, nothing can stop us on talking with

each other. And when the class ends, sometimes, we rather go to

grandstand to play habulan, tamaang bola, five-tens, bente uno, taguan..

Whoa! These were really part of our daily life.

Who would forget the following? Tambay sa yecs, sa canteen, climbing

the challenging stairs in MAPEH, the “excuse” thing, tambay sa bahay ni

ganito, galaan, talking all day long, the chismisan, the maika, maika!, singing

with the top of our lungs, mga trip, and many more. The school contests and

presentations, open forums, and Galileo versus other section drama that

made our friendship strong. I know it will take too long to enumerate the

times we had together. Maybe, even one ay is not enough to reminisce all

the things we’ve been through.

All of these in four years will just end up for only one day?

That’s when I realized that I was so wrong on what I had said before. I

realized, “I was so lucky to be a part of Galileo 2010-2011 Clan. Haha!!”

Actually, the days passed on, and I asked myself, “what would happen if it

was so happened that I got to other sections? Would it be the same?”

And I answered myself, “No!” It would really be a different thing!

This all I just can say, IV-GALILEO 2010-2011, I am very thankful to

have you in my life. Thank you for giving color to my four years in my

highschool life. Back to the days when we were saying :Hala, ilang taon na

lang ba?”, but now, “Ilang araw na lang ba?”. Guys, I never regret even a

single thing that I met you all. On this one long road, thank you for walking

with me. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

Thank you for showing me what true love an happiness are. You made

me realize that friendship really lasts. Maybe, we could not again be the

same, doing all the things we used to be, but these will stay fresh forever in

my mind and in my heart. Just always remember, that once upon a time, our

paths had crossed, and once took a long journey together.




Jeanne Maika T. Virtudazo

“Love is a strong, happy and more open friendship shared between

only two people” they said but when I entered this chapter of my life I could

probably say that Love is a strong, more open friendship shared not only by

two or three because I shared this love with 34 people.

When I wake up late in the morning with no assignments done, I get

irritated and feels like I want to absent, stay at home, watch TV, browse the

net 24/7 and other stuffs not related to school. And whenever I do this, I

know what will be the next scenario. Sandra will sent me a personal message

asking what time am I going to go to school and I will proudly answer,

“Mamaya na bago magMath,” And we will have an agreement that we will go

to school at exactly this time. I never get afraid to skip classes because I

know there will be at least 2 or 3 buddies that will share the same cramming

with me. And I can spell love when Blessy will share all the bad times she

had with her Big brother who seems to ruin her everyday life and I will laugh

because she really looks irritated with Zed, her Kuya. Listening to Sarno’s

funny stories that would make me laugh so hard plus Edel’s punch lines and

new expressions that never fail to make me laugh sarcastically is equal to a

great laugh trip. Play with Riann with those childish games for her not to cry

when nobody wants to play with her. Making C sign through our hands when

John throws a corny joke but will end up laughing. It’s happy when vanity

strikes with Pauline and I and takes a lot of pictures and try to edit those with

a photo editor. A simple thing but brings happiness. Having a heart to heart

talk with Monique or Dara about our love lives amd other personal problems,

in Family and in studies. And when learning new vocabularies with John Paul.

Oh this boy, this boy brings a lot of positivity to me. He and Jereny taught me

to believe in God and believe on what I can do. Thank you.

It’s also love when I’m having good times with Taggers, PCD, MARJ and

Advocate. With Taggers, composed of 8 crazy people,Denmark, Abby, Jade,

Myca, Pauline, Jamaica, Marianne and John. I always run to these people

when I got bored inside the classroom. They will make you laugh until your

stomach aches. They are the ones that always put a smile on my face. Just

by seeing Denmark having weird faces packed with Marianne’s one of a kind

way of telling stories will automatically makes me laugh. I will never forget

having nice conversations with Jamaica and her broad imagination also when

Myca sings at the top of her lungs especially when she can relate to that

song. And so to neutralize the sound, here comes the “biritera” of the class,

Jade. Her voice will relax your ears after hearing a metal-like voice from


The Pussy Cat Dolls commonly known as PCD, consist of 4 lovely

ladies, Victoria, Helen, Noemi and Jenelyn. This group is probably the most

bonded group I’ve ever met. They never let each other down. Their motto

could be “One for all, and All for one” It’s like don’t you dare to hurt one of

them or else you’ll regret what you did. This 4 girls could be your crying

shoulders when you are depressed and feels so down. They will definitely

appreciate and accept who you are.

And for MARJ featuring BMF, the serious group in the class. Composed

of 7 girls that never took studies for granted. They are Monique, Jade, Rica,

Alyssa, Bernaly, Marilee and Frauline. This group prefers to be quiet when

there’s something wrong in the class. They carefully understand the situation

before giving any opinion and that’s one thing I love with them. This group

could give you the best pieces of advices when you need it. Despite of their

serious image, these girls also have their weirdest addiction, Yeah right.

Monique is an avid fan of Harry Potter and whenever she tells story about it,

Oh my Gosh, better back off and shut up, It’s like, this is her time and

because of her addiction, she usually have dreams of the characters in Harry

Potter. Frauline is addicted to Anime and Mangas, whenever I’m with her,

she never forgets to share all the animes she had watched and it can be

seen through her face that she’s so in love with the guy character. Marilee,

Ow, weird. She talks with herself when she’s alone and she said that it’s okay

when people are not paying attention when she’s saying something ‘cause

she used to it.

Lastly, Advocate. Yoh, all-boy group, composed of 7 young men,

Francis, Menard, Kelly, Lloyd, Mateo, Yves and Riva. These 7 creatures are

zany people love to do “out of this world” trips. I am very happy with our

boys. They are matured enough but still approachable, I can crack jokes with

them as if we are “tropa” and with no malice. I am enjoying their company a

lot. They are the best for me! No other boy groups could replaced them in

my heart. I’ll miss everything about them. I’ll never forget when I tease

Francis because he is small and I thought that he never gets angry though

deep inside he was like “Shut the Fuck up!” because he always smile. To

Menard. Though I always shout at him because he moves so slow he remains

smiling and retains that cool façade on his face. He never shouted back to

me. And now I feel so bad for being like that, Thank you for being so kind.

Kelly, *Bow*, you’re the man! I salute you for being faithful with your

partner, you’re remarkable expression like, “KMA” will always remind me

that at least once in my life I had a cool boy classmate like you. Yves and

Riva, You are the meanest of all the boys I’ve met. By that, you always make

me laugh. Papa Ribba, you’re so cool. Thanks for all your help especially in

Math, though you are so noisy every Filipino time, though in every 1 word of

Mrs. Cabrera you always have 10 words for it, Thank you for everything.

Lloyd and Mateo, you two are opposite but you both make me smile in your

own simple ways.

Before I end this speech, I want to thank Mrs. Porto for making this

speech as a project, because I would never have the courage to tell all these

things in front of my classmates. To tell how they really mean to me and I

appreciate every little thing that they do. Thank you to the Goddess of


My classmates, IV-Galileo, receive this Thank you from me. Thank you for all

the First times we have shared. Thank you for spending these 4 years of your

life with me. Thank you for all the experiences from the very first day we’ve

met. For all the new knowledge I gained from you. Thank you for the Love.

Whatever I reached after 10 years, you are a big part of it. How could I

survive High School without you? I’ll be forever in love with you guys. Thank

you for listening.







Francis Austin S. Diaz

Fourty-first United States President George Herbert Walker Bush said:

We love your adherence to democratic principles and to the democratic

process, and we will not leave you in isolation.

He spoke these words to the 10th president of the Philippines during his

inauguration, June 1981. The man being inaugurated is now considered a

strongman, a political leader who rules by force and runs an authoritarian


Born September 11, 1917 in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, this man was

originally baptized under the Philippine Independent Church. He went to the

University of the Philippines where he graduated cum laude with a law

degree from the College of Law of the said university. And it was believed

that if he was not put to jail for twenty-seven days for the murder of Julio

Nalundasan, he was to graduate magna cum laude. He was elected to the Pi

Gamma Mu international honor society. He then studied for the Bar Exams in

which he got an almost prefect score of 98.01% in which he studied while

writing an 830-page defense. Several people then contested his score and

requested for a retake in which the request were granted and an oral

examination was delivered in which this man got a perfect score, 100%, the

highest grade obtained in the Philippine Bar throughout history.

During the World War II, which he foresaw and prepared himself to ‘die

a thousand deaths’, he served as an intelligence officer. In Bataan, he was

wounded thrice and captured once in which he managed to get away by

killing one of his captors. He was recommended by General Wainwright,

commander of Allied troops in Bataan for the Congressional Medal of Honor.

His heroism was once again apparent when he helped turn the battle at Mt.

Samat around in favor of the Allied forces. He then continued to be a

decisive spy and unite the guerillas in Northern Luzon in which he


For his work during the war, he was elected Civil Affairs Officer of

Northern Luzon in charge of disarming the guerillas and reuniting them to

the government. He then won thrice as the Representative of the 1st District

of Ilocos Norte and once as a Senator of the Republic in which he was the

topnotcher before running for presidency in 1965.

He won the national elections and was elected the president. He

inherited a very unhealthy economic situation in which peso-dollar exchange

rates kept on devaluating from PHP2 to USD 1 which became PHP 6.4 to USD

1 by the end of 1970. He then borrowed money from the International

Monetary Fund and World Bank to fund his infrastracture programs.

Amidst the rising threat of Communist insurgency and lawlessness, he

signed Proclamation No. 1081 which puts the Philippines under Martial Law,

a prelude to his creating the Bagong Lipunan. During this time, the GNP rose

from PHP 55 billion in 1972 to PHP 193 billion in 1980.

He then suffered from health deterioration quickly due to kidney

ailments, in which his equally-powerful wife took his place and became the

imminent public figure. He resumed his post as president but the Filipino

masses are revolting against him during the 1986 People Power Revolution.

He prepared his escape to Hawaii where he died September 28, 1989 due to

kidney, heart and lung ailments.

He is Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, a very remarkable

president to his aides, the politician with ‘genuine concern for reforming the

society evidenced by his actions’, the public figure that promoted Filipino

culture and nationalism, the man who led the Philippines to its peak and




Menard A. Esto

Rocks are commonly known for their hardness and toughness but

those rocks takes thousands and millions of years before they were formed.

One of the most expensive, shiny and of course hard/tough rock is Diamond.

According to the site of Wikipedia.org, they defined diamond as

unbreakable, why? This explains, “In mineralogy, diamond (from the

ancient Greek αδάμας – adámas "unbreakable") is anallotrope of carbon,

where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered

cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. Diamond is less

stable than graphite, but the conversion rate from diamond to graphite is

negligible at ambient conditions. Diamond is renowned as a material with

superlative physical qualities, most of which originate from the

strong covalent bonding between its atoms. In particular, diamond has the

highest hardnessand thermal conductivity of any bulk material. Those

properties determine the major industrial application of diamond in cutting

and polishing tools.”

Diamond has also a big role in our lives. Diamond has remarkable

optical characteristics. Because of its extremely rigid lattice, it can be

contaminated by very few types of impurities, such as boron and nitrogen.

Combined with wide transparency, this results in the clear, colorless

appearance of most natural diamonds. Small amounts of defects or

impurities (about one per million of lattice atoms) color diamond blue

(boron), yellow (nitrogen), brown (lattice defects), green, purple, pink,

orange or red. Diamond also has relatively high optical dispersion (ability to

disperse light of different colors), which results in its characteristic luster.

Excellent optical and mechanical properties, combined with efficient

marketing, make diamond the most popular gemstone.

So if your teacher asked you what is diamond, tell him/her diamond is

the toughest rock that makes you rich.



John T. Iligan

It has been endlessly written about the past 25 years of the EDSA

People Power Revolution that there is hardly anything left to be said. Except

to remember and be grateful. And, except to wonder over and over again. 

Who can say enough about the wonder that was EDSA? Diverse people

and events of those four days in 1986 of February came together neatly and

forcefully to cause the fall of the Marcos dictatorship. 

The wonder of the mighty Marcos military turning against itself. The

rebellion of the Marcos defense minister and his acting chief of staff to

support the civil disobedience launched by the political opposition led by

Corazon Aquino. Most of all, mass upon mass of people armed only with their

faith shielding their once-hated military with their own bodies. 

The wonder of an EDSA brimming with the faith of the Filipinos has not

receded with time. The wonder is a constant, undiminished even by the

shattered dreams of the Filipinos. Their dream to be free was now reality.

But as they set his country free so was the machinery of corruption set free

and running as it was in the time of tyranny. The Filipinos kicked out the

looters of this nation's wealth only to realize that a new pack of looters had

taken over. 

At EDSA, Filipinos held the power of the people in their hands. With

that awesome power, they rejected the leaders, who had robbed them,

betrayed them, tortured and killed those who would not be enslaved. 

At EDSA, Filipinos were the masters of their fate. At last, they could

believe in a government for the people and by the people. They were

sovereign. Next to the dream of freedom, there was this other one. That their

leaders elected in a free and honest election, would harkens to the people's

mandate. That they would listen. And that they would act quickly according

to what the people needed. That they would be true to their oath of office.

That they would serve their masters, the people. That was the lesson at

EDSA that leaders had to learn from thereon. That was also the dream. It has

not happened. Both the learning and the dream. 

All that may be true. But so is this truth: EDSA happened and the

Filipino made it happen. No one can diminish EDSA or take it away from the


So, let the people rejoice that there ever was an EDSA. Let them sing

and dance in the streets in the next four days in celebration of their triumph.

Because EDSA was of their very own making. Their finest four days when

they decided in Nick Joaquin's words, ''to have a future again, a tomorrow

again, and that we didn't have to resign ourselves to a numbing prospect of

one damnable Marcos after another.''



John Paul D. Lordan

The Devil’s Triangle, this is how the Bermuda Triangle is described. In the

past 100 years, the Bermuda Triangle has claimed over 1000 lives.

In reality, that is only 10 a year. Though these lives lost are

tragedies, this is not that incredible of a figure. It is how they died

that has sparked many legends. These flames were given fuel by V.

Gaddis article in "Argossy: Magazine of Masterpiece Fiction" where

the term "Bermuda Triangle was first used. The boundaries of the

Triangle vary with the author; some stating its shape is akin to a trapezoid

covering the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the entire Caribbean island

area east to the Azores; others add to it the Gulf of Mexico. The more

familiar, triangular boundary in most written works has as its points

somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the

mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated

along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.

According to the Triangle authors, Christopher Columbus was the first person

to document something strange in the Triangle, reporting that he and his

crew observed "strange dancing lights on the horizon", flames in the sky,

and at another point he wrote in his log about bizarre compass bearings in

the area. From his log book, dated October 11, 1492 he wrote:

The land was first seen by a sailor (Rodrigo de Triana), although the

Admiral at ten o'clock that evening standing on the quarter-deck saw a

light, but so small a body that he could not affirm it to be land; calling

to Pero Gutierrez, groom of the King's wardrobe, he told him he saw a

light, and bid him look that way, which he did and saw it; he did the

same to Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia, whom the King and Queen had

sent with the squadron as comptroller, but he was unable to see it

from his situation. The Admiral again perceived it once or twice,

appearing like the light of a wax candle moving up and down, which

some thought an indication of land. But the Admiral held it for certain

that land was near...

Lawrence David Kusche, a research librarian from Arizona State University

and author of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved (1975) has challenged

this trend. Kusche's research revealed a number of inaccuracies and

inconsistencies between Berlitz's accounts and statements from

eyewitnesses, participants, and others involved in the initial incidents. He

noted cases where pertinent information went unreported, such as the

disappearance of round-the-world yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, which

Berlitz had presented as a mystery, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

He therefore concluded that the legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a

manufactured mystery, perpetuated by writers who either purposely or

unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and


With these numerous observations, no one really knows what the truth is.

Some may really be facts and some may be jumped-out conclusions. Truly,

the earth is a mysterious one. This proves the richness it possesses.

Someday, we’ll see the story as it unravels the mystery of the so-called

Bermuda Triangle: The Devil’s Triangle.



Christel Rajko C. Manansala

            The technological revolution has taken full swing. If a business

doesn't have some form of e-commerce, or if a person does not have some

form of an e-mail address, they are seen as living in the Stone Age. This new

world of virtual life, where with the click of a button a person can travel

millions of miles in a few seconds, millions of new opportunities have arisen.

However, someone has to always ruin the good things in life. Very similar to

Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter," where the second thing built in a Utopia

was a prison, the advent of computer crime is only becoming more prevalent

everyday. The whole idea of a computer crime is rather absurd indeed.

Really, who wants to go around spray painting on computers anyway?

Though the definition of computer crime varies from source to source, the

most common being," any illegal act which involves a computer system"

( "What is a computer..." p.1). This holds true even if the computer contains

something as simple as a threatening e-mail. Computer crime in nature

ranges from relatively small things such as software piracy to magnificent

crimes like fraud. 

              Computer crime itself has metamorphasized from its mere infancy.

In the late 1970's, a would-be criminal would need direct access to the actual

computer terminal. This is because the most computer crime of that time

actually involved hardware sabotage and theft, rather than a more software

oriented problem. In the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s, computer crime

had elevated a notch with the advent of the inter-school network. This

network was a connection of several major universities through modem lines.

Educated computer users were now changing each others ideas and

information, but not for the malicious, but instead for the better. The mid to

late 1980s saw the rise of computer "hackers" such as Kevin Mitnick. Kevin

Mitnick was caught at least a half dozen times, with the charges ranging

from criminal trespassing to fraud. Mitnick had.



Lloyd Renzol J. Manimtim

Folklores and urban legends nowadays are being proved or being

disagreed by many scientists and historians like the mythical beasts or the

limit of our universe, but the most controversial discovery or theory is the

most ever proved or disagreed. This is the theory that there is still Atlantis.

Atlantis is a city that was very modern than our technology. Many

Scientists said that we are 100 years far behind than the technology of the

well known city. But some kind of misfortune befall unto to the city and that

how is the city became extinct.

In Plato's account, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of

the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western

Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately

9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the

ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".

Scholars dispute whether and how much Plato's story or account was

inspired by older traditions. Some scholars argue Plato drew upon memories

of past events such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan War, while others

insist that he took inspiration from contemporary events like the destruction

of Helike in 373 BC1] or the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC.

The possible existence of a genuine Atlantis was discussed

throughout classical antiquity, but it was usually rejected and occasionally

parodied by later authors. As Alan Cameronstates: "It is only in modern times

that people have taken the Atlantis story seriously; no one did so in

antiquity".[2] While little known during the Middle Ages the story of Atlantis

was rediscovered by Humanists in the Early Modern period. Plato's

description inspired the utopian works of several Renaissance writers,

like Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis". Atlantis inspires today's literature, from

science fiction to comic books to films. Its name has become a byword for

any and all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations.

Most of the historically proposed locations are in or near the Mediterranean

Sea: islands such as Sardinia, Crete and Santorini, Sicily, Cyprus, and Malta;

land-based cities or states such as Troy, Tartessos, and Tantalus (in the

province of Manisa), Turkey; Israel-Sinai orCanaan;and northwestern Africa.[41][42] The Thera eruption, dated to the 17th or 16th century BC, caused a

large tsunami that experts hypothesize devastated the Minoan civilization on

the nearby island of Crete, further leading some to believe that this may

have been the catastrophe that inspired the story. A. G. Galanopoulos

argued that Plato's dating of 9,000 years before Solon's time was the result

of an error in translation, probably from Egyptian into Greek, which produced

"thousands" instead of "hundreds". Such an error would also rescale Plato's

Atlantis to the size of Crete, while leaving the city the size of the crater on

Thera; 900 years before Solon would be the 15th century BC. In the area of

theBlack Sea the following locations have been

proposed: Bosporus and Ancomah (a legendary place near Trabzon).

The location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean has certain appeal given

the closely related names. Popular culture often places Atlantis there,

perpetuating the original Platonic setting. Several hypotheses place the

sunken island in northern Europe, including Doggerland in the North Sea,

and Sweden (by Olof Rudbeck in Atland, 1672–1702). Some have proposed

the Celtic Shelf and Andalusia as possible locations, and that there is a link

to Ireland. The Canary Islands and Madeira Islands have also been identified

as a possible location, west of the Straits of Gibraltar but in proximity to the

Mediterranean Sea. Various islands or island groups in the Atlantic were also

identified as possible locations, notably the Azores. However detailed

geological studies of the Canary Islands, the Azores, Madeira, and the ocean

bottom surrounding them found a complete lack of any evidence for the

catastrophic subsidence of these islands at any time during their existence

and a complete lack of any evidence that the ocean bottom surrounding

them was ever dry land at any time in the recent past. The submerged island

of Spartel near the Strait of Gibraltar has also been suggested.

Many theories about the city are being proposed but who knows, we

might just discover and unravel the truth behind it.



Denmark C. Moralita

A good day to everyone especially to our beautiful English IV teacher,

Mrs. Porto. Birds are cute and amazing animals that live in this world that we

are living on right now. They fly everywhere and anywhere they want.

Scientifically defining, birds are warm-blooded vertebrate animals whose

bodies are covered with feathers and whose forelimbs are modified into

wings. We all know that most of them can fly and some cannot. At any given

time, there are anywhere between one and two million living birds on the

planet. Birds have a reduced sense of taste as compared to other animals,

and science has yet to definitively prove that all bird species have a sense of

smell. Birds are in the class Aves, which contains over 9,500 species divided

among 31 living orders. One order, the Passeriformes or perching birds,

accounts for more than one-half of all living species of birds.

Most of the scientists believe that birds evolved from saurischian

dinosaurs about 145 million years ago. They point out the first truly birdlike

animal which is the Archaeopteryx lithographica, which lived during the

Jurassic period. Fossils from this animal were found in Germany in the

nineteenth century. This 3-foot/1-meter long animal is considered to be an

evolutionary link between the birds and the dinosaurs. It had teeth and other

dinosaurian characteristics, but it also had a feathered body and could fly.

Actually, there is fossil discovery by scientists in 2000, however, threw

into doubt the theory of birds' evolution. The fossils in question were

excavated in 1969 in Kyrgyzstan, a former Soviet republic, but were not

correctly identified until some thirty years later. The animal, Longisquama

insignis, lived in Central Asia 220 million years ago, not long after the time of

the first dinosaurs. From impressions left in stone, it had four legs and what

appeared to be feathers on its body. Scientists who analyzed the fossils said

the animal had a wishbone virtually identical to Archaeopteryx and similar to

modern birds. It was a small reptile that probably glided among the trees 75

million years before the earliest known bird. Some scientists believe this

challenges the widely held theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

“As dead as the dodo”. This expression originated from the dodo, a bird that

became extinct sometime in after the mid seventeenth century. Did you

know that its scientific name is Raphus cucullatus. Although, for long it was

believed that the species was completely wiped out in the year 1662, more

recent reports suggest that the last sightings of the bird were made in 1681.

The origin of the word dodo is not very clear. Some believe that it is derived

from the Dutch word dodoor which means a slothful individual. However, as

per alternative interpretation of the etymology of the word, it probably has

origins in a Portuguese word which means 'simpleton'. It is not clear if it were

the Dutch or the Portuguese who first saw the bird. However, the first written

account of encounter with the bird finds mention in the 1602 journal of a

Dutch captain Willem van Westsanen. The dodo is a wonderful example of

both, nature at its best to help every organism to evolve and make most of

the present environmental conditions, as well as human activity behind the

extinction of other life forms. Let us know more about this wonderful bird

through some interesting dodo bird facts about its physical appearance,

habitat, adaptation and extinction.




Yves B. Pumarada

Green house gases can stay in the atmosphere for an amount of years

ranging from decades to hundreds and thousands of years. No matter what

we do, global warming is going to have some effect on Earth. Here are some

of the effects of global warming:

Spread of disease as northern countries warm, disease carrying insects

migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some

scientists believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria

has not been fully eradicated.

Warmer waters and more hurricanes as the temperature of oceans

rise, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw

in this in 2004 and 2005.

Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves

although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming,

other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive

the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe. Water is

already a dangerously rare commodity in Africa, and according to the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate

the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war.

Economic consequences: most of the effects of anthropogenic global

warming won’t be good. And these effects spell one thing for the countries of

the world: economic consequences. Hurricanes cause do billions of dollars in

damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and conflicts exacerbate

all of these.

The planet is experiencing global warming, from North Pole to South

Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more

than 1 degree Fahrenheit and even more in sensitive polar regions. And the

effects of rising temperatures aren’t waiting for some far-flung future.

They’re happening right now. Signs are appearing all over, and some of them

are surprising. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice; it’s also

shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.

Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues.

Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59

centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles

could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).

Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. For

example, plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become


Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia,

where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the

next 50 years.

Ecosystems will change—some species will move farther north or

become more successful; others won’t be able to move and could become

extinct. Wildlife research scientist Martyn Obbard has found that since the

mid-1980s, with less ice on which to live and fish for food, polar bears have

gotten considerably skinnier.  Polar bear biologist Ian Stirling has found a

similar pattern in Hudson Bay.  He fears that if sea ice disappears, the polar

bears will as well.

Now we all know the possible scenarios that could happen to the world,

we must not wait for these things to happen. We should change the way we

live, protect the environment and do whatever we could do to save the earth

so that this earth will not become a ball of fire.

Jerome B. Riva



Jerome S. Sarno

Upside-down frowns bear the gifts of health and beauty, and of fame

and success. This reverse rainbow underneath the nose has pots of gold

unearthed on both ends: It holds the treasure to the ‘outshine factor’, the

secret of standing out among the crowd.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is reason enough to grin.

Now, Mark Stibich (2010), presents his top 10 reasons to beam and


Depressions— whatever they may be: rainy days and Mondays,

heartbreaks and broken homes, family fights, failed exams, or loads of work

and homework — make most of us grouchy, irritated, blue, and even down in

the dumps.

But putting on a smile, as Stibich suggests, gives a good chance that

our moods will change for the better. Smiling changes our moods. It can trick

the body into helping us cope with depression.

Also, depression was born of stress. And, pressure accumulated for a

long period could show in our faces. The wrinkles, the fine lines, the eye bags

and dark circles present in our countenances are physical manifestations of

fatigue, of over-thinking, of overwork. It all boils down to stress.

Yet, smiling could undo all of these. Stress shrivels with every grin we

make. Smiling relieves us from feeling tired, worn down, and

overwhelmed.Smiling relieves stress.

Furthermore, immune functions improve through smiling. Smiles boost

our immune systems, as Stibich (2010) puts it, possibly because “we are

more relaxed.”

Also, smiling presses and lowers another health concern: High blood

pressure.Smiling reduces a measurable amount of blood pressure. A smile

calms the jittered nerves, the strained muscles and tissues, and the anxious

organs, organelles, and every other cell in the body — heart and all blood

vessels included.

In addition, smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and

serotonin.Santrock (2005) states that “endorphins shield the body from pain

and elevate feelings of pleasure.” Also, healthy levels of serotonin, also

known as the happiness neurotransmitter, improve our well-being.

Moreover, smiling radiates optimism.A smile paints the thought “Life is

good!” Smiling aids in positive thinking. And positive thoughts and actions

expand further: Smiling makes people seem successful.People appear

confident, likely approachable, and likely to be promoted by simply beaming.

People lighten loads and achieve that coveted ‘Yes!’ starting with smiling.

Likewise, smiling lifts the face and makes us look younger. People

achieve that hidden fountain of youth, not inch by inch, but grin by grin.

People’s faces stay calmed and relaxed rather than creased and wrinkled.

Smiling is a natural face lift.

As a result, smiling makes us attractive.Smiling draws in people. When

we smile, people get drawn to us. An attraction factor exists that in return,

we want to meet a happy person and inquire the reason/s for such a smile.

Lastly, a smile could lighten up a room of people. Smiling is therefore

contagious. A single grin could pass on from one lip to another, change the

moods of others, and make things brighter and happier. Smiling excites


Bruno Mars’ Just the Way You Are sums up most of these reasons about


“When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change.

Because you’re amazing, just the way you are.

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while

Because you’re amazing, just the way you are.”

And a smile is amazing, even from afar.



Edelmiro O. Solis

Just dance.


Bad Romance.

Songs that can make everyone groove and dance having their

body shake like a bottle of beer. Songs that can make everyone go

gaga.These are the songs of one of the most popular diva in the

world Lady Gaga.

She is monstrous. Her monstrosity made here to have place in


"You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." 

Lady Gaga, stage name for Stefani Joanne Angelina, is a recording

artist in America. She was born on 28th March 1986 to her parents, Joseph

Germanotta and Cynthia, who are of Italian American origin. She developed

interest in the music industry at an early age as demonstrated by her

interests and ability to play the piano while she was four years of age. At the

age of thirteen, she wrote her first piano ballad and at the age of fourteen

started performing at open Mike nights. She was sent to a private Roman

Catholic school, convent of the sacred heart, at the age of eleven. In high

school, she loved maintaining a core group of friends who were mostly boys.

Later she joined New York University where she studied music which opened

up her song writing skills. She composed analytical papers and essays that

focused mainly on social issues, politics, religion and art. Later she withdrew

from school to concentrate more on her career.

Her career formally began in July 2005 when she signed a contract with

Def Jam Recordings which lasted for less than three months. She produced

the first song by the name ‘boys, boys, boys’ and later collaborated with

Grandmaster Melle Mel to produce more songs. She went through difficulties

at the initial stages of her career in trying to establish herself and search for

a stage name. She even indulged in drugs to boost her morale when on

stage. She has received several honors among them being Best electronic-

dance album in the 52nd Grammy awards. She has being influenced by glam

rock artists like Queen and Bowie, and pop music artists like Britney spears

and Madonna.



Alyssa Lyn F. Agra

Barbie is the most famous doll in the world especially for the little girls.

She is the ‘dream doll’ of all the girls in the world. Do you wonder where

“Barbie” came from?

Since its debut in 1959, an anatomically improbable molded plastic

statuette named Barbie has become an icon. Ruth Handler undeniably

invented an American icon that functions as both a steady outlet for girls'

dreams and an ever changing reflection of American society. This can be

seen in the history of Barbie's clothes, and even her various "face lifts" to

suit the times; in her professional, political and charitable endeavors; and

more recently in the multi-culturalizing of her product line.

She's a successful businesswoman, a member of a rock band and a

Women's World Cup Soccer player. Who is this superstar? It's none other

than Barbie doll. A little hard to believe, but the Barbie Doll started out as a

human being! She was Barbara Handler, the daughter of Ruth and Elliot


In the early 1950s, Handler saw that her young daughter, Barbara, and her

girlfriends enjoyed playing with adult female dolls as much or more than with

baby dolls. Handler sensed that it was just as important for girls to imagine

what they themselves might grow up to become as it was for them to focus

on what caring for children might be like.

Because all the adult dolls then available were made of paper or

cardboard, Handler decided to create a three-dimensional adult female doll,

one lifelike enough to serve as an inspiration for her daughter's dreams of

her future. Handler took her idea to the ad executives at Mattel Corp., the

company that she and her husband, Elliot, had founded in their garage some

years before: the (all-male) committee rejected the idea as too expensive,

and with little potential for wide market appeal.

Soon thereafter, Handler returned from a trip to Europe with a "Lilli"

doll, modeled after a character in a German comic strip. Handler spent some

time designing a doll similar to Lilli, and even hired a designer to make

realistic doll clothes. The result was the Barbie doll (named in honor of the

Handlers' daughter), a pint-sized model of the "girl next door."

Mattel finally agreed to back Handler's efforts; and the Barbie doll

debuted at the American Toy Fair in New York City in 1959. Girls clamored

for the doll, and Barbie set a new sales record for Mattel its first year on the

market (351,000 dolls, at $3 each). Since then, Barbie's popularity has rarely

flagged; and today, with over one billion dolls sold, the Barbie product line is

the most successful in the history of the toy industry.

The Barbie doll was introduced as a teenage fashion model, but in the

years that followed she has taken on many inspirational roles. She has

tackled almost every conceivable profession, including dentist, doctor,

firefighter, astronaut, paleontologist—even Presidential candidate.

The Barbie doll has been joined by friends and family over the years,

including the Ken doll—named for the Handlers’ son—in 1961, Midge in

1963, Skipper in 1965 and Christie—an African-American doll and the first of

many ethnic friends—in 1968. More recently, in 1995, the Barbie doll gained

a little sister, Baby Sister Kelly, and, in 1997, a disabled friend in a

wheelchair, Share a Smile Becky.

Barbie doll is further expanding her versatile and limitless roles to inspire

girls' dreams as she prepares for the new millennium. Despite such

criticisms, playing with Barbie dolls seems as a rule to enhance girls' self-

image and expand their sense of their potential rather than the opposite.

This has become truer over the years, as Barbie herself has expanded her

horizons: she has now appeared as a doctor, astronaut, businesswoman,

police officer, UNICEF volunteer, and athlete. Over the years, Barbie has

achieved the title of the most popular fashion doll ever created.

As of now, Barbie is still the world’s famous doll and is still the “dream

doll” of all the girls in the world. It still serves as an inspiration to all the little

girls who love to be fashionable and be beautiful in the eyes of others.



Marilee M. Allam

Do you hear those cries of sorrow? Do you hear the voices of the

children screaming from their starvation? I think you hear it, because its too

loud to be unnoticed.

Do you know that hunger is one of the main problems of our country? I

know you know it because it’s very perceptible in our land. “Hunger is the

most commonly used term to describe the social condition of people who

frequently experience, or live with the threat of experiencing, the physical

sensation of desiring food.”

It is very evident that hunger and starvation resulting to malnutrition is

a big issue in the Philippines. World hunger is a terrible symptom of world

poverty. “The food scarcity part of the argument in the population debate is

an interesting one -- people are hungry not because the population is

growing so fast that food is becoming scarce, but because people cannot

afford it. Food may be scarce, but it is international trade, economic policies

and the control of land that have lead to immense poverty and hunger and

therefore less access to food, not food scarcity due to over population.”

Malnutrition continues to be a significant problem all over the world,

especially among children. Poverty, natural disasters, political problems, and

war all contribute to conditions -- even epidemics -- of malnutrition and

starvation, and not just in developing countries.

"The Second Quarter 2009 Social Weather Stations Survey, fielded

over June 19 to 22, 2009, found the proportion of families experiencing

involuntary hunger at least once in the past three months rising to 20.3% or

an estimated 3.7 million families, from 15.5% or an estimated 2.9 million

families in the previous quarter," the SWS said.

Hunger is everywhere in the world, not only in the poorest countries

where the poorest people live but also up to the wealthiest nations where the

world’s richest people resides. There might be many causes of hunger, but

undoubtedly there is only one principal cause, and that is poverty. People are

hungry because they cannot afford to buy foods even though there are

plenty of these around.



Marianne Hoy S. Baladjay

The human being is considered to be the ultimate form of life on

the earth. This is not because the human body is strong and agile. The

one thing that distinguishes humans from all of the other organisms on

this planet is the brain. We all know that brain is the organ that makes

us human, giving people the capacity for art, language, moral

judgments, and rational thought. It's also responsible for each

individual's personality, memories, movements, and how we sense the


There are many disorders that are associated with the brain and

one of this is the Parkinson's disease, it’s an unusual disorder of the

brain characterized by shaking and difficulty with walking, movement,

and coordination. Parkinson's disease is associated with damage to a

part of the brain that controls muscle movement. Parkinson's disease

may affect one or both sides of the body, with varying degrees of loss of

function. Parkinson's may also impair speech. Michael J. Fox put a face

with the disease a few years ago when this young actor came down with

this old man's disease. Other notable mentions from history include the

great boxer Mohammad Ali.

Parkinson's disease is caused by the progressive deterioration of

the nerve cells of the part of the brain that controls muscle movement.

The parts of the brain that control muscle movement are the basal

ganglia and the extra pyramidal area. In this condition, deterioration of

this area of the brain reduces the amount of dopamine available to the

body. When there is insufficient dopamine, the balance between

dopamine and other transmitters, such as acetylcholine become

unbalanced. Without dopamine, the nerve cells cannot properly transmit

messages. When the nerve cells cannot properly transmit messages,

loss of muscle function occurs. Some people with Parkinson's disease

become severely depressed. A person with severe Parkinson's may have

overall mental deterioration also. Mental deterioration includes

dementia and hallucinations. Dementia may also be a side effect of

some of the medications used to treat the disorder.

Parkinson's disease usually occurs in adults. It is rare in children.

When Parkinson's occurs in children, the cause is usually decreased

sensitivity of the nerves to dopamine and not because of deterioration of

the area of the brain that produces dopamine.

Currently, there is not a cure for Parkinson's. Medication can slow

progression of the disease and researchers believe some antioxidants

may be beneficial also. This is a horrible disease to be diagnosed with,

and proves that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.



Jade Arianne N. Cerrada

Parenting is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviors

that work individually and together to influence child outcomes. It is one of

the joys and pains of life. It teaches us many things. There are many type of

parenting styles. Whatever it may be can affect the child one rears.

The first type is the Indulgent Parents, this is also referred to as

"permissive" or "nondirective" they are more responsive than they are

demanding. They are nontraditional and lenient, do not require mature

behavior, allow considerable self-regulation, and avoid confrontation.

Indulgent parents may be further divided into two types: democratic parents,

who, though lenient, are more conscientious, engaged, and committed to the

child, and nondirective parents.

The second type is the Authoritarian Parents.They are highly

demanding and directive, but not responsive. They are obedience- and

status-oriented, and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation.

These parents provide well-ordered and structured environments with clearly

stated rules. Authoritarian parents can be divided into two types:

nonauthoritarian-directive, who are directive, but not intrusive or autocratic

in their use of power, and authoritarian-directive, who are highly intrusive.

The third type is the Authoritative Parents. They are both demanding

and responsive.They monitor and impart clear standards for their children’s

conduct. They are assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their

disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their

children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, and self-regulated as

well as cooperative.

The fourth type is the Uninvolved parents whoare low in both

responsiveness and “demandingness”. In extreme cases, this parenting style

might encompass both rejecting–neglecting and neglectful parents, although

most parents of this type fall within the normal range.

Parenting is never an easy thing to do. But one principle that can be

applied is the Golden Rule. Do to others what you want other to do to you. So

if one wants their child to respect them, then they themselves must respect

that child first.

The price of being a parent is sacrificing a lot on their part. But the

prize would be raising children that are responsible, God-fearing and

productive. And when that time comes, they will realize that it is worth the

sweat and tears shed.

How did this happen?


Rica Angela S. Gito

Matter is composed of particles which have mass and occupy space.

Glass, plastics, bag, shoes, us, we are matter. I can’t hardly think of a thing

which we can’t called matter. Until this antimatter had enter the world of

man. It was then released and explained in the movie, Angels and Demons,

which hold the attention of humankind. What is it? What thing is it?

Antimatter is composed of antiparticles which were produced

everywhere in the universe where high-energy particle collisions take place.

This thing and matter when collide can cause total destruction or

annihilation. If you can still remember the Big bang theory of the creation of

the universe, it was discussed at the movie that this antimatter might

support the said theory. A thing from nothing; antimatter react to any


Since this antimatter, reacts in every matter it touches, this is

preserved in not just a common container but in a specialized which has

magnetic field. Even though it is hard to keep this kind of a thing, it is still

then preserve for other usage such us in medical uses and can be a fuel.

Scientist are still working on it and producing more so that they can

study more about and discover its hidden use.

Too much intelligence might kill. Anything that is too much can harm

or might lead to one’s misery. That is why, every moves must be very




Sandra Lorraine G. Hilado

Good day!

There is a song that goes like this: Baby, baby, baby ohh, like baby,

baby, baby noo, like baby, baby, baby ohh, I thought you’d always be mine,


Who would not know about this inventive lyricism? The young boy who

popularized this song is a Canadian Pop-R&B singer.

Born March 1, 1994 in London, Ontario, this young boy was raised by

her mother, Pattie Mallette who was 18 years old when she became pregnant

with him. Mallette, who worked a series of low-paying office jobs, raised his

son as a single mother in low-income housing. However, he maintains

contact with his father who married another woman and had two children.

During his childhood, he was interested in hockey, soccer, and chess;

he often kept his musical aspirations to himself. As he grew, he taught

himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet. In early 2007, when he

was twelve, he sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" for a local singing competition in

Stratford and placed second. Mallette posted a video of the performance on

YouTube for their family and friends to see. She continued to upload videos

of her son singing covers of various R&B songs, and his popularity on the site


This young boy was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Braun, a former

marketing executive of So So Def. His first album “My World” was released

on November 17, 2009. This album was eventually certified Platinum in the

US and Double Platinum in both Canada and the UK. His second album, “My

World 2.0” was released in January 2010. This debuted at number one on the

Canadian Albums Chart, Irish Albums Chart, and Australian Albums Chart,

and the New Zealand Albums Chart and reached the top ten of fifteen other


The Observer newspaper in the UK published a report indicating that

this young boy is more influential in the social networking sphere than

Barack Obama or The Dalai Lama. He is often featured in teen magazines

such as Tiger Beat, and has been labeled a "teen heartthrob”.

The young boy that I am referring to is Justin Drew Bieber. Straight

outta Ontario, he has charmed millions with his grace and good looks. Who

wouldn’t want to listen to a sixteen year old boy repeat “Imma tell you one

time, girl I love you,” twenty-three times? It is clear that he is nothing but a


Thank you and again, good day!



Bernaly L. Jaudian

Beep beep!!! This sound is a part of a daily Filipino life. You are certainly a

solid Pinoy if you never miss to hear even some seconds of this “noise

music” in the streets. Truly it is an undeniable part of us, but do you wonder

about where does its common name came from, or about some more bits of

its history? It is a bit interesting.

Jeepney is one of the public utility vehicles (PUVs) in the Philippines that

brings millions of Filipinos to their destinations and is a truly remarkable

mode of transportation that costs fare that is economic-friendly. But hundred

years ago, this mode of transportation is not use to carry humans but to

carry firearms during war. This originally came from US and sold to us after

the World War II. Filipinos later modify jeepneys into passenger-type

vehicles. they are the ones who put decorations on it such as metal roofs for

shade and bright chrome hood ornaments, making them a symbol of

Philippine culture.

“Jeepney” got its name from the two words “General Purposes”. Well, how

come? Think. General Purposes can be shortened as “GP”. G.P. as one word

can be read as “jeep”. Amazing isn’t it?



Frauline C. Tadle

It is my pleasure to be speaking in front of you, ladies and gentlemen.

This will be an honor that I will bear for the entire time of my existence. In

which, the period to have the once in a lifetine chance to carry on the ideals

of my dead Alma Matter as I bid my temporary goodbye, along with my

colleagues on April 2011.

Four years have passed rapidly yet it’s only like yesterday when I

found myself, which was 12 years old then, standing behind the podium to

represent the 365 graduating students of Francisco E. Barzaga Memorial

School. And it will be another two months until that one who will be

pronounced as best among us shall deliver the words that has been supplied

by the 1800 graduating students he/ she will be representing, in that one

momentous moment of a sacred ceremony. We may be more or less 1800,

but to Bob Ong’s book, “Aba, nakakabasa na pala ako?!” there is a dozen

types of students on a teacher’s point of view: Clowns, Geeks, Hollow Man A

and B, Spice Girls, Da Gwapings, Celebrities, Guinness, Leather Goods,

Weirdos, Mga Anak ni Rizal, Bob Ongs and Commoners. But they are in high

school. What about college?  College surely is another different world apart

from elementary and high school. According to Wikipedia.com, college is an

educational institution or a constituent part of an educational institution. It

may be a degree- awarding tertiary educational institution, an institution

with a federal university, an institution offering vocational education or a

secondary school. Nevertheless, we can never deny that it is the most crucial

level of our education, both in difficulty and financially and it plays the

biggest part in sculpturing our future.   

    Which university you’ll enter doesn’t even matter compared to the

hard work, passion and your own will to achieve your star. In any case,

Philippines is university-rich country that are well- respected even in

international affairs. As what 2010 University Web Ranking posted for its Top

Universities in Philippines, University of the Philippines Diliman top-billed the

list. It is followed by University of Santo Tomas, University of the Philippines

Los Baños, University of the Philippines Manila, University of the Philippines

Visayas, Ateneo De Manila University, De La Salle University, University of

the East and MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology.  As you enter for first year in

college, orientation awaits you to help you adapt to the new environment.

Educators are no longer being called as Ma’am, Sir, Mr. or Mrs. Instead

Professor and Doctor. You are expected to help yourselves to provide your

own notes, and also, professors have their free time intended to entertain

students for clarification about important things. You are expected to budget

your time wisely and balance it between academics and your social life. You

have to stand in your own. You are no longer that little child that still hides

under the skirt of your mother of behind the strong back and legs of your

father. Now, you have the unlimited chance to voice out what runs into your

mind rather than keep yourself being stocked to your chair. College life

opens it hearts, minds and ears to hear you opinions regarding the things

that are happening around you. This is the way college prepare us to enter

the adolescence in which nothing will protect you from harm rather than

yourself. You need to be strong and confident to yourself that you can do it.

And to attain that strength, you need to cultivate your self-confidence.     

Being a college student sure is that microscopic hole that you need to

get through to pursue your dreamed profession. It takes a lot of effort and

money before you can say, “I survive college”. Cramming may become a

daily occasion along with pressures from all corners. Just remember, enjoy

your college life. Balancing may be tough but it is necessary to build the

strongest foundation within ourselves. It is the foundation that is hard to

build but easily be break if you’re brittle enough to face the truth of life. It is

the foundation of believing in you self and your skills and talents. No one

knows you better yourself.  Always do your best and you know that God will

do the rest for you. Again, I don’t bid goodbye. I thank you for the good

memories and hope for your success for your chosen path. God Bless you





Monique Anne B. Tizon

Have you ever fantasized of flying, casting spells, preparing potions,

and doing other witchcraft stuff? Thanks to J.K. Rowling’s most-loved series-

Harry Potter. I’m pretty sure that you already knew who Harry Potter is, so

now, I won’t miss this perfect chance to tell you the story of the non-wizards

in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

Let’s begin with the most famous non-wizards of all, the muggles.

That’s us. Muggles are people who don’t have any magic running down their

veins. Long ago, they used to hunt the wizards because of their magic, but

after the International Secrecy Law of 1679 was passed, the wizards had

kept their special skills from muggles. They use spells to modify the

memories of every muggle in order to make them forget about their secret.

Even though muggles cannot do magic stuff, they live their life well by the

use of their knowledge. They don’t need magic wands to produce fire or

make things fly, instead, they invent things that would help them do those


House elves are also interesting creatures in the wizarding world. They

are the servants of wizards. A house elf is forced to follow all the wishes of

his master, and when he’s not able to do that, he punishes himself. These

creatures can do magic even without wands. They just have to snap their

fingers then pop! – magic done. They can also apparate and disapparate in

all places. Not all house elves have their masters. They are called “free

elves”. A house elf becomes a free elf when his master has given him any

kind of clothing. Dobby, the most famous elf of all, is a free elf. He was freed

by the help of Harry Potter.

The sword of Gryffindor is a very essential thing in destroying

horcruxes. Do you know who made it? Goblins. They are the creatures who

devote themselves in making things out of metals. All of their creations are

tough. They also run Gringotts. It is a place that can be found miles beneath

London. It is where Wizards keep their golds and treasures. Inside Gringotts,

there are rooms that can be only opened by the use of Goblins’ fingers, so

this is really a good place to hide your greatest possessions.

To complete the list of our non-wizards, let me introduce to you the

race where Hagrid belongs, the giants. They are the creatures who are

extremely bigger compared to ordinary human. Giants usually live on

mountains because wizards are scared of them. They have their own

language and they cannot be shaped by polyjuice potions. In Hagrid’s case,

his mother’s a giant and his father’s a goblin, thus making him a half-giant. A

half-giant is just twice as big as human, so they can live with wizards.

Muggles, house elves, goblins and giants. So they’re the non-wizards in

the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Each of them are special in their own

ways. Even though they are kind of different from each other, still they learn

how to live in one world. Just like in our own world, even though there are

some differences between our races, still, we can all live together with

happiness and content in our hearts.






Francis Austin S. Diaz

Good day!

Close family ties, respect for elders, unity within the family, use of ‘po’

and ‘opo’, conservative clothing, superstitious beliefs, long celebration of

Christmas from December 16, the start of misa de gallo or midnight masses

until the Feast of the Three Kings celebrated during the Sunday between

January 2 and 8, bayanihan, warm hospitality along with many other Filipino

customs, traditions and values may just be learned from textbooks or in

educational posters and paraphernalia and one of the suspects of this

disintegration is industrialization.

Jezek, 2006 in his infamous website www.historyofthephilippines.com

stated that

Filipino culture blends the indigenous traditions of the Philippines

with the Hispanic culture, and also have distinct cultural traits of

the Chinese, the Indonesians and the Indians. The Hispanic

influences come largely from the cultural influence of Spain and


This influence remained and was promulgated within the country for

almost three centuries during the Spanish rule over our country. They even

started to blend in with the native ways and native cultures developed

before the Spaniards arrived in our country.

Things started to shift when the United States successfully convinced

the King of Spain to receive 20 million US dollars in exchange for the whole

Philippine archipelago. The Americans then started to occupy our country.

They introduced new and better ways to do everyday things. They

introduced new knowledge to the Filipino students in every field imaginable.

They started to introduce their own religion. They started to change how

Filipinos think. And it was during this period that the native Filipino customs,

traditions and values began to disintegrate and replaced with the American

customs, traditions and values.

And these changes have been carried on up to the present generation.

Look at how children start to act these days. We started to remove the use of

‘po’ and ‘opo’, broke the usual close family ties, became less conservative

when it comes to clothing, forgot to celebrate feast days of patron saints,

celebrated the Christmas less festive than usual, had their ‘kanya-kanya’ the

way Americans do, and many other changes have been made during their


Yes, you may say that this may not be solely attributed to the

introduction of American cultures, traditions and values. But, even though it

is not SOLELY attributed to that, it is PARTLY and I believe MAJORLY

attributed to that.

Now, I ask you my dear audience, which of the two sets of culture,

traditions and values do you prefer to have? The Filipino culture with the

Hispanic touch or the one with the American touch?

You may be really confused and start to ask yourself, “Ano nga ba ang

gusto ko?” or “Oo nga ano, di ba’t mas maganda ‘tong ganito at ganyan”.

You may even start to realize what is really wrong with the present

generation of youth.

Let me end this speech with a rhetorical question. If you are to be

stucked in an elevator with a child, which of the two- a child very intact with

the values gained from the Spaniards to name a few: respect for elders,

warm hospitality, conservative in clothing and deeds and helpful or a child

filled with the influences gained from industrialized countries like the United

States some of which are: lack of the use of ‘po’ and ‘opo’, frequent use of

words like ‘bullshit’ and ‘fuck’ and uses the ‘kanya-kanya’ culture, would you

prefer to be stucked with ?

Thank you and again, good day!

“Avoid Smoking”


Menard A. Esto

Many people in our days are getting hook on cigarettes because it is

convenient and not expensive. Cigarette contains Nicotine, the primary

psychoactive chemical in cigarettes and it is addictive. Cigarette use by

pregnant women has also been shown to cause birth defects (which include

mental and physical disability). Many anti-smoking ads claim that, on

average, each cigarette smoked shortens lifespan by 11 minute and half of

smokers die early of tobacco-related disease and lose, on average, 14 years

of life. What a waste! Just think of it that you can save your own life by

stopping and preventing ourselves and our community from smoking. And it

is not just all. It may also cause lung cancer. Yuck! Lung cancer is a disease

which consists of uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. This growth

may lead to metastasis, which is the invasion of adjacent tissue and

infiltration beyond the lungs. The vast majority of primary lung cancers

are carcinomas of the lung, derived fromepithelial cells. Lung cancer, the

most common cause of cancer-related death in men and women, is

responsible for 1.3 million deaths worldwide annually, as of 2004. The most

common symptoms are shortness of breath, coughing (including coughing up

blood), and weight loss.

The main types of lung cancer are small cell lung carcinoma and non-

small cell lung carcinoma. This distinction is important, because the

treatment varies; non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) is sometimes

treated with surgery, while small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) usually

responds better to chemotherapy and radiation. The most common cause of

lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. The occurrence of lung

cancer in nonsmokers, who account for as many as 15% of cases, is often

attributed to a combination of genetic factors, radon gas,  asbestos,  and air

pollution including secondhand smoke. It is according to the site


Some countries require cigarette packs to contain warnings about

health. The United States was the first, later followed by other countries

including Canada, most of Europe, Australia, India, Hong Kong and

Singapore. In December 2000, Canada became the first country to enforce

graphic warning on cigarette packaging. And at end of December 2010 the

new regulation from Ottawa is to increase size of tobacco warning to cover

3/4 of cigarette package. As of November 2010, 39 countries have adopted

similar legislation. Here in Philippines we can notice that anywhere and

anytime we go there are always smokers. Our lungs can’t take that pollution

anymore. So if I were you avoid smoking.



John T. Ilgan

I've called this press briefing to address an issue directly, one that has

been a source of concern to me and to others for some time.

Over the past 2 years, since I’ve become a teenager, I have been

coming to terms with and seeking to cope with a drink problem. And I've

come to learn through that process that any drink problem is a serious

problem indeed for yourself and for those around about you. I've sought

professional help and I believe today that this issue is essentially resolved.

People close to me know that this has been a struggle and for extended

periods I have consumed no alcohol at all. As a matter of fact I haven't had a

drink for the past 2 years, and I don't intend to in the future. I've learned the

hard way of the need to face up to this medical problem, one that is dealt

with successfully by many others on a daily basis.

I have chosen not to acknowledge it publicly in this way before

because, if at all possible, I wanted to overcome it privately. In a sense, this

admission today comes as something of a personal relief. I should have been

willing to talk about it more openly before. I wish I had. This issue has

understandably been of concern to people, especially to teenagers like me.

They have been tackled this issue every now and then of their lives.

Therefore, let me be clear. I consider myself capable and in good

health. Because of this, I want to tell to all teenagers that alcohol drinking is

dangerous. Alcohol is a drug, and it is the drug most abused by teens.

It's easy for teens to get the wrong message about alcohol. They might

see their parents drink or watch TV commercials that make drinking look like

a lot of fun. You might see people drinking and watching sports together or

having a big party.

But alcohol is actually a depressant. That means it's a drug that slows

down or depresses the brain. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person's

ability to think, speak, and see things as they really are. A person might lose

his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. The person might feel

relaxed and happy and later start crying or get in an argument.

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill

a person. Over time, people who abuse alcohol can do serious damage to

their bodies. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially

at risk.

Given the extremely personal nature of this statement, I trust myself

that I can help everyone to understand on what alcoholic drinks will bring to

you in just one drink!



John Paul D. Lordan

Amidst such adversity, the world keeps on finding ways to prevent and

achieve a goal which is set in its peak. But, it seems that the world’s capacity

to govern critical and transnational challenges is not attained because of

weaknesses on our global institutions. Now is the time to take action and be

part of the revolution.

Positive movements must take part in this struggle. Initiative must not only

come from me neither from you only. It should come from all of us. An

alarming fact remains as the world’s poor stays ill-governed. We are meant

to continue a historic push for universal access but never for universal

distress. Regrouping and re-strategizing should take place. Begin with the

basic. Be able to identify its roots and gradually pull them off and eliminate

them one by one. Force must build up for global health, development and

environmental sustainability. This is for the reason that an estimated 15

million people need life-saving treatment.

Stand up. A call for this is often heard. Would you dare to join? I believe you

have to. Prevention must always be our first priority. If we need to set

biomedical, behavioral and structural approach on battle against AIDS then,

let it be. Combat against this “cancer” of the society needs great efforts.

Learn to build AIDS competencies. Promote sexual and reproductive health

and rights. Contest public hypocrisy against sexual matters. Most

importantly, consider equality and human rights.

I believe sexuality education and life skills will enable young people to know

about successful prevention on AIDS. This is not to ruin their young minds

but to wake them up and let them be active on this matter. Continuation to

work towards a cure is strongly required. This means that the government

should continue to invest in prevention research and development that tells

about production of effective and quality vaccines, microbicides and other

preventing and curing treatments.

Now as we see through optimism and hope, continue to take your own single

part. Let’s take it as our time-bound commitment to universal access and

remember that we are taking the right path. I believe through this

strengthening process, we can see promising results. With this, try asking

yourselves now. Would I? Should I? Remember, together we’ll see a better




Christel Rajko C. Manansala

Ladies and gentlemen, today I am here to share with you my views on

organ donation, in the hope that you will take them on board and give

someone the ultimate gift after you have left this earth - the gift of life.

Ladies and gentlemen, at this moment in the US there are 79,000 U.S

patients on the transplant waiting list. Three thousand a month are added to

this total. Not a lot you may say when the population is close to three

hundred million, but now add twenty to thirty family and friends to each

patient, and the number increases vastly.

Every day between 16 and 17 people die whilst waiting for a

transplant. Again you may say not a lot - but in the average mans' lifetime

the death toll is 1,980,160 - almost two million people. Ladies and gentlemen

you can help. By donating your vital organs after you have passed away you

can save lives. For the more sentimental of you, of the 79,000 patients

waiting for a transplant, over 10 per cent of these are children under 18

years of age.

             So, how can you help? All you have to do is get in touch with your

local doctor and he will tell you all you need to know. You fill out one form,

and receive a card; it really is that easy. Then, once you have passed away

in many years to come, your organs will be removed and will give somebody

else the chance of life.

              After a transplant of a vital organ, the average survival rate is over

80%. A massive increase from the 20% that would live without the surgery.

              Some people worry. Will they be left open after the surgery as they

are already dead, or will they still be able to have an open casket funeral?

The answers to these are simple. You will be treated with the up most

respect in the surgery and the same procedures apply to the body as a living

body. And yes, you will be able to have an open casket funeral if you wish to.

              Ladies and gentlemen - the gift of life is the most amazing gift

anybody can give. How I see things, and what made me become a donor, is

that after I am gone I will have no use for my organs. So why should I deprive

someone else from using them.



Lloyd Renzol J. Manimtim

Many diseases as the time goes by as well as the vices that the people

became aware to but the most influential and the people most can’t resist is

drinking some beer. Drinking beer is the one people face to in the times of

their problems and happiness because drinking beer makes them happy and

makes them loose their feeing into their inner self.

Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably the oldest

of alcoholic beverages; it is the third most popular drink overall,

after water and tea. It is produced by

the brewing and fermentation ofstarches, mainly derived from cereal grains

—most commonly malted barley, although wheat, maize (corn), and rice are

widely used. Most beer is flavoured with hops, which add bitterness and act

as a naturalpreservative, though other flavourings such as herbs or fruit may

occasionally be included. Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to

the production and distribution of beer: the Code of Hammurabiincluded laws

regulating beer and beer parlours,  and "The Hymn to Ninkasi", a prayer to

the Mesopotamian goddess of beer, served as both a prayer and as a

method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate

people. Today, the brewing industry is a global business, consisting of

several dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller

producers ranging frombrewpubs to regional breweries.

The strength of beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume

(abv) though may range from less than 1% abv, to over 20% abv in rare


Drinking a lot of it is really bad to our health.

The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol, and therefore, the health

effects of alcohol apply to beer. The moderate consumption of alcohol,

including beer, is associated with a decreased risk of cardiac disease, stroke

and cognitive decline. The long term health effects of continuous, heavy

alcohol consumption can, however, include the risk of developing alcoholism

and alcoholic liver disease.

Overview of possible long-term effects of ethanol. Click to enlarge.

Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as

expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients,

including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B

vitamins. In fact, beer is sometimes referred to as "liquid bread".Some

sources maintain that filtered beer loses much of its nutrition.

A 2005 Japanese study found that low alcohol beer may possess strong

anti-cancer properties. Another study found nonalcoholic beer to mirror the

cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate consumption of alcoholic

beverages. However, much research suggests that the primary health

benefit from alcoholic beverages comes from the alcohol they contain.

It is considered that overeating and lack of muscle tone is the main

cause of a beer belly, rather than beer consumption. A recent study,

however, found a link between binge drinking and a beer belly. But with

most overconsumption, it is more a problem of improper exercise and

overconsumption of carbohydrates than the product itself. Several diet books

quote beer as having an undesirably high glycemic index of 110, the same

as maltose; however, the maltose in beer undergoes metabolism by yeast

during fermentation so that beer consists mostly of water, hop oils and only

trace amounts of sugars, including maltose.

Drinking Beer must be in a moderate motion so you will not have such

deadly diseases just by drinking a of it.



Denmark C. Moralita

Good afternoon everyone especially to our beautiful English IV teacher,

Mrs. Porto. I realized a long time ago that Internet had made our life easy

and more comfortable. It is indeed an amazing addition in our lives as an

individual because we can now consider it as global meeting place where all

the people all around the world come closer and has their connection with

each other. This thing provides opportunities galore and can be also used for

variety of things. It has been the most outstanding of all the innovation in the

field of communication for the history of mankind.

I can’t believe that from the journey of Neanderthals to the Home

Erectus and then the Home Sapiens, man had come a very long way enough

to make his/her life comfortable and make his/her work easier than before.

Man had created his own quest until he got his great invention for his life

which was the computer. Nowadays, internet has brought a globe with in just

a single room. This internet has a lot more to offer but as every invention is

made it has also its disadvantages for the user and for all the people who are

using this.

Some of its disadvantages were the theft of personal information,

virus, addiction, fake and inaccurate information, spamming and many more.

With the internet, your personal information can be accessed by the other

people even if you are not related to that person. But all of this

disadvantages will be gone only if everyone has their own discipline.

Discipline is very important for anything that we always use. Remember that

too much of using something is bad for us. Internet may be used for email

which is now an essential tool in business and to keep us in touch with our

families and relatives away from us. There is also a huge amount of

information available on the internet for just about every subject known to

man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and

conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support. And one

of its advantage is that is a very effective way to buy and sell products all

over the world.

The Internet has many services that are now provided such as online

banking, job seeking and applications, and hotel reservations. Often these

services are not available off-line or cost more. Communities of all types

have sprung up on the internet because it is a great way to meet up with

people of similar interest and discuss common issues. This can be used in

classroom as for teaching also as diverse as the services and tools offered by

the network. The Internet offers many resources that are not usually

available in any geographic location. In addition to these resources, the

Internet also enhances various skills of its users. Communication and writing

skills can be directly affected through the use of the Internet. It may also

help in areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, and group work. In

this way, we can now realized how the Internet provides access to resources

and how it can enhance various skills for students. All we need is the

discipline in handling this kind of thing because it can create a big

disadvantage if it was not properly cared. It’s like a pet that always need the

care and protection it wants so the both of you may benefit from one




Yves B. Pumarada

"Falling in love" is a term used to describe the process of moving from

a feeling of neutrality towards a person to one of love. The use of the term

"fall" implies that the process is in some way inevitable, uncontrollable, risky,

irreversible, or that it puts the lover in a state of vulnerability, in the same

way the word "fall" is used in the phrase "to fall ill" or "to fall into a trap". The

term is generally used to describe an eventual love that is strong, although

not necessarily permanent.

Loving someone and being loved by someone is a good feeling. We can

feel our heart beats faster than usual although the heart is not responsible

for this feeling. This feeling is due to some chemicals in our brain that

functions each time we see the one we love.

According to Dr. Fisher, we fall in love because romantic love is one of

three basic brain systems that evolved for reproduction. Each evolved for a

reason: The sex drive evolved to get you out there looking for partners.

Romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your energy on just one person

at a time, conserving time and energy. And attachment, the feeling of

security you can feel with a long-term partner, evolved to help you stay

together long enough to raise kids.

Love has the capacity to change the way people think. When we fall in

love, we feel like something in our heart is about to explode but we just feel

good each time we fall in love because some of the most powerful brain

circuits for pleasure are triggered. The main chemical involved is dopamine,

which produces feelings of euphoria, energy, sleeplessness, and focused

attention on your beloved. Biologically speaking, you’re experiencing

something similar to cocaine high.

Psychologists have shown it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes

to decide if you love someone. Research has shown this has little to do with

what is said; rather 55% is through body language, 38% is the tone and

speed of their voice and only 7% is through what they say. This is because

our brain is the part of our body which decides everything when it comes to

love and it is not the heart, unlike most of the people assumes.

Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in the State has proposed 3 stages

of love – lust, attraction and attachment. Each stage might be driven by

different hormones and chemicals. Lust is driven by the sex hormones

testosterone and estrogen, in both men and women. The next stage is

attraction, this is the amazing time when you are truly love-struck and can

think of little else. Scientists think that three main neurotransmitters are

involved in this stage; adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. The last stage is

attachment, it is the bond that keeps couples together long enough for them

to have and raise children. Scientists think there might be two major

hormones involved in this feeling of attachment; oxytocin and vasopressin.

Oxytocin also seems to help cement the strong bond between mom and

baby and is released during childbirth. It is also responsible for a mom’s

breast automatically releasing milk at the mere sight or sound of her young

baby. Vasopressin works with your kidneys to control thirst. Its potential role

in long-term relationships was discovered when scientists looked at the

prairie vole.

We can see that major of these hormones can be found in the brain

and not in the heart or other part of the circulatory system, meaning, it’s the

brain and not the heart that makes us fall in love so from now on, we must

not say: “I love you from the bottom of my heart” instead, “I love you from

the bottom of my hypothalamus” but regardless of what keep us falling in

love, it is such a great feeling to experience love.




Edelmiro O. Solis

“Do you believe in God?”

This one short question can be answered by simply a yes or a no. As

you go deeper with this question, there are lots of things that are needed to

be balanced and statements that are to be analyzed before giving an


This is the main focus of the 2005 movie Exorcism of Emily Rose

having Jennifer Carpenter as the lead star to portray the role of a religious

girl, Anneliese Michel in real life which tends to put a priest and a pastor to

jail after a battle against psychiatrists concluding that it was not exorcism.

Anneliese or Emily Rose in the film first experience strange symptoms

when she was 17, Anneliese began to suffer from convulsions. Court findings

have her experiencing her first epileptic attack in 1969. It was then that a

neurologist at the Psychiatric Clinic Wurzburg diagnosed her with Grand Mal

epilepsy. Soon, Anneliese started experiencing devilish hallucinations while

praying. She also began to hear voices, which told her that she was damned.

The court determined that by 1973 Anneliese was suffering from depression

and considering suicide. In 1975, convinced that she was possessed, her

parents gave up on the doctors from the psychiatric clinic. They chose to rely

solely on the exorcisms for healing as stated by Washingtonpost.com

 The first unofficial diagnosis was made by an older woman who

accompanied Anneliese on a pilgrimage. She noticed that Anneliese avoided

walking past a particular image of Jesus, and that she refused to drink water

from a holy spring. The woman also claimed that Anneliese smelled hellishly

bad .An exorcist from a nearby town examined Anneliese and concluded that

she was demonically possessed. After two failed requests, the rite of

exorcism was finally granted by the Bishop.

Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst were assigned by the Bishop of

Wurzburg, Josef Stangl, to carry out "The Great Exorcism" on Anneliese

Michel. Together they carried out 67 rites of exorcism over a period of 10

months, with one or two exorcism sessions held each week. Some sessions

lasted up to four hours according Moviesonline.ca.

People tend to believe with the statement of the old woman and an

exorcist that lead to some rituals but the question is, did Anneliese really see

faces of demons or the act of a person around her is transforming into

somewhat demonic creature?

According to Washingtonpost.com, Anneliese started to see faces of

demons and people transforming into somewhat demonic creature when she

was convinced that she was possessed.

Anneliese was convinced that she had been possessed by several

demons, including Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, and Fleischmann,

a disgraced Frankish Priest from the 16th century. She also mentioned a few

other damned souls who had manifested themselves through her.

During the case of the two priests against United States of America,

the priests presented an audio of Anneliese’s voice. Her voice is quite

chilling; it bears a striking resemblance to the growling, barking, and

inhuman voice of Linda Blair from Friedkin's film, The Exorcist. This has

caused some people to conclude that Anneliese was simply mimicking what

she had seen in the film, if she had in fact seen the film. Upon its release in

Germany, the movie created a sort of paranormal hysteria that swept the

nation. European Psychiatrists reported an increase of obsessive ideas

among their patients stated by Moviesonline.ca.

Anneliese carried out a number of highly disturbing actions. She licked

her own urine off the floor. She ate flies, spiders, and coal. She bit off the

head of a dead bird. In one instance, she crawled under a table and barked

like a dog for two days. She could often be heard screaming through the

walls for hours. Tearing off her clothes and urinating on the floor became a

regular occurrence.

Anneliese died because she quits on eating meals. She believes that

she could get rid of the evil spirits if she skip meals and stop taking foods.

She died because dehydration and malnutrition.

This kind of experience is such an awful thing for the fact that

Anneliese is very religious. She was raised as a Catholic and trained to go to

church every Sunday. Actually when her sister died, her mother Anna told

her to always talk to God and say sorry about the sins she committed. She

even asks for everyone’s protection. She even prays about drug addicts’


Even in college life, as she transferred to dormitory, the guardian testified

that Anneliese always holds her rosary. She has a painting of Jesus Christ on

her wall and a holy water at their door.

Eventually, according to Time-proxy.yaga.com, she spoke of dying to

atone for the sins of the wayward youth and renegade priests.

Psychiatrist also testified that it was the people around her who pushed the

idea that the psychotic behavior of Anneliese was a form of devilish

occupation in her soul that’s why she acted as one.

The issue creates a great impact on the society not only in European

countries and American citizens but also to the Asian nations having the

issue and clash about science and religion.



Alyssa Lyn F. Agra

Good day!

Close family ties, respect for elders, unity within the family, use of ‘po’

and ‘opo’, conservative clothing, superstitious beliefs, long celebration of

Christmas from December 16, the start of misa de gallo or midnight masses

until the Feast of the Three Kings celebrated during the Sunday between

January 2 and 8, bayanihan, warm hospitality along with many other Filipino

customs, traditions and values may just be learned from textbooks or in

educational posters and paraphernalia and one of the suspects of this

disintegration is industrialization.

Jezek, 2006 in his infamous website www.historyofthephilippines.com

stated that

Filipino culture blends the indigenous traditions of the Philippines

with the Hispanic culture, and also have distinct cultural traits of

the Chinese, the Indonesians and the Indians. The Hispanic

influences come largely from the cultural influence of Spain and


This influence remained and was promulgated within the country for

almost three centuries during the Spanish rule over our country. They even

started to blend in with the native ways and native cultures developed

before the Spaniards arrived in our country.

Things started to shift when the United States successfully convinced

the King of Spain to receive 20 million US dollars in exchange for the whole

Philippine archipelago. The Americans then started to occupy our country.

They introduced new and better ways to do everyday things. They

introduced new knowledge to the Filipino students in every field imaginable.

They started to introduce their own religion. They started to change how

Filipinos think. And it was during this period that the native Filipino customs,

traditions and values began to disintegrate and replaced with the American

customs, traditions and values.

And these changes have been carried on up to the present generation.

Look at how children start to act these days. We started to remove the use of

‘po’ and ‘opo’, broke the usual close family ties, became less conservative

when it comes to clothing, forgot to celebrate feast days of patron saints,

celebrated the Christmas less festive than usual, had their ‘kanya-kanya’ the

way Americans do, and many other changes have been made during their


Yes, you may say that this may not be solely attributed to the

introduction of American cultures, traditions and values. But, even though it

is not SOLELY attributed to that, it is PARTLY and I believe MAJORLY

attributed to that.

Now, I ask you my dear audience, which of the two sets of culture,

traditions and values do you prefer to have? The Filipino culture with the

Hispanic touch or the one with the American touch?

You may be really confused and start to ask yourself, “Ano nga ba ang

gusto ko?” or “Oo nga ano, di ba’t mas maganda ‘tong ganito at ganyan”.

You may even start to realize what is really wrong with the present

generation of youth.

Let me end this speech with a rhetorical question. If you are to be

stucked in an elevator with a child, which of the two- a child very intact with

the values gained from the Spaniards to name a few: respect for elders,

warm hospitality, conservative in clothing and deeds and helpful or a child

filled with the influences gained from industrialized countries like the United

States some of which are: lack of the use of ‘po’ and ‘opo’, frequent use of

words like ‘bullshit’ and ‘fuck’ and uses the ‘kanya-kanya’ culture, would you

prefer to be stucked with ?

Thank you and again, good day!




Marilee M. Allam

In recent month, sex education debate heats up in our country. A

new sex education campaign in Philippine schools has sparked widespread

debate in Asia's bedrock of Catholicism, where the high birth rate is blamed

for desperate poverty. However, the Catholic Church and powerful

conservative crusaders have struck back with a high-profile campaign to

shut down the project, saying it breaks the nation's religion-based moral

codes. Should children be given sex education in schools, or should this be

the responsibility of the parents?

Nowadays, teenage pregnancy is still a problem in our country.

Many teenager end up pregnant because of misconceptions about sex. If

they don't receive accurate information, they rely on rumors and we end up

with situations where girls believe they can't get pregnant the first time.

Unfortunately this can result in an unwanted baby whose parents are unable

to care for him/her.

It is good to have a sex education in school to prevent early

pregnancy and for the teenager to have accurate and reliable information

about sex. If there’s sex education programs in school it can teach teenagers

that, although whether or not to have sex is a choice that deserves lots of

thought and consideration, it does not define who they are.

There are some people in the modern society who believe that sex

education should be between the teenager and their parents but there are

situations in the family that the parents doesn’t have time to talk with their

children so that the opportunity for such openness doesn’t exist very often

today. There should be a sex education in school so that even though the

parents don’t have time to discuss with their children they can entrust it to

the school. Teens can learn regarding this matter and they will have an idea

or they will know what to do or what is the best choice to make when they

encounter this situation in the near future.

Teens should be aware of the various methods that are open for

them to use and why it is important that they are used to protect themselves

not only from pregnancy but from unwanted diseases too. A good sex

education in school is the best way to prevent teenage pregnancy in our




Ma. Victoria S. Balatucan

People in this world value certain things. On the other hand, we take

many things for granted. We also discourage some behavior, such as crime,

disregarding others, and use of illegal drugs. Drug abuse is one of the most

discouraged behaviors in our country. The use of illegal drugs is harmful to

the user as well as the user’s family. There are over 40 million illegal drug

users in the world today and America has become the biggest market for

drugs (Plant). Sadly, there are more drug dealers in this country, than there

are dentists (Plant). We must find a way to slow down this illegal drug abuse.

Drug users are parasites, feeding off society's money and wealthy lifestyles.

In addition, every type of insurance goes up because of drug abuse,

including auto, health and homeowners (Belenko).

Worst of all, the crime rate will sky rocket if we let this behavior

continue. Illegal drugs and their abusers are a menace to society for obvious

reasons. Drugs abuse simply has a negative effect on our community as a

whole; therefore, we need to work together to create more effective policies. 

Drug abuse is a serious problem in our country and the problem needs

to be addressed as soon as possible. It is hurting our country by causing

increased crime, soaring insurance rates, stealing tax dollars, hurting

families, and hurting children. If fighting drug abuse were made a top

priority, we could probably wage an effective war, through education and

enforcement of laws, to stop drug abuse once and for all. 

Drug abuse is obviously a plague to society. Drug abuse uses

society's resources by requiring that hundreds of thousands of our tax

dollars be spent on funding enforcement agencies, educational programs

and treatment facilities (Plant). Drugs also hurt future generations

because drug abuse, particularly of marijuana, is usually a problem among

our future teens. Innocent citizens also have to pay higher insurance

rates because of the risk of drug dealers damaging property.

Drug abuse must be stopped. We also need to attack the supply and

demand. We need to keep drugs from entering the country and incarcerate

dealers and smugglers. To accomplish this we should educate young people

on the dangerous consequences of drug abuse. 

Marijuana is another popular, yet illegal, drug. Its largest consumers are

young adults.



Jade Arianne N. Cerrada

Rainy when it’s supposed to be sunny. Scorching hot when it’s

supposed to be freezing cold. Super strong typhoons when mild rains are

expected. Our world is in a frenzy because of our irregular climates. It s a

dilemma which not only destroys properties. It also kills men and for those

who survive, it kills their hope.

Climate change, it is the continuous change in the planet usual

weather systems. According to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies,

Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree

Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades. The

United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports

that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850. This

means that not only the earth is getting warmer, it gets hotter at a fast rate.

This triggers a chain reaction which will eventually lead to a catastrophe.

The arctic areas are the first affected areas of this disaster called

climate change. The polar ice caps are melting and causes flooding. Arctic

ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-

free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are

already suffering from the sea-ice loss. There is a certain ice cap which

experts say would melt after 30 years even with the global warming but

unexpectedly, it melts a faster rate than they anticipated. Aside from that,

the melting of ice caps also contribute to the warming of the planet, it is

because ice caps help reflect most of the suns radiation back into the space,

but since they are melting, there are more radiation taken in by the planet

and therefore higher temperatures.

Since the ice caps melt, there is a rise at sea levels which cause the

flooding of many areas. This also causes warming of the oceans which in

turn causes bleaching of corals and death of planktons on which several

species of fish feed on.

There are lots of other effect to many and too detailed to be

mentioned. But one thing is for sure, it is caused by the mankind’s attitude.

The technologies created were meant to help the earth but our rotten

attitude causes these problems. What we need is not just new

environmentally-friendly stuff, but rather a remodeling, a renewed

perspective, an unwavering initiative and passionate action. Only by then,

can we save our planet. Our planet is the only one capable of supporting life

forms. Even if there would be another, it is not right to take that for granted.

It is always taught by our parents to fix what you broke. It may be time to

apply it. Not later, not soon, NOW.



Jenelyn P. De Lara

“What’s your sign?” may be not a good pick up line as of now due to

the shocking news about the changed in the signs of zodiac. It is absolutely a

trending topic now. You may have seen the whole story about this in

different TV shows and this must have been a shocking news for you.

Someone may react on it like “I would never change my sign, I’ll stick on it”.

It all began when an astronomer named Parke Kunkle told the

Minneapolis Star Tribune that the Earth’s orbit is slightly off due to a change

in its magnetic axis. The change means that the Earth does not face the

stars at the same angle any more. As a result, said Kunkle, the new zodiac is

shifted one month with the addition of a new sign, Ophiuchus the serpent.

Apparently Kunkle is surprised that his comments have created such a stir.

But this was really an issue for everyone especially to those who are very

attached to their sign.

For me and as well to others who don’t want to change their

zodiac sign may just stick to them though it was declared that

there’s a change. It is your choice to keep it or not. A change in your

sign doesn’t mean there will be a change in you. Changing it would

not change the way you feel about yourself anyway.

As it turns out, the change in the zodiac probably won’t affect you at

all. Western astrology does not structure the zodiac around the positions of

constellations. Rather, the zodiac used in the United States is based solely on

dates. Additionally, the change in the zodiac only affects people born on or

after 2009, even in eastern astrology. So if you’re worried about having to

change that zodiac sign tattoo, no need to worry.



Rica Angela S. Gito

The issue of the k+12 had been the apple of the eyes of the people all

over the country. It was said there that in elementary one more year will be

added and another year in high school. Does this law will help the poverty?

Will this be a good solution for gaining the profit for the sake of the


A lot of people are starving out of hunger. “Isang kahig,isang tuka”

that was the system pertaining to those people in our country. Are they

really sure that we have to add years in studying? This would give another

problem to the parents who use to work hard just to give their children a

good life. “Education is the only treasure I can give to you”, common says

that. But since the government will insist to have this kind of law; parents

would have to work on for that another 2 years of studying. Tuition fees are a

big problem.

In this situation, a lot of students will also get uninterested in studying

since they are expecting that they are going to march up to the stage and

have their diploma in the expected day. As the time that this law would be

approved, teachers will also have longer responsibility on the children and

another 2 years of teaching. All kinds of thing had increased but had their

salary increased, especially public school teachers? Will this be a good thing

or just another problem to carry and to hold?

If they want a person to be skilled on doing something and this would

be their solution, a lot of people will get hungry. The time that a person must

put his hands on working will be the time that he’s still studying.

We must speak out, tell everyone what we are going to sacrifice if this

would be approved and implemented. We are good enough to do things. It is

not the years of studying, it depends on the person that is studying.



Sandra Lorraine G. Hilado

Good day!

It is the “Doomsday” that is foretold in the Mayan Calendar, the

Chinese oracle of the I Ching and even an internet-based prophetic software

program. 2012 – a date that is prophesied as the end of the world. But is

there any science behind this dire prediction? Could ancient oracles truly

predict the future? The answer could affect us all. It is because history shows

us surprisingly good track record for those who say Doomsday is almost


The Mayan Prophecy, Galactic Alignment, as well as the predictions of

the Ancient Oracles and Web-Bot Software Program are not reliable bases to

conclude that the so called “Doomsday” will really happen on December 21,


The predictions of the ancient oracles are not powerful enough to

convince everyone that the end of the world is near. They are just making a

big deal out of it by giving emphasis to wars, disasters, tragedies and other

bad times as the signs of the doom to scare the people. Everything that

happened was just occurrences caused by the natural phenomena. Again,

oracles have nothing to do with it.

The base of all the predictions is the end of the Maya calendar in 2012,

which is supposed to mean the end of the world or a period of radical

changes. In fact, the end of the Maya calendar is known as the end of the

Great Cycle. People find it easy to believe in that theory because Maya

civilization is known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy. It

can seem like they really know what they’re talking about, but the truth is

that the end of the Great Cycle is not the end of the world, it’s in fact a great

celebration for the Mayas.

For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end

of a whole cycle. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment

of cosmic shifting is a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people

to cash in.

Web-Bot predictions failed for so many times. Therefore, it is not a

reliable basis to say that the end is near. Also, it is just a software program

made and manipulated by human beings just like any other which are

harmful and can spread false statements to scare people.

The Mayan Alignment is really doubtful because even the scientists are

uncertain about the fact that the Mayas even knew what they were talking

about. Even the astronomers say that it is very impossible for the Mayans

themselves to be aware about the Doomsday, There is no record or

knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that


We are the ones to make a change. The fear and anxiety involving the

Doomsday just make the people go crazy thinking about it. We have the

ability to correct our mistakes and always do good to take care of our world.

Let us all work together to do it until it’s not yet too late.

Thank you and again, good day!



Bernaly L Jaudian

When we go to certain place, especially when we are in the middle of time

pressure, we do often use shorcuts. Shortcuts utilize our time and energy

wisely because through these we are able to arrive at our destination for a

short period of time. Shortcuts may be a good option for us to do many

things and accomplish them in no time. But in reality, it might be a sort of

dangerous walk in life.

People lives through different stages: growing stage, education stage,

working stage and esatblishing family. We do belong on those who are in

education stage. Being mere students of whatever level or year we are into,

we are in the season of education. We are engaged to study and pursue our

chosen field, which may cause a number of years that meant no joke. We

still cling to our parents for our needs, depending on them for our “baon”

and miscellaneous fees. Even you turn the world upside down, the truth is

still remains: we are still living in the

The generation of today seems to use “shortcuts” in their lives. They tend to

jump in the “season” that they are not into. They are mixing study and

relationships that are not “fitted together”. Establishing relationship or love

affair with opposite sex is just one step away to marriage. No wonder why

teenagers of today experience unwanted pregnancies or even stop

schooling. In other words, their future is shattered because of “shortcuts”.

The bottomline is, there is a time for everything.We just live once in this

world so we must utilize it wisely.we must not base our actions and decisions

only what we see or what we feel. Feelings are deceiving though you feel it is

the right to do and to follow. We look not just at the bright side always, but

also at the negative side of the things, especially when deciding on taking




Noemi C. Lape

There are many movies that represent the very distinct style of the

80’s. Few do it in such an artistic and realistic way as Donnie Darko. The

movie’s intricate and thought provoking plot contains an array of songs that

directly connect the audience back to the 80’s. As a movie just released in

2001, the movie looks back to a disillusioned and disappointing year of 1986.

Songs such as “The Killing Moon”,” Head Over Heels”, and “Notorious” may

be quite obscure to the average member of generation X, but the music is

critical in creating the eerie atmosphere of the story and is a catalyst for the

sardonic views the of the 80’s. Bands as obscure as Echo and the Bunnymen,

Tears for Fears, and Duran Duran, lost in the perpetual machine that is the

American Music Industry, are recruited here to evoke the spirit of the decade

as well as impose a bitterly sarcastic view of this pre-generation X era. 

Perhaps the best example that the movie is a resentful statement

towards false belief in the 80’s is the talent show scene. An obviously less

popular and “larger” girl performs an interpretive dance symbolizing her

Portuguese heritage and is pretty much booed off the stage. The audience,

or resentful society, finds her presentation boring and less worthy than it’s

proceeding act, a group of 6 blonde, skinny, white, girls dancing to the song

“Notorious” by Duran Duran dressed in sparkly and extravagant costumes.

The obviously more popular song “Notorious” is coupled with this praise and

acceptance the girls receive. The lyrics, “You own the money you control the

witness I'll leave you lonely don't monkey with my business you've paid the

profits to justify your reasons” implies the whole act is the whole premise

that their society is resting on. One that is pretentious and is not what is

truly real.

The realistic statements of these “lost” 80’s pop songs convey much of

the movie’s moral statements on society. The theme of putting importance

in pointing out what is fake and what is real is universal. With its

music, Donnie Darko, is and forever will be a very powerful statement on

society not only in the 80’s but for all generations.



Abigail T. Malabanan


                Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or

home learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but

sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private

school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance

laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community,

homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries

to private schools outside the home or educational institutions operated by

civil governments.

                This kind of schooling, though beneficial to others are also

optional. We cannot say that the child can learn as much as they can learn in

a proper school because first of those who are teaching them are not

actually real teachers but only tutors. They do not have the same knowledge

as the true teacher. They also don’t have their proper practice of teaching so

they do not have the authority to teach. But real teachers here are


                We can only depend on homeschooling if a student doesn’t have

the capability of going to school. Another disadvantage of it is that if a child

used to have homeschooled, he may get tired of studying because this only

takes a couple of hour rather than in a true school where you can spend 7-8

hours of studying. In this way, your child can really be fed with enough

learning he needs for his age.

                Academic education is not the only thing for which the children

need to become successful human beings. It is necessary that they learn to

interact and communicate in the society, and public school provides them

with such an environment, where they meet many people. Friendships

formed in school are necessary for them, so that they learn the importance

of sharing and being there for one another.

            It will not be also beneficial to parents who have their own careers.

Homeschooling is a full-time job that needs full concentration from the

parents and also the child. If you want your child homeschooled, your

dreams and aspirations may have taken a back seat in able to just

concentrate on your child’s studies. Other household responsibilities will also

be affected because of the attention you are giving to your child.

            These are only some of those hindrances why we don’t need to stick

with that homeschooling. It is not appropriate for all and what’s a school for

if you will not use it for your child’s study and learning.



Abigail T. Malabanan


            There’s no place like home. You can do anything here that you can’t

do in other places. But is it still comfortable living with these hassle and dirty

insects called cockroaches? If you think they are only like that, wait until you

find how amazing these cockroaches could be. Then sometime you’ll tell

yourself, “they are truly amazing”!

            This six-legged amazing creature can live without food for the whole

month and can also hold its breath for forty minutes if necessary. When you

think you already killed a cockroach it’s cutting its head, don’t be too sure

because even if you cut off its head, it would still live and run around the

house for about a week before dying of thirst. This is because its brain is not

in its head. It’s scattered throughout its body. Death Head Cockroaches have

six brains spread out through their bodies which regulate their biological

needs and only one of these is in their head. The rest of their brains are in

their legs. Since cockroaches do not have lungs, they breath through

spiracles within each of their body segments that deliver oxygen straight to

their bodies without the need of blood. They also do not have mammalian

blood pressure that would lead to a death from bleeding to death so they can

indeed live, hypothetically possibly as much as month without their head.

            You’ll be wasting your time trying to figure out how this little ninja

with more than eighteen knees broke into your house. Younger ones can

squeeze through a crevice no thicker than a tip of a dime, while the older

and fatter ones may need access equivalent to the thickness of the edge of a

quarter. It’ll certainly wear you out trying to chase it. It can run up to three

miles in an hour before calling it a day.

            The female cockroach mates only once and it is pregnant for the rest

of her life. Sounds heartbreaking? Her heart is nothing but a simple tube with

valves that pump blood back and forth. The heart can even stop without

causing harm to the insect. Can us people stop our heartbeat like that? The

answer is no... Only cockroaches are capable of doing that. How amazing!

            So next time you saw these little ninjas, think first before judging

them because you’ll never know, maybe they are better than yours. And

most of all we are all God’s creation so don’t be so cruel about these insects

because they also have the right to live in our world. Oh how touching...

Irritating but amazing!!!



Frauline C. Tadle

The critically-acclaimed and commercially successful film, Avatar

shocks the whole world last 2009 when it dramatically changed the line-up

for the highest-grossing film of all time as it surpasses the world-renowned

movie, Titanic with a total of $ 937,930,764 ahead. According to the director

of both movies, James Cameron, this 80-page film is primarily an action-

adventure journey of self-discovery, in the context of imperialism and deep

ecology. It also features the clashes between cultures and civilizations.

Though, many people commented for its wonderful success, others didn’t

appreciate it at all. As a matter of fact, this film taught us a lesson that is

gradually vanishing from the minds of the people. There is nothing Nature

can do better than revenge.

            If you have seen the movie, you make have taken note of the

following: people searching for a precious mineral unobtainium, an earth-like

moon called Pandora, 10-foot tall and blue-skinned called Na’vi, futuristic

robots and odd and extremely rare species of animals yet have common

characteristics as what we have in the earth. This 171-minute film didn’t

exist just to show –off to the world how fantastic the human’s mind is. It

greatly teaches us that even the most powerful technology we could imagine

can never be ever compared to the force that can be exerted by the

avenging nature. We can never deny to ourselves that every day, there may

be one out of 6,891,600,000 from all over the world is becoming dependent

of technology. As what an article had said in Articlesbase.com posted on

August 7, 2009, “Industrialization resulted in rapid and sustained economic

growth and a massive increase in consumer goods. But at the same time, for

many people it meant       a thoroughly unpleasant work environment.”

            Worried that your food might get mouldy? Refrigerator is the answer

to that! What about if you need the solar power yet there’s a storm coming?

How about you use dryer to dry your clothes off? Technology produced them,

yet, it produces a great amount of CFCs to the environment that is

destroying our beloved ozone layer in the atmosphere. The development in

the field of agriculture tends to decrease the amount of good soil that is still

edible for the plants. The evolution of horse to cars to airplanes and to

spaceships sipped the contentment of humankind and turned it to lust and

craving for more. The hunger for better for the success of the humanity may

be one of the factors that are actively living beneath mankind’s flesh and

skin. Mechanical robots are gradually replacing human to provide services in

the community. This is one of the reasons why there is decrease for human

need in the companies and institutions. Man believed that robot is a sign of

power and fortune. But this robot continues to engulf the morality of the

people. The birth of weapons for mass destructions leads to world-wide panic

and devastation. Advancement of communication created a false picture and

scenery of closeness and family ties. The primitive methods of having a

bonding time with the family has been swallowed by the time spent to surf

the internet and playing PSPs. Technology is like a cataract to the human eye

that blindfolds the truth from it. We can say that, mirrors of yesterday shows

who you are, while through technology, mirrors of today shows the same

person, but not the same to the one that has been moulded by God in

accordance to his image and plan. Eyes of yesterday show as the truth but

we never accept it, while eyes of today show the false but we just accept it.  

Wake up, stand, stop, look, listen and act. Wake yourself from the dream

brought by technology. Stand up to show yourself the find truth. Stop to be

prepared of what to change. Listen to the voice that you keep in your heart

for hundreds of years. And act so everybody will start to act. Remember that

the change in an empty space starts with a single point.

            Avatar may be written to the history for a long time because of its

success. But we should never forget what Avatar really taught us. Never

belittle nature. Never neglect the fact that it is still lives among us. Along

with the animated version of famous Romeo and Juliet, Romeo x Juliet, the

seed of the world lives within our hearts. It pulse has been long muted to the

people’s hearing. Just like Avatar and Romeo x Juliet, let us hear the sobbing

seedling of Pandora and Escalus. Remove the blindfold labelled numbness.

Let us cure the deafness called unconcerned. The lameness called ‘I can do

nothing’ and ‘Bahala na si Batman,’ should be put to an end. And finally, let

us look for vaccine to protect us from a certain virus called laziness. Let us

save them from being rotten caused by people’s numbness before it is too

late and before we let the nature acts to save itself and think about its own




Monique Anne B. Tizon

Nowadays, many couples are having problem when they “have” to get

married at their young age. What if one of your brightest classmates

suddenly stops coming to class? At first, you wonder why she hasn’t popped

up, and later you hear that she’s gone on leave. Months after, you learn that

she is already married to her boyfriend. Maybe some of you will think that

that was not a good decision, but in some situations like having unexpected

pregnancy, that decision is just right.

Marriage by any measure is not easy to take. With it are the constant

responsibilities you must fulfill and the nonstop adjustments you have to

make. First with your partner, then with the new set of strangers you learn to

call family, and eventually with your offspring. Perpetual adaptation is a

challenging part of every married life. Married couples go through such

difficulties but marrying early multiplies the challenges ten-fold. Early

marriages also nip youth in the bud. Feelings of regret because one is

already “tied down”, and the yearning for more carefree days are among the

many emotions that have to dealt with. Another major concern is financial

instability. Unless they have set aside enough money to fund the future

family, chances are they have to work double time just to keep up with the

changes in lifestyle. Sacrifices-perhaps an unfinished college degree-are

made for the sake of the family. The value of money becomes better

appreciated. The couple learns to be responsible and they become stronger

in overcoming the challenges in their lives.

Every married individual learns to extend one’s self. This is even more

challenging with young couples because they are forced to grow up faster

than they normally would want to. Instead of thinking only of themselves,

they are forced to change their outlook in life and ultimately deal with things

in a more mature manner. And as in any situation, there are rewards to be

gained from early marriage. You become more patient and energetic in

dealing with your child. Young couples also tend to be more open-minded,

and they absorb life-lessons at an early age. For struggling young husbands

and wives, be grateful for every little thing you have. Remember that we all

have our crosses to bear. Later on, we can look back on our life with a smile

and be amazed at the journey that you’ve made.

Under the pressure of circumstances beyond one’s control, a couple

can choose to grow up or break up. Those who choose to resist growth lose

the chance to gain life-lessons that make other young parents wiser beyond

their years.