SPEECH BY THE KEY TO SUCCESS SCIENCE WORLD AND THE HEREAFTER Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings. Dear mother Dear teacher My children that the father of Love Praise and gratitude first of all, let us pray to Allah SWT as a blessing and gift that we can all come together in good health on this sunny morning. It turns out there are a lot of people, not only teenagers but also parents, who did not know what else to understand what life provision that could mengatarkan to resounding success. Of course this is very exciting for all of us said as food for thought and contemplation so that we can achieve success as we dream. Here's the secret !! There is a description of the "Man aroda dunya fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi, Man arodal akhiroh fa'alaihi bil ilmi, Wa man aroda huma fa'alaihi bil' ilmi Man aroda dunya fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi, Man arodal akhiroh fa'alaihi bil ilmi, wa man aroda huma fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi. "(al-Hadith) Who wants the world to be with the knowledge, anyone who wants the Hereafter then with science, and anyone who wants both of them then it should be with the science. Science is the key of the world and the key of the Hereafter. My children are proud father All fields whether indeed any field should be based on science to achieve the target in the can. but the main thing is the science of religion, because the science of religion all be directed, not reckless, and also of course based on the worship. A trade for example, he wants to get a better profit then he should be smart in the calculations, how much capital, the selling price and how many others, well, if he does not have the religious knowledge of fraud will descend heart and feelings. With knowledge of this world we can achieve, but to make it as well as our foothold in the afterlife of religious knowledge we need to deepen again. Many ways to get knowledge. What science is definitely worthwhile.

Speech by the Key to Success Science World and the Hereafter

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Page 1: Speech by the Key to Success Science World and the Hereafter


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.Dear mother Dear teacherMy children that the father of Love

Praise and gratitude first of all, let us pray to Allah SWT as a blessing and gift that we can all come together in good health on this sunny morning.

It turns out there are a lot of people, not only teenagers but also parents, who did not know what else to understand what life provision that could mengatarkan to resounding success.

Of course this is very exciting for all of us said as food for thought and contemplation so that we can achieve success as we dream.

Here's the secret !!There is a description of the "Man aroda dunya fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi, Man arodal akhiroh fa'alaihi bil ilmi, Wa man aroda huma fa'alaihi bil' ilmi Man aroda dunya fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi, Man arodal akhiroh fa'alaihi bil ilmi, wa man aroda huma fa'alaihi bil 'ilmi. "(al-Hadith)

Who wants the world to be with the knowledge, anyone who wants the Hereafter then with science, and anyone who wants both of them then it should be with the science.

Science is the key of the world and the key of the Hereafter.

My children are proud fatherAll fields whether indeed any field should be based on science to achieve the target in the can. but the main thing is the science of religion, because the science of religion all be directed, not reckless, and also of course based on the worship.

A trade for example, he wants to get a better profit then he should be smart in the calculations, how much capital, the selling price and how many others, well, if he does not have the religious knowledge of fraud will descend heart and feelings.

With knowledge of this world we can achieve, but to make it as well as our foothold in the afterlife of religious knowledge we need to deepen again. Many ways to get knowledge. What science is definitely worthwhile.

So what you can do in the short term this is nothing else to learn well. Because this is the period where you're studying in this school. Learn diligent so that you become disciples with a proud achievement.

From now on let us fix your intention that in demanding science during this school really sincere. Thus there will be no news one of your friends skipped, so the gang motorcycle, hit narkiba case, a wild race, against teachers and parents, and other negative attitudes.

May you all become successful people in the future. We are sorry if there are words that are not pleasing father. Hopefully there are benefits for you and this may be a reflection of you.Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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Pidato Ilmu Kunci Sukses Dunia Dan AkhiratAssalamu alaikum wr.wb.Bapak-ibu guru yang kami hormatiAnak-anakku yang bapak Cintai

Puji dan syukur pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena berkah dan karunianya kita semua dapat berkumpul dalam keadaan sehat wal’afiat pada pagi hari yang cerah ini.

Ternyata ada banyak orang-orang, yang bukan hanya remaja tetapi juga para orang tua, yang tidak mengenal apa lagi memahami apa saja bekal hidup sehingga bisa mengatarkan kepada keberhasilan yang gemilang.

Tentu ini sangat menarik untuk kita semua ungkap sebagai bahan pemikiran dan renungan agar kita pun bisa meraih sukses sebagaimana yang kita impikan.

Inilah rahasianya!!Ada sebuah keterangan "Man aroda dunya fa’alaihi bil ‘ilmi,Man arodal akhiroh fa’alaihi bil ilmi, Wa man aroda huma fa’alaihi bil ‘ilmi Man aroda dunya fa’alaihi bil ‘ilmi, Man arodal akhiroh fa’alaihi bil ilmi, wa man aroda huma fa’alaihi bil ‘ilmi. " (al Hadits)

Siapa yang menginginkan dunia maka harus dengan ilmu, siapa yg menginginkan akhirat maka dengan ilmu, dan barang siapa yg ingin keduanya maka harus dengan ilmu.

Ilmu adalah kunci dari dunia dan kunci dari Akhirat.

Anak-anakku yang bapak banggakanSemua bidang entah itu bidang apapun memang harus dilandasi dengan keilmuan untuk mencapai target yang di dapat. namun yang paling utama adalah ilmu Agama, karena dengan ilmu Agama semua menjadi terarah, tidak sembrono, dan sekaligus pastinya dilandasi dengan ibadah.

Seorang berdagang misalnya, ia ingin mendapatkan sebuah untung yang lebih maka ia harus pintar dalam hitung-hitungan, modalnya berapa, harga jualnya berapa dan lain-lain, nah jika ia tidak mempunyai ilmu agama tentu kecurangan akan menghinggapi hati dan perasaannya.

Dengan ilmu dunia ini dapat kita raih namun untuk menjadikannya sekaligus sebagai pijakan kita di akhirat ilmu agama kita perlu perdalam lagi. Banyak cara untuk mendapat ilmu. Ilmu apa saja pasti bermanfaat.

Jadi apa yang bisa kalian lakukan dalam jangka pendek ini adalah tiada lain belajar dengan baik. Karena inilah masa dimana kalian sedang menuntut ilmu di sekolah ini. Belajarlah yang rajin agar kalian menjadi murid-murid dengan prestasi membanggakan.

Mulai sekarang mari kita betulkan niat kalian agar dalam menuntuk ilmu selama disekolah ini benar ikhlas. Dengan demikian maka tidak akan ada kabar salah satu dari teman kalian bolos, jadi genk motor, kena kasus narkiba, balapan liar, melawan guru dan orang tua, dan sikap negatif lainnya.

Semoga kalian semua menjadi orang-orang sukses di masa depan. Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata

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bapak yang tidak berkenan. Semoga ada manfaatnya buat kalian dan semoga ini menjadi renungan kalian.Wassalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.