iDesign: There’s an App for That www.iDesignAIGcamp.weebly.com Lesson #1 iReady Lesson #2 iCreate Lesson #3 iApply Lesson #4 iReveal Are you glued to facebook, instagram or twitter 24/7? Do you ever wonder what happens behinds the scenes to make such an app magically hook the audience? Apps likes these are used for everything now a days. Everything from communicating, ordering pizza, buying clothes and checking out favorite teams’ scores can all be accessed using an app. This week, we will research, plan and create an app as we link arms with local businesses. Do you think you could design the next most popular app in the app store? If so join us for an exciting week as we learn to create apps from the PERSPECTIVE of local businesses.

SPED- AIG Camp Unit

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iDesign: Theres an App for That www.iDesignAIGcamp.weebly.com Lesson #1 iReadyLesson #2 iCreateLesson #3 iApplyLesson #4 iReveal

Are you glued to facebook, instagram or twitter 24/7? Do you ever wonder what happens behinds the scenes to make such an app magically hook the audience? Apps likes these are used for everything now a days. Everything from communicating, ordering pizza, buying clothes and checking out favorite teams scores can all be accessed using an app. This week, we will research, plan and create an app as we link arms with local businesses. Do you think you could design the next most popular app in the app store? If so join us for an exciting week as we learn to create apps from the PERSPECTIVE of local businesses. Cady TarttKristin JusticeSPED 6402 Spring 2015East Carolina University

CONTENT RESEARCH PAPER App creation utilizes perspective in a variety of ways. When we access an app the designer has a specific point of view in the creation process. Whether it is in how it is written (1st, 3rd person etc.) the creator has formulated each detail on the app to describe various features about a company. When reading and viewing various pages we do so through the eyes of the creator. It is a glimpse into their world and vision. It is important for students in our session to understand how an app creator relay information to the world. Apps are all about the perspective of the author and business. Meaning, their perspective on the topic of the app and exactly how it should operate. Students will become creators of apps for local companies. Therefore it is imperative that they fully understand the ins and outs of what the company stands for. The apps created will visually describes the companys ideals, products and services. Thus relaying the companies perspective to those who will access the app. As a result they will research a company and create an app to describe facts, etc, and judging their relative importance. Therefore the viewers of the app will be able to fully perceive what the company stands for. It can be difficult to correctly portray a certain perspective but it would be an imperative skill in the professional world. Perspective can be defined as a point of view. When creating an app the creator needs to not only determine the companys/business point of view but also how the end product will be conveyed to and by the audience. The ultimate goal for a company/business in having an app created is to generate business and an influx of customers. If the app is not focused on how the product, good or service can impact a person, then those viewing the app will have a negative point of view towards this company/business. The audience is what will ultimately grow and expand the future of the company/business. Using images, words/phrases and the like that appeal to a wide (and sometimes specific) audience will communicate the vision and goals of the company/business thus increasing the likelihood that profits will increase. Furthermore, from the perspective of the AIG students they will take ownership in the implementation, creation and publishing of the final product. The latin word for perspective means to perceive. To have perspective means being able to perceive something. Throughout this unit students will need to look at the app creating through the lens of the creator. They will need to analyze their choices for the app in ways that are professional and responsible. Students will be required to problem solve and troubleshoot in order to create an app that to display something that is appealing to the audience. Therefore the student must identify themselves as the creator and recognize, observe, note and relay that perspective to their audience. Perspective works in two ways for camp: relaying the perspective of the student for the creation of the app and also allowing someone else to see their perspective when using the app.Perspective is described through app creation in a variety of ways. As the creator one must analyze what the company/business point of view is. Therefore we must communicate their vision and goals in a way that is appealing to an audience. The audience will perceive each detail an in return formulate a point of view regarding various graphics, word choices etc. Finally, as creators we must take ownership of the choice we make as we problem solve and troubleshoot in order to achieve an end product.

CONNECTION TO THE THEME Perspective can take many angles and descriptions. Point of view in literature is looking at the perspective of the writer and/or narrator. The story takes on the angle and mood of how the narrator views a particular story, concept, character, setting and the like. Furthermore, if a particular writer has a narrow viewpoint on a nonfiction topic they may create a piece of informational text that is rather biased based on their particular mindset. Perspective can also describe our attitude towards something and/or someone. Like in writing we may be influence by our childhood, social groups or environments. Thus creating a mindset that is narrow, biased or in some cases the opposite such as a broad view. Our perspective is an attitude that is displayed in how we speak, write, think and interact with others. Ultimately, perspective is how a person figuratively looks at something. We all see things through different lenses based on our opinions and experiences. Those experiences help us form those perspectives, feelings and attitudes.

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION Technology is a huge part of app creation. Whether the app is being created for a computer or for a mobile device, there is a large amount of technology involved in the process. Essentially, every part from beginning to end involves technology. With this being said, our unit will be centered around technology and the integration within our content. Throughout the week, we will often use our weebly site that we made for camp. Our website is a working platform where students will interact, post and create throughout the week. This website will hold the content of our unit as well as the daily lessons and outlines. We will use this to guide our unit and to reference throughout the lessons. Students will use this website to get involved from the beginning. We will use the weebly site for blog entries for students, such as posting a blog entry with a question for our topic expert. We will also post daily tabs so students can easily access information for Code Academy, videos and our class padlet. This website will also be a great place for us to post pictures and app creations from throughout the week for classmates and parents to view as students are in camp. Overall, this website will be an interactive tool that students will help by adding information, thoughts, and questions as the week progresses. Collaboration is a vital component of this unit. Students will post question to our guest speaker using an online sticky note called Padlet. Using their digital device (iPad or Chrome Book) students will create a thought provoking question to help them better understand the app creation process. Our guest speaker will be able to review these questions prior to coming to our session by accessing the Padlet through our camp website. Furthermore, if students have another question they think of during his presentation they will be able to post them using a back channel called Todaysmeet. This is a great tool for students to utilize which allows for further communication without distractions while the presenter is describing his expertise in app creation. Another form of technology we will use is TED talks. Specifically, students will view a video about Thomas Suarez, a young boy who began creating apps on his own at the age of twelve. TED talks will help us bring current events into our unit and will give our students something to connect to. This will be imperative that students see and learn from his perspective the ins and outs of how technology can take you to new and exciting places. It will also teach students the importance of troubleshooting- never giving up just because you hit a momentary road block.During our break out/station time students can practice elements of coding through Code Academy. This is a great resource which provide students with real-world experience of coding . One of the student activities will centered around the video How Can Coding Help You. This will encourage students to explore roles and their future in computer science related fields. In addition, Code Academy offers a comprehensive tutorials on a plethora of coding languages. This will allow students to practice troubleshooting, sequencing and a variety of coding skills. Story Board (a app which will be downloaded on the iPads) will be used by students as they engage in the creation process of their apps. As students build background knowledge and determine a company's goals, vision and desires for a web platform they will develop a storyboard to display the various components of the app. The storyboard will display the images, links and information which the App will house. By doing so the creator and company can discuss the ins and outs as well as make necessary changes prior to the app creator process. Once students online storyboard has been finalized they will utilized a web based program, Appy Pie, in order to create a simulation of the app. This program allows users to create an app like product. By utilizing this the creator and company can once again discuss necessary changes, additions and the like prior to finalizing it with coding. Appy Pie is a great way to begin a web based platform for beginning businesses and companies because the finished products can be uploaded to a users phone, ipad or device and work just like an app that was programmed using codes. Technology is an integral component of app creation. The entire creation process from formulating a design, creating a simulated product as well as the ending published format require technology. Students will be engaged as they research, problem solve and collaborate in order to create apps to display important information in the real world.

CONTENT OUTLINE A. Design an Appa. Storyboard Table describing the steps, order of events 1. Homescreen2. Tabsa. Vision Statement/Goalsb. Servicesc. Images/Captionsd. Contact Information Displays the sequence of the story1. Order of the tabs2. Clear description and order3. Organizes the information the creator has displayedb. Audience The group that will access information from the web platform1. Male/Female2. Adult/Child3. Hobbyist4. Athlete A group that desires information regarding a particular person, good or servicec. Information Data that is communicated to an audience Organized in:1. Chart2. Table 3. Visual element Appealing to the audience1. Colors2. Fonts3. Images4. Language (word choice)d. Layout of an app Arrangement/Placement1. Font Size2. Images/captions3. Words/Phrases4. User friendly- easy to navigate Given order and sequence1. Each link is working2. Flow- comparable to another like platformse. Design To formulate and build something for a purpose Keeping the audience in mindf. Value Importance or worth of information Audience should see how your app is more valuable than another similar one.g. Goal Giving effort to achieve an end result Each element of the web platform should reflect your desired goal for not only your business but also the desired audience. Target or an objectiveB. Creating a Published Appa. Coding Text that is written in order to provide instructions to the computer Types of Code1. Java 2. C++3. Python4. HTML Educational Coding Resources1. Code Academy2. Hour of Codeb. Java A coding language used to created Internet Applications as well as software programs Requires a download by the user for the website/program to work c. Programming Language The written set of instructions given to a computer Java, html, C++d. App Simulation A faux representation of something in reality 1. Utilizing Appy Pie to simulate an actual app2. This allows for tweaks to be made prior to starting the actual coding Although faux it is fairly accuratee. Procedures built in the App What a particular element in a program does/follows Actions that are performed in a series Synonym: Protocolf. Sequence of the App Ordered steps in a program A series of steps that are connected Synonym: Consecutive C. App Problem Solvinga. Troubleshoot Analyzing a problem in order to find a solution Fully analyze the problem Review coding to determine if order, sequence etc impacts the desired outcome Use a different data structureb. Data source The location in which the data comes from Database, data set, or spreadsheet c. Input The instructions given to the computer which allow it to perform various functions Key words, numbersd. Output Information given to the audience from the web platform Words, charts, images and signs


LESSON OBJECTIVEStudents will be able to analyze the components of an app with the understanding of coding.Students will be able to evaluate an app from the perspective of design and functionality.

POINT TO PONDERThere are many aspects of an app that contribute to the development of the design for the prospective audience.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONHow does coding affect technology used in everyday life?

CONTENTOutline the content you will teach in this lesson.A. Codinga. Text that is written in order to provide instructions to the computerb. Types of Codei. Java ii. C++iii. Pythoniv. HTMLB. Components of an APPa. Designb. Functionalityc. AudienceC. Javaa. A coding language used to created Internet Applications as well as software programsb. Requires a download by the user for the website/program to work D. StoryBoarda. Table describing the steps, order of eventsi. Homescreenii. TabsE. Troubleshoota. Analyzing a problem in order to find a solutionb. Fully analyze the problemc. Review coding to determine if order, sequence etc impacts the desired outcomed. Use a different data structureF. Data sourcea. The location in which the data comes fromb. Database, data set, or spreadsheet G. Inputa. The instructions given to the computer which allow it to perform various functionsb. Key words, numbersH. language a. The written set of instructions given to a computerb. Java, html, C++I. Simulationa. A faux representation of something in realityi. Utilizing Appy Pie to simulate an actual appii. This allows for tweaks to be made prior to starting the actual codingb. Although faux it is fairly accurate


What will students UNDERSTAND as a result of this lesson? How does this connect to the Essential Question?Students will understand what coding is and how it is used in technology that we use in everyday life. Students will understand how common technology (computer, tablets, and phones) uses coding to take information in and use it to produce what we need to make the technology functional. Students will understand that coding requires problem solving and critical thinking skills.

What will students be able to DO as a result of this lesson?Students will be able to describe the importance and the many uses of coding by posting on our camp blog. Students will be able to evaluate apps by using a rubric. Students will be able to examine apps for their overall design, functionality, use and engagement.


HOOKDescribe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson.BE CREATIVE.TIME: 10:00 minutes

Divide students into 2 groups. Provide them the following materials (twister mat, coding blocks, 2 stuffed animals). Explain that coding is like putting together a puzzle. Only certain pieces connect with one another.

Students will utilize the coding blocks in order to move their stuffed animal to safety. They must use at least 4 different set of instructions for their stuffed animal to follow. Beginning and end points will be teacher-given.

Source: http://robwirving.com/2015/01/10/real-life-code-org-blockly-programming-kid/

INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what you will do in this lesson. Be explicit about ties to Points to Ponder, Essential Question, and Interactions here. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.TIME: 60 minutesBegin with students posting their initial thoughts on How Can Coding help you? padlet (students will post using Chrome Books)Students will watch the following video from Code Academy: https://youtu.be/fjQ7XaMNQNc

Have students discuss: How does an idea of an app get to the final product? Write their ideas on chart paper.

Explain to students that they are now a part of the AIG App Agency (show unit logo on website). A local business has hired them to find out as much as possible about their products/services in order to create an app for them to begin using next week. The more they learn about online platforms, the better for end product come Thursday.

Show students the following websites and have them decide if the app if for the PERSPECTIVE of an child/adult based on the following elements: PBS KidsWITN News

Images Photographs Logos Discuss how images may differ on a website for kid (i.e. PBS kids) as opposed to one meant for an adult. Color Appealing to the eye Ideal of audience type Why do childrens websites use brighter colors? How does this help with keeping a childs attention? Design To formulate and build something for a purpose Keeping the audience in mind

Show video of app creation process --discuss with students that all apps begin with an overall idea. That idea is then put into a mock app using a storyboard. This story board will evolve over time and after careful planning come to the end result: A published App. We can do this on paper or electronic. This helps formulate our ideas so we can fine tune before the coding begins. Think of it as a blank page to brainstorm your ideal app.

As designers you need to ask yourself the following questions:1. Who is the audience for my app?2. What are they expecting to read, find and see on my app?3. Why will they continually come back to access my app?

In order to get a better idea of the answers to these questions we can use a storyboard. On the smartboard access the Storyboard website. Explain to students that they will be using this app in order to formulate their final project. Discuss elements of App (rubric--see below)

Students will then work in pairs to complete following activities:

Stations: (Rotations-45 min) Discuss with students that practice is the key to becoming a better app creator. This week students will participate in stations daily to increase their coding skills. Today students will analyze apps from to examine their perspective. They will also continue app simulations using our twister and coding blocks. Finally they will watch videos based on common coding languages and then post a reflection on our camp blog. 1. Coding Simulations: Students will use the twister boards and coding blocks in order to complete coding puzzles. 2. QR Code Activity: students will evaluate the following apps using the online rubric. The apps will have QR Codes to send students to the material. These will be loaded onto 2 iPads. a. Cool Mathb. Targetc. Pitt County Schools3. Research: Students will watch videos on the various the various jobs which entail coding. Students will choose 1 (2 if time allows) to watch and then craft a well thought-out paragraph describing why or why not coding should be taught in schools. a. Video 1b. Video 2c. Video 3

ASSESSMENT(Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.TIME: (This is a part of their instruction/guided practice)

Students will submit the following as their assessments as they rotate through the centers: Blog Post: students will post a response after watching 3 videos on the benefits of coding. Completed Rubric for App analysis

As an exit ticket, students will create questions for our guest speaker presentation for Day #2. (Explain that our guest speaker is a local app creator and it will be vital to ask him thought provoking questions so that students can learn as much about his job to help them in their final project).

DOES THE ASSESSMENT ALLOW YOU TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE STUDENTS HAVE MET YOUR STATED LESSON OBJECTIVE? YES OR NOThroughout the lesson students will evaluate apps based on the perspective of the audience. They will also build background knowledge of the benefits of coding on a daily blog post. Furthermore, students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by creating questions for our guest speaker the next day. By being able to generate meaningful questions for our speaker, students will show they have met our stated lesson objective. ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS


QR Codes:

These will be posted on our interactive tri fold boards. Students will use the rubric that follows to evaluate each app for the components designated on the rubric.

Code AcademyTarget Pitt County Schools

App Evaluation (see below):

Coding Blocks (will be printed for students to actually use):

Blog Post

Final Project App Rubric:


LESSON OBJECTIVEStudents will research a local business and identify their goal and desired audience.

POINT TO PONDERProper and thorough research by the app creator is needed to build an app that not only fits both the perspectives of the business and the audience.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONHow do apps enhance businesses and cater to their specific audiences?

CONTENTOutline the content you will teach in this lesson.A. Audiencea. The group that will access information from the web platformi. Male/Femaleii. Adult/Childiii. Hobbyistiv. Athleteb. A group that desires information regarding a particular person, good or serviceB. Informationa. Data that is communicated to an audienceb. Organized in:i. Chartii. Table iii. Visual elementc. Appealing to the audiencei. Colorsii. Fontsiii. Imagesiv. Language (word choice)C. Layout of an appa. Arrangement/Placementi. Font Sizeii. Images/captionsiii. Words/Phrasesiv. User friendly- easy to navigateb. Given order and sequencei. Each link is workingii. Flow- comparable to another like platformsD. Designa. To formulate and build something for a purposeb. Keeping the audience in mindE. Valuea. Importance or worth of informationb. Audience should see how your app is more valuable than another similar one.F. Goala. Giving effort to achieve an end resultb. Each element of the web platform should reflect your desired goal for not only your business but also the desired audience. c. Target or an objective


What will students UNDERSTAND as a result of this lesson? How does this connect to the Essential Question?Students will understand the importance of thorough research in order to create a finished product that is both beneficial to a business and its customers. Students will understand how to relay the perspectives of a business to their specific audience. Students will understand all aspects of app creation in regards to business use. Students will understand how to create a storyboard that describes the elements of their app.

What will students be able to DO as a result of this lesson?Students will be able to design a plan for their app for local businesses by using a storyboard. Students will be able to adapt business information into an app format that is functional for customers.


HOOKDescribe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson.BE CREATIVE.TIME: 5 minutesAfter students are settled they will watch the Thomas Suarez video on the Smartboard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkd9TWUtFm0

As students watch the video, they will jot down notes, questions or thoughts about it on an iPod touch using the iBrainstorm app. Students will flick their answers to appear on the teacher iPad where we we compile all thoughts and questions.

Discuss in small groups- how does his story impact your thoughts on the influence you can have now as a student creator?

INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what you will do in this lesson. Be explicit about ties to Points to Ponder, Essential Question, and Interactions here. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.TIME: 60 minutes

Discuss with the group: As app creator one must always be willing to design an app that is pleasing to a company and their audience.

Ask students: What are your favorite apps? What about them makes you return and use them?

Explain to students that today they will begin the app creation process by learning more about the products, services and other things they offer. Introduce students to the 3 local business we will be creating apps for (using a Near Pod Presentation).

Tell students that they will be researching a business (on Chromebooks or iPads) in order to create an app that best fits the audience needs and perspective. Discuss how design elements look different for an adult/child. Keeping details, text, data simple when designing apps for younger audiences. Age, attention span and reading abilities impact apps for younger audiences. Keeping layouts clean as opposed to cluttered. Goal of the creator: to think from their perspective. What colors may appeal to a younger generation? (Why would certain colors be more preferable over others?) What are certain elements that are vital to include in an app? (Do all apps need every component?)

Stations: (Rotations-45 min)1. Code Simulation: students will use the coding blocks from day 1 and create their own simulations to move the stuffed animal from one part of the twister mat to another. They will decide their own beginning and ending points. Students will cut and paste the coding blocks onto a piece of construction paper to record their path. 2. Storyboard template (teacher directed station): Students will create a mock version of the app from their perspective based on their groups topic. a. Storyboard is an outline of what your app will look, display and road map of the function of the appb. A storyboards is used to define app content and flowc. Show students the storyboard video and allow them to create accounts and play around with the various components of storyboard that. d. Display storyboard website for the group of students. Describe how to access the website as well as login information. 3. Research Station: students will research a local business (that have agreed to have apps created for them) on the ChromeBook and identify their goal and desired audience. Students will be given an information card with basic information about the company. (Business name, owner information, company products/services, statement from the company). This information will be recorded on their planning sheet. Research: Planning sheet Tim Sutton, Greenville AutoWorld Heather House-Photographer Brad Roberson- Catering Louie Dixon- Louises Promotional Products Kristi Allen- Huntington Learning Dana Taylor-Hairstylist

ASSESSMENT(Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.TIME: 5 minutes

Students will turn in the following: Completed coding block plan which describes how they moved the stuffed animal from one point of the twister mat to the other. Research: Planning sheet students will complete an information sheet describing elements of the business their group is researching (prospective audience, goal/vision, key details)

Students will write a one paragraph post to the camp blog about their ideas for their app creation and how they plan to adapt the information for an app. Students will specify their ideas for the design, layout, and target audience.


After the lesson, students will use their own thoughts and ideas to post to our camp blog. Students will have to explain their thinking by using what they have learned in the lesson. Students will explain what their business needs in regards to an app and how an app would help enhance this particular business.

ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have been submitted for this lesson.

Research: Planning sheet

Blog Post


Near Pod Presentation

Thomas Suarez video on the Smartboard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkd9TWUtFm0

Business Information: Each group will be given an envelope with our following label and ONE of the business descriptions below will be included.

Greenville AutoWorldOwner: Tim SuttonProducts: Buys and sells used car and trucks. Offers a full service auto body shop. App Needs: Greenville AutoWorld is looking for a way to display automobile pictures as well as their descriptions. They are also looking for a feature for customers to schedule appoints. Customers are accustomed to the Greenville AutoWorld Logo as well as their Green and Black color scheme. Visit them at GreenvilleAutoworld.net

Emma Smiles Photography

Owner: Heather HouseProducts: Photography for newborns to adultsApp Needs: Let me tell your story through pictures... I love capturing priceless moments and making memories. Emma Smiles captures moments of a person/families life. The app should include recent images as well as describe the businesses importance for keeping a family centered approach. As, a feature for customers to contact Heather. Visit Emma Smiles facebook page.

Hair CafeOwner: Dana TaylorProducts: Hair cut and color for all ages (men and women)App Needs: An app to briefly describes the services offered at the hair salon. Also, a component where customers can contact Dana to schedule an appointment. Images of various hairstyles should be included too.

Huntington Learning CenterOwner: Kristi AllenProducts: Specializes in tutoring, SAT and standardized test prep. App Needs: An app to briefly describes the services offered at the learning center. Also, a component where parents can contact the Center to schedule a consultation. Visit the Huntington Learning Center Facebook page to learn more.

Mustard Seed Catering ServiceOwner: Brad RobersonProducts: A catering company that works with each client with the menu and style of service, cost depends on menu selection and amount of guests at event. App Needs: An app to briefly describes the services offered at by the catering company. Also, a component where parents can contact the Center to to order boxed lunches.. Visit the Mustard Seed Catering facebook page to learn more.

Louies Promotional ProductsOwner: Louie DixonProducts: Specializing in screenprinting and embroidery for t-shirts, polos, hats, teamwear and corporate apparelApp Needs: To briefly describes the services offered at by the promotional company. Also, a component where potential customers can contact Louie. Use the testimonials below as ways to communicate the business vision.

Facebook testimonials as: http://tinyurl.com/npyjc95


LESSON OBJECTIVEStudents will evaluate their storyboard design after interviewing their business and begin implementing their design.

POINT TO PONDERApp design entails a careful perspective for problem solving and troubleshooting in order to create a successful and useful end product.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONHow does the design of an app enhance productivity for a business?

CONTENTOutline the content you will teach in this lesson.A. Programming Language a. The written set of instructions given to a computerb. Java, html, C++B. App Problem Solvinga. Troubleshooti. Analyzing a problem in order to find a solutionii. Fully analyze the problemiii. Review coding to determine if order, sequence etc impacts the desired outcomeiv. Use a different data structureb. Data sourcei. The location in which the data comes fromii. Database, data set, or spreadsheet c. Inputi. The instructions given to the computer which allow it to perform various functionsii. Key words, numbersd. Outputi. Information given to the audience from the web platformii. Words, charts, images and signsC. Procedures built in the App a. What a particular element in a program does/followsb. Actions that are performed in a seriesc. Synonym: ProtocolD. Sequence of the App a. Ordered steps in a programb. A series of steps that are connectedc. Synonym: Consecutive


What will students UNDERSTAND as a result of this lesson? How does this connect to the Essential Question? Students will be able to redesign elements of their storyboard based on the wants/needs of the business. Students will be able to redesign their storyboard through understanding how to troubleshoot and apply the elements of design. Students will understand how design, layout, and implementation of features enhance a business by promoting products and enticing customers to return.

What will students be able to DO as a result of this lesson? Students will plan an app design for a local business app.Students will use key elements provided by business owners to design an app that creatively displays business features for their customers and conveys their perspective. Students will plan their design using the storyboard website. Their plan will include elements of design.


HOOKDescribe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson.BE CREATIVE.TIME: 10 minutes

Each student will receive either a ChromeBook or iPad and go to Kahoot.it.

The teacher will launch the following Kahoot game https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/e1cce3d4-4468-44c9-bf18-e1dd1ca1eba5 and provide students with the game pin.

This game reviews elements of Code.org

INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what you will do in this lesson. Be explicit about ties to Points to Ponder, Essential Question, and Interactions here. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.TIME: (60 minutes)Guest speaker: (20 minutes) Expert will either facetime or come in person to talk with the students and allow them to ask questions/share ideas. Teachers will introduce Tim Joyner our guest speaker. He is a local coder with experience in making apps.

The guest speaker will discuss how using the storyboard will aid in the troubleshooting process. Each step on the board is part of our sequence. The storyboard is our road map to help guide our creation process. The guest speaker will speak on how students will be creating pages, adding graphics and integrating information about the business based on their storyboard to convey the perspective for the business. He will discuss how to make it flow both for the business and the perspective of the audience. The speaker will also discuss how the storyboard is really a vital piece in app creation and how it should not be skipped.

If students have another question to add to the discussion they can use a back channel discussion board on TodaysMeet -- will need to create a new one closer to camp. The room can only stay active for a month max. After the guest speaker concludes the teachers will show students how to use the http://www.appypie.com/ and show students can implement aspects of design elements through images, layout, color etc. on their apps. The video linked to our website will include how to do the following. Teachers will explain to students using the video how to complete the following using the appy pie website. We will use the website and video above in order to show the following:

Creating Pages-Students will create section of their app for contact information, products, mission/vision statement. Adding Graphics-These will be images or pictures need to be appropriate for the business but also making sure we avoid copyright issues.

Not discussed on the video but will be covered by the teacher: Integrating Information about the business- Make sure that information presented on the app reflects the business wants, needs and overall mission/vision.

Student Work Time (guided instruction from teacher): (40 minutes)

Research: students will facetime or have face to face interviews with a business in order to discuss app components. Students will show the business owners their storyboard template. The owners will offer their suggestions as to how they may be improved upon.

Tim Sutton, Greenville AutoWorld Heather House- Photography Dana Taylor- Hair Cafe Kristie Allen-Huntington Learning Center Brad Roberson- The Mustard Seed Catering Service Louie Dixon-Entrepreneur

**Note that all businesses have been contacted and have agreed to provide their time so that students can create an app based on a real local business**

Students will make necessary adjustments to their storyboard and begin applying it to the appy pie templates. Teachers will work with each group to assist in any questions they may have. The video shown to the class will be linked to the website so groups can revisit it as needed.

ASSESSMENT(Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.TIME: 15 minutes (built in with stations) Finalized storyboard


Students will be working with storyboard and making necessary adjustments. This will allow students to demonstrate an understanding of app creation as well as the needs of the business they are creating an app for. The storyboard will demonstrate an understanding of the apps purpose as well as the business perspective. ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have been submitted for this lesson.

Kahoot Game

TodaysMeet http://www.appypie.com/

Finalized storyboard (will use the following rubric to score and provide feedback)


LESSON OBJECTIVEStudents will be able to present a well planned and designed app to the business and audience.

POINT TO PONDERCommunication is key in describing the overall design and implementation of the app based on the perspective of the business and audience.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONIn what ways does having an app benefit both the business and audience?

CONTENTOutline the content you will teach in this lesson.A. Valuea. Importance or worth of informationb. Audience should see how your app is more valuable than another similar one.B. Goala. Giving effort to achieve an end resultb. Each element of the web platform should reflect your desired goal for not only your business but also the desired audience. c. Target or an objectiveC. Design an Appa. Storyboardi. Table describing the steps, order of events 1. Homescreen2. Tabsa. Vision Statement/Goalsb. Servicesc. Images/Captionsd. Contact Informationii. Displays the sequence of the story1. Order of the tabs2. Clear description and order3. Organizes the information the creator has displayedb. Audiencei. The group that will access information from the web platform1. Male/Female2. Adult/Child3. Hobbyist4. Athleteii. A group that desires information regarding a particular person, good or servicec. Informationi. Data that is communicated to an audienceii. Organized in:1. Chart2. Table 3. Visual elementiii. Appealing to the audience1. Colors2. Fonts3. Images4. Language (word choice)d. Layout of an appi. Arrangement/Placement1. Font Size2. Images/captions3. Words/Phrases4. User friendly- easy to navigateii. Given order and sequence1. Each link is working2. Flow- comparable to another like platformse. Designi. To formulate and build something for a purposeii. Keeping the audience in mind


What will students UNDERSTAND as a result of this lesson? How does this connect to the Essential Question?Students will understand the impact of an app for a business on the audience. Students will understand that information they add to an app (text, images and the like) will add to a customer's continued use of the app or deter them from further use. Students will understand why an app needs to be functional for a business so that the audience can use it. Students will understand that it is important for the app to have clarity. For example, clearly defining the products/services for the customer as well as easy access for information.

What will students be able to DO as a result of this lesson?Students will be able to communicate the goals of a business through an app. Students will be able to share their storyboard as well as their app for each business. Students will be able to identify components of the app that identify with parts of their storyboard. Students will be able to share the overall vision and goals of the business through the app by explaining how to use and navigate the app.


HOOKDescribe how you will grab students attention at the beginning of the lesson.BE CREATIVE.TIME: 5 minutes

Watch the video and discuss how apps can transform and expand businesses audience and outreach to those in their community and beyond.

Have students access the day 1 padlet . Students will need to read their response to How Can Coding help you?(students will post using Chrome Books) and post how their thinking has evolved.

INSTRUCTIONExplain Step-by-step what you will do in this lesson. Be explicit about ties to Points to Ponder, Essential Question, and Interactions here. Include ALL support and teaching materials with your unit.TIME: 15 minutes

Explain that as creators we often need to analyze and reflect on our work. In evaluating our work we may need to troubleshoot. This could be due to a problem with sequencing, data input/output etc. Furthermore, editing the elements ensures that we are appealing to the business and ultimately the audience they hope to draw to their app. Troubleshoot (have students answer the following questions about basic troubleshooting solutions using the PowerPoint- which will be displayed using the smartboard) Students will understand that they already know the basics of troubleshooting Analyzing a problem in order to find a solution Fully analyze the problem Review coding to determine if order, sequence etc impacts the desired outcome Use a different data structure Activity: Go back to day 1 and 2 coding activity where students had to move an object from one part of the twister board to the next. Have two students help with this endeavor. Use the coding pieces have students problem solve in order to move one student to the other side of the twister mat. Students will be given various scenarios where the order of the movements may be mixed up. Students will be troubleshooting the scenarios to ensure that the person ends at the correct place. Students will be given the same coding blocks from Day 1, but in a different order and not glued down so that they are able to move them.

Visual Appeal (teacher will load their mock app on the smartboard--or have it downloaded on iPads). Tell students that you have designed an app for new teachers. It is a place where they can access information and connect with teachers in their field. Remind students that as app creators we need to keep in mind the perspective of the audience. Also, tell them to keep in mind that at the conclusion of todays lesson they will be sharing their apps with their audience. The teacher will model HOW to communicate the apps overall function while also discussing the following with students.: Color Why would this particular color be a good/poor choice? Discuss appropriateness of background choice. Image appropriateness Is it appropriate for the audience? Icons: make sure they fit with the material. (Facebook icon to describe websites) Word/Vocabulary choice Is the choice of words appropriate for the audience? Also, look for any errors in spelling, punctuation and word choice- The app has a few. Connect back to Day 1 stations, what appeals to children may not to adults. As teacher shows students the mock app they will discuss why this app would/would not be appropriate for a particular audience.

Editing/Revisions (this will also use the above app) Does your app communicate the vision and wishes of the company? Does your app appeal to an audience that would access this companies information/services? Do all your links work? Spelling and punctuation (there are a few in the mock app)

ASSESSMENT(Performance Task) What will the students DO to demonstrate that they have mastered the content? Be specific and include actual assessment with unit materials.TIME: 60 minutes Students will analyze their app (a final product using Appy Pie) and with a peer editor they will evaluate it for visual appeal, troubleshooting problems as well as editing/revisions.

Students will then turn in a completed app that they will share with business (if they are able to attend the class) as well as families that are in attendance. Students will explain the apps functions for both the business as well as the audience.


Students will be able to apply the components of their storyboard design by using the Appy Pie App Creator. Students will be able to revise and edit their apps/storyboards along with the help from a peer editor. They will also be able to use the app when presenting to the audience in attendance. When communicating to their audience they will be able to describe why various choices/elements were implemented. ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSInsert ALL materials here including Assessments and Instructional Materials.Explicitly LIST any additional files for this lesson. Be sure that ALL materials have been submitted for this lesson.




Appy Pie: Mock Version to be used for instruction.

Coding Blocks (will be printed for students to actually use):

Rubric for Grading the App: