Spectral Exitance Spectral Exitance (Temp. & (Temp. & ) ) = = 1.0 1.0 = 1.0 = 1.0 = = 1.0 1.0

Spectral Exitance (Temp. & ) = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

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Page 1: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Spectral Exitance (Temp. & Spectral Exitance (Temp. & ))

= 1.0= 1.0

= 1.0= 1.0

= 1.0= 1.0

Page 2: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Earth’s reflective (sun) & Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regionsemissive (reradiation) regions

Page 3: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Inverse distance & intensity

5880 K: 6.8 x107 W/m2

2815 W/m2

1459 W/m2

632 W/m2

C->P: 7x10C->P: 7x108 8 m m C->V: 1.0x10C->V: 1.0x101111m m C->E: 1.5x10C->E: 1.5x101111m m C->M: 2.3x10C->M: 2.3x101111

Total: 4.1x1026 W

Page 4: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Inverse distance & intensity

Page 5: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions


Page 6: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Spectral Spectral ReflectanceReflectanceAsphalt & Asphalt & Concrete Concrete RR=1-A=1-A

Page 7: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Green Veg Green Veg & &

Astroturf Astroturf RR=1-A=1-A

Page 8: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

In situ Spectra of Fall Leaves

Wavelength (µm)



nce (







0.000.35 0.60 0.85 1.10 1.35 1.60 1.85 2.352.10



Fall Leaves0.80



Page 9: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Green leaves from a broadleaf tree beginning to change color as nutrients withdraw into the tree core

Deciduous broadleaf tree with its colors changed and some leaves fallen on the ground

Broadleaf Trees Changing Color

Page 10: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Green Veg & Fall Colors


Page 11: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Plant PigmentsPlant PigmentsSo, what absorbs in functioning leaves?So, what absorbs in functioning leaves?

(Reflectance = 1.0 - Absorption

Page 12: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Snow, Clouds, Water, Soil, & Green VegSnow, Clouds, Water, Soil, & Green Veg


Page 13: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Snow, Clouds, Snow, Clouds, Water, Soil, & Water, Soil, &

Green Veg Green Veg RR=1-A=1-A

Page 14: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Basic Interactions between Electromagnetic Energy and the Earth’s Surface


Page 15: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Specular versus Diffuse Reflectance


Page 16: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Bidirectional Reflectance ofBlack Spruce & Jack Pine

in shadow

no shadows


Page 17: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Bidirectional Reflectance ofBlack Spruce & Jack Pine

in shadow

no shadows


Page 18: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Bidirectional Reflectance ofBlack Spruce & Jack Pine

in shadow

no shadows


Page 19: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

~1370 watts/m2

Total Energy Flux: M = M = TT4 4 (w/m2

= 5.67x10-8 w/m2*K4

Page 20: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions


Page 21: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions
Page 22: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions


max = 2898/5880 = 0.49 m

max = 9.7 m

Page 23: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Solar Irradiance at Earth’s Surface

Exoatmospheric Solar Irradiance

atmospheric limb

Page 24: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Blackbody RadiationBlackbody Radiation

The wavelength where the radiance is the greatest is given by


known asWien’ s displacement law,wheremax = wavelength of maximum radianceT = ( )temperature K

, From blackbody radiation the emitted radiation followsPlanck’ s law

I =

E =∆ Iλ(T)dλ = σT4

wherec = speed of light (2.998 x 1010 cm s-1)h = Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10-27 erg s)k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.381 x 10-16 erg K-1)σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.6697 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4)

2898 µm KT


λ5 [exp(hc/λkT) – 1]


Stefan-Boltzmann LawStefan-Boltzman constant

RadiationSpeed of light = * frequency

Page 25: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Total Energy Flux: M = T4

= 5.67x10-8 w/m2*K4

Wavenumber = 1/

(# per unit distance)

Energy per photon:

Ep = h * frequency

Ep = h*c/Ep*J sec *3*108m sec-1

Ergo: X-rays and -rays are energetic!

Page 26: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Rayleigh Scattering:why the sky is blue


Page 27: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Kirchoff’s Radiation LawKirchoff’s Radiation Law

For any object that intercepts EM radiant energy

r + + = 1

at thermal IR wavelengths,

= 0 and =


1 = r +

Page 28: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Apparent Radiant Temperature - Trad

- radiant flux – the amount of radiant energy per unit time pass through or from an object

• Trad is simply the radiant flux being

emitted by an object because of its temperature, the radiant temperature

Page 29: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions
Page 30: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Kinetic vs. radiant Kinetic vs. radiant temperaturetemperature

Trad4 = Tkin

4 ; Trad = 1/4Tkin


Kinetic Temperature

KRadiant TemperatureK

Blackbody . .Vegetation .98 298.5

Wet Soil .95 29.2Dry Soil .92 29.8

Page 31: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

FLIR Images

Page 32: Spectral Exitance (Temp. &  )  = 1.0. Earth’s reflective (sun) & emissive (reradiation) regions

Thermal history of helicopters