Special Purpose Endotracheal Tubes J Michael Jaeger MD PhD and Charles G Durbin Jr MD Introduction Tracheal Tube Cuffs Techniques for Lung Separation Double-Lumen Endotracheal Tubes Endobronchial Cuffs Bronchial Blockers Endotracheal Tubes Designed for Laser Surgery Endotracheal Tubes with Additional Ports Special Tubes and Devices to Aid with Intubation Head and Neck Surgery Summary [Respir Care 1999;44(6):661– 683] Key words: endotracheal tube, endotra- cheal tube cuff, lung separation, artificial airway, bronchial blocker. Introduction Unique artificial airways and airway devices have been developed to solve a variety of diverse clinical problems. Since the early 1960s when plastics replaced rubber in the manufacture of endotracheal tubes (ETs), thousands of individual airways have been designed and produced. Un- bridled imagination and a creative spirit have led to the invention of a variety of devices, many of which have the potential for patient harm. The problem of tissue toxicity of the materials used and the need to connect to other respiratory devices and anesthesia devices necessitated some common standards to which all devices must con- form. These concerns of compatibility among the various designs have been minimized by development and adop- tion of consensus standards within the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Internet address: http:// www.astm.org) and the American National Standards In- stitute (ANSI). The original ASTM technical subcommittee dealing with anesthesia and airway equipment was designated the Z-79 Committee. This has now been replaced with the F-29 Committee, or Anesthesia and Respiratory Equipment Committee, which has numerous subcommittees dealing with various kinds of anesthesia and respiratory care de- vices. Most of the subdivisions are listed in Appendix 1. Conformity to the standards developed by the ASTM is voluntary, but most American and international manufac- turers endorse and promulgate these standards. The Amer- ican National Standards Institute (ANSI) (Internet address: http://web.ansi.org) and the International Standards Orga- nization (ISO) (Internet address: http://www.iso.ch) dis- seminate technical standards for respiratory care devices (among other things), and there is a significant amount of cross-over between these organizations. Devices that con- form to these standards are permitted to have ISO, ANSI, ASTM or F-29 imprinted on them, reassuring the user that they have passed a required series of evaluations, will meet a set of requirements, and can be connected to other devices with standard fittings. Current individual standards are available, for a fee, from these organizations. Collec- tions of these standards may also be obtained by joining the organization for a yearly fee. Documents can be or- dered online and downloaded or faxed from the Internet. Many aspects of ETs are specified by standards: label- ing conventions; inside diameter and outside diameter; dis- tance markers from the tip; material toxicity testing meth- od; implant testing; packaging requirements; angle and direction of the tip bevel; size and shape of the Murphy eye; presence and density of radiopaque marker; radius of tube curvature; reactivity of composition material; and char- J Michael Jaeger MD PhD and Charles G Durbin Jr MD are affiliated with the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia, Char- lottesville, Virginia. Correspondence: J Michael Jaeger MD PhD, Department of Anesthesi- ology, University of Virginia, Box 10010, Charlottesville VA 22906- 0010. E-mail: [email protected]. RESPIRATORY CARE JUNE 1999 VOL 44 NO 6 661

Special Purpose Endotracheal Tubes · Endotracheal Tubes Designed for Laser Surgery Endotracheal Tubes with Additional Ports Special Tubes and Devices to Aid with Intubation Head

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Page 1: Special Purpose Endotracheal Tubes · Endotracheal Tubes Designed for Laser Surgery Endotracheal Tubes with Additional Ports Special Tubes and Devices to Aid with Intubation Head

Special Purpose Endotracheal Tubes

J Michael Jaeger MD PhD and Charles G Durbin Jr MD

IntroductionTracheal Tube CuffsTechniques for Lung SeparationDouble-Lumen Endotracheal TubesEndobronchial CuffsBronchial BlockersEndotracheal Tubes Designed for Laser SurgeryEndotracheal Tubes with Additional PortsSpecial Tubes and Devices to Aid with IntubationHead and Neck SurgerySummary[Respir Care 1999;44(6):661–683]Key words: endotracheal tube, endotra-cheal tube cuff, lung separation, artificial airway, bronchial blocker.


Unique artificial airways and airway devices have beendeveloped to solve a variety of diverse clinical problems.Since the early 1960s when plastics replaced rubber in themanufacture of endotracheal tubes (ETs), thousands ofindividual airways have been designed and produced. Un-bridled imagination and a creative spirit have led to theinvention of a variety of devices, many of which have thepotential for patient harm. The problem of tissue toxicityof the materials used and the need to connect to otherrespiratory devices and anesthesia devices necessitatedsome common standards to which all devices must con-form. These concerns of compatibility among the variousdesigns have been minimized by development and adop-tion of consensus standards within the American Societyfor Testing and Materials (ASTM) (Internet address: http://www.astm.org) and the American National Standards In-stitute (ANSI).

The original ASTM technical subcommittee dealing withanesthesia and airway equipment was designated the Z-79Committee. This has now been replaced with the F-29

Committee, or Anesthesia and Respiratory EquipmentCommittee, which has numerous subcommittees dealingwith various kinds of anesthesia and respiratory care de-vices. Most of the subdivisions are listed in Appendix 1.Conformity to the standards developed by the ASTM isvoluntary, but most American and international manufac-turers endorse and promulgate these standards. The Amer-ican National Standards Institute (ANSI) (Internet address:http://web.ansi.org) and the International Standards Orga-nization (ISO) (Internet address: http://www.iso.ch) dis-seminate technical standards for respiratory care devices(among other things), and there is a significant amount ofcross-over between these organizations. Devices that con-form to these standards are permitted to have ISO, ANSI,ASTM or F-29 imprinted on them, reassuring the user thatthey have passed a required series of evaluations, willmeet a set of requirements, and can be connected to otherdevices with standard fittings. Current individual standardsare available, for a fee, from these organizations. Collec-tions of these standards may also be obtained by joiningthe organization for a yearly fee. Documents can be or-dered online and downloaded or faxed from the Internet.

Many aspects of ETs are specified by standards: label-ing conventions; inside diameter and outside diameter; dis-tance markers from the tip; material toxicity testing meth-od; implant testing; packaging requirements; angle anddirection of the tip bevel; size and shape of the Murphyeye; presence and density of radiopaque marker; radius oftube curvature; reactivity of composition material; and char-

J Michael Jaeger MD PhD and Charles G Durbin Jr MD are affiliatedwith the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia, Char-lottesville, Virginia.

Correspondence: J Michael Jaeger MD PhD, Department of Anesthesi-ology, University of Virginia, Box 10010, Charlottesville VA 22906-0010. E-mail: [email protected].


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acteristics of the pilot balloon system are all determined bystandard. Standard sized slip fittings are required and spec-ified. Conventional ETs must have the inside and outsidediameter imprinted on the tube, and the cross section mustbe circular, with a uniform wall thickness to resist kinking.A bevel facing left must be present at the tip, its angleshould be between 30 and 45 degrees from the longitudi-nal axis. If present, the Murphy eye must be at least 80%of cross sectional area of the tube, and located opposite thebevel of the tip. Tubes without a Murphy eye are calledMagill-type tubes and can have a higher risk of tube oc-clusion if the tip impinges against the tracheal or bronchialwall. However, secretions may be more likely to build upin a tube with a Murphy eye. The tips of Murphy-type andMagill-type tubes are shown in Figure 1. The Murphy eyeshould not weaken the tube, and the tip and the eye shouldhave no sharp points or surfaces. Tubes should have anatural curve to facilitate entry into the larynx. The angleof curvature is specified in the standards as between 12and 16 degrees. The distance from the tube tip must beindicated in centimeters. A radiopaque stripe or a tip markermust be present, to aid in locating the tube on a radio-graph. A typical, standard Murphy cuffed ET is shown inFigure 2, illustrating some of these required standard ele-ments. Some of these required standards are relevant to thespecial purpose ETs discussed below, but many are not.Most special purpose ETs are produced by a single man-ufacturer with unique features protected by patent.

The most important standards to which most specialpurpose ETs conform are the common connection to thebreathing circuit and the material standards. Tracheal tubesmust have a standard 15 mm slip fitting to connect to abreathing circuit (ISO standard 5361–1, ISO standard5366–1); the tightness of this fitting is also specified. Ifequipped with a cuff, the pilot balloon must accept a stan-dard luer syringe (ANSI standard MD70.1). The materialthe tube is made from must be nonreactive when implantedin the skin of an animal or nontoxic to tissue-culturedcells. There are currently no additional requirements formaterial content of airway devices. Surgical lasers are usedon and around the airway, and fire safety standards for thematerials used in ETs used with lasers have recently beendeveloped (ISO standard 14408:1998). Concerns regard-ing latex allergy have led to changes in ET materials;currently, most are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) orsilicone, and contain no latex. Specific components, suchas the pilot balloon, may contain latex, and specific man-ufacturers should be contacted about their individual de-vices if latex allergy is a concern.

Other components of the standards described above can-not easily be applied to special purpose ETs. This has leadto a large variety of tube designs to solve the same clinicalproblem. Herein, several clinical problems, and some ofthe devices developed to solve them, are described. This

Fig. 1. A: The tip of a Murphy endotracheal tube, showing thecharacteristic eye. B: The tip of a Magill-type tube, without an eye.



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review also considers tracheal tube cuffs, lung separation,hazards of laser surgery, tubes with additional trachealports, tubes to facilitate airway management and intuba-tion, and special requirements for head and neck surgery.

Tracheal Tube Cuffs

Many ETs have a cuff system that creates a seal be-tween the ET and the trachea, preventing aspiration fromthe pharynx into the lungs, and allowing positive pressureventilation to be applied through the tube. The cuff alsostabilizes the tip of the tube in the center of the trachea,minimizing the likelihood of impingement on the tracheal

wall. Tracheal injury from the ET or cuff is a concern inpatients who require long-term intubation. One of the mostserious complications is erosion by the tube through thetrachea and into the esophagus (tracheoesophageal fistula)or into the innominate artery or other vessels. This is a rarebut usually fatal complication. Less severe but more com-mon is the development of tracheal narrowing at the cuffsite following extubation. Besides the physical trauma ofthe tube rubbing against the trachea, tracheal wall pres-sures from the cuff may impede blood flow to the trachealmucosa. Capillary pressure is a function of arterial bloodpressure and is normally in the range of 25–35 mm Hg.Lateral wall cuff pressure higher than 25–35 mm Hg cancause mucosal ischemia, leading to sloughing and trachealdenudation.1 During hypotension, ischemia can result ateven lower tracheal wall pressures.2 This initial mucosalischemic injury may progress to cartilage loss with tra-cheomalacia or tracheal stenosis occurring during the heal-ing process. Frequent measurement and adjustment of cuffpressures to below 30 cm H2O, and using the “just seal”technique of cuff inflation are recommended to minimizecuff-induced ischemia. Cuff material, shape, and compli-ance are important factors in this problem.

The rubber cuffs used before 1960 were low-compli-ance and needed very high pressures to achieve a trachealseal. The low compliance, tissue toxicity, and rigidity ofthe tubes often caused tracheal damage. PVC ETs andcuffs replaced rubber, and the incidence of tracheal (andlaryngeal) damage declined. Some of these plastic cuffsare low-compliance, with a small profile. These cuffs per-mit easier intubation and produce a high-pressure trachealseal to prevent aspiration and permit high-pressure me-chanical ventilation. Low-compliance cuffs increase pres-sure on the trachea and increase the risk of ischemic in-

Fig. 3. The pressure-volume relationship of high-compliance andlow-compliance endotracheal tube cuffs. The hysteresis effect ofinflation and deflation is related to the plastic material used. Actualtracheal pressures vary with volume, time, and temperature.

Fig. 2. A standard, cuffed Murphy-type endotracheal tube, withspecified standard components labeled.



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jury. The tracheal cuff pressure curves shown in Figure 3were generated using a low-volume, high-pressure cuff ETsimilar to the one shown in Figure 4A, and a high-volumelow-pressure cuff, as shown in Figure 4B. The data inFigure 3 were obtained by step-wise inflation of the cuffand immediate measurement of the cuff pressure. Once thecuff was fully (over) inflated, the deflation pressure curvewas recorded. These pressures were measured at the pilotballoon connector, at room temperature (23°C), not in thetrachea.

The technique of inflating the cuff only enough to “justseal” was developed to help minimize the tracheal risk.Manometers to monitor and adjust the cuff pressure to 25cm H2O became the standard of care in patients with pro-longed intubation. The impact on the development of tra-cheal injury from careful cuff pressure management hasnot been established in controlled studies. Larger, high-compliance cuffs were developed to spread the cuff con-tact point over a larger area so as to minimize the pressureat any one point. ETs with larger cuffs are more difficultto insert through the larynx, since they are bulkier and areless effective at preventing aspiration around the cuff.3

The use of high-pressure, low-compliance cuffs duringsurgery is associated with development of extremely highcuff pressures because of the diffusion of nitrous oxideinto the cuff.4 The magnitude of this problem is related tothe concentration of nitrous oxide used and the duration ofthe anesthetic. The true tracheal pressure is not easy toestimate when these cuffs are used, since most of the cuffpressure is dissipated in expanding the cuff itself. How-ever, the cuff contact points in the trachea are small in areaand often exceed mucosal perfusion pressure. Most of theconcerns about aspiration risk and cuff pressures relate tolong-term intubation. Special cuffs and tube designs havebeen developed to reduce the risk of aspiration while alsomaintaining a cuff seal.

High-volume, high-compliance, floppy cuffs form a sealby contacting and conforming over a large area of thetracheal wall. Cuff pressure in these tubes reflects thelateral wall tracheal pressure.5 A high-volume, high-com-pliance cuff is shown in Figure 4B, and its compliancecurve is shown in Figure 3. The potential ischemic area islarger than with low-compliance cuffs. A very large cuffwill have folds that can allow aspiration around the cuff.6

Fig. 4. A: Endotracheal tube with low-volume, high-pressure cuff. B: Endotracheal tube with high-volume, low-pressure cuff.



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It appears that there is a reduction of tracheal cuff com-plications with large-volume, high-compliance cuffs. How-ever, there is no guarantee that cuff pressure will remainlow, and, even when properly used, these cuffs do nottotally eliminate tracheal injury.

Another solution for prevention of high tracheal wallpressures is using self-inflating foam material to fill thecuff. A foam-filled cuff must be actively deflated prior toinsertion, then allowed to passively fill by opening the cuffpilot tube to air. This type of cuff, the Fome-Cuf (BivonaMedical Technologies, Gary, Indiana), is shown in Figure5. The seal formed by the foam-filled cuff is low-pressureand spread over a large surface area of the trachea. In orderto provide positive pressure ventilation without a ventila-tion leak, the cuff pressure can be raised to airway pressureby connecting the pilot lumen to the airway. With thesetup illustrated in Figure 6, during inspiration the cuffpressure is increased to ventilation pressure, reducing theleak. There is no check valve in the pilot tube, and if highcuff pressures are constantly needed, a stopcock or clamp

can be added, though this overcomes the low-pressure sealadvantage of this cuff design.

Figure 7 shows an automatic tracheal cuff pressure-regulating system (the Lantz system), which connects ahigh-compliance external cuff to the tracheal seal cuff.When pressures in the tracheal cuff exceed 30 mm Hg, airis slowly bled into the pilot balloon. On initial rapid in-flation, the tracheal cuff is inflated to a high pressure.During successive positive pressure breaths, air redistrib-utes from the tracheal cuff to the pilot balloon, reducingtracheal cuff pressure to 25–33 mm Hg. Since gas flow isone-way, a cuff leak often develops, and cuff reinflation isneeded to achieve a seal. If very high pressures are needed,the pilot balloon can be overinflated to seal in the protec-tive outer sheath, and the system becomes a high-volumeunregulated system.7

Techniques for Lung Separation

Complicated surgery of structures within the thorax (eg,lungs, esophagus, sympathetic nervous system ganglion,thoracic vertebrae, thoracic lymphatic system, and the tho-

Fig. 5. Bivona Fome-Cuf. The cuff must be aspirated flat for in-sertion and then opened to air in order to self-inflate. (Photo cour-tesy of Bivona Medical Technologies.)

Fig. 6. With the Bivona Fome-Cuf endotracheal tube, airway pres-sure from the mechanical ventilator is delivered to the foam cuff,increasing cuff pressure and maintaining a seal during inhalation.(Photo courtesy of Bivona Medical Technologies.)

Fig. 7. Lantz cuff pressure-regulating system.



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racic portions of the great blood vessels), is facilitated bythe technique of one-lung ventilation. One-lung ventilationis a process that requires a specialized ET or a combina-tion of a standard single ET and an airway-blocking deviceto physically isolate ventilation to the right or left lung.Generally, one lung is isolated and collapsed while theother lung is ventilated. This approach produces excellentvisualization of the thoracic structures and markedly re-duces movement within the exposed hemithorax. Duringpartial or total pneumonectomy, deflation of the resectedlung allows careful, deliberate dissection and control ofvessels and bronchi prior to clamping the specimen. Dur-ing vascular procedures such as thoracic aneurysmectomy,deflation of the lung protects it from severe bleeding andcontusion that can occur because of systemic anticoagu-lation. At the conclusion of surgery, the collapsed lung isre-expanded and two-lung ventilation is re-established.

In addition to surgical indications, there are a number ofspecial conditions that can occur and can benefit from lungisolation. One classical indication for lung isolation is mas-sive hemoptysis, which can occur from a ruptured pulmo-nary artery, arteriovenous malformation, endobronchialcarcinoma, or pulmonary embolus. Necrotizing pneumo-nia or lung abscess might also require lung isolation. Inthese situations, isolation of the uninvolved lung can helpprevent contamination from the involved lung by infectedsecretions or blood that would otherwise spread infectionto and worsen ventilation and perfusion mismatching inthe uninvolved lung. This preservation of the normal lungbecomes essential if gas exchange is severely compro-mised in the diseased lung.

Lung separation can be used to apply different forms ofmechanical ventilation in patients with bronchopleural fis-tulas, pulmonary parenchymal lacerations, or those withlungs of markedly different compliance or airway resis-tance, such as following single lung transplantation. Anycombination of mechanical ventilation techniques can beused to ventilate or “rest” either lung independently. Lungseparation is also used to perform bronchoalveolar lavage,either to wash out blood or infected secretions from theaffected lung, or to sequentially remove the thick, tena-cious secretions from each lung of patients with pulmo-nary alveolar proteinosis.

The earliest approach to lung isolation was developed inthe 1930s, and utilized “bronchial blockers” fashioned frombundles of gauze or balloon-tipped catheters placed in thebronchus through a rigid bronchoscope. Variations of thesedevices are still used today in special situations, and willbe discussed below.

Double-Lumen Endotracheal Tubes

The double-lumen endotracheal tube (DLET) is the mostcommon device used to allow separate ventilation of the

lungs. One such tube is shown in Figure 8. It is simply twolong, cuffed ETs fused together so as to permit one lumenand cuff to reside in a pulmonary bronchus and the otherto remain more proximal in the trachea. With each lumenindependently connected to a ventilator or both lumensunited via a bridge connector (Cobb adapter, Fig. 9) at-tached to a single ventilator, gas flow into each lung can becontrolled. As an example of its application, consider thepatient with a right lung mass undergoing surgical resec-tion. The patient is placed under general anesthesia and thetrachea is intubated with a left-sided DLET. The DLET isinserted to a depth that places the endobronchial tube withits small cuff within the left main bronchus. The tracheallumen opens more proximally on the shaft of the DLET,above the carina. Proximal to the tracheal lumen opening,a larger cuff completely envelops the device such that,when inflated, it forms an air-tight seal within the trachea,like a standard ET. With the small endobronchial cuffinflated, the left lung becomes isolated from the right lung.The only way for air to flow into the right lung is via thetracheal portion of the DLET, and the only way for air toflow into the left lung is via the endobronchial portion of

Fig. 8. Double-lumen endotracheal tube. (Photograph courtesy ofMallinckrodt Inc.)



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the DLET. The endobronchial cuff effectively seals off theleft main bronchus from the trachea. To collapse the rightlung and provide a motionless operative field for the sur-geon, the lumen of the tracheal portion of the DLET bridgeconnector is occluded with a hose clamp, and the air withinthe right lung is allowed to egress when the thorax isentered. With the right side of the DLET clamped, air fromthe mechanical ventilator on the anesthesia machine isdirected solely to the left endobronchial side of the DLET.This establishes one-lung ventilation, which, as long asacceptable gas exchange continues, can be used for pro-longed periods of time. At the conclusion of the surgery,the remainder of the right lung is gently reinflated byreattaching the tracheal side of the DLET and releasing theclamp, thus reestablishing bilateral air flow to the lungs.

There are several versions of the DLET on the market.The most popular is the Robertshaw-like design (no cari-nal hook), which is constructed of the same nonreactivematerials as previously described for the single-lumen ET.DLETs are available in a variety of sizes: 28 Fr, 35 Fr, 37Fr, 39 Fr, and 41 Fr, are about 42 cm long, and are pro-duced by a variety of different manufacturers. The choiceof size depends on the patient’s anatomy and is crucial. Ifthe DLET is too large, it will not fit into the main bronchusand is difficult to pass through the glottis. If the DLET istoo small, it will require a high cuff pressure to obtain aseal, resulting in inappropriately high pressure against thebronchial mucosa. Also, the smaller the DLET, the higherthe resistance to air flow. For example, the air flow resis-

tance of the endobronchial side of a 39 Fr DLET is equiv-alent to a 7.0 mm inside diameter single-lumen ET, whilea 35 Fr DLET is equivalent to a 6.0 inside diameter ET. Ofnote, the lumens of a DLET are not perfectly round (asthey are in a single-lumen ET). The tracheal lumen isD-shaped, with the flat portion of the lumen abutting theshared wall with the endobronchial lumen. This imposessignificant limitations on the passage of suction cathetersand fiberoptic bronchoscopes (FOBs). Some versions ofthe DLET are constructed of red rubber with latex cuffs, toallow re-sterilization for multiple use. These are less com-monly used because of problems of uneven cuff inflationafter multiple uses, tissue toxicity, stiffness, and the uni-formly higher cuff pressures required for adequate seal.8

Bronchial mucosal damage is more common with the useof red rubber DLETs.9 These rubber DLETs contain latex,and, of course, should not be used in patients with latexallergy.

The Carlens DLET (a variation of the Robertshaw style)incorporates a special carinal hook midway between theendobronchial cuff and the lumen of the tracheal side. Thehook is designed to straddle the carina and prevent a left-sided DLET from being inserted too far, as well as toprovide stabilization of the distal portion of the DLET. Aright-sided version, the White DLET, was also developed.However, neither of these types (Fig. 10) are currentlypopular because the carinal hook (1) increases the diffi-culty of passing the device through the glottis, (2) cancause malpositioning in the bronchus, (3) can cause traumato the airway during insertion, and (4) has been known toseparate from the body of the DLET in situ. They are,however, easier to position correctly and are less likely tobecome displaced during use.

All disposable and reusable DLETs are marked (in cen-timeters) along their length to aid in correct placement. Asa first approximation, for both males and females 170 cmtall, the average depth of insertion is 29 cm at the teeth.10

For each 10 cm increase or decrease in height, the place-ment depth will be increased or decreased approximately 1cm. To aid in visualization on roentgenograms, the DLEThas one radiopaque ring marker around the endobronchiallumen lip, another one proximal to the cuff, and a ra-diopaque line running the length of the tube.

Endobronchial Cuffs

Both the small-volume, blue (by convention) endobron-chial cuff, and the larger, clear tracheal cuff are inflated bytheir corresponding color-coded inflation valves, whichare incorporated into the walls of the DLET in the sameway as in single-lumen ETs. The endobronchial cuff de-sign differs between right-sided and left-sided DLET, andbetween manufacturers. Most left-sided DLET endobron-chial cuffs are similar and consist of a spheroid or ellip-

Fig. 9. A Cobb connector (adapter) is used to connect both lumensof a double-lumen endotracheal tube to one ventilator.



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tical cuff approximately 1 cm proximal to the end of thetube. Right-sided DLET designs have incorporated severalapproaches to accommodate the short right main bronchus(length averages 14 mm in adult females and 18 mm inadult males), and the orifice of the right upper lobe bron-chus. Two of these design approaches are shown in Figure11. The right BronchoCath (Mallinckrodt Inc, Pleasanton,

California) utilizes an elongated, S-shaped endobronchialcuff attached at an acute angle to allow the addition of alarge Murphy eye to oppose the orifice of the right upperlobe bronchus. The right-sided Sher-i-Bronch (KendallHealthcare, Mansfield, Massachusetts) incorporates twosmall, round endobronchial cuffs that straddle a through-and-through slit-like opening in the distal wall of the en-dobronchial tube. Ru¨sch Inc (Duluth, Georgia) manufac-tures a tube similar to Mallinckrodt’s, except that insteadof an elongated, angled “wedding band” type cuff, it usesa “signet ring” shaped cuff that becomes extremely narrowon the side opposite the orifice of the right upper lobebronchus, to accommodate a Murphy eye. The Robert-shaw design has a hole through the lateral aspect of thecuff. The crucial feature of all cuff designs is to allowsealing and isolation of the right or left bronchus withoutoccluding any of the upper lobe bronchi. In actual use, theright upper lobe is often partially or completely occludedand poorly ventilated. Most authors suggest using only leftsided DLETs unless left mainstem intubation is contrain-dicated.

Most DLETs come disassembled in multiple sterile pack-ages and must be constructed and tested prior to use. First,the components are removed from their packages and placedon a clean surface (the large package containing the en-dobronchial tube works best). The Cobb adapter is assem-bled with care taken to keep individual tube adapters inregister to ease the final assembly after intubation. Theendobronchial and tracheal cuff assemblies are tested for

Fig. 10 A: White double-lumen endotracheal tube, with carinalhook in position.

Fig. 11. Two types of right-sided double-lumen endotracheal tubes,showing different cuff designs to accommodate the take off of theright upper lobe bronchus.

Fig. 10 B: Carlen double-lumen endotracheal tube, with carinalhook in position.



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leaks and symmetry after inflation. The DLET is insertedwith the cuffs deflated. The stylet, a stiff wire that runs thelength of the endobronchial side of the DLET, can belubricated lightly with a nonpetroleum-based lubricant toallow easy removal. The tip of the DLET can be bent orstraightened as deemed necessary by the individual per-forming intubation.

All DLETs are relatively stiff and are bulky comparedto their single lumen counterparts. Therefore, their intro-duction through the glottis is considerably more difficult,and great care must be taken to avoid harming the patientor damaging the DLET during intubation. A typical DLETintubation would be performed as follows. With the pa-tient’s head and neck in the “sniffing” position, the patientbreathes 100% oxygen for several minutes. A sedative-hypnotic drug is given to induce a state of deep anesthesia,and narcotics or intravenous lidocaine can be added tosuppress laryngeal reflexes. A muscle relaxant is admin-istered to facilitate laryngoscopy. Laryngoscopy is per-formed when all medications have reached their peak ef-fect. The natural curvature of the endobronchial tipfacilitates placement in the right or left main bronchus asthe DLET is advanced. It interferes with glottic passageand necessitates a series of rotational movements. With theglottic opening in view, the tip of the endobronchial tubeis inserted between the open vocal cords, with the pre-formed curvature directed anteriorly. As the endobronchialcuff passes through the vocal cords, the DLET is rotatedapproximately 90–100 degrees to align the curved tip withthe orientation of the appropriate main bronchus. At thispoint, some intubators would remove the stylet to allowthe tip more flexibility and presumably decrease the risk ofdamage to the trachea and bronchus. Note, however, thata recent controlled trial found no significant increase in theincidence of tracheal damage by leaving the stylet in untilthe DLET was in final position.11 The DLET with thestylet in place is carefully advanced until resistance is felt,indicating that it is seated in the bronchus. The trachealcuff is inflated to form a seal, and the Cobb adapter isinserted into the proximal lumens. As the lungs are in-flated, the chest is assessed (visually, by auscultation, andby measurement of exhaled carbon dioxide) to confirmendotracheal placement.

The final step is the fine adjustment of the DLET toenable isolation of the lungs without unintentional ob-struction of the airways. The endobronchial cuff is inflatedand the chest is carefully auscultated bilaterally while thetracheal and endobronchial lumens are sequentially oc-cluded with a hose clamp. When the DLET is correctlyplaced, a distinct separation of breath sounds should bereadily identifiable with clamping and unclamping of eachlumen. Nonetheless, one study found that when strict cri-teria were applied, FOB examination indicated that be-tween 38% and 83% of DLETs are malpositioned when

placed by auscultatory means alone.12 Final determinationof correct DLET placementmustbe made via FOB, so aFOB must be readily accessible. Because movement of theDLET is possible whenever movement of the patient oc-curs, bronchoscopy should be repeated after any patientposition change. Correct DLET placement is confirmedwhen the blue bronchial cuff is seen protruding slightly atthe carina, as shown in Figure 12.

Bronchial Blockers

Although DLETs are the most common devices used toseparate the lungs, other devices and approaches can bemore efficient in certain circumstances. One such device isthe single-use Inoue Univent tube (Fuji Systems Corpora-tion, Tokyo, Japan) shown in Figure 13. It consists of alarge, single-lumen silicone rubber ET with an extra chan-nel fused to its entire length.13 This channel contains along, thin, cuffed hollow rod that can be advanced into theright or left main bronchus, then inflated to block theairway (Fig. 14). The bronchial blocker can be connectedto suction (to evacuate air, blood, or secretions from theoccluded lung), connected to a high-frequency jet ventila-tor, or it can be capped. It is more difficult to blindly placethe bronchial blocker in the correct bronchus, especiallythe left bronchus, than it is to place a standard DLET.Therefore, a FOB is essential. The Univent tube is con-structed with the bronchial blocker on the right side andtends to favor entry into the right bronchus when the blockeris advanced. A left-sided placement is accomplished byrotating the Univent tube about 180 degrees while advanc-

Fig. 12. Note that the bronchial balloon is protruding slightly at thecarina.



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ing the blocker. The blocker can also be guided with thetip of the FOB. It is recommended that the blocker beinserted well into the bronchus and not inflated until thepatient is placed in the optimal surgical position. Once thepatient is in final position, the endobronchial blocker cuffcan be pulled back out of the bronchus to its optimumposition and inflated under direct vision. It can be posi-tioned with the cuff barely visible at the carina. However,the blocker has a tendency to slip out of the bronchuseasily, so it is recommended that the blocker be inserteddeeper into the bronchus, such that when the cuff is in-flated it partially occludes the lumen of the right or leftupper lobe bronchus. This is less of a problem than with aDLET, since ventilation of the lung with the blocker is notan issue. This will assist in maintaining position duringsurgical manipulation of the lung. Of course this will alsoprevent air or secretions from leaving the upper lobe. Dur-ing lung surgery, suspension of mechanical ventilation justbefore the pleural space is entered, and inflation of the

bronchial blocker results in the desired lung collapse. TheUnivent tube comes in sizes ranging from 3.5 mm to 9.0mm inside diameter, with corresponding outside diametersranging from 8.0 to 14.0 mm. Its greatest advantage overa DLET is that it is easier to insert into a difficult airway.Once lung separation is no longer required, the blocker canbe retracted into the channel and the ET used in the stan-dard fashion without reintubation.

Latex Foley catheters and Fogarty embolectomy cathe-ters have also been used as bronchial blockers, in conjunc-tion with a standard cuffed ET or tracheostomy appliance.These catheters were not designed for use as endobron-chial blockers and therefore must be used very cautiouslyfor this purpose. The Fogarty balloon catheter is probablythe easiest to use, and is readily available in most hospi-tals. Their wide range of balloon sizes (diameter whenfully deflated, 3.9 Fr, 4.7 Fr, 5.7 Fr, 14 Fr, and 22 Fr)allows the use of Fogarty catheters as endobronchial block-ers in both pediatric and adult lungs.14,15 These catheterscome with a wire stylet that allows the tip to be pre-formedto facilitate insertion into the bronchus. Once in place, thestylet is removed in order to inflate the balloon with anair-filled syringe. A sliding lock on the syringe Luer-Lok(Becton Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NewJersey) secures the inflated balloon. The main disadvan-tage of using these substitute endobronchial blockers isthat the balloons are high pressure and low-volume, andtherefore exert relatively high pressure on the bronchialmucosa, which can lead to necrosis and stenosis. We rec-ommend that their duration of use be limited to no morethan 2 hours. In addition, the balloons are fairly short,often grossly asymmetrical, and easily slip out of the bron-chus. Fogarty catheters are extremely long (40–80 cm)and stiff. Because of the risk of perforating a small bron-

Fig. 13. The Univent tube has a self-contained bronchial blockerthat can be advanced into either bronchus.

Fig. 14. Close up of the bronchial blocker exiting the Univent tube.



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chus, these catheters should never be inserted very far intothe trachea without direct visualization. Finally, the onlyway to evacuate air or secretions from the occluded lung isto deflate the balloon. Despite these drawbacks, these cath-eters have proven useful in difficult airways and specialcircumstances. One approach to placing these catheters isto intubate the trachea with a standard ET and then pass aFogarty catheter through the port of a FOB ET adapter andinto the trachea. Alternatively, the trachea can be intubatedfirst with the thin Fogarty catheter and then a standard ETis placed next to the catheter. A FOB inserted through theET is used to visualize the target bronchus and guide thecatheter into position. Once the blocker is no longer needed,it can be withdrawn past the ET without loosing control ofthe airway.

Fiberoptic bronchoscopy allows for unequivocal deter-mination of correct DLET or bronchial blocker placement,fine adjustments to the depth of insertion and position ofthe endobronchial cuff, examination of the airways fordamage during insertion, and selective bronchial toilet.The size of the FOB is critical. It is easy to damage thescope if a large sized FOB is forced or, more frequently, ifthe scope becomes lodged in the tube during attemptedwithdrawal. In general, a pediatric FOB (outside diameter3.6–4.2 mm) fits down all sizes of DLET, while a FOB ofintermediate size (4.9 mm) only fits through a 39 Fr or 41Fr DLET. The FOB should be properly prepared beforeinsertion into the DLET. Applying a thin layer of water-based sterile lubricant to the length of the FOB lessens thechance of its plastic coating adhering to the walls of theDLET. Warming the FOB in body-temperature water priorto insertion, and application of a commercial lens-anti-fogpreparation, will greatly enhance visualization. The lubri-cated FOB is gently inserted through a bronchoscopy sleeveat the top of the ET elbow adapter (usually included withthe disposable DLET) on the tracheal side of the DLET. Itshould be gently advanced while observing progressthrough the eyepiece. This approach allows easy naviga-tion through the junction of endobronchial and trachealtubes and, more importantly, negotiation of the tip pastany mucous or blood adhering to the walls of the DLET.Once the FOB exits the lumen of the DLET, the carina isidentified and the presence of the endobronchial portion ofthe DLET in the appropriate bronchus is established. Inmost situations, the DLET should be advanced or retracteduntil just a “lip” of the blue endobronchial cuff is visibleat the carina when the cuff is inflated adequately (see Fig.12). This should place the cuff at a short distance withinthe bronchus, which will not obstruct either the left upperlobe bronchus (in the case of a left-sided DLET) or theright upper lobe bronchus (in the case of a right-sidedDLET). However, the margin of error is much smaller inthe case of a right-sided DLET because the right mainbronchus is so short.16 Therefore, FOB examination of the

endobronchial lumen is recommended, with particular at-tention to viewing the orifice of the right upper lobe bron-chus through the Murphy eye of the right-sided DLET.This is more difficult than it may appear at first. It can beuseful to carefully direct the tip of the FOB toward theMurphy eye with the intent of searching for the dark shadowof the orifice to the right upper lobe bronchus. Sometimesthe orifice can be readily seen through the clear blue wallof the tube or, if not, then after slow rotation of the DLETwhile looking through the Murphy eye. Since, in the ma-jority of cases, the orifice lies between the 12 o’clock and3 o’clock positions, initial rotation counterclockwise isused. Ultimately, it is only important that the cuff does notocclude the right upper lobe bronchus. It is not necessaryto juxtapose the Murphy eye with the orifice.

The final step is to secure the DLET or Univent tube(using twill tape or adhesive tape) to prevent accidentaldislodgment. It is essential to realize that any attempt tosecure and stabilize these rather large devices only pre-vents extubation—it doesnot assure the maintenance ofthe correct relationship between the endobronchial tube orbronchial blocker with its cuff and either the upper lobebronchi or the carina. This is because the tube is onlystabilized at the mouth. The distal end is free to move inor out as the airways are moved by shifts in the medias-tinum or hilum of the lung. Surgical manipulation is anobvious potential cause of malpositioning, but changesfrom supine to lateral decubitus are just as common causes,whether for the purpose of surgery or for performing re-spiratory physiotherapy. Movement of the DLET or bron-chial blocker by only millimeters can drastically changethe ability to ventilate the patient.

When switching from two-lung ventilation to one-lungventilation using a DLET or a bronchial blocker, severalimportant aspects should be remembered. First, the longnarrow lumens of the DLET impose a large resistance toair flow, so a considerable drop in airway pressure occursacross the DLET during both inspiration and expiration,whether the patient is breathing spontaneously or mechan-ically ventilated. Since most measurements of airway pres-sure are made proximal to the ET, a very large peak pres-sure will be achieved during the delivery of an otherwisereasonable tidal volume (VT). The plateau or static airwaypressure measured during the inspiratory pause should moreaccurately reflect the distal airway pressures. Second, theVT of a mechanically-delivered breath should be adjusteddownward to avoid hyperinflation of the alveoli when pro-viding one-lung ventilation. During surgery a VT of 8–10mL/kg ideal body weight is recommended, rather than theusual 10–15 mL/kg. Minute ventilation can be maintainedby increasing the rate slightly. However, higher rates tendto cause auto-positive end-expiratory pressure because ofthe flow limitation imposed by the DLET, so it is neces-sary to limit the respiratory rate and adjust the inspiratory-



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expiratory ratio setting of the mechanical ventilator ac-cordingly.17

One of the most feared and lethal pulmonary problemsis massive hemoptysis. Very few medical conditions re-quire as prompt a response and intervention to maximizethe chance of a good outcome. Pooling of blood in theairways and the resulting asphyxiation (as opposed to ab-solute blood loss), is the immediate threat to life, so rapidisolation and containment of the bleeding lung offers theonly hope of survival.18 Fortunately, most cases of mas-sive hemoptysis, defined as greater than 100 mL/24 hours,require less haste to address.19,20 There are a wide varietyof causes of massive hemoptysis, but most frequently it isdue to infection. Therefore the caregiver must use cautionand appropriate measures to protect against contaminationof the environment as well as of the unaffected lung.

In general, massive hemoptysis is approached with aninitial examination of the bronchial tree. A chest roent-genogram can provide useful information if a sufficientamount of blood has accumulated to be visible and if it isrestricted to a particular lobe. At the very least, the chestroentgenogram may identify the side of the lung that isbleeding. Flexible bronchoscopy can be performed rap-idly, with minimal patient preparation, to identify the sourceof bleeding, which is essential to guide further manage-ment and, possibly, surgery. If bleeding is brisk, it willvirtually be impossible to visualize the bronchial tree witha FOB. Bronchoscopic suction is limited and cannot re-move large clots. In most circumstances this requires mas-sive pulmonary toilet and examination with a rigid bron-choscope under general anesthesia. Clearly this is not anideal situation, but it is potentially life-saving. If bronchos-copy fails to determine the location, and the patient’s con-dition allows, selective pulmonary and bronchial arteriog-raphy can be performed.

In all cases of brisk hemoptysis, the bleeding lung orlobe should be isolated from the uninvolved lung. This isusually achieved by intubation with a DLET, especially incircumstances of brisk bleeding. With both cuffs inflated,the lungs are isolated and each side can be intermittentlylavaged to remove blood and to protect from further con-tamination. If circumstances allow, a small Fogarty cath-eter can be inserted into the bleeding secondary bronchusto occlude the appropriate portion of the lung. From atechnical standpoint, this is much more difficult and timeconsuming, and nearly impossible if the upper lobe isinvolved.

In a dire emergency, if death is imminent, we recom-mend one of the following approaches. If a left-sided dou-ble-lumen endobronchial tube is available, intubate andinsert it until the tube is wedged into the bronchus. Withboth cuffs inflated, the lungs will be isolated and can beventilated independently while lavage and suction can beused to determine which side is bleeding. Then, positive

end-expiratory pressure can be applied to the bleeding sideto assist in slowing the bleeding and directing blood flowto the uninvolved lung. Once bleeding has slowed suffi-ciently, flexible bronchoscopy can commence. The otherapproach is to attempt a blind intubation of the right mainbronchus with a standard ET. This will work temporarily,but is only effective if the left lung is the source of bleed-ing. Intubation of a main bronchus is the only choice inpediatric cases of massive hemoptysis, since DLETs forchildren are not available. Intubation of either the right orleft main bronchus with a single-lumen ET can be achievedby maintaining the styletted ET in the “hockey stick” con-figuration and rotating the tube in the manner describedfor insertion of the DLET into the same bronchus. Al-though this is still a blind approach, the pediatric bronchidiverge at fairly equal angles from the trachea (in contrastto the adult lung, where the right mainstem branches at aless acute angle from the carina than the left). Once theairway has been secured, ventilation with 100% oxygenand positive end-expiratory pressure should be initiated,and frequent lavage and suctioning to remove blood clotsfrom the lung should be attempted.

Endotracheal Tubes Designed for Laser Surgery

With the advent of laser surgery of the upper airway, therisk of ET fires has lead to development of specialized,ignition-resistant endotracheal devices. There are a varietyof different lasers in use, and laser-resistant ETs may func-tion differently with different laser systems.21,22 The riskswith tubes and laser therapy are: (1) direct ignition of thetube itself; (2) reflection of the laser from the tube surface,causing accidental tissue damage; and (3) cuff failure fromlaser perforation. ETs designed to be suitable for lasersurgery are stiffer, bulkier, less stable when inserted, andmore likely to cause direct airway tissue damage.

The Norton tube (Fig. 15), is a reusable, stainless steel,flexible tube which is unaffected by any laser. It has nocuff, and a tracheal seal must be established by packingaround the tube with damp surgical sponges or by attach-ing a latex cuff. Note that this latex cuff isnot laser-resistant; it can be ignited, and it can be dislodged from thetube and enter the distal airway. With this tube it ispos-sible to ventilate without using sponge packing or a cuff,but doing so requires accepting a large ventilation leak andcompensating for the leak by increasing gas flows. Also, alow fraction of inspired oxygen must be used, so as toprevent increasing the fire hazard during tissue vaporiza-tion. This type of tube is bulky, stiff, and can easily dam-age airway structures if not placed and secured carefully.It is usually necessary to use a stylette to maintain shapefor intubating. The shiny surface reflects laser bursts, whichcan cause accidental burns to surrounding tissues.



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Reflective foil wrappings can be applied to any conven-tional tube to increase laser resistance. Problems with thisapproach include laser reflection damage, exposed areasthat can ignite, an unprotected cuff, and airway damagefrom the sharp edges of the wrappings.23 Foils may un-wrap during use, thus interfering with the surgery andmaking tube removal difficult.24

Tubes of various laser-resistant materials have been de-veloped. None are completely safe from damage from di-rect laser hits, but they do not burst into flame.25 TheLaser-Shield II (Xomed-Trease Inc, Jacksonville, Florida)(Fig. 16), is a silicone tube with an inner aluminum wrapand an outer Teflon coating. It has been used with pota-sium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) lasers, neodynium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd-YAG) lasers, and CO2 lasers. Thecuff is not laser resistant, and contains a blue marker toidentify perforation. To prevent fire, the cuff should beinflated with water or saline solution. The tube distal to thecuff is also unprotected. The Laser Flex tube (Mallinck-rodt Inc, Pleasanton, California) (Fig. 17) is a stainlesssteel tube with a matte finish. It can be used uncuffed orwith two cuffs attached in series (as with other laser tubecuffs, these should be inflated with water or saline solu-tion). The Laser Flex tube is designed for use with the CO2

laser and the KTP laser, but not with the Nd-YAG laser.The Sheridan red rubber, copper-wrapped Laser Trach tube(Kendall Healthcare, Mansfield, Massachusetts) (Fig. 18)

is also for use with the CO2 laser and KTP laser. It comeswith pledgets that are to be soaked and packed around thecuff to protect the cuff. The Lasertubus (Ru¨sch Inc, Du-luth, Georgia) (Fig. 19) is made of white rubber and has acuff-within-a-cuff design. Its surface is covered with asponge material that can be soaked in water to reduceignition potential. Refection is not a problem with thistube, which can be used with the argon laser, the Nd-YAGlaser, and the CO2 laser. The Bivona Fome-Cuf laser tube(Bivona Medical Technologies, Gary, Indiana) was de-signed to solve the perforated-cuff-deflation-problem. Itconsists of an aluminum wrapped silicone tube with aBivona foam-filled self-inflating cuff. Even when pene-trated by the laser, the cuff maintains a seal. The tube,however, is poorly resistant to all lasers, and fires canoccur. If the cuff is penetrated, it can no longer be deflatedfor removal. From the variety of different designs avail-able, it is apparent that no one design is ideal for all lasersand all procedures. Continuing innovation is likely in thisarea of tube manufacturing.

Endotracheal Tubes with Additional Ports

Several issues have arisen to advance the developmentof tubes with additional ports. One of these is the recog-nition that many drugs can be quickly administered byway of the lungs in situations where intravenous accesshas not yet been established. During medical emergencies,

Fig. 15. The stainless steel Norton endotracheal tube protectsagainst several hazards of laser surgery.

Fig. 16. The Laser Shield II endotracheal tube is metal-wrappedand covered with laser-resistant material. (Photograph courtesy ofXomed-Trease Inc.)



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intravenous access may not be quickly obtainable, and anET is often in place before intravenous access is estab-lished, so drug administration via the lung is an importantoption in certain emergency situations. Special ETs withmedication ports embedded in the tube wall are now avail-able, and these tubes allow drugs to be given withoutinterrupting mechanical ventilation. The medication portmay include a one-way valve or, if not, must be capped toprevent loss of gas during positive pressure ventilation.

The American Heart Association has moved intubationup on the priority list in treating cardiac arrest. Duringtreatment of ventricular fibrillation, after defibrillation(which should be attempted up to 3 times without inter-ruption even for airway management), the next priority isintubation to allow drug administration (epinephrine) andventilation to treat acidosis. Current recommendations sug-gest that 2–2.5 times the intravenous dose should be ad-ministered through the ET, in at least 10 mL volume.However, experimental data suggest that this dose shouldprobably be increased to 5–10 times the usual dose, at leastfor epinephrine.26 Emergency drugs that can be adminis-tered to the lung through the ET include: epinephrine,norepinephrine, lidocaine, atropine, diazepam, and nalox-

one. Figure 20 shows an ET that features a medicationlumen.

Tracheal gas insufflation can be performed through adistal tracheal lumen. Decreased anatomical dead spaceand increased arterial oxygenation can result when severalliters of oxygen are insufflated through an additional lu-men. The effectiveness of this technique in acute respira-tory distress syndrome and asthma may be related to theproximity of gas flow to the carina.27,28Separate cathetersadvanced deeper into the airway may be more effective,but special ETs with an additional port may allow similarbenefit with less risk.29 The contribution of this collateralgas to increased peak airway pressure (and VT) should betaken into account when considering using this techniqueof ventilatory support.30–33

Distal airway pressures can be measured through anadditional lumen. Figure 21 shows tubes designed for op-timization of mechanical ventilation and reduction of thework of breathing by measuring airway pressures at thetracheal end of the airway. Triggering of demand systemsand improvement of patient-ventilator synchrony can beenhanced by distal airway pressure measurements. The

Fig. 17. The Laser Flex endotracheal tube comes with a double-cuff or no cuff. (Photograph courtesy of Mallinckrodt Inc.) Fig. 18. The Laser Trach endotracheal tube has a copper foil wrap-

ping and a fabric covering.



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early detection of a partially obstructed airway can befacilitated by recognition of a difference in proximal anddistal pressures. Because of these benefits, distal and prox-imal airway pressure monitoring should be considered inall patients receiving mechanical ventilation, but especiallyin those who are very tenuous or difficult to wean.

The Hi-Lo Jet (Mallinckrodt Inc, Pleasanton, California)tube (Fig. 22) was designed to provide high-frequency jetventilation through an additional port embedded in thewall of the ET. The tube is more rigid than conventionaltubes, so as to preserve a straight path for the jet gas flow.The bias flow and positive end-expiratory pressure can beadded with a circuit attached to the ET connector. Whenusing high frequencies, adequate gas entrainment from thebias flow circuit is necessary to produce adequate venti-lation. The bias circuit is also the conduit for exhalation,and adequate exhalation time during the jet cycle is re-quired.

Intubated and ventilated patients are at high risk fordeveloping pulmonary infections. The incidence of noso-

comial ventilator-associated pneumonia is reported to bebetween 10% and 60%, and is associated with increasedmortality.34,35Lung infection can result from aspiration ofbacteria-laden oropharyngeal secretions around the ET cuff.The route of oral colonization is believed to be from thestomach. Preventive strategies include reducing gastric col-onization by maintaining an acid environment, and selec-tive decontamination with nonabsorbable antibiotics.36,37

Reducing the aspirated bacterial load can also be accom-plished by oral and subglottic secretion removal.38 A re-cent modification of the ET shown in Figure 23 allowscontinuous aspiration of subglottic secretions. Preliminaryresults with this tube suggest a decrease in the frequencyand a delay in the onset of ventilator-associated pneumo-nia.39

Topical anesthesia of the airway may improve patienttolerance of intubation. In fragile patients, spraying the

Fig. 19. The Lasertubus endotracheal tube is constructed of whitelatex rubber. (Photography courtesy of Rusch Inc.)

Fig. 20. The medication lumen embedded in the endotracheal tubewall allows tracheal drug administration without interrupting ven-tilation. (Photograph courtesy of Mallinckrodt Inc.)



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vocal cords and larynx with a local anesthetic prior tointubation decreases the expected rise in blood pressureand reduces the incidence of cardiac stress. This rise inblood pressure during ET placement is also a concern inpatients with altered intracranial compliance (head injury,hemorrhage, or tumors) and measures (including deep an-esthesia and topical anesthesia) are often needed to pre-vent brain herniation during intubation. Tracheal suctionand movement of the tube during nursing maneuvers may

also stimulate a hypertensive response with an increase inintracranial pressure. Local anesthetic administered downthe ET can modify this response, but the larynx remainsunanesthetized when medications are administered throughthe ET. A special ET designed with an additional injectionport with multiple side holes on the outside of the tube(Fig. 24) allows local anesthetic administration to the lar-ynx and upper airway. Uses of this special purpose tubeinclude: head and neck surgery (to prevent coughing dur-ing head manipulation), in patients with cardiovascular

Fig. 21. Endotracheal tubes with extra lumens for distal airwaypressure measurement. (Photograph courtesy of Mallinckrodt Inc.)

Fig. 22. The additional port on this endotracheal tube allows jetventilation. (Photograph courtesy of Mallinckrodt Inc.)

Fig. 23 A: Endotracheal tube designed to allow aspiration of sub-glottic secretions, which assists in prevention of nosocomial in-fections. B: Close-up of evacuation port.



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instability, head injury patients, and in patients in whomthe tube is anticipated to be replaced electively.

The Pittsburgh Talking Tracheostomy tube (Fig. 25) isdesigned to allow phonation by tracheostomized patients.This tube has an extra lumen through which continuous orintermittent gas flow can pass upward through the larynx,thus allowing speech in patients who would otherwise findit difficult or impossible.

Special Tubes and Devices to Aid with Intubation

Several ET modifications to facilitate intubation areavailable. The ANSI standards require that ETs have apreformed curve to help with tracheal placement. Duringdirect visualization, the larynx is usually seen to lie abovethe oral floor plane. The tube tip must be directed anteri-orly to enter the trachea. Anterior directioning of the tip isespecially important during nasal intubation. The ANSImaterial standards require the tube to soften at body tem-

perature to conform to this crooked anatomical course, soas to prevent undue pressure on the upper airway struc-tures and trachea. During repeated intubation attempts, thetube may soften and not maintain the preformed curve,which further complicates intubation. The ET can be tem-porarily stiffened with a malleable stylette to allow ante-rior directioning of the tip. A typical intubation shape, likea hockey stick, is shown in Figure 26. Depending on thepatient’s actual anatomy, the stylette can be formed to helpbypass an obstruction. Pediatric ETs are very floppy and astylette is frequently useful in achieving tracheal intuba-tion.

The Endotrol tube (Mallinckrodt Inc, Pleasanton, Cali-fornia) (Fig. 27) has an embedded string that, when pulled,

Fig. 24. This special purpose endotracheal tube has a port forinjecting local anesthetic to the trachea and larynx. (Photographcourtesy of Mallinckrodt Inc.)

Fig. 25. Pittsburgh Talking Tracheostomy tube. Gas flow throughthe larynx allows phonation for patients with tracheostomies.

Fig. 26. A malleable stylette allows shaping the endotracheal tubeto the desired curve. The tube is stiffened, which can facilitateintubation.



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increases (or restores) the tube’s curvature, thus facilitat-ing intubation. When used with a stylette, the tip alone canbe controlled and directed towards the larynx. This tube isespecially useful during blind nasal intubation.40

A modification of the stylette technique is the Flexguide,which is a combined malleable stylette and FOB. Thisdevice permits a fixed curve in the tube as well as visu-alization of the area in front of the ET, confirming correcttracheal placement.

Another modification of the malleable stylette is thelighted stylette (Fig. 28), which is equipped with a brightlight on the tip to facilitate blind intubation.41 The lightedstylette is useful for both oral and nasal intubation, and inboth adults and children.42,43 The tube and the lightedstylette (shaped like a hockey stick) are inserted blindlyinto the mouth or nose after topical analgesia or undergeneral anesthesia. The room is darkened and transillumi-nation of the airway allows differentiation of the esopha-gus from the trachea. A bright, narrow light in the midline

below the thyroid cartilage indicates that the trachea hasbeen entered, while a diffuse glow laterally indicates thatthe tube is in the esophagus. With this implement, suc-cessful tracheal intubation depends on normal neck anat-omy, good analgesia/anesthesia, and no interfering lesions.Since this is a blind technique, successful tracheal intuba-tion should be confirmed with routine measures such asauscultation and measurement of exhaled CO2. This is notan emergency airway technique, since the procedure cantake a significant amount of time and must be performedin the dark (in which situation, observation of the patient’sclinical status is suboptimal). This technique may be con-sidered in patients during difficult intubation but with aneasy airway or adequate spontaneous ventilation. The pa-tient with a suspected cervical spine injury, in cervicaltraction, and who is breathing spontaneously is an excel-lent candidate for use of this technique.44

The laryngeal mask airway can provide a route for in-tubation, since it usually rests directly in front of the la-ryngeal opening. A small (6.5–7.0 mm), cuffed tube canbe inserted through the LMA and into the trachea, achiev-ing a secure, protected airway during an emergency.45How-ever, the combination must be left in place, since removalof the LMA over the ET is difficult and can result inextubation. An intubating stylette (Eshelmann Stylette orgum bougie), with its additional length, can be insertedthough the tube, allowing reinsertion of a larger tube fol-lowing removal of the LMA.46 A newly-designed rigidmetal LMA, the LMA-FasTrach (The Laryngeal Mask CoLtd, United Kingdom) (Fig. 29) has a larger internal di-ameter and stabilizing flange that allows a special long,flexible, silicone ET to be blindly placed into the trachea,with a high success rate. The intubating LMA can then bewithdrawn over the tube, using the supplied pusher orstabilizer and leaving the trachea safely intubated.

Head and Neck Surgery

Dental procedures and surgery of the head and neckpose special problems for airway management and endo-tracheal intubation. While special equipment is helpful insecuring the airway initially, close collaboration betweenthe anesthesiologist and operating surgeon is necessary toprevent inadvertent airway loss and patient harm duringthe surgical procedure. The major airway problems duringthese procedures are movement of the ET and kinking ofthe tube, causing inadequate gas exchange. While theseproblems can occur during any surgical procedure, theyare more likely during head and neck procedures, since thetube; is often part of the sterile field and is often moved bythe surgeon. Also, both visual and manual access to the ETis limited, and when problems arise they are not easilydiagnosed or solved without contamination of the incision.

Fig. 27. The Endotrol endotracheal tube features an embeddedstring that flexes the tube anteriorly, facilitating intubation.



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Low profile tubes with preformed bends have been de-signed to reduce some of these risks. The bends can bestraightened with a stylette to facilitate initial tracheal place-ment. One such ET is the RAE (Ring, Adair, Elwin tube,Mallinckrodt Inc, Pleasanton, California) (Fig. 30), whichcome in a variety of sizes, cuffed and uncuffed models,and shaped for oral or nasal intubation. The preformedbend rests at the chin or external nares, and prevents oc-clusion under the surgical drapes or on the field during thesurgical procedure. The location of the bend is based onthe diameter of the tube. The tube tip may be too long(resulting in bronchial intubation) or too short (resulting inextubation) depending on the particular patient’s anato-my.47 Passage of a suction catheter through the bend isusually difficult and may be impossible. Head extension orflexion after securing the airway can move the tip of thetube too far into, or out of, the larynx. For patients who donot fit well to the pre-formed tubes, the RAE-Flex(Mallinckrodt Inc, Pleasanton, California) tube has a wire-reinforced flexible section that can be bent to suit thepatient’s anatomy. The RAE-Flex tube can be used for oral

Fig. 29. The LMA-FasTrach intubating laryngeal mask airway (LMA)consists of a metal LMA, silastic tube, and stabilizers or pushers toallow the LMA to be removed, while leaving the endotracheal tubein the trachea.

Fig. 28. Three types of malleable stylette, each with a bright light at the tip. Because the light illuminates the neck differently from the tracheaand esophagus, it facilitates blind tracheal intubation.



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or nasal intubation. Passage of a suction catheter may beless difficult through a RAE-Flex tube than through theconventional RAE tube.

Tubes that are flexible and resist kinking are importantadditions to head and neck surgical procedures. Figure 31shows how some tubes are spiral-embedded with wire ornylon fibers and are made of rubber, PVC, or silicone.They are flexible and maintain their internal diameter whenbent. They also resist external compression.48 However, ifbitten or otherwise crushed, the tube may be permanentlynarrowed.49These tubes are often passed through the stomaof an existing tracheotomy, and can be placed asepticallyby the surgeon during the procedure. If the tube is made ofsilicone, it will be very limp, making intubation difficult.Nasal intubation may be impossible because of narrownasal passages. Accidental removal frequently occurs, andsuturing the tube in place is recommended. Due to the highfrequency of inadvertent extubation, these ETs are usuallyremoved and replaced with conventional ETs at the end ofthe surgical procedure if continued airway cannulation isrequired.50 These tubes cannot be shortened without dam-aging the spiral fibers and tube integrity. While this tubedesign solves one problem, a high degree of vigilance isnecessary to prevent other problems.

Normal speech following laryngectomy is impossible.Over the past 20 years, creation of a controlled tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) to allow esophageal speech hasbeen perfected. With a TEF, air from the lungs can beexhaled through the fistula into the esophagus and phar-

Fig. 30. Preformed RAE endotracheal tubes provide low-profile airways for head and neck procedures.

Fig. 31. This spiral wrapped endotracheal tube resists kinking.



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ynx, producing a vibration that can be articulated intoverbal speech. A silicone prosthesis is used to preventclosure of the fistula, and its one-way valve reduces thelikelihood of aspiration of gastric contents. To speak, thepatient must manually obstruct his tracheal stoma, usuallywith a single digit, and exhale through the TEF. Severaldifferent prostheses have been developed. The earliest pros-thesis was described by Bloom and Singer; this device(Fig. 32) is in wide use throughout the world. Anotherdevice is the Provox tube (Fig. 33). A series of thesedevices (Fig. 34) were developed in the Netherlands, andinclude the Groningen, Nijdam, and Provox variants. Thesecan be interchanged using the unique features of each tosolve individual patient problems.51 When these patientsare seen clinically, the presence and function of the pros-thesis should be confirmed. If intubation is required for asurgical procedure, the prosthesis can be removed or left inplace. If left in place, it is necessary to confirm at the endof the procedure that it is still in place. If prolonged intu-bation is needed, the prosthesis can be removed to avoidpulmonary aspiration of gastric material or the device it-self.


This article has described only selected special purposeETs in common use today. There are additional devicesnot mentioned, which have small followings or very lim-ited applications. Undoubtedly, further innovations will beavailable in the near future, but clinicians and researchersshould bear in mind that very few standards protect usersfrom poor ET designs. Thus, new devices should be care-fully assessed prior to clinical application.


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3. Pavlin EG, VanNimwegan D, Hornbein TF. Failure of a high-com-pliance low-pressure cuff to prevent aspiration. Anesthesiology 1975;42(2):216–219.

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Fig. 32. The Bloom-Singer tracheal esophageal fistula (TEF) tubeallows esophageal speech following laryngectomy.

Fig. 33. The Provox II tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) prosthesis.

Fig. 34. Five types of tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) prosthesesdeveloped around the Provox shape. (Modified from Reference51, with permission.)



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9. Clapham MCC, Vaughan RS. Bronchial intubation: a comparisonbetween polyvinyl chloride and red rubber double lumen tubes. An-aesthesia 1985;40(11):1111–1114.

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11. Lieberman D, Littleford J, Horan T, Unruh H. Placement of leftdouble-lumen endotracheal tubes with or without a stylette. Can JAnaesth 1996;43(3):238–242.

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21. Sosis MB. What is the safest endotracheal tube for Nd-YAG lasersurgery? A comparative study. Anesth Analg 1989;69(6):802–804.

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Appendix 1



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Bishop: A couple of years ago I wasfascinated by a description of a spe-cialty endotracheal tube that appearedin Anesthesiologyfrom the NIH [Na-tional Institutes of Health] group ledby Kolobow.1 It was a tube intendedfor the patient undergoing prolongedventilation, and it was really very dif-ferent from most of the tubes we havenow. It used relatively high-tech ma-terial, which gave it a higher inner-diameter-to-outer-diameter ratio. Itshowed a lot of promise. It seemed toprevent secretions from getting pastthe cuff, it caused less tracheal dam-age in animal tests, and it seemed tobe able to ventilate with acceptablepressures. The last time I talked tohim, he hadn’t been able to get a man-ufacturer to make it because they feltthat it would be too expensive for avery small market. I don’t know ifanyone else knows what’s up with that,or if other people are aware of thedesign, but I think it has many of thefeatures we’d all like to see in a tubethat’s used for prolonged ventilation.


1. Kolobow T, Tsuno K, Rossi N, Aprigli-ano M. Design and development of ultra-thin-walled, nonkinking endotrachealtubes of a new “no-pressure” laryngealseal design: a preliminary report. Anes-thesiology 1994;81(4):1061–1067.

Durbin: I’m not familiar with thatparticular tube. There have been sev-eral thousand patents issued over theyears for variations in airway devices,99% of which never came into pro-duction. I think marketing factors areimportant. We’ve talked about one ofthese tubes here, the laryngeal aspi-rating tube. I think the device is goingto face a similar future unless a clear-cut indication (value and cost-benefit)in a large patient population can be

identified. Otherwise, it will fall bythe wayside as well.

Pierson:* Just to amplify on that:what you’ve touched on is a reallyimportant issue from the manufactur-er’s perspective. A manufacturer whomakes millions of tubes will not in-vest in a new tube design that costsjust as much or more to manufactureif the new model is only going to sella few hundred copies. I believe that’sone of the problems that we’ve hadwith getting some of these specialtytubes into clinical use for the inten-sive care unit, as opposed to using themin the operating room.

Durbin: Let’s go back to the laryn-geal mask airway, which everyoneseems so enthusiastic about today in anumber of situations. That tube wasdesigned by Archie Brain in Englandten years ago, is still made by hand,and sells for over $200 per de-vice.Although there are disposablemodels now made that are a little lessexpensive, they’re not nearly as good.The cost has limited the application ofthis device, which we know beyond ashadow of a doubt is an advance inairway management.

Hurford: Clearly, cost is a big fac-tor when we go to make a customendotracheal tube for particular pa-tients who have unique tracheal pa-thology or something like that. We canget those tubes made, but at $100,$200, $300 on the run for two tubes orsomething like that, and certainlythat’s difficult. The other difficultyfrom a manufacturing point of viewseems to be the materials that differ-ent manufacturers use. The LMA, forexample, is made from latex. A com-pany that works with latex, that’s whatthey do. But, that has limitations, pri-marily because of high-pressure cuffs.So, the market is limited and the du-rability of latex tubes is limited. Thenyou’re left with PVC and silastic. Bothof those materials have severe struc-

tural limitations. PVC is good for cer-tain cuff designs, but can’t do thethings that those wonderful cuffs thatthe Robertshaw right-sided tube had.When you inflated the bronchial cuffon a right-sided Robertshaw tube, theorifice that was built within that cuffexpanded to a prodigious size, and thatmade that tube very safe and easy toplace. That just can’t be reproduced inany other material, so when you ap-proach other manufacturers to try tomimic that design, they can’t. So theodd designs that we sometimes seeare crippled versions because of thetype of material used. Lastly, you havesilastic, but the problems of silasticare also rather large, and I think theUnivent tube being made purely fromsilastic is a case in point. It’s very stiffand difficult to place and control theblocker.

Thompson: I would like to empha-size that the problems you’ve men-tioned are also a major problem inpediatrics. Any new device that lookslike it has potential for use in infantsand children has to overcome the hur-dle of relatively low demand. As aconsequence, many devices are neverscaled down. Double-lumen tubes foruse in children under age 7 or 8 arevirtually nonexistent. I mentioned ourdesire to have some kind of markerthat identifies proper tube depth in thetrachea, but to date it does not appearto be an issue worth dealing with forthe manufacturers.

Stauffer: I’ve been frustrated formany years trying to figure out whatkind of endotracheal tube a patient inthe intensive care unit actually has inplace. By the time they arrive in theICU, they have already been intubat-ed—in the emergency room, in thefield, at another hospital, in the oper-ating room, or in the recovery room.Then the endotracheal tube is anchoredwith thick bands of adhesive tape. It’svery difficult for me to know whatkind of cuff is on the distal end of thetube. There’s no labeling on the prox-

*David J Pierson MD, Division of Pulmonary &Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.



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imal end to indicate the type of cuff.The tube size is often difficult to de-termine, as well. If you turn the 15mm adapter over and shine a light onit, you might get a clue, but often thesize markings are very difficult to read.I wish the tube manufacturers wouldhelp us out in that regard so that weknow what kind of cuff we’re dealingwith and have an easier identificationof the tube size. I don’t know if any-body else has a similar concern, butit’s a problem for me.

Durbin: I would point out that cuffcompliance is variable between man-ufacturers. A highly compliant, high-volume cuff, means very differentthings in a Ru¨sch tube versus one fromMallinckrodt. It is essential to knowwho the manufacturer is and what thespecifications are for tube compo-nents.

Pierson: Ray Ritz should probablyhave made this comment, because heused to be the manager in our hospi-tal, but here’s one anecdotal report:Since with most intubations that reachour ICU the respiratory therapists haveparticipated as an assistant, they rou-tinely take a tongue blade and writeon it the brand and size of the tube,the date it was inserted, and the depthof insertion, measured at the teeth.They then tape that tongue blade tothe ventilator so that that informationis always conveniently available. It’sa crude system, but useful.

Stoller: I’d like to use the JournalConference as a forum to think aboutother “boutique-y” tubes that wouldbe of value in specific niches, such asthe bronchoscopy suite. Having placedthe bronchoscope through the airway,one then incurs a problem of bleeding

and wants to intubate the patient whileusing the bronchoscope as a stylette,but not having threaded a tube overthe bronchoscope in advance. So, whatwe need, and this is a plea to manu-facturers, is a bivalved tube—a tubethat actually opens up on its long axisand then could be slid over the bron-choscope already in the airway andthen closed on itself and slid into theairway—a “zippered” endotrachealtube. Although I realize it would be alow-volume item, I think there are rareinstances in which it would beex-tremelyhelpful.

Ritz: Charlie, I’m a little confusedabout your pressure volume curves foryour endotracheal tubes. How werethose done?

Durbin: Cuffs were filled with ali-quots of air, allowed to equilibrate sev-eral minutes at room temperature, andthe cuff pressure recorded.

Ritz: So that was just the maximumvolume it took to fill the cuff beforeyou got pressure.

Durbin: It was a deflated cuff in-flated stepwise to 60 mL and then backdown again.

Ritz: Right. Because it would seemlike the best cuff would be one thatcreated no pressure until it approachedits critical volume. The compliance ofthe cuff should be high enough so thatas you add appropriate volumes whileit’s actually in the patient, the onlypressure that you measured was thetracheal wall contact pressure. I reallyonly care about the distending pres-sure of the cuff when I’ve overinflatedthe cuff, or if I’m using a low-volumehigh-pressure cuff. So, it seems to be

a positive attribute to say I put 5 cc ina cuff and it didn’t have any pressure.

Durbin: That’s correct. But, you alsohave to recognize that there are cuffs,such as in the double-lumen endotra-cheal tubes, where that bronchial cuff isvery small and is also potentially veryhigh pressure. There are the red rubbercuffs, that are still in use in some insti-tutions, where the pressure you’re mea-suring in your connecting tube to thepilot balloon is not a reflection of thepressure against the wall. I think whatyou’re saying is that you want one thatlies against the wall and tells you whatthat pressure against the wall is.

Ritz: Right. It seemed to me fromDean’s [Hess] presentation earlier thatyou still see descriptions in textbooksof minimal occlusive volume tech-nique for managing cuffs. And as Deaneloquently pointed out, the incidenceof aspiration can be relatively highwith that technique. I don’t see anyreason to promote minimal occlusivevolumes. It seems like the cuff pres-sure should be taken up to 25–30 cmH2O, as long as you’re talking abouttracheal wall contact pressure. Youneed to use minimal occlusive vol-ume if you’re using low-volume high-pressure cuffs.

Durbin: That is correct. But thosecuffs do exist. There are devices thathave them—the percutaneous trache-ostomy by Portex being one in partic-ular, has a high-pressure, low-volumedesign. This design is easier to insert.If you’re talking about people who areinexperienced at inserting them, thelow-profile cuffs offer a theoretical ad-vantage. These devices do exist.