Special Olympics Montana Ride for RESPECT 2013

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Our Riders raise money & awareness to support the efforts of Special Olympics Montana (SOMT). 2012 Ride: Beartooth Highway, MT 2013 Ride: Big Sky/YNP MT Join us! or donate, and please share. Oh, and we encourage you to ...Spread the word to end The Word. Special Olympics is a life changing experience for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These opportunities allow participants to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and share their gifts. Your contribution to the RIDE FOR RESPECT directly supports training from sports to public speaking. It is important to note that while Special Olympics International makes a small contribution, SOMT is 99.9% privately funded. Your contribution matters and your support changes lives...can you place a dollar value on confidence or self-esteem. It is energizing to see improvements as simple as making eye contact to strides that empower individuals to enter the workforce!

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Thumbs up, Colette!

John and Shannon cruising the switchbacks. Yup, we have professional photographers take the trip with us!

No small feat! …Isaac leads the way on the Beartooth Highway. (Check out those wheels!)

My view from the back seat. ~shannon

Gorgeous things we saw along the way.

Isaac hits the road in a side car!

Special thanks to my friend, Isaac Baldry, whose work as a Global Ambassador for Special Olympics Montana. He challenges the way people think. He will surprise you and capture your heart.

Your support truly makes a difference.Donate here: http://bit.ly/10UlOvf

If you ride, I encourage you to join us!

If you don’t, I hope you will support these efforts. Opportunities created through Special Olympics Montana

change lives.

Don’t forget to share and please, SPREAD THE WORD TO END

