SPEAR Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals

SPEAR UGM Melbourne 140902 v5 · New dealing types in SPEAR – TLA, BP and OSGV applications BP OP RE PM TLA Jul-12 3 0 25 8 2 Aug-12 4 4 78 21 2 Sep-12 5 0 95 18 5 Oct-12 3 3 62

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Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals

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1. Welcome

2. SPEAR Subdivision Update− Planning Applicants

− ePlan


− SPEAR Enhancement Program

3. SPEAR IT– PE List

– Release 4.0 – Content

– Release 4.1 / 4.2– Proposed

Morning Tea

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4. Group Session

• Form 13 and SAFR declarations

• Owners Corporation Schedule

• Section 173 Agreements

• Signing of planning permits

• Form 1 in SPEAR

• SPEAR Common Rules

• Signatures back on the plan

• Emails / Notifications

• SPEAR as a Subdivision Register

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4. Group Session (cont)

• Training and SPEAR Service Desk Update

�Manage (Planning Permit) Conditions

� Nominate Lodging Party

� S52 notifications vs ‘For Comment’ Referrals

� Formal and Informal RFIs

� Development permits

� SPEAR Reports

� SPEAR Documentation and Help

5. User Issues


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SPEAR Subdivision Update

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* Certification Only - 9

Proposed - 0

Signed Up - 0

Active - 79

SPEAR Subdivision Status

Last Updated: 04/09/2014

$ Online Payments - 14

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SPEAR Subdivision Update

SPEAR Subdivision Sign-up Progress

• 79 councils signed up (with all operational)

– 10 Certification Only Councils

– 14 SPEAR Payments Councils

• 162 surveying firms (with 335 licensed surveyors)

• 53 Referral Authorities

• More than 3,500 SPEAR Subdivision users

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“New” dealing types in SPEAR

• Transfer of Land Act 1958

Survey-based applications: Sections 15, 26P, 60, 98CA, 99 and 103

• Local Government Act 1989

Road Alignment Surveys (RAs)

• Subdivision Act 1988

Section 26 (BPs)

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OSGV survey documents in SPEAR

• Office of Surveyor General Victoria

Plan of Crown Allotment (OP)

Record of Re-establishment (RE)

Permanent Mark Sketch Plan (PM)

– After 29 August 2014, surveyors will not be able to upload PM Sketch Plans into SPEAR

– This will now be done in (the new) SMES

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New dealing types in SPEAR –TLA, BP and OSGV applications


Jul-12 3 0 25 8 2

Aug-12 4 4 78 21 2

Sep-12 5 0 95 18 5

Oct-12 3 3 62 15 6

Nov-12 7 6 105 6 10

Dec-12 2 0 92 14 7

2012 total: 24 9 457 82 32

Jan-13 3 4 93 9 3

Feb-13 3 3 128 11 3

Mar-13 3 1 124 15 11

Apr-13 4 2 104 20 11

May-13 13 1 134 13 15

Jun-13 9 4 125 32 4

Jul-13 7 4 150 29 11

Aug-13 6 3 149 18 12

Sep-13 3 5 164 22 4

Oct-13 3 3 156 18 10

Nov-13 2 4 117 20 10

Dec-13 6 5 94 22 14

2013 total: 62 39 1538 229 108

Jan-14 3 3 117 35 9

Feb-14 3 2 119 21 15

Mar-14 6 1 148 28 20

Apr-14 7 1 192 33 14

May-14 5 5 233 31 16

Jun-14 3 12 220 42 16

Jul-14 6 14 228 42 16

2014 total: 33 38 1257 232 106

Grand Total: 119 86 3252 543 246

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SPEAR Planning

• SPEAR Planning ceased taking new applications for planning permits in May 2014

• SPEAR is providing ongoing access to existing applications

• Planning permit applications that are underway will be able to be completed in SPEAR

• Surveyors are still able to apply for a planning permit for a subdivision in SPEAR Subdivision

NOTE: Joint applications are still possible in SPEAR

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SPEAR Subdivision - planning applicants

• Planning applicants (i.e. applicants that are not in surveying organisations) are now able to lodge planning permit applications with council in SPEAR Subdivision

• SPEAR Help Desk will enable them after they sign a SPEAR agreement

• Applications must be for a subdivision purpose; they may have more than one purpose as long as they are related to the subdivision; councils can decide whether to accept an application with more than one purpose

Note: Only surveying organisations can submit joint applications and certification applications

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Where are we at?

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Implementation progress

Stage 2

– In production since May 2013

– ePlan as the Plan of Subdivision or Plan of Consolidation

– Plan PDF derived from the ePlan(via Visualisation)

– Further development of the validation, visualisation and data delivery services

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ePlan implementation

• 5 surveying firms have submitted ePlans to SPEAR

– Geometri, Absolute Surveying, Walpole Surveying, Berry & Whyte Surveyors and Digital Land Surveys

• 22 ePlan submissions since May 2013

– 4 have been registered

• 11 test ePlans from pilot organisations in 2012

• 6 formal hands-on training sessions conducted for LISCAD users

• 1 formal hands-on training session conducted for GeoCivil/ePSALON users

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What can be lodged using ePlan?

• Most Subdivision Act application types currently supported by SPEAR can be lodged as ePlans– Section 22, 23, 24A, 32, 32a, 35, 35(8) (See SPEAR User Guide 1)

– Must be connected to MGA94 bearing datum - this also applies to non-survey and partial survey plans

– Boundaries can be defined by buildings (footprint only)

• Except for Boundary Plans and Section 37 Staged Plans

• 3D building plans are not yet supported

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What will be supported in ePlan?

• April 2015

– Staged subdivision

• 2015 / 2016

– Abstract of Field Records

– Boundary Plans

– Transfer of Land Act (TLA) Plans

– Crown Plans

– RE Plans

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ePlan visualisation enhancements

The major enhancements have been prioritised as following:

1. Look and feel of the plan

2. New way of handling easements in ePlan

3. Stage plan support

4. Labelling issues

5. Arrowing issues

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ePlan benefits for surveyors

• Enhances the quality of subdivision plan data

• Provides access to / reuse of digital data for previous surveys through ePlan import functionality in surveying software packages

• Saves time for constructing the surveys through pre-populating administrative data from Vicmap and SMES (e.g. admin boundaries, survey marks, location addresses, road abuttals, etc.)

• Reduces lodgement errors due to missing or incorrect information

• Reduces number of requisitions

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ePlan benefits for surveyors

• Assists with improved plan processing resulting in reduction in examination and registration times

• Allows for transfer and reuse of standardised digital data between surveying software packages and between organisations and units

• Assists with compilation of spatially-accurate map base for Victoria

Now that we have actual users, Land Victoria is reviewing the original detailed business case for ePlan to update the costs and benefits

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Surveyors engagement program for 2014

• Contacting and visiting the surveyors already involved in the two Pilot Programs

• Finding and training new surveyors interested in ePlancreation and submission

– LISCAD surveyors

– GeoCivil surveyors

• Running an incentive program – “Let us help you …”

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Process creating an application using ePlan

• Data that can be prepopulated from an ePlan:

– Applicant reference number

– Application parcel/s (automatic retrieval of address/es)

– Subdivision Act section and dealing type

– Plan number

– Number of lots

– Number of owners corporations

– Owners corporation data e.g. lot entitlement and liability, etc

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Process creating an application using ePlan

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ePlan roll-out strategy

Land Victoria is exploring mechanisms to encourage the take-up of ePlan. Possible options include:

• Changing SPEAR so ePlans auto-populate the SPEAR application wizard

• Lodging ePlan applications with Land Victoria to be cheaper than lodging PDF applications (via 2015 RIS)

• The examination process for ePlan applications to be quicker

• The automated process for updating the map base to be quicker

• At a national level, the ePlan Working group is looking at the options to make submission of digital lodgements compulsory country-wide in the medium term (starting with Queensland, NSW and Victoria)

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• Interactive map-based search

• Integrate existing survey data sources, making it easier and quicker to perform survey searching

• View and download survey documents in PDF

– Abstract and Surveyor’s Report

– Survey Mark Sketch and Report

• Download surround information in digital data format for use to create the next ePlan

• How to access:

– From SPEAR website (public access) https://maps.land.vic.gov.au/lassi/SpearUI.jsp

– Login to SPEAR to save sessions

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SPEAR Enhancement Program

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SPEAR Enhancement Program

• Round 1 - late 2013 / early 2014

− Number of Volunteers - 14

− Feedback - very positive

• Round 2 - mid-2014

− Number of Volunteers - 12− Progress - 9 completed

• Round 3 - late 2014 / early 2015

− Expressions of Interest - call for volunteers− Timing - later in 2014

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PE List

• Discussion on priorities

• Issues raised by users

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Release 4.0 Lodging Parties

Electronic lodgement of subdivision applications:

• Create and digitally sign application lodgement forms

• Add supporting documents

• Submit and pay fees to Land Victoria

Available to solicitors and conveyancers and other authorities and organisations (e.g. surveying organisations, councils and Referral Authorities) that meet the requirements to become a SPEAR Lodging Party

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

Electronic lodgement of Boundary Plan applications:

• Available to Applicant Contacts (surveying orgs) only

• Choice to lodge electronically (preferred) or by paper

• Create and application lodgement form in SPEAR

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

• Digitally sign application form

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

• Submit and pay fees to Land Victoria

– Initial payment methods: VOTS account, credit card

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

Supplementary Abstract of Field Records (SAFR) improvements:

• Automatically complete the SAFR Declaration if a Form 13 has been supplied

• Allow password level users to add or update the estimated date of completion of works

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

Map-based parcel selection:

• Applicant Contact to select parcels from map when creating or modifying an application (LASSI – SPEAR SEARCH)

• Current text-based search still available

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

• All other users can view selected parcels (LASSI – SPEAR VIEW)

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

Usability enhancements to Create Application wizard:

• Searching for a parcel (map or text)

• Adding or modifying applicant/owner details

• Planning permit in a prior SPEAR application (piggybacking)

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Release 4.0 Applicant Contacts

Changes to Section 32 applications:

• Improved questions and warning to assist applicants when creating s.32 applications

• Warning to council when accepting s.32 applications

• Councils to confirm whether Unanimous Resolution or VCAT Order is required prior to certification

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‘Manage Conditions’ (formerly ‘Manage Conditions for SOC’)

• A local administrator will be able to create a list of ‘Standard’ conditions which can be used when creating a conditions document

• Conditions can be selected ‘For Certification’ / ‘For SOC’

• Other users are encouraged to add comments against the conditions by using the ‘manage conditions’ option in the drop down list of optional actions

• Comments will be added to the conditions document and will be available for council to review

Release 4.0 Responsible Authorities

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Release 4.0 Responsible Authorities

Improvements to Endorsement process:

• Council delegates to authenticate when endorsing documents

• Applicant Contacts unable to modify endorsed documents without:

– Application for Secondary Consent

– Application to Amend a Planning Permit

– Council request (e.g. re-certification)

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Release 4.0 Responsible Authorities

Street addressing improvements:

• Multi assessments supported in SPEAR (edit code “A”)

• Lot numbers can now include designated prefixes:

– CM1

– RES1

– R1

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Release 4.0 Responsible Authorities

Send all title allocations (now including TLA changes) to councils through SPEAR:

• Spreadsheet to Responsible Authorities containing all new titles and changes to land descriptions

• Sent to a new email address (Rates Department) at selected interval

• Hosted applications will also receive title allocations

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Release 4.0 Referral Authorities

Re-referrals for SOC:

• After Certification, Responsible Authorities will now be able to re-refer for the SOC component

• Mandatory Action for Referral Authorities to respond

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Release 4.0 Land Victoria

Exchange of information between SPEAR and VOTS:

• VOTS to automatically updates dealing numbers into SPEAR

• SPEAR to automatically reflect VOTS status for TLA and BP applications

• Identify hosted application on LV lodgement screen

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Release 4.1 General

• SPEAR will not require a temporary password when the 'forgotten password' functionality is used

• SPEAR will lapse an application where the certification has expired

• The system error message will be updated to give users better instructions on what to do when an error appears

• Broadcast messages will be enhanced to facilitate better communication with SPEAR users

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Release 4.1 General

• The permit document will be able to be ‘corrected' with new issue and expiry dates

• An application to amend a planning permit and an application for re-certification will be able to be withdrawn

• PDFs will be able to be viewed directly in SPEAR rather than downloaded and opened in external software

• When modifying a document created by free text entry the text entered previously will be pre-populated

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Release 4.1 Applicant Contacts

• ePlan changes to SPEAR

– SPEAR will be enhanced to support Staged Plans in ePlan format

– The ePlan Validation Report process will be improved

– An Applicant Contact will be able to upload an ePlan as the first step of application creation to have their data pre-populated

• The Advice by Licensed Surveyor (Form 13) will be made a mandatory document in SPEAR

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Release 4.1 Applicant Contacts

• SPEAR will be enhanced to generate the owners corporation schedule from (mandatory) data entered into SPEAR or imported directly into SPEAR

• Applicant Contacts will need to provide a reason when withdrawing an application

• The Application form and a new version of the Plan of Subdivision will be able to be modified together prior to certification

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Release 4.1 Responsible Authorities

• SPEAR will apply the Certification decision to the plan as a watermark in a pre-defined space on the plan template

• A watermark will also be applied to unregistered plans

• Council will need to provide a reason when lapsing an application

• Council will not be required to provide an attachment when performing advertising

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Release 4.2

Possible candidates?

• Updates to assist with the VicSmart planning process

– Indication that an application is a VicSmart application

– No mandatory action to refer or advertise a VicSmart application

• SPEAR to act as the council Subdivision Register

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Morning Tea

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Discussions – Group Session

Applicants, Councils and Referral Authorities

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Form 13 and SAFR declarations

• Advice by Licensed Surveyor (Form 13) will be a mandatory document in SPEAR - if works are not required, it must be supplied prior to Statement of Compliance

• Applicant will have the option to defer the Form 13 and also provide a Supplementary Abstract of Field Records (SAFR) declaration if works are required

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Owners Corporation Information

• Entering owners corporation information into SPEAR, or importing it in Excel, will be mandatory - not necessary for an ePlan as it will already be included in the requirements

• SPEAR will generate the owners corporation schedule and attach it to the plan

• Proposed extra enhancement

– Surveyor to provide purpose of owners corporation, basis for lot entitlement/liability information and additional functions or obligations (which are currently provided by the Lodging Party)

– Can surveyor also supply OC postal address? (Provided by owner)

– This will also form part of the owners corporation schedule

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Section 173 Agreements

• Suggestion to allow Section 173 Agreements to be created and processed in SPEAR

– Applicant (registered proprietor) cannot digitally sign

– Original document required by Land Victoria

• Alternative suggestion to record Section 173 dealing numbers (when registered at Land Victoria) in relevant SPEAR applications

– Problems assigning to correct SPEAR applications

Other suggestions?

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Signing of planning permits

• Advice received from DTPLI legal - preference is to digitally sign planning permits in SPEAR

• Signing is currently the default authentication level

• Some councils have set local rules to password and delegate authentication

How do councils feel about having to sign permits?

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Form 1 in SPEAR

• SPEAR form is not a Form 1

– Does not include signature of applicant

• PE 1122: SPEAR Application Form = Form 1

– Applicant contact must be the applicant

– Applicant contact can digitally sign the Form 1 as the applicant

– Deferred based on UGM feedback

• Councils should insist on receiving a signed Form 1

– Can be uploaded to SPEAR as ‘Owner’s Consent’ (Should we change this to ‘Form 1 / Owner’s Consent’?)

– Form 1 still needed for s.35 acquisition plans but doesn’t need owner’s consent because applicant acts as owner under the Act

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SPEAR Common Rules

• Proposed changes to Common Rules

• Process

– SPEAR Agreement Process

� Participants to be advised by email to Administrator

� Advertised on SPEAR web site for not less than60 days for comments

� The user is deemed to accept the amended Common Rules if it continues to use SPEAR after the expiration of the period of the notice of amendment

• Timing – October / November 2014 (to coincide with the introduction of lodging parties to SPEAR)

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SPEAR Common Rules

• Adoption of the system and digital certificate security requirements and policies of the SPEAR Electronic Lodgement Network Participation Rules

• Inclusion of Customer consent (particularly relevant to councils and Land Victoria) to the use of electronic signatures on documents

• Incorporation of (Victoria's) Electronic Conveyancing National Law rule regarding the attribution and repudiation of digital signatures

• Inclusion of other matters relating to the use of digital certificates

• The addition of an acknowledgement that a Customer (surveyor) is responsible for checking the PDF rendered from an ePlan

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Signatures back on the plan

The SPEAR enhancement to put signatures back on the plan was taken out of Release 4.0 (Nov 2014) due to the size of that release, and the complexity of some of the other enhancements

The signature enhancements are now scheduled for SPEAR Release 4.1 (April 2015)

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Signatures back on the plan

SPEAR will be changing its method of watermarking documents by:

• applying signing text onto the plan directly (instead of in the margins)

• watermarking the ‘Council Certification and Endorsement’ section of the plan of subdivision with council’s decision (instead of producing a separate form)

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Signatures back on the plan

• Watermarking SPEAR documents with Land Victoria decisions, such as registration of Plans of Subdivision or Certifications by the Surveyor General Victoria

• Expanding the surveyors signing text to include the relevant survey declarations that are required

Note: These changes are in addition to current functionality which automates the placement of dealing numbers for certain application types

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Council Name: < Organisation Name>

Council Reference Numbers:Planning Permit:Certification:SPEAR Ref:

Certification• This plan is certified under section 6 of the Subdivision Act

1988 Statement of Compliance

Statement of Compliance• This is a statement of compliance issued under section 21 of

the Subdivision Act 1988 Public Open Space

Public Open SpaceA requirement for public open space under section 18 of the Subdivision Act 1988:• has not been made at Certification

Digitally signed by Council Delegate:

<name> <Organisation><Date>

Digitally signed by Licensed Surveyor:<name> (<Organisation>), Surveyor’s Plan Version (<num>), <Date>

Land Victoria Plan Registered<time><date>

Council Name: < Organisation Name>

Council Reference Numbers:

Planning Permit:




• This plan is certified under section 6 of the Subdivision Act 1988 Statement of Compliance

Statement of Compliance

• This is a statement of compliance issued under section 21 of the Subdivision Act 1988 Public Open Space

Public Open Space

A requirement for public open space under section 18 of the Subdivision Act 1988:• has not been made at Certification

Digitally signed by Council Delegate:

<name> <Organisation><Date>

Digitally signed by Licensed Surveyor:<name> (<Organisation>), Surveyor’s Plan Version (<num>), <Date>

Land Victoria Plan Registered<time><date>

Council Name: < Organisation Name>

Council Reference Numbers:Planning Permit:Certification:SPEAR Ref:

Certification• This plan is certified under section 6 of the Subdivision Act

1988 Statement of Compliance

Statement of Compliance• This is a statement of compliance issued under section 21 of

the Subdivision Act 1988 Public Open Space

Public Open SpaceA requirement for public open space under section 18 of the Subdivision Act 1988:• has not been made at Certification

Digitally signed by Council Delegate:

<name> <Organisation><Date>

Land Victoria Plan Registered<time><date>

Digitally signed by Licensed Surveyor:<name> (<Organisation>), Surveyor’s Plan Version (<num>), <Date>

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Signatures back on the plan- Tech Note 4

In order to facilitate these changes, SPEAR is working with:

• Subdivision Branch

• Applications Branch

• Office of Surveyor General

Jointly, Land Victoria has designed a suite of plan templates that define the areas on the plan required to accommodate the improved watermarks

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Signatures back on the plan

The new templates aim to standardise what is required across dealing types. Seven templates have been developed which are suitable for use across a number of dealing types:

• Plans for Certification (Front portrait sheet plus portrait and landscape extension sheets – 3 templates)

• Plans of Survey, Crown Allotment and Boundary Plans (New front sheet plus same extension sheets – 1 extra template = 4)

• RE’s and TP’s (ditto = 4)

• Abstract of Field Records (Front landscape sheet and landscape extension sheet – 2 extra templates = 6)

• A seventh template will be specified for Surveyor’s Reports

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Signatures back on the plan- Implementation

Land Victoria

• Create new template files in DWG, LCD, DGN, DXF and PDF formats (to be available from the SPEAR website)

• Prepare a set of detailed document examples to illustrate how these templates should be applied across the various dealing types

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Signatures back on the plan- Implementation


• Ensure that enough information is being captured through the SPEAR process in order to apply more detailed watermarks (e.g. Survey Declarations)

• Update TechNote 4 with the new requirements

Surveying Industry

• Adopt the new templates(six months phase-in before Release 4.1 in April 2015)

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Emails / Notifications

• Feedback from users is that they receive too many SPEAR emails

• SPEAR team looking into alternatives and ways to reduce the number of email notifications - this is still in the conceptual phase

Discussion on these topics

• In the meantime, recommend users set up email rules to help with managing notifications - your IT team can assist to set this up

• Set the rules to filter emails that have the keyword ‘Action’ in the subject line

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SPEAR as a Subdivision Register

• Legislation requires Council to keep a register of applications under the Subdivision Act

• SPEAR is proposing to capture all of the information required for council to use it as a Subdivision Register

• This will be available to council users and the public via the SPEAR website

Feedback? Timing?

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Training and Service Desk Update

Applicants, Councils and Referral Authorities

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Release 4.0 Manage (Planning Permit) Conditions

Enhance the Conditions for SOC functionality:

• Local Administrator can customise list of ‘standard conditions’

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Release 4.0 Manage (Planning Permit) Conditions

• Responsible Authority users select whether each condition relates to ‘Certification’ or ‘SOC’

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Release 4.0 Manage (Planning Permit) Conditions

Enhance the Conditions for SOC functionality:

• SPEAR will amend the application status – e.g. Certification Decision Pending (Outstanding Conditions)

• Applicant Contacts and Referral Authorities may add comments and indicate conditions are satisfied

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Nominate Lodging Party

• Applicant Contacts can nominate an electronic Lodging Party when the application has been lodged with council

• Lodging Parties eligible to lodge electronically will be on a pick list

• This is mandatory prior to Releasing for Lodgement

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S52 notifications versus ‘For Comment’ Referrals

• Section 52 notices can be sent to referral authorities as part of advertising if they have interest in adjoining lot

• Gives referral authority an optional action to add submission

• This is separate to referral process

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S52 notifications versus ‘For Comment’ Referrals

• Council can send for comment or for information referrals

• Can be used if statutory referral not required but if the application may interest a referral authority

• This is separate to S52 advertising notices

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Formal and Informal RFIs

• At the latest round of SPEAR Enhancement Program sessions, some councils raised the need to have the ability to perform an ‘informal RFI’

• An RFI is typically used to ‘stop the clock’, but the function in SPEAR could be used to flag other requirements from the surveyor that do not necessarily impact statutory time frames

• The advantage is that an RFI places an action on the surveyor to respond to the request

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Formal and Informal RFIs

Would it be useful to introduce a function that mimics the RFI process, but that it be labelled something else so that it is clear that the request is not related to the RFI process?

Some ideas:

• Introduce ‘Additional Information Request’ to request information of the applicant contact with a corresponding mandatory action

• Enhance the current RFI function to give a ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ option

• Any other ideas?

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Development permits

• Processing combined permits for subdivision and development

• Some implications:

– Fee calculation won’t take into account additional categories

– Permit category will read ‘Subdivision’ (including Public Search)

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SPEAR Reports

• Reports are initially available only to Local Administrators within an organisation

• Local Administrators can choose to enable reports for all users within their organisation

• Users are invited to put suggestions for reports in writing and email them to [email protected] for consideration in a future release of SPEAR

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Reports - Responsible Authority

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Reports - Applicant Contact

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Reports - Referral Authority

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Report - Application Summary

Application Summary report

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Report - Referral Activity

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Report - Organisation Relationships

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SPEAR Documentation and Help

• Service Desk is reviewing help and support resources

• The team currently produces:

– Website content

– Comprehensive user guides

– Help pages in the SPEAR application

– Video demonstrations and tutorials

Which do you prefer to use?

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User Issues

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