Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship First Quarter 2012 INSIDE: p2 Teachers in Sandals: One Year Old/p3 Vatican Notes CORE GROUP ALL SET FOR 2012 The Core Group of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship met on 29 February 2012 to plan out the 2012 series of Teaching Night. Present during the meeting were Fr Sam Pulanco; Bro Denis Tutaka, cst; Bro Andrew Quirke, cst; Sis Melissa Kleyburg; Bro Jason Sharma; and Bro Mel B Libre. Among the plans discussed were: the schedule of Teaching Nights; the target number of members; and the development of guidelines toward becoming Certified Junior Teacher. The group agreed to hold Teaching Night every other Wednesday, 6pm at the Newman Hall. The date is preferred due to the availability of most of the members and because a Mass is celebrated just prior to the activity. The first three meetings will be held on 7 March, 21 March and 4 April. Bro Mel said that the group should target between 15-20 members, and asked everyone to help in inviting students to attend the Teaching Nights. Bro Denis committed to send out notices to all students in the mailing address data of the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy. With Bro Denis and Bro Andrew completing their first five basic speeches and recognised as Certified Student Teachers (cst), the next level that they can attain is “Certified Junior Teacher.” They are required to deliver 10 speech projects based on the Core Values of the Teachers in Sandals Fellowship. Within the next few weeks, the guidelines for the speech projects will be discussed by the Core Group for approval and adoption. For the Teaching Night on 7 March, the following are expected to deliver speeches: Bro Chris (Speech Project 1); Sis Melissa (SP3); and Bro Jason (SP4). Students are invited to attend. Food will be served after the programme.


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Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship

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Official Newsletter of Teachers in Sandals Fellowship First Quarter 2012

INSIDE: p2 Teachers in Sandals: One Year Old/p3 Vatican Notes

CORE GROUP ALL SET FOR 2012 The Core Group of Teachers in

Sandals Fellowship met on 29

February 2012 to plan out the

2012 series of Teaching Night.

Present during the meeting were

Fr Sam Pulanco; Bro Denis

Tutaka, cst; Bro Andrew Quirke,

cst; Sis Melissa Kleyburg; Bro

Jason Sharma; and Bro Mel B


Among the plans discussed were: the schedule

of Teaching Nights; the target number of

members; and the development of guidelines

toward becoming Certified Junior Teacher.

The group agreed to hold Teaching Night

every other Wednesday, 6pm at the Newman

Hall. The date is preferred due to the

availability of most of the members and

because a Mass is celebrated just prior to the activity. The first three meetings will be held on 7

March, 21 March and 4 April.

Bro Mel said that the group should target between 15-20 members, and asked everyone to help in

inviting students to attend the Teaching Nights. Bro Denis committed to send out notices to all

students in the mailing address data of the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy.

With Bro Denis and Bro Andrew completing their first five basic speeches and recognised as Certified

Student Teachers (cst), the next level that they can attain is “Certified Junior Teacher.” They are

required to deliver 10 speech projects based on the Core Values of the Teachers in Sandals

Fellowship. Within the next few weeks, the guidelines for the speech projects will be discussed by the

Core Group for approval and adoption.

For the Teaching Night on 7 March, the following are expected to deliver speeches: Bro Chris

(Speech Project 1); Sis Melissa (SP3); and Bro Jason (SP4). Students are invited to attend. Food will

be served after the programme.

TEACHERS IN SANDALS FELLOWSHIP: One Year Old On 18 March 2012, Teachers in Sandals Fellowship will mark its

first anniversary as a ministry on a mission “to carry on the

command of Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel to all peoples of the


Twelve participants signed up to join the Teachers in Sandals during the

Orientation Meeting at the Newman Hall last year. Fr Sam Pulanco,

Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain, said during that meeting: “There will

be occasions that each of us will be asked to make the opening prayer or

give a reflection. Oftentimes, we are unable to effectively deliver, as we

have not been trained to do it. ‘Teachers in Sandals’ is the forum where we

are able to practice and develop such skill not just in leading in praying or

in sharing reflections, but in non-religious occasions as well like job

interviews and making presentations.”

The ministry conducted 10 Teaching Nights starting

8 April until 10 October. In most instances, three

speakers delivered their Speech Projects, with other

participants acting as Programme Minister,

delivering jokes in Smilines, engaging in BQQ

(Bible Quotient Quiz) or giving constructive

criticism as Evaluator. Bro Denis Tutaka and Bro

Andrew Quirke completed the five basic speeches,

becoming the first two Certified Student Teachers.

On 11 November, Teachers in Sandals Fellowship

held in McLauren Chapel, the first Recognition

Affair where some of the members delivered their best speech projects before an audience. Bros

Denis and Andrew were formally recognised as Certified Student Teachers. The activity was made

special with Fr Sam serving as chef in a formal dinner.

Most elating were the positive comments of

some of the guests who attended the

Recognition Affair, who were impressed with

the confidence of the speakers who delivered

well-structured speeches about their faith.

2011 was a wonderful year of friendship, faith

and fellowship, and everyone looks forward to

more inspiring, more meaningful, more

enlightening sharing about one’s belief in God

Almighty in 2012.

Vatican Notes: . General Intention: That the whole Papal Intentions March 2012

world may recognize the contribution of women to the

development of society. Missionary Intention: That the Holy

Spirit may grant perseverance to those who suffer discrimination,

persecution, or death for the name of Christ, particularly in

Asia... Pope Benedict XVI asked Catholics for their prayers

Before as he began his weeklong Lenten retreat Feb. 26.

reciting the Angelus prayer at midday with visitors in St. Peter's

Square, he also prayed that all Catholics would "embrace the

spirit of this holy season, through prayer, fasting and

almsgiving”…. The 40 days of Lent are a time of spiritual

renewal in preparation for Easter, but they also are a time to

recognize that evil is at work in the world and even the

Catholic Church faces temptations, Pope Benedict XVI said. The pope explained the meaning of Lent during his weekly general audience Feb. 22, Ash

Wednesday. Like the people of Israel during their 40-year exodus and like Jesus during his 40

days in the desert, the Catholic Church and its members experience the grace of God, but also

are besieged by evil around them and are tempted by power and selfishness, the pope said.

Jesus, before beginning his public ministry, withdrew to the desert for 40 days. Fasting, "he

nourished himself on the word of God, which he used as a weapon to defeat the devil," the

pope said…Leaders and members of the Catholic Church do not have the authority to

determine its teaching and structure but are called to ensure its fidelity to Jesus and to

the faith passed on by the apostles, Pope Benedict XVI told the 22 new cardinals he

created. "The church is not self-regulating, she does not determine her own structure, but

receives it from the word of God, to which she listens in faith as she seeks to understand it

and to live it," the pope said in a homily Feb. 19 during a Mass concelebrated with the new

cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica. The College of Cardinals was expanded Feb. 18, and the new

members included Cardinals Timothy M. Dolan of New York; Edwin F. O'Brien, grand

master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem and former archbishop of

Baltimore; and Thomas C. Collins of Toronto… The

family is the church's best ally for raising a new

generation resistant to materialism and committed to

living out the Gospel, Pope Benedict XVI told

bishops from Africa and Europe. "Europe and Africa

need generous young people who know how to take

responsibility for their future," he said. All institutions,

like the family, school and church, "must be well aware

that these young people hold the future and that it is

important to do everything possible so that their journey

is not marked by uncertainty and darkness," he said. The pope made his remarks during a

Feb. 16 audience with 80 bishops, priests and other participants attending a joint conference

organized by the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar, known as

SECAM, and the Council of European Bishops' Conferences, known by the acronym CCEE. (All items taken from Catholic News Service)

What is Speech Project 1? It is entitled, “Who I Am”.

Time Allotted: 3- 5 minutes


1. To introduce one’s self to an audience

The easiest topic to talk about by an individual is one’s self. Nobody knows better about a person than the

person himself/herself. Some people may know something about you; but only you know the person that you

are – your family background, your experiences, your likes and dislikes, etc. Everything is generally at the top

of your head.

2. To talk in front of people

While there are those who speak before a group of people like they are talking to a friend, there are many who

find the task rather difficult. But one must realize that if one has to move forward in life, speaking before more

than two people, if not hundreds of people may be requisite. As a follower of Christ, it is our individual mission

to spread His teachings, and one of the most effective ways is to talk to those who care to listen. Teachers in

Sandals allow one to talk in front of people who have the best interest for you to grow as a fellow believer.

3. To start the journey towards becoming a teacher in sandals.

Speech project No. 1 is the starting point in pursuing the mission of spreading God’s Word through teaching and

other acts of love. We are like the fishermen who were called by Christ to become His disciples, who were at

first hesitant and doubtful, but through the teachings and examples of Jesus, they became apostles who spread

the Word of God to where the Holy Spirit sent them for the glory of His Name.



Dedicated volunteers spreading God’s

Word through teachings and through



To carry on the command of Jesus

Christ to spread the Gospel to all

peoples of the world

Scriptural Guides:

“And thou shalt speak

unto him, and put

words in his mouth:

and I will be with

thy mouth, and

with his mouth,

and will teach

you what ye

shall do.”

(Exodus 4:15)

“Whom we preach,

warning every man,

and teaching every

man in all wisdom;

that we may present

every man perfect in

Christ Jesus”

(Colossians 1:28) NOW OPEN TO STUDENTS