Spatial analysis of lanner falcon habitat preferences: Implications for agro-ecosystems management at landscape scale and raptor conservation Maurizio Sarà Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Palermo University, Via Archirafi 18, Italy article info Article history: Received 6 February 2014 Received in revised form 29 July 2014 Accepted 4 August 2014 Keywords: Falco biarmicus feldeggii Raptor conservation Generalized Linear Model Mediterranean steppe-like habitats Collaborative agri-environment schemes, cAES Favourability modelling abstract Sicily hosts the largest European population of the endangered lanner falcon, a poorly known species which needs conservation planning based on habitat preferences. A distribution model on 10 10 km cells of Sicily was described using Generalized Linear Models and variation partitioning methods. This modelling approach extracted explanatory factors, pure and joint effects of greatest influence from sub- sets of variables controlled for multi-collinearity and spatial autocorrelation. Analytical cartography used the environmental favourability function to assess habitat preferences, and the insecurity index esti- mated the degree to which lanner falcon occupancy is represented in the Natura2000 networks of Sicily. The lanner population is not randomly distributed across the geographical space as the significant latitu- dinal effect revealed. The most parsimonious explanatory model suggested traditional agro-ecosystems (i.e. arable lowlands and grasslands, with rugged terrains and cliffs) as the best predictors of lanner occu- pancy, and gave strong support to the negative effects of land abandonment and intensification (i.e. increase of heterogeneous areas and shrubby vegetation). The variation partitioning method suggested how an alteration of traditional agro-ecosystems might enhance interference competition with the peregrine falcon and limit lanner falcon occupancy. Most of the lanner falcon favourable habitats fall outside the Natura2000 networks, thus the main challenge for its conservation is represented by agri-environmental measures to be taken within the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. Conservation of traditional agro-ecosystems devoted to top-predators, like the lanner falcon, requires single environmental management agreements for multiple farm units, deployed at landscape scale on a network of favourable areas. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Complex gradients of anthropogenic disturbances and historical changes of land uses have created over millennia, the agro- sylvo-pastoral landscape mosaics (=agro-ecosystems) of the Mediterranean basin (Blondel and Aronson, 1999). Actually, these human-generated open landscapes contain more specialised bird communities than forests (Clavero and Brotons, 2010), and the high species diversity and endemism of the Mediterranean basin is documented as a global biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al., 2000). Biodiversity is one of the three priority levels for the European Union (EU), whose agricultural policies should have been adapted to halt the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 and beyond (European Commission, 2006). Nevertheless in the last decades, expansion of the EU and its common market continued driving agricultural intensification; and the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is influencing the management of nearly half of terrestrial area of Europe, so causing vast landscape-scale changes (Pe’er et al., 2014). According to Balmford et al. (2009), intensification of farming practices in flat and coastal areas and abandonment of less productive and marginal lands, represent the main threats of agri- culture on wildlife. These two opposite trends are rapidly changing friendly-to-wildlife farming systems (Brotons et al., 2004; Brambilla et al., 2008), and they will be even more enhanced, as forecasted by a range of future land-use change scenarios in the EU countries (Rounsevell et al., 2006). Changes in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems are affecting bird communities (Fonderflick et al., 2010; Sirami et al., 2008) and wildlife diversity (e.g. dung beetles, Zamora et al., 2007). Therefore, the widespread decline in European wildlife linked to agro-ecosystems currently presents a major conservation challenge (Butler et al., 2010; Green et al., 2005; Pain and Pienkowski, 1997), and understanding what http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2014.08.004 0006-3207/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. E-mail address: [email protected] Biological Conservation 178 (2014) 173–184 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Biological Conservation journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biocon

Spatial analysis of lanner falcon habitat preferences

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Page 1: Spatial analysis of lanner falcon habitat preferences

Biological Conservation 178 (2014) 173–184

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Spatial analysis of lanner falcon habitat preferences: Implicationsfor agro-ecosystems management at landscape scale and raptorconservation

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2014.08.0040006-3207/� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

E-mail address: [email protected]

Maurizio SaràDepartment of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Palermo University, Via Archirafi 18, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 6 February 2014Received in revised form 29 July 2014Accepted 4 August 2014

Keywords:Falco biarmicus feldeggiiRaptor conservationGeneralized Linear ModelMediterranean steppe-like habitatsCollaborative agri-environment schemes,cAESFavourability modelling

a b s t r a c t

Sicily hosts the largest European population of the endangered lanner falcon, a poorly known specieswhich needs conservation planning based on habitat preferences. A distribution model on 10 � 10 kmcells of Sicily was described using Generalized Linear Models and variation partitioning methods. Thismodelling approach extracted explanatory factors, pure and joint effects of greatest influence from sub-sets of variables controlled for multi-collinearity and spatial autocorrelation. Analytical cartography usedthe environmental favourability function to assess habitat preferences, and the insecurity index esti-mated the degree to which lanner falcon occupancy is represented in the Natura2000 networks of Sicily.The lanner population is not randomly distributed across the geographical space as the significant latitu-dinal effect revealed. The most parsimonious explanatory model suggested traditional agro-ecosystems(i.e. arable lowlands and grasslands, with rugged terrains and cliffs) as the best predictors of lanner occu-pancy, and gave strong support to the negative effects of land abandonment and intensification (i.e.increase of heterogeneous areas and shrubby vegetation). The variation partitioning method suggestedhow an alteration of traditional agro-ecosystems might enhance interference competition with theperegrine falcon and limit lanner falcon occupancy. Most of the lanner falcon favourable habitats falloutside the Natura2000 networks, thus the main challenge for its conservation is represented byagri-environmental measures to be taken within the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.Conservation of traditional agro-ecosystems devoted to top-predators, like the lanner falcon, requiressingle environmental management agreements for multiple farm units, deployed at landscape scale ona network of favourable areas.

� 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Complex gradients of anthropogenic disturbances and historicalchanges of land uses have created over millennia, the agro-sylvo-pastoral landscape mosaics (=agro-ecosystems) of theMediterranean basin (Blondel and Aronson, 1999). Actually, thesehuman-generated open landscapes contain more specialised birdcommunities than forests (Clavero and Brotons, 2010), and thehigh species diversity and endemism of the Mediterranean basinis documented as a global biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al., 2000).

Biodiversity is one of the three priority levels for the EuropeanUnion (EU), whose agricultural policies should have been adaptedto halt the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 and beyond (EuropeanCommission, 2006). Nevertheless in the last decades, expansion ofthe EU and its common market continued driving agricultural

intensification; and the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) isinfluencing the management of nearly half of terrestrial area ofEurope, so causing vast landscape-scale changes (Pe’er et al.,2014). According to Balmford et al. (2009), intensification offarming practices in flat and coastal areas and abandonment of lessproductive and marginal lands, represent the main threats of agri-culture on wildlife. These two opposite trends are rapidly changingfriendly-to-wildlife farming systems (Brotons et al., 2004;Brambilla et al., 2008), and they will be even more enhanced, asforecasted by a range of future land-use change scenarios in theEU countries (Rounsevell et al., 2006). Changes in Mediterraneanagro-ecosystems are affecting bird communities (Fonderflicket al., 2010; Sirami et al., 2008) and wildlife diversity (e.g. dungbeetles, Zamora et al., 2007). Therefore, the widespread declinein European wildlife linked to agro-ecosystems currently presentsa major conservation challenge (Butler et al., 2010; Green et al.,2005; Pain and Pienkowski, 1997), and understanding what

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specific land uses cause the most serious effects on wildlife andhow they might evolve is required to estimate anthropogenicimpacts on biodiversity of the Mediterranean basin (Donaldet al., 2001; Foster et al., 2003).

The recognized broad influence of the CAP on the EU biodiver-sity has promoted the Rural Development Regulation (Pillar 2 ofthe CAP), trying to promote the maintenance of agro-ecosystemsthrough measures designed to encourage farmers to protect andenhance habitat quality on their farmlands (Pe’er et al., 2014).Agri-environment schemes (AES) provide for payments to farmersin return for a service that is the maintenance of agricultural prac-tices allowing the conservation of threatened species (De laConcha, 2005; European Commission, 2005). AES were introducedinto EU law in the 1980s, and although designed primarily as a pro-duction control measure, they rapidly became the most importantsupport to biodiversity in agro-ecosystems across the wholeEurope (Whittingham, 2007). Depending on the species and land-scape studied, AES were successful for some species and neutralfor others (Batáry et al., 2011; Broyer et al., 2014; Reino et al.,2010), or even had negative effects (6% of cases reviewed inKleijn and Sutherland, 2003). Nonetheless, Kleijn and Sutherland(2003) found a positive response for biodiversity in the 54% ofcases reviewed across Europe, as well as many recent studies onplant and animal diversity did (e.g. Hiron et al., 2013; Kovács-Hostyánszki and Báldi, 2012; Pywell et al., 2012). Despite their pat-chy success (Sutherland, 2004) and debates on their effectiveness(Whittingham, 2011), AES still provide the major tool to supportconservation actions in agro-ecosystems (Stoate et al., 2009).

As main legislation for wildlife conservation, beside the insti-tution of National and Local Nature Parks and Reserves, the EUhas coordinated the implementation of a conservation networkat a large spatial scale, namely the Natura 2000 (N2000). Thisprotection network is based on the Birds (79/409/EEC, thenamended in 2009/147/EC) and Habitats Directive of the EuropeanUnion (92/43/EEC, consolidated in 2007), which focuses on thepreservation of the favourable conservation status of threatenedhabitats, animal and plant species (as listed in the Annexes ofboth Directives). In many EU countries, AES implementationforms a substantial part of nature protection relative to farmedlandscapes within the N2000 networks (European Commission,2005).

Species distribution models (SDM, Guisan and Thuiller, 2005)are increasingly being used to address a wide range of questionsin ecology, conservation and environmental sciences (Elith andLeathwick, 2009). In conservation biology, one major goal of regio-nal-scale modelling is to search for anthropogenic drivers (e.g. landuse change), abiotic factors (e.g. topography, climate), biotic inter-actions (e.g. competition), as well as historical and contingent fac-tors that shape species distributions; with the aim to assess theimpact of environmental changes and then support managementplans for species recovery (Guisan and Thuiller, 2005; Rodríguezet al., 2007). Species distribution models commonly follow a cor-relative approach to combine species occurrence data with envi-ronmental conditions where a species is known to be present orabsent, and then to build a representation of a species’ ecologicalaffinities (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000; Franklin, 2009). Modelpredictions based on this approach have made a considerable con-tribution to identification of species-environment relationships(Bustamante and Seoane, 2004; Di Vittorio et al., 2012; Laneet al., 2001) and conservation strategies (López-López et al.,2007a,b; Poirazidis et al., 2004) for threatened avian species inMediterranean area.

Within this context, the lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus), which isdistributed across Africa, the Middle East and South-easternEurope (Ferguson-Lee and Christie, 2001), is an ideal candidatefor testing the effects of potential land use changes on wildlife

and, if necessary, identifying conservation actions for threatenedspecies in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. The European subspe-cies of lanner falcon (F. b. feldeggii) is a medium-sized top predator,which inhabits Mediterranean steppe-like habitats, where it preysupon a variety of vertebrates, including diurnal and nocturnal rap-tors and carnivores (Massa et al., 1991). It is included in Annex I ofthe 2009/147/EC Bird Directive and is classified as vulnerable(Birdlife International, 2004), due to its small population and dis-persal range. The largest European population of F. b. feldeggii, isfound in Sicily (AA.VV., 2008; Sarà, 2008), but its range extendsto continental Italy (Andreotti et al., 2008). In spite of its rarityand unfavourable conservation status, very little is known aboutthe ecology and habitat requirements of this species (Andreottiand Leonardi, 2007).

The landscape perspective, involving the analysis of large terri-tories, has recently been targeted as the best approach towardsconservation (Pressey and Bottrill, 2009; Sanderson et al., 2002).Understanding how and where the lanner falcon occurs in a land-scape that is becoming increasingly degraded and fragmented byanthropogenic pressure is a necessary prerequisite for conserva-tion planning that aims to mitigate the population decline in itscore Mediterranean range. Therefore, the first purpose of this studywas to model the distribution of the lanner falcon at the landscapescale, to categorise the environmental features that best predict itshabitat preferences.

As an Annex-I species, the lanner falcon would benefit fromSpecial Protected Areas (SPAs) implemented on behalf of the BirdsDirective. The Insecurity index can be used to assess the degree towhich any target species is represented in an existing system ofprotected areas (Díaz-Gómez et al., 2013). Therefore, the secondpurpose of this study was to quantify how much of the regionalN2000 network envelops the species’ habitat preferences to furtherimplement conservation actions.

The aims in more detail were: (i) to check whether there is aspatial structure in lanner falcon occupancy; (ii) to identify thelandscape factors that influence its occupancy in Sicily; (iii) toassess whether the current regional N2000 network is adequateto preserve the population; (iv) to highlight conservation actionsrequired to viably maintain, inside and outside the N2000 net-works, the largest European population of lanner falcons.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study area

Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, was selected as a studyarea that is representative of the lanner falcon range. It extendsover an area of 25,832 km2 and is one of the most populatedregions of Italy (193 inhabitants per km2). Almost 24.4% of the ter-ritory is mountainous, 61.4% is composed of highlands, and 14.2%of the surface is lowland. Forests and Mediterranean vegetation,of which almost 6–8% burns every year, cover 8.4% of the surfacearea (APAT, 2005). There is considerable habitat heterogeneity inhilly and flat inland areas, where cultivation zones (especially ara-ble land, fodder, vineyards and olive orchards) alternate with forestpatches of non-native species (Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp.), nat-ural evergreen woodlands (Quercus spp.), Mediterranean xericgrasslands and shrub vegetation.

2.2. Census and the measurement of variables at the landscape scale

The database of lanner falcon occupancy (i.e. presence/absence)was obtained from the Atlas of Sicily (AA.VV., 2008) and from spe-cific field surveys in the breeding territories (Andreotti andLeonardi, 2007; Di Vittorio, 2007). Together with collaborators

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well-versed in the behaviour and ecology of the lanner falcon, wemonitored its population from 2000 to 2009, and we counted122 different breeding territories; 93 of which were regularly occu-pied (i.e. those with individuals showing courtship behaviour,breeding attempts and chick-rearing during at least 80% of thestudy duration). Twenty-nine sites were excluded because theywere used irregularly for breeding, were deserted or were defi-nitely occupied by the peregrine falcon (F. peregrinus brookei). Allselected territories were visited at least three times during eachbreeding season: from late January to early March, to check pairsettlement or site desertion and to search for alternative sitesnearby; from mid-March to late April during the incubation stageand from early May to mid-June during brooding and chick fledg-ing. For the purposes of this study, the occupancy of lanner falconswas expressed in terms of territorial pairs, irrespective of repro-duction and breeding success. Observations were made using bin-oculars and telescopes on clear days and 200–500 m from thenesting cliffs to avoid disturbance to the falcons.

To describe the distribution of lanner falcons at the landscapespatial scale in Sicily, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)grid was employed, as it is commonly used in ornithological stud-ies (e.g. Gregory and Baillie, 1998; Martínez et al., 2003). For thestudy of habitat preferences, a case-control design (Manly et al.,2002) was used. The coordinates and characteristics of the lannerfalcon nest sites were recorded in the field using a Garmin GPS,identified on 1:50,000-scale maps and then assigned to a UTM cell.A digital map of nest sites was generated and is not publicly avail-able. During the study period, some pairs moved their nest-sites toalternative ones in nearby cliffs. Very often, alternative sites werewithin the same UTM cell, but in case of UTM changes, the mostfrequently used (P6 years) UTM cell was taken during the studyperiod as a reference for calculation. Distributional data recordedaccording to this protocol would reasonably minimise the risk offalse absences in UTM cells.

The UTM grid divided the island’s territory into 289, 10 � 10 kmcells; 16 coastal cells with less than 2.5 km2 of land were excludedand only 273 cells were sampled and taken into consideration.Ninety-three UTM cells occupied by lanner falcons were thus com-pared with 180 unoccupied ones. Thirty environmental variablesplus two geographic coordinates were extracted from occupiedand unoccupied UTM squares (Table 1), using a GeographicalInformation System (ArcGIS 9.0). Three bioclimatic variables wereobtained from SCIA (2008). Ecological variables were representedby the list of potential prey species of the lanner falcon, identifiedfrom regional studies (Grenci and Di Vittorio, 2004; Massa et al.,1991); whereas other local studies (Andreotti et al., 2008; Ciaccioet al., 1989) identified potential cliff competitors for the breedingspace, such as corvids and other raptors. The UTM occupancies ofboth types of species were obtained from the Regional Atlas data-base (AA.VV., 2008). Altitude and slope variables were obtainedfrom a digital elevation model (DEM) with 20 m pixels for horizon-tal and vertical resolution, provided by the Department ofEnvironment and Land Management of Sicily. The land-use subsetencompassed seven variables of land-use extents in hectareswithin each 10 � 10 km UTM cell, as coded at the second or thirdhierarchical level (EEA, 2000) and acquired from GIS databases ofCORINE Land Cover (CLC) digital maps (scale 1:25,000) of Sicily(http://dataservice.eea.europa.eu/dataservice). For each plot, afurther subset representing quantitative land-use changes wascalculated, with seven additional variables that expressed the per-centage variation in land-use extents in 2006, with respect to thoserecorded in 2000 (i.e. = [(area of 2006 land use x – area of 2000 landuse x)/cell area]; cf. Table A1). Fragmentation of the landscape rep-resented the last subset (n = 7 variables) and included the shape,edges and diversity measurements of land-use patches, metricallydefined in Forman (1995) and McGarigal and Marks (1995), and

calculated by patch analysis (Rempel et al., 2008) from CLC digitalmaps.

Multi-collinearity was checked, to avoid the interdependenceamong explanatory variables, which would hamper model selec-tion, parameter estimation and the interpretation of results inregression analyses (Grosbois et al., 2008). A preliminary analysisof multiple correlations among the candidate variables was per-formed and all variables with a Variance Inflation Factor P 5 (i.e.Pearson R2 P 0.80; Montgomery and Peck, 1982) were excluded.The multi-collinearity tests rejected 17 variables (not reported inTable 1) from a former set of 47 potential candidates. The remain-ing 30 environmental variables (Table 1) therefore represent scaledand independent measures of the type and predominance of thelandscape features in the study area. Accordingly, they correspondto adequate proxies for modelling the effects of the landscape com-position on the lanner falcon occupancy in Sicily and are thusexpected to predict the realized species distributions (Soberón,2007).

Finally, the spatial autocorrelations among environmental vari-ables and geographical factors were considered, because theycould potentially structure the realized distribution of lanner fal-cons and bias ecological inference when not adequately controlled(Keitt et al., 2002; Legendre et al., 2004). Spatial structuring in spe-cies distributions might result not only from autocorrelationamong environmental predictors, but also from the influence ofcontagious population dynamics and historical factors (Seguradoet al., 2006). The latent spatial structures in the distribution ofthe lanner falcon were considered by incorporating two furthervariables, the central latitude (LAT) and longitude (LON) of eachUTM cell, and making use of a third-degree polynomial equationto express the geographical coordinates of the sample locations(Legendre and Legendre, 1998; Lobo et al., 2002). A preliminaryforward stepwise regression with the nine terms of the polynomialequation as predictor variables and the presence/absence of thelanner falcon as a response variable was carried out to removenon-significant spatial terms (P > 0.05; Carrete et al., 2007).

2.3. Species distribution model and environmental favourabilityanalysis

To restrict model predictions and provide a solid application ofSDMs to the problem of describing the lanner falcon distribution inSicily, data on the presence and absence (p/a) of the species wereused for modelling (Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000; Jiménez-Valverde et al., 2008), based on statistical background as moredetailed in online Appendix A1.

Environmental variables were standardised (mean 0 and vari-ance 1) to eliminate the effect of differences in the original scaleof measurement. Statistical significance was set in all analyses atP < 0.05, and means ± standard errors (SE) were reported. Statisticswere computed in STATISTICA 10.0 (www.statsoft.com).

A Generalized Linear Model (GLZ, see Hosmer and Lemeshow,2000) was used to build a model in which the response variablewas binomial (p/a = 1/0) followed by a logit link function and abinomial distribution of error structure (McCullagh and Nelder,1989). All variables were modelled as continuous, except for thepresence/absence of the peregrine falcon, which was entered inmodels as categorical (p/a = 1/0). The complete set of candidatepredictors was separated in different subsets (Table 1) and inde-pendent statistical modelling procedures were performed for eachsubset, in order to avoid over-parameterisation and over-fitting(Grosbois et al., 2008).

Stepwise procedures are considered an effective data analysistool when the outcome being studied is new, or the importanceof individual covariates is not known (Hosmer and Lemeshow,2000). Although the use of stepwise logistic regressions has been

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Table 1Explanatory variables (n = 32) used at the UTM 10 � 10 km scale to model habitat favourability of lanner falcon in Sicily. All variables expressed as median values, if no otherwisespecified. Land uses are expressed in hectares and refer to CORINE Land Covers (CLC) with current EEA (2000) codes between brackets.

Predictor set Code Variable

Spatial coordinates n = 2 LON Central longitude (�E)LAT Central latitude (�N)

Topographic n = 5 SLO_m Mean slopeSLO_r Range of slope (min–max)ALT_r Range of altitude above sea level

Bioclimatic n = 3 BCI Bioclimatic index of Rivas-Martínez (1988)DAI De Martonne aridity indexAAR Annual accumulated rainfall (mm)

Ecological n = 3 p/a_FPER Presence/absence of peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus brookei)S_PREY Number of potential lanner prey speciesS_CLIFF Number of cliff dwellers species (Raptors and Corvids)

Land use extent n = 7 ART Urban fabrics, Artificial soil and infrastructures (11, 12, 13, 14)ARA Arable land (21)PER Permanent crops (22)HET Heterogeneous agricultural areas (24)FOR Forests and woodlands (31)SHR Shrubby vegetation associations (322, 323, 324)GRZ Natural grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas (321, 333)

Land use change n = 7 ART_var 2000-06 variation (%) of artificial land use areaARA_var 2000-06 variation (%) of arable land areaPER_var 2000-06 variation (%) of permanent crop extensionHET_var 2000-06 variation (%) of heterogeneous agricultural areasFOR_var 2000-06 variation (%) of forestsSHR_var 2000-06 variation (%) of shrubby vegetation associationsGRZ_var 2000-06 variation (%) of grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas

Habitat mosaic n = 7 SDI CLC shannon diversity indexS Number of CLCsPRD Patch richness densityMPS Mean patch sizeMSI Mean shape indexMPE Mean patch edgeED Edge density of patches

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criticised (Whittingham et al., 2006), they have been broadly used(Pearce and Ferrier, 2000; Thuiller, 2003) and still considered ableto increase the explanatory power of models (Murtaugh, 2009). Foreach logistic regression model, a forward stepwise procedure wasinitially used, including all variables and their interactions in agiven subset at once and the removal of non-significant variables(Wald’s test, P to enter = 0.05; P to remove = 0.05, n = 100 itera-tions). As a second step, the explanatory power of each indepen-dent logistic model was compared, using an informationtheoretic approach involving Akaike’s information criterion (AIC;Akaike, 1973). All models were evaluated by ranking those fromthe lowest (best) to the highest (worst), computing the differencebetween each model’s AIC value and that of the lowest model(DAIC). Finally, the Akaike model weight (AICw), which averagesthe ranked models, so that the sum of weights over the set of can-didate models is 1 (Conroy and Carroll, 2009) was obtained. If twomodels differed by less than two AIC points, they were consideredto receive nearly identical support from the data (Burnham andAnderson, 2002). As a final step, the above procedures wererepeated, considering only the significant explanatory variableswith the lowest AIC values, to extract the final subset that best pre-dicts the occupancy of lanner falcons (Murtaugh, 2009). Over 1200combinations of these significant variables hold in pairs, trios, etc,were evaluated and ranked by AIC to find the final model with thebest explanatory power.

Logistic regression equations usually employed in habitat pref-erence modelling compute probability values based not only on thevalues of the predictor variables, but also on the relative propor-tion of individual presences and absences within the dataset. Incases of high prevalence of absences, as in the lanner falcon datasethere (180 absences out of 273 UTM cells), the logistic regression

does not adequately describe the species’ environmental suitabil-ity; therefore a favourability function not conditioned by the pres-ence/absence ratio (Real et al., 2006) was used. This modification oflogistic regression assesses the variation in the probability ofoccurrence of species in certain local conditions, with respect tothe overall species prevalence; so that favourability values reflectonly the environmental conditions that are appropriate for the spe-cies (Acevedo and Real, 2012). Favourability values were obtainedfrom the probability values yielded by the logistic regression inthis way:

F ¼ P=ð1� PÞn1=n0 þ P=ð1� PÞ

where P is the logistic probability value, n1 is the number of pres-ences and n0 the number of absences (see details in Real et al.,2006). The environmental threshold was set at F = 0.5 to averagethe species’ prevalence over the entire sample area.

To assess the classification accuracy of the models, the values ofa confusion matrix were used to calculate the correct classificationrate (CCR), sensitivity (the ratio of correctly predicted presences tothe total number of presences), specificity (the ratio of correctlypredicted absences to the total number of absences), and the AreaUnder the Curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic,which is a measure of the overall probability that a presence sitehas higher predicted favourability than an absence site. Again,the favourability classification threshold was set at F = 0.5, as thebest compromise to minimize the difference between sensitivityand specificity; and for species, like the lanner falcon, which haverelatively restricted range (Barbosa et al., 2013). In addition, fournew measures that complete the scrutiny of distribution model

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predictions were used (Barbosa et al., 2013). The under-predictionand over-prediction rates (UPR and OPR, respectively) assess pre-diction mismatch in SDMs from the perspective of the predictedrather than observed data. Model equilibrium between theobserved and the potential area of occupancy have been measuredby the potential presence and absence increments (PPI and PAI,respectively).

A variation partitioning procedure (Legendre and Legendre,1998; Lobo et al., 2002) was performed to identify how much ofthe variation of the final model was explained exclusively by eachfactor (i.e. pure effect, R2

pi), and how much was attributable to theirjoint effects (i.e. intersection, R2

ij). The total variation within theoccupancy of the lanner falcon was decomposed among three groupsof explanatory variables (p/a of the peregrine falcon, topography,land-use extent and change) obtained from the final model. The pro-portion of the variation explained, as pure effect and intersection, byeach group of explanatory variables was obtained by performinglogistic regressions of lanner falcon p/a data on the final modeland on pair-wise combinations of the three explanatory groups.Then, the values obtained in the final model were regressed on thoseyielded by: (i) the three single groups; (ii) the three combinations oftwo groups (e.g., p/a peregrine falcon plus topography, etc); and (iii)the three groups taken together. This allowed to assess the variationattributable to any pure and intersection effect by subtraction of theadjusted Pearson coefficients of determination (e.g. for intersectionof i and j: R2

ij = R2i+j – (R2

pi + R2pj); see details in Legendre and

Legendre, 1998 pp. 529–538; and Muñoz et al., 2005).

2.4. Mapping environmental favourability

The area occupied by the lanner falcon that was classified asfavourable after modelling its occupancy, was used to evaluatethe degree to which the lanner falcon is represented in the existingN2000 areas and to further identify areas of conservation impor-tance for future conservation efforts. Favourability values for thelanner falcon in each UTM cell indicate how the local probabilityof presence differs from that expected by chance in the wholestudy area, taking 0.5 as the threshold above which presence ismore likely than absence (Real et al., 2006). To establish unambig-uously differences between favourable and unfavourable cells(Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000; Real et al., 2006) the favourabilityvalues obtained for each 10 � 10 km UTM cells were distinguishedinto three classes: <0.20 (unfavourable, i.e. with odds less than1:4); 0.20–0.80 (intermediate favourability, with intermediateodds); and >0.80 (favourable, i.e. with odds more than 4:1). Oncethe analytical cartography was generated, the overall Insecurityindex of the lanner falcon, which represents the proportion ofthe fuzzy set of favourable areas for that species not included inthe fuzzy set of protected areas (Díaz-Gómez et al., 2013) wasmeasured.

In Sicily (http://www.artasicilia.eu/old_site/web/natura2000/index.html), 196 areas (172 Sites of Community Interests (SCI),11 Special Protection Areas (SPA) and 13 SPA/SCIs) encompassthe N2000 networks suitable for the lanner falcon, once excludedmarine, beach and strictly coastal protected areas. Two networkswere independently considered: (i) the ensemble of SPAs andSPA/SCIs specifically designated to protect birds under the BirdsDirective, here-to-after the SPA network; (ii) the total regionalensemble of protected areas (i.e., Regional Parks and Reserves, SCIs,SPAs and SPA/SCIs), here-to-after the ALL network. Firstly, the vec-tor map on protected areas was intersected with the UTM pro-jected grid of Sicily. For each polygon of the UTM projected grid,the intersected areas were used to calculate the proportion of thepolygon covered by protected areas (Pj). Pj ranges between 0 and1, with a polygon receiving a value of 1 when is completely coveredby protected areas. Then the extent and percentage of both

networks of protected areas in the collection of 273 UTM cells werestatistically correlated to favourability values of the same cells, andused to obtain Insecurity indexes (0–1) for the lanner falcon.Insecurity indexes were calculated at UTM cell level and then aver-aged to the collection of UTM cells representing Sicily to obtain theoverall Insecurity index and its upper and lower confidence limitsat 95% (UCL95% and LCL95%) for both SPA and ALL networks(Díaz-Gómez et al., 2013).

3. Results

3.1. Lanner distribution model

The occupancy of lanner falcons had a significant geographicaleffect, as the stepwise GLZ selected the latitude (Wald statis-tic = 18.663; P = 0.00002) and its interaction with longitude (Waldstatistic = 15.477; P = 0.00008). This significant geographical effectwas retained in modelling each subset (Table 2). With regards tothe topographic subset, the GLZ showed that the probability offinding a UTM cell occupied by lanner falcons increases with themean slope (SLO_m), but decreases with the interactions betweenthe mean slope and latitude (SLO_m � LAT), and between themean slope and altitude range (SLO_m � ALT_r); the altitude range(ALT_r), the interaction between the altitude range and latitude(ALT_r � LAT) and between latitude and longitude (LAT � LON).In the bioclimatic subset, both the negative effect of interactionbetween the bioclimatic index and latitude (BCI � LAT) and againLAT and LAT � LON, were selected, the first coordinate with a posi-tive effect and the second with a negative effect on lanner falconoccupancy (Table 2). In the ecological subset, LAT and LAT x LONwere also selected with the same effects as above, together withthe negative effect of the presence of peregrine falcons. Several sin-gle land-use variables, such as the extent of arable areas (ARA),natural grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas (GRZ), heteroge-neous agricultural areas (HET), and forests and woodlands (FOR),as well as the interaction between arable and natural grasslands(ARA � GRZ) increased the probability of lanner falcon occupancy,whereas the interaction between arable and heterogeneous agri-cultural areas (ARA � HET) and that of latitude and longitudedecreased such probability. Modelling the land-use change in2000–2006 yielded the positive effect of latitude in the variationof natural grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas (GRZ_var � LAT)on the probability of lanner falcon occupancy; contrariwise to thenegative effect of variation in permanent crops (PER_var), of inter-action between the variation of heterogeneous agricultural areasand shrubby vegetation associations (HET_var � SHR_var), and oflatitude and longitude. The habitat mosaic subset (Table 2) pro-vided the selection of the interaction between mean shape indexand mean patch size (MSI �MPE), and that of the number of CLCsand latitude (S � LAT), both with negative effects on lanner falconoccupancy, together with the usual effects of LAT and LAT � LON.

The AIC values for each model ranged from 276.354 to 321.154(Table 3). The lowest AIC value was obtained for the land-usemodel that therefore ranked first (DAIC = 0.0) with the highestAICw (0.9997). The second topographic model ranked outside the2 AIC values (DAIC = 16.249) and had a negligible weight(AICw = 2.961E�04. The bioclimatic model ranked in the last place,with the worst performance. The discrimination performances ofthese models are also shown in Table 3. For every model, sensitiv-ity, specificity, CCR and AUC measured the proportion of observa-tions that are correctly predicted; whereas UPR and OPRmeasured the proportion of predictions that are not matched byobservations; PPI and PAI measured the model equilibriumbetween potential and observed occupancy with respect to the ref-erence absence of differences (i.e. reference PPI and PAI = 0). The

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Table 2Parameter estimates, standard errors (SE) and Wald test statistics of independent predictor subsets, as obtained by Generalized Linear Models, showing predictors significantlyaffecting the probability of lanner falcon occupancy in Sicily at landscape scale.

Subset Variable Estimate SE Wald p

Topographic Intercept �0.405 0.218 3.463 0.063SLO_m 1.478 0.407 19.443 0.000SLO_m � LAT �0.064 0.374 3.936 0.047SLO_m � ALT_r �0.733 0.521 11.479 0.001ALT_r �1.042 0.473 4.979 0.026ALT_r � LAT �0.733 0.521 9.291 0.002LON � LAT �2.094 1.351 12.837 0.000

Bioclimatic Intercept �0.570 0.199 8.180 0.004BCI � LAT �0.419 0.321 5.206 0.023LAT 2.409 1.213 7.734 0.005LON � LAT �3.027 1.236 11.029 0.001

Ecological Intercept �0.715 0.202 12.524 0.000p/a_FPER �0.365 0.192 14.429 0.000LAT 3.677 1.115 12.845 0.000LON � LAT �4.069 1.133 14.921 0.000

Land use extent Intercept �0.445 0.343 1.686 0.194ARA 1.905 0.542 30.628 0.000GRZ 0.463 0.393 15.079 0.000ARA � GRZ 1.122 0.438 7.410 0.006ARA � HET �0.863 0.326 7.228 0.007HET 0.394 0.324 6.788 0.009HET � LAT �0.369 0.295 4.002 0.045FOR 1.315 0.550 3.967 0.046LON � LAT �0.613 2.067 9.700 0.002

Land use change Intercept �0.629 0.271 5.406 0.020PER_var �0.163 0.308 3.900 0.048HET_var � SHR_var �0.487 0.271 7.086 0.008GRZ_var � LAT 0.686 0.304 6.723 0.010LAT 4.725 1.521 11.627 0.001LON � LAT �5.594 1.560 16.171 0.000

Habitat mosaic Intercept �0.662 0.759 0.760 0.383S � LAT �2.242 1.221 4.419 0.036MPS �MSI �2.210 2.244 5.696 0.017LAT 2.780 1.455 11.613 0.001LON � LAT �3.158 1.474 14.204 0.000

Final best subset Intercept �1.151 0.213 29.353 0.000p/a_FPER �0.865 0.195 19.614 0.000SLO_m 1.191 0.342 12.136 0.000ALT_r �0.835 0.388 4.647 0.031ARA 1.236 0.225 30.111 0.000ARA � HET �0.572 0.238 5.802 0.016ARA � GRZ 0.579 0.230 6.327 0.012HET_var � SHR_var �0.625 0.216 8.380 0.004GRZ_var � LAT 0.466 0.202 5.328 0.021S � LAT �0.816 0.210 15.058 0.000

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land-use extent model was confirmed as the best one to describethe occupancy of the lanner falcon, because it showed the rela-tively highest sensitivity, specificity, AUC and CCR and the lowestUPR values. Mismatches of remaining models were, however, rela-tively acceptable ranging between 0.172 and 0.383 for UPR; andbetween 0.244 and 0.536 for OPR. After the land-use extent model,the topographic and ecological models were the second and third,respectively most in equilibrium, due to their relatively lower PPIand PAI (Table 3).

Despite their large drop in DAICs and negligible AICw, somemodels (e.g., topographic, ecological) showed a comparable dis-crimination performance with respect to the highest-rankedmodel. In addition, the geographical effect of latitude and its inter-action with longitude was recurrent in all models. Therefore, tounravel the effects of the geographical variables and other singleexplanatory variables contained within each of the six models,logistic regressions were repeated with the significant variablespreviously extracted. The best subset of explanatory variables pre-dicting the occupancy of the lanner falcon selected a mix of ninevariables from all subsets except for the bioclimatic one and is also

shown in Table 2. These variables are: three land uses (ARA,ARA � GRZ, ARA � HET), two topographic (SLO_m and ALT_r),two land-use changes (HET_var � SHR_var, GRZ_var � LAT), onehabitat mosaic (S � LAT) and one ecological (p/a peregrine). Thefinal best subset had a lower AIC (240.611) with respect to theland-use extent model alone, and improved the estimates of cor-rectly predicted observations (specificity = 0.789; CCR = 0.795 andAUC = 0.883). In addition, the final best subset had a lower mis-match between predictions and observations (UPR = 0.113 andOPR = 0.336) and the most acceptable equilibriums betweenpotential and observed occupancies (PPI = 0.215 and PAI = �0.111;Table 3). For two measures (sensitivity and UPR), the land-useextent model outperformed the final best subset. The results ofthe model variation partitioning (Fig. 1) indicate that 55.6% of var-iation within the final model is accounted for by the pure effect oftotal land uses (i.e. considering extent, change and CLC number alltogether); 6.9% is explained by the pure effect of p/a of the pere-grine falcon; and 1.1% by the pure effect of topography. The jointeffect between topography and p/a of the peregrine falcon(18.8%) was the strongest combination between groups of

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Table 3Most significant models explaining lanner falcon occupancy obtained for each combination of explanatory factors using variables in Table 2. Independent models are rankedaccording to their discrimination performances starting from the best, with lowest AIC and DAIC and highest AICw. Classification power of models is measured by highestSensitivity, Specificity, AUC and CCR. UPR and OPR measure misclassification rate of models estimating proportion of predictions not matched by observations. PPI and PAImeasure equilibrium between the model and the species’ distribution.

Land use extent Topographic Ecological Land use change Habitat mosaic Bioclimatic Final best subset

DF 8 6 3 5 4 3 9AIC 276.354 292.603 311.828 314.698 315.997 321.154 240.611DAIC 0 16.249 35.474 38.344 39.643 44.8 0AICw 0.9997 2.96E�04 1.98E�08 4.72E�09 2.46E�09 1.87E�10 0.536a

Sensitivity 0.828 0.731 0.710 0.720 0.493 0.763 0.807Specificity 0.756 0.667 0.650 0.600 0.837 0.544 0.789UPR 0.105 0.172 0.188 0.194 0.383 0.183 0.113OPR 0.364 0.469 0.488 0.518 0.244 0.536 0.336PPI 0.301 0.376 0.387 0.495 �0.348 0.645 0.215PAI �0.156 �0.194 �0.200 �0.256 0.356 �0.333 �0.111CCR 0.780 0.689 0.670 0.641 0.663 0.619 0.795AUC 0.834 0.790 0.746 0.734 0.729 0.719 0.883

AIC = Akaike’s Information Criterion.DAIC = AIC differences from the first ranked model.AICw = AIC weight.AUC = area under curve.CCR = correct classification rate.UPR = under-prediction rate.OPR = over-prediction rate.PPI = potential presence increment.PAI = potential absence increment.DF = degree of freedom.

a AICw calculated with respect to the second ranked best subset model (AIC = 243.566; DAIC 3.0; DF = 8) which is identical to the first but lacks ALT_r (cf. Table 2, final bestsubset).

M. Sarà / Biological Conservation 178 (2014) 173–184 179

explanatory factors, followed by the joint effect between topogra-phy and land-use variables (15.3%) and then by the joint effectbetween total land-uses and p/a of the peregrine falcon (10.9%).The joint combination of three groups had a negative value(�8.8%), meaning that all nine variables contained within the bestsubset have strong opposing effects on the occupancy of lannerfalcons in the landscape.

Fig. 1. Values shown in the Venn diagram are the percentage of variation obtainedby partitioning the total sum of squared deviation of the response variable for eachpure and intersection effect of final model. P/A peregrine = effect of presence/absence in the UTM cell of peregrine falcon; Topography = effects of slope meanplus altitudinal range; Land use = effects of land uses extent (ARA, ARA x HET, ARA xGRZ), plus variation of land use extent in 2000–2006 (HET_var � SHR_var,GRZ_var � LAT) and latitudinal variation of land uses richness (S � LAT).

3.2. Mapping lanner environmental favourability

Analytical cartography for lanner falcon occupancy, as derivedfrom the nine explanatory variables selected in the best subsetmodel and scaled from unfavourable to favourable values (0–1)is represented in Fig. 2, which also shows the shapes of all pro-tected areas forming the N2000 networks of Sicily. Visual inspec-tion of Fig. 2 already allows an awareness of the mismatchamong shapes of the protected area systems and the UTM cellswith favourable values (F > 0.80); as confirmed by the negative sta-tistical correlation between the extent of all areas in the N2000network and favourability values in UTM cells (s Kendall = �0.09;P < 0.05; Fig. A1). The overall Insecurity indexes calculated overthe SPA network (I = 0.903; LCL–UCL 95% = 0.894–0.910) and overthe ALL areas network (I = 0.834; LCL-UCL 95% = 0.820–0.840)quantified the great proportion of the set of favourable areas forthe lanner falcon which is not included in the two networks. Mostof such areas are located in open landscapes and agro-systems ofwestern and central Sicily; outside from, or contouring largeN2000 sites and Regional parks located mostly in north-easternand south-eastern of Sicily (Fig. 2).

The study area represents 96.7% of whole of Sicily and the cur-rent N2000 network sampled in the study area is slightly smaller(<1%) than the whole network of Sicily. Arable land, natural grass-land and other steppe-like areas belonging to favourable agro-ecosystems for the lanner falcon encompass around 1,000,000 ha,representing 42% of the study area (Table 4). Approximately onethird of these agro-ecosystems (34%) fall within UTM cells withhigh environmental favourability, 46% within the intermediate

favourability category, and the remaining 20% within unfavourablecells. Yet, a little more than 50% of lanner falcon occupancy (50 out93 UTM cells) corresponds to UTM cells with environmentalfavourability. Total extent of protected areas with environmentalfavourability for the lanner falcon are around 45,000 ha of theSPA network, and 76,000 ha of the ALL N2000 network, thus corre-sponding to a little 2–3% of Sicily. On average 7.93% and 13% ofeach UTM cell extent is protected, under the SPA and ALL network,respectively (Table 4). Those figures are very low with respect thecorresponding extents (some 500,000 ha in both networks) andaverages (some 90% of cell extents in both networks) of areas stillunsecure and unprotected but classified as environmentally

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favourable. The intermediate environmental favourability categoryhas also important figures, hosting 40 of the lanner falcon occu-pancy cells and relatively higher extents and percentages of pro-tected areas in both N2000 networks.

4. Discussion

Occupancy data were used to discriminate the environmentalfactors capable of explaining the potentially favourable habitatsfor the lanner falcon in a Mediterranean landscape. A good fit ofa model does not necessarily imply a straight causal relationshipbetween species distribution and the selected habitat predictors(Austin et al., 1996). Nonetheless, the modelling procedure sug-gested that a limited number of topographical, human-relatedand ecological variables might describe lanner falcon occupancyin the study area.

Fig. 2. Predictive cartography of lanner falcon occupancy in Sicily. Average favourabilitrespectively) in each UTM 10 � 10 km cell of Sicily are shown on a scale ranging from unand superimposed to the total ensemble of Natura 2000 network (SPA, SCI, SPA/SCI, Par

The population of lanner falcons in Sicily is not randomly dis-tributed across space, as indicated by the significant spatial auto-correlation effect of latitude, its interaction with longitude andwith some other significant predictors, across independent model-ling. The retention of such spatial component suggests that thespecies distribution is most probably related to geographical orhistorical factors or to processes of population dynamics(Legendre and Legendre, 1998). The geographical effect mightactually be the most convincing explanation, as more occupiedcells exist in south-western, southern and central areas than otherparts of the island. The spatial signal would thus coincide with thegeographical distribution of suitable sites and the aggregation ofthe occupation cells (Sarà, 2008).

The parsimonious GLZ explanatory model suggested that themost favourable habitats for the lanner falcon are large steppe-likeareas at low altitudes, with large mean slope values. A preference

y values and their lower and upper confidence 95% limits (LCL 95% and UCL 95%,favourable (white) to intermediate (lighter grey) and favourable cells (darker grey)k, Preserves).

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Table 4The extents and percentage of favourability classes obtained after modelling the lanner falcon distribution in Sicily. Two current Natura 2000 protection scenarios have beencompared: SPA = Special Protected Areas; ALL = the ensemble of SPAs, Sites of Conservation Interest (SCIs), Natural Parks and Preserves, etc. of the study area (2,465,660.94 ha).

Favourable F > 0.80 Intermediate favourability F = 0.20–0.80 Unfavourable F < 0.20 Total

Total extent of cereal steppes 352850.08 473623.35 210558.33 1037031.75Lanner falcon occupancy (N UTM) 50 40 3 93

SPA networkTotal extent of protected areas 45187.04 143190.70 67211.19 255588.93Mean percentage of protected areas in UTM cells 7.93 12.39 9.54Total extent of unprotected areas 512686.29 1041967.17 655418.55 2210072.01Mean percentage of unprotected areas in UTM cells 92.07 87.61 90.46

ALL networkTotal extent of protected areas 76465.72 246168.33 169663.49 492297.54Mean percentage of protected areas in UTM cells 13.00 21.13 21.79Total extent of unprotected areas 483792.02 936504.29 553021.64 1973317.95Mean percentage of unprotected areas in UTM cells 87.00 78.87 78.21

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for a low altitudinal range might be related to the distribution ofhot pseudo-steppes in thermo-Mediterranean climate (Goriup,1988), thus confirming the preference of F. b. feldeggii for dry andwarm habitats (Ferguson-Lee and Christie, 2001), or for semi-des-ert environments as in the Caucasus (Abuladze et al., 1991). Meanslope values probably relate to the presence of rugged terrains andhence to cliff availability (Balbontín, 2005; Muñoz et al., 2005),which is a limiting resource for breeding in this obligate cliff-dweller (Ferguson-Lee and Christie, 2001). Despite their tendencyto overestimate the best model (e.g. Márquez et al., 2011), AIC val-ues provide strong support to the role that traditional agriculturalland uses have on lanner falcon occupancy. The land-use modelalone provided the best support to data and had the best perfor-mance. Among land uses, the extent of arable land and naturalgrassland and their interaction were selected as the best predictorsof lanner falcon occupancy.

The Common Agricultural Policy was regarded as the principalculprit for the loss of biodiversity in Europe (Benton et al., 2003;Mattison and Norris, 2005). Nowadays, the reformed CAP for2014-20 has still too much diluted environmental prescriptionsto benefit biodiversity (Pe’er et al., 2014). Habitat modification,including the replacement of natural steppes and extensive cerealfarmland with intensively-managed agricultural land, negativelyaffects nearly 70% of the priority species in Europe (Onrubia andAndrés, 2005; Sanderson et al., 2005). Agricultural land-use changein the study area is rapidly conforming to the agricultural intensi-fication and land abandonment trends observed in SouthernEuropean countries (Sokos et al., 2013), as shown by the statisti-cally significant increase in heterogeneous agricultural areas andshrubby vegetation associations, together with the decrease in nat-ural grasslands in the short period of 2000–2006. The CLC class of‘heterogeneous agricultural areas’ is formed by a juxtaposition ofsmall parcels of diverse annual crops, pasture and/or permanentcrops such as fruit, olive trees and vines (EEA, 2000), and is anexpression of such agricultural intensification. Intensive olive cul-tivation threatens traditional agro-ecosystems such as winter cere-als, extensively grazed pastures and low-input olive farming(Stoate et al., 2009). The replacement of the traditional mosaiclandscape with intensive olive monocultures led to a substantialreduction of biodiversity (Siebert, 2004) with consequences forsome threatened bird species (Santos and Cabral, 2003). In Sicily,vineyards are unfavourable habitats for bats (Di Salvo et al.,2009) and lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni) (Sarà, 2010), as wellas for owls in Spain (Moreno-Mateos et al., 2011).

These land-use changes are increasingly transforming and erod-ing the extent of arable land within the study area, and conse-quently, the lanner falcon occupancy decreases, due to theinteraction of arable land and heterogeneous areas. Fragmentationis another aspect of the heterogeneity arising from land abandon-

ment and intensively cultivated open landscapes (EEA, 2011; Sokoset al., 2013). Fragmentation causes an increase in the number ofCLC classes per every UTM cells of the study area and has a nega-tive effect on lanner falcon occupancy. In the Iberian peninsula,abandonment results in loss and fragmentation of habitats forbirds that require open farmland, such as lesser kestrel (Francoand Sutherland, 2004), little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) (Silva et al.,2004), calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra) (Morgado et al.,2010). Agricultural land abandonment should not be assumed tobenefit conservation, because the abundance of open-habitat birdspecies, often of higher conservation concern, tend to decrease sig-nificantly whereas the abundance of forest birds increases signifi-cantly (Sokos et al., 2013). In addition, land abandonment causeshabitat encroachment, which in turn decreases the quantity of eco-tonal habitats in the long term (Scozzafava and De Sanctis, 2006),and alters bird community patterns (Sirami et al., 2008). Thus, sev-eral resident and migrant species (larks, pipits, buntings, sparrows,thrushes, etc.) which are potential prey for the lanner falcon willfind unsuitable habitats. In conclusion, would not be surprisingthat the interaction between the increase in heterogeneous areasand shrubby vegetation has a negative effect on lanner falcon occu-pancy, because very likely it decreases the species’ profitability ofhunting territories and foraging efficiency.

Finally, the presence of peregrine falcon constrains lanneroccupancy. This issue would be exacerbated by some physicalaspects of landscape, yet to be quantified; as shown by the inter-section effect of peregrine and topography, which is much stron-ger than the single pure effects (18.8% vs 6.9% and 1.1%respectively; see Fig. 1). The peregrine falcon is expanding inSicily (Sarà, 2008) and a turn-over of sites has often beenrecorded, with peregrine falcons taking more lanner falcon sitesthan vice versa. The presence of potential competitors has beensuggested as a possible limiting factor of territory occupancy(Carrete et al., 2005). Morphologically, peregrine and lanner fal-cons are very similar species (Ferguson-Lee and Christie, 2001)and this raises the possibility of interference competition forbreeding and hunting territories, by restricting access of the lan-ner falcon to otherwise usable habitats (Jenkins and Hockey,2001; Manzi and Perna, 1994).

The variation partitioning method selected factors of the great-est probable influence from among those analysed (Lobo et al.,2002), suggesting how the alteration of agricultural steppe-likehabitats by abandonment and intensification might modify thepopulation traits of ecologically equivalent species. For instance,afforestation of slopes and undulated lands (under EU Regulation2080/92), and habitat encroachment by land abandonment wouldfavour desertion and turn-over of sites, because lanner falcon tendsto avoid cliffs on forested habitats (De Lisio, 2007). Such land-usechanges would thus enhance the effect of the peregrine falcon in

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limiting lanner falcon occupancy, as the intersection effectbetween peregrine and land-uses (10.90% in Fig. 1) revealed.

Models obtained in this study are useful for the management oflanner falcons in Mediterranean landscapes, because proceduresused to evaluate the discrimination performance of models to dataresulted in a relatively high level of correct classifications for thesites, and the analytical cartography based on favourabilityallowed mapping the realized distribution of lanners. Many favour-able habitats for lanner falcon occupancy fall outside the regionalN2000 network and less than 25% of the Sicilian population cur-rently breeds within the existing networks. This occurs becauselarge and solitary raptors have generally dispersed populationsand large territories (Ferguson-Lee and Christie, 2001). In addition,pseudo-steppes and traditional agricultural habitats are not wellrepresented in protected areas of Italy (Andreotti et al., 2008)and Spain (Abellán et al., 2011; De la Montaña et al., 2011) and thislimits the efficiency of N2000 networks for the conservation of rap-tors living in agro-ecosystems (Díaz-Gómez et al., 2013).

Opportunities for the conservation of species whose distributionextends outside the N2000 networks could be represented by AESimplemented on behalf of the Rural Development Programmes(De la Concha, 2005). This implies the necessity of promoting finan-cial support for AES supporting lanner falcon conservation mainly inthe most favourable areas of western and central Sicily. Mostlyfocused on farmland birds, only few AES have been currently tar-geted to meso-predator conservation, through implementation ofactions favouring richness, density and accessibility of their prey(e.g. Arlettaz et al., 2010; Trierweiler et al., 2008); and none, to myknowledge, has so far involved top predators.

The scale of AES deployment might be the key factor for successof programmes promoting population persistence and dispersalprocesses of the lanner falcon. AES at landscape scale among collab-orative farmers (McKenzie et al., 2013; Pe’er et al., 2014) are oppor-tune for species of large habitat requirements and should aim tocreate a network of priority areas, based on the analytical cartogra-phy of environmental favourability; both in places where lannerpairs still live in safe conditions and in others where pairs are beingexposed to habitat changes. In the first case, the goal would be theprotection of unperturbed habitats; whereas in the second case,would be the maintenance of cereal steppes, favouring conversionsto grassland, rotation and intercropping practices, while minimisinganthropogenic interference and infrastructure building.

The development of AES for lanner falcons could have importantconservation implications not only for the target-species per se,because should be necessary to involve the competitive peregrinefalcon and other threatened steppe-like raptors like the Egyptianvulture (Neophron percnopterus; Sarà and Di Vittorio, 2003) andthe Bonelli eagle (Aquila fasciata; Di Vittorio et al., 2012). In theory,landscape scale AES would benefit also preys of threatened preda-tors of agro-ecosystems (Delibes-Mateos et al., 2009; Fernandezet al., 2006). Nevertheless, it is known that the same agricultural pol-icy may be favourable for some species of conservation concern butdetrimental to others (Reino et al., 2010), and complex interactionsbetween species, such as interference competition, may often gen-erate conflicts between conservation actions (Oro et al., 2009).Multi-species problems cannot be solved by local studies and sin-gle-species experts. Novel computational methods performing foodweb simulations (e.g., Livi et al., 2011; Jordán et al., 2012) can sug-gest key-species and interactions, providing quantitative prioritiesfor conservation and supporting decision-making.

5. Conclusion

The main challenge of lanner falcon conservation in Sicily lieswith measures at a wider spatial scale than the regional N2000

networks, and would thus be posited in the context of the EU Com-mon Agricultural Policy. In addition to the commitment of AESoperating at landscape scale, the use of large raptors, as focal AESspecies, would imply a further advance in conservation planning,because top predators are effective surrogate species for biodiver-sity conservation (Cabeza et al., 2008; Sergio et al., 2005), as theysupport species richness, which in turn regulates and structuresmost ecosystems (Ritchie and Johnson, 2009; Sergio et al., 2008).A holistic ecosystem approach is therefore required, as more con-ceptually sound and efficient, and may provide multi-species solu-tions and more uniform benefits in conservation efforts.


I thank M. Di Vittorio, S. Falcone, S. Grenci, R. Mascara, B. Massaand L. Zanca for field support during monitoring and access to theirdatabases. A. La Mantia and S. Triolo performed GIS operations. J.M.Lobo, R. Real and two anonymous referees provided usefulcomments to an earlier draft of the manuscript. This project wassupported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University andResearch (PRIN 2010-2011, 20108 TZKHC).

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, inthe online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2014.08.004.


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