IEEE Proof IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY 1 A Unified Formulation of Gaussian Versus Sparse Stochastic Processes—Part I: Continuous-Domain Theory Michael Unser, Fellow, IEEE , Pouya D. Tafti, and Qiyu Sun Abstract—We introduce a general distributional framework 1 that results in a unifying description and characterization of a 2 rich variety of continuous-time stochastic processes. The corner- 3 stone of our approach is an innovation model that is driven by 4 some generalized white noise process, which may be Gaussian or 5 not (e.g., Laplace, impulsive Poisson, or alpha stable). This allows 6 for a conceptual decoupling between the correlation properties 7 of the process, which are imposed by the whitening operator 8 L, and its sparsity pattern, which is determined by the type of 9 noise excitation. The latter is fully specified by a Lévy measure. 10 We show that the range of admissible innovation behavior 11 varies between the purely Gaussian and super-sparse extremes. 12 We prove that the corresponding generalized stochastic processes 13 are well-defined mathematically provided that the (adjoint) 14 inverse of the whitening operator satisfies some L p bound for 15 p 1. We present a novel operator-based method that yields 16 an explicit characterization of all Lévy-driven processes that are 17 solutions of constant-coefficient stochastic differential equations. 18 When the underlying system is stable, we recover the family of 19 stationary CARMA processes, including the Gaussian ones. The AQ:1 20 approach remains valid when the system is unstable and leads 21 to the identification of potentially useful generalizations of the 22 Lévy processes, which are sparse and non-stationary. Finally, we 23 show that these processes admit a sparse representation in some 24 matched wavelet domain and provide a full characterization of 25 their transform-domain statistics. 26 Index Terms— XXXXX. AQ:2 27 I. I NTRODUCTION 28 I N RECENT years, the research focus in signal process- 29 ing has shifted away from the classical linear paradigm, 30 which is intimately linked with the theory of stationary 31 Gaussian processes [1], [2]. Instead of considering Fourier 32 transforms and performing quadratic optimization, researchers 33 are presently favoring wavelet-like representations and have 34 adopted sparsity as design paradigm [3]–[8]. The property that 35 a signal admits a sparse expansion can be exploited elegantly 36 Manuscript received September 21, 2012; revised October 7, 2013; accepted December 13, 2013. This work was supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation under Grant 200020-144355, in part by the European Commission under Grant ERC-2010-AdG-267439-FUNSP, and in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS 1109063. M. Unser and P. D. Tafti are with the Biomedical Imaging Group, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland (e-mail: michael.unser@epfl.ch; pouya.tafti@epfl.ch). Q. Sun is with the Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Communicated by V. Borkar, Associate Editor for Communication Networks. Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2014.2298453 for compressive sensing, which is presently a very active area 37 of research (cf. special issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE 38 [9], [10]). The concept is equally helpful for solving inverse 39 problems and has resulted in significant algorithmic advances 40 for the efficient resolution of large scale 1 -norm minimization 41 problems [11]–[13]. 42 The current formulations of compressed sensing and sparse 43 signal recovery are fundamentally deterministic. Also, they are 44 predominantly discrete and based on finite-dimensional mathe- 45 matics, with the notable exception of the works of Eldar [14], 46 Adcock and Hansen [15]. By drawing on the analogy with 47 the classical theory of signal processing, it is likely that 48 further progress may be achieved by adopting a statistical 49 (or estimation theoretic) point of view for the description 50 of sparse signals in the analog domain. This stands as our 51 primary motivation for the investigation of the present class 52 of continuous-time stochastic processes, the greater part of 53 which is sparse by construction. These processes are specified 54 as a superset of the Gaussian ones, which is essential for 55 maintaining backward compatibility with traditional statistical 56 signal processing. 57 The present construction is a generalization of a classical 58 idea in communication theory and signal processing which is 59 to view a stochastic process as filtered version of a white noise 60 (a.k.a. innovation) [16]. The fundamental aspect here is that 61 the modeling is done in the continuous domain, which, as we 62 shall see, imposes strong constraints on the class of admissible 63 innovations; that is, the generalized white noise that constitutes 64 the input of the innovation model. The second ingredient is a 65 powerful operational calculus (the generalization of the idea 66 of filtering) for solving stochastic differential equations (SDE), 67 including unstable ones, which is essential for inducing inter- 68 esting (non-stationary) behaviors such as self-similarity. The 69 combination of these ingredients results in the specification 70 of an extended class of stochastic processes that are either 71 Gaussian or sparse, at the exclusion of any other type. The 72 proposed theory has a unifying character in that it connects a 73 number of contemporary topics in signal processing, statistics 74 and approximation theory: 75 sparsity (in relation to compressed sensing) [3], [4] 76 signals with a finite rate of innovation [17], [18] 77 the classical theory of Gaussian stationary processes [1], 78 [16] 79 non-Gaussian continuous-domain modeling of signals 80 [19], [20] 81 0018-9448 © 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Sparse stochastic processes Part I

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Paper on stochastic processes

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A Unified Formulation of Gaussian VersusSparse Stochastic Processes—Part I:

Continuous-Domain TheoryMichael Unser, Fellow, IEEE, Pouya D. Tafti, and Qiyu Sun

Abstract— We introduce a general distributional framework1

that results in a unifying description and characterization of a2

rich variety of continuous-time stochastic processes. The corner-3

stone of our approach is an innovation model that is driven by4

some generalized white noise process, which may be Gaussian or5

not (e.g., Laplace, impulsive Poisson, or alpha stable). This allows6

for a conceptual decoupling between the correlation properties7

of the process, which are imposed by the whitening operator8

L, and its sparsity pattern, which is determined by the type of9

noise excitation. The latter is fully specified by a Lévy measure.10

We show that the range of admissible innovation behavior11

varies between the purely Gaussian and super-sparse extremes.12

We prove that the corresponding generalized stochastic processes13

are well-defined mathematically provided that the (adjoint)14

inverse of the whitening operator satisfies some L p bound for15

p ≥ 1. We present a novel operator-based method that yields16

an explicit characterization of all Lévy-driven processes that are17

solutions of constant-coefficient stochastic differential equations.18

When the underlying system is stable, we recover the family of19

stationary CARMA processes, including the Gaussian ones. TheAQ:1 20

approach remains valid when the system is unstable and leads21

to the identification of potentially useful generalizations of the22

Lévy processes, which are sparse and non-stationary. Finally, we23

show that these processes admit a sparse representation in some24

matched wavelet domain and provide a full characterization of25

their transform-domain statistics.26

Index Terms— XXXXX.AQ:2 27


IN RECENT years, the research focus in signal process-29

ing has shifted away from the classical linear paradigm,30

which is intimately linked with the theory of stationary31

Gaussian processes [1], [2]. Instead of considering Fourier32

transforms and performing quadratic optimization, researchers33

are presently favoring wavelet-like representations and have34

adopted sparsity as design paradigm [3]–[8]. The property that35

a signal admits a sparse expansion can be exploited elegantly36

Manuscript received September 21, 2012; revised October 7, 2013; acceptedDecember 13, 2013. This work was supported in part by the Swiss NationalScience Foundation under Grant 200020-144355, in part by the EuropeanCommission under Grant ERC-2010-AdG-267439-FUNSP, and in part by theNational Science Foundation under Grant DMS 1109063.

M. Unser and P. D. Tafti are with the Biomedical Imaging Group,École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

Q. Sun is with the Department of Mathematics, University of CentralFlorida, Orlando, FL 32816 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

Communicated by V. Borkar, Associate Editor for CommunicationNetworks.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2014.2298453

for compressive sensing, which is presently a very active area 37

of research (cf. special issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE 38

[9], [10]). The concept is equally helpful for solving inverse 39

problems and has resulted in significant algorithmic advances 40

for the efficient resolution of large scale �1-norm minimization 41

problems [11]–[13]. 42

The current formulations of compressed sensing and sparse 43

signal recovery are fundamentally deterministic. Also, they are 44

predominantly discrete and based on finite-dimensional mathe- 45

matics, with the notable exception of the works of Eldar [14], 46

Adcock and Hansen [15]. By drawing on the analogy with 47

the classical theory of signal processing, it is likely that 48

further progress may be achieved by adopting a statistical 49

(or estimation theoretic) point of view for the description 50

of sparse signals in the analog domain. This stands as our 51

primary motivation for the investigation of the present class 52

of continuous-time stochastic processes, the greater part of 53

which is sparse by construction. These processes are specified 54

as a superset of the Gaussian ones, which is essential for 55

maintaining backward compatibility with traditional statistical 56

signal processing. 57

The present construction is a generalization of a classical 58

idea in communication theory and signal processing which is 59

to view a stochastic process as filtered version of a white noise 60

(a.k.a. innovation) [16]. The fundamental aspect here is that 61

the modeling is done in the continuous domain, which, as we 62

shall see, imposes strong constraints on the class of admissible 63

innovations; that is, the generalized white noise that constitutes 64

the input of the innovation model. The second ingredient is a 65

powerful operational calculus (the generalization of the idea 66

of filtering) for solving stochastic differential equations (SDE), 67

including unstable ones, which is essential for inducing inter- 68

esting (non-stationary) behaviors such as self-similarity. The 69

combination of these ingredients results in the specification 70

of an extended class of stochastic processes that are either 71

Gaussian or sparse, at the exclusion of any other type. The 72

proposed theory has a unifying character in that it connects a 73

number of contemporary topics in signal processing, statistics 74

and approximation theory: 75

sparsity (in relation to compressed sensing) [3], [4] 76

signals with a finite rate of innovation [17], [18] 77

the classical theory of Gaussian stationary processes [1], 78

[16] 79

non-Gaussian continuous-domain modeling of signals 80

[19], [20] 81

0018-9448 © 2014 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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(continuous-time autoregressive moving average)
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sparsity, non-Gaussian stochastic processes, innovation modeling, continuous-time signals, stochastic differential equations, wavelet expansion, Lévy process, infinite divisibility
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Research Counsel





stochastic differential equations [21], [22]82

splines, wavelets and linear system theory [5], [23].83

Most importantly, it explains why certain classes of processes84

admit a sparse representation in a matched wavelet-like basis85

(see introductory example in Section II where the Haar trans-86

form outperfoms the classical Karhunen-Loève transform).87

Since these models are the natural functional extension of the88

Gaussian stationary processes, they may stimulate the develop-89

ment of novel algorithms for statistical signal processing. This90

has already been demonstrated in the context of biomedical91

image reconstruction [24], the derivation of statistical priors92

for discrete-domain signal representation [25], optimal signal93

denoising [26], and MMSE interpolation [27].94

Because the proposed model is intrinsically linear, we have95

adopted a formulation that relies on generalized functions,96

rather than the traditional mathematical concepts (random97

measures and Ito integrals) from the theory of stochastic98

differential equations [21], [22], [28]. We are then taking99

advantage of the theory of generalized stochastic processes100

of Gelfand (arguably, the second most famous Soviet math-101

ematician after Kolmogorov) and some powerful tools of102

functional analysis (Minlos-Bochner’s theorem) [29] that are103

not widely known to engineers nor statisticians. While this104

may look like an unnecessary abstraction at first sight, it is105

very much in line with the intuition of an engineer who prefers106

to work with analog filters and convolution operators rather107

than with stochastic integrals. We are then able to use the108

whole machinery of linear system theory and the power of the109

characteristic functional to derive the statistics of the signal in110

any (linearly) transformed domain.111

The paper is organized as follows. The basic flavor112

of the innovation model is conveyed in Section II by113

focusing on a first-order differential system which results in114

the generation of Gaussian and non-Gaussian AR(1) stochastic115

processes. We use of this model to illustrate that a properly-116

matched wavelet transform can outperform the classical117

Karhunen-Loève transform (or the DCT) for the compres-118

sion of (non-Gaussian) signals. In Section III, we review119

the foundations of Gelfand’s theory of generalized stochas-120

tic processes. In particular, we characterize the complete121

class of admissible continuous-time white noise processes122

(innovations) and give some argumentation as to why the123

non-Gaussian brands are inherently sparse. In Section IV,124

we give a high-level description of the general innova-125

tion model and provide a novel operator-based method126

for the solution of SDE. In Section V, we make use of127

Gelfand’s formalism to fully characterize our extended class of128

(non-Gaussian) stochastic processes including the special129

cases of CARMA and N th-order generalized Lévy processes.130

We also derive the statistics of the wavelet-domain representa-131

tion of these signals, which allows for a common (stationary)132

treatment of the two latter classes of processes, irrespective133

of any stability consideration. Finally, in Section VI, we134

turn back to our introductory example by moving into the135

unstable regime (single pole at the origin) which yields a136

non-conventional system-theoretic interpretation of classical137

Lévy processes[28], [30], [31]. We also point out the structural138

similarity between the increments of Lévy processes and 139

their Haar wavelet coefficients. For higher-order illustrations 140

of sparse processes, we refer to our companion paper [32], 141

which is specifically devoted to the study of the discrete-time 142

implication of the theory and the way to best decouple (e.g. 143

“sparsify”) such processes. The notation, which is common to 144

both papers, is summarized in [32, Table II]. 145



A continuous-time Gaussian AR(1) (or Gauss-Markov) 148

process can be formally generated by applying a first-order 149

analog filter to a Gaussian white noise process w: 150

sα(t) = (ρα ∗ w)(t) (1) 151

where ρα(t) = �+(t)eαt with Re(α) < 0 and �+(t) is the 152

unit-step function. Next, we observe that ρα = (D −αId)−1δ 153

where δ is the Dirac impulse and where D = ddt and Id are the 154

derivative and identity operators, respectively. These operators 155

as well as the inverse are to be interpreted in the distributional 156

sense (see Section III-A). This suggests that sα satisfies the 157

“innovation” model (cf.[1], [16]) 158

(D − αId)sα(t) = w(t), (2) 159

or, equivalently, the stochastic differential equation (cf.[22]) 160

dsα(t)− αsα(t)dt = dW (t), 161162

where W (t) = ∫ t0 w(τ)dτ is a standard Brownian motion 163

(or Wiener process) excitation. In the statistical literature, 164

the solution of the above first-order SDE is often called the 165

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. 166

Let (sα[k] = sα(t)|k=t )k∈Z denote the sampled version of 167

the continuous-time process. Then, one can show that sα[·] is 168

a discrete AR(1) autoregressive process that can be whitened 169

by applying the first-order linear predictor: 170

sα[k] − eαsα[k − 1] = u[k] (3) 171

where u[·] (prediction error) is an i.i.d. Gaussian sequence. 172

Alternatively, one can decorrelate the signal by computing its 173

discrete cosine transform (DCT), which is known to be asymp- 174

totically equivalent to the Karhunen-Loève transform (KLT) of 175

the process [33], [34]. Eq. (3) provides the basis for classical 176

linear predictive coding (LPC), while the decorrelation prop- 177

erty of the DCT is often invoked to justify the popular JPEG 178

transform-domain coding scheme [35]. 179

In this paper, we are concerned with the non-Gaussian 180

counterpart of this story, which, as we shall see, will result 181

in the identification of sparse processes. The idea is to retain 182

the simplicity of the classical innovation model, while substi- 183

tuting the continuous-time Gaussian noise by some generalized 184

Lévy innovation (to be properly defined in the sequel). This 185

translates into Eqs. (1)–(3) remaining valid, except that the 186

underlying random variates are no longer Gaussian. The more 187

significant finding is that the KLT (or its discrete approxi- 188

mation by the DCT) is no longer optimal for producing the 189

best M-term approximation of the signal. This is illustrated in 190

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Fig. 1. Wavelets vs. KLT (or DCT) for the M-term approximation ofGaussian vs. sparse AR(1) processes with α = −0.1: (a) classical Gaussianscenario, (b) sparse scenario with symmetric Cauchy innovations. The E-splinewavelets are matched to the innovation model. The displayed results (relativequadratic error as a function of M/N ) are averages over 1000 realizationsfor AR(1) signals of length N = 1024; the performance of DCT and KLT isundistinguishable.

Fig. 1, which compares the performance of various transforms191

for the compression of two kinds of AR(1) processes with192

correlation e−0.1 ≈ 0.90: Gaussian vs. sparse where the latter193

innovation follows a Cauchy distribution. The key observation194

is that the E-spline wavelet transform, which is matched to the195

operator L = D − αId, provides the best results in the non-196

Gaussian scenario over the whole range of experimentation197

[cf. Fig. 1(b)], while the outcome in the Gaussian case is as198

predicted by the classical theory with the KLT being superior.199

Examples of orthogonal E-spline wavelets at two successive200

scales are shown in Fig. 2 next to their Haar counterparts.201

We selected the E-spline wavelets because of their ability202

to decouple the process which follows from their operator-203

like behavior: ψi = L∗φi where i is the scale index and φi204

a suitable smoothing kernel [36, Theorem 2]. Unlike their205

conventional cousins, they are not dilated versions of each206

other, but rather extrapolations in the sense that the slope207

of the exponential segments remains the same at all scales.208

They can, however, be computed efficiently using a perfect209

reconstruction filterbank with scale-dependent filters [36].210

The equivalence with traditional wavelet analysis (Haar)211

and finite-differencing (as used in the computation of total212

variation) for signal “sparsification” is achieved by letting213

α → 0. The catch, however, is that the underlying system214

becomes unstable! Fortunately, the problem can be fixed,215

but it calls for an advanced mathematical treatment that is216

beyond the traditional formulation of stationary processes. The217

reminder of the paper is devoted to giving a proper sense218

to what has just been described informally, and to extend-219

ing the approach to the whole class of ordinary differential220

operators, including the non-stable scenarios. The non-trivial221

outcome, as we shall see, is that many non-stable systems222

are linked with non-stationary stochastic processes. These, in223

Fig. 2. Comparison of operator-like and conventional wavelet basis functionsat two successive scales: (a) first-order E-spline wavelets with α = −0.5.(b) Haar wavelets. The vertical axis is rescaled for full range display.

turn, can be stationarized and “sparsified” by application of a 224

suitable wavelet transformation. The companion paper [32] is 225

focused on the discrete aspects of the theory including the 226

generalization of (3) for decoupling purposes and the full 227

characterization of the underlying processes. 228


The purpose of this section is to introduce the distribu- 230

tional formalism that is required for the proper definition of 231

continuous-time white noise that is the driving term of (1) 232

and its generalization. We start with a brief summary of some 233

required notions in functional analysis, which also serves us to 234

set the notation. We then introduce the fundamental concept 235

of characteristic functional which constitutes the foundation 236

of Gelfand’s theory of generalized stochastic processes. We 237

proceed by giving the complete characterization of the possible 238

types of continuous-domain white noises—not necessarily 239

Gaussian—which will be used as universal input for our inno- 240

vation models. We conclude the section by showing that the 241

non-Gaussian brands of noises that are allowed by Gelfand’s 242

formulation are intrinsically sparse, a property that has not 243

been emphasized before (to the best of our knowledge). 244

A. Functional and Distributional Context 245

The L p-norm of a function f = f (t) is ‖ f ‖p = 246


| f (t)|pdt) 1

p for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and ‖ f ‖∞ = 247

ess supt∈R | f (t)| for p = +∞ with the corresponding 248

Lebesgue space being denoted by L p = L p(R). The concept is 249

extendable for characterizing the rate of decay of functions. To 250

that end, we introduce the weighted L p,α spaces with α ∈ R+


L p,α = {f ∈ L p : ‖ f ‖p,α < +∞}


where the α-weighted L p-norm of f is defined as 253

‖ f ‖p,α = ‖(1 + | · |α) f (·)‖p . 254

Hence, the statement f ∈ L∞,α implies that f (t) decays 255

at least as fast as 1/|t|α as t tends to ±∞; more precisely, 256

that | f (t)| ≤ ‖ f ‖∞,α

1+|t |α almost everywhere. In particular, this 257

allows us to infer that L∞, 1p +ε ⊂ L p for any ε > 0 and 258

p ≥ 1. Another obvious inclusion is L p,α ⊆ L p,α0 for any 259

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α ≥ α0. In the limit, we end up with the space of rapidly-260

decreasing functions R = {f : ‖ f ‖∞,m < +∞, ∀m ∈ Z


which is included in all the others.1262

We use ϕ = ϕ(t) to denote a generic function in Schwartz’s263

class S of rapidly-decaying and infinitely-differentiable test264

functions. Specifically, Schwartz’s space is defined as:265

S = {ϕ ∈ C∞ : ‖Dnϕ‖∞,m < +∞, ∀m, n ∈ Z


with the operator notation Dn = dn

dt n and the convention that267

D0 = Id (identity). S is a complete topological vector space268

with respect to the topology induced by the series of semi-269

norm ‖Dn · ‖∞,m with m, n ∈ Z+. Its topological dual is270

the space of tempered distributions S ′; a distribution φ ∈ S ′271

is a continuous linear functional on S that is characterized272

by a duality product rule φ(ϕ) = 〈φ, ϕ〉 = ∫Rφ(t)ϕ(t)dt273

with ϕ ∈ S where the right-hand side expression has a literal274

interpretation as an integral only when φ(t) is true function275

of t . The prototypical example of a tempered distribution is the276

Dirac distribution δ, which is defined as δ(ϕ) = 〈δ, ϕ〉 = ϕ(0).277

In the sequel, we will drop the explicit dependence of the278

distribution on the generic test function ϕ ∈ S and simply279

write φ, φ(·) or even φ(t) (with an abuse of notation) where t280

as the generic time index. For instance, we shall denote the281

shifted Dirac impulse2 by δ(· − t0), or δ(t − t0) which is the282

conventional notation used by engineers.283

Let T be a continuous3 linear operator that maps S into284

itself (or eventually some enlarged topological space such285

as L p). It is then possible to extend the action of T over286

S ′ (or an appropriate subset of it) based on the definition287

〈Tφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,T∗ϕ〉 for φ ∈ S ′ if T∗ is the adjoint of T288

which maps ϕ to another test function T∗ϕ ∈ S continuously.289

An important example is the Fourier transform whose classical290

definition is F{ f }(ω) = f (ω) = ∫R

f (t)e− jωt dt . Since F is291

a S-continuous operator, it is extendable to S ′ based on the292

adjoint relation 〈Fφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,Fϕ〉 for all ϕ ∈ S (generalized293

Fourier transform).294

A linear, shift-invariant (LSI) operator that is well-defined295

over S can always be written as a convolution product:296

TLSI{ϕ} = h ∗ ϕ =∫


h(τ )ϕ(· − τ )dτ297

where h = TLSI{δ} is the impulse response of the system.298

The adjoint operator is the convolution with the time-reversed299

version of h:300

h∨(t) ≡ h(−t).301

The better-known categories of LSI operators are the302

BIBO-stable (bounded input, bounded output) filters, and303

the ordinary differential operators. While the latter are not304

BIBO-stable, they do work well with test functions.305

1The topology of R is defined by the family of semi-norms ‖ · ‖∞,m ,m = 1, 2, 3, . . .

2The precise definition is 〈δ(· − t0), ϕ〉 = ϕ(t0) for all ϕ ∈ S .3An operator T is continuous from a sequential topological vector space

V into another one iff. ϕk → ϕ in the topology of V implies that Tϕk → Tϕin the topology (or norm) of the second space. If the two spaces coincide, wesay that T is V-continuous.

1) L p-Stable LSI Operators: The BIBO-stable filters corre- 306

spond to the case where h ∈ L1, or, more generally, when h 307

corresponds to a complex-valued Borel measure of bounded 308

variation. The latter extension allows for discrete filters of the 309

form hd = ∑n∈Z

d[n]δ(·−n) with d[n] ∈ �1. We will refer to 310

these filters as L p-stable because they specify bounded oper- 311

ators in all the L p spaces (by Young’s inequality). L p-stable 312

convolution operators satisfy the properties of commutativity, 313

associativity, and distributivity with respect to addition. 314

2) S-Continuous LSI Operators: For an L p-stable filter to 315

yield a Schwartz function as output, it is necessary that its 316

impulse response (continuous or discrete) be rapidly-decaying. 317

In fact, the condition h ∈ R (which is much stronger than inte- 318

grability) ensures that the filter is S-continuous. The nth-order 319

derivative Dn and its adjoint Dn∗ = (−1)nDn are in the 320

same category. The nth-order weak derivative of the tempered 321

distribution φ is defined as Dnφ(ϕ) = 〈Dnφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,Dn∗ϕ〉 322

for any ϕ ∈ S. The latter operator—or, by extension, any 323

polynomial of distributional derivatives PN (D) = ∑Nn=1 anDn


with constant coefficients an ∈ C—maps S ′ into itself. The 325

class of these differential operators enjoys the same properties 326

as its classical counterpart: shift-invariance, commutativity, 327

associativity and distributivity. 328

B. Notion of Generalized Stochastic Process 329

Classically, a stochastic process is a random function 330

s(t), t ∈ R whose statistical description is provided by the 331

probability law of its point values {s(t1), s(t2), . . . , s(tn), . . . } 332

for any finite sequence of time instants {tn}Nn=1. The implicit 333

assumption there is that one has a mechanism for probing the 334

value of the function s at any time t ∈ R, which is only 335

achievable approximately in the real physical world. 336

The leading idea in Gelfand and Vilenkin’s theory of 337

generalized stochastic processes is to replace the point mea- 338

surements {s(tn)} by a series of scalar products {〈s, ϕn〉} with 339

suitable “test” functions ϕ1, . . . , ϕN ∈ S [29]. The physical 340

motivation that these authors give is that Xn = 〈s, ϕn〉 may 341

represent the reading of a finite-resolution detector whose 342

output is some “averaged” value∫R

s(t)ϕn(t)dt , which is a 343

more plausible form of probing than ideal sampling. The 344

additional hypothesis is that the linear measurement X = 〈s, ϕ〉 345

depends continuously on ϕ and that the quantities Xn = 〈s, ϕn〉 346

obtained for different test functions {ϕn} are mutually compat- 347

ible. Mathematically, this translates into defining a generalized 348

stochastic process as a continuous linear random functional on 349

some topological vector space such as S. 350

Let s be such a generalized process. We first observe 351

that the scalar product X1 = 〈s, ϕ1〉 with a given test 352

function ϕ1 is a conventional (scalar) random variable that 353

is characterized by its probability density function (pdf) 354

pX1(x1); the latter is in one-to-one correspondence (via the 355

Fourier transform) with the characteristic function pX1(ω1) = 356

E{e jω1 X1} = ∫R

e jω1x1 pX1(x1)dx1 = E{e j 〈s,ω1ϕ1〉} where E{·} 357

is the expectation operator. The same applies for the 2nd-order 358

pdf pX1,X2(x1, x2) associated with a pair of test functions ϕ1 359

and ϕ2 which is the inverse Fourier transform of the 2-D 360

characteristic function pX1,X2(ω1, ω2) = E{e j 〈s,ω1ϕ1+ω2ϕ2〉}, 361

and so forth if one wants to specify higher-order dependencies. 362

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The foundation for the theory of generalized stochastic363

processes is that one can deduce the complete statistical364

information about the process from the knowledge of its365

characteristic form366

Ps(ϕ) = E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} (4)367

which is a continuous, positive-definite functional over S such368

that Ps(0) = 1. Since the variable ϕ in Ps(ϕ) is completely369

generic, it provides the equivalent of an infinite-dimensional370

generalization of the characteristic function. Indeed, any finite371

dimensional version can be recovered by direct substitution of372

ϕ = ω1ϕ1 +· · ·+ωNϕN in Ps(ϕ) where the ϕn are fixed and373

where ω = (ω1, · · · , ωN ) takes the role of the N-dimensional374

Fourier variable.375

In fact, Gelfand’s theory rests upon the principle that speci-376

fying an admissible functional Ps(ϕ) is equivalent to defining377

the underlying generalized stochastic process (Bochner-Minlos378

theorem). To explain this remarkable result, we start by379

recalling the fundamental notion of positive-definiteness for380

univariate functions [37].381

Definition 1: A complex-valued function f of the real382

variable ω is said to be positive-definite iff.383





f (ωm − ωn)ξmξ n ≥ 0384

for every possible choice of ω1, . . . , ωN ∈ R, ξ1, . . . , ξN ∈ C385

and N ∈ Z+.386

This is equivalent to the requirement that the N × N matrix387

F whose elements are given by [F]mn = f (ωm − ωn) is388

positive semi-definite (that is, non-negative definite) for all389

N , no matter how the ωn’s are chosen.390

Bochner’s theorem states that a bounded, continuous func-391

tion p is positive-definite if and only if it is the Fourier392

transform of a positive and finite Borel measure P:393

p(ω) =∫


e jωxdP(x).394

In particular, Bochner’s theorem implies that a function pX (ω)395

is a valid characteristic function—that is, pX (ω) = E{e jωX } =396 ∫R

e jωx PX (dx) = ∫R

e jωx pX (x)dx where X is a random397

variable with probability measure PX (or pdf pX )—iff. pX is398

continuous, positive-definite and such that pX (0) = 1.399

The power of functional analysis is that these concepts400

carry over to functionals on some abstract nuclear space X ,401

the prime example being Schwartz’s class S of smooth and402

rapidly-decreasing test functions[29].403

Definition 2: A complex-valued functional F(ϕ) defined404

over the function space X is said to be positive-definite iff.405





F(ϕm − ϕn)ξmξ∗n ≥ 0406

for every possible choice of ϕ1, . . . , ϕN ∈ X , ξ1, . . . , ξN ∈ C407

and N ∈ Z+.408

Definition 3: A functional F : X → R (or C) is said to409

be continuous (with respect to the topology of the function410

space X ) if, for any convergent sequence (ϕi ) in X with limit 411

ϕ ∈ X , the sequence F(ϕi ) converges to F(ϕ); that is, 412


F(ϕi ) = F(limiϕi ). 413

Theorem 1 (Minlos-Bochner): Given a functional Ps(ϕ) 414

on a nuclear space X that is continuous, positive-definite and 415

such that Ps(0) = 1, there exists a unique probability measure 416

Ps on the dual space X ′ such that 417

Ps(ϕ) = E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} =∫

X ′e j 〈s,ϕ〉dPs(s), 418

where 〈s, ϕ〉 is the dual pairing map. One further has the 419

guarantee that all finite dimensional probabilities measures 420

derived from Ps(ϕ) by setting ϕ = ω1ϕ1 + · · · + ωNϕN are 421

mutually compatible. 422

The characteristic form therefore uniquely specifies the 423

generalized stochastic process s = s(ϕ) (via the infinite- 424

dimensional probability measure Ps) in essentially the 425

same way as the characteristic function fully determines 426

the probability measure of a scalar or multivariate random 427

variable. 428

C. White Noise Processes (Innovations) 429

We define a white noise w as a generalized random process 430

that is stationary and whose measurements for non-overlapping 431

test functions are independent. A remarkable aspect of the 432

theory of generalized stochastic processes is that it is 433

possible to deduce the complete class of such noises based 434

on functional considerations only [29]. To that end, Gelfand 435

and Vilenkin consider the generic class of functionals of the 436

form 437

Pw(ϕ) = exp






(5) 438

where f is a continuous function on the real line and ϕ 439

is a test function from some suitable space. This functional 440

specifies an independent noise process if Pw is continuous 441

and positive-definite and Pw(ϕ1 + ϕ2) = Pw(ϕ1)Pw(ϕ2) 442

whenever ϕ1 and ϕ2 have non-overlapping support. The latter 443

property is equivalent to having f (0) = 0 in (5). Gelfand 444

and Vilenkin then go on to prove that the complete class of 445

functionals of the form (5) with the required mathematical 446

properties (continuity, positive-definiteness and factorizability) 447

is obtained by choosing f to be a Lévy exponent, as defined 448

below. 449

Definition 4: A complex-valued continuous function f (ω) 450

is a valid Lévy exponent if and only if f (0) = 0 and gτ (ω) = 451

eτ f (ω) is a positive-definite function of ω for all τ ∈ R+. 452

In doing so, they actually establish a one-to-one corre- 453

spondence between the characteristic form of an indepen- 454

dent noise processes (5) and the family of infinite-divisible 455

laws whose characteristic function takes the form pX (ω) = 456

e f (ω) = E{e jωX } [38], [39]. While Definition 4 is hard to 457

exploit directly, the good news is that there exists a complete 458

constructive, characterization of Lévy exponents, which is a 459

classical result in probability theory: 460

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Theorem 2 (Lévy-Khintchine Formula): f (ω) is a valid461

Lévy exponent if and only if it can be written as462

f (ω) = jb′1ω − b2ω




R\{0}[e jaω − 1 − jaω�{|a|<1}(a)] V (da)464


where b′1 ∈ R and b2 ∈ R

+ are some constants and V is a466

Lévy measure, that is, a (positive) Borel measure on R\{0}467

such that468 ∫

R\{0}min(1, a2) V (da) < ∞. (7)469

The notation � (a) refers to the indicator function that takes470

the value 1 if a ∈ and zero otherwise. Theorem 2 is funda-471

mental to the classical theories of infinite-divisible laws and472

Lévy processes [28], [31], [39]. To further our mathematical473

understanding of the Lévy-Khintchine formula (6), we note474

that e jaω − 1 − jaω�{|a|<1}(a) ∼ − 12 a2ω2 as a → 0. This475

ensures that the integral is convergent even when the Lévy476

measure V is singular at the origin to the extent allowed by477

the admissibility condition (7). If the Lévy measure is finite or478

symmetrical (i.e., V (E) = V (−E) for any E ⊂ R), it is then479

also possible to use the equivalent, simplified form of Lévy480


f (ω) = jb1ω − b2ω2


R\{0}(e jaω − 1

)V (da) (8)482

with b1 = b′1 − ∫

0<|a|<1 aV (da). The bottomline is that483

a particular brand of independent noise process is thereby484

completely characterized by its Lévy exponent or, equivalently,485

its Lévy triplet (b1, b2, v) where v is the so-called Lévy density486

associated with V such that487

V (E) =∫


for any Borel set E ⊆ R. With this latter convention, the489

three primary types of innovations encountered in the signal490

processing and statistics literature are specified as follows:491

1) Gaussian: b1 = 0, b2 = 1, v = 0492

fGauss(ω) = −|ω|22,493

Pw(ϕ) = e− 1

2 ‖ϕ‖2L2 . (9)494

2) Compound Poisson [18]: b1 = 0, b2 = 0, v(a) =495

λ pA(a) with∫R

pA(a)da = pA(0) = 1,496

fPoisson(ω; λ, pA) = λ


(e jaω − 1


Pw(ϕ) = exp





(e jaϕ(t) − 1) pA(a)dadt




3) Symmetric alpha-stable (SαS) [40]: b1 = 0, b2 =500

0, v(a) = Cα|a|α+1 with 0 < α < 2 and Cα = sin( πα2 )

π a501

suitable normalization constant, 502

fα(ω) = −|ω|αα! , 503

Pw(ϕ) = e− 1α! ‖ϕ‖αLα . (11) 504

The latter follows from the fact that −|ω|αα! is the generalized 505

Fourier transform of Cα|t |α+1 with the convention that α! = 506

�(α + 1) where � is Euler’s Gamma function [41]. 507

While none of these innovations has a classical interpre- 508

tation as a random function of t , we can at least provide an 509

explicit description of the Poisson noise as an infinite random 510

sequence of Dirac impulses (cf.[18, Theorem 1]) 511

wλ(t) =∑


akδ(t − tk) 512

where the tk are random locations that are uniformly distrib- 513

uted over R with density λ, and where the weights ak are 514

i.i.d. random variables with pdf pA(a). Remarkably, this is 515

the only innovation process in the family that has a finite rate 516

of innovation [17]; however, it is, by far, not the only one that 517

is sparse as explained next. 518

D. Gaussian Versus Sparse Categorization 519

To get a better understanding of the underlying class of 520

white noises w, we propose to probe them through some 521

localized analysis window ϕ, which will yield a conventional 522

i.i.d. random variable X = 〈w,ϕ〉 with some pdf pϕ(x). The 523

most convenient choice is to pick the rectangular analysis 524

window ϕ(t) = rect(t) = �[− 12 ,

12 ](t) when 〈w, rect〉 is 525

well-defined. By using the fact that e jaωrect(t)−1 = e jaω−1 for 526

t ∈ [− 12 ,

12 ], and zero otherwise, we find that the characteristic 527

function of X is simply given by 528

prect(ω) = Pw (ω · rect(t)) = exp ( f (ω)) , 529

which corresponds to the generic (Lévy-Khinchine) form asso- 530

ciated with an infinitely-divisible distribution [31], [39], [42]. 531

The above result makes the mapping between generalized 532

white noise processes and classical infinite-divisible (id) laws4533

explicit: The “canonical” id pdf of w, pid(x) = prect(x), is 534

obtained by observing the noise through a rectangular window. 535

Conversely, given the Lévy exponent of an id distribution, 536

f (ω) = log (F{pid}(ω)), we can specify a corresponding 537

innovation process w via the characteristic form Pw(ϕ) by 538

merely substituting the frequency variable ω by the generic 539

test function ϕ(t), adding an integration over R and taking 540

the exponential as in (5). 541

We note, in passing, that sparsity in signal processing may 542

refer to two distinct notions. The first is that of a finite rate 543

of innovation; i.e., a finite (but perhaps random) number of 544

innovations per unit of time and/or space, which results in a 545

mass at zero in the histogram of observations. The second 546

possibility is to have a large, even infinite, number of 547

innovations, but with the property that a few large innovations 548

4A random variable X with pdf pX (x) is said to be infinitely divisible (id)if for any n ∈ Z

+ there exist i.i.d. random variables X1, . . . , Xn with pdf saypn(x) such that X = X1 + · · · + Xn in law.

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dominate the overall behavior. In this case the histogram of549

observations is distinguished by its ‘heavy tails’. (A combina-550

tion of the two is also possible, for instance in a compound551

Poisson process with a heavy-tailed amplitude distribution.552

For such a process one may observe a change of behavior553

in passing from one dominant type of sparsity to the other).554

Our framework permits us to consider both types of sparsity,555

in the former case with compound Poisson models and in the556

latter with heavy-tailed infinitely-divisible innovations.557

To make our point, we consider two distinct scenarios.558

1) Finite Variance Case: We first assume that the second559

moment m2 = ∫R\{0} a2 V (da) of the Lévy measure V in (6)560

is finite. This allows us to rewrite the classical Lévy-Khinchine561

representation as562

f (ω) = jc1ω − b2ω2


R\{0}[e jaω − 1 − jaω] V (da)563

with c1 = b′′1 + ∫

|a|>1 aV (da) and where the Poisson part564

of the functional is now fully compensated. Indeed, we are565

guaranteed that the above integral is convergent because566

|e jaω − 1 − jωa| � |aω|2 as a → 0 and |e jaω − 1 − jωa| ∼567

|aω| as a → ±∞. An interesting non-Poisson example of568

infinitely-divisible probability laws that falls into this category569

(with non-finite V ) is the Laplace distribution with Lévy triplet570

(0, 0, v(a) = e−|a||a| ) and pid(x) = 1

2 e−|x |. This model is571

particularly relevant for sparse signal processing because it572

provides a tight connection between Lévy processes and total573

variation regularization [18, Section VI].574

Now, if the Lévy measure is finite∫R

V (da) = λ < ∞,575

the admissibility condition yields∫R\{0} a V (da) < ∞, which576

allows us to pull the bias correction out of the integral. The577

representation then simplifies to (8). This implies that we578

can decompose X into the sum of two independent Gaussian579

and compound Poisson random variables. The variances of580

the Gaussian and Poisson components are σ 2 = b2 and581 ∫R

a2V (da), respectively. The Poisson component is sparse582

because its pdf exhibits a mass distribution e−λδ(x) at the583

origin, meaning that the chances for a continuous amplitude584

distribution of getting zero are overwhelmingly higher than585

any other value, especially for smaller values of λ > 0. It is586

therefore justifiable to use 0 ≤ e−λ < 1 as our Poisson sparsity587


2) Infinite Variance Case: We now turn our attention to589

the case where the second moment of the Lévy measure590

is unbounded, which we like to label as the “super-sparse”591

one. To substantiate this claim, we invoke the Ramachandran-592

Wolfe theorem which states that the pth moment E{|X |p}593

with p ∈ R+ of an infinitely divisible distribution is finite594

iff.∫|a|>1 |a|p V (da) < ∞ [43], [44]. For p ≥ 2, the595

latter is equivalent to∫R\{0} |a|p V (da) < ∞ because of the596

admissibility condition (7). It follows that the cases that are597

not covered by the previous scenario (including the Gaussian598

+ Poisson model) necessarily give rise to distributions whose599

moments of order p are unbounded for p ≥ 2. The proto-600

typical representatives of such heavy tail distributions are the601

alpha-stable ones or, by extension, the broad family of infinite602

divisible probability laws that are in their domain of attraction.603

Note that these distributions all fulfill the stringent conditions 604

for �p compressibility[45], [46]. 605



Specifying a stochastic process through an innovation model 608

(or an equivalent stochastic differential equation) is attractive 609

conceptually, but it presupposes that we can provide an inverse 610

operator (in the form of an integral transform) that transforms 611

the innovation back into the initial stochastic process. This is 612

the reason why, after laying out general conditions for exis- 613

tence, we shall spend the greater part of our effort investigating 614

suitable inverse operators. 615

A. Stochastic Differential Equations 616

Our aim is to define the generalized process with whitening 617

operator L : S ′ → S ′ and Lévy exponent f as the solution of 618

the stochastic linear differential equation 619

Ls = w, (12) 620

where w is an innovation process, as described in 621

Section III-C. This definition is obviously only usable if we 622

can construct an inverse operator T = L−1 that solves this 623

equation. For the cases where the inverse is not unique, we will 624

need to select one preferential operator, which is equivalent 625

to imposing specific boundary conditions. We are then able 626

to formally express the stochastic process as a transformed 627

version of a white noise 628

s = L−1w. (13) 629

The requirement for such a solution to be consistent with (12) 630

is that the operator satisfies the right-inverse property LL−1 = 631

Id over the underlying class of tempered distributions. By 632

using the adjoint relation 〈s, ϕ〉 = 〈L−1w,ϕ〉 = 〈w,L−1∗ϕ〉, 633

we can then transfer the action of the operator onto the test 634

function inside the characteristic form and obtain a com- 635

plete statistical characterization of the so-defined generalized 636

stochastic process 637

Ps(ϕ) = PL−1w(ϕ) = Pw(L−1∗ϕ), (14) 638

where Pw is given by (5) (or one of the specific forms in the 639

list at the end of Section III-C) and where we are implicitly 640

requiring that the adjoint L−1∗ is mathematically well-defined 641

(continuous) over S, and that its composition with Pw is 642

well-defined for all ϕ ∈ S. 643

In order to realize the above idea mathematically, it isusually easier to proceed backwards: one specifies an operatorT that satisfies the left-inverse property: ∀ϕ ∈ S, TL∗ϕ = ϕ,and that is continuous (i.e., bounded in the proper norm(s))over the chosen class of test functions. One then characterizesthe adjoint of T, which is the operator T∗ : S ′ → S ′ (or anappropriate subset thereof) such that, for a given φ ∈ S ′,

∀ϕ ∈ S, 〈φ, ϕ〉 = 〈LT∗φ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ, TL∗︸︷︷︸



Finally, we set L−1 = T∗, which yields the proper distribu- 644

tional definition of the right inverse of L in (13). 645

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B. General Conditions for Existence646

To validate the proposed innovation model, we need to647

ensure that the solution s = L−1w is a bona fide generalized648

stochastic process.649

In order to simplify the analysis, we shall restrict our650

attention to an appropriate subclass of Lévy exponents.651

Definition 5: A Lévy exponent f with derivative f ′ is652

p-admissible with 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 if there exists a positive constant653

C such that | f (ω)| + |ω| · | f ′(ω)| ≤ C|ω|p for all ω ∈ R.654

Note that this p-admissibility condition is not very con-655

straining and that it is satisfied by the great majority of656

members of the Lévy-Kintchine family (see Section III-C).657

For instance in the compound Poisson case, we can show that658

|ω| · | f ′(ω)| ≤ λ|ω| E{|A|} and f (ω) ≤ λ|ω| E{|A|} by659

using the fact |e j x − 1| ≤ |x |; this implies that the bound660

in Definition 5 with p = 1 is always satisfied provided661

that the first (absolute) moment of the amplitude pdf pA(a)662

in (10) is finite. Similarly, all symmetric Lévy exponents with663

− f ′′(0) < ∞ (finite variance case) are p-admissible with664

p = 2, the prototypical example being the Gaussian. The only665

cases we are aware of that do not fulfill the condition are the666

alpha-stable noises with 0 < α < 1, which are notorious for667

their exotic behavior.668

The first advantage of imposing p-admissibility is that it669

allows us to extend the set of acceptable analysis functions670

from S to L p which is crucial if we intend to do conventional671

signal processing.672

Theorem 3: If the Lévy exponent f is p-admissible, then673

the characteristic form Pw(ϕ) = exp(∫



)is a674

continuous, positive-definite functional over L p .675

Proof: Since the exponential function is continuous, it is676

sufficient to consider the functional677

F(ϕ) = log Pw(ϕ) =∫


f (ϕ(t))dt,678

which is such that F(0) = 0. To show that F(ϕ)(and hence679


is well-defined over L p , we note that680

|F(ϕ)| ≤∫


| f (ϕ(t))| dt ≤ C‖ϕ‖pp,681

which follows from the p-admissibility condition. The positive682

definiteness of Pw(ϕ) over S is a direct consequence of f683

being a Lévy exponent and is therefore also transferable to684

L p . For the interested reader, this can be shown quite easily685

by proving that F(ϕ) is conditionally positive-definite of order686

one (see [20]).687

The only remaining work is to establish the L p-continuity688

of F(ϕ). To that end, we observe that689

| f (u)− f (v)| =∣∣∣

∫ u

vf ′(t)dt


≤ C∣∣∣

∫ u

vt p−1dt


(by the assumption on f )692

≤ C max(|u|p−1, |v|p−1)|u − v|693

≤ C(|v|p−1 + |u − v|p−1)|u − v|.694

(by the triangle inequality)695

Next, we pick a convergent sequence in L p , {ϕn}∞n=1, whose 696

limit is denoted by ϕ. The convergence in L p is expressed as 697

limn→∞ ‖ϕn − ϕ‖p = 0. (15) 698

We then have 699



f (ϕn(t))dt −∫


f (ϕ(t))dt∣∣∣ 700



|ϕ(t)|p−1|ϕn(t)− ϕ(t)| + |ϕn(t)− ϕ(t)|pdt 701


p ‖ϕn − ϕ‖p + ‖ϕn − ϕ‖pp


(by Hölder’s inequality)


→0 as n → ∞, (by (15)) 703704

which proves the continuity of the functional Pw on L p . 705

Thanks to this result, we can then rely on the Minlos- 706

Bochner theorem (Theorem 1) to state basic conditions on 707

T = L−1∗ that ensure that s = T∗w is a well-defined 708

generalized process over S ′. 709

Theorem 4 (Existence of Generalized Process): Let f be a 710

valid Lévy exponent and T be an operator acting on ϕ ∈ S 711

such that any one of the conditions below is met: 712

1) T is a continuous linear map from S into itself, 713

2) T is a continuous linear map from S into L p and the 714

Lévy exponent f is p-admissible. 715

Then, Ps(ϕ) = exp(∫



)is a continuous, positive- 716

definite functional on S such that Ps(0) = 1. 717

Proof: We already know that Pw is a continuous 718

functional on S (resp., on L p when f is p-admissible) by 719

construction. This, together with the assumption that T is a 720

continuous operator on S (resp., from S to L p), implies that 721

the composed functional Ps(ϕ) := Pw(Tϕ) is continuous 722

on S. 723

Given the functions ϕ1, . . . , ϕN in S and some complex 724

coefficients ξ1, . . . , ξN , 725


Ps(ϕm − ϕn)ξmξn 726




(T(ϕm − ϕn)

)ξmξn 727



Pw(Tϕm − Tϕn)ξmξn

(by the linearity of the operator T)


≥ 0. (by the positivity of Pw over S or L p) 729730

This proves the positive definiteness of the functional Ps 731

on S. 732

Lastly, Ps(0) = Pw(T0) = Pw(0) = 1. 733

The final fundamental issue relates to the interpretation 734

of s = L−1w as an ordinary stochastic process; that is, a 735

random function s(t) of the time variable t . This presupposes 736

that the shaping operator L−1 performs a minimal amount of 737

smoothing since the driving term of the model, w, is too rough 738

to admit a pointwise representation. 739

Theorem 5 (Interpretationas anOrdinaryStochasticProcess): 740

Let s be the generalized stochastic process whose 741

characteristic function is given by (14) where f is a 742

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p-admissible Lévy exponent and L−1∗ is a continuous743

operator from S to L p (or a subset thereof). We also define744

the (generalized) impulse response745

h(t, τ ) = L−1{δ(· − τ )}(t), (16)746

with a slight abuse of notation since h is not necessarily747

an ordinary function. Then, s = L−1w admits the pointwise748

representation for t ∈ R749

s(t) = 〈w, h(t, ·)〉 (17)750

provided that h(t, ·) ∈ L p (with t fixed).751

The form of h(t, τ ) in (16) is the “time-domain” transcrip-752

tion of Schwartz’s kernel theorem which gives the integral753

representation of a linear operator in terms of a (generalized)754

kernel h ∈ S ′ × S ′ (the infinite-dimensional generalization of755

a matrix multiplication). The more standard definition used756

in the theory of generalized functions is 〈h(·, ·), ϕ1 ⊗ ϕ2〉 =757

〈L−1∗{ϕ1}, ϕ2〉, where ϕ1 ⊗ ϕ2(t, τ ) = ϕ1(t)ϕ2(τ ) for all758

ϕ1, ϕ2 ∈ S.759

Proof: The existence of the generalized stochastic process760

s = L−1w is ensured by Theorem 4. We then consider the761

observation of the innovation X0 = 〈w,ϕ0〉 where ϕ0 =762

h(t0, ·) with ϕ0 ∈ L p . Since Pw admits a continuous exten-763

sion over L p (by Theorem 3), we can specify the characteristic764

function of X0 as765

pX0(ω) = E{e jωX0} = Pw(ωϕ0)766

with ϕ0 fixed. Thanks to the functional properties of Pw,767

pX0(ω) is a continuous, positive-definite function of ω such768

that pX0(0) = 1 so that we can invoke Bochner’s theorem769

to establish that X0 is a well-defined conventional random770

variable with pdf pX0 (the inverse Fourier transform of pX0 ).771


C. Inverse Operators773

Before presenting our general method of solution, we need774

to identify a suitable set of elementary inverse operators that775

satisfy the continuity requirement in Theorem 4.776

Our approach relies on the factorization of a differen-777

tial operator into simple first-order components of the form778

(D−αnId) with αn ∈ C, which can then be treated separately.779

Three possible cases need to be considered.780

1) Causal-Stable: Re(αn) < 0. This is the classical textbook781

hypothesis which leads to a causal-stable convolution system.782

It is well known from the theory of distributions and linear783

systems (e.g., [47, Section 6.3], [48]) that the causal Green784

function of (D−αnId) is the causal exponential function ραn (t)785

already encountered in the introductory example in Section II.786

Clearly, ραn (t) is absolutely integrable (and rapidly-decaying)787

iff. Re(αn) < 0. It follows that (D − αnId)−1 f = ραn ∗ f788

with ραn ∈ R ⊂ L1. In particular, this implies that T =789

(D − αnId)−1 specifies a continuous LSI operator on S. The790

same holds for T∗ = (D − αnId)−1∗, which is defined as791

T∗ f = ρ∨αn

∗ f .792

2) Anti-Causal Stable: Re(αn) > 0. This case is usu-793

ally excluded because the standard Green function ραn (t) =794

�+(t)eαn t grows exponentially, meaning that the system does795

not have a stable causal solution. Yet, it is possible to consider796

an alternative anti-causal Green function ρ′αn(t) = −ρ∨−αn

(t) = 797

ραn (t)− eαnt , which is unique in the sense that it is the only 798

Green function5 of (D−αnId) that is Lebesgue-integrable and, 799

by the same token, the proper inverse Fourier transform of 800


for Re(αn) > 0. In this way, we are able to specify 801

an anti-causal inverse filter (D − αnId)−1 f = ρ′αn

∗ f with 802


∈ R that is L p-stable and S-continuous. In the sequel, 803

we will drop the ′ superscript with the convention that ρα(t) 804

systematically refers to the unique Green function of (D−αId) 805

that is rapidly-decay when Re(α) �= 0. For now on, we shall 806

therefore use the definition 807

ρα(t) ={�+(t)eαt if Re(α) ≤ 0−�+(−t)eαt otherwise.

(18) 808

which also covers the next scenario. 809

3) Marginally Stable: Re(αn) = 0 or, equivalently, αn = 810

jω0 with ω0 ∈ R. This third case, which is incompatible 811

with the conventional formulation of stationary processes, is 812

most interesting theoretically because it opens the door to 813

important extensions such as Lévy processes, as we shall see in 814

Section V. Here, we will show that marginally-stable systems 815

can be handled within our generalized framework as well, 816

thanks to the introduction of appropriate inverse operators. 817

The first natural candidate for (D − jω0Id)−1 is the inversefilter whose frequency response is

ρ jω0(ω) = 1

j (ω − ω0)+ πδ(ω − ω0).

It is a convolution operator whose time-domain definition is 818

Iω0ϕ(t) = (ρ jω0 ∗ ϕ)(t) 819

= e jω0t∫ t

−∞e− jω0τ ϕ(τ )dτ. (19) 820

Its impulse response ρ jω0(t) is causal and compatible with 821

Definition (18), but not (rapidly) decaying. The adjoint of Iω0 822

is given by 823

I∗ω0ϕ(t) = (ρ∨

jω0∗ ϕ)(t) 824

= e− jω0t∫ +∞

te jω0τ ϕ(τ )dτ. (20) 825

While Iω0ϕ(t) and I∗ω0ϕ(t) are both well-defined when ϕ ∈ L1, 826

the problem is that these inverse filters are not BIBO stable 827

since their impulse responses, ρ jω0(t) and ρ∨jω0(t), are not 828

in L1. In particular, one can easily see that Iω0ϕ (resp., I∗ω0ϕ) 829

with ϕ ∈ S is generally not in L p with 1 ≤ p < +∞, 830

unless ϕ(ω0) = 0 (resp., ϕ(−ω0) = 0). The conclusion is 831

that I∗ω0fails to be a bounded operator over the class of test 832

functions S. 833

This leads us to introduce some “corrected” version of the 834

adjoint inverse operator I∗ω0, 835

I∗ω0,t0ϕ(t) = I∗ω0

{ϕ − ϕ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0δ(· − t0)}(t) 836

= I∗ω0ϕ(t)− ϕ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0ρ∨jω0(t − t0), (21) 837

where t0 ∈ R is a fixed location parameter and where 838

ϕ(−ω0) = ∫R

e jω0tϕ(t)dt is the complex sinusoidal moment 839

associated with the frequency ω0. The idea is to correct for 840

5: ρ is a Green functions of (D −αn Id) iff. (D −αn Id)ρ = δ; the completeset of solutions is given ρ(t) = ραn (t)+Ceαn t which is the sum of the causalGreen function ραn (t) plus an arbitrary exponential component that is in thenull space of the operator.

Inserted Text





the lack of decay of I∗ω0ϕ(t) as t → −∞ by subtracting841

a properly weighted version of the impulse response of the842

operator. An equivalent Fourier-based formulation is provided843

by the formula at the bottom of Table I; the main difference844

with the corresponding expression for Iω0ϕ is the presence of a845

regularization term in the numerator that prevents the integrant846

from diverging at ω = ω0. The next step is to identify the847

adjoint of I∗ω0,t0 , which is achieved via the following inner-848

product manipulation849

〈ϕ, I∗ω0,t0φ〉 = 〈ϕ, I∗ω0φ〉 − φ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0〈ϕ, ρ∨jω0(· − t0)〉850

= 〈Iω0ϕ, φ〉 − 〈e jω0·, φ〉 e− jω0t0 Iω0ϕ(t0)851


= 〈Iω0ϕ, φ〉 − 〈e jω0(·−t0)Iω0ϕ(t0), φ〉.853

Since the above is equal to 〈Iω0,t0ϕ, φ〉 by definition, we obtain854


Iω0,t0ϕ(t) = Iω0ϕ(t)− e jω0(t−t0) Iω0ϕ(t0). (22)856

Interestingly, this operator imposes the boundary condition857

Iω0,t0ϕ(t0) = 0 via the subtraction of a sinusoidal component858

that is in the null space of the operator (D − jω0Id), which859

gives a direct interpretation of the location parameter t0.860

Observe that expressions (21) and (22) define linear operators,861

albeit not shift-invariant ones, in contrast with the classical862

inverse operators Iω0 and I∗ω0.863

For analysis purposes, it is convenient to relate the proposed864

inverse operators to the anti-derivatives corresponding to the865

case ω0 = 0. To that end, we introduce the modulation866


Mω0ϕ(t) = e jω0tϕ(t)868

which is a unitary map on L2 with the property that869


= M−ω0 .870

Proposition 1: The inverse operators defined by (19), (20),871

(22), and (21) satisfy the modulation relations872

Iω0ϕ(t) = Mω0 I0 M−1ω0ϕ(t),873

I∗ω0ϕ(t) = M−1

ω0I∗0 Mω0ϕ(t),874

Iω0,t0ϕ(t) = Mω0 I0,t0 M−1ω0ϕ(t),875

I∗ω0,t0ϕ(t) = M−1ω0

I∗0,t0 Mω0ϕ(t).876

Proof: These follow from the modulation property of877

the Fourier transform (i.e, F{Mω0ϕ}(ω) = F{ϕ}(ω − ω0))878

and the observations that Iω0δ(t) = ρ jω0(t) = Mω0ρ0(t) and879

I∗ω0δ(t) = ρ∨

jω0(t) = M−ω0ρ

∨0 (t) with ρ0(t) = �+(t) (the unit880

step function).881

The important functional property of I∗ω0,t0 is that it essentially882

preserves decay and integrability, while Iω0,t0 fully retains sig-883

nal differentiability. Unfortunately, it is not possible to have the884

two simultaneously unless Iω0ϕ(t0) and ϕ(−ω0) are both zero.885

Proposition 2: If f ∈ L∞,α with α > 1, then there exists886

a constant Ct0 such that887

|I∗ω0,t0 f (t)| ≤ Ct0‖ f ‖∞,α

1 + |t|α−1 ,888

which implies that I∗ω0,t0 f ∈ L∞,α−1.889

Proof: Since modulation does not affect the decay properties 890

of a function, we can invoke Proposition 1 and concentrate on 891

the investigation of the anti-derivative operator I∗0,t0 . Without 892

loss of generality, we can also pick t0 = 0 and transfer the 893

bound to any other finite value of t0 by adjusting the value of 894

the constant Ct0 . Specifically, for t < 0, we write this inverse 895

operator as 896

I∗0,0 f (t) = I∗0 f (t)− f (0) 897

=∫ +∞

tf (τ )dτ −

∫ ∞

−∞f (τ )dτ 898

= −∫ t

−∞f (τ )dτ. 899

This implies that 900

|I∗0,0 f (t)| =∣∣∣∣

∫ t

−∞f (τ )dτ

∣∣∣∣ ≤ ‖ f ‖∞,α

∫ t


1 + |τ |α dτÊ 901


α − 1

) ‖ f ‖∞,α

1 + |t|α−1 902

for all t < 0. For t > 0, I∗0,0 f (t) = ∫ ∞t f (τ )dτ so that the 903

above upper bounds remain valid. 904

The interpretation of the above result is that the inverse 905

operator I∗ω0,t0 reduces inverse polynomial decay by one order. 906

Proposition 2 actually implies that the operator will preserve 907

the rapid decay of the Schwartz functions which are included 908

in L∞,α for any α ∈ R+. It also guarantees that I∗ω0,t0ϕ belongs 909

to L p for any Schwartz function ϕ. However, I∗ω0,t0 will spoil 910

the global smoothness properties of ϕ because it introduces a 911

discontinuity at t0, unless ϕ(−ω0) is zero in which case the 912

output remains in the Schwartz class. This allows us to state 913

the following theorem which summarizes the higher-level part 914

of those results for further reference. 915

Theorem 6: The operator I∗ω0,t0 defined by (22) is a continu- 916

ous linear map from R into R (the space of bounded functions 917

with rapid decay). Its adjoint Iω0,t0 is given by (21) and has the 918

property that Iω0,t0ϕ(t0) = 0. Together, these operators satisfy 919

the complementary left- and right-inverse relations 920

{I∗ω0,t0(D − jω0Id)∗ϕ = ϕ

(D − jω0Id)Iω0,t0ϕ = ϕ921


for all ϕ ∈ S. 923

Having a tight control on the action of I∗ω0,t0 over S allows 924

us to extend the right-inverse operator Iω0,t0 to an appropriate 925

subset of tempered distributions φ ∈ S ′ according to the rule 926

〈Iω0,t0φ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ, I∗ω0,t0ϕ〉. Our complete set of inverse oper- 927

ators is summarized in Table I together with their equivalent 928

Fourier-based definitions which are also interpretable in the 929

generalized sense of distributions. The first three entries of 930

the table are standard results from the theory of linear systems 931

(e.g., [49, Table 4.1]), while the other operators are specific 932

to this work. 933

D. Solution of Generic Stochastic Differential Equation 934

We now have all the elements to solve the generic stochastic 935

linear differential equation 936



anDns =M∑


bmDmw (23) 937







where the an and bm are arbitrary complex coefficients with the938

normalization constraint aN = 1. While this reminds us of the939

textbook formula of an ordinary N th-order differential system,940

the non-standard aspect in (23) is that the driving term is a941

innovation process w, which is generally not defined point-942

wise, and that we are not imposing any stability constraint.943

Eq. (23) thus covers the general case (12) where L is a shift-944

invariant operator with the rational transfer function945

L(ω) = ( jω)N + aN−1( jω)N−1 + · · · + a1( jω)+ a0

bM ( jω)M + · · · + b1( jω)+ b0946

= PN ( jω)

QM ( jω). (24)947

The poles of the system, which are the roots of the charac-948

teristic polynomial PN (ζ ) = ζ N + aN−1ζn−1 + · · · + a0 with949

Laplace variable ζ ∈ C, are denoted by {αn}Nn=1. While we950

are not imposing any restriction on their locus in the complex951

plane, we are adopting a special ordering where the purely952

imaginary roots (if present) are coming last. This allows us to953

factorize the numerator of (24) as954

PN ( jω) =N∏


( jω− αn)955




( jω− αn)

) (n0∏


( jω− jωm)



with αN−n0+m = jωm , 1 ≤ m ≤ n0, where n0 is the number957

of purely-imaginary poles. The operator counterpart of this958

last equation is the decomposition959

PN (D) = (D − α1Id) · · · (D − αN−n0 Id)︸ ︷︷ ︸

regular part


◦ (D − jω1Id) · · · (D − jωn0 Id)︸ ︷︷ ︸

critical part


which involves a cascade of elementary first-order compo- 962

nents. By applying the proper sequence of right-inverse oper- 963

ators from Table I, we can then formally solve the system as 964

in (13). The resulting inverse operator is 965

L−1 = Iωn0 ,tn0· · · Iω1,t1

︸ ︷︷ ︸shift-variant

TLSI (26) 966

with 967

TLSI = (D − αN−n0 Id)−1 · · · (D − α1Id)−1 QM (D), 968

which imposes the n0 boundary conditions 969



s(t)|t=tn0= 0

(D − jωn0 Id)s(t)∣∣t=tn0−1

= 0...

(D − jω2Id) · · · (D − jωn0 Id)s(t)∣∣t=t1

= 0.

(27) 970

Implicit in the specification of these boundary conditions is 971

the property that s and its derivatives up to order n0 −1 admit 972

a pointwise interpretation in the neighborhood of (t1, . . . , tn0). 973

This can be shown with the help of Theorem 5. For instance, 974

if n0 = 1 and ω1 = 0, then s(t) with t fixed is given by (17) 975

with h(t, ·) = T∗LSI{�[0,t)} ∈ R ⊂ L p . 976

The adjoint of the operator specified by (26) is 977

L−1∗ = T∗LSI I∗ω1,t1 · · · I∗ωn0 ,tn0︸ ︷︷ ︸


, (28) 978

and is guaranteed to be a continuous linear mapping from 979

S into R by Theorem 6, the key point being that each of 980

the component operators preserves the rapid decay of the test 981

function to which it is applied. The last step is to substitute 982

the explicit form (28) of L−1∗ into (14) with a Pw that is 983

well-defined on R, which yields the characteristic form of the 984





stochastic process s defined by (23) subject to the boundary985

conditions (27).986

We close this section with a comment about commutativity:987

while the order of application of the operators QM (D) and988

(D − αnId)−1 in the LSI part of (26) is immaterial (thanks to989

the commutativity of convolution), it is not so for the inverse990

operators Iωm ,t0 that appear in the “shift-variant” part of the991

decomposition. The latter do not commute and their order of992

application is tightly linked to the boundary conditions.993


This section is devoted to the characterization and inves-995

tigation of the properties of the broad family of stochastic996

processes specified by the innovation model (12) where L is997

LSI. It covers the non-Gaussian stationary processes (V-A),998

which are generated by conventional analog filtering of a999

sparse innovation, as well as the whole class of processes1000

that are solution of the (possibly unstable) differential equa-1001

tion (23) with a Lévy noise excitation (V-B). The latter1002

category constitutes the higher-order generalization of the1003

classical Lévy processes, which are non-stationary. The pro-1004

posed method is constructive and essentially boils down to1005

the specification of appropriate families of shaping operators1006

L−1 and to making sure that the admissibility conditions in1007

Theorem 4 are met.1008

A. Non-Gaussian Stationary Processes1009

The simplest scenario is when L−1 is LSI and can be1010

decomposed into a cascade of BIBO-stable and ordinary differ-1011

ential operators. If the BIBO-stable part is rapidly-decreasing,1012

then L−1 is guaranteed to be S-continuous. In particular, this1013

covers the case of an N th-order differential system without1014

any pole on the imaginary axis, as justified by our analysis in1015

Section IV-D.1016

Proposition 3 (Generalized StationaryProcesses): Let L−11017

(the right-inverse of some operator L) be a S-continuous1018

convolution operator characterized by its impulse response1019

ρL = L−1δ. Then, the generalized stochastic processes1020

that are defined by Ps(ϕ) = exp(∫


L ∗ ϕ(t))dt)


where f (ω) is of the generic form (6) are stationary and1022

well-defined solutions of the operator equation (12) driven by1023

some corresponding innovation process w.1024

Proof: The fact that these generalized processes are1025

well-defined is a direct consequence of the Minlos-Bochner1026

Theorem since L−1∗ (the convolution with ρ∨L ) satisfies the1027

first admissibility condition in Theorem 4. The stationarity1028

property is equivalent to Ps(ϕ) = Ps(ϕ(· − t0)) for all1029

t0 ∈ R; it is established by simple change of variable in1030

the inner integral using the basic shift-invariance property of1031

convolution; i.e.,(ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ(· − t0))(t) = (ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ)(t − t0).1032

The above characterization is not only remarkably con-1033

cise, but also quite general. It extends the traditional theory1034

of stationary Gaussian processes, which corresponds to the1035

choice f (ω) = − σ 202 ω

2. The Gaussian case results in the1036

simplified form∫R

f (L−1∗ϕ(t))dt = − σ 202 ‖ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ‖2L2


− 14π

∫R�s(ω)|ϕ(ω)|2dω (using Parseval’s identity) where1038

�s(ω) = σ 20

|L(−ω)|2 is the spectral power density that is associ- 1039

ated with the innovation model. The interest here is that we get 1040

access to a much broader family of non-Gaussian processes 1041

(e.g., generalized Poisson or alpha-stable) with matched spec- 1042

tral properties since they share the same whitening operator L. 1043

The characteristic form condenses all the statistical 1044

information about the process. For instance, by setting 1045

ϕ = ωδ(· − t0), we can explicitly determine Ps(ϕ) = 1046

E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} = E{e jωs(t0)} = F{p(s(t0)

)}(−ω), which yields 1047

the characteristic function of the first-order probability den- 1048

sity, p(s(t0)) = p(s), of the sample values of the 1049

process. In the present stationary scenario, we find that 1050

p(s) = F−1{exp(∫

Rf( − ωρL(t)


)}(s), which requires 1051

the evaluation of an integral followed by an inverse Fourier 1052

transform. While this type of calculation is only tractable 1053

analytically in special cases, it may be performed numerically 1054

with the help of the FFT. Higher-order density functions are 1055

accessible as well as at the cost of some multi-dimensional 1056

inverse Fourier transforms. The same applies for moments 1057

which can be obtained through a simpler differentiation 1058

process, as exemplified in Section V-C. 1059

B. Generalized Lévy Processes 1060

The further reaching aspect of the present formulation is that 1061

it is also applicable to the characterization of non-stationary 1062

processes such as Brownian motion and Lévy processes, which 1063

are usually treated separately from the stationary ones, and 1064

that it naturally leads to the identification of a whole variety 1065

of higher-order extensions. The commonality is that these non- 1066

stationary processes can all be derived as solutions of an 1067

(unstable) N th-order differential equation with some poles on 1068

the imaginary axis. This corresponds to the setting in Section 1069

IV-D with n0 > 0. 1070

Proposition 4 (Generalized Nth-order Lévy Processes): 1071

Let L−1 (the right-inverse of an N th-order differential 1072

operator L) be specified by (26) with at least one 1073

non-shift-invariant factor Iω1,t1 . Then, the generalized 1074

stochastic processes that are defined by Ps(ϕ) = 1075




)where f is a p-admissible 1076

Lévy exponent are well-defined solutions of the stochastic 1077

differential equation (23) driven by some corresponding 1078

Lévy innovation w. These processes satisfy the boundary 1079

conditions (27) and are non-stationary. 1080

Proof: The result is a direct consequence of the 1081

analysis in Section IV-D—in particular, Eqs. (26)–(28)—and 1082

Proposition 2. The latter implies that L−1∗ϕ is bounded in all 1083

L∞,m norms with m ≥ 1. Since S ⊂ L∞,m ⊂ L p and the 1084

Schwartz topology is the strongest in this chain, we can infer 1085

that L−1∗ is a continuous operator from S onto any of the L p 1086

spaces with p ≥ 1. The existence claim then follows from the 1087

combination of Theorem 4 and Minlos-Bochner. Since L−1∗ϕ 1088

is not shift-invariant, there is no chance for these processes 1089

to be stationary, not to mention the fact that they fulfill the 1090

boundary conditions (27). 1091

Conceptually, we like to view the generalized stochastic 1092

processes of Proposition 4 as “adjusted” versions of the 1093

stationary ones that include some additional sinusoidal (or 1094





polynomial) trends. While the generation mechanism of these1095

trends is random, there is a deterministic aspect to it because1096

it imposes the boundary conditions (27) at t1, · · · , tn0 . The1097

class of such processes is actually quite rich and the formalism1098

surprisingly powerful. We shall illustrate the use of1099

Proposition 4 in Section V with the simplest possible operator1100

L = D which will gets us back to Brownian motion and the1101

celebrated family of Lévy processes. We shall also show how1102

the well-known properties of Lévy processes can be readily1103

deduced from their characteristic form.1104

C. Moments and Correlation1105

The covariance form of a generalized (complex-valued)1106

process s is defined as:1107

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = E{〈s, ϕ1〉 · 〈s, ϕ2〉}.1108

where 〈s, ϕ2〉 = 〈s, ϕ2〉 when s is real-valued. Thanks to1109

the moment generating properties of the Fourier transform,1110

this functional can be calculated from the characteristic form1111

Ps(ϕ) as1112

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = (− j)2∂2Ps(ω1ϕ1 + ω2ϕ2)



, (29)1113

where we are implicitly assuming that the required partial1114

derivative of the characteristic functional exists. The autocor-1115

relation of the process is then obtained by making the formal1116

substitution ϕ1 = δ(· − t1) and ϕ2 = δ(· − t2):1117

Rs(t1, t2) = E{s(t1)s(t2)} = Bs (δ(· − t1), δ(· − t2)) .1118

Alternatively, we can also retrieve the autocorrelation1119

function by invoking the kernel theorem: Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) =1120 ∫R2 Rs(t1, t2)ϕ1(t1)ϕ(t2)dt1dt2.1121

The concept also generalizes for the calculation of the1122

higher-order correlation form61123

E{〈s, ϕ1〉 · 〈s, ϕ2〉 · · · 〈s, ϕN 〉}1124

= (− j)N ∂N Ps(ω1ϕ1 + · · · + ωNϕN )

∂ω1 · · · ∂ωN

∣∣∣∣∣ω1=0,··· ,ωN =0


which provides the basis for the determination of higher-order1126

moments and cumulants.1127

Here, we concentrate on the calculation of the second-order1128

moments, which happen to be independent upon the specific1129

type of noise. For the cases where the covariance is defined1130

and finite, it is not hard to show that the generic covariance1131

form of the innovation processes defined in Section III-C is1132

Bw(ϕ1, ϕ2) = σ 20 〈ϕ1, ϕ2〉,1133

where σ 20 is a suitable normalization constant that depends on1134

the noise parameters (b1, b2, v) in (7)–(10). We then perform1135

the usual adjoint manipulation to transfer the above formula1136

to the filtered version s = L−1w of such a noise process.1137

Property 1 (Generalized Correlation): The covariance1138

form of the generalized stochastic process whose characteristic1139

6For simplicity, we are only giving the formula for a real-valued process.

form is Ps(ϕ) = Pw(L−1∗ϕ) where Pw is a white noise 1140

functional is given by 1141

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = σ 20 〈L−1∗ϕ1,L−1∗ϕ2〉 = σ 2

0 〈L−1L−1∗ϕ1, ϕ2〉, 1142

and corresponds to the correlation function 1143

Rs(t1, t2) = E{s(t1) · s(t2)} = σ 20 〈L−1L−1∗δ(· − t1),δ(·−t2)〉. 1144

The latter characterization requires the determination of the 1145

impulse response of L−1L−1∗. In particular, when L−1 is LSI 1146

with convolution kernel ρL ∈ L1, we get that 1147

Rs(t1, t2) = σ 20 L−1L−1∗δ(t2 − t1) = rs(t2 − t1) 1148

= σ 20 (ρL ∗ ρ∨

L )(t2 − t1), 1149

which confirms that the underlying process is wide-sense sta- 1150

tionary. Since the autocorrelation function rs(τ ) is integrable, 1151

we also have a one-to-one correspondence with the traditional 1152

notion of power spectrum: �s(ω) = F{rs}(ω) = σ 20

|L(−ω)|2 , 1153

where L(ω) is the frequency response of the whitening oper- 1154

ator L. 1155

The determination of the correlation function for the non- 1156

stationary processes associated with the unstable versions 1157

of (23) is more involved. We shall see in [32] that it can be 1158

bypassed if, instead of s(t), we consider the generalized incre- 1159

ment process sd(t) = Lds(t) where Ld is a discrete version 1160

(finite-difference type operator) of the whitening operator L. 1161

D. Sparsification in a Wavelet-Like Basis 1162

The implicit assumption for the next properties is that 1163

we have a wavelet-like basis {ψi,k }i∈Z,k∈Z available that is 1164

matched to the operator L. Specifically, the basis functions 1165

ψi,k (t) = ψi (t − 2i k) with scale and location indices (i, k) 1166

are translated versions of some normalized reference wavelet 1167

ψi = L∗φi where φi is an appropriate scale-dependent 1168

smoothing kernel. It turns out that such operator-like wavelets 1169

can be constructed for the whole class of ordinary differential 1170

operators considered in this paper [36]. They can be specified 1171

to be orthogonal and/or compactly supported (cf. examples in 1172

Fig. 2). In the case of the classical Haar wavelet, we have that 1173

ψHaar = Dφi where the smoothing kernels φi ∝ φ0(t/2i ) are 1174

rescaled versions of a triangle function (B-spline of degree 1). 1175

The latter dilation property follows from the fact that the 1176

derivative operator D commutes with scaling. 1177

We note that the determination of the wavelet coefficients 1178

vi [k] = 〈s, ψi,k 〉 of the random signal s at a given scale 1179

i is equivalent to correlating the signal with the wavelet 1180

ψi (continuous wavelet transform) and sampling thereafter. 1181

The goods news is that this has a stationarizing and decoupling 1182

effect. 1183

Property 2 (Wavelet-Domain Probability Laws): Let 1184

vi (t) = 〈s, ψi (· − t)〉 with ψi = L∗φi be the i th channel of 1185

the continuous wavelet transform of a generalized (stationary 1186

or non-stationary) Lévy process s with whitening operator 1187

L and p-admissible Lévy exponent f . Then, vi (t) is a 1188

generalized stationary process with characteristic functional 1189

Pvi (ϕ) = Pw(φi ∗ϕ) where Pw is defined by (5). Moreover, 1190

the characteristic function of the (discrete) wavelet coefficient 1191





vi [k] = vi (2i k)—that is, the Fourier transform of the pdf1192

pvi (v)—is given by pvi (ω) = Pw(ωφi ) = e fi (ω) and is1193

infinitely divisible with modified Lévy exponent1194

fi (ω) =∫


f(ωφi (t)

)dt .1195

Proof: Recalling that s = L−1w, we get1196

vi (t) = 〈s, ψi (· − t)〉 = 〈L−1w,L∗φi (· − t)〉1197

= 〈w,L−1∗L∗φi (· − t)〉 = (φ∨

i ∗ w)(t)1198

where we have used the fact that L−1∗ is a valid (continuous)1199

left-inverse of L∗. The wavelet smoothing kernel φi ∈ R has1200

rapid decay (e.g., compactly-support or, at worst, exponential1201

decay); this allows us to invoke Proposition 3 to prove the first1202


As for the second part, we start from the definition of the1204

characteristic function:1205

pvi (ω) = E{e jωvi } = E{e jω〈s,ψi,k 〉} = E{e j 〈s,ωψi 〉}1206

(by stationarity)1207

= Ps(ωψi ) = Pw(L−1∗L∗φiω)1208

= Pw(ωφi ) = exp



f(ωφi (t)




where we have used the left-inverse property of L−1∗ and1210

the expression of the Lévy noise functional. The result then1211

follows by identi fication. 71212

We determine the joint characteristic function of any two1213

wavelet coefficients Y1 = 〈s, ψi1 ,k1〉 and Y2 = 〈s, ψi2 ,k2 〉 with1214

indices (i1, k1) and (i2, k2) using a similar technique.1215

Property 3 (Wavelet Dependencies): The joint characteris-1216

tic function of the wavelet coefficients Y1 = vi1 [k1] =1217

〈s, ψi1 ,k1 〉 and Y2 = vi2 [k2] = 〈s, ψi2 ,k2 〉 of the generalized1218

stochastic process s in Property 2 is given by1219

pY1,Y2(ω1, ω2) = exp



f(ω1φi1(t − 2i1 k1)1220

+ω2φi2 (t − 2i2 k2))dt


where f is the Lévy exponent of the innovation process w.1222

The coefficients are independent if the kernels φi1(t − 2i1 k1)1223

and φi2 (t − 2i2 k2) have disjoint support; their correlation is1224

given by1225

E{Y1Y2} = σ 20 〈φi1 (· − 2i1 k1), φi2 (· − 2i2 k2)〉.1226

under the assumption that the variance σ 20 of w is finite.1227

Proof: The first formula is obtained by substitution of1228

ϕ = ω1ψi1,k1 + ω2ψi2,k2 in E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} = Pw(L−1∗ϕ), and1229

simplification using the left-inverse property of L−1∗. The1230

statement about independence follows from the exponential1231

nature of the characteristic function and the property that1232

f (0) = 0, which allows for the factorization of the charac-1233

teristic function when the support of the kernels are distinct1234

7A technical remark is in order here: the substitution of a non-smoothfunction such as φi ∈ R in the characteristic noise functional Pw is legitimateprovided that the domain of continuity of the functional can be extendedfrom S to R, or, even less restrictively, to L p when f is p-admissible (seeTheorem 3).

(independence of the noise at every point). The correlation 1235

formula is obtained by direct application of the first result 1236

in Property 1 with ϕ1 = ψi1,k1 = L∗φi1(· − 2i1 k1) and 1237

ϕ2 = ψi2 ,k2 = L∗φi2 (· − 2i2 k2). 1238

These results provide a complete characterization of the 1239

statistical distribution of sparse stochastic processes in some 1240

matched wavelet domain. They also indicate that the repre- 1241

sentation is intrinsically sparse since the transformed-domain 1242

statistics are infinitely divisible. Practically, this translates 1243

into the wavelet domain pdfs being heavier tailed than a 1244

Gaussian (unless the process is Gaussian) (cf. argumentation in 1245

Section III-D). 1246

To make matters more explicit, we consider the case where 1247

the innovation process is SαS. The application of Property 2 1248

with f (ω) = −|ω|αα! yields fi (ω) = −|σiω|α

α! with disper- 1249

sion parameter σi = ‖φi‖Lα . This proves that the wavelet 1250

coefficients of a generalized SαS stochastic process follow 1251

SαS distributions with the spread of the pdf at scale i being 1252

determined by the Lα norm of the corresponding wavelet 1253

smoothing kernels. This strongly suggests that, for α < 2, 1254

the process is compressible in the sense that the essential part 1255

of the “energy content” is carried by a tiny fraction of wavelet 1256

coefficients, as illustrated in Fig. 1. 1257

It should be noted, however, that the quality of the decou- 1258

pling is strongly dependent upon the spread of the wavelet 1259

smoothing kernels φi which should be chosen to be max- 1260

imally localized for best performance. In the case of the 1261

first-order system (cf. example in Section II), the basis func- 1262

tions for i fixed are not overlapping which implies that the 1263

wavelet coefficients within a given scale are independent. 1264

This is not so across scale because of the cone-shaped region 1265

where the support of the kernels φi1 and φi2 overlap, which 1266

induces dependencies. Incidentally, the inter-scale correlation 1267

of wavelet coefficients is often exploited for improving coding 1268

performance [50] and signal reconstruction by imposing joint 1269

sparsity constraints [51]. 1270


We now illustrate our method by specifying classical Lévy 1272

processes—denoted by W (t)—via the solution of the (mar- 1273

ginally unstable) stochastic differential equation 1274


dtW (t) = w(t) (30) 1275

where the driving term w is one of the independent noise 1276

processes defined earlier. It is important to keep in mind that 1277

Eq. (30), which is the limit of (2) as α → 0, is only a notation 1278

whose correct interpretation is 〈DW, ϕ〉 = 〈w,ϕ〉 for all ϕ ∈ 1279

S. We shall consider the solution W (t) for all t ∈ R, but we 1280

shall impose the boundary condition W (t0) = 0 with t0 = 0 1281

to make our construction compatible with the classical one 1282

which is defined for t ≥ 0. 1283

A. Distributional Characterization of Lévy Processes 1284

The direct application of the operator formalism developed 1285

in Section III yields the solution of (30): 1286

W (t) = I0,0w(t) 1287

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where I0,0 is the unique right inverse of D that imposes the1288

required boundary condition at t = 0. The Fourier-based1289

expression of this anti-derivative operator is obtained from the1290

6th line of Table I by setting (ω0, t0) = (0, 0). By using the1291

properties of the Fourier transform, we obtain the simplified1292


I0,0ϕ(t) ={∫ t

0 ϕ(τ)dτ, t ≥ 0− ∫ 0

t ϕ(τ)dτ, t < 0,(31)1294

which allows us to interpret W (t) as the integrated version of1295

w with the proper boundary conditions. Likewise, we derive1296

the time-domain expression of the adjoint operator1297

I∗0,0ϕ(t) ={ ∫ ∞

t ϕ(τ)dτ, t ≥ 0,− ∫ t

−∞ ϕ(τ)dτ, t < 0.(32)1298

Next, we invoke Proposition 4 to obtain the characteristic form1299

of the Lévy process1300

PW (ϕ) = Pw(I∗0,0ϕ) (33)1301

which is admissible provided that the Lévy exponent f fullfils1302

the condition in Theorem 4.1303

We get the characteristic function of the sample values1304

of the Lévy process W (t1) = 〈W, δ(· − t1)〉 by making the1305

substitution ϕ = ω1δ(· − t1) in (33): PW(ω1δ(· − t1)

) =1306


(ω1I∗0,0δ(·− t1)

)with t1 > 0. We then use (31) to evaluate1307

I∗0,0δ(t − t1) = �[0,t1)(t). Since the latter indicator function is1308

equal to one for t ∈ [0, t1) and zero elsewhere, it is easy to1309

evaluate the integral over t in (5) with f (0) = 0, which yields1310

E{e jω1W (t1)} = exp







= et1 f (ω1)1312

This result is equivalent to the celebrated Lévy-Khinchine1313

representation of the process [31].1314

B. Lévy Increments vs. Wavelet Coefficients1315

A fundamental property of Lévy processes is that their1316

increments at equally-spaced intervals are i.i.d.[31]. To see1317

how this fits into the present framework, we specify the1318

increments on the integer grid as the special case of (3) with1319

α = 0:1320

u[k] = �0W (k) := W (k)− W (k − 1)1321

=∫ k

k−1w(t)dt = 〈w,β∨

0 (· − k)〉1322

where β0(t) = �[0,1)(t) = �0ρ0(t) is the causal B-spline of1323

degree 0 (rectangular function). We are also introducing some1324

new notation, which is consistent with the definitions given1325

in [32, Table II], to set the stage for the generalizations to1326

come.�0 is the finite-difference operator, which is the discrete1327

analog of the derivative operator D, while ρ0 (unit step) is1328

the Green function of the derivative operator D. The main1329

point of the exercise is to show that determining increments1330

is structurally equivalent to the computation of the wavelet1331

coefficients in Property 2 with the smoothing kernel φi being1332

substituted by β∨0 . It follows that the characteristic function of 1333

wd [·] is given by 1334

pu(ω) = exp(∫

Rf (ωβ∨

0 (t))dt

) = e f (ω) = pid(ω) (34) 1335

where the simplification of the integral results from the binary 1336

nature of β0 which is either 1 (on a support of size 1) or 1337

zero. This implies that the increments of the Lévy process 1338

are independent (because the B-spline functions β∨0 (·− k) are 1339

non-overlapping) and that their pdf is given by the canonical 1340

id distribution of the innovation process pid(x) (cf. discussion 1341

in Section III-D). 1342

The alternative is to expand the Lévy process in the 1343

Haar basis which is ideally matched to it. Indeed, the Haar 1344

wavelet at scale i = 1 (lower-left function in Fig. 2) can be 1345

expressed as 1346

ψHaar(t/2) = β0(t)− β0(t − 1) = �0β0 = Dβ(0,0)(t) 1347

(35) 1348

where β(0,0) = β0 ∗ β0 is the causal B-spline of degree 1 1349

(triangle function). Since D∗ = −D, this confirms that 1350

the underlying smoothing kernels are dilated versions of a 1351

B-spline of degree 1. Moreover, since the wavelet-domain 1352

sampling is critical, there is no overlap of the basis 1353

functions within a given scale which implies that the 1354

wavelets coefficients are independent on a scale-by-scale basis 1355

(cf. Property 3). If we now compare the situation with that 1356

of the Lévy increments, we observe that the wavelet analysis 1357

involves one more layer of smoothing of the innovation with 1358

β0 (due to the factorization property of β(0,0)) which slightly 1359

complicates the statistical calculations. 1360

While the smoothing effect on the innovation is qualitatively 1361

the same in both instances, there are fundamental differences, 1362

too. In the wavelet case, the underlying discrete transform 1363

is orthogonal, but the coefficients are not fully decoupled 1364

because of the inter-scale dependencies which are unavoidable, 1365

as explained in Section V-D. By contrast, the decoupling of 1366

the Lévy increments is perfect, but the underlying discrete 1367

transform (finite difference transform) is non-orthogonal. In 1368

our companion paper, we shall see how this latter strategy is 1369

extendable to the much broader family of sparse processes via 1370

the definition of the generalized increment process. 1371

C. Examples of Lévy Processes 1372

Realizations of four different Lévy processes are shown in 1373

Fig. 1 together with their Lévy triplets(b1, b2, v(a)

). The 1374

first signal is a Brownian motion (a.k.a. Wiener process) that 1375

is obtained by integration of a white Gaussian noise. This 1376

classical process is known to be nowhere differentiable in the 1377

classical sense, despite the fact that it is continuous everywhere 1378

(almost surely) as all the members of the Lévy family. While 1379

the sampled version of �0W is i.i.d. in all cases, it does not 1380

yield a sparse representation in this first instance because the 1381

underlying distribution remains Gaussian. The second process,



which may be termed Lévy-Laplace motion, is specified by 1383

the Lévy density v(a) = e−|a|/|a| which is not in L1. By 1384

taking the inverse Fourier transform of (34), we can show that 1385

its increment process has a Laplace distribution [18]; note that 1386

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Fig. 3
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Fig. 3. Examples of Lévy motions W (t) with increasing degrees of sparsity. (a) Brownian motion with Lévy triplet (0, 1, 0). (b) Lévy-Laplace motion with(0, 0, e−|a|

|a|). (c) Compound Poisson process with

(0, 0, λ 1√


with λ = 132 . (d) Symmetric Lévy flight with

(0, 0, 1/|a|α+1)

and α = 1.2.

this type of generalized Gaussian model is often used to justify1387

sparsity-promoting signal processing techniques based on �11388

minimization [52]–[54]. The third piecewise-constant signal is1389

a compound Poisson process. It is intrinsically sparse since a1390

good proportion of its increments is zero by construction (with1391

probability e−λ). Interestingly, this is the only type of Lévy1392

process that fulfills the finite rate of innovation property [17].1393

The fourth example is an alpha-stable Lévy motion (a.k.a.1394

Lévy flight) with α = 1.2. Here, the distribution of �0W1395

is heavy-tailed (SαS) with unbounded moments for p > α.1396

Although this may not be obvious from the picture, this is1397

the sparsest process of the lot because it is �α-compressible1398

in the strongest sense [45]. Specifically, we can compress the1399

sequence such as to preserve any prescribed portion r < 1 of1400

its average �α energy by retaining an arbitrarily small fraction1401

of samples as the length of the signal goes to infinity.1402

D. Link With Conventional Stochastic Calculus1403

Thanks to (30), we can view a white noise w = W as the1404

weak derivative of some classical Lévy processes W (t) which1405

is well-defined pointwise (almost everywhere). This provides1406

us with further insights on the range of admissible innovation1407

processes of Section II.C which constitute the driving terms of1408

the general stochastic differential equation (12). This funda-1409

mental observation also makes the connection with stochastic1410

calculus8 [55], [56], which avoids the notion of white noise1411

by relying on the use of stochastic integrals of the form1412

s(t) =∫


h(t, t ′)dW (t ′)1413

where W is a random (signed) measure associated to some1414

canonical Brownian motion (or, by extension, a Lévy process)1415

and where h(t, t ′) is an integration kernel that formally cor-1416

responds to our inverse operator L−1 (see Theorem 5).1417

8The Itô integral of conventional stochastic calculus is based on Brownianmotion, but the concept can also be generalized to Lévy driving terms usingthe more advanced theory of semimartingales [55].


We have set the foundations of a unifying framework that 1419

gives access to the broadest possible class of continuous- 1420

time stochastic processes specifiable by linear, shift-invariant 1421

equations, which is beneficial for signal processing purposes. 1422

We have shown that these processes admit a concise represen- 1423

tation in a wavelet-like basis. We have applied our framework 1424

to the description of the classical Lévy processes, which, in 1425

our view, provide the simplest and most basic examples of 1426

sparse processes, despite the fact that they are non-stationary. 1427

We have also hinted at the link between Lévy increments 1428

and splines, which is the theme that we shall develop in full 1429

generality next [32]. 1430

We have demonstrated that the proposed class of 1431

stochastic models and the corresponding mathematical 1432

machinery (Fourier analysis, characteristic functional, and 1433

B-spline calculus) lends itself well to the derivation of 1434

transform-domain statistics. The formulation suggests a variety 1435

of new processes whose properties are compatible with the 1436

currently-dominant paradigm in the field which is focused on 1437

the notion of sparsity. In that respect, the sparse processes that 1438

are best matched to conventional wavelets9 are those generated 1439

by N-fold integration (with proper boundary conditions) of a 1440

non-gaussian innovation. These processes, which are the solu- 1441

tion of an unstable SDE (pole of multiplicity N at the origin), 1442

are intrinsically self-similar (fractal) and non-stationary. Last 1443

but not least, the formulation is backward compatible with the 1444

classical theory of Gaussian stationary processes. 1445


The authors are thankful to Prof. Robert Dalang (EPFL 1447

Chair of Probabilities), Julien Fageot and Dr. Arash Amini 1448

for helpful discussions. 1449

9A wavelet with N vanishing moments can always be rewritten as ψ =DNφ with φ ∈ L2(R) where the operator L = DN is scale-invariant.






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[54] S. Babacan, R. Molina, and A. Katsaggelos, “Bayesian compressive 1592

sensing using Laplace priors,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 19, 1593

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[55] P. Protter, Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations. New York, 1595

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Michael Unser (M’89–SM’94–F’99) received the M.S. (summa cum laude)1599

and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1981 and 1984, respectively,1600

from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.1601

From 1985 to 1997, he worked as a scientist with the National Institutes1602

of Health, Bethesda USA. He is now full professor and Director of the1603

Biomedical Imaging Group at the EPFL.1604

His main research area is biomedical image processing. He has a strong1605

interest in sampling theories, multiresolution algorithms, wavelets, the use of1606

splines for image processing, and, more recently, stochastic processes. He has1607

published about 250 journal papers on those topics.1608

Dr. Unser is currently member of the editorial boards of IEEE1609


in Signal Processing, SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, and the PROCEEDINGS1611

OF THE IEEE. He co-organized the first IEEE International Symposium on1612

Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2002) and was the founding chair of the technical1613

committee of the IEEE-SP Society on Bio Imaging and Signal Processing1614


He received three Best Paper Awards (1995, 2000, 2003) from the IEEE1616

Signal Processing Society, and two IEEE Technical Achievement Awards1617

(2008 SPS and 2010 EMBS). He is an EURASIP Fellow and a member1618

of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.1619

Pouya D. Tafti was born in Tehran in 1981. He received his BSc degree 1620

in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in 1621

2003, his MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McMaster 1622

University, Hamilton, Ontario, in 2006, and his PhD in Computer, Information, 1623

and Communication Sciences from EPFL, Lausanne, in 2011. From 2006 to 1624

2012 he was with the Biomedical Imaging Group at EPFL, where he worked 1625

on vector field imaging and statistical models for signal and image processing. 1626

He currently resides in Germany where he works as a data scientist. 1627

Qiyu Sun received the BSc and PhD degree in mathematics from Hangzhou 1628

University, China in 1985 and 1990 respectively. He is a full professor with the 1629

Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida. His prior position 1630

was with Zhejiang University (China), National University of Singapore 1631

(Singapore), Vanderbilt University, and University of Houston. 1632

His research interests include sampling theory, Wiener’s lemma, wavelet 1633

and frame theory, linear and nonlinear inverse problems, and Fourier analysis. 1634

He has published more than 100 papers on mathematics and signal processing, 1635

and written a book An Introduction to Multiband Wavelets (Zhejiang Univer- 1636

sity Press, 2001) with Ning Bi and Daren Huang. He is on the editorial 1637

board of the journals Advance in Computational Mathematics, Numerical 1638

Functional Analysis and Optimization and Sampling Theory in Signal and 1639

Imaging Processing. 1640





AQ:1 = Please provide the expansion for “CARMA.”AQ:2 = Please supply index terms/keywords for your paper. To download the IEEE Taxonomy, go to

http://www.ieee.org/documents/taxonomy_v101.pdf.AQ:3 = Fig. 3 is not cited in body text. Please indicate where it should be cited.AQ:4 = Please provide the volume no. issue no., and page range for ref. [32].





A Unified Formulation of Gaussian VersusSparse Stochastic Processes—Part I:

Continuous-Domain TheoryMichael Unser, Fellow, IEEE, Pouya D. Tafti, and Qiyu Sun

Abstract— We introduce a general distributional framework1

that results in a unifying description and characterization of a2

rich variety of continuous-time stochastic processes. The corner-3

stone of our approach is an innovation model that is driven by4

some generalized white noise process, which may be Gaussian or5

not (e.g., Laplace, impulsive Poisson, or alpha stable). This allows6

for a conceptual decoupling between the correlation properties7

of the process, which are imposed by the whitening operator8

L, and its sparsity pattern, which is determined by the type of9

noise excitation. The latter is fully specified by a Lévy measure.10

We show that the range of admissible innovation behavior11

varies between the purely Gaussian and super-sparse extremes.12

We prove that the corresponding generalized stochastic processes13

are well-defined mathematically provided that the (adjoint)14

inverse of the whitening operator satisfies some L p bound for15

p ≥ 1. We present a novel operator-based method that yields16

an explicit characterization of all Lévy-driven processes that are17

solutions of constant-coefficient stochastic differential equations.18

When the underlying system is stable, we recover the family of19

stationary CARMA processes, including the Gaussian ones. TheAQ:1 20

approach remains valid when the system is unstable and leads21

to the identification of potentially useful generalizations of the22

Lévy processes, which are sparse and non-stationary. Finally, we23

show that these processes admit a sparse representation in some24

matched wavelet domain and provide a full characterization of25

their transform-domain statistics.26

Index Terms— XXXXX.AQ:2 27


IN RECENT years, the research focus in signal process-29

ing has shifted away from the classical linear paradigm,30

which is intimately linked with the theory of stationary31

Gaussian processes [1], [2]. Instead of considering Fourier32

transforms and performing quadratic optimization, researchers33

are presently favoring wavelet-like representations and have34

adopted sparsity as design paradigm [3]–[8]. The property that35

a signal admits a sparse expansion can be exploited elegantly36

Manuscript received September 21, 2012; revised October 7, 2013; acceptedDecember 13, 2013. This work was supported in part by the Swiss NationalScience Foundation under Grant 200020-144355, in part by the EuropeanCommission under Grant ERC-2010-AdG-267439-FUNSP, and in part by theNational Science Foundation under Grant DMS 1109063.

M. Unser and P. D. Tafti are with the Biomedical Imaging Group,École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

Q. Sun is with the Department of Mathematics, University of CentralFlorida, Orlando, FL 32816 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

Communicated by V. Borkar, Associate Editor for CommunicationNetworks.

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2014.2298453

for compressive sensing, which is presently a very active area 37

of research (cf. special issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE 38

[9], [10]). The concept is equally helpful for solving inverse 39

problems and has resulted in significant algorithmic advances 40

for the efficient resolution of large scale �1-norm minimization 41

problems [11]–[13]. 42

The current formulations of compressed sensing and sparse 43

signal recovery are fundamentally deterministic. Also, they are 44

predominantly discrete and based on finite-dimensional mathe- 45

matics, with the notable exception of the works of Eldar [14], 46

Adcock and Hansen [15]. By drawing on the analogy with 47

the classical theory of signal processing, it is likely that 48

further progress may be achieved by adopting a statistical 49

(or estimation theoretic) point of view for the description 50

of sparse signals in the analog domain. This stands as our 51

primary motivation for the investigation of the present class 52

of continuous-time stochastic processes, the greater part of 53

which is sparse by construction. These processes are specified 54

as a superset of the Gaussian ones, which is essential for 55

maintaining backward compatibility with traditional statistical 56

signal processing. 57

The present construction is a generalization of a classical 58

idea in communication theory and signal processing which is 59

to view a stochastic process as filtered version of a white noise 60

(a.k.a. innovation) [16]. The fundamental aspect here is that 61

the modeling is done in the continuous domain, which, as we 62

shall see, imposes strong constraints on the class of admissible 63

innovations; that is, the generalized white noise that constitutes 64

the input of the innovation model. The second ingredient is a 65

powerful operational calculus (the generalization of the idea 66

of filtering) for solving stochastic differential equations (SDE), 67

including unstable ones, which is essential for inducing inter- 68

esting (non-stationary) behaviors such as self-similarity. The 69

combination of these ingredients results in the specification 70

of an extended class of stochastic processes that are either 71

Gaussian or sparse, at the exclusion of any other type. The 72

proposed theory has a unifying character in that it connects a 73

number of contemporary topics in signal processing, statistics 74

and approximation theory: 75

sparsity (in relation to compressed sensing) [3], [4] 76

signals with a finite rate of innovation [17], [18] 77

the classical theory of Gaussian stationary processes [1], 78

[16] 79

non-Gaussian continuous-domain modeling of signals 80

[19], [20] 81

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stochastic differential equations [21], [22]82

splines, wavelets and linear system theory [5], [23].83

Most importantly, it explains why certain classes of processes84

admit a sparse representation in a matched wavelet-like basis85

(see introductory example in Section II where the Haar trans-86

form outperfoms the classical Karhunen-Loève transform).87

Since these models are the natural functional extension of the88

Gaussian stationary processes, they may stimulate the develop-89

ment of novel algorithms for statistical signal processing. This90

has already been demonstrated in the context of biomedical91

image reconstruction [24], the derivation of statistical priors92

for discrete-domain signal representation [25], optimal signal93

denoising [26], and MMSE interpolation [27].94

Because the proposed model is intrinsically linear, we have95

adopted a formulation that relies on generalized functions,96

rather than the traditional mathematical concepts (random97

measures and Ito integrals) from the theory of stochastic98

differential equations [21], [22], [28]. We are then taking99

advantage of the theory of generalized stochastic processes100

of Gelfand (arguably, the second most famous Soviet math-101

ematician after Kolmogorov) and some powerful tools of102

functional analysis (Minlos-Bochner’s theorem) [29] that are103

not widely known to engineers nor statisticians. While this104

may look like an unnecessary abstraction at first sight, it is105

very much in line with the intuition of an engineer who prefers106

to work with analog filters and convolution operators rather107

than with stochastic integrals. We are then able to use the108

whole machinery of linear system theory and the power of the109

characteristic functional to derive the statistics of the signal in110

any (linearly) transformed domain.111

The paper is organized as follows. The basic flavor112

of the innovation model is conveyed in Section II by113

focusing on a first-order differential system which results in114

the generation of Gaussian and non-Gaussian AR(1) stochastic115

processes. We use of this model to illustrate that a properly-116

matched wavelet transform can outperform the classical117

Karhunen-Loève transform (or the DCT) for the compres-118

sion of (non-Gaussian) signals. In Section III, we review119

the foundations of Gelfand’s theory of generalized stochas-120

tic processes. In particular, we characterize the complete121

class of admissible continuous-time white noise processes122

(innovations) and give some argumentation as to why the123

non-Gaussian brands are inherently sparse. In Section IV,124

we give a high-level description of the general innova-125

tion model and provide a novel operator-based method126

for the solution of SDE. In Section V, we make use of127

Gelfand’s formalism to fully characterize our extended class of128

(non-Gaussian) stochastic processes including the special129

cases of CARMA and N th-order generalized Lévy processes.130

We also derive the statistics of the wavelet-domain representa-131

tion of these signals, which allows for a common (stationary)132

treatment of the two latter classes of processes, irrespective133

of any stability consideration. Finally, in Section VI, we134

turn back to our introductory example by moving into the135

unstable regime (single pole at the origin) which yields a136

non-conventional system-theoretic interpretation of classical137

Lévy processes[28], [30], [31]. We also point out the structural138

similarity between the increments of Lévy processes and 139

their Haar wavelet coefficients. For higher-order illustrations 140

of sparse processes, we refer to our companion paper [32], 141

which is specifically devoted to the study of the discrete-time 142

implication of the theory and the way to best decouple (e.g. 143

“sparsify”) such processes. The notation, which is common to 144

both papers, is summarized in [32, Table II]. 145



A continuous-time Gaussian AR(1) (or Gauss-Markov) 148

process can be formally generated by applying a first-order 149

analog filter to a Gaussian white noise process w: 150

sα(t) = (ρα ∗ w)(t) (1) 151

where ρα(t) = �+(t)eαt with Re(α) < 0 and �+(t) is the 152

unit-step function. Next, we observe that ρα = (D −αId)−1δ 153

where δ is the Dirac impulse and where D = ddt and Id are the 154

derivative and identity operators, respectively. These operators 155

as well as the inverse are to be interpreted in the distributional 156

sense (see Section III-A). This suggests that sα satisfies the 157

“innovation” model (cf.[1], [16]) 158

(D − αId)sα(t) = w(t), (2) 159

or, equivalently, the stochastic differential equation (cf.[22]) 160

dsα(t)− αsα(t)dt = dW (t), 161162

where W (t) = ∫ t0 w(τ)dτ is a standard Brownian motion 163

(or Wiener process) excitation. In the statistical literature, 164

the solution of the above first-order SDE is often called the 165

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. 166

Let (sα[k] = sα(t)|k=t )k∈Z denote the sampled version of 167

the continuous-time process. Then, one can show that sα[·] is 168

a discrete AR(1) autoregressive process that can be whitened 169

by applying the first-order linear predictor: 170

sα[k] − eαsα[k − 1] = u[k] (3) 171

where u[·] (prediction error) is an i.i.d. Gaussian sequence. 172

Alternatively, one can decorrelate the signal by computing its 173

discrete cosine transform (DCT), which is known to be asymp- 174

totically equivalent to the Karhunen-Loève transform (KLT) of 175

the process [33], [34]. Eq. (3) provides the basis for classical 176

linear predictive coding (LPC), while the decorrelation prop- 177

erty of the DCT is often invoked to justify the popular JPEG 178

transform-domain coding scheme [35]. 179

In this paper, we are concerned with the non-Gaussian 180

counterpart of this story, which, as we shall see, will result 181

in the identification of sparse processes. The idea is to retain 182

the simplicity of the classical innovation model, while substi- 183

tuting the continuous-time Gaussian noise by some generalized 184

Lévy innovation (to be properly defined in the sequel). This 185

translates into Eqs. (1)–(3) remaining valid, except that the 186

underlying random variates are no longer Gaussian. The more 187

significant finding is that the KLT (or its discrete approxi- 188

mation by the DCT) is no longer optimal for producing the 189

best M-term approximation of the signal. This is illustrated in 190





Fig. 1. Wavelets vs. KLT (or DCT) for the M-term approximation ofGaussian vs. sparse AR(1) processes with α = −0.1: (a) classical Gaussianscenario, (b) sparse scenario with symmetric Cauchy innovations. The E-splinewavelets are matched to the innovation model. The displayed results (relativequadratic error as a function of M/N ) are averages over 1000 realizationsfor AR(1) signals of length N = 1024; the performance of DCT and KLT isundistinguishable.

Fig. 1, which compares the performance of various transforms191

for the compression of two kinds of AR(1) processes with192

correlation e−0.1 ≈ 0.90: Gaussian vs. sparse where the latter193

innovation follows a Cauchy distribution. The key observation194

is that the E-spline wavelet transform, which is matched to the195

operator L = D − αId, provides the best results in the non-196

Gaussian scenario over the whole range of experimentation197

[cf. Fig. 1(b)], while the outcome in the Gaussian case is as198

predicted by the classical theory with the KLT being superior.199

Examples of orthogonal E-spline wavelets at two successive200

scales are shown in Fig. 2 next to their Haar counterparts.201

We selected the E-spline wavelets because of their ability202

to decouple the process which follows from their operator-203

like behavior: ψi = L∗φi where i is the scale index and φi204

a suitable smoothing kernel [36, Theorem 2]. Unlike their205

conventional cousins, they are not dilated versions of each206

other, but rather extrapolations in the sense that the slope207

of the exponential segments remains the same at all scales.208

They can, however, be computed efficiently using a perfect209

reconstruction filterbank with scale-dependent filters [36].210

The equivalence with traditional wavelet analysis (Haar)211

and finite-differencing (as used in the computation of total212

variation) for signal “sparsification” is achieved by letting213

α → 0. The catch, however, is that the underlying system214

becomes unstable! Fortunately, the problem can be fixed,215

but it calls for an advanced mathematical treatment that is216

beyond the traditional formulation of stationary processes. The217

reminder of the paper is devoted to giving a proper sense218

to what has just been described informally, and to extend-219

ing the approach to the whole class of ordinary differential220

operators, including the non-stable scenarios. The non-trivial221

outcome, as we shall see, is that many non-stable systems222

are linked with non-stationary stochastic processes. These, in223

Fig. 2. Comparison of operator-like and conventional wavelet basis functionsat two successive scales: (a) first-order E-spline wavelets with α = −0.5.(b) Haar wavelets. The vertical axis is rescaled for full range display.

turn, can be stationarized and “sparsified” by application of a 224

suitable wavelet transformation. The companion paper [32] is 225

focused on the discrete aspects of the theory including the 226

generalization of (3) for decoupling purposes and the full 227

characterization of the underlying processes. 228


The purpose of this section is to introduce the distribu- 230

tional formalism that is required for the proper definition of 231

continuous-time white noise that is the driving term of (1) 232

and its generalization. We start with a brief summary of some 233

required notions in functional analysis, which also serves us to 234

set the notation. We then introduce the fundamental concept 235

of characteristic functional which constitutes the foundation 236

of Gelfand’s theory of generalized stochastic processes. We 237

proceed by giving the complete characterization of the possible 238

types of continuous-domain white noises—not necessarily 239

Gaussian—which will be used as universal input for our inno- 240

vation models. We conclude the section by showing that the 241

non-Gaussian brands of noises that are allowed by Gelfand’s 242

formulation are intrinsically sparse, a property that has not 243

been emphasized before (to the best of our knowledge). 244

A. Functional and Distributional Context 245

The L p-norm of a function f = f (t) is ‖ f ‖p = 246


| f (t)|pdt) 1

p for 1 ≤ p < ∞ and ‖ f ‖∞ = 247

ess supt∈R | f (t)| for p = +∞ with the corresponding 248

Lebesgue space being denoted by L p = L p(R). The concept is 249

extendable for characterizing the rate of decay of functions. To 250

that end, we introduce the weighted L p,α spaces with α ∈ R+


L p,α = {f ∈ L p : ‖ f ‖p,α < +∞}


where the α-weighted L p-norm of f is defined as 253

‖ f ‖p,α = ‖(1 + | · |α) f (·)‖p . 254

Hence, the statement f ∈ L∞,α implies that f (t) decays 255

at least as fast as 1/|t|α as t tends to ±∞; more precisely, 256

that | f (t)| ≤ ‖ f ‖∞,α

1+|t |α almost everywhere. In particular, this 257

allows us to infer that L∞, 1p +ε ⊂ L p for any ε > 0 and 258

p ≥ 1. Another obvious inclusion is L p,α ⊆ L p,α0 for any 259





α ≥ α0. In the limit, we end up with the space of rapidly-260

decreasing functions R = {f : ‖ f ‖∞,m < +∞, ∀m ∈ Z


which is included in all the others.1262

We use ϕ = ϕ(t) to denote a generic function in Schwartz’s263

class S of rapidly-decaying and infinitely-differentiable test264

functions. Specifically, Schwartz’s space is defined as:265

S = {ϕ ∈ C∞ : ‖Dnϕ‖∞,m < +∞, ∀m, n ∈ Z


with the operator notation Dn = dn

dt n and the convention that267

D0 = Id (identity). S is a complete topological vector space268

with respect to the topology induced by the series of semi-269

norm ‖Dn · ‖∞,m with m, n ∈ Z+. Its topological dual is270

the space of tempered distributions S ′; a distribution φ ∈ S ′271

is a continuous linear functional on S that is characterized272

by a duality product rule φ(ϕ) = 〈φ, ϕ〉 = ∫Rφ(t)ϕ(t)dt273

with ϕ ∈ S where the right-hand side expression has a literal274

interpretation as an integral only when φ(t) is true function275

of t . The prototypical example of a tempered distribution is the276

Dirac distribution δ, which is defined as δ(ϕ) = 〈δ, ϕ〉 = ϕ(0).277

In the sequel, we will drop the explicit dependence of the278

distribution on the generic test function ϕ ∈ S and simply279

write φ, φ(·) or even φ(t) (with an abuse of notation) where t280

as the generic time index. For instance, we shall denote the281

shifted Dirac impulse2 by δ(· − t0), or δ(t − t0) which is the282

conventional notation used by engineers.283

Let T be a continuous3 linear operator that maps S into284

itself (or eventually some enlarged topological space such285

as L p). It is then possible to extend the action of T over286

S ′ (or an appropriate subset of it) based on the definition287

〈Tφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,T∗ϕ〉 for φ ∈ S ′ if T∗ is the adjoint of T288

which maps ϕ to another test function T∗ϕ ∈ S continuously.289

An important example is the Fourier transform whose classical290

definition is F{ f }(ω) = f (ω) = ∫R

f (t)e− jωt dt . Since F is291

a S-continuous operator, it is extendable to S ′ based on the292

adjoint relation 〈Fφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,Fϕ〉 for all ϕ ∈ S (generalized293

Fourier transform).294

A linear, shift-invariant (LSI) operator that is well-defined295

over S can always be written as a convolution product:296

TLSI{ϕ} = h ∗ ϕ =∫


h(τ )ϕ(· − τ )dτ297

where h = TLSI{δ} is the impulse response of the system.298

The adjoint operator is the convolution with the time-reversed299

version of h:300

h∨(t) ≡ h(−t).301

The better-known categories of LSI operators are the302

BIBO-stable (bounded input, bounded output) filters, and303

the ordinary differential operators. While the latter are not304

BIBO-stable, they do work well with test functions.305

1The topology of R is defined by the family of semi-norms ‖ · ‖∞,m ,m = 1, 2, 3, . . .

2The precise definition is 〈δ(· − t0), ϕ〉 = ϕ(t0) for all ϕ ∈ S .3An operator T is continuous from a sequential topological vector space

V into another one iff. ϕk → ϕ in the topology of V implies that Tϕk → Tϕin the topology (or norm) of the second space. If the two spaces coincide, wesay that T is V-continuous.

1) L p-Stable LSI Operators: The BIBO-stable filters corre- 306

spond to the case where h ∈ L1, or, more generally, when h 307

corresponds to a complex-valued Borel measure of bounded 308

variation. The latter extension allows for discrete filters of the 309

form hd = ∑n∈Z

d[n]δ(·−n) with d[n] ∈ �1. We will refer to 310

these filters as L p-stable because they specify bounded oper- 311

ators in all the L p spaces (by Young’s inequality). L p-stable 312

convolution operators satisfy the properties of commutativity, 313

associativity, and distributivity with respect to addition. 314

2) S-Continuous LSI Operators: For an L p-stable filter to 315

yield a Schwartz function as output, it is necessary that its 316

impulse response (continuous or discrete) be rapidly-decaying. 317

In fact, the condition h ∈ R (which is much stronger than inte- 318

grability) ensures that the filter is S-continuous. The nth-order 319

derivative Dn and its adjoint Dn∗ = (−1)nDn are in the 320

same category. The nth-order weak derivative of the tempered 321

distribution φ is defined as Dnφ(ϕ) = 〈Dnφ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ,Dn∗ϕ〉 322

for any ϕ ∈ S. The latter operator—or, by extension, any 323

polynomial of distributional derivatives PN (D) = ∑Nn=1 anDn


with constant coefficients an ∈ C—maps S ′ into itself. The 325

class of these differential operators enjoys the same properties 326

as its classical counterpart: shift-invariance, commutativity, 327

associativity and distributivity. 328

B. Notion of Generalized Stochastic Process 329

Classically, a stochastic process is a random function 330

s(t), t ∈ R whose statistical description is provided by the 331

probability law of its point values {s(t1), s(t2), . . . , s(tn), . . . } 332

for any finite sequence of time instants {tn}Nn=1. The implicit 333

assumption there is that one has a mechanism for probing the 334

value of the function s at any time t ∈ R, which is only 335

achievable approximately in the real physical world. 336

The leading idea in Gelfand and Vilenkin’s theory of 337

generalized stochastic processes is to replace the point mea- 338

surements {s(tn)} by a series of scalar products {〈s, ϕn〉} with 339

suitable “test” functions ϕ1, . . . , ϕN ∈ S [29]. The physical 340

motivation that these authors give is that Xn = 〈s, ϕn〉 may 341

represent the reading of a finite-resolution detector whose 342

output is some “averaged” value∫R

s(t)ϕn(t)dt , which is a 343

more plausible form of probing than ideal sampling. The 344

additional hypothesis is that the linear measurement X = 〈s, ϕ〉 345

depends continuously on ϕ and that the quantities Xn = 〈s, ϕn〉 346

obtained for different test functions {ϕn} are mutually compat- 347

ible. Mathematically, this translates into defining a generalized 348

stochastic process as a continuous linear random functional on 349

some topological vector space such as S. 350

Let s be such a generalized process. We first observe 351

that the scalar product X1 = 〈s, ϕ1〉 with a given test 352

function ϕ1 is a conventional (scalar) random variable that 353

is characterized by its probability density function (pdf) 354

pX1(x1); the latter is in one-to-one correspondence (via the 355

Fourier transform) with the characteristic function pX1(ω1) = 356

E{e jω1 X1} = ∫R

e jω1x1 pX1(x1)dx1 = E{e j 〈s,ω1ϕ1〉} where E{·} 357

is the expectation operator. The same applies for the 2nd-order 358

pdf pX1,X2(x1, x2) associated with a pair of test functions ϕ1 359

and ϕ2 which is the inverse Fourier transform of the 2-D 360

characteristic function pX1,X2(ω1, ω2) = E{e j 〈s,ω1ϕ1+ω2ϕ2〉}, 361

and so forth if one wants to specify higher-order dependencies. 362





The foundation for the theory of generalized stochastic363

processes is that one can deduce the complete statistical364

information about the process from the knowledge of its365

characteristic form366

Ps(ϕ) = E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} (4)367

which is a continuous, positive-definite functional over S such368

that Ps(0) = 1. Since the variable ϕ in Ps(ϕ) is completely369

generic, it provides the equivalent of an infinite-dimensional370

generalization of the characteristic function. Indeed, any finite371

dimensional version can be recovered by direct substitution of372

ϕ = ω1ϕ1 +· · ·+ωNϕN in Ps(ϕ) where the ϕn are fixed and373

where ω = (ω1, · · · , ωN ) takes the role of the N-dimensional374

Fourier variable.375

In fact, Gelfand’s theory rests upon the principle that speci-376

fying an admissible functional Ps(ϕ) is equivalent to defining377

the underlying generalized stochastic process (Bochner-Minlos378

theorem). To explain this remarkable result, we start by379

recalling the fundamental notion of positive-definiteness for380

univariate functions [37].381

Definition 1: A complex-valued function f of the real382

variable ω is said to be positive-definite iff.383





f (ωm − ωn)ξmξ n ≥ 0384

for every possible choice of ω1, . . . , ωN ∈ R, ξ1, . . . , ξN ∈ C385

and N ∈ Z+.386

This is equivalent to the requirement that the N × N matrix387

F whose elements are given by [F]mn = f (ωm − ωn) is388

positive semi-definite (that is, non-negative definite) for all389

N , no matter how the ωn’s are chosen.390

Bochner’s theorem states that a bounded, continuous func-391

tion p is positive-definite if and only if it is the Fourier392

transform of a positive and finite Borel measure P:393

p(ω) =∫


e jωxdP(x).394

In particular, Bochner’s theorem implies that a function pX (ω)395

is a valid characteristic function—that is, pX (ω) = E{e jωX } =396 ∫R

e jωx PX (dx) = ∫R

e jωx pX (x)dx where X is a random397

variable with probability measure PX (or pdf pX )—iff. pX is398

continuous, positive-definite and such that pX (0) = 1.399

The power of functional analysis is that these concepts400

carry over to functionals on some abstract nuclear space X ,401

the prime example being Schwartz’s class S of smooth and402

rapidly-decreasing test functions[29].403

Definition 2: A complex-valued functional F(ϕ) defined404

over the function space X is said to be positive-definite iff.405





F(ϕm − ϕn)ξmξ∗n ≥ 0406

for every possible choice of ϕ1, . . . , ϕN ∈ X , ξ1, . . . , ξN ∈ C407

and N ∈ Z+.408

Definition 3: A functional F : X → R (or C) is said to409

be continuous (with respect to the topology of the function410

space X ) if, for any convergent sequence (ϕi ) in X with limit 411

ϕ ∈ X , the sequence F(ϕi ) converges to F(ϕ); that is, 412


F(ϕi ) = F(limiϕi ). 413

Theorem 1 (Minlos-Bochner): Given a functional Ps(ϕ) 414

on a nuclear space X that is continuous, positive-definite and 415

such that Ps(0) = 1, there exists a unique probability measure 416

Ps on the dual space X ′ such that 417

Ps(ϕ) = E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} =∫

X ′e j 〈s,ϕ〉dPs(s), 418

where 〈s, ϕ〉 is the dual pairing map. One further has the 419

guarantee that all finite dimensional probabilities measures 420

derived from Ps(ϕ) by setting ϕ = ω1ϕ1 + · · · + ωNϕN are 421

mutually compatible. 422

The characteristic form therefore uniquely specifies the 423

generalized stochastic process s = s(ϕ) (via the infinite- 424

dimensional probability measure Ps) in essentially the 425

same way as the characteristic function fully determines 426

the probability measure of a scalar or multivariate random 427

variable. 428

C. White Noise Processes (Innovations) 429

We define a white noise w as a generalized random process 430

that is stationary and whose measurements for non-overlapping 431

test functions are independent. A remarkable aspect of the 432

theory of generalized stochastic processes is that it is 433

possible to deduce the complete class of such noises based 434

on functional considerations only [29]. To that end, Gelfand 435

and Vilenkin consider the generic class of functionals of the 436

form 437

Pw(ϕ) = exp






(5) 438

where f is a continuous function on the real line and ϕ 439

is a test function from some suitable space. This functional 440

specifies an independent noise process if Pw is continuous 441

and positive-definite and Pw(ϕ1 + ϕ2) = Pw(ϕ1)Pw(ϕ2) 442

whenever ϕ1 and ϕ2 have non-overlapping support. The latter 443

property is equivalent to having f (0) = 0 in (5). Gelfand 444

and Vilenkin then go on to prove that the complete class of 445

functionals of the form (5) with the required mathematical 446

properties (continuity, positive-definiteness and factorizability) 447

is obtained by choosing f to be a Lévy exponent, as defined 448

below. 449

Definition 4: A complex-valued continuous function f (ω) 450

is a valid Lévy exponent if and only if f (0) = 0 and gτ (ω) = 451

eτ f (ω) is a positive-definite function of ω for all τ ∈ R+. 452

In doing so, they actually establish a one-to-one corre- 453

spondence between the characteristic form of an indepen- 454

dent noise processes (5) and the family of infinite-divisible 455

laws whose characteristic function takes the form pX (ω) = 456

e f (ω) = E{e jωX } [38], [39]. While Definition 4 is hard to 457

exploit directly, the good news is that there exists a complete 458

constructive, characterization of Lévy exponents, which is a 459

classical result in probability theory: 460





Theorem 2 (Lévy-Khintchine Formula): f (ω) is a valid461

Lévy exponent if and only if it can be written as462

f (ω) = jb′1ω − b2ω




R\{0}[e jaω − 1 − jaω�{|a|<1}(a)] V (da)464


where b′1 ∈ R and b2 ∈ R

+ are some constants and V is a466

Lévy measure, that is, a (positive) Borel measure on R\{0}467

such that468 ∫

R\{0}min(1, a2) V (da) < ∞. (7)469

The notation � (a) refers to the indicator function that takes470

the value 1 if a ∈ and zero otherwise. Theorem 2 is funda-471

mental to the classical theories of infinite-divisible laws and472

Lévy processes [28], [31], [39]. To further our mathematical473

understanding of the Lévy-Khintchine formula (6), we note474

that e jaω − 1 − jaω�{|a|<1}(a) ∼ − 12 a2ω2 as a → 0. This475

ensures that the integral is convergent even when the Lévy476

measure V is singular at the origin to the extent allowed by477

the admissibility condition (7). If the Lévy measure is finite or478

symmetrical (i.e., V (E) = V (−E) for any E ⊂ R), it is then479

also possible to use the equivalent, simplified form of Lévy480


f (ω) = jb1ω − b2ω2


R\{0}(e jaω − 1

)V (da) (8)482

with b1 = b′1 − ∫

0<|a|<1 aV (da). The bottomline is that483

a particular brand of independent noise process is thereby484

completely characterized by its Lévy exponent or, equivalently,485

its Lévy triplet (b1, b2, v) where v is the so-called Lévy density486

associated with V such that487

V (E) =∫


for any Borel set E ⊆ R. With this latter convention, the489

three primary types of innovations encountered in the signal490

processing and statistics literature are specified as follows:491

1) Gaussian: b1 = 0, b2 = 1, v = 0492

fGauss(ω) = −|ω|22,493

Pw(ϕ) = e− 1

2 ‖ϕ‖2L2 . (9)494

2) Compound Poisson [18]: b1 = 0, b2 = 0, v(a) =495

λ pA(a) with∫R

pA(a)da = pA(0) = 1,496

fPoisson(ω; λ, pA) = λ


(e jaω − 1


Pw(ϕ) = exp





(e jaϕ(t) − 1) pA(a)dadt




3) Symmetric alpha-stable (SαS) [40]: b1 = 0, b2 =500

0, v(a) = Cα|a|α+1 with 0 < α < 2 and Cα = sin( πα2 )

π a501

suitable normalization constant, 502

fα(ω) = −|ω|αα! , 503

Pw(ϕ) = e− 1α! ‖ϕ‖αLα . (11) 504

The latter follows from the fact that −|ω|αα! is the generalized 505

Fourier transform of Cα|t |α+1 with the convention that α! = 506

�(α + 1) where � is Euler’s Gamma function [41]. 507

While none of these innovations has a classical interpre- 508

tation as a random function of t , we can at least provide an 509

explicit description of the Poisson noise as an infinite random 510

sequence of Dirac impulses (cf.[18, Theorem 1]) 511

wλ(t) =∑


akδ(t − tk) 512

where the tk are random locations that are uniformly distrib- 513

uted over R with density λ, and where the weights ak are 514

i.i.d. random variables with pdf pA(a). Remarkably, this is 515

the only innovation process in the family that has a finite rate 516

of innovation [17]; however, it is, by far, not the only one that 517

is sparse as explained next. 518

D. Gaussian Versus Sparse Categorization 519

To get a better understanding of the underlying class of 520

white noises w, we propose to probe them through some 521

localized analysis window ϕ, which will yield a conventional 522

i.i.d. random variable X = 〈w,ϕ〉 with some pdf pϕ(x). The 523

most convenient choice is to pick the rectangular analysis 524

window ϕ(t) = rect(t) = �[− 12 ,

12 ](t) when 〈w, rect〉 is 525

well-defined. By using the fact that e jaωrect(t)−1 = e jaω−1 for 526

t ∈ [− 12 ,

12 ], and zero otherwise, we find that the characteristic 527

function of X is simply given by 528

prect(ω) = Pw (ω · rect(t)) = exp ( f (ω)) , 529

which corresponds to the generic (Lévy-Khinchine) form asso- 530

ciated with an infinitely-divisible distribution [31], [39], [42]. 531

The above result makes the mapping between generalized 532

white noise processes and classical infinite-divisible (id) laws4533

explicit: The “canonical” id pdf of w, pid(x) = prect(x), is 534

obtained by observing the noise through a rectangular window. 535

Conversely, given the Lévy exponent of an id distribution, 536

f (ω) = log (F{pid}(ω)), we can specify a corresponding 537

innovation process w via the characteristic form Pw(ϕ) by 538

merely substituting the frequency variable ω by the generic 539

test function ϕ(t), adding an integration over R and taking 540

the exponential as in (5). 541

We note, in passing, that sparsity in signal processing may 542

refer to two distinct notions. The first is that of a finite rate 543

of innovation; i.e., a finite (but perhaps random) number of 544

innovations per unit of time and/or space, which results in a 545

mass at zero in the histogram of observations. The second 546

possibility is to have a large, even infinite, number of 547

innovations, but with the property that a few large innovations 548

4A random variable X with pdf pX (x) is said to be infinitely divisible (id)if for any n ∈ Z

+ there exist i.i.d. random variables X1, . . . , Xn with pdf saypn(x) such that X = X1 + · · · + Xn in law.





dominate the overall behavior. In this case the histogram of549

observations is distinguished by its ‘heavy tails’. (A combina-550

tion of the two is also possible, for instance in a compound551

Poisson process with a heavy-tailed amplitude distribution.552

For such a process one may observe a change of behavior553

in passing from one dominant type of sparsity to the other).554

Our framework permits us to consider both types of sparsity,555

in the former case with compound Poisson models and in the556

latter with heavy-tailed infinitely-divisible innovations.557

To make our point, we consider two distinct scenarios.558

1) Finite Variance Case: We first assume that the second559

moment m2 = ∫R\{0} a2 V (da) of the Lévy measure V in (6)560

is finite. This allows us to rewrite the classical Lévy-Khinchine561

representation as562

f (ω) = jc1ω − b2ω2


R\{0}[e jaω − 1 − jaω] V (da)563

with c1 = b′′1 + ∫

|a|>1 aV (da) and where the Poisson part564

of the functional is now fully compensated. Indeed, we are565

guaranteed that the above integral is convergent because566

|e jaω − 1 − jωa| � |aω|2 as a → 0 and |e jaω − 1 − jωa| ∼567

|aω| as a → ±∞. An interesting non-Poisson example of568

infinitely-divisible probability laws that falls into this category569

(with non-finite V ) is the Laplace distribution with Lévy triplet570

(0, 0, v(a) = e−|a||a| ) and pid(x) = 1

2 e−|x |. This model is571

particularly relevant for sparse signal processing because it572

provides a tight connection between Lévy processes and total573

variation regularization [18, Section VI].574

Now, if the Lévy measure is finite∫R

V (da) = λ < ∞,575

the admissibility condition yields∫R\{0} a V (da) < ∞, which576

allows us to pull the bias correction out of the integral. The577

representation then simplifies to (8). This implies that we578

can decompose X into the sum of two independent Gaussian579

and compound Poisson random variables. The variances of580

the Gaussian and Poisson components are σ 2 = b2 and581 ∫R

a2V (da), respectively. The Poisson component is sparse582

because its pdf exhibits a mass distribution e−λδ(x) at the583

origin, meaning that the chances for a continuous amplitude584

distribution of getting zero are overwhelmingly higher than585

any other value, especially for smaller values of λ > 0. It is586

therefore justifiable to use 0 ≤ e−λ < 1 as our Poisson sparsity587


2) Infinite Variance Case: We now turn our attention to589

the case where the second moment of the Lévy measure590

is unbounded, which we like to label as the “super-sparse”591

one. To substantiate this claim, we invoke the Ramachandran-592

Wolfe theorem which states that the pth moment E{|X |p}593

with p ∈ R+ of an infinitely divisible distribution is finite594

iff.∫|a|>1 |a|p V (da) < ∞ [43], [44]. For p ≥ 2, the595

latter is equivalent to∫R\{0} |a|p V (da) < ∞ because of the596

admissibility condition (7). It follows that the cases that are597

not covered by the previous scenario (including the Gaussian598

+ Poisson model) necessarily give rise to distributions whose599

moments of order p are unbounded for p ≥ 2. The proto-600

typical representatives of such heavy tail distributions are the601

alpha-stable ones or, by extension, the broad family of infinite602

divisible probability laws that are in their domain of attraction.603

Note that these distributions all fulfill the stringent conditions 604

for �p compressibility[45], [46]. 605



Specifying a stochastic process through an innovation model 608

(or an equivalent stochastic differential equation) is attractive 609

conceptually, but it presupposes that we can provide an inverse 610

operator (in the form of an integral transform) that transforms 611

the innovation back into the initial stochastic process. This is 612

the reason why, after laying out general conditions for exis- 613

tence, we shall spend the greater part of our effort investigating 614

suitable inverse operators. 615

A. Stochastic Differential Equations 616

Our aim is to define the generalized process with whitening 617

operator L : S ′ → S ′ and Lévy exponent f as the solution of 618

the stochastic linear differential equation 619

Ls = w, (12) 620

where w is an innovation process, as described in 621

Section III-C. This definition is obviously only usable if we 622

can construct an inverse operator T = L−1 that solves this 623

equation. For the cases where the inverse is not unique, we will 624

need to select one preferential operator, which is equivalent 625

to imposing specific boundary conditions. We are then able 626

to formally express the stochastic process as a transformed 627

version of a white noise 628

s = L−1w. (13) 629

The requirement for such a solution to be consistent with (12) 630

is that the operator satisfies the right-inverse property LL−1 = 631

Id over the underlying class of tempered distributions. By 632

using the adjoint relation 〈s, ϕ〉 = 〈L−1w,ϕ〉 = 〈w,L−1∗ϕ〉, 633

we can then transfer the action of the operator onto the test 634

function inside the characteristic form and obtain a com- 635

plete statistical characterization of the so-defined generalized 636

stochastic process 637

Ps(ϕ) = PL−1w(ϕ) = Pw(L−1∗ϕ), (14) 638

where Pw is given by (5) (or one of the specific forms in the 639

list at the end of Section III-C) and where we are implicitly 640

requiring that the adjoint L−1∗ is mathematically well-defined 641

(continuous) over S, and that its composition with Pw is 642

well-defined for all ϕ ∈ S. 643

In order to realize the above idea mathematically, it isusually easier to proceed backwards: one specifies an operatorT that satisfies the left-inverse property: ∀ϕ ∈ S, TL∗ϕ = ϕ,and that is continuous (i.e., bounded in the proper norm(s))over the chosen class of test functions. One then characterizesthe adjoint of T, which is the operator T∗ : S ′ → S ′ (or anappropriate subset thereof) such that, for a given φ ∈ S ′,

∀ϕ ∈ S, 〈φ, ϕ〉 = 〈LT∗φ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ, TL∗︸︷︷︸



Finally, we set L−1 = T∗, which yields the proper distribu- 644

tional definition of the right inverse of L in (13). 645





B. General Conditions for Existence646

To validate the proposed innovation model, we need to647

ensure that the solution s = L−1w is a bona fide generalized648

stochastic process.649

In order to simplify the analysis, we shall restrict our650

attention to an appropriate subclass of Lévy exponents.651

Definition 5: A Lévy exponent f with derivative f ′ is652

p-admissible with 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 if there exists a positive constant653

C such that | f (ω)| + |ω| · | f ′(ω)| ≤ C|ω|p for all ω ∈ R.654

Note that this p-admissibility condition is not very con-655

straining and that it is satisfied by the great majority of656

members of the Lévy-Kintchine family (see Section III-C).657

For instance in the compound Poisson case, we can show that658

|ω| · | f ′(ω)| ≤ λ|ω| E{|A|} and f (ω) ≤ λ|ω| E{|A|} by659

using the fact |e j x − 1| ≤ |x |; this implies that the bound660

in Definition 5 with p = 1 is always satisfied provided661

that the first (absolute) moment of the amplitude pdf pA(a)662

in (10) is finite. Similarly, all symmetric Lévy exponents with663

− f ′′(0) < ∞ (finite variance case) are p-admissible with664

p = 2, the prototypical example being the Gaussian. The only665

cases we are aware of that do not fulfill the condition are the666

alpha-stable noises with 0 < α < 1, which are notorious for667

their exotic behavior.668

The first advantage of imposing p-admissibility is that it669

allows us to extend the set of acceptable analysis functions670

from S to L p which is crucial if we intend to do conventional671

signal processing.672

Theorem 3: If the Lévy exponent f is p-admissible, then673

the characteristic form Pw(ϕ) = exp(∫



)is a674

continuous, positive-definite functional over L p .675

Proof: Since the exponential function is continuous, it is676

sufficient to consider the functional677

F(ϕ) = log Pw(ϕ) =∫


f (ϕ(t))dt,678

which is such that F(0) = 0. To show that F(ϕ)(and hence679


is well-defined over L p , we note that680

|F(ϕ)| ≤∫


| f (ϕ(t))| dt ≤ C‖ϕ‖pp,681

which follows from the p-admissibility condition. The positive682

definiteness of Pw(ϕ) over S is a direct consequence of f683

being a Lévy exponent and is therefore also transferable to684

L p . For the interested reader, this can be shown quite easily685

by proving that F(ϕ) is conditionally positive-definite of order686

one (see [20]).687

The only remaining work is to establish the L p-continuity688

of F(ϕ). To that end, we observe that689

| f (u)− f (v)| =∣∣∣

∫ u

vf ′(t)dt


≤ C∣∣∣

∫ u

vt p−1dt


(by the assumption on f )692

≤ C max(|u|p−1, |v|p−1)|u − v|693

≤ C(|v|p−1 + |u − v|p−1)|u − v|.694

(by the triangle inequality)695

Next, we pick a convergent sequence in L p , {ϕn}∞n=1, whose 696

limit is denoted by ϕ. The convergence in L p is expressed as 697

limn→∞ ‖ϕn − ϕ‖p = 0. (15) 698

We then have 699



f (ϕn(t))dt −∫


f (ϕ(t))dt∣∣∣ 700



|ϕ(t)|p−1|ϕn(t)− ϕ(t)| + |ϕn(t)− ϕ(t)|pdt 701


p ‖ϕn − ϕ‖p + ‖ϕn − ϕ‖pp


(by Hölder’s inequality)


→0 as n → ∞, (by (15)) 703704

which proves the continuity of the functional Pw on L p . 705

Thanks to this result, we can then rely on the Minlos- 706

Bochner theorem (Theorem 1) to state basic conditions on 707

T = L−1∗ that ensure that s = T∗w is a well-defined 708

generalized process over S ′. 709

Theorem 4 (Existence of Generalized Process): Let f be a 710

valid Lévy exponent and T be an operator acting on ϕ ∈ S 711

such that any one of the conditions below is met: 712

1) T is a continuous linear map from S into itself, 713

2) T is a continuous linear map from S into L p and the 714

Lévy exponent f is p-admissible. 715

Then, Ps(ϕ) = exp(∫



)is a continuous, positive- 716

definite functional on S such that Ps(0) = 1. 717

Proof: We already know that Pw is a continuous 718

functional on S (resp., on L p when f is p-admissible) by 719

construction. This, together with the assumption that T is a 720

continuous operator on S (resp., from S to L p), implies that 721

the composed functional Ps(ϕ) := Pw(Tϕ) is continuous 722

on S. 723

Given the functions ϕ1, . . . , ϕN in S and some complex 724

coefficients ξ1, . . . , ξN , 725


Ps(ϕm − ϕn)ξmξn 726




(T(ϕm − ϕn)

)ξmξn 727



Pw(Tϕm − Tϕn)ξmξn

(by the linearity of the operator T)


≥ 0. (by the positivity of Pw over S or L p) 729730

This proves the positive definiteness of the functional Ps 731

on S. 732

Lastly, Ps(0) = Pw(T0) = Pw(0) = 1. 733

The final fundamental issue relates to the interpretation 734

of s = L−1w as an ordinary stochastic process; that is, a 735

random function s(t) of the time variable t . This presupposes 736

that the shaping operator L−1 performs a minimal amount of 737

smoothing since the driving term of the model, w, is too rough 738

to admit a pointwise representation. 739

Theorem 5 (Interpretationas anOrdinaryStochasticProcess): 740

Let s be the generalized stochastic process whose 741

characteristic function is given by (14) where f is a 742





p-admissible Lévy exponent and L−1∗ is a continuous743

operator from S to L p (or a subset thereof). We also define744

the (generalized) impulse response745

h(t, τ ) = L−1{δ(· − τ )}(t), (16)746

with a slight abuse of notation since h is not necessarily747

an ordinary function. Then, s = L−1w admits the pointwise748

representation for t ∈ R749

s(t) = 〈w, h(t, ·)〉 (17)750

provided that h(t, ·) ∈ L p (with t fixed).751

The form of h(t, τ ) in (16) is the “time-domain” transcrip-752

tion of Schwartz’s kernel theorem which gives the integral753

representation of a linear operator in terms of a (generalized)754

kernel h ∈ S ′ × S ′ (the infinite-dimensional generalization of755

a matrix multiplication). The more standard definition used756

in the theory of generalized functions is 〈h(·, ·), ϕ1 ⊗ ϕ2〉 =757

〈L−1∗{ϕ1}, ϕ2〉, where ϕ1 ⊗ ϕ2(t, τ ) = ϕ1(t)ϕ2(τ ) for all758

ϕ1, ϕ2 ∈ S.759

Proof: The existence of the generalized stochastic process760

s = L−1w is ensured by Theorem 4. We then consider the761

observation of the innovation X0 = 〈w,ϕ0〉 where ϕ0 =762

h(t0, ·) with ϕ0 ∈ L p . Since Pw admits a continuous exten-763

sion over L p (by Theorem 3), we can specify the characteristic764

function of X0 as765

pX0(ω) = E{e jωX0} = Pw(ωϕ0)766

with ϕ0 fixed. Thanks to the functional properties of Pw,767

pX0(ω) is a continuous, positive-definite function of ω such768

that pX0(0) = 1 so that we can invoke Bochner’s theorem769

to establish that X0 is a well-defined conventional random770

variable with pdf pX0 (the inverse Fourier transform of pX0 ).771


C. Inverse Operators773

Before presenting our general method of solution, we need774

to identify a suitable set of elementary inverse operators that775

satisfy the continuity requirement in Theorem 4.776

Our approach relies on the factorization of a differen-777

tial operator into simple first-order components of the form778

(D−αnId) with αn ∈ C, which can then be treated separately.779

Three possible cases need to be considered.780

1) Causal-Stable: Re(αn) < 0. This is the classical textbook781

hypothesis which leads to a causal-stable convolution system.782

It is well known from the theory of distributions and linear783

systems (e.g., [47, Section 6.3], [48]) that the causal Green784

function of (D−αnId) is the causal exponential function ραn (t)785

already encountered in the introductory example in Section II.786

Clearly, ραn (t) is absolutely integrable (and rapidly-decaying)787

iff. Re(αn) < 0. It follows that (D − αnId)−1 f = ραn ∗ f788

with ραn ∈ R ⊂ L1. In particular, this implies that T =789

(D − αnId)−1 specifies a continuous LSI operator on S. The790

same holds for T∗ = (D − αnId)−1∗, which is defined as791

T∗ f = ρ∨αn

∗ f .792

2) Anti-Causal Stable: Re(αn) > 0. This case is usu-793

ally excluded because the standard Green function ραn (t) =794

�+(t)eαn t grows exponentially, meaning that the system does795

not have a stable causal solution. Yet, it is possible to consider796

an alternative anti-causal Green function ρ′αn(t) = −ρ∨−αn

(t) = 797

ραn (t)− eαnt , which is unique in the sense that it is the only 798

Green function5 of (D−αnId) that is Lebesgue-integrable and, 799

by the same token, the proper inverse Fourier transform of 800


for Re(αn) > 0. In this way, we are able to specify 801

an anti-causal inverse filter (D − αnId)−1 f = ρ′αn

∗ f with 802


∈ R that is L p-stable and S-continuous. In the sequel, 803

we will drop the ′ superscript with the convention that ρα(t) 804

systematically refers to the unique Green function of (D−αId) 805

that is rapidly-decay when Re(α) �= 0. For now on, we shall 806

therefore use the definition 807

ρα(t) ={�+(t)eαt if Re(α) ≤ 0−�+(−t)eαt otherwise.

(18) 808

which also covers the next scenario. 809

3) Marginally Stable: Re(αn) = 0 or, equivalently, αn = 810

jω0 with ω0 ∈ R. This third case, which is incompatible 811

with the conventional formulation of stationary processes, is 812

most interesting theoretically because it opens the door to 813

important extensions such as Lévy processes, as we shall see in 814

Section V. Here, we will show that marginally-stable systems 815

can be handled within our generalized framework as well, 816

thanks to the introduction of appropriate inverse operators. 817

The first natural candidate for (D − jω0Id)−1 is the inversefilter whose frequency response is

ρ jω0(ω) = 1

j (ω − ω0)+ πδ(ω − ω0).

It is a convolution operator whose time-domain definition is 818

Iω0ϕ(t) = (ρ jω0 ∗ ϕ)(t) 819

= e jω0t∫ t

−∞e− jω0τ ϕ(τ )dτ. (19) 820

Its impulse response ρ jω0(t) is causal and compatible with 821

Definition (18), but not (rapidly) decaying. The adjoint of Iω0 822

is given by 823

I∗ω0ϕ(t) = (ρ∨

jω0∗ ϕ)(t) 824

= e− jω0t∫ +∞

te jω0τ ϕ(τ )dτ. (20) 825

While Iω0ϕ(t) and I∗ω0ϕ(t) are both well-defined when ϕ ∈ L1, 826

the problem is that these inverse filters are not BIBO stable 827

since their impulse responses, ρ jω0(t) and ρ∨jω0(t), are not 828

in L1. In particular, one can easily see that Iω0ϕ (resp., I∗ω0ϕ) 829

with ϕ ∈ S is generally not in L p with 1 ≤ p < +∞, 830

unless ϕ(ω0) = 0 (resp., ϕ(−ω0) = 0). The conclusion is 831

that I∗ω0fails to be a bounded operator over the class of test 832

functions S. 833

This leads us to introduce some “corrected” version of the 834

adjoint inverse operator I∗ω0, 835

I∗ω0,t0ϕ(t) = I∗ω0

{ϕ − ϕ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0δ(· − t0)}(t) 836

= I∗ω0ϕ(t)− ϕ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0ρ∨jω0(t − t0), (21) 837

where t0 ∈ R is a fixed location parameter and where 838

ϕ(−ω0) = ∫R

e jω0tϕ(t)dt is the complex sinusoidal moment 839

associated with the frequency ω0. The idea is to correct for 840

5: ρ is a Green functions of (D −αn Id) iff. (D −αn Id)ρ = δ; the completeset of solutions is given ρ(t) = ραn (t)+Ceαn t which is the sum of the causalGreen function ραn (t) plus an arbitrary exponential component that is in thenull space of the operator.





the lack of decay of I∗ω0ϕ(t) as t → −∞ by subtracting841

a properly weighted version of the impulse response of the842

operator. An equivalent Fourier-based formulation is provided843

by the formula at the bottom of Table I; the main difference844

with the corresponding expression for Iω0ϕ is the presence of a845

regularization term in the numerator that prevents the integrant846

from diverging at ω = ω0. The next step is to identify the847

adjoint of I∗ω0,t0 , which is achieved via the following inner-848

product manipulation849

〈ϕ, I∗ω0,t0φ〉 = 〈ϕ, I∗ω0φ〉 − φ(−ω0)e

− jω0t0〈ϕ, ρ∨jω0(· − t0)〉850

= 〈Iω0ϕ, φ〉 − 〈e jω0·, φ〉 e− jω0t0 Iω0ϕ(t0)851


= 〈Iω0ϕ, φ〉 − 〈e jω0(·−t0)Iω0ϕ(t0), φ〉.853

Since the above is equal to 〈Iω0,t0ϕ, φ〉 by definition, we obtain854


Iω0,t0ϕ(t) = Iω0ϕ(t)− e jω0(t−t0) Iω0ϕ(t0). (22)856

Interestingly, this operator imposes the boundary condition857

Iω0,t0ϕ(t0) = 0 via the subtraction of a sinusoidal component858

that is in the null space of the operator (D − jω0Id), which859

gives a direct interpretation of the location parameter t0.860

Observe that expressions (21) and (22) define linear operators,861

albeit not shift-invariant ones, in contrast with the classical862

inverse operators Iω0 and I∗ω0.863

For analysis purposes, it is convenient to relate the proposed864

inverse operators to the anti-derivatives corresponding to the865

case ω0 = 0. To that end, we introduce the modulation866


Mω0ϕ(t) = e jω0tϕ(t)868

which is a unitary map on L2 with the property that869


= M−ω0 .870

Proposition 1: The inverse operators defined by (19), (20),871

(22), and (21) satisfy the modulation relations872

Iω0ϕ(t) = Mω0 I0 M−1ω0ϕ(t),873

I∗ω0ϕ(t) = M−1

ω0I∗0 Mω0ϕ(t),874

Iω0,t0ϕ(t) = Mω0 I0,t0 M−1ω0ϕ(t),875

I∗ω0,t0ϕ(t) = M−1ω0

I∗0,t0 Mω0ϕ(t).876

Proof: These follow from the modulation property of877

the Fourier transform (i.e, F{Mω0ϕ}(ω) = F{ϕ}(ω − ω0))878

and the observations that Iω0δ(t) = ρ jω0(t) = Mω0ρ0(t) and879

I∗ω0δ(t) = ρ∨

jω0(t) = M−ω0ρ

∨0 (t) with ρ0(t) = �+(t) (the unit880

step function).881

The important functional property of I∗ω0,t0 is that it essentially882

preserves decay and integrability, while Iω0,t0 fully retains sig-883

nal differentiability. Unfortunately, it is not possible to have the884

two simultaneously unless Iω0ϕ(t0) and ϕ(−ω0) are both zero.885

Proposition 2: If f ∈ L∞,α with α > 1, then there exists886

a constant Ct0 such that887

|I∗ω0,t0 f (t)| ≤ Ct0‖ f ‖∞,α

1 + |t|α−1 ,888

which implies that I∗ω0,t0 f ∈ L∞,α−1.889

Proof: Since modulation does not affect the decay properties 890

of a function, we can invoke Proposition 1 and concentrate on 891

the investigation of the anti-derivative operator I∗0,t0 . Without 892

loss of generality, we can also pick t0 = 0 and transfer the 893

bound to any other finite value of t0 by adjusting the value of 894

the constant Ct0 . Specifically, for t < 0, we write this inverse 895

operator as 896

I∗0,0 f (t) = I∗0 f (t)− f (0) 897

=∫ +∞

tf (τ )dτ −

∫ ∞

−∞f (τ )dτ 898

= −∫ t

−∞f (τ )dτ. 899

This implies that 900

|I∗0,0 f (t)| =∣∣∣∣

∫ t

−∞f (τ )dτ

∣∣∣∣ ≤ ‖ f ‖∞,α

∫ t


1 + |τ |α dτÊ 901


α − 1

) ‖ f ‖∞,α

1 + |t|α−1 902

for all t < 0. For t > 0, I∗0,0 f (t) = ∫ ∞t f (τ )dτ so that the 903

above upper bounds remain valid. 904

The interpretation of the above result is that the inverse 905

operator I∗ω0,t0 reduces inverse polynomial decay by one order. 906

Proposition 2 actually implies that the operator will preserve 907

the rapid decay of the Schwartz functions which are included 908

in L∞,α for any α ∈ R+. It also guarantees that I∗ω0,t0ϕ belongs 909

to L p for any Schwartz function ϕ. However, I∗ω0,t0 will spoil 910

the global smoothness properties of ϕ because it introduces a 911

discontinuity at t0, unless ϕ(−ω0) is zero in which case the 912

output remains in the Schwartz class. This allows us to state 913

the following theorem which summarizes the higher-level part 914

of those results for further reference. 915

Theorem 6: The operator I∗ω0,t0 defined by (22) is a continu- 916

ous linear map from R into R (the space of bounded functions 917

with rapid decay). Its adjoint Iω0,t0 is given by (21) and has the 918

property that Iω0,t0ϕ(t0) = 0. Together, these operators satisfy 919

the complementary left- and right-inverse relations 920

{I∗ω0,t0(D − jω0Id)∗ϕ = ϕ

(D − jω0Id)Iω0,t0ϕ = ϕ921


for all ϕ ∈ S. 923

Having a tight control on the action of I∗ω0,t0 over S allows 924

us to extend the right-inverse operator Iω0,t0 to an appropriate 925

subset of tempered distributions φ ∈ S ′ according to the rule 926

〈Iω0,t0φ, ϕ〉 = 〈φ, I∗ω0,t0ϕ〉. Our complete set of inverse oper- 927

ators is summarized in Table I together with their equivalent 928

Fourier-based definitions which are also interpretable in the 929

generalized sense of distributions. The first three entries of 930

the table are standard results from the theory of linear systems 931

(e.g., [49, Table 4.1]), while the other operators are specific 932

to this work. 933

D. Solution of Generic Stochastic Differential Equation 934

We now have all the elements to solve the generic stochastic 935

linear differential equation 936



anDns =M∑


bmDmw (23) 937







where the an and bm are arbitrary complex coefficients with the938

normalization constraint aN = 1. While this reminds us of the939

textbook formula of an ordinary N th-order differential system,940

the non-standard aspect in (23) is that the driving term is a941

innovation process w, which is generally not defined point-942

wise, and that we are not imposing any stability constraint.943

Eq. (23) thus covers the general case (12) where L is a shift-944

invariant operator with the rational transfer function945

L(ω) = ( jω)N + aN−1( jω)N−1 + · · · + a1( jω)+ a0

bM ( jω)M + · · · + b1( jω)+ b0946

= PN ( jω)

QM ( jω). (24)947

The poles of the system, which are the roots of the charac-948

teristic polynomial PN (ζ ) = ζ N + aN−1ζn−1 + · · · + a0 with949

Laplace variable ζ ∈ C, are denoted by {αn}Nn=1. While we950

are not imposing any restriction on their locus in the complex951

plane, we are adopting a special ordering where the purely952

imaginary roots (if present) are coming last. This allows us to953

factorize the numerator of (24) as954

PN ( jω) =N∏


( jω− αn)955




( jω− αn)

) (n0∏


( jω− jωm)



with αN−n0+m = jωm , 1 ≤ m ≤ n0, where n0 is the number957

of purely-imaginary poles. The operator counterpart of this958

last equation is the decomposition959

PN (D) = (D − α1Id) · · · (D − αN−n0 Id)︸ ︷︷ ︸

regular part


◦ (D − jω1Id) · · · (D − jωn0 Id)︸ ︷︷ ︸

critical part


which involves a cascade of elementary first-order compo- 962

nents. By applying the proper sequence of right-inverse oper- 963

ators from Table I, we can then formally solve the system as 964

in (13). The resulting inverse operator is 965

L−1 = Iωn0 ,tn0· · · Iω1,t1

︸ ︷︷ ︸shift-variant

TLSI (26) 966

with 967

TLSI = (D − αN−n0 Id)−1 · · · (D − α1Id)−1 QM (D), 968

which imposes the n0 boundary conditions 969



s(t)|t=tn0= 0

(D − jωn0 Id)s(t)∣∣t=tn0−1

= 0...

(D − jω2Id) · · · (D − jωn0 Id)s(t)∣∣t=t1

= 0.

(27) 970

Implicit in the specification of these boundary conditions is 971

the property that s and its derivatives up to order n0 −1 admit 972

a pointwise interpretation in the neighborhood of (t1, . . . , tn0). 973

This can be shown with the help of Theorem 5. For instance, 974

if n0 = 1 and ω1 = 0, then s(t) with t fixed is given by (17) 975

with h(t, ·) = T∗LSI{�[0,t)} ∈ R ⊂ L p . 976

The adjoint of the operator specified by (26) is 977

L−1∗ = T∗LSI I∗ω1,t1 · · · I∗ωn0 ,tn0︸ ︷︷ ︸


, (28) 978

and is guaranteed to be a continuous linear mapping from 979

S into R by Theorem 6, the key point being that each of 980

the component operators preserves the rapid decay of the test 981

function to which it is applied. The last step is to substitute 982

the explicit form (28) of L−1∗ into (14) with a Pw that is 983

well-defined on R, which yields the characteristic form of the 984





stochastic process s defined by (23) subject to the boundary985

conditions (27).986

We close this section with a comment about commutativity:987

while the order of application of the operators QM (D) and988

(D − αnId)−1 in the LSI part of (26) is immaterial (thanks to989

the commutativity of convolution), it is not so for the inverse990

operators Iωm ,t0 that appear in the “shift-variant” part of the991

decomposition. The latter do not commute and their order of992

application is tightly linked to the boundary conditions.993


This section is devoted to the characterization and inves-995

tigation of the properties of the broad family of stochastic996

processes specified by the innovation model (12) where L is997

LSI. It covers the non-Gaussian stationary processes (V-A),998

which are generated by conventional analog filtering of a999

sparse innovation, as well as the whole class of processes1000

that are solution of the (possibly unstable) differential equa-1001

tion (23) with a Lévy noise excitation (V-B). The latter1002

category constitutes the higher-order generalization of the1003

classical Lévy processes, which are non-stationary. The pro-1004

posed method is constructive and essentially boils down to1005

the specification of appropriate families of shaping operators1006

L−1 and to making sure that the admissibility conditions in1007

Theorem 4 are met.1008

A. Non-Gaussian Stationary Processes1009

The simplest scenario is when L−1 is LSI and can be1010

decomposed into a cascade of BIBO-stable and ordinary differ-1011

ential operators. If the BIBO-stable part is rapidly-decreasing,1012

then L−1 is guaranteed to be S-continuous. In particular, this1013

covers the case of an N th-order differential system without1014

any pole on the imaginary axis, as justified by our analysis in1015

Section IV-D.1016

Proposition 3 (Generalized StationaryProcesses): Let L−11017

(the right-inverse of some operator L) be a S-continuous1018

convolution operator characterized by its impulse response1019

ρL = L−1δ. Then, the generalized stochastic processes1020

that are defined by Ps(ϕ) = exp(∫


L ∗ ϕ(t))dt)


where f (ω) is of the generic form (6) are stationary and1022

well-defined solutions of the operator equation (12) driven by1023

some corresponding innovation process w.1024

Proof: The fact that these generalized processes are1025

well-defined is a direct consequence of the Minlos-Bochner1026

Theorem since L−1∗ (the convolution with ρ∨L ) satisfies the1027

first admissibility condition in Theorem 4. The stationarity1028

property is equivalent to Ps(ϕ) = Ps(ϕ(· − t0)) for all1029

t0 ∈ R; it is established by simple change of variable in1030

the inner integral using the basic shift-invariance property of1031

convolution; i.e.,(ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ(· − t0))(t) = (ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ)(t − t0).1032

The above characterization is not only remarkably con-1033

cise, but also quite general. It extends the traditional theory1034

of stationary Gaussian processes, which corresponds to the1035

choice f (ω) = − σ 202 ω

2. The Gaussian case results in the1036

simplified form∫R

f (L−1∗ϕ(t))dt = − σ 202 ‖ρ∨

L ∗ ϕ‖2L2


− 14π

∫R�s(ω)|ϕ(ω)|2dω (using Parseval’s identity) where1038

�s(ω) = σ 20

|L(−ω)|2 is the spectral power density that is associ- 1039

ated with the innovation model. The interest here is that we get 1040

access to a much broader family of non-Gaussian processes 1041

(e.g., generalized Poisson or alpha-stable) with matched spec- 1042

tral properties since they share the same whitening operator L. 1043

The characteristic form condenses all the statistical 1044

information about the process. For instance, by setting 1045

ϕ = ωδ(· − t0), we can explicitly determine Ps(ϕ) = 1046

E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} = E{e jωs(t0)} = F{p(s(t0)

)}(−ω), which yields 1047

the characteristic function of the first-order probability den- 1048

sity, p(s(t0)) = p(s), of the sample values of the 1049

process. In the present stationary scenario, we find that 1050

p(s) = F−1{exp(∫

Rf( − ωρL(t)


)}(s), which requires 1051

the evaluation of an integral followed by an inverse Fourier 1052

transform. While this type of calculation is only tractable 1053

analytically in special cases, it may be performed numerically 1054

with the help of the FFT. Higher-order density functions are 1055

accessible as well as at the cost of some multi-dimensional 1056

inverse Fourier transforms. The same applies for moments 1057

which can be obtained through a simpler differentiation 1058

process, as exemplified in Section V-C. 1059

B. Generalized Lévy Processes 1060

The further reaching aspect of the present formulation is that 1061

it is also applicable to the characterization of non-stationary 1062

processes such as Brownian motion and Lévy processes, which 1063

are usually treated separately from the stationary ones, and 1064

that it naturally leads to the identification of a whole variety 1065

of higher-order extensions. The commonality is that these non- 1066

stationary processes can all be derived as solutions of an 1067

(unstable) N th-order differential equation with some poles on 1068

the imaginary axis. This corresponds to the setting in Section 1069

IV-D with n0 > 0. 1070

Proposition 4 (Generalized Nth-order Lévy Processes): 1071

Let L−1 (the right-inverse of an N th-order differential 1072

operator L) be specified by (26) with at least one 1073

non-shift-invariant factor Iω1,t1 . Then, the generalized 1074

stochastic processes that are defined by Ps(ϕ) = 1075




)where f is a p-admissible 1076

Lévy exponent are well-defined solutions of the stochastic 1077

differential equation (23) driven by some corresponding 1078

Lévy innovation w. These processes satisfy the boundary 1079

conditions (27) and are non-stationary. 1080

Proof: The result is a direct consequence of the 1081

analysis in Section IV-D—in particular, Eqs. (26)–(28)—and 1082

Proposition 2. The latter implies that L−1∗ϕ is bounded in all 1083

L∞,m norms with m ≥ 1. Since S ⊂ L∞,m ⊂ L p and the 1084

Schwartz topology is the strongest in this chain, we can infer 1085

that L−1∗ is a continuous operator from S onto any of the L p 1086

spaces with p ≥ 1. The existence claim then follows from the 1087

combination of Theorem 4 and Minlos-Bochner. Since L−1∗ϕ 1088

is not shift-invariant, there is no chance for these processes 1089

to be stationary, not to mention the fact that they fulfill the 1090

boundary conditions (27). 1091

Conceptually, we like to view the generalized stochastic 1092

processes of Proposition 4 as “adjusted” versions of the 1093

stationary ones that include some additional sinusoidal (or 1094





polynomial) trends. While the generation mechanism of these1095

trends is random, there is a deterministic aspect to it because1096

it imposes the boundary conditions (27) at t1, · · · , tn0 . The1097

class of such processes is actually quite rich and the formalism1098

surprisingly powerful. We shall illustrate the use of1099

Proposition 4 in Section V with the simplest possible operator1100

L = D which will gets us back to Brownian motion and the1101

celebrated family of Lévy processes. We shall also show how1102

the well-known properties of Lévy processes can be readily1103

deduced from their characteristic form.1104

C. Moments and Correlation1105

The covariance form of a generalized (complex-valued)1106

process s is defined as:1107

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = E{〈s, ϕ1〉 · 〈s, ϕ2〉}.1108

where 〈s, ϕ2〉 = 〈s, ϕ2〉 when s is real-valued. Thanks to1109

the moment generating properties of the Fourier transform,1110

this functional can be calculated from the characteristic form1111

Ps(ϕ) as1112

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = (− j)2∂2Ps(ω1ϕ1 + ω2ϕ2)



, (29)1113

where we are implicitly assuming that the required partial1114

derivative of the characteristic functional exists. The autocor-1115

relation of the process is then obtained by making the formal1116

substitution ϕ1 = δ(· − t1) and ϕ2 = δ(· − t2):1117

Rs(t1, t2) = E{s(t1)s(t2)} = Bs (δ(· − t1), δ(· − t2)) .1118

Alternatively, we can also retrieve the autocorrelation1119

function by invoking the kernel theorem: Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) =1120 ∫R2 Rs(t1, t2)ϕ1(t1)ϕ(t2)dt1dt2.1121

The concept also generalizes for the calculation of the1122

higher-order correlation form61123

E{〈s, ϕ1〉 · 〈s, ϕ2〉 · · · 〈s, ϕN 〉}1124

= (− j)N ∂N Ps(ω1ϕ1 + · · · + ωNϕN )

∂ω1 · · · ∂ωN

∣∣∣∣∣ω1=0,··· ,ωN =0


which provides the basis for the determination of higher-order1126

moments and cumulants.1127

Here, we concentrate on the calculation of the second-order1128

moments, which happen to be independent upon the specific1129

type of noise. For the cases where the covariance is defined1130

and finite, it is not hard to show that the generic covariance1131

form of the innovation processes defined in Section III-C is1132

Bw(ϕ1, ϕ2) = σ 20 〈ϕ1, ϕ2〉,1133

where σ 20 is a suitable normalization constant that depends on1134

the noise parameters (b1, b2, v) in (7)–(10). We then perform1135

the usual adjoint manipulation to transfer the above formula1136

to the filtered version s = L−1w of such a noise process.1137

Property 1 (Generalized Correlation): The covariance1138

form of the generalized stochastic process whose characteristic1139

6For simplicity, we are only giving the formula for a real-valued process.

form is Ps(ϕ) = Pw(L−1∗ϕ) where Pw is a white noise 1140

functional is given by 1141

Bs(ϕ1, ϕ2) = σ 20 〈L−1∗ϕ1,L−1∗ϕ2〉 = σ 2

0 〈L−1L−1∗ϕ1, ϕ2〉, 1142

and corresponds to the correlation function 1143

Rs(t1, t2) = E{s(t1) · s(t2)} = σ 20 〈L−1L−1∗δ(· − t1),δ(·−t2)〉. 1144

The latter characterization requires the determination of the 1145

impulse response of L−1L−1∗. In particular, when L−1 is LSI 1146

with convolution kernel ρL ∈ L1, we get that 1147

Rs(t1, t2) = σ 20 L−1L−1∗δ(t2 − t1) = rs(t2 − t1) 1148

= σ 20 (ρL ∗ ρ∨

L )(t2 − t1), 1149

which confirms that the underlying process is wide-sense sta- 1150

tionary. Since the autocorrelation function rs(τ ) is integrable, 1151

we also have a one-to-one correspondence with the traditional 1152

notion of power spectrum: �s(ω) = F{rs}(ω) = σ 20

|L(−ω)|2 , 1153

where L(ω) is the frequency response of the whitening oper- 1154

ator L. 1155

The determination of the correlation function for the non- 1156

stationary processes associated with the unstable versions 1157

of (23) is more involved. We shall see in [32] that it can be 1158

bypassed if, instead of s(t), we consider the generalized incre- 1159

ment process sd(t) = Lds(t) where Ld is a discrete version 1160

(finite-difference type operator) of the whitening operator L. 1161

D. Sparsification in a Wavelet-Like Basis 1162

The implicit assumption for the next properties is that 1163

we have a wavelet-like basis {ψi,k }i∈Z,k∈Z available that is 1164

matched to the operator L. Specifically, the basis functions 1165

ψi,k (t) = ψi (t − 2i k) with scale and location indices (i, k) 1166

are translated versions of some normalized reference wavelet 1167

ψi = L∗φi where φi is an appropriate scale-dependent 1168

smoothing kernel. It turns out that such operator-like wavelets 1169

can be constructed for the whole class of ordinary differential 1170

operators considered in this paper [36]. They can be specified 1171

to be orthogonal and/or compactly supported (cf. examples in 1172

Fig. 2). In the case of the classical Haar wavelet, we have that 1173

ψHaar = Dφi where the smoothing kernels φi ∝ φ0(t/2i ) are 1174

rescaled versions of a triangle function (B-spline of degree 1). 1175

The latter dilation property follows from the fact that the 1176

derivative operator D commutes with scaling. 1177

We note that the determination of the wavelet coefficients 1178

vi [k] = 〈s, ψi,k 〉 of the random signal s at a given scale 1179

i is equivalent to correlating the signal with the wavelet 1180

ψi (continuous wavelet transform) and sampling thereafter. 1181

The goods news is that this has a stationarizing and decoupling 1182

effect. 1183

Property 2 (Wavelet-Domain Probability Laws): Let 1184

vi (t) = 〈s, ψi (· − t)〉 with ψi = L∗φi be the i th channel of 1185

the continuous wavelet transform of a generalized (stationary 1186

or non-stationary) Lévy process s with whitening operator 1187

L and p-admissible Lévy exponent f . Then, vi (t) is a 1188

generalized stationary process with characteristic functional 1189

Pvi (ϕ) = Pw(φi ∗ϕ) where Pw is defined by (5). Moreover, 1190

the characteristic function of the (discrete) wavelet coefficient 1191





vi [k] = vi (2i k)—that is, the Fourier transform of the pdf1192

pvi (v)—is given by pvi (ω) = Pw(ωφi ) = e fi (ω) and is1193

infinitely divisible with modified Lévy exponent1194

fi (ω) =∫


f(ωφi (t)

)dt .1195

Proof: Recalling that s = L−1w, we get1196

vi (t) = 〈s, ψi (· − t)〉 = 〈L−1w,L∗φi (· − t)〉1197

= 〈w,L−1∗L∗φi (· − t)〉 = (φ∨

i ∗ w)(t)1198

where we have used the fact that L−1∗ is a valid (continuous)1199

left-inverse of L∗. The wavelet smoothing kernel φi ∈ R has1200

rapid decay (e.g., compactly-support or, at worst, exponential1201

decay); this allows us to invoke Proposition 3 to prove the first1202


As for the second part, we start from the definition of the1204

characteristic function:1205

pvi (ω) = E{e jωvi } = E{e jω〈s,ψi,k 〉} = E{e j 〈s,ωψi 〉}1206

(by stationarity)1207

= Ps(ωψi ) = Pw(L−1∗L∗φiω)1208

= Pw(ωφi ) = exp



f(ωφi (t)




where we have used the left-inverse property of L−1∗ and1210

the expression of the Lévy noise functional. The result then1211

follows by identi fication. 71212

We determine the joint characteristic function of any two1213

wavelet coefficients Y1 = 〈s, ψi1 ,k1〉 and Y2 = 〈s, ψi2 ,k2 〉 with1214

indices (i1, k1) and (i2, k2) using a similar technique.1215

Property 3 (Wavelet Dependencies): The joint characteris-1216

tic function of the wavelet coefficients Y1 = vi1 [k1] =1217

〈s, ψi1 ,k1 〉 and Y2 = vi2 [k2] = 〈s, ψi2 ,k2 〉 of the generalized1218

stochastic process s in Property 2 is given by1219

pY1,Y2(ω1, ω2) = exp



f(ω1φi1(t − 2i1 k1)1220

+ω2φi2 (t − 2i2 k2))dt


where f is the Lévy exponent of the innovation process w.1222

The coefficients are independent if the kernels φi1(t − 2i1 k1)1223

and φi2 (t − 2i2 k2) have disjoint support; their correlation is1224

given by1225

E{Y1Y2} = σ 20 〈φi1 (· − 2i1 k1), φi2 (· − 2i2 k2)〉.1226

under the assumption that the variance σ 20 of w is finite.1227

Proof: The first formula is obtained by substitution of1228

ϕ = ω1ψi1,k1 + ω2ψi2,k2 in E{e j 〈s,ϕ〉} = Pw(L−1∗ϕ), and1229

simplification using the left-inverse property of L−1∗. The1230

statement about independence follows from the exponential1231

nature of the characteristic function and the property that1232

f (0) = 0, which allows for the factorization of the charac-1233

teristic function when the support of the kernels are distinct1234

7A technical remark is in order here: the substitution of a non-smoothfunction such as φi ∈ R in the characteristic noise functional Pw is legitimateprovided that the domain of continuity of the functional can be extendedfrom S to R, or, even less restrictively, to L p when f is p-admissible (seeTheorem 3).

(independence of the noise at every point). The correlation 1235

formula is obtained by direct application of the first result 1236

in Property 1 with ϕ1 = ψi1,k1 = L∗φi1(· − 2i1 k1) and 1237

ϕ2 = ψi2 ,k2 = L∗φi2 (· − 2i2 k2). 1238

These results provide a complete characterization of the 1239

statistical distribution of sparse stochastic processes in some 1240

matched wavelet domain. They also indicate that the repre- 1241

sentation is intrinsically sparse since the transformed-domain 1242

statistics are infinitely divisible. Practically, this translates 1243

into the wavelet domain pdfs being heavier tailed than a 1244

Gaussian (unless the process is Gaussian) (cf. argumentation in 1245

Section III-D). 1246

To make matters more explicit, we consider the case where 1247

the innovation process is SαS. The application of Property 2 1248

with f (ω) = −|ω|αα! yields fi (ω) = −|σiω|α

α! with disper- 1249

sion parameter σi = ‖φi‖Lα . This proves that the wavelet 1250

coefficients of a generalized SαS stochastic process follow 1251

SαS distributions with the spread of the pdf at scale i being 1252

determined by the Lα norm of the corresponding wavelet 1253

smoothing kernels. This strongly suggests that, for α < 2, 1254

the process is compressible in the sense that the essential part 1255

of the “energy content” is carried by a tiny fraction of wavelet 1256

coefficients, as illustrated in Fig. 1. 1257

It should be noted, however, that the quality of the decou- 1258

pling is strongly dependent upon the spread of the wavelet 1259

smoothing kernels φi which should be chosen to be max- 1260

imally localized for best performance. In the case of the 1261

first-order system (cf. example in Section II), the basis func- 1262

tions for i fixed are not overlapping which implies that the 1263

wavelet coefficients within a given scale are independent. 1264

This is not so across scale because of the cone-shaped region 1265

where the support of the kernels φi1 and φi2 overlap, which 1266

induces dependencies. Incidentally, the inter-scale correlation 1267

of wavelet coefficients is often exploited for improving coding 1268

performance [50] and signal reconstruction by imposing joint 1269

sparsity constraints [51]. 1270


We now illustrate our method by specifying classical Lévy 1272

processes—denoted by W (t)—via the solution of the (mar- 1273

ginally unstable) stochastic differential equation 1274


dtW (t) = w(t) (30) 1275

where the driving term w is one of the independent noise 1276

processes defined earlier. It is important to keep in mind that 1277

Eq. (30), which is the limit of (2) as α → 0, is only a notation 1278

whose correct interpretation is 〈DW, ϕ〉 = 〈w,ϕ〉 for all ϕ ∈ 1279

S. We shall consider the solution W (t) for all t ∈ R, but we 1280

shall impose the boundary condition W (t0) = 0 with t0 = 0 1281

to make our construction compatible with the classical one 1282

which is defined for t ≥ 0. 1283

A. Distributional Characterization of Lévy Processes 1284

The direct application of the operator formalism developed 1285

in Section III yields the solution of (30): 1286

W (t) = I0,0w(t) 1287





where I0,0 is the unique right inverse of D that imposes the1288

required boundary condition at t = 0. The Fourier-based1289

expression of this anti-derivative operator is obtained from the1290

6th line of Table I by setting (ω0, t0) = (0, 0). By using the1291

properties of the Fourier transform, we obtain the simplified1292


I0,0ϕ(t) ={∫ t

0 ϕ(τ)dτ, t ≥ 0− ∫ 0

t ϕ(τ)dτ, t < 0,(31)1294

which allows us to interpret W (t) as the integrated version of1295

w with the proper boundary conditions. Likewise, we derive1296

the time-domain expression of the adjoint operator1297

I∗0,0ϕ(t) ={ ∫ ∞

t ϕ(τ)dτ, t ≥ 0,− ∫ t

−∞ ϕ(τ)dτ, t < 0.(32)1298

Next, we invoke Proposition 4 to obtain the characteristic form1299

of the Lévy process1300

PW (ϕ) = Pw(I∗0,0ϕ) (33)1301

which is admissible provided that the Lévy exponent f fullfils1302

the condition in Theorem 4.1303

We get the characteristic function of the sample values1304

of the Lévy process W (t1) = 〈W, δ(· − t1)〉 by making the1305

substitution ϕ = ω1δ(· − t1) in (33): PW(ω1δ(· − t1)

) =1306


(ω1I∗0,0δ(·− t1)

)with t1 > 0. We then use (31) to evaluate1307

I∗0,0δ(t − t1) = �[0,t1)(t). Since the latter indicator function is1308

equal to one for t ∈ [0, t1) and zero elsewhere, it is easy to1309

evaluate the integral over t in (5) with f (0) = 0, which yields1310

E{e jω1W (t1)} = exp







= et1 f (ω1)1312

This result is equivalent to the celebrated Lévy-Khinchine1313

representation of the process [31].1314

B. Lévy Increments vs. Wavelet Coefficients1315

A fundamental property of Lévy processes is that their1316

increments at equally-spaced intervals are i.i.d.[31]. To see1317

how this fits into the present framework, we specify the1318

increments on the integer grid as the special case of (3) with1319

α = 0:1320

u[k] = �0W (k) := W (k)− W (k − 1)1321

=∫ k

k−1w(t)dt = 〈w,β∨

0 (· − k)〉1322

where β0(t) = �[0,1)(t) = �0ρ0(t) is the causal B-spline of1323

degree 0 (rectangular function). We are also introducing some1324

new notation, which is consistent with the definitions given1325

in [32, Table II], to set the stage for the generalizations to1326

come.�0 is the finite-difference operator, which is the discrete1327

analog of the derivative operator D, while ρ0 (unit step) is1328

the Green function of the derivative operator D. The main1329

point of the exercise is to show that determining increments1330

is structurally equivalent to the computation of the wavelet1331

coefficients in Property 2 with the smoothing kernel φi being1332

substituted by β∨0 . It follows that the characteristic function of 1333

wd [·] is given by 1334

pu(ω) = exp(∫

Rf (ωβ∨

0 (t))dt

) = e f (ω) = pid(ω) (34) 1335

where the simplification of the integral results from the binary 1336

nature of β0 which is either 1 (on a support of size 1) or 1337

zero. This implies that the increments of the Lévy process 1338

are independent (because the B-spline functions β∨0 (·− k) are 1339

non-overlapping) and that their pdf is given by the canonical 1340

id distribution of the innovation process pid(x) (cf. discussion 1341

in Section III-D). 1342

The alternative is to expand the Lévy process in the 1343

Haar basis which is ideally matched to it. Indeed, the Haar 1344

wavelet at scale i = 1 (lower-left function in Fig. 2) can be 1345

expressed as 1346

ψHaar(t/2) = β0(t)− β0(t − 1) = �0β0 = Dβ(0,0)(t) 1347

(35) 1348

where β(0,0) = β0 ∗ β0 is the causal B-spline of degree 1 1349

(triangle function). Since D∗ = −D, this confirms that 1350

the underlying smoothing kernels are dilated versions of a 1351

B-spline of degree 1. Moreover, since the wavelet-domain 1352

sampling is critical, there is no overlap of the basis 1353

functions within a given scale which implies that the 1354

wavelets coefficients are independent on a scale-by-scale basis 1355

(cf. Property 3). If we now compare the situation with that 1356

of the Lévy increments, we observe that the wavelet analysis 1357

involves one more layer of smoothing of the innovation with 1358

β0 (due to the factorization property of β(0,0)) which slightly 1359

complicates the statistical calculations. 1360

While the smoothing effect on the innovation is qualitatively 1361

the same in both instances, there are fundamental differences, 1362

too. In the wavelet case, the underlying discrete transform 1363

is orthogonal, but the coefficients are not fully decoupled 1364

because of the inter-scale dependencies which are unavoidable, 1365

as explained in Section V-D. By contrast, the decoupling of 1366

the Lévy increments is perfect, but the underlying discrete 1367

transform (finite difference transform) is non-orthogonal. In 1368

our companion paper, we shall see how this latter strategy is 1369

extendable to the much broader family of sparse processes via 1370

the definition of the generalized increment process. 1371

C. Examples of Lévy Processes 1372

Realizations of four different Lévy processes are shown in 1373

Fig. 1 together with their Lévy triplets(b1, b2, v(a)

). The 1374

first signal is a Brownian motion (a.k.a. Wiener process) that 1375

is obtained by integration of a white Gaussian noise. This 1376

classical process is known to be nowhere differentiable in the 1377

classical sense, despite the fact that it is continuous everywhere 1378

(almost surely) as all the members of the Lévy family. While 1379

the sampled version of �0W is i.i.d. in all cases, it does not 1380

yield a sparse representation in this first instance because the 1381

underlying distribution remains Gaussian. The second process,



which may be termed Lévy-Laplace motion, is specified by 1383

the Lévy density v(a) = e−|a|/|a| which is not in L1. By 1384

taking the inverse Fourier transform of (34), we can show that 1385

its increment process has a Laplace distribution [18]; note that 1386





Fig. 3. Examples of Lévy motions W (t) with increasing degrees of sparsity. (a) Brownian motion with Lévy triplet (0, 1, 0). (b) Lévy-Laplace motion with(0, 0, e−|a|

|a|). (c) Compound Poisson process with

(0, 0, λ 1√


with λ = 132 . (d) Symmetric Lévy flight with

(0, 0, 1/|a|α+1)

and α = 1.2.

this type of generalized Gaussian model is often used to justify1387

sparsity-promoting signal processing techniques based on �11388

minimization [52]–[54]. The third piecewise-constant signal is1389

a compound Poisson process. It is intrinsically sparse since a1390

good proportion of its increments is zero by construction (with1391

probability e−λ). Interestingly, this is the only type of Lévy1392

process that fulfills the finite rate of innovation property [17].1393

The fourth example is an alpha-stable Lévy motion (a.k.a.1394

Lévy flight) with α = 1.2. Here, the distribution of �0W1395

is heavy-tailed (SαS) with unbounded moments for p > α.1396

Although this may not be obvious from the picture, this is1397

the sparsest process of the lot because it is �α-compressible1398

in the strongest sense [45]. Specifically, we can compress the1399

sequence such as to preserve any prescribed portion r < 1 of1400

its average �α energy by retaining an arbitrarily small fraction1401

of samples as the length of the signal goes to infinity.1402

D. Link With Conventional Stochastic Calculus1403

Thanks to (30), we can view a white noise w = W as the1404

weak derivative of some classical Lévy processes W (t) which1405

is well-defined pointwise (almost everywhere). This provides1406

us with further insights on the range of admissible innovation1407

processes of Section II.C which constitute the driving terms of1408

the general stochastic differential equation (12). This funda-1409

mental observation also makes the connection with stochastic1410

calculus8 [55], [56], which avoids the notion of white noise1411

by relying on the use of stochastic integrals of the form1412

s(t) =∫


h(t, t ′)dW (t ′)1413

where W is a random (signed) measure associated to some1414

canonical Brownian motion (or, by extension, a Lévy process)1415

and where h(t, t ′) is an integration kernel that formally cor-1416

responds to our inverse operator L−1 (see Theorem 5).1417

8The Itô integral of conventional stochastic calculus is based on Brownianmotion, but the concept can also be generalized to Lévy driving terms usingthe more advanced theory of semimartingales [55].


We have set the foundations of a unifying framework that 1419

gives access to the broadest possible class of continuous- 1420

time stochastic processes specifiable by linear, shift-invariant 1421

equations, which is beneficial for signal processing purposes. 1422

We have shown that these processes admit a concise represen- 1423

tation in a wavelet-like basis. We have applied our framework 1424

to the description of the classical Lévy processes, which, in 1425

our view, provide the simplest and most basic examples of 1426

sparse processes, despite the fact that they are non-stationary. 1427

We have also hinted at the link between Lévy increments 1428

and splines, which is the theme that we shall develop in full 1429

generality next [32]. 1430

We have demonstrated that the proposed class of 1431

stochastic models and the corresponding mathematical 1432

machinery (Fourier analysis, characteristic functional, and 1433

B-spline calculus) lends itself well to the derivation of 1434

transform-domain statistics. The formulation suggests a variety 1435

of new processes whose properties are compatible with the 1436

currently-dominant paradigm in the field which is focused on 1437

the notion of sparsity. In that respect, the sparse processes that 1438

are best matched to conventional wavelets9 are those generated 1439

by N-fold integration (with proper boundary conditions) of a 1440

non-gaussian innovation. These processes, which are the solu- 1441

tion of an unstable SDE (pole of multiplicity N at the origin), 1442

are intrinsically self-similar (fractal) and non-stationary. Last 1443

but not least, the formulation is backward compatible with the 1444

classical theory of Gaussian stationary processes. 1445


The authors are thankful to Prof. Robert Dalang (EPFL 1447

Chair of Probabilities), Julien Fageot and Dr. Arash Amini 1448

for helpful discussions. 1449

9A wavelet with N vanishing moments can always be rewritten as ψ =DNφ with φ ∈ L2(R) where the operator L = DN is scale-invariant.






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Michael Unser (M’89–SM’94–F’99) received the M.S. (summa cum laude)1599

and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1981 and 1984, respectively,1600

from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.1601

From 1985 to 1997, he worked as a scientist with the National Institutes1602

of Health, Bethesda USA. He is now full professor and Director of the1603

Biomedical Imaging Group at the EPFL.1604

His main research area is biomedical image processing. He has a strong1605

interest in sampling theories, multiresolution algorithms, wavelets, the use of1606

splines for image processing, and, more recently, stochastic processes. He has1607

published about 250 journal papers on those topics.1608

Dr. Unser is currently member of the editorial boards of IEEE1609


in Signal Processing, SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, and the PROCEEDINGS1611

OF THE IEEE. He co-organized the first IEEE International Symposium on1612

Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2002) and was the founding chair of the technical1613

committee of the IEEE-SP Society on Bio Imaging and Signal Processing1614


He received three Best Paper Awards (1995, 2000, 2003) from the IEEE1616

Signal Processing Society, and two IEEE Technical Achievement Awards1617

(2008 SPS and 2010 EMBS). He is an EURASIP Fellow and a member1618

of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.1619

Pouya D. Tafti was born in Tehran in 1981. He received his BSc degree 1620

in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in 1621

2003, his MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McMaster 1622

University, Hamilton, Ontario, in 2006, and his PhD in Computer, Information, 1623

and Communication Sciences from EPFL, Lausanne, in 2011. From 2006 to 1624

2012 he was with the Biomedical Imaging Group at EPFL, where he worked 1625

on vector field imaging and statistical models for signal and image processing. 1626

He currently resides in Germany where he works as a data scientist. 1627

Qiyu Sun received the BSc and PhD degree in mathematics from Hangzhou 1628

University, China in 1985 and 1990 respectively. He is a full professor with the 1629

Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida. His prior position 1630

was with Zhejiang University (China), National University of Singapore 1631

(Singapore), Vanderbilt University, and University of Houston. 1632

His research interests include sampling theory, Wiener’s lemma, wavelet 1633

and frame theory, linear and nonlinear inverse problems, and Fourier analysis. 1634

He has published more than 100 papers on mathematics and signal processing, 1635

and written a book An Introduction to Multiband Wavelets (Zhejiang Univer- 1636

sity Press, 2001) with Ning Bi and Daren Huang. He is on the editorial 1637

board of the journals Advance in Computational Mathematics, Numerical 1638

Functional Analysis and Optimization and Sampling Theory in Signal and 1639

Imaging Processing. 1640





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