SPAGHETTI TIME Chapter 1 The Mad Dash “Meow,” rang the bell as the clock struck 11:35. Everyone immediately leaped out of their desks and ran for the door. None ran faster than Fortier, a charismatic young lad known only by his last name. “Ryan, you’re being loco!” the Hispanic Suthi shouted. “Slow down, amigo!“I can’t!” Fortier shouted back, jumping over the mailbox in his way. “I need to get to that spaghetti!” Today was everyone’s favorite lunch, spaghetti. “Let him go,” Jason solemnly said while holding an enraged Corey back. “He has to do this himself. There can be no one else but him…and his self.” “No!” Corey shouted. “He’s too young! He’ll fail if he goes alone!” The entire class stood near the doorway, watching as Ryan swam off into the distance. Only one person found the

Spaghetti Time

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The Mad Dash

Meow, rang the bell as the clock struck 11:35. Everyone immediately leaped out of their desks and ran for the door. None ran faster than Fortier, a charismatic young lad known only by his last name. Ryan, youre being loco! the Hispanic Suthi shouted. Slow down, amigo!

I cant! Fortier shouted back, jumping over the mailbox in his way. I need to get to that spaghetti! Today was everyones favorite lunch, spaghetti.

Let him go, Jason solemnly said while holding an enraged Corey back. He has to do this himself. There can be no one else but himand his self.

No! Corey shouted. Hes too young! Hell fail if he goes alone!

The entire class stood near the doorway, watching as Ryan swam off into the distance. Only one person found the strength to speak. At least its a full moon, Kyle Whitlock said. Hell have light to swim by. The others could only nod and hope that he was right.

Chapter 2


Had-duh-duh! Ryan struggled to shout as he surfaced from underneath the murky water. His muscular chest glistening in the bright moonlight, he swam towards the library.

After what seemed like seconds, he felt his toes touch the ground. He wiped his drenched face off on his shirt and threw it back on. He continued running towards the cafeteria.

As he continued running, he felt as though he was being watched. He slowly came to a halt and looked behind him. His eyes widened slightly and his right eyebrow rose in confusion and excitement. Standing about ten meters behind him was Suzy.

Suzy was a new student to Woonsocket High School and had joined Fortiers English and math classes three days ago. She was about an inch shorter than Fortier with long blonde hair that happened to be in curls today. She was fairly quiet, although not as much so as the nearly-mute Karen or Marina. She was very smart, but Ryan hardly noticed that. With her beautiful hair, wondrous smile, and piercing green eyes, he was blinded by her beauty. They had barely spoken, but they often caught the other looking at them.

Shoving his reminiscing aside, Fortier continued staring at Suzy, who raised a hand and smiled. He yearned to walk over and speak to her, but his mission was clear: get spaghetti before the freshmen took it all and then deliver it to his table. He gave Suzy a quick nod and continued on his way.

Just as Fortier slid headfirst into the cafeteria, a thunderous whirring was heard as a helicopter set down near the library. Go! Go! Go! Jason shouted as everyone rushed out of the chopper. He was swinging around in a circle, his umbrella gripped tight in order to protect his comrades.

Jay, come on! Ryan Laferte, or Pup, shouted. Fortier may need our help!

Jason looked back at the river behind him and sighed. Pup, I have to get Colby! He watched as Colby was eaten by four sea manatees.

Hes just a background character, Hershey! Corey screamed, using Jays common nickname. Fortiers slightly more important!

Jay nodded and tossed his Game boy onto the ground. Ill never remember you, he whispered while running up to his crew. He finally caught up, but everyone froze as they saw that the hallway was blocked with cotton balls.

Kahn! Martin shouted in anger.

Well have to eat our way through! Suthi shouted while pulling out his chopsticks. Everyone else followed suit.

Chapter 3

The Attack

Despite the numerous bite marks on his face, Fortier emerged from the lunch line victorious. He walked into the cafeteria with enough spaghetti to feed 327 capuchin monkeys. He noticed that his table was empty, no doubt due to the cotton balls that Ms. Locke had left behind. He placed the trapezoid of spaghetti down and took a seat.

Hey, Suzys soothing voice whispered from behind him.

Fortier spun his wheelchair around and rubbed the stump of his right leg. They both stared at where the limb had been torn off, right below the knee. Hey, Fortier muttered back.

Suzy took a seat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Fortier felt his blood go cold and his spine tingle. Hows the leg? she asked.

The doctor said that it should grow back in a few days, Fortier said while standing up and stretching his legs.

I think it was great what you did for us after the plane crash, Suzy began as Fortier sat back down.

Suzy, we have to move on, he told her.

I know. Youre right, she sadly agreed.

They both sat in silence while staring at the grazing gazelles. Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of gunfire pierced their ears. Their eyes both squinted shut as the hail slammed down around them. They ducked underneath the picnic table to avoid the falling ice and grabbed each others hands so that the whirling winds and blinding snow wouldnt separate them.

By the time the ash settled, the tidal wave had washed the majority of the hyenas away. Students lay injured, unconscious, and dead all around the cafeteria. Them, Suzy whispered, referring to the terrorists exiting the cafeteria.

Looks like its not spaghetti time yet, Ryan whispered as he led Suzy through the snow towards the exit.

Chapter 4

The Reunion

Move! Brian Lamoureux shouted while charging through the crowd. He screamed in pain as red confetti latched onto his eyes. Leave me! he exclaimed as he fell to the ground.

Like heck! Travis shouted back while yanking Brian to his feet. The two of them caught up with the rest of their English class and ran into a small classroom.

Veton, get on the wire! Jason ordered while beginning to barricade the door. Veton nodded and took a seat at the telegraph machine. He immediately began pounding out an SOS.

We have to stay calm, a nervous Brittany Richer assured everyone, although her voice was audibly shaking. They wont find us in here!

I dont care about the damn stock market! Gramos angrily shouted while finishing barricading the door. We need to beat those terrorists!

Just as Karen was about to answer, Gramos cell phone rang. Who is this? he asked while licking his Tootsie RollTM pop.

Fortier and Suzy struggled to keep their canoe steady. Pedal harder! Fortier shouted while dialing his own cell phone. He put the receiver to his ear and smiled as he heard Gramos answer.

Who is this? Gramos asked.

Its Scott, Fortier quickly answered.

Fortier, good to hear from you! Gramos happily yelled. Where are you?

Fortier and Suzy abandoned their bike as the L12 train nearly ran them over. Were right behind you, Fortier explained.

Gramos and everyone else in the classroom spun around to see Fortier and Suzy covered in chocolate milk. My god, Jason whispered. The volcano blew.

Chapter 5

The Bomb

Theres no time to explain, Fortier explained while wiping the last of the mustard off his shirt. He took Jasons spare tuxedo and changed into it.

Whats it like out there? Gramos quietly asked.

Its bad, Suzy whispered back. We lost all the hyenas.

Bastards, Gramos seethed.

How is it out there? Damian shouted, not hearing the conversation.

Im not gonna lie, Gramos began, its pretty bad.

Are you kidding me? Damian cried.

Guys! Fortier shouted. Lets focus! Those terrorists are going to give us all abortions if we dont focus. We have to focus! The crowd grew silent as they saw the unwavering strength in his eyes. Now think. Is there anything in here that we

Fortier was interrupted by a thunderous roar as the building shook. Veton, status report! Brittany yelled as plaster fell down around her.

Veton fervently moved his rook to E6 and hit the backgammon table in frustration. We lost the first air conditioning system. It was a bomb.

Everyone immediately began shouting to one another in a panic. Fortier pulled Jason and Brittany aside. Suzy watched as he led Brittany by the hand and followed them into the cardboard box.

If they took out the first AC system, then the other one wont last long, Fortier told the others. They must have put a bomb there as well.

Jason, Brittany, and Suzys eyes widened as they understood what he was getting at. Without the ACs, Brittany began.

The school will reach a temperature of negative 10,000o in seconds, Suzy nervously whispered.

Well be burnt alive! Jason shouted.

Fortier thought for a second and then shook his head. No we wont, he agreed while staring at Jason. Ill go find that bomb.

Suzy stared at Fortier for a moment, bit her lip, and then stared Brittany straight in the eyes. And Ill help.

Fortier glanced at Suzy and gave her an approving nod. But well need Travis, he quietly told the others while taking a bite out of his root beer. We need his help. The others looked at Fortier, their eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Chapter 6

The Xinlic

So what exactly is the plan? Travis asked as Fortier and Suzy put him in the wheelbarrow and rolled him out of the box and into the hallway.

Its simple, Fortier calmly explained while sharpening his spear. The bomb should be strapped to the second AC system. Well distract the guards with this. Fortier stopped talking to hold up a dreidel. Suzy and I will rest with some hot chocolate and TwinkiesTM while you sneak into the AC center with your wrench. Ill call you on my cell and talk you through defusing the bomb.

Suzy and Fortier smiled as Travis stared at them with a confused expression. Um, why do I have to be the one to defuse the bomb?

Fortier sighed and shook his head. Travis, you are so xinlic. Is your father a botanist?

No, hes a mechanic, he answered.

Theres your answer. The W in mechanic stands for win, Fortier explained while smiling and patting Travis on the shoulder. Now get outta here, you little scamp.

Travis stared at them both for a moment longer, muttered a quick, I hate you, Fortier, and headed down the left hallway.

Fortier and Suzy flanked right. After waiting a moment, Suzy whipped out her cell phone and dialed Travis number. Travass, were about to distract the guard. Wait for my signal and then proceed into the vent. As Suzy spoke to his arch nemesis, Fortier peeked around the corner and saw a lone terrorist pacing the hallway. Fortier took a deep breath and spun the dreidel towards him.

Suzy and Fortier watched as the guard spun around and saw the dreidel. He stared quizzically at it before turning back around. Damn, Suzy whispered. It didnt work.

Fortier wasnt so worried. He still had an ace up his ass. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, you are made out of clay, he softly began to sing. The terrorist instantly spun around and stared once more at the dreidel while lowering his Styrofoam wedge that was shaped like PacmanTM.

Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play, Fortier continued singing while increasing his volume two points.

The guard was instantly knocked out. As soon as his head hit the floor, Suzy spoke into her cell phone. Rick, the bad guys out. Move through the hallway and into the heating vent. Crawl about twenty meters and youll be in the AC control center.

Travis shook his head and strolled across the hallway. This makes absolutely no fucking sense. No fucking sense at all, he muttered to himself while entering the vent.

Chapter 7The Flirting

Radio me when you get to the AC room, Fortier said before placing his cell phone on the ground. Suzy did the same as Fortier handed her some hot chocolate and a TwinkieTM.

Thanks, Suzy said while taking a sip from her coca and putting the mug next to her on the floor.

No problem, Fortier told her while repeating Suzys actions. They both took a bite out of their TwinkiesTM. Suzy, I want you to know that youve done great so far. I think that we might have a real chance at beating those terrorists. He paused a moment and seemed to silently debate whether or not to say something. Im glad you came, he finally told her.

Suzy smiled, showing her brilliant white teeth. Fortier instinctively looked away, feeling unworthy to be in the presence of such a goddess. Ryan, she began as he gathered the strength to stare once more into her beautiful eyes, youve been great too.

Fortier smiled and nodded as they both reached for their cocoa. Their hands briefly connected, and they both pulled their hands back and looked away while blushing feverishly.

Sorry, they both whispered at the same time. They sat in silence for several seconds, wondering what to do next.

FORTIER! Travis voice shouted from Fortiers phone.

Fortier gritted his teeth in anger and picked up the phone. What? Are you there yet?

Travis feverishly shook his head inside the vent. Im trying, but your pathetic attempts at flirting are distracting. Either kiss her, screw her, or shut the fuck up!

Suzy lifted an eyebrow in curiosity and gave a light giggle. Fortier heard his heart beat faster as his familiar rage swelled inside him. Travis, I swear to gosh that Im going to kick your fucking

Chapter 8

The Worst Place to Have Sex


Chapter 9

So Close

if you dont Fortier seethed.

Ryan, Suzy whispered while pulling on his arm so that he could face her. Hes right. She saw Fortier instantly freeze. About the kissing, at least, she clarified.

As Travis smiled inside the vent and continued crawling towards the AC room, Suzy grabbed Fortiers hand. Fortier felt his blood go icy cold as adrenaline rushed through his veins. He stared into Suzys eyes and felt as though he were drowning in an emerald ocean, yet he wanted to dive in further.

He felt a course of electricity jolt through his spine as his and Suzys foreheads touched. Using courage he never knew he had, he brushed a loose strand of her silky hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. He felt nothing but pure ecstasy as he leaned in to share his first kiss. He closed his eyes, realizing that his seventeen years of waiting and loneliness were finally over.

Now Im at the AC room, Travis loud voice interrupted.

Damn it! Fortier screamed.

Chapter 10

A Bomb Defused and an Army Raised

I fucking hate you! Fortier shouted before spinning around and kicking a wall. He began hopping up and down while caressing his hurt shoulder.

Suzy stared at him with a mixture of pity and disgust. Hey, dipshits! We have a fucking bomb here! Travis angrily reminded them.

Fortier grudgingly strolled back over to Suzy and picked his phone up off of the floor. Alright, asshole. Use the wrench to unscrew the nails that are gluing the vent in place.

Travis groaned as he set to work. As he laced the wrench with molasses to make it more slippery, Fortier took a deep breath and tried to control his anger. We have a situation. Focus, he thought to himself.

Done, Travis said while masturbating about little six-year-old girls. Because thats what he does, the fucking perverted pedophile. I fucking hate Travis.

Good. Now put your dick away and exit the vent.

Travis zipped up his tights and exited the vent. He stared in wonder at the vast array of blinking lights. Im in.

Fortier nodded as he lit his banana and took a deep drag. Now find the bomb, would you kindly?

Travis spun to his right and immediately saw the six-story bomb. It ran right through the ceiling and extended far into the sky. I see it.

Fortier nodded once more. Now that bomb could go off any second

What? Travis shrieked. You never told me that!

This is no time to rape a porcupine! Fortier screamed. Find the control panel, locate the ON/OFF switch, and flick it on!

Travis reluctantly knelt down to get a better look at the bomb. It was shaped like a sine graph and was about the size of his head. It suddenly began beeping at a frantic pace. Travis flipped the switch on and the beeping subsided. Its disarmed, he told Fortier and Suzy while sighing and wiping the sweat off his brow.

Are you still alive? Fortier asked.

Obviously, Travis answered while beginning to crawl back through the vent.

This is not my day, Fortier muttered while shutting his phone off and taking a sip from his granola bar. Suzy strolled over to him and smiled as she saw him begin to relax.

One problem down, she said while placing her hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. One more to go.

Fortier smiled as well and squeezed her hand. Its just a shame that that last problem is killing a shitload of terrorists.

Well, look on the bright side, Suzy began before being cut off by a thunderous explosion. Fortier shoved her to the ground, and they both covered their heads as a wave of heat washed over them.

What the heck was that? Fortier shouted, trying to raise the volume of his voice over that of his ringing ears. He got his answer by seeing an M12 Abrams tank roll by, with Damian right behind it on a horse. Brittany came riding by next on a white stallion with one hand wrapped firmly around what appeared to be a rather large box of KraftTM macaroni and cheese.

Just as things couldnt get any more normal, Jason pulled to a stop next to Fortier and Suzy in a large jeep. Get in the Walrus! Hershey shouted while tossing his two friends helmets. Were taking this school back!

Chapter 11

Welcome to K-9

Fortier and Suzy jumped in and strapped their helmets on. Jason revved t he motor and took off once more. Red seven, this is green two. Weve picked up omega yellow and blue, he shouted into a headset placed on his head. Were following second squad to rally point K-9. Hershey turned to Fortier and asked, Wheres Travis?

Fortier finally recovered from the explosion and clipped on his seatbelt. Hes crawling back through the vent.

No sooner had Fortier finished speaking than Jason resumed talking into his headset. Red seven, omega asshole is coming out of the heating vent. Requesting that you pick him up, red seven.

There was a crackle of static, and then Coreys voice answered back, Affirmative. Ill pick him up. Tell Suzy and Fortier that its good to have them back.

Jason turned to Fortier and Suzy, who seemed to be confused for the first time that day. He relayed Coreys message and waited for one of them to respond.

Hershey, Fortier started to ask, Where did you guys get all this?

We, Jason began, but ducked as two jet fighters flew several feet over them. Their 200-foot wings barely fit in the 30-foot hallway. We decided to head to the gym, thinking that we could fortify it better than the classroom. We also wanted to grab some bats and stuff for weapons, incase the terrorists broke into our stronghold. He paused to listen to his headset, then nodded and opened the jeeps glove compartment. Put these on, he instructed Fortier and Suzy while handing them two headsets.

Fortier, Suzy, its Pup, Ryan Laferte said while swerving around Kyjuanas Walrus. After that massacre at Lincoln elementary yesterday, every school in the state fitted an armory into their basement. Veton and Marina managed to use our cell phones and candy wrappers to bypass the doors security code and get inside.

Long story short, Corey interrupted, we found a shitload of guns, ammo, and vehicles. Only one problem.

Brittany Richers voice suddenly swam through Fortier and Suzys headsets. Thats right. Stun rounds only. Non-lethal. We didnt find a single live round of ammunition, save for that mortar which Chelsea just wasted.

Chelsea quickly spoke into her headset. Sorry. Thought that you two were terrorists, she nervously apologized.

No problem, Fortier angrily mumbled back while rubbing his aching ears. He then abruptly groaned as Travis chimed into the conversation via his headset. If everything is non-lethal, then what are the planes and tank loaded with?

White flags and condoms, Jason answered. We assume theyre for a surrender, which would then of course be followed by the victory orgy.

Wait, Travis continued, they shoot condoms? I dont even think that could work. And why the fuck were there horses? he asked while being too fucking boring to use his imagination.

Good questions, Hershey responded. I figure that thirty kids with stun rounds and a few vehicles to bluff with can take out the dozen terrorists are so that are in the school.

Travis, being the fucking condescending prick that he is, was about to protest further, but Preetis voice suddenly reached all of them. Approaching rally point K-9. ETA is fifteen seconds, she told all of them.

Roger that, Corey, or Red Licorice Pill, answered.

Suzy looked to Fortier for an explanation, but he only shrugged. They counted the fifteen seconds off in their heads until they approached Time Square, which had half a dozen kids organizing guns and ammo, engaging in target practice, and refitting two Walruses. Welcome to K-9, Jason said while parking and jumping out of the jeep. Now gear up. Weve got a school to defend.

Chapter 12

More Survivors

Alright! Hershey bellowed as he looked out in front of him. There stood nearly thirty of his classmates, a tank, two horses, two jets, and five Walruses. This is it. This is what weve been waiting all hour for. Were taking this school back! Everyone grab some ammo and saddle up! And Chelsea, could you try to not shoot at our own people this time?

My bad, Chelsea murmured in that way of talking that she does. You know? Where its a little raspy and maybe with a hint of a Brooklyn accent. Anyway, she hopped into the tank and closed its hatch.

Fortier and Suzy walked towards Jason, who was conversing with Brittany and Gramos. Catch, Jason said while tossing a baseball at Fortier.

Fortier caught the ball and gently placed it on the ground. He and Suzy each grabbed a rifle, pistol, and three magazines for each gun. Fortier grabbed two teargas grenades and handed one to Suzy. Where do you want us? he asked while turning to face Jason.

Fortier, youre with Red Licorice Pill. Suzy, youre going to guard Marina, Preeti, and Veton. Theyll be feeding us intel and are our software experts. We cant lose them, Jason told her.

For a split second, Fortiers face betrayed his sadness as he realized that he would be separated from Suzy. He quickly hid his emotions and nodded his head, however. Sir, yes sir! he shouted while giving Hershey a crisp salute, which Jason promptly returned.

As Fortier and Suzy left, Veton came running up to Jason. Jason! he shouted, We found more survivors! Veton quickly took off his sock and threw it to Jason.

Jason caught the cell phone just before Gramos sneezed. Who is this? he asked.

This is Anthony Martens of room 203. Repeat, Anthony Martens of room 203, Anthony spoke into his own phone.

Anthony, did you finish your math homework? I need the answer to number 7, Jay urgently shouted.

Its twelve. The answers twelve, Anthony whispered back. There was a long pause on both sides. Jay! Were holding out in room 203. I assume you also know about the terrorists?

Indeed, Hershey answered while stroking Damians beard. Were planning a counterattack. We found a cache of arms in the

Yeah, in the secret armory in the basement, Anthony interrupted. I read it in the school paper. Ive got twenty-eight other people down here who want to help. We couldnt risk wandering the school looking for other survivors, but were willing to make a quick beeline to your definite location.

Jay nodded as Sasha strolled by and stopped beside him. Were at Time Square, Hershey told Anthony. We were just about to push forward, but I reckon that we could wait a few minutes.

Darn tootin, Anthony said while smiling. He gave a thumbs-up to his peers around him, who immediately started packing and tearing down the barricade that they had built, which was now blocking their exit. Well be there about two minutes after I hang up, Anthony continued. His smiled suddenly disappeared as he remembered something. Wait; is Sasha in your class?

Jason turned to is right to see Sasha standing by him. Yeah, she is. Why?

Ooohhh, Anthony mumbled, this could be a problem. Im not really feeling the whole working with Hispanics thing. Sorry.

Are you fucking joking? Jason screamed.

Afraid not, Anthony calmly answered.

Look, Jason seethed, your racism is adorable at the lunch table, but were in a serious situation here!

Anthony let out a deep sigh and shook his head. Alright, lets compromise. She can work with us, but you have to send her on a suicide mission.

What? Jason shouted.

Just tie a bomb to her and throw her into the terrorists!

We cant do that?

Why not?

Because shes standing right next to me and youre on speakerphone!

Sasha, having heard the entire conversation, angrily snatched the phone from Jasons hand. Screw you, you racist asshole!

Anthony tightened his grip on his phone in anger. I cant understand you if youre not speaking English!

Chapter 13


Fortier and Suzy walked away from Jason. Both had their pistols holstered in their waistbands and their rifles hanging slackly in their hands. They stared in silence at the base around them. Vehicles rolled into place, students slapped fresh magazines into their rifles, and others sat and reflected on the journey that they were about to embark upon.

Fortier sighed as he and Suzy reached the library. Suzy would take a right and join the tech people, and Fortier would continue on straight ahead to Coreys Walrus. Suzy heard his sigh and turned to look at him. Something wrong? she solemnly asked.

Fortier gave a sad chuckle and shook his head. No, just thinking about all thats happened today he paused to think about how close he had come to kissing Suzy earlier, and all thats nearly happened, he whispered.

Its weird, she began, how two people who barely know each other can get so close so quickly.

Fortier gave a slight smile and nodded. Yeah. Weird.

They both stared down the hallway that Suzy had to travel down. Ryan, she quietly spoke, Im sorry that I was so impetuous earlier. About, um, kissing you, she clarified. Im not usually that type of girl. I was just worried that the bomb would go off andand she struggled to find the right words.

Fortier smiled and gave a slight grin as he placed his empty hand on her shoulder. Dont be sorry. Im not.

Suzy stared at his hand and smiled back. Suddenly, she quickly moved forward and gently kissed Fortier on the lips.

Fortier was too shocked to move. Before he could react, Suzy had pulled back and broken the kiss. She turned her head away from him and blushed. Slowly, she took his hand off her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Come back in one piece, Ryan, she whispered while staring into his eyes.

For the first time ever, Fortier managed to shove his excitement and confusion aside and remain calm in the face of a romantic situation. He gently squeezed Suzys hand back and moved a loose strand of her curly hair out of her eyes and behind her left ear. I always do.

She nodded and released his hand. She smiled once more at him, turned around, and walked towards the classroom where Veton, Preeti, and Marina were holed up in. Fortier stared after her for a moment, and then closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

Fortier, youre cool as ice, he muttered to himself while spinning around and opening his eyes.

And corny as hell, Corey answered from down the hallway. He was sitting in his Walrus and revved the motor. Hop in, Casanova.

Chapter 14

The Plan

Fortier sat in silence as Corey drove the Walrus. It was a two mile drive to Time Square, so he figured that theyd be there in five minutes.

Whats the matter, big guy? Red Licorice Pill asked while tossing Fortier a headset.

How much did you see? Fortier mumbled while putting the headset on.

Corey smiled and playfully punched Fortier in the arm. All of it, man. But dont fret none, yo. Im glad you finally got a girl. We were beginning to wonder if you were

Gay? Fortier offered.

Castrated, Corey finished.

There was a brief silence as Fortier thought this over. Anyway, enough about me. How are you and Erin?

Erin was killed by the terrorists this afternoon, Corey answered.

Oh, I forgot.

Sorry to interrupt you two xinlics, Jasons voice interrupted them through their headsets, but we do have a situation here.

Sorry, sir, Corey and Fortier immediately apologized.

Alright then. Jason cleared his throat as he turned his Walrus to the right. Heres the plan. Veton hacked into the security cameras and has found out that the terrorists have fortified the main hallway near the front door. Gramos and his squad of four are heavily engaged. They had to fall back into the auditorium. Lafertes and my own Walrus full of people are going to push through Time Square. Youre going to flank them from behind, so head through the home ec wing. My ETA is two minutes. Whats yours?

Corey closed his eyes for a second to think, and then answered, Three and a half minutes.

Jason nodded. Good. My squad will already be fighting when you flank them. Damian and Brittany are in Lecture Room B. We converted it into a stable before the terrorists fortified the hallway. Theyre trapped in there with the horses, but the terrorists dont know that. Theyll remain hidden until I signal them, which is when they will release the horses out as a distraction.

Courtney and Csondra will do the same thing with the jets. Chelseas ready to use the tank to bluff them into a surrender if things get too FUBAR. You understand the plan?

Fortier vigorously nodded. Wheres Suzy and her team stationed? And how many terrorists are there, anyway?

Veton and his team areGo! Go! Go! Jason shouted. Corey and Fortier looked to each other nervously as the unmistakable sound of gunfire came through their headsets.

Jay! Fortier shouted. Whats going on?

More gunfire and an explosion swam through their ears. Behind the lockers! Move! Jay shouted.

I need a mag! a voice distantly shouted.

You fuckin owe me one! Jay shouted back while tossing a spare magazine to Brett. Fortier, Corey, get here now! Things are hotterfuck, that was closethan I thought. Easily two dozen A wave of static interrupted Hersheys words.

Suzys in the theater room! Fortier, Corey, get here now! Jay screamed.

Corey and Fortier looked to each other once more. Get ready, Corey said while flooring the gas pedal. Something tells me were going in hot!

Chapter 15

The Battle

Fucking shit! Gramos shouted as another volley of bullets flew by where his head had just been. He took a deep breath, popped out from behind the door frame, fired a quick five-round burst of stun rounds, and braced himself on the side of the door once more.

This is fucking crazy! Brian shouted from the other side of the door. He stuck his gun out and blindly fired a few rounds. Where the fucking hell is everybody?

Twenty feet behind the door, the rest of Gramos squad lay huddled behind a small pile of podiums and chairs. It was the only piece of cover that they had had time to make.

Close your eyes! Aaron shouted while lobbing a teargas grenade from behind the pile of cover. It sailed through the air, bounced off of the ground, and began spewing smoke in the middle of the hallway.

Hold fire and reload! Gramos barked to his squad. His voice had already grown hoarse and his throat was burning from constantly shouting over the noise of gunfire.

Gramos and his team ejected their magazines and slapped in new ones as they waited for the teargas to take its effect. Fire on my mark! Gramos instructed everyone while making sure his new clip of ammo was secured in place. Mark!

The five boys immediately popped out from their cover, took aim, and filled the air with bullets. They had expected to see a crowd of terrorists clutching their eyes in agony, but instead saw over twenty men staring at them through gasmasks.

Oh shit. They came prepared, Gramos thought as he realized that the grenade had not affected them. He immediately took his finger off of his rifles trigger and ducked back behind the doorframe.

The others didnt react so quickly. As two terrorists fell over from the numbing pain of the stun rounds, the others took aim and returned fire.

Gramos eyes widened as he saw three bullets fly through Brians arm and two go through Aarons shoulder.

Agh! both injured boys shouted as they fell to the ground.

Gramos stared at them, knowing that he had to do something, but he couldnt bring himself to move. He heard the terrorists leader order his men to storm the disoriented boys and realized that he was about to die.

Just as Gramos steeled himself to be riddled with bullets, he heard more guns firing from down the hallway. He quickly blinked his eyes and snapped back to reality as he heard Lafertes voice shouting in his hears through his headset.

Gramos, status! Laferte screamed. Were engaging the enemy from K-9 in Time Square. Are you okay?

Gramos shook his head to clear his mind, took a deep breath, and pulled his headsets microphone closer to his mouth. Negative, Laferte! Negative! We have two men down! Need you to draw fire while we move them! Repeat, draw their fire! Well hit them from the side as soon as the injured are safe!

Pup popped out from behind the cover of his Walrus and let loose a hail of bullets. Affirmative! Well draw their fire! Move the wounded and get back to the fight ASAP!

Gramos flicked his headset off and turned to face his men. Pull the wounded to the side and do whatever you can to stop the bleeding. Then get back here and rejoin the fight! he instructed his two uninjured soldiers. They nodded and got to work.

Gramos let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. If he fired a round now, hed draw the terrorists fire while his entire team was out of cover. Hed have to wait until the injured were moved and the other two soldiers were back in position before he could resume shooting. He leaned against the doorframe and closed his eyes. He found himself praying as he counted the seconds tick by.

You understand the plan? Jason asked Fortier and Corey.

Wheres Suzy and her team stationed? And how many terrorists are there, anyway? Fortier asked.

As Fortier asked his question, Hershey looked to his right and saw Lafertes Walrus driving beside him. Each Walrus held the driver and three passengers, which meant that eight people would soon be joining the fight.

Veton and his team are Jay paused as he and Laferte reach Time Square. They pulled up to the end of this area and swerved their jeeps left. Go! Go! Go! Jay shouted as everyone jumped out of the jeeps and took cover behind them.

The Walruses formed a wall that filled in the empty space created by the open set of swinging doors. These doors separated Time Square from the main hallway. Jason ducked down and braced his back against the Walrus. Behind the lockers! Go! he instructed Ashley and Jessica. They nodded and ran as fast as they could while crouching. They ran by the jeeps, stood up, and plastered themselves against the wall of lockers. They could now peek around them to fire their guns out into the main hallway.

Things rapidly grew chaotic on Jays end of the battlefield. Hershey relayed information to Corey and Fortier while trying to take down any terrorists that he could. Laferte did the same as he spoke to Gramos. Everyone else struggled to find the right balance of taking cover and shooting.

Jay looked to Laferte, who was struggling to reload his gun. Lets hope Fortier and Corey get here soon! Jay shouted. Laferte nodded as he resumed shooting.

Brace yourself! Corey told Fortier. Fortier covered his head with his arms as Corey plowed their Walrus through a closed set of double doors. Corey swerved left and began driving down the straight hallway of the home ec wing. A hundred yards in front of them stood a closed set of double doors that separated them from the terrorists.

After another second of driving, Corey slammed his foot on the brake. Lets move! he shouted while jumping out of the Walrus and plastering himself against the left door. Fortier did the same with the right.

Fortier pointed to the small windows in each door and raised his gun. Corey nodded and did the same thing. They briefly aimed and then let loose enough rounds to tear through the delicate glass. The two boys now had a hole in each of their doors that they could fire through.

Now! Corey shouted while taking aim and firing half of his magazine. Fortier also took aim and fired in short four-round bursts until he ran out of ammo. Both boys grinned as they saw four terrorists fall down, knocked out from the hardened rubber bullets.

Flanking kicks ass! Corey gleefully shouted as he braced his back against the door once more.

Dont get cocky! Jason warned them. He was soon interrupted as a small burst of fire from the auditorium took down another terrorist. The students victory was short-lived, however. The remaining terrorists finally realized exactly where the three sources of fire were coming from. They split up into three groups and let loose a hail of fire.

Jason gritted his teeth as Ashley was knocked backwards by a round tearing through her right shoulder blade. Under this relentless hail of fire, the students couldnt take aim out of their cover.

Weve done enough damage! Hershey shouted. My team, against the lockers! Chelsea, pull the tank forward! Everyone cease fire!

Chelsea drove the tank into Time Square and aimed the cannon right at the terrorists. Both armies suddenly ceased their fire. This is the resistance leader! Jason shouted to the terrorists. Lay down your arms and surrender or we will fire the tank!

Sir, what are our orders? one of the terrorists asked his leader, his voice quivering slightly with fear.

The leader was silent for a moment before his eyes narrowed in anger and determination. Theyre bluffing, he answered. Otherwise they would have blown us all to hell right from the start. Strike the tank.

Jason waited for a response, but none came. He peeked his head out from behind the lockers and frowned in confusion. The terrorists were just standing there, staring back at him through their gas masks.

Corey and Fortier stared at the terrorists as well. Their eyes widened as they saw one of their enemies slowly load a rocket launcher. Fortier realized that the other terrorists were trying to conceal the rocket launcher and its handler from Jasons view.

Chelsea! Get out of the tank and fucking run! Fortier nervously shouted as loud as he dared into his headset, not wanting to attract the terrorists attention. Theyre going to hit the tank with a rocket!

What? Chelsea and Jason screamed.

Fucking move! Fortier pleaded.

Hes right! Corey shouted. Move! Move!

Jason gulped and quickly slapped a new magazine into his rifle. Everyone, fucking shoot! Cover Chelsea! Chelsea, fucking get out of that tank and haul ass!

The air exploded once more as all the students fired their weapons and the terrorists returned fire. In the midst of the chaos, Chelsea hopped out of the tank and ran towards K-9 as fast as her little legs could carry her.

She dove behind a wall of lockers just as a rocket flew several feet over Jasons head and slammed into the tank. The vehicle erupted into flames and exploded, sending shards of searing metal whizzing past Jason and his team. Several of his classmates cried out in agony as the shrapnel tore through their skin. Chelsea looked back to see Jasons squad in complete pandemonium.

Jason and his squad couldnt hear a thing. The deafening explosion had only left a heavy buzzing in their ears. He tried to shoot his rifle, but realized that he was completely out of ammunition. He angrily tossed the gun aside and drew his pistol out of his waistband. He cocked the firearm and took aim, but then paused. What the fuck am I doing? He wondered. Im fighting terrorists with a stun pistol. Why did I think this would work?

He let out a deep sigh as he crouched down once more and took a look around him. His entire squad was either out of or nearly out of ammunition. Many were bleeding, either from gunshot wounds or shrapnel. Gramos team was hit, and hed lost the tank. It was time to admit defeat.

Fall back! he shouted into his headset. Fortier, Corey, and my squad fall back to Beta Base! Repeat, Coreys squad and my squad need to fall back to Beta Base!

Fortier looked to Corey, who hesitantly nodded. It felt wrong to leave the fight, but they would surely die if they stayed. They quickly finished off the magazines in their rifles, ran back to their Walrus, and gunned it to the gym.

Jays team blindly fired as they ran past the tanks wreckage towards the gym. Jets, fly out and distract! Damian and Brittany, do the same with the horses! When theyre distracted, everyone in Lec B and the auditorium needs to fucking move! Gramos, make sure that you carry all the wounded with you!

Jay was interrupted by the simultaneous roar of the jets engines and the whinnying of the horses. He took a look behind him and gave a sigh of relief as he saw that the terrorists were indeed distracted. They were spinning around and trying to aim their guns at the circling jets while avoiding the crazed horses. Jason noticed that he was holding his breath, and let it out as he saw Gramos and his squad run by. Aaron had sucked up the pain and was sprinting on his own, while Gramos had Brian slung over his back. Damian and Brittany were right behind them.

Head to Beta Base! Go now! Jay shouted as the seven kids passed by him. The terrorists were beginning to reorganize themselves and had resumed firing at the fleeing students.

Jason threw a teargas grenade onto the ground, hoping that it would at least provide a smokescreen. He then holstered his pistol, spun around, and ran as fast as he could towards the gym.

Chapter 16


Jay stared at the mess that he was stuck in. He stood in the gym, his pistol tightly clenched in his right hand. He and four others were guarding the gym entrances incase the terrorists had followed them. Once Fortier, Corey, the jet pilots, and Suzys team returned, he and the rest of his class would barricade the door.

Despite the importance of his duty, Jason found himself looking behind him at the makeshift ER. Sasha and Stephanie Taktikos had both dreamed of going into the medical field and had some basic knowledge of the subject. Sasha served as the doctor, seeing as how she had witnessed a surgery before and had attended a seminar for students who planned on going to medical school.

Everythings going to be fine, she whispered to Brian while untying the makeshift bandage that one of Gramos squad had applied.

How is he? Stephanie, who was serving as Sashas nurse, asked.

No arterial damage and the bleeding has stopped, Sasha answered while inspecting the wound. No exit wounds. The bullets must still be in there. Theres no telling how long it will be before he gets to a hospital. We need to get those bullets out. Scissors.

Stephanie reluctantly handed Sasha the scissors. She looked on as Sasha slowly opened them and placed them in the first of Brians three wounds. Im sorry, Sasha whispered as Brian cringed while she moved the scissors towards the first bullet.

Brians eyes widened as the scissors closed on their target. Oh god! he screamed as Sasha struggled to get a grip on it. Oh fuck! Fuck! he cried as tears strolled down his cheeks. Its on fire! My arms on fire! He turned to Stephanie while continuing to scream. Oh god! Fucking shoot me! Kill me! God, it hurts!

Sasha groaned as she yanked the first bullet out of Brians arm. Thats one, she told Stephanie while grabbing the bloody round and throwing it onto the ground.

Jason looked away from this grisly scene and noticed a commotion at the gyms other entrance. He was about to go investigate when he heard a pounding on the door that he and Travis were guarding.

Open the door! Corey shouted as he slammed his fist into the door. Fortier was standing behind him and aiming his gun down the hallways.

About time, Corey angrily muttered as Jay pushed the door open. Fortier followed Corey as he ran inside the gym.

It didnt work, Fortier sorrowfully told Jason as he and Corey put their guns in a crate near the door.

Jay was about to respond, but Lafertes voice rang out from the other end of the gym. Sasha, get over here now! Steph too! Someones hit bad!

Jason, Corey, Travis, and Fortier watched as everyone who was able to walk ran over to the other side of the gym. They heard Sasha shout, Make room!

The four boys followed the crowd, but couldnt see who had gotten hurt. They heard Sasha ask, What happened to her?

Csondras shaky voice answered, We abandoned the jets near the library and were on our way back when we found them. Preeti was cradling her outside the library, and he was on the end of the hall, knocked out, Csondras voice became noticeably angry when she spat out the word he. Preeti was shouting for help, and then Marina and Veton came running over. Marina, Preeti, Veton, and I carried the two of them back here.

Jason, Corey, Travis, and Fortier instantly froze as they realized who had been hurt. No! Fortier shouted while shoving his way to the front of the crowd. His heart sank as he saw Suzy lying on the ground. Sasha was kneeling over her and feeling her neck for a pulse. Suzy was struggling to breathe; her bright green eyes opened wide as pain radiated from the bullet wound in her abdomen. Fortier knelt down beside her and grabbed her hand. Suzy, he whispered.

Suzy looked up at him and struggled to give a weak smile. Ryan, she muttered back.

Her pulse is weak and way too fast, Sasha told Stephanie. I need a flashlight, bandages, and scissors.

Youre going to be fine, Fortier told the injured girl next to him. Sasha will patch you up, he told her as his eyes began to moisten.

Sasha bent down and shined the flashlight into the wound. Oh god, I think an organs hit.

Suzy squeezed Fortiers hand, and he put his other hand on top of hers and squeezed back. Ryan, she weakly said, in spite of everything, Im glad I met you.

Blood pressures dropping. Shes going into hypovolaemic shock, Sasha said while pausing. You need a surgeon to fix her. I cant do this.

Suzy and Fortier tightened their grips on each other. Ill miss you, Fortier whispered while kissing her hand. I wont forget you.

Im losing her, Sasha told everyone while stepping back. There was nothing more that she could do.

Oh god, Suzy moaned while moaning in pain. Ryan could only squeeze her hand tighter and look on helplessly. Dont, Suzy struggled to say between gasps. Dont blame him.

Fortier took his top hand off of hers and gently stroked her hair. Blame who? he asked as he let his tears flow freely.

Suzys grip on Fortiers hand weakened. Dont blame him, she whispered, her words barely audible.

Fortier let go of her hand as she stopped squeezing his. He placed it on the ground and stared into her eyes. Five hours ago they had been bright and full of life. Now they were dull and listless. He wiped a hand over her face and closed her eyelids. He bent his head forward and silently sobbed.

No one made a sound as they watched Fortier weep for Suzy. After a minute of crying and silence, he looked to his right to see Marina standing by him. Who he paused to wipe away his tears, Who would I blame?

Marina looked away and quietly explained Suzys last words. Veton suggested that Preeti go to the library to scavenge supplies. Suzy went with her to protect her.

Fortier looked up to see Veton on the other side of Suzys body. He was speaking to Jason and handed Hershey a pistol, and then stared sadly at Suzys corpse as Jay walked towards Fortier.

Fortier, Im sorry, Jay said while putting a hand on Fortiers shoulder. I know its hard. I dont know what else to say.

Fortier wasnt listening. He could only focus on the pistol gripped in Jasons hand. Suddenly, with his teeth clenched in fury, his eyes ablaze with hatred, he shoved Jason backwards. Fortier ripped the pistol out of Jasons hand, spun around, jumped over Suzys corpse, pinned Veton against a wall, and shoved the gun under his chin.

Chapter 17

Another Plan

For a moment, nobody moved or said a word. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Fortier shouted, You killed her! You knew the school was dangerous, and you sent her roaming the halls!

Fortier, Preeti whispered.

Shut up! Fortier snapped back. The only girl that ever gave a damn about me is dead because of you! he screamed in Vetons face.

Preeti slowly walked towards Fortier. Dont blame him, she whispered. She saw Fortiers eyes widen and continued speaking. Her death wasnt in vain.

Fortier looked at her and noticed a glowing ball of energy the size of an apple in her hand.

Whats that? Pup asked. He bent forward to touch it, but Preeti quickly slapped his hand.

Its a bomb, she told everyone. I made it from the supplies that I got from the library. If Suzy hadnt knocked out the terrorist with her rifle, I would have died and lost this.

Fortier turned away from Preeti and looked at Veton once more. He released his grip on him and extended the gun towards Hershey.

Jason snatched the pistol from Fortiers hand and gave him a cold stare. The bomb, Jay spoke while holstering the weapon and turning back to Preeti. How powerful is it?

It will kill anything in a twenty meter radius, she explained. If we can get it into the center of the terrorists base, then we can blow them all to Hell and end this nightmare.

Jason smiled and nodded. So all we have to do is throw it into their base and run?

There was a brief pause as Preeti frowned and shook her head. Unfortunately, its not that big of a deus ex machina. I was able to make the bomb from the electrical parts that I scavenged from the library, but I couldnt find any string for a fuse. The only way to activate it is to push this button, she told Jason while pointing at a button on the bomb. The bomb will blow as soon as the button is pressed.

Jasons smile disappeared as well as he realized exactly what she was getting at. And kill the person who pressed the button.

Before Preeti could tell Jason that he was right, Travis stepped forward into the center of the crowd. Alright, thats enough. Remember that river between our English class and the library? I accepted that. That whole safari in the cafeteria? Theyre rare, but its happened before. But Fortier getting a girl? Thats just fucking impossible. Now you expect me to believe that Preeti could program a bomb, but couldnt make a timer or fuse? Anyone want to explain that? he angrily asked the class.

Fortier shook his head with a mixture of anger and impatience. Just let it go, Travis.

No, Im not going to let it go! the asshole shouted.

Damn it, Travis! Fortier bellowed in a sudden burst of rage. Everyone in the crowd made sure that there were no pencils near Fortier and took a step back. Its been twenty pages already! People are starting to get bored. We dont have time to explain every fucking detail!

Travis looked at Fortier as if he were insane. What pages? he exasperatedly asked. What the fuck are you talking about?

Unfortunately, someone will have to sacrifice themselves in order to blow up the terrorists, Preeti continued. Its the only option we have left.

Jason adamantly shook his head. No, its not. We can still fight. We already lost enough people today, he told her while motioning to Suzys corpse and to the other injured kids. Were not sending someone else in to commit suicide. Preeti began to protest, but Jason held his ground. No discussion. Were not doing it.

Preetis eyes narrowed in anger, but she simply turned around and stormed off. Corey nervously watched her walk away and then turned to Hershey. Jay, I dont know about this. Preeti said to use the bomb, and Preetis never wrong. Except for that time where she said that she could be wrong.

Jay let out an exasperated sigh and watched as the crowd dispersed around the gym. Now only Fortier was sitting by Suzy. It doesnt matter, Hershey told Corey while pulling out his pistol. Weve got bigger problems right now, he said while cocking the gun and walked towards Fortier.

Chapter 18

One of Them

Jason, Corey, and Laferte walked towards Fortier, who was kneeling by Suzys vibrating corpse. He was folding her arms across her chest and crossing himself. Corey and Laferte looked to Jason, who nodded at them.

Fortier, the three boys said while stopping in front of the solemn boy.

Fortier looked up and saw his friends. He noticed the pistol in Jasons hands and quickly rose to his feet. Im sorry about Veton, but you dont have to execute me.

Jay shook his head and handed Fortier the gun. Theres something you need to see. Follow us.

Fortier stared at them for a second, but then quickly grabbed the pistol and muttered, Alright, lets go.

Jason nodded and gave a slight smile. He began walking towards the boys locker room with his three friends in tow. When Suzy was being rushed to the gym, Veton and Marina were bringing something else. Or should I say someone else.

Fortiers eyebrow peaked in interest. Another survivor?

Jason shook his head as he stopped at the locker rooms entrance. He gave three quick knocks and then four slow ones. A second passed, and then Kyle Whitlocks voice answered from the other side of the door. Password? he asked.

Afterglow, Jason answered. The door immediately opened, and the four boys strolled through.

You were wrong to release your anger on Veton, Jason told Fortier while leading his friends to the back of the locker room. The person in here is the one you should blame.

Fortier stopped in his tracks as he saw an Australian man tied to a chair with at least a dozen jump ropes. He had long green hair and was unconscious. Fortier opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

This is the man who killed Suzy, Jason bluntly explained. He shot at Suzy and Preeti in the hallway near the library after Suzy opened up fire on him. She got hit in the stomach, and he got two stun rounds to the chest and two to the head. Veton and Marina stripped him of his gun, Jason paused to nod at the pistol in Fortiers hand, and then dragged him here.

Jay looked to Fortier and noticed that his eyes were moistening at the mention of Suzys name. He felt bad about saddening Fortier, but he needed him to get angry at their prisoner. They all needed him to be angry.

You are cleared to use whatever measures you deem fit to interrogate him, Hershey explained while gesturing to a nearby bench.

Fortier looked to the bench and saw a baseball bat, scissors, and pliers. He then looked down at the pistol in his right hand.

We need to know who his people are, Jason continued, why theyre here, and what they plan to do. Well leave you to it, Jay said while turning around and taking a step towards the exit. Red Licorice Pill and Pup followed him.

Fortier looked once more at his array of tools and then shook his head. Jay, I need Travis!

Jason stopped and gave a slight grin. Sick bastard, he thought. Youll get him, he told Fortier while continuing to walk towards the door. He realized that he almost felt bad about the pain that the terrorist would soon experience.

Chapter 19

The Interrogation

Fortier washed his hands in one of the locker rooms sinks and stared at his prisoner while drying off. He had bright green hair, a gold earring in his right ear, and an eye patch. The spitting image of a terrorist. He appeared to be no more than twenty-five years old. Fortier tossed the paper towel into the trash can and strolled over to the unconscious Australian.

Wake up, Fortier told him while smacking him across the face with his pistol. The mans eyes shot open and he began looking around the room. His eyes narrowed in hatred as he realized that he was tied up and he saw Fortier. Whats your name?

The man remained silent until Fortier pointed the gun at his head. Jonathan, he spat out.

Fortier stared at him quizzically while thinking that over. Thats not a good terrorist name. From now on, youre called Nelly. Now that invokes fear. Nelly.

The terrorist was about to respond, but Travis suddenly entered the locker room. Alright, Im trying to take nap after a day of fighting terrorists and disarming bombs, and then Jay fucking wakes me up to talk to you. This better be fucking good, he angrily told Fortier while walking up to him.

Fortier motioned to Nelly. Whos that? Travis asked.

Fortier smiled as he saw Nelly cringe. This is Nelly, Fortier told Travis. Nelly, this is Travis. Now, Nelly, tell me everything. I want to know who you your people are, why you came here, and what your plans are.

Nelly gave a small chuckle and glared at Fortier. I would sooner die than betray my comrades. He nodded his head towards the array of torture devices lined up on the bench. Do your worst. There is nothing that you could possibly do to me that your government has not already done.

Fortier gave a small grin and nodded, accepting the challenge. Alright. Travis, stand right here, he told his arch nemesis while motioning to a spot a few feet in front of Nelly.

Why? Travis asked while moving.

Just stand there and shut up for once, Fortier told him. He then turned back to Nelly. You will talk, Nelly. Its just a matter of time.

Fortier took a few steps back and watched as Nelly stared at Travis. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and soon he was thrashing around in his seat. Alright, alright! Ill talk! Just move this demon out of my sight!

Travis threw his hands up in the air. What the fuck is going on now?

It speaks! Nelly cried while attempting to rip his ears out. In the name of my mother, make it stop!

Fortier shoved Travis out of the way before Nelly could find a way to kill himself. Who are your people?

Nellys thrashing begin to subside and his labored breathing slowly returned to normal. How, he panted, how can you be in his presence and remain sane?

Fortier shrugged. Its not easy. Now talk, or I will have him come back.

This is fucking ridiculous, Travis muttered.

The sound of demons screeching! Nelly shouted in pain.

Travis, youre going to kill him! Fortier shouted.

Travis opened his mouth to speak, saw Nelly tremble in fear, and decided to close his mouth.

Were a terrorist group, Nelly told Fortier.

Yeah, we figured that, Fortier answered back. Tell me more.

Nelly took a deep breath and tried to shake the image of Travis out of his head. We attacked your school because we wanted hostages. Children hostages work best. We would then bargain for our demands with your authorities. Where are the authorities? he asked,

Theyre on strike, Fortier answered. Before Nelly could question his answer, Fortier continued his interrogation. We retreated from the rest of your army earlier. What are their plans? How will they attempt to defeat us?

Nelly shook his head and risked a quick glance at Travis. I was not present at that battle. I was guarding a hallway.

Fortiers eyes narrowed in hatred as he remembered that Nelly had killed Suzy in that hallway. I am aware of that. Travis

No! Nelly screeched. I was not at the battle, so I dont know exactly what they have planned! Fortier motioned to Travis, and Nelly began thrashing around once more. But I can guess! I think I know! Dont bring him here! he pleaded.

Fortier motioned for Travis to stop and turned back to Nelly. Go on, he told the prisoner.

Nelly breathed a sigh of relief. I know my commander. If you struck him and retreated, then he will not be far behind. He will likely come here early in the morning, before you are prepared. He will use everything he has. And he will kill you all.

Fortier struggled to not let his fear show. He managed to slowly nod and coughed. So be it, he muttered. He then swung his pistol at the side of Nellys head, knocking him out.

Kyle! he shouted.

Yes? Kyle shouted back while leaving his post at the door and running over.

Guard him well, Fortier instructed him while handing him the pistol. Were through with him. We learned all that we need to know, Fortier said while leading Travis out of the locker room.

Chapter 20


Jason, Corey, Ryan Laferte, Fortier, Travis, and Brittany were sitting in the back of the gym, away from everyone else. Fortier was pacing in front of everyone else, who were sitting on the bleachers. He says theyll kill us all, he told everyone.

Can we hold them off? Brittany asked. Fortify the gym?

Fortier shook his head. I dont see how. We have half a dozen injured people, not to mention Su he paused to take a deep breath, not to mention that Suzys gone.

Laferte nodded at Fortier. We burned through half of our ammo this afternoon. We dont have enough to fight off thirty terrorists.

What about the terrorists that we took out? Travis asked. Didnt we shoot a whole bunch?

Jason shook his head. That doesnt matter. We have stun rounds, Travis. We just knocked those guys out. Theyre probably already conscious and ready to fight again.

So, Corey sadly summed up, were about to face the same enemy force, minus Nelly, with seven less people on our side and half the ammo we had before. Plus, we lost the horses, left two Walruses behind at Time Square, and abandoned the jets near the library.

Everyone was silent as they listened to Corey. Were fucked, Travis told everyone.

Brittany nodded and jumped off of her seat. So we cant hold them off here, she though aloud. I dont suppose our odds would be any better if we went back to Time Square and fought them there? Maybe hit them with another surprise attack?

Everyone shook their heads. Im sure they have defenses ready incase we attack again, Jason told her. Not to mention the fact that its easier to defend a position than to assault it.

Brittany nodded and let out a deep sigh. Then you know what we have to do, Jay.

Jason closed his eyes and sadly nodded. Yeah. Preeti was right. If theyre going to fight us again, we wont have a chance. We need to blow them all to Hell. Well use the bomb.

Fortier took a seat next to Corey and leaned his head back. And kill one of our own, he muttered.

Its the only way, Brittany flatly answered.

There was a moments silence as everyone thought this over. Ill blow the bomb, Jason finally offered.

Travis shook his head. Youre our leader, Jay. A leaders place isnt on a suicide mission. You need to command us and keep everyone calm. You were already on the front lines today. You dont have to prove anything.

Ill blow it, Brittany offered.

No, Ill do it, Corey told her.

Everyone, save for Fortier and Travis, started arguing over who would get to sacrifice themselves. Finally, Fortier let out a deep sigh and shouted, Guys!

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Fortier. Ill do it. Ill activate the bomb.

Jason immediately shook his head. Youve already suffered enough today.

Thats why I have to do it, Fortier told him while standing back up once more. He stood in front of his five friends and stared at them. Jason, you cant kill yourself. You have Stephanie. Ryan, you have that girl thats in college whose name I never learned. Travis, you have Hailey. Corey, you have Erin. I have no one.

Erins dead, Corey reminded Fortier.

And I never volunteered, Travis angrily told everyone.

It doesnt matter! Fortier shouted. You all have someone or something worth living for. Me? He gave a sad chuckle and looked at the ground. My sisters moved away, the only girl who ever liked me is dead, and my familys shattered. If someone has to do this, its going to be me.

There was a moments silence as everyone stared at Fortier and considered his proposal. Fortier, are you sure? Jason asked.

Fortier nodded and gave a sad smile. Im sure. Ill do it.

Jason gave him a look of utmost respect and stood up as well. He put a hand on Fortiers shoulder and nodded at him. Alright. Youll do it. But the terrorists arent going to just let you walk in there and blow yourself up. Youll need a team to escort you in from the home ec wing. Everyone else will engage them from Time Square again to distract them.

Corey looked to Fortier and said, Ill escort him. I got your back, man.

Fortier smiled at Corey and nodded, touched in a strictly heterosexual way by the gesture.

Travis, youre going to, Jason said.

Why? Travis moaned.

Because youre the only one of us thats had experience with a bomb. Fortier may need your expertise.

What expertise? Travis shouted. I flicked a fucking ON/OFF switch! Youve done that just as many times as me!

Youre wrong, Jason calmly replied. Youve done it once more. Youre going.

Fucking damn it! Travis groaned while jumped up and kicking the bleachers.

Jason sighed and looked back at the other end of the gym, where the rest of his class was resting. Ill go tell them whats going on. We leave in one hour.

Chapter 21

The Final Battle

Whats your ETA? Jason asked into his headset while swerving his Walrus around a corner and flying by the library. Ryan Lafertes jeep was driving beside him, and Britneys vehicle followed several meters behind them.

Three minutes! Corey answered while running past the cafeteria. Travis was sprinting alongside him, and Fortier struggled to keep up with his two friends. Whats yours?

Two minutes! Brittany shouted back.

Well be in the midst of some heavy fighting when you come onto the scene, Jay told Coreys squad. That will be your chance to plant the bomb. Hopefully, well have them too distracted to be worrying about guarding their flanks.

Well get it done, Fortier nervously said while suddenly getting an eerie sense of dj vu as he jumped over a mailbox.

Jason nodded as he took another turn. We know you will.

Brittany cleared her throat and struggled to wipe a loose strand of hair out of her eyes while continuing to steer her Walrus. Ryan, when you get into the fightgood luck.

Fortier gave a slight smile and nodded. Thanks.

Good luck to all of you, Jason told his three friends. Were coming up to K-9. Alpha squad out.

Jason, Laferte, and Brittany could see the wreckage of their old rally point up ahead. We got trouble, Laferte told everyone as he noticed two terrorists patrolling the debris.

Jason shook his head while flooring his Walrus gas pedal. We got an opportunity, he answered back while driving straight at one of the terrorists.

The terrorists stopped walking and looked up as they heard the roaring of the three Walrus engines. They tried to dive out of the way, but Jays and Lafertes vehicles were going too fast. The jeeps passengers screamed as the two bodies flew into their windshields.

Will someone hit the wipers? Jay laughed while swerving his vehicle to a stop in the middle of Time Square. Laferte and Brittany did the same.

Everyone instinctively ducked as bullets began flying past them. Lets move! Go! Go! Go! Hershey bellowed while getting a sense of dj vu. Behind the lockers and the jeeps!

The twelve kids piled out of the three Walrus and struggled to find cover. Forget something? Brittany asked while tossing Jay his rifle.

Jay caught it and immediately flicked the safety off. Looks like it, he muttered while bracing his back against the lockers. He gave an appreciative smile to Brittany, who was kneeling down behind her Walrus.

Alright everyone! Jay shouted over the noise of the battlefield. Lets distract them!

Everyone hunkered down behind their cover, popped their rifles out without exposing their bodies, and pulled their triggers. The air became thick with bullets, both leaden and rubber. Every student kept firing until their clips ran out of bullets. They then methodically reloaded, waited a heartbeat, and then resumed firing as one collective body.

Jay risked peeking his head out of the lockers cover. He grinned as he saw what he had hoped for: chaos. The terrorists were ducking behind cover and blindly firing their guns as well. Hershey pulled back behind cover as a volley of bullets whizzed by his head.

This battle was nothing like the one that had occurred hours earlier. There was no taking aim, no rhythm of taking cover and shooting. Both sides could only hug their cover as bullets flew by all around them.

In positions! Corey told Travis and Fortier as they turned into the home ec wing. The double set of doors with broken windows stood two hundred meters in front of them. His legs burning and his lungs empty of air, Fortier struggled to reach their target.

Corey and Travis slammed their backs into the left and right door, respectively. Fortier slid to a stop between them and knelt down. He gripped a pistol in one hand and the bomb in the other.

Were in position! Corey shouted as a stray rubber bullet flew through the window.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief as he reloaded his gun once more. He and each of his peers only had two extra magazines left. Fortier needed to blow the bomb before Jay and his squad ran out of ammo to distract the terrorist with. Move in and blow the base!

Wilco, Corey answered while peeking through his doors window and tightening his grip on his rifle. He turned to Fortier and Travis and gave a nod. To the office!

The three boys kicked open the doors and darted towards the side hallway where the office lay. Several terrorists heard the sound of the kicked doors slamming against the walls and opened fire.

Shit! The three boys shouted while picking up their speed and jumping towards the side hallway. The three of them slid into a wall and then each other.

Corey, Jason, and Fortier landed in a mangled heap. The three of them shook off the force of the collision and looked at each other. They swiveled their heads to look towards the terrorists and breathed a sigh of relief as their bullets failed to break the reinforced glass windows that separated the two groups. Fortier and Travis jumped back up, but Corey fell back to the ground as he tried to imitate their actions.

Puzzled, Red Licorice Pill stared down at his legs and noticed that a stream of blood was pouring from his right limb. As he noticed the blood, he finally felt the pain from the gunshot wound. He clenched his teeth as Fortier knelt down and began to apply pressure to the wound.

No time, Corey told him through gritted teeth. Blow the bomb.

Fortier nodded and prepared to take off once more. He turned around as he felt Corey gripping his sleeve. Im happy that we were friends. It was cheesy and sort of gay, but it was the only thing that Red Licorice Pill could think to say.

Fortier nodded and gave a slight smile. Same here. See you on the other side, he told his friend as Corey released his grip on his shirt.

Fortier stood back up and looked to Travis. The two boys nodded at each other. Here we go, Travis slowly told Fortier.

Fortier nodded and took a deep breath. Jay, were ready.

Jason immediately nodded and put his rifle down on the ground. Everyone, fire grenades on my mark! Everyone pulled a flash bang grenade out of their pocket. Unlike the teargas grenades that they had used earlier, the terrorists gas masks would not stop the flash bangs thunderous explosion or blinding light. Mark! Jay screamed while tossing his grenade.

Twelve grenades arced through the air, bounced, and landed all around the enemys base. All of the students, including Coreys team, closed their eyes and covered their ears.

The hallway roared and a sun seemed to explode as the twelve grenades went off at once. The terrorists shooting slowed and then stopped as the terrorists became disoriented.

Lets go, Fortier said as he and Travis ran out of the cover of their hallway and darted towards the base.

This is it, Fortier thought as he gripped the bomb in his right hand. This is how I die. He saw a terrorist turn to stare at him through a gas mask. Fortier steeled his nerves and closed his eyes as he placed his thumb on the bombs activation button.

The explosion occurred before Fortier could push the button. Travis and Fortier were thrown into the air as a grenade exploded several yards away. Both boys felt warm blood flow from where the shrapnel tore through their skin.

Travis and Fortier landed in a heap eight feet away. Ugh, they both moaned while struggling to regain their senses.

The flash bangs are losing their effect! Jay shouted at them through his headset. Blow the bomb NOW!

Travis and Fortier responded to the urgency to his voice. They both struggled to rise to their feet and stared at Fortiers right hand. Both of their eyes widened in horror as the bomb was nowhere to be found. Fortier had dropped it when he had been thrown by the grenade blast.

Travis and Fortier looked at each other, and both of their eyes lit up at once. The bomb! they both shouted while pointing past each other. Both saw rolling metal objects down opposite sides of the hallway. They both sprinted off in opposite directions, certain that the other was wrong and that they were heading towards the bomb.

Got it, Fortier mumbled while jumping onto the ground and sliding into the auditorium. He reached out his hand and scooped up the rolling metal object. This is it, he thought while feeling for the activation button. His heart sank as he felt only cold steel. He looked down to find that he was gripping a fallen security camera.

Twenty-five meters away, Travis was running as fast as he could. He saw the bomb roll right into the terrorists base. He flew past a dozen of his enemies, who were struggling to organize themselves after the dozen flash bang explosions. Running faster than he ever had in his life, he scooped up the bomb and gave a slight smile. He looked up to see the base itself and tried to slow down, but couldnt decelerate quickly enough. He ran right into the wall and was knocked onto his back.

Travis rolled over as he felt three sharp pains in his side. He looked to his hip and saw three rivers of blood flowing out of his right side. He then looked up and saw a terrorist grinning at him while aiming his gun at the injured boy. Travis then looked to his left and saw Fortier staring at him from the auditorium.

Fortier couldnt believe what he was seeing. Travis, the person whom he had hated for the past five years, the person whom he often wished death upon, had just been shot three times. The two boys eyes connected, and Fortier realized that Travis had the bomb. Before Fortier could react, Travis shoved his thumb onto the activation button. Fortier had just enough time to duck behind the auditoriums doorframe before his eyes were blinded by the brightest flash of light he had ever seen.

Chapter 22


One Week Later

Over two dozen kids stood in the ankle-length grass. Fortier looked up from the ground to see a handful of auburn leaves floating down from the tree above him. He watched as they fell to the ground and landed in a small heap at his feet. Quietly sighing, he turned his attention away from the ground and towards the two headstones that stood in front of him.

The funerals had been two days ago, but everyone in Fortiers class had agreed that they needed their own ceremony. So here they stood, bowing their heads in silence at their fallen friends. Jason took a deep breath and walked in front of everyone. He removed his trademark baseball cap and faced his audience.

Were here because we need to say goodbye to Travis and Suzan, he sorrowfully told everyone in front of him. Like us, they charged into the depths of danger without fear or hesitation. But unlike us, they did not return.

Fortier looked away as Jason paused to steady his shaking voice. Fortier ran a hand over the scar on his right cheek. After the blast, he had realized that the grenades shrapnel had torn his cheek open. The doctors had offered to give him a skin graft, but he had refused. He had settled for them sewing it up, which had left a long scar. He felt his pained skin and closed his eyes. The scar would serve as a reminder to friends fallen, to the people who had suffered worse than him.

Their bravery knew no bounds, their sacrifices incapable of measurement, Jason continued. Their willingness to give their lives has given us what they lost. Life. For without their strength, conviction, and bravery, we would not be here to honor them, but instead be lying next to them.

Jason turned around and faced the two headstones. One of you was a friend of ours for years. The other, a person whom we wish we had had more time to get to know. Both of you were torn from our lives prematurely, and you shall not be forgotten. Know that your sacrifices, your selflessness, your bravery, will never leave our minds and our hearts. We owe our lives to you, and will forever honor your memory.

Jason turned around once more and saw his classmates staring back at him. He nodded to them and walked back to the circle. Everyone began walking towards the graves to pay their respects, except for Fortier. He stayed behind and waited for his friends to come to him.

Hey, Corey said while hobbling over. The bullet had long been removed from his leg, and he now walked with a slight limp and a cane. Jason, Laferte, and Suthi were right behind him.

Hey, Fortier muttered while looking up at them.

Were going to go to Dannys, Jason told Fortier. Get some spaghetti; try to put this whole mess out of our minds for a little while. You want to come? he offered.

Fortier nodded. Yeah, sure. Ill, uh, meet you there. Just give me a few minutes.

Jason nodded in understanding. Well save a seat, he said while walking off, his friends in tow.

Fortier leaned against a tree and waited until everyone else had left. Once everyone had gotten into their cars, Fortier grabbed a plastic bag that he had left near the tree and slowly walked over to the two headstones.

Hey, he said while kneeling in front of Suzys grave. He brushed the dirt off of her headstone and read the bottom of its inscription. To a friend we never knew. Class of 08. I got you something. He opened the bag and pulled out a bouquet of roses. He placed it in front of the headstone and wiped his eyes as they began to moisten with tears. Im glad I met you, Suzan. I mean what I said. I wont forget you.

Fortier looked away while he tried to catch his breath. He about to stand up when he looked over at Travis grave. He sighed and walked over to it. He kneeled down once more and read the bottom of the headstones inscription. You lived an asshole, but died a hero. Class of 08. Fortier wiped the dirt off of this gravestone as well.

I hated you until the end, Fortier spoke to the grave. We both know that. But you gave your life to save us all, something that I had planned to do. Maybe Fortier paused to run a hand through his hair, maybe we werent so different after all. Fortier stood back up and began to walk away, but stopped and turned his head around. Rest in peace, Travis.

Twenty minutes later, Fortier joined his friends at Dannys. He sat down at Jasons table and took a sip from the glass of water that was waiting for him. You alright? Corey asked.

Fortier slowly nodded and took a bite from the plate of spaghetti in front of him. Yeah, I guess.

Jason put a hand on Fortiers shoulder and looked him in the eye. Its finished.

Fortier nodded. I know.

Jason, Corey, Suthi, Laferte, and Fortier ate in silence for a moment. Then, Pup asked, When do you think school will open again?

Corey gave a slight smile. Not for a few weeks, at least. Half the school is dead or injured. Plus the cops havent even looked at the school yet. Theyre still on strike.

Suthi shook his head in disgust. Its disgusting, them leaving the school the way it is. The paramedics moved the bodies out, but the blood, the guns, the vehicles, theyre all still there. The boys nodded. It was hard to move on when their school was like a museum to their battle.

I still cant believe we did it. We killed them all, Pup said. Our class killed thirty terrorists. Theyre all dead.

Fortier stopped scooping spaghetti into his mouth as Pup spoke. Theyre all dead. Lafertes words echoed in his head for some reason.

Whats wrong? Jason asked, noticing that Fortier had stopped eating.

Fortier put down his fork and turned around to face the table behind him. Kyle and some of his friends were sitting there. Kyle, Fortier loudly spoke.

Kyle Whitlock turned around to face him. What?

What did you do with Nelly? Fortier asked.

Kyle stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. What do you mean?

Everyone at Fortiers table instantly stopped eating and turned their attention to Kyle. Did you kill him? Fortier asked. Or did you hand him over to the paramedics?

Kyle stared at them for a second before answering. I didnt do anything. Jason said that we all had to leave the gym to distract the terrorists for you, Corey, and Travis.

Wait, Jason suddenly interrupted, you left Nelly there?

You told me to, Kyle quickly answered.

Everyone at Fortiers table looked to each other, their faces etched with looks of horror. They all jumped up at once, dashed out of Dannys, and ran towards the school.

Five minutes later, the five boys stood in front of the entrance to the high school. The doors were blocked with crime scene tape that the paramedics had placed, but they ignored that. Its locked, Suthi said while pulling on the doors.

Ill get it, Corey said while stepping forward. He was exhausted from hobbling the quarter mile to Dannys, but still picked up his cane and swung it into the glass doors. The glass shattered, and Jason squeezed through the hole Corey had made. The four other boys followed him.

Hit the lights, Jay told Laferte, taking charge once again.

Laferte found the switch and turned on the hallway lights. Everyone groaned as they saw dark red stains all over the floor. Wonderful, Laferte mumbled to himself.

They all looked around as they passed through the main hallway to Time square. Blood seemed to coat the floor. The two Walrus were still parked in the remnants of

K-9. Jason stooped down and stared at a pile of discarded pistols.

We left them here after the bomb blew, Corey said to no one in particular.

Jason passed out the pistols, and they all holstered them in their waistbands. Just like old times, Fortier sadly muttered to Corey.

The five kids quickly walked towards the gym and pushed open the doors. Blood spattered the floor here as well. Scissors and other surgical tools used by Sasha had been left on the bleachers. Jason led the way into the boys locker room.

Stay sharp, Jason said while turning on the locker rooms lights. The fluorescent bulbs above them hummed, flickered twice, and then stayed on. Hershey led the way to the back of the locker room, where they had kept Nelly prisoner.

Jason knew that he would either find the room empty or a bench with Nellys corpse on it. He wasnt sure which one he hoped to see.

The five boys looked to each other, nodded, and stepped into the rear of the locker room. They stared at the bench where Nelly had been trapped. A dozen jump ropes lay on the floor, all of them cut in half.

Hes gone, Jason angrily said while kneeling down to examine the ropes.

A quiet crashing sound resonated from the front of the locker room. The five boys instantly spun around, pulled out their pistols, and aimed them down the hallway. They frowned as they noticed a rat pop out of a fallen garbage can.

Hes gone, Jason repeated while turning around once more and kicking a locker. Fuck.

Fortier walked up to the bench and knelt down onto the floor. Several dried drops of blood still remained from when he had slapped Nelly across the face with his pistol. Its not over, he sighed while standing back up.

Corey limped forward and frowned. We killed thirty of them. Hes just one person. His whole team is dead. What can he do? he rhetorically asked. He looked to his four friends. It is over, he told them. It has to be.

Laferte, Fortier, Suthi, and Jason looked at each other, their faces grim. They werent so sure.

I have to say, Dr. Garcia muttered, your credentials are quite impeccable. He rubbed his forehead while looking up at the twenty-something year-old sitting across from him. The two men were in a diner in North Smithfield, finishing up their meals.

The young man in front of him nodded and took a sip from his coffee. Thank you very much, doctor.

Dr. Garcia nodded and put down the mans resume. I have to say, I am surprised to hear that you wish to work with us. The massacre last week did not enhance our schools reputation.

The man sitting across from him smiled. I know that your school needs teachers after what happened. So many people lost he sadly told his prospective employer.

Dr. Garcia nodded. A fifth of our faculty, dead, he agreed. You can have all the lockdown drills you want, but when something actually happens

You can never be truly prepared, the other man agreed.

Dr. Garcia solemnly nodded once more. Indeed.

The young man finished his coffee and set the mug down on the table. I just hope that you will allow me to help repair your broken school.

Dr. Garcia gave a small smile. It is good to see that people with good hearts still abound in this world. Of course you may have the job.

The man smiled. I thank you for giving me this opportunity, he said while outstretching his hand.

Dr. Garcia grasped the hand and shook it. You are welcome. I cannot tell you when the school will reopen we still have much to take care of but I will call you when we are ready to open up once more.

The man smiled and left a few dollars on the table as a tip. I understand that my class contains the young heroes?

Dr. Garcia smiled wider. Yes. It is a shame what the terrorists did to their old teacher, may she rest in peace. You shall be teaching them all calculus. Mr. Fortier, Mr. Allard, even Ms. Richer will be your students. You must be excited about teaching such an honored class.

The young man stood up and ran a hand through his bright green hair. Indeed I am, he spoke in his thick Australian accent. I shall see you soon, Dr. Garcia.

I do hope so, the principal returned while getting up and shaking the mans hand once more. We are honored to have you join our school, he said while pulling his hand back and exiting the diner.

The young man watched his employer leave. He then gave a wide smile, buttoned his jacket, and walked off into the crisp fall afternoon. See Travis is a Fucking Douche by Michael Palazzini.