SPACE SETTLEMENT 2009 National Space Society

SPACE SETTLEMENT 2009...Mars Exploration Rovers (January 4 and 25) Five years ago this month, the intrepid “robotic geologists” Spirit and Opportunity landed on the planet Mars

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National Space Society

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New Year’s Day

Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi discovered 1 Ceres, first and largest asteroid in Solar System, ≈ 915 km in diameter (1801).

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Mars 3009 (First Prize, Orbital Category) by Joe Vinton. England, United Kingdom. Medium: Digital.

Colonies on Mars have now grown into cities to rival those on Earth. I never believed them when they said how Mars had grown. Has it really only been nine hundred years since the first settlement? We’ve come so far, so fast. I wonder where we’ll go next, if only we can convince the Mars counsel to fund us then we could send mining missions to Phobos and then beyond… Wow, the sun reflecting off the Silvan towers is unbelievably beautiful this time of day… I can’t wait to use SatSend and tell Molly; she’s going to love it here. January


Martin LutherKing Jr.’s Birthday Observed (USA)

First probe landing on Titan (Cassini-Huygens, 2005)

Moon at Perigee

Galileo Galilei discovered 3 largest moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa and Callisto, 1610)

Sir Isaac Newton born (1643)

First space probe to fly past Moon (Luna 1, 1959)

Quadrantid meteor shower peaks

Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin born (1930)

First Uranus Fly-By (Voyager 2)

Apollo 1 (Grissom, White, Chaffee) lost on the pad during an “all up” test (1967)

Discovery of first quasar published (1967)

Space Shuttle Challenger(STS-51-L) explodes during launch (1986)

Explorer I, first American satellite in space (1958)

Van Allen radiation belts discovered by James Van Allen (1958)

Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed on Mars’Gusev crater on Mars (2004)

First quarter Moon(11:56 UTC)

Full Moon (03:27 UTC)

Annular Solar Eclipse (South Africa, Sumatra, Boreno)

New Moon (07:55 UTC)

Last quarter Moon(02:46 UTC)

First cosmic dust sample return probe landed on Earth (Stardust, comet Wild 2, 2006)

Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s largest moon Ganymede (1610)

Chinese New YearYear of the Ox

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American Astronomical Society 213th Meeting (Long Beach, California)

Start of International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009)

The vision of IYA2009 is to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the universe through the day and night time sky, and thereby engage a personal sense of wonder and discovery. IYA2009 will be a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, highlighted by the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. For more information, please see www.astronomy2009.org

Events of the Month

5th Anniversary of Landing of Mars Exploration Rovers

(January 4 and 25)

Five years ago this month, the intrepid “robotic geologists” Spirit and Opportunity landed on the planet Mars. Since then, they have traveled over 20 kilometers, climbed hills, explored craters, filmed Martian dust devils, survived sand storms, and returned a treasure trove of photographs and new scientific knowledge, including evidence of past standing bodies of water on Mars. For more information, see http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/home/

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Lover’s Lookout by Phil Batchelor. California, USA. Medium: Digital/Photography.

Hi Suzie! I’m just writing to let you know how much I miss you. And… guess what?! Today, I had lunch with that guy I told you about (you know, the one I met on the voyage out to Ganymede). Do you remember me saying that he got that job as a trainee Mirror Technician? Well… for Valentine’s Day, even though he couldn’t get the day off, he got permission to show me around his workplace. Poor guy, he kept trying to show me what he does; but, I didn’t pay too much attention to what he was showing me on the computer, because I was distracted by the view out the window! See you soon -Samantha

Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) broke apart during re-entry (2003)


Events of the Month

Space Exploration Alliance Space Blitz (early February)

Soon after the U.S. President releases the Federal budget request for FY 2010, members of NSS and its SEA partners will visit Capitol Hill to meet with and educate members of Congress and their aides about the benefits and near-term needs of space exploration, development, and tourism. The event includes training and all required materials, as well as after-hours social activities. For more details, including information on past events, see www.nss.org/legislative

Kepler is expected to find around 50 Earth-sized planets and as many as 1000 planets of all sizes. For more information, see kepler.nasa.gov

Kepler Space Telescope Launch (mid-February)

As early as February 14, NASA will launch the Kepler space telescope into Earth’s solar orbit on an exciting 3½-year mission to search for Earth-sized planets around the nearest 100,000 stars!

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Luna by Raymond Cassel. England, United Kingdom. Medium: Digital.

Mayor’s Log, March 10: This month our mining complex on the moon’s surface will have 3,000 members between the prospectors and their families. We are at just the right latitude to have Earth on the horizon, and the families from the U.S. are getting a good view of home. We had a little trouble with Red #2 yesterday; but third shift fixed the crawler overnight and it looks like operations are back to normal. The moon dust is still causing problems with our equipment, but Pradesh’s degaussing and sealing upgrades have done wonders for keeping the machines running. Best hire I’ve made yet.


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Events of the Month

ProSpace March Storm (Washington, DC, March 8-11)

Every March, a remarkable group of American citizens with a deep and abiding interest in our national space enterprise, gather in Washington, DC to visit Capitol Hill to meet with and educate members of Congress and their aides.

The goal of the NASA Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission is to confirm the presence or absence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater at the Moon’s South Pole. LCROSS will use the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) upper stage to propel it into a shadowed area at the lunar pole. For more details, see http://lcross.arc.nasa.gov

ProSpace members present to elected leaders the “Citizen’s Space Agenda,” a document that each year lays out a clear and concise blueprint for opening the space frontier to the possibilities that await us there. For details — especially any changes to the dates — see www.prospace.org

Impact of LCROSS Probe on Moon Surface (mid-March)

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Art Exhibition on Mars by Richard Bizley. England, United Kingdom. Medium: Acrylic.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to the 400th anniversary of the “Man on Mars” celebration. I hope you enjoyed the ride down from Space Lift #1. To your lower right you can see other Earther tourists who are visiting our art exhibits. Wonderful advancements have been made in Martian art, and we are proud to house some of the greatest works to come from the Red Planet. Also, outside you can see the great strides we are making in terraforming; these food-producing plants were engineered not only for their beauty, but to create great quantities of oxygen. At our next stop we’ll give you a taste of some delicious fruit that only comes from Mars.


Lyrid Meteor Shower

Scheduled for mid-April, NASA will conduct the first test flight for the Ares I crew launch vehicle, marking the first major milestone of the Constellation program. The Ares I-X test vehicle will use mostly existing hardware, and will test key aspects of vehicle first-stage aerodynamics, stage separation dynamics, plus guidance and control. For more details, seewww.nasa.gov/constellation

Ares I-X Launch (mid-April)

Yuri Gagarin was the first human to go into space on April 12, 1961. 20 years later on this day the U.S. Space Shuttle launched. Yuri’s Night is like the St. Patrick’s Day or Cinco de Mayo for space. It is one day when all the world can come together and celebrate the power and beauty of space and what it means for each of us.

So help us rock the planet in 2009 by either organizing your own Yuri’s Night event or supporting a local one. It’s not hard – get a group of friends together and call it a party! For more information, see www.yurisnight.net

Yuri’s Night (April 12)

Events of the Month

Yuri’s Night

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The Lunar Greenhouse (First Prize, Moon Category) by Jonathan Chapin. Florida, USA. Medium: Digital.

For humans to build and live in the Moon colonies and elsewhere we had to develop and perfect a means to grow and maintain food; this facility is a self-enclosed, oxygen-rich greenhouse constructed on the Moon for just such a task. The plants are growing very well in this facility. The lights above us and the watering and filtration systems below keep the crops well fed. And with these “Genhanced,”or genetically enhanced, plants and perfect conditions 24/7, we have a monthly harvest. Here it’s May every month. You better not have allergies.. May



NSS International Space Development Conference, Orlando Florida

ISDC, Orlando Florida

Events of the Month

Space Day (May 1)

The Space Day educational initiative is a grassroots effort dedicated to the achievements, benefits and opportunities in the exploration and use of space. The goal is to promote math, science, technology, and engineering education by nurturing young people’s enthusiasm for the wonders of the universe and inspiring them to continue the stellar work of today's space explorers. For details, see www.spaceday.org

NSS International Space Development Conference

(Orlando, Florida, May 7-10)

The ISDC is the annual gathering of members of the NSS and space allies from around the world. The four-day weekend extravaganza is packed with educational programs, social events, local tours, and opportunities to meet and talk with leaders from NASA, the space industry, the space advocacy movement, and world governments; as well as leading space scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators. An ISDC is great place to meet new space-interested friends and rejoin old ones.

A Space Venture Finance Symposium will be held before ISDC on May 6. For more details on all ISDC activities, see isdc.nss.org/2009

Space Day

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O’Neill Style Cylinder Colony Orbiting Mars (First Place, Orbital Settlements Category) by Goetz Scheuemann. Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Medium: Digital.

This image shows a colony cylinder, close to the O’Neill Cylinder design. Its size is around 15 kilometers (km) in length and 2 km in diameter. This one-gravity rotating cylinder is orbiting Mars during its long terraforming process. Three artificial suns moving along the center supply simulated day/night, and the weather towers produce clouds, rain, and wind. The station wheels include lifts and control rooms on each end, travel tubes along the land masses, and a Superconductor Solar-Energy Mesh around the whole cylinder. It’s quite a facility, and quite a view. Binoculars anyone? June


214th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Pasadena, CA (7th – 11th)

Over 20 fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with the planet Jupiter from 16th – 22th (1994)During STS-128, Space Shuttle Discovery will

deliver to the ISS and install the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM); Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier (LMC); three-crew quarters, galley, and second treadmill (TVIS2); and the Crew Health Care System 2 (CHeCS 2). For more information, seewww.nasa.gov/station

Event of the Month

6-Person Crew Established on International Space Station

Sometime in June, or shortly thereafter, a six-person crew will finally be established aboard the International Space Station (ISS), achieving a major program milestone. With a crew this large, the full utilization of the Station can at last begin.

Congratulate your Graduate with an NSS gift membership

Your son or daughter has worked hard and has now earned that high school or university degree. One way to help them further their interests in space is with a gift membership to NSS. Student membership starts at just $18. For details, see www.nss.org/gift

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Moonbase One by Alex Aurichio. New York, USA. Medium: Digital.

Nested into the rim wall of a crater and tunneled in below for safety from radiation and meteorites, citizens of this advance outpost prospect for water and create vast reservoirs for future lunar settlers. The outpost is fully capable of accommodating all manner of transport craft, besides lifting craft equipped with phase-three plasmoid thrusters. Here at Moonbase One, we also have a top-notch crew –some of whom seem to really enjoy the camera. I think John wants me to ask you if you’re coming to our Independence Day celebration… don’t tell anyone, but we smuggled some fireworks up this year! July


S. Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower

Events of the Month

40th Anniversary of First Humans on Moon (July 20)

When Apollo 11 landed on the Moon in 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on another world, thus opening the space frontier “for all.”

Commemorative events are expected at NASA Headquarters and all its centers and facilities, as well as other locations. For more information, see www.nasa.gov and www.nss.org/events

NewSpace 2009 (mid-July)

NewSpace is the annual conference of the Space Frontier Foundation. Featuring 3 days of programming and special events, the annual SFF conference, long known for its mix of revolutionary space entrepreneurs,investors, scientists, engineers and space policy leaders, features themed days that focus on the opportunities and challenges of opening the space frontier to human settlement. The central goal of the SFF is the large-scale permanent settlement of space. For more details — especially conference location and dates — see www.space-frontier.org

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Martian Evening (First Place, Martian Settlements) by Timothy Hodge. California, USA. Medium: Digital.

When evening comes to a growing young Mars base, the colonists are able to put away their tools and go home to relax. Even a prefabricated hut can be home when your heart is there. The key is to keep your TVs tuned to StormSat. The winds up here aren’t to be ignored, and our prefabs are just as vulnerable as the ones on Earth, even though we are in the shadow of a mountain range. That being said, they are the most economical living places we have for our colony, and our weather satellite feed gives ample warning; plus, pets aren’t allowed in the main work bay.




Perseid Meteor Shower

Event of the Month

International Mars Society Convention 12 (late August)

The 12th International Mars Society convention presents a unique opportunity for those interested in Mars to come together and discuss the technology, science, social implications, and a multitude of other aspects of Mars exploration, such as Mars-on-Earth research projects (below). For more information, see www.marssociety.org

The Mars Society, founded in August 1998, is a non-profit organization with members around the world. The purpose of The Mars Society is to further the goal of the exploration of the Red Planet through: (1) broad public outreach to instill the vision of pioneering Mars, (2) support of ever more aggressive government funded Mars exploration programs around the world, and (3) conducting Mars exploration on a private basis. For more information, seewww.marssociety.org

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In Jupiter’s Realm by Raymond Cassel. Colorado, USA. Medium: Digital.

This experimental colony, Avestrucia, was built by joining the two asteroids together with carbon nanofiber TitanTether technology and then setting the whole facility into a spin. The second asteroid acts as a counterweight so that their rotation provides gravity to both colonies. Supplies are brought to the two colonies through a series of docking stations located at the fulcrum of the tether. Transports along the tether carry supplies and personnel back and forth several times a day, as needed. High-performance solar arrays and a small fusion plant from Space Electric Inc. power the facility.


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Western Australia


South Australia


New SouthWales








Event of the Month

AIAA SPACE 2009 Conference (early September)

This professional event is attended by leaders from all elements of the space community, including key government and business decision makers, providing an unparalleled forum for exchange and dialogue. The conference provides researchers, developers, and management from government, industry, and academia opportunities to reflect upon the progress over the past decade, and debate how to best focus the great talent and resources of the space community on the future. For more information, see www.aiaa.org/events

For more than 70 years, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has been the professional society for aerospace engineers and scientists. Since 1963, AIAA members have achieved virtually every milestone in modern American flight. For details, see www.aiaa.org

NSS has local chapters across the United States and around the world. For information on how to join or form a chapter, see chapters.nss.org

NSS in Your Local Community

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Asteroid Mining for Station Creation (First Place, Asteroid Settlements) by Bryan Versteeg. Alberta, Canada. Medium: Digital.

In order to build the large stations of your dreams, Space Structures Inc. is utilizing the massive amounts of raw materials already in space. Our ability to harvest the metals contained within near-Earth asteroids will make your company’s most ambitious projects feasible. Why pay the exorbitant fees for rocket shipments? Do you really have the time to wait months in line for a Space Lift? Use Space Structures’ unique harvesting techniques to create a truly stand-alone facility and make your corporate dreams a reality. October


60th International Astronautical Congress, 12th – 16th, Daejoen, South Korea

World Space Week begins

Events of the Month

World Space Week (October 4-10)

Declared in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly, the objective of World Space Week is to increase awareness amongdecision makers and the public of the benefits of the peaceful uses of space. WSW has become the largest annual public space event on Earth. Consisting of outreach and education activities, WSW attracts global attention to space. For more information, see www.spaceweek.org

X PRIZE Cup (mid-October)

Every year since 2004, space travel entrepreneurs and thousands of space enthusiasts have gathered in southern New Mexico for a two-day weekend space festival that follows a two-day International Symposium for Personal Spaceflight.

This outdoors event includes “rocket races” and launches, space and rocketry exhibits, talks by astronauts and leading space professionals, and contestants vying to win one of the many NASA Centennial Challenges prizes. Events are geared for both adults and children. For more details, see www.xprizecup.com

World Space Week ends

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Prospectors by Joe Vinton. England, United Kingdom. Medium: Digital.

Witness, if you will, Space Structure Inc.’s greatest accomplishment, The Prospector. Together with her sister ship Prospector II, these two vehicles have hundreds of sensory and analysis craft that can be sent out for thousands of miles away from our mothership. Prospector’s mission is to map out all of the resources contained within the solar system. Equipped with Mark Ten Plasmoid thruster engines and powered by a one-gigawatt fusion reactor, the Prospector series space craft are unmatched by any other ships that are known today. When it comes to space, pick Space Structures – where we have over 300 years of experience building new worlds.


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Leonid Meteor Shower

SEDS, founded in 1980 at M.I.T. and Princeton, consists of an international group of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from a diverse range of educational backgrounds who are working to promote space as a whole. For more information, see www.seds.org

World Space Expo 2009 (NASA KSC, early-November)

NASA’s World Space Expo showcases the past, present and future of space exploration on a global scale. Space agencies, major aerospace contractors, and private sector companies from around the world converge on the Kennedy Space Center for three days to bring together the largest display of space artifacts, hardware and personalities ever assembled in one location. For more details, see www.worldspaceexpo.com

Events of the Month

SEDS SpaceVision 2009 Conference (mid-November)

SpaceVision is the national conference of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) and hosts several hundred students and professionals. The conference defines the next generation’s role in space development and offers several opportunities to become involved in the space sector, including a Space Career Fair. For more information, see spacevision.seds.org

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After the Strom (Grand Prize Winner) by Raymond Cassel. Colorado, USA. Medium: Digital.

Dear Dad, The sand storm has finally ended. Despite the lower gravity, the weight of drifting sand is still problematic on our more delicate structures. As you can see, we are starting the cleanup on the greenhouses. Unfortunately, StormSat says that we’re due for another storm next week. I don’t know why they didn’t look at the weather patterns when they chose this site; the statistics clearly show that site 3 was the best choice. Oh well, at least I’m not going to be bored. Talk to you soon.

Christmas Day


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Geminid Meteor Shower

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Events of the Month

Orion Ascent Abort Test 1 (December if not earlier)

Scheduled for the last quarter of 2009, “AA-1”will be the first high-speed flight test of the Orion Launch Abort System (LAS). For AA-1, the LAS will separate from a “Little Joe”-like booster at transonic speeds. For more information, seewww.nasa.gov/constellation

60th anniversary of Mercury Little Joe 2 flight (Dec. 4)

45th anniversary of Apollo Little Joe II with LES (Dec. 8)

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About the National Space Society

The National Space Society (NSS) is the largest grass-roots space organization dedicated to human space exploration, development, tourism, and settlement. We are 20,000 individuals, with more than fifty local chapters, committed to bringing about a spacefaring civilization. Founded more than thirty years ago by a group of visionaries including Wernher von Braun and inspired by Gerard K. O’Neill, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen’s voice on space.

NSS members include Buzz Aldrin, Tom Hanks, John Glenn, Jim Lovell, Hugh Downs, NichelleNichols, Arthur C. Clarke, Gen. Pete Worden, Ben Bova, and many more space enthusiasts.

U.S. Space Exploration Policy

In 2004, the U.S. President directed NASA to refocus the American space program (1) to implement a sustained and affordable human-robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond; (2) to extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations; (3) to develop the innovative technologies, knowledge and infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration; and (4) to promote international and commercial participation in exploration to further U.S. scientific, security and economic interests.www.whitehouse.gov/space/renewed_spirit.html

The Space Exploration Alliance

The Space Exploration Alliance (SEA) is an unprecedented partnership of the United States’premier non-profit space organizations with a combined membership of more than 700,000 people throughout the United States. We support the new U.S. Space Exploration Policy as a bold and substantial mandate for human and robotic exploration of the solar system that will help assure American technological and scientific leadership in the 21st century.

The mission of SEA is to work together to communicate to the American public and elected officials that NASA’s bold and substantial mandate for human and robotic exploration of the solar system is a compelling national priority that is technically and fiscally achievable, will inspire the nation’s youth and the public, reinvigorate the traditional aerospace workforce and industrial base, and foster job-creating entrepreneurial activity across the entire economy.

SEA efforts on Capitol Hill continue in 2008, 2009, and beyond as NASA and others work to change the Policy into Reality, while keeping within the constraints of the U.S. Federal Budget.

Above: Orion crew exploration vehicle.

Left: Ares I crew launch vehicle.

NASA’s implementation of this Policy, managed by the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (exploration.nasa.gov), includes the Constellation Program, the Human Research Program, the Lunar Precursor & Robotic Program, Centennial Challenges prize competitions and the Advanced Capabilities Programs.

The Constellation Program includes Project Orion to produce and fly the next human space vehicle, and Project Ares to produce and fly the launch vehicles and other space transportation systems.


Humanity has always dreamed of the stars. For centuries we have looked at the heavens and felt wonder. Now our oldest and greatest dream is finally coming true. We live in the new space age, an era of unparalleled discovery, when we begin in earnest the exploration and settlement of our solar system. The National Space Society is leading the way. Please join us.


SEA was founded by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), Aerospace States Association (ASA), American Astronautical Society (AAS), American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA), California Space Authority (CSA), Florida Space Authority, The Mars Society, National Coalition of Spaceport States, National Space Society (NSS), The Planetary Society (TPS), ProSpace, Space Access Society (SAS), and Space Frontier Foundation (SFF). Newer members are the Federation of Galaxy Explorers, Global Space Travelers, Moon Society, NASA Alumni League, Space Generation Foundation, Space Studies Institute, and X PRIZE Foundation.



Space Exploration Alliance Members










We advocate an ambitious and inclusive space agenda because we understand that the course of human civilization is dependent on the future of space exploration and development. We are working to overcome the barriers to space travel so that one day we all can afford to go. But it takes hard work, not just by the men and women of the world’s space programs, but by daring entrepreneurs and from committed, passionate citizens and advocates like you.


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Image Credits: NASA

Page 27: SPACE SETTLEMENT 2009...Mars Exploration Rovers (January 4 and 25) Five years ago this month, the intrepid “robotic geologists” Spirit and Opportunity landed on the planet Mars

Oklahoma Space Alliancechapters.nss.org/ok/osanss.html

Huntsville Alabama L5 Societywww.HAL5.org

The National Space Society (NSS) solicited artists to create visions of a spacefaring future–a future of space settlement, be it on the Moon, on Mars, on asteroids or orbiting independently in space. To bring attention to our goal of creating a spacefaring future, NSS sponsored a contest for the artwork to be used in this calendar to promote a future of humans living and working in space. Judges included world-renowned space artists Don Davis and David Robinson.

The message we hope to convey with this calendar is that there are many reasons to move into space: growth, wealth, energy, survival, spiritual development, knowledge, diversity, to solve serious Earthly problems, to fulfill a sense of destiny and responsibility and even to have fun. All of these reasons derive from a simple fact: A future with space settlement is vastly better than one without it. Sometimes, a picture really is worth a thousand words…or in this case 12 pictures. We hope they will help inspire you to join NSS to advocate for a spacefaring future.

Background and Purpose of the Space Settlement Calendar

NSS Space Settlement Calendar Committee Members

Bart Leahy – Space Settlement Calendar Committee ChairmanJim Plaxco – Calendar AdvisorDavid Brandt-Erichsen – Space Settlement Web Site DeveloperRonnie Lajoie – Art Contest Online Form, Calendar ContributorYohon Lo – Calendar ContributorAdam Martin – Calendar Writer/EditorBrett Silcox – NSS Headquarters LiaisonGeorge Whitesides and Mark Hopkins – Ex Officio Committee Members

Copyright © 2008 National Space Society

Loretta Hidalgo-WhitesidesExecutive Director of Yuri's Night


Jim PlaxcoArtsnova

www.marsartgallery.com and www.artsnova.com

Bart LeahyChair, NSS Space Settlement

Calendar Committeebartacus.blogspot.com

David RobinsonAd Astra Space Artist


Don DavisSpace Artist and Animator


Special Thanks to Our Judges

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors of the NSS Space Settlement Art Contest:

National Space Society - promoting social, economic, technological, and political change, to advance the day when humans will live and work in thriving communities beyond the Earth. www.NSS.org

DAZ strives to bring 3D art directly to the masses by delivering the highest quality digital 3D content and software at the most affordable prices. With a continuing effort at creating realism and diversity in every figure DAZ makes, and a commitment to providing excellent service and support, DAZ works to inspire 3D fans to "Unleash the Artist Within". www.daz3d.com

The International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA), the world's premier organization dedicated to the advancement of the genre of space art. Its diverse, global membership participates in mankind's scientific exploration of the Universe, visualizing and sharing scientific discoveries via a variety of forms of artistic expression including painting, sculpture, music and dance. www.iaaa.org

The world's most realistic astronomy software.www.starrynightstore.com

Project Dogwaffle at theBest3d.com - Beyond Digital Painting www.thebest3d.com

CG Publishing and Apogee Books is probably the only publishing company in the world that produces both Rock Music books and Space Exploration books. www.apogeespacebooks.com

NSS members Peter Kokh and Carol Redfield

And the following Chapters of the National Space Society



Page 28: SPACE SETTLEMENT 2009...Mars Exploration Rovers (January 4 and 25) Five years ago this month, the intrepid “robotic geologists” Spirit and Opportunity landed on the planet Mars

The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, educational, grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization. NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen's voice on space. A portion of the proceedsfrom the sales of the calendar goes to support the efforts of the National Space Society and its chapters to promote the creation of a spacefaring civilization. NSS. 1620 I (Eye) Street NW, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20006. Copyright © 2008 by National Space Society and Tide-mark Press.


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