SOWK 300 Project 2

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  • 8/8/2019 SOWK 300 Project 2


    Louisiana Slave 1


    PROJECT #2

    Louisiana Slave Database

    Lenthina Delaire

    SOWK 300-02 T-TH 7:30am

    October 18, 2010

    Ms. McArthur

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    Louisiana Slave 2

    Descriptive Discussion

    This graph shows that slaves were from different regions of Africa. About 30.5% of slaves were in

    Senegambia region of Africa. There was a small percent of slaves from the gold coast and Mozambique.

    There were about 18.7% of slaves from central Africa. According to the Louisiana Slave database, about

    24% of Slaves was Africans only.

    Interpretive DiscussionAccording to the Louisiana slave database, slaves were from different regions of Africa and about 0.6 %

    of unidentified was accounted for, which means that there was records of most of the slaves. Majority of

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    Louisiana Slave 3

    the slaves were from the region of Africa.

    Descriptive Discussion

    Based on the information above, more than half of the respondents were males. In the Louisiana

    Slave Database 56.43% were males. Females came in close with 43.57%; the males outnumbered

    the females.

    Interpretive DiscussionIts interesting that the males outnumbered the females in the Louisiana slave database. Males

    were preferred than females for manual and field work. I would assume that most males worked

    in the plantation field and most females worked in the master s house.

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    Louisiana Slave 4

    Descriptive DiscussionThis graph shows the different races of slaves. 80.1% of the slaves were black and small percentages of

    were of different races. About 9.9% of slaves were octoroon followed by 8.4% were grif, which were

    black and Indian mix. There was 9.65% unidentified races. The majority of the slaves were black.

    Interpretive Discussion

    Given the information base Louisiana Slave Database, majority of the slaves were black. There

    are about seven different races at the time but blacks had a higher percent rate. I believe that the

    no matter what part of the African the slaves came from they were consider black.

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    Louisiana Slave 5

    Descriptive Discussion

    Based on the information from the Louisiana Slave Database, this showed that a high percentage

    of slaves tried running away. 94.92% of slave attempted to run away, while 3.3% of slaves

    consorted with runaways. Only a small percent of slave complained about runaways, which was

    about 1.79%.

    Interpretive DiscussionThe information from the Louisiana Slave Database and the graph, we can assume that most

    slaves ran away. The slave may have been scared being in an unfamiliar place. The slaves

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    Louisiana Slave 6

    wanted to be free. The high percentage of slaves that were runaways were most likely captured

    and returned to the plantations or owners.

    Descriptive DiscussionThe origins, in which slaves originated from that, were respondents of the Louisiana region came

    from Creoles, Africans, Caribbean, Anglo, Indians, and other origins. According to the graphs

    information 62.2% of the slaves origin is unidentified. The Louisiana database showed that

    24.2% slaves originated in Africa and 9.7% were creoles.

    Interpretive DiscussionI found it interesting that the origin of most slaves from the Louisiana slave database werent

    African but did come from African Regions. The reason for the high percent of unidentified

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    origins was probably because there were no records of most of the slave that came through


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    Louisiana Slave 8



    1 = female2 = male

    9 = sex is unidentified

    ORIGIN1 = Creole

    2 = African3 = Caribbean

    4 = Anglo5 = Indian

    6 = Other

    7 = Unidentified


    1 = Senegambia2 = Sierra Leone

    3 = Gold Coast4 = Bright of Benin

    5 = Bright of Biafra6 = Central Africa

    7 = Mozambique8 = Nation Unidentified

    9 = Africans Only

    RACE01 = grif (usually means mixed black/Indian)

    02 = Indian03 = black

    04 = mulatto05 = quadroon06 = octoroon

    RUNAWAY1 = Slave had actually run away.

    2 = Slave had sheltered, hidden, and or traded with a runaway slave or slaves.3 = Slave testified about runaways but was not a runaway and was not involved, or accused of

    being involved with runaways.

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    Louisiana Slave 9


    /BAR(SIMPLE)=PCT BY afregion

    /TITLE='Louisiana Slave Database' "R's AFREGION"

    /SUBTITLE='Region where slaves where from'

    /FOOTNOTE='Louisiana Slave Database' '1718-1820'.


    /BAR(SIMPLE)=PCT BY race

    /TITLE='Louisiana Slave Database' "R's Race"

    /SUBTITLE='Race of the slaves

    /FOOTNOTE='Louisiana Slave Database' '1718-1820'.


    /TITLE='Louisiana Slave Database' "R's sex"

    /SUBTITLE='Sex of the slaves'



    /PIE=COUNT BY runaway

    /TITLE='Louisiana Slave Database' "R's Runaway

    /SUBTITLE='Runaway Slave'



    /BAR (SIMPLE) =PCT BY origin

    /TITLE='Louisiana Slave Database' "R's originally from"

    /SUBTITLE='where slaves were originally from'

    /FOOTNOTE='Louisiana Slave Database' '1718-1820'.

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    Louisiana Slave 11

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