SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - www.ukipsw.org Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour Turkish membership of the EU. This means a further 74 million people will have the right to live and work in the UK if they get their way. Any promises they make to control immigration should be taken with a pinch of salt. Ring the Independence Hotline - FREEPHONE 0800 587 6 587 for your free info pack E ver been had? These are the people who run the UK and you’ve probably never heard of any of them. With the Lisbon Treaty now in force, thanks to the broken promises of Brown, Cameron and Clegg, these EU commissioners together with President Herman van Rompuy have carte blanche to run our country as they see fit without going near the ballot box. The Lisbon Treaty is the last treaty you never had the chance to vote on as it’s a ‘self amending’ treaty, which means it can be changed, added to, and amended without a vote. If you want this country to run its own affairs again then you’d better start voting UKIP, because we’re the only ones who are going to do it. The Lib/Lab/Con is still in business, treating you like mushrooms. Over to you. YOU MAY VOTE FOR THE FRONT MEN BUT THIS IS YOUR GOVERNMENT W hat’s next from our new masters in the EU? Well, here are few things they are doing right now: Discussing a new Euro-tax, proposed by unelected President Van Rompuy, to raise more money for the EU by taxing ‘carbon’. Planning to create a new ‘economic government’ for Europe (not just the Eurozone) so that they can control every member state’s economy. Causing the building of 592,000 new houses in the South West, including in Green Belts, to accommodate mass immigration that we’re not allowed to control. Dismantling our ancient legal rights, including Habeas Corpus (no imprisonment without charge), ‘innocent until proven guilty’, the right to a jury trial, the right to be present at your trial (see the story on page three). Ask your Liberal Democrat candidate why their party supports all these policies, through their 100% commitment to the European Union. Then ask the Conservative, Labour and Green candidates the same. Herman Van Rompuy Your new President GENERAL ELECTION ISSUE

SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS - William Dartmouth West UKIP News...SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour

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Page 1: SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS - William Dartmouth West UKIP News...SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour

S O U T H W E S T U K I P N E W SElection Special - April/May 2010 - www.ukipsw.org

Not a lot of people know that!

The 3 establishment parties all favour Turkish membership of the EU. This means a further 74 million people will have the right to live and work in the UK if they get their way. Any promises they make to control

immigration should be taken with a pinch of salt.

S t r a i g h t t a l k i n g - F o r p e o p l e w h o p u t B r i t a i n f i r s tRing the Independence Hotline - FREEPHONE 0800 587 6 587 for your free info pack

Ever been had? These are the people who run the UK and you’ve probably never heard of any of them. With the Lisbon Treaty now in force, thanks to the broken promises of Brown, Cameron and Clegg, these EU commissioners together

with President Herman van Rompuy have carte blanche to run our country as they see fit without going near the ballot box.The Lisbon Treaty is the last treaty you never had the chance to vote on as it’s a ‘self amending’ treaty, which means it can be changed,

added to, and amended without a vote. If you want this country to run its own affairs again then you’d better start voting UKIP, because we’re the only ones who are going to do it. The Lib/Lab/Con is still in business, treating you like mushrooms. Over to you.


What’s next from our new masters in the EU? Well, here are few things they are doing right now:

• Discussing a new Euro-tax, proposed by unelected President Van Rompuy, to raise more money for the EU by taxing ‘carbon’.• Planning to create a new ‘economic government’ for Europe (not just the Eurozone) so that they can control every member state’s economy.• Causing the building of 592,000 new houses in the

South West, including in Green Belts, to accommodate mass immigration that we’re not allowed to control.• Dismantling our ancient legal rights, including Habeas Corpus (no imprisonment without charge), ‘innocent until proven guilty’, the right to a jury trial, the right to be present at your trial (see the story on page three).

Ask your Liberal Democrat candidate why their party supports all these policies, through their 100% commitment to the European Union. Then ask the Conservative, Labour and Green candidates the same.

President Herman Van Rompuy wants to raise your taxes

Ask the Lib-Dems why they want this?

Herman Van RompuyYour new President




Page 2: SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS - William Dartmouth West UKIP News...SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour

Everything you wanted to know about UKIP but were afraid to ask

UKIP have commonsense policies built on Freedom, Independence and Democracy.

72% of new laws affecting UK citizens come from Brussels, and the European Union is now at the centre of everything done by our Government.

Trade, post office closures, immigration, VAT, fuel taxes, farming and fishing are EU-controlled.

With the Lisbon Treaty, we now have an EU President, EU Foreign Minister and EU embassies.

UKIP believes in replacing our EU membership with Swiss-type free trade agreements with the EU and other countries across the globe.

We pay over £45 million a day to be in the EU and in return for this we are forced to accept unlimited immigration from 26 other countries.

The two richest countries in Europe - Norway and Switzerland - aren’t even in the EU.

We all feel we’re paying too much tax, but most of us fear that tax cuts could lead to cuts in services

like police, schools and hospitals.We can save money by leaving the EU, making tax

simpler and slashing bureaucracy to let us cut taxes and improve services.

Our simple, low-rate ‘Flat Tax’ will cover both Income Tax and National Insurance - and with no tax on the first

The Economy

Our government has pumped more money into the NHS, but extra bureaucracy and waste drains that

money away.The EU threatens the ‘NHS’s existence by use of the

Health Services Directive, lowering medical standards and inflicting working time rules on doctors.

UKIP would keep the NHS free at the point of need but allow greater flexibility and top-up funding, and require a return to high standards.

Ensure locally-run, cleaner hospitals.•Elected health boards to stop hospital closures.•Fully support GPs at the heart of a better NHS.•On-the-job nursing and medical training.•


Time to leave the EU

Our government doesn’t even know the true level of UK immigration, thanks to the lack of proper

border controls. Serious criminals are rarely


£11,500 per year of earnings. People on minimum wage should pay nothing and it’s immoral that New Labour are taxing the lower paid.

Flat tax would take 4.5 million people out of •tax.Simplify pensions and stop means testing.•Scrap Inheritance Tax over time.•Simpler for business - replace VAT with a fair •Local Sales Tax.

UK democracy just isn’t working properly.

Do you have an opinion on drug legalisation, euthanasia, animal rights or the death penalty?

Your MPs currently decide these moral issues on a free vote - making it almost impossible for you to use your vote to make a difference.

That’s why UKIP believes that you should be able to get involved in democracy through Swiss-style referenda on key local and national issues - and force politicians to listen.

Let the public call binding referendums on key •local and national issues.Provide free ‘hotel’ type accommodation to •MPs and scrap the second home allowance.Set up an independent panel on MP expenses.•



deported after serving their sentences.Under Labour, mass immigration has added 3.5

million people - equivalent to half London’s population. Our infrastructure cannot cope; this is simply about numbers - space not race.

End uncontrolled mass immigration.•Triple Border Agency personnel.•Find and deport illegal immigrants.•Work permits only for UK economic needs.•Keep our proud tradition of helping genuine •asylum seekers who fear for their lives.

It’s our aim to have a UKIP candidate in every constituency in theSouth West because we know that you want the chance to vote for

radical change, in Westminster and in Europe.Tofindoutwho’sstandinginYOURAREA,visitournewwebsiteat

www.ukip.org and click on candidates.You can check them out, see their key policies and ask them questions.

Over 50 UKIP candidates to stand in the South West

Page 3: SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS - William Dartmouth West UKIP News...SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour

Everything you wanted to know about UKIP but were afraid to ask

Think UKIP is a ‘single issue’ party?THINK AGAIN!

Crime in the UK is out of control. Law-abiding citizens fear for their safety and criminals are released

early or on bail to commit more crimes.The failed Human Rights Act is a ‘Criminals’ Charter’

protecting criminals, yet doing nothing to protect the decent, hard-working majority.

Police now enforce minor motoring offences and political correctness more rigorously than shoplifting or assault. People are losing faith in the system.

Make sentences mean what they say.•Scrap the Human Rights Act.•Put police back on the beat.•Create enough prison places.•Give people the vote on police priorities.•


Education should be about ensuring excellence, giving our children the best possible start in life. But

today’s education system downplays merit, prioritises government interference and ignores issues like bullying and lack of quality schools.

The brightest pupils are not challenged, and no genuine vocational choice is offered until age 16.

We must scrap Labour’s target of 50% of young people going to university, which is causing huge debt and reducing the value of degrees.

Student grants, not student loans.•Proper skills training and apprenticeships.•Schoolstoreflectpupils’ability-whether•academic or skills-based.

Defence is the primary duty of government.

Whatever your views on Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should all agree that our soldiers deserve our full support.

Our armed forces are overstretched and often have to make do with poor quality or faulty equipment - British soldiers pay with their lives or limbs.

Once home, our war heroes receive poor medical treatment and little financial support if wounded.

Spend 40% more on defence.•Recruit 25,000 more regular troops.•Double the size of the Territorial Army.•Proper pay and medical care for our heroes.•Rebuild the Royal Navy; more RAF aircraft.•

Our roads, trains and airspace are overcrowded. Public transport and roads need improvement.

Tax on petrol currently adds around 180% to the net fuel cost. Parking fines and speed cameras are over-used.


The Environment

Obsession with carbon emissions hinders sensible measures to protect our environment and the

building of much needed power plants. We should invest in technology to make cars moreefficientandcutfuelemissions.

Wind farms work only at 16 - 20% efficiency, yet hydroelectric power is safe and reliable. Nuclear power is now safer and cleaner than ever before.

It’s unacceptable to have used British goods dumped in China or Africa for recycling.

Invest in evironmentally-friendly technology.•Oppose new wind farms.•Nuclear power stations to free the UK from •reliance on Russian gas and Middle East oil.Useincentivesnotfinestoencouragepeopleto•do their bit.

UKIP MEP William Dartmouth worked to free Mike Turner and Jason McGoldrick,

imprisoned without charge under the European Arrest Warrant brought in by

Lib-Dem MEP Graham Watson.Mike Turner’s father writes:

Want to know more?Detailed policy papers from pensions to welfare can be

downloaded from:www.ukip.org

I hope you will excuse the informal style of address but I feel we have been through a lot together since my son Michael was

firstextraditedtoHungary.I am presently sat here with my other son Paul who you

have, of course, met. We are searching for words that could express our gratitude to you for your fearless and relentless campaign to secure the release of Michael from that former KGB prison in Budapest.

Clearly words will never be enough to express or explain our gratitude. Our government and its judicial system appeared powerless to intervene in my son’s case, even when it became clear that he was being subjected to psychological torture. As a family we didn’t know where to turn.

As the only British political party to oppose the European Arrest Warrant legislation, we contacted UKIP. Your response has been overwhelming and your personal endeavours well beyond the call of duty. You were the only British politician to take the bull by the horns and travel

to Budapest, meeting the Hungarian authorities face to face and demanding justice for your constituents. A task which displayed incredible courage and fortitude in this overbearing post-Communist regime. You took their case to the European Parliament, you brought the injustice to the attention of the press, you reassured our family and Michael’s friends. The rest is history, Michael is now back with us amongst his friends and family.

A wonderful conclusion to a formidable campaign. Standing firm on the steps of the Hungarian Embassy in London, confronting the Hungarian authorities in Budapest or debating the matter on the floor of the European Parliament, you never faltered in your fight for justice.

As dark clouds appear to gather over European politics, there will always be light as long as men as brave as you are prepared to carry the torch. Your efforts have clearly gone beyond politics and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we hope that one day you will be our guest of honour at The Castle Inn, and Michael will be able to serve you a pint of traditional local ale.

You will always be remembered in our hearts and prayers. Yours Sincerely,Mark Turner, on behalf of The Turner

family, and the village of Corfe Castle, Dorset.


UK hauliers suffer from unfair competition from foreign lorries paying nothing to use UK roads.

We need to invest in new high-speed rail routes and re-open selected local lines.

Encourage electric cars, lorries and trains.•Make foreign lorries pay to use UK roads.•Stop persecuting motorists with huge tax rises •and over-zealous enforcement.

MEP helps free SW businessmen from Budapest jail

Page 4: SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS - William Dartmouth West UKIP News...SOUTHWEST UKIP NEWS Election Special - April/May 2010 - Not a lot of people know that! The 3 establishment parties all favour

to our country and its people; we believe that we should not be governed by foreign politicians who do not have our nation’s interests at heart. They have no regard for us, resent our historic successes and world standing, and yet we cannot vote them out of office.

Take a little time to read this paper and see if you agree with us. If you’re still worried about those Lib Dem bar charts take heart. In the last big election UKIP came a close second to the Tories across the South West and beat the Lib Dems into third place by a wide margin. Keep the politicians on their toes. They’ve taken you for granted for years so why not stir things up? Vote UKIP and you will see and feel and live the difference. No contest!

Find us on the Web William Dartmouth MEP - www.williamdartmouth.com | UKIP in the West Country - www.ukipsw.orgUKIP TV - www.ukip.tv | Bournemouth West - www.westbournemouthukip.com

SOUTH WEST UKIP NEWS is published and promoted by the UK Independence Party, Lexdrum House, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6UT. Printed by Blackmore Print, Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 8PX. Editorial Team: Avril King - Steve Crowther - John Baxter - Rod Trelease

anyone off for life. Total disregard even for their own members’ wishes; the same old regurgitated policies; each party scarcely different to the next; continuing to ditch their promises until there’s almost nothing left and going along with everything the EU tells them to. We can hardly blame you for despairing and thinking you can’t vote for them.

Well, you’re right not to vote for them and what’s more you are now the majority. So don’t vote for them, but there is an alternative. A party which dares to be different and not scared to take on the establishment consensus. The old, tired parties have crippled our country and brought us to our knees and will continue to do so if elected again. Our party starts and ends with the simple premise that we in the United Kingdom should control what happens

Calling all Non-voters and Floating voters too!

It’s been a long time coming hasn’t it? But now you have what will really be a golden opportunity to make your voice heard.

What? Don’t vote anymore? Well, I expect you have seen those Lib Dem bar charts which say only X or Y can win here but you, the non-voters, are now in the majority, and are always missing from these charts. Now why would the Lib Dems do that you may wonder? To preserve the status quo for eternity perhaps? If you look at the real picture you’ll find MP’s are getting elected on very low turnouts because most of you have given up on Democracy. Many of you that do vote, do so out of tribal loyalty more than anything else; ask yourself if there is now any real difference between the parties? The contemptuous behavior of the Lib/Lab/Con’s MPs is enough to turn Trevor Colman - SW UKIP MEP

“Worried about those Lib Dem

bar charts? Don’t believe them! In

the last big election UKIP came a close second to the Tories in the South West and beat the Lib Dems into third place by a wide
